#thron of glass
mendelpalace · 1 year
So Daniel Thron, artist and animator on the original Thief games, created a "fan film" that essentially serves as a prequel cutscene to the original game.
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barbarianbookhoe · 4 months
I swear I'm never gonna find the love I know I right-fucking-fully deserve
I just rewatched Bridgerton season 3 for the 3rd time already, and MY GOD, if a man does not yearn for me like a Bridgerton man😩
Request: Kaz Brekker x drunk (fem) reader (this is a long fcking one)
Too Sweet
TW: fluff, mention of assault
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"And then, THEN he said I am just as useful as a rock. A damn rock!," she scoffed as she swayed in her seat. "Rocks can bee useful," she mumbled, "you can throw 'em at people. Like me! I can be thron at people," she hiccuped once before pointing at her glass for the bartender to re-fill.
The guy just shook his head at her and told her to stop shouting at costumers, or find someplace else. Apparently, she's been a lot friendlier than she thought.
She dropped some kruge on the counter, not having enough common sense left to count if it was even enough.
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"But his eeeyes while he looked at me, oh Saints, his eyes are so beautifuuul, and sooo blue, they make me swoooon," Y/N told a waitress, who just laughed at the lovesick girl, who's been talking about a boy for the past 10 minutes.
"Oh honey, you have such a soft spot for that boy!" She laughed, and Y/N just nodded. "Yeah, and-and you should see his cheeks and ears, that when he gets flustred, no, flusterred, uh, flus-tered, yes, they turn red but he hides it, and no one sees, but I see it, because he has such a preeeetty face," she tells her on a high pitched voice, and even rests her head on her arms and lets out a sigh.
Y/N talking about her love life being the only thing actually happening in the small bar, the waitress sats down in front of her after getting out a round of drinks. The two women began their discussion about the boy, and the way Y/N cannot stop smiling while talking about him makes the waitress smile herself.
The sound of a cane tapping on the floor makes the lady turn around, only to find the Bastard of the Barrel himself staring right at her. No, not at her, but the girl on the other side of the table. She gets up and with a quick goodbye slips out of her seat, to make her way to the other side of the place.
Kaz Brekker, as if he had all the time in the world, slowly walked over to his Crow, who was supposed to be in the Club with their group hours ago.
He'd only been trailing her for an hour or two, but in that time she already went through 3 bars. Not counting the one, or ones, where he wasn't present. And without paying. Kaz made sure she wouldn't be in debt by the next morning. As he looked at her drunken state, he began questioning his own plan to get her home as soon as possible.
"Jeeesss!" Y/N looked up at him giddily, practically dragging her words out. "Come 'ere you silly," she signaled for him to sit down, to which Kaz just rolled his eyes. She must've drank quite a lot if she thought him to be the sharpshooter. "Why you in black?" She shook her head as if getting rid of her question and looked at him giddily yet again.
Kaz couldn't shake the bittersweet feeling that slowly made its way into his well-guarded heart. The feeling that she looked the happiest in that moment, drowned in alcohol, probably on the edge of alcohol poisoning, and staring at him with such joy Kaz rarely saw anymore on her, even less in his life. It was clear to him that she was going through something, he just didn't know what it was.
If he had any talent for it he would've drawn her right in that moment, to capture her smile, the shine of her eyes, to keep her this happy at least on paper, to keep her smiling.
"Alright, get up. You're going home," Kaz sternly told her to which she just scoffed. "Ah, but Jesper we have so much to talk aboouuuut," she whined as he took a step closer. "This wasn't a question. You. Are. Going. Home."
"Alrigh', alrigh'," Y/N mumbled to herself as she tried to steady herself enough before attempting to walk on her own. After a few seconds of failing to do so, she quickly straightened her back and began her uncoordinated, swaying march for the door. Kaz was just two steps behind her, and when they got out on the street, he took half a step closer as he stepped next to her.
"Am I late for that meeting? Nahh," She mumbled loud enough for Kaz to hear. "It don' matter. What do I do?" She turned her head to Kaz for a split second before loudly continuing. "I'm talking Jespeeerr!" Kaz quickly shushed her, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to them.
"Don't ssssshhh me, Kaz sssssh-ushes me, not you!" She said and had it not been for Kaz, she would've tripped in her own foot. "I feel like he doesn't like me anymore," she said then, but Kaz just kept quiet, waiting for her to continue. "I want to tell him to shut up for once, to give 'im my opinion," she began gesturing before herself, as if she wasn't even talking to him anymore, more to herself.
"I feel like... punching him, givin' 'im a piece of mind. Yah, let'ss do that!" She quickly turned around, probably to find Kaz who was standing next to her, but Kaz caught her elbow and stood her in front of him. "You won't do that, alright? You're going home to sleep, and if you still feel like it, you'll give him a punch tomorrow."
"But whyyy? He's always up at night, and that'ss when we taaalk. I can't tell 'im during the dayy!" Her words began to slur again and she was swaying, so Kaz took it as a sign, that she was still in fact really drunk. He didn't let go of her elbow as he guided themselves towards her little flat near Fifth Harbor. It was more like one big room rather than a flat, but she didn't spend that much time there to care about it.
"And why can't you? Is there an unkown force keeping you from it?" He told her while he fought the nausea slowly coming up his throat. They'll be there in a few minutes, he reminded himself. "Jess, why are you the one asking? You're always telling me to lissen to my heart, to not overthink, to just say it. You're not Jesper, that's why!" She said more to herself than Kaz.
"Say what?" Kaz turned to Y/N for a few seconds, trying to see her face to determine what she was feeling. He found himself as curious when he was just a small boy, watching the magicians on the streets of Ketterdam. He watched every little detail of her face, from the flatter of her eyelashes to the unnoticeable tremble of her lips, trying to guess what she was going to say.
"Again with the questionss," she mumbled and right after spoke up on a sad tone, her vice slightly trembling, almost as if she was holding back from crying. "You sound like my landlord. Saints, I hate 'im. He's always angry a-and yelling, and soooo tall, taller than Matthias," she said and Kaz noticed the barely noticeable crack in her voice, making him worry about what more she had to say.
"I mean, I fought 'im twice yesterday, you know, 'cause he was demanding the rent I already payed, givin' me a great punch to my ribs, but like, you know, I'm a fighter, I can take 'im any day, but I mean, he's sooo tall and, and I was tired, so you know I didn't have too much "fight" in me." Y/N rambled, probably unaware of admitting that she was assaulted and making it seem less serious than it was, but still, it made Kaz's vision fog up with red.
How did he not know? How could he let this happen under his watch? Why didn't he felt the need to investigate her place, like he first intended to?
She was still rambling about her landlord and their multiple fights, yes, multiple Kaz realized, getting angrier by the second, when she stumbled and Kaz had to yank her up before she fell on the hard ground.
Without a second thought, or any thought at all, Kaz put her arm around his shoulder and carefully slipped his other arm around her waist to keep her somewhat standing. They were just a block away from her place, but Y/N seemed to cling to Kaz, her legs barely functioning at this point, and Kaz had to lean themselves against an old brick building before they both collapsed.
He also had to take a breather from all the touching, not being used to touching her for this long. Yes, they've stitched up each other countless times, sometimes even caring enough to change each other's bandages. But that never lasted longer than half a minute, or one, which was the limit for Kaz.
As soon as he calmed down, he felt warm fingers touching his face.
He froze in his spot and he had to close his eyes and concentrate on his breathing if he didn't want to start panicking. A minute passed by, and the hands still didn't leave his face, but they began to explore his every feature. It started at his cheeks then to his jaw, his forehead, the hand smoothed over his eyes so carefully as if he was made from glass, then the fingers stopped at his lips. He didn't even know he was forcefully keeping them in a thin line until the warm touch made them slightly part.
When Kaz opened his eyes he felt his heart stop and melt all at once, he felt it cease to beat only to then began pumping his blood with so much force he felt as if his heart was trying to fire up his veins.
Y/N was looking at him with a longing gaze, as if this was her last, yet the first time seeing him. As if he was something worth looking at.
She kept looking at him even though Kaz swore his heart was about to burst into a mess of blood and flames. Her fingers lingered on his lips as her other hand came up to softly caress the side of his face, touching a strand of hair. As if she wasn't able to stop touching him. Kaz felt his lips part even more than before, and his breath got stuck in his throat at her touch. He kept his eyes on her as he felt the need to close them for just one second. He felt his heart throb too fast for his liking, feeling his head getting dizzier by the second.
He was sure he was about to faint.
When her thumb caressed his lips for one second, just one second, she moved both of her hands to the side of his face ever so gently, and Kaz felt his knees tremble under her gaze. They never once broke the eye contact, which made the moment feel even more intimate. The way she was looking at Kaz, the way her eyes reflected the dim light next to them on the street made her eyes sparkle in the moonlight, and Kaz felt himself quietly gasp for air.
Kaz Brekker gasped for air, mesmerized by the sight of her.
He was trying to figure out the emotion behind the look she was giving him all night, when she mentioned him or his name, when she realized he wasn't Jesper, when she took his face in her hands, as she caressed him with such tenderness, as if one wrong touch could shatter him like the finest porcelain.
But when she moved her thumb back to his lips again, slightly caressing it without even noticing, Kaz finally dared to speak up.
"What are you-," He couldn't finish the words he was whispering, because Y/N put his handkerchief between their faces, holding it onto Kaz's lips, as if she was about to...was she? Was she about to...kiss him? Kaz felt like fainting again.
When she spoke up, the drunk look was somewhat gone from her eyes, and bittersweetness took over. "My imagination is wicked, but this might be the cruelest thing it ever did to me, making me see you as if you were real, as if you were here." She whispered it so gently that Kaz had to take a second to grasp what she was saying. "I'm here Y/N, I've been here all night." He said, but she just sadly shook her head.
"You're another hallucination, dream-Kaz, because I can never kiss you in the real world. And even in my dreams, I can't do it without respecting you first," she whispered, smoothing the handkerchief over his lips.
Kaz couldn't pin-point when did his heart pumping began too loud for him to hear, or when did he forget to breathe, but what he knew exactly, was the fact that these all made his thoughts cease to exist. Except one.
"You...dream about me? Above all people you could have choosen, you chose me to dream about?" He asked breathlessly, not believing how small his own voice sounded. Still, tears began welling up in Y/N's eyes, which she tried to keep at bay, but a single drop escaped and she let it stream down her face as she spoke up.
"You're... everywhere, all the time, and I can't escape you from my imagination, sometimes even preferring to hallucinate because that's where I know I'll find you, where I'm brave enough to-to say 'I love you' to your face, without having to deal with your rejection, because I-" As she glanced away from him trying to blink away her tears, Kaz gently took the handkerchief away from his lips and instead held her hand which put the handkerchief on him.
Kaz finally realized how she looked at him. If their racing hearts, her shallow breath, the tremble of her voice wasn't enough clue, than her touch certainly was. Throughout her speech her hands were still on his face, unmoving, not daring to move, instead keeping them there in a tender touch. She was in-
"I'm irrevocably, unconditionally, and fatally in love with you Kaz Brekker."
Sharp breaths and worried looks.
Unnoticeable steps and reassuring nods.
A trembling exhale.
One quick step, and Kaz was kissing her.
Their lips colliding against one another like the sun sets on the dark sea, like the moon takes the sun's place, like fireworks lighting up the sky. Her lips a mix of cheap alcohol and something sweet, his the scent of coffee and something salty. Her shyness, afraid of hurting him, clashing with his yearning movements, all of a sudden forgetting everything that wasn't her. His hand found its way onto the back of her neck, while the other gently touched the side of her face, just as she did mere seconds ago.
Kaz couldn't begin to think about his aversion, nor his nausea, because he was surrounded by her. Her scent, her lips, her hands on his face, her gasp in the kiss. He kissed her as if she was the air he was breathing, and he had been drowning, therefore he took the breath that belonged to him. Kaz never kissed anyone before, nor did he imagine himself doing so, but he did it with a strange hunger, as if he was a starving animal in captivity.
In a way both of them were animals, walking the cruel roads of the city, taking down anyone that crossed their paths in the need of survival. In a way, Kaz was no better than a starving animal, looking for crumbs to feed his hunger, finding any way for revenge to ease his anger. And in a way, Y/N was the first healthy taste that could keep Kaz from starving again.
She was addicting. The kiss couldn't have lasted more than 5 seconds, but Kaz already felt himself in need of another. He only tasted her once but he wanted more. So much more.
His knees didn't stop weakening, and he still couldn't quite catch his breath, and maybe it was from the lack of air in his lungs, or his heart beating too loudly in his ears to hear anything, but despite his past with touch, despite his head trying to tell him to stop, almost as soon as they broke apart Kaz captivated her once again.
This kiss was more tender than the first. Kaz still kissed her with wild hunger, but now he took his time getting familiar with her lips. Although, Y/N didn't let herself fall under his spell this time, she daringly smoothed her fingers through his raven hair, stopping at the nape of his neck and gently caressing some strands. She stood still, letting Kaz do what he wanted with his hands on her.
It all felt like a dream, a dream that she was bound to keep like a memory, not just another one of her hallucinations. She knew this wasn't real, it couldn't have been, because she knew her Kaz could never touch her like this. Not in this lifetime. So she let herself get lost in this dream more than she should've let herself to, because she knew her drunkenness would be a reasonable excuse.
Therefore she couldn't bring herself to step away from him. She wanted to kiss him, needed to kiss him, desperately, and if this was the only way she would do so, in her drunk imagination, then she would have to settle for it. She had to accept that this lifetime wasn't meant for them.
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Kaz knew his anger. It was hot and messy, uncalculated, selfish and greedy, which brought out the monster in him. It made him destroy everything in his path, without a single care about who's coming down with him. Kaz knew his anger.
Except this time. As he stepped inside Y/N's flat, looking at the broken chair in the corner, the different marks on the walls, and the small droplets of dried blood at the entrance, he felt a deep rage take over him, and out of instinct he tightened his arm around Y/N just a bit more.
He imagined every scenario as Y/N talked about the fights, from the bad to the worst, but seeing the remnaints of those fights in the organized and neat place felt almost ridiculous to him.
Y/N didn't bother with covering about the damage. She kept her place clean and comfortable as always, and now her place looked like as if the two sides of her life clashed against one another.
Kaz walked over to the bed with her and sat her down, before he grabbed a glass and poured her some water. He signaled for her to drink it and she agreed, probably unaware of what she was drinking. Meanwhile Kaz looked around and lit up a few candles around the room. Then Y/N moved to take off her boots, failing to do so. After multiple attempts and swearing under her breath, Kaz spoke up.
"Stop that and lie down. I'll help," he told her and set his cane down on the bed next to her. She began giggling as he knelt down on one knee to take her boots off. "If you wanted to get me into bed, you could've just asked," she chuckled and Kaz felt his face heat up. He was grateful that she couldn't see his face right now.
"And what would be the fun in that?" Kaz asked and Y/N could hear the cockyness in his voice. "The easiness. I would let you without thinking, you know." Kaz sat her boots next to her bedside table and looked up at her as she slowly sat up.
"You're not an easy woman Y/N, therefore I wouldn't want easy with you." Kaz told her and watched her smile faltered and her eyes got bigger, like when she was concentrating on something. He took it as a sign to continue.
But before he did, he took a moment to really look at her like this. Face red from drinking, eyes shining in the candelight, her gaze full of emotion, hair messy from touching it too much, a few strands sticking to the side of her face, probably from sweat. Kaz moved to tuck those strands of hair behind her ear, and Y/N watched his tender movements with a sleepy smile, but a smile nonetheless.
Kaz, still on his knees, told her to go to sleep and she happily obliged. She fell back on the bed, quickly moving around for a comfortable position then closed her eyes and fell asleep in just a few minutes.
"I'll be right here," Kaz whispered as he got up from his kneeling position, and got to work.
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Y/N woke up to the sound of keys jingling. Against her tired muscles she quickly sat up and grabbed her knife from under her pillow. When her front door opened she threw the knife without hesitation.
Knowing that she probably didn't aim right she grabbed another knife from her bedside table and rushed to the intruder. She grabbed the back of their coat and held the knife to their throat, or she would've, if the person didn't block them with their cane. With the beak of the crow.
"This is how you greet your friends?" Kaz asked mockingly to which Y/N just rolled her eyes and took her knife away from Kaz's face. "Why are you here?" She asked back.
"Good morning, yes I'm quite fine, how are you?" He said and the small grin on his face made Y/N want to kick his cane from under him. "Been better. Could do without the slight headache though, but I'm sure it comes and goes with you," Y/N told him and turned her back to get the knife back in its place.
"You were much better company last night." She turned around abruptly. "What did I do?" Kaz didn't answer at first, which made her worried she did something stupid again. "Kaz, what the hell did I do last night?"
"For starters, you hit up probably half a dozen bars to drown yourself in whatever was cheapest. Then you poured your heart out, probably would've fallen into the canal if it wasn't for me," He said the last words with a mix of mocking and smugness. "Better question: what did you do?"
"A thank you would suffice for saving your ass," He told her and she just scoffed. "Thank you, for being a-" Y/N started but as she hopped down on her bed she felt her ribs ache and she had to breathe loudly to ease the pain. Kaz was in front of her in seconds and had an almost worried look on his face. "What is it?"
"Nothing, it's just-nothing. Probably slept in a bad position," she winced as she put a hand on her left side, but she didn't miss the fact that Kaz reached his hand out. It was only a second, or half a second before he took it back, but she saw it.
Imaged of him touching her flashes through her, his hands in her hair, on her face and neck. She could still feel the touch on her lips, and for a second she just stared back at him in surprise. Was it...was it real? Kaz looked at her questioningly, not knowing what just went through her mind.
Then Kaz sat his cane on her bedside table before he got rid of his coat and put it next to her on the bed. Another image came up: the same position, but he was kneeling in front of her. Y/N shook her head a little, trying to get rid of the images.
"Kaz, what are you do-AH," Y/N shouted as Kaz lifted up her shirt and put his hand on her ribs. He kept poking her left side all the while she was cursing him into oblivion. When Kaz finally stopped and reached for the hem of her shirt she grabbed her clothing and clutched it.
"Hey! No more of this! What do you think you're doing?"
"Measuring up your bruises. I need to know how many punches you took," Kaz told her as a matter-of-factly, and Y/N stared back in confusion. "From who?!"
"Your landlord. Mr. Kozar."
Silence fell over the room. Kaz could see the confusion turn into embarassment, then into fear. Y/N was still clutching her shirt, but this time with a tight grip to ground herself in reality.
"How do you-" She started, but then stopped as she looked up at him. "I told you last night, didn't I?"
"Yes, everything," Kaz had to slightly bite down on his lip, so as not to tell her what did he plan for her landlord tonight. The sight of her, slowly curling in on herself, looking as if she wanted to disappear, when Kaz knew better than anyone that she always made her presence known everywhere she went.
Kaz gently touched the hem of her shirt, next to the piece of fabric she was currently holding in an iron grip, when she looked at him again, this time with uncertainity. Kaz just waited.
"If you want to take off my clothes, at least ask my permission first. Be a gentleman," Y/N told him quietly and loosened her grip on her shirt. Kaz scoffed quietly as he kneeled down in front of her. "I'm anything but gentle," he said, his touch on her shirt never tightening.
"Can I?" Kaz asked on a voice so soft it could've melted gold. Y/N never heard him talk that way, therefore she had to take a moment to grasp her head around how sweet his voice sounded. "Can I take off your shirt?" Kaz asked her again, his soft, sweet voice not faltering. Y/N gently nodded. "Yes."
The minutes while Kaz looked at her bruises, sometimes poking them again, she felt like crying the entire time. Not from the pain, that she was used to living in the Barrel for this long, but from how tender his touches were. He may believe he's not a gentleman, but Y/N knew the truth. She knew the heart behind the iron bars.
After Kaz finished, he handed her shirt back and even helped when she had to stretch out her side. He told her one of her ribs might be fractured, but it shouldn't cause her any trouble tonight.
"Is there a job tonight? Wait, was the meeting I missed last night about this?" Y/N asked Kaz quickly after she reached for her boots to put them on. She was stopped by Kaz's cane snatching them away. "This isn't a job, only if you want to look at it that way," he said carefully and it made Y/N suspicious.
"What did you do?"
"I? I did nothing. Your landlord, on the other hand, did more than what's understandable, even more so, hurting someone close to me, which I believe you don't tolerate either, therefore I set up a meeting with him," Kaz said and rested his hands on the top of his cane, looking at everywhere except her eyes. Y/N didn't miss the way he described their relationship. Someone close to me. Was she still dreaming? Or was this real life? Before she could ask him about that little detail, another thought formed in her mind.
"What meeting?" She asked but the way Kaz glanced at her for just a few seconds before putting his coat on to go on his way, told her more than his words could've. "Oh, a meeting, as in, torture,"
"Only if you want it to get to that point," Kaz said and Y/N was up on her feet right in front of him, and her subconscious got giddy at the fact that he didn't move away from her. "Why Kaz? You didn't have to bother with any of-"
"I did." He said suddenly, and his tone made Y/N go silent. "I do, because I wasn't careful enough to investigate this place like I did with the one before, because I trusted you enough to handle things, because I knew ypu would fight your way out of it. Then you told me you were assaulted, multiple times, multiple fucking times Y/N andyou never once told any of us. You never onced mentioned it, not to anyone, not to me." Kaz told her getting angry at himself for not making sure you were alright, because he was too absorved in his own thoughts, in his feelings for you, trying to punish himself for feeling the way he did. Meanwhile it got to a point where he forgot to protect you. He forgot. He never forgot to look after you. "You didn't ask my help."
"You had enough on your plate now that Pekka's out of the picture. You had business to run, I couldn't have just walk through your door saying my landlord is a greedy asshole who's attacking me at any inconvenience. You wouldn't have cared."
"I would!" Kaz said louder and Y/N looked at him in shock. She was about to speak when Kaz interrupted her. "I do. I do care. I care about your well-being enough, that I wouldn't care at which time of day or night you came for my help." He practically whispered the last few words and he could almost feel her lips against his, the memory suddenly blinding him. "Never be too stubborn to ask for my help. Just come to me."
Y/N could hardly breathe in that moment. All of the flashes from her dream, they weren't dreams at all. She really touched his face, and Kaz really kissed her. Now she remembered how his lips moved against hers as if he had been hungry all his life. And as Kaz looked at her with his pale blue eyes, she was reminded of the fact that he initiated the second kiss. Y/N wanted to know how he kissed, now that she was sober. If it felt addicting while she was drunk, she couldn't begin to imagine what it would feel like now that she's sober.
"I need your help Kaz," she whispered and Kaz's face turned serious at the mention of his name. "I'm afraid I don't remember much from last night." Y/N whispered as she slowly held her hand up next to his face, not wanting to be too quich with her movements, but Kaz gently grabbed her hand and put on the side of his face.
"And now?" Kaz asked raspily. Y/N felt like fainting, as she took a quick inhale. "Not familiar," she said and Kaz moved her other hand to the nape of his neck while he put a hand under her jaw, on her neck. "How about this?" He asked, the words a whisper against her lips. "Still not remembering," she moved her head just a little closer to him and heard Kaz quietly gasp for air, to which she let out a small smile.
"This, you remember," Kaz didn't waste time hugging her even closer to him, so he could finally kiss her again. Saints know he's been itching to do so.
Y/N let out a small gasp in the kiss and Kaz poured all of his years of yearning into their kiss.
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Since that night the Barrel had something worse to fear from Dirtyhands: his love and devotion.
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flowerandblood · 10 months
💀 My Favorite Fanfics 💀
my works that I am most proud of because I can
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As an author, I wonder a lot about what I'm doing wrong, but sometimes I'm also proud of what I've done right. This is my personal selection of my favorite works, series and oneshots, which I sometimes come back to and think that I still really like them. If you don't know where to start reading my stories, start with these!
Smut: 💦 | Angst: 💣| Dark: 💀 | Fans favs: ✨ | Top rated: ⭐
The Price of Pride 💦💣⭐✨
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
The Lost Haven 💦💣💀⭐✨
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
Fall from the Heavens 💦💣💀⭐✨
[ dark • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
The Gate of Salvation 💦💣✨
[ young pope • Aemond x catholic • female ]
Glass Cuts Deepest 💦💣⭐✨
[ professor! • Aemond x student! • female ]
The Man in the Black Mask 💦💣💀✨
[ Amor • Aemond x Psyche • female ]
Flowers and Throns 💦💣⭐✨
[ canon • Aemond x courtesan • female ]
The Downfall 💦💣✨
[ Hamlet • dark Aemond x Ophelia • female ]
Object of Desire 💦💣💀⭐✨
[ dark • Aemond x Arryn • widow female ]
The Temple of the God 💦💣✨
[ Ares • Ettore x Aphrodite • female ]
The Knight & The Judge 💦💣💀✨
[ modern Frollo • Aemond x Esmeralda • female ]
Appearances 💦💣⭐✨
[ canon • Aemond x little sister • female ]
Rage | Revenge | Relief 💦💣⭐
[ modern! • Aemond x stepsister! • female ]
The Taste of Shame 💦💣⭐✨
[ dom!mod • Aemond x friend sister • female ]
The Taste of Desire (AU) 💦💣⭐✨
[ dom!mod • Aemond x friend sister • female ]
The Evening Star 💦💣💀⭐✨
[ Hades • Aemond x Persephone • female ]
The Softest Whisper 💦💣⭐✨
[ Aemond • Targaryen x servant! • female ]
The Second One 💦💣⭐✨
[ modern • Aemond x Alys!sister • female ]
Rip my heart, heal my soul 💦💣💀⭐
[ Jack the Ripper • modern!Aemond x female ]
The Impossible Choice 💦💣⭐✨
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
Girl with a Pearl Earring 💦💣⭐✨
[ modern! photographer • Aemond x female ]
Green Snake, Red Lion 💦💣✨
[ Slytherin • Aemond x Gryffindor • female ]
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differentnighttale · 2 months
Who am I ?
A poem by my character:Princess Emeralda Armaylis
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Who am I ? Is the question I ask everyday as I look at my face, Is this who I am crafted to be, The object of desire, The epitome of innocence, The object to the praised, To be wanted ,to be acquired. Green with envy. The girl people wanted to be Who was she ? A girl with strange interests hidden. With lies so sweet, A girl. Who didn't know herself, The girl in the mirror with her sweet ,delicate face with brilliant blue eyes like the sea in the morning, Who am I ? The uncompleted  jigsaw puzzle out of place, The broken vase,the broken mirror, The girl filled with pain. A childhood so distorted, A girl not pure as anyone thought, Tainted ,bruised and used, Discarded. A punching bag, The isolated one, The witch, The demon, Witch. The seductress,  The siren. But she was only a child Who am I ? The girl who smiled,grinned and laughed and  under a porcelain mask of pain. That what I asked when I stared at the mirror. The girl with many masks and faces My delicate, unscared  hands but deep down I was. Filled with scars. Alone. It was all my fault. Drowned in a river of sorrow. Swallowed throns. Tied down by the weight of sins. Unable to breathe by the condemnation. Covered in blood and tears. Walked in a river of glass. Who am I? The cursed one. I looked at my arms,slender and untamed. The dark ugly scars twined abd runed from within, My heart. My cold black heart. The weight of guilt.
Bound by riches.
Living roses,
Of pure light.
The tamer of storms,
Cultivator of plants.
Springs epitome,
The pastel girl,
The unblemished one. Disgrace Perfect Perfect  Disgrace Perfect Loved  hated Loved Praised Die Live forever Then I'll force a smile and grinned to the world, The biggest and the fakest. Who am I? A person you shouldn't wish to be.
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chyyy66 · 10 months
Books Ive Read This Year
January :
You’ve Reached Sam - Dustin Thao ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Five Survive - Holly Jackson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
You’ll be the Death of Me - Karen M. McManus ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnes ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hawthorne Legacy - Jennifer Lynn Barnes ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Final Gambit - Jennifer Lynn Barnes ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Icebreaker - Hannah Grace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Way I Used to Be - Amber Smith ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
February :
One of Us Is Lying - Karen M. McManus DNF
March :
Twisted Love - Ana Huang ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Twisted Games - Ana Huang ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Twisted Hate - Ana Huang ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Twisted Lies - Ana Huang ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
April :
A Court of Throns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Court of Frost and Starlight - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Court of Silver Flames - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
House of Earth and Blood - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
House of Sky and Breath - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Assassins Blade - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Heir of Fire - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Queen of Shadows - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tower of Dawn - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Kingdom of Ash - Sarah J. Maas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
May :
King of Wrath - Ana Huang ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
All the Bright Places - Jennifer Niven ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
June :
The Fine Print - Lauren Asher ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Terms and Conditions - Lauren Asher ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Final Offer - Lauren Asher ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Better Than the Movies - Lynn Painter ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Cruel Prince - Holly Black ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Wicked King - Holly Black ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Queen of Nothing - Holly Black ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
July :
Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Unravel Me - Tahereh Mafi ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ignite Me - Tahereh Mafi ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Restore Me - Tahereh Mafi ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Kill Joy - Holly Jackson ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Defy Me - Tahereh Mafi ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Imagine Me - Tahereh Mafi ⭐️⭐️
A Thousand Boy Kisses - Tillie Cole ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller ⭐️⭐️⭐️
August :
Better Than the Prom - Lynn Painter ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Upside of Falling - Alex Light ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Hooked - Emily McIntire ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Scarred - Emily McIntire ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
King of Pride - Ana Huang ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Brothers Hawthorne - Jennifer Lynn Barnes DNF
October :
Assistant to the Villain - Hannah Nicole Maehrer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Unwrap my Heart - Alex Falcone and Ezra Fox ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Caraval - Stephanie Garber ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hurricane Wars - Thea Guanzon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Divine Rivals - Rebecca Ross ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
King of Greed - Ana Huang ⭐️⭐️⭐️
November :
Iron Flame - Rebecca Yarros ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wildfire - Hannah Grace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Love Redesign - Lauren Asher ⭐️⭐️⭐️
December :
Powerless - Lauren Roberts ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ruthless Vows - Rebecca Ross ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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A Lovely night
A lovely night
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Luke x OC (Julie)
Part of Summer Days Sultry Nights Content Creator Challenge hosted by @violettduchess and @aquagirl1978
Prompt: 11. Fireflies
Tag: Established relationship Childhood sweethearts to lovers Fluff Kisses
Word Count 1.280
Author’s Note: A special spectacle offer two lovebirds a wonderful occasion to spend some time together, playing around the little bugs and laughing like children with their hearts swelling with that soft feelings bonding them together since childhood, the same unbreakable spell the best tales are made with Love. 🥰
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a tepid summer night, the gentle breeze billowed on the patio inviting to doze off along the suffused melody of the crickets in search of a lover to spend the night with, exactly like everyone else, the leftover of a scrumptious homemade meal stood still on the table with the full moon reflecting its image in the water filled glasses, the fruity decoration casting their colors in the transparent liquid shining under its bright light.
He sighed softly immersed in a blissful satisfaction, dizzy with happiness and drunk in love as he admired her through his half lidded eyes, the taste of her honey cake still vivid on his tongue made even more sweeter as they kissed again and again as the petals cascaded around them dancing in the breeze while the little green leaves waltzed at its music.
 He was almost falling asleep for good when she sat on his lap, his lips curling on their own accord in a smile waiting for her kiss when instead her voice ringed him off his dreams.
“It is time.” 
Her words shaking off all his drowsiness in an instant as he looked frantically at her 
“For what ? Julie ?” not even pronouncing her name had the effect of making her answer him honestly his question, at it used to, so he resigned himself to wait, her excitation palpable glimmered in her chartreuse eyes looking at him with a mirthful smile on her lips 
“For the show.” her half explication did not suffice, but it had to for him, for he knew her lover whimsical nature 
“Follow me.”
as if she had even to tell him, he would have followed her to the moon and back just to make her happy even if she had not say anything, even if she didn't wanted him because he had made an oath to protect her, to the point of being her shadow wherever she went like she did to him, because the truth was that they needed one another and unbearable agony was to them both to spend even a second apart from each other, thing they experienced in the palace and were not eager to feel again not for anything in the world.
He was to ask further questions still anxious about their whereabouts when she cut them all off melting her lips on his in a sweet slow kiss, able to dissipate all his doubts smiling at the warmth of her tiny hand engulf in his own to bring him deep in the forest, their path lit only by the soft light of the full moon filtering through the tall trees leaves, receding as they went on until they found themselves in an empty field he recognizes to be still part of their own territory a generous gift from his brothers he was far from refusing.
“Wow it ... gorgeous.”
“It is wonderful.” 
Despite her being the one who suggested it she looked surprised like him at the spectacle stretching before their eyes, a glimmering sea of light filled every corner on the horizon like the stars had come to play hide and seek among the bushes, wonder lit up her pretty features he admired in awe, she looked so beautiful surrounded by that magical view like a Queen taking her place in the throne at the centre of his heart, a place that had always belonged to her and her alone since they were children and he had the luck to meet her.
Her melodious laugh music to his hear, far more beautiful than any other sound to him, even the one of a honey jar opening, a blissful smile curled his lips as he admired the little fireflies surrounding them both revelling in her bright gaze as he showed her the little lightning buzz that so casually had landed on his hand, buzzing softly at the companion landed on her fingers smiling at the sight of their little bugs flying toward the forest together like them.
Unable to contain happiness and love swelling in his heart he took her hand in his placing a kiss full or reverent devotion on her ring finger, receiving an heart melting smile he would have done everything for, closing the distance between them melting his lips on hers in a passionate kiss reluctantly pulling away from only after a sensual dance between their tongues, softly he cupped her face in his hands murmuring few inches from her swollen rosy lips.
“I love you Julie with all my heart forever and ever.”
“I love you too Luke so very much.” 
A soft smile lit up her features dancing in her eyes and pouring over her lips at his warm wet lips brushing a tender kiss on her forehead, as he wrapped one arm around her hips, with his cape sheltering them both under its softness against the frizzier air of the night as  they sat in the grass for a while, her frame engulfed in his bigger one hugging her from behind revelling in the way she nuzzled better between his legs leaning her head on his chest, while their heart beated in sync giggling at the soft kisses he peppered on her raven curls the same he loved to play with when they were in bed, that thought alone make heat rise to her cheeks in a soft rosy blush she hoped he would not see but in vain. 
“You are so adorable, my little princess. You always were for me.” 
His heartfelt confession melted her heart a the thought he treasured all the memories they had made together since they were children, conveying how moved she was by his soft confession she squeezed his hand in her caressing his ring smiling softly at him, seeing his eyes glimmer with unshed happy tear the same glimmering in her own irises, as she brushed her fingers on his cheeks in a tender caress.
“I swear you will never stop to amaze me.Thank you for loving me.”
“I feel the same, my big bear.Thank you for your love.” 
Their hearts speaking freely to one another, he tightened his arms around her feeling his heart burst with love at the soft brush of her lips on his chest.
“I thought I was already plenty crazy of you but then you go and say such sweet stuff like that and I do not not know if I can hold back any longer.”
“Then don't.” a malicious glimpse glimmered in her green eyes she turned around cupping his face in her hands
“Don't hold anything back with me. I love you.”
“I love you too, but are you sure ?”
“Yes it can’t be otherwise. Come as you are to me, my bear.”
“I hope you know what you are bargaining for my princess.”
she laughed as he took her in his arms, offering her a gorgeous confident smile brightening all over his handsome features
“Oh trust me I know.” a charming smile on her lips she caressed seductively his chest, biting her bottom lips revelling at the sight of his leaf green eyes fill with lust and affection crinkled softly as he looked at her whose smoldering gaze mesmerized him tempted in to give in a desire impossible to tame, sparing no effort he walked back to their home in half the time sliding back in their bedroom ready for a blissful night of passion with only the aster as spectator as they showed their love to one another their union sealed once more with the mighty power of that feeling bonding their heart and destiny together since childhood, the almighty everlasting power of love.
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astra-galaxie · 2 years
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Poppy Douglas
Biographical information
Full Name: Poppy Douglas
Alias(es): Thron (stage name)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Alive
Age: 69 (season 3)
Birth: 1947
Race: Human
Nationality: Australian
Origin: Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne, Australia
New York City, USA (formerly)
Past profession(s): Rockstar: Singer and guitarist
Digger Douglas (husband)
Lars Douglas (son)
Oberon Douglas (son)
Nathan Pandit (son-in-law)
Namgung Angela (ex-daughter-in-law) (incarcerated)
Avi Douglas (grandson)
April Douglas (granddaughter)
May Douglas (granddaughter)
June Douglas (granddaughter)
Affiliation(s): DC/AC (formerly)
Height: 5'5"
Age: 69 (season 3)
Weight: 150lbs
Eyes: green
Blood: B-
The mother of Lars and Oberon Douglas, Poppy is an ex-rockstar and current grandmother of four wonderful grandkids. She has a pixie-cut hairstyle for her pale dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes, and a pair of rusty pink-framed glasses. She wears a dark purple, long-sleeve turtleneck, a deep magenta vest, dark pants with a black belt, and magenta slip-on shoes. She also has red rose-shaped stud earrings and a silver chain necklace with a small gold lock.
Poppy grew up in Melbourne, Australia, where she met and married high school sweetheart Ryan "Digger " Douglas. While Digger was stationed overseas, Poppy and her band toured the country performing their songs in stadiums packed with fans. The band made a name for themselves, and Poppy shined with them in the spotlight.
In her mid-twenties, she decided to take a break from the band and start a family. She welcomed her first child into the world, and his first cry was music to her ears. When she eventually went back to performing, she'd search the crowd for Digger and Lars after getting on stage.
Years later, Poppy gave birth to her second child, whom she named Oberon after the character from her favourite Shakespearian play. After his birth, Poppy decided to step off the stage permanently and began teaching private music lessons. While she misses the bright lights and screaming fans, she will never regret the memories made with her family.
Poppy always hoped she would be a grandmother one day, so when Lars told her Angela was pregnant, Poppy was overcome with joy. While she never fully approved of her son's choice of a wife, Angela made her son happy, so she kept her comments to herself… Most of the time.
A couple of years after the triplets had been born, Poppy, Digger, and Lars got a call that sent them rushing from New York to Concordia. Oberon was near death's door after being trapped in a house fire. Poppy never wanted to see one of her children so badly hurt and prayed every day that she wouldn't have to bury her baby.
Her prayers were answered when the doctors declared Oberon stable enough to be taken out of his medical coma. Poppy cried when she saw him open his eyes for the first time and held on tightly when Oberon squeezed her hand. Once he was given clearance to fly, Poppy and Digger got everything ready to bring their son with them to New York.
The next time Poppy had to sit beside her son's hospital bed was after Lars found his brother had overdosed on pain medication. She never imagined that her son would try to kill himself, but once she found out why he had done it, she finally understood what he had been truly going through.
She cried for the son-in-law and grandson she never got to meet. Both sounded lovely, and she cursed whoever had robbed her son of his family, of his happiness. She was even more upset that Oberon's agency denied him the opportunity to say goodbye and bury his boys.
Poppy and Digger did everything they could to help Oberon, including moving back to Australia to be with him, and later Lars and Angela sent the triplets there to live with them while they travelled with the Bureau. She and Oberon reconnect through music, and Poppy was so happy when she saw the light returning to his eyes.
When Poppy had the chance to meet Lars's team, she never imagined that it would lead to her finding out that Oberon's husband and son had never died in the fire. And while she wished they could have met under better circumstances, Poppy welcomed the two into the family with open arms.
After everyone was safe, Poppy and her family witnessed Lars, and the Bureau set sail for SOMBRA island. While she will always worry about her children's safety, she knows her son is in good hands with his team - a team who has become a family.
Following SOMBRA's defeat, Poppy and Digger reunited with their family and friends in New York to celebrate the Bureau's victory. After being told what had happened following the team leaving Australia, Poppy couldn't believe what Angela had done to betray the Bureau and Lars. While she always thought there was something strange about Angela, Poppy felt she truly loved her son. But she cannot forgive Angela for siding with SOMBRA after everything the Bureau had uncovered. Nor can she forget about the danger Angela put the team in and how it was her fault Oberon had suffered so much. Poppy can only hope that Lars will find happiness again, even if he never remarries, and that Angela will never hurt him or any of Poppy's family again.
Story Information
First appeared: United in Ashes
I chose the name Poppy because the flower symbolizes remembrance (in Canada and other countries) of people who died during times of war. And since I made her husband a veteran, it seemed fitting
The lock on her necklace is the lock she used to lock her guitar case with when she toured with her band
In case it wasn't obvious, her old band, DC/AC, is a parody of the real-life Australian band AC/DC
She taught her children how to read sheet music and play guitar. She is currently teaching her grandchildren how to read sheet music
Lars and Oberon get their love of puns, jokes, and pranks from Poppy
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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lostpoet09 · 2 years
I had came home to throns
but never roses,
I have sawn the glass shatter
but never fixed,
I have heard screams
but never sweet lovely words,
I have watched them fight
but never love.
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hogwartscastle · 3 years
The fight against yourself when you feel the urge to google the end of a story because you want to know whether your ship will be endgame or not.
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fandomlifeofsara · 6 years
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She didn't want to think about all that implied, about how it was able to work on iron, the one element supposedly immune to magic.
Celaena in Crown of midnight
Could Aelin use wyrdmarks to escape the coffin??? is that a plausible theory? i mean she would have to have some room to move her hand and be able to get to her blood..
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Manon Blackbeak
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myfriendscallmeraba · 3 years
I was rewatching B-99 and this really reminded me of Rowaelin, Feysand and Quinlar🥺😂
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lilyharvord · 4 years
I love red queen Netflix
Hahaha thanks (: It took my a five actual hours to edit it, (mostly because I did it first with gifs, and it looked terrible so I had to redo it). I’ll get glass sword done at someone point and then work my way through the whole thing. I need a break from the edit business tho, there’s a reason I only write fanfiction. XD
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autumn-warrior · 5 years
Did I see the entire mini series set of Throne of Glass today at Barnes and Noble and freak out and nearly cry???
Yes. Yes I did.
Did I then buy one of each and they are now sitting on my bedside table??
Yes. Yes I did, and yes they are.
Will I carry one in my bookbag like a white southern mom carries around a mini bible???
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zena-03q · 6 years
The eye of elena
Now today I was thinking about how it would work out in Kingdom of ash without either dorian or aelin dying and I realized they aren't the only living people of Mala fire bringer line there is one more
Crown Prince of Adarlan Hollin Havilliard
So he should be about 12 year old
And who says only dorian has powerful magic
Bu guys imagine that happing the little boy everyone thinks is so spoiled and rotting inside is the one sacrificing himself to save his big brother
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