#those are noise cancelling headphones btw
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my welcome home oc, Olive!
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glitteratti · 9 months
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hehe i made nico di angelo in picrew ^_^
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inkskinned · 1 year
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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onesmallbee · 1 year
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Using art to express my feelings. I don't swear often so you know tensions are high rn
I am moving out ....18 days I think. Good riddance I won't miss them at all
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orange-plane-boy · 2 years
"It's that time of the year where I always pray to have last minute inspiration and not just get you a weird shirt."
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Oh its ok. He loves weird shit abd you know it
"Oh! Can we put the mini fridge in the bedroom?" He asked as he wore the shirt, giggling
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cerberus-new-owner · 1 month
anyone else see headcannons for the om! characters and think of their own for a completely different topic like seriously i was reading headcannons about how the brothers would react to MLP (by @byte-your-tongue for those curious i would recomend looking at the post it made me laugh) and i started thinking up headcannons on how they would sleep like what??
Anywayssss here some headcannons about how i think the characters would sleep (with and without mc cause i feel like some of the would change how they sleep with someone next to them)
Part 1 - The Brothers Part 2 - The Angels + Solomon Part 3 - Diavolo + Barbatos
content thingy btw: the brothers are kind of implied to be dating mc but it can really be taken how you wish, also gn!mc, ooooo ooo oooo and a few pet names (dove, treasure, player 2, love) and a bit of fluff to
w/out mc- on back stiff as a board, mans becomes a plank of wood dare i say even a brick unmoving and silent no snores no sleep talk and somehow takes up his entire bed (he's probably in his demon form) also a very light sleeper he's gotta be ready for anything and everything disaterous that could happen in the middle of the night
w/ mc- buuuuuuut when mc shows up and starts sharing his bed he starts to sleep talk like when mc first showed up in the devildom he started doing it every now and then cause of stress (i sleep talk when stressed lol) but when they started sharing a bed he started sleep talking alot more the stress probably coming from him not wanting one of his brothers (mammon, levi, asmo) to A to walk into his room and fall asleep ontop of him and mc cause they want mc cuddles to or B straight up steal mc from his grasp (he protec) oooooor lucky number C take photos of the two and use them as blackmail (mams, satan and belphie), still no snoring, 20% chance he's in his demon form especially if its winter (wings can be blanket), i also think he may switch from a brick to side sleeper everynow and then for cuddles (touch starvedddddddddd), light sleeper still but like way worse now, will wake up at the sound of a pin drop (force him to wear noise cancelling headphones everynow and then so he gets sleep 'do i have to wear these silly things dove, i'd preffer to keep you safe and the house of lamantation standing than sleep')
w/out mc- hes sprawled out (starfish), loud snoring (can be heard across the house), also loud sleep talking (he will get flustered in his sleep and talk for everyone example 'mammon that was such a dumb idea' 'no it aint it was a genius idea' 'mammooooooon, wheres my record') sleeps with his glasses on, also kicks like alot, very deep sleeper would've slept through one of beels late night rampages when the fridge was empty many times
w/ mc- still starfish no room for mc, snoring is still loud (hope mc's got ear buds or smth) sleep talks but now flirts with himself too 'oh mammon did it hurt when you fell' 'of course it did i fell for you after all', has gotten into a better habit of taking his glasses off before sleep (feel like mc got up him for wearing them to sleep) no kicking anymore or atleast not as much mc has gotten kicked off multiple times, still a very deep sleeper but he'll somewhat wake up if mc moves to check on them (its probably just tred mumbles of something like 'ya okay treasure?' or 'you're not going anywhere treasure')
w/out mc- idk what to put here like he obviously takes up like the entirety of the bathtub he sleeps in, he probably talks to ruri-chan or his online friends in his sleep and does the poses and stuff ruri-chan does also body pillows no blankets just body pillows/hj he's a pretty normal sleeper (when he does sleep) only really waking up to any loud noises
w/ mc- still dunno but he probably wraps his tail around mc when sleeping (once again he protec) probably like the exact same as w/ out mc but without the poses, still a pretty average sleeper and still talks in his sleep ('nonononononono player two you take on the minions and i'll take on super elite demon dragon fish boss')
w/out mc- lets be real when hes does sleep its either almost exactly like lucifer (when he goes to sleep willingly) or he's sprawled out with a book on his face, snores but not as loudly as mammon or beel, probably kicks if he falls asleep angry at someone (most likely lucifer) sleeps pretty deeply normally but when pissed off he's a light sleeper almost like he's preparing to explode at the slightest sound, also if he's snuck a cat into his room he's cuddling with the cat
w/ mc- cuddles in the middle of reading a book, mc was sitting in his lap and he was reading to them when they fell asleep and a few hours later still reading the book out loud for the sleeping mc he falls asleep himself, doesn't go to sleep angry as often as before but his sleeping does lighten a little to make sure unwelcome intruders dont enter his space whilst he's with mc, will not move if he's cuddling mc (if he does move and wake them up he's apologising tellng them to go back to sleep ' 'm sorry love go back to sleep')
w/out mc- kitten snores tiny little baby snores, doesn't kick unles he's having a nightmare, has a night time face mask on deep sleeper and sleeps on his back just not as stiffly as luci and satan, sleep talks on occasion but its usually just him complementing himself 'oh asmodeus you look extra fabulous today' stuff like that
w/ mc- pretty much the exact same mans wants his beauty sleep
w/out mc - snores louder than mams, sleeps like a brick, human heater, midnight snacks, deeeeeeeep sleeper like an a new level not as bad as belphie but still he won't wake up unless its one of his alarms or he's hungry, if he were to sleep talk it'd probably be the recipe to his faverite food 'beat two eggs, mix the eggs in with the rest of the batter bake for 15 minutes'
w/ mc- me personally i would get him a sleep apnea machine (stops the loud snores) and install several fans for summer months, he would be very clingy too, perfect for winter not so much for summer
w/out mc- dead he might aswell be dead does not move or make a sound pretty boring overall and cold, no sleep talking like i said he might as well be dead
w/ mc- snuggles snuggles snuggles only time he will move is to get closer to mc for snuggles still pertty cold though like if he wakes up before mc, mc better be prepared to be woken up by a pair of cold hands / feet on their back and a very bratty smile to accompany their awakening
i feel like its way to obvious who my favorite brothers are looking at this and which brothers i struggled with lol but oh well....
i may do the dateables next, i also may expand on a few of these (the ones i didn't struggle hardcore with lol)
have a good day, night, evening, breakfast, lunch, morning
having too muvh fun with the masterlist things lol
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dazai-fan-page · 6 months
Traveling today so have some Dazai travel hc of mine:
- He doesn't like that he's not in control of the plane, the fact that no amount of reading people will keep a plane in the air freaks him out. Of course he doesn't tell anyone that and does his best to ignore it.
- Packs virtually nothing for himself and borrows shit from whoever he's with
- He brings like 20 different types of gum because the altitude shift hurts his ears (some people are more sensitive to it, i've decided dazais one of those people. so is atsushi. i was gonna add chuuya to the list but he flies around on his own soo)
- He layers air pods under noise canceling headphones to block out all airplane noise (this works btw its like a lil echo chamber of whatever you play)
- Dresses and acts like he's gonna sleep through the whole flight, does not and then complains about being too tired to carry his bag
- Brings weighted animals/blankets so that his bag gets flagged at security and Kunikida can't get mad at him bc Dazai needs weighted blankets to fall asleep (which is also a reason he brings them but he also likes watching Kunikidas face get red while their schedule goes out the window)
- Likes to make "deathbed confessions" every time there's turbulence, Chuuya's been told many a dumb shit during these
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aita for wanting my mom to go to the other room?
so this has been a problem for a while - my (19x) mom (63f) has been making/answering phone calls while in the same room as me for a long time. i cant go into my room because it's ungodly messy (depression pit) and i cant clean it because i have a leg injury (though i have started to clean it before the injury and intend to finish it when i'm healed).
every time i go on a voice call with my friends, i always let my mom know and then make sure i'm in a different room than her. every time she makes a call, she doesn't even let me know half of the time and doesn't leave the room and thinks it's okay because i'm always wearing my (shitty, broken at the hinge, not-noise-cancelling) headphones, not to mention she always talks 20x louder when on the phone (/hyperbole), typically with the tv on (which overwhelms me as i'm audhd and that + mom's voice + the video im trying to watch = horrible horrible horrible).
most of her phone calls these days are about my grandma (94?f), who is currently in hospice as well as blind and going deaf. i get it - it's important and she wants to make sure her mom is okay and happy at the end of her life. i'd want the same for her when she gets to that point!
but whenever i say 'hey can you move to the other room when you make a call' she always goes 'have some empathy, grandma is dying!!' and i just. dont see how that's related. 'how about *you* go into the other room?' i do, when *i* make calls! but i cant now because i have a leg injury and it hurts to move. 'youre making a mountain out of a molehill.' it's gone on for so so long. i dont know what to tell her. (these are not paraphrased things she said, btw, except the first one since she's said variations of that typically)
she always, always does this, and then says i'm just trying to start arguments or something along those lines. i will say that i have raised my voice in annoyance to her, and have been tempted to blast my hardcore music without headphones while she has a phone call. she says i'm being controlling and im starting to think i am. so, tumblr, aita?
What are these acronyms?
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Craig headcanons, go
He's so autistic it's insane
He has shutdowns way too often :(
Even more often as he grows up
He's associated flipping people off with being able to leave class (to go to counselor's office) so he does it when he gets too overwhelmed at school
Because he's never been taught it's wrong, too, but that's secondary
When he has shutdowns he goes non-verbal too
Which has gotten everyone to assume he's simply not too talkative and let him be
Tweek eventually learnt what Craig's shutdowns were and he helped him out with them every time since then
For example getting Craig out of class when he looked like he was getting overwhelmed
Craig's so grateful for this<3
He doesn't get an autism diagnosis until 15 for some reason
Even though he didn't talk until he was 4- it's really weird it took him so long to get it actually
He had a really hard time coping with his diagnosis at first
So much internalized ableism
He probably locked himself in his room for a couple days after that
He told Tweek before he told anyone else
And Tweek helped him come to terms with it<3
Now he's fine with it :)
He hates how noise cancelling headphones feel, and instead wears earplugs to block noise
He doesn't ask teachers for permission because they can't see the earplugs with his hat anyways
His spin is totally space
He Loves space
He's infodumps to Tweek about it really often, Tweek loves it even though he doesn't understand even a third of it
He has those glow in the dark stars on his room's ceiling and a projector
His style never changed much through his life, comfortable clothes, nothing really specific
He's never stopped wearing that hat
Even though it's kinda broken now
Transmasc (he/him), only Tweek and his family know
He's always been so Boy even as a little kid that nobody's ever thought he could be anything else at all
Not exactly insecure about this but... Yes
Awful chest dysphoria
He's gay :)
His father thought that meant he was actually a girl but nope
Sorry for crushing your hopes Mr Tucker but your son is gay 😔✨
He's actually fine with it after not too long dw
Craig's family life is pretty great :)
Still he sleeps at Tweek's quite often
When he's not, Tweek's usually sleeping at his
Because otherwise they both struggle sleeping by themselves
They have such a healthy and cute relationship istg
They've been fake dating since they were 9, real dating since 10, and Craig got them promise rings at 13
They've obviously had troubles a couple times but they fixed them<3
Btw Craig got braces at 12 and wore them till 14
His teeth went from Awful to Actually Pretty Ok
But the braces made him so insecure while he wore them
His favorite subjects at school are the ones related to science
Math? He's awesome at it
Physics? He loves it
Chemistry? Fuck yeah
Biology? Pretty cool too
He hates literature with his whole soul though
"What was the artist feeling here?" "How would I know I wasn't there" (mood)
He's taller than Tweek until he turns 13
After that Craig mostly stops growing and instead Tweek gets so tall it's crazy
It felt so weird to them at the beginning 😭
And yes, Craig is half Peruvian on his mom's side :)
He and Kenny have conversations in Spanish sometimes
It's something they bond over idk
Aaand I think that's it :D he's a pretty chill dude tbh
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
hiya dad. I've done research and taken some online screening tests and I'm fairly sure I'm somewhere on the autism spectrum, but I don't know if my symptoms are "severe enough" to qualify for a diagnosis. and I don't know how much of it is the autism and how much of it is other stuff. so idk what to do and I suppose you could say I've got some pretty strong imposter syndrome going on. any advice would be quite appreciated
if you haven't already, i would suggest taking the RAADS-R test. it is a screening tool used by professionals when diagnosing autism. it is not equivalent to a diagnosis, but it can help with that pesky impostor syndrome!
also, the autism spectrum is not a straight line from mild to severe. there's no such thing as mild or severe autism. autism is a collection of traits, and the spectrum represents how much each of those traits presents in you.
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here is an example from i screening test i took a while ago (this is not the RAADS-R btw). because i dont have too much difficulty with eye contact, social interaction, or abnormal speaking patterns, i might seem like a 'mild' autistic to a casual observer. however, i really struggle with overstimulation in public places, and can have internal meltdowns because of this. i get obsessed with my interests to the point where i struggle to think about anything else, which impacts my schoolwork.
oftentimes words like 'mild' and 'severe' are used to refer to how much an autistic person inconveniences those around them, rather than how much they are struggling internally. no one is more autistic than anyone else. we all have our own unique struggles and strengths, because we are people, and thats just how people are! there is no way to be a 'little bit autistic'. you either are or you aren't. spectrum =/= sliding scale!!!
and yes, symptoms can overlap a lot between diagnoses. i think there should be less emphasis on "Do the things i struggle with align perfectly with the way people with this condition struggle?" and more on "Will the techniques designed to help these people make my life more bearable?" and if the answer is yes then use them!!!
you dont need a diagnosis to wear sunglasses indoors or use fidget toys or noise cancelling headphones/earplugs. there is no such thing as being 'disabled enough' for accommodations. if they make your life easier or less painful/uncomfortable, then do it!!! and this goes for other mental disabilities and physical disabilities too! and even non-disabled people!
i think as a society we have placed so much judgement on disabled people that it is seen as a personal failure to need accommodations. using a cane or walker is seen as 'giving up', when it can actually be a preventative measure for many physical conditions!
if something makes your life easier, then do it. regardless of whether you have the 'correct' or 'severe enough' disability for it. suffering is not noble.
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"What happens to a soul after its vessel returns to the earth?" The Erased, The Heaven, and The Limbo. HERE THEY ARE!!!! MY BABIES They're Kenikari OCs but they also appear in Jubotsu in the main characters' backstories! Except for Samsa he's like actually in Jubotsu as a participant.... So that's why I'm gonna tag them as Jubotsu characters still OH THEY ALL DIE BTW.... None of these guys survive.... How do I describe these guys erhm.... Kaneko Samsa (he/they/any) Kaneko is like the most normal dude you could meet He was originally a barista but due to some assessments, he's now a minimum wage cashier... He pretty much remembers everything in his life though he is missing certain details or just full on events that has happened in his life (including how he got kidnapped) Harin Mao (sie/hir, she/they) Sie is a loud person who's currently in senior high school! Sie is one of the group of people who remember absolutely NOTHING except for the fact that she has SUPER sensitive hearing and needs those noise cancelling headphones to make the noises of the world bearable. It is a bit counteractive because they now can barely hear anything and that's what makes hir REALLY loud most of the time Sie is also Indonesian :D Mimi (she/it) Hello ppl that know it from Overlooking Monarch... Mimi is a timid kid who when she speaks, she speaks with attitude. It is always on heightened edges and will be suspicious of literally everything. It is missing an ear so she can't really hear from that side She also cannot remember anything about herself! She remembers everything in her life but if it's only including itself, it will not remember In fact, the only reason why she knows her name is Mimi is because its parents would call it that all the time. And Mimi isn't even her name it's her nickname....
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kuwajima · 9 months
It’s ur fav prompt giver :)), merry Christmas btw!
1. How would New Years go with Zenitsu? I can just imagine a DISASTER when they take him to see the fireworks, how would they manage it?
2. What would the Uzui’s do for a summer vacation?
3. If Zenitsu asked them how babies were made, what would each of their responses be?
4. Zenitsu’s reaction to noise cancelling headphones
5. Would the Uzui’s do the beach? How would they try to entertain Zenitsu? (Volleyball in the sand, ocean, building sandcastles, etc)
6. If Zenitsu begged for a dog, how would that go over?
Merry Christmas!!
1. I don’t want to spoil my festival chapters, where fireworks are a plot point… let’s just say he doesn’t like the noise :)
2. Summer vacations are all inclusive resorts…I regret to say that Zenitsu is at one of those daycares all day, having the worst time while the Uzui’s are drinking and eating to their hearts’ content.
3. Uzui: fully prepared to explain in detail until the wives intervene.
Suma: tries to tell some kind of stork-related story, but Makio keeps interrupting and adding dirty details.
Hinatsuru: goes for the full “when parents love each other” explanation which Zenitsu doesn’t really believe, considering he doesn’t know where his “real” parents are. In the end Tengen says “don’t worry about it” and for some reason that works?
4. Zenitsu would LOVE noise canceling headphones. 99% of all Zenitsu freak-outs could be solved with noise cancelling headphones. This feels like something Gramps would suggest tbh, I don’t think Tengen himself would make the connection.
5. Tengen digs a giant hole and just puts Zenitsu in it. He cannot climb out and occasionally water fills it but not enough to drown him. Tengen is now free to tan and drink all day and just occasionally make sure the kid didn’t drown. Any time someone tries to take him out of The Hole™️, Tengen insists he’s watching him and that Zenitsu likes it (he does not)
6. Tengen does not strike me as a dog person. But weaponizing Suma’s tears as well as his own? Zentisu has a decent shot as getting a dog. Probably one that need a lot of grooming.
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syn4k · 2 years
listen ok i fuckin hate apple and capitalism blah blah blah but unfortunately they've made some of the most solid basic ass earbuds to ever grace my bastard ass ears. yeah i'm talkin about the wired pairs you'd get with your phone for years until they stopped doing that (FUCK them for that btw). mines been through the wash dryer more times than i can count ive used those bitches for years and they still somehow function. like theyve got some solid build quality on em. and if you're out on a walk or forgot your other headphones they're there and they work! (we have a big fancy set of noise cancelling headphones but sometimes they're dead or we forgot to charge or pack them so we keep the wired ones as a backup)
tl;dr fuck apple but i love their basic ass wired earbuds. end post
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b-piu · 2 years
The Dubious Occurrences at Live Wire's
Investigation 1: the baseline. ( I am not proof-reading any of this btw. I am a wild card of a historian.)
After our weekly meeting, we decided unanimously: "what better way to start our hunts by beginning on Halloween?" Well...maybe, ok, maybe not the greatest idea. Exhaustion, paranoia, sleep-deprivation do not make for a great ghosting mindset. But nevertheless, we were motivated to undertake what the undertakers left us.
Due to the fact we are slightly underprepared for...most things...we chose to host our first paranormal investigation at my home. Built in 1937, I'm willingly to say my house can be fucky at times. One time in particular springs to mind. I'm with one of my exes when - I shit you not - my cupboards spring open and my doors slams shut. My windows were shut, and my cupboards take a good amount of oomph to pry open. However, I myself have chalked this down to the fact my house is arguably poorly built and literally sinking into the ground. Repair is not my middle name.
While we ghost-capped the night, we settled into opening our brand-new Spirit Box. Can attest: incredibly annoying. Our spirit box has a temp reader built in, too.
For the first attempt, we heard nothing. Tele suggested we employ the Estes Method. For those who are not aware, the Estes Method - otherwise known as SB7 Spirit Box Experiment - is when a listener puts on the spirit box in headphones, noise-cancels outside interference, tries to enter a trance-like state, and instantly speaks whatever words they think the box might be saying.
The first one to go was Tele, with the rest of us asking questions. We got jackshit, but it was kinda funny. After this, we sent the shit, I mean spirit, box to me. I repeated everything I heard, which included some semi-definite phrases. I recall repeating "listen" and "stay" a few times, along with Moody's real name: [redacted]. I also said the phrase "go down there" after Tele pointed to my basement. (ghost oooh noise.) After this, Moody took a turn. They also repeated their own name a few times, and also said mine. Shit scared me. The box also said things mildly homophobic, like "fruits" and "gay boo" and other various republican sentiments. Asshole.
6ixer took a turn. This is when I cleverly decided to start recorded. Tele: "do you have anything you'd like to say?"
6ixer: "be quiet."
Tele: "you can tell us anything."
6ixer: "give up."
Tele: "I'm [redacted]-"
6ixer: "stop talking."
After this, we got a lot of interesting statements like an age after we asked, (12) and a gender (boy.)
We asked some death details, and gathered "water," "silence" and "cold." Then, the box went back to fucking with us. "Whistle, please." So we did this. We got some more weirder stuff after this. But before I get to that, I'd like to mention that it said "bet bro" which fucking cracked me up. As I'm listening, we also got "eat soup." So enjoy these.
A lot of the statements from the box aligned up to a missing person's case at a location near Ballard. We tried to pry more, but this ended up dwindling out pretty fast.
When the box powered down, we went after the house with our Ouija board. The funny thing with these is that it does move, but everyone always swears they weren't touching it. Bro, I wasn't touching it, though. On my fucking life.
Anyway. The temp reader started to fucking plummet, which was not great for the energy of the room. Then the EMF reader went a little fucky on us, and starting spiking.
Tele said they felt a little girl's presence in the room and maybe it was like the night but I felt something touch my cheek, for reals. Where I was sat, the temperature continued to fluctuate. When Tele stated they believed the ghost to be near me, I was overwhelmingly flooded with fear. This also happened to 6ixer. Both of us felt so much intense fear, and I am unashamed to say I cried a little. Still a skeptic, but I don't know how the fuck I felt extremely frightened so sudden.
Did I mention that literally while all of this is happening, the temp is dropping by 2 degrees at a time? Oh, and the candles blew out. And one of our cat/ghost balls went missing despite the fact all of us blood-hound searched the room.
That draws our 1st semi-investigation to a close. Would love some inputs and some chitchat on these occurrences. After this, I'll post our debrief.
-live wire
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hubs24 · 6 months
Trend Watch: Innovations in Headphone Tech
hey everyone, so I just dove into this fascinating piece about how headphone tech has really leaped forward lately and wow, it's kinda wild. Imagine headphones that don't just play music, but also keep tabs on your health, react to voice commands, and touch controls? We're not just talking about noise-cancellation anymore (which btw has hit some crazy new levels of blocking unwanted noise), it's like carrying a part of the future right in your ears. And for those of us on the hunt for the perfect pair, turns out there's a lot more to consider now. From what it looks like, doing a bit of homework on what you really need and what each brand offers can go a long way. Not just looking at the price tag but diving into sound quality, battery life, how comfy they feel, and durability. Also, some pro tips out there on keeping these techy buds in tip-top shape for the longest time – regular cleaning, proper storage, the works. Gotta say, it's pretty cool seeing how much thought is going into designing headphones that aren't just about listening to music but enhancing the whole experience. Definitely worth checking out if you're planning to upgrade or just curious about where personal audio tech is heading.
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chubbidust · 2 years
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esper reading
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