#this' been in my head for months
brucenorris007 · 1 year
I’m tentatively in the camp that thinks a lot of Mobians are skeptical or outright disbelieving of the fact that Knuckles is an echidna, barring the main cast. That said, I also like to think about the possibility of a number of adventures or subplots just flat out... not kicking off, or at least kicking off very differently, because the would-be antagonist or antagonist-adjacent takes one look at Knuckles and says “Nope.”
For example...
Conna stole across the plaza and plastered his back to the hospital’s wall. Keeping to the shadows was second nature to him by this point. Swift and silent, he scaled the wall until he perched just outside the southeastern third-story window.
The clan had sent a message once through the crocodile, but Espio had yet to respond. Someone had judged that the chameleon needed a reminder.
He slowly slid the window open; perched himself on the sill. 
He only heard the steady breathing of sleep and a faint buzzing; Espio had thrown in with a bee along with the one called Vector. Just a kid from what Conna recalled. He almost felt the slightest iota guilty–not that he’d let it keep him from doing his job.
The only light source in the room save the ambient moonlight were the hallway bulbs artificial rays coming through a plexiglass window in the door; footsteps told him someone was about to walk past. He eased his weight forward, dropping one foot down in time with the passersby briefly blocking out the light coming from the entrance.
Conna froze.
His hackles jumped.
His instincts blared.
A chill seized his spine.
Someone saw him.
Muscles locked, one foot hovering less than an inch off the floor, he swept his eyes over the room; he didn’t even dare move his head.
His gaze locked with another’s.
Sitting in a chair directly in the path of the filtered light, someone watched him; the kid strewn across their lap, positioned twice as many paces from the patient bed as Conna was from the window.
Dreadlocks. Spiked knuckles. Short snout.
And red.
Conna stared. Purple pupils stared back; piercing, unflinching, daring.
Conna’s foot retracted to the sill.
The window slowly slid back down again.
He fell like a stone into the nearest bush.
He gasped; remembered how to breathe.
And bolted.
‘That was an echidna.’
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kaogens · 5 months
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zaahvi · 3 months
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soranker · 6 months
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my girlfriend
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saeiken · 6 months
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:O ..brothers...
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kanejbr3kker · 2 months
Does anyone else just sit and think about the fact that Six of Crows is literally the perfect book?
Like, we have a morally grey character who's actually morally grey and has a real reason to push people away other than "once I killed someone in self defense, so I'm a terrible person and we can't be together." And every other character has a super fleshed out backstory as well, including real world problems that don't usually get talked about in fantasy books.
There's just as heavy an emphasis on platonic love as romantic love, instead of "I can fix him", it's "he can fix himself", there's a gay couple that's actually happy and not suffering every five pages, and all of the gay characters have personality traits outside of the fact that they're gay.
And speaking of the romance, it's so not rushed or sexualized. No one even kisses in the first book, but it's still so obvious how much they love each other. Each couple has such a different dynamic, and the way their pasts mirror each other? Perfection. (I also firmly believe that Kanej is the best couple in all of YA prove me wrong)
And then the diversity??? 3/7 of the lead characters are POCs, 4/7 are queer, 3 have disabilities, 2 have addictions, 2 have PTSD, 2 are religious, one was raised in a cult, and it's not one of those books that has diverse characters just for the sake of being diverse!
The plot is so unique, especially among fantasy books, and despite the fact that there's so many moving parts, there is not a single plot hole. And the CK auction scene will forever be one of the best end of series climaxes I have ever read.
So basically I don't get why other authors even try anymore cause I'm sorry but no matter how great their books are, it's not going to be Six of Crows.
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crowleyanthonys · 5 months
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Eww, I'm crossing you out.
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b1ttersweet-dreams · 8 months
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ok ive decided - fuck it, v4v be upon ye this is my blog i do whatever i want around here additional v2 (& a bit of v1) sketches under cut bc well. favorite character
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pencagil · 6 months
humbly contributing to the subgenre of spirk edits to mitski songs
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feyburner · 1 year
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He was WORRIED !!
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broresteia · 2 months
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canucks and hughes
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ashipiko · 18 days
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lenakluthor · 2 months
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southfarthing · 4 days
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@lotrweek day 6: songs and tales
stories we tell will cast their spell
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artianwen · 10 months
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You're in "the good place".
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ssruis · 4 months
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No ❤️
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