#this would be my spidersona
movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Miguel after meeting and interviewing the 69th Spidersona that is just another drawn out weed joke:
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spoopdeedoop · 1 year
haven’t done lmk content in like a solid two weeks that’s got to be unhealthy for me
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amevdw · 4 months
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pbnmj · 1 year
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i deserve a spider-woman nepal..... miles doesn't have to be the only teen spider with a terrible bisexual mentor (enter my own sketches of the world's most annoying spiderperson, who i fling towards pavitr, complete with a design that's subject to change)
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theswordwizard · 1 year
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professional race car driver spidersona. is also the first spidey to have a successful sponsorship deal.
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kabutoden · 6 months
if aradia's death was just in-character for a long roleplay, what's the deal with tavros and terezi's disabilities? did vriska have anything to do with them?
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She Did Do Those Things. vriska no!!!!!!
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emichevy · 1 year
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Just some Noir and Spidersona sketches :3
Nothing bad happens to them at all.
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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Introducing: The Adventures of Spider-Reel and Vinpool #1 - A collection of doodles and concept art for my friend Kaths Spidersona Spider-Reel and my very own deadpoolsona (deadsona? sonapool??) Vinpool :)
More info on them under the cut because i love all the ideas kath and me came up with:
Spider-Reel: In a universe where streaming services didn't kill the video rental business, after being bitten by a radioactive spider while changing out the film reel in a projector at their monthly secret cinema screenings of LGBTQ films, Spider-Reel begins their career as wise cracking and movie recommending protector of the city! Fighting not only cinematic villains but also the replacement of practical effects with awful looking CGI, bad working conditions and everything union-opposed in the film industry.
their appearance is an homage to old movies, sepia colored and flickering (as well as having the iconic burned in cue marks appearing from time to time) and you can always hear a projector running in the background when they are near. they also are animated slightly faster, to give the sort of old silent movie vibe of being shot with fewer frames but played at normal speed
Vinpool: their real origin story is not know to many, especially since it seems to be vins mission to have as many contradicting stories out there as possible. I'm not even gonna tell you the real one since it's pretty unremarkable. Basically if you know Wade, you know Vin. Except for when you don't! Hope that helps <3 Anyway, vinpool keeps everything pretty close to their chest and coats it in a thick layer of jokes and being puposfully annoying, cus we all know it hurts less to be called annoying when you are playing a character than when you are being genuine!
Spider-Reel & Vinpool: Together they host the annual "Golden-Spider" festival, where various CCTV Footage taken on the Spider Societies Premise gets nominated in different categories. The only one officially refusing to participate in this harmless little fun day activity is miguel of course, but lyla gladly accepts any award in his name
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puppylovesart · 2 months
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silver silk my beloved!! really gotta draw her again at some point, spidersonas are really good for posing practice
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spyderschaos · 6 months
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Me when I make art of a ship i made up so it therefore has no fandom
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hyperbali · 1 year
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Two months and way too busy schedule later--
Nikita McRae, the one and only Spider-Brite of Earth-44728! They go through a little bit of an upheaval in joining the Society, and they've been running missions for several months by the time the Spot starts becoming an issue.
While their own 'canon events' have been... pretty dark, and they're missing a rather significant one that leaves their own status in flux, they do their best to keep upbeat and help their fellow Spiders as much as they can!
They also constantly get asked if they're secretly a Mary Jane but that's neither here nor there!
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MORE Cute Spider Society Headcanons: Extracurriculars and Sports
Another list of headcanons I have about Spider Society and what it's like on campus. This time - Music, Sports, The Society Newspaper, and other fun things to do on campus
Heads-up: There's light mentions of Spidersonas below - including my own lovely Disco-Spider Diane. All creators tagged at the end
[This post has a lot of links in thise - ALL lead to other tumblr posts. Most of them explain callback jokes, additional headcanons, or the information about the Spider-person being named. All the Spider-people mentioned here are free-to-use headcanons, unless otherwise named. Those who are actual Spider-sonas that my Spider-sona knows - their first names maybe used, or their sona introduction will be linked. Basically if their normal name isn't given and/or theres no link, have at it]
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The Spider Music Scene goes CRAZZZYY
Thought it was just Hobie?
Of course not! There's MetroSpider too
In fact there's a whole wide range of accompanying 'Spider-*music genre*'
There's Spider-Goth who plays gothic death metal, DiscoSpider who plays funky pop, Spider-Grunge into 90's garage grunge, RrrriotSpiderrr who plays Riot Girl Grunge
There's even SpiderSync
Which is NYSNC. But they're all Spider-people. Like Justin Timberlake as Spider-man. They roam as a group
That's because Metro isn't the only celebrity Spidey either -
There's SpiderB, which is just Beyonce but a Spider-person. Britney Spiders, which is Britney Spears but a Spider-person. Doja-Spider, Doja Cat. You get the gist.
Like imagine being in the Spider Society campus food court and turning around to see BEYONCE
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And she's like 'yes.. It's me'
and it's literally just like the normal Beyonce with albums and everything excepts shes also Spiderwoman
And gay. And has a rapper wife named Jane-Z
Every year there's a collaborative album from all the musical Spiders
Called 'The Yearbook'
A lot of the songs are about the direct struggle or experience of being Spider-people
With some really good party songs thrown in for the Spider-raves
Hobie and Gwen's band Wicked Webs appears on the album, along with any Spider who plays an instrument.
If your spidersona can carry a tune, they're on it.
You can buy the album at the Commissary.
The first week at campus EVERYbody is playing it. In the common rooms or the food court or training rooms -
They'll just play this album that's by Spider-people for Spider-people
If your spidersona starts singing ANY part of a 'Yearbook' song some without a doubt will respond with the next lyric. everybody knows the words
Spidey people really treat Hobie like a rockstar - and a lot of them go to his concerts
It's kinda a huge unspoken thing on campus that a LOT of people are willing to break rank and head to 136 without permission, just to see Hobie on Saturday nights.
Even people who don't hang with Hobie or don't necessarily know the real him
They still go cause his shows are THE PLACE to be.
Spider-people pour into his tiny venues in London, all out of uniform, and they mingle with the punks in the crowd while Hobie goes Miguel Mode on stage
It's a place where they can all drink (if over 18) and party (any age, Hobie gotchu ur safe with him) and enjoy themselves
And as a result, Hobie is a HIT with people from his universe
They know that Hobie's shows are always lit and full of cool people you'll never see anywhere else
The after-parties are CRAZY (party on all six walls), and it's really common for Spider-friends to link up and head to each others universes after the show - getting into their own shenanigans
There's MANY times Ansi, Asa, Hobie, and Diane have gotten themself into some shit while lit after one of Hobie's shows
And every Monday people are talking about what they get into after the show, the crazy stuff that popped off in the after-parties
MetroSpider, Pavi, Diane, Hobie, & Margo throw the BEST parties
Miguel knows about this, and he lets it slide - for the sake of morale (and not causing a riot if he banned it)
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There's an international Spider community on campus
You thought Spiderman India and Spider-UK was it? NO
Spider-Canada and Hobie are other noticeable ones , but there's more!
There's the Peruvian 'IncaSpider' named Moche, a Paris born SpiderFrance, a SpanishSpider, SpiderItaly
A Mahayana Buddhist ThaiSpider, VietSpider, Spiderwoman Brazil. The list goes ON AND ON.
There's a large group of Indigenous Spider-people
Some Spider-people are even born in countries that don't exist in most universes or live in universes that live in countries that USE to exist
My favorite international Spider-person is the Australia Spider-person who is simply named Australian Spider
People constantly joke they're no dangerous than the average Australian Spider
And there's also a Spider Olympics!
And the events are DESIGNED for superhumans
Diving from buildings into swimming pools, Track meets where people are running at like 80mph, Web Gymnastics, Contact Sports
Ice Hockey gets REAL intense - and of course SpiderCanada is a team captain
As does Roller Derby. Wanna see superhumans fucking WRECKING each other? Go watch Spider-Derby, the players have derby names that play off their own Spider-names. So it's like a triple identity.
And once a year, they all throw down - and even if you aren't THE Spider of your nation, you can still participate if you want -
Like Hobie can enter for Britain but he'd rather die than do anything for that country
It's the one place you can compete and fully push your spider powers without danger - plus it's with your friends
They do give out medals. But it's mainly bragging rights.
Pavi earned his first gold medal in the diving portion for India only three months after his bite. Which is a record for The Society
However the Spider-person with the highest number of medals is Lego-Spider-man. I don't know how.
Sports are HUGGGEEEE on campus I cannot stress this enough
Everyone knows The Society LOVES baseball (shoutout @theevoh12)
But they also love football too (European - not American)
The Society also has TWO soccer teams that constantly play against each other
They play 4 wall soccer in which the field extends the length of a room, up the walls, and across the ceiling - leaving two walls for spectators. This is usually just called 4wFootball or 4WF
This is played with extended rules - and a modified ball that can stick and roll along walls
MANY people on Society backs one of the teams.
And before a game there WILL be arguments without a doubt
You DO NOT insult someones 4WF
You can get team jerseys in the Commissary
WebSlinger Patrick O'Hara is Captain on one team. No, the horse does not play
(I want a jersey with Patrick's 4wFootball number)
Imagine being a Spider Society Athlete and seeing other superhumans wearing your jersey and giving you thumbs up - WHOLESOME
Games can be played 'Plain' or 'Full'
A 'plain' game of 4wFootBall uses basic spider abilities such as speed, strength, and reaction time - however special abilities are not allowed
A 'full' game of 4wFootBall uses basic spider abilities as well special abilities and passive tactics. If Mile wants to go invisible in a 'full' game - that's permissible
Miguel's venom is NOT however. Can't be paralyzing other players. Abilities that effect the other players are off limits, so no electro powers
'Plain' games are played out-of-suits, in team uniform
'Full' games are played in-suits, with the team uniform over it
Betting on teams and players is against the rules
But also Lyla runs an underground betting system and fantasy 4wfootball league. Don't tell Miguel.
There's other activities with solo athletes, and like Hobie being a famous rockstar on campus - there are star athletes too
Tennis is a huge one. Volleyball too. With an extra long field.
The serves, spikes, and hits can be genuinely dangerous. They're managing swings and hits that can top out at like 110 mph (just above the world's fastest baseball pitch)
But because everyone are Spider-people, its fairly easy to follow in real-time
Star-Spiders are usually tennis players, gymnasts, weightlifters, and track stars, but there's a couple others too.
Pavi is a star gymnast, swimmer, AND A 4WFOOTBALL PLAYER - he goes REALLY hard at extracurriculars
(And he's surprisingly competitive. Like insanely competitive. Pavi will scream at the top of his lungs cause he scored a goal. He loses a game and as soon as they end the game he wants to practice cause he HAS to win next time)
The boy is a perfectionist.
One thing that's SO annoying is Venom Evaluation Checks
If you come in acting weird, too bold, or uncharacteristically agressive - You get sent to Spider-psyche so they can make sure you don't have venom.
Not my fault. Raimi-Peter (from the Raimi movies) pulled up to HQ one day in all black and started dancing all weird and saying cringy shit like 'Now dig on this'
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And Jess was immediately like "Yeah, no. We're not digging on anything, sir."
There's a newspaper you can write for
Spider-Scrawl is the Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Web who is a GREAT boss by the way
And it's a MUCH better gig than working at The Bugle
So if your spidersona has worked for Jonah - submit a resume, you might get a call
Theres things like a Canon Event Advice Column, which Diane writes for
A news section that details the Craziest News across the multiverse
If your Doc Ock pulls some crazy shit and turns into a giant octopus - oh yeah thats going Front Page. Everyone on campus knows and you get to gloat about fighting a giant octopus
There's a Debate Section that updates with hot topics that only exist between Spider-people like:
'Is it okay to genetically replicate another Spider-persons organic webbing so you can recreate it for your mechanical webslingers?'
'Masks: Hair out or No? Spider-man India and DiscoSpider weigh in'
'Is the Go-Home machine ethical?'
'What's Miguel's favorite flavor of empanada?'
As you can imagine, these coversations across campus can get REALLY heated
There's a lot of entertainment
Yes, there's a movie theatre on campus. They play movies from across the Spider-verse, and they're a GREAT way to see versions of films you know - but different.
Watch GhostBusters except it's from WebSlinger's world and everyone is cowboys and they catch the ghosts with lassos
Other hits are shown on the big screen too
Barbie was a HUGE hit on campus. People coming in with pink outfits OVER their suits
And it's really cheap in terms of credits
So people like Gwen who started out living on campus, or who are apart of the Educational Study Program have nice things to do in their off-time
And, The Food Court is THE BEST
You think they only have empanadas - think AGAIN
Every culture, every time period. Even weird ass food that you wouldn't even want but is a staple in other universes.
They even have a FISH N CHIPS SHOP (Malala loves it there)
So Hobie can get his nasty ass beans on toast without leaving HQ
The Food Court is almost as big as the Training Wing, and there are so many places indoor and out to eat lunch
And it doesn't stop there -
There's a store (based on credits not money) and a general kitchen.
(As well as separate kitchens in each dorm wing)
You know how in SpyKids they have those meals that like GROW to full size in the microwave???
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Missing McDonalds or a specific chain? - Just go to the Grocery in HQ and get a capsulized happy meal.
It grows to fill size in the expanders in the kitchen
Just pick the meal, put it in the expander, dip your ID card, and BOOM
Olive Garden with breadsticks on the side, Waffle House Waffles, McDonalds WITH international food options
Plus the grocery is fully automated by Lyla so you don't have to talk to people if you don't want to
But she will see all the nutter butters and pringles you pick up and she will judge you for it - it's between you and her but she's judging you
Miguel wants members to actually like the place he made
Because he finds no point in having unhappy, unsupported, unstable Spider-people out in the field -
He wants them at their happiest and healthiest so he tries his best
And he hardly partakes in any of this, but to him that's fine. It's not suppose to be for him.
He does enjoy seeing a full food court or walking by the training rooms and hear all the sessions going on
Hearing people talk about the new movie on campus
And sometimes you can even catch him humming a song from 'The Yearbook'
Imagine how smug Hobie was when he went 'bruv - are you tapping out my guitar notes rn?? you thinking about my song?'
Miguel can never live it down
Miguel DOES follow 4WFootball though -
He is actually one of the coaches for 4WFootball - he's a GREAT coach. Hardheaded ass fuck sometime but GOD he loves the Spider's on his team they're his favorites but he tries not to show it
And finally -
Yes there's a nursery and kindergarten on campus, specialized for Spider-kids regardless of if they have powers.
Peter doesn't let MayDay run free (all the time). MayDay attends the Itsy Bitsy Spider Daycare, and so will Jess's child
Sometimes while walking around HQ, you'll see little toddlers in single-file lines, holding lunch boxes as they follow Spider-Teacher on a field trip to another universe - to learn about the wonders of the multiverse
Their favorite trip is to WebSlinger's world, all the kids get to be cowboys and Patrick shows them ponies and lets them feed his horse Widow
There's a breakroom for people the multiple Spider-Teachers, Spider-Professors (Educational Program), Spider-Psyches, Spider-coaches, the list goes on and on
(Though Society Administration like Jess, Ben Reilly, and yes - Hobie (don't ask how hes just that good) have a separate breakroom from the educators and coaches and such )
And those breakrooms are funny as HELL It's like the Office back there.
This is really long :) Here's a photo of Hobie
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ALSO ALSO ALSO : All the people, OCs, and other things I mentioned -
Ansi - by @spidey-bie Asa - by @suchholydebauchery Disco-Spider Diane - by ME @theevoh12's amazing baseball concept Spider-Scrawl by @whaliiwatching
Thanks for making HQ so rad!!
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spoopdeedoop · 1 year
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finally did a ref-shaped thing for my spidersona/oc
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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Spiderphim by @ultrainfinitepit meeting Spiderfan(my somewhat jokier spidersona) for Artfight! I think they could be good friends aaahah!
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cosmicdorito · 1 year
i heard a cover of lets go to bed by the cure on tiktok once but i didnt realise it was a cover until they started singing and i said out loud "thats not robert smith" anyway my spidersona lou (lucretia/lugosi) doesnt fight villains she either falls in love with them or takes them along to her goth club
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+ just spot (borrowing the coat and accessorites from lou) under the cut
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andstuffsketches · 1 year
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[Drawing of a Spider-sona, "Orb Weaver". They are a person with pale skin and short, curly red hair. They are sitting in a wheelchair that is gray with gold wheels, with two versions: "normal" mode (see below), with a manual wheelchair, and "super" mode (see above), where the wheels have separated into pieces and unfolded into spider legs. In super mode, the wheelchair also has a tall "thorax" back made of teal hard light, and more hard light screens Orb Weaver is tapping at. The back of the chair has a zig-zag shaped "signal" coming out the top, mimicking the shape of orb weaver spider webs. Small signals come out of fly-like drones as well. Orb Weaver is wearing a yellow suit with black gloves and boots, a gray torso, and zippers down the sides of the shirt. There is gold accents and their face is uncovered, with big Spider-man glasses.]
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@coldwind-shiningstars's Spider-sona, Orb Weaver! They work from the shadows with their technological skills! 🕸️
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