#though the colors makes your eyes strain so bad TuT
twl-cyan · 9 months
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Day 608
A shiny Christmas~~
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On a Technicality
Read on Ao3
Warnings: human sacrifice (don’t worry he’s fine), demons, culty things
Pairings: intrulogical
Word Count: 2676
could I get some intrulogical with touch-starved remus when you’re ready to come back? I adore how you write touch and affection; no pressure though! – anon
"A sacrifice for you," the zealot says quickly, trying to appeal to the demon's focus, "a token of our appreciation and worship."
The demon's head tilts. Remus looks up at them, pain and blood loss working in tandem to make it a struggle to even keep his eyes open, his vision growing fuzzier again. The demon's fingers twitch.
"O Great and Powerful—"
"Are these people bothering you, my dear?"
Remus jerks, consciousness coming slowly, painfully, with all the subtlety of an axe pounding at the inside of his skill. A low noise hums in the air around him and only by the strain in his throat does he realize it's him.
"Ah, it seems our guest of honor is awake."
The words muddle through what feels like a ringing drum, striking with intent but so hard to make out. Did he fall? Was he hurt? His head feels like it's about to explode but he can't—
His attempt to feel around for any wound is stopped abruptly by the cold shackles around his wrists.
Jarring pain in his arms chokes off his voice. He's bound. He's being held. What's going on? What's happening?
A fuzzy light swims into being in front of him. Wait, that's wrong, there's two. No…three…no, back to two again. How are there so many lights? Are there any lights at all?
Shaking his head to clear it is a bad idea. Everything just hurts.
Something pungent ends up under his nose and he gasps.
"Ah. That's better."
A hooded figure stands in front of him, only a gleaming smile visible as the candles—that's what they are—flicker with clarity. Remus spits and glares up at them.
"Where am I?"
"Your new home." The hooded figure spreads their arms and gestures around. "In all the splendor that you deserve."
Splendor quickly fades to squalor as he looks around. Barren stone walls, a wooden bench that somehow looks even more unyielding, and of course the shackles and candles surrounding him.
"What is this place?"
"An altar." Arms outstretch to the heavens. "A place for the belief and faith to become tangible, where we can reach to the true face of our master and be bestowed the eternal reward."
They turn, gesturing to Remus.
"And you, my child, have the honor of being the sacrifice."
Honor? "S-sacrifice?"
"Why, yes, of course. You don't think power is bestowed freely, do you?" The zealot raises a fist. "Power is only earned through blood."
"That would explain the color scheme."
"Gag him."
A vile-tasting cloth is shoved between his teeth, almost choking him as the zealot tuts.
"You should watch what you say," they scold with all the arrogance of an unworthy parent, "that mouth of yours can get you into trouble."
They turn away, walking towards a bench, picking up something that makes Remus's eyes go wide, pulling reflexively at the shackles.
"On this night," the zealot murmurs, the blade glistening in the candlelight, "we reach out to the darkness and offer the light of a life in return"
These chains have to have a weak point, somewhere, they have to.
"Power is blood," the zealot continues as a low chanting begins to make Remus's head ring, "blood is power. To spill one is to gain the other."
They advance, blade in hand, smile sharp, as Remus starts to thrash in earnest.
"We ask you, O Great Darkness," they say as the blade rises high, "to grant us our desire."
Remus screams into the gag as the blade buries itself in his chest.
The ground rumbles.
The walls of the building shake, candles flickering wildly, the bench creaks and groans until it splinters with explosive force. The zealot whirls around as a dark smoke begins to emanate from the broken remains.
"Who," a dark voice utters, deeper than an earthquake, "has summoned me?"
The zealot falls to their knees in a mockery of Remus's posture, shackled by their belief and delusions of grandeur. "O Great and Powerful Demon, we thank you for honoring us with your presence."
The rest of the demon begins to take shape, even though Remus can barely make it out through the haze of blood loss. 'Shape,' is perhaps not the right word, when the smoke still whirls around and into horns that seem to twist up into nothing, claws that grow just as sharp as the blade still in his chest.
Electric blue eyes lock onto him and he freezes.
"We ask you," the zealot continues, hands raised, "for power, for just the slightest bit of your darkness so that we may know what it is like to—"
The demon moves.
Smoke becomes limbs, horns become a head, electric blue eyes train themselves on the wound in Remus's chest, dark with blood, the hilt of the blade jutting out into the smoke.
"A sacrifice for you," the zealot says quickly, trying to appeal to the demon's focus, "a token of our appreciation and worship."
The demon's head tilts. Remus looks up at them, pain and blood loss working in tandem to make it a struggle to even keep his eyes open, his vision growing fuzzier again. The demon's fingers twitch.
"O Great and Powerful—"
"Are these people bothering you, my dear?"
It takes everyone in the building a touch too long to realize that the demon is talking to Remus.
He glances down at the shackles and the knife sticking out of his chest as if to say yeah, just a bit, and the demon chuckles.
"One moment."
"We have summoned you," the zealot tries one last time as the demon turns to them, "to demonstrate your—ah!"
"I don't see you bleeding out in the middle of a summoning circle," the demon says calmly as the zealot doubles over, clutching at their throat, "you…you will do."
Remus closes his eyes, flinching as screams fill the air. Wincing too hard makes the blade shift inside the wound but the ground underneath him trembles again and again and when the sharp crack comes, he can't help but shrink as small as he can go.
Please, please, no, please, not like this—
He stifles a cry when something touches his face but it just tugs the gag gently from his mouth.
"Easy, now, my dear," the demon rumbles, "best not to fidget too much. That's a nasty stab wound they've given you."
His eyes fly open and the demon is right there.
"Hey, hey, easy." They steady him as he flinches at the sudden closeness. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"What—what did you do?"
"I dealt with them."
"You what?"
The demon shrugs. "You said they were bothering you."
When Remus…doesn't know where to go from there, they reach out again, slowly, letting him understand what they're doing, until they can rest their hand next to the hilt of the blade.
"It's a good thing they didn't take the blade out, otherwise this could have been much messier." They glance up. "I'm going to have to take it out so I can see the wound. It's going to hurt, okay?"
What else is he supposed to do but nod?
"On three, ready? One—"
He hisses through his teeth as the blade slides free. "Mother fuck—"
"I'm sorry," the demon murmurs, a glowing hand already pressed to the wound, "people always tense, even when they don't mean to. Best to do it by surprise."
Remus scrabbles for breath but the pain worsens, driving a demented scream from his jaw even as another arm comes up to wrap around his back, holding him upright.
"Shh, shh," the demon says softly as the light glows brighter, "you're doing so well, my dear, so well…shh, shh."
The glow fades and he gasps, collapsing forward onto the hand. The demon catches him before the shackles can pull at his arms again, and oh, oh—
"Deep breaths, now," comes the voice, "that's it, nice and slow."
The pain…the pain in his chest…the blade is gone. He can't feel the wound anymore. It's been replaced by this burning sensation, too warm and too cold and it tingles so bad it's almost like it's itching. The blade lies a few feet away, still covered in blood, but he's not bleeding—
"Nothing I can do about your clothes," the demon murmurs, touching the ripped cloth, "nor the bloodstains—though I have to admit, it's not the worst look on you—but you won't be losing any more of your precious blood."
They—they healed him?
He looks up in disbelief, meeting electric blue eyes, only for them to soften as a low hum makes his ears twitch.
"Oh, my dear," they say, a hand coming up to—to wipe the tears from his cheeks, he's crying, he's crying— "you must've been so scared."
Of course, as soon as they point it out, he begins sobbing in earnest. He almost died. He was stabbed in the chest to be sacrificed to a demon, he—he—
"Let's get these off of you, hm?"
The cold leaves his wrists and he shudders, but that only makes the burning warmth worse.
"There, that's better. Oh, you poor thing…"
Arms. Arms wrap around him, lifting him off the floor—he distantly registers the feeling of being carried but then he's set down again on something warm, warm but not the burning itch he can feel everywhere—something's touching his face.
"There, you're alright, my dear, they can't hurt you anymore." Too-soft hands—they must be hands—pass over his cheeks and run through his hair. "Shh, shh, they are not worth your tears."
But I'm fucking scared, he wants to scream, I'm fucking scared and that's worth all of my tears.
But he can't say that, too preoccupied with trying to catch his breath, and trying in vain to snatch it back when he won't stop burning.
"That's it, easy now." One hand cups the back of his neck and toys with the hair there. "Take your time, my dear, you've just had an awful fright."
That's putting it a bit mildly.
But the hands running over his head and shoulders do the trick, gentling and slowing the sobs until he can reach up and wipe his own tears with shaking breaths.
The demon's features are still written in concern, tucking stray bits of hair back into place. They smile gently when Remus looks up at them.
"Hello," they murmur, "feeling better?"
He nods. "I…um…thank you?"
They chuckle. "You needn't sound so nervous about thanking me, dear. If I were fae, perhaps, but not a demon."
"Are you alright?" Fingers tilt his chin up a bit further. "Not hurt anywhere else, aside from a few bumps and bruises?"
"I don't think so."
"Um…why did you help me?"
The demon frowns. "You summoned me."
"What?" Remus draws back. "No, I didn't—I didn't do anything. I just got handcuffed and stabbed, what are you talking about?"
"You spilled blood in a summoning circle." They pat his chest. "Therefore, you summoned me."
His mouth opens and closes a few times. "I…didn't mean to."
"Yes, I gathered."
"…so what now?"
"Well," they sigh, "normally, a contract would be drawn up. I fulfill my terms of the contract, you fulfill yours, we seal the ending terms, and carry on."
Uh, no, thank you. "What if I don't want a contract?"
"Then I will have had a most intriguing evening and an excellent story to tell."
Demons tell stories? Still, he can't stop the breath of relief, ready for whatever the fuck this is to be over, when a hand cups his chin and tilts his gaze back up.
"But I will be lying if I tell you I wouldn't want to see you again."
His blood runs cold. "Me?"
"Yes. You're very interesting."
"I'm…really not," he mutters and the demon only laughs.
"The thing about uninteresting people is they don't typically have to say it."
"Is that what the spell is for?"
The demon's brow furrows. "Spell?"
"The…burning stuff." Remus wiggles his arms a bit. "Feels really—well, itchy isn't the right word, but like—I don't know, it's weird. What is it? Is that what it's for?"
They still look at him like he's lost his mind—which, hey, he's the one who's allowed to, at this point—until something clicks and they take their hands away from him. A small part of him mourns the loss of contact but the burning vanishes.
"Oh. It stopped. Is, uh, is it just a demon thing, or…?"
"Oh, you poor thing," the demon murmurs, something horribly sad coloring their voice, "you poor, poor thing…"
"You're touch starved."
"I'm what now?"
Slowly, so slowly, the demon reaches out and touches his face. It's warm, it's so warm, it's so warm, it's so warm so warm so warm warm warm warm—
"What—what's going on—"
"Touch starved," the demon whispers, "you…you've not been touched. That's all this is, my dear, I'm not doing anything other than touching you."
"Oh, hey—" he's crying again, why is he crying again?— "oh, dear one, come here…"
Demons, some tiny part of Remus's brain thinks, are not supposed to be this tender.
And yet, here he is, sat on the raised stone plinth with a demon kneeling in front of him, their arms cradling him like he's something precious.
"Wait—wait," he babbles, "blood—you'll get blood all over you, you—don't—"
A quiet chuckle, right in his ear.
"Do I seem," the demon purrs, "the type to mind if I get a little blood all over me?"
…he supposes that's true.
"How did it get this bad," they continue, gentler now, "surely you had people to care for you?"
A wet gasp of disbelief. "Do you think I would've ended up here if I did?"
"No, I suppose not." They hum as Remus's head ends up in the crook of their neck. "There you are…come, let me hold you properly."
He's moved again, somehow, and only when the demon's chest rumbles right up against his does he realize he's been pulled into the demon's lap.
What the fuck is my life right now?
"You're thinking too much," comes the voice, "it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. Just try and relax."
Demon, some part of him protests, but the rest of him quickly goes if we've made it this far, what's the harm now?
"There," he hears as he makes an effort to sag into the hold that's starting to burn a little less now, "that's it…good, little one, good job."
"…'s this doing anything for you? What're you getting out of this?"
"Are you always this mouthy?" It's said with a fondness that, frankly, takes him by surprise as the demon pulls back to run a finger under his chin.
"Yeah, pretty much."
They chuckle. "I told you. I've got quite the story to tell of this evening."
"…that's it?"
Something shifts and Remus tenses as the demon leans forward. How in the fuck are their eyes that color?
"Depends," they murmur, "do you have something to offer me?"
"I—uh—I didn't—um—"
As quickly as it appeared, it's gone again. They laugh and shake their head, pulling him close where he leaned away. "I'm only teasing, little one. Yes, that's it. Is it still burning?"
"You look tired," they say softly, running their hand through his hair, "would you like to try and sleep?"
On instinct, he almost says no. But then he thinks about the cold drafty barn and the blanket riddled with holes, and the way he'd have to wake up before the first light so he wouldn't get chased out into the wind, and he thinks about how warm he is right now and how gentle the demon's embrace is, and he nods.
"Close your eyes, then, my dear," the demon murmurs, shifting to let him lay against their chest, "I've got you."
"What's your name?"
"Your name," Remus mumbles, already struggling to keep his eyes open, "can't just keep calling you 'demon' in my head."
The chest under him rumbles. "Logan. Call me Logan."
"'M Remus."
"Go to sleep, Remus," Logan says softly, "it'll be alright, now."
Not how he expected to wake up, not how he expected to fall asleep. Yet he can't bring himself to mind too much.
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marshmallow-phd · 3 years
Scarlet Moon
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Genre: Scarlet Heart Ryeo!AU, Time Travel!AU, Alternate History, Royalty!AU
Pairing: OC x EXO OT9
Summary:  This isn’t Gwen’s time. She was from the modern era, with technology and electricity. But during a solar eclipse, she’s transported back into a previous life in a time and place she does not know. Now, as the foreign daughter of a merchant living in a prince’s household, she must tread carefully, watch her back, and guard her heart. But with the princes locked in a battle over the throne, the chances of her making it out alive might disappear.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3
The bright sun felt warm against Gwen’s skin. Chae Ryung half-heartedly chastised her about burning her face, but Gwen hardly gave a listen. It felt like it had been years since she’d simply stopped and took in the light. All she ever did was go to work, do her schoolwork, and watch dramas. She never really took much time for simply… being. After a minute or so, Chase Ryung convinced her to keep walking through the courtyard, but she still went slow, taking in everything.  
The other servants would stop in the middle of their work and glance at Gwen in a fashion they might have thought was sneaky, but was, in fact, fairly obvious. Some gave looks of concern, others, it felt like, of awe. Gwen ran her fingers through her hair, the red catching in the sunlight. She stuck out more here than she ever did back home and it made her stomach queasy. 
“So, Chae Ryung,” Gwen finally said, “what is it that I usually do during the day?”
“All day?” she echoed. She pursed her lips side to side as she thought. “Mostly you keep Lady Hae company. She’s a bit lonely as Prince Suho’s wife. You’re the closest to her station here.”
Suho. An interesting name for a prince. I remembered Papa inquiring after the pale but beautiful woman in ornate clothing. “And she’s sick?”
Chae Ryung nodded sorrowfully. After looking over her shoulder, she lowered her voice as she leaned in. “Some are worried that she doesn’t have much longer and the prince still doesn’t have an heir.”
“Is it that bad?” 
Chae Ryung nodded again. Gwen’s heart went out to the beautifully tragic woman. In the single moment she’d met the Lady of the household, Gwen could tell that she had a kind heart. The look of worry and concern was etched in her mind, not a single twitch giving away possible deception. Spending her days with Lady Hae didn’t seem like too terribly a time. Perhaps she could be another person to lean on, to help Gwen when she stumbled. Because she would certainly be stumbling every other step in this place. 
Gwen and Chae Ryung wandered around the grounds for hours, the latter filling Gwen in on what she couldn’t put together for herself. 
Apparently, this Gwen had had a tendency to be a bit rambunctious, taking liking to archery just as much as needlework. Often, she would be caught joining in the servant boys in whatever rough game they were playing that day. Not exactly a good look for the daughter of a wealthy merchant. It had to be a comical sight, the horrified looks this girl must have produced from the other women around the household as a child. But over the last few years, she’d calmed to be a bit more demure. Chae Ryung went into explaining the wide gray area Gwen was given as an outsider. Though this girl knew the rules of society, she was able to bend them ever so slightly. 
Coming up on the path was a pond, round and expanding, the edges lined with tall grass and fresh flowers that gave off calming scents. A family of little ducks floated on top of the clear water. Fish in bright colors of oranges and yellows swam freely, their tails creating the slightest ripples on the surface. As they walked around the water, Chae Ryung described a beautiful gazebo that this Gwen apparently loved to hide away in when she wanted to be alone. Disappointingly, though, the gazebo was already occupied by the Prince and Lady Hae. 
Looking like a happy but conservative couple, they drank tea together and spoke softly. Prince Suho smiled at his wife as he brought the teacup to his lips, but as his eyes drifted over to the spot where Gwen stood, the smile changed. 
It deepened, almost. An uncomfortable feeling settled in Gwen’s stomach. She smiled back, though, and waved, to remain polite. She was probably reading into things or misunderstanding them. Prince Suho held back a laugh before turning back to his wife. She still didn’t fully understand the dynamics of this world and could easily misinterpret his actions. And her head still slightly throbbed, so that could be clouding her thoughts as well. 
“It’s inappropriate to stare at a married couple’s private moments,” a high voice snipped. 
Confused, Gwen turned to find an elegantly dressed girl close to her age. Or, rather, this body’s age since this Gwen was a few years younger than the body she’d left behind. 
This new girl’s face was pretty, but it was destroyed by the snobbish and self-satisfied look she wore. Chae Ryung bowed deeply, but Gwen stayed erect. Bowing was not something that came as second nature to her and she didn’t want to do it for just anyone. Not surprisingly, this defiance deepened the annoyance on the girl’s face even more. Sensing danger, Chae Ryung forced Gwen into a bow.
“Greetings, Your Highness,” Chae Ryung said with a shaky voice. She gave Gwen a pointed glance that was ignored. 
“Apparently, not only have you forgotten your memories, but the few manners you ever had as well,” her highness sniffed. “I would be happy to be your teacher. Maybe we can make you a more respectful person this time around.” 
“Perhaps we have two different definitions of respect.”
It was subtle, but the girl’s smile strained, stiffening and tightening in the corners. Gwen knew that irritated look all too well from high school. The girls of the popular crowd would often shift into this body language whenever Gwen ignored their insults or countered them with a response they weren’t expecting. It had made her extremely unpopular, but that was never important to her. All she ever cared about was getting out and graduating. It was sad that mean girls had existed back in this time as well.  
“How dare you speak to me that way,” the girl hissed. “You think because you’re a freak of nature you can do and say as you please?”
“Just because I look different from you doesn’t mean that I’m a freak of nature!” Gwen shouted. Her nails dug into her palms as she tried to reign in the urge to respond physically. That particular subject had always been a sore spot for her. She didn’t think she was ugly, per se, but she wasn’t a beauty. Society’s standards, as ever changing as they were, always felt too far out of her reach. “Pretty” was not something she ever saw in the mirror. And, unfortunately, this body held the same face. 
“What is going on here?”
Gwen stiffened at the Prince’s voice behind her. Slowly, she turned around and bowed deeply. Prince Suho had abandoned his wife at the gazebo to investigate. She hadn’t meant to ruin his date, especially since they probably didn’t get many moments like this. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, Your Highness.”
Prince Suho looked past her to the girl and then back at Gwen. “Perhaps, it’s best for you to go back inside, Lady Gwen. I don’t want you to tire yourself out and I fear it might get colder. ”
Nodding, Gwen bowed again and walked away. There was no point in arguing. Besides, she didn’t want to hang around this self-important girl, who she didn’t dare give a passing glance to and give her the satisfaction of besting her. Once out of sight, however, Gwen’s bravado deflated. 
“Who was that girl?” She bit her bottom lip in a very unladylike manner as she slouched against the outer wall of a red-painted building. 
Chae Ryung tutted nervously. “That was Princess Yeon Hwa. You’re lucky that her brother stepped in.”
That girl was Prince Suho’s sister? Gwen shuddered, feeling sorry for Suho since he had to be related to her. “Mom always said I was too spiteful. But I wasn’t being disrespectful by looking for five seconds. They just looked like a scene out of a movie.”
“A movie?”
Oh, crap. There you go again. “A novel. I meant a novel. They looked like a scene from a book.”
“Oh!” Chae Ryung nodded, though she wore an expression of confusion. “Still it would have been better to apologize and walk away.”
Gwen shrugged. “Maybe next time.” 
Looking up at the blue sky, Gwen wanted to pout. It was such a nice day. Even with these layers of clothes, she wasn’t too hot and a nice breeze played with her hair. But Prince Suho had told her to go inside. He must have figured she would cause less trouble there. He also said it might get colder. Gwen hated being cold. 
“When I have to stay inside, where do I like to go?” she asked as she looked ot her friend. 
Chae Ryung grinned from ear to ear. She seemed excited as she took hold of Gwen’s wrist and pulled her along to a building near the middle of the compound. It wasn’t a large building, with spaces barely able to be called rooms. That hardly deterred the excitement bubbling up in Gwen’s chest. 
Inside were wooden shelves, thin and easily seen through. But unlike the thick, hardbound novels Gwen was used to, the books stacked here were thinner, flimsy and held together with twine. Another servant girl shuffled up before they stepped into the room. Chae Ryung was needed elsewhere. She urged Gwen to go on ahead and stay at the library for a few hours. 
Within the shelves, she lost herself. 
Reading was always a comfort to Gwen, but she tended to lean towards adventurous fiction filled with romance and challenge. She doubted she would find such stories in the Prince’s library. If she could even read these manuscripts. 
Gwen blinked, reflecting on her presence here. Somehow, she was able to communicate with the others despite the fact that they weren’t speaking English. The real Gwen’s knowledge - at least, with speaking and reading - somehow had remained behind. As her eyes drifted over the Chinese characters written on the spines, she understood what they said. A small laugh escaped her lips. She’d always wanted to know more than one language. All it took was being transported back in time to a different body. 
From what Gwen could make out of the titles of the volumes, they were mostly science based - medical treatments and catalogs of animals and plants - along with a few recorded histories. There were no fictional stories to be found, so Gwen went for the next best thing and grabbed a book that recounted the story of how King Taejo founded Goryeo. 
The wording was a bit dry and straight forward, the author giving only the occasional flourish here and there. Still, like any written word, it absorbed her attention. To receive a recount of history from a source so close to the time that it happened was not to be taken lightly. Gwen walked through the aisles as she read, unaware that another visitor had arrived. In the middle of a sentence about a deciding battle, her pacing was stopped by a soft wall. She looked up and sucked in her breath. 
Prince Suho.
She bowed, thinking that her back would start aching from all this bending over. “I’m sorry, again, for earlier,” she whispered. It was a sincere apology. Though it wasn’t her fault, she’d egged it on and caused the Prince trouble, which in turn could cause trouble for this Gwen’s father. Both men had been kind to her since she woke up and she didn’t want to repay that kindness by being a burden. 
Instead of acknowledging her apology, Prince Suho asked, “Do you really not remember anything?”
Gwen shook her head, unable to meet his eye. She could feel his gaze seering onto her face, however. Warmth tickled at her cheeks and she hoped that it wasn’t a visible heat. The Prince was handsome, with a strong chin and kind eyes. He spoke softly.
“Do you remember why you were at the bathhouse?”
Gwen snapped her head up, confused. Why would he be asking her about a bathhouse? “The bathhouse?” She knew nothing about a bathhouse or what this Gwen would be doing there. 
He sighed. “Truly?” Did he not believe her? Did he think she was faking it to avoid getting into trouble? 
“I-” she stopped. Would she be punished for something she didn’t even do? She tried to be as sincere and honest as possible. She didn’t know what could be done to her if he didn’t believe her. “I’m sorry. I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Prince Suho didn’t look receptive to her answer, but he backtracked anyway as he looked away. “Perhaps I was merely seeing things,” he murmured to himself. Regaining eye contact, he took a step to shorten the space between them. “When I invited you and your father to stay here, I took it upon myself to look after you, knowing your foreignness would make you a target. I’m afraid I’ve neglected on that duty. It has caused Lady Hae great worry.”
Gwen took a step back, her hands behind her back. “No, I’m the one who should be sorry. I think I’m causing you more trouble than I’m worth. I promise, I’ll watch my steps from now on. The last thing I want is to be in the way. If you need anything, I’ll do it. I want to be a help, not a burden.” He nodded, the expression on his face softening slightly. Feeling the conversation was over with that last declaration, she bowed and scurried out of the library after replacing the historical text. 
With that haven now compromised, Gwen concluded the best place for her to go was back to her room until dinner. 
After a few days of managing to stay out of trouble, Gwen ran into Lady Hae on one of her leg-stretching walks. She didn’t seem to be upset about the incident at the gazebo, though she was disappointed that Gwen hadn’t come to see her. Gwen stumbled through an apology, not realizing that she would be so missed. In fact, she thought she was doing everyone a favor by staying out of the way. 
Accepting the apology, Lady Hae asked if Gwen would like to learn how to make lotus lanterns for the upcoming festival. Gwen raised her eyebrows in surprise. Thinking it would be fun and distracting, she agreed and followed Lady Hae to one of the buildings with open walls that allowed a gentle breeze to keep them cool. The temperature hadn’t dropped like Prince Suho had predicted. When Gwen saw who was already at work in the building, she instantly regretted her decision to join. A groan was barely suppressed as she sat down beside Lady Hae.
“Lady Hae, I see you brought a friend,” Yeon Hwa sneered cheerfully. 
It took willpower, but Gwen managed to ignore the princess’s snide remark, instead focusing on Lady Hae’s explanation of how to put the lanterns together. The glue had a potent smell that stung at Gwen’s nose. No wonder they were in a building that allowed the air to drift in and out. It took a few poor looking lanterns for her to get the hang of it, but finally they looked worthy of being hung up for other people to see. Glancing over at Yeon Hwa’s, Gwen huffed internally. Though they were the same design, the princess’ were begrudgingly far superior.
“Lady Gwen,” Yeon Hwa called out. A faux-sweet smile stretched across her lips. “Why don’t you go take the dry lanterns and put them in the Moon building for storage until the festival?” 
Gwen returned a smile just as fake. “Of course.” 
Chae Ryung, who had joined the group soon after Gwen’s arrival, stepped forward. “I can take them, my lady.”
 “Lady Gwen is perfectly capable of carrying them herself,” Yeon Hwa snapped. The evil look gleamed in her eyes, as if she were punishing Gwen with such menial labor. 
Little did she know the request didn’t bother Gwen in the slightest. She was giving the perfect excuse to leave her presence. While making the lanterns, Gwen’s mind had wandered towards the village beyond the walls and - with everyone occupied here – sneaking out on her own should be easy enough. She wanted to see more of this world that she now resided in. 
Filling up her arms with as much as they could carry, Gwen shuffled up the hill, following the directions Chae Ryung had given to the Moon building. 
“Gwen, you’re out of your room.”
Papa walked up, a smile on his face causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle. He seemed out of place in the Goryeo fashion he donned, yet comfortable as the shiny fabric swayed around his legs. He wore the hanbok with dignity and ease. Back home, Gwen prefered less complicated clothing and was still adjusting to the multilayered dresses that needed an extra pair of hands to put on.
“Yes,” Gwen said. “I was helping Lady Hae make lanterns for the festival.” She held them up proudly for him to see.
“Those are very beautiful,” he complimented. Gwen’s smile stretched farther across her lips at the praise. “I’m happy to see that you’re getting back to your old self.”
The joy in his eyes was almost too overwhelming. Gwen thought back to her own father, with whom she was close. They seemed so much alike. Tears threatened to brim her eyes. Within the last few days, she’d grown an affection for this man. He was patient with her and caring. And, as an outsider himself, a small connection that she clung to. “I’m happy that you’re happy, Papa.”
“I have some business to oversee at the house. Please, stay out of trouble.” He gave her a kiss on the head and resumed in the direction he was headed before.
Continuing on her own way, Gwen barely reached the steps of the Moon building before a man in brown clothes ran, bowed, and took the lanterns to store them. He must have been a servant in the Prince’s household. She hadn’t seen him before but she gladly handed the lanterns over. Thankful that her task was now over, she waited and watched as the servant hung the lanterns up on a long string inside the open doors. Now it was time to explore. Taking a different path, she headed for the gate.  
This place was certainly different. Monarchies weren't as widespread in her own time, most nations having moved on to people-elected governments instead of blood-appointed kings. Though it was different, Gwen appreciated the underlining respect that drove this culture. The differences in formal and informal speech and the hierarchy of that respect ran deep within the people. The mutual heritage they all shared made her a bit jealous. She was from a place that didn’t have that. 
The sound of drums broke through her thoughts. They were deep, rhythmic, calling out to anyone who wanted to listen. Answering the call, Gwen followed them. 
In a giant dirt courtyard near the palace stood about six figures, some dressed in red, others in black. They were spaced equally apart in a square structure. Gwen hid among the archways, too fascinated to walk away like she should have. The figures danced in unison and with power – except one of the men in red, who was lacking enthusiasm and proper rhythm. The others noticed and stopped their dance, the drums fading out as well. They all stared at the one who had finished incorrectly as he flopped down to the ground. Gwen covered her mouth to soften the giggled. He was throwing a fit. A grown man by the looks of him, he was acting like a spoiled child. Among the figures was Prince Suho, who seemed exasperated at the situation.
So, those must be the other princes. 
This festival must be important, if royalty was performing. Gwen made a mental note to have Chae Ryung explain it in more detail when she went back to the compound.
A few of the princes ganged up on the one on the ground, criticizing him for still getting the moves wrong after such a long practice. Huffing, the one on the ground jumped up. He pointed a long finger and accused another brother of making a mistake as well. Gwen laughed loudly at their altercation, the noise pushing through her fingers. Prince Suho glanced up in her direction. She took off, scared to be caught. 
Once among the common people, Gwen’s mind eased. She wandered around the city, trying to ignore the whispers and stares that followed. The market was abundant with people. Men gossiped with their friends while the women picked over the vegetables and meats, inspecting for any impurities. Children played loudly and ran through the streets, uncaring if their feet were covered in mud. Different stalls caught Gwen’s attention, some selling soaps and bath grains, others selling intricate hairpins that sparkled under the sun. She made a mental note to ask Papa to come with her next time to buy a few wares. Maybe Chae Ryung could teach her how to place the pins in her hair. 
Leaving behind the market, Gwen came to a small bridge over a shallow river. The water flowed steadily, uninterrupted. She stared down at her blurry reflection, wondering how she could still look so much like herself. There was no railing to obstruct the view, so she bent down for a closer look. 
The face looking back was still round and pale, the soft jaw line giving a youthful appeal. Red hair fell natural, gentle waves that never liked to obey. Not even the multiple hairpins keeping it out of her face could tame it completely. Sea green eyes sat in hooded sockets on either side of a thin nose and average lips. Freckles dotted the bridge of her nose and apples of her large cheeks from years of sun exposure. Forced to come back to a time that wasn’t hers, the least magic could have done was improve her looks. 
The cries of the villagers reached her ears too late. Searching for the source of the hysterics, Gwen stood and turned as the villagers ducked out of sight. A mad man on a black horse galloped through the market. The rider didn’t care about others around him. He didn’t look back behind him or stop to check on those who dived out of his path. A villager with a traveling pack hanging from his shoulders scurried across the bridge to run away from the rider. In his haste, he knocked into Gwen. She lost her balance, flailing her arms worthlessly, and began to fall into the river that had served as my mirror just moments ago. She closed her eyes and braced for impact with the surly cold water. But it didn’t come.
A steadfast grip snatched her by her waist. When she opened her eyes to see who had saved her from the water, she was face to face with the rider.
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webbed down [2]
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pairing: dom!peter parker x reader
summary: the morning after webbed down
notes: the long awaited sequel (literally over a year) is finally here!!! i hope it doesn’t disappoint––
give me feedback! please :)
so peter was never one to back off on his word
and you knew that of course,
but today you would really know that 
so you woke up in the morning to pee and somehow managed to wobble your way over to the bathroom while peter was still asleep
you had a feeling that it was going to be a long day since peter said he wasn’t going to go easy on you today so while you were in there you brushed your teeth and washed your face
then you slipped into the kitchen and drank some water and got a quick breakfast before making your way back into bed for a quick nap 
(you were tired, what can you say)
as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were basically out 
it wasn’t until around noon that you woke up again
you heard a slight buzzing noise that made you stir a little bit in your sleep
then you felt a buzzing make it’s way up your thighs slowly
you opened your eyes to find peter in between your thighs, his dark eyes gazing over your naked body with a smirk on his lips
“oh good, you’re awake.” he said nonchalantly
“i was starting to get impatient––”
he had one hand on your inner thigh, stroking it deceivingly soft as he moved your vibrator closer to between your thighs
you subconsciously tried to shut your legs closed and couldn’t
realizing that both your legs were webbed to either side of the bed
then, glancing up, you noticed your hands were webbed up as well
you looked back to peter and his smirk only deepened
“these are my new webs i just made, baby.”
you waited for him to tell you the catch
“let’s just say you’re gonna be tied down for a good while––longer than usual”
he finally pressed the vibe to your clit, but not enough for it to feel as good as it could
he ran it through your folds, up and down, only letting it lightly graze your clit until your hips began chasing his hand 
and you could tell he was getting hard at the sight of you
(he was wearing the grey sweats that you loved on him and that alone was a tell that he felt like being a huge tease today)
he always loved seeing your body submit to him, so much that you could barely control your movements
peter told you his plans for the day and just the thought of them had you squirming already
well as much as you could in the restraints anyway
“i’m gonna leave you all tied up here today, pretty girl.”
“gonna go run some errands, stock up on some food since i know you’ll need lots of it when i’m done with you.”
“then ned’s gonna come over and we’re gonna hangout for a few  hours while you’re in here,”
“quiet,” he looked at you sternly, pressing the vibe directly onto your clit, making you yelp before he resumed his original teasing pace
“cumming over and over, as much as you want.”
you gasped and he laughed, “oh did you think i was gonna edge you today, princess? no today we’re gonna overstimulate that little clit of yours until you’re crying, shaking and begging me to stop.”
he leaned over you, his breath hitting your lips as he looked into your eyes, his hand still moving the toy between your legs
“so you gonna be a good girl for me today?” he asked, his queens accent prominent as ever
you nodded, swallowing thickly as you looked into his piercing stare
he locked your lips with his, intending for it to be a quick peck but once he got a taste of you, he could never get enough
plus, he would be leaving you here all day so he decided he had to make it count
he laughed when he saw you craning your neck for more and grinned, leaning down to bite your lip before pulling away completely
he moved so he was back between your legs and you jolted when you felt the vibrations directly on your clit again
he pulled a web cartridge out of nowhere and webbed the toy to you somehow so it managed to stay directly on your most sensitive part
with a kiss to your thigh, he got off of the bed 
he made sure to ask your color to see if you were okay with all this
when you responded green through a small whimper, he grinned, winking as he walked out of the room 
“i’d say see you soon,” he bit his lip looking at your pussy clenching under the vibe, “but that’s a lie.”
and with that he shut the door
you don’t know how long peter was gone but you were sure he was taking as much time as he possibly could
you honestly lost track of how many times you came 
since you were alone you could have been as loud as you pleased, but you didn’t want the neighbors to complain, especially since you weren’t exactly able to get out of bed if they knocked on your door––
so you were biting your lip and trying your best to muffle your moans, knowing that when peter came back with ned, you’d have to be quiet anyway
and honestly that made you even hornier
by the time he came back, it was late in the afternoon and the sun was setting
and he didn’t come to you immediately
no, he made you wait even longer
he knew you were just aching for him to see you, to touch you and kiss you
which is why he took his time
well that and, he was also playing video games
ned was going off on one of his many tangents when you let out a particularly loud whine
luckily, ned didn’t notice
but peter did
he subtly turned up the volume on the tv before excusing himself 
you faintly heard him say something about how you weren’t feeling well and how he had to check up on you real quick
he made his way into the room, shutting the door so ned couldn’t peak inside in case he got curious
as soon as he saw you, his gaze darkened
you could practically feel his eyes heating your skin as he scanned your body up and down
your lips were plump from all the bites you’d been giving them all day
your chest was shining in the light, a sheen layer of sweat coating your skin
your nipples pebbled, straining for attention
and you were dripping
he took his time admiring you as he slowly walked to the end of the bed
he took a seat between your legs and you couldn’t help but moan when you felt his hands rub up and down your thighs 
he waited a moment before reaching over and turning off the vibrator
you weren’t sure if you were relieved or if you wanted more but you didn’t have much time to think about it before peter moved the toy out of the way, wrapped his lips around your clit, and sucked hard
you jolted and couldn’t help but let a particularly loud moan of his name out
though he groaned at the sound of you and couldn’t help but grin into your heat, he scolded you teasingly, his voice like velvet
“bad girl“
he pulled away and smacked your pussy, making you whimper, your back arching
“don’t want ned to hear, do we?”
he raised a brow and you shook your head in agreement, letting out a quiet “no”
“had to turn up the volume since you were so loud,” he tutted, shaking his head in mock disapproval
he dissolved the webs holding the vibe and threw it aside before lying down and burying his face in you
you almost screamed but you bit your lip, not wanting to scar ned for life
and even though ned was right outside, peter was not holding back one bit
he put one hand on your stomach, holding you down as he licked up your wetness, spreading it all over your pussy
“so fucking wet, princess.”
“m’sure you don’t even know how many times you came––”
“i’d say at least 20 with how long i left you here.”
“you’re practically dripping onto the sheets, fuck––”
you were so sensitive and so so wet, you felt like you were going to burst out of your skin, you felt like you were on fire but you’d never felt better in your life
peter slid two fingers inside you and you mewled when he sucked on your clit while scissoring his digits inside of you
he quickly found that spot inside of you that made you melt and you let out a quiet but desperate string of curses
“shit pete, oh my god! fuck––”
you were so so close and you were about to tip over the edge when you heard ned speak up
“dude i finally beat the level!” 
peter lifted his head and looked up at you, his mouth slick with your wetness, fingers still pressing against your spot 
“dude no way! i’ll be right out, just helping my girl for a second.”
it was honestly impressive how peter could switch the tone of his voice so quickly 
“no problem! also it sucks that you’re sick y/n. i hope you feel better!”
you cleared your throat and shut your eyes tightly, about to answer when you felt peter’s tongue back on your clit, his fingers going faster than ever as they repeatedly hit your spot over and over
your eyes shot open and you looked down, eyes wide, to see peter looking right at you, a smirk on his face
“well don’t be rude, princess. answer him.” he commanded before wrapping his lips around your clit again, coaxing you to the edge
“th––thanks ned!” there were tears in your eyes and your voice cracked as you replied to him but you couldn’t find it in you to be embarrassed when you were so close to cumming
peter slid his hand up to your breasts and pinched your nipple hard just as he slipped a third finger inside of you and you came without warning, your eyes rolling back as your whole body tensed, your mouth dropping open to let out a silent moan
it felt like your soul was leaving your fucking body 
“such a good girl for me” peter said, licking up your juices 
the noises your pussy was making were borderline obscene but you couldn’t control it
you shut your eyes, taking deep breaths as you felt peter get off of the bed
it was a couple of minutes later when you heard him moving something 
you open your eyes and he’s setting up a “fucking machine”
he placed it on the bed and turned it on,
setting it on the slowest setting so that he could make sure it’s positioned properly
and as soon as the dildo slid into you, you let out a broken moan
“oh my god––”
peter could feel himself swelling in his sweats and how he was going to hide that from ned, was beyond you
you and him both knew that this was going to be torture since you couldn’t cum from that alone 
but peter was more than ready to have his fun with you 
and just when you thought things couldn’t get any “worse”, he pulled out a remote
he was going to fuck you from the other room
he smirked as he watched the realization set in on your face
“i’ll be right outside, princess.” 
he leaned down to kiss your clit and you couldn’t help the moan that you let out
his eyes turned a shade darker,
“i’d say scream if you need me...” he paused, glancing over your body, “but if i hear anything from you while i’m outside,” he turned up the speed on the machine and your eyes widened, your mouth dropping open only for you to quickly bite it closed, “this stops.” 
with that he walked out of the room, slipping the remote into his pocket
you could already hear him joking around with ned, shouting excitedly and laughing but it soon drowned out as he the speed picked up on the machine
you were slipping further into your headspace––you’d been slipping all day, but now that peter was here when you really needed him and he wasn’t touching you, that’s what pushed you further
you were so fucking sensitive
peter kept alternating the speed and it felt so good,
but it wasn’t enough to make you cum
you felt the bubble in the pit of your stomach expanding wider and wider but it just wasn’t enough for it to burst
you felt so drained that you couldn’t even scream if you wanted to
the sun was completely gone by the time ned had left and it seemed that peter did every other possible thing he could have done before coming to you
you weren’t even sure when peter actually stepped into the room
you were so far gone that when you shut your eyes it felt like you slipped into another dimension 
but as soon as you heard him speak up, your senses went into overdrive and you were completely aware of him and where he was
you just needed him to touch you
“look at you, princess...” he clicked on the highest speed, the remote still in his pocket and you let out a long whine. “all fucked out for me and i haven’t even fucked you yet.”
he picked up the vibrator, set it on the highest vibration and pressed it directly to your clit
you let out a gasp and your legs weakly strained against the webs as you came
the sight of you struggling through your pleasure only made peter want you even more
without even letting you settle down from your high, peter put the vibe on the bed, dissolved the webs on your legs and hastily threw the fucking machine aside
(you were honestly surprised it didn’t break)
he practically ripped his sweats off and positioned himself between your legs
you were honestly out of breath but once peter slid into you all at once, his thumb immediately finding your clit with no warning, he managed to knock what little breath you had left out of you
he started deep and hard, letting you feel every inch of him as he slammed into you over and over
“had me. so. hard. all. day.” he said between thrusts.
“you know that?” he asked rhetorically, not even letting you think of a response
“unlike you, cumming in here as much as you pleased, i was out there leaking in my fucking boxers at the thought of you.”
you regained strength of your legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling him into you and he laughed breathlessly
“you got to cum all. damn. day.”
“what do we say, angel?”
when you struggled to respond, he stopped, his cock buried all the way inside of you, throbbing as your pussy clenched around him
“what do we say?” he repeated himself, moving so that he was leaning over you menacingly, his breath hitting your lips
you whined loudly before looking into his eyes that were the darkest you’d ever seen them, 
“th––thank you, sir.”
he grinned, moving so his lips were by your ear, before whispering “good girl.”
with that he picked up his pace and began thrusting at a pace that was almost inhumane
your mouth dropped open, your body aching to scream, but all that came out was a weak gasp
peter slid a hand down and raised one of your legs, opening you wider and you groaned at how the change in position felt
he growled, leaning into you to kiss and suck at your neck
he felt himself getting close but he didn’t want to cum yet so he pulled out, ignoring your whines
the webs on your hands were loosened up by now so peter ripped them off of you and your eyes were quick to find his
you looked so innocent but the wet spot between your legs on the sheets and the smell of the room said otherwise
“can i please touch you?”
he smiled before flipping over so you were on your hands and knees and you pouted, your face hidden in the sheets
but it was soon replaced with a smile as peter grabbed your arms, twisting them behind your back so he could interlace his fingers with yours
you sighed contently and he laughed, leaning over to kiss your shoulder before asking
“you ready?”
you responded a quiet “always”
and he replied “so good for me” before sliding his cock into you and slapping your ass
he went fast and hard and with each thrust you let out a small moan
he felt himself getting closer and closer before he knew it
he was so overwhelmed by you he couldn’t even think straight anymore
deciding he wanted to see you while he made you both cum, he flipped you over again, his cock still snug inside of you
you gasped for what felt like the tenth time that day/night 
peter kept thrusting into you, leaning forward so he could kiss you
you moaned and melted into the kiss, finally getting what you ached for all day 
you dug your fingers into his hair, pulling just the way he liked, making him groan into your mouth as he brought a hand up to pull you closer to him
your smiled cheekily, your tongues still rolling together, barely noticing when his hand slipped away
but you soon dropped away from the kiss when you felt the vibrator back on your clit at the highest level
peter started thrusting faster you moaned breathlessly, your eyes fluttering shut as your back arched
“want you to cum one more time on my cock so i can fill you up...can you do that for me, baby?”
you nodded, tears pooling and rolling down your cheeks “y––yes...”
peter held out as long as he could, still pounding into you and as soon as your legs tightened around him, he knew you were about to cum
he just didn’t know how hard
you finally let out that scream that had been inching it’s way out of your throat all day, seeing white as you came all over peter, your legs shaking
he groaned, releasing his load inside of you “holy shit baby, fuck that’s it––”
he turned off the vibe and threw it aside, thrusting inside of you a few times until your hands came down to push him weakly
“no please please––”
he grabbed your hands and kissed your palms, soothing you
“it’s okay baby, you’re okay. we’re done.”
he slowly pulled out of you and watched his cum slowly make it’s way out of your used hole
“god you’re perfect...”
normally he would bury his face between your thighs to clean you up but he didn’t want to hurt you so he let you be
he kissed your forehead before lying down next to you, pulling you over to him to rest your head on his chest
the both of you were panting hard as peter’s hands caressed your body, coaxing you back to him
“you did so so good for me, princess.”
you took some time to respond, still in shock from your orgasms
“of course,” he kissed your cheek, “always so good for me. my best girl.” 
it was a while before he spoke up again, wanting you to fully be able to process his words since you were a little out of it
“gonna clean you up soon, take a warm bath.”
you sighed, happy with those plans
“then i got you takeout from your favorite restaurant, which we’ll eat after you’re nice and clean.”
you leaned up to kiss him on the lips, “thank you baby.” 
he smiled when you pulled away, looking at you fondly, wondering how he got so lucky. “anything for my best girl.”
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bosspigeon · 3 years
sunshine on a rainy day
Pairing: M!Detective/Mason Word Count: 3669 Summary: Unit Bravo helps Juni with rooting through the sodden mess of his bedroom, and Mason tries to figure out just what the hell is going on with the detective.
I have no excuses or explanations for this. It’s just self-indulgent corny nonsense.*shakes Mason like an Etch-a-Sketch until he can acknowledge his goddamned feelings*
Please check out this cover of “My Girl” by Kele Okereke that inspired this whole thing, because it makes it gay and it brings my little homosexual heart so much joy~
Mild CW for references to sex/m*sturbation
Things are still… weird, with Juni.
Of course, he’s pretending they aren’t, and he’d be very convincing if it were anyone but Mason he’s trying to convince.
His smiles are too brittle, too tense, and they don’t make his nose scrunch up like they should. His laughs are too-sharp and high-pitched, strained with effort, and he hasn’t snorted once. He radiates tension the second Mason looks his way, hides behind his hair like he’s afraid to look him in the eye. When Mason first met the detective, he thought he was soft. Too soft. The sort Mason would chew up and spit out if he cared enough to bother, but then he dug a little deeper, hit a nerve or two, and found that shiny spine. He found that, when pushed, Juni had bite.
He may have gotten a bit addicted to the bite, and now that it’s gone, he feels completely off-kilter. Juni still responds when he flirts, of course, blushing and fumbling like always, but it feels… different, somehow. And it has since the bakery.
He apologized, and he thought that would make it better, but it hasn’t, and now he’s caught between frustration and what might be... guilt?
Clearly, he’s hurt Juni somehow, and he’s not sure how to fix it.
Why do you need to fix it? Why do you care?
He shakes it off. They’ve got more important things to worry about right now. He’s got to keep his head in the game.
“I’m sorry,” Juni says miserably, again, and Mason wants to shake him. What part of this is his fault?
“It’s not your fault,” Nate says kindly, before Mason can get snippy and make Juni withdraw into himself even further. “You can’t be blamed for bad luck.”
Juni snorts, grabbing his arm. “If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all,” he recites, like it’s something he’s said before. He’s wearing a t-shirt that says “I Just Hope Both Teams Have Fun” and it’s a bit odd to see his arms without the cover of his usual sweatshirt. He keeps rubbing at his inner arm and the bird inked there. A self-soothing gesture, as if he’s not used to exposing so much skin. His nails are bitten all to hell, too. A mess of tells, this man.
“That’s the spirit!” Felix says cheerily, punching the air. The look Juni gives him is dry as a desert, and Mason feels a twist of something hot and acidic in his gut he can’t name. He wants to chuck Felix in a dumpster at least once a day, but the urge hits him like a truck out of the blue, and he can’t pinpoint the reason.
Fuck, he’d kill for a smoke.
“I’m still sorry,” Juni says again, squeezing his forearm. “For, y’know, the whole squad needing to babysit me for this.”
“It’s no trouble at all!” Nate exclaims, as if the very thought that Juniper believes their helping him sort through his soggy belongings to see what can be salvaged to be a chore is somehow an insult. “We’re happy to help.”
Juni gives Nate a soft-eyed smile that lights up his whole face, and that acid feeling burns more.
“You cannot be left unaccompanied,” Adam says stiffly, eyeing the horizon as if the Annunaki will swoop down on them in a parking lot in broad daylight. “It is best that we move as a unit when able, to ensure your safety.”
Juni ducks his head, still smiling. “Thank you guys,” he mumbles, and then he almost keels over when Felix slings his arm around his shoulder to shake him. Mason stifles a growl, and while Felix doesn’t notice, Adam and Nate both glance back at him with twin unreadable expressions he meets with the blandest look he can manage.
“I, for one, am looking forward to snooping through your place some more,” Felix snickers. Juni pushes him off.
For the most part, the flat is still in one piece, most of the damage contained to the bedroom, though the floor in the hallway is a bit waterlogged as well. Nate tuts in disappointment as the warped boards creak pathetically underfoot, no doubt mourning the fancy pattern to the antique wood. Mason can smell the water damage, mold and rot that no doubt caused the collapse in the first place, and the choking reek of plaster dust.
Juni sighs as he pushes open his bedroom door. The mess is even worse than Mason thought it would be, from what Juni told him. The bathtub that apparently crashed through his ceiling is gone, but the gaping hole remains, still shedding debris onto the ruined bed. The heavy antique bed frame itself is cracked clean in half, the mattress sagging in the middle, and Mason's chest squeezes.
Juni was right there seconds before an entire fucking bathtub came down on top of it. He could have been crushed.
He jolts when he feels fingers on his wrist, and when he looks down, Juni isn't looking directly at him, but towards him. "You can wait outside, if you want?" he suggests softly while Nate goes trotting into the room to cluck and fuss over Juni's bookshelf. "I know it smells kind of gross in here." His nose wrinkles a bit, and Mason hears the thick clicking of his throat as he swallows uncomfortably. No doubt, the smell’s not doing him any favors either, hyper senses or no.
"Did you bring a mask or something?" Mason asks rather than replying, gesturing to the plaster dust settled all over everything, floating in the air now that they've disturbed it. "Your lungs are already shitty enough."
Juni flushes a pretty, rosy pink and fumbles hastily for his bag with a little blurt of, "Oh, yeah!" He puts it on, and Mason wants to groan. Of course it's got a stupid little cat mouth on it.
"Juni," Nate calls, his voice heavy with sadness. He's holding a book in his hands as carefully as if it were an injured bird. "You have a collector’s edition of The Velveteen Rabbit?"
"Had," Juni corrects, his eyes crinkling with a sardonic little smile Mason can't see, but knows the shape of intimately enough to picture. “It had reproductions of the original lithograph illustrations too.” He gives Mason a quick sidelong look before pattering over to take the book from Nate and sadly try to peel apart the pages.
Felix sidles up to Mason with about as much subtlety as a bathtub through the ceiling while Nate assures Juni they can salvage the book, and likely a good amount of the others, if they are very careful. The younger vampire gives him a startlingly critical look that he tries to hide under his usual smirk. "You guys are ridiculous," he scoffs. Mason snaps out a hand to cuff him, but Felix dodges and rabbit-punches him lightly in the ribs. It’s surprising enough from someone as ambivalent to fighting as Felix is that Mason doesn’t even think to dodge, and when he glowers at him, Felix glowers right back.
It’s not terribly impressive on him, but points for trying.
“Be nice to him,” Felix hisses, and this time Mason is ready enough to swat his hand away before he can get jabbed again.
“I’m plenty nice to him,” he drawls, affecting an easy smirk.
Felix studies him for a long moment, then looks him dead in the eye, smiles glibly, and says, “You’re so pretty.” He reaches out like he’s going to pat Mason’s cheek, but he dodges and stalks away to help Adam move some of Juni’s heavier furniture that might still be salvageable. Felix makes a beeline for the bathroom, probably to rifle through Juni’s medicine cabinet or something.
Juni leaves Nate to meticulously pick through his bookshelf and slip blotting paper (which he made sure to bring the second Juni voiced his doubts the small collection of books in his room would be salvageable) between the pages and setting them aside to pack up and take back to the warehouse, where he has the supplies to take care of them. He starts bagging up clothes, while Adam and Mason prop his mattress against the wall to get it out of the way. He’ll have to get a new one for sure. Just being close to the damn thing makes Mason want to retch with the smell of the mildew. Juni drifts by to start bundling up his bedding, and his knuckles skim against Mason’s lower back.
A shudder rolls up his spine, and he settles as his senses calm down enough for him to actually assist Adam. The mattress isn’t heavy for them by any means, but it’s bulky enough to be a pain for just one of them to carry.
Juni is setting to work boxing up all his little trinkets and knickknacks (and he’s got a lot of them) when Felix comes barrelling out of his bathroom with something purple held victoriously above his head.
“Hey, Juni!” he yells, and all of them, even Juni,  wince at the volume. “What’s this?”
Once he’s stopped, and is no longer a brightly colored blur in the vague shape of a vampire, Mason can actually see what he’s holding aloft like a trophy. Once he realizes what it is, he can’t help but smirk. Before he even looks at Juni, he can feel the heat radiating off him, his blood rushing, his heart rate spiking.
Even if Mason didn’t know what a goddamned magic wand was, Juni’s reaction would be a dead giveaway.
Faster than Mason has ever seen the detective move, he bolts across the room and snatches the thing out of Felix’s hand, hiding it behind his back. “Where did you find that?” he yelps, his voice pitching high and cracking.
“Your closet,” Felix says brightly, his eyes glimmering with mischief. He’s clearly caught on. “Should I not have touched it?”
“It’s clean!” Juni squawks, his face almost glowing red. “Don’t be gross!”
“Man, now I really wish I’d picked that locked box in there open,” Felix cackles, and Juni smacks at his shoulder and then breaks for the bathroom before the vampire can make good on that promise. He slams the door behind him and Mason hears the click of the lock, while Felix laughs so hard he has to brace himself against the wall and hold his stomach.
Adam and Nate are deeply focused on their own work, admirably pretending they haven’t noticed anything going on outside their little tasks.
It takes a while for Juni to be coaxed out of the bathroom again, but even mortification that makes him blush so ferociously that Mason can feel the heat of him from three feet away wouldn’t allow him to shove his duties off on someone else. He does bring a small wooden trunk out of the bathroom with him, closed with a little heart-shaped padlock that Felix could break off easily if he wanted to. Juni seems just as aware of that risk, so he guards the trunk with his goddamned life, even going so far as to sit on it and glower at Felix while he helps Nate pack up all his waterlogged books and fragile little trinkets.
Mason does give the trunk a very pointed look, trailing his eyes up the detective’s body and meeting his gaze with an easy smirk, just to watch him flush even redder, and while he does go so red the smattering of freckles across his nose almost disappears, he looks away sharply and hides behind his hair.
Mason barely resists pulling an Adam and crushing the weird little ceramic owl he’s packing away.
The rest of the day goes pretty uneventfully afterwards. He and Adam move and dry off furniture, drag stuff that can’t be saved outside to be thrown out, Nate delights in every interesting little antique he finds and mourns the damage done to them, Felix flits around and pretends he’s helping when he’s really just having fun rooting through the detective’s things, and Juni helps where he can and avoids Mason’s eyes as they track his every move. Even if they didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to shake the awareness of Juni, wherever he is in the room.
After they’ve packed everything they could into the Agency SUV, they head off. Juni is quiet on the ride back, sitting close to the window with a box of junk in his lap. Felix is between him and Mason, completely ignoring the odd tension and distracting the detective by asking about whatever random tchotchke he pulls from the box. Mason just stares out the window and tries to ignore the niggling desire to light a cigarette, only slightly mitigated by the fact that he doesn't even have one on him.
Later, once they’ve hauled everything to Juni’s room (or in the case of the books, to Nate’s room to be subjected to the tenderest of mercies) Mason sits on the roof alone for a long while, staring consideringly at an unlit cigarette and twisting it between his fingers. His head feels heavy with everything weighing it down, a twisting, confusing mess writhing in his skull. He tries, once again, to direct his thoughts to easier things, but every time he tries to think about Juni squirming underneath him, thighs squeezing his hips, gasping his name, his thoughts inevitably turn to gentle fingers on his cheeks, a bright laugh lighting up his insides, hazel-green eyes looking up at him with… with what?
He growls and shoves the cigarette back into the pack, cramming it into his pocket.
“What does this mean for us?”
Since when is there an “us?”
He falls back onto the roof with a thud, the rough surface making his skin scream with prickling discomfort, but he ignores it. He closes his eyes, tries to quiet the jumble of his thoughts. He unleashes his senses just a bit, driven by instinct and a need to focus on something, anything else, and takes a slow, deep breath. He hears the low murmur of Nate’s voice somewhere below, in the den. Adam’s there too, naturally. He can’t make out the words, but the conversation is easy and familiar, soft with intimacy.
He snorts. The two of them are fucking ridiculous. You’d think they’d have realized they’re basically married a couple centuries ago, and yet…
Felix isn’t hard to locate, though he’s deeper in the warehouse, where the bedrooms are. He’s loud, as usual, so Mason can hear him a bit better, but still he’s not quite close enough to make out words. He focuses a little harder, relaxes his body and exhales slowly. Along with his voice, there’s a light twanging, which eventually strings together into a rhythm. Music? Felix listens to music often, but it’s usually louder, faster-paced. Grates on Mason’s nerves like absolute hell, but this is slower, brighter. And then he hears Juni’s voice, and his senses rush in like a hungry dog spotting a rabbit.
A laugh, low and sweet.
Mason is rolling to his feet and off the roof before he even has a chance to think about it. It’s the work of a few seconds to slip through the window, and he keeps his footsteps light as he slips through the warehouse like a ghost. He passes the den and glances in. Adam and Nate have their heads close together, talking in low voices with files laid out neatly on the coffee table in front of them, two glasses of wine carefully placed a safe distance away from their paperwork. Adam gives him a quick look over his shoulder, and the ever-present tension in them eases somewhat. Mason nods and continues on by.
The twanging music gets louder as he stalks down the stairs, Felix’s bright voice more raucous than ever, but it’s easy enough to tune out when he hears Juni’s answering laugh floating from Felix’s open bedroom door.
“Are you gonna stop heckling me and make a request?” he asks, and Mason can hear the sunny plunking notes of a ukulele under the words, as if the detective is absently plucking the strings as he talks. Mason vaguely recalls Felix triumphantly hauling the little green instrument from underneath Juni's shattered bed frame, scuffed and covered in wet stickers, and Juni sighing sadly at the broken strings.
“Well, what do you usually play?” Felix asks, his bed creaking. Mason can picture him flopping around like a drunk fish, and he has to stifle a snort.
“I mostly just do covers and stuff.” A rustle of cloth, Juni’s shrugging. “I’ve written a few things, but I’m already giving myself heart palpitations performing in front of people, so I think actually performing something I wrote myself would kill me outright.”
“Well, you’re performing for me, aren’t you? And you seem pretty calm.”
“Since when are you people?” Juni snorts.
Felix barks out a laugh. “Rude!”
There’s a bit of a tussle, a discordant twang, and Juni yelps. “Careful, careful! I just replaced these strings, asshole!”
Felix gasps, affronted. “I’m telling Nate you called me that!”
“No, don’t tell Mum!” Juni whines, and they laugh together more.
Mason shifts from one foot to the other, pressing a hand to his stomach as if that’ll help quell the strange feeling there.
“Stop stalling,” Felix prods, and Juni shifts and sighs heavily. “Fine, fine, but don’t make fun of me, or I will cry.”
“Scout’s honor!” Felix chimes, and Mason wonders where the hell he heard that phrase.
They’re both quiet, and then Juni strums at the strings, just dabbling a bit before he actually starts plucking a rhythm. He takes a deep breath, as if bracing himself. “I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day,” he croons, and Mason perks up almost instinctively, sunshine echoing in his ears. Juni’s singing voice, much like his speaking one,  is soft and a little breathy, but it warbles with clear nerves. “When it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month of May…”
Felix gasps, delighted, and Juni falters for a moment, but doesn’t stop.
“Well, I guess you’d say what can make me feel this way? My guy, I’m talkin’ ‘bout my guy...” Mason slides forward, towards the door as if pulled on a string, and he sees Juni sitting at the end of Felix’s rumpled bed with its blindingly bright sheets, cross-legged with his back mostly to the door, but Mason can see his face in profile. Felix is lying at the head of the bed on his belly, with his chin propped up on his elbows.
His golden eyes flicker to Mason, and he smirks, raising his eyebrows and sticking his tongue out quickly, before Juni notices. Which he likely won’t, eyes closed, dark lashes fanned out across his freckled cheeks.
There’s a smile curling his lips, small but happy, and it only widens when Felix begins snapping in time, laughter coloring the lilting notes. “I’ve got so much honey, the bees envy me. I’ve got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees…” He leans into the chorus, rocking back and forth along with Felix’s snapping. "Well, I guess you’d say, what can make me feel this way?"
Mason braces a hand on the doorframe, if for no other reason than to stop himself walking into the room. He has no idea what he’d even say, but he knows he’d spook the detective, skittish little human he is, and break whatever odd spell has fallen over them both.
Juni’s voice gets stronger, bit by bit, as he settles, rising with confidence. He hums along to his strumming, and the smile that lights up his face sticks behind Mason’s ribs, along with the words of the song.
As Juni trails off with a dreamily sighed, “I’ve even got the month of May,” Felix claps loudly and cheers, an enthusiastic audience of one. Mason winces back away from the door, scowling and shaking his head.
He should leave. Either leave, or butt in just to watch Juni get all flustered, but something holds him still, keeps him quiet.
“I think I know that song,” Felix says slowly, and Mason doesn’t need to see his face to know the teasing smirk spreading there. He narrows his eyes suspiciously.
Juni snorts. “Everyone does, Fe. It’s from the 60s.”
“Yeah, but you sang it differently,” Felix presses. “Thinking of someone in particular, were you?”
Mason looks around the door frame just in time to see Juni whack Felix solidly with a pillow. “It was a cover!” he exclaims, his cheeks going ruddy. “A cover of a cover!” He smacks Felix with the pillow again, a solid whump muffling the vampire’s bell-like laughter as it hits him in the face. “Don’t make it weird!”
“I’ve got sunshine,” Felix warbles, snatching the pillow before Juni can swing a third time and hugging it to his chest.
“It’s a cute song!” Juni insists. “I like cute songs! I’ve got a ton I could have sung, but I picked that one, because I heard a cover once that made it about a guy instead of a girl, and you might not be aware of this, Felix, but I am a homosexual.”
Felix’s hand flies to his mouth, amber eyes going  comically wide. “No! You? How long were you planning to keep this from me?”
Juni very carefully sets his little green, lovingly restored ukulele to the side for safekeeping before he tries to wrestle the pillow back from Felix so he can hit him again.
Mason figures it’s a good time to take his leave, before Felix decides to use his presence as a scapegoat from the detective’s wrath.
He slips up the stairs, his head heavy, something… just something stirring in him he can’t even begin to parse.
Juni’s soft voice follows him back to the quiet of the rooftop, a gentle strain chasing itself around in his head.
Sunshine on a rainy day...
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forever-rogue · 4 years
whiskey coming to check on you at the hospital after you’ve been injured in a statesman’s mission?
Soft, protective Whiskey? Sign me up 🥺
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Nothing but a steady beep met your ears as you cracked your eyes open. They felt crusted and gross, and it took a few tries to blink away the bleariness that had built up. Exactly how long as you been sleeping? Trying to sit up and figure out your surroundings proved to be a bad idea as a groan of pain pushed past your dry, cracked lips. What the hell?
So you moved slowly, taking care not to irritate whatever injuries you had acquired as you made it into an upright position. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you took everything in, and slowly came to the conclusion that you were in a hospital. A sense of panic set in as you threw the thin, itchy blanket back and realized there was a cast on your right leg and bandages all around your middle. Bruises and scratches littered your skin, and you took everything in slowly.
You hated hospitals, loathed them entirely because most of the time they signified nothing good. You tried to wrack your brain to figure out how you’d gotten there, but nothing came to find. All you knew was that something on your mission must have gone awry. Studying the IVs going into your arm, you momentarily considered ripping them out and making a hasty getaway, but any plans you came up with were quickly stopped when a nurse walked in.
“Oh Miss L/N!” she beamed at you as though you had known your whole. She was kind looking, with a warm smile that somehow put you at ease. She was holding a colorful bouquet of daisies, displaying them to you proudly, “you’re finally awake! Now you can finally enjoy all of these beautiful flowers your husband has been sending!”
You looked around the small, sterile place and looked at the small menagerie of flowers and plants that littered the room. They were a collection of your favorites, lovely, and surely must have cost a small fortune. But that’s when it hit you-
“I-I don’t have a husband,” you raised your eyes at her as she set the newest addition next to you, tutting softly, “these must be for someone else…there has to have been some sort of mix up.”
“Oh no, there’s no mistake,” she insisted, and you were slightly taken aback. Who was she to be insisting that you were married?
“Your husband has been here every day, sitting by your side for hours,” she explained and your jaw dropped. Something fishy had to be going on. You didn’t even have a boyfriend, let alone a husband, “he should be back soon. He said he had an urgent meeting to go to. Nearly tore him apart to leave your side.”
“Oh,” you sighed, trying to piece it all together, “umm…exactly how long was I out for? How long have I been here?”
“About a week, sweetheart,” she explained, glossing over your vitals and making a few notes on her chart, “you were brought after you took a tumble. Rocking climbing I think they said?”
“Rock climbing,” you repeated. You’d never once been rock climbing; clearly she was some sort of cover and you had been injured on the job, ”and this…husband of mine, what’s his name? What does he look like?”
“Poor thing,” she reached for your face and turned it back and forth, examining you closely. You made a small sound of surprise at the sound outburst, “are you having trouble remembering things? What all do you remember-”
“Can it be?” the voice interrupted her and cut through the room in a warm, drawn out tone. You knew that voice, you knew it all too well, “my wife, love of my live, you’re finally awake.”
“Jack!?” you almost shouted at him as the nurse looked nervously between the two of you, “what the hell is going on here?”
“Sweetheart, that’s your husband,” she insisted and you gave her a shocked look, “do you not remember? Are you having any difficulty-”
“No, no,” you recovered quickly, giving Jack a pointed look, “that’s him, that’s my…husband.”
“Well, I’ll just leave you two alone,” she gave you a beaming smile as she looked between the two of you. You gave her a strained smile as she turned her back to you and walked out, “if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Jack tipped his hat at her, his voice warm and enough to make anyone melt, “and thank you for taking such good care of my baby.”
You laid back in the bed and crossed your arms over your chest, as best as you could, given your current injuries, and waited for Jack to explain what the hell was going on.
He turned to you with a sheepish grin on his face as he came back over to you, taking a seat in the chair by your bedside, “oh, sweetheart, I’m so glad you’re awake-”
“Husband?” you asked as you threw up your hands in exasperation, immediately wincing in pain. He reached over and tried to help you, his hands gentle on yours, “what on earth is going on, Jack?”
“They wouldn’t let anyone come in and see you unless they were family,” he explained as you nodded, realizing that made sense. You had laid back down, but the fact that he hadn’t let go of your hand yet, wasn’t lost on you. His touch was gentle and soft, and you didn’t quite mind it, “so it was the first thing I came up with. You have to understand, it was just under the circumstances, the first thing on my mind and I couldn’t not see you, baby. It’s my fault you’re in this situation in the first place.”
“What…what even happened?”
“Well…I don’t want to make you feel silly or anything,” he cleared his throat as a small smile worked its way on his face, “but you took quite a tumble off a small cliff. We were out scouting a location and you took a step back and lost your footing…”
“You’re telling me that I’m in the hospital because I was a klutz?” you groaned as you hid your face in your hands. Of course. It had to be something silly and pathetic like that. You looked at Jack as he nodded before the two of you started to laugh, which was quickly ended when your ribs started to hurt, “but Jack, why did you say it was your fault? It was clearly mine.”
“I can’t help but blame myself,” he insisted, reaching over and brushing a few locks of stray hair out of your face, “I should have caught you, made sure you were safe.”
“Jack,” you couldn’t help but laugh at the exasperated look on his face, “that’s not your job, this has nothing to do with you-”
“I’m your partner,” he seemed annoyed at myself as he shook his head, “it’s my job to take care of you.”
“Jack,” you repeated firmly, reaching over and putting your hand on his cheek, trying to get his attention, “stop blaming yourself for this. It’s not your fault and I am not mad at all. Okay?”
“Are you-”
“Positive,” you cut him off with a small smile, “I am.”
“Okay,” he agreed and let out a small sigh of relief. He grabbed your hand absentmindedly, placing a small kiss to your palm, “I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you…”
“Then don’t think about it, husband,” you teased, “can I just ask…what’s with all the flowers?”
“They’re your favorites,” he said as if it was so obvious, “I just wanted you to have something pretty to wake up to.”
“You did all of this for me?” your voice caught in your throat as he nodded, “they’re beautiful, really. But you know, even without them, I would have had something pretty to wake up to.”
“You,” you teased and a hint of color crept into his cheeks, “the nurse told me you were here all the time. I think that would have been a nice sight to wake up to you. Silly cowboy hat and all.”
“Really?” he gave you a sweet smile and you nodded, “you don’t have to flatter me, sweetheart. You’re still the prettiest thing I have ever seen, and it’s me that has the honor of getting to see you.”
“I look like garbage,” you insisted, knowing you were in desperate need of a long, hot shower, “but thank you.”
“Nonsense,” he insisted firmly, “you are still the prettiest thing.”
You just looked at him, feeling your whole body flush as the constant beeping of your heart monitor picked up and seemed to go haywire. It was only a few moments before the door to your room open and the nurse poked her head to make sure everything was okay, “is anything wrong?”
“No,” your eyes widened as you looked between her and Jack. Who knew he had this type of effect on you? You took his hand and laced your fingers though his, “everything’s fine. Perfect, even.”
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Doppelgänger (16/19)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Reign Storm, Part 2}
Valerie rushed up the stairs to Danny’s house. She had to try to contact Doppelgänger and find out as much as she could about this invasion, but first, she needed to check in on her boyfriend.
“Ah, Miss Gray.”
She paused at the door and turned to see a man walking up. “Do I know you?”
“I’m Vlad Masters, my dear. It is good to finally meet you in person.”
Her eyes widened at the name. “You’re…”
“The one who has been supplying you with your gear, yes. How has it been faring you?”
“It’s been great, especially with the help my b-”
“Ugh, you again?”
They both looked down to see Doppelgänger’s head poking out of the ground.
They gave Mr. Masters an annoyed look as they floated up with crossed arms. “You know, if you keep bothering teenagers like this people are going to get ideas.”
“Ah, you must be the Doppelgänger I’ve been hearing so much about,” Mr. Masters said, looking them over. His eyes caught on their hand with a frown.
“You know him?” Valerie asked, glancing between the two.
“We’ve cleaned up after his messes a few times. He’s a ghost hunter like the Fenton’s, but worse.”
“Because he’s good at catching ghosts or bad at it?”
“Because he’s corrupt,” Doppelgänger snorted.
“That’s quite the accusation,” Mr. Masters tutted.
“But true.”
Valerie spun around to see Danny glaring at the man. He quickly turned his gaze to Valerie with a smile. “Hey, Val. Come on, we can head up to my room. Mom will keep the creep at bay.”
“Now Daniel, Miss Gray and I were having a pleasant conversation before this ghost interrupted.”
“Which means my work here is done.” Doppelgänger sent Mr. Masters one last look then dove back into the ground.
“Isn’t she a little young for you, V-man?” Danny said, wrapping his arm around Valerie’s waist. Mr. Masters eyed the arm, but before he could say anything, Danny yelled back into his house. “Mom, Val and I are heading upstairs. I think Vlad wants more tea.”
He tugged her inside as Mrs. Fenton appeared in the entry to the kitchen, giving a fierce look to the man that followed them in. She turned a kinder smile on Valerie. “Hello, Valerie. Are you alright? Do you want any snacks?”
“No thank you, Mrs. Fenton. I’m fine.”
“Alright. You two have fun.”
“But not too much fun,” Mr. Fenton added from the kitchen, causing the teens to blush and flee upstairs.
Valerie felt Mr. Masters' eyes on her the whole way.
“You alright? He didn’t say anything weird to you, did he?” Danny asked once they were out of sight.
“No, we were just talking. How do you know him?” Valerie asked.
“He went to college with my parents. Long story.” He turned to her with a frown. “Why? What did he say?”
“Nothing really, but he’s the one who gave me my gear.”
Danny shook his head. “Of course he is. I don’t know why I’m even surprised.”
“Why don’t you like him?”
He paused, hand on the doorknob to his room. “Vlad’s… not a good person. My mom and I got tricked by ghosts a short time ago and ended up lost in the woods near Vlad’s chalet in Colorado. He used it as an excuse to creep on my mom and not so subtly implied she’d have been better off if she had married him instead. He had a thing for her back in school I guess. We ended up having to figure out our own way home.”
“Yeah. Be careful around him, please.”
She nodded.
He opened the door to find Doppelgänger floating inside.
Valerie raised an eyebrow. “Is it really safe for you to be in the home of a family of ghost hunters? Especially with so many extra hunters around.”
“The Fenton’s won’t notice, Masters probably already knows and doesn’t care, and we’re hoping you’ll lend us another truce. We’ve got a problem.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“We’ve got a bigger problem than the invasion.”
“What do you mean?” Danny asked.
“Hold on, we’re almost there. We’ll start explaining though. See, all the ghosts are coming here because a ghost called Pariah Dark -- who’s the self-proclaimed king of the zone -- is tearing the place up in search of this ring that will give him ultimate power.”
“What will he do when he finds it?” Valerie asked.
“No idea. Bad things, we assume, given how scared all the other ghosts are.”
“If they know about him, shouldn’t you?”
“We’re a lot younger than most ghosts. We’re still learning. And apparently, Dark’s been locked away for a long time.”
“So we need to find this ring before he can,” Danny said.
“Which might be easier than it sounds,” Doppelgänger said as another of them flew through the wall. The new one pulled off their glove to show a black and green ring. “Plasmius forced this on us. We think it's the ring Dark’s looking for.”
“So you have ultimate power now?” Valerie said with a frown.
“The ring has to be paired with Dark’s crown. Which is why we think Plasmius stole the ring and woke Dark. Now he’s given it to us to protect while he plots how to get the crown.”
“Then he’ll steal the ring back from you and have ultimate power,” Danny finished
“Not if we can stop it,” Valerie said. “Can we just destroy the ring? No ring, no ultimate power. For anyone.”
The ghosts tilted their heads to the side as Danny slowly nodded. “That actually makes sense.”
“Why didn’t we think of that?”
Danny kissed her cheek. “Take it up to the roof. I’ll make sure my parents and Vlad are distracted.”
The ghosts grabbed her after being sure it was okay and brought her to the roof of the Ops Center intangibly. She called up her suit and Doppelgänger removed the ring. They replaced their glove before sending the ring floating between them, the jewelry giving a purple glow.
“So we just blast it?” they asked as a third -- Danny checked that the adults were in the lab, then locked them in, distracting them as he’d said -- Doppelgänger appeared.
The three raised their hands and fired ecto-beams at the ring. When nothing happened, they slowly poured more and more energy into the beams. Finally, it started to shake and crack, giving off black sparks, but the ghost was pushing their limits. Valerie saw their strain and drew her rifle.
Her shot met the beams and the ring exploded.
All four were knocked unconscious by the blast and the remains of the ring clattered to the floor before dissolving away.
Pariah raised his head and stood from his throne. He plucked his crown off his head and watched as the green fire died away. With a roar, he threw the useless black metal aside.
Dora looked up from the card game Sidney was showing her how to play. “What was that?”
“Doppelgänger’s just up to their usual nonsense,” the nerd said. “You know, your card is actually pretty powerful. You should play it.”
“I just don’t understand why I would be a powerful character in this game. My brother is the one who holds all the power.”
Ember burst onto the roof where Skulker was sharpening his knife. “Skulker, holy crow!”
“You’d think those children would just let me mount their pelts on my wall with the death wish they’ve got,” he muttered under his breath.
Vlad froze as a wave of energy passed over him, his eyes slowly drifting from Maddie’s bent over form to the ceiling as alarms started blaring through the lab.
What did that boy just do?
Jazz rushed up the stairs as the alarms continued to announce the massive ecto-energy spike that just occurred over the house. She heard her parents banging at the door to the lab, but ignored them as whatever was going on couldn’t be down there if they wanted out. She checked Danny’s room and saw it was empty then ran up to the Ops Center.
She gasped at the sight of her brother and his partners unconscious on the roof. She glanced worriedly at Red Huntress then knelt down next to her brother.
“Danny?” she said softly, rubbing his arms. “Come on. Wake up.”
He whined and his eyes fluttered open.
She forced her jaw not to drop at the sight of the glowing red eyes staring up at her and said, “Are you okay, little brother? What happened?”
He blinked then looked down at himself.
She helped him sit up as he clutched his head. “Danny?”
“Ghost relic. Powerful. Evil ghost who made all the others flee the zone wanted it. Red Huntress and Doppelgänger came here to destroy it. We must have gotten knocked out in the blast when we came to check on them.”
“Are you alright?”
“I think so. Just feel a little jittery.”
A groan came from across the way and they turned to see Tucker sitting up and rubbing his face. “Alright, probably should have expected the thing to explode.”
He opened his eyes and Jazz’s breath caught at their neon purple color. Both boys choked as they spotted each other's eyes and glanced at her. She could see them coming up with lies in their heads and considered making a joke about them trying out some of Sam’s colored contacts.
Instead, she sighed. “It’s okay, I know.”
“Know?” they asked.
She gestured at them and Sam. “That you’re ghosts? Or can turn into ghosts? Part-ghosts? Ghost or ghosts? I know that you’re Doppelgänger is what I’m trying to say. Have known, for a while.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Danny said.
“I didn't want to tell you until you wanted to tell me. It's your secret.”
He smiled and she smiled back, then looked over at the huntress.
“You two should grab Sam and get downstairs before she wakes up. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”
“I’ll do it,” Danny said and slowly got to his feet, Jazz following. “She knows me -- Danny me -- and knows I knew she was here. You might just make her nervous.”
“Your eyes,” she reminded him.
He concentrated for a moment then the red slowly bled back to his usual blue. He smiled. “I’ll be okay. I think we’re just feeling a little buzzed from the energy the ring gave out when it was destroyed.”
She bit her lip and looked to Tucker, who had already pulled Sam into his lap and was sinking through the floor. “Alright, but let me get the first aid kit from the Ops Center for you. You remember all the procedures for ecto-contamination.”
“Yes, Mom.”
She gave his ear a tug as she passed.
Danny knelt next to his girlfriend and made sure she was breathing alright and checked her pulse, but waited until he heard Jazz set down the first aid kit and leave before retracting her suit. “Val, can you hear me?”
She gave a small moan, but didn’t otherwise react.
He grabbed the kit and started checking her over. He frowned when she registered a 0.87er. Not dangerous, but a drastic spike.
Deciding it was better safe than sorry, he dove through the house and grabbed the Ghost Catcher. He set it on its side then carefully passed her through it. A black haze came off her, vaporizing seconds after it touched the air. He checked her levels again and was relieved to see it had dropped down to a 0.21er. He replaced the medkit and catcher then brought Valerie down to lay in the guest room.
Once he was sure she was comfortable, he joined the others in his room to see Jazz looking over a now awake Sam. “She’s alright. Her ecto-rad levels were a little high, but not dangerous and I put her through the Ghost Catcher just in case. She’s gone.”
“Should we be worried about you three?” Jazz said.
“I don’t think we can get any more contaminated by ectoplasm,” Tucker pointed out with a chuckle.
“KIDS!” The four jumped as the Fenton parents came barreling in, nearly knocking into Danny. His mom looked around the room, gun in hand. “Are you all okay?”
“We’re fine, mom,” Jazz answered.
“There was an ecto-spike!” their dad said.
“Yeah, it was Red Huntress and Doppelgänger. You just missed them,” Danny said and his dad deflated.
His mom patted his dad on the back. “Well, as long as you kids are okay. Wasn’t Valerie here?”
“Uh yeah, she was tired so I told her she could take a nap in the spare room next to Jazz’s. The alarm’s broken in there so she probably slept through it.”
“Alright. Let us know if you need anything.”
His parents left, revealing Vlad had been hiding in their shadows. “A word, Daniel?”
Without giving the boy a chance to answer, he grabbed Danny and dragged him into the guest room next door. He shoved Danny against the wall as soon as the door was closed.
“What did you do?”
“We don’t know what you’re talking about, Plasmius,” Danny said, opening his mind fully to the link so the others could keep watch through his eyes.
“Ah, the scary eyes and use of plural again. It won’t work, Daniel. I -- like what I assume is every ghost within a hundred miles of here on both our side and the zone’s -- felt the destruction of the ring.”
Danny hummed. “Sounds to us like you already know what we did.”
“This is serious, Daniel.
“Look, you literally handed us the key to ultimate power. We don’t know what you were expecting… Well, we do, but it’s not our fault you thought we’d just go along with your stupid plan.”
“You do realize that Pariah will soon know the ring has been destroyed, if he doesn’t know already.”
“You say that like we didn’t resign ourselves to the fact we’ll have to fight him the moment we heard his name,” Danny scoffed.
“This isn’t one of your petty squabbles with Skulker, Daniel.”
“I wouldn’t call him trying to hunt us to the death a petty squabble,” Danny muttered. “We spent over a week locked in a cage because of him.”
“Pariah,” Vlad said louder, ignoring him, “is far more powerful than anything you’ve ever faced. Myself included.”
“Uh-huh, okay, and destroying the ring changes that how?”
“You’ve made him angry.”
“Pretty sure he would have been angry as soon as he realized we had the ring and we weren’t giving it back.”
“That -”
“Save it, Vlad.” Danny pushed past the man. “We all know the only reason you’re mad is that now you can’t use the ring.”
“You’re going to regret this, Daniel.”
“Save it for someone who cares,” he said then slipped out of the room.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were leaning against each other drowsily when Valerie met them in line for lunch.
“Late night?”
“You could say that,” Sam huffed.
An ecotpus floated up from the ground and moved to grab Danny’s half-filled lunch tray before locking eyes with him and darting off with a shriek.
“That’s been happening to you too?” Valerie asked.
“Mm-hm. Think it’s got something to do with being in close proximity to the ring when it was destroyed,” he said leaning his head on her shoulder. “It’s like they all expect Dark to show up out of nowhere and waste us at any second. The weak ones run. The strong ones almost seem amused. Skulker congratulated me on my imminent destruction on my way to school.”
“Ugh, he’s out and about too.”
“Everyone’s out and about,” Tucker snorted.
She kissed Danny on the cheek and walked off with, “I promised to sit with Star, but I’ll see you later.”
“See you.”
“Which brings us to the question,” Sam said once Val was out of sight. “What are we going to do about Dark?”
“I -”
“Hey Fenturd!” the trio turned to see Dash and Kwan standing behind them. “No teachers around to protect you, no girlfriend around to hide you.”
“Dash, take a hike, will ya? I'm way too tired to put up with you. Besides, shouldn't you be failing a test, kicking a puppy, or beating up somebody weaker than you now?”
“Come to think of it, yeah!”
Dash was reeling his fist back when suddenly all the lunch trays waiting at the end of the line rose up and began to surround the two jocks in a spinning wall. Two separated from the wall and snapped together in front of Dash’s face. Both boys stumbled back with a scream then ran off, the wall opening to let them out.
The trio chuckled and Danny said, “Thanks, Sidney.”
The trays flew back where they came from and Sidney appeared next to the three. “No prob, Bob. From the looks of things, you’ve got enough problems on your plates without those two dogging your pails.”
“I’m too tired to tell if that’s an old saying or if he’s messing up a modern one,” Tucker mumbled after the ghost left.
“Honestly, I think he’s just making stuff up now to annoy us,” Sam said.
After lunch, they all headed to their fifth-period classes.
They didn’t make it ten minutes in until an alarm was going off and everyone was told to evacuate.
Danny left the room with the rest of his class and was looking for a place to slip away when an unholy screeching echoed through the hall. He turned to see a skeleton dressed like a Viking pointing at him, its buddies drawing their weapons.
“Well, someone clearly needs a new funny bone,” he chuckled, then ran for it down a less crowded hallway.
On the floor below, Sam ducked under her desk as soon as the alarm sounded and was therefore missed when the teacher checked that everyone made it out of the class. She smirked and transformed then flew out of the school, only to nearly be skewered by an arrow fired by a samurai skeleton.
She gave him a blank look and had the nearby tree scoop up him and his buddies.
On the other side of the school, Valerie ducked away from her class into the girl’s bathroom, only to come face to face with skeletons in plate armor.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” she growled, summoning her suit.
Beneath her, Tucker’s class hadn’t even had a chance to react to the alarm before the door to the room was slamming open and Gladiator skeletons marched in. Their eye sockets landed on Tucker and he didn’t hesitate. He sent up a quick thanks that they were on the first floor as he threw open the nearest window and jumped through it, the skeletons hot on his tail.
“Mrs. Wickham, I need to use the bathroom,” he shouted over his shoulder with a laugh.
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
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This is a double whammy entry from me​ for @wickedwitchofthewilds​ Kinktober 2020 Prompts and @scharoux​‘s @cozy-autumn-prompts​. The prompts are “Quickie” for Kinktober and “Ripe for the Harvest” for Cozy Autumn Prompts. Thank you loves for running the event! 
I’m gifting this work to my dear friend @tuffypelly whose Athena Adaar stars!
I’m also submitting this for @dadrunkwriting this week! 
Title: As You Wish Pairing: Female Adaar/Blackwall, Female Inquisitor/Blackwall  Rating: E Content Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Rope Bondage, Bondage, Light Dom/sub, Semi-Public Sex, Sub Blackwall (Dragon Age), Blackwall (Dragon Age) Spoilers
Read on AO3
Thom never let her take care of him. 
Athena Adaar understood why, to an extent, he was like this. He’d spent so much of the past several years atoning for his sins trying to be the man he thought the world needed the most. A hero, a Warden. Of course it translated outside of the battlefield and bled into their personal life. 
She was his lady, and he wanted to serve. His pleasure was always secondary, always unimportant. He only wanted to bring her crashing to the edge again and again, clawing at his shoulders and chanting his name to the Maker. 
But this time… this time, she would take care of him. 
Athena tightened the last knot and stepped back to take a long, critical look at her handiwork. 
She could have snuck all the ropes up to her room, but the loft in the stable was far more convenient, and nobody would look for her here unless it was truly an emergency. And since Athena intended on taking her time… well, she wasn’t about to be rushed by some Orlesian having a meltdown about the price of grain or tolls on Inquisition roads. 
Plus. There was something charming about the image of Thom stretched out over a hay bale, his arms tied above his head to a post. The thick blanket would protect him and her from discomfort, but it didn’t disguise the sheer novelty of what they were doing. 
What was it the peasant children had called it? Athena had never been allowed close enough to play with them herself, she’d been a freak because of her horns and size long before her magic made itself known as well. But a part of her distantly remembered looking on with longing as human children jumped into a card, shouting…
A hay ride! A hay ride!
Well. She was about to have a much more satisfying hay ride. 
Thom stretched, testing the durability of her knots. His taut muscles strained and bulged before he gave up with a grunt.
“My lady.” He groaned, fingers gripping the ropes. “Is this truly necessary?” 
“Yes.” Athena decreed, tracing her fingers from his bound wrists down the tight muscles of his arms, giving one bicep a firm squeeze. “How else will I have my way with you?” 
“Any way you wish, clearly.” Thom responded drly. “Including trussed up in a loft.” 
Athena laughed softly, teasing her nails over his muscled shoulders, down the hard planed of his chest and into the thick hair. It was just as luxurious as Varric’s, even though Thom didn’t flaunt himself the same way their dwarven companion liked to. And honestly, that was all well and good, Athena was quite pleased to have this treasure to herself. 
She flicked her eyes from Thom’s chest down to the hard cock jutting proudly from a nest of neat curls the same dark color as the rest of his hair. “I think you’re enjoying yourself.” 
“At the mercy of a beautiful woman?” Thom chuckled low in his throat. “How could I not?” 
Athena smiled to herself, settling onto the bale beside Thom and leaning over him to capture his mouth in a soft, insistent kiss. She slipped her tongue past his willing lips, twisting it with his while she ran her hand over the soft beard he wore and up his jaw. 
She broke the kiss to brush the hair from his temple. Thom groaned and tried to follow, but couldn’t quite get the leverage he needed. Athena tutted, walking her fingers down his broad chest. “Patience, love.” 
“Let me taste you, my lady.” Thom pleaded. 
Athena just shook her head, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “That is not the game tonight, Thom. Tonight…” 
She trailed off, raking her nails over Thom’s abdomen, feeling his muscles tremble and flex beneath her touch. “Tonight, I’m going to taste every inch of you.” 
Before he could protest, she made good on her promise. Leaning across his prone body, she pressed feather light kisses over his shoulders, running both palms firmly over his chest. With the slightest pull of mana, she warmed her teasing fingers and used them to massage the muscles he put through their paces every day. 
She stopped at one jagged old scar, pressing a firmer kiss to it. “What is this one from? You’ve never said.” 
“Ah.” He coughed nervously. “I hardly remember.” 
Athena placed her hand over it, held his coal dark eyes with her own, and waited. She swore she saw color rising underneath the thick hair hiding most of his face. 
“I do seem to recall a rather friendly lass and her aggravated betrothed.” 
Athena’s laughter startled the birds nesting above, she heard them take flight in a flurry of beating wings. She dropped another kiss to the scar, shaking her head. “You scoundrel.” 
“Don’t tell Varric. He’ll want the whole blighted story.” 
“And then make up something much more exciting anyway.” 
Thom chuckled. “Sounds about right.” 
His laughter tapered off into a choked moan when Athena leaned over and flicked her tongue over that scar, letting her tongue trace his skin. She closed her eyes, beginning to work down his body with the patience and skill of a woman taught to control herself as a living weapon. And each press of her lips was another crack in his armor so that by the time she got to his thighs, she could hear his rasping breath above her. 
“Athena.” He croaked. “My lady, you do not have to-” 
She silenced him with the broad flat of her tongue slowly licking up his heavy length. It bobbed before her, a bead of clear fluid pooling at the tip. She flicked her tongue over it, collecting the salty liquid with a hum of delight. 
“I’ve wanted to taste you.” Athena confessed, her words ghosting over Thom’s cock and making him buck on instinct. “I’ve wanted to take care of you.” 
She looked from from beneath her lashes, settling her warm palms over the muscled thighs of her lover. She could see her wolfish grin reflected in his hungry eyes. “And now I get to do whatever I want with you, love.” 
She licked her lips slowly, wrapping her fingers around the velvet steel of his shaft. She squeezed lightly, watching Thom’s eyes close and his head fall back. He made such a picture, one that ignited a fire deep within the pit of her stomach. 
It was greedy, but she slid her hand to the root of his cock and opened her mouth, engulfing the tip in one movement. Thom’s broken moan echoed in the loft, his hips trembling with the effort to stay still while she sealed her lips over the sensitive head. She swirled her tongue slowly, listening to him gasp her name above her.
She swore the very sound made her slick with want. She closed her eyes, breathing through the sudden rush of desire in her blood. Achingly slowly, she slipped down an inch before licking her way back up, pulling away to press a filthy kiss to the head of his cock. 
“You’re going to kill me, my lady.” Thom breathed. 
“Never.” Athena promised. The very thought-
It reminded her of him in manacles. A cell door slamming closed. Cullen’s tortured eyes and Varric’s thick hand on her elbow. There was no room for those bad memories. Not now. Not here. 
She erased them the way she knew best, guiding his cock back into her warm mouth and listening to his shattered noises echoing in the loft. They made her skin prickle while she slowly lavished Thom with attention, tracing her tongue over the veins and ridges of his cock. He tasted of clean, masculine sweat. She could smell sawdust, hay, and something uniquely Thom that made her dizzy with want. 
That was before he began to spill praise from those sinful lips of him. 
“Athena, yes-” He groaned. “Yes. Like that. Maker’s balls your mouth. The things you do with it could make a priest sin.” 
Athena pressed her thighs together, trying to ease some of the unbearable pressure building between her legs. She made a little noise in her throat, beginning to bob up and down the proud length, covering him in her slick saliva. 
“And you’re a damn sight down there. I could watch you all day. Never seen anyone look so damn good with my cock in their mouth, never had anyone make me feel-” 
She sucked and Thom choked on his words, hissing and clutching at the ropes above his head. Athena smiled to herself, letting her free hand trace back up his thigh, scratching over his hip bones, before slipping down into the sensitive space just beneath his heavy balls. 
She pressed her thumb firmly into that sensitive skin and listened to Thom choke on a shout of pleasure that nearly made her burst into giggles around his cock. 
“I’m not going to last.” Thom moaned, fighting his restraints. “I won’t last and I want to please you, let me-” 
Athena pulled off Thom’s cock with an obscene plop at the same time her hand drifted lower. Her thumb teased the tight muscle of his ass while she smiled brilliantly down at Thom, at her mercy in the best of ways. 
“This pleases me.” Athena declared. “And I’ve brought stamina draughts. We have all evening, love.” 
Her thumb slipped past the muscle and he almost ripped the rope from the post, instinctively arching into her touch with wanton greed. Before his moans even died into echoes she descended onto his hard cock again, swallowing his length in one quick movement. 
He held himself tightly, always conscious of her comfort, but she could feel him trembling beneath her with all the fury of an earthquake or a storm. She crooked her fingers, searching for the perfect spot…
When she found it, he couldn’t help himself. He arched into her mouth in short, jerky thrusts and she sucked him eagerly. She hollowed her cheeks and flicked her tongue over his sensitive skin. 
With a roar and the creak of ropes strained to their breaking point, Thom succumbed to his orgasm. Thick jets spilled into her throat and she swallowed quickly, careful not to make a mess they’d need to clean up. When he finished, he collapsed with a broken moan of her name. 
Athena pulled her lips off and looked up at him, removing her finger gently and wiping it on the blankets, pulling off his softening cock. A thin string of fluid connected them for a moment before it broke cleanly.
Thom panted, limp and sated. Athena moved slowly, climbing gently over his form and reaching for the knots. A few quick flips of her fingers had them undone, unspinning and letting his arms fall. 
She caught them before they could, examining the red marks of the rope with a wrinkle of her nose. She ran her thumb over them in apology, calling mana to her fingers. 
“My lady… leave them.” Thom ordered gruffly. “It would… it would be an honor to bear the marks of your love.” 
How could the foolish man just… say things like that to make her melt? She ducked her head quickly to hide her blush, rubbing the marks soothingly before bringing his wrists to her lips and kissing softly over the thrum of his pulse. 
“As you wish, love.” 
“And as soon as I catch my breath, I’ll be repaying the favor.” 
Athena’s lips twitched and she leaned down, dropping his wrists to cradle his beloved face in her hands. 
“As you wish, love.” She repeated, brushing her lips against his in a soft kiss. “As you wish.”
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noodlewright · 4 years
Characters: Clockwork, Danny Fenton Pairings: None Rating: G -
Danny had hardly returned to the ghost zone when he was suddenly surrounded by dozens of ghosts. Each had a single eye and they wore ridiculously huge cloaks. He was surprised. Danny had seen them from afar several times, but never together. To be honest, he had assumed that it was just one ghost that liked to get around.
The one closest gestured toward him. “Hand the Infi-Map here, child.”
“No, I gotta take it back.” He had only taken it for a brief, but necessary, quest with the blessings of Frostbite.
“It shouldn't have left in the first place. You've done something terrible.”
The ones in back tutted loudly. “Atrocious.”
“Done what? I didn't do anything wrong.” I mean sure, Clockwork probably wasn’t going to be happy when he heard about it, but it wasn’t like Danny had planned to jump through time today. Things just, you know, developed. Like things always did in his life.
They muttered among themselves, as though affronted that Danny had spoken up for himself. “You put out that fire. Do you have any idea what you've done?”
“Well, if I had to guess," Danny ticked off his fingers, "I would say that I've put out a fire, saved a bunch of people from said fire, and nope, just can't think of any reason to let a house burn.”
“That family you saved will go on to raise a killer. I have seen it!” the first one cried.
“I have also seen it!” another one shouted.
“That child is Hitler!” came the final screech.
Danny's mouth dropped open. “I saved Hitler?” he squeaked.
“No! I was exaggerating! But you’ve brought Doom upon us all!”
Yep, these people were a little too much for him. “Hey, you know, this spectacle sure has been fun, but I think I have to go see my-”
One of them pointed at him. “You're not going anywhere!”
He gathered ectoplasm in his free palm. “I’ll go where I-!”
An influx of ear-bursting noise sounded. It was as if an explosion went off in a deep pit and pitched to where he didn't only hear it, but he felt a steady vibration from within. Danny instinctively ducked and raised a shield.
A blur of color careened into one of the ghosts. Purple merged and twisted around green in a flurry of movement. Everyone paused to determine what it was they were seeing.
Two masses struggled to get their bearings. A mess of arms tried to simultaneously push and pull at the other. 
“-I’m here cut it out!” The purple mass shouted.
“Clockwork! You- you aren’t-”
Clockwork shoved his hand in the Eyeball-ghost’s- face? Head? “No! I have a handle on this! It's taken care of. Let's all just go home.”
Someone yelled from the right. “I don't think there's a handle on anything! Not-Hitler is alive! Forty-seven paradoxes developed, and a black hole in the Tiga quadrant regurgitated Neesyps Hell! How is this taking responsibility?!”
“I never promised that difficulties wouldn't arise, only that I would deal with them. And I have. The matter is closed.”
“I disagree! Let nature take him, you're too careless to-”
Clockwork launched off of the first ghost and latched onto the speaker, mere inches from his face. “It was four-hundred and eighty-three paradoxes and I fixed ALL of them. I put Hell back in its place and this is nothing. You sleep through worse. Are you calling me incompetent? Do you think I would let him into my abode if I wasn't prepared, and capable, of facing time-fracturing on the universal scale?”
The jelly around the guy’s eyeball turned a darker shade of green. “I- well- it's still sloppy.”
“I thought the same when my staff was lodged in your head last year.”
“. . . That was Johnson you inconsiderate savage.”
A thin, whiny voice sounded from among them. “You can manage a better grip, can't you? The eyestrain of that many temporal anomalies is a special kind of torture. Just because you're made for it, doesn't mean the same for us.” 
A murmur of agreement spread.
“Fine. You have my word, the matter will be addressed.”
“Good,” the ghost said, incapable of forgoing the last word.
And they left, one of them shooting what Danny thought could be a stink eye toward him, but he honestly wasn’t sure.
Clockwork slowly meandered over to Danny. It was only just then that Danny noticed how strained the ghost looked. His color was off, and there seemed to be several new holes in his cloak. “Um, what-”
Clockwork pulled the map out of Danny's hand and swatted him over the head with it. It didn't hurt, but Danny still made of noise of surprise. “You've been very troublesome. Don't. Do it. Again.”
A sense of shame washed over him, but it didn't last. Indignation boiled it away in a heartbeat. “I didn't really have a choice! You know that! And if you were really against it, you could have stopped me!”
The spirit waved the map in front of his face. “This object makes it very hard to discern the time-line and obfuscates any it interacts with.”
Oh shit. 
When Danny had first hopped back in time, he did what he thought was reasonable, but he had been banking on the thought that if he messed up, or if something went wrong, Clockwork could fix it. And apparently he was right. Danny just didn't think it would possibly be that bad.
“It- Oh no.” He really messed something up, didn't he? “I- four-hundred paradoxes?”
Clockwork leaned close. There was a glimmer in his eye. “It was actually closer to two hundred, but four sounds very impressive doesn't it?”
Danny nodded slowly. “How . . . bad are they though? How do you fix them? What really are they?”
“It's complicated.”
“Well, who were those guys? They were really mad. Are they like your bosses?”
Clockwork laughed. “They’re the Observants and they like to think so. Steer clear of them, when you can. They are entirely capable of bringing trouble with them.”
The memory of burning flames and a tear-streaked face hit him. “What about Not-Hitler? Is he dead?”
“Oh yes, Lewis. I knew that that would bother you, so I made sure he never tasted human blood and got a satisfying life as a musician.”
Human blood? “That's . . . great,” he murmured, at a loss for words.
The ghost gave a self-satisfied smile. “Yes, it went pretty well, I think. But for the future’s sake, don’t ever feel like you need to mess with the time-line.”
It wasn't long after the Infi-Map debacle, that Danny posited another question.
“Do you fix a lot of stuff like that?”
“What happens if you don't?”
Clockwork eyed him, then looked away. “Odd things start to happen.”
“Like what?”
Clockwork took a moment to himself, but didn’t leave him waiting for long. “There was once a city that was the hot-spot of an anomaly. Everything and everyone there experienced a rapid change. Their local time had sped up to an astonishing degree and they quickly outpaced the world around them. One moment, the town over saw the city's normal horizon, and then in the next, there was nothing but crumbling buildings and dust.”
“That's scary. Really scary. How come it went bad? Couldn't they have like, a really cool super-advanced society?”
“Perhaps, but if I'm correct in this case, places like that have trouble securing a renewable water supply. Add that with unreliable daylight, and things go wrong very quickly.”
“So they die?” Those poor people. “That's terrible.”
“Yes. They're fine now though.”
“What causes them? I mean, other than me,” he asked sheepishly.
An irritated breath escaped the ghost. “Usually some uppity time travellers in this or other neighboring timelines. Although, some are natural and appear when black holes decide to shake things up. The moment I fix a dozen, twenty more crop up. It's ceaseless.”
That sounded like the kind of terrifying fact that would be keeping him wide-awake at night. “I guess we’re lucky we have you here to fix things then.”
“ . . . You might say that, but . . . ” Clockwork picked at the frayed edges of his cloak. There wasn’t a whole lot of reason to share it, but he literally didn’t see a reason why keeping it would be detrimental. “I don’t quite have proof of it, but I think there might be something about my existence that makes Time a little more fragile than it should be.”
Danny’s face scrunched in thought. “That’s weird.”
Clockwork agreed.
More - Next
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A Game of Cat and Monkey (Part 2)
The last part is here! FINALLY...
It’s a bit longer than the first, but please enjoy!
“Any sign of him?” Wukong asked, hardly giving Sandy and Pigsy the time to catch their breath before demanding an answer.
“No, and I’m afraid there’s worse news!” Sandy said, frowning down at his captain.
“Ugh that’s just great…” Wukong rubbed his temples with his fingertips and shook his head. “I mean I knew the kid could be impulsive and all, but to go running off on his own like that without… wait, what worse news?”
“We spotted some of Macaque’s crew ashore, and it looks like they already know we’re here.” Sandy replied, still frowning.
“And MK?” Wukong asked, heckles raising visibly.
“We’re not sure… but yeah, it looks like they know he’s off on his own somewhere and are looking for him, too.”
Wukong swore something under his breath, punching a fist into his open palm. “Then we need to move fast. If we find and follow them, chances are they could lead us to MK!”
“That might be what Macaque is counting on,” Tang said calmly. “This whole thing could be a scheme he’s cooked up to use MK to get to you.”
“I know… but we can’t just do nothing.”
“That almost goes without saying…”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Mei said, drumming her fingers against the hilt of her sword like she was itching for a fight. “Let’s gear up and go!”
“Mei’s right, everyone grab your gear and be ready for anything!” Wukong said, grabbing his hat and putting it on firmly, his golden eyes glimmering under the shadow of it’s brim as if telling anyone who had seen it, that wherever MK had ended up, they were determined to find him and get him back safe.
MK, meanwhile, was still in the alcove on the beach, fingers rapping against his arm in anxiousness. He’d been waiting for what was possibly hours in that little crook in the rock for Sea Cat to return, if she actually planned to return it all. The sun was starting to sink in the sky, turning it a deep, blood orange color, and the first of the stars were already starting to appear. That alone was an indicator she had been gone a long time, and he couldn’t be sure but he must have dozed off at least once or twice while waiting for her to return, despite the gravity of the whole situation. And he couldn’t help but wonder if she was alright, or if something had happened to her…
He kept trying to tell himself that someone who could essentially disappear as if out of thin air like she could would be fine, but there was that nagging thought in the back of his head; what if?
What if Macaque’s men got the drop on her? What if they had her cornered before she could get back to where he was? Or what if she had just abandoned him all together? Again, she didn’t seem the type, especially after she actually came back to help him earlier, but he didn’t like the feeling of just having to sit here and wait. Still, what could he do?
He glanced down at the splint on his leg and he sighed, leaning his head back against the rock behind him and looking out over what he could see of the beach. The others were probably worried sick about him right now. Especially Mei… actually no, Mei wouldn’t be worrying… well, she would, in her own way. A way that kind of made her… aggressive wasn’t really the right word for it. It was more… vengeful, in a way? She would--if they let her--literally be willing to tear apart anyone who hurt or made her worry about someone she cared for. Wukong, maybe? The monkey definitely did have a calm and cool side to him, but there was always an air of concern about him when it came to MK’s well being, one that was a lot like Mei’s only… somehow scarier.
Well, it didn’t really matter who was worrying about him the most, since right now it didn’t matter.
He’d had it with waiting.
It was probably a stupid decision on his part, but he couldn’t do it anymore. 
With a strained grunt, MK pulled himself to his feet, careful not to put too much weight on his wounded leg. Using the cliff wall for support, he limped out of the small alcove, glancing up carefully to make sure no one was going to spot him as he did, then limping onward. He happened past the same pile of driftwood that Sea Cat had gotten the materials for his splint from, and reached down for a particularly long piece that would serve as a makeshift walking stick for the time being. It was just long and stout enough to support him, and if he absolutely had to he could use it as a weapon, he could. He couldn’t help but just feel a little pathetic though; how helpless he must have looked like this, and he hated it! Sure, it couldn’t be helped, but he’d rather have Wukong’s gear with him, broken leg or no broken leg… at least then he might have the extra courage he needed to move faster.
He kept having to stop to look up at the top of the cliff, making sure no one from Macaque’s crew would see him. To his relief, everytime he looked, he saw exactly that. Maybe Sea Cat’s plan to lay a false trail really worked! And if it did then there was a good chance that he was home free, as soon as he made his way across the shore, that is.
He remembered Sea Cat had described the beach as one full of tidal pools and rocky outcrops, and given what he’d seen so far, he had to watch his step. It did cross his mind to stop and look for the astrolabe in any likely place he came across, but for the sake of not being spotted by unfriendly eyes, he decided against it. Especially since, having to walk as carefully as he did with his leg, his pace was already much slower and he was growing tired very quickly.
“Maybe I should have waited…” he mumbled to himself, stopping to seat himself against a large stone that stuck out of the sand. “Like she said to…”
That thought mulled through his mind slowly as he paused to nurse his splinted leg. She probably would have ended up back at the cave, seeing it empty and wondering if something had happened to him while she was gone, then probably go looking for him...
No, he couldn’t think like that! She seemed like a smart girl, there was every chance she could track him down somehow just like she did before he fell from the cliff. And even if she chose not to, Macaque wasn’t after her or the astrolabe. There was every chance he would just let her go when he realized he was chasing the wrong pirate. Just as much as there was a chance she would sell out where he was to Macaque in exchange for her own life. Yeah, no. She didn’t seem like the type to do that…
MK looked up as the spray from the sea dusted his face. The tide was starting to get higher as the sun got lower. He was going to have to get moving and just hope that Sea Cat was able to get on alright. He sighed and hoisted himself back up, using the piece of driftwood to lessen the pressure on his broken leg. He took a few steps back in the direction of town, then stopped again. His conscience was doing that thing where it was eating at him again, telling him he should have stayed in the alcove and waited, but he shook it off, giving his own head a few, sharp whacks with his palm. There was no point in going back now, even if he really could trust this Sea Cat, and even if he could, what good would it do him to go back on his own?
So he made up his mind that the plan at the moment was to try to get to town, and get the others to help. If she was in trouble, he could repay her by getting the others to help in a possible rescue mission than do something stupid like go all by himself with a broken bloody leg!
“Come on, MK!” he grunted to himself as he attempted to pick up the pace of his very obvious limp. “You can make it! You’re Monkey King’s successor, this is nothing! You’ve faced a lot worse than this before!”
“Kind of makes you wonder just what Wukong is willing to let you go through, doesn’t it?”
MK froze in place, almost falling forward if not for clinging to his makeshift walking stick. He almost even braced himself on his bad leg in the wrong way, swallowing a yelp-like sound that threatened to crawl up and out of his throat. He didn’t have to turn around to know it was Macaque, he recognized the voice all too well.
Okay. Don’t panic. Remember to breathe. 
MK swallowed again and sank to his knees slowly, minding his broken leg as carefully as he could while doing so and feigned dropping the walking stick to his side. His back was still to Macaque, but glancing to his side just slightly, he could see his reflection clear as day in a small tidal pool that sat beside him.
He had a sword drawn, not surprising, really, but MK could see it clearly in the reflection, which was all he needed. That, and for Macaque to take a step forward… like that!
Using the reflection as a reference point, MK snatched up the walking stick again and swung it behind him as hard as he could, hearing and feeling a thud as it impacted with Macaque’s shin. He heard the darkly dressed pirate yelp, saw him stagger in the reflection in the pool, giving him just enough time to spin around, stick still in hand and swung up to knock the sword from Macaque’s hand, catching it in his free one. His leg may have been broken, he may have been in a lot of pain, and tired, but he was by no means helpless! If he was going to be taken at all, he was going to be taken only after he put up a fight, at least.
“You’ve picked up a new trick or two since we last saw each other, huh?” Macaque growled at him, briefly nursing his sore shin as MK pulled himself up enough to stand on his own two feet.
“Worried that this would be too easy?” MK asked, unable to really help the bravado.
“Actually, yes.” Macaque replied as he stood to full height again. “Wouldn’t be any fun if it was too easy, after all.”
“Well I’m in no mood for games today! Especially one of your making!” MK growled, taking a careful step back; careful not to show how badly his leg was bothering him, and careful not to let it be bothered by stepping the wrong way on it.
Macaque clicked his tongue, tutting at MK, shaking his head as though in disappointment, and stepping forward as he spoke. “Well, that’s kind of rude… after I went to all this trouble, too! All that planning and preparation--”
He stopped when MK forced the gap between them to remain at arm’s length by holding the tip of his own sword up to his throat. After a pause, in which he looked like he was scrutinizing the scene before him, he opened his mouth to say more, but MK knew better than to let him speak again. He turned the blade so the edge was now pointed up and slightly--just very slightly--cut into Macaque’s chin, drawing only a trickle of blood.
“I think I quite literally see your point.” Macaque said, actually stepping back, to MK’s relief. The older pirate nursed his chin a little, raising an eyebrow at seeing the speckling of blood on his finger. MK took that opportunity to relax himself enough that he could take another few, tentative steps back, increasing the distance between the two of them. 
“Still, I have to admit… I’m impressed.” Macaque said, staying rooted to his spot, watching MK inch further back away from him. “You’ve certainly evolved since we last met. A broken leg you’ve done a pretty decent job setting by yourself, and yet even with that injury you still managed to elude and disarm me! Really, lad, I am very impressed. Well done!”
MK ignored the praise for the most part, though he couldn’t deny the slightest twinge of pride hearing it, however what caught his attention most was Macaque’s remark about setting the leg himself. That brought him a slight sense of relief, because it meant that Sea Cat had managed to go undetected… where she was now was still a question, of course, but it made him feel a little better, at least.
“Thanks, but I don’t need praise from you. Nor want it!” MK said, taking another step back and keeping an eye on Macaque to make sure he didn’t step forward again. Macaque shook his head with a chuckle.
“Ah, well, that’s too bad. Wukong really made sure to teach you some choice stuff…”
MK adjusted his injured leg to take another step back, only to find himself bracing for a surprise attack from Macaque as the other suddenly lunged at him with speed he didn’t think was even possible. He tried to turn the blade in his hand so that it would catch Macaque right across the throat, but to his astonishment--no, to his horror--Macaque instead caught the blade between his teeth, jaws clamping down so hard on the metal that MK felt the vibration even through the hilt. He yelped in surprise, stumbling back against the side of the cliff as the blade then snapped in Macaque’s teeth, leaving him with nothing but a sharpened stump of metal and a hilt.
“But he didn’t teach you enough!” Macaque said after spitting out the broken blade and lunging for MK again.
MK lifted his driftwood walking stick, trying to swing it at Macaque, only for Macaque to swat it out of his path and sock MK in the jaw hard with his fist, causing the boy’s head to thump back against the side of the cliff as a result. Now stunned, MK could only slump down a little, falling unwillingly into Macaque’s grip; albeit for just a moment before the pirate let him fall forward, landing face first into one of the tidal pools that dotted the shoreline. MK briefly floundered, trying to pull himself up, but Macaque stamped his boot onto the back of his head, holding him under the shallow water for a few moments before dragging him back up. MK’s senses were left swimming, his vision darkening from the initial impact of bumping his head and the denial of air almost immediately after. He could only just register being forced to try and stand, held up limply by the collar of his shirt, with Macaque’s shadowy silhouette hovering over him before nearly blacking out all together.
He was still fading in and out of it as he was dragged off. He did his best to stay awake, but his head was spinning so much it was hard to tell if he was about to actually pass out or if he was about to snap out of it. He could only see flashes and blurs of shapes as he was dragged, still by his shirt collar most probably, somewhere along the same beach, and he was honestly thankful that he was so out of it, because he was sure from the way he was being dragged that Macaque was not taking care to mind his broken leg.
It was only when he was finally dropped to the ground, on his back, with the wind flying out of him as a result, did his senses completely start to return to him. He coughed and sputtered, groaning slightly as he felt himself turned onto his stomach, before being hoisted to his knees and his hands forced behind his back, where they were then secured firmly with rope. He winced in annoyance as Macaque smacked his cheeks in a way usually used to wake someone up from such a daze.
“You still with us, MK?” he asked, smirking at him.
“Really wish I wasn’t, but you can stop now.” MK growled in response. A quick glance around himself with his eyes told him that this was where Macaque and his crew had set up camp, largely thanks to the fire that burned only a few steps away from where he was. But it was one that was well placed; a section of the beach that was sheltered on both sides by tall crags of rock in addition to the cliffs surrounding it. Great. Just like Macaque to choose the perfect place to hide that would be almost impossible to find unless you were actively looking for it, or already knew where to find it.
He was beginning to wish he’d stayed in that alcove she left him in.
“What are you going to do with me?”  he asked, looking up at Macaque with as brave a look as he could muster, and trying not to let his question sound hesitant. Then, with a burst of courage, he scoffed. “Wait, don’t tell me; you’re going to use me as bait? Why am I not surprised?”
Macaque grabbed his chin, squeezing hard and pulling him up almost to his feet again. “If you can stay on my good side long enough to keep yourself alive, that is,” he growled before releasing MK and letting him fall back to his knees, the boy biting back a wince as his leg suffered from the impact. He watched as Macaque turned back and walked towards the fire, and jerked himself away as one of the captain’s crew tried to take him by the arm and pull him up again.
“Why not just kill me and get it over with?” he hollered after Macaque. He didn’t really have a plan at this point, just to try and stall, and he remembered from what Wukong told him, the best way to keep Macaque distracted was to keep him talking. And while it may not have been the best line of conversation, it would have to do.
“You know that Monkey King knows you better than anyone,” he continued. “So chances of whatever trap you have planned won’t actually pan out well for you.”
“Who said anything about this being a trap?” Macaque asked him with a mere glance over the shoulder, stoking the fire with a stick he picked up.
MK raised an eyebrow. “I mean it’s kind of obvious. You said it yourself. I’m bait.”
“Bait, yes, but I’m not planning on setting any ambush or anything.” Macaque said, stirring the stick into the fire. “Too messy.”
MK’s eyebrow remained raised as he pondered Macaque’s words, watching as the monkey briefly paced around the fire, barking a few orders to some of his crew that appeared to be slacking in their guard duties. If Macaque wasn’t setting an ambush, then what was he planning? The spot chosen for their camp was essentially perfect for setting one up, especially if he wanted Wukong and the others to come storming in after sweating about not being able to find them after so long… and it wasn’t like Macaque to not want to get “down and dirty” in a fight, as it were. He wasn’t known for being neat about things… He’d want to make a big show of...
Of course.
Oh… no. Oh no.
He wasn’t sure if he was right in this way of thinking, but if he was, it made his blood run cold. Macaque wasn’t planning an ambush for the others whenever they got here, he was planning a front row seat show for them.
The moment they got here, he was most likely going to be either tortured or killed right where they could see, and not get to him in time. It was twisted, but perfect for someone like Macaque, and he certainly wouldn’t put it past him. After all, since they’d met, and he realized that MK was Wukong’s successor, he had been obsessed with the idea of getting rid of his greatest rival’s inheritor, someone who was like a son to him. What better way to do it, what sweet revenge, than to do it where it could be seen by everyone he cared about?
MK’s face must have paled or contorted into a horrified look of realization, because Macaque was looking back at him now, smirking like the cat that just swallowed the canary; no, like the cat that could still feel the canary alive and trapped in it’s stomach.
“Something wrong, lad?” Macaque asked, voice laced in obviously fake concern. “You got quiet all of a sudden.” MK suppressed a shudder and scowled at him, teeth baring together in an effort to appear defiant.
“No,” he growled, unable to think of anything more witty at the moment. Macaque gave a dark chuckle, lifting and examining the burnt stick as though it held great interest for him.
“Looks to me like you figured things out pretty quick there,” he said. “That kind of spoils the whole point of the surprise you know.”
“Maybe you should be less obvious about your intentions next time then.” MK said flatly, body beginning to feel numb due to the sense of dread that he felt, though his heart started to pound when Macaque turned back to him, still holding the burning stick.
“Hm, maybe you’re right… still, it’s never too late to spice things up, right?”
He walked back over to MK, the burning stick still in hand, and the boy lurched back, ignoring his broken leg. Macaque’s crew didn’t let him though, holding him in place, even pushing him forward towards Macaque; one of them even grabbed him by the hair, nearly ripping it clean from his scalp and yanked his head back so he was looking up at the captain.
“And I think your friends arriving to see a few, fresh burns branded onto you would be just the thing!” Macaque sniggered with glee, raising the burning piece of wood up so close to MK’s face that even with his eyes squeezed shut, he felt as though the heat alone could burn him.
Relief couldn’t even express what he felt when he heard that sound! His eyes shot open and he watched as the stick Macaque was holding was sliced in half, the flaming end sent falling safely into the sand at his feet, snuffing out upon the impact. And startled, Macaque dropped the other half, staring down at both halves in shock for a moment before spinning around.
“What the blazes?!”
The sun had set by now, so the shadows in the small, sheltered section of beach had grown and were now dancing thanks to the light from the fire Macaque’s crew had built, so seeing where the whip had come from was next to impossible. That is, until a brief blur of a shadow was seen shrinking back behind one of the larger rocks nearby. Macaque scowled with his golden eyes at the shadow, growling with bared teeth and taking a spare sword from one of his crewmen.
“Come out of there!” he demanded. He growled again when he received no response. “I said come out of there!”
“You talkin’ t’ me?”
All heads darted to another shadow almost completely opposite the one Macaque had just been shouting out, and she stepped out of the shadows, hands raised slightly in front of her, as if to appear non-threatening. MK had to stifle a snicker, seeing the bewildered expression on Macaque’s face, and as his crew had to look twice between the two spots with a similar expression. Sea Cat herself was wearing something of an amused look, slowly lowering her hands as she stepped fully out into the open, but still keeping a good distance between herself and the members of Macaque’s crew that were present.
Macaque studied her briefly, though his good eye probably lingered in places longer than it should have, before clearing his throat and putting on as calm and charming a look as he could.
“You lost, young lady?”
“No, but I think considering the majority of this company, I would prefer to be lost, thank you very much.”
Macaque inhaled sharply, as though wincing at her remark, though the expression on his face was clearly an amused one. “Oho-ho! Not bad, not bad! You’ve got a tongue like a whip, girlie!”
“Wait until you see her real one up close…” MK murmured under his breath, shooting an unseen scowl up at Macaque.
“Still, for someone who claims to not be lost, girlie, you sure picked a bad place and a time to take an evening stroll.” Macaque said, crossing his arms, his expression changing to one of scrutiny as he watched her. 
Sea Cat rolled her eyes. “Oi,” she sighed with annoyance. “What is it with you men and your need to banter? You have to turn everything into a dance with some imaginary Argentine music playing in the background! If you want to ask me what I’m doing here, just bloody do it, don’t make a production of it. But here, let me save you the trouble of even that; I’m here for the young lad.”
She pointed a somewhat slack finger at MK, causing Macaque to turn and look at him curiously, with his brows raising to emphasis that curiosity. MK said nothing, just shifted his gaze to one side with his eyes and tried to feel as small as possible as all eyes had now fallen on him, until he heard Macaque titter.
“Well, well, seems like Wukong’s been teaching you how to really lay on the charm too, huh?” he asked, looking back towards Sea Cat. “As partial as I am to romantic entanglements--if that’s what this is--I certainly hope you brought something other than your figure to bargain with.”
Sea Cat shot him a scowl, hand twitching towards her whip, which was tucked against her hip in a way that was mostly out of sight, but she resisted the urge to give him a matching scar over his other eye, and reached into a small pouch she wore on the opposite hip. After digging around for it, she slowly produced an object, which, after it had a chance to catch the light from the nearby fire, was revealed to be the astrolabe. She held it out in front of her for Macaque to see well, and MK shot her a confused look, which then shot up to Macaque as he hummed in a bored way, shaking his head at Sea Cat. 
“I prefer, and already have a sextant myself, lass…”
Sea Cat said nothing in reply, but instead reached forward to one of the rings on the astrolabes surface, and gave it a slight turn.
The night around them seemed to become all the darker, then brighter all in one moment as the symbols and etchings on the astrolabe’s surface began to glow. Macaque let out a yelp of surprise, arm shooting up to cover his eyes as the glow became almost too bright to look at directly, and MK too had to turn his face away and shut his eyes; though when the light dimmed again, they both looked up, and except for the collective gasps of all present, you could have heard a pin hit the sand on that beach.
It was as though the stars themselves had descended from the skies above, the shapes of the constellations they formed with them, and had begun to dance around on the beach around them. Even the surrounding cliffs had become dusted with living, dancing figures of starlight; the beasts of the Zodiac moving like real, towering lifeforms walking the earth once more, Orion with his bow about to fire, and the Great Bear and the Little Bear tussling like playful cubs in the surf. MK couldn’t help but be enamored, mouth hanging open and his eyes wide with a child-like glee that usually was only present when he was listening to the Monkey King tell one of his adventure stories. Oh, if only the others could be here to see this! The astrolabe really was magic!
He let out an “eep” of shock as Pegasus charged over his head, in a way that he could feel it brush through his hair. Macaque too had to duck, almost too late as one of the stallion’s hooves nearly clocked right into his head, only to phase right through it, scattering briefly like the stardust it was before forming into the equine’s full leg again; and yet still he couldn’t help but feel relief at not having that hoof meet his skull, it was that real!
The light from the fire returned, and the stars seemed to return to the heavens, leaving in their wake naught but shock and amazement, save for Sea Cat, who had turned the astrolabe’s rings back to their original position. 
The amazement didn’t fade from his expression, even as the astral illusion did, and it clearly bled into Macaque’s voice as he looked at her, as well as the astrolabe in her hand and asked, “What is it?”
“The first piece of a puzzle,” she replied, resetting the rings on the astrolabe. “Do you like puzzles?”
“What sort of a puzzle?”
“The kind that rewards those who solve it with true immortality.” Sea Cat replied again, shrugging her shoulders, and beginning to saunter forward in a way that made her seem like the most relaxed person on that shoreline. “I mean, think about it, what’s the better way to live forever? To risk passing on a name or title to someone else? Someone who could very well be forgotten themselves if fate permits it? Or to take the extra step beyond the horizon and actually become immortal yourself? To be recognized wherever you go as an immortal, or even with time, a god?”
“Hmm…” Macaque rubbed his chin in thought, his eyes more focused on the astrolabe rather than Sea Cat herself. “Impossible as it sounds… you do paint a pretty picture,” he said. “And if I’m to understand where you’re going with this--”
“--The boy for the toy.” Sea Cat confirmed with a nod. “You catch on fast.”
Macaque finally looked away from the astrolabe and back to MK, chuckling and all too roughly ruffling the boy’s hair with a false show of affection, to which MK growled at him in response. And after a pause, he replied.
“Alright, girlie, you’ve got yourself a trade,” he said, and extended his hand outward. Sea Cat shook her head.
“Nah, ah,” she said. “Send the boy my way first. Once he’s halfway here, I’ll bring you the astrolabe.”
“Good figure and brains…” Macaque muttered, sounding almost annoyed. “Alright fine,” he said, then turned to MK, pulling him up. “On your feet then!”
MK bit back a wince as he was forced up, trying not to put any unneeded pressure on his broken leg, especially as he hobbled forward at Macaque’s prodding. He shot Sea Cat a look, subtly shaking his head at her in warning, hoping she would pick up that in his mind he was screaming not to trust Macaque. She just raised her free hand towards him, ushering him to walk forward with a gesture made by her fingers. He groaned and winced as he limped forward, careful not to lose his footing in the sand, as he moved. His hands were still tied behind his back, Macaque of course didn’t have the courtesy to cut him loose, so he had to be careful of his balance too. He kept moving forward until Sea Cat held up her hand to signal him to stop, which he did, then she herself walked forward slowly. MK saw the knife she had with her in her hands, and she used it to cut his hands free.
“Stay put,” she said, loud enough for Macaque to hear, then whispered into MK’s ear. “But be ready to run on my signal…”
MK didn’t nod, but he was definitely ready. He turned, watching her slowly approach Macaque with the astrolabe while he nursed his wrists. She stopped an arm’s length away from Macaque and held the astrolabe out to him, almost by it’s edge so that it was stretched out as far out as she could allow. He seemed amused by her caution, taking only a single step forward, then reaching out and taking it, almost in the same manner as it was held out to him. Upon feeling his grip on it, Sea Cat released it and stepped back, making her way backward towards MK slowly, eyes not leaving Macaque or his crew, and her hand inching towards her whip with each step. Macaque was too busy studying the astrolabe itself to notice, which was obviously what she was waiting for.
With a fluid motion, her wrist flicked forward, taking the handle of the whip and letting the rest fly out forward; the way it moved was almost like watching a distant bolt of lightning, or an eel gliding through the water, and the sound it made this time was much softer, but it obviously hit it’s mark with ease. It wrapped around the astrolabe and yanked it from Macaque’s grip, sending it flying back through the air and into her own.
Sea Cat turned to MK, hands turning the rings on the astrolabe and crying out, “Now, run!”
MK did as bid, almost instinctively lifting his arm so that she could under it, letting it across her shoulders so she could help support him as they made a break for it. Behind him, he could hear Macaque’s confused crew hollering and shouting loudly in confusion, the moving constellations that roamed around them--though immaterial--seemed too real for them not to react as though they were.
“They’re not real, you blasted fools!” Macaque roared over the chaotic din. “Get after them!”
MK couldn’t help but laugh at hearing their panic as he and Sea Cat ran. “Thanks, looks like I owe you one!” he said.
“You owe me twice, but who’s counting?” she replied, also letting out a laugh. “But don’t thank me just yet, we still have to outrun them!”
MK nodded, doing his best to keep up with her pace, even trying to speed it up by limping faster despite his leg. It hurt, yeah, but he was willing to put up with it for the sake of escaping. He looked around them as they ran, particularly up at the cliffside as he saw a few of the constellation shapes move along it, becoming warped and wavy like mirages due to the way the cliffs themselves were cut out by nature. Some of the ways they moved seemed to make them glow even brighter, and almost flash like the sun glinting off of a shard of mirror.
And it gave him an idea!
“No, don’t!” MK says, reaching and grabbing Sea Cat’s other wrist with his hand as she started to tuck the astrolabe into her pouch again. “Leave it out!”
“What? If I do that they’ll be able to find us easily even if we don’t find a decent hiding spot before then!”
“They will, yeah, but so will my crew!” MK said. “We just have to keep moving!”
Sea Cat grunted in thought, hesitating and chewing her lip, but she finally held the astrolabe above her head. “You’d better be right about this or I’ll make sure to come back as a banshee and haunt your arse!”
MK laughed, looking up as the astrolabe’s effect seemed to dome over them, Pegasus in particular circling as though working in correlation with the impromptu plan. Now they just had to manage to keep ahead of Macaque and his crew long enough for Wukong and the others to--hopefully--figure out where they were!
A pistol or musket shot hit stone as they rounded a bend on the beach, stopping only long enough to climb up a small ridge that stood in their way, MK only making it thanks to Sea Cat’s help. While hoisting him up, she cracked her whip down at an unfortunate pirate that had managed to catch up with them, the tip catching him right square in the forehead, and from his cry of pain, MK was extremely grateful he had the reflexes to dodge it the first time he encountered it. Once that pirate fell back down, she helped him back to his feet and they continued running, stopped by another ridge; this whole section of the cliffside seemed to be like one giant set of stairs! 
MK growled in frustration under his breath, looking up as Sea Cat hoisted him up and then climbed up herself, and his eyes fixed on a large boulder above them. He wasn’t sure if it could really be called a spark of inspiration, he was more thinking about how much it would really just… suck, if that thing decided to fall now. And that’s when he found himself laughing out loud as an idea struck him.
“Hey, just how much can that whip of yours cut through?” he asked. Sea Cat followed his gaze up to the boulder, and she smirked, helping him up again.
“Oh, that’ll be like cutting through a boiled potato!” she said. “We just gotta get up to it!”
“Not we, just you!” MK said. “If Macaque wants me as bait so bad, then I’ll be bait!”
“But… are you sure?”
“Just go, I’ll be fine!”
Sea Cat gave him a crooked smirk. “Damn, you really are…” she started to say, then shook her head. She shoved the astrolabe at him, then bolted to the cliff and jumped to grab onto a ledge within her reach. From there, she started to climb, soon almost vanishing out of his sight over the edge near the boulder. Good! This might just work after all! MK turned so that his back was against the wall of rock, and he made sure to hold the astrolabe in a way that the constellations would be too distracting for Sea Cat to be noticed on the top of the cliff.
He took a deep, controlled breath as the first members of Macaque’s crew started to appear over the edge of the ridge he was on, Macaque himself among them. MK smirked, moving himself a bit closer to the wall and inching along it carefully, trying to appear as cornered and helpless as he could.
“Stay back!” he warned in a mock threatening, mock frightened tone. “I’ve got a magical… start navigation thingy!”
Macaque held out an arm and stopped one of his crew from charging forward while looking at MK. “What happened to your little wench?”
“Whoa, hey, that’s kind of rude!” MK said. “Not all pirate girls have to be wenches! That’s just bad stereotyping!”
At the clifftop, Sea Cat took care to wrap her whip around the boulder, not wanting to crack it so as to avoid being heard by the pirates below. It would take a hearty tug to get all the way through, but it would get through nonetheless, and she just hoped MK knew to get out of the way when it started to come down, even with that broken leg of his. She leaned back, the handle of the whip held carefully in one hand and her legs braced for MK’s signal to come from below.
“Where is she, MK?” Macaque asked again with a growl, before smirking. “Or did she think better of the situation and decide to dump you?”
“She didn’t dump me!” MK scowled at Macaque as he continued to creep along the rock wall, then paused for a moment and blinked. “Not that she really could, we were never like… I mean, she’s pretty, don’t get me wrong, but not my type! I’m more of… um… wait, I shouldn’t even be telling you this…”
“Probably not, no.” Macaque said, snorting at MK in amusement. “Not that it matters, of course…”
MK smirked. “You’re right, it really doesn’t… Now, Sea Cat!”
MK turned the rings on the astrolabe, causing the illusions to fade and plunging the area into the blackness of night. His eyes had to adjust to see, just as much as he was sure their eyes did too, though he still looked up, and against the backdrop of the sky he could see the welcome sight of the boulder starting to come down. Sea Cat fell back somewhat as the full slack returned to her whip, though it sliced through the boulder just as planned and sent it plummeting down to the beach below.
With the dark and his eyes only adjusting a little too late, Macaque could only dive to one side, off the ridge he stood on as the boulder crashed down, crushing any of his idiot crew that were too slow to get out of the way. The boulder smashed to the ground hard, threatening to roll further down the natural steps as it almost bounced upon the impact.
Sea Cat watched from above as the pirates scattered to escape the boulder before it finally came to a stop, laughing quietly to herself, before looking down the cliff to where she last saw MK.
“You still with me, lad?” she hollered down, cupping a hand to her mouth.
A tense pause that she didn’t like, followed by a cough, which drew her attention to the side of the cliff. It seemed that MK, despite his broken leg, had somehow managed to make a leap up to the same ledge she had earlier to begin her climb up the cliff in an effort to get completely clear of the boulder as it fell. She shook her head in amusement as MK looked up at her.
“Yeah! I’m still here! Just barely…”
“Here,” Sea Cat lowered her whip down to him. “Grab on, I’ll pull you up!”
MK gratefully did as she asked and took hold of the whip, letting her pull him up to join her, using his good leg to help the ascent. He glanced down a few times at the beach below, bracing himself for the possible sight of Macaque climbing up after him, but thankfully, it appeared either the boulder got him, or he had been too busy getting clear and recovering to notice MK heading up the cliff.
He glanced back up and gasped at seeing the black monkey’s shadow looming over a completely unaware Sea Cat, just as he reached the top of the cliff.
“Behind you!” he managed to holler as he grabbed the edge of the cliff.
Sea Cat didn’t have time to turn around before Macaque grappled an arm around her throat, yanking her back and making her choke from the force. She dropped her whip in surprise, but thankfully MK had enough of a hold on the cliff’s edge to keep himself from falling, and to pull himself up to the relative safety of the clifftop. He grit his teeth, other hand clenching around the whip tightly, which made him blink in the realization that he was in fact holding--and had full control--of the unique weapon. Glaring at Macaque, he jerked his hand, in as similar a way as he could to the way he saw Sea Cat do it earlier, spinning the whip in the air above his head a few times.
“Hey, Macaque!” he shouted, getting the monkey’s attention just as he let the whip fly… but backwards.
The hefty handle of the whip, not it’s tip, flew at Macaque and hit him right in his good eye, causing the pirate to cry out in abrupt surprise and pain, his grip on Sea Cat loosening. She took the immediate opportunity to duck out of his grip all together, dropping to the ground and sweeping her leg out behind her to knock Macaque’s own out from under him. He stumbled back, and with a second, well placed kick, she sent him stumbling back further, right off the edge of the cliff itself.
MK winced as he heard the impact, leaning as much as he could safely to try and see where Macaque fell before Sea Cat helped him up. “Yeah, I hope that hurt!” he shouted down with a laugh. “I know it did when I fell…”
“Let’s go before he has a chance to recover!” Sea Cat said, picking up her whip before looping MK’s arm over her shoulders again. “And… thanks for that. You weren’t half bad for a beginner, even if you did end up using the wrong end.”
“Oh, that? I uh… I mean to do that!” MK said, blushing a little from her praise. Sea Cat laughed, shaking her head as they finally made it back into the shadows of the jungle. MK laughed too, reaching up and rubbing the back of his head with his free hand. He paused a moment, then looked back at Sea Cat.
“By the way, you were about to say something earlier, what was it?”
“Was I?”
“Yeah, right before you climbed up to take care of the boulder…”
“...Ah, right.” Sea Cat shook her head. “That was nothing, just saying that you reminded me of someone… my captain, actually.”
“Really?” MK asked, head tilting curiously.
“Aye… granted, you still have a long way to go before you really are on par with someone like him, but you’re well on your way, make no mistake about that.” Sea Cat replied.
“Oh yeah? Well, I’d sure like to meet him some time!”
“Heh, perhaps someday you will, lad. Perhaps someday, you will.”
Sea Cat and MK both stopped in their tracks, MK’s head spinning around as he heard Mei’s unmistakable voice calling out to him from somewhere close by in the jungle. Sea Cat helped him to brace himself on a nearby tree, reaching for her whip and looking like she was bracing for a fight again, but MK placed a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” he said. “They’re with me, this time!” He gave her a smile as she relaxed, then turned into the direction where he’d heard Mei’s voice come from. “I’m over here!” he called out loudly.
He paused, listening for a response, his smile growing when he heard the foliage rustling, the voices of his friends drawing closer, and could even see their familiar shapes starting to appear in the dark. He sighed in relief, leaning more of his weight against the tree as his body relaxed--well and truly relaxed--for what felt like the first time that day.
“You know, if you talk to my captain, I bet he can work something out where our crews split whatever treasure the astrolabe leads--” MK stopped mid sentence as he turned around and found himself quite alone in the jungle. He sighed. “And she’s gone again. How does she bloody do that anyway…?”
MK barely had a chance to turn back around when Mei flew at him in one of her tackle hugs, almost knocking them both back if not for the tree he was leaning against.
“MK, are you alright?! We’ve been looking for you everywhere! We were worried Macaque had gotten you! Then we couldn’t find you or him and there were all these weird lights in the distance and--”
“Ow, ow, ow! Mei!” he yelped. “Th-The leg, watch the leg!”
“What’s wrong with your leg?!” she demanded.
“It’s broken…” MK replied with a quiet whine as Pigsy came forward and helped to support him.
“Broken? What happened?” Wukong asked, walking forward and looking the boy over with concern written all over his face, even in the dark.
“Well… You know what, it’s a long story.” MK said with a heavy sigh, sagging onto Mei’s shoulder. “One I’d really rather tell when we’re all back safe on the ship!”
Wukong nodded, turning to lead the way back, but making sure to walk at the same pace that MK was with help from the others. He was a bit surprised to see how… content the boy looked, despite also looking like he’d been through borderline hell. MK caught his stare, glancing over at the Monkey King as they walked, frowning when he saw what appeared to be a stern look on his face. He sighed.
“I know, I know exactly what you’re going to say…” he said. “I know I shouldn’t have run off all on my own like that, but all I could think of was getting the astrolabe back and… making up for last night.”
“Kid, there’ll be other scores, other treasures we can get. But there’s only one you.” Wukong said. “And I think I speak for all of us when I say that we’d rather have you than some supposedly magic astrolabe!”
“Definitely!” Mei said, reaching up and pinching MK’s cheek, earning a chuckle from him.
His chuckle turned into a full, giddy grin as he thought more on Wukong’s remark, which made his mind flash back to the magic he’d seen the astrolabe perform earlier that night. He tugged his arm off of Pigsy’s shoulder, and stopped long enough to reach into his shirt, where he’d tugged the astrolabe earlier after jumping out of the boulder’s path.
“Supposedly magic, huh?” he asked, smirking. “Well wait till you see…”
He paused, freezing as he rooted around inside his shirt for the astrolabe, bafflement settling in as he tugged his hand back out and began to pat himself down furiously. Wukong raised an eyebrow at him.
“Uh, you okay kid?”
MK let out a frustrated cry and grabbed handfuls of his hair. “No! The astrolabe! Ugh, she got it away from me again!”
“She? She who?”
“...Like I said, it’s a long story…” MK groaned, running his fingers through his hair and ruffling it in frustration. He suddenly paused as he felt something sticking out of the back of his headband, something that didn’t belong.
He tugged it free and looked at it, eyes glinting with curiosity when he saw that it was a small, rolled up piece of paper, and unrolling it. His eyes scanned the contents, and then he couldn’t help but laugh, which made the others stare at him in confusion.
“Uh, kid?” Wukong asked, and MK handed him the piece of paper, which he looked over briefly before looking back at MK. “What exactly is this?”
“I promise, I’ll explain everything when we get back, but for now let’s just say that this is just the first piece of a pretty interesting puzzle!”
Elsewhere on the island, a lone ship sat anchored, safely out of sight, though not anchored for long as it’s last wayward crewmember came back aboard.
She walked to the captain’s cabin and knocked a few times on the door, waiting for a response before entering, smiling and giving her captain a small, and somewhat lazy salute as she approached his desk.
“Welcome back!” her captain greeted cheerfully. “I trust your little trip ashore was successful?”
“Most successful.” Sea Cat said, producing the astrolabe with a proud grin and sliding it across the desk towards him.
“Excellent! I never doubted you for a minute, Cat!” he said as he picked it up.
“There’s more.” Sea Cat said, sitting on the edge of the desk, smiling as he looked up at her, curiosity written on his face. “I found something that I think you’ll like far better than whatever that little trinket leads us to…”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
Sea Cat grinned, fiddling with the whip on her belt as she looked her captain in the eye. “New competition.”
Her grin widened as he set aside the astrolabe as though it were worth very little, and he leaned forward in his chair across the desk, glacier blue eyes sparking with a childish, almost impish look of glee in them as he looked at her.
“Tell me everything.”
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quickspinner · 5 years
MLValentines2k20 10. Balloons
I didn’t really have a plan for this one and I think it shows, but hopefully it’s fun at least. I have one more piece to finish for these prompts and then I’ll be done.
It happened so fast he had no time to react at all. There was just a shout and a sudden burst of color in his vision, and then his bike wheels...did something, he wasn’t sure exactly what, but the next thing he knew he was bouncing off the sidewalk and rolling into the street.
So, that was bad, but he was so winded that he couldn’t immediately move. He managed to roll over onto his hands and knees, and that was not so great, because his knees hurt. 
So did his face, actually. He raised a hand to touch his cheek and it came away bloody. 
Someone grabbed him under his arms and hauled him up, and then he was draped over a petite figure being half-dragged, half-carried out of the street, and he still wasn’t sure what really happened. 
His rescuer dumped him (gently) on the sidewalk and knelt in front of him, and Luka looked into the concerned eyes of Sabine Cheng. “Luka, dear, are you all right?” she asked, with that same strained, slightly-high pitched tone to her voice that Marinette sometimes got when she was freaking out about something.
“I...think so?” Luka managed. “Nothing feels broken, just...banged up a bit. What happened?”
“I’m so glad you were wearing your helmet, dear,” Sabine said, patting his shoulder lightly. “I’ll be right back, let me get your bike and then we’ll get you inside.”
“Oh, I—” But she was gone before Luka could put anything coherent together. 
She came back a moment later, carrying his bike. Carrying it, because his front wheel was hopelessly tangled in balloon strings. One or two balloons that had survived unpopped floated along behind her. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Luka grumbled, looking down at his knees, which were currently as ripped as his jeans, staining the white strands of the frayed edges red. Luka sighed and touched his face again. 
“Don’t touch it, dear, you’ll just get it dirty,” Sabine admonished him as she came up and set his bike against the wall of the bakery. “Let’s get you inside, for goodness sake. You’re lucky the traffic was able to stop. You gave me quite a scare, I can tell you.” She slipped under his arm and hauled him up.
“Mrs. Cheng,” Luka began, “I’m all right, there’s no need, I was just a little winded, I can just go home and—“
“Nonsense,” Sabine said briskly, hauling him through the bakery door. “Excuse me just one more minute,” she smiled at the customers who were waiting, and Luka began to feel guilty as well as embarrassed. “Tom,” she called as she manhandled Luka toward the back stairs. “Take the front for a minute if you can, I’ll be right back.” 
“Mrs. Cheng, really, I can manage, you have customers,” Luka tried again, but Sabine hushed him. 
“I saw the whole thing through the bakery window, and you’re lucky you didn’t end up as street pizza yourself. Now hush, we’re going to get you patched up and that’s the end of it, and then I’ll get cleaned up and go back downstairs.”
Luka realized that her clothes were smeared with blood. His blood. “Mrs. Cheng, I am so sorry—”
“Tut, tut, just sit here. If it’s all right, I’ll get Marinette to come help you. She’s actually quite good at first aid and I do need to get back downstairs quickly.”
“Of course,” Luka said automatically as she set him down on the couch and went to the stairwell to call for Marinette.
“What? Luka!” Marinette screeched from the top of the stairs, and then there was a clatter and occasional yelp as she came barrelling down the stairs. “Oh my gosh, you’re bleeding.” 
“Yeah,” Luka admitted, wiping at a drop of blood that he could feel trickling down his chin. “Sorry.” He tried to make sure he wasn’t going to drip blood on their couch or carpet as he took stock of himself. He looked down at his forearms and grimaced at the scrapes running from his elbows to his wrists.
“Yes, Maman, I’ll take care of him, you go ahead. I’ll be right back, Luka.” 
Luka propped his elbows carefully on his thighs and slumped with a sigh. Now that the adrenaline rush was fading, he was starting to feel every little bump and scrape. 
Marinette returned with cloths and the first aid kit. “Oh, Luka,” she said, looking at him. “Your face!” 
Luka winced as she began dabbing at his cheek with a wet cloth. “How bad?” 
“Not awful, I don’t think it’s going to scar, but you’re going to turn some interesting colors before it’s better. Luka, what happened?”
“I’m not totally sure,” Luka admitted. “But I think I was attacked by a runaway balloon bouquet. It got all tangled in my bike and I went flying. Your mom came and dragged me out of the street, or I’d probably still be laying there wondering what happened. She must have dropped all her customers to come running after me.” Luka hunched his shoulders. “I’m really sorry for all the trouble, I feel so stupid. I didn’t even see it coming and everything happened so fast, I was so confused, I barely even moved.” 
“Don’t feel stupid, Luka, it was an accident. A pretty crazy one by the sound of it,” Marinette soothed, and the sound of her voice did relax him a little. He jumped as she touched his chin and then realized that she was unbuckling the helmet he was still wearing. Marinette lifted it away, and took his face gently in her hands, checking him for any other injuries. Her cool hands felt good, though he winced when she brushed her thumb near the scrape on his cheek. “I’m going to need to clean that one a little more, but let me get the blood off the rest of you and make sure there’s nothing serious. Here, hold the cloth there so you’re not bleeding on everything. How do you feel?” 
“Pretty bashed around,” Luka sighed, holding the cloth she gave him to his face as she instructed, “Nothing major, though, just a whole lot of small stuff all hurting at once.”  
“Let me see your hands,” Marinette instructed, and Luka turned up one, then the other obediently. Marinette frowned. “Luka, your hands aren’t hurt at all, how—” Her gaze snapped up to his face. “You didn’t break your fall. Luka!” He winced as her voice jumped pitches sharply. “You just let your face hit the ground?”
“I honestly don’t remember,” Luka admitted. “But it sounds like something I would do.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “I need my hands more than my face.”
Marinette growled, and Luka braced himself, but all she did was grab his wrist and inspect the scrapes on his forearms. “These aren’t too bad, they’re shallow and not bleeding much.”
She looked at the blood soaking through his jeans. “Those we need to fix, though. Take your pants off.”
“Geeze, Marinette, buy me dinner first,” Luka joked. 
Marinette was clearly in no mood. She marched over to the table, snatched a macaron off a plate there, and returned. She shoved the macaron into his mouth and threw a bath towel into his lap. “There. Pants off now.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Luka grumbled around the macaroon, levering his sore body up as Marinette turned her back. He kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants, and then sat gingerly back on the couch, covering his boxers with the towel. “Done,” he said, munching the rest of the cookie.
Despite her brusque manner, Marinette’s cheeks were pink when she turned around. She knelt in front of him and began to clean the blood off his knees. Luka sighed. “I’m really sorry about all the trouble, Marinette.” 
“Hush,” Marinette told him, sounding remarkably like her mother. Luka smiled. “I’m just glad you’re okay,” Marinette added, more quietly. 
“I am,” Luka said, reaching out to stroke her head gently. “I’m really okay, Marinette.” He chuckled. “You only have one pigtail in.” 
Marinette’s eyes widened and she reached a hand up to touch her hair. “Oh, I was in the middle of putting it up when Maman called.” She pulled the elastic out of her one pigtail and stuck it in her pocket. “There, at least now it won’t look so silly.” 
“It was cute,” Luka chuckled. “But...wow, it looks really good like this.” He lifted a lock and let it slide over his fingers as it fell. “You’re so pretty, Marinette,” he told her affectionately. 
Marinette flushed, and Luka managed not to jerk his hand back, suddenly remembering that he was here bleeding on her couch with no pants on and that maybe it wasn’t the time to be saying things like that. “Sorry,” he said, pulling his hand back at a more reasonable speed. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” 
“You didn’t,” Marinette replied automatically, and then glanced at him guiltily. “I mean, I should be able to take a compliment.” 
“Yes, well, my timing could have been better,” Luka sighed, sitting back a little on the couch now that he wasn’t bleeding everywhere. “I’m just making all kinds of trouble for you today.”
Marinette huffed as she bandaged his knees. “You’re ridiculous. After all the times you’ve picked me up from a metaphorical fall, the least I can do is patch you up after a more literal one.” 
“You do plenty for me, Marinette. Not that I’m keeping score.” 
“Well, then let me do this, and stop apologizing. It’s not like you drove into a bunch of killer balloons on purpose,” she giggled, getting to her feet. “Let me find you something to wear and then I’ll take care of the rest of you.” 
Luka looked away to hide his blush as she went around the couch. “I’m sure I have something,” she said, almost to herself, as she went up the stairs. She was only gone a few minutes.
“I made these for a cousin of mine,” Marinette said, holding up a pair of flannel pants. “But then I lost them before his birthday and had to make him something else.” She made a face, and Luka chuckled. “They might be a little short for you, but at least it’s something.” Luka shot a longing glance at his own jeans in a heap on the floor, but the odds of Marinette letting him put them back on when they were bloodstained weren’t really in his favor. He accepted the pants and pulled them on when Marinette turned around again. They were a little loose in the waist, so they wanted to hang a little low on his hips, but that kept them from being quite as short as they would’ve been and his shirt was long enough to cover it. 
That didn’t stop Marinette’s designer eye from noticing, though. “Ugh it hurts to see you wearing something I made that doesn’t fit right,” she complained. “But we’ll have to make do. Okay, sit back down and we’ll deal with your face next.”
Luka sat down, and Marinette hesitated a moment, and then sat close beside him. “Look at me,” she said, and he adjusted himself to face her. 
Marinette sighed as she cupped the uninjured cheek in her hand. “This is going to sting.” 
“I can take it,” Luka said, more than a little distracted by having her so close. “It’s not the first time I—ouch!” He gritted his teeth. 
“I’m fine.” Staring into her beautiful eyes made it easier to ignore the pain. She wasn’t looking back, of course, her eyes fixed on the scrape on his face as she frowned slightly. But that just meant he could look at her face all he wanted without being weird.
God, she was pretty.
Marinette suddenly turned very red, and her eyes twitched over to meet his for just a moment, before . “Um...thank you.” 
Luka’s eyes widened slightly. “Sorry, did I say that out loud?”
“Mm.” Marinette was even redder than before.
“No, it’s fine, like I said, I can—I can totally take a compliment,” she said quickly, and Luka grinned. 
“Really,” he said, quirking one eyebrow.”
“I can!” Marinette protested. 
“Hmm. So if I said you have beautiful eyes, that wouldn’t bother you at all.” 
“Of c-course not,” Marinette stammered. “Hold still.” 
“You do,” Luka told her, grin spreading slowly in spite of the sting in his face. “They’re such a pretty color, and your lashes are so nice. You know how to make them up just right, too.” 
“Um, th-thank you,” Marinette said. 
“I’ll stop if I’m making you uncomfortable,” he told her softly. 
“I’m fine!” she insisted, and then she sighed, looking back at his face. “You really did a number here.” 
“I love your freckles,” he told her, even as he winced at her efforts to get the road dirt off his cut. “You have to be close to see them but they’re really cute.” He choked back a laugh as she jerked back slightly and covered her nose with her hand. 
“Did you hit your head?” Marinette demanded. “Do I need to check you for a concussion?”
Luka laughed. “That doesn’t sound like taking a compliment,” he teased.
Marinette’s cheeks puffed out adorably in frustration and Luka tried to get his laughter under control, but the best he could do was settle for chuckling through his nose. It hurt less that way, at least.
“What’s next?” she muttered, giving him a glare that actually wasn’t very intimidating at all. “My lips?”
“No,” he said, his own twitching into a smile. “If I told you what I thought about your lips, or how often I think it, I’d sound like a creep.” 
Marinette blushed from her collar to her hairline and he really should be ashamed of himself, but teasing her was too much fun. She already knew he liked her, anyway, and she deserved to know how cute she was. “You’re just pretty, Marinette,” he told her. “It’s a fact.” 
“Hold still,” Marinette said stiffly, and Luka did, as she fitted a piece of gauze to his cheek and taped it in place.  
“I like your hands,” he commented as she began bandaging her forearms. “They’re so little and delicate but they’re so strong and they work so hard.” 
“Oh my God, Luka,” she muttered, not looking up, but he could see the corner of her smile. “You’re as bad as Chat Noir.”
“I’m just telling the truth as I see it.”
Marinette sighed, but her smile was affectionate. “All done. Just one more thing.” She cupped his face in both hands and oh holy shit it burned, it hurt, fuck shit damn—but Luka was not about to make a peep out loud that might stop her as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his softly. 
It was over mercifully quickly and she let go of his face, drawing back with an adorable little smirk on her lips. “There. All better.” 
Luka tried to smile, though his eyes were watering. Marinette looked puzzled for an instant and then her quick mind put it together and her hands flew to cover her mouth. “Oh my God, Luka, your face, did I hurt you? Why didn’t you say anything?” 
“It’s okay,” Luka grinned, looking down. “Worth it.” He glanced up at her and smirked at her red face. “You can make it up to me if you want, I don’t mind.” 
She smacked his shoulder. “You absolute flirt, good grief Luka! Where is all this coming from?” Marinette exclaimed, pretending to check him for a fever.
Luka chuckled through his nose. “You’ve known for a long time I wanted to kiss you, Marinette, I don’t know why you’re surprised.” 
Marinette blushed. “I wouldn’t say I knew that.” 
“Mm, I think you did. But you know it’s all right, Marinette. I’m just teasing, not trying to pressure you. Pretty as you are, if I ever do get to kiss you, I want it to mean something. So don’t worry about it, I can wait.” He sat back slightly. “Thanks for the patch job. I better go figure out how to un-balloon my bike wheels.” Luka started to stand up.
It felt remarkably similar to his earlier experience; it happened so fast that he wasn’t sure what happened. There was a flash of blue and pink in his vision and then he was falling back onto the couch, Marinette’s hands on his face (just the good side this time) and shoulder, and he had time for one shocked breath before her mouth found his, warm and soft and firm.
When she pulled back Luka stared at her, mouth hanging half open in shock. 
“That’s the first time you’ve said you wanted to kiss me without some kind of convoluted metaphor,” she told him, nudging her nose against his, though she was blushing hotly. “It’s a lot harder to tell myself you didn’t mean what I thought you meant when you use plain words.” 
“Oh.” Luka considered that. “Sooo...I really like you, Marinette, I really want to kiss you pretty much all the time, and as soon as my face heals I’d really like to take you on a date.” He gave her a lopsided smile. “That plain enough?” 
“You have one week,” Marinette told him, “And then you’re taking me out whether your face is healed or not.” 
“Do you want to go out with me, Marinette?” Luka had to ask, both hopeful and suddenly nervous. “I mean, I want to, absolutely, but I want you to want to and—” 
Her lips on his turned the rest of his words into a helpless little moan. 
“Next Saturday,” she said against his lips, and kissed him again. “Seven. Don’t be late.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Luka agreed, and kissed her. 
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
드래곤 트레이너가 되어봐, 재미있을 거야. Be a dragon trainer, it’ll be fun.
Description: Working with dragons is dangerous as it is but when dragons often reflect their trainers emotional state, training while agitated and bothered can have consequences. As (y/n) finds out. Warnings: Slight swearing Genre: Dragon trainer AU, angst Word Count: 2.4k
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"'Be a dragon trainer' they said." I mumble, slumping into the offices, "'It'll be fun' they said." I peel off my jacket and toss it onto my desk, the scorched fabric staring up at me.
"What happened this time?" Jin asks, not looking up from his paper work.
"The new dragon went haywire." I throw my jacket over the back of my chair before plopping into it. "I'm just glad I got away with only ruining my jacket."
"The male or the female one?" Jin asks.
"The female one." I answer.
Jin exhales, setting down his papers, "Yeah, I heard she's been feisty lately."
"(y/n)? Oh yeah." Jungkook comments, entering the office mid conversation. "She's been real feisty lately."
"Ha. Ha." I roll my eyes at him. "Don't you have some stalls to clean or something?"
"Finished those an hour ago." Jungkook spits back. "Aren't you supposed to be training for the new dragon?"
I toss my jacket at him, "Ended that session early." I glance at the clock, "Though I've got another one in five minutes."
Jungkook catches the jacket and inspects it, "Geez, what did you do to piss her off?"
I shrug, "Honestly, I've got no idea." Shuffling over to the closet, I grab my spare jacket before heading out towards the training fields again. "I'll see you boys later."
"See ya, (y/n)." Jin calls out as the door shuts behind me.
The sun beats down on my back and I dread the minute I will have to put on my jacket to train. Arena policy. Can't train without the protective jackets but in the summer, it's awful.
"Hey! (y/n)!" Taehyung calls from my right.
"Hey, Tae." I wave him over and he jogs over to walk in step with me.
"Headed to another training?" He asks, nodding at my jacket folded over my arm.
"You guessed it." I confirm his suspicion.
"What happened to your other jacket?" He notices the different color of my spare.
"The new female got riled up and nearly took me out." I retell the previous training session, "My jacket took the brunt of the force but I still got to get to the others."
"Must've been pretty bad for you to have to get your spare." Taehyung comments.
"She nearly burned through the entire back side of my jacket." I sigh, patting my spare jacket, "I don't really know what made her go off like that."
"You know," Taehyung clasps his hands behind his back, "The dragons are pretty susceptible to people's emotions. Especially their trainers. You're happy, they're happy. You're agitated, they're agitated."
"I know that." I nod, trying keep the uncomfortable thoughts at bay.
"So, what's bugging you?" Taehyung asks, nudging my shoulder.
I keep my lips closed and continue walking.
"Is it the fight you had with Hoseok hyung?" He quietly asks as if to not prod too far.
My footsteps slow slightly. "How did you know?" I wonder, glancing at him.
"Well, you said that your dragon went crazy on you so you had to have been agitated cause nothing in the training areas would cause them to go crazy on a dime." Taehyung explains, quite rapidly, "So I deduced that you had to have been agitated and the only thing that would agitate you is something in your personal life and that would have to be Hoseokie hyung."
I fully stop and turn to face Taehyung, "Tae, come on."
Taehyung sighs, "Hoseok hyung told me." But quickly corrects himself, "No details but just that you had a fight."
"We did." I admit, "But I can't focus on that right now. I have a dragon to train." I muster the best smile I can before starting to walk towards the training arena.
"You should talk to him." Taehyung says once he reaches pace with me again.
"I will." I brush his suggestion off.
"Soon." Teahyung keeps pushing, "Otherwise the dragons are going to get more agitated the longer you're agitated."
"I got it, Tae." I snap at him, immediately realizing my tone of voice. "Sorry." I apologize.
"It's okay. I just want to make sure you are, so you don't get really hurt later on." Taehyung explains himself though he really doesn't need too.
"I know." I nod, "But I have things to do and I need to be focused so I can't focus on that."
"Go train." Taehyung pushes me ahead, "But talk to hyung later!"
I smile and wave him away as I approach the training arena. The sunlight pours through the glass ceiling of the football stadium sized building.
Namjoon walks into the arena with Gilli trailing behind him.
"She's all ready for you, (y/n)!" Namjoon jogs over to me.
Pushing all thoughts of the fight with Hoseok to the very back burner, I smile and chat with Namjoon.
"That's good to hear." I comment, pulling my jacket over my shoulders. "Are you sticking around?"
Namjoon nods, "I've got nothing better to do."
"No paper work?" I ask, shocked.
"Nope." Namjoon smiles, "Nothin. Nada. Zip."
I nod in contempt, "Alright. Now watch me kick butt."
Namjoon chuckles as he stands at the edge and I move towards the waiting dragon.
"Hey Gilli!" I call out to her.
She gives off a low rumble in greeting, slightly lower than normal.
"Alright, come on, girl," I hold out my hand to establish the initial connection needed for every encounter. She bends her neck down and lightly pushes her nose against my hand.
The first few exercises go smoothly and Gilli is proving to been improving. My skin is damp with sweat and the sun isn't letting up.
I sit on Gilli's back as she walks laps around the arena to keep her moving while I take a breather. The soothing rocking of her body lulls me into a zoned out thought space and for a second I forget where I am and what I don't want to remember.
"If you take on another dragon, you won't have time for anything else." Hoseok argues with me. "When will you have time for me?"
Gilli jerks to the right, nearly knocking me off her back. I try to grab onto the something but without her harness on, I slip down her back and tumble into the sand.
"Fuck." I mutter under my breath, realizing my agitation made her agitated.
Gilli runs towards the North end of the arena while I try to regain my balance and footing. As I stand to full height. she turns and sits, waiting. I read her body and take a step forward. Gilli's eyes squint slightly at me but she makes no moves.
Another step and Gilli lowers her head and widens her stance.
"Shit." I breathe out, knowing I may be in some trouble.
"Gilli, come on, love." I call out, holding up both of my hands, a sign that I have nothing that could hurt her.
A low rumble emits from her throat as I take another step. Swallowing hard, I watch as she begins to lower herself into an attack stance.
"Gilli, girl, come on." I make a last call but she pulls back and in a second is charging straight towards me.
Knowing she can't make sharp turns, I watch her come closer and closer until the last second. Then I dodge to the side, out her of path. She continues past me and stops just before the south end. Breathing hard, I watch while she pauses and turns around. Her breathing matches mine and her wings unfurl, beating twice before stilling at her sides.
"Gilli." I say to her, "I'm sorry. I haven't been level headed. That's all my fault." I sense who I assume is Namjoon moving somewhere in my peripheral.
I take two steps towards her but before I can register her actions, she's charging towards me.
Before I can move my body, I'm knocked to the ground, out of the way of Gilli as she takes flight in the small arena.
"What's wrong with Gilli?" Hoseok's strained voice asks as he helps me to my feet.
I turn to look at him, bewildered at how he got here. "I-I was agitated for a split second and she caught onto it."
Hoseok tuts but Gilli's roar directs our attention back to her.
Gilli faces Hoseok and I. She rears back and her neck swells with the flame rushing through her body.
I watch as she opens her mouth and I can see the tip of her fire breath but Hoseok grabs me and pulls me to the ground, face down. His arms wrapped protectively around me. The heat from Gilli's breath seeps through my already heated clothing but it soon stops.
"Gilli, heal." Namjoon instructs her and then turns to us, "I've got her, you two can get up now."
Hoseok moves from my side and offers me a hand but I ignore his help and stand on my own. I look at Namjoon who's on a calm Gilli's back and take a deep breath.
"Can you take her back, Namjoon?" I ask, holding back a tsunami of emotions.
"Yupp." Namjoon agrees and begins to lead Gilli out of the arena.
Without another word, I walk towards the exit of the arena. Sliding off my jacket, I focus on what damage was caused to it rather than the emotions that hide just below the surface.
"(y/n)." Hoseok calls for me, "Wait."
The back of this jacket is also burned to the point of no use. I sigh in frustration and throw the jacket to the floor.
"This one, too. Dammit." I mutter as Hoseok's footsteps approach me.
"Hey." He grabs my shoulders and looks at me. "Are you okay?"
"Fine." I mutter, not meeting his gaze.
"What were you even thinking about to get Gilli that agitated?" He asks, not releasing my shoulders.
"Nothing." I answer flatly and glance at my burned jacket on the floor, "I have to go get another set of jackets. Ugh I can't believe I went through two of them in a day." I clench my hand into a fist. "Leah's going to kill me."
"I'll get you more jackets, it's fine." Hoseok reassures me, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I'm fine." I try to shake him off but he holds on tighter.
"You were agitated." Hoseok now pushes, "Why were you agitated? You know you can't be agitated like that around them. It doesn't ever, ever go well."
"You think I don't know that?" I finally look him in the eyes. "I lost my grip for a split second. And it won't happen again."
Hoseok finally releases my shoulders and runs a hand through his hair, "What were you thinking about that made you like that?"
I chew on my lip, wondering if I want to have the conversation here, in an empty hallway.
Hoseok sighs, "If it's about what I said last night.." He starts before stopping himself, looking at me for any response.
"Of course it's about what you said last night, Hobi." I reply to him, "You essential told me that I don't care about you or our relationship and by taking on another dragon, something that I love doing, I would be ignoring you and us." Finally the pent up emotions from last night begin to show themselves. "Hobi, you questioned my entire work career and my entire relationship with you. Of course someone would be shaken and unsure of everything after hearing that. And it's not easy to keep it all in check. So I'm sorry that I zoned out for a split second on Gilli's back and thought of last night which got Gilli all upset." I exhale, pressing my hands to my temple.
"(y/n)," Hoseok reaches out his hands.
"But is it really my fault for loving what I do?" I continue, interrupting him. "And for loving you? Why can't I have both? Why can't I decide for myself if I can handle another dragon or not? I can, you know." I frantically move my hands, "Aerlo's about to be released so I would have time to fill with her training spots open. And there are other probationary trainers that need training and we're already short on staff and I'm one of the best trainers here." My eyes search the hallway walls, searching for everything and nothing simultaneously.
"Hey, hey." Hoseok grabs both of my hands and makes me look at him. "First of all, no, it is not your fault that you love your job or that you're one of the best at it. Second, I'm the one who should be apologizing for putting you between those choices like that." He glances away and then back to me, "What I said last night was stupid and, and out of line. I was just worried that you were going to tire yourself out and that you would get hurt."
I start to collect myself and listen to what he's saying.
"It was late and I was coming off of a bad day and I know I didn't actually mean those words." Hoseok explains, "When you told me you were taking on a new dragon, I just, it felt like another stroke of bad luck on an already crappy day. I just - You really should do what you want, (y/n)." Hoseok looks at me with certain eyes, "You and I always get new dragons and this time should be no different. I know that. It's your job as a trainer to take on new dragons." Hoseok looks down at his feet, "It was such a dumb thought, I'm sorry."
I release on my hands and lift his head up, "Hobi, we both must've been having a crap day." I give a small smile, "I probably wasn't in my right mind either. It's okay. I probably shouldn't have pushed so hard. I didn't know what kind of day you were having and it wasn't exactly fair."
"No, you were fair, (y/n)." Hoseok interrupts me and then warps me in a tight hug, "I'm sorry."
I nod into his shoulder and wraps my arms around his torso. "It's okay."
Hoseok gives off a breath laugh, "I think I fully understand the meaning of not going to bed with a fight unresolved."
I smile, "With our line of work, we really should stick to that."
"Let's take the rest of the day off." Hoseok suggests, pulling back. "After your last training session, you could say you need to take the day off. Recoup and all."
I eye him with suspicion, "And what will you say to get out of your work?"
"I may have already found substitutes for my trainings." Hoseok smiles, happily.
"How?" I ask.
Hoseok shrugs, "Just know that I did."
"What would we do?" I wonder.
He bends down and picks up my burnt jacket from the floor, "Well, for starters, we could get you a new set of training gear considering your gear is now... well, unusable." He chuckles at the state of my jacket.
"That would be a good plan." I comment.
"Then after, we can just hang around and relax and re-energize ourselves." Hoseok suggests.
I nod, "I like that."
"Well, then, (y/n)," Hoseok slings my jacket over his shoulder, "Shall we head out to replace your gear and then relax?"
I grab his free hand and smile, "We shall."
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stellarune · 4 years
ok so i dont want to post anything to ao3 before im entirely done, but heres the beginning of my superhero au
tw : abuse (physical & psychological)
Tam was finally starting to relax and was getting ready to sleep when his phone vibrated on his bedside table. The lit up screen of his phone, diffusing a red light in the dark room, indicated a supervillain attack in town. Since he was a superhero, he couldn't exactly ignore it, so he got up with a grunt and checked what it was about. Apparently, the alert came from the automatic alarm of one of the biggest jewelries in town. Robbery. Pretty common. He should be back home in less than an hour if the guys were the usual type.
The real question was why he received the alert since it was supposed to be his day off. The answer was evident when he looked outside of his window to see multiple trails of smoke in two different areas of the city. Perks of living on the 46th floor of a skyscraper he supposed. He was able every Major Threat around, unless it was a mind control thing.
 Since the other heroes were apparently busy and he hadn't been pegged to party, he put his costume on and got ready for the fight.
Ondine wasn't exactly well known in the hero world and to be honest, he wasn't well-liked by those who knew about him either. Something about being new and having typic supervillain-like powers Sophie had told him. She had also told him that the people's opinion would change with time, but two years later that still remained to be seen. He still hurried to the scene, wanting to know exactly who was the jerk who stopped him from finally falling asleep.
Turns out the jerk in question was also a clown. Seriously, who went to rob a jewelry store in a neon, color clashing, eye straining costume and expected to be taken seriously ? maybe he didn't and was just there for shits and giggles. If he hadn't been a hero and was therefore supposed to be a model, Ondine would have killed him for stealing his day. This buffoon didn't even look like he was wearing a real mask. He could honestly swear he had seen the same exact one at Walmart the day before. At least taking him out would be easy. Maybe he wouldn't even need his powers.
He pulled out his rapier and prepared to strike. It was a simple move, supposed to knock out, not kill. It was a move that had worked each and every time he had tried it on low grade villains like this guy. So you could say Ondine was surprised when it was immediately blocked by this guy -- Hazart, they had called him. He didn't know if the misspell was supposed to mean something or if this guy was just that bad, but at least he could use a sword.
Ondine, who was used to defeating most of his opponents with his rapier instead of his powers was incapable of getting one solid blow in. Hazart was really good, at least his equal, if not better with his weird, glowy, appeared out of nowhere longsword. Which meant Ondine was going to have to bring out the big guns as soon as there was an opportunity to do so. 
The opportunity in question took shape in a particularly violent strike which left them both on the floor a few feet from each other. Ondine immediately started taking possession of the shadows lurking in the corners of the shop. This guy might have been good, but Ondine was nearly unbeatable in the night. Unfortunately for him Hazart seemed to see the opportunity as well. Maybe. Honestly he had no idea why this guy had started gesticulating in the air at nothing. He had no no idea why he was signing perfectly good ASL with a hand -- about how hot he thought Ondine was apparently-- and making weird gestures with the other. He decided to ask him.
“What the fuck are you doing with your hands ?” he signed back. Hazart froze for a moment before replying. Probably wasn't expecting an answer. He smirked.
“Wouldn't you like to know.” And before Ondine could react, a gun appeared out of thin air. A 8 feet long, glowy, kind of transparent gun. For a moment, he still didn’t understand what was happening. Then he saw Hazart taunting him with his right hand and still gesticulating with the other. “I’m drawing,” he signed, a wide grin on his face.
Then ondine has the gun pointed on him and has to get over the shock to summon his shadows next to him. Hazart might have been good, better than most of the people he had fought, but he was still no match for him in the night, and all the dark it offered. Shadows surrounded Hazart immediately, blinding him.
Ondine had thought that not being able to see would stop Hazart from “drawing”-- as he called it-- but it didn't. 
He just kept drawing like he had when he could see, and soon he had conjured a bunch of shurikens he started throwing at him. Dammit, he was making it hard to concentrate. And he needed to, because even though Ondine was in great control of his powers, there was always a risk of striking too hard if he didn't pay attention. Shadows were dangerous. 
Eventually though, he found an opportunity and immobilized Hazart. He put a sharp shadow under his shin, the blindfold back on, hoping it would at least slow him down a bit if he managed to escape and waited.
He could have tied Hazart’s hands behind his back right then, but he wanted to see Hazarts reaction first. So he stayed where he was, immobilizing the guy’s legs and head, but letting his arms free. after all, he could just knock him out if he tried anything. So he waited. Waited for the “freak”, or “why don't you want to join my villain group” he always got once people discovered that he wasn't in fact a hydrokinetic like his name and costume suggested. It never came.  
“Dude, these powers are so cool !” Hazart said from under the shadow blindfold that was covering pretty much his entire face now. Ondine was taken aback for a bit, not expecting the comment nor the voice. “What the fuck are the water name and costume for ?” 
Nope. This guy was shutting up right this minute. He scoffed and put a shadow over Hazart’s mouth and tied his hands behind his back. Only then did he remove the blindfold. He probably shouldn't have done that if he hadn't wanted Hazart to escape. His bad. He turned his back on him for a second to clean the place up a bit, but when he turned back, Hazart was standing on the other side of the window, ready to bolt.
“I'll see you around, Blue Tokoyami.” He made finger guns to ondine and ran.
Now Tam could understand why he had chosen Hazart for his name. This guy was a complete idiot. 
He was pretty sure he could have caught him pretty easily, but honestly he was kinda too lazy to do so. And he had gotten the diamonds back so everything was right in his book. He 
sighed and left the scene.
He hoped he would be able to finally get a little sleep once he returned to his apartment.
Keefe was already hurting everywhere from the fight he had had with Ondine. “It will be easy, even you will be able to do it”, they’d said. “No one will be there, they will all be busy with us,” they’d said. Well they had been wrong. It hadn't been easy, he had not succeeded and he hadn't been alone.
He sighed and entered the hallway. With a bit of luck he wouldn't run into any--
“My my, what do we have here.” Keefe turned and looked at Gethen, getting ready for what was likely to come. “I heard you couldn't even defeat a single hero ?” He tutted, getting closer and grabbing Keefe’s chin in his hand. “Boy, you need to toughen the fuck up.” Then his knee was in Keefe’s stomach and he saw butterflies.
He didn't really fight back, he never did, just letting the storm pass. There was no point anyway. He knew Gethen was better at close combat, and the protections in the Manor stopped him from using his powers.
So he laid on  the ground, making himself into a tight ball and took it. He had to anyway. Gethen was right, he should have been able to beat that hero with no problem. He had been training for it his entire life, yet he had been beaten. So he waited for it to end. And once Gethen was done, he simply walked to his room and slept. The kicks and punches would bruise, but at least he was pretty sure he had managed to protect his face.
He was definitely hurting in the morning. He took a shower and cleaned his cuts before preparing for another day.
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chyrstis · 4 years
I won’t ask for much (but just this once, I’d like you) 6/10
Meant to get this one up over here a little sooner, but the added time didn’t hurt one bit, and it let me make some more formatting tweaks. I might just keep on tweaking this whole thing forever at this rate.
Oh, and the sunglasses? Entirely unplanned in the initial draft until I caught a reference to a movie that couldn’t be further removed from this or FC5. But I owe that absurd movie so much, considering how important those darn glasses are now in hindsight.
Pairing: Sharky Boshaw x John Seed
Rating: E (but only for Ch. 10, the rest are a solid T) Word Count: 3.2K  
Link to AO3!
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 3 / Ch. 4 / Ch. 5 / Ch. 6 / Ch. 7 / Ch. 8 / Ch. 9 / Ch. 10
Sharky steals a boat. It just happens to be John’s boat, and when it’s damaged along with his boathouse, John proceeds to lay out a means of having Sharky pay him back. [No Cult AU]
“Still went with that red, huh?”
John set the paint cans down next to him, and glanced up at the boathouse. “If you recall, I had my heart set on red. Back when it was first built I hadn't thought much of it, but…maybe I was a bit more fond of it than I remember.”
“That don't mean you couldn't have changed it.” Sharky pried open the paint can with a spare screwdriver, and handed it off. “Gone for something different, but still memorable. Like orange, or yellow.”
John’s lip curled. “Yellow?”
“Yeah. Banana yellow, or shit, bright purple.”
“I was taking your opinion on this seriously, you know. Up until the word ‘banana’ slipped out.”
“Heh, slipped.” John’s flat look only made Sharky snicker more. “But can you name five things, like well-known landmarks that are yellow?” John opened his mouth, but Sharky didn’t let him finish. “And green’s my go-to, ride-or-die color, but yellow? Two thumbs up.”
“So you say.”
“It’s just the kind of thing that’ll net you a bunch of admirers. Numbers ripe for the picking. ‘Cause it’s, you know. Oozing all of that appeal. Like peel, as in a banana.”
John let out an exasperated groan, and Sharky might’ve punched the air. Maybe harder than intended. “You did not.”
“I did. Don’t think I won’t find a way to do it again. It’s the Boshaw way,” Sharky replied with a wink.
Rolling his eyes, John huffed. “I hate you.”
The two dipped the paint rollers into his chosen red and started spreading it, painting wide red lines over the wood as they took them up the sides from top to bottom. The patches weren’t going to be done in a single coat, but each one streaked. Made Sharky’s job harder for him as he laid the paint on thick, only for John to try and correct him.
His pointed betrayal when the next five strokes didn’t come out just as perfect as he claimed they would had Sharky cracking up on the spot.
“Nobody’s perfect,” he offered, but John kept on trying over and over until he was able to make it work.
It was hot for a late-fall day, though. Or maybe it was just the combination of the sun and the work, but he was sweating. Needing some other way to cool off than the water stashed in the cooler with them, Sharky stepped back, only to catch a view of the river.
Now that was a source guaranteed to cool him off fast.
Taking his shirt off, Sharky mopped his face with it, eyeing the water. Stared at it just long enough for the internal battle in him to be fought and won, and he made his choice.
Balling his shirt up, he took a shot for the table in the distance, and missed it completely. Missed it with his hat afterwards too, but the wind threw him off there; whipped under the hat only to send it flying off elsewhere, and Sharky watched it tumble onto the grass.
John raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”
“Going for a swim.” Undoing his belt, Sharky slid it off and tossed it to the side. “Seriously, the water at this time of year’s gotta be perfect. Just cold enough to shock the system, but not enough to send you straight to the hospital.”
That had John shaking his head at him.
“Guess we’ll agree to disagree here, compadre, but you tell me that ain’t looking the slightest bit nice.”
His pants came off right after, and to John’s credit his eyes didn’t leave his face. “It might.”
“Well, between you and me? Might’ll do just fine,” Sharky said, smirking at him.
Shedding his shoes and socks, he went right for it. Didn’t think anything at all of how cold it was looking to be, and dove into the water. The sharp temperature difference hit almost immediately, making him suck in a breath once he surfaced; the chill of it washing right over him.
But the longer he was out there, the less it bothered him - taking the edge off in just the way he hoped. It was a great feeling, and he kept paddling around close to the pier before noticing that John hadn’t made a move to follow him. Not that he’d expected him to, but that didn’t mean some friendly peer pressure was out.
Sharky reached up to snag the end of the pier and hoisted himself up. Resting on his forearms as John walked to the end to join him, he tapped a fist against the wood.
“Enjoying yourself?”
“Hell yeah,” Sharky replied, grinning up at him. “Seriously. You wanna cool off quick? This does it.”
John tapped his fingers on his thigh as he stood there, and actually looked like he was considering it. He crouched down to better talk to him, still more than a few feet higher overall.
“I’ll take your word for it, but I have a feeling you’re just trying to give me a nasty shock.”
“Why’d you say that?”
“Because I can hear your teeth chattering from here.”
Snapping his mouth shut, Sharky rubbed at his lips and tossed a glare John’s way. Then an idea hit. One that had him trying not to grin behind his fingers, and dropped the smile before lowering it.
“Fine, it’s like ten degrees colder than I’d like, but still doable. Just not for longer than like, five minutes at a time. Got a hand for me?” He reached up to John, and he didn’t hesitate to take it. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”
Keeping his fingers clasped around his forearm, John tried to help him up, but he stayed put.
“What are you…?”
Shock flashed across John’s face as Sharky pulled hard, yanking him right off the dock and into the water.
The water closed over Sharky’s head. Cut him off from both sound and light, leaving him only to the sound of his breath. His thoughts too, but those never really left him. Not for long, at least.
It was hard to see with what he’d kicked up, but something glinted as it floated down. Something metal, and he snatched up the discarded set of sunglasses before they vanished from sight.
Dropping low, he pushed back up and broke the surface just as a sputtering John did. Coughing, and half-blinded by his hair, John bobbed in place dipping low only when he tried swiping his hair back, and Sharky whooped.
“Badass right? But you know what they say? Ain’t no time like-”
The sharp look in John’s eyes shut him up instantly. Swimming past him, John went straight for shore, and Sharky hesitated only long enough to realize he should’ve been following. He hit land right on John’s heels and watched as he swiped his hair back, drenched to the bone.
“Yo, John, I, um, I’m really sorry. I didn’t think it’d be anything bad or nothing. Just wanted to share a, uh…fuck.”
Turning towards him, John’s expression was perfectly schooled. Calmer than he’d been out on the water, but his eyes didn’t let up, and Sharky was frozen to the spot. He tilted his head, and the motion brought a strip of hair down, moving it out of place only for it to slap him on the nose.
John flinched. Reaching up slowly to glance down at what was held between his fingers, he examined it closely only for his mouth to split into a brilliant grin. Covering it with his hand, he started to laugh, continuing until his entire body was shaking.
“Uh, dude?” Sharky stood there, both of his hands held up in front of him and waited. Waited a beat, then two as John continued, genuinely laughing his way through this almost to the point of tears, and couldn’t keep a nervous smile from creeping in. “You doing okay over there?”
“You didn’t think that through at all, did you?”
Sharky watched him carefully, still not sure if it was safer for him to join in or run. “Think through what now?”
“You wanted to share a what with me?”
“Share a…like, share a good idea.”
Tutting him, John’s grin quickly became a smirk. “I distinctly recall hearing you say something a little more suggestive.”
“Share a good idea, not like share a…oh.”
Oh, he was not fucking serious.
“Th-that’s you thinking that!” Sharky replied, his voice strained, “I just…remember how I said you were a talker? And how I can put both feet in my mouth, and keep on running? Well, that’s what that was! Me running, ‘cept it was my mouth doing it.”
“But that may not have been the worst idea you’ve ever had.”
“Uh, wait, what?" Still scrambled, Sharky wasn’t sure at all what thread they were following now.
“The swim.” John straightened his posture, all while trying to brush his hair back into place, and his smirk only grew. “Almost too refreshing in a way, and well worth the cost of doing so.”
Reaching into his pocket, John held up his phone. His very expensive, and now very dead phone, and déjà vu hit Sharky all over again.
“Don’t,” John said, interrupting the rush of thoughts early, “I needed to replace it anyway. Those, however, I’d prefer not to.”
Looking down, Sharky took in the sunglasses clenched in his hand. John’s fancy blue-lensed sunglasses, that had only survived due to a miracle alone.
John gestured towards the sunglasses, and curved a finger to guide him forward. “I’ll take them back now.”
The idea hit before he’d even taken the first step.
One for one so far, his luck was rarely good enough to gamble with repeatedly, but he was feeling good today. Pumped enough from the dive alone, he'd had a chance to see John let loose - really fucking ease off and relax for once - and he'd gladly crash and burn at the chance to have that happen twice.
Sharky held them out only to slip them on, blinking against the sudden wave of blue. “This pair’s mighty nice. Might’ve been eyeing a new pair of glasses myself.”
John narrowed his eyes. “Those are five-hundred-dollar, custom-made, specialty sunglasses.”
“Guess you want them back bad then, don’t you?” Sliding a hand behind his ear, Sharky flicked the sunglasses up and down a few times over his eyes, and didn’t bother hiding the smirk crossing his face, “‘Fraid I’ll mess ‘em up, Johnny boy?”
The nickname got the reaction he’d hoped for. John sharpened the glare until it was made of nothing but intent. That sent a thrill through him; one he was going to ride for all it was worth.
"Well?" Sharky spread his hands wide, and motioned towards himself as he stepped back. “You waiting for an invite or something?”
Then promptly turned and cheezed it towards the woods.
Running through the brush wasn’t the best choice. Doing it without his sneakers wasn't a great option either, but he’d already dedicated himself to seeing this through, and judging from the sound behind him, John was too.
Good. He’d almost be disappointed if he got away.
Ducking into spot by a nearby bush, Sharky glanced around, the shades throwing him off enough to shove them up onto his head, and knew John had the advantage here. He had shoes, could see clearly, and was too stubborn to quit.
It didn’t matter that he was though. So was he, and there was no way he’d give up now with John so close.
Sneaking, though, had never been his forte, and crashing through this, he’d left a good trail to follow. Breaking and snapping everything he could’ve collided with or trudged through along the way, had generated all sorts of noise. Shit, feeling less and less like the Predator and more like one of the guys about to be skinned by it, he settled in and barely held back from slapping dirt onto himself for any form of camo.
Though, wait. Maybe he did have the right idea there. Just grab some mud and branches, tuck in real nice and close to one of these trees with his back to it, facing out so he could see into the forest as a whole. Maybe throw some leaves into it-
Popping up behind him, John’s grin went devious in a snap. “What have we here?”
“Oh, fuck!“
He jumped up only to feel a weight slam into him, taking him down to the ground. John really wasn’t messing around, and he swore to himself as he tried to wriggle out of his hold and crawl away. John’s hands slipped due to his wet skin and his lack of clothes period, but he wasn’t budging. No, he stayed on him, and Sharky mentally upgraded him from stubborn as hell to stubborn as fuck.
He was also busy trying not to think about just how okay John was wrestling a guy in his underwear like this. John was warm up against his back, but that had nothing on the way he was practically panting into his ear. It sent a shiver straight through him, and Sharky hoped like hell this wouldn’t be the time he’d decide to pop a boner.
Because one, awkward. Two, his tighty-whiteys weren’t going to hide shit. And three, John.
John wasn’t supposed to be in the same category as those chicks from the music videos he loved watching, those two ladies that he really wished he’d sealed the deal with a couple of months back, Grace snapping off a shot during Nick’s 4th of July bash, or Mary May.
But here he was, thinking about it, and couldn’t find a solid reason to shoot it down. Well, not as solid a reason as he’d thought, apparently. ‘Cause him not being that into dudes was supposed to cover that, but not even that held as much water as it used to. Not anymore.
Fuck. Fuck his luck.
“Now, now,” John hissed. “It doesn’t do either of us any good if what we’re both seeking ends up breaking. Especially now. Don’t you agree?”
Sharky threw his hands up. “Okay, fine! Fine! Uncle, just…let me flip over so I don’t end up eating dirt while I’m at it.”
The glasses had fallen down over his eyes in the struggle, and when John backed off enough for him to turn over, he found himself staring up at him. Blue on blue, the lenses really didn’t do his eyes justice. Not one bit.
“Do you yield?”
Sharky flipped him off with both hands.
“Now Charlemagne, be reasonable. I don’t think you’re in a position to argue.”
“Look, I could find a position for any occasion.” And under you’s one of them, he thought, biting his tongue. “But uh, we gonna parley this?”
“Parley?” John laughed, “I don’t think there’s much to negotiate here, but if you simply hand them over, perhaps I could be convinced to be merciful.”
He really wished John would shut his mouth. Or say something other than what he’d usually drop, because suddenly finding that hot was becoming a problem. Fast.
Grumbling, Sharky reached for the sunglasses and held them up. “Whatever. Just take ‘em.”
John snapped them up, holding them high before sliding them back onto his head like a small crown. All while wearing every bit of the triumphant smile he expected he would. “Ah, reunited at last.”
“Yeah, yeah. You won, whatever.”
Setting his hand back down to the right of Sharky’s head, John sighed. “You, my friend, never know when to quit.”
“Hey, you’re the one that ran a half-naked dude through the woods, and tackled his ass to the ground over a pair of sunglasses. Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, yo.”
“Please,” John rolled his eyes, but was smiling warmly, “this was encouraged. Don’t deny it.”
Sharky returned it, liking how it took the edge off of him. It always did, but John usually let it fade fast. Like he’d blink and miss it, and wouldn’t have had any clue he’d done it to begin with.
Not this time. John kept that smile, aiming it right at him, and he couldn’t look away if he tried.
“Who said I was?” Sharky replied, his voice deeper. Rougher.
Opening his mouth to respond, John paused. Let his smile curve into something different as it took on an edge he liked, and waited, watching him back just as closely now.
Sharky heard the leaves move as John shifted, leaning down. But he tuned it all out. Focused only on John as he came within a breath of him, hovering in place as he took in every last detail on his face.
“Prove me wrong then,” John whispered.
So, Sharky did exactly what his gut told him to do. No mind paid at all to the anxious voice in the back of his head running on overdrive, or how hard his heart was pounding in his chest.
Leaning up, he touched his lips to John's.
They were cool. Cool and soft as he held the kiss, not wanting to break it.
Nothing happened at first. Above him, John stayed in place, frozen, but he didn’t withdraw. That’s when it clicked, the actual act sinking in, and John’s eyelids fluttered shut.
Angling his head, his mouth moved against his. Applied more pressure bit by bit, as Sharky breathed in through his nose. It was slow; careful as neither drew back, or wanted air between them.
Sharky reached up for him, placing a hand on his side as John let more of his weight shift onto him. Pulled him closer, focusing on how warm he felt, even through his wet clothes.
And the brush of John’s fingertips along his jaw, got the first real sound out of him. A low moan, almost lost, but not ignored. Not when he felt John’s tongue run along his lips, and opened his mouth to him right after.
“-ohn? Brother John?”
John’s sharp inhale cut through the fog. Going still, he drew back, blue eyes wide open and staring directly at him.
There was a laugh in the distance. It joined the other voices as they called out, one more familiar than the others, and all asked for one person. John.
Staring up at him, up at John, he swallowed hard.
John was off of him soon after. The sunglasses hit the leaves by him, forgotten, and Sharky sat up as John paced a short track away from him.
Scrubbing his hair back, he let out a rough breath. “I have to- Joseph needs me to…” His voice trailed off as he turned towards him. But when their eyes met, there was no mistaking it. The pained look that crossed him, holding fast. “I’m sorry.”
John turned and left, heading off.
Stunned, Sharky sat there for a good five minutes, unmoving. Grabbing the glasses, he considered them for a second, staring off in the direction John went as his stomach twisted. The feeling brewing there digging at him, both hurt and frustrated.
Because he’d known what he’d wanted to happen there. What he’d let himself hope for as John drew close enough to touch, and he’d later drink himself stupid that night by the firepit trying to drown it all out.
He’d always been full of ideas. Both good and bad, with most leaning towards the latter.
So, maybe it wasn’t a surprise at all that he’d wanted to kiss him. It was easily his worst idea yet.
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solaneceae · 5 years
Jump, fall, grab, swing, let go, turn, fall again. 
The cold night air whistling in his ears, catching on the edges of his suit. The smell of asphalt and smoke, of cosy coffeeshops and dirty alleyways.
The cacophony of people walking far, far below him, of cars honking and tires shrieking, of thousands of lives happening all around him, each one the protagonist of their own story.
To those citizens, he is but a bright red blur in the corner of their eye. A cameo. An extra. He’s okay with that.
Grab a windowstill, push himself up onto a rooftop, run, jump, fall head first into the void, eyes closed. An ecstatic grin pushes his mask up his nose, the street’s neon lights reflecting in his bright blue eyes.
In this moment, when time seems to stretch and stop, when his heartbeat synchronizes with the busting and thrumming of the city, his city... Jackie knows freedom. Pure, unconditional freedom.
Then, as fast as it started, the moment is over; a shrill scream from somewhere below reminds him of his mission, and his elated gaze turns steely and focused. He twists his hips to reposition himself, grabbing a street lamp in his fall. He lands before two struggling silhouettes in the dim, sickly lights of your generic shady back alley. 
A quick glance tell him everything he needs to know: male figure manhandling a smaller, slimmer one. His body has moved before he knew it, ramming his fist into the larger form’s stomach with a vengeful grunt. The figure is shoved backwards, crashing down on a pile of dry cement, sending greyish dust flying everywhere.
Jackie huffs, and straightens up a smirk growing on his tanned, fleckled face. “Didn’t yer mom tell you not ta lay hands on a lady?”
Only a dazed grunt rewards his taunt. Seemed like the guy wouldn’t get back up anytime soon. That was easy, he thought, brushing dust off his arms before turning to the woman. “Are you al-”
He barely had time to register the metal pipe coming his way before pain exploded across his skull. He let out a startled gasp, the impact sending him flying; his vision swam, tiny fireflies dancing all over the alleyway. It hurt.
His back slammed against a wall as gravity took its hold on him, and everything went dark for what seemed like a second. He blinked back into awareness, a pained grunt clawing its way up his throat; his mouth filled with a metalling tang; he must’ve bit his tongue at some point.
“Shit, the bastard’s got a mean right hook.”
The hero looked up, his features twisting in pain and growing confusion; the male had gotten up and stood tall above him, scowling down at him. His arm clutched at his stomach. “Hear that, asshole? I’m gonna feel that punch for a week!” the man snarled before kicking the red-clad ego in the ribs. 
Jackie’s eyes widened, curling up in an attempt to protect himself. God, it hurt like a bitch. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see straight, his thoughts were all over the place and his reflexes shot to death… what the fuck was happening?!
“Frank, enough.”
He froze. The new voice was quieter. Softer. Colder. Through his blurry vision, he caught sight of a smaller figure standing next to the man. Indubitably feminine. And holding a metal pipe.
It finally clicked, and he cursed himself for his recklessness. A trap. This whole “aggression” had been a setup to catch him off-guard. He groaned, straining his muscles in an attempt to get up, despite the growing nausea threatening to make him lose his lunch here and then. Fuck, he probably had a concussion.
The woman tutted, her voice dripping with false sympathy. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The vigilante bit his lower lip, not gracing her with a response, and rose up a few inches. His action was rewarded by a heavy foot slamming into his chest, slamming him back on the asphalt with a sickening crack.
Jackie’s nerves went alight with overwhelming, white-hot pain. Someone was screaming, though that was probably him. The shock sent him into a coughing fit as his brain switched back and forth between duty and basic survival instincts.
get out get out run get out FIGHT STOP THEM run run run run get away GET UP get away-
“You see,” the woman started, her voice muffled by the cotton surrounding his head, “we’re trying to run a business here. We can’t have you swinging around where you don’t belong, beating up our men and ruining everything we worked so hard to achieve, now, can we?”
Jackie didn’t see what or who exactly she was referring to, but he decided that, in this moment, it didn’t matter. Those guys obviously planned on getting rid of him, and given how fast the alleyway spun and how bad his skull pounded… He spit out a mouthful of blood onto the grey asphalt. As much as he loathed to admit it, he was in no shape to fight them off. So the next best thing would be…
“Heh.” the man smirked, crouching down in front of the fallen hero. “That looks like it hurts.” he taunted, reaching out to roughly poke at his ribcage -the green-haired ego managed to stay silent this time, only a hissing intake of air betraying how he really felt. The criminal’s eyes shone with malice. “Guess you won’t be running around messing with out plans no more, huh?”
Jackie coughed again, more blood dribbling down his chin. He hoped he hadn’t punctured his lungs again, the doc would never let him hear the end of it. He braced himself for what was to come next, clutching something on his utility belt. Please work, please work, please work for the love of god.
He looked up at his foes, his cut up lips stretching in a crooked smile. “Maybe not.” He fixed his gaze somewhere above the man’s head. “But they will.”
When the two turned to look behind them, their faces twisting in surprise and rage, he pointed his grappling hook at the sky and pressed the button. The metal grip shot up, further and further from the ground. C’mon, c’mon-
The telltale clank of the hook catching on metal filled him with relief, and before he knew it he was airborne, angry screams echoing in the alley below him. He ignored his burning arm, the possibility of a dislocated shoulder, the pain radiating from his chest. He ignored his darkening vision, his growing nausea, the sticky warm liquid running down his temple and soaking his hair and beard.
He ignored it all, letting his body fall into the flow of familiar motions, rehearsed a thousand times and more. Swing, let go, catch, fall, land, run, jump. Again, again, and again. Tripping on a loose wire, falling, getting up. Running.
Get away. Get back. Get home.
His thoughts scattered, his world becoming foggy and distant. Time, space it no longer mattered. Just the colorful lights flying past him -or was he flying past them?- and gravity grabbing and letting him go over and over in a soothing rhythm, like a heartbeat. 
Henrik run a hand down his face, reclining in his seat with a weary sigh. Finally, his shift was over. Like every thursday night the ER had been packed with drunken teenagers carrying in their comatose friends. He should really stop covering Edward’s shifts whenever the other ego decided to disappear god-knows-where every now and then.
He got up and left his office, gruffly saluting his colleagues on the way out. He couldn’t wait to go home and pass out on the couch, granted the thing wasn’t already claimed by either a drunk Chase or a territorial Anti.
He shook his head, stepping out of the clinic and into the cold night air. His own family were a handful by themselves, between them and his dumbass patients it was a miracle he hadn’t gone insane yet.
The walk back to the house was uneventful enough, the distant rumble of an oncoming storm soothing his nerves. But as he climbed up the stairs to the front door and shoved the key into the lock, he froze.
As a legitimate, respectable, 100% real doctor, he was familiar with the sterile, chemical scent of hospitals; hell, he’d been inhaling it for so long he barely noticed it anymore. But one smell he could never really get used to was the distinct, heavy tang of blood. A smell he’d just caught a whiff of.
He frantically turned the key and pushed the door open, the emotional man overtaking the calm and calculating doctor. This was his home, his kin, this was different-
He rushed inside, flicking the lights on. There was someone laying on the couch alright. Cladded in bright fabric and leather, wild green strands escaping his hoodie, framing a light blue mask.
Covered in a lot more red than what was considered normal, even for him.
“Scheiße, Jackie!” Henrik called out, rushing to his most reckless brother’s side. Said brother stirred and looked up at him, a cocky smirk displaying his blood-covered teeth. Fuck, this looked bad. The hero raised a hand in greeting. “Hey doc-” he croaked out, before a wet cough cut him off.
“Verdammt Jackie, shut up and don’t move an inch!” Schneep ordered, kneeling in front of the couch. He gently -well, gentler than with his usual patients at least- grabbed the hem of the vigilante’s hood to get a clear look at him; the left side of his face was coated in blood -dry, good, so he wasn’t bleeding out from here at least- and his gaze were clouded and unfocused. Henrik frowned, taking his phone out of his lab coat to shine the light in the hero’s blue eyes, making him wince.
“Pupils aren’t behaving normally. Concussion.” the doctor mumbled. Jackie chuckled. “Ah- yeah, that’s a thing. Shoulder might be fucked up a bit. Also pretty sure I broke a few ribs. ”
“WAS?!” the older ego shrieked in disbelief “What the hell? What were you doing out there? Taking down a drug ring?!”
“Shhhh,” Jackie hissed, lifting his hand in a placating gesture, “Tone it down doc, you’ll wake up the others.”
“Tone it- are you joking? You’re hurt!”
“Please, just…”
The hero grimaced, averting his gaze. “I… don’t want the others to see me like this. Especially Robbie.”
Henrik stopped, considering his little brother’s words. They seemed to mostly come from a place of pride, but there was something else here. Worry. Last time the youngest member of their household had seen one of them injured, he’d been inconsolable. Jackie was right; bringing the others into this would only cause more chaos and distress.
He sighed, surrendering before the other’s pleading expression. “Alright. We’re going to your room, I’ll patch you up and take care of those stains on the couch. But I swear, if you move around while I’m gone, I will pump you so full of sedatives you’ll be out for a week!”
Jackie let out a painful wheeze and smiled. “Sounds fair.”
@tabbynerdicat @lilakennedy (cuz this one has your dad in it :D ) @egopocalypse @humblecacti
dm me if you wanna be added to the taglist!
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underworldwitxh · 5 years
Could I please have "First one to make a noise loses" for bakugou
#21: "First one to make noise loses" 🍋🍋🍋NSFW🍋🍋🍋 Warning: Bakugou... need i explain. NSFW: edging, Orgasm denial, ramblefap, teasing, ruined orgasm, shibari, fleshlight, hibachi wand, Domme Reader/Sub Bakugou, safe/sane/consensual bdsm practice. [Im changing the prompt just a bit. But it'll be a good change at least i think it will be]
It all started because your insufferable boyfriend cant just leave well enough alone. No he just had to act like he was top dog. Well look at him now, tied up with his cock in a flesh light and a hibachi wand against his base on its lowest setting. And of course he has a gag thats lose around his neck. "Now Suo, your going to lay there and watch me take this," you hold up one of your favorite dildos, its thick base that tappers up. "And the first one to scream loses the chance to cum."
"You fucking bitch, when I win I'm going to fuck you so hard and your just going to take it you fucking cunt." Katsuki snarled his cock already so fucking hard from the teasing you had been subjecting him to all day. You laugh softly your breath hitching as your pussy stretches to accommodate the bulbous dildo "Mmmmmm What are your colors Bomber? Remember your words?" You ask him as you lowly moan at feeling the dildo in your pussy.
Katsuki groans seeing you take that dildo "Green Ma'am, and yea i fucking remember them. Aint going to need em though cuz im going to fucking win." He says a little cocky.
You frown at that and reach for the remote to the hibachi wand to turn it up just a notch the effect is instantaneous, Katsuki's muscles clench up and he groans softly "Fuck Ma'am fuck, feels so good fuck" he mumbles to you his arms strained against the ropes binding him from trying to grab the fleshlight and fuck up into it.
You moan as you start to move your hips harder but slow down as you notice Katsuki's face, you grin evily as you grab the remote and turn of the wand entirely stopping all stimulation.
Katsuki's eyes snap open and he growls at you "The fuck you think your doing dumbass" he snarled at you forgetting for a moment that he isnt the Dom in this situation. You tutted at him, "Now now Bomber you know its my turn to be in control and we agreed that what i said went or do you want to admit im right and then I'll let you cum inside me?" You ask smirking at him because you know he'll refuse your offer especially right now. He's not desperate enough yet.
"Fuck you, you dumbass. Im right and you fucking know it. You just dont want to see it." He snarled back at you. You giggle and decide to turn the wand back onto 3. His head falls back as he groans as his cock throbs inside the fleshlight.
After sometime and a lot of edging later you ask Katsuki again "So Bomber, you ready to admit im right. I'll let you fuck me and cum inside me?" You ask panting, because along with edging Katsuki you've also been edging yourself. He spits out the gag, his chest drenched with spit because he was chewing the gag to keep from screaming. His cock so sensitive "Fuck baby please please let me cum fuck im so hard. It hurts Ma'am. Hurts so bad." He was babbling now his mind clouded by his need to cum and not the reason why you two were doing this. "Not yet Bomber, i think you can handle one more." You tell him softly carefully stroking your hand over his face. He whines loudly and strains against his resistances "What are your colors Bomber, i need to know your colors." You ask him steadily "Green, green Ma'am. Still green. Fuck i love you." His pleasure addled brain supplied.
You smile and turn the toy back on, but immediately after you do Katuski cries out "oooooo fuck yellow! Yellow!" He slams his body back his neck corded, you jump and turn it off "Katsu, Katsuki talk to me whats the matter. "Fuck fuck turn it on turn it on please fuck i need to cum fuck fuck i already came some fuck i need to cum please baby let me cum fuck your right fuck" he rambles fumbling over his words he strains against his bindings.
You rip yourself off the dildo and gently take him out of the fleshlight, he cries out his cock so sensitive and hard at that point "Its ok Bomber its ok ill take care of you. Im going to untie you ok? Im going to untie you and then you can fuck me as hard as you want to baby. " you soothe him gently you grasp the rope and yank it unknotting it. Katsuki snarls and grabs your hips throwing you to the bed and yanks you so you surround his hips with your thighs "Gunna fuck you so hard make you mine." He growls out. He places the head of his cock against your entrance and slams home. Both of you moan out from the feeling but he doesnt stay there, no he starts hammerinf himself into you chasing his own release. His one hand settling on you, his finger plucking your clit to drivr you over the edge as well. Both of you scream as you cum. You asked him if he need anything water, snacks, cuddles. He shook his head to the negative but you insisted on at least cleaning him with a warm cloth getting yourself a bottle of water so you might as well get him one as well.
After you calm down you start giggling and when Katsuki pulls his head up from where he laid it against your neck "shut the fuck up dumbass, just because i said what i did doesnt mean any damn thing" he huffs but wraps his arms around you and kisses your shoulder "Uh huh sure Katsu. You know im right. Your actually just a giant softie for little Himawari. And you know it." You snicker at the face Katsuki is making your gentle teasing at his being soft towards Izuku and his partners young daughter. "Shut up dumbass and just let me cuddle you." He grumbles into your shoulder smiling softly at the thought of his goddaughter.
Hope you enjoy this anon :) [thanks to my friend Izu in The Caramel Den for helping on what a proper Domme would do. Love you Izu. Edited 06:54pm 07/21/2019]
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