#this. this will be earned. just. yknow. eventually.
leonardalphachurch · 8 months
do you all want to read an incredibly out of context excerpt for a fic that will probably not get written for. let’s just say a while.
“I’m bisexual and Church is dying.”
“Uh, yeah.” Wash placed hand on his shoulder. “That just about sums it up.”
“Right.” Tucker replied. “Great.”
They sat like that for a moment, awkwardly perched at Wash’s breakfast bar. Eventually, Tucker started again. He sucked on his teeth, not sure how to say what he needed to say. But he needed to say it anyway.
“Kai asked me something that I… didn’t know how to answer.”
“I get that I’m like… processing things or whatever. Coming to terms with- with all my bullshit I’ve been repressing. But why now? Why at the same time? Y’know?” Tucker looked down at his hands, as if they’d somehow give him the answers to his questions. Or, at the very least, give him the strength to ask what he was going to ask next.
“What does Church dying have to do with me being bi?”
Wash stared at him for a moment, lips pursed, as if he was considering his next words carefully. When he finally spoke, it was soft and slow, like every word he said could be the one to break Tucker. “Do you… really need me to answer that question?”
And maybe they did break Tucker.
Because no, Tucker did not need Wash to answer that question. He knew the answer. He’d known it since the day Caboose had told him—
Tucker sighed and put his head in hands.
“I think we got it wrong, Wash.”
“Got what wrong?”
“It’s not that I’m bisexual and Church is dying.” Tucker leaned back on his chair, precociously balanced on its back two legs. One wrong move and the whole thing would collapse.
“It’s that I’m bisexual and Church is dead.”
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wonysugar · 8 months
keep talking | aeri uchinaga
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synopsis : your best friend, aeri, was on tour with her fellow aespa members. she missed you a whole lot though, so you guys get on call and she asks you to talk about your day, to ramble, and to just keep on talking<3
pairing : idol!giselle x fem!reader
genre : best friends to fwb, phone call, smut!!
tags : phone sex, giselle is pretty subby in this, so yknow reader is kinda dommy, long distance, bffs to fwb, fingering, clit rubbing, dirty talk, you talk her through it ehehehe, aeri is still an aespa member, they’re on tour, and aeri has practice later help, what a bummer :((
warning : none just horny smut lol
word count : around 1.2k
a/n: this has been in my drafts since july,,, SO sorry,, but anyways i hope you enjoy this :] thank you
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“a-s-a-p, babyy, hurry up, don’t be lazyy”
you heard the ringtone from your cellphone, immediately jumping on your bed from excitement as you quickly accepted the anticipated call, not even bothering to read the contact name. you’ve been planning to call her ever since she’s left the country, but she’s just been so endlessly busy recently, you couldn’t help but miss her.
immediately greeted by the voice of your best friend, aeri, a playful “heyyyy.” is what came out of your speaker.
“heyyyyy.” you sang back just as playfully, earning a giggle from her. “how is it in the uk? you having fun?” you ask, occupying your fingers by twirling and playing with your hair as she hummed. her and her band, aespa, were currently on tour. today, they landed in london, and were now getting ready for their concert tomorrow.
“it’s fun!! we landed only a few hours ago but i’m already loving the city so farrr. i went grocery shopping with ning earlier and, it was like.. so fun for no reason??” she told you, you could visualize her smile just from the way she spoke. “it would be so much more fun if you were here though, y/n..” she added, now probably pouting.
you chucked, “it’s okay, aeriii. it’s not like we’re completely separated, we have each other’s number. worst case scenario, we text a couple of times in a day.”
“but it’s not the sameee.” she whined, “seeing your best friend in person and seeing them through a screen is not the same thing at all.”
you tried reassuring her that the tour wasn’t gonna last that long, and that you both were gonna hang out as soon as it was over. she eventually agreed and shrugged the feeling off, asking about your day and how you’ve been.
“to be honest, it’s also been kinda lonely without you so i’ve just been at home in my freetime, sometimes going on walks. though i should say! listening to your music while i’m at work does help, like girl.. that shit gets me so hyped up like m-m-mamba-“ you rambled on and on, confident that she was listening to everything you were saying due to the responsive mhms she let out.
they progressively became less frequent, however, and then, at some point, they just completely stopped. you started worrying, wondering if the signal was gone or something..
“you there?” you ask.
“h-huh? y-yeah i’m still here.” she replied with a slightly shaky voice.
that didn’t sound very convincing.. was she feeling okay? before you could ask, a small noise escaped her lips. a noise that sounded like… a whimper. a whimper that was trying to held back.
“you know, we can call some other time if you don’t feel too well right no-“
“fuck y/n please don’t hang up… keep talking about whatever i don’t care but just.. please k-keep talking. i’m sorry, i’m listening i p-promise.” she interrupted in such a desperate voice, kinda whining in the process as she was breathing heavily into the mic.
you were dumbfounded. this was all so strange.. was she in danger or something? why would she ask you to just keep talking if she was, though? you just sat there for a moment, silent, a confused look plastered on your face.
until it clicked. oh.
the heavy panting.. the shake in her voice.. begging for you to keep talking.. the slight whimpering??? your stomach pleasantly twisted at the thought, was she actually..?
a smirk began to form.
“aeri..” you pause, contemplating actually asking the question. then,
“are you touching yourself right now?”
no response, just a desperate sigh. she was probably trying to think of an excuse. oh that poor girl. “oh my god you totally are.” you said, feeling like teasing her some more.
“i’m sorry y/n, i - fuck - i just missed you so- mmh..so much i couldn’t help it i’m sorry-.” she whined out.. you were imagining the look she had on her face right now, head probably buried in the pillow.
yet in another whiny voice, “this was a bad i-idea i have practice later and.. fuckfuckfuck-“ is what comes out of her mouth, almost inaudible due to how quiet she was being, careful as to not let the other members next door overhear.
you couldn’t lie, you weren’t expecting her to act like this. she never would say kinky shit to you directly, let alone do it in your company. you guys were close, so you talked about sexual things sometimes, but it was all in good fun. having her masturbate on a call got you unexpectedly and indescribably turned on.
“fuck practice aeri, describe what you’re doing.” you asked, getting undeniably hornier by every small noise she let out.
she exhaled, “i’m - ah - fingering m-myself..”
you slowly unbuttoned your jeans as you were listening to her response, “with how many fingers?” you add.
“t-two..” she panted yet again, your hand already getting into your panties and closer to your cunt.
“are you imagining they’re mine?” you spread apart your pussy lips, gently rubbing on your folds, feeling how wet you already were from her. you exhaled from relief.
she whimpered and squirmed at your words, knowing her, she was most definitely feeling embarrassed right now. then, she let out a needy mhm in response to your question as she was pumping her fingers in and out of herself.
“words, baby.” you added.
“fuck y/n - yes i am..” she quietly moaned out.
“good girl.” you praise, earning a cute little whimper from her. fuck, you couldn’t help it, hearing her pretty moans and knowing that she was touching herself to your voice made you lose it.
you inserted your own fingers into your aroused cunt, letting out a sigh of relief as you were finally doing something about the pool that was growing in between your legs ever since you figured out that your best friend was masturbating to your voice. holy shit, not even the greatest porno ever made could get you this aroused.
then, you heard a chuckle from the other side of the line. “d-did i get you horny?” she teased.
“no shit you did.” you shakily confessed as you could hear her quietly moan, “you sound so good.” you added.
“fuuck i wish i was there with you right now.” she confessed back, her voice obviously still very shaky.
“what would you - mmh - do if y-you were?” you wanted her to explain every little detail, to ramble on and on about what she was thinking of right now.
she slowed down on the fingering, as if it was really going to maximize her thinking, “w-well.. for starters..
i’d probably pin down you on the bed.. get on top of you and m-make out with you, slowly letting my - god - hands roam your entire body as i move my mouth further down. feeling the pressure from your knee in between my thighs..”
her voice started getting shakier while your cunt got just as wet hearing her describe the scene, god you needed to see her face, you needed to see how she was probably squirming at the sensation, how desperate she was getting just from imagining all of it. you needed to see it for yourself.
“aeri.” you shakily let out.
before she could even choke out a response,
“can you get on facetime?”
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technofantasia · 2 years
One of my absolute favorite parts of golden wind is the singularly horrible outfits that the main characters wear, but not just the fact that they're terrible, no no. Sure, they all look like they got dressed with their eyes closed in a boutique for clowns, but the REAL kicker is that they did not always dress in this way??
We see the characters' backstories. We see how they used to look. And almost ALL of them USED TO WEAR NORMAL PEOPLE CLOTHES!!! Why? Why the sudden shift to kitchen sink fashion?? And, of course, there are layers to this, too.
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Like. Giorno is his own whole can of worms, concerning exactly what happened between middle and high school. Sure, there's the whole hair color change thing which I refuse to acknowledge the canonical reason behind, but whatever, I can ignore that. Why suddenly decide on that hairstyle? That wardrobe? Especially considering that in every other way he's not exactly the flamboyant, attention-grabbing type... The only explanation I can think of would be, I don't know, he just happens to have a surprisingly eclectic fashion sense and high school was the first time he was able to be on his own away from home to indulge it. First opportunity to show off his individuality and he went whole hog with it, I could see that. Yeah sure you go giogio!! have as many heart shaped boob windows and ladybug brooches as you like
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Abbacchio, too. It looks like he mostly dressed normal for his job, but the second he left, he transitioned to his current look? Either that’s just his usual taste or his emotional crisis led him to an emo makeover. Or both. In either case, I suppose that’s valid and I support him. His weird eggshell hat is the only part of his outfit that’s really that out there anyway
But the others??
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Narancia. Mista. Fucking Fugo. They all dressed at least mostly normally right up until they joined Passione, at which point they switched on a dime to looking Like That. Sure, some aesthetic preferences seemed to carry over, like Narancia’s boyish style, Fugo’s suit pattern, and Mista’s navel window + crisscross pattern + hat. But they still used to wear, yknow. People clothes. So... Why??? What on EARTH happened???
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Strangely enough, Bucciarati looks like he’s ALWAYS dressed Like That. Same hair style, same colors, same patterns... Given how much everyone else’s backstory outfits clashed with their eventual outfit choices, it’s almost weirder to see that Bucciarati clearly has clothing and style preferences that match up from past to present.
So. I can’t help but wonder.
Did... did the others just assume that, since Bucciarati (and maybe also Abbacchio) dressed Like That, that was just The Mafia Style??? The Style Of Clothing That Mafia People Wear???? So, in order to integrate themselves into Passione, they’d have to start dressing Like That too??????
Actually. Given that all the members of La Squadra and Polpo and the boss’s personal guard and the boss himself ALSO dress Like That... fuck, i don’t know, maybe they were right and that IS just The Mafia Style!! The fact it also happens to align with Bucciarati’s/Abbacchio’s/Giorno’s personal fashion sense might just be a coincidence!!! Who knows!!! Who cares!!!
Where do you even go to BUY clothing like that??? Are there special, under-the-counter sections of clothing stores that specially cater to Badcore fashion for mafia members??? Do the designers earn a special commission for designing clothes no sane person would wear that fit as uncomfortably as humanly possible??? Didn't they say at some point that mafia members try to dress inconspicuously to blend in???? RISOTTO IS LITERALLY JUST WEARING A JESTER HAT WHAT KIND OF CIRCUS IS THIS
But yeah so the logistics of part 5′s character designs drive me insane and I love it
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demilypyro · 1 year
Yknow, deciding to transition was bigger than just changing how I look or what my documents say. I’d been unhappy since I was a child, but I’d always held on to the hope that I’d become happy later. One day, I told myself, I’d get used to my body, and then I’d find a well-paying job, and a wife, and start a family, and then maybe I’d finally feel better... Deciding to transition was like I was giving up on all of that.
I no longer have the future I was planning for. There is no future for me as a well-mannered young man working his ass off in some tech company. And what future I do have... is entirely unclear. For the moment, I’m self-employed, having somehow managed to earn a living off my internet content. For the moment, I have no real interest in romance, let alone a family. For the moment, I’m mostly interested in exploring my hobbies and expanding my social circle.
Having become a young adult as a woman rather than a man, the path before me feels more unclear than ever. But I also feel it holds more potential for joy than that vague hope for eventually feeling okay ever did. More ways to express myself, perhaps. Maybe figuring out who I am doesn’t stop at just my gender. I don’t know exactly what this feeling is.
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jessicas-pi · 5 months
Ok so continuing on from this slightly bonkers ramble, I give you: More Spur-Of-The-Moment Thoughts About The Bo And The Blueberry AU.
(for clarity, i'm splitting this up into rebels-era and mandoverse-era..)
Due to the bad experiences he'd been through on the streets, Ezra was nonverbal for a long time. During his stay on Krownest, he would spend hours painting with Alrich and Sabine, because it made him feel heard even if he couldn't find the words to speak.
Bo-Katan said the adoption vows to Ezra on an impulse. She had just told him that she hadn't been able to save his parents, and he had started to cry. She had never thought of adopting him as her own son, but she changed her mind in that moment and never looked back.
Korkie and Ezra are cousins, but Korkie is honestly closer to an older-brother figure to him. Korkie was very interested in the Jedi when he was young, so he has the knowledge to help teach Ezra about the Force, and how to control and hide his powers. (When Ezra eventually gets the Darksaber, Korkie is his second-most vocal supporter. Bo-Katan is the only one who has him beat.)
When Ezra is about eight, Bo-Katan decides he does need some Jedi training, more than she and Korkie can provide, and sets out to find herself a Jedi who can teach this kid. She ends up on Gorse just in time to plummet headfirst into the plot of A New Dawn. Kanan, upon finding out what she wants, refuses to train Ezra. Bo-Katan is not so easily deterred. She makes a game out of finding Kanan and Hera, helping out on a mission, and then delicately pointing out just how many times she's saved their butts and they really owe her one and yknow Ezra could really use some Jedi lessons...
When Ezra is ten, Maul kidnaps him. Bo-Katan seeks out Kanan again--she knows she can't stop Maul on her own.
In this AU, Kanan defeats Maul, but Bo-Katan is the one to strike the killing blow. She may not be a Jedi, she may not have the Force, but she's a Mandalorian mom. Nobody hurts her boy and lives to tell the tale.
After his kidnapping, Ezra struggles with the Dark side, which gives Kanan the final push he needs to train Ezra. Ezra's recovery is difficult, but he pulls through and is brighter than ever.
Due to Kanan and Ezra training together, connections begin to form between the Mandalorian Resistance and the outside rebellion. By the time Ezra is a teenager, the two groups are cooperating fully.
Bo-Katan knows who Fulcrum is--she recognized the symbol as Ahsoka's face-marking.
Ezra built his first lightsaber with a kyber crystal he found in the Living Waters.
Ezra is much healthier, due to not having to scavenge for his food for most of his childhood. He hit a growth spurt when he was thirteen, shortly before he went to the Imperial Academy and reunited with Sabine. She says she's taller. He says they're the same height. They refuse to measure themselves together and settle it because they're both secretly afraid they're wrong. This is an ongoing argument for the next ten years.
Ezra and Sabine were both really surprised to meet each other at the Academy. I have a funny mental image in my head of them both taking off their helmets at the same time, doing a double take, and then just *spider-man pointing meme* "YOU!"
He was worried for a while that she would turn him in, either as a Force-sensitive or as a spy, but she eventually gave him a vaguely-worded hint that she was keeping his secrets for him.
Sabine still has a big falling-out with her family, but this time, since the Duchess was never used, it's more about the machine's creation itself (and Sabine's decision to run away to the Imperial Academy.) She ends up joining the Spectres for a little while before Hera convinces her to reconcile with her mother. Afterwards, Sabine (and her family) end up joining in with the Mandalorian Resisance.
Korkie, Ezra, Sabine, and Tristan earn the title of Gremlin Squad. Leia is an honorary member as well. Korkie is a lot older than them, but he has enough chaos energy to fit right in.
Ezra and Sabine spend about a year apart during their late teens. By the time they meet again, Ezra has started pulling his hair back. Sabine thanks the Force that she managed to handle the reunion normally because for the first minute and a half there was nothing in her brain except oh no ponytail hot
Thrawn is still purgilled, but since Ezra is a Mandalorian and has a jetpack, he's able to fly out of the window and doesn't get yoinked into the unknown with Thrawn.
So, Mandoverse events take place about five years sooner than in canon. this is solely for the purpose of giving ezra a Chaotic 23 Year Old Who May Not Have His Life Figured Out But By Golly He Has A Laser Sword vibe.
(I've figured some more stuff out, so bear with me because I've changed up the part about Din's introduction from what I said yesterday.)
Luke has also become an honorary member of the Gremlin Squad at this point. He and Ezra met up and discussed their Jedi training. Ezra meets Ben Solo at some point too. He recognizes in the child the same Dark influences that Ezra himself went through after Maul took him, and helps the boy pull through. Ben never Falls, thus averting the events of the sequel trilogy. Luke is secretly a little jealous that Ben thinks his honorary uncle Ezra is cooler than his actual uncle Luke, to which Ezra says, "Aliit ori'shya tal'din."
With Luke's help, the Gremlin Squad becomes the Official Jedi Search-And-Rescue Club. They go looking for more Jedi survivors and invite them to Luke's Jedi school on Mandalore. (Cal and Merrin are some of the first to show up.)
This search for Jedi ends up leading Ezra and Tristan to the planet Arvala-7... mere days after Din Djarin has already retrieved Grogu (AKA the Jedi they were looking for.)
(Din is there early because Moff Gideon's inability to take over Mandalore has moved up the timeline on some other events.)
(Also, Moff Gideon still has the Darksaber, but in this AU, he didn't get it from Bo-Katan, since Bo never got it from Sabine, because Sabine never went to Dathomir, because the events of Visions and Voices never happened. Instead, Gideon got it from Morgan Elsbeth, who took it from Maul's creepy cave and passed it on to him so he could. like. flex on the mandalorians or something idk.)
Ezra and Tristan track Din, because they're worried about Grogu. They constantly follow him for, like, basically 1 1/2 seasons of The Mandalorian. They're always just slightly behind and keep showing up a tiny bit too late to get mixed up in Plot Events.
When Bo-Katan offers to bring Din and Grogu to her Jedi Mandalorian son, Din is not expecting to see one of the two Mandalorians who have been following him constantly. The misunderstanding takes a bit of explaining to clear up.
Oh yeah also. Ezra's response to Bo telling him that she insulted Din to his face when they first met was "Oh, so you're into him?" It was a joke, but the more he saw of the two of them together, the more he started to wonder if there might actually be something there.
When Grogu gets kidnapped, the (official) members of the Gremlin Squad join in the rescue.
After winning the Darksaber and reluctantly agreeing to be Mand'alor, Ezra decides not to live in the palace in Sundari. Mandalore is a dead planet, and a Jedi needs to live with the living. He sets up as Mand'alor on Kalevala, under Bo-Katan's guidance.
Sabine is Ezra's official advisor and Korkie is his PR guy, but Korkie is the one with actual good advice and Sabine is kind of a miracle worker for PR (when she tries. which is not often.) Bo points out that it would make sense to switch their titles, but Ezra thrives on chaos and so he refuses.
Ezra refuses to sit on his Mand'alor Throne in any remotely normal or dignified way. He slouches. He lounges. He sprawls. He sits upside-down. He does one-handed handstands. He and Korkie and Tristan all squeeze together and sit on the throne in identical sets of armor to mess with people. Ezra's Throne Antics are a source of constant exasperation for Bo.
Speaking of the throne, Sabine has claimed the armrest as her official Mand'alor Advisor seat. She thinks sitting there makes her look cool. and yknow what? She's right. It does make her look cool.
Oh yeah, also, nobody knows that Sabine is Ezra's advisor. She wears a plain set of armor, keeps her helmet on, and goes by an alias. This disguise is supposedly for security purposes, but it's actually to keep herself out of the gossip holomagazines. She gets enough attention just as acquaintances with Ezra... imagine what would happen if the press found out she was the one lounging on the armrest of his Mand'alor Throne!
Sabine is also Ezra's bodyguard. She volunteered enthusiastically and kind of begged for the position. Sabine takes a maniacal delight in ferreting out assassination attempts and turning the hunters into the hunted, so to speak. It's like if Kevin McCallister was homicidal.
The first time a Mandalorian clan leader proposes marriage to Ezra, Tristan laughs so hard he falls out of his chair.
I have to leave for work now, but I'll probably ramble some more tonight!
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possibilistfanfiction · 4 months
do you have any funny or cute details about Bea(or avatrice) in your butch Bea universe that you haven't share yet?
(I'm definitely re-reading some of it to fight against this bad day I'm having)
hello i’m sry this is late! work has been busy 😵‍💫 i hope ur day improved or at least there’s been some better days since 🫶
hmm well bea is good at like… every outdoors activity she tries — she’s coordinated & strong & focused, so once she gets the body mechanics down she’s like. above average to Excellent fairly quickly. surfing, trail running, backcountry hiking, bouldering, trad climbing, skiing, etc. i am lazy & put them in socal since i am in socal lmao but for the majority of the year california really is just outdoor enthusiast paradise.
she started trying stuff bc ava was gone & she was so sad & when her cool friends from surfing were planning a trip to climb in joshua tree or some ppl she met on the pct were driving up to mammoth for an end of the season ski, it was all better to be moving outside in grief than it was to sit at home in an empty house.
i think that maybe she worries, when she’s alone surfing or on a long run along the cliffs, even just bouldering at the gym with her airpods in instead of hanging out w friends who are there — maybe she worries that ava would be disappointed in her, that this isn’t what ava meant by ‘live your life’ — quiet streams & long car rides into the piney forest in a practical small suv, listening to a podcast about architecture. it seems small, to be in the wild — the ocean, the woods, the mountains, the desert — & not grand; at least, she feels small. she worries ava wanted her to feel big.
but then ava comes back & bea has been keeping a list of all the places to show ava, all the things to do with her, the movement & the air that kept her just on this edge of sane. & of course ava is delighted by it all — the kid who cried on the beach when she saw stars? absolutely in love with the waves & the wind in the trees & the sunset on a big hammock on a hot night in the desert in the summer. it makes sense to ava & it is what she meant — settling into the texture of a life.
it’s good to feel small sometimes, yknow? she tells bea, when they’re eating sandwiches a few miles into a hike on the lost coast — ava refuses to camp, so they’re meeting friends later on. it’s good to feel small in a world that’s so big.
they make s’mores that night with their friends & it’s dark & beautiful; the sand & the sea & the sky are all wine-dark & quiet-loud; there are so many stars. it’s rainy & cold in the bay the next day & they sleep in & eat ramen & don’t leave their hotel room all day (ava’s request; if he had to hike ten miles he earned it tenfold). bea worried that a slow day might seem small too, but ava sinks into it just like everything else: rest & softness.
eventually bea gets more used to it, & better at letting it happen. in recovery from top surgery, the worst part is not being able to get outside for a while — but ava drives them both to the mountains & they sit on the balcony together while it snows. when ava can’t move as well, they sit in the warm sand by the beach & bea puts her hand on the small of her back when they walk in the cool surf. eventually bea’s shown ava every place she ached & then there’s the rest of the world left to explore.
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sparkytheandroid · 1 year
Hey sorry to get your attention like that, kind of a scummy move but bare with me a few moments. I’m the other person who made 50% Off, Sparky the Android, I also voiced Haru and Rin and some other small things. People usually just call me PJ now cause I don’t really make content anymore. Speaking of content Alex, Octopimp, decided he was going to make some new 50% Off content this past week and I would just like to explain some things as to why this is a real legitimate slap in the face to me personally. I want to stress that I was not sexually abused, physically abused, or in any major danger in my long creative partnership with Alex, he was just a scumbag who acted like an asshole and treated me really poorly over the course of the show forcing me to eventually quit. I was willing to just walk away from this stuff. Close the door, yknow? Get some closure but Alex seems intent on opening it by posting new 50% off content without talking to me about it first in any capacity. I have not spoken to Alex in several years but I was and always have been an equal creative factor in 50% Off, so him releasing new content without me feels especially insulting.   Alex came to me ten years ago asking if I would be interested in making an abridged series at the time because I had a background writing comedy and went to school for film. This was under the pretense of an equal partnership. We’re both funny, I’m a good writer and a decent voice actor, Alex is a decent writer and a good voice actor. He bought me my first voice acting microphone and we set to work developing the show with me refining a lot of our ideas into actual scripts to read from. As the series progressed I started taking on the larger writing work and Alex the larger editing work. Episodes went from 4 minute goofs (the original concept) to more longform almost 20 minute episodes at a time where characters had their own throughlines and stories progressing. It was a large task for the two of us, especially the difficulty of editing for Alex specifically. I don’t want any of this to seem like I did all the work, or that I never fought with or insulted Alex because that’s far from my point. Both of us were supposed to be partners but Alex consistently treated the show as SOLELY his in increasing amounts. I had to ask him to stop saying things like “I sign your paychecks.” or to stop insulting me in videos when he would add in insults against me without talking to me about it first. I can take an insult! I wrote some content insults about Alex too! But I was always up front and he would slip his insults in, or little jokes that were not in my scripts, without ever talking to me about them I would see them in the video premiers. He consistently minimized my involvement, I had to argue with him to get my name on the end slate, I wrote the theme rap, I wrote 90% of the material, I wrote our dumb tshirt commercials, the show is unequivocally so much of MY VOICE and I was begging to get a little more limelight or recognition. Alex took guest appearances at cons without talking to me. We did a panel at anime expo where HE was the guest and when I asked him about a badge to get into the con he informed me that he was giving the other pass to his girlfriend at the time. And while he did end up purchasing me a new badge to try and make good, just the act of not thinking that that badge should have been mine was so insulting. When we went to funimation he consistently bore it down on me that i was LUCKY that he flew me out so we could go to Funimation even though he would not be going in the first place without my scripts and voice. He made content without talking to me. He kept me at arms length in an arrangement that was supposed to be equal and I never spoke about it publicly because even a small amount of internet fame warped my little idiot brain and I wanted to keep being famous and cool on the internet. 
I never saw our official earnings numbers or even had access to the channel and took it on blind faith that I was being fair. When I quit the show because it was seriously becoming a real detriment to my mental health I walked away from any earnings the show would make after. 
It sucked. It sucked because I wanted to make more of the show. I wanted to finish season one. I promised people I would. It sucked because for some of it I was having fun! I was going to voice actor parties and people were paying attention to me. Selfishly I thought I could right the ship and turn it into a real career but I know that was never really an option. And it sucked because Alex and I WERE friends. I did some of my best material with him. Times hanging out with him where he was a genuine person were great. And I tried so many things! I realized arguing with him wasn't working so I figured it must be my fault. I tried being more supportive of him, supporting his streams, cheering him on at game tournaments, etc. But he just kept using me and the people around him to further his career. I just couldn’t take it anymore and I took the only ownership I really could and I walked away. The show stopped and, I’m sorry to the people who loved it, I think it should have stayed stopped. Nagisa is a fuckin racist caricature, one I actively contributed too regardless of the actions I took to make Nagisa smarter, more artistic, less of a one note joke about drugs and crime. Hell his final speech about how he felt about fetishizing MLM content at the time was feelings I WAS HAVING as a person coming to real terms with their queer identity. Alex is not a queer person! I am! I gave that speech to Alex to perform. I gave him MY VOICE. But it's still a racist caricature rooted in the past that is my fault for perpetuating.  
And again I’m not an angel. I argued with Alex a lot and said a lot of mean things to his face. Some stuff I regret because I’ve spent the time after the show specifically not shoving myself down another pipeline of making online content. The attention makes me stupid and I act like a jerk! I made mistakes while doing 50% Off and I’m sure I’ve hurt people too. I’m sorry to anyone who crossed my path when I was hopped up on stupid internet fame. You met one of the worst versions of me and it was my own doing. I’m sorry to Alex even for some of the stuff I said. But Alex leveraged his position of power over me as an excuse to treat me like shit. I’m in a good place in my life and I just wanted to shut the door on all this but Alex is intent on opening it after all these years and STILL minimizing my contributions. Saying things like “I just don't have the time/resources to make full episodes anymore.” He can’t make full episodes anymore because he would have to replace my voice in them but more than that replace my entire writing style. I was willing to let him upload a short like w/e its 2023 like whatever right? Tell your joke dude I don’t care. Then he posted another acting like he was going to do even more new 50% Off stuff and a close friend spoke with him saying it wasn't a good idea and he agreed. Then he posted them on youtube! And is saying stuff like this to people in the comments.
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Like implying that the only reason he can't continue to produce 50% Off in full is because he doesn’t have the energy or schedule. He can’t continue because it would be continuing without me and I know deep down he KNOWS he shouldn’t. I don’t want any fucking clout or want you to watch any of my content because I don’t MAKE any. I wasn't sexually assaulted or physically abused. Alex was just a huge dick to me and a lot of my friends and we all just let it slide for all of our own personal reasons. Hell I was content just walking away the way I did, making the split seem amicable so there wasn’t a bunch of drama, letting the show stay up, and still field questions for people curious about it. I took my gdrive with every script i ever wrote for the show and just closed the door. I’m just tired after all these years of this guy actively ignoring my involvement in the show that is partially responsible for his internet fame. Tired of him pulling this bullshit “uwu i would love to make more but i just can't!” attitude to lie about why he can't actually make more. Tired of him opening that fucking door. 
A few years ago Alex got in contact with me through a friend with an apology. At the time he sent it many streamers were facing backlash for how they treated people in the past, ones closer to Alex, so this seemed suspiciously timed. The apology I got sounded like every other apology Alex had given me over the years. A lot of avoiding his own culpability in his actions. I told him that if we were to resume being friends it would take a lot. I think anyone who makes the effort deserves the chance to be redeemed, but I had absolutely zero trust in him and thought it was unlikely that he really wanted to make an effort to be a real friend to me. After that we resumed not speaking and when people asked me about him I still tried to make our split seem at least somewhat amicable and I try to generally avoid projects he is involved in. 
Imagine my surprise when he walked out on that Jerma stream. 
I want to thank everybody who watched 50% Off honestly and truly. I think some of it still shines as some of my best work. I got to do a lot of cool things like have my voice in a real anime, and I met tons of people who cared about me and my role in the show specifically. Those people were like life preservers while I felt like I was sinking in Alex’s shadow. It’s undeniably cool to have people respond to your work so well and I know I wouldn't have seen that happen without Alex’s skills as an entertainer and producer. Alex has hurt me personally as a friend, as a business partner, and has hurt several of my other friends in various ways with his behavior. The way I felt on 50% Off became truly harmful to my mental state. I struggle personally with imposter syndrome and RSD and at the time of making the show I had gone through very little therapy to help me develop healthy coping mechanisms for those things. It was just like pouring gasoline into a fire. And I really wanted to put it all behind me for the sake of my own mental health and life because all things considered I’m happy where I am now. I’ve worked really hard on myself personally and have been so lucky to have emotionally intelligent friends help me and give me so many chances I should not have deserved. I’m fortunate to be able to support myself and my cat, and I get to make personal art I love without having to push myself into the internet game because if I’m being honest I had a bad addiction to social media. I apologize I don’t have a nice resolution for you, I’m not asking you to stop watching 50% Off, or watch anything I make, or hell even stop watching Alex’s personal content. I just felt like I had this intense pit in my stomach seeing him parade around in the other half of our two person horse costume and insist he’s wearing the whole thing. Yknow? After all these years I just wanted to say SOMETHING about the way I was really treated so I could finally get some closure for myself. Thank you for your time and again to all the people who DID support the show thank you sincerely. 
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pencil-peach · 8 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 1
This is the second part of a project where I try my best to document and discuss all of the (relatively important) text that appears on monitors and screens in G Witch. Cause I can.
<< Click here to see the one I did on the Prologue
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ooOOooohhh beneath the cut lie the HORRORS....
Just to give you an idea of how needlessly hard they went on the monitor text, when Suletta is rescuing Miorine, she mentions that she's almost out of oxygen, and then, when she brings her into Aerial's cockpit, on her helmet, you can faintly see text displaying the amount of oxygen.
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And THEN, when she starts talking to Miorine, the text on her helmet changes AGAIN to display that the comm link has been established
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Well clearly they did it cause they knew my stupid ass would eventually document it. Anyway, let us begin.
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TEXT: I am a HARO. You can ask me anything! (The only text on the icons I can make out are MAP and SCHOOL, unfortunately.)
This is the HARO navigation bot Suletta meets when first coming to Asticassia, and we know that it's Haro Navigation System Ver. 3.0! If that's something that interests you....
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Not much of note, it's just a hologram of a mobile craft. Exciting if you like mobile crafts. (I like mobile crafts)
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When the Docks containing the Demi Trainers are locked, the display says LOCKED. When they're in use, the display says IN OPERATION.
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The Battle Display for the first duel we see in the show, and from this we can see that Guel currently stands undefeated with 26 wins! Double digits! No wonder he's the ace pilot at Asticassia...too bad he's a dick.
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This is the graph that's shown during the Benerit Group board meeting, detailing the earnings of the groups members for the current period.
Interestingly, the 3 highest earners are: Peil Technologies - 8000 Grassley Defense Systems - 8100 Jeturk Heavy Machinery - 8300
So, funnily enough, at the beginning of the story, Jeturk Heavy Machinery is actually the most successful company within the group. It explains why Vim Jeturk felt so comfortable in his plot to assassinate Delling, and goes to show how quickly he fell from the top position after Guel lost to Suletta all those times.
Fun Fact by the way, Prospera's first appearance in the show proper is during this meeting.
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She seems kind of annoyed about something.
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We don't see it very often, but during a duel, a display stating the win condition of the duel is broadcast for the benefit of the spectators.
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When Miorine boards Aerial for the duel, we get a look at its system control menu.
We also get a brief look at the Weapon Selection Sub-Menu
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I think a lot of the main settings are interesting (what the hell is "Identification Friend?") but what's really interesting to me is that Aerial's Gundbits don't seem to be selectable via the Weapon Menu.
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We also get a brief glimpse at the Red Dilanza's control menu.
No idea what I'm looking at, to be totally honest, but yknow. It's nice!
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When Suletta intrudes into the duel and gets back in Aerial, we see that it has an emergency button (seemingly somewhere on its foot) that opens the cockpit.
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When Suletta headbutts Miorine and they start arguing about Aerial, Aerial's comms system gets set to OUTERCOM mode, which explains why everyone outside of Aerial can hear the argument.
This could have been done by accident when Suletta headbutted Miorine, but I like to believe that Eri herself did this on purpose.
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Just so it isn't left unsaid, Aerial's Permet ID is XVX-016, and when a combatant in a duel is the Holder, the Holder Symbol is displayed on their Duel Card.
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When Suletta is telling Miorine about her mother's motto, the GUND-Bits appear on the monitor and come online as Aerial 'speaks.' This, combined with the fact that the GUND-Bits aren't accessible via the Weapon Select menu, implied all the way back in episode one that it's Eri who controls them. Although interestingly, it seems that, internally, the GUND-Bits are referred to as GUNBITS.
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I obviously won't transcribe the two pages of this book, but the book El4n is reading here is actually The World as Will and Representation by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. We actually see its title in a later episode, and the main ideas present in this work are extremely important when it comes to understanding El4n's character. But that's a story for another post.
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I always thought it was a little funny how the transferring of the holder title was just like, an option on their phones and not an automatic process.
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Thank you to @the-eeveekins for pointing out that Aerial is currently running SYS Ver E.S (Ericht Samaya) as opposed to 2.0 in the Lfrith!
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I didn't even notice!! That's crazy!!! Thank you so much!
Also I realize I should probably point out that we see that Nika's ID is LM236 in this photo. She never duels so there's never a moment where she says it out loud.
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And that's all for episode 1! Not too much super interesting, but there's still a lot to see and think about if you're paying attention! (Like, why does Aerial have a Cockpit Voice Recorder at all, actually? We know that Suletta often talks with Aerial in the cockpit about personal stuff so...you don't think that....Prospera....?)
Click here to go to Episode 2! >>
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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aokoaoi · 1 year
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◗ pairing's :: ao'nung x fem!reader.
◗ warning's :: avatar the way of water spoilers. mentions of death. mentions of murder. lazy writingD:. grammar/spelling errors.
◗author's note :: only one post today, sorry everyone! i got busy earlier about school, and only had time to write this night<\3.
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Your ears twitched at the sound of knuckles knocking against the marui pod, and your family immediately turned to the source of the sound. You looked up to see Ao'nung leaning over the entrance, his torso showing but his body hidden behind your home.
Rotxo peeks behind his friends shoulder, giving a shy look as he immediately covers back when he saw your parents scary gazes. You tilted your head at them slightly, glancing at your parents to see their reactions.
Ao'nung gestures for you, but you hesitantly stood up. You looked at your mother for permission, ears drooping against your hair as you were scared what she would think. Fortunately, she grants you permission to speak to the boy.
Hastily standing up, you walked to his direction. Looking at him expectantly, brows raised as you awaited his words. Rotxo shows himself from behind the boy, giving you a silly smile.
"What is it?" You questioned, giving a wary glance at your family. Your father shakes his head with a sigh, and your two brothers looked at you with a look of disbelief.
"Rotxo and i are gonna take a swim in the reef, do you wanna come?" He responds to your question, noticing your cautious glancing to your family. You slightly winced at his question, shaking your head.
"No, not today unfortunately. I'm grounded." You pursed your lips into a thin line, seemingly upset that you had to get reminded of that fact. Ao'nung let's out a sound of realization, nodding his head understandingly.
"But you didn't do anything." Rotxo perked up, slightly frowning. You only shrugged at his words, "Big sister responsibilities, yknow?"
"Maybe next time? When you're not grounded?" Ao'nung asks again, hopeful of your answer. You paused for a while, thinking about his offer. Eventually, you agreed.
"Alright. But any more trouble, and you two probably won't see me ever again." The two nodded their head timidly at your words. Rotxo definitely didn't want you to be in trouble again.
You bob your head at them slightly, "Now scram," You wave them off, shooing them away. Ao'nung waves at you, while Rotxo was.. being his usual silly self. "Don't miss us too much!" The short boy yelled, earning a smack from the back of the head by Ao'nung.
You snickered at their duality, returning back inside your families marui. You sit back down next to your mother, helping her with the stuff she said she doesn't need helping. Lo'ak suddenly shoves himself near you, looking at you with wide eyes.
"You and Ao'nung? What has gotten into you?" He slightly hissed through his teeth. You gave him a warning glare, feeling embarrassed as your mother was just beside you.
"Did he brainwash you..? Oh no, my poor sister." He cooes, shaking his head.
"Shut it, Lo'ak." You shoved him away, leaving him toppling over Kiri as she yelped in annoyance. You watched as Kiri scolds the poor boy from disturbing her time with Tuktirey, while the boy desperately tried to defend himself.
"New friend?" Your mother perked up, catching your attention. You only hummed as an agreement to her words, and she looked at you suspiciously.
"He's a friend, mama." You whined, leaning against her as she slightly grins at your words. "You remind me a lot about myself when i was just eighteen.. and that was when i met your father." She striked back, looking down at you as you continued to let out embarrassed noises.
"Don't." You pouted, looking at her with upset puppy eyes.
"I also used to hate your father." She continued, leaving you to deal with her torture. Your father from the side only shake his head, displeased by the scene as Lo'ak beside him was also agreeing this his father's distaste.
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"My spirit sister, and her baby have been murdered by the sky people!" You watched as Ronal yell out the death of her spirit sister with glistening eyes, a hand coming to your mouth.
Neteyam keeps you close to him as he looked around the area, seeing the metkayina clan lift up their spears while they let out yelps of fierce cries.
"This war has come to us. We knew about this hunting of our tulkun people, but it was over the horizon, far away." The Olo'eyktan thumps his spear on the ground, "Now, it is here!" He fiercely announced.
The clan let's out vicious growls as they did the pukana. Your heart beats against your chest at the words of the Olo'eyktan. You have seen what those demons can do, as they have set your clans entire home on fire, you can vividly remember the memory as it was engraved into your brain ever since.
"You've gotta understand how the sky people think!," your father immediately steps in, catching the rest of the clans attention, as well as yours. "They don't care about the great balance."
A Metkayina man let's out an outraged yell, but you were too focused on your father to properly understand what he said.
"Listen— listen to him!" Neteyam grits out, his brows furrowed.
"The sky people are not gonna stop," Your father puts his hands up slightly, looking eyes wide at the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk in front of him. "This is only the beginning. You gotta tell your Tulkun's to leave!" He points at the ocean, "You gotta tell them to go far away!"
The Tsahìk looks at him furiously. "Leave?," She starts, "You live among us, and you learned nothing!" She huffed. Your ears twitched at her words, and you hear another Metkayina man yell out.
"We will fight to protect our brothers and sisters!" He voiced out, raising his spear as he thumbs a fist on his chest. "No, no, no! If you attack. If you fight. Then they will destroy you!" Your father intervened.
"They will destroy everything that you love!"
The clan let's out yelps of cries at his words, fueling the fierce fire in them even farther. Your ears silenced the sound around you as your eyes scanned the people surrounding you. It was horrible to see that this fight has reached the people who didn't have anything to do with it, and now someone has to suffer because of the humans actions.
You truly felt devastated for the outcomes. You wished this wasn't what your father's intentions would result. You wished that those demons would just leave your precious pandora alone. You thought your family would be safe here, away from the forest.
But no. Those demons always have a way to come crawling right back.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt the device used on the Tulkun leave your hand. You snapped your attention back to the scene, watching as your father now stood at the center, the device being raised up high. The crowd was silenced by his actions, watching as he spun it around to let everyone see.
"You tell the Tulkun's, that of they're hit by one of these, they are marked for death." He sighed. "Saving their lives, that's all that matters. Right?" His voice slightly breaks, and you see Tsireya slowly and slight nod at your father's words.
"Saving your family." He rasps. The clan stays silent as they thought at your father's words. The Olo'eyktan turns around to face his mate, Ronal. She breathes in deeply, holding her mate's arm with both her hands as he stands up to where your father stood.
"Tell the Tulkun." He states. Ronal sighs, looking at the clan. "Go. Go!" She rushes them.
You watched as Neteyam was distracted by something, but then he immediately leaves your side. Your hand slipped off his hold as he walked away, catching you off guard. "Neteyam—?" You follow him.
Your eyes moved in front of him, and you see as Lo'ak was running away. Finally catching up to what your brother was doing, you stayed silent and decided to follow him.
Lo'ak does a double take as he catches the sight of Neteyam, but then was even more caught off guard when you showed yourself from behind the tall boy. "No way you're going anywhere, baby brother." Neteyam calls out, walking towards the boy.
"I have to warn Payakan about the pingers(?)"
Neteyam waves a hand, gesturing it as a way of refusing. "No. You've got to keep your skxawng ass here." Neteyam responds.
"He's outcast, there's no other way to warn him but me." Lo'ak stands his point, really wanting to warn his bonded Tulkun. Neteyam was now looming over the younger boy, obviously also gonna talk about more.
"Bro," he placed a hand on top of Lo'ak's head before continuing, "Why do you have to make things so hard?" He slightly teased. Lo'ak shoved the boys hand away, triggered by his words.
You stood slightly behind Neteyam as you silently watched the scene, but your attention was on the stubborn young boy.
"No," here he goes. "You mean why can't I be the perfect son like you." Lo'ak spat back. Neteyam pursed his lips, his ears twitching as he nods his head, slightly stepping away. You glared as Lo'ak as the words came out of his mouth.
Your hiss fell on to deaf ears as he continued to speak of your brother. "Well I'm not you! Okay?" Lo'ak steps back as Neteyam nears him as the words escaped his mouth. Neteyam glared at his brother, "I'm not you. He's my brother, I'm going." He says one last time before taking his leave.
You glanced at Neteyam, feeling slightly guilty for your brother as you couldn't do anything to stop Lo'ak. Even though his words weren't directed at you, you felt awful for the way he treats his older brother.
At the corner of your eye, you see three individuals nearing you and your two brothers. You see Tsireya call out for your brother, hoisting herself up onto the woven mats. Lo'ak pulls his hand away from Neteyam's hold, glancing at the three who've just arrived before he dives into the water.
"Lo'ak! Fucking idiot—" You cussed out, srunching your nose as you tucked for your Ilu, whistling as you see her swim under the woven material. As you see her reveal herself, you dived down into the water, holding the handle as you heard more splashing from behind you.
Your Ilu swims out of the water as you tried to steady your breathing, and you see Kiri at the corner of your eye. "Sister!" Tuktirey exclaimed from behind Kiri. Your harshly flicked your hair off your cheek as it was stuck, glancing behind you as you saw Neteyam.
"Lo'ak's going to find Payakan." He says before diving back down, inhaling sharply. You glanced at Kiri unsurely, but before you went back down you looked at Tuktirey. "Don't bring Tuk."
You didn't hear her respond as you already dove into the water, following close to Neteyam as he was the one to see where Lo'ak was going.
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You watched as Lo'ak tried to pull out the beeping device from a short distance, your older brother jumping onto the Tulkun's back as he tried to help. You fidgeted as you watched a boat nearing your group and the Tulkun, your breathing turning ragged as you were nervous of what's going to happen.
"Hurry, you two!" You hissed nervously, jumping onto the Tulkun's back as well to help. "Don't move it around like that! Pull it out, dont—" You let out an annoyed groan as Lo'ak stopped attempting to pull the beeping device.
"Lo'ak, call dad. Call dad!" Neteyam rushed the boy. Lo'ak nods his head, rushing further up Payakan's back as he pressed on the throat comms around his neck. You pressed on your the earpiece, looking at Lo'ak as you listened into their conversation.
Your eyes wandered at the boat. You tail wraps itself around your leg as you bit your lip. You watched as Ao'nung wraps a rope around the device, watching your brother as he was wrapping the other end around his ilu. The Ilu starts swimming forward, and you crouched down at the device, holding it roughly.
"Together! Pull it together at the count of three!" You yelled to catch their attention. They all nod at you, gripping the device tightly with their hands as Tsireya used her feet. "One, two, three, pull—!"
Rotxo let's out a rough yell as you grunted, bumping into Ao'nung as the device was finally pulled out. You swim to your Ilu, gesturing at her to follow the rest of the group as you were behind them.
You all settled into the tall, thick leaves of the waters, looking up at the boats above the water. Your eyes catches the sight of submarines in the water, and you turned at the group, signing then to swim off.
You tightly held on your Ilu's handle, trying to avoid the submarines gaining on your tails. You raised your arm in front of your face as the leaves start hitting your body, looking in front of you. Swiftly turning your Ilu to avoid the crab submarine that was in front of your group, barely dodging the robotic arm reaching at your Ilu.
Ditching your Ilu, you weakly attempted to stray away the crab that was chasing you, hiding into one of the big leaves until your reached a large pod that had a pocket for you to breath into. You hear another splash behind you, making you turn as you saw Ao'nung.
Letting out a breath of relief, you outstretched an arm at his cheek as you tried to steady your breathing. "Are you alright?" You questioned. The boy only nods, gulping water that went into his mouth at your actions.
You both tried to catch your breath in silence as you observed the lights around you, raising your legs up in case they could see it from underwater.
"Your sister— Tuktirey, Lo'ak, and Tsireya was captured." Ao'nung speaks up after catching his breath. Your ears twitched at his words, snapping your attention at him. "Where are they?"
He only shrugged at your question, and you let out a frustrated sound. You looked down in the water, and as if Ao'nung read your mind, he tried to intervene.
"Don't go."
"They're my siblings, Ao'nung. I have to fight." He shakes his head at your words, practically glaring at you for wanting to save your siblings. "Don't step in for the adults. It's dangerous for you out there." He grits out, grasping your forearm as he noticed you hesitantly trying to leave.
You bit your lip, looking away. "Ao'nung.." You desperately called his name. You wanted to save your siblings, and as well as his sister. You were raised and trained to be a fighter after all, but thise fight was far different than what you were trained for.
"Stay with me. please." He pleads.
You clenched your jaw, but nods at his pleas. "But first, we hunt for those damn crabs." You pointed a finger at him, and he holds a hand up, "Alright."
You tucced for your Ilu once again as Ao'nung does the same. You both count at the same time before disappearing into the water, holding eachothers hands as you did so. You swim towards your Ilu, grasping at her handle as your other hand made the bond. You signed at Ao'nung to follow you, and he obediently does so.
You both wove your ways through the large kelps. After a few minutes, you found your way out of the water kelped forest, and saw Kiri as well as Rotxo. The sight of a human coming out of the submarine catches your attention, and you grit your teeth as you began swimming towards it at full speed.
The teeth of your Ilu wrapped around the man's head, dragging him out of the submarine as you can faintly hear him scream into the water before he gets brutally crushed. The other man who was trying to get out of the water gets choked by the tentacles of the water flora, and you awed at the sight Kiri had made.
The glowing spots on her face dims, and you gestured her to come over. She swims over at you, holding tightly around your waist as you followed Ao'nung and Rotxo away from the bloodied scene you created, going up at the surface.
And then Kiri got taken away right after you all reached the surface. Just perfect.
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© aokoaoi.
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son1c · 1 year
ahhhh gale is satisfying my brain worms so much but i need to know more. uhhh idk what to ask. does he have like a nest in his home where he curls up and sleeps in? or does he just sleep someone on the floor? does sails ever come visit him? what kind of adventures do they get up to? how does dread feel waking up to sails gone to visit gale? also since gale is basically a legend does anyone believe sails if he tells them they're friends? how does he feel about batten and black rose? is he and dread as fruity as sonic and knuckles? how does he react when rusty and badniks invade his dimension? TELL ME EVERYTHING G
he sleeps in a hammock! he strung it up inside the plane. sometimes he just sleeps outside on top of the tail of the plane though. he's silly like that.
sails would only ever seek gale out if there was trouble. usually, dread's ship is far away from where gale's crashed-plane-house is, so he'd have to reallyyyyyy work for it in order to get there. dire circumstances, yknow.
that said, gale comes around pretty often. usually in the dead of night while everyone is asleep. wakes sails up, spirits him away to some adventure. dread's used to it by now. he knows his crewmate will be back eventually. still kind of annoying that it happens without warning though. like, what if they had PLANS, gale? cmon :/c
i don't think anyone in dread's crew believed sails at first, but then dread caught gale trying to take sails on an adventure one night and thought he was a siren (lol). so he woke everyone up, there was this big confrontation, and everyone realized... that the legend was real, and really pissed that he was now running late.
gale feels positively about batten and black rose... since they're with dread, they obviously like to have fun, and fun is gale's M.O. however, he doesn't know them particularly well. there one second and gone the next, just like the wind, doesn't leave much room for conversation... but he still likes to rustle dread's feathers with a smart one-liner when he can. lmao
when rusty shows up gale probably gets pretty scary. most of the time, there's no need for him to turn on the hurricane, but when a cross-dimensional threat shows up? yeah. rusty'll be quick to learn how he earned his status as a force of nature
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blorbologist · 11 months
Okay because it's you: we both know I'm Warriors trash, okay? As a result (and the hours and hours and hours in Clangen KBKBKBKH did I tell you about the T4T perc'ahlia one?) I have two cat-ish AUs that'll never happen:
A classic Warriors AU, yknow how it is. Its almost boring how formulaic it is: Percy is a pedigree housecat, whole family slaughtered, blabla, joins a clan, has a ludicrously edgy name like Smokefrost or something. Twins are half-clan, initially taken in by their father due to clan politics before deserting their dad's clan just before earning their names, finding their mother's burned by a forest fire and choosing a third clan that doesn't see them as bartering chips instead. Probably matching corvid names, Ravenheart and Magpietail fit if going by the suffix has meaning scheme. Pike (Pikeshine or something) is actually of a completely different faith to Clan cats but, hey, they needed a healer, and this weird tiny loner can heal, so! She's juggling that while Grog (Strongjaw, a namechange due to his post-beating jaw healing a bit weird) is enjoying beating the shit out of things. Scanlan (Smallsong or Smallstep) is likely a basic-ass Warrior struggling to figure out how to feel valued and useful, fucked a ton of kittypets/loners without thought until Kaylie comes a-knocking and he eventually snaps and leaves the Clan to travel with her (eventually comes back and becomes more of a lorekeeper/homebody than an active warrior). Keyleth is a stupidly young deputy who got the post due to a sign and is struggling a lot with that <3 And ofc Tary is every housecat stereotype imaginable. Doty is a rock. Trinket is an actual fucking bear that Vex is insane enough to have befriended. No one else comes close.
OR, ditching the battle cats bullshit entirely, having all the grand stakes of campaign 1 being just... mild housecat drama. Percy's family aren't dead, he was just rehomed dumbass. The Briarwoods may or may not be the cats of his first owner, who also beat of his family for best in show one time. Vax is going to be rehomed to an old lady across the country. Syldor was a fancy stud cat n caused neighborhood drama when he got out n bam twins have Issues. Kiki's owner is really smart n trying to train and socialize her, but Kiki is a nervous wreck scared of every new trial. Pike's Trickfoot family live in the dumpster out back and piss on the lawn. So on and so forth.
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Any specific headcanons for the twin dragons of sabertooth?
i have two separate vibes/aus that change the headcanons for them but you dont get the family au that im still workin on bc im nowhere near sabertooth just yet so take this in whatever format happens as i write
birthdays literally 6 months apart to the DAY but ONLY on the years that have that extra day. leap year? they dont remember what its called
because of that and the "twin" in their duo name they just decided that fuck it that one day every like four years is their birthday. regardless that its a day after stings and six months (minus a day) before rogues
they genuinely dont remember whos older. its gotta be someone. they have no damn clue. one of them either looks older than they are or looks younger than they are and the people who bother commenting on it flip flop between em every time
yknow that dumbass "one room for opposite twins with one half all bright and bubbly and the other all dark and emo" trend? yeah thats their apartment
sting is the only one rogue cant really see much of with his shadows no matter how close or far he is. its cause o how fuckin bright he is.
rogue is the only one sting can hear without the hearing lacrima. sure its not crystal clear like his sight but he can sure understand what hes sayin eventually. he genuinely has no clue why
weisslogia and skiadrum lived really close to one another compared to all the other dragons and their slayers. whenever one loses sight of their slayer they just go to the other dragon and boom the kids are playin together in the forest
sting cant handle sleeping in pure darkness unless he sleeps next to rogue. rogue also cant handle sleeping in the light unless its right next to sting. theres a night light in their room on sting's side and rogue just pulls a hand towel over his face to block it out.
in a universe closer to canon, after jiemma nearly killed lector and sting killed jiemma, rogue tried to convince sting that maybe they should just join fairy tail at the soonest opportunity. minerva was just like jiemma and the only person who really showed they cared was yukino, who had been exiled earlier that fuckin week. sting was close to doing that after he got lector back, but then he became master instead of minerva, and suddenly they were too busy to think about joining fairy tail
after sting became master rufus and orga tried to be all buddy-buddy but rogue shot them down real fucking fast. it took many months before rufus and orga could earn the actual trust and respect of the dragon slayers and not just the "yeah i know them they joined same time as me. fuckin pompous pricks is what they are" that they always thought of them as
sting actually found frosch's egg and rogue found lector's. they were raised together but once the exceeds were able to start going on quests and were allowed out of the little hammock they slept in they had to swap primary parents. frosch was only comfortable in the dark and needed that pink frog onesie otherwise and lector was only comfortable in the light or hed get so anxious and have insomnia
sting and rogue have opposite personalities
everyone who never met them and had that as their only warning figured that oh the white dragon slayer was all bubbly and optimistic and the shadow dragon slayer was all emo and pessimistic
no no no no no its the EXACT opposite
sting is the one that talks about the macabre and is all "we're gonna die" 100% seriously about every little thing in a light voice and assumes the worst of everyone all the time
rogue is the one thats into shit like harajuku fashion and hello kitty and always says "of fun" to stings death talks in a serious voice and assumes the best of everyone all the time
lector. people assume hes either 100% sting or 100% rogue personality wise. no. he likes the macabre and dresses all jock n shit like sting but assumes the best of everyone like rogue
frosch is the opposite of lector. dresses all bright and bubbly but will say the most depressing shit youve ever heard
all four of them are siblings. they will beat the shit out of anyone who thinks sting and rogue are boyfriends
sting is like a toned down juvia but to natsu
rogue is like a toned down juvia but to gajeel
sting will say the most hypersexual shit to natsu half as a joke half seriously and natsu either doesnt realize it or is like "oh thats SO something i should say to lucy to make her pissed off". sting has accepted his position as the forever pining side character and he finds it hilarious
rogue will do everything he can to not speak to gajeel unless theyre both in a fight. not even to ask for a fuckin pen or somethin. the few times gajeel spoke to him (even to ask for a fuckin pen) short circuited him and he either stumbled his way to an answer or sting answered for him. hes also accepted his position as the forever pining side character but hes sad about it
after sting became master they kicked out so many assholes in sabertooth the guild was less than half of what it was in the gmg when they were done
honestly all of the new members still think rogue's the master. even when rogue specifically refers to sting as "master" so they can get in the habit of doing the same they still think people saying "master" means rogue and not sting.
sting makes fun of him for having ducklings
rogue makes fun of him for making him have ducklings since sting was the one that assigned him the position of "showing newbies around"
sting just laughs
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crestfallercanyon · 1 year
How about Coldflash because I miss you writingfor them
I miss writing for them too. I’ve been slowly chipping away at Shiva for the last couple months, so hopefully someday I’ll get back to them 💕
Obviously, I ship them. The why can be very long and rambly so we’ll see what happens
What made you ship it?
I actually watched LOT first, but I knew about Barry because I watched Arrow before LOT (so I met Barry first but watched his show later) and I don’t even remember what’s said in LOT but it just crystalized into me liking them together. Then I DID watch the flash (and read a lot of fanfiction) and there’s something about guilt-ridden people who yearn for the other side of the line that really gets me (neither would never admit to yearning to be on either’s side of the line but I think it’s slightly telling through Len’s actions how often he indulges Barry and what he eventually, yknow, died for; and Barry contemplates much darker actions and the “easy out/more permanent out” often enough for me to be convinced that he has seriously considered doing things Len’s way) but anyway I adored their dynamic. Also the gif sets of them despite their like 15 episodes total together on tumblr are STELLAR.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
They are equally as capable of lifting the other up as they are at destroying each other. It is one of the few dynamics on the Flash where power feels equal (Barry’s powers included actually).
What I mean by this is one thing that bothers me on the show is how often Barry’s friends and family do what I think is manipulative horseshit supposedly for the greater good of either him or their circumstances. In all the ways Len is a con-man, is manipulative, is his “im a criminal” self, he’s actually usually pretty straightforward on Barry’s emotional front. It’s refreshing. Yes, he lies to Barry when he betrays him in Ferris Air, but Barry — especially early seasons Barry — would have forgiven him if Len made a persuasive emotional plea, he would have fallen for a convincing sob story.And while there’s a million reasons Len wouldn’t, I really like that it doesn’t seem to occur to him. I think Barry falls even harder in the fact that in this, Len is honest. He’s very point blank about his intentions, and cuts to the chase of the situation. And later, he is straightforward in helping Barry, too. Len manipulates situations left and right for his own benefit, but when he states his intentions, I don’t really recall a time where he’s lying about them.
(Don’t get why the formatting is such shit but we’re gonna continue) on the other hand, let’s be clear — Barry can kill Len. Barry can pick up Len and drop him in another time and abandon him. Barry has a plethora of ways to fuck Len’s life over or just end it, straight up. Len somewhat leveled the playing field in the beginning with the cold gun, but on his own, without an elaborate plan (and even with one) he doesn’t even have a prayer to beat Barry when Barry figures him out. But Barry’s morals put them on equal ground, because Barry (for the most part — love exploring the exceptions in fic) wouldn’t do that.
Barry affords Len the respect he deserves and never got as a child, but more than that, Barry puts VALUE in Len’s life that Len didn’t experience. Len’s life value was earned through blood and violence and becoming the best before he met Barry. There’s a theme from a book called A Psalm For the Wild Built (that I greatly recommend) and it I think embodies what I believe is Barry’s view of at least Len’s life: “you are a living being, and you are inherently worth value and you shouldn’t give up on yourself” and I just really doubt Len’s ever experienced such a perspective.
I also think in turn, Len affords Barry a meta-less perspective he needs to be reminded of. Barry can be dark. Barry can be frightening. Barry is capable of great darkness. Which makes Len (begrudgingly) appreciate the light in him much more, and helps Barry keep on that way more than many other attempts to keep him that way. (I will never forget the episode Barry brings Len back from Siberia — Barry so much DARKER and CYNICAL in that episode and Len’s reaction of both fascination and “this is not you” is wonderful.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Ummmm. Not on the ship, I don’t think. Maybe others could inform me of something that’s not popular that I put into my fics 😂
Anyways, that’s my coldflash ramble. Thank you for tuning in and thanks for the ask, anon! 💕
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fagtainsparklez · 10 months
hey icarus can you tell me more about cpurpled. can you tell me your favorite hcs and what do you think being a part of las nevadas was like for him and rb your favorite purpled fanarts. smiles /gen /nf /i hope the people annoying you explode
WELL since u asked i have no other option do i ^_^
i've been thinking a lot about this recently bc in the past i've said that i think he + the tiredtwt crew are from hypixel itself, with hypixel being like an alien planet to fit with him being an alien, but the more i think about it the less sense it makes. for me, hypixel is more like one of those fun centers that offers a Bunch of different activities. like i have one in my hometown that has a bowling alley + arcade + escape rooms + go karting + jungle gyms + a bunch of other shit. that's hypixel to me, but on a Much Bigger scale. having anyone Originate from it is a bit silly when you think about it as one of those. it makes even less sense when you consider that like, canonically, cboomer is from a Completely Different Dimension. so what i've decided is that yes, he Is from an alien planet, but not someplace that connects to a real-life server, yknow? it also gives me more flexibility to worldbuild his planet's culture and stuff since i don't have to be tied down to hypixel customs.
a slight tiredtwt-related detour BUT it is important to me to lay this out. purpled and astelic are from the same planet but didn't meet until hypixel. hannah and boomer are from the same dimension which is somewhat akin to the feywilds from dnd. originally all of them just came to hypixel to play together and would have to eventually split to return to their own servers/origins until they were like "what if we just had our own server so we didn't have to keep splitting up every night" and thus tiredsmp was born. a lot of them still lived with their parents at that point so it was also a nice opportunity for them to gain more independence and be able to venture out on their own journeys.
for las nevadas..... that is a whole Rant on its own for me to fully go into it so i will save all of it for another night as i have things to do. however. i think, to him, it was a very mechanical process. wake up, keep up the facade, scheme in the shadows, go to bed, repeat. i don't think he really thought about much other than the Necessities, ie mostly revenge. it is always really difficult for me to talk about cpurpled because the way he approaches things is very... uninteresting? he does what he needs to do, or at least what he feels like he needs to do. there's not a lot of personal feelings or retrospection when it comes to him. so talking about how HE felt in those moments is difficult because what he felt was often nothing really, outside of spite, greed, and a need to win. don't get me wrong! i think las nevadas was a super isolating and horrible era filled with nothing but self-sabotage and an unreachable goal he never even wanted in the first place. but i don't think HE realized that, you know? i don't think a lot of people realize that the persona he puts forth Is a sort of mask, yes, but not in the way they think. there are some things he's aware of doing, like pretending to be nice to the las nevadas residents to earn their trust, but a lot of it Is who he honestly thinks he is. i see a lot of people write him as putting on this mask of a brave, uncaring mercenary to hide how scared he is of all the shit going on around him and no!! he IS just an apathetic asshole!! the mask at play is how he earnestly believes the way for him to make a legacy is to have power, and that power is what he craves, when it's obvious all he wants is for people to Know him. he wants bonds!! the people who do pick up on this also tend to take it a different route of him actually being soft underneath the tough exterior, but that's also not it!! he wants to build relationships and a legacy, but wanting that doesn't and shouldn't erase the fact that he's super apathetic and materialistic and an asshole. bc that's just how he is!!! both can coexist!!!! and they do!!!!
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I have no idea if you still take prompts but here’s a short one. Sonic actually stops to listen to Tails before destroying the Paradox Prism. But that distraction did get Eggman an advantage as he removed the paradox prism from the ground and someone else decided to smash it. Who was it, it was Amy. Idk, I just want to see Amy traversing throughout the shatterverse.
I still take prompts! And I really like this one!
“Sonic, no!” Is what triggers Sonic to stop running. His attention now turned to his little brother. In the same minute his attention is turned to Eggman who was successful ripping the prism out of the ground.
Amy takes a running charge, hammer ready to slam.
“AMY DONT” then shatter.
Next thing she knows, Amy is falling from the sky into a city. She dusts herself off “where.. am I?” Amy looks around to take in her surroundings. She’s not in Green Hills anymore.
She tries to ask around for answers but everyone’s ignoring her, which upsets her. Amy decides to look for Tails. He’s the smart one so he must know what’s going on.
As she’s walking, she notices her shoes are sparking and lighting up. “..that’s new. Gotta find Tails..” then she spots him in the subway. Amy tracks him into a pipe and into a workshop.
Shoot, it’s padlocked. If she remembers correctly, the code is 1992. She celebrates her memory before stepping in.
“Oh, Tails am I happy to see you!” Amy bounces over to Tails, who shrieks and holds up a wrench as if he considered stabbing her in hen he sees her. “What did you call me?”
“Tails! It’s me! Amy!”
“I don’t know an Amy.” Something hard hits her away from him.
She looks up at Tails who’s staring down at her in annoyance and anger. Who does she think she is?
“Tails stop!” Amy pleads, but it makes things worse. “Don’t call me that. MY NAME IS NINE!” Nine engages his mechanical tails and lunges at her.
Amy rolls backwards onto her feet. She summons her hammer and discovers it feels really weird. Not heavy, but harder to swing. That doesn’t stop her from batting away Nines sharp tails.
“T-..Nine stop! I don’t want to fight you!” Famous last words before the fight is brought to the busy subway.
Amy is more focused on defending herself rather than fighting back, which is annoying Nine a lot.
“Why. Aren’t. You. Fighting. BACK!!” He screams taking one final lunge before slipping to the side of the train.
He notices a bright light approaching at high speeds which means TRAAAAIN!
Amy lowers her hammer down to him “grab on!” Nine has no choice but to trust her in this moment, as it’s the best choice for survival. She brings him up right before the train passes.
Nine takes several deep breaths. His heart is pounding. “Why did you save me?”
“Because you’re my friend, Tails. You have to be careful!”
“You’re not my friend. I don’t HAVE any friends. And? My name. Is Nine! Emphasis on the nine!” Nine shows all of his tails.
Amy taps her chin. Somethings not right.. no, nothing is right. Is she in another dimension?
Amy asks Nine why he thinks he has no friends. Nine explains his backstory.
Amy has heard that story before.. except Sonic had been there to help Tails.
“Wait, what about Sonic?”
“Who’s Sonic?”
“Yknow, blue hedgehog?”
That earns a confused look. Amy asks about the city.
Then everything falls into piece.
She is in a dimension where Sonic doesn’t exist.
Or so she thinks.
Amy eventually is captured with Nine and brought to the council.
In walks Sonic.. but he isn’t quite Sonic. His body is mostly metal like a cyborg. He’s tall and lanky with a blank stare. Amy stares in horror.
“Oh Sonic.. what did they do to you?”
Sonic doesn’t respond or even look her in the eye.
Rebel and Knucks come through to rescue Amy. Rebel insisted that there’d something about Amy she thinks could help them.
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rattrapdadfigure · 2 years
Also what if in Earthspark, it’s revealed that Starscream is the son of Megatron? Not the first time Transformers have “kids” in media. Plus it would be an interesting spin on the second command aspect showing that Starscream earned it through skill and nepotism.
Lmao that would be pretty wild!! 👀
I feel like Optimus would have a hard time accepting a Decepticon kid. Since yknow he hates decepticons rip. Elita would be chill with it 😎 she’s cool. But Starscream would be intimidated by her I think lol!
But yay! Another older brother lmao. Maybe Bumblebee can finally have adult conversations when the two of them are babysitting the youngers. :))
And we both know Hashtag and Starscream would get along seeing as they’re both dramatic gay theatre kids 🙄🤭🤩
Starscream and Nightshade would just chill together and watch tv. They would also probably be the only chill ones on the sideline as all the kids cause chaos 💀. And everyone is desperate to keep Starscream and Nightshade from teaming up on family game night because they win every game as a power team 💀💀💀
Starscream and Jawbreaker would be the stereotypical younger sibling + older sibling. Starscream would find himself tempted to harass/prank Jawbreaker because he/they? is/are naive and whatnot. But then just give in because he’s too cute and nice. Just being completely wholesome when with Jawbreaker and denying it to whoever asks or points it out 💀. I feel like Starscream would be the weird uncle of Jawbreaker that everyone hates for no reason but he spoils Jawbreaker rotten lmao!
Idk what Jawbreaker’s pronouns are a. I think it’s he/him? Help
Twitch would not like Scream I don’t think 💀 but occasionally they might go on an adventure together or something lol. Or she’ll get used to him eventually and really look up to him lol.
Thrash would think he’s cool and they’d get into trouble together lmao! Dot and Op wouldn’t approve 🙄 but they never approve lmao
I do not think Arcee and Starscream would get along? I don’t know anything about their interactions in the comics but just based off their personalities I think they would find each other annoying tbh 🤡
And Robby and Mo would find Starscream weird but cool ig? I feel like they would be distant at first. Not even fully their fault tho, Starscream probably hates humans a bit lol. But eventually I think they would bond and be siblings :).
Alex would be chill but nervous around Scream and Dot would be judgmental as per usual 💀🥹🤷
Wheeljack as always would either be a strong dad figure or the distant uncle that randomly shows up 💀👍
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