#those spaces anymore) but i think thats such a lovely way of putting that. okay back to reading.
tamaharu · 10 months
AUGH i love reading trans academic literature
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tedwardremus · 3 months
I feel like Ron fans really want him to be an Auror for the rest of his life like Harry is because its a "cool" job but it makes perfect sense he stops after 2 years? He is canonically lazy. That is not projection. That is not bashing. That is how he IS. He is lazy. Why would he want such a work intensive, difficult, and stressful job long-term? I really think the glory would wear off fast once you realized you can't even talk about what you are doing, you have to work overtime, you can get injured, you deal with constant stress, and for what? A basic pension. You don't even get rich off of it. Ron at the joke shop suits his character SO much.
Okay, Anon. I love you, and this is a safe space for people to discuss their controversial opinions with no judgement but I will have to push back a bit because I am a member of Team Ron Defense Squad.
I agree that being an auror wasn't the perfect fit for Ron, but I disagree with his laziness.
He was lazy when it came to school work. But a lot of kids are? That's hardly unique for a teenager. School didn't really interest him. But he was bright enough to do well in all his subjects (well, except history and divination, but those were joke classes) so he didn't really feel the need to work harder.
But in the things that he was interested in? The boy was not lazy.
You don't become the best chess player Hogwarts has ever seen at age 12 when you are lazy. That is years of hard work and skill development (prodigy level!). He probably spent hours at the Burrow as a kid studying chess moves and learning to see the board. That's not lazy.
You don't become a prefect by being lazy.
He also went off by himself and practiced quidditch so he could make the house team. That's not lazy. Thats determination (and a little insecurity because he was afraid of beign mocked for putting effort in or being told he wasn't good enough)
Which is totally relatable. Have you ever been afraid of failing or being compared to someone who, in your mind, has already mastered the skill you are practicing, so in the end, you didn't really try? because not trying is better than failing? That's not lazy, that's being insecure and anxious.
Ron is also with HArry on all his adventures. Going into the forbidden forest, starting an underground defense club, solving mysteries, fighting in the Ministry. This isn't lazy.
One of Ron's number one traits is his caregiving. Offering tea, the easy way in which he assures people, making sure Harry eats. Caregiving is not lazy. It takes attention to detail, emotional intelligence, and a lot of follow-up and determination.
I think Ron retired from ebing an auror early for several reasons.
1.) The job was finished. They caught the death eaters, the trials were over, he had some breathing room, and he realised that he could move on. That it was a job he felt he had to do but didn't really enjoy doing
2.) He saw that Harry really did enjoy it and that Harry didn't need a caregiver anymore, he wa an adult who could take care of himself and had Ginny at home to also care for him.
3.) Hermione, the ultimate girl boss that she is, clearly has ambitions and was career driven. Ron wanted to make sure she wasn't burnt out and that she had someone at home to take care of her (and their future children). Ron is the ultimate wife guy and I love him leaning into the role hard and with vigour.
caregiving and homemaking aren't laziness, and seeing a traditional feminine role as lazy in the body of a male character is sexist.
4.) I love Ron and the twins relationship. They are very close, even if the Twins mocking him crosses the line. And I can see Ron caring for George after the war in his very Ron-like way. Stopping by after an auror shift to help clean the shop and make sure he ate that day. Takes him to the pub for a pint, where they don't talk, but Ron just wants George to know he is there for him.
Over time, Ron learns that he loves working at the shop. He is good at it. And Geroge loves Ron being there, and he needs the help. George wants to be creative and invent things, and Ron has a great mind for business. He is using his logic skills to improve their business strategy and expand operations. He is good at balancing books and making sure bills get paid (oh no! It Looks like he enjoys a bit of homework after all!)
And Ron loves greeting customers and talking to kids in the shop. Being friendly and a bit goofy and his warm and comforting self.
He doesn't need fame and fortune because he is secure in his role as a caregiver, it is his ultimate strength. He has matured and moved on from his childhood insecurities. He is no longer in the shadow of his large loud family.
He is Ron. And he is enough (kenough)
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carpedzem · 6 months
under the cut i want to talk a little bit, maybe overshare as well. ill try to keep it short (rereading nat here. i didnt). its a sad post, might make some of you angry but not for the reasons you think
i was staying away on purpose, but a few people asked about me so i wanted to let you know that hey, im lurking, im waiting to see what happens. maybe some things will change in the future but im putting it out here so its all in one place
i think i want to start with saying thank you again for sticking around, supporting my art and my thoughts and having discussions with me. i really opened up about myself and what I created here. im very anxious person and it influences my life on every level, so being heard, seeing people laughing at my jokes, loving my art has been so so important to me
about the situation, the gogcident if you will, i logged out as soon as i saw things going down and been getting updates though different source. and while situation is still on going and i dont know where it will go, as how it ends, theres two or three things im firm on that will always be true for me:
i really hate how believe all victims turns into believe everyone who speaks first, no matter what they say, no matter context, no matter proof. the first statement made in this case was untrue in a lot of important details and while i dont think caitis feeling are wrong or invalid i think her first statement made this situation into something it isnt. i think every victim should be heard but attacking everyone who was accused right away is not a solution
i do believe that everyone who was accused of anything has every right to defend themselves. the way its constantly taken away from dteam is not lost on me and its insane and upsetting
you can be traumatized by the events that werent in its core meant to be traumatizing. sometimes people act shitty and leave scars on you and sometimes you can do the same to other people
edited note bc i want this to be here as well: guilty until proven innocent is a crazy mindset and i cannot imagine situation that i would allow it. some idiots dont even realise how dangerous rhetoric that is. including accusers not being obligated to provide any proof of their claims
twt is the worst thing to deal with any discourse, misunderstanding or any delicate situation. i think no ones there cares for any victims period. i wish that place the worst
okay so what now. i havent decided yet. georges and dreams moves so far confirmed for me that no matter what happened it wasnt with malicious intentions. ill wait to see how this plays out and then ill decide about my next steps. one think i did for sure is i uninstalled twt from my phone (and that already bit my ass the moment dream started his space…) that part of fandom, both people who like (liked?) and hate dream is so damn self-destructive, toxic, manipulative and performative it wasnt worth it anymore. for here, i dont know yet. i dont hate dteam, i think this is very unfortunate and sad and complicated situation that left people very deeply hurt. and i wish it wasnt this way and im pretty sure dteam also wish that. but they cant change it and i cant change it even more
now this is something i dont really know how to tell you but let me try. i never mentioned this bc when i had those realizations, it was too late, everyone moved on and i felt stupid for dwelling on this. i feel stupid now, typing this. the thing is, drituation left me quite traumatized. fucking pathetic, i know. the sudden explosion of fandom left me really badly hurt. i lost a lot of people i genuinely believed to be friends with, and i miss them dearly. i felt, fuck it, still feel deeply betrayed by some of them. i dont want people guess who is who thats not the point, those people moved on long time ago. but that hurt has been really difficult to deal with, especially since realistically i know its quite stupid. crying over some people who were following me back for a few months? but i tried to let myself heal and grow love for this community again and i thought we will be okay. drituation felt like the end of the world but we got through it and I thought we are smarter. and well. im not trying to blame anyone or even a whole community, idk maybe i want to blame the universe for putting me here or society for working this way i dont know. but im hurting and i need to find a better way to deal with things going the wrong way. and it deeply upsets me but im afraid that i have to learn how to love you all less. and i honestly dont know yet what that means, how moving forward will look like. i dont have to make this decision now so i let myself stay away from social media for a while still and then go with presented situation the best i can. i dont try to make anyone responsible for my wellbeing i want to make this clear. im just trying to share my feelings and give you context for whatever happen in the nearest future. no matter what i need more healthy relationship not even with ccs but with community itself (and if you see me rebloging hazbin hotel fanarts. spare me...)
in this place i do want to state that no matter what i dont think dteam are bad people. im not closing myself at possibility of participating in the fandom, probably less though things i mentioned earlier. but if any of those things make you uncomfortable in any way, feel free to unfollow/softblock
im leaving my askbox open if anyone has anything to say, add, or idk, scream at me. not sure if i answer any tho. also if i delete this post in the next 10 minutes out of embarrassment then well, haha
on the final note i want once again thank you all for supporting me when i needed help for my cat. you all did something amazing, something i will never forget and i wish to hug everyone of you in person. thank you
see you around. one day. maybe tomorrow maybe in 10 days. idk
and if you are moving on in different direction, if we ever meet again, dont be a stranger
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crxnberrykxng · 3 days
Hii- firstly I lovelove your blog, and I think you’re super stupendous.!! Thank you for having a vent space open<3, you dont have to read if you dont want too, I just wanna tell someone. -
I just feel like very unfullfilled in my life, and sorta apathetic to the things happening around me. I know im smart and that i deserve good things in life, yet i put myself in self deprecating situations, and i dont make any effort to pull myself out of them until it becomes so bad that my life is at risk. I miss my father, theres a protection order for my own safety due to his manic episodes. In a few months it should be safe for me to visit him, but ive just recently became an adult and started living on my own, ive always had someone to rely on. Specifically an older man. I feel so lonely and i just want a relationship with someone that isnt based around sex or unhealthy dynamics. I want to feel taken care of, im so used of taking care of someone that i dont remember what it was like to be cared for. From a young age i was comforting my mother, icing her bruises. Playing the messanger between her and my dad. It was good to feel needed, relied on. Until it came to the point where i can barely sleep at night, and i am terrified all the time. of what? i dont know. Nothing makes me happy anymore, the compliments of perverts on the internet, the validation of someone asking why im so thin. I just dont feel anything. Im stuck in this places, in this repetitive routine. I just want my father to love me like he did when I was a kid.
Sorry this was so long, I just needed to tell someone atleastxoox
hey <3 this might be kind of a wall of text so fair warning:
i understand completely how you feel. i never knew my birth father, had a cycle of men in my moms/my life throughout my childhood and teenage years. my mom has also had a lot of struggles w mental illness so for the most part i ended up raising my siblings and taking care of everyone else. its hard, and it takes a MASSIVE toll on your mental health.
wanting a parent so badly HURTS. you cant describe it to someone whose never experienced it. it's a different brand of pain and it never truly goes away. however, i can tell you that help and healing is absolutely possible, its very difficult but theres always someone to reach out to. hell if you need to, reach out to me. ill help find you someone who can help more than im able, if thats something you would ever want. i may be a disordered blog but i will 100% always go out of my way to offer any kind of resources or support for those who ask.
for now though, try to be kind to yourself. you've taken care of yourself and gotten to today, and i'm so proud of you for that. depression is fucking brutal. i have bipolar disorder type 2 and my depressive episodes make me feel like no matter how hard i try ill always end up back in the hole i'm trying to get out of. it sucks !!!! its fucking frustrating !!!! but its also not my fault, and being depressed is also not YOUR fault, either. you deserve love, care, and support just as much as everyone else. you matter. your feelings matter. you deserve more than the cards you've been handed and that makes me so angry for you. you should've gotten so much better and i'm so sorry the people that were supposed to provide that for you never did.
you will be okay one day, i promise. all of us will be. there will be a day where you can feel at home and at peace. i wish i could tell you when that is, but just try and hold out until you can see it. i love you and i'm sending all the healing in the world to you, and anyone else who feels the same way. you are loved, and it'll be okay. don't cringe at the cliche, but things will be okay in the end; if its not okay, its not the end <3
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hnbka · 4 months
does anyone care I CARE
my cousin made me watch descendants w her again and those movies could have been sooo good if they cared at all
like the isle of the lost could have been a politically greedy landscape where malificent and jafar and other power hungry leaders led groups of villains with other deisres (mother gothel, evil queen, gaston etc). as their oldest children are nearing twenties, theres new players on the field.
how would evil queen who has sworn allegiance to maleficent have reacted to mother gothel providing her with the ability to stay young and beautiful forever? how would the two feel when their children became best friends?
and then the children, sent on missions for their parents. the seeds of allies, friends, rivals-- uma and mal, the enemies of the isle of the lost, and uma's best friend, harry dating mal??? oh give me a prequel of them before descendants PLEASE
not to mention how good that would make the payoff of descendants two??
(if you dont care about shipping scroll till you see HADES?? in really big bold text ok thanks)
and then when they get there, they don't throw the boys away as dumb plot devices but give them relationships and arcs and goals? i know, shocker, but tbf they represent women in every disney movie prior to 2009
kill off the fairy godmother's daughter dating carlos and mulan's daughter dating jay plotline i don't want it. let's bring in jay literally falling in love with gil BECAUSE IT IS REAL AND IT HAPPENS IN THE THIRD MOVIE I DONT KID
and carlos rip cameron boyce ❤️ i dont think he really had a personality but his fits were super solid
i dont want to talk about evie and the dwarf's son other than to say EVIE AND MAL WERE PERFECT
you can find me in the space between YEAH NOW DELETE THAT SPACE BETWEEN YOUR LIPS
and dont talk to me ab ben being left behind because he had uma and/or harry LIKE THATS THE LOVE TRIANGLE I WANT TO WATXH and i no longer feel weird ab wondering if that could have worked as a throuple vibe because riverdale did it w four people so i dont think anyone cares anymore. about anything
if youve never seen descendants and/or your very confused as to where these conclusions are coming from:
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dove cameron says she ships evie and mal btw so haters can sit down
and honestly mal and uma work too like truly every ship that wasnt what they did worked so perfectly. and im not even putting a photo for them you and i both know they work
okay i swear this whole thing isnt just ship bait THERE IS MORE
why are YOU here? you are the god of the underworld, you have duties! the physics of this doesn't make sense because if hades is real, all gods are real, which means, well i don't know, can't the gods help remove him from this random island? can you imagine the beast trying to bring hades down to the isle of the lost, power struggle, and then finding out mal is his daughter BOOM PLOTLINE
and the beast is not that powerful! which brings me to my next point
why would ben have the beast's superpowers? the superpowers of the beast were a curse and removed. and why would the beast be the king of auradon? he's kind of useless. i think it would be cool and show that the heroes aren't perfect if other people wanted to rule
like not mulan or tiana thats out of character but maybe jasmine and aladdin or elsa and anna??
and where are all of these people from?? how can there be so many students if its js heroes? are there just a bunch of nobodies? why do we never see them this is honestly classist
and your telling me theres a dog but hes not related to the tens of disney dog movies that exist??? hes just some dog?? how can there js be some dog but no some humans?
and last. this is js. jay's adopted. look at him. search him up. he's not south asian, that boy is not related to jafar thanks
GOD, if a single producer there wanted to not just feed children mind numbing gunk in the shape of mid to did i mention songs and toys with dyed hair and a blindindly signature color, descendants could have gone down in history or at least to me as not just the show that killed off my beloved ever after high but a worthy opponent of it
also harry and gil kiss was cut
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violentviolette · 11 months
Jack I have a question. Is this healthy or no?
So i am a very conflict avoidant person, but also an emotional bitch about everything all the time. I have over time learned to separate my emotions from logic though, and give space to both of them. The way I do this is that if someone upsets me but it’s not a genuine issue that needs communication on, I will tell them they’re okay/i’m okay, and then will vent the emotions elsewhere where they can’t see.
What I tell them is not a lie. I usually am not actually angry or whatever, but I have to give voice to my irrational emotions somewhere or it sticks in the back of my throat for the rest of the day/night/week/month (that’s not an exaggeration)
I only ask because people don’t seem to like or understand it so i don’t know. Am I insane? Am I being toxic? Or am I just being complicated™️? I dont know anymore.
My gf recently broke up with me over it so (someone sent her screenshots of my vents) :/
oh that sucks, im sorry someone did that because that is genuinely a normal and healthy thing like, we are going to sometimes think negative things about the people we love and care about. thats SUCH a normal human thing. ppl are going to get on our nerves or do things that bug us or any number of things and it is very much perfectly healthy to recognize when those feelings are either irrational or dissproportionate to the situation or just unhelpful or even mean and unfair, and instead of bringing any of that to the other person or putting that on them, to deal with those feelings privately away from them and then move on. like that is so incredibly normal and healthy a lot of people dont like that because a lot of people have issues with boundaries and control, and think that dating or being close friends with someone means ur entitled to their every thought and that anything u dont share with them is lying or hiding things from them. this is very unhealthy and can lead to lots of different kinds of abusive and negative behavior. we are all entitled to privacy, even from the people closest to us it sucks that someone showed her what should have been private conversations and its a p big breech of trust and boundaries on the part of that person. i'd be pissed af honestly. and it's understandable that ur gf was hurt by them, but since thats exactly the reason u didnt express any of that to her, it sucks that she saw them despite ur best efforts just to be very fair i will say that it's also understandable on her end that seeing them made her change her feelings and decide to break up, depending on the exact content of the vents it might have been hard to know u ever think of her that way or upsetting to know u speak about her that way to others. not saying the things u were saying were fucked up but ive known ppl who will vent about their partners with zero consideration for them as people and say things like "fuck that stupid bitch i hope she dies" or "she's just being a dumb whore" or other like deeply desparaging statements that go beyond expressing ur feelings and into value judgement of the other person and its understandable why someone would then immediately breakup with someone who speaks about them like that, even if its not to their face. so i feel like its an important contextual footnote that depending on the content of the vents it might make the situation less u healthily expressing ur feelings elsewhere and more its just not acceptable or okay to speak about a partner this way ever, even if its not to their face but again im not accusing u of that and am giving u the good faith benifit of the doubt that u were just having normal vents, which is not only absolutely a healthy thing, but is very much needed in relationships. u and ur partner should both of have spaces and circles outside of one another where u can speak and vent freely about eachother and get support and reassurance from other people without the involvment of ur partner at all. u both have a right to privacy from one another and u dont have to tell eachother ur every thought and ur allowed to have private feelings that u dont share with ur partner, even if those feelings are negative. those are basic and core parts of a healthy relationship so ur not just being toxic or insane.
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storybookprincess · 2 years
i hope its okay for me to write to you, but i feel like… im slowing losing my passion in writing? not really. i know thats not true because i still have so much fun with writing but sometimes i just feel like nothing i write matters and i’ll never be as good as other people because my first language isnt english. and i know, i know - comparison is a thief of joy and i usually dont compare, i swear (i even hide my stats on ao3 so i dont have to measure myself with numbers). its just that.. sometimes its tough. i dont know what i want. i dont want to quit but this just drives me crazy sometimes haha anyway.. have you ever feel that way? any tips on overcoming it? (if you dont want to answer, thats fine - thanks anyway for giving me a space to rant)
i’m going to keep it 100% real with you—i’m actually dealing with the exact same thing right now
i just feel……… tired as soon as even i think about writing. i wonder what happened to the person who could bang out 2k words within an afternoon & still feel that irrepressible itch to write more. big projects don’t seem invigorating & exciting anymore; they just sound exhausting. and it terrifies me, because being a writer is so central to who i am. if i lose that, then what??
anyway, all of that is to say that the following advice is as much for myself as it is for you, and that you’re not alone in this struggle:
1. first, take a deep breath. it’s okay. it’s okay for your passion to wax & wane. it’s okay if you take a little hiatus from writing or posting anything. its okay if you take a big one. it’s okay if things about your writing routine change. you are a writer, and you always will be a writer, even if you don’t put another word on paper for the next decade. you’re a writer not because of your word count, or your current wip, or the time you dedicate to writing today, but because of how writing has shaped who you are. because if you went back in time & erased writing from your life thus far, you would no longer be you. you’re a writer, now & forever, and nothing can change that
2. with all that being said, i hope you can understand that it’s okay to take a break. in fact, it might be necessary. i’m actually taking a break for the month of january, because i know that if i keep pushing myself when i’m creatively running on empty, i’m only going to further deplete my resources, not restore them. when i was younger, i used to think of decisions as all or nothing. you either keep writing or your quit. but that’s not true at all. you can take a break, even an indefinite break, and pick right back up where you left off. taking a break isn’t quitting, and while i know every creative person online is currently suffering from Content Machine Disease, you are allowed to go weeks or months or even years without sharing your work. breaks are okay. breaks are necessary
3. think about the bigger picture. first, what life stressors are you dealing with right now? these can often be hard to spot, but they lurk in the background, sapping your creative energy. you can’t run a marathon on a broken leg, and you can’t create when your mental energy is being drained. have grace & patience with yourself as you sort out the big stuff or just weather the storm. life obstacles to writing are very real
and second, try to think back to when you were most passionate about writing. when writing was thrilling and exciting and invigorating. what was it about that time that was different? did you have close writing friends who have since drifted away? were you writing about certain topics, or in certain formats? how has your mindset towards yourself & your creativity changed? for me, i’ve realized that i probably need to start replying to comments again, because that was a huge part of my excitement & joy when my love for writing was at its peak. how can you recreate those past circumstances in your life right now?
as always, i’ve gotten way too long winded 😅 if you got through this whole reply, thank you. i am wishing you all the best in rediscovering your passion, and please know that we’re walking that road together
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iconic--trash · 2 years
i can't sleep so im gonna gush about the warehouse i work at bc im also working on not masking anymore and letting myself just gush about things i love and god do i think warehouses are cool. not as cool as the assembly line i used to work at, but the management at that place was super corrupt
(im dyslexic and my autocorrect is off, forgive any typos bc i just dont care to fix them)
anyway. my warehouse is a Direct to Consumer (D2C) warehouse. we do a whole lot of stuff and i have experience in most of the departments by now. essentially if someone orders from our store (huge major retailer) there is a high likelyhood the package will be from the warehouse i work at.
we receive tons of merchandise from the ppl who make it, as well as customer returns both from the physical stores and returns mailed in by the customer. ive worked in both returns departments and boy do i got stories of nasty stuff people thought was okay to mail in to us.
and of course we send out packages to customers. my least favorite department so far was Pack, its so competitive over there as far as production numbers. the way packaging customer orders worked over there was like this: many rows of conveyer belts that orders would come down on. on either side of the belts were our stations, a desk in front of you and a shelf of boxes behind you. then under the first conveyer belt is another one going the other way that you put packages on. that one would take the packages over to Shipping, ive never worked over ther cause im kindof a little guy and heavy lifting not so much for me.
the competitive part of Pack is that people who take the stations further up the belt where the orders come from get first pick. my store sells both clothes and larger home goods that are stored in our Home department. the Home goods take longer to pack while clothes are pretty quick. so people at the head of the line would always cherry-pick the quick orders while shy people like me at the very end always got stuck with huge comforter sets and stuff like that. i never had good numbers over there lol. but ive only ever worked in Pack during our holiday season rush when we have tons of seasonal workers, so it may not be so competitive in the off-season.
another of our departments is called Active, i think because thats where most active merchandise is. mostly just clothes bundled in plastic but ive seen more toys and random stuff this season since toys r us closed. we have three floors in this dept. over here we put product away as well take product out, called Picking. which is what i normally do this season. a Picker takes a big metal cart and a few of these big boxes we call totes, they're like hard plastic with cutout handles and no top. using a scanner, that right now just looks like a cell phone with a good case, we walk through the isles of merchandise and pick stuff from cardboard boxes on shelves. when the tote is full enough we'll end it on the scanner and put it on a conveyer belt. the totes arent like, one customer order per tote, more like a random assortment of things that need shipped that day.
the people who decide what gets picked and in what order are Wave Planners over in Wave. i have no idea what they do except that its complicated and the rest of us depend on them for our work.
we have a few other departments where merch is stored too. in the center of our building is Beauty, where all the makeup, perfume, and idk beauty related items are. they have their own shelves and their own packing stations and a sorting area where orders are put together. its pretty neat. ive helped out in Beauty a couple times, with sorting, called MSL, and with Picking. ive heard certain parts of it stink of mixed perfume from damaged products.
another place is Case Reserve where basically stuff is put for longer than in Active. the shelves there go directly to ceiling, all three stories worth of space, so those are some tall shelves. they use big warehouse vehicles to get to high up merchandise when needed. i dont what the vehicles are called except MHE. i was almost trained to drive them once but i got covid and had to stop working before they could. now im glad though because i definitely did not realize what i would have been getting into lol.
a similar place is Home. like mentioned before, thats where our home goods are. ive never worked in Home directly but the gift wrap stations for Pack are back there and i used to do some gift wrapping sometimes. they have a big sorting area over and additional packing stations there too that ive helped out in. i don't much else about it other than that.
upstairs is Prep, they get stuff from Receiving and prepare it for getting put away on shelves, on the conveyers the boxes go, over to my department to get put away. they tried to train me in Prep once during the pandemic when there was nothing to do, but i was so confused lol. i have maybe a fourth of a day of experience in Prep cause they needed help in Beauty more.
the first department i worked in at this warehouse was ICQA, Inventory Control and Quality Assessment. basically trying to make sure that things are where theyre supposed to be and assessing what items are actually in a location vs what the computer thinks is there. icqa does a whole lot more than i can really describe here and a lot of it is complicated. icqa basically has sub-departments. my experience with icqa is walking around Active with a scanner and counting the items in whichever location the scanner tells me next. this called a Second Count or Seconds. its when the systems see an inconsistency in what a person said is there vs what is supposed to be there, and i go check to see what the truth is, so accuracy is the most important aspect of working in icqa.
There's other departments. as well as offices upstairs that ive never even seen. but those are the ones i have most experience in.
the whole place fascinates me. its intriguing knowing how every single department is working with each other, its one big flow. but also so super complicated. i love walking through the warehouse and just gazing up at conveyer belts that are two stories above my head. watching totes zip along complicated conveyer lines. the Active department has no walls separating it from Wave so i get to see it from the second floor, sometimes even the third floor, and its just so cool. we seriously have so many conveyer belts just all over the places going in and out of walls, going up and down at steep angles, taking all sorts of things all over the place.
the warehouse i work at supposedly has 2 million square feet of walkable surface and i believe it when im walking around at work. ive heard that people who do my usual job, Picking, can walk up to ten miles in a day just working.
i guess im done gushing lol. sorry for the long post, i just really like my line of work :D if anyone happens to read this and has any kind of warehouse questions please feel free to ask
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kath-artic · 11 months
im all mixed up right now and i feel so selfish
like outside of the whole 'still wanting this guy even though hes seeing someone now' thing, i feel so torn up and selfish because one of my closest friends is closer than id like her to be. i know the way i hurt people when they get close because i know myself and im not the kind of person that can devote myself to everyone around me 24/7. at least im not that person anymore. i had a really close friend in high school who i loved dearly and we talked about everything, but after a while he started saying we were exactly the same and treating me like a father figure and it shrunk me down in a way that made me uncomfortable, but i didnt know how to express that at the time because i didnt know how to be a person at that time. when i broke up with my last partner i cut ties with most people because i was so distraught and felt id lost my whole center of self, and this friend took that silence personally. to him it was abandonment, and i suppose it was selfish. i owed him an explanation. i know friendships arent meant to be easy and i was a coward for not confronting the situation after finding out that he felt that way. he cut me off because of it and im sorry i never apologized. i told myself i didnt want to have to justify the fact that i was suicidal, but that wasnt why i didnt give him an explanation. i didnt explain because i frankly was tired of being faced with a past version of myself who kept insisting we were the same. i was tired of being so close to something that held no mystery anymore. i didnt really want to go back when i was starting to find myself. it was a fucked up and cowardly thing to do and i shouldve been honest with him instead of continuing my silence. anyway, the point is i habe friends now who remind me of past versions of me. they dont say we're the same, but they seem to think they understand me completely even though i know they dont (and thats okay. i dont expect them to, i just wish they would be more open to the idea that there are parts of me they might not get instead of trying to squeeze me into a box of things they DO get). they also rely on me the same way. every decision is run past me, activities are only carried out if they involve me. one of my friends just started calling me their best friend and i wouldnt think much of it if they didnt make such a big deal out of being anxious about it and now its got ME anxious because clearly it means a lot to them and i knowwww the kind of space i need and the way ive disappointed those whove put me on this pedestal before. same friend just invited themselves to something im doing with another friend and now they keep texting me for details and i dont know what to do. i frankly dont really want them to come and its for no reason other than i see them too often and the plans i made were kind of special for me and the friend i made them with.
ugghhhh i just never know when im being an asshole. when establishing boundaries is me overstepping someone else's. how uncomfortable i should be willing to get for another person. i guess thats just the way it goes though. i dont know that theres such a thing as a right answer to this. i think sometimes people have boundaries and needs that are incompatible and sometimes we have to be willing to bend and other times we have to be willing not to push. thats why its important to know more than one person, you know? whats 'too far' for one person might not be for another
this is all besides the point. the problem is that for as brutally honest as i can be about certain things, im terrible at being honest about my own boundaries/needs. i didnt get with that guy because i didnt know how to be honest about the fact that i really liked him. i shouldve just said that i enjoyed our conversation instead of trying to play it cool or whatever dumb shit i did. and i lost one of my closest friends because i didnt tell him i needed more space. i owe it to this friend to be honest about that.
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dsmutp · 3 years
Learning Curve (C!Charlie Slimecicle x Reader)
Teaching Charlie was a delight.
When Quackity had put you up to the job, you hadn’t been too sure about it. Teaching someone how to be human (whatever that entailed) seemed like more than you had signed up for when you had become a resident of Las Nevadas - just imagining long hours of helping someone learn the intricacies of human life made your head ache. But Quackity had insisted, and you really had nothing better to do.
Three months into the job though, and you were quite attached to Charlie.
He was a wonderful student - eager to learn and bright enough that it never took him too long to grasp new concepts (though, as with any student, some things came more naturally than others) - and an even more wonderful friend. It was amazing how a sentient piece of goo (though it was really hard for you to think of him like that anymore) could be more kind and caring than half of the actual people you knew. 
You were pleased to say that Charlie had become quite fond of you as well. Though you were only supposed to spend six hours a day with him, oftentimes you wound up just spending your days together, wandering around the unfinished Las Nevadas after you had completed his schooling for the day, talking about whatever crossed your minds. Charlie was always eager to hear stories from your day to day life, and the amount of history he had seen just from being around for that many years never failed to make you gaze at him with wonder. 
It wouldn’t have been a stretch to say that he had become your best friend.
You certainly liked him enough - that goofy smile never failed to brighten your mood, even on the worst days, and though the slight fluidity of his skin had been off putting at first, through the amount of daps you shared, you had gotten used to it - come to enjoy it even, something that was uniquely Charlie.
For all his wonderful attributes though, there were still some times that you got a little exasperated with him. 
“Nope.” You sighed, watching as his arm bent the wrong way again. “You can’t just bend the joint that way, Charlie, that’s not how bones work.”
“But you said to hit the lever behind me..?” Charlie asked, righting his arm again. 
“Right, but with humans, remember, the joints don’t bend all the way around because of the bones.” You reminded him. “Just because your body can bend that way, doesn’t mean mine can.”
Charlie nodded slowly, but the confused look was still hovering in his eyes. 
“Do you want to go over joints and movement again?” You asked. 
Charlie smiled sheepishly. “Yes please.”
You stepped forward, extending your arms. You had done this exercise a few times before, just to help Charlie learn which body parts worked together and which joints moved in which directions. It was easy for him to forget though - his body didn’t really have limits to movement, being slime - and he had a bad habit of just throwing human joint movements away in exchange for what was the most easy at the time. 
Charlie placed his hands on your elbows, and you bent your arms, letting him feel how the joints moved and worked. “See? One way.”
“Right.” Charlie said, nodding now. His hands moved to your shoulders. “But these ones go all the way around?”
You rolled your shoulders, moving the ball joint in a circle. “Correct.”
His hands wandered down to your wrists. “Same as these?”
You rolled your wrists, nodding. 
From there, Charlie’s hands found your hips. “But these ones only go forward and backward.”
“For walking.” You said, nodding. “They can go out, a little - nothing too far though.” 
Charlie nodded, his eyes wandering over your body innocently. The first few times you had done this with him, you had been a little uncomfortable - it was strange, to be treated like a scientific model, slightly slimy hands running up and down your skin, asking what each of your joints and muscles did. But over time, you had gotten used to it - Charlie was only curious to learn, after all, and you were more than willing to help.
A hand over your crotch startled you, and you broke out of your train of thought, raising an eyebrow at Charlie. He only blinked at you though, saying, “You never said what this part’s for.”
You closed your eyes, steeling yourself. You had known this day would come, eventually - sex was a large part of human life, after all. You didn’t really want to be having ‘the talk’ with a sentient piece of goo that you had come to know and love, but you supposed it had had to come at some point. 
“It’s for sex, Charlie.”
Charlie’s eyebrows shot up. “You have a stripper pole on you?”
The comment was so out of place that you couldn’t help but bark out a laugh. “What?”
“A stripper pole.” Charlie repeated. “Like the one in the casino? Quackity said it was for sex-”
“No, no.” You said, cutting him off, still laughing. “Sex organs Charles, for the actual act. They’re part of basic human anatomy - everyone’s got some.”
Charlie’s eyes narrowed as he nodded, and movement under his pants caught your eye - the fabric shifted and pulled until it filled out a little more - like his very skin was reshaping itself to include what you had just told him. 
It was then that you realized that Charlie might be the answer to every sexual fantasy you had ever had. 
It didn’t take much convincing to get Charlie into bed with you.
You had always known that he had had something of a puppy dog crush on you - just from the way that he hung on your every word, even when you weren’t teaching, and followed you around like a little duckling. You had stopped yourself from doing anything about it though, telling yourself that it would be wrong, that he was your student - but those sentiments had faded the more time you had spent together outside of the teaching. 
They were completely gone now, as you tossed Charlie’s pants over the side of the bed. Though you were both naked as the day you were born, he was perfectly comfortable, sprawled out on the pillows like he owned the place. 
“So, again,” He started. “You want me to put my dick inside you? But not detach it? And thats sex?”
“The basics of it.” You said. “Simple stuff, really. You tell me if you don’t like it though - I don’t know exactly how it’ll feel for you.”
Charlie nodded, arranging his arms underneath his head with a smile. “I am ready to sex.”
You laughed as you straddled his hips, gently wrapping a hand around his cock and aligning it with your hole, just pressing his tip against your entrance. “Promise you’ll tell me to stop if it feels bad, okay? Just because I wanted to try this doesn’t mean you have to suck it up for me.”
“Promise.” Charlie assured you. “I won’t pretend to like it just because you do- hhh.”
You sank down on his cock, reveling at the feeling - there was almost no stretch as he entered you, the slime of his body simply moving like a liquid, filling out your insides completely without having the painful stretch around your entrance. Every nerve ending in you lit up at the contact - the slime filled every space without pushing too far - Charlie’s cock had molded to you completely, hitting all your spots without even trying.
“Wow.” You breathed, placing the palms of your hands on Charlie’s chest. “This is- wow. How’re you feeling Charlie?”
Underneath you, Charlie was in a daze, eyes glazed over as he stared at some point past your shoulder. His mouth moved, but only a long string of syllables came out - more like a moan than any real words.
“Descriptors, love.” You prompted, shifting to place your hands on either side of his face. 
Charlie let out a breathy whimper, his hands finding purchase on your hips, squeezing the skin there. “Good.” He said. “Very very good, uh, sort of tingly? And warm? I-I don’t really know words for it…”
You smiled, caressing his hair. “Good.” You said. It was good to know that it felt pleasurable for him - you weren’t quite sure how slime anatomy worked, and if human sex was something that he would enjoy, but now that you knew it felt as good for him as it did for you, you had no intention of holding back.
You began to rock, slowly, rolling your hips over Charlie’s and letting his cock begin to rub against your walls. Charlie’s fingers dug into your hips more as his breathing canted upwards, instinct taking over as he bucked up into you a few times. You welcomed the movement, using the momentum to fuck yourself down on him harder, savoring the feeling of him running over your nerves, lighting you up from the inside. 
Charlie let out another whimper, and you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips, still keeping your hands framed gently around his face. Charlie kissed back eagerly, releasing his little whimpers and moans into your mouth now, the hands at your hips moving up to your lower back, holding on for dear life.
“You’re doing so well.” You cooed, feeling that familiar coil begin to tighten in your gut. “You’re a natural, Charlie.”
“Really?” Charlie said, a grin overtaking his features. His slimy complexion really didn’t allow for a blush, but you could see the flushed pride just in his expression.
“Really.” You gasped out as a particularly good thrust made your head spin. Your hands fell from Charlie’s face as you instead buried your face into the crook of his neck with a groan, rolling your hips down with more intensity now, chasing your orgasm. Without the painful stretch in the beginning, you were reaching it so much more quickly now - though it probably also helped that Charlie’s cock had become a perfect fill for your insides too - leaving no nerve ending spared.
“Mmmm.” Charlie tipped his head back as he moaned, lips pressing together into a thin line. “It feels different now.” He said, voice shaky. “Bigger, I think?” He tried. 
“That’s supposed to happen.” You said, speeding up your thrusts, for both your sake and Charlie’s. You were getting to the brink of orgasm now, the pleasure making it’s way all the way down your legs and to your toes. It was only a moment more before you were shaking with it, the rolling of your hips slowing as you rode out your high. 
Charlie groaned underneath you, tipping his head back into the pillows as the slime inside you rippled, the sensation making you moan at the strangeness of it. You hadn’t really known what his orgasm was going to look (or feel) like, but you hadn’t been expecting that. 
For a moment, you just laid there, head still tucked under Charlie’s jaw as you both caught your breath, just feeling him breathe.
“That was pretty fun.” Charlie said. “It felt weird, but good weird.”
You sat up, rolling off him to sprawl out on the rest of the bed, his cock sliding out as easily as it had gone in. “Glad you liked it.” You said, letting yourself stretch out into a boneless heap. “For your first time ever, you were really good, Charlie.”
Charlie beamed at the praise, and you pressed a kiss to his cheek. You were definitely going to be doing that again.
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tofumedic · 3 years
general relationship hcs with the brothers!!
summary// how i interpret how they love you(gn! mc)
he gets softer, he tries not to show it in public or anywhere with peeping brothers trying to get dirt on his image
but he unwinds, theres tension in his shoulders and stance completely but you look at him and he just goes "ah. nice."
he definitely covers it up by correcting his posture and with a small cough but satan just gives him a look
he holds less venom until the problem children of the house make new big trouble
he requests you to join him in his study only when hes certain that you aren't busy or dealing with RAD work he feels bad interrupting
is secretly proud of himself for not bothering you
anyways likes inviting you to listen to his records with him and if you ask or are feeling bad will let you pick one of the records he bought you
if you have a favorite of his own he will play it consistently he memorizes the grooves of that vinyl
he hums it to get your attention just to catch your eyes y'know? small things like that keep him going until he's not as busy
he's always at your rescue, trying to be close by like a support dog he wants to make sure youre feeling okay
loves answering questions for you but plays it off as an annoyance he wants you to not think he's as dumb as his brothers say
leaves little pieces of himself with you, jackets of his in your room, has a copy of his bathroom stuff sharing counter and shower space with yours
he doesn't mean to in a bad way but he snoops, looking for a shirt that would look totally super good on him why would you own whats clearly his huh? just wants to be reminded of you
he takes in as much as he can, his eyes dart over everything in your room learning its place for different items, piecing together how things are you
it affects his greed bc now he picks up stuff that reminds him of you even simple stuff like you mentioned you needed a shelf? -oh god be damned he bought a set of them in your favorite color because they were on his mind
learns your mannerisms, has a major thing about mirroring you. he even starts laughing a bit more like you when your gone like he's filling your space
MC would you pretty please match icons with me *the pointy finger emotes*
adores finding characters that act like you and ones that act like him, it makes him ship pairings he may have not cared for previously bc subconsciously... those are you two
he would change your contact to henry with one of the cute face emoticons and some hearts but if someone like his brothers see it and mention it its just "mc normie 🧍‍♂️" for like a week during his recovery
he just wants to share what he likes with you!!!
he gets trusting with you believing you're safe to know about his interests and will info dump to you about his hyperfixations
and he equally wants to know about yours even if he already knows he will ask you questions to get you to share more and it makes him so happy he just melts at hearing you happy
and the fact it's just a special thing between you two? he's over the moon its such a flex that when his brothers try to steal you away they are too confused like you two are talking in code
he loves sharing space with you
as in he likes your company but he also likes that he can still read while you do something else because he gets to enjoy you and his studies of the moment
even if he doesn't share them depending on if he's ready to if it's really personal or for an event, he will write about you
sometimes they're poems, usually free-form unless hes feeling in a certain mood mainly so he doesn't have to worry about not using words he feels suit you but don't fit his rhythm scheme. sometimes they're full stories just rushed writings until he's not as full of love that its so overwhelming
this means its rushed with pen smearing from his hand having rested on the paper, words slanted and becoming cursive in order for his speed to be faster, he always writes in one sitting or will lose the motivation but its always based on you and how he feels about you that are his best pieces
you're his muse and shows it in how even if he's less physically attentive he does start to push into your small affections like holding his face or holding his hand, he leans into you like a cat taking a nap in the sun
he asks you for your favorite kinds of affection, your least favorites, requests you all time, he wants to make you the most pleased the most comfortable so you enjoy the attention as much as he does
he also likes matching with you but in the way of clothes or doing your hair to match his or making kandi bracelets that have each other names or him wearing lipstick and you wearing a colored kiss pressed in sweet visible places. anywhere on your face is free game
he's a spot thief if anyone leaves you alone for a moment he's soaking up the attention, a hard believer of finders keepers. he likes filling spots he wants to help you feel complete, he wants to be there for you
real full love is hard for him, it's hard to believe in but after forming the pact he comes to terms that it's not just infatuation
talks with him will become more personal and deep instead talking about his brothers or just gossip to keep you updated though you of course still get it but its not a shield anymore if he's gonna be... bare with you he will do it fully
he starts saving objects like glass drink bottles or tickets or receipts from cute cafes, he loves photos especially of you but also of date scenery, of you with him even if its just your hands or your legs pressed against his while sitting. he likes the proof that you're real that you like him for real
he makes sure you eat but only if you want to! humans eat so little are you sure you don't want dessert with him? you can share he can get an extra spoon
he tries to keep you safe even from yourself, he might be a little slow but he learns your tells if you give him time you chased off his nightmares so he has to do the same you deserve it
he enjoys simple intimacy like hugs and holding hands and stuff like that just for reminders but he also likes bumping into you just lightly he doesn't want you to fall but if you take an extra step after he has a small smile, rubbing against you with his head if his mouth is full or if talking is tough
will add some of your favorite foods to a list of his favorites because you're his favorite! he will also recommend stuff close to your favorites he looks out for them
he's another that enjoys your company going to you or a space thats full of you like your room just makes him feel more at ease, it's not uncommon for him to subconsciously just follow a few feet behind you while you're moving around
(this also leads to a slower set of footsteps following at an even further distance, its belphie following his mobile heating pads for sleeping if he could be bothered enough)
he's your new weighted blanket and youre the pillow it's a whole set, his complaints light hearted about his pillow moving so much when you give him small head pets
he includes you in schemes with satan deciding not to hide the truth like you again originally trying to make up his apology through his actions
he's very smart! he's fast on learning on how you're feeling depending on your body language or if he put his elbow in a bad spot while laying down
now know when asmo said that he(belphie) has the greatest smile you get that for free! sometimes you do have to pay the toll in naps or just pillowing him or doing something to make beel smile
his love is his trust, it's your trust, its proving himself not only to you but to his brothers and himself. you deserve the best and so he has to be that. his love is learning thats he's already earned yours in his regret and his growth
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duckugou · 3 years
the blood on our hands
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bakugou x gn!reader
aged up!
cw: a n g s t as hell. comfort. cursing, mentions of drinking, smoking, etc. alluding to depression and anxiety. dealing with trauma of missions and losing people. a ton of mentions of blood
this is a heavy topic in the hero universe i imagine- and generally in the mental health world of it all.
lyrics are from purple flowers by ande estrella which hold a very important meaning that has nothing to do with this- they just worked with the story. But fr go listen to it bc its so good.
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in! Requests are open!!
reality is heavy and loud
Spacing out was more than being distracted to Y/n. Being a young hero meant stressful situations, overbearing management, tight spaces, stuffy meetings, and so much... blood. It takes a toll on a young person. Of course they wanted to be a hero- wouldn't chose anything else. They grin and bear this shit for a reason- to save and help people.
But god, who saves the heros?
but white has the privilege of washing machines to wash out the stains from their comfortable jeans
Some nights, after wrap-up meetings, everything was a bit too heavy. The usual group of friends and young heroes would choose someone's house to go to in order to destress.
For some, that was smoking. For some, it was drinking, video games, napping, venting, sitting outside alone yet with company. And for some it was merely listening to everyone else.
Not having to make a decision. Not having to be responsible. That's what y/n picked every time.
Bakugou would always notice them alone in the corner of the room. They were the one to come up with destress gatherings after hard missions. Bakugou knew it was so they wouldn't be alone with their thoughts. That's why he would always step in at times like as get them to talk, so those thoughts dont stay trapped in their head.
"Hey." Bakugou muttered, sitting on the floor next to y/n in Denkis apartment.
"You good, dude?" Bakugou asked with genuine concern.
He was always a bit nicer to Y/n. Nobody knew why, yet everyone knew why. They both were fragile and chose to hide it during the day, being strong around others to not raise red flags.
"I'm okay...just. That one was bad. I almost lost that kid. Like she almost fucking- died in my arms." Y/n choked out.
"Hey hey hey, its okay. You got her to the ambulance in time. You did that shit. You always do. You're the best in the game at comforting little twerps." Bakugou attempted to comfort them- somewhat succeeding and holding their head against his chest.
One time, Y/n mentioned that they held kids against their chest during rescues to calm their heartbeat. "If you listen to a calmer heartbeat, you're more likely to try to match it and slow your own down." Of course you wouldn't think Y/n would be able to have a calm heartbeat during a rescue, but they are very talented at controlling their nerves. Part of being a hero.
wiping the blood off their hands to their thighs, wearing the blood of the people who've died
Y/n subconsciously calmed down a bit, Bakugou's ability to remember every word that drips off of Y/n's lips paying off.
"I know. I just can't stop...thinking about everyone I've- we've lost. Its so unfair."
"I know. Hey, you have- uh. Lets go to the bathroom." Bakugou noticed a smudge of blood on Y/n's face and a bit on their hands. Cleaning up was the last thing on their mind earlier on.
Taking each other's hands, they walked into the bathroom. Bakugou sat Y/n on the counter, turning on the sink and grabbing a cloth.
"O-oh god. Thats fucking blood. I thought I washed my h-hands." Y/n began panicking, causing Bakugou to put their hands under the water with soap, washing it all off for them.
Tears mixed with the water from the sink and Bakugou stayed silent. Wiping their face, Bakugou looked into Y/n's eyes. These two have just always known.
They know what people can hide. What secret messages the body language of a person can hold. And he let them grip onto the back of his shirt as he held them in his arms, Y/n not being able to cry anymore and just breathing in his scent from his shoulder.
but dont let the purple flowers fool you
"Listen. We're going to get through this one. I know its hard on you- all of the families involved. But you- we saved them. We're all here for each other right? I'm here for you." Bakugou pulls Y/n back a little to look into their eyes. "You are the strongest one here. I know it fucking hurts. I know it is so...scary-" He sniffles a little, letting his own emotions take over. Something only he did when they were alone together. "- but we're heroes. And human. We are allowed to feel pain and sadness and disappointment- but we're heroes for a reason, right? We can handle this shit."
"I know we can. We always have. Just... promise you'll never leave me?"
"Youre so stupid. I've been more careful lately." He scoffs, wiping tears from his face. He of course knew that Y/n was referring to a few weeks ago when Bakugou got too caught up in the mission and was almost crushed by debris. He was pulled away in time by a fellow hero but it still opened his eyes, as well as Y/n, to how fragile they are, even if they are the heroes.
"I know Kats, but please. You're my rock in here. You're my person." Y/n says looking into his eyes.
"And you're my person. I can't leave you behind. You wouldn't know what to do without me here." Bakugou chuckles, earning a shove from Y/n.
"Katsuki." Y/n starts, holding his hands in their own.
"Yeah." He sighs.
"I don't speak lightly of feelings, you know that right?"
"Of course I know that. You don't talk much about those to anyone-"
"Except you." They interrupt Bakugou, reminding him of the importance of their unspoken bond and making his heart race.
"Then you'll know how hard it is for me to say this. But- Katsuki I think I love you. I know we aren't super affectionate outside of being alone but- I've never felt what I feel with you before. I understand if you don't feel the same way and if this was all just because you felt bad but I needed to tell you that because you're really important and this is very import-"
Bakugou, in the most cliche turn of events, cuts Y/n off with a kiss to shut them up.
Pulling away, Bakugou rests his forehead on Y/n's .
"I love you too. I thought that was obvious when I never stopped you from saying my first name, idiot." He chuckles lightly.
"I kinda figured you at least liked me-"
"I'm going to keep you safe forever. That means physically and emotionally. No more hiding any feelings from me just because there are people around. Pull me aside. Hold me if you need or want to- I dont care if the whole world sees that. But just- fuck Y/n. I know you feel fragile. I know what it's like to be scared and hide it. I'm your diary now, ok? Always."
"Thank you...Katsuki. Fuck. You're everything I've ever needed. Plus youre kinda cute too I suppose." Y/n giggles.
"Oi fuck off." Bakugou kisses them again, relieved that he can finally be himself with Y/n, that he has them finally.
"I'm your diary too them, okay? I mean it. Anything, any time, say the word." Y/n says lightly, squeezing Bakugou's hand.
"Fuck. I love you."
"I love you too. I love how that sounds coming from you by the way."
"Me the fuck too-" Bakugou was interrupted by a loud yelling-
"I GOTTA PISSSSSS" followed by banging on the door.
"MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T DRINK SO FAST THEN LIGHT WEIGHT!" Bakugou responds, recognizing the voice of Denki.
"Let's go, angel." Bakugou whispers into Y/n's hair, kissing them on the head and helping them off of the counter.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger from outer space
Avengers x reader
a/n: this isn’t great but like im down for some avengers hc requests
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you weren’t exactly accepted on earth the moment you got there
but it wasn’t long before the avengers spotted you
“state your name and your business here” -tony
“wait, stark, just a moment! are you a [alien species]?” -thor
“...my name is y/n, i had nowhere else to go. and yes, i am [alien species]”
i mean, this would be much cooler if the avengers hadn’t already had a bad run-in with the chitauri army
but at least you weren’t trying to destroy any part of earth
“why don’t you come with us for a while? you might be safer in our custody” -cap
you were very uncomfortable with that, but you believed that whatever you were running from couldn’t get you if you stayed with “earth’s mightiest heroes”
and that you were...sort of
the bounty hunters that were on your trail, they didn’t know much about the avengers
so they were dumb enough to strike first
luckily, the avengers took a liking to you
“this is for messing with our new friend!” -tony as he straight up fries one of these goons
you seemed to fight well with them
it made them want to keep you around more than they wanted clint
“having fun, y/n?” -nat
“honestly, yes! i’ve never kicked ass in a group before!”
“i felt the same way on my first mission with these guys” -nat
“wait...is this a mission?”
“well, yeah? what’d you think it was, chess?” -nat
“what? what’s chess?”
oh, my god, this was like thor all over again, it was gonna be great
once the battle was over, they had a question to ask you
but before that...
“did any of you kill the leader?” -you
“which one was the leader?” -sam
“the one with...with the face” *puts clawed hand in front of face for effect*
“thanks, that was really specific” -sam
“you know, he’s got...” *puts fingers near face* “tentacles?”
“you couldn’t say that first?” -tony
“i didn’t know if they were called tentacles here”
okay, that was fair
at that moment the mf hopped out and you pushed clint out of the way so that he didn’t get shot. he said “ow” :( but u were too busy tackling a fellow alien
“you let the rest of those hunters know that they shouldn’t even think about coming after me, are we clear?”
“you’re sparing me?”
“don’t be too flattered, you’re nothing but a messenger to me” *shoots him in the arm*
okay that was a power move
as you kicked this bounty hunter back into his ship, the avengers crew reapproached
“got any plans now that you’ve taken care of your little ‘issue?’” -cap
“you know, i haven’t really thought that far ahead”
“well, if you’re up for it, the avengers would love to have you” -nat
you couldn’t have agreed faster lmaoo
the government didnt like you much
the human population actually wasn’t too fond of you either
but the avengers wouldn’t let anyone touch you
thor made it his own mission to show you all the new stuff that he had discovered on earth
“and these are pop tarts!!” -thor
im talking animals, snacks, music, and more
and dont even get me started on parties
no actually i will
“so, youre from space? list 3 species i’ve never heard of before” -random partygoer
“well, how would you know im not making them up if you’ve never heard them before?”
not much of a comeback for that
you’d only answer questions that weren’t stupid
like “how far away is your home planet?” or “did you have any friends or family?” or “what other planets have you been on?”
and you had a lot of questions too
“what is pizza and where can i get it?”
“you’ve never had pizza? oh, we have to change that” -tony
“what is it though?”
as you went on more missions, you got a better feel for how to work with teammates
especially when they had such different skillsets
“wanda, would you give me a boost?”
“with pleasure!” -wanda
“why didn’t you ask me? i could have flewn you!” -rhodey
“it just feels cooler when wanda launches me, but i’ll let you have your turn later”
“y/n, we should have coffee after this!” -thor
you always got excited when offered new things
*muttering* “what the fuck” -you
“hm. i wonder” -nat
thor brought you to asgard once
it was pretty. (pretty wild, that is)
“maybe you can take me to your planet one day!”
“i’m pretty sure i’m wanted on my home planet, but i’d love a challenge!”
okay maybe he was ur new bff
“so, y/n, how long is your species’ life span?” -bruce
“im not sure that our measurements of time are exactly translated, but i believe in your time it would be....900 years?”
“oh...may i ask how old you are now?”
“wouldn’t you like to know...”
“...n-no, thats okay”
honestly? sometimes your days were nothing but lazy, so you’d learn about human pop culture
“‘tatooine?’ odd, that’s a planet in my solar system. do you think this ‘george lucas’ is an alien?” -you, lying
*cue the entire fucking team going nuts bc they’re about to believe this conspiracy*
okay but like. you KNEW about thanos. you just never thought he’d be a problem all the way out here
so when the whole thanos situation came to earth you were just kinda like 👉👈 sorry guys, shoulda said smth earlier
“you know who thanos is?” -dr. strange
“...yes. i do. he’s big. really big. and purple. kind of looks like a raisin. oh, yeah, he’s crazy. obsessed with balance.”
“balance? what do you mean by that?” -tony
“like, he likes to kill half of each population for ‘balance,’ you know?”
anyways you went back to space
“so, anything else about thanos we should know?” -tony
“he has 2 adoptive daughters, they’re both badass, i know then personally, he’s from the planet ‘titan,’ last of his kind, aaaand he has an army”
“we have a—wait, no we don’t” -tony
“are there aliens that lay eggs in people? or is that just a stereotype?” -peter
“peter, is it? i heard that you’re taught that there are no stupid questions, but that was a very stupid question”
“...i don’t know if that was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’” -peter
tony asked if you could fly the ship. no.
eventually making your way to titan
which was surreal since it had just been so long since you’d left earth
gotg in the house
“where’s gamora?”//“who’s gamora?” “why’s gamora?”//“you know gamora?” “you know gamora?”//“do you work for thanos?”//“no, i’m here to kill thanos”//“so you’re here to kill gamora?”//“what? no! gamora doesn’t work for thanos anymore, it’s been like 4 years”//“holy shit”
and then thanos popped in and nebula too and she recognized you and it was kinda awk but were just gonna pretend it didn’t happen bc it gets worse <3
u, tony, and nebula got trapped in a ship for like 3 weeks but it was good for catching up
and u met captain marvel and honestly youve just met too many people in the past few weeks u were not vibing
“so, y/n, miss space at all?” -tony
“up until we went back to space, yeah. i’m not leaving this planet ever again”
“we need to find thanos” -bruce
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
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uwurakax · 4 years
boy, i hate you ♡
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pairing: akaashi x reader ♡
genre: angst // cheating // suggestive (not explicit) ♡
summary: you swore to yourself that you’d never stay with a cheater, so why was it so hard to let go? ♡
♡ the sequel “boy, i need you” - read the second part here ♡
word count: 1.9k ♡
author’s note: ok this has been in my mind for ages now and i need this to go into the universe. i haven’t written in years so i am crappy rusty as hell (pls be kind ty). i don’t normally write but i had to. i also believe theres no gender mentioned? (it’s like 4am and i’ve had zero sleep so pls), but i suppose it leans to f!reader. i’ll regret uploading this later haha 🤟😭 also hasn’t been proofread and i wrote this at like 1am (excuses for my terrible writing yup, don’t judge me haha) ♡
♡ (inspired by f.u by little mix) ♡
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1. the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or partner
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, with your eyes red and wet was not an uncommon occurrence. You supposed at one point, it was, but those days felt like a distant dream. You had cried so much, it was a wonder you could keep up the waterworks. Your eyes were swollen, bloodshot and dry. The moisture had left them and were spilled, half dry, on your cheeks. 
It was pathetic. So pathetic how you could keep putting yourself through this. Day after day, breakdown after breakdown, you didn’t know how much more you could take. You quickly wiped away any more stray tears with the sleeve of the hoodie you were wearing.  His hoodie. 
You wondered how much liquid had been soaked up by his clothes. An ironic display of him comforting you indirectly when he was the one who caused those tears to spill in the first place.
You took a deep inhale and leaned over the porcelain countertop. It felt wrong. It felt awkward. It felt..dirty. You gripped the sides of the counter. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly where it all went wrong, it was just like it happened. Or maybe it didn’t, and it was there long before you had taken notice of the signs. 
All you knew was that suddenly, he wasn’t yours anymore. The home you shared with him wasn’t yours. Hell, even this goddamn pristine white bathroom wasn’t yours. For the past year or so, it was slowly losing the essence of you and him, and somehow converged into a you, him and her. You wondered if it just lost your sense entirely and had become his and hers - you being just a warm body that filled the cold space when he was gone, whether that be at work or when he had to take a ‘trip’. 
You were so sick of it. All the insecurity of when it started, why weren’t you enough, how’d it happen, and all those basic questions associated with a partner cheating were bubbling up inside of you. 
You wanted to push all the blame on him. You wanted to hate him, despise him for reducing you to the pathetic crying mess you were now, but you couldn’t. You knew, deep down inside, at some point it stopped being entirely his fault and that it shifted to you as well. Was it a week after you found out? A month? 3 months? 6 months? A year? Did it even matter anymore? You knew you had to stop this. You had to break it off with Akaashi. His unfaithfulness hurt you in a way that you couldn’t possibly imagine. You couldn’t keep living with the fact that he’d come home into your arms, holding you in the same way that he had just held somebody else. Somebody not you. Somebody who wasn’t his girlfriend. Geez, just how many times were you going to repeat that to yourself? You’d lost count on how many speeches and psych up’s that frequented your mind. 
This will be the last time. 
A silent promise to yourself, that this would be the end. That you’d finally pick yourself up, and gain some self confidence to just rip off that bandaid. No matter how much you loved him, no matter how long you had loved him, you had to do this for your sake. With a firm nod, you braced yourself, ready to finally free yourself from the love that was Akaashi Keiji. 
It had been a few hours since your breakdown in the bathroom happened. You were anticipating Akaashi’s arrival for the past hour or so. You knew exactly why he was late, it didn’t take a genius to know that he was with her. You wished that just for tonight, he wouldn’t. The suspense was suffocating. You just wanted to get this over and done with.
Not even the soft material of the pillows on the lounge you sat on calmed you. You absentmindedly ran your fingers through the plush texture, hoping to quell the dread and unease steadily rising with each passing moment that Akaashi didn’t enter through the front door. After what felt like forever, you finally heard his car coming into the driveway, the headlights peeking through the blinds. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. It did little to slow your racing heartbeat. You got up to greet him when the jingle of his keys echoed through the silent space that was ‘your home’, as he had put it the first time you entered into the building. Thats all it was to you now. A mix of brick and cement that no longer held the warmth that it once had, or perhaps it still did. Maybe that radiating glow just wasn’t for you anymore. 
“Hello my love” he was quick, or you were just too slow. Either way, his arms had found their way around you, pulling you close into his body. You couldn’t deny that your own craved his, fitting just a little too well, like jigsaw puzzle pieces. At one point it was relieving. At one point it would have brought you immense comfort. 
At one point it would have felt right. 
However at this moment in time, it didn’t. Maybe for a split second, you could’ve deluded yourself into thinking he was only yours, and you were only his. That sense of peace was gone in an instant when you smelt the pungent perfume of her on him. It clung to him desperately, and would soon dissipate throughout the house. The sickly sweet floral smell invading whatever little nook and cranny it could. Pushing out the fresh air.
Pushing out you.
It just further pressed the need to end things with him. Neither of you were happy in your relationship now.
For your sake and for his, you needed to do this quickly. 
You pulled away from him, hands on his chest. You had to force yourself to look at his face. It was time, you needed that bandaid off now. But when you searched his profile, you couldn’t see any other emotion but pure admiration.
Pure love.
Your breath hitched. Though it was when his hands made their way up to cup your cheeks that your body lost all rationality. Your heart now pumping quickly and loudly for a completely different reason. He slowly leaned in close and you instinctively closed your eyes. Soon enough, his lips were against yours. Soft you thought to yourself, but you could taste it. The underlying taste of something sweet. It was artificial, and definitely not Akaashi. 
God it hurt. It hurt, unbelievably so. 
His hands moved down and rested on your hips, fingers digging in ever so slightly. You both parted from each other, and this time, you decided to look into his eyes.
Gunmetal Blue.
It perfectly matched his beautiful face, and you knew you could get lost just staring into them. It honestly wasn’t fair how easily everything about him could just draw you in.
But you hated how he looked at you now. Like you held the stars in his sky. Like you were the most important person to him. It could almost make you sick, the gaze he had on you. How could he look at you like this? How could he touch you like that? How could he kiss you with such furore when he was just with somebody else, doing the exact same things that he was doing to you?
It just hurt. You never even got a chance to voice your thoughts on his infidelity, on the other woman, on anything. Because soon enough you found yourself led into the bedroom. Had he made love with that woman on the very bed you shared with him? There’s no way you could fool yourself into thinking that that space was sacred anymore. The sheets, the pillows, the mattress. All of it had been tainted. Much like everything else on this house. Contaminated with her touch when you were away and he had to stay home. Everywhere. Every surface, every room, hell every inch just had a lingering scent of her. 
Disgusting. Filthy. Soiled.
All those thoughts were washed away when Akaashi pulled you into the bed. Clothes now discarded haphazardly on the floor, easily forgotten. He gently brushed stray hairs away from your face and just observed you for a moment. He watched you with a smile, and you could reminisce back on your high school days. How was it that Akaashi Keiji, the sweet, shy and most amazing guy was doing something so horrible behind your back? You couldn’t understand. He was such a gentleman, so respectful and kind. So how? How could he do it so easily. 
He pulled you in, lips connecting once again. You knew it was wrong. To fall back into him would just lead you back into the spiral of pain and heartbreak. And yet, here you were, doing that exact thing. 
Because when he looked at you in that regard, when he touched you in the way that set your body ablaze, when he kissed you with such emotion and love, you could pretend that, just for a short period of time, that it was all just for you and only you. You could forget about the other woman. Could forget about all the thoughts of all the things he’d do with her. Forget the marks that he left on her, the same way he did you. 
You’d think of the consequences later, like you always did, because during these moments was when your heart didn’t ache so much, and you didn’t need to be left with your own intrusive thoughts. Here, like this, right now, you could just be two people together. Pretend that he did love you unconditionally.
Pretend that everything was okay. 
You knew tomorrow you’d regret it. Wake up in his arms and sob about how much of a coward you were to walk away. 
This will be the last time.
How many times had you repeated that phrase only to continue this toxic cycle? It wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last. You hated Akaashi, but you hated yourself more, because you knew that you’d always lose yourself to him. Like a puppet master with the strings, you were pushed and pulled to his desire. 
You now lay in bed, with the covers over you both, and his hand rubbing a soothing trail up and down your arm. You wondered if this would’ve been a good time to do it. To cut your loses and go.
Akaashi scooted over towards you, his hand now finding its way behind your head. His own now angled to press a delicate kiss on your forehead. You shut your eyes, willing the tears to not show. 
“I love you”
..you could never do it.
With a small, sad smile (hoping that the darkness of the night shielded the pain from him), you whispered the words that contradicted everything you had been feeling.
“I love you too”
It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. You knew tomorrow you’d go through the same process. You knew you’d feel the same anger, frustration and ache. Knew that you’d put on one of his shirts or hoodies on for any sense of comfort. Knew that you’d cry and get lost in your thoughts. Knew that you’d swear that this was the last time this would ever happen. 
And deep down, you knew that you’d never really do it, because you’d fall right back into loving Akaashi Keiji again, just like all those times before.
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lunasblipsandblurbs · 4 years
How would the boys react to weight gain? I have 3 different sizes of clothes in my wardrobe because i gain and lose like a yo-yo.
How would the boys react if they find you sitting on the floor in a pile of clothing, sad because nothing fits anymore?
Here you go bby! Also some are 18+
Gender Neutral reader
Din Djarin
When Din walks in and sees you crying surrounded by your clothing he's instantly confused? Did they? Hurt you?? Well, technically yes they did hurt your feelings by not fucking fitting how they did a few months ago! Din's going to then start to verbally calm you down reassuring you that its completely normal to fluxuate in weight and that it holds no true merit to your person.
Javier Peña
Oh he's so lost and so uncomfortable. He's not the best with tears to be honest but theres no way he can ignore his honey while they're in obvious distress. He's going to shuffle up to you and ask "what the fuck is going on?" What he can make out from your heavy sobs and hiccups is that those clothes he hasn't seen you wear in months don't fit right now. He's going to calm you down and kind of remind you that yes, you yo-yo but thats okay, and a normal occurrence for you. So if he has no issues with it, should you?
Frankie Morales
Frankie's heart breaks finding you on the ground crying about how nothing fits right. He's instantly gonna sit down in the circle of clothes with you as he quietly begins to fold the clothes that made you so upset. He's just gonna put them away for you, theres no sense in them taking up space in your closet, also if they bring you that much distress Frankie doesn't want them anywhere near you.
Ezra (prospect)
He's honestly going to internally be a bit salty at you. He sympathizes with you for sure but he kind of gets dark in his head? A bit condescending in his mind on how you're upset with your weight while he's missing a whole limb but he will never voice that, knowing it's his own personal issues and insecurities raging in his head. He's definitely going to come off a bit colder than per usual but he will still be comforting, not leaving you alone and helping you put away the clothes that got you so upset.
Max Phillips
Max is honestly so confused and like does not get it at all. He truly doesn't see a difference in how you look but the clothes don't lie. He's instantly brushing off any insecurities as he tries to calm you down. You gained some weight? So what? It's winter anyways everyone puts on a few extra pounds for warmth. He will even hypnotize you into chilling out if you're still very upset.
Pero Tovar 18+
Literally does not get it. Isn't that good that you've put on some weight? You need it when you live out in such conditions and work hard to keep a living. He's also into your softer body A LOT. While you're off being insecure over that lil extra belly pooch Tovar is in the corner trying to contain his massive boner.
Marcus Pike 18+
Marcus is absolutely so sad with you. Not due to the fact of you gaining weight, no he doesn't give a fuck about that (infact he's a sucker for soft curves and rolls) he's hurt just from the fact you think so lowly of yourself. He's instantly going to subtly seduce you after he's calmed you down. Really showing you that just because some old clothes don't fit doesn't mean his cock doesn't fit like a glove still.
Agent Whiskey
He "likes them thicker anyway darlin'" seriously, you have no reason for insecurities with Jack he's like a personal hype man anyway. The moment you look in the mirror before a negative self thought can push its way to the foreground Jack is behind you whistling and groping your ass.
Dave York 18+
This man has no time for your self doubt or insecurities. I say that in the kindess way possible, because while you see your old clothes not fitting you Dave just shrugs and is like...okay? So you fluctuated in weight? Welcome to the club? He's sympathetic in a almost tough love type of way. If you're still hunching in insecurity by the time you two go to bed he's going to have your legs thrown over his shoulder as he drills his cock into you muttering how you are "so fucking perfect".
Marcus Moreno
Oh this man is tired but that doesn't mean he doesnt have time for you. Especially if you are in any type of stress, he's there heart, body, and soul. So imagine his surprise when he has to save you from a number on some articles of clothing. He's going to immediately rationalize that, this is just a number that means literally nothing AND sizing consistency in clothes is not a thing what so ever.
Maxwell Lord
Oh he's so sad that you feel this way. He never minds what ever weight you are at but he also understands the societal pressure people face to be a certain size. He's going to comfort you by holding you close and letting you know you are worth so much more than any silly garment. He's also going to offer to take you shopping, buy you a bunch of new clothes if you want.
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geometricalien · 3 years
OKAY I finished Life is Strange True Colors and it's time to give my hot trash opinions that no one asked for :) (spoilers will be below the cut)
I avoided almost everything released about this game because I did not want any spoilers whatsoever and I think that served me well.
I also came in with an open mind, I gotta say I was weary since deck nine had all of the control and I didn’t particularly like before the storm that much it was fine though.
All that said True Colors was beautiful. It has excellent graphics, compelling characters and side plots for each character, the power system was new and cool. I wasn't sure how being an empath would translate but it worked well in mechanics, was epic, and suited the theme of not just the game but Alex.
I played for about 10 hours Thursday with some breaks to stretch and get food. So needless to say, I was having a great time.
It has excellent sets and even though the power mechanics are exactly the same each time it's still fresh and creative in how these emotions can shape the world around them.
This is just a personal nitpick nothing actually important, the town is a fictional Coloradan small town and as someone who grew up in a neighboring state with similar small town/mining/outdoorsy communities- or visiting them- the town buildings were fantastic! I loved main street, I've been in towns with that exact same style. But the flower bridge and the deer were just... a tinge over the top, it felt like you were trying to sell "Paradise" way too hard. But besides that I loved the towns vibe!
I felt... a little burnt out being able to play all of the chapters at once, I think part that made the lis community so strong was that it had time to build and react to the episodes together. It gave us time to theorize and make fancontent. Versus binge gaming and shot like a bullet into the air, done too quick. I don’t feel as connected to the characters because I’ve only been with them for 14 ish hours vs months
NOW THAT BEING SAID- the pacing was good, it gave us the reins being able to free roam the map at nearly all times and it never felt like we were being dragged down
Overall, True Colors is a great addition. Had amazing voice acting graphics, characters, and themes. I definitely recommend checking this game out
Spoilers now abound:
Going back to an earlier comment- almost all scenarios where you used Alex's power in depth were fresh and interesting. My favorites being Ethan, Charlotte, and Eleanor. I bring this up because Duckie's was the most dull- which you could say matches because he is normally the life of the party so... feeling empty or dull makes sense for him. But then Pike’s was also similarly lacking in environment, so it didn’t feel as fulfilling
I loved loved loved episode 3. The larping was so much fun and I was tickled with the turn based fighting. I especially loved when Ethan made the world come to life, my heart lifted in pure joy.
The two main romance interests are... interesting. Ryan's insight and caring nature drew me to him the instant we met while Steph sort of came off... as separated? But as we became friends with them both it became super hard to chose. And at the end seeing their reactions to the bomb drop showed so much characterization. Steph's ride or die and Ryan (in my playthrough) just had someone challenge his entire life view of course that's hard to take in within 30 seconds. I got that religious gay trauma, I get it.
This is where I feel spacing out the episodes could've also helped with our fondness of characters. After Ryan didn't believe me I didn't want to pursue him anymore, my affection was weakened
However I chose to forgive both Ryan and Jed despite feeling like I missed the character development to reasonably make that decision. I understand this entire game is shadow work for Alex and it is growing her emotional intelligence by miles but I think I would have preferred more sign postings from the game saying "hey bc of your choices you are growing" which wasn't really true because-
Alex was suppressing her sadness, fear, and anger from her traumatic youth. So in episode 5, reliving all of those moments were the chance to level up in emotional intelligence. It felt odd to learn exactly everything at the very end but again it's okay because she was suppressing just like Jed which made her able to understand his emotions and walk him through them
I loved the parallel/bookendings of chapter 1: Side A and chapter 5: Side B, I'm a sucker for that shit
It's obvious that alot of care and heart was put into this game, it has layers and the more you peel back the more it reveals thematically
Now I got to compare it to my biggest criticism of LiS and Before the Storm, and ultimately the reason why I love LiS2 more than either of them. Does your choices actually matter?
LiS? No. The game ended with an ultimatum that made all of your choices in the end not matter and LiS is sold as a "your choices actually matter" type of game so seeing that be a load of malarkey always puts a bad taste in my mouth
Lis:bts? No. It's a prequel. I can admire the idea of "life may be futile but make the most of it" while you can and that definitely encompasses Rachel's side of bts. But that doesn’t negate the fact that this is more a game with a straight plot than LiS
True Colors? I think TC lies somewhere between LiS2 and LiS in this aspect. Its definitely very railed, I think in every one you will get Jed to confess, so it depends on how you go about convincing him, romancing, and deciding your future to... well... decide your future. I can't fault it. It left it up to the player to decide and to not be screwed over by our previous choices (cough cough) and that is the crowd pleasing choice.
So, in the sense that it all feels very railed until the last 15 minutes when they spin us on an ice rink and say "freestyle baby"- it's fine. I'm not mad about it. But it does make me wonder what would've happened if we don't have any of the committee members on our side? Would we leave town effective immediately? Would the truth even have gotten out? Because if that's true... I would bump it up in the "does your choices matter?" 
You make choices and those choices have consequences, sometimes out of your control. That's what LiS2 perfected and what I want to see more in this franchise. 
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