#tho I will say I had a shift in mood from when I started this repost and when I finished it so if the mood/tone is weird sorry
winter-spark · 8 months
Reposting a Reblog as a Separate Post #2
[I might be less lazy with editing this one or I won't. If I was lazy but edited it I'll just cross off things lol, If I wasn't lazy and added edits it'll be in brackets, if I don't edit something that should be edited 🤷🏾‍♀️ have fun. Also this is still a copy and paste just so you know.]
[Related posts for 'context': initial thought, sketches I did]
So you're probably thinking "Gee Spark you're gonna talk to yourseldf some more about some no one asked about" to which I say:
I will answer your inqury on what I was going for for their clothes! At least as to what I was trying to inspire their outfits off of.
So first up the Orange's outfit 'moodboard':
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There's one more outfit I want in consideration for this but I'll explain in it a second. So! I really think Orange might like to wear the sort of jacket thing Yuki's got on there, and while I opted out of the choker for him I do think he'd wear multiple necklaces. As for Citron's outfit there, I like the belt.
Also, those large gold bracelets seem to be mandatory and possibly a while jumpsuit of sorts. The owl earrings I legit just found right now(or well last night because I did fall asleep writing lol) to give an idea of what his earring might look like when I finalize it and pick out an Owl for it. I'm not sure if he always had an Owl earring or not but if he didn't that's fine because then it could be his little piece of abroad that he keeps with him, but if he did that's also fine because it's a sliver of his interests and personality shining through.
There was one more outfit I wanted here but oh well you don't need an image. It was the one with flowers on it. I think if Orange is allowed to wear some with more designs than what we've seen Citron and Tangerine in, it'd have flowers on it. Why? Well after all he's a nature boy. I know because they[/the company] telepathically told me when I was trying to draw him.
[Editing in this new version of the post here, too lazy to cross out and adjust last paragraph but I did think I should update this part: I didn't want to include the picture initially because I'm not tagging these character and I know one of my moots doesn't vibe with the character in this outfit so I hope croping his face out helps in case they see this. Here's the picture.
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I don't think either sketch includes the scarf but I think I did consider it a lot when I was initially sketching them]
Okay so next up Navel's outfit "moodboard":
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So here we go. I like the collar on Sakyo's outfit. Then I think Navel would have a visible choker like Citron does(tho tbh in my head it looks more like Yuki's but to avoid confusion I didn't put Yuki in this set.) There's the flowy part of the outfit & I'm leaning towards how Sakuya's is but Idk for sure, I kinda also really like the whole shoulder section of Sakyo's outfit so Idunno. He probably definitely has the stars though like Sakuya does. (As you can see I'm less sure on this outfit lol.)
[edit/Update: If you saw the other pictures I had here no you didn't:
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THIS. Like like when I had the pic with Tangerine's outfit from this event I was confused why I picked it but I liked the energy like the soft poofiness of it and I sorta want a similar vibe, this sorta has that same vibe. BUT also like the collar!!! I want Navel to have a collar somewhat like this so that his choker that he definitely has is visible!]
Anyway, longer hair seems to be a trend for the royal family and Citron only sometimes wears a ponytail. SO why not let Navel have a ponytail? I think that Navel would try to differentiate himself from Orange in some ways since they're always together and so close in age(confirmed in my heart) and so a ponytail is a good start and easy to do.
I know that these ponytail cuff things exist. While looking up pictures for these, I learned that a lot of them have elastics in them? I didn't know they did? But regardless, I think that Navel should have one. Maybe without the elastic like the rhinestone one, but be bigger and more solid like the second one. It for suresies should have a star design on it. He loves the stars, fact.
So yea that's what I have. Just struggling to articulate it. Thanks for reading this.
Anyway. Yea. I know I'm kinda like the only one here but like if anyone wants to help with these outfits or has any additions or anything feel free to add on.
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hi!! i’m a big wuss and cry at least twice a week. could i possibly request a ghost x reader where reader is new to the task force and everyone but ghost has warmed up to them and really enjoys their bubbly presence? ghost says something kinda mean, reader cries, and then goes quiet for a few days/a week. everyone notices the change in their personality and gets confused until ghost makes it right <3
Thanks for this request!!🙃🩷 same same tho.
We All Have Our Demons
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Simon Riley x Reader
Warnings: mentions of crying, swearing, angst w happy ending
You were recently just introduced to the 141 as the newest member. Your sniper skills were top tier, and Price had jumped at the opportunity to make you a part of his team.
The boys on the team had instantly taken a liking to you. You were a welcome addition to the team, and your presence alone helped shift the mood of the team tremendously.
Everyone on the team had been incredibly welcoming to you, all except Ghost. He'd been standoffish since you'd arrived, only giving you a nod when you'd introduced yourself. You had originally just chalked it up to him being weary if he could trust you. Which you more than understood, so while you kept your distance, you still made it a point to be nice to him.
He was always very curt and professional, never letting you hold a conversation with him, but that did not stop you from trying.
You'd always offer to help with various tasks, picked up coffee for him just the way he liked, and on multiple occasions had tried striking up conversations with him, to no avail.
One night, you'd decided you were going to try and talk with him. You weren't used to someone being so standoffish toward you, and wanted to know what you could've done wrong.
Making your way into the weapons rooms, you popped your head in to address your superior.
"Lieutenant?" You approached him with a wide smile.
He regarded you with clear disinterest and mumbled out a "What is it, Sargeant."
"I just wanted to check in with you, sir. I was wondering if perhaps.. I'd done something wrong?" Your hands started to grow sweaty, and you nervously rubbed them on your thighs.
He turned back to his weapon. "Wrong?"
"You just.. seem to not like me, and I'm not sure what I could've done to offend you."
"Like you? It's not my job to like you, and this isn't the place for annoying shit such as friendships. If that's what you're looking for, perhaps you should've looked to do any other field than this one, Y/N." Ghost sputtered, his eyes narrowing at you as he slammed his gun down in frustration.
Your mouth parted slightly, shock washing over you at his words. You knew he was a tough shell to crack, but you'd never thought he'd be so outwardly mean.
"Of course, sir. Sorry to bother you." You muttered meekly, turning to walk to the door. You blinked away tears, and aggressively wiped them from your eyes, not wanting anyone to see you cry.
For the next few days, you'd been rather quiet and kept to yourself. The boys would constantly come up and ask you to join them at the pub or for spar sessions, but you'd always politely decline.
Ghosts words had sunk deep, creating a wound you weren't sure how to heal. Were you really that annoying? Did everyone on base feel that way about you? The words ate and ate at you, and you'd ultimately decided to keep to yourself so as not to bother anyone around you. Perhaps Ghost was right. You weren't here to make friends.
The boys grew concerned, your normally bubbly attitude was gone, and they were lucky if they could even get a few words out of you.
"Anybody know what's going on with Y/N? They have been unusually quiet lately, and I'm worried about them." Soap had asked, sitting down to eat with Gaz and Ghost.
"I've tried talking to them a few times but can barely hold a conversation. You didn't hear it from me, but it was rumored that they left the weapons room crying Friday night." Gaz spoke, a sad smile forming on his lips.
Ghosts ears perked up at this information. You were with him in the weapons room Friday night. You left crying? Why would you have left- Oh. A wave of guilt came washing over him as he realized what had you so upset.
He truly didn't mean to make you upset. He was so used to keeping himself protected. He was afraid to let anyone else in. Then you came in with your bubbly attitude, and regardless of how much he tried to push you away, you still showed interest in him. He was so scared to open himself up to you, this ray of sunshine, and get himself hurt. He couldn't take more hurt in his life.
Shaking his head of his thoughts, he went to go and find you.
You were sitting in the courtyard watching the night sky. Your mind was racing with negative thoughts that you couldn't seem to push away. Deciding to turn in early for the night, you moved to stand when you heard a voice call your name. You turned around and were met face to face with Ghost.
"Oh, Lieutenant. Didn't know you were out here. Don't mind me, I was just leaving." You nervously tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and made for the entrance.
"Wait." Ghosts voice halted your movements. "I uh, I wanted to talk."
You turned to him, tucking your bottom lip in between your teeth, and nodded your head slowly.
Ghost looked to the ground for a moment before speaking. "I'm.. not exactly a guy known for extending warm welcomes."
You swallowed thickly, expecting him to continue, but he didn't.
"It's alright, sir. I understand." You said softly.
Ghost lifted his eyes from the grass to meet your warm ones. He felt his heart palpitate from the way you were looking at him. You'd looked so innocent to him.
"No. It's not. I don't give my trust out easily, not to anyone. But that's no excuse to treat you as I did." You could tell Simon was doing his best to apologize, in his own way.
"We all have our demons, sir. I can't fault you for protecting yourself and the team. But I assure you I have nothing but good intentions." You assured him, not breaking eye contact.
"I know." He nodded, his eyes shifting back to the ground beneath him. There was something about the way you looked at him. It made him feel things he'd never felt before. You were such a warm person, and he didn't know how to take you.
"Well, if that's all, I'll leave you to your night, Ghost." You turned to make your way out again, stopping when you heard him speak once more.
"My name, it's Simon." He lifted his eyes to yours, and held your gaze.
Your eyes lit up from the small bit of information he'd given you. It wasn't much, but it was a sign he was willing to try opening up to you.
"It's nice to meet you, Simon." You giggled, a vibrant smile covering your face.
He nodded, thankful his mask was covering the light pink tint that was forming on his cheeks.
"Theres... there's a coffee shop up the road. Usually, go to it every now and then. Good coffee there." He fumbled out, heart stammering in his chest. "Be my treat. It's the least I can do for being an arse."
"I would love that, Simon." You were practically beaming. You couldn't stop saying his name, and he sure wasn't complaining. He quite liked the way it sounded coming from your lips.
He held out his arm to you, and you gladly linked your arm in his. "Shall we?"
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Wasn't too proud of this one, tbh I rewrote it quite a few times.
Was kind of thinking of making this a 2 parter?
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supernovafics · 2 months
I know in the I’ll be there for you universe it’s been established that reader and Steve both have not great relationships with their parents - was wondering how Steve would comfort reader if she had a bad go of it with her dad or mom or both angst and comfort?? Maybe this is too self serving tho so feel absolutely so free to ignore 😭
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k words
warnings: explicit language, brief(ish) mention of reader’s mom being shitty, a bit of angst/sadness but with a wholesome ending<3
summary: in which you’re upset and steve tries to cheer you up
author's note: thank you thank you for the request!! i went back to fall for this one because it just felt fitting. enjoy<333
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Fall 1985
There was something wrong, but Steve couldn’t tell what it was.
You’d been holed up in your room ever since he got home from his Family Video shift. 
At first, he thought it was something he had done, accidentally leaving Harold’s cage open or forgetting to put something away in the kitchen. But, you didn’t seem mad or upset with him; and he knew that if you were, you wouldn’t have shied away from saying something.
When he knocked on your door and asked what was wrong, he didn’t entirely believe your simple head shake and one word response of “Nothing,” but he decided not to press you further because he knew that you’d come to him whenever you were ready to talk about what was going on. But then hours went by and you didn’t say anything; you even passed up his offer to make a grilled cheese for you, which you usually never did. And that made him worried. 
The time was nearing ten and the only moment you had come out of your bedroom since he got home at six was to grab a quick snack from the kitchen. Maybe you were sad about another crush that had gone wrong or maybe it was something bigger. Steve had no idea, but he felt like he needed to do something for you.
He grabbed a random hoodie from his room and then went over to yours, knuckles tapping against your shut door a few times. When you let out a loud enough, “Yeah?”, he took that as his cue to go in. You were sitting at your desk, textbook and notebook opened up in front of you. 
Steve tossed the hoodie into your lap. “Come on, let’s go.” 
You looked up at him, confused. “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise,” He said instead of actually answering your question.
Even though all you really wanted to do was continue wallowing in your room and keep half-focusing on an assignment that you couldn’t care less about, you decided not to protest his words and adamance.
You pulled his hoodie over your head and slipped on a pair of shoes before following him out of the apartment. 
The drive was quiet and you weren’t in the mood to fiddle with the radio, so it simply stayed on a station that seemed to play the same five “pop hits” on repeat. 
It wasn’t until the final few minutes of the ride that you realized where he was driving to. The roads and turns he made started looking way too familiar, and a small smile took over your face when he pulled into the Dairy Queen parking lot. The closest one was over thirty minutes away and Steve hated driving to it because of that, but you never minded it because even though its menu pretty much resembled the dessert menu of your and Steve’s beloved Third Street diner, there was something about this place that you loved too. 
You were always reminded of the summer when you finally got your license and you’d force Steve to come here with you most nights. You two would eat the ice cream in your car, or at one of the red tables that sat outside if it was warm enough; you loved those memories.
Steve put the car in park and then looked over at you. “I’ll grab everything. Do you want your usual?” 
Instead of answering his question, you inadvertently burst into tears. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked softly as he unbuckled his seat belt and reached over to hug you. It was an entirely awkward and uncomfortable position, but you still immediately leaned into him, arms circling around his neck and face burying into his shoulder. You didn’t mind the way the center console was harshly poking into your side, or the fact that your own still buckled seat belt was in the way. “I thought that coming here would definitely cheer you up. Did I completely misread everything?” 
All you could respond with right then was a barely audible “I’m sorry,” and then you sniffled and let out a breath that only made you cry harder. 
“No, I’m the one that should be saying sorry,” Steve said as he soothingly rubbed your back and the subtle action managed to calm you down a bit. 
You shook your head at his words before pulling out of the embrace and looking at him through blurry eyes. 
“Okay, please be a thousand percent honest with me right now,” You said, somehow finding your voice. You half-heartedly wiped away your tears with the sleeve of Steve’s hoodie. “Do you think I’m selfish?”
“What? No, of course not,” The certainty in his tone managed to wash away some of the shittyness you’d been feeling for the past few hours. “Why would you think that?”
You looked away from him then and slumped back against your seat. “I was on the phone with my mom earlier, maybe like an hour before you got home. She asked me to come to this work event for my dad on Friday night, like some sort of dumb party thing. I said that I can’t since I already told you that I’d go with you to take the kids to that new arcade a few towns over. And honestly, even if that wasn’t happening I’d still probably make up some excuse to not go because I hate going to those work parties. But, anyway, my mom called me selfish for saying no, and I know it’s stupid, it’s so stupid, to believe her, but there was a part of me that did. And still kinda does.” 
Usually, most of the things that your mom said to you went in one ear and then out the other, but for some reason, this comment managed to stick. You started overthinking things, feeling like the worst person ever because of something that wasn’t even true, but maybe it was? And you couldn’t stop thinking about that.   
Steve grabbed your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re not. I promise.” 
You found yourself believing him and how sure he sounded. He was probably the only person you’d always believe entirely without question because he knew you better than anyone else. You suddenly felt stupid for thinking that your mom was right in the first place. 
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled and then met his gaze again. “This is all so dumb. I’m sorry that you only drove here because I’ve been acting like a sad idiot for the past few hours and you were trying to cheer me up.”
He shook his head and gave you a small smile. “What do you mean? I love coming here.”
You let out a breath of a laugh. “You don’t, but thanks for pretending.”
“Do you want me to get you something?”
You nodded and smiled at him. “The usual, please.”
“Okay,” He said before stepping out of the car.
Because of how late it was and since it was the middle of the week, there was no one in line aside from two teens and an older woman, so Steve was back in less than ten minutes with a simple vanilla cup with rainbow sprinkles for you and a cone for himself.
“Thank you,” You said as he also handed over the spoon and napkins that he had stuffed in the pocket of his jacket. 
“Remember those promises we would make when we were kids?” He asked and you were quick to nod, immediately knowing what he was referring to. 
You inwardly smiled as you thought about the slightly elaborate “running away” plans you two made when you were twelve and thirteen. It would always happen after he’d have some sort of disagreement with his parents, particularly his dad, and he’d sneak over to your house in the middle of the night. Or any night you found it hard to sleep because your thoughts were consumed by your parents and all of the pressure they put on you to do well in school, so you’d go to Steve’s place because talking with him was the only way to wash away some of your stress. 
“I still stand by all of it,” He continued. “One of us says the words and we leave. No questions about it. I still don’t know where we’re going, but we’ll figure it out on the way.”
It felt less likely to happen now because you two technically had “left;” moved out on your own. Not necessarily far away, but far enough from your parents that the shit that used to be almost too unbearable became a little bit easier; mainly because you two had each other. And moments like this one only further proved that— you’d always be there for one another. However, that didn’t change the fact that those silly little promises still always stood. 
You smiled at him. “I think our plans had something to do with joining a circus.”
You weren’t sure which of you had suggested it, but you still found it funny either way. 
“Ah, yes, the circus idea,” Steve nodded, laughing a bit. “Not one of our best ones.”
“Oh, wait, actually, I think we either said circus or rodeo.”
“Both equally bad ideas, but I’d still do it for you.”
“And I’d do it for you too,” You told him before eating another scoop of your ice cream. “Hey, I know it’ll probably be midnight by the time we get home, but is the grilled cheese offer still on the table?”
He nodded. “Of course.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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weixuldo · 10 months
Linecook Anakin HCs
pleaseeee i cannot get this idea out of my mind (maybe i’m just tryna romanticize my job lol) also lemme just say this list is hella unorganized ( just like my brain lol)
warnings: cursing, ani is a typical horny young adult, smoking; weed
Muscular arms, veins!!
Beautiful blue eyes look up at the screen to see the next meal prep (you imagine those same eyes looking up at you like that if you ever get him on his knees)
He always finds something to compliment you on (even though there’s not much room for expression due to the standard comply uniform)
He’s almost always working cause he wants money and honestly doesn’t mind the atmosphere of the kitchen. 
Plus weed isn't cheap and he likes to smoke :)
On breaks you’ll often see him out back smoking a cig or a vape (depending on his mood).
“You know that stuff is bad for you right?” 
“Yea, i dont really give a shit tho”
You roll your eyes, “well don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when you’re carrying around an oxygen tank in thirty years”
He sent a play sad face your way and exclaimed “That’s so sweet, you’re looking out for my health”
“You’re so full of shit Skywalker” you say as you go back inside.
Though, after that encounter you notice he started to chew a lot more gum and smoke a lot less
He flirts with other waitresses too, but you are definitely his favorite
Reaches stuff on the top shelf when you can't. 
“Need some help princess?”
Winks at you from behind the window
Before you got to know him, you were a little afraid of him
He’s honestly so good at his job that it’s scary- he rarely messes up an order and if it's messed up it’s usually ‘cause someone rang it in wrong.
He’d be messing around one minute then barking orders at people when it got busy- he was always so focused on whatever he was doing whether it be cooking the meat, tossing salads, making desserts, etc
You used to see him roll his eyes or talk shit to other waitresses when they didnt do something right. 
“There’s a button for that ya know-”
“You didn’t tell me no onions”
“Ring it in if he wants it that way- I got too many orders to keep up with the shit you’re tellin’ me”
But he seems to be nicer to you…
“Hey Ani- could I get no tomatoes on this please”
“Sure thing, sweetheart”
“There’s my favorite girl” he says when you walk into the back. 
Some servers get jealous of his blatant favoritism (he takes longer on their orders when they’re nasty to you)
The other cooks get along with him fine
You can often find them goofing around in the back
But they think he’s waaaaay too handsome for his own good.
“Why you workin’ here when you could be on the cover of a magazine?”
“He’s here cause Skywalker’s got terrible manners and no game” another cook laughed.
“the fuck I dont” Anakin responded as the rest of the cooks all laughed along. 
His coworkers like to tease him when they see how flirty he gets when you come around. 
Nicknames include: “Pretty boy”, “player”, “heartthrob”
The heat of the appliances mixed with the rush of the night end up giving him a sheen of sweat and a warm blush to his pretty face. 
Ngl, this man would get greasy by the end of the night…
Dried food, condiments,and oils staining his black shirt
By the end of the shift he would have a lingering smell of char from the grill as well as a combined smell of all the food in the kitchen and his own musk from his sweat.
But the blend of labored scents mixed with his cheap cologne and deodorant made for an oddly enticing aroma.
You would joke with him during closing about how bad he smelled, though deep down you knew you liked it. 
“Yea, well we can’t all be in the front smelling like daisies and sunshine” he joked. 
He thought you smelled nice? You had worked a full day too- there was no way.
You insisted you didn’t smell much better than him but he shook his head, “nah princess, I could breathe you in all day”
That may have been a little creepy coming from anyone else, but it was anakin… the hottest guy in the restaurant, the talented cook, the guy you had a huge crush on. 
He’ll saunter into the back while you’re rolling your silverware and chat with you
“Ugh, I’m so ready to ge the fuck outta here” he sighs.
“Tell me about it, today has been so long” 
“Have you atleast made decent money?” 
He laughs
“What’s so funny?”
“I don’t know why I even asked if you made good money- I should know the answer to that when talking to a girl with such a pretty face,” he says, before slipping back into the kitchen, leaving you with a heavy blush. 
He loves when you’re on ice for side work because the ice machine is right by him in the kitchen 
He likes to watch your ass as you bend down to shovel the ice- if he’s lucky he catches a glimpse of your lacy panties as they ride up your hips. 
When it’s not busy he carries the bucket for you and revels in all of your adorable “thank you’s”
His least favorite side work for you is when you are assigned to the front house because that means you’ll be spending most of the night in the dining area rather than in the back with him. 
Asks what you’re doing on your day off. 
“Probably gonna get high with some friends”
His eyes widened, “you smoke?!”
“Weren’t you the one who told me i’d be toting around an oxygen tank?” he quipped and you rolled your eyes. 
“Chill out pretty boy, I mainly just do eddies”
“And you never told me this?!” he grabbed at his heart with a dramatic expression. 
With the new info he spends the next few days working up the nerve to ask you to smoke with him sometime. 
Lucky for him, you’re closing on Saturday and so is he. 
After you check out all of the other servers and do your side work, you head to your car but Anakin calls your name before you leave the kitchen. 
He invites you to hot box in his car before you go and to his surprise you agree (you had a rough night, so why not? plus he is your crush after all)
You get into his car and unbutton your top a bit, it was hot in the restaurant today. 
He turns on the AC and steals a glance at the lacy bra you have on. 
After passing around a blunt the two of you are getting up there; maybe it’s the delirium or maybe it’s the weed, but he is looking finer than ever
you can’t help but hold the blunt between your fingers as you lean across the center console and press your lips against his
he sucks in a breath in surprise before he returns the action.
soon you’re on his lap, grinding on his growing bulge as he runs his strong hands through your hair and all along your body
tbh, you don’t even care that you have open shift tomorrow- this is worth being sleepy
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agnesthecartoonfreak · 4 months
⚠️Age gap, smut, dilf⚠️
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You were warned
(Also be kind. English is my second language)
Price always knew the power he had over woman in general. He was a fit military man with who could pick them up and throw them over his shoulder anytime he wanted. That gave him confidence. After being almost a month tied to a wheel chair not much confidence was left.
Despite his confidence he was never a fan of his own body, growing old does not go easy on anyones selfesteem, his fit shereded body became a dad bod. Which he did not like. Fun fact about our captain, he is pretty much a perfectionist when it came to his own phisical appearence.
That specific day he was looking at some old photos of his young adult days in the army. The peak of his phisical shape. He would get so much attention back than. But now? Price sighs not noticing
From the other side of the room you notice tho.
"You've been nostalgic Captain?" You ask a bit worried about his mood today
He smiles warmly in your direction
"Remembering the glory days hehe"
You don't exactly understand
"Glory days?"
Price chuckles
" My youth... I miss having a body like that. I wish I met you back then darling. We would have fun" he kind of did not notice his last words
But you did...
You kneel next to his wheel chair. Looking at his old pictures. He was indeed handsome. Most likely a ladies man
" I think I wouldn't be into you back then"
Price looks in confusion
"What? Why?" A bit offended but he wouldn't admit that
"You were still growing up. You were probably reckless and imature... The things I admire in you were not there yet"
He chuckles
"Like your patience, your soft but rough voice, your charm , your beard and your body"
A bit surprised he talks back
"My body was way better back then"
"I disagree" you insist
He looks at you waiting an aswer
"You were trying too hard I think. Too skinny I think, probably in some crazy cut diet to show your abs. You look much more manly now a bit bigger but still strong as a bull" you reply
He seems touched by what you just told him. He gets a bit closer to you and you do not pull away. Both of you glance uncontrolably at each others lips.
They touch... Softly, like a slow dance. The soft kisses continue till they are interruped by a annoying ringtone
" Shit..." price mumbles
It's his daughter he has to answer it
He talks to his daughter on the phone for a while. You recompose yourself setting his bathroom so he can have a shower afterwards
She makes a promise to herself to keep on acting normally, like nothing happend. That would be professional right?
He comes back and you announce
"Sir it's time for your bath"
Price is a bit confused by the sudden change of topic. He gets a bit disappointed
Maybe you regreted? However he caries on with the task
As you shower him he cracks jokes making you feel more confortable during the task. When he thinks the mood is apropriate he says
"Listen I don't want you to feel forced to please me just because you admire me or something. I get it. I'm too old for you. I'm not mad at you I just want you to feel confortab-
Suddently you interrupt Jonh's speech by sitting on his lap and kissing him. You two kiss in silence for about 5 minutes before both of you completely run out of breath. Keeping your foreheads connected, both trying to catch their breath.
"I thought..." Price starts
"I wanted to be professional. Sorry for making you feel unwanted"
He laughs.
"What are you laughing about?"
"I wanted to do that for so many weeks..."
You chuckle looking down at his lap
"I can tell"
Price closing his eyes realizing he has now a huge boner
"That is embarrassing"
You shift your hips on his lap so you can feel him. He grabs you hips with his good hand by reflex. He open his eyes, they are now darker with desire
"I wanted to be a gentleman and take you out to dinner first..." he says but he clearly doesn't want you to stop. He uses his hand in your hip to rock your hips together
A deep shy moan escape his lips
" We can do that later Jonh. But I think now we need to take care of your needs"
Taglist: @sillylittlereader
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fluffymaxsworld · 7 months
“seven days”
model!simonriley x normie!reader
[first step, complimenting!!, dealss, no smut (but he wants to bend you over and fuck you mindlessly), wattpad kinda love story lmao]
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*driin driin*
7am, an early number for simon, who’s used to wake up when he wants to.
“oi, wake up” you whispered-yelled, “s’time to work you lazy ass”
“one more minute…” he muttered with a sleepy voice. how cute.
“what are you? six? wake up, the breakfast ends at 8:30 am and i’m already missing precious time.”
“go without me, imma sleep some more”
“so it’s real the rumor about you hating kids” you teased, poking his arm with your index finger, “think about their look in their faces, do you realize how sad you’re going to make ‘em feel?”
“oh, shut up” he slowly sat straight and yawned like a little boy.
“i feel like i’m going to babysit you, not those children” you sighed, walking to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
“tsk” was the only sound coming out of him.
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breakfast, or any meal, meant simon and you sitting next to each other.
“he works here for the reputation, he doesn’t care about the kids, johnny” you were walking towards the canteen with your friend, complaining about simon (once again).
“he’s okay, i guess. he’s a calm guy, plus he attracts a lot people…”
“girls, you mean.” you interrupted him.
“okay, girls…” he sighed, almost defeated, “but that’s fine, he’s cool, we’re cool. both paths win.”
“oh cmon! you’re just saying it because of the girls”
“well, he’s attractive himself, don’t you think?”
“he’s not” you lied. he was attractive, maybe the most attractive man you’ll ever meet. dark brown eyes, hard muscles and clean skin, he always smelled amazing, vanilla and coffee with a hint of smoke.
“who is not?” a deep voice interrupted the conversation between you and johnny, tapping lightly your shoulder. simon.
“not your business” you said, taking from the common room a couple of chocolate biscuits and a cup of coffee.
“you’re always so rude?” he scoffed.
“no, but you deserve a special treatment, don’t you think, mr model?” you replied sarcastically.
“can’t you see me as simon and not as mr model for once?” he rolled his eyes, muttering something between himself.
“the reason you’re here is not your ‘kind heart’.” you grunted ironically, sitting on your seat, “is because you need the public to see you as the ‘sweet simon’.”
“well, even if it was true, what’s your problem with me working here?” he replied coldly. “am i hurting someone? don’t think so”
“i just can’t stand who doesn’t care. i love the kids, they’re innocent souls and someone like you is the worst that could happen to them” you explained.
“give me a week, and i’ll swear to god you’re gonna change your mind” he looked at you, his gaze completely emotionless.
“a week to act like a human being?”
“three days.”
“deal” you extended your hand for a handshake.
he took your hand and shook it, his eyes fixated on you. your cheeks were already burning and the subtle staring contest between you and simon wasn’t helping. he had on his black surgical mask, but you could feel his mouth arching into a hidden smile.
“you could start by helping me with the kids”
were you asking him to help you?
“sure, why not” he smirked and stood up, walking towards the common room with you.
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the kids were playing around with cars, stuffed animals and barbies, chuckling and smiling sweetly. a view that makes you melt every time.
“simon!” alex, the little kid he met the first day, ran towards him, “how are youu?”
“i’m fine kiddo, and you?” he got on his knees to look at the little boy.
“i’m good!” he grinned and took simon’s finger that felt huge in his hand, “hello y/n!!”
“hey hun!” you annoyed mood shifted as soon as you stepped inside. you sat next to alex and kissed his pinky soft cheeks.
“do you know simon? he’s my new friend!”
you smiled, even tho simon could feel that you were forcing yourself, and patted his head, “i’m really happy you found a new friend”
simon and you split up, you were playing with half of the children and him with the others.
you completely forgot about simon, now acting so sweet and caring, your brownish oversized shirt with the bleached pair of jeans you messily wore the same morning definitely didn’t help simon in leave his gaze from you.
he could feel his cheeks warming up at each smile you gave alexander or his friends, feeling the sympathy you had for the kids. he was slowly driving crazy, you were driving him crazy. three days, and he swears he’s gonna make a move on you. he was used to the egocentric models and actresses he usually spend one or two nights together, but you were so kind, you were the sweetest thing on earth.
like a little boy he poked alex’s little arm, “hey kiddo, do you know if y/n has a boyfriend or something?”
he laughed, “she’s my girlfriend!”
he chuckles softly, “oh yeah? so she has a boyfriend”
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you felt his gaze on you, for the whole day. lunch, dinner, even when you were brushing your teeth.
“do i have something on my face?” you suddenly asked.
“you keep staring at me” you replied, “do i have something on my face?”
“no” he said darkly, his deep voice matching his black tight shirt.
you laid on your bed, looking at the ceiling and sighing.
“why are you here?” you asked him genuinely.
he turned around to face you.
“my manager forced me to” he replied.
“the rumors. are they true?” you faced him back.
“if i hate kids? no. i don’t particularly like them either.” he said, his english accent clear.
“you’re not a bad person, and i’m sorry for my attitude. i just can’t…”
“…can’t stand who doesn’t care. you told me already.” he cut you short, “but i do care. my father wasn’t one of best, and just look at alex! so full of energy and life, he’s an icon”
you chuckled softly, thinking about how great alex was.
his jaw dropped slightly, did he just make you laugh?
he interrupted the laugh, “you’re breathtaking”
“i’m sorry?”
“you’re breathtaking, i told you that yesterday but you didn’t hear me” he whispered, looking into your eyes.
“oh… thanks” you blushed slightly, needing to change subject, “and i’m… sorry for you father”
“s’okay. i moved on. he was a real dick.” he smirked, but you could feel the sadness in his voice.
“seriously, you… no, no one deserves a shitty childhood. that’s why i need to fulfill those kids dreams. they deserve to be loved”
“you’re… sweet. you’re really something else.” he mumbled, “goodnight”
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sorry if it’s short, i’ve working on a fluffy fic that i reallyyyy care about!!
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asterefflores · 4 months
Yup, yours truly is back! To cause trouble again (sorry lol can't help myself) the last few ones have been great! And I loved em tho if I could trouble you a lil more I would like em to be a bit more longer? *Kicked* I'm a sucker for long reads (sorry (not sorry at all)) soooo let's get right into it.
Soooo, this time around my request is kid Cale!!! Or kid kimroksoo!!!! Whichever you decide to write (tho honestly speaking we both know the fun one would be roksoo who pout over the whole situation lmao, and ofc tristan NEEDS to THERE) either ways, so a curse or something similar had hit the one of the brothers or....both of em *eyebrow wiggle* (why take one when you can have both *crackles in evil*) now everyone is panicking cuz they have turned into children the others are dying from cuteness, the actual children raon, on and hong are having the time of life and Tristan is just shaking his head and sighing in the brothers are making trouble again and how can be forget the brothers where if it's one of em, then the other is having the time of their lives teasing thier brother and if it's both of em who are children, they are just sighing in why can't they be just left alone In peace?! Well rok soo is enjoying his slacker life even as a child since everyone is pampering him, Cale is shaking his head but secretly love all the attention he is getting from both his hyung and all thier family.
That's the request lmao, what do you think? (Sorry for the trouble lolololol)
Have a great day and tc!💐
Not really exactly as what you want or imagine I guess but here it is at last, tho it contains some spoilers lol,,
Tristan quietly sighed and rested back in his chair, closing his eyes with his arms crossed, deciding to rest a bit as Madelin made him promise.
“Your Majesty!”
‘Well, there goes my rest.’ Tristan opened his eyes and looked at his assistant, who suddenly barged into his office, looking unusually panicked with the communication device in his hands. “What is it?”
The assistant hesitated as he quickly realized he had disrupted the Emperor’s break time. “There is an emergency call from the Henituse Duchy, sir…”
Tristan paused with one blink. He suppressed a sigh and moved to sit properly with his legs still crossed, his hand reaching for the device to the side on his office desk, “Take the call.”
“Yes, sir.”
The assistant immediately pressed accept, and the screen appeared before Tristan, revealing a distraught Deruth Henituse.
Tristan tried not to frown horribly, just as he usually does whenever he looks at the man.
“Tsk, I told you not to call me that.” Tristan sighed, instantly annoyed, “What do you want now?” He narrowed his eyes, “You didn’t call just to panic over what present to get for RokSoo and Cale, did you?”
The assistant prepared to disconnect the call as Deruth Henituse had done such a prank before, which only put their Emperor in a foul mood for almost a whole week. Having seen how the man was ridiculed intensely by their Emperor, the assistant was sure that no one from the Henituse family would dare pull such a stunt ever again. Well, maybe, except for the two redheads. Their Emperor was exceptionally kind and weak when it came to the two brothers.
-No, no…it’s RokSoo…
Tristan frowned slightly more as he could tell the man on the screen was hesitating and scared. “What the fuck did you do?”
-I did nothing!
Deruth quickly started explaining, frightened by the look in Tristan’s eyes that slowly shifted to something dangerous.
-We don’t know how to turn him back! And I’m afraid the curse is affecting his mind now! What do I do, Hyung?
Tristan kept staring for a long moment with a deadpan face. He calmly stood up, “I’m coming over right now.”
-Yes, please do, Hyung!
“Say Hyung one more time, and I’ll rip out your tongue.”
Tristan didn’t have to look at the screen to know from the silence that the man paled with a flinch, taking his threat seriously, as he should.
-…you will bring the Empress with you, right?
He raised an eyebrow and looked at Deruth, “No.”
Yet, here he was, in Cale’s office together with Madelin.
“Didn’t we agree for you to get along with Deruth Henituse, Tristie?”
“I don’t recall agreeing to become his Hyung.”
“Honey, you’re announced as that to the public.”
“Relatives could still be distant as to call each other formally.”
“And do you call him formally?”
“Why would I even need to speak to or about him?”
Cale watched in amusement at the couple before him. It’s always interesting to watch Madelin make the vicious Tristan Battlesea appear as a pouting kid throwing a tantrum with his arms crossed and looking away from his wife like that. 
“I apologize for having my father scare you into hurrying here, Dad, Mama.” He said as he brought the cup to his smiling lips while the two looked at him, frowning with a quiet sigh as he found it was lemon tea even when Ron wasn’t in the office with them. “Little Hyung is not dying or anything.”
“…little Hyung?”
“Hm?” He looked at the two, who seemed lost. “Are you saying that father didn’t explain the situation to you?”
“He said something about turning RokSoo back.” Tristan slightly frowned, “I would’ve used the spirits to check on RokSoo without needing to come over or hear from that dumbhead of a father—”
Tristan kept looking at Cale with his arms crossed, “—but I know RokSoo gets uncomfortable when I do so, so I didn’t.”
“Haa, how can I scold you now when you say something cute like this out of nowhere?”
Tristan gave his wife a deadpan look, “It’s common consideration of one’s discomfort, don’t you do it too?”
“Of course I do, but it’s so damn endearing when you do it.”
“I don’t see the logic in that.”
“Sure, you shy cutie.”
Tristan only sighed elegantly and just let his wife keep pinching his cheek tenderly, used to Madelin’s many loving teases, knowing there was no helping it when she was a bit upset with him.
“As sweet as it is to see you two loving each other, please don’t flirt in front of this poor, innocent son of yours.” Cale casually sipped the tea and stopped himself from laughing as Tristan looked silently grateful for the distraction.
Knock, Knock—
“Ah,” Cale looked at the door, “Hyung is finally here.” He put the cup on the table, stood up and calmly walked to open the door.
“…why are you smiling like that?”
Madelin and Tristan blinked when they heard a kid’s voice instead…
“Would my little Hyung please allow me to carry him?” Cale asked with a gentle smile.
RokSoo frowned at the punk before him looking at him with a playful glint in his eyes and arms open and awaiting to take him from Ron.
“Come here. I know your trip here was tough enough already.”
RokSoo let himself be taken from Ron’s arm, instantly relaxing in Cale’s arms while the punk chuckled.
“Hoo, was the Kitten possibly troubled with this servant?”
RokSoo shivered and quickly looked away from Ron’s benign smile. Cale was right; having Ron smiling at him was scary enough before, but it was even more frightening when he looked up, and the vicious old man kept smiling down at him like he was one of those little rabbits he liked to hunt down, ‘Vicious old man…’ He shivered again when the old butler laughed quietly.
“You should really fix the way you smile, Ron. At least when around kids.”
RokSoo lightly wrapped his tiny arms around Cale’s neck when the smile disappeared from Ron’s face at the comment, ‘This fearless punk!’ However, he felt safe when Cale started lightly patting his tiny back, knowing that no matter what in their house, no one could bother him or anything at all if he was with Cale.
He now really understands how good Cale is with kids. No wonder all the kids gravitate to his Dongsaeng wherever he goes. 
“Now, let’s take you to our parents.”
RokSoo blinked as he looked over Cale’s shoulder at the office, but he couldn’t see who was on the couches behind the door. ‘Tristan and Madelin are here?’ So that was why he was suddenly asked to get to the Duke’s office when he was about to take a nap.
“Ron, take the kids and give us a moment alone.”
“Yes, Puppy.” Ron smiled at the sigh from his Puppy Young Master. He looked next somewhere in the air, “You’ve been caught.”
“Gentle Human!”
Raon, Hong and Ohn suddenly appeared before the door, looking at Cale with puppy eyes.
“It’s been so long since we saw Purple Grandpa! We miss him! Let us see him!”
Cale lightly patted Raon’s head with his other hand and turned around with his usual smile, “Dad?”
“It’s fine.”
‘What happened to not wanting to meet anyone?’ Cale held back a chuckle and stepped aside, and the kids immediately ran inside.
“We missed you!”
“Cheerful Grandma! Do you have cookies today, too?”
RokSoo and Cale sighed as they listened to Raon and Hong immediately asking for Madelin’s cookies, with Ohn sighing but happy to see the couple.
“Come in, Ron.”
Ron walked after his Puppy Young Master into the office and closed the door behind him, following the two redheads to stand behind the sofa.
“Ah…oh, crap…”
RokSoo stiffened when their mom suddenly froze as her eyes fell on him. ‘…why is she looking at me like that?’ He found Madelin’s wide eyes a little scary at that moment.
“…can I hold you?” She asked carefully, almost in a whisper, with hopeful eyes and awaiting hands, “Please…?”
“……” He silently nodded despite not feeling like leaving his Dongsaeng’s side, and Cale gently moved him into Madelin’s arms.
Everyone looked at Madelin, who seemed overwhelmed and lost for words, hugging the child in her arms so carefully as if afraid to crush him.
“Aww, no, I think I’ll cry~~”
She whined as she rested the side of her face atop RokSoo’s head while gently caressing his red locks.
Raon came closer to whisper to Madelin, “Isn’t my Human cute?”
Madelin nodded without looking at Raon, cupping RokSoo’s cheek, “He is~~” She whined again as she couldn’t contain her endearment.
“Hehe~” Raon turned to Tristan, poking his shoulder. “Purple Grandpa, isn’t Human cute?”
Hong jumped onto Tristan’s lap, looking up at him with his tail wagging happily, “He’s so sweet, right?”
“Haa…” Ohn sighed again at her young brothers, but she was also secretly waiting for Tristan to react as he stared long at RokSoo, seemingly shocked or observing.
“…undeniably cute, of course.” He slowly nodded, “Since when and how, though?”
“Shh, let’s bask in the moment.”
He sighed at his wife as she looked close to lying down with RokSoo tucked in her arms like one of her little teddy bears at home.
“Don’t you sigh at me!” She frowned at her husband, “You got to see baby Cale when I wasn’t around! You cheater!”
“My win.”
Everyone watched as Tristan only taunted his wife with a prideful nod.
Madelin tossed him a look with a raised eyebrow, “Let’s see if it’ll still be your win tonight, then.”
He let out an amused hum, “Should I take it as a challenge, then?”
Ron looked amused as he noticed his Kitten and Puppy Young Masters were rendered speechless at the couple’s loud flirtation.
“Purple Grandpa! Cheerful Grandma! You shouldn’t fight at night!!”
Cale held back a laugh while RokSoo sighed at the look from the couple when Raon suddenly interrupted their staring competition.
“Anyway,” Tristan calmly turned away from his wife to look at Cale sitting before him, “How and when?”
He brushed his hair back with his hand, “We suddenly woke up and found him a baby. He doesn’t know what happened either.” Cale said as he casually sipped his tea, “It’s been 4 days now.”
Madelin blinked and slowly looked down at reddish-brown eyes. “Are you hurt, honey?”
RokSoo felt awkward under Madelin’s loving eyes like this. “…no, mom.”
“Do you feel pain or discomfort anywhere by any chance?”
Madelin nodded while playing gently with his hair, “Good, at least we can have our time finding a way to turn you back.”
“Yes, no need to rush.” RokSoo assured her with a stoic face.
RokSoo frowned when he noticed from the corner of his eyes, ‘What is this brat laughing at?’ Cale’s shoulders shook slightly as he held back a laugh, hiding his smile behind the cup.
“I want to know, exactly what was that idiot panicking for?”
Tristan nodded and kept his eyes on Cale, “What was Deruth idiot Henituse panicked for?”
“Try again, honey.”
He turned to Madelin, “It’s enough that my question is understood.”
She held out her finger, shaking it like she was reprimanding a kid instead, “Nope, now try again, my love.”
“Haa, what was Deruth panicked for?”
Madelin nodded, looking satisfied. “Good, I’m proud of you.” She caressed his smooth cheek for a moment with loving eyes, “We’ll both have a talk with him later after this.”
Tristan didn’t look impressed.
RokSoo shivered at the smile and tone from Madelin, ‘Vicious…’ He was sure that promise wasn’t meant to be kind. For what reason did Tristan and Deruth get into another fight this time? When will the two get along?
“Father is worried because Hyung can’t use his Ancient Powers in this body to protect himself in case he gets in trouble or someone kidnaps him, which will not happen, obviously, not on my watch.” Cale sat relaxed, almost lying down as he explained while brushing his hair, “Another reason is that Hyung here likes it a bit too much, so he thinks RokSoo is slowly being brainwashed.”
RokSoo flinched slightly at being exposed, ‘Why is this punk so good at reading people?’ But could anyone blame him? RokSoo can slack off and be looked after like this; everyone will do everything for him since he’s a weak child now, and people will soon forget or leave the Hero Silver Shield alone, right? Although it’s a bit concerning he can’t use his Ancient Powers because they’re powerful on his small body now, as long as everyone is around him, he’ll be fine. No one dared to attempt anything ever since Cale became the Duke, so why worry?
“I see.” Tristan looked at RokSoo for a while.
“……” RokSoo felt unsettled whenever his dad looked at him as if observing him with knowing eyes.
“As much as I’d like you to be comfortable and enjoy your slacker life, I must let you know that you’ll soon turn so tiny to fit in anyone’s palm. Is that still okay with you, RokSoo?”
RokSoo almost choked on the cookie Madelin gave him.
“Tristie, you scared our poor kid!”
Tristan gave a slight shrug, “He should’ve been scared when he turned like this out of nowhere, but he chose ignorance.”
“Well…” Madelin hesitated and looked down at RokSoo, “Honey, you do have a bad habit of neglecting concerning stuff happening to you.”
“……” He looked down and felt awkward. ‘Will I really turn that small?’
-Yes, you will.
His eyes trembled at Tristan’s voice in his head.
“I can help you, though; I was just making sure if you wanted to stay a bit more as a baby.”
He looked at his dad.
“Someone played a prank, it seems, or not really a prank. I can only assume it’s to please…some people here.”
Cale stared long at his dad with everyone. “Killian did it?”
Tristan sighed, “Sorry, he took it a bit too seriously when I once told him I wish I could make Madelin see you two as babies since she…” He avoided everyone’s eyes, “…you guys know her condition.”
The room was too silent for a long moment.
Cale observed as Madelin looked so touched, almost close to crying. He couldn’t blame her when she had an incredibly considerate husband like Tristan Battlesea. It was really sweet of Tristan to care about Madelin, his beloved, to the extent of even taking her ranting seriously about having him seen one of their kids as a baby while she hadn’t. Since she can’t get pregnant, she can at least be overjoyed to see them as babies and live the dream for a while, but it is only a wish. It’s clear that Tristan didn’t mean it at all to actually turn them into babies. However, it seems the prank worked only on RokSoo and not on him because of the Invulnerability power.
“Hold on…” Madelin suddenly frowned as she slowly looked down at RokSoo in her lap, “…why will he turn so tiny then?”
Tristan hummed; his eyes looked amused. “…because it’s a curse based on your wishful thinking.”
“What?!” She turned sharply to her husband.
Tristan shrugged, “I know you’re thinking like, ‘I wish I could fit him in my pocket’ or something similar.”
“Wait, no! I mean, yes! He’s so adorable, ok?!”
“Cheerful Grandma! You can’t turn the Human to dust!”
“I won’t!”
‘Not as small as dust…’ RokSoo only sighed, munching on the cookie.
“How can I stop my thoughts, Tristie?!”
“You can’t; your wild head is something else, after all.”
Madelin gasped as if offended, “At least my wildness takes you to heaven every night!”
Ohn and Hong looked lost yet amazed, “You can fly to heaven?”
“I’m strong and mighty! The people of the Empire aren’t better than Dragons. I can come up with a spell and take both my humans to heaven and come back!”
“Haha,” Cale couldn’t help laughing elegantly with the cup in his hand, with Ron looking quite amused behind him. At the same time, RokSoo almost choked again as Tristan quietly sighed and tried to conceal the little embarrassment by calmly bringing the cup before him to his lips, even though he had avoided it the entire time since it was lemon tea.
“Anyway, I can lift the curse from RokSoo myself.” Tristan explained with a slight grimace as he put the cup down. “But first, come here.”
Everyone stared silently as the Emperor took RokSoo from his wife’s arms. “…you’re even younger than when Cale was inside the World Rock.”
No one got to say anything when Tristan gently hugged RokSoo in his lap.
RokSoo stayed still at first and slowly hugged back, getting used to Tristan’s quick hugs by now, but it was his first hug from his father as a child.
Tristan left a kiss on the top of RokSoo’s head and looked down at him, “There, now you’re even.”
RokSoo didn’t know what to say, while Cale and Madelin smiled at the scene as Tristan didn’t want any of his kids to feel neglected, even in the smallest things.
“Oh, no!”
Madelin panicked when suddenly, RokSoo glowed and seemed to shrink.
“Human is turning to dust!!”
‘Why dust?!’ RokSoo wanted to sigh as Raon kept saying scary things.
However, it felt like everything had stopped when Tristan put his hand on RokSoo’s head.
RokSoo was suddenly wrapped in a bright, silver light, growing bigger and bigger until the light faded.
RokSoo opened his eyes and almost shrieked at finding out he was sitting in Tristan’s lap.
As an adult. Sitting in his father’s lap.
“……” He was at least still dressed decently.
“This never happened.” He said while he calmly left Tristan’s lap and stood up, activating Dominating Aura and silently exiting the room with a stoic face.
No one uttered a word about what happened that day as they felt sorry for the poor older redhead more than pressured by his Dominating Aura.
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
kinktober - day 28: spanking/punishment // e.o31
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Esteban Ocon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: spanking, teasing, a little brat taming, manhandling, oral (f!receiving), orgasm denial, fingering, the use of ‘slut’ in a sexual context, penetrative sex, doggy emoji or whatever pierre said, elements of dom/sub, sorta dom!estie, talks of breeding, creampie. 
Word Count: 1,492
Author’s Note: sorry for the delay in posting! // this is one of my favs so far tho! 
kinktober 2022 masterlist 
Big hands, patience running thin can only lead to one thing. 
"Esteban, stop!” You shout, running down the stairs.
Your boyfriend was running down the stairs behind you, the two of you were supposed to go to dinner and he picked out the most hideous shirt on the planet to wear. It was bubblegum pink with blue polka dots on it; you weren't exactly sure where he got it but you know for a fact, he would not be caught dead wearing that with you.  
You are currently being chased around the kitchen by your boyfriend, the man trying to get his shirt back from you. You're standing on one side of the counter and your shirtless boyfriend is on the other, you've got his shirt in your hands and Esteban’s hands are pressed on the counter.
“Give it back,” he says and you shake your head.
“You’re lucky that I didn’t burn this thing.” You tell him, you pretend like you're gonna throw the shirt away but Esteban looks in the direction you were going to throw the shirt and you make a break for the bedroom.
You're sprinting up the stairs and before you could even look back, you can hear your boyfriend hot on your trail.
Esteban wraps his arms around you and manages to get you on the bed. You're pinned under him, looking up at your boyfriend and he smiles. You toss the hideous pink shirt over his shoulder, letting it fall on the floor.
The man flips you over, your face buried in the bed when you feel his hand come down to smack your ass. The force of the head pushed you forward a bit.
You let out a giggle and Esteban takes that as a sign to do it again.
Your boyfriend smacks your ass a few times before he stops. He pushes up your dress a bit and rubs the slightly red spot on your butt. “You never behave.” He says, fixing your dress for you.
He doesn't miss the way your legs pressed together and he smiles to himself. “You liked that?”
“I mean,” you let out a giggle, “yeah.”
Esteban’s hand slips back under your dress, between your legs. You feel his fingers brush over your panties. He smiles to himself when he sees the way your back arches and how your hips push back into him.
“Needy,” he mumbles, leaning down to kiss by your ear.
“Shut up,” you roll your eyes and Esteban pulls his hand away.
You roll over and look at your boyfriend, you're sitting up now and you're a bit confused as to why he stopped. He just smiles and walks off to the closet to get a different shirt. “C’mon, we have reservations.”
You were just about ready to strangle him but nonetheless you got up and fixed make up before putting on your jewellery.
You were giving him attitude all through dinner. Esteban wasn't in the mood for it but he knew he was the cause of it. He had started something and then stopped; he wasn’t an idiot, he was the way it affected you.
The thought just never crossed his mind, until today.
His hand rested on your thigh as he drove home. Your hand tracing the outline of his hand resting on your thigh, you can’t help but notice how big his hand is. You shifted in your seat, your mind running back to before you left for dinner.
Esteban glances over at you. “What’s wrong?” The question fills the silence as he pulls into the driveway.
“Nothing,” you say, getting out and heading inside.
He gave you a few minutes before coming in, you were upstairs and he could hear the footsteps above him. “Y/n,” he calls, heading up the stairs. “Talk to me,” he says and you ignore him, you are changing for bed.
“Amour,” Esteban calls, grabbing your hand and pulling you to him.
You two stood in the middle of the bedroom, chest pressed to each other as you looked up at him. “What?” You finally answer him.
The man wasn't in the mood for your attitude, especially after putting up with it all through dinner. Now, Esteban was both taller and stronger than you and never did he use that to his advantage; it was always a fair game between the two of you but tonight was different.
Without second thought, your boyfriend pulls you over to the bed. He’s sitting on it and you’re bent over his lap, hands barely touching the ground when his hand comes down to hit your ass in the same spot as before.
“Why do you always have to be so difficult ?” He asks, hand coming down again but a little harder this time.
You ignore him, instead biting down on your lip to hold back the sounds threatening to leave.
Esteban grabs you by the chin, pulling your head back to look at him. “Don’t think I didn’t notice how much you liked that.”  He says, his free hand smacking your ass once more, he can see the excitement on your face. “Such a needy slut, hm?” He smiles, letting you drop onto your knees, his hand still on your chin when he leans down to kiss you.  
He pulls you up onto the bed, letting you lay on your back before he moves onto the floor. You glance at your boyfriend for a second, the man pulling you towards the edge of the bed by your legs and you let out a giggle, which earns you a smile.
The room was quiet, heavy; you could cut the tension with a knife.
Esteban pulls your panties down, the fabric tucked into the pocket of his pants now as he kisses up your thigh, leaving behind little marks and a sloppy trail of kisses.
Your hips buck when you feel his tongue lap over your cunt. His tongue taking an extra moment on your clit before he decides to stay there. Your hand tangles in his short hair, giving it a slight tug to pull him forward a bit.
“Fuck, oh god,” you breathe when you feel him push two fingers into you.
Your boyfriend knew you like the back of his hand, he knew exactly what to do to leave you in a mess, putty in his hands.  
“Este, please - god do that again.” You tell him, pulling on his hair again.
Between the way your thighs were squeezing his head and your hips bucked at the slightest movement of his fingers, he knew you were close.
You were so close, teetering on the edge of orgasm when your boyfriend stopped.
His mouth, his fingers; gone.
“Esteban, what the hell.” You huffed, sitting up and looking at the man.
Your boyfriend smiles, standing up. You were irritated, between before dinner and now, you weren’t in the mood for him. You had moved away from him, crawling over to your side of the bed when the man grabs you by the hips, pulling you back to him.
You’re on your hands and knees, your boyfriend behind you. The tip of his cock brushing over your clit before moving to push into you. You fall forward into the bed, your face buried in the mattress as he sets the pace.
Hard and rough, not enough to hurt you but enough to tell you that he didn’t like your attitude without actually saying it.
Esteban wanted to hear you.
He pulls you up by your hair, your back arched and his hand now on your chin. “C’mon amour, let me hear all those pretty sounds you make.” He says, the angle you were at puts him deeper than before.
The slightest movements and you can feel it in your stomach. It’s like he can hear your thoughts because his hand moves from your chin to your stomach. An arm wrapped around your torso, his big hand spread over your stomach, “you’d look so pretty with a baby in you, hm?”
Esteban lets you fall back onto the bed, both of his hands on your hips. “Maybe I should fuck one into you.”
Your moans are muffled by the fact that your face was buried in the sheets. Esteban’s thrusts are rough, his hips digging into your ass with each one.
He knew you like the back of his hand, he knew you were about to cum and he already denied you once, he didn’t have the heart to do it again.
You were close enough that you could taste it, a few more thrusts and you’re over the edge, his name falling from your lips. The way you were clenching around him causes him to follow behind you, the man falling onto your back.
The two of you are laying there, Esteban on top of you still and you let out a laugh.
“What?” He asks, confused.
“Nothing,” you hum. “I love you,” you tell him.
Esteban smiles, “I love you too.”
taglist: @timetoracewrites @diorleclerc @lickmeleclerc @daydreamingleclerc @halsteadssneakylink @Mashtonbunny @Mashton_Bunny @amsofftrack @ads-skywalker-leclerc  @allisonxf1 @making-it-big @ruledchaos @skarlettmikaelson @charles-dimple @miniminescapist @venuschicc  @fastandtheformula1  @earfquak3  @hypermess @choppedroadcolorapricot @ellalovesvettel  @deviltsunoda @jeannebmnt @pedrohoe04 @damianodavidhands @elegantleclerc @lostinketterdam @dragon-of-winterfell @givemeasainz @princessbetsy123-blog @logischeroktopus  @wonderwoman292 @valkyrie418 @batmanslittlelover @d0ntjudgemy50shades @ricsaigaslec @ferrarifwendvale @ellabellabus07 @lovelytsunoda @bisexual-desi @freddoneptune @crookedcreationstudent @oultonparks @sebastchin @starlightleclerc @perfectsublimekid@fishtankcleaner1000 @strawberrypaul @defnotsobbing @ifancycharlesleclerc @angstyturtlewitch @apocalumpse @molliemoo3 @pleasedontfollowimlost @sk8jeon @zig-zzag @supertrashheropasta @sainz-leclerc @rhaeszn @coffeehurricanes @symmi @angeluvvv @somanyflippingbooks @simpforpierre @hopelessluvrs @user143859 @chilisainz55 @takktolya @anonymip @beepbeepanna @em-idk-123 @shiftingwh0r3​ @mimisshhrri111 @justmeandmyfuckeduplife @lewisthoughts @Bouncyballs001 @carronyaflowers​ @sugarmelonwater @buendiabebeta @magnummagnussen​
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keerysfreckles · 1 year
Wednesday Boy HCs
(boys in wednesday x reader)
no mention of pronouns!
- would definitely try to impress you with his art and his powers (did it work? yes.)
- he would always let you sit next to him in mrs. thornhill's class if there were no other spots
- during the poe cup, if you were apart of the black cats he WOULD NEVER STOP LOOKING AT YOU OMG (boy would be flabbergasted)
- his ideal first date is you two hanging out in his art shed; probably painting together
- his fav place to kiss you would be your temple or forehead (i picture him taller than a lot of ppl so forehead kisses are his fav)
- your fav place to kiss him is neck, its easy for you to reach plus it makes him blush like crazy if its front of people
- he loves when you play with his hair, or put his hair up in a bun for him
- he would always have his hand on your lower back; if you were walking somewhere together, or hanging out with friends
- he would be insecure about his snakes when you first started dating; he'd mainly worry about them popping out of his beanie during make out sessions
- for his birthday, or any special occasion you ALWAYS buy him a new beanie for his collection
- he would love it when you held his hand in public; its one of his favorite forms of affection from you
- you two sit in the back of mrs. thornhill's class so you're always sharing notes, or doodling on each other's notebooks, or even stealing small kisses from each other
- when you two kiss he loves to put his hands under your shirt, it gives you goosebumps every time he does it
- after the poe cup you, you would go back to your dorm to take the costume and makeup off, but ajax would want to come find you (he just really thought you looked hot in your cat outfit) and when he knocked and saw you open the door still in your costume he was SPEECHLESS- yes this ended up as a very heated makeout session with both of you in your poe cup outfits
- he loves giving you hugs where he picks you up off the ground, with his arms wrapped around your waist and your hands end up going to his shoulders
- he would probably be the type to ask you to the rave'n the day of which just STRESSES you out; enid would definitely help pick out a dress for you tho
- i feel like with gorgons, the more they trust a person the more likely they can't stone them; with that said if ajax ever says he loves you (or gets close to that point) he can take his beanie off in front of you
- his whole mood changes whenever you'd walk into the weathervane
- he would definitely memorize your coffee order
- during his shifts he'd probably place his hand on your shoulder whenever he'd walk by you, or kiss your cheek before going back behind the counter
- both of your ideal date would just to spend the day together in jericho; either walking around looking through shops, or eating somewhere for dinner
- i feel like the first kiss between you two would be similar to him and wednesdays kiss in the show
^^^ he'd be closing up for the night at the weathervane and you go into jericho because you were planning on asking him to the rave'n. he never locks the door at night, which you'd definitely scold him for. you go in and you two talk for a minute or so before you start stuttering about asking him to the rave'n. he'd walk closer to which just makes you more nervous, but he would put his hand on your cheek to make you look up at him and silence your rambling. “i'd love to go to the rave'n with you” AND HE'D KISS YOU RIGHT THEN AND THERE. your hands would go to his waist and he'd pull back first- only for you to lean up to kiss him again.
- oh he would definitely be down bad for you before you two even had your first conversation together
- he'd always look at you from his seat in classes, or while passing in the hallways
- you would get paired for a project together and thats how you two got to know each other more
- xavier would be in his painting shed a lot so you would take the opportunity to sneak into rowans dorm
- normally rowan would hate going to his fencing class, scared to be beaten by his classmates, but when he saw you join his class, suddenly that was his favorite part of his day
- he would probably nervous showing his affection for you publicly, so he would always link your pinkies together when you walked, and when sitting he would sit so close to you where there was barely any room in between your bodies
- he would find out your favorite style he wears (button up shirts with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows) so he'd wear it around you more often
- since he was apart of the nightshades he'd always take you there as your secret makeout spot
- you two cant only share one kiss, it always turns into two, then three- before it turns into a full on makeout session
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
Okay so we had cockwarming with the first years, how about with the housewardens?
Thank you for requesting! And a very big sorry for taking so long!!!
Cockwarming (ft.dorm leaders)
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riddle rosehearts
° leans towards giving, but wouldn't oppose to receiving. I can see him getting antsy while receiving tho, he starts fidgeting and shifting a lot
° between oral and anal riddle picks both. He's touch starved, that's a fact, so of course he wants every single token of your affection. Tends to disobey while giving oral cockwarming, but plays it off as his head bobbing up and down on itself
° definitely goes full red when you first suggest it. He keeps calling you a pervert, tho riddle imagines what it would be like to have your cock in him for hours
° favorite position is probably sitting on your lap not facing you. It's practical, as he can do homework, while having a little bit of fun with you
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leona kingscholar
° i do see him receiving, but most of the times leona just says "fuck it" and sleeps with your dick in him. Time to time he likes receiving cockwarming from you, he just needs to be in the mood
° anal is more to his liking, he can just sit there and have you struggling while his hole is clenching around you. What a brat
° doesn't really have a big reaction when you ask him to try it, it does plant some sinful thoughts in his mind, but leona hides any excitement behind a resting bitch face and some snarls
° favorite position is laying on top of you with your dick inside him. He falls asleep much quicker like that, plus it gives him a feeling of comfort
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azul ashengrotto
° i think that at first he'd like receiving more, but once he tries giving, azul tends to enjoy that side more. But regardless on what end he is, azul is fidgety and keeps shifting
° i have mixed vibes from azul, but oral slightly overweights. He likes the feeling of your heavy dick just laying on the flat of his tongue, sliding down his throat
° his reaction is pretty similar to riddle's but even worse. Since he's not that familiar with human bodies, he can't even possibly imagine what you're offering him, so a real life example would be good
° doesn't really have any preferences when it comes to positions. He's pretty flexible (probably not literally), so he tends to go with the flow and what you want
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kalim al-asim
° is fine with both ways, really depends on the mood and what you want. Kalim goes like "wanna warm me today? Or should i warm you? 👉👈😊" Just wants to please you, and if that makes him feel good too, then all the better
° is probably more into anal, because he can have you close no matter who's giving or receiving. But i do see kalim trying oral when he's in the mood, in this case i can see him preferring receiving
° was hella excited when you suggested cockwarming at first. He didn't know the details, but got the general idea from the name, and it truly awakened something in kalim
° i see him not having any particular favorite positions, he wants to try them all, see what makes both of you feel good, what's more comfortable, etc
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vil schoenheit
° please, you're his throne, there's no other option. Giving all the way. Vil uses your lap as his throne and your cock as his personal heater, and god help yourself if you suddenly move
° prefers anal, because oral always means messy, and vil doesn't want to ruin his make-up. However, it doesn't mean vil allows you to mess things up down there, no. He doesn't want to sit with his hole dripping with your cum, tho the thought is tempting
° reacts rather defensively when you first ask him to try cockwarming. He tells you that your idea is too dirty, but with time he starts thinking about it more and more and eventually comes to you with the same request
° favorite position is the same as riddle's, sitting on your lap not facing you. Makes him look like a badass king on his throne
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idia shroud
° is more on the receiving side when it comes to cockwarming. He likes playing games while you warm him, his gamer confidence clashes with embarrassment from the close contact
° doesn't really care whether it's oral or anal, thinks both are equally hot. Actually scratch that, idia just thinks you look so sexy while warming him, mouth or hole, doesn't matter
° definitely shuts down when you bring it up the first time. Ignores you for days, doesn't reply to your text and doesn't leave his room. He's too caught up in his fantasies about you, that he doesn't realize he can actually make them real, thus you catch him off guard
° his favorite position depends on whether you're doing oral or anal, but mostly something comfortable for you and him, since he probably plays video games while doing the act
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malleus draconia
° as much as i want malleus to sit on a dick for hours, he prefers receiving. Likes how close you two are, plus having the love of his life in his lap is ethereal
° probably doesn't really have a preference towards oral or anal, he's fine with whatever you want to do
° genuinely doesn't understand what you're asking from him, so you have to explain it in detail, which probably takes a lot of time, since malleus asks lots of questions. But he agrees nonetheless and is actually quite casual about it
° favorite position is when you sit on his lap facing him, malleus loves the closeness, the contact of skins, he can see your face and so do you his. It's a great position for an affection-starved dragon fae
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thequietesthing · 11 months
Okay so this season felt different than the previous two, maybe for the best. I am not that into the original witcher lore (books and games) that i’m that fixated on canon events so i’ll just judge what i’ve seen on screen.
Geralt: my darling mr. Cavill you are the brightest light in this show, I don't think that anyone will be able to understand and portrait Gerald better than you. Now said that, I don't think Geralt has been very Geralt-y this season (pls don't kill me for saying this). Yes, he should have changed by the power of love and family but they didn't show it. I assume that this magical transformation, that has started in season 2, should have continued and evolved in the 6 months in which Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri live together, of which we see incredibly little. Yes, the letters (very nice touch btw), yes the nice dinners together and Yen's grovelling but not very much on how this affects Geralt intrinsically. So we end up six months later that he is a mostly changed man, and good for him but I wish we could have seen more of a development. Also this season, now that we have finally placed all of our pieces on the board, inevitably focuses less on Geralt and his moods and adventures and more on the general plotting of the entire cast. Also they didn't give my man enough monsters to hunt (maybe the budget was cut seeing how many actors they had to pay). However I loved when he went to Annika's house and the moment when he recounted his childhood and the relationship with Visenna; I feel that in that moment the true talent and acting ability of Henry came through. I thoroughly enjoyed how uncomfortable he was at the mages ball; he's always so put together and firm that it was extremely funny seeing him a bit out of his depth. Anyway as long as it's played by Henry Cavill, Geralt will be always a 10/10 for me.
Yennefer: Contrary to common opinion I liked Yennefer last season. Yes she was selfish, yes she's willing to sacrifice Ciri and betray Geralt to get her magic back, but people don't seem to understand where she's coming from, and I think that a bit of explanation is given in this first part of the third season, through conversations that she both has with Ciri and Tissaia; this is not the place to write an entire apology of Yennefer but the core is this: to her, before, magic was everything; she was mistreated as a child, she never felt in control of her life, and the only way she found her way out of that was through her magic, of the power that she discovered within herself that helped her to finally stop feeling like a nuisance, to finally matter. Once she meet Ciri and she gets to know her however her priority shifts (as often happens with motherhood) and she finds out that she doesn't care whether she is powerful or not, as long as her child is safe. Now, with this out of the way, I loved Yennefer this season (as always). Anya Chalotra has grown so much into herself and her acting in these three seasons and it shows. Her relationship with Ciri is just beautiful (I was skeptical about it before because of the close age between the actresses but they embodied the mother-daughter bond perfectly), her and Geralt will never not be my favourite (I wish they had more scenes tho) and her and Jaskier are hilarious (also, more scenes pls!); but what I found very fascinating about Yennefer is the relationship she has with the other mages, of which we have always seen stunningly few. I found interesting the accusation Ciri moved to her when they were in that spa(?) to which Yennefer responds that that is the version of herself she "needs" to be around those people (strong, uncaring, playing the centuries old politics game of saying one thing and meaning another), and I really liked that because before Ciri was only "coddled" by witchers who are authentic and never had the need to play politics because they stay well away from them. Digression aside, Yennefer with other mages was really nice to watch, how she plays in the duality of who she is and who she needs to be and how she doesn't trust anyone between her peers, only Tissaia that has assumed a kind of a mother role for her. So, long story short, I love Yen and I always will.
Ciri: this poor girl has been through so much. Everyone wants her and she doesn't know what to do with herself. I felt like in this part of the season things just have been happening to her, rather than her having an active role (being dragged around the whole Continent like a package by a Witcher and a mage certainly didn't help) but it seems so me like her developing story and the general plot are going at two entirely different paces: she's still unsure of what to do, of her magical training, while the rest of the story feels almost like is at it's end and she's still there. Anyway, other than her most obvious relationships (Geralt and Yennefer) I liked her relationship with Jaskier this season; he's very protective of her and they act like he's a young uncle with his niece. Also I liked how her spending a lot of time with Yen and Geralt is starting to filter through her character, as she has become a sassy, brave, curious, know-it-all, but still she sometimes acts impulsively or foolishly as apt for her age.
Jaskier: We see him for more than 3 episodes! I would count this as a win already. I genuinely like Jaskier, I feel like he's always been the most relatable and funny character, and this season is no exception. I think Joey Batey is a comedic genius and his acting, and singing, skills are really unparalleled. I loved his journey with Radovid (who to be honest I didn't like at first, even though he is played by Hugh Skinner), they are very cute, especially their scene before the kiss, I was like awwww. Also Jaskier rivalry with Valdo Marxx is iconic, when they meet on the ship and he has a whole band backing him up and Jaskier only has Geralt and Ciri, it was really funny. Also finally Jaskier gets some well deserved love from Geralt, after 3 seasons he calls him "Jask" ♡.♡ (man, our standards are low)
Anyway, you'll forgive me but I'll give a rapid view of all the other characters because otherwise we'll be here all day.
Francesca's role this season has been practically null, other than making the final alliance with Nilfgaard she's going after Ciri (like everyone) and we did not see any repercussion or regret for the murder of hundreds of babies which had me like... ok.... Fringilla is freaking hilarious but I have also not understand her point in the story for now Cahir goes back to his murderous master after killing his elf friend, but I still like him; I think the actor is jumping through hoops trying to show us the duality of this character and how what he does actually affects him Emhyr, other than scheming and burning family pictures he seems to be doing nothing else (for now) Triss is the smartest in the freaking room, also the only one who cares about those poor girls! Everyone is like Ciri,Ciri all the time and she's like what about those poor vanished girls, I love her, but please don't let her have a romance with Istredd, who still after 3 season is going after that freaking Book of Monoliths; I hope that now that he's found it he will find peace and a good barber Tissaia and Vilgefortz I don't trust either of them, even though at the end of this part we find that is the latter and not Stregobor to have taken the girls, and if I'm honest until that scene I believed that "the woman with the funny voice" was Tissaia; also Vilgefortz is also leading on that poor Lydia... nope don't like the man Philippa Eilhart is a legend, didn't like her at first but she's smart as a whip and I think she's playing Dijkstra like a violin (also if they don't show the creation of the Lodge of Sorceresses I'll riot)
One more thing before I shut up, just a quick thought on the last episode: the idea was very well thought, to switch up the linearity of narration by including some back and forth between before and after as Yennefer and Geralt recount the night's event to each other and us (a bit Ocean's 11 style) but the execution.... I didn't particularly enjoy how it was done; maybe I need to see it again but while the change of camera angles through the same scenes helped (so that except for two moments maybe, we heard the same lines but the cameras were in different positions) it felt very repetitive and stagnant. The only positive thing was the music!! That fucking song is now stuck in my head forever: all is not *thud thud* as it seems *thud thud*, stuck all night in my head, anyway also very appropriate lyrics lol.
Ok, I think I'm done(?) I'm sure I've missed something but if it comes to mind I'll edit it in later
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taeyamayang · 2 years
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ㅡhc on how they show affection
tokyo revengers | haikyuu | jujutsu kaisen
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✦ BAJI & SANZU - acts of service
ㅡthe saying "actions speak louder than words" may have taken up a notch by these two. they would do literally anything to show their love (not bc they suck with words, but that could be a possibility too lmao). baji, compared to sanzu, is a bit softer, and by that i mean he is courteous like a gentleman. he opens the door, put his hand over your head when it starts drizzling, reaching high places, tying your laces when he sees it undone, cooking you breakfast in bed, etc. whereas sanzu would go lengths just for you. pick you up from work even if it's hundreds of miles away? sure. climb back to your 6th floor apartment for the wallet you forgot? no problem. punch your asshole-of-a-colleague on his face? he's good at that. these two will show their loyalty and devotion towards the small gestures and favors they do for you. so, better keep an eye on the details.
✦ MITSUYA & DRAKEN - words of affirmation
ㅡmitsuya and draken is the friend and lover 2-in-1 package. when you need someone to support you in times of crisis (mostly mental and emotional crisis) these two will soothe your nerves by their use of words. they have the ability shift your mood positively by the use of reassurance and advices. i'm pretty sure they are not aware of their ability to do so, but their oblivion actually adds to their charm. you just love how they look at you with bewildered faces as they wonder what they have done to cause you to smile from ear to ear. they don't know how much you adore watching and listening to them as they explain their perspective on things. you just love their unique way of thinking.
✦ RINDOU & INUI - physical touch
ㅡgod, these two can't keep their hands to themselves! they love touching, groping, and stroking every part of your body exposed to them. they take advantage of small spaces. they love sitting next to you when you eat out, intertwining hands while walking, when you rake your fingers through their hair as they lay their heads on your lap. they aren't afraid to show their love through intimate touches. hence, these two are probably the best kissers, i mean with the amount of practice they had i wouldn't doubt the premise. just... at night, keep it low for the neighbors.
✦ KOKONOI & HAKKAI - gift giving
ㅡthere are two types of gift givers (based on my expert opinion /sar) one that goes to the mall, picks an item that you like or would best suit you, purchasing it, then having it wrapped in the gifts section. on the other hand, the other type of giver would rather create a gift from scratch. the former is koko and the latter is hakkai. although, there is no "better giver" it's just that the style of giving depends on the person. i hc koko as the type of giver that when he sees an object and instantly reminds you if it, he will purchase it and gives it to you to show that he remembered you. whereas, hakkai, to me, is the type to create something from nothing. he's the type to mess around art materials, crafting a gift while thinking about you.
✦ MIKEY & IZANA - quality time
ㅡthey don't mind killing time looking at a sunsent and sitting next to you, or listen to you talk about a shitty movie you saw the other day, or sit through a rant about your neighbor who refuses to segregate their trash. every second and minute spent with you is precious. they find happiness and comfort in the most mundane moments; as long as the person they are with means so much to them every second is would mean a lot. they probably have one rule when going out tho, they don't want your phones stuck to your face. if they're spending time with you they want your full attention to them because in return they are entirely yours.
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missed writing hcs so here ya go. hope ya enjoy it :) also, correct me if i'm wrong cos my memory is a bit hazy. izana has only appeared in the manga and not yet in the anime, right? so if you have not read the manga i suggest you not to search him to avoid spoilers. thanks.
m.list | tr.list
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jemmo · 11 months
desperately trying to forget about the preview for next week's his man 2 eps and focus on the adorable junsungho date we finally got, but it's all my brain wants to dissect over and over. once again, seonwoo why? i absolutely don't understand what his goal in this show is or if he genuinely is even interested in anyone because i honestly don't feel an ounce of sincerity from that man. he went on a date with yoonghee out of politeness, and his main goal was to see if he could overcome their age gap right? yet, he's the one who kept bringing it up. it's also the way yoonghee kept asking him questions and giving him opportunities to give him some kind of clarity, but seonwoo just gave him roundabout answers in return. it annoys me that seonwoo keeps trying to string yoonghee along without cutting him off completely because he needs that attention and 'support' from him as he always says. on another note, he keeps saying sungho is "special" to him and okay maybe he is, but if so, why does it look more like he just wants to shake him up again when he noticed sungho's attention shift away from him a little? it just seems to me that not receiving a voice message from yoonghee and sungho must've hit seonwoo way too hard and he needs that validation back. sigh. i know we don't see everything that goes on in these hour long eps, but i feel like it's definitely enough for us to be able to get a grasp of their personality and character, and seonwoo is clearly playing with so many people's feelings. i just don't know what to expect anymore because seonwoo is going to continue playing these mind games with that big ego of his. god, i swear, the absolute mood swing i had from being excited and happy over sungho's voice message to my face literally falling as that preview played. this week of waiting is gonna be torture as always.
oh dear anon i am trying so hard not to think about the preview, or about seonwoo watching sungho and junsung cook and asking questions about their date and his reaction, or seonwoo calling sungho, bc sungho and junsung have such a good thing going on, and yet we and them can’t just be left with the memory of a nice date bc seonwoo has to ruin it by sticking his nose in again. im trying to be so reasonable when I watch it and not just shit on him for everything he does, bc maybe he does truly like sungho, I mean since their date he has called him consistently, but then you have people out here like hyungjin saying i shouldn’t have gone out on a date with anyone else so as not to give a wrong impression to them or the one person I like (even tho he left the message for seonwoo but that’s something else), and yet seonwoo goes out with yonghee for whatever reason, obligation, pity, curiosity, so he can’t be so committed to sungho as to shut down all other options yet, which at this point i feel like the people who are genuine are starting to be committed about who they like, but seonwoo just has to keep all these options open even when it appears he’s committing to sungho. and i don’t want to say that’s bad at the face of it, after all if sungho doesn’t go with seonwoo, it’s good to not have closed off every other option; i don’t like to subscribe to the belief that just bc you are devoted to going for one person, that your feelings are better or more worthy or anything, bc at the end of the day it’s sungho’s choice. what does annoy me is the lack of clarity with which seonwoo approaches every situation. I think the only time he’s only been kinda clear about anything was when he talked with junsung about exploring other options, but at least from what i recall, he’s never been clear to sungho and said I like you but I’m gonna keep talking to other people bc I don’t know how sungho then sees the situation, does he think seonwoo is committed to him or does he know about the other people he has ties to and would that change how he feels??
and I’m trying hard not to talk about him and yonghee’s again bc I’ve already ranted so much, but I will focus on that line he said at the end of their date, that he relies on yonghee bc his feelings never change. which is what he keeps on saying, that he gets support from yonghee and that he’s important. none of these are inherently romantic things and the thing is I think yonghee intents them to be romantic but seonwoo doesn’t see them that way, or more accurately he sees that intention but the way he is grateful for it isn’t romantic in return. and I can’t get over how fucked up it is to string someone along and use their affection as a comfort without giving that person any clarity in return. he’s literally using yonghee’s feelings to make himself feel better, feel reassured and comforted, and the reason why he won’t clarify his feelings and say there’s no romantic affection in return is bc he’s scared to lose yonghee’s affection bc it comforts him to much to know he’s so strongly and unwaveringly liked by this person. it’s literally what he wants the most, to be liked so much, and that’s why he can’t reject him even though there’s little to no way I think seonwoo feels anything romantic for him. like is that not fucked up?? to use someone like that??? to not give them that cutoff so they can move on to someone else just bc you want to feel good about yourself??? it’s the way yonghee is so sincere and genuine with his feelings and seonwoo is so plainly disingenuous in return. it’s the way he asks yonghee nothing about himself outside of his feelings for him, let’s yonghee spill his heart and says nothing in return, how he asks yonghee to ask him questions but gives him half baked answers that don’t give him enough to give him any insight on how he feels, but enough to keep him wondering. like it feels cruel, it feels like someone older making light of a young persons feelings as nothing but childish affection, and I don’t want to see yonghee being looked down at like that. I said before how seonwoo feels complicated looking at yonghee bc he has this confidence that comes from youth and less experience and fear and wishes he could’ve had that youth, but it’s bc I think he views it like that that he sees his feelings as childish, bc he is wistful for a time where he could’ve had this childish crush and felt like they were the most special thing in the world and been so bold and forward about it. and bc he doesn’t take those feelings seriously is another reason why he doesn’t reject him outright, bc he doesn’t think it warrants it even tho yonghee is putting his all into this. I don’t usually like to shit on age gaps bc age isn’t just a number but it’s also not a be all and end all, but it’s situations like this where they bother me, bc you can feel the imbalance, you can feel that the issue linger in the air where it doesn’t in other parings where a gap still exists. and i think yonghee’s youthful sincerity doesn’t match with the life experiences seonwoo has had, but also doesn’t match with the lack of emotional maturity he seems to have despite his age, and altogether it’s just so messy and not right and I can’t even say it’s good tv anymore bc I’d much rather see yonghee move onto other people than be stuck here. like sure seonwoo, make mess, it’s fun, but when it stops being fun and starts actually messing with people, that’s when I’m gonna start getting mad.
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penissirius · 2 years
Secret Secret
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Secret Secret Pt 1
Lee know x male reader
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: M/n is a very famous and well-known gamer and content creator. Idol Stray Kids still. M/n has braces but if you don’t you can just skip that part and imagine the hair as something else as well. I tried to keep it generally plain tho so you could more imagine yourself.
AUTHORS NOTE: So because this is gonna be kinda short (That’s what I thought but now that im halfway done I realized it's pretty long compared to the Late Nights one.) and more of an intro to this three-part series, I'm going to put part 2 up really close to part one. Maybe a day or so apart so it gives you guys time to read part one first. (Maybe not because im on vaca visiting my partner and im also writing a fanfic for AO3 which is taking most of my creativity but I shall try) Part 3 will probably be a few days later, depending on how much you like parts one and 2.
WARNINGS: Nothing really, fluff, some jealousy from the reader, insecure thoughts, idol AU, famous gamer reader.
M/n was chilling on his twitch stream and it was one of the few moments where he wasn't gaming but was reacting to videos his fans had recommended to him in the patron rec box. He had just finished a hilarious video of TXT and was now moving to the next video in the queue. “So the next request was from AshleysAshknee, nice name dude, this will be the last req of the live before we wrap up!” He clicks on the video and sets everything up before looking at the title.
“Alright, this is ‘Stray Kids Lee Know being the most unpredictable member in SKZ’! (I don’t know if this is an actual video so please don’t look for it 😭) Sounds good. As you all should know by now Lee Know and Changbin are definitely my biases, mainly Lee Know”, M/n laughs after reading the title. “Well let's get into it!” He starts the video and reacts to it here and there, laughing and making side jokes about his secret boyfriend. He ends up laughing at the clips of him being unaffectionate and hating affection.
There comes up a compilation of a bunch of clips near the end of Lee Know smacking the member's asses, trying to kiss them playfully and the ever so unavoidable Minsung clips. He laughs at the first sets of clips where his boyfriend is smacking their asses or playfully trying to kiss them because he knows that that's just how he jokes around with them and it's funny. When we get to the dreaded 3 to 4 last minutes of the video dedicated to Minsung, we see a slight shift in M/n's mood. It’s not enough for his fans to notice but if his siblings or boyfriend were watching they'd definitely notice.
As he watches through the clips it feels like this is the longest 3 minutes of his life and one of the only times he hates that he's reacting to an audience. The more clips of them being intimate and clingy to each other go by the more of a bitter taste is left in M/n’s mouth. In the end, they also comment about how they think Minsung is real and actually dating but M/n knows they aren't. He knows that Lee Know is his and they'd never do that to him. When the video ends M/n is quick to exit it to try to get the bitter taste away faster.
He goes through and says his usual goodbyes telling them when the next stream is and what he's doing, and if he ends the stream quicker than usual, well that's between M/n and his fans. M/n shuts everything down properly after uploading the stream so fans who didn't make it could still watch. After that, he creeps his way into his kitchen to get some snacks and drinks to take the bitter taste in his mouth away. He sits on the couch watching but not watching some random show that came on. He's scrolling through Twitter looking at drama recently and posts his fans make about him that they think he can’t see when he finds a whole thread about him.
M/n is no stranger to hate and usually, he's strong enough to fight back and laugh them off but now he's all by himself in an already weakened state and he lets the comments get to him a little. He wants to stop reading but can't bring himself to. One specific thread just gets to him in a way the rest didn't. ‘M/n talks about having a boyfriend all the time but how come we never hear about him or from him?’ ‘I don’t know maybe his boyfriend started realizing how fucking ugly M/n is and cut it off lol’ ‘Or there is no boyfriend, I mean who would date M/n unless they were looking for fame’ ‘I remember he said in one of the first streams it was brought up in that the said boyfie was an idol or famous, one of the two but still what idol would wanna date some random ass streamer who isn't even that good.’
M/n quickly shuts off his phone and throws it to the side. He realized that they were right towards the end. ‘Am I that bad looking?’ M/n stands up and walks to his bathroom mirror looking at himself. He starts to slowly pick himself apart, “My smile is horrible, these braces are so unattractive, I have such a chubby face..” Pulling on his face thinking of how ugly it looks to him and apparently other people. He tugs the ponytail in his hair pulling it out and watching as fluffy (h/c) bangs cover his eyes fully and the back of his hair goes past his shoulders with (f/n) streaks through it.
“That's a little better... You can't see the top of my face. And I can surprisingly still see like this.” He moves on poking at his body and saying things he doesn't like before giving up and changing from his favorite shirt out of his fandom merch into an oversized hoodie his brother gave him for his birthday. Was it over 90 degrees today? Yes, but M/n would rather sweat than see his body today so he just turned the ac up and moved on.
He sat in the very corner of his bed and pulled his legs to his chest. In M/n’s little corner he started overthinking. ‘What if Minho doesn't like me anymore? He’s gonna finally realize that I'm not what he wants or needs and he's gonna leave me for someone way better…like Jisung... They were right. What famous and beautiful Idol would seriously wanna date someone like me? Maybe I should tell him. I mean he'd be so much better and happier with Jisung- They're closer than me and him and spend way more time with each other and look and sound good together. He's way more affectionate with him than me..’
M/n understands that they don’t get a lot of time together because of his boyfriend's very busy schedule as an idol and yes dates and hangouts have been canceled frequently but he understands. His boyfriend's career is way more important than M/n, at least in his personal opinion. After what felt like seconds or minutes of being trapped in his head but was hours, he doesn't hear the front door open or his boyfriend walking in and taking his shoes off.
Minho was very confused because when he usually pops up around this time his adorable shorter/taller boyfriend is found in the living room or kitchen. He calls out for him getting nothing in return so he walks around looking for him and even checks his streaming room in case the stream went on longer than he thought but he wasn't there so he went to the bedroom. When he walked in he found his boyfriend still in the corner of the bed balled up and he blinked confused a few times before rushing over to him and sitting next to him on the bed.
“M/n? Baby what's wrong?”, Minho asked he made sure not to touch him because he knows how things could get if he touches him without his permission in this state. M/n slowly looks up at Minho and only cries harder when he realizes that he’s wasted hours and should have had dinner started and ready. Minho was quick to hold his arms out to the boy and M/n slowly unfolded himself before hesitantly crawling into his boyfriend’s strong comforting arms. Minho waits for him to calm down before asking him again, “Baby what's wrong? What happened?”.
M/n hiccups a few times before answering. “I'm sorry, I'm a terrible boyfriend and you deserve so much better. I'm not pretty enough or handsome enough and I should be better. You should be with someone better. You’re a famous idol for god sake what is someone like you doing with someone like me? You could have anyone you want in the world. Why are you here with me?”.
Minho held M/n to his chest, blinking confusedly about what could have caused this. He knows that M/n has insecurities and has moments like this but they've never gotten this bad before. M/n continues to sob into his boyfriend's chest, “M/n love I don't know what caused this, but I don't want to hear you say that stuff about yourself ever again. You are the most amazing and adorable and handsome person I have ever met and the only person I will ever love.”
Minho kisses the top of M/n’s head and rubs his back soothingly. “Will you tell me what caused you to think like this?” M/n sat, still sobbing, trying to calm down some before speaking. “You don’t have to tell me now but when you feel like it you can” Minho said, running his hands through his boyfriend's hair. After a good 5 minutes of trying to calm down and just basking in his boyfriend's love and comfort, M/n finally was calm enough to speak with just a few hiccups in between. He taps Lee Know’s arm twice signaling he's ready to talk now. “Hm? Are you ready baby? Take all the time you need if you aren’t!” He said looking down at his baby. “I- I’m ready now..” M/n said, his voice was kinda shaking. “Okay, what made my prince cry?” Lee know said, smiling at him.
“Um, I was on stream today and I was watching videos that people recommended to me like I told you it was planned, and everything was going good! It was a good stream but then we got to the last video of the stream and it was a video about you and..” M/n started crying again but not as hard. Minho just held him and listened while comforting him, trying to be there for him the best that he could. “I really enjoyed it, you’re so amazing and talented and it was so cute and funny watching all your moments was very fun. But then towards the end, there were like 4 minutes of just clips of you and Jisung being all cute and affectionate towards each other. It was cute and I enjoyed watching it slightly but the more and more I saw it and started thinking.”
“It went on and about how you guys would make a really good couple and that you’re perfect for each other. I know that you guys would never do anything and that you’d never cheat on me and that he’s my best friend, he’d never do that. But watching you two being so close and affectionate and always together while we almost never get time together anymore left a really bad taste in my mouth.” M/n sobbed out. Minho held him and listened taking in everything he was saying. “And then I was scrolling through Twitter after stream to make myself feel better, and I ended up finding a whole thread of hate directed towards me. Fans were saying that they didn’t believe that I was in a relationship, that no one would want me let alone a popular idol or celebrity who was a mystery. They said I was too ugly and no one would date me unless they were looking for fame. I mean they aren't wrong, look at me”
The cat-like idol looked down at his boyfriend with shocked eyes. Minho took everything in before gently grabbing M/ns chin making him look up at him. “Don’t you ever say that about yourself ever again. You are the most amazing, beautiful, funny, adorable person that I know and I love being with you. You are the reason I've gotten as far as I have, you are my biggest support. You motivate me to be the best that I can be. Everything between me and Han is strictly just friends, I don’t think of him in that way and I never will. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else in the world.” He was going to continue but M/n cut him off.
“But why? You could have someone so much better! With the same career and be able to spend more time together and be so much happier. Not some nothing Twitch streamer like me. I have no talents and nothing that makes me as special as all the amazing people that you work with. I’m disgusting and boring. My smile is ugly, these stupid braces are unattractive, (no they are not people with braces you are amazing and adorable!) my face is chubby and ugly. Everything bout me is either ugly or boring! The only thing that I like is my hair, maybe if I wear my hair down more I can hide everything. I mean I can still see through my bangs, but that way most of my face is covered, and all I’d have to do is to wear a mask or minimize the amount that I open my mouth so you can’t see my braces much.” M/n forgot he was still talking to Minho and was rambling to himself at that point.
“I’m gonna stop you right there.”, Minho interrupted him. “You are not boring or unattractive at all. You are amazing, no one can compare to you in my eyes. Your smile is absolutely gorgeous and it lightens up my day the second I see it. I think your braces and chubby cheeks make you even more adorable. You are anything but boring, it’s such a joy hanging out and being around you. You are hilarious and you brighten the atmosphere just being in the room. Watching you when you stream whether it’s gaming or reacting to videos or even drawing comics is always entertaining. The people who made that post and agreed with it aren’t real fans. Your real fans love you and love the content you make.”
Minho lifted M/ns bangs so that he could see his whole face. “There’s my beautiful baby.” M/n smiled gently hearing what he said and seeing him smile at him with the most love he has ever seen in his eyes. “There will never be a time where I will stop loving you. No matter what you say or haters say I will always be right here. Better suck it up cause you’re stuck with me now.” He said kissing all around his boyfriend's puffy face and tickling him. M/n giggled trying to get him to stop. Minho smiled stopping after a bit, “Ah the adorable giggle I love so much, music to my ears!” M/n giggled again wiping his tears. “Thank you Minho, I’m sorry I let the hate get to me.” “Don’t be baby, everyone has their insecurities. I’m always going to be here to prove those wrong just like you do for me.” He smiled kissing the shorter/taller’s forehead.
M/n smiled leaning into his chest more. “Now how bout we get you some food and then spend the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling?”, Minho asked his very cuddly boyfriend. “I would like that very much, and thank you very much again”, he smiled looking up at him. “No need to love, now I’ll go cook, you go shower and try to relax” Minho lifted M/n and took him to the bathroom. “I’ll get you clothes” M/n smiled from the bathroom and yelled towards his boyfriend who was walking back to the bedroom, “Thank you, I love you!” “I love you too now go shower before I come in there and wash you myself stupid” M/n just laughed starting the shower.
AUTHORS NOTE: So this is way longer than I thought it was going to be. Im hoping to start part 2 soon! It’s ‘Reader no longer wanting to be a secret’ Im trying to think of ideas of how it could go and I’ve got a few that I’ll probably merge into one. If you guys have any ideas I’d be stoked to hear them and use some suggestions! I hope you guys liked it! Please tell me how it was and if you didn’t like it what I could fix! Signing out, your lovely author, Ash &lt;3!
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frostfairysteve · 1 year
Hi so please please please tell me some of your ideas/hcs for model Steve I’m only so strong
Omg yes I love talking about aus
okay so!!
Steve asks about news from Hawkins whenever he can in the beginning so his parents tell him that they sold the house and get his manager to keep him away from news
He could probably call but Steve has no idea what he would say so he simply doesn't, but he starts a hundred different letters that never gets finished because he always gets told to go somewhere, do something
The first six months are awful, he's tugged around like a doll, his body doesn't feel like it belong to him at all, but his parents are happy, his mum will come to his shoots and Steve hasn't spent this much time with her in years
Slowly, he starts liking all the different clothes he gets to wear, he gets used to the cameras, finds it fun to pose, to learn his body in new ways, and the more confident he grows, the more people like him. Steve thrives thanks to the attention, from people envious of his hair, other models acknowledging him, brands and designs asking for him.
He loves the strange fashion the most, the things made for runways, made to raise eyebrows. Those looks has less rules, lets him wear things he never would have dared back in Hawkins but finds that he feels right in.
And while it's absolutely not talked about, the world of modelling is full of other queer people. Steve gets to flirt with models and charm designers and kiss hairstylists behind closed doors. He's really finding who he wants to be.
But the more fame he gets, the more opinions everyone has about how he should look. In the beginning, there had been a clearcut mold to fit in, but now he's going from people who likes his muscles to people that wants him to lose weight to people that wants him to grow out his facial hair to people who wants his whole body cleanshaven. And thanks to his manager, Steve has no say in anything.
His mood shifts more often and more drastically, he feels like himself but not, and he misses the feel of the nailbat in his hands, and he misses Dustin, and the kids, and Hawkins. He even misses Tommy and Carol.
Time doesn't pass the same for him, he spends so much time jetlagged, or suffering insomnia, and before he knows it, five years have passed and he almost doubts he would recognise Dustin if they passed each other in the street.
Steve spirals a bit, gets into drugs other than weed, gets less cautious about who he flirts with and where, and doesn't take care of himself, barely sleeps, really only eats when handed something. He only seems himself in front of the cameras or on the runway now.
He doesn't even have his mum anymore, she grew bored after the first couple of years, only shows up if they happen to be in the same city.
Steve has a face for despair and melancholy tho, so his gigs might change, the designers that take interest in him are different, but he's as popular as ever.
The Steve Harrington that meets Eddie Munson is a a shadow of the king from high school, but then Eddie brings light back into his eyes just by actually talking to him, by being able to tell him about Hawkins, about Dustin, about everyone.
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To your tags on your last post what do you think changed in Jack? I mean I noticed it as well but what do you think made him lose his spark and what do you think is the reason he’s got it back?
In this essay!!! 2015 is a dichotomy of career highs and personal stagnation. And Jack was absolutely showing lonely little depression hints he didn’t realize yet. Career-wise, ATL was peaking. Biggest shows they ever played, technically a #1 album, fucking crushing it after the rollercoaster of the previous 4 years and after they had kinda accepted what their existence might be. Meanwhile the besties are moving into next phases of life - Alex is engaged, Rian is steady, Grieco and whoever else it was that lived in that last Baltimore place with him (Steve? Dan?) were moving in with serious girlfriends. Not for nothing, we also enter MeToo and a necessary culture shift which obviously isn’t super welcoming of ATL and especially Jack’s raunchy brand. The boy is becoming a little lost and decides to run away and move to LA full time. But for much of 2016 he’s looking for anyone with a similar schedule to hang out with and being a little sweetly pathetic and a little annoying. He is searching for distraction. Everyone and everything is kind of changing but he’s not and it’s kinda lonely.
I’m always going to wonder if dating Andie wasn’t partially him doing something he felt like he should - proving he could grow up and be relationship guy too. Maybe he really did just see something different in her, we’ll never know. But mid-2016 he also seemed to be falling into different circles and partying harder. Wonderful atmosphere to be in when you’re doubting who you are.
Move into LYR era which has a such a different vibe. The mood is subdued, a semi-somber semi-mature aesthetic and it almost makes sense that Jack is different, it fits the scene imo. He very obviously no longer wants to be the caricature of everything he created but he doesn’t seem to know what else to do and boy is he struggling. I think he had a hard time sorting out him vs the persona vs pleasing fans. The Andie breakup was a boiling point that had been building and the spiral was ugly.
But he finally started going to therapy and that was huge. I feel like pandemic giving him a chance to not feel like he needed to be out and big and social all the time was really good for him too, and helped him accept that you can just sit some out and exist quietly. Somewhere over the last 2 years he worked through some some shit and seems healthy. And crazy enough, I now wonder if he understands he’s going through one of the worst things he’s ever going to and is okay. Not unscathed, but fine. That’s a real projection tho because I also think him being a little dim/immature protects him from the same introspective spirals as say, Alex. But I’m so happy he’s good.
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