#this whole episode did in all seriousness it was so comforting
dreamchasernina · 7 months
The live action writers hate Aang
I have given myself a lot of time to think about the live action, and reached the conclusion that the writers hate Aang. I dare you to read read this and tell me I'm wrong.
Let me start this by asking you a question? What's the most badass scene Aang has in the first season of the OG show? No matter what you answer is, I know for sure, that scene doesn't exist in the live action. Aang does absolutely nothing to prove the audience he is the right person to be the Avatar, he learns absolutely nothing throughout the show, he doesn't need to look into himself and change his way of thinking. Nothing. Most of the fundamental lessons Aang learns throughout the first season are gone.
The first mistake Aang does in the OG is staying at Kyoshi island too long, letting the attention go to his head, getting too comfortable. He realises he brought destruction to the island and tries to fix his mistakes by jumping onto the Unagi to help the village. That's how he learned the responsibly he holds as the Avatar and finds a unique way to help the village. Well that doesn't exist in the LA. Instead, Kyoshi takes over Aang's body to fight the whole fire nation for him. Aang, himself, does literally nothing.
The spirit world. In the OG show Aang is forced to face his Avatar duty for the first time by trying to save the village that's beeing attacked by Hei Bai. This is his first test as the Avatar and he fails. Not only that, he loses his friend. So Aang has to figure out himself how to get Sokka back from Hei Bai. He figures out who her bai is, himself, understands why Hei Bai is angry and gives him hope, the way Katara gave him hope. So we see that even though Aang failed at first, he kept trying and was smart and compassionate enough to realise what the problem is and solve it. This does not exist in the LA. Aang sees Hei bai in the spirit world, within a second realises who he is and just gives him the Acorn, without having to face him at all!
Another reason I'm convinced the writers hate Aang is the way all the avatars + Bumi treat Aang. Everyone is mad at him for disappearing for 100 years. And look, I get that, you can be mad at him if he ran away from his duties...but he never did! He went to clear his head on Appa and got caught in the storm. And if he hadn't run away he'd be dead, so why are you all so mad at him?! Bumi being mad at Aang could make sense, because in the OG show Aang did spend a significant amount on time of goofing around before he finds out about the comet. But here, it makes no sense! Bumi is mad for no reason. As soon as Aang got out go the ice he took his duty seriously, so please, make it make sense! And the show just glosses over the fact that if Aang hadn't run away he would be dead with the rest of the air benders. Instead of letting Aang feel guilty himself, which he does in the OG show, they just get these characters to hate on him, because they're incapable of making their characters have any emotional depth.
Aang doesn't learn water bending. At all. And there is no logical reason for that. I guess they thought it wasn't that important but please explain to me how you want to make Aang more serious and focused on the Avatar duties but not make him learn water bending? The literal next step Aang has to take to becoming the Avatar?? That is the only clear goal Aang has from the second episode of the show - to find a master and learn waterbending! Make it make sense!
Taking away Aang's talk with Koh. So I assume if most people didn't answer my question above with the Koi fish, they probably said Aang's journey into the spirit world and his meeting with Koh. In the OG show, Aang has to find a way to figure out how to save the water tribe. He does so by going into the spirit world and talking to Koh the face stealer. So Aang had to talk to Koh showing zero emotions so he doesn't have his face stolen. That scene is so creepy and so badass and shows that Aang is really capable, even though he is a kid, he is facing the creepy ass spirit and is doing an excellent job. So when Aang finds out who the moon and the ocean spirits are, it feels deserved, it feels like an accomplishment. In the live action he doesn't have to show zero emotions because Koh is not stealing faces, he's just stealing random people for whatever reason. Koh tells him exactly what to do, bring me a MacGuffin so I can release your friends, Aang just goes to see Roku, no problem, no obstacles to overcome, brings the Macguffin to Koh and he just releases his friends. Wow, really shows us how resourceful Aang is by making him...get an object and give it back to Koh...
And the very last point that I absolutely hated in the show. When Aang goes into the Avatar state and becomes the giant koi fish and wipes everyone out, the live action show goes out of its way to emphasise that that is not Aang in there. Aang is gone. The Koi fish is just rage. and that's that. Taking away ANY agency Aang ever had. Look, I know in the OG show Aang is not in control of the Avatar state either, but we know that's still Aang in there, that's his power he's showcasing. He might not be in control but that's him doing it all, being all powerful. But in the live action, they tell us Aang is gone, that's just his body the spirit is using. Plus Aang does no watebending himself, no gestures like the original where you can see aang in the sphere water bending, controlling the giant Koi fish, showing us how far he's come as a water bender. But in the LA he's just in the sphere...doing nothing because he never learned water bending so of course that's not him doing all this cool shit.
I am so angry over all of this. This is you MAIN PROTAGONIST. and you made him nothing but a vessel to progress the plot. You gave him no character, no growth, no struggles, no power! So no, you cannot convince me, at this point, that the writers of the live action don't hate Aang. Probably as much as they hate Katara.
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bunnyshideawayy · 6 months
a rumored bastard and a proven, disinherited, legally illegitimate recognized bastard are not the same.
Rhaenyra’s sons are rumored bastards, i know the show has a lot of team green stans feeling bold but just as in the books, they are never legally considered bastards in the show either. they are speculated to be via their physical features and Laenor’s apparent sexuality, but since Laenor and the KING (btw Westeros is a absolute monarchy, meaning the king IS law) both claim all three boys as legitimate heirs, unless someone demands a medieval dna test, those kids are legally Laenor’s true sons.
this is apparently a very hard concept to understand for some, hell even Alicent in the show says something like “we can all tell” which fair point, but that is not proof enough. looks, accusations, and rumor are not the same as actual proof of adultery or bastardy.
someone i was having a “discussion” with used Joffrey as an example to point out a flaw in my logic, but ultimately proved my point. Joffrey was a rumored bastard. Ned himself had no more proof than Alicent does, just hair color and a hunch, so Joffrey was never legally disinherited from the line of succession. I hate to defend either of these men but King Robert never publicly disowned him and called him bastard, which is why Joffrey ascended to the Iron Throne. now the rumors did hurt, and caused huge political issues leading to the War of 5 Kings, which is exactly why Alicent and Team Green is so insistent that Rhaenyra’s children are illegitimate, they know they cannot legally or physically prove her children are bastards, especially when Laenor and the King are claiming them are true born, but they can spread the rumor and call into question Rhaenyra’s honesty and morality. think episode 8 when team green takes their chance with Vaemond to attempt a coup of sorts for the Driftmark Throne, why would the succession of Driftmark need to be settled if Rhaenyra’s sons are true born? why would Alicent / Otto need to make this decision in place of the sick king and mia lord of tides who both had already been stating Luke would inherit for years. it’s all apart of the scheme to tarnish Rhaenyra’s reputation as Vaemond has no other proof either, and promptly loses his head (both metaphorically and literally) by calling the recognized heir to the throne a whore and her children bastards with no proof in front of the whole court.
it is a political scheme on both sides, Alicent cannot prove anything, and Rhaenyra cannot disprove the rumors no matter how many times they are claimed as true born sons. Rhaenyra has to live in the comfort the law gives her, as legally her sons are seen as legitimate, and thus legally they are protected. and from an unbiased pov with both in universe and historical references, those kids might be bastards in actually but not legally.
Rhaenyra goes through hell to keep her children legally protected, not only for their sake but for hers because should the truth come out both her and Laenor would be seriously punished, i wouldn’t go as far as executed but that would depend on if Viserys was old and bed ridden or dead. which is why im making this incredibly long post repeating myself in every point. you can argue all day about Rhaenyra’s children and their parentage but i am making this to make it clear that her children are not *legally* bastards by Westeros law. in order for Jace, Luke, and Joffrey to be illegitimate bastards Laenor, Rhaenyra, Harwin, and/or Viserys would have to publicly acknowledge them as such and disinherit them. no, Laenor and Viserys dying do not magically make Rhaenyra’s children legal bastards either. they would, again, need to be claimed and proven as such and disinherited.
and at the end of it all, true or not true, the rumors made a lasting impact on the story. so much so this fandom is still debating this topic, and frankly i am dreading the season 2 release when all the bad takes and bad faith arguments start up again.
anyway other famous rumored bastards are in Targ history are:
Daeron II
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hobiespick · 4 months
Sam Winchester x reader headcanons
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a/n: if you thought I only made shitty Sam headcanons, WRONG‼️ cuz I also made a shitty moodboard (i'm extra like that yeehaw)
- Takes notice of the books you read, that is if you don't give him recomendations bc if you do that boy has a whole ass notepad and is a fast writter so try him.
- "Y/n would like this" "Y/n would probably know" "Y/n was right"- Dean gets seriously tired and makes jokes about how often Sam talks about you
- you think he's joking untill Sam isn't glaring daggers at him- but instead he starts blushing and straching the back of his head like a damn schoolboy.
- reads your body language very well- "What's wrong?" Sam asks putting all of his attention onto you. "Nothing" You shrug it off (you're not slick at all). "Bull." Sam chides still looking at you hoping you'll tell him.
-literally the happiest when you sigh defeated and tell him what's wrong but shakes it off to actually listen to you.
- uses the soft tone he talks to victims with on you- not because he thinks you're weak or fragile
- you're a badass and he knows it
- you complimented him once on it (his voice) saying he is good at comforting and how no wonder people open up that easily when he talks like THAT to them.
- "Miss, when was your neighbour killed?" All puppy eyes furrowed eyebrows and soft tone almost sticking his chin to his chest + that fake ass FBI badge, You: "Yes-"
- Sam probably met Jess through the art courses he took I'm sobbing-
- I watched that episode and I had no idea (I'm so happy google exists) what he was talking about and I'm damn art student jesus christ
- "It's good for meeting girls." So good- SHHSAJGSS I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH SAM PLEASE
- Artsy Sam save me, Please Artsy Sam
- So touch starved, hug this man PLEASE
- If you're an artist yourself and draw, sketch, paint whatever, he'll want to see it
- even teach him some stuff, LAWD
- researches stuff abt you when he can't get you out of his head- for example : the meaning of your name, your zodiac sign, which celebrity you share your bday with, etc (he can't help it)
- reads banned literature (isn't he so dreamy? 💞)
- his favourite movie is the notebook or pride and prejudice (and book!) because I said so
- Unconciously mirros your movements or tics, for example if you rub your nose with your wrist, he starts doing it too (it's contagious)
- Dean points it out but Sam wasn't raised to be fair so he justifies himself by saying he had that tic first and YOU are the one who started mimmicking him
- it's an ongoing war for some time but beacuse the system's corrupt the bastard lawboy Sam wins
- you two share an interest? HE IS SO HAPPY
- oh no! His t shirt accidentally made it's way into your bag! How did that happen? (It's him officer, that is the loverboy take him away)
- Alexa/google play good old fashioned loverboy by queen
- really likes earthy smells (freshly cut grass, pine trees and so on)
- Dean when he says your instead of you're
- love language is definetly quality time and touch
a/n: it took alot of self encouragement to post this so feedback would be very much appreciated<3! And for every person who voted "YEAHHH" on the poll, I hope your pillow is cold tonight 💞🫶
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howbrightthemoon · 3 months
as we expected, EPISODE 5 WAS BRILLIANT
we're REALLLLYYY kicking off things in part 2 huh
SPOILERS BELOW proceed with caution
The intimate scene: we get a love scene not even half way through the episode and it is....SO beautiful, and I genuinely stopped breathing and couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the episode
there's lots of giggles throughout the whole scene because it's Pen's first time, there's check ins, double checks on consent...but Pen isn't totally clueless, she WANTS to touch him but just doesn't know how...and the way he guides her....and the way he makes her feel comfortable first with the ol carriage fingers before asking if she's ready AGHEHREWKENKFJNEWHR
and the way they slowly reveal their bodies to each other....my god it is just incredibly sensual and romantic, he really takes his time undressing her and savoring her, while he really takes his time letting her see all of him (and I mean ALL. OF. HIM.).
they start off slow...but again Penelope is like LETS FUCKING GO and she's giving him the 'fuck me' eyes and he's legit losing himself and honestly, they're both REALLLLYYY getting into it, BOTH. Not only is there the focus on Pen's pleasure, but Colin's too. I think because it's important to show the difference in his sexual encounters at the brothel versus with someone he loves. LN was seriously giving his all in this scene, I was not expecting to see an O face but yeah, he did thaattt
Whistledown mentions: Nicola does an amazing job at portraying the sheer anxiety she feels over this massive secret she's hiding. Now she's part of the Bridgerton family, she has to see Eloise more often and just SEEING Eloise makes her panic. Not even with the 'you have to tell him before midnight' thing, but every time they're in the same room, Pen just loses it. The way she shows how her anxiety builds and BUILDS throughout this episode is so scarily accurate, I really felt for her, poor girl was just trying to enjoy her fiancees engagement speech and Eloise just had to butt in and start ruining the whole night for her.
Cressida's motivations: girl, I get it. I'm sorry she's reverting back to her old cunning ways, but...man no one in that drawing room was listening to her...she had to say something. Can you imagine being in her position? i'd lie that I was whistledown too lol, girl, I get it. It's ELOISE that I'm honestly fed up with in this episode.
ANTHONY BRIDGERTON: Last thing, I wanna shoutout Jonathan's acting in this episode. The way I am so convinced that Anthony is absolutely overjoyed at the fact that he's going to become a father soon, and he plays that joy into every single scene he's in. I could see so much of that playful competitive big brother vibe from season 2 (especially in the charades scene, which reminded me of pall mall s2) from him in this episode, I loved it.
anyways rant over, I am seated for the release of all four episodes later today and you best believe I'm binge watching it
p.s. I just wanna say....Nicola was not kidding when she said she was going to show everything on camera....girl, you are absolutely gorgeous
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pshbites · 2 months
LOVE ON AiR 2. YAP CENTRAL EP.135: alpha male podcasts?!
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WARNiNGS » pop culture references, profanity, errrm cant rlly think of anything else
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3.6k words (IMSORRY), also it may be a bit confusing but its kind of written like an audio transcript! not all written parts will be like this only the podcast episodes! also this is NOT proofread so pls excuse any typos or grammar mistakes 😞😞
episode desc -  enjoy your stay today in yap central :D ! in todays episode we started off with a deep question about love and relationships and gave our inputs on that. after allll those deep talks we did a good ole blind ranking forms of ‘first dates’. following that up we mention alpha male podcasts and why they should be indefinitely wiped off the face of the earth. to wrap things up we discuss proper aux etiquette *COUGH* kat *COOUGHHH*. hope you had fun with us today and come back to visit yap central! 
*the set up is a big living room, there’s two couches, mics propped up. the room has a very calming aura, there’s fairy lights and blankets on the couches. as well as plushies and throw pillows. on the couch to the left, kat, riki, and you are seated, adjusting your seating positions to be comfortable. on the couch to the right, jungwon, giselle, and sunoo are seated. jungwon sits back down after standing and gets comfortable*
jungwon: okay the camera is on now 
sunoo: kat i can’t take your costume seriously 
*all laugh in unison, riki is pointing at her, laughing and even after everyone is done he still can’t stop.* 
yn: for audio listeners we’re dressed as mario kart characters and kat is.. 
kat: YOSHI *in yoshi voice* 
riki: *still laughing* it’s the tail man 
giselle: this might be the best theme we’ve had so far 
sunoo: no no the one where we switched clothes was funny 
*girls laugh at the memory, jungwon groans and rolls his eyes* 
jungwon: okay no the girls chose bad clothes on purpose that day 
riki: i think we were set up 
yn: i lost a beloved crop top that day 
jungwon: it was way too tight around my arms! 
giselle: that’s surprising considering you have noodle arms 
riki: false *makes buzzer sound with mouth* he actually has been going to the gym more often 
kat: what improvement won *claps* 
sunoo: oh my god did i tell you guys about the comments on my skin care video with jungwon 
yn: no? the one where you opened the PR package right?
kat: wait can you give me some of those? 
giselle: yeah same 
sunoo: of course, thank you dr jart by the way for the package! *he looks to the camera, giving a peace sign* 
jungwon: what the hell were the comments?
sunoo: no yeah basically some of them were like oh how cute, or just about the skincare then the others were saying me and jungwon were a cute couple. 
*riki moves the mic away to laugh at sunoo, you and jungwon gasp.* 
kat: honestly i was expecting ship edits of me and yn 
yn: SAME! 
giselle: that’s so cute you guys are official!
*riki continues to laugh while jungwon glares at giselle, then looks to the camera* 
jungwon: me and sunoo aren’t dating hate to break it to you all
sunoo: you aren’t even my type calm down 
riki: rejected in front of the whole world how do you feel jungwon? 
jungwon: anyways beep- 
giselle: wait before we sign in can we get a water break 
yn: yeah i have to go to the bathroom
jungwon: i literally told you guys to go before 
yn: would you want me to piss on your carpet 
giselle: how would twitter feel knowing you let your editor go thirsty
jungwon: *sighs* go hurry up 
*you and giselle walk out of the room, talking but mics cannot pick it up* 
kat: did you guys see the whole brooke schofield and clinton kane thing? 
sunoo: oh my god yeah.. that shit is crazy 
riki: what happened 
sunoo & kat: basically- oh no you go first 
jungwon: one of you say it 
*kat looks to sunoo, nodding for him to speak* 
sunoo: basically brooke, the co host on cancelled, dated this singer named clinton kane and he full blown LIED about every aspect of their relationship like he said his whole family died but they didn’t and he faked having an australian accent. 
riki: rip you can’t make your mom jokes
jungwon: *laughs* no but there’s no way 
kat: no yeah and she made like a tiktok series kind of exposing him and they’re just going back to back. 
riki: what does this dude look like 
sunoo: *snorts* look him up on tiktok. clinton kane 
*both riki and jungwon get out their phones, typing away. the two of them look at their phones then each other. jungwon and riki start laughing* 
kat: i know! like how did she date him *laughs* 
jungwon: brooke dated HIM? 
sunoo: YES! that’s what i’m saying 
jungwon: look at his teeth he probably has gingivitis 
kat: ugh his breath probably stinks all the time 
*you and giselle come back into the room, confused at the conversation at hand and taking your seats. riki stares at his phone confused then looks to everyone else* 
riki: wait he’s not a ginger 
yn: what? 
riki: his hair is brown idiot 
jungwon: wait what are you talking about 
sunoo: riki are you on the right account stupid 
riki: i literally am. you said he has gingivitis, he’s literally not ginger 
*giselle gasps and starts laughing, causing the others to laugh. riki laughs nervously* 
riki: what
giselle: gingivitis means the tar on your teeth, not being a ginger 
sunoo: oh my god *wiping his tears away, still laughing* 
*riki groans, making everyone laugh, once collected jungwon clears his throat, sitting up* 
yn: thank god we came back to that 
giselle: i know
riki: okay guys that’s enough it’s not that funny
sunoo: oh it is. 
jungwon: alright, can we sign in now? 
*jungwon looks to everyone and they nod, each getting comfortable in their spot* 
jungwon: beep beep! you’ve arrived in yap central im your co host for today, mario. 
riki: and i am your second host, luigi
jungwon: starting from the far left we have 
kat: yoshi *in yoshi voice, waving to the camera* 
yn: princess daisy! *you show your crown, smiling.* 
giselle: princess peach! *she gives the camera a peace sign.* 
sunoo: and i’m toad *he giggles at his hat, the top of the toad.*
yn: i think out of everyone’s i love kats costume 
*kat laughs, pulling her yoshi onesie hood over her head. making the others laugh and smile at her.* 
jungwon: she’s so lucky she’s in a onesie me and riki have these stupid ass gloves 
riki: i don’t know man it’s kinda sick 
sunoo: *taking a sip of his water* is it not uncomfortable 
giselle: it’s giving mickey mouse 
riki: it’s giving your mom 
sunoo: guys riki discovered your mom jokes today 
kat: well your mom has ligma 
sunoo: the fuck is ligma 
yn & kat: LIGMA BALLS!!!! 
*everyone bursts out laughing at the immature joke. sunoo does not look amused yet still laughs along*
jungwon: it’s the way i saw it coming too 
riki: i saw your mom coming 
yn: pause?? 
sunoo: oh that’s not 
giselle: boyfriend! i’m nervous! 
*you, kat and giselle all giggle at her little reference* 
riki: wait no- 
jungwon: dude my mom watches this 
riki: i’m sorry miss yang i didn’t mean it 
jungwon: SHES MARRIED. 
riki: okay then what do i call a married woman?!? 
kat: mrs, not ms. 
riki: see was that so hard. *riki looks to the camera, interview style.* i’m sorry mrs yang i promise i will never say anything like that again 
jungwon: yeah she doesn’t watch the pod man, but thanks for apologizing to all the mrs yangs out there! 
*you and kat hold back your laughs as you look at riki. riki then rolls his eyes and jungwon earning a smile from him and opens his phone to the questions he has pulled up.* 
riki: everyone ready for the first question?
*they all nod, shifting in their seats a little to get adjusted. you sip from your water, giving your attention to riki and making sure the mic doesn’t pick it up.* 
riki: it’s kinda deep, is it easier to love or be loved. 
giselle: *gasps* that’s good one 
jungwon: it came from the patreon 
riki: since i asked the question let’s start on the other side, sunoo. 
sunoo: i think being loved has like a feeling you can’t  replace you know. 
yn: i agree, it’s like everything comes like full circle when you’re being loved by someone. it’s a really good feeling. 
sunoo: i do think though, to give love and to be loved has like its cons too. say if you were in a one sided relationship and you were giving love to someone who wouldn’t want it back, it hurts a lot. 
jungwon: it’s just draining on the person overall. 
kat: but i feel like if you were on the other side of that isn’t it equally as bad? you know if you were being loved by someone who you didn’t love back it’s just another issue because you feel like you owe them your love 
giselle: i agree with you, kat i do but i think it’s so much more tolling on the person giving love because it’s like you’re giving a part of yourself to someone else to cherish and hold. 
sunoo: wow that was poetic 
giselle: i know right? 
kat: yeah i get what you mean
giselle: giving your love is just so much deeper. sure to be loved is such a great feeling but giving your love isn’t just surface level, it’s like you actually love that person so much, and it’s so passionate too. 
riki: but that can be said for the other perspective too
giselle: you’re right 
yn: i honestly think being loved is something everyone gets to experience once in their lifetime, it’s not only limited to intimate relationships 
jungwon: ahh you have a point 
yn: you get to be loved by your parents, friends, anyone really who cares about you. it’s a good feeling and i think that almost everyone should have that kind of feeling in their lives. 
sunoo: what would you describe it as? 
yn: i think it’s different for every relationship. like for example being loved by my family is the thing that nothing can replace, it’s like a warm hug after a long storm. it’s familiar and it’s a feeling that i just think i would give the world to have all the time. 
riki: im the same way, even though i don’t live near my family anymore i miss them like crazy all the time. like my moms hugs. 
sunoo: ughhhh my moms hugs, im gonna drive by and hug her after this 
kat: are you gonna open the door and just give her a big fat hug and leave 
sunoo: you make me sound like a situationship who fucks you then leaves 
giselle: not our fault you worded it like that 
jungwon: i agree with you though yn. i do think that being loved just offers so much more than just intimate relationships. 
riki: i do too. but i see giselles point too. why did i have to pick the best question ever. *riki groans but smiles in the process, making kat slap his arm.* 
sunoo: you just wanted an ego boost. 
niki: perhaps. 
jungwon: i think that it’s a tie, both of them have their pros and cons 
kat: that’s a good way to end it 
sunoo: didn’t know it was a deep podcast today 
riki: sorry *laughs nervously* 
yn: no it’s okay i liked the question *you smile to riki, rubbing his shoulder* 
giselle: yeah same 
jungwon: well then you guys are gonna like this next segment. 
kat: wait let me guess would you rather?
jungwon: no
kat: scenarios?
jungwon: no kat-
kat: opinions on the [BLEEP]?!
*the group look to each other, then burst out laughing.*
giselle: fuck i’m gonna have to edit that out 
kat: what?
sunoo: we cant talk about the [BLEEP] thing remember. 
yn: yeah or else it’ll be our neck. according to [BLEEP] 
jungwon: guys stop bringing it up now we have to bleep all of that 
kat: sorry.. *she smiles nervously at jungwon and giselle and they both wave her off*
jungwon: what i was trying to say is that our next segment is blind ranking
sunoo: oh my god i love these
yn: same 
jungwon: topic is first dates 
riki: okay well i can’t participate i’ve never been on an actual date 
*sunoo moves his mic away to laugh at riki, riki stares at him to shut him up* 
jungwon: yeah that’s why i chose it for our episode dumbass. anyways there’s five of them so here’s the first one. a music festival  
kat: oh my god 3 duh 
yn: ehhhhh 5? 
kat: *gasp* what 
giselle: yeah im with yn 
sunoo: yeah 5 
kat: why that’s so fun 
yn: it’s too sweaty like i had to be super comfortable to even go to head in the clouds with riki and won
giselle: i feel like that’s cool to do if you’re already dating but first date? i don’t think so 
jungwon: majority rules sorry kat 
kat: yall are fake 
riki: okay next one is a classic, the movies 
sunoo: honestly 4 
giselle: maybe 3 i don’t know it’s very like highschool
yn: yeah i see what you mean. i think it’s just weird because what if you’re watching a popular movie and neither of you really like it. also you can’t really talk to get to know the person 
jungwon: personally this is a 5 for me 
kat: it’s so like.. middle school 
riki: doing that damn arm stretch. 
*everyone laughs at riki’s joke as he fake yawns to stretch his arms and put it around kat, making her laugh even harder.* 
jungwon: i was abusing that card in highschool 
yn: it’s so corny eww *laughs* 
kat: no it’s kinda smooth if someone can pull it off 
sunoo: i remember i did the counting shoulder thing in middle school 
yn: oh my god i remember that 
riki: i never heard of that one 
kat: like 1, 2 *she counts her own shoulders* and 3 *she puts her arm behind riki, him laughing as she did it* 
giselle: that’s a good one 
jungwon: so movie 4?
kat: yep movie 4. 
yn: this is so fun
jungwon: the next one is go karting 
sunoo: OOOOO
yn: might put this as a 1 
kat: okay but what if they choose a really really good one for the last one 
yn: ugh you’re right 
sunoo: im saying 2 
giselle: lowkey 3 
yn: noooo its so fun. like its playful and it’s not too much talking where it awkward. and then after that you can grab food and talk 
riki: that honestly sounds perfect 
kat: okay you’re convincing me 
sunoo: let’s stick with two because i know they’re gonna pick a good one 
giselle: okay yeah 2 
riki: next one is eating. like going out to eat 
yn: 3 it’s a safe choice 
giselle: yeah it’s safe 
sunoo: oh my god what’s the last one i’m excited 
jungwon: sitting at your number 1 spot is a date in the park 
kat: oh..
*you and sunoo side eye one another, and start laughing* 
riki: you guys fumbled 
giselle: ugh we should’ve put go kart at 1 
jungwon: i would’ve put go kart at 1 too
yn: okay park isn’t that bad 
sunoo: no it’s bad imagine all the bugs. and there isn’t a single cute park where we live 
kat: that’s definitely 5 
giselle: yeah i agree 
yn: what time are we at won? 
jungwon: about an hour. you guys ready for a break 
riki: yep, i’m gonna go grab water 
kat: yeah i have to use the bathroom
*riki and kat get up, moving their mics. they both walk out of the room. the rest of the group continues to scroll on their phones, checking notifications. giselle laughs and sets her phone down* 
giselle: did you guys see the top albums of all time? from apple music. 
jungwon: *snorts* yeah, yn what’d you think about the list 
yn: oh i loved it, i think there was too much classic rock on there but my girl lauryn hill sitting pretty at number 1 
sunoo: i love that album, like it’s so good 
jungwon: frank ocean was top 5 i think we’re getting an album 
*giselle laughs, shaking her head* 
giselle: i fear we won’t be getting one for a while. 
yn: no but imagine not knowing who lauryn hill is? 
*sunoo and jungwon side eye each other but stay quiet to let yn go on* 
yn: you must have some shit music taste if you don’t know lauryn hill is all i have to say 
sunoo: must be an alpha male 
*giselle, you and sunoo laugh. jungwon looks at sunoo, holding back a laugh* 
jungwon: cmon we weren’t gonna talk about it 
yn: speaking of alpha males let’s talk about alpha male podcasts. have we ever covered that? 
giselle: don’t think we have 
sunoo: it has to be rage bait 
jungwon: well no have you seen andrew tate, he was like so serious about it. 
yn: i think alpha male podcast are so stupid. like you must be so sensitive about your masculinity if you have to run a podcast all about it. 
*riki and kat enter the room, taking a seat* 
kat: what are we talking about? 
jungwon: lauryn hill and now alpha male podcasts
riki: i fucking love lauryn hill 
kat: alpha male podcast should be wiped off the face of the earth
giselle: and they invite like instagram models on there and like flame them for no reason 
jungwon: they are like the bane of this existence 
sunoo: honestly is it just me or like recently has there been an uprise in podcasts 
giselle: no i get what you mean 
yn: i think when all those like old youtubers started doing podcasts they became popular again. 
riki: everyone and their mom has podcast 
kat: dude we have a podcast 
riki: yeah.. we’re everyone and their mom keep up 
*you laugh next to him, shaking your head* 
jungwon: you guys ready for the last question 
giselle: mhm 
jungwon: so as surprising as it is we’ve never talked about aux etiquette on this podcast. what do you guys think proper aux etiquette is? 
giselle: i think proper aux etiquette is playing music that everyone listens to 
jungwon: yeah.. *jungwon glares at kat, making you and riki laugh. kat furrows her brows in confusion*
kat: um hello im an amazing dj 
sunoo: you’re in fact not 
yn: yeah babe 
kat: *scoffs* what! wait do you guys seriously not like my music? 
riki: well no it’s just whenever you’re on aux- 
jungwon: which is all the fucking time 
*you and sunoo laugh* 
riki: like i was saying whenever you’re on aux, you always try and get us on to the music you listen to and it’s just shitty house music like *starts imitating one of the songs* 
kat: you guys don’t appreciate taste 
jungwon: you mean noise? yeah we don’t 
*kat laughs* 
sunoo: hot take i really don’t want music when im hanging out with my friends 
yn: your worst take yet 
sunoo: okay what the fuck 
riki: i’m sorry but pitch silence? fuck i’d go crazy in a car with kat and yn 
yn: rude 
riki: you two talk soooo much 
kat: not our fault you’re a nonchalant emo 
jungwon: *laughing* fuck 
giselle: i agree with sunoo to an extent like it depends on what we’re doing. if we were going to a club or something i’d want to get hyped up but on the way back i would want to debrief 
sunoo: yeah i agree with that
riki: let’s rank us in terms of aux 
jungwon: kat is dead last 
kat: your music taste isn’t amazing i don’t know why you’re talking 
jungwon: least i can admit it 
sunoo: the girls are fighting.. 
yn: i think it goes kat in last, then sunoo 
sunoo: wait what 
yn: your music taste isn’t like versatile. no hate it’s just not great on aux 
sunoo: yeah well yours is shit too 
yn: don’t care *you stick your tongue out at him making him stick it out back, the two of you giggle*
giselle: i think first place is between riki and yn 
yn: my brother just another me 
*you and riki fist bump each other, giggling* 
jungwon: it’s gonna go to their big fat egos 
riki: frank ocean is never gonna release an album ever again 
jungwon: take that back 
riki: your mom 
kat: as much as i hate to say it jungwon might be second. it’s tied between you and giselle 
sunoo: so we agree that kat should never get aux 
giselle: she’s always fucking arguing for it too 
*the group laughs* 
yn: like damn if you’re gonna fight for aux atleast put on music we all like 
kat: ugh fine i will next time 
riki: next time im getting aux 
jungwon: we’re gonna hear emo music the whole ride 
riki: to be emo is to be free 
giselle: rikilations
sunoo: what time are we at? 
jungwon: an hour thirty ish. should we end it? 
kat: i mean did you guys have any other questions 
riki: nah i didnt, did you? *he looks to jungwon* 
jungwon: nope 
giselle: okay sign us out then 
riki: thank you for staying with us today at yap central we hope you enjoyed your stay. 
jungwon: remember to subscribe, like, comment, and share this video. check out our bio for resources and sign up for patreon. peace! 
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AUTHORS NOTE » i had SOO much fun writing this, like it felt like i was actually sitting there with them. the bleeps aren't too hard to guess bc its pretty obvious. i wanted to include them so it felt more real and i hope this wasnt TOO confusing
TAGLiST » @lqfiles @strawberrysavi @blockbusterhee @onlyhyunjin @purennn @jungkit @flwoie @imheretoread @firstclassjaylee @pinkishyng @luvgiselle @kang-ulzzang @cherryxbxmb @jkslvsnella @urslytherin @somerandomf1fan @i03jae @kittykangz @s0urcherry @istglevi-gotmesimping
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inbarfink · 1 year
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"Just move forwards, Simon! Well, maybe I don't want to move forwards!"
Okay, so it’s pretty damn obvious that Simon’s whole rant here is not just about the physical act of moving forwards through the Time Room. Like, I don’t need to explain what ‘moving forwards’ means in this case, right? But… the thing I’ve been thinking of is that the metaphor here might actually extend more than just this one line.
Because, yeah, Simon does need to move forwards. Metaphorically because embracing change and accepting you can’t actually go back to some idealized past where things were Better is the only way he can actually be happier. And literally because there is an Angry Beetle Cop out to murder his head off for the crime of being chosen by God as a sapient hard-drive. 
But moving on is hard, and you know why?
Because it is hard to move forwards in this silly little mumu.  
And again, this is both metaphorical and literal. Simon is fully aware that he should move forwards with his life, but this robe is yet another painful reminder of the trauma he’s trying to move on from. Yet another example of people treating him like he’s Ice King. Yet another symbol that him being Simon again is seen as some sort of a mistake.
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And also, it’s just obviously physically, literally uncomfortable for him to move in this thing.
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Simon was forced into a fit designed for a Wizard who could Fly. He’s constantly lifting it up and being so careful about his steps as to not stumble on it, and also trying so hard to not flash his genitalia to God and God’s two OCs that he shoved in his brain. Not to mention he’s running around the Time Room barefoot. And, like, at least when Ice King wore this he still had underpants.
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But the thing is.... like, okay, the thing about the Shorts Scene is that it is kinda unfair Fionna got her outfit upgraded into a more comfortable variant while Simon still has to wear the Trauma Robes. But the important thing to remember is that Fionna got those lovely shorts because she explicitly complained about the skirt.
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You can say that Simon’s problems should’ve been Obvious and maybe that’s true… but it’s still notable that unlike Fionna, who immediately complained when she started to find her outfit kinda uncomfortable - Simon lets out one sarcastic grumble when he first gets the robe and then just keeps his mouth shut and quietly wallows in his misery until he reached his breaking point. 
That seems notable especially with what we see of Simon in “Simon Petrikov” and how hard it is for him to be honest with his loved ones about his problems. 
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I’ve seen some people express some anger at the way Finn and Marceline acted towards Simon during that episode. Saying they didn’t care about Simon enough. But Simon was deliberately hiding his struggles from them - and especially from Marcy. You know, he opened up to Finn and Finn was honestly doing what he thought was best. The problem being that Finn is pretty-messed-up himself and not good at therapy.
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And Simon decided the best solution was just to drop the whole thing and pretend that Finn’s adventure did help as a way to end that nightmare without directly confronting him about Actually Making Things Worse. As far as Finn is concerned, Simon was doing badly and is now doing well. And as far as Marcy is concerned Simon is doing just fine! And this situation is not likely to change unless Simon actually speaks up!
Of course, this is easier said than done. I mean, like I said, he was TRYING to open up to Finn and from his perspective, got punished for even trying out for help.
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And with the mumu, the situation is a even more complicated. Yes, Simon didn’t speak up when he had the chance to say ‘hey, actually it’s also pretty hard to run around barefoot in a robe! I would like some Pants please!” But also… where Finn and Marceline have both expressed nothing but genuine concern for Simon and take his issues very seriously in their own way - Prismo, Fionna and Cake have all been kinda callous about Simon’s situation and his mental well-being so far. 
So maybe it wasn’t totally unreasonable for Simon to assume that any attempt to assert what would make it easier for him to actually move forwards will fail. Or at least would be far too emotionally grueling to actually be worth it. I'm not saying that's for-sure what would've happened. I mean those three aren't just jerks for the sake of being jerks - it's just that Prismo is kinda occupied with his own grief-induced-depression-spiral and Fionna and Cake don't really get Simon yet. And we're surely going to get to a point in this narrative where these two genuinely care about him too sooner or later. But I can see in that moment why he would think that.
And so he keeps wallowing in the misery and resentment as it gets increasingly harder and harder to keep going forwards. Until he breaks and decide that maybe, what he actually wants is to just stop.  
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 10 days
Movie Night Oneshot
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“BUCKY!  YOU MUST!  MAKE!  HASTE!” Y/N screamed.  She plopped down on the common room couch with a myriad of treats and snacks in front of her on the coffee table, sipping on a glass of wine.  She was in her matching sleep tank top and shorts outfit, her smiley face slippers gazing up at her as she sat criss-cross on the sofa and pulled her fuzzy blanket over herself, adjusting it so it would cover Bucky as well.
Bucky’s tell tale groan echoed from the kitchen as he rounded the corner with his beer in hand.  “Y/N, I don’t think I can handle another season full of sexual tension,” he whined as he sat next to her, pulling the extra blanket over his lower half.  “Season one was torture.”
“Well I’ve heard season two is even worse,” Y/N said teasingly, cocking an eyebrow at him.  He rolled his eyes and huffed in annoyance.  “Oh please, you can act all manly man about it all you want, we both know you love Bridgerton,” she said, slapping his arm half-heartedly.
Bucky couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at his lips.  “Whatever,” he mumbled.  “Just turn the damn thing on.”  Y/N smiled triumphantly and settled into the couch as she started the first episode of season two.  They were going to do a marathon of the whole second season in one night.  Missions had kept them apart or busy for a while, and Y/N was desperate for some best friend time.  She also secretly hoped that they would eventually do as they always did during movie nights and snuggle together as they watched whatever it was they were watching.  Y/N had been harboring pretty severe romantic feelings towards Bucky for a long time, but was afraid to ruin the friendship, so she kept quiet about it and decided it was for the best to just bury the feelings deep down into the depths of her heart.  “Which Bridgerton is this season focused on, again?” he asked, disrupting her thoughts.
“Antony,” Y/N replied.  Bucky gave her a confused look.  Y/N rolled her eyes.  “The oldest brother.”
“Oh, right,” he said, nodding quickly.  “He’s kind of an ass.”
“He is,” Y/N chuckled.  “Let’s see who tames his cute but annoying ass.”
“You can tame my cute but annoying ass anyday, honey,” Bucky mumbled.
Y/N’s jaw dropped as she slowly turned to look at him with wide eyes.  Bucky had a shit-eating smirk on his face.  That was the other problem.  He would call her honey and flirt with her incessantly, saying the most unhinged, lustful, unabashedly sexual innuendos she’d ever heard, but then laugh at her reaction.  “You really wanna go there, Barnes?” Y/N asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
They stared at each other for a moment before they both broke into smiles and a fit of giggles.  “Shush, it’s starting,” Bucky said, nudging her arm.
“Shonda Rhimes you devious genius,” Y/N huffed as they watched episode seven.  “The sexual tension between them is literally driving me crazy.”
“Seriously,” Bucky muttered.  He had been squirming a lot, and she had asked him multiple times if he was alright, which he reassured her he was, just “getting comfortable.”  They hit the 46 minute mark, and suddenly it all came to a head as the character Antony fully admitted his feelings toward his counterpart Kate.  The love scene began and Y/N was slack-jawed as she watched the tension finally manifest into physical intimacy between the two.
As the scene progressed Bucky cleared his throat and sat up.  He took a long swig of his fourth beer, then at a particularly handsy and lustful sighing part suddenly stood up.  “I’m gonna…uh, I’ll be right back,” he said, jogging off down the hall toward his room.
Y/N sat up.  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” she called out after him.
“Yep!” he called back, then she heard his door shut loudly.
Y/N looked back at the screen, watching the rest of the love scene play out.  Once it was over, she paused it and frowned.  What happened?  Was he okay?  She sighed and stood up, flinging the blanket off and walking down the hall to Bucky’s room.  She knocked on the door and waited.  There was the sound of shuffling, but he didn’t respond.
“Buck?  Are you okay?” Y/N asked loud enough for him to hear.  
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute,” he said.   
His voice sounded strained, and it made Y/N frown again.  “Can I come in?” she asked.
She heard him sigh heavily, before his footsteps thudded as he walked toward the door.  He opened it and she looked up at him curiously.  His hair was a mess, like he’d run his hands through it or pulled at it multiple times within the last five minutes, and his eyes looked tight as he gave her a thin lipped smile.  “What’s up?” he asked in a weird tone.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him.  “Nothing, what’s up with you?” she parried.
“Nothing,” he shrugged.  She noticed that he was hiding himself behind the door a bit.  
“Buck, come on,” Y/N whined and pushed the door so she could step inside.  She walked in and stood next to his bed and looked at him.  “You’re acting weird.”
Bucky kept himself facing the door as he closed it behind her.  “Nah, I’m fine,” he said.
Y/N glanced around then stepped to the side to try to face him.  “Uh huh, so why won’t you look at me?” she asked in frustration.
“I’m just…tired, Y/N,” he sighed again.  “We’ll have to finish Bridgerton tomorrow.”
Y/N got annoyed and walked up to him.  She reached up and pulled at his shoulder to make him look at her, and he inhaled sharply as his body faced her, his eyes wide and his metal hand covering his groin.  “What are you…?” she asked, glancing at his hand, then her eyes widened in understanding.  “Oh.”
Bucky blushed heavily and he shut his eyes tight.  “I’m sorry, honey,” he groaned, walking away from her and sitting on his bed, hanging his head into his free hand.  “This is so embarrassing,” he mumbled under his breath.
“Hey, no no no,” Y/N said and quickly walked over, kneeling down in front of him and pulling his face back up with her hands to look at her.  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.  It’s a pretty…sexual show,” she said, biting back a smile.
“Don’t laugh at me,” Bucky said, looking offended.
“I’m not!  I’m not laughing at you,” Y/N said, shaking her head.  “It’s totally understandable.  You wouldn’t believe how turned on I was from that.  They weren’t kidding when they said the tension was even worse this season.”
Bucky glanced down.  “You…you’re…turned on?” he asked quietly.
Y/N blushed but nodded to make him feel better.  “Yeah,” she said, blinking rapidly.  “It’s kinda hard not to be, watching that, with you, and you…you know, being you.”
“What do you mean by me being me?” he frowned.
Y/N grumbled and harshly rubbed her face with her hands.  “Oh my god, that sounded bad.  That’s not what I meant.  It’s just that you, you’re, uh, you know, really handsome and sometimes the mind wanders–”
“You were thinking of me while watching that?” Bucky asked.  The look on his face was hard to read, but his eyes looked…hopeful?  Y/N stared at him for a moment, trying to find the words and wrap her mind around the idea that maybe, just maybe, he might actually want her, too.  She swallowed harshly and nodded.  Bucky analyzed her face, looking for a lie or a joke, but didn’t find any and a small smile brightened his face.  “I’ve had feelings for you for a long time, honey,” he confessed.  “And I just…watching that made me think of you, um…that way, and I felt a little overwhelmed by it because I haven’t done anything like that in a long time, and I didn’t wanna scare you off–”
Y/N suddenly stood and pushed Bucky back further onto the bed, then climbed into his lap, straddling his thighs and slotting her hips over his groin.  She took Bucky’s face in her hands again, leaned in and kissed him deeply.  Bucky gasped and froze for just a moment, then melted into her touch, kissing her back while his hands wound behind her and held her as close to him as possible.  Y/N angled her head to deepen the kiss more as her hands drifted from his face up into his hair, scratching along his scalp.  Bucky moaned at the feeling, a shiver running down his spine that made her smile.
She opened her mouth and licked along his lower lip, silently asking permission to taste him.  Bucky’s breathing became heavier as he opened his mouth, his tongue welcoming hers in.  The kissing became more passionate by the second, their combined sighs and gasps mixing with moans and whimpers made Y/N feel like she was floating, her pussy throbbing for attention.  As Bucky felt up her back and sides she ground her hips down into his hardened cock, looking for reprieve.  Bucky shuddered at that, pulling away and gasping for air as he looked down at her grinding on him.  “Fuck, honey,” he said lowly.  “I…shit, I wanna fuck you so bad.”
“Yeah?” Y/N asked breathily, scratching up the back of his neck into his long hair.  “I’ve been wanting you for so long, Buck.  Just didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” she said as she continued to grind on him.
Bucky’s hands gripped her hips and guided them along his covered cock, pulling her down harder on him.  “I wanna ruin it,” he said, leaning back in and kissing her neck, then further down towards her chest.  His hands moved up to her breasts, cupping them in his large hands and massaging them as he kissed the swell of each breast.  His fingers then pulled down the top of her tank top, her breasts falling out of the shirt, and he immediately started touching them again.  His thumbs rubbed her nipples and she moaned.  “Let me hear you, honey.  God, you sound so good.”  He lifted her breasts and leaned down to kiss, lick and suck at them.  “You taste so good…”
Y/N gripped his shoulders, letting him take his turn pleasuring her for a moment.  She felt impossibly turned on, her arousal making her pussy feel wetter than it ever had before.  “Bucky…babes…”
Bucky whimpered, sucking hard at her nipple.  He let go of her breast and lifted his head back up to look at her.  “Godammit Y/N, I like that.  Say it again.”
Y/N smiled and started grinding down on him again.  She pushed him to lay back and started kissing his jaw and down his neck, then started lifting his shirt up.  He helped her get it off, and she felt up his torso, kissing from his neck to his shoulder where the metal arm was attached to his skin, kissing and licking the scars then down his chest.  “You like it when I say your name?  Or me calling you babes?” she clarified, looking up at him through her eyelashes.
His brow was furrowed in desire as he watched her.  “Babes,” he whispered.
She smiled as she got off his lap and pulled down his pants and underwear, a small whine coming from her when she saw his cock.  She quickly took off her shorts and underwear and straddled him again, sliding herself across his cock.  “So big,” she praised him, her hands holding herself up on his chest.  “You want me to ride you…babes?”
Bucky nodded frantically, his hands back on her hips to pull her back and forth on him just the way he wanted.  “Please, honey,” he begged.
Y/N lifted herself up and reached down, grabbing his cock and pumping him a few times before holding him up so she could aim herself over the tip.  She nestled his cock into her lower lips at her entrance, then slowly sank down onto him.  She hadn’t done this in a long time, but the stretch and fullness he gave her was addicting as her hips met his again with him fully inside her.  She shuddered at the feeling and let out a long stream of air as she adjusted to his size.  “Holy fuck, babes,” she whispered, rolling her hips on him experimentally.
Bucky looked like he was king of the castle as he looked up at her, biting his lip and nearly shaking as he entered her completely.  “You feel so good,” he breathed.  “You’re beautiful, Jesus Christ, Y/N, look at you.”  
She smirked at him and then lifted her hips and sat back down, making them both gasp.  “You feel so good, Buck.  Fill me up so well, babes.  Never felt so full in my life.”
“Yeah?” Bucky smirked as she continued her hips bobbing up and down on him.  “Best pussy I’ve ever had, honey.  Fuck, taking me so good.  Like you were made for me.”
Y/N almost felt dizzy with how aroused she felt, his dirty talk making her feel overwhelmed.  She laid herself across his front, her forehead resting on his shoulder.  “I can’t… babes I can’t…”
She could feel Bucky’s chest shake as he chuckled.  His arms wound behind her again, and he planted his feet on the bed then thrust up into her.  Y/N squealed at how deep he went, her head shoving itself into the crook of his neck.  “Making me feel real good about myself right now, honey,” he said, his voice sounding proud and playful.  “Was it too much?”
Y/N nodded.  “You make me dizzy.”
He chuckled darkly.  “Just hold on, honey, I’ve got you.”  Bucky held her tight against him then started thrusting up in a hurried pace, his hips snapping hard so the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in his bedroom.  Y/N’s hands had a death grip on his arms and shoulders, a steady stream of panted breaths and whimpers huffing against his neck as all she could do was literally hold on.  Her own hard shiver ran down her spine as her pussy fluttered around him.  “Fuck, I feel you, Y/N.  You gonna cum on my cock?  Huh?”
His flesh hand moved down and slapped her ass.  “Yes!” she cried.  
That hand kneaded her ass cheek, pulling her down on him as he thrust up into her.  “Can I cum inside you?  Deep inside this pretty, perfect, sweet pussy?”  His lips were by her ear, making his hot breaths and nasty words feel like they were bouncing around in her head.  He licked then bit her earlobe.  “My pussy,” he growled.
“Yes, babes,” Y/N moaned, kissing his neck and sucking at the skin.  
Bucky’s flesh hand lifted back up and gripped her jaw, forcing her to look at him.  He kissed her firmly, his tongue immediately plunging into her mouth then nipping at her lips.  His cock slammed into her just right and she screamed against his mouth as she came, her pussy gripping him so tight he came right after her, fucking his cum into her as his hold on her was tight enough that he cracked her back, his own loud grunt of a moan being swallowed by her.  
They lay together as they both calmed down from the high, Bucky’s hold loosening around her but keeping her close.  “Y/N…that was…you’re amazing,” he breathed, kissing her forehead.  
Y/N’s head was still swimming.  She had never cum so hard in her life, her pussy still fluttering around him randomly as his cock kept leaking cum into her, filling her so much that it was dripping onto the bed beneath them.  She hummed instead of answering him.  Bucky carefully pulled her off of him, a weird squelching noise coming from between them and making them both groan at the loss of each other.  He repositioned them both to be lying on the bed more comfortably, nestling her into his side.  He ran his flesh fingers through her hair as he smiled at her adoringly.  The smile morphed into a frown as his fingers left her hair and wiped beneath her eyes.  “Are you okay?  I’m sorry, was that too much?”
Y/N hadn’t even realized she was crying.  “No, it was perfect,” she lazily smiled at him.  “I’m okay.  More than okay.”
Bucky’s smile returned and he leaned down to kiss her again.  “So does this mean that you’ll be mine?”
Y/N scoffed.  “Well duh,” she teased, making him laugh.
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goldfades · 7 months
🌱 jack hughes agreeing to watch your favorite movie on movie night instead of his
𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐠𝐮𝐧 𝐯𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 | jh⁸⁶
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♡ ─ word count | 397
♡ ─ warnings | nothing but sweet fluff, jack being a tom cruise dickrider (jk)
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You pouted as Jack scrolled through Amazon, trying to find a good movie to watch. He wanted to watch Top Gun Maverick for the 3rd time this month. It wasn't even the original Top Gun but he still insists on watching it every time you wanted to have a movie night.
Jack looked back at you, smirking as he caught your pouty expression. You continued your pout in hopes of swaying him to change his mind. "I thought you liked Top Gun Maverick."
"I did, before we watched it 5 million times." You exaggerated, frowning. "I'm pretty sure I can recite the whole movie by now."
Jack laughed as he shook his head. "Come on, baby, it's so good. And besides, it's not like I'm making you watch it alone," Jack replied with a teasing smile. "Think of it as our go-to movie, our comfort film."
You sighed dramatically, resting your chin on your hand. "Comfort film is one thing, Jack, but this is turning into a Top Gun Maverick marathon. I'm starting to dream about fighter jets and Maverick in my sleep."
Jack let out another laugh, enjoying how much he was annoying you. He raised an eyebrow, considering your request. "Alright, alright. I guess I can give it a break for one night."
Your eyes lit up with a smile. "Oh my god, finally." You let out a sigh of relief. "Let's watch Love Island!"
Jack pretended to be annoyed, giving you a short glare before searching it up. "Seriously?" Jack teased, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Alright, fine, we'll watch Love Island."
"I've had to watch all that fighter jet shit all month long." You glared at him but you knew he secretly really enjoyed it. You know for a fact he loves all the drama that comes with Love Island - oh, and their funny accents too.
After turning on Love Island, Jack was invested by the end of the episode. You stared at him as he watched the TV, a smirk playing on your lips. You wanted to tell him "told ya so" but you loved seeing him so invested.
He finally noticed and looked at you, shaking his head. "Shut up."
You laughed and turned your focus back to the TV, knowing that you had found a new show that you and Jack could binge together.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 6 months
KINDRED — 40 (finale)
It’s your final year of highschool, and your only goal is to graduate top of your cohort, as usual. Except as student council president, your advisor can’t seem to leave you alone. What happens when you take Decelis Academy’s top student, their star athlete and put them in front of a camera?
written (2.7k words)
❥・• episode 40 — her entire being is lovable
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The week after Jungwon’s competition, the two of you slip back into the usual programming of studying together after school, despite the documentary having ceased filming. It's a curious irony, isn't it? Now liberated from the suffocating grip of your mother's expectations, free to pursue your own desires, yet you find yourself still tethered to your books, for she was right when she says you can’t go anywhere without decent grades. 
You also don’t know what else to do in school besides studying. The library, with its quiet embrace, has become your refuge, a familiar haven and a place where you seek clarity amidst the chaotic excuse you call your current predicament. With your resignation as student body president, all that remains is the race against time until your college entrance exams.
"Y/N, sorry for being late!" Jungwon's voice breaks through the quiet murmur of the library as he settles beside you in your customary corner. You offer him a shy smile, basking in the familiar scent of his cologne that wraps around you like a comforting blanket.
"I finished a whole chapter waiting for you," you tease gently, knowing full well that he'll feel a twinge of guilt for keeping you waiting, only for you to feel bad for making him feel bad. And now you’re both feeling guilty and he’s demanding a kiss from you to make up for it.
"I never took you for the clingy type in a relationship, Yang Jungwon," you chuckle softly, playfully pushing a finger against his forehead to halt any public displays of affection in the holy vicinity of a public library.
"Yeah, well, I didn’t think you’d be rejecting my attempts at showering you with love when we’re a whole fortnight into dating," he pouts, his bag dropping to the seat beside you with a sullen thud. If one other thing did change aside from your relationship status, it would be the fact that Jungwon no longer sits across from you, but beside you. He insists it’s for practicality's sake, which to a certain extent you agree.
Truth be told, Jungwon just finds it distracting to be directly across from you, where he was in full capacity to be distracted by the beautiful features of your face. Not that the new arrangement helped anyway when he is still constantly reaching for your hand to hold, a silent plea for your touch that you gladly reciprocate.
“Why did the teacher hold you back anyway?”
"Couldn't believe my math grades improved so much; he thought I cheated on the recent quiz. Never thought I was doing so badly to make him doubt me that much."
"I mean… you were pretty horrendous," you quip with a grin, nudging him playfully. "Emphasis on ‘were’!" you add, teasingly, knowing he won't take it too seriously. He proves you right as he scoffs at your candid assessment of his past academic struggles. After all, deep down, you both know there's some truth to it...
"We have that final confessional with Producer Choi later today, right?"
"Yeah, can’t believe two months just flew by like that. Feels like just yesterday we were agreeing to only pretend to like each other." You snicker softly, sensing the irony in the situation now that you and Jungwon are in an official (not fake) relationship.
The irony is not lost on Jungwon as you catch his silent smile, knowing he, too, is lost in the memories of that pivotal moment, where pretence gave way to something real and profound.
"What's to say I'm not pretending right now?" Jungwon raises an eyebrow, eliciting an exaggerated gasp from you.
"Are you suggesting you still hate me?" you exclaim, feigning offence and playfully inching away from him on your chair. Jungwon's reaction is immediate, grabbing onto you as he pleads for you to stay, insisting he was only joking.
"So, you don’t hate me?" you inquire with mock seriousness.
"No, I would never!" He envelops you in a sideways hug, leaving you in a precarious position where, without his support, you'd probably topple off the chair, earning judgmental stares from every library patron within a half-mile radius.
With his arm around you, you gaze up at the finely sculpted features of his face, marvelling at how you ever found this man annoying in the first place. As Jungwon's fingers toy with the strands of thread hanging off your uniform blazer, a comfortable silence settles between you. 
“When’s your confessional?” Jungwon's question breaks the serene silence, prompting you to glance at the clock and realise the time constraints you're under.
"I'll have to leave soon if I don’t want to be late. Your confessional is right after mine, yeah?" you confirm, already mentally preparing to make your move.
"Yep, I’ll meet you at the gate after, and we could go for some snacks!" Jungwon suggests with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
"Is this another one of your tricks to feed me into a coma so we don’t have to study?" you quip, raising an eyebrow in playful scepticism.
Jungwon feigns innocence, his grin widening. "Who, me? Never!" he replies, his tone dripping with sarcasm. You chuckle, knowing full well his penchant for indulging in snacks whenever the opportunity arises. But as you gather your things and prepare to leave, you can't help but look forward to the prospect of spending some more time with Jungwon, even if it means indulging in a few too many treats along the way.
You arrive promptly at the confessional venue, positioned strategically in the field right by the entrance of the school so the logo can be seen clearly in the background.  This meant people, a lot of them, stopping nearby to watch and observe the commotion as it's not every day you get to see a whole camera crew in the front yard of your school.
Spotting Producer Choi among the crew members, you make your way over and exchange greetings. "Y/N! It’s been a while, hasn't it?" she exclaims with a warm smile.
"It has," you reply, returning her smile as you exchange pleasantries with the familiar faces of the cameramen stationed around you.
"It felt weird not seeing you around after having seen you almost every day for the last 2 months. Strangely enough, I kind of missed it," you admit, though you sense a hint of scepticism in Producer Choi’s eyes, as she knows damn well you were the most excited for this documentary to end. 
With a gesture from Producer Choi, you settle into the stool in front of the cameras, and the familiarity of the setting washes over you. It's strange how quickly this space has become a second home over the past few months, filled with the laughter of the crew members who have become like family. With that thought in mind, you mentally ready yourself to share your thoughts and reflections on the journey you've embarked on.
"First of all, thank you, Y/N, for agreeing to be a part of this documentary," Producer Choi begins as the camera lights turn red. You nod in response, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursing through you.
"Let’s start by having you share with the viewers how you felt about this journey," Producer Choi prompts, her voice gentle yet probing.
"Well, it’s not easy, that’s for sure," you begin, your words flowing more easily now that you've found your rhythm. "It was an experience that urged me to step out of my comfort zone and explore beyond a routine that I was already used to. It was difficult, no doubt, but the friendships that I’ve made along the way made this whole journey worthwhile. If I were to go back in time, I would do it again."
Producer Choi nods encouragingly, her eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. "If that’s so, tell us the most important thing you gained from this documentary."
"This experience was precious to me in many other ways than one," you continue, your voice growing more animated as you recall the memories. "But if I were to point out the most important thing I gained out of this documentary, it would be myself. It’s a little cringy, I know. It still amazes me how much I managed to change in this short period of time. But you know what they say, the best discovery starts within you, and you best believe I discovered." 
The camera captures the sincerity in your eyes, the raw emotion shining through as you speak from the heart; a genuine reflection of your growth and transformation throughout the journey.
"Throughout the airing of ‘Kindred,’ the show has gained immense popularity among both domestic and global viewers, why do you think so?" Producer Choi asks, her tone shifting to a more analytical one.
"Honestly, the documentary was able to do well all thanks to Jungwon," you respond with a chuckle, thinking of your ever-charismatic boyfriend. "Without Jungwon, I genuinely think you guys would have produced the most yawn-bearing documentary to date. I acknowledge my lack of entertainment wits. There is also the whole strange pairing between Jungwon and I, even I admit that I’d be interested to find out how our very unique dynamics would work with each other."
The crew members share a knowing smile, having witnessed firsthand the magnetic chemistry between you and Jungwon that has captivated audiences around the world. It's a testament to the power of authenticity and genuine connection, something that can't be manufactured or scripted.
"Speaking about Jungwon, how has your relationship with him changed throughout the show?" Producer Choi inquires, her curiosity piqued.
"Jungwon is really special to me," you admit, a soft smile gracing your lips as you think of him. "I’m glad I got to properly know him through this experience. I’ll forever be grateful to ‘Kindred’ for bringing him into my life."
"Seems like there's something more to it, but I won't pry! But now that you’re graduating soon, what’s next?" Producer Choi prompts, her tone shifting to one of anticipation.
"Hmm… I’m not sure," you confess, feeling a pang of uncertainty creep in. "Ironic since you’d expect the girl with perfect grades to know what she wants to do. But I’m still working on that. Although, tutoring Jungwon made me realise how much I actually love teaching. May or may not consider pursuing it in the future, but we’ll see. I’m not in a rush anyway."
"Lastly, is there anything you want to say to the viewers of ‘Kindred’?" 
"To all the viewers of Kindred, thank you for all the support and attention you gave us!" you exclaim, genuine gratitude shining in your eyes. "I’m glad you found some sort of joy going through this journey with Jungwon and I. It’s an experience I’ll hold close to my heart forever."
As the final words leave your lips, you can't help but feel a sense of closure wash over you. This chapter of your life, filled with ups and downs, laughter and tears, is coming to an end. But as you look back on the memories you've created and the relationships you've forged, you know that the impact of this experience will stay with you for a lifetime.
"By the way, will Jungwon be doing his interview here too?" you ask, curiosity tugging at you.
"Why of course," Producer Choi replies with a smile.
"Can I watch?" you inquire, eager to see Jungwon in the hot seat for a change.
"You don’t see Jungwon here now, do you? We got to play it fair, Y/N," she says with a wink as she scurries you away from the film site, leaving you with a sense of anticipation for Jungwon’s answers now that you know the questions that were being asked.
"What was your answer to the question?" you grab onto his arms, shaking it relentlessly trying to get him to fold, even equipping your signature puppy eyes. Jungwon, however, continues to chew on his food that both of you bought off a random street cart, and is now seated at the very same bench where you shared your first kiss.
“I’ll tell you if you tell me,” you consider revealing your answers but decide against it when you think back to your responses and visibly cringe.
Jungwon, ever the enigmatic one, simply smirks, his lips curling into a playful grin. His eyes sparkle with mischief as he toys with you, taking another casual bite of his street food as if your inquiry were nothing more than a fleeting thought.
You roll your eyes, knowing damn well the game he's playing. This teasing banter, a familiar exchange between the two of you, only adds to the playful dynamic of your relationship. But deep down, you can't help but wonder what his answer might have been.
“I guess we’ll only know when they broadcast it,” you shrug, resigning to the mystery as you lean your head on his shoulders. The warmth of his presence beside you, and the gentle rhythm of his breathing, all serve as a comforting anchor amidst the bustling street around you.
As Jungwon reaches over to play with the strands of your hair, a comfortable silence washes over you. The sound of distant chatter and the occasional honking of car horns fade into the background, leaving only the two of you in your own little bubble of tranquillity.
With a playful smile, you reach up to gently swat at Jungwon's hand, feigning annoyance. "Stop messing with my hair," you tease, though secretly enjoying the attention. Jungwon chuckles, his warm breath brushing against your cheek as he leans in closer.
"But it's so fun," he counters, his voice a mere whisper. You roll your eyes playfully, unable to contain your grin. "You're lucky I like you," you retort, leaning into his touch despite your mock protest.
Jungwon's laughter fills the air, a melodious sound that resonates deep within you. His genuine joy is contagious, spreading warmth and happiness with every moment you share.
"I know," Jungwon replies with a smirk, tightening his hold around you. "And I'm lucky to have you." You smile to yourself, the warmth of Jungwon's words enveloping you like a soft embrace. His ability to express his feelings so openly still catches you off guard at times, leaving you feeling both exhilarated and a little overwhelmed.
"You know, you have a way with words," you tease, lifting your head to meet his gaze. Jungwon's smirk widens into a full-blown grin, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Only when I'm talking to you," he replies, his voice filled with sincerity.
The sincerity in his words touches something deep within you, stirring a gentle flutter of emotions in your chest. Despite any doubts or uncertainties that may linger, there's a sense of reassurance in knowing that Jungwon is by your side, ready to face whatever challenges come your way.
You never fully comprehended why you felt so connected to Jungwon in the first place. Sure, you could say that anybody in your position—forced to film a documentary 24/7 with a decent-looking boy (though you’d rather die than admit this back then)—you were bound to catch feelings.
To you, Jungwon is more than just a forced proximity crush; he's an anomaly in your otherwise stoic and academic-focused life. An anomaly that got you so frustrated trying to figure out why he’s such a constant pain in your ass. An anomaly that introduced you to the world outside of the one your mother delicately crafted for you—holding you to unrealistic expectations that she knew damn well you could never meet no matter how much you tried.
He helped you understand that this life is a journey that you shape. That no matter what, mistakes are inevitable. You can give your everything and still somehow manage to fuck things up along the way. Yet, the beauty lies in the way you get to decide how you’re going to fuck up. And there’s no one you’d rather navigate these missteps with than Jungwon.
And while many would assume that a student council president with stellar grades and a Taekwondo athlete who can't study to save his life would never go well together, these assumptions are proven to be false as you realise the many similarities you share with Jungwon. Like how either of you will do anything for the people you care about and for the things you wish to achieve. You could say the two of you are Kindred.
As you rest against him, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your cheek, you can't help but marvel at the depth of your connection, forged through peculiar circumstances. 
With him, it doesn’t matter who you want or need to be.
With him, life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile.
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♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡
authors note: aaaaand that marks the end of kindred!! i have so much i want to say but i'll save it for when the epilogue comes out! in short, thank you so much to everyone who stuck till the end despite my super irregular posting schedule... 🫣 until next time!
perm taglist. @hajimelvr @s00buwu @urmomssneakylink @bubblytaetae @mrchweeee @artstaeh @sleeping-demons @yuviqik @junsflow @blurryriki @hueningcry @fakeuwus @enhaslxt
taglist! @uuzhanggggggg @aloloveswonie @jayhoonvroom @missingemobeomgyu @jiawji @ocyeanicc @s7noo @asterizee @nwjws @noascats @yunwonie @saturnmooonxx @enhaz1 @jiaant11 @clairecottenheart @i2lain @miumiuoi @zhounauts @neocockthotology @nanuer @yenqa @ahnneyong @chanhee-hee @yanqiiuver @yujmelon @keiisu @jaeyunniesimp @jiamini @jihanniee @lilriswife4life @i-yeseo @plutoslostagain @haqzm @ilovejungwonandhaechan
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spopsalt · 8 months
How to show and how not to show a serious topic, Hazbin Hotel and Rick and Morty comparison.
So I was watching Rick and Morty Meseeks and Destroy and it baffled me how they handled a sensitive subject much better than Hazbin Hotel. Let's start off by Hazbin Hotel's depiction shall we? For context for those who don't know, Angel Dust is a porn star who gets s//a by his boss Val for what seems to be in the regular. This is shown in a song with very suggestive lyrics while he is heavily sexualized. Feels a lot like fetish content.
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But that's not even the worst part, there are s//a scenes made by someone who fetishizes s//a. Warning these images are graphic and can be triggering. These are also randomly shown throughout the song, they also give no warning for this so you can't even fully skip the scene since its not one scene.
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And they also joke about s//a in a later episode,which I like dark humor,but make it make sense. What do you want people to take seriously?
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Now, how does Rick and Morty handle it? They do show a different subject,with Morty nearly getting violated by Mr. Jellybean. You may not need context since this scene did get popular,but Morty made a bet with Rick that they could do a simple, fun adventure. Morty is around 14 while Rick appears to be in his late 50s early 60s.Rick agrees to the bet and they go on the adventure. They do make a joke about r*pe but it is done by Rick which is in character with him being cycincal and this was done before the scene.
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Now eventually they are walking down steps and Morty stops by the bathroom. In the bathroom he meets Mr. Jellybean.He appears to be nice which shows how predators aren't obvious. They normally seem nice
Now everything seems fine, but then Mr. Jellybean gets...touchy. Morty gets uncomfortable and attempt to leave but Mr. Jellybean forces him to stay.
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Now this is where the triggering scene starts, trigger warning. Nothing happens thank god due to Morty being able to fight him off. And the scene, while triggering can be skipped easily since it's one scene as a whole.
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This scene was made to show how horrifying attempted r*pe is. There is a dark joke about how Rick is having a good time but this does fit with the show's dark humor
I do believe they should've put a trigger warning,but that's my only complaint about the scene in general. Morty goes out of the bathroom and begs Rick to just go home, Morty cries for the first time in the series and it's really easy to feel bad for the poor kid who was clearly traumatized.
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Rick catches onto what happens and choices to comfort the kid, arguably the biggest piece in the show is nice for the first time here.
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This cheers Morty up for the moment until they see Mr Jellybean again and Morty immediately leaves with Rick.
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He does eventually get his karma shortly after by getting shot by Rick
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Rick and Morty handled this better by not sexualizing their character while spreading awearness, treating the situation seriouslt and showing how horrifying it is, and not getting some who fetishizes r*pe to make the scene. We also get to see the biggest piece of shit in the show be nice for the first time. It shows how predators often come off as nice. This is definitely the darkest I'll ever get with my posts, but I hope you enjoyed reading it and agreed with me.
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saturnniidae · 3 months
More dragon rider disability headcanons for disability pride month!
(Ones specifically abt Hiccup are here)
Ruffnut has hypermobile EDS (when the twins were doing some bit that was basically Guinness book of world records she said smth abt 'worlds stretchiest skin' and my mom made a joke and said 'ruff has eds!' And it stuck)
A joke Ruffnut loves to make is saying Tuff is so insufferable she should just run away to join a circus and become a contortionist. She thinks it's the funniest thing ever
Hiccup also has some weird hypermobility stuff going on, when Ruff learns this she calls him a fellow circus freak (affectionate) and offers to let him come with her when she runs away. The response she got was "I'd rather stick my hand in Fenrir's mouth."
Tuff is visually impaired in his right eye from a childhood injury (another joke taken seriously)
All the riders are neurodivergent!
Snotlout has a frequently irregular heartbeat as well as memory issues due to how many times he's been struck by lightning. His whole book he wrote in that one episode isn't the only writing he does, he keeps a notebook to help keep track of minor things he might forget.
Astrid tries to make Hiccup breakfast in bed when he's having bad pain days and is too tired to do it himself. She almost burns the house down every time, so Toothless will go and get the other riders to help out while Astrid is kicked out of the kitchen and sent back to bed
Hiccup can be really fucking mean sometimes! Usually it's intentional bc he's in a bad mood and wants to be left alone. If it's seemingly unprovoked though, the others know it as a sign he's likely in pain and needs to be left alone (he still insists on getting work done but usually Toothless annoys him into resting)
Astrid has aches in her leg from when she got shot with that arrow, it being poisoned with dragon root did something to mess up the healing process so its worse than other old injuries (Dragon root isn't poisonous to humans but still having it in your blood stream isn't a good idea). She's also very mean when she's in pain, especially because it ruins her schedule since she can't train. Eventually her and Hiccup come to an agreement when they're having bad pain days they'll meet up in one of their huts and just. Sit together enjoying the others comforting presence but rarely talking
This is because Hiccup and Astrid both hate being in pain in front of people, they both share that almost extreme fear of vulnerability and the best they can do is take comfort in each other
Hiccup and Fishlegs are hyperfixation buddies! Fishlegs is the only one who doesn't get mad (it's just fond exasperation) when Hiccup wakes him up in the middle of the night to infodump, they just bounce off each other talking about dragons until woah suddenly the sun is rising and that is when Fishlegs gets upset because he values his sleep
All the riders have burn scars of varying severity. They literally work with dragons there's no way they wouldn't. And they all deal with their pain in different ways, but are unwavering supportive of each other when they can be
I've said it before and I'll say it again, a lot of characters should be disabled.
I know, cartoon logic and all, but the things that happen to these guys are things that should affect them for the rest of their lives. And watching characters struggle with permanent change like that, the realization you can never go back to how things were, and eventually healing and learning that's okay! You can still find happiness and be happy and it doesn't make your pain any less valid! It's so important to me and that's obviously reflected in my interpretations of my favorite characters lmao
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l0ve-bug-m1les · 1 year
Miles Morales x Male reader
When the reader has dyslexia and has trouble with spelling certain words or just forget how to spell the most simplest words ever gets insecure about their learning disability and then falls into a depressive episode (which is just them distancing themselves from other (Miles) for weeks)
First off please let me know if i got some things wrong. I myself don’t have dyslexia, so please correct me on anything. And I hope you’re okay if you’re feeling this way. Sending love and Miles Morales your way! <33 But seriously if you need to talk I’m here, okay? I hope you enjoy!
Distence Distance
Miles Morales x Male!Reader
Summary: When it has once again been made apparent spelling isn’t your strong suit, your mind spirals out of your own control.
Warnings: Swearing
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Your brow furrowed. Is it tom—orrow? Or tom—morrow? This shouldn’t be this hard. It’s a word. A simple word. But despite your best efforts, you can’t get it. Defeated, you lean over and quietly tap your finger Miles’ arm. He knows about your dyslexia, and helps you whenever things get a little tough. He’s never made fun of you, and has never acted like he was annoyed with you asking him how to spell things. This is quite a common occurrence, but recently, nothing seems to click. It can go from constantly spelling a word wrong, to forgetting how to spell completely. Miles tells you all the time to not worry about it, but what does he know! He doesn’t ask his boyfriend how to spell tomorrow every night!
"Hm? Oh, what’s up?” He looks at you, finishing whatever word he was writing. Your finger drags over to the roadblock on your paper as you mumble a small “Is this right?” Miles takes a look at your paper for a moment before softly shaking his head. “Ah, no, there’s only one m,” your shoulders slump, “but—uh—everything else was right!” His hands wave a little bit, trying to cheer you up. His eyes dart over you, searching for a reaction. A breath escapes your lips as you quietly thank him.
A few weeks later, Miles is proofreading your science paper. He’s got a red pen, and is occasionally writing his thoughts or correcting something. That’s to be expected, essays are about trial and error so of course it’s not gonna be perfect on the first try. What you don’t expect, is to find the pages covered with spelling corrections. You can’t even keep up with how many there are on the first page. As you look through, all you can see is what you got wrong. “Replace the i with an e”, “Erosion has one r”, “Con-VEC-tion, there’s a c”, “Don’t forget the—“. You quietly stop reading and get up to grab your things. Your thoughts are cloudy, even as Miles pulls you into a warm embrace to hopefully soothe your anguish. It doesn’t help.
“I gotta go,” you push away, “see you tomorrow..” Your feet lazily carry you out of his dorm room. Miles doesn’t protest. He knows sometimes being practically slapped with how much your disability affects you, doesn’t do you well. So he lets you go, knowing he’d see you tomorrow.
He couldn’t be anymore wrong.
Well he wasn’t entirely wrong. He did see you, but you had no intention to see him. Every glance he threw your way went unnoticed. Every time he tried to speak, your headphones went in. He saw your smile wasn’t there, and your usual glow was gone. All of these things worried Miles but he didn’t know what to do. His thoughts were focused around you for the whole day, and how he could help. In the end, he decided it’d be best if he just texted you. Maybe you just didn’t want to speak in person because of yesterday.
Yeah, that’s it. He’ll text you, comfort you, come over to your dorm, and cuddle and comfort you some more. A foolproof plan! Now all that’s left is to get through today.
You don’t respond to the first text.
You don’t respond to the second text.
You don’t respond to the third text.
You don’t read any of them. And he knows your read receipts are on.
Miles is frantic now. Where could you have gone? He knows you’d tell him if you were gonna be busy, and he knows he’d catch any signs of you thinking about….No. He wouldn’t let himself think about it. Maybe you just needed some space. It’s normal for a relationship, especially one as new as this. He decided to give it a day or two.
You’d come around eventually.
You didn’t come around.
It had been two weeks and Miles still hasn’t heard from you. You were still coming to school, but you arrived before everyone else, and somehow managed to get out before everyone left. If he tried to call you, it’d cut off immediately. If he texted you, it would stay on delivered—read if he was lucky—and if he tried to get into your room, you wouldn’t open the door. Even if your roommate was there, he’d always say: “Oh, [name]? Yeah he’s not here. Sorry.” Then the door would shut. Every day Miles tried. And every day Miles failed.
He’d spend his nights racking his brain for any clue, and reason for you to go a-wall like this. It’s not like you. Whenever something’s troubling you, he’d be the first to hear about it. For the millionth time, he tries to call your phone. And for the millionth time, you pick up. Just like he thought—
Wait what.
Miles sits up and hears quiet sobs on the other end. “H-hello? [Name]? Please answer me.” After a quiet moment you speak up. “Mhm?” Your voice is weak on the other end, but nonetheless, it’s your voice. Miles jumps out of his bed, already putting on a jacket and shoes. “Are you still in the dorms? Where are you?” He opens the window, waving to Ganke who’s woken up. “Please, love.”
“The park. The one we always go to.” Your voice is hoarse and hiccups are breaking through. “Alright. I’ll be there. Wait for me, okay?” He hops out the window and swings through the streets, keeping you on the line. At this point in time, Miles is a great swinger and has almost perfected the art. But tonight, he’s going faster than he’s ever gone before. Faster than his common sense would normally let him go. Even when making an escape, he’s careful to watch his speed just in case. Not tonight though. This is you. He’d risk everything for you.
In a matter of minutes, he’s at the park already looking for you. “[Name]? I’m here,” his eyes dart in every direction, “where exactly are you?” He jogs over to a nearby tree, catching a glimpse of a light from a phone screen. You’re silent for a few more moments as you can tell he’s the cause of those footsteps coming in your direction. So you just keep scrolling on your phone. Miles catches up to you, and before a word can be said, he’s fallen to the ground and pulled you into a hug. Possibly the tightest he’s ever hugged someone. And that’s the crack that sends the dam crumbling.
You break down and sob into his shoulder, clawing the fabric at his sides. The world no longer exists and it’s just you and him. You and the person who cares about you. You and the person who came for you. Miles’ grip tightens around your shoulders as stray tears escape his own eyes. “What happened? Why were you gone for so long?” He asks.
“I was tired of being stupid,” you manage to get out, “tired of being a burden.”
“A burden?!” Miles pulls away and cups your cheeks. “Now who told you that?”
“Don’t you understand, Miles?!” You shout. “I’m probably the dumbest person on this planet!!” He starts to object but you cut him off, “And don’t give me that “Oh but it makes you, you!” Bullshit.” You stand up and begin to pace around. “You can’t possibly wanna deal with me!” Your breath quickens and tears are still falling. “Couldn’t-couldn’t possibly wanna actually spend your life dealing with some who can’t spell for shit. Who’s always asking if he spelled—fucking i don’t know—Wednesday right.” You finally stop and stand in one place, hugging yourself tight. “I fucking hate it.”
Miles makes his way to you and pulls you into another hug. He doesn’t try to convince you otherwise because this isn’t the time. It’s time for you to let it all out, and for him to listen for as long as you need him to. He’s got you back and that’s all he needed. And right now you don’t know, but you needed him just as much if not more.
You two stay in the park and talk for what feels like hours. After two weeks of radio silence you’ve got a lot to say, and best believe your boyfriend is gonna take note of all of it.
🌸~~🌸 🌸~~🌸 🌸~~🌸
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diazisms · 5 months
explain couch theory for dummies please
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basically, couch theory started last season in 6x01. we got a snippet of the script for the buckley diaz scene at the beginning of the episode, where buck, eddie, and christopher are all having dinner together, and christopher teases buck for not having a couch.
buck is upset that bobby didn't consider him for interim captain and goes "i just wanna know what these other candidates have that apparently i don't."
christopher goes "buck, you don't even have a couch."
buck explains that the last two couches came with girlfriends (to which eddie replies "i think you mean the last two girlfriends came with couches.") because ali picked his couch when he got the loft, and they kept taylor's couch after she moved in, meaning that when she moved out, she took the couch with her.
the theory REALLY starts, though, when eddie points out that buck and taylor broke up months ago, he could've replaced the couch by now.
and buck gets a soft look in his eyes as he looks at eddie and goes "well, maybe i don't want to pick the wrong couch again."
that's kind of the root of the whole couch theory.
there's another scene in 6x01 where buck mentions not having a couch to bobby and saying he doesn't want to make a mistake again, referring to life experience.
essentially, the couch metaphor is actually something that happens in canon throughout season 6. the couch theory is the spin off of that metaphor, where it's very obvious that eddie is the damn couch.
throughout the season, there's this theme of buck searching for the right couch. it continues at the very end of the coma episode (6x11), when the buckley parents ask buck why he doesn't have a couch after they come home from the hospital.
we find out in this scene that maddie is aware of the couch metaphor because she goes "oh, that story is too long to tell while standing."
we then get a scene in the following episode (6x12) while buck's in recovery, of him trying and failing to get comfortable on his couch.
in this episode, the 118 and co are showing up to buck's apartment to keep him company, a system created by maddie to make sure buck is fine and that he's not by himself while he recovers from the lightning strike and coma.
buck doesn't want all this attention, though, and, eventually, gets fed up and goes to eddie's house.
where he immediately gets comfortable on his couch, and falls asleep before eddie even brings the beers out.
it did make the fandom lose it, thanks so much for asking.
not directly related to the couch theory, but after buck wakes up on eddie's couch, they talk about the shooting for the first time since it happened.
couch theory kind of continues throughout the season. there's a scene that's essentially a beat by beat parallel of buck falling asleep on eddie's couch with christopher falling asleep on the couch, and the buckley diaz family implications went crazy with that one.
seriously, i'm not kidding. beat by beat.
the writers, actors, producers, etc were all aware of what the fandom thought about the couch theory and how it related to buddie, also. couches were mentioned in interviews, tweets were liked, it was a whole thing.
but, i'm assuming whatever oliver says in today's (april 25th) article about the couch theory is gonna be a little more....buddie specific than anything was during s6.
anyway, after buck falling asleep on eddie's couch everyone sort of hoped for a continuation of the couch arc that involved eddie, because obviously eddie was the couch. you have buck, who didn't want to pick the wrong couch again, who couldn't even get comfortable on the couch his parents bought him, immediately fall asleep the second he sat on eddie's couch?
insanity!!!!!! it was crazy!!!!!
i don't remember if anything happened between 6x13-6x17 that was directly in canon. obviously the fandom kept going with the couch theory, speculating all the ways that the couch could mean buddie canon (there's a lot of fic from s6 that's full of couch metaphors and couch mentions)(my fics, too).
kameron gives birth to the sperm donor baby on buck's couch, also.
i forget that detail.
anyway, end of 6x18, buck and natalia are sitting on his balcony and he turns to her and asks if she wants to go buy a couch.
people died that day.
that's more or less it. i'm sure there's more that i'm missing, but essentially, the couch theory is the idea that eddie is buck's couch, the couch representing a romantic relationship.
or, not just a romantic relationship, but the right one. buck's couch is buck settling down, finding someone to spend the rest of forever with, a family, a home.
and then he got that in eddie's house, but he was too blind to see it.
alright. i think that's it! hope it made sense :)
let's pray today's interview doesn't kill us all
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arcanesea · 10 months
Slow morning | bang chan x reader | 615 w.
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When you hear birds chirping and bright lights penetrating your eyes, you stir in your sleep, a little uneasy. You try to regain your consciousness quickly when you feel an empty space next to you. That is when you realize that you slept throughout the whole night. Something that doesn’t happen much for the last 4 months. You slowly slip out of the bed, tying your hair in a ponytail.
Your feet take you to the connected room, the door slightly ajar. When you peek inside, you find out the reason for your undisturbed sleep last night. Watching as Chris sleeps on the armchair next to the crib. One of his hands stretched out inside the crib, your daughter faintly trying to reach it with her small hands. Padding across the carpeted floor, you take a moment to bask in the scenery. Your eyes caught a glimpse of your husband’s phone on top of the changing table. Quietly picking it up, you snap a picture of the moment when your baby responds with a soft giggle. You send the picture to yourself before placing the phone back down and picking up your daughter.
You take a look at your daughter, judging if she needs a change of diaper before you prepare breakfast. But it seems like she’s already in a good mood. You took two slices of bread and put it on the toaster. While waiting, you took out a cup from the cabinet and poured yourself milk.
“Did you have a good night's sleep baby?” you ask your daughter with a small voice. She responds with a grabbing motion to your face, smiling. You took a sip from your cup, feeling a little bit better than usual.
“Good morning,” you heard a sleepy voice from behind you, followed by a pair of strong arms circling your stomach. Chris sinks his head in your nape, giving it feather kisses. “Sleep okay?”
“Good morning, baby,” you respond, tilting your head to meet his. “I had the best sleep.”
“Good, good, you look so tired,” he said again, not letting you go even as you tried to move. You only laugh in response. Tired is the default look for newborn parents, that’s for sure. But he’s sensible enough to take a month off after you give birth. When you feel like you’ve got the pace of being a mom, you assure him that it’s okay if he wants to come back to the studio. It took the both of you a week to settle on that, and he never stays too far away from his phone, in case you need him right away. He also took a drastic change in his working hours, coming home early to help you take care of the house, and trying not to leave too early in the morning just to bid goodbye to your daughter.
“Coffee?” you offer him.
“Yes, please,” he answers, finally letting you move freely. “Let me take her,” he said again, reaching for the baby. You turn to position the baby comfortably before returning to the pantry. He took a seat at the dining table, starting his baby talk that never makes you not smile, asking your daughter all kinds of questions.
You set down his coffee cup along with a sandwich you quickly assemble on the table. With that, you murmur a soft “thank you,” leaning forward to place a kiss on his lips.
“What for?” he asks, putting on a confused face.
“For making me the luckiest woman in the world,” you respond with a smile.
“Baby,” he said, taking his chance to lean in and return your kiss, “You’re not the only lucky one.”
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a/n. it's 3 am and I'm thinking abt chan as a dad. very normal i guess? every time i remember those 2 episodes of him on the return of superman, my heart seriously gets warm... he'd be the best dad out there🥹🥹
divider from @cafekitsune (thank you<3 will be using them for future posts too.)
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juliasturnz · 2 months
“Your turn to relax.”
Hi my looovess, I am absolutely in love with writing, I’m trying to write as much as possible so I can spoil y’all hihi.🤪
pet names (sweetheart, baby ml (my love) more..) cussing, making out / kissing ect- i think that’s all enjoy🤭
you always have been giving matt little spa days, a little skincare routine or even a massage. He wants to bring change in that
Little note
Thank you all so much for the likes reblogs and the sweet comments, I’m beyond grateful for this. I hope y’all like this one toooo have fun reading♥️
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。° ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。
you are laying down in your bed with a smile on your face just by thinking about yesterday, you and Matt that the most amazing night, y’all watched a few movies, did skincare together, Matt giving you a lot of kisses and hugs and him even sleeping at your place.
when you realize he had slept over you look next to you but he isn’t there, ‘huh he slept over right?’ You say out loud. You look closer and you see a little letter on his side, you curiously pick the tiny letter from his side and flip the perfect folded pink paper open. You quickly read the the message “hi baby, I have something planned for today. Because of that I already left pretty early to take care of everything, be ready around 6PM. I already know you are going to be looking gorgeous, I love you, see you soon!🩷” you smile at the paper with the beautiful handwriting and the exciting news written on it.
you decided to call Nick, he obviously knows about you and Matt but you just needed some help with a good outfit. “Hey y/n hruuu?” “Hey Nick I’m doing goooddd, but I need a favor rq .. can you come to my house? Matt has this whole date planned and I have no fucking idea what i want to wear, and since your the fashion icon I wondered if you want to come over” “I’m good too thanks” he says jokingly, you giggle through the phone and before you get to say please, what he already knows you were going to say he says, “but yeah ofcourse I’ll be there in 25 minutes I need to get ready, I just woke up and need to call a Uber.” You could clearly tell he just woke up by the sound of his raspy voice.“Take your time okay?” You say comforting through the phone. “Don’t worry I will”
right after he hangs up you start to pick something he can choose from. A long tight dark blue dress with black heels, or a mini skirt with a black top and a leather jacket and black high boots or a short dark red dress with shoes you are still not sure about. So it’s basically, drive Matt insane, him complementing you or him going even more insane. With that thought slipping into your head you kind of already know what you wanna wear, but maybe Nick had something that would make the outfit better, bc these ones are just a bit plain and boring.
You spend your time waiting for him to come over by eating some pancakes with chocolate syrup that made you think of Matt, and watching the last episode of Ginny and Georgia. When you finally have eaten all of your pancakes and watched until the last minute of your jaw dropping ending from your series you hear the doorbell.
You run to the front door and open it quick, ‘hey Niickk!’ You say very exited. You were always exited when he came around, he always brought some sort of aura with him that would make you feel happy. ‘Hey girrll!’ he says while giving you a hug. You quickly invite him in with a already very excited look on your face. ‘Sooo do you want something to drink or? Oh wait did you have breakfast yet I c’- he interrupts you ‘did you seriously make chocolate syrup pancakes’ he says with a mind blowing look. ‘Yesss why?’ You say with a suspicious look knowing what he’s gonna say already. ‘Okay that just makes me sick to my stomach, I am not gonna ask further’ you start laughing at his disgusted face. ‘But no thank you I’ll grab something from your fridge later.’ He says right after you were done laughing at his face still looking disgusted.
a little while later you wave him to come with you to your bedroom with the paired clothing laying on your bed. ‘Wait I’m gonna grab some Dr Pepper and I’ll be there okay?’ He says with a comforting smile. ‘Yeah sure!’ You are going to your bedroom bringing some light into your still dark room, when Nick bangs into your room with a big music box and entering your bedroom with literal girlboss music. You start laughing so hard you trip over pile of clothes on your bedroom floor. ‘Omg are you okay’ Nick says while stopping the music and laughing even harder looking at your clumsy ass tripping over your clothes. ‘Yes I’m okay’ you say still laughing while you’re now sitting on the pile of clothes.
When you both finally reach the topic of the clothes you are going to wear, Nick already says ‘do whatever you feel like you want to wear.’ You point at the short dark red dress, ‘oh hell yes’ he says while nodding his head. ‘Okay hear me out, what if you put that leather jacket from the other outfit on top of it. And omg with those high black boots’ You gasp ‘oh my god Nick, you actually need to give me advice for my outfits everyday.’ He gives a warm smile. You quickly get the stuff you want to wear and come back from the bathroom. Nick gasps at the sight of his created look on you, ‘oh my god you look fucking amazing’ his face scans your outfit, ‘you look really really good girl!’ You get a little uncomfortable from the amount of compliments you get. You hang out with Nick for a while and you say you were going to get ready. You look kinda nervous, you are a bit unsure about the situation. Obviously not about the date but you just stress a little bit about what he has planned since he left so early. ‘You are going to be fine, that mf loves you forever.’ Nick says when he noticed your worried look, you smile and say thank you, ‘oh yeah also a big big big big thank you for helping me with my outfit and hanging out today, I really enjoyed it!’ You give Nick a big hug and he leaves your home.
You put on your playlist and start getting ready, a soft glam with a little bit of glitter on your eyes, dark red lipstick and lastly some deodorant and Matt’s favorite cologne. You take a full length mirror picture and send it to Nick. He’s online right away and sends you a lot of compliments.
When it’s finally time you put on one time some deodorant and again Matt’s favorite cologne. You put the things you need quickly in a handbag, when you already hear the familiar honk from Matt’s car. You check in a nervous rush if you have everything and run to the front door
Matt’s jaw drops at the sight of you in Nick’s paired outfit. He moves closer and grabs your waist and gives you a passionate kiss on your mouth, he hasn’t said anything yet which makes you nervous until he finally speaks up. ‘You are the most beautiful woman I’ve been laid my eyes on.’ He says while he’s still admiring your outfit and your body in the outfit. ‘Do a spin for me’ he says, you know damn well he just wants to see your ass in the dress but ofcourse you still do your casual spin. His eyes follow the curves of you body and he gives you another kiss on your lips. ‘Are you ready?’ He says with a smile on his face ‘yesss im so excited I’- you couldn’t even finish your sentence when he already grabbed your arm and opened the car door for you. ‘Okay mister fancy pants’ you say with a flirty smile on your face. He shuts the door with a smile when you buckled up, and walked to the drivers seat. He opens the door silently and falls into the drivers seat next to you and gives you another kiss, ‘you look so gorgeous, just like I said on the tiny letter.’ he says with a cute little smile on his face. He starts the car and plays music, he dances, sings and keeps looking at you when a romantic lyric plays. You’ve never see him this excited before, all of your nervousness flows away. You let your boyfriend guide you to the first location of tonight.
You stop at this beautiful fancy restaurant, you look at Matt while he just smiles at your surprised face. He could look at your beautiful face forever. ‘Should we go inside then?’ He says still with the same smile on his face. You are surprised that we are at a restaurant, Matt doesn’t even like restaurants. ‘Matt this is insane isn’t this crazy expensive?’ ‘Y/n I have one rule for tonight’ he says with a suspicious look, ‘you can’t ask questions about the places we are going to go to.’ Wait did he say places? before you can ask a question on what the fuck is happening, he already steps out of the car walks to your side and opens your door, and takes your hand.
When y’all cross the street while holding each other’s hand, you arrive at the probably the most fanciest restaurant you’ve ever seen. You look at Matt and you already catch him looking at you before you open the door and go into the restaurant he gives you another kiss on your lips. You laugh at his now dark red lips, you go into the restaurant, ‘Matt wait imma get you a wet wipe’ you say laughing. ‘Wait what’ he looks confused, he opens his phone to check and his cheeks turn a little red when he realizes. You can’t help but keep laughing when you are on your way getting a wet wipe for Matt’s now dark red lips.
When you return to your boyfriend aggressively wiping his lips not getting it off, you start laughing even more then you did before. ‘You are such a dumbass I knew this was going to happen’ you say giggling. ‘Omg I’m so embarrassed, you just look so good and I’- before you wipe his red lips you give him another kiss. Without you noticing he already has his hands on your waist again.
You finally start wiping the red lipstick from his lips he can’t help but just stare at your lips. ‘I want to kiss you more this night did you have to put on that lipstick?’ He says with a needy tone. ‘I thought you’d like it’ you say with a sarcastic sad face, ‘oh shut up’ he kisses you again what makes you laugh even harder when he realizes.
After you both finally actually got to the point that Matt’s lips weren’t red anymore he took your hand and checks in, ‘yes a table for 2’ he says to the man behind the counter. ‘To what name?’ He asks politely ‘for miss and mr Sturniolo’ he looks at you with a innocent smile, he knows so damn well. ‘Yes come with me please.’ The waiter guides us to the best place in the restaurant you can think of. When the waiter leaves you two alone, you immediately speak up. ‘What the fuck Matt, this is insaaane I love you so much.’ ‘Did you like the fact that I called us mr and miss Sturniolo?’ He gives you a naughty smile. ‘Yes a lot’ you say giggling a little. ‘Good’ he smiles at you in a way you’ve never seen before. You want to ask him about that when the waiter comes to the table. He hands out 2 menus and leaves, you open the menu and your mouth falls open. ‘9 dollars for a Coca Cola is absolutely insane, are you sure you want to eat here?’ You look up to see Matt already lost in the big menu looking for what he’s gonna order. How does he even look pretty when he’s literally looking into a fucking menu. You are not gonna ask him again he already looks so interested, it really warms your heart.
He looks up at you ‘what are going to get’ he asks with a cute smile, you can’t seem to answer its all so expensive and you feel really bad for just asking for a Coca Cola. He sees your frustrated look, ‘hey y/n it’s okay’ he grabs your soft hands. ‘You can get whatever you want I’ll take care of it.’ His hands touching yours is what caught your attention. ‘I feel so bad Matt, how is a steak more then 40 dollars like hello?!’ he squeezes your hands and nods and says the same sentence once again, ‘it’s okay I’ll take care of it.’
a conversation has started when you both ordered and got your food, ‘so what do you think,’ he looks innocent, very curious about what your answer is going to be. ‘I love it so much but I literally feel so bad, why did you randomly make a date night’ you say in a calm tone. ‘I thought it was your time to relax’ you smile at him, ‘it seemed like you really needed it, it is always you who makes the dates and because it was my first one organizing it I wanted to make it special, but I kinda got carried away’ you giggle at the thought of him getting carried away by trying to organize a special night just for you. ‘I’m really lucky to have the most handsome, sweet and caring man infront of me rn.’ ‘I love you so much y/n’ for a minute you are just staring at his beautiful blue eyes, you are convinced he has the prettiest eyes you’ve ever seen. But his look changes when he realizes ‘I have one favor rn, you need to eat your food a little quicker okay?’ You look at him confused but it seemed like he meant it so you did.
You both finished your food and you say thank you again. ‘I’m so beyond grateful for this I love you,’ ‘I love you too baby.’ ‘I’m going to the bathroom rq okay? I’ll be right back.’ While you stand up you can feel Matt staring at your ass, you look back and look at him with a naughty smile.
You arrive at the bathroom and take of your red lipstick, and when you come back your boyfriend is waiting for you right outside the bathroom. ‘I love the way you took of your lipstick’ ‘I took care of everything btw’ he kisses you right away while his hands lock on your waist, you give him another kiss ‘thank you baby but you didn’t have to, I could’ve helped.’ ‘No it’s totally okay’ he smiles at you and you both leave the beautiful restaurant with your hands holding each other tightly.
It’s a beautiful dark night, you are with him in the car again and you can’t help but kiss his perfect pink lips again. Once again you tell him how much you appreciate this night.
You arrive at the most beautiful place ever, it’s one of the places that is your personal favorite at night. The beach, when you already hear the sound of the sea you can’t believe what your hearing. Matt could already tell you knew, he smiles at you, ‘oh my god no fucking way’
Right in front of you is the most gorgeous sea you probably ever seen. This time you almost jump out of the car run around to the other side and take Matt’s hand. ‘My love wait I got some things in the back of the car for us to lay on yk?’ ‘Oh my god this night can’t get any better ahhhhh!’ Matt is now full on laughing at your reaction. ‘What are you laughing at!’ You give Matt a stomp on his shoulder ‘you look so happy it makes me giggle’
You guys are now laying down on a soft blanket with pillows, snacks, soda’s and these cute small beach chairs. You have your head laid down in his lap. A thought slips in your head. ‘Oh my god can we go swim pretty pleeeasse?’ He looks down at you confused ‘we don’t have like swimwear on rn right?’ ‘We have our underwear hellooo?’ Matt agrees and you almost jump from excitement. He loves seeing you happy, and he loved to do everything for it.
You take of your short red dress and large black boots, Matt hasn’t took of his clothes yet he just liked to watch you. You turn around and you realize ‘oh you naughty little boy!’ Before he takes of his clothes you say ‘now I have the same right watching you getting undressed.’ His cheeks turn a little pink from your face scanning his body while he undresses. you walk over to him and go sit down no not on the chairs he bought, on his lap. You lean into the best kiss yet, he lays his hands on your waist and moves you around a bit. You feel a tent growing right under you. You get of him and you bite your lip, ‘can we go swimming now I didn’t took my clothes of for nothing.’ He gives you a sarcastic offended look. ‘You are a little meanie, you know that right.’ You giggle seeing him in such a needy way.
You take his hand and you two run into the water, you kiss him right away and you guys just keep laughing and kissing for a while. ‘I’m not kidding this is probably the best night I’ve had in my entire life’ Matt’s has the biggest smile ever on his face, ‘not gonna lie I love this night also so much.’ And once again you laid your lips on his lips again.
After a while you both agreed to get out of the water you dry off and get back in the car with everything packed up again. ‘You can grab my hoodie I have one laid in the back’ he says while you pack up the last things in the back the car. ‘Okay thank you baby,’ ‘I probably have a combo in there so maybe there are sweatpants to have no idea.’ ‘I’ll go look thank you ml!’ You kind of yell bc Matt is already waiting for you in the drivers seat.
You are almost home when you realize you don’t go into the right streets, ‘wait what are you doing? These aren’t the streets you need to go to?’ Matt turns his head to you and just smiles ‘were going to my house.’ ‘Oh my god no way!’ Your smile only grows wider and wider this evening.
You arrive at his place and again jump out of the car from excitement. You run to Matt’s side and hug him really tight, ‘I love you sosososo much’ ‘I love you more sweetheart!’ He grabs the stuff from the beach and just lays it down in the garage. ‘I can take that upstairs if you want it i’- ‘no need to baby, I’ll tell Chris to clean it.’ He gives you a kiss and takes you upstairs to the living room where Nick and Chris are watching E.T. once again. ‘Hi guuuys!’ ‘Hi y/n!’ Chris and Nick say at the same time. ‘How did your date go?’ Chris asks ‘omg I need to tell you guys everything!’ You walk over to the couch and tell Nick and Chris to swoop so you could sit right in between them. Matt walks over to get some snacks and watches you tell everything about the amazing night he worked so hard on to organize. Meanwhile Nick looks over to look at Matt and smiles at him and gives him a thumbs up. ‘That’s so amazing!’ Nick says while Chris just keeps on asking about it. ‘Alright dude, can I take her now’ Matt says ‘she’s all yours bro’ Chris says. ‘Bye guuuyss have fun watching E.T.!!’
You walk down the hallway with Matt and he opens the door, ‘wait what?’ Your eyes are wide open by another surprise waiting in his bedroom. ‘Oh my god no fucking way!’ You walk into his room with his bed covered in snacks and soda’s once again. On his night stands are laying down different kinds of sheet face masks.
‘I guess we’re trying them on then’ Matt says you still stand next to him with your jaw wide open. Matt giggles a bit and gives you a little kiss on your cheek, ‘you deserved this’ you finally put your jaws together look at Matt and give him a big hug and a kiss on his lips.
‘So do you want to put on the tiger sheet mask on or should I?’ Matt looks at you but you are already holding up a pug mask ‘oh my god this is the one!’ Matt’s jaw drops ‘no way I brought a pug one..’ you start laughing ‘I bet you know you did.’ ‘No seriously I’- you give him another kiss to shut him up and pull the pug mask out of the plastic. ‘Ew it’s all wet’ Matt looks at the mask with a disgusted face, ‘duh that’s the whole point of it dumbass!’ You start giggling and help Matt put his mask on. ‘I think I’m going to go for a clay mask.’ You say jokingly. ‘No fucking way, you are also going to put a animal on your face. I ain’t going to be the only one!’ ‘I was just joking bae.’ You start almost crying laughing at his face when he realizes how dumb he sounded. Nick and Chris bursted into the room, ‘WHAT THE FUCK!’ Nick yells, he immediately pulls out his phone and takes a picture of Matt. ‘DUDE ARE YOU SERIOUS.’ ‘This is definitely going on the photodumb this Friday!’ Chris gives you a wink and they leave the room. ‘I hate those stupid mfs.’ ‘No you don’t.’ You started giggling at his mad face. ‘Come’ you give him a passionate kiss, ‘I love you so much my love.’ ‘I love you more baby.’
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Sorry the end is a bit confusing but I couldn’t find a right time to end the story and I loved writing this one so I kept on writing hehe🥳
@042502 @mattsfavbitchhh @mattttypooh @mattspolitank @mattsgf @matts-k1tten @slutz4sturniolos @hollandsangel @hoeformatt @h3arts4harry @hoesformatt @strawberrysturniolo @sturniolonmc @sturnioz @sturniololvrrr @sturnslcver @stuniolvs @sturnizolo @sturniololoverr @sturniolo @sturnioloshacker @chris-slut @chrissv4mp @chrisshotdog @chrissfawn @sturnzwrld @sturnzyolo @sturnzsblog @sturnzluv @sturnzluv @sturnzsun @sturnsbaby @sturnsdoll @sturnsblunt @sturnsstars
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starkdirewolflove · 3 months
House of the Dragon
Well that’s Otto’s plans for ruling through Aegon up in smoke. Though seriously did he think berating, insulting and infantilising the king was gonna do him any favours? Aegon was stupid to kill all the rat catchers and hang their bodies at the gates but Otto overstepped and didn’t take into account that his grandson is devastated by his son’s murder. Now Criston Cole is the new Hand of the king as a reward for plotting Rhaenyra’s murder.
I can see a bond of trust forming with Rhaenyra and Mysaria. Mysaria seemed pleasantly surprised that Rhaenyra would honour Daemon’s promise to free her and she was giving her passage on a ship to Myr. And on the way to the ship Mysaria spotted the imposter twin Ser Arryk. I’m sure she got back to the castle in time to warn Ser Erryk about his brother. Timely save by Erryk and a brutal fight between the twins. Rhaenyra was able to send her handmaiden out to get help from Ser Lorent but they couldn’t tell the twins apart. In the end Erryk won the fight and killed his brother but then immediately killed himself because he couldn’t live with the guilt.
Otto and Alicent are still plotting together, he’s lamenting Aegon making Cole the Hand and him having no purpose in Kingslanding so he wants to head back to Oldtown and take Alicent since she has another son there (Daeron exists in the show yay) that they can use. Alicent seems to think all is not lost since her lover is hand of the king and Aegon is still “malleable” so she thinks Otto should go to Highgarden and win the Tyrell’s over. She tries to confess her “sin” about her affair but Otto doesn’t want to hear it (I think he already knows).
When Alicent went into Aegon’s room and saw him crying in front of the fireplace I really thought she would go over and comfort him but instead she just walked away and went back to her room where Ser Criston was waiting for her. She then takes her anger out on him and they have hate sex to close the episode. What the fuck Alicent?! Like her whole thing is she is so pious and loves her family but she couldn’t even hug her grieving son when he was crying his eyes out? No wonder Aemond goes to an older woman at the brothel for comfort and consolation. I don’t even think it’s about the sex for him, he wants a mother figure to give him affection and comfort even if it’s not real because it’s paid for. And poor Helaena was completely ignored by everyone after they used her and her dead son as a public spectacle when she didn’t want to do any of it.
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