#throne is very good where have I been omg
muffinlance · 8 days
ORBSJB AGNI AS A TURTLE DUCK I'm sorry but LIKE HOW CUTE AND then it's like he's this turtleduck in the pond bc depending on how people treat animals, small ones that need help, that's how he knows if they're good and he blesses the ones that treat him kindly and then Zuko and I'm sorry of this sint coherent (I'm a long time fan of your content btw, all the his and the books and omg I wish I could've gotten some)
Azulon looked down. His grandson, along with the turtleduck in his arms, looked up.
“This is Agni,” the boy said. “He says you should stop now.”
QUACK, said the duck. It was a strange red-gold. It was glowing. It was staring at him, even through the flames of the throne.
“Stop what?” humored the Fire Lord.
“The war,” the boy said. “It’s killing too many firebenders. Also his sister has been yelling at him, so we should let the waterbenders go, too, and be nice to them from now on so he can get a good night’s sleep and not have her redirecting comets at him any more. Probably we should leave all the other benders alone too because he’s pretty sure it was the air spirits that made him a flightless duck. He says that’s their sense of humor.”
QUACK, said the turtleduck.
“…Guards,” said Azulon.
This proved to be an ill-advised action.
There is a Fire Nation child in Hakoda's village. The child has a softly glowing turtleduck in his arms and a quietly oozing wound under his bandage. This is not how Hakoda thought his morning would go.
"What's with the turtleduck?" asks Hakoda's son, who is wrapped around Hakoda's arm and his spear in a way that makes it very hard to instinctively stab at red-clothed things. Hakoda... expected more of them. But the tiny sail boat the kid just ran into Sokka's lumpy watchtower seems to be empty, now that its single feverish passenger has stumbled over. With his duck.
"It's a turtleduck-phoenix," says the Fire Lord's heir, answering exactly none of Hakoda's actual questions. "...You remember?"
"That your hair is going to get worse before it gets better?" says Sokka. "Absolutely."
The Prince scowls. "Then where's Aang?"
"Katara's been looking for him. He's still in the iceberg."
"...The Ember Island Players' iceberg?"
"The Ember Island Players' extremely accurate and well-researched iceberg."
The Fire Prince stares at Hakoda's son. The Fire Prince stares at Hakoda. The Fire Prince flips his duck around to face himself, then starts shaking it. "Give me a less stupid reality."
QUACK, protests the duck, with a burst of accompanying immolation that does nothing to dissuade the prince.
"Sorry, buddy," soothes his son, "you were always in the stupid reality. Remember the frozen frogs?"
Quack, says the duck, as if in confirmation.
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abilouwrites · 7 months
Hihi I was hoping I could request enemies to lovers Zuko x fem!reader?
The reader is a traitor to the fire nation and can bend fire (also a street peformer before she joined the gaang? 👀) 💕💕
Omg getting a request just made my day I love these!!!
I hope you like it 🫶🫶🫶
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Id like to say that my life is good, that I’m happy where I am but I’m not. I’m upset and frustrated; but most of all I’m living on the street, preforming stupid acrobatic tricks just to feed myself. I’ve left everything behind. My family and wealth but most importantly someone I never wanted to live without.
I’m upside down when I see them; soft flames coming from the soles of my bare feet. Resting on my forearms and twisting and contorting my body.
“You.” A teenaged girl approaches me and I turn right side up, “you’re a fire bender aren’t you!” She says, “what’s your name?”
“Uh” I stare at her and smile nervously, “y/n Huǒ” I repeat slowly, and quietly. People of the fire nation know the traitor I’ve become outside the walls of the fire nation. Meeting the avatar, going against my friends for his life. All because I believed in something greater than all of this.
“I know you” a boy says, bandana around his forehead, “your grandpa, Yújìn. I know- or knew him” He says
“Oh.” Realization hits my face, “you’re the avatar!” A short girl slaps me.
“Wow way to tell everyone!” She retorts, god are little kids sassy.
“You could teach Aang firebending” Katara says, it’s hard not to know someone’s name when there’s wanted posters all over town.
“I’m good at fire bending but I’m no master” I say, “I thought Prince Zuko abandoned the throne to teach you” I ask
“Well he’s uh.. learning a new way to firebend” Toph laughs a little and I smile awkwardly.
“I don’t bend very traditionally” I reply, “but if it will get me off the streets I guess why not” I stand up straighter and brush my hair out of my face.
“You brought that back?!” Zuko shouts, we’ve had a long history. One that includes a betrothal, and a knife to the gut. He looks at me with disgust which I’m not surprised at.
“I’m a girl. Not a thing!” I cry out, “the only reason I’m here is because Aang needs a firebending teacher because you suck!” I scoff out at him, there’s fire burning in his hands but I never raise mine.
He groans at me, “you’ve always been like this! Even when”
“Zuko I don’t want to talk about that” I warn, there’s a plea in my voice but he accepts that, “it was a long time ago”
“Yeah like it was that long ago” he sasses and I roll my eyes.
It doesn’t take long for things to settle down; I’m essentially useless now that Zuko has gotten his bending back. Even if he did it how I told him to do it all along but whatever.
The bickering still happens, and I want to throw a knife at him but part of me still loves him. I didn’t hate being betrothed to him as much as I thought I did.
“Did you ever miss us?” I ask him, “after you were banished. I refused to Azula to give away your location and then the Avatars when you wrote me” I confess, “so I left”
“I think. At first I did, but I don’t— I don’t think we would’ve worked together. We fight all the time. I hated you at first. And you hated me” He admits, looking down slightly. He sighs heavily
“Yeah. I guess. But I didn’t really hate- hate you” I admit, “I missed you. I liked knowing you”
He nods, “I did like knowing you too, you’ve changed so much. I mean your fire it’s pink” he laughs
“Maybe it’s from my bubbly personality” I tease, he laughs
“You. Have a bubbly personality!” He laughs and it’s so good to hear, “you were so shy, like if I sneezed too hard I would scare you”
I smile softly, “I’ve changed so much sense I was twelve” my hair falls around my face and he tucks the loose strand around my ear
“What now that you’re fourteen?” He teases softly, his hand lingers behind my ear. But he removes himself quickly.
“Zuko. Im fifteen” I remind him, it’s embarrassing when he says he knows how my heart flutters and I feel weak in the knees.
“I remember, once you turned eighteen we would’ve” he looks away with a blush on his cheeks
“Yeah. Gotten married” I laugh, and I keep laughing because the thought of getting married feels so small and childish to the war we’re supposed to be preparing for.
He laughs; rolling laughs that make me keep laughing. My laughs turn short and wheezy before his face straightens, “are you ok? Can you breathe?” His face turns to me and he smiles seeing my smile. It’s a smile that makes my cheeks hurt and heart race.
“As the Prince of the fire nation. I’m supposed to hate you. Because you’ve betrayed our nation. But as Zuko. As your Zuko. In this moment I don’t feel anything but hate. I feel love for you. A fire that I never want to put out” he tells me, scooting closer to me. I let him cradle my face, “I never hated you”
“I never hated you either” a weak laugh escapes me but he kisses me before it truly develops. It’s a kiss that devours me whole, wrapping itself into my heart and soul.
“If we make it through this. Let’s make good on that betrothal”
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kalopses-sonderes · 3 months
Hey, hyper anon here...had this idea for a self aware cookie run x readers series or one shot If you're interested! It's kinda based off your imposter au!
Y/n gets transported into game and brought before the imposter! The imposter starts talking but then y/n claims they wanna talk to the imposter in private! When they talk in private, only the imposter and y/n, y/n reveals that they just want to live a normal life among cookies and they are totally fine with the imposter being the ruler of the cookies because they seem very cool and being a ruler seems too stressful (bonus: y/n doesn't feel worthy of being the cookie's ruler as well because they don't have powers or something like the imposter does...and bonus bonus if the imposter can do stuff like summon amazing cotton candy and stuff to bribe cookies with!) Imposter calls cookies in and apologizes for the misunderstanding and 'mistaking (favorite flavor) cookie as an imposter' and apologizes by helping them find a home and a place!
Oh and later on...cookies read imposter's dairy and discover that imposter is...well an imposter, and what their baker said to them and the little...deal they made (imposter being ruler, y/n just living their life as a normal cookie citizen of kingsom) but has an evil yet good plan (good in y/n's unknowing eyes, bad in cookie's eyes) where the imposter has slowly been bribing y/n and winning their heart so even if they are found out, y/n is singing their praises from on high and would vouch for them! (Example of bribes: giving y/n their favorite sweets, becoming their closest friend...which leads into something that would horrifying cookies more because jealousy, showing y/n amazing tricks, and taking them to places one could only DREAM of and more!) Thing that horrified cookies: the imposter was first doing it out of manipulation but is clearly starting to actually LIKE the baker and wants to be their friend...not to charm em to have the cookie's sweet baker singing their praises!
So, in order to get their y/n back and make y/n sing THEIR praises instead and make y/n WANT to he the center of their world...they start counter bribing! They start doing nice things to and for y/n, claiming that it's because they want to welcome y/n at first and then slowly up the spoiling...giving y/n more and more attention, making sure y/n is melting at THEIR fingertips and not the imposter's...making y/n desire them and not the imposter.
And when time is right...imposter is exposed! Imposter tries to get y/n on their side....buuut y/n can't resist the cookie's siren call of a sweet beckon and possibly a cute saying along the lines of 'oh sweetheart, come to [cute nickname they call themselves]' or 'oh [cute nickname], you shouldn't stress about this buisness...come, let's go home and [activity they like or find relaxing...examples, go bake some monster muffins to munch on or go cuddle or give y/n a backrub or something]' and it makes y/n go running to them like a savior unable to resist a siren's call.
A/n: Omg I want this to be a series, so this is gonna be like mostly my brain rotting rambles and small portions of little fics so we can build off it later on in the series
All the writing in purple is the little fics, default color is just my rambles and headcanons about it
“Imposter for Baker? Count me in!”
Series masterlist
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- Just imagine little cookie y/n plopping into the cookie verse like “oop, guess this is my new life now.” They just start living a normal life on the outskirts of their kingdom so no one can find them. Cause, if you you were transported to a new universe, you would think you were their god/baker or they were gonna try and hunt you down. Soooo y/n decided to keep to themselves and not let their presence be known yet.
- BOOM! There’s news of the “baker” being spotted and brought to the big castle to take there throne and high power blah blah. The Imposter looks similar to you, just with purple eyes(If you have purple eyes… now you don’t). You can’t tell what the true bakers eye color is because the statues aren’t painted, so the imposter fit the bill well.an they had powers! It has to be their baker then!
- Y/n is absolute happy about that! They get to sit back and relax, they go in public now and just tell cookies they just were “ blessed with the looks of their baker” and how they aren’t them. Some of the cookies were extremely skeptical but let it slide since they said they weren’t their baker and weren’t trying to impersonate them, cause the imposter is totallyyyy the real baker!
“You look oddly familiar..” Pure Vanilla looks Y/n up and down.
The cookies surround Y/n, trying to figure out why you look exactly like their baker.. just with your boring eyes, not neon purple eyes like their totally real baker has. Espresso has a magnifying glass in your cookie face, looking at all the detail.
‘Uhhhhhhh… I was just blessed by our baker, and uh, they blessed me with their beauty and I’m not them. I don’t have purple eyes or cool powers! I’m just trying to live a normal life like everyone else.” You say, any normal person would have seen right through you and what you were saying, but the cookies believed you. You weren’t claiming to be their baker so they have no reason to not let you live a peaceful life, it could just be an odd coincident!
“Well they don’t seem like their lying.. Guess they get to go peacefully for now till the Baker decided what’s to do with them.” Milk shrugs, everyone nodding and humming in agreement with Milk.
- Once the imposter finds out you’re there they are instantly scared. What if you go hunting them?! Or take the throne and execute them?!
- They order a few cookies to go collect you so they can have a one on one talk with you disguising it as a dinner twitch their “look a like” for funnies. Once the cookies bring you back, the imposter leads you away to a more secluded room in the castle so no one can spy on you both as they question you.
“This is my throne and-“ The imposter started once they closed the door the small storage room.
“You can keep it, I don’t want to be the ruler of this kingdom, just live a normal life.” You interrupted, you looked pretty calm about the whole ordeal while the imposter looked like they’ve seen a ghost.
“Wait.. what? You’re just gonna let me keep it.” The imposter look dumbfounded, not actually believing you’ll let them keep at this power. They thought they wold have to threaten you or make an official announcement that you’re an imposter and let the cookies hunt you down for the. “Not even gonna put up a small fight.? I didn’t even get to finish my monologue I worked so hard on..” :(
- You got to live a pretty normal life under the imposters rule. Until Pure Vanilla decides to go through the imposters room and found a diary, I snooped through it and read it….. Finding out you’re the real baker! -insert Pure Vanilla doing surprised pikachu face- He was flabbergasted(I love this word so much for no reason) He didn’t expect to be worshipping the WRONG baker the entire time and their real baker was being bribed to like the imposter and be their friend. So if the imposter gets found out, you’d take Imposters side over the cookies! He also found out how you never wanted to be Baker and let the imposter take your spot! D:
- It clicked in Pure Vanilla’s head, you have been spending loads of time with the imposter and received even as house from them and gifts. He came up with an idea to also bribe you! He gets the other cookies in on it.. It’s basically a full on war!
- your house is basically full of gifts from all the cookies and you’re absolutely clueless on what this about and you didn’t mind it at first till you could barely see your living room floor from all their gifts piled up in there!
Who will win the real baker? Imposter or the cookies? Find out on the next episode of “Imposter for Baker? Count me in!”
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A/n: kept it very open ended so the other parts of this series will fit well :D
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shadykazama · 5 months
Hi Hi!! can i ask for Junkerqueen sfw and nsfw headcanons? <3
Omg yes I'd love to!! I've been waiting for more character requests
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I don't know who drew this but god bless them 🙏 and if anyone knows the artist please tell me so I can credit them
Odessa Stone hdcs 💙
She's 7 feet tall so she's most likely taller than you
Will be picking you up and swinging you around like a madwoman just cause you're smaller than her
She will hold things out of reach and make you kiss her to get it
Sits you in her lap whenever she has to do stuff
Sitting in a meeting? You're there ofc and in her lap
In the arena watching junkers brawl it out? You can guess where you'd be
Now on the off chance you're the same height or dare I say TALLER than her?
Especially if you have a competitive spirit cause she'll want to compete
Who's stronger? She'll demand to wrestle.
(She'll do that if you're smaller than her too she'll just go easy on you since it's not a fair fight)
Regardless of your size she's going to show you off at every given opportunity
Keeps you by her side as an advisor (she just likes your opinion, you got a title as an excuse when someone called her out for it)
Has the STUPIDEST nicknames for you. Ofc calls you Babe, but also other things depending on your personality. Some examples being Snapper (if you're short, since you're an ankle biter aka a snapping turtle), Silvie (if you're competitive cause you'll always get second place if she's competing), she'll call you Doc if you're smart (even if you're not a doctor), prince/princess (if you don't getting dirty) etc..
Favorite place to kiss you is on the lips- will tease you if you can't reach her
Always places her hand on the small of your back to really bring you in close. Bonus points if it flusters you
Is amused by the most mundane things
Rub noses with her to be all cute she'll think it's revolutionary
She'll braid your hair for you if you have enough. Loooves to do it for you, thinks the braids make you hot
Makes sure you get anything you want, definitely spoils you. But hey, perks of being queen.
If she's fighting in the Arena, her eyes are on YOU. Makes sure you see every cool little move she does. Will pick you up and kiss you in front of everyone when she wins
Has a strap, no I don't take criticism 🫶
More seriously though, she's experienced but still clumsy especially when it comes to intimacy
Any previous experience has come from nights of adrenaline fueled lust or childish boredom
Being soft and loving is something she'd want with you, but would have to get used to. So by all means, show her.
She'll slow down for you, a night with you means more than survival or winning or fighting. With you she can offer herself gently, and show you just how much you mean to her
Now this ^ doesn't mean she's beyond primal lust, if anything you make it worse for her. But she's capable of variety ;)
Moving on to the hot and heavy
She will sit on your face, good luck soldier
Will expect you to do the same (if you're AFAB)
She gets a lot of joy from that strap, and let's just say it's proportional :)
Will fuck you till you can't talk, and then makes you beg anyway
Wants to fuck on her throne
Please god let her fuck you on her throne
Lowkey into exhibitionism? Like she'd fuck you in front of someone just to prove a point (only if you were okay with it ofc but she def has fantasies about it)
Ass kinda lady, likes it on anyone
Has a clit piercing for SURE
Has definitely put the handle of her knife to use if you know what I mean
Will use it on you too if you say yes 🙏
If you're AMAB expect to be pegged or ridden there is no in between
Does not have the patience to be on bottom unless you're eating her out (and even then she'd prefer to just sit on your face)
Will praise you but in a very patronizing way
Likes to tell you how good you're doing but also remind you that you're serving HER.
Smacking your ass is her favorite cheeky way of teasing you in and out of the bedroom.
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novembermorgon · 3 months
pls i need more info about rosamund!!! what house was her mother from? does she have siblings? do she and tyland have kids together? does she live in KL with him? what does she think of the royal family? ty!!!
omg .. :-) ask and you will receive! let me try to keep it somewhat brief... (i will fail)
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rosamund is one of six children!! her mom is a serrett and her father was lord of castamere during viserys reign. she's the third child and she has one older brother, one older sister and three younger sisters.
sometime around 117 ac she begins a notably long courtship with tyland that lasts about 5 years (the only reason it just goes on and on is because she's exceptionally shy and anxious . it's kind of funny in the sense that they're just kind of skirting around it for years and years and every time they manage to prolong it by just never speaking very clearly to each other and somehow dodging direct confrontation for 5 years). eventually though they get married and they ARE very happy together.
in my mind she ends up sticking around in king's landing permanently after that . i like to think she becomes one of alicent's ladies in waiting because they're close in age and have cause to stick around each other a bit. in general though she's definitely not especially interested in court politics, prefers to keep to herself and mind her business and just sort of enjoy life at court (not that king's landing has ever been very fun ...) .
she never ends up having any kids with tyland .. i think it's sort of a spiral that goes down and down and down and eventually hits rock bottom for her if that makes sense - she definitely would want children but it's also very frightening to her. she worries about childbirth and then she worries about not being a good mother and it makes her anxiety very physical which leads to her miscarrying once, after which they kind of just stop trying, more for her comfort than anything else ..
when the war breaks out she's sort of pulled into it by default on account of her husband being on the small council ... </3 but again she herself is never really an active participant. she sits and worries and tries to keep herself out of the way. i feel like she has very complicated feelings on the royal family .. doesn't understand their drive for conflict and doesn't know why they, as a family, don't seem at all willing to make amends and communicate with each other - there's a frustration there especially when their conflict is pushed so heavily onto the rest of westeros. nobody benefits, nobody wins, nobody is ever left with anything but pain. she's closer to alicent than any of the other royals, but even then she sort of starts to hesitate in spending too much time with her when the war really gets going and she's wrapped up in it more wholly . struggles to understand and struggles to find common ground with her anymore so they drift apart.
when king's landing is taken over in 130 she's brought down into The Dungeons alongside tyland and kept there for as long as rhaenyra is on the throne. she knows absolutely nothing but she's tyland's wife so the thought is Well of course she knows where the crown's gold is because she's married to the guy who managed it and he's had to tell her something. unfortunately it results in very little information but a lot of really bad trauma. she doesn't get the worst of it but you can imagine . it's like this
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post-war given how things turned out for both of them her and tyland are kind of left in this state of eternal .. stasis, almost ... they can't have children, they're sort of trapped at court endlessly for better or worse, they're getting older by westerosi standards ... but they definitely find some peace in that. even if she can't have kids on her own and even if her husband scares the other ladies at court she doesn't ever really have any want for things to change . never looks elsewhere for companionship even when she's reassured that it'd be fine and never makes the misery of their circumstances be a reason to turn elsewhere . when things settle back down somewhat i like to imagine she's genuinely happy for a bit . she wears her little veil every time she goes out both because i imagine she believes it'll make tyland feel less bad about not being able to show his face much and because she doesn't want to be perceived LOL
i think she spends a lot of time with jaehaera and aegon iii in the little period of time around 130-133 ac ... sort of gets to step in and try to look after these horrifically depressed children while half of court is busy trying to pick up the pieces of a terrible terrible civil war. they're also in some sense sort of stand-ins (in a pretty normal way, obviously she knows they're not Her children and they don't really see her as a mother either but they have that bit of a connection of taking care of someone - someone to care for you) for the children she didnt have herself .
she lives through the winter fever in 133 but kicks the bucket pretty soon after. ending on a bad note .. as usual .. she sees tyland die and sees alicent die and her mind sort of gives out and her body follows . when your anxiety makes you go OUhghuhhhhhhhhhhhh and fall over dead. probably right before jaehaera also ends up in her ... unfortunate situation ..
thats all . very summarized this is just me rambling but what's new..
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genovianxprince · 5 months
OK I think I understand some of why some people in the fandom choose to make Mystra some kind of a terrible, grooming abuser to Gale. It's because every one of the companions has like a specific person you can point to and say, that is the abuser. That right there is the person who has caused the companion grievous harm. Gale and Mystra are a little more complex than that.
Shadowheart and Lae'zel technically have a whole cult/culture backing up the abuse, but you can still pretty directly point to Viconia and Shar for Shadowheart, and ultimately Vlaakith for Lae'zel as well as just... every Githyanki she ever met, except for Kith'rak Voss.
Wyll has Mizora, Karlach had Zariel and Gortash, Astarion has Cazador, all very obvious and self explanatory in the game. They were innocent, kidnapped, coerced, sold, played like a damn fiddle. But Gale?
Gale has Mystra, a goddess he loves, who also loves him, and the things they did to each other were both fucked up, and a lot of the fault totally lies with Gale! The other companions all had external forces affecting them. Gale's was mostly internal. He refused to believe he was good enough. "As inconceivable as it seems to me now, I shared a bed with a goddess and I still wasn't satisfied." A literal goddess, the one he favored, the one he was in love with, who favored and loved him back, consistently told him he was perfect as he was and he straight up did not believe her. He placed himself on a higher and higher pedestal he could never reach the top of because if he wasn't constantly climbing to some nebulous goal of perfection, then could he be good enough for Mystra?
Y'know, instead of just believing the woman he was in love with. And I get it! Insecurities suck! Especially when you've been the gifted child your entire life, perfectly talented at something that all the adults in your life go nuts over. But also, it is extremely arrogant to assume you know better than your literal goddess and be like "yo, there's a missing piece of the Weave and I can go get it" like... Mystra is the Weave, she would have known and probably sent someone on a quest if it were actually Her Weave and not Karsus' Weave.
Gale is INCREDIBLY hubristic and he keeps falling for that trap. He's overconfident. Hell, even after his year in isolation where he comes out humbled, a small group of people believing in him for a short amount of time gets him to go "omg, crown of karsus = godhood, I can totally do that and tell the gods they SUCK and overthrow Ao's rules!"
Like, babyboy, no.
Of course, Mystra is not without some fault. After Gale's initial... Folly-up, she just ignores him for a year. Damn, girl, what the hell! Well. You see. The Netherese orb is a fragment of the magic that Karsus used to try to ascend and steal her throne with. The magic that she realized was going to kill everything if she didn't sacrifice herself. For a moment, all magic ceased to exist, including Mystryl herself, and Karsus died. Then Mystra came into being. Gale tells you a short version of this story himself! So it kind of makes sense that Mystra would see this shard of magic and just... kinda have a trauma reaction! And to gods, time flows differently. It wouldn't shock me to learn she didn't realize it had been a year by the time Gale left his Tower due to mind flayer shenanigans. Naturally, she does not want to discuss the thing she's so terrified of, and just tries to have it destroyed without her having to touch it—the plan to have Gale blow himself up on the Absolute itself, and she would save his soul. And even after he disobeys her instruction, she still allows the orb to feed on the true Weave! She still lets him live without fear of blowing up randomly, even though it greatly distresses her to let this magic that killed her once feed on her own life force.
Then he reaches the city, and reads The Annals of Karsus, and realizes she's going to have to explain, despite not wanting to. And she summons him. Tells him exactly what's in his chest. Asks him to turn over the Crown and she will destroy the orb and face her own trauma, because Gale... doesn't want to die. She understands that. And she still loves him and his big beautiful brain despite how stupid he's been, and she wants to have him as her Chosen again.
Things will never be the same, of course. They both fucked up. Gave each other a bad time. But in the end, they forgive each other and move past it. Not as a couple, because things broke too much for that. But they can have a healthy relationship as Goddess and Chosen once more.
And that is what sets Gale and his trauma apart from the companions. He doesn't have a direct abuser or live in a horrific abusive society. He almost killed the goddess of all magic a second time and she had an understandably harsh reaction to that, even if it was still too harsh. I just don't believe it's only Mystra who fucked up here. Not by a long shot. Much of it lies squarely with Gale.
And, as for the grooming allegations [as far as people trying to say it is canon], literally just no. She's a True Neutral goddess. Gale literally tells you that you are not his first mortal lover, he had a few before he ever fell into Mystra's bed, and you're just the first since the breakup about a year ago. The game doesn't shy away from sex and sexual abuse in the least. Why on Earth would this be something hidden behind several layers of nonexistent subtext? It's definitely fun for AU's, but by Ahghairon's lost nose, no, it's not canon!
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randomwritingdrabbles · 2 months
The way murther would have a completely different dynamic if they were genderbent, like omg.
Twas reading some Merlin fics and came across Murther as you often do in the merlin ao3 fandom and it occurred to me that while I'm kinda meh for canon typical Murther (I like Lance or Gwaine with him more and also Arthur having to be like "So this is my wife, the queen. And this is my soulmate, the court sorcerer... It's complicated, don't ask.") Genderbent Murther would be genuinely feral.
Here me out, Arthur doesn't want to be a knight as a goal, he wanted to be a good prince and being a knight was part of that. So it goes to imply that female Arthur wouldn't be some burly knight or do a Morgana type 'imma learn to fight anyway bitch' thing, fem!Arthur would do her best to be the best princess she could be.
Where Arthur is a fantastic fighter, f!Arthur would be impeccable at playing the political field and reading people. F!Arthur would be the perfect princess and would fucking know it, she would still be arrogant but instead of bullying the stablehands with knife throwing it would be a backhanded compliment about someone's outdated clothing styles. Princess Arthur would be a completely different character.
Merlin however is from the boonies, peasant women can't afford not to work so female Merlin would have been raised very similar to the boys and likely the only change in character she would have would be a much higher likelihood of knowing genuine self defence.
No one is sending a young unmarried woman off to the capital on her own, she would have been taught at least enough to stab a man where it hurts, if not kill him outright.
Imagine the dynamic with this flip in the personalities though!!!
Perfect princess Arthur being saved by this random peasant girl weilding a knife and the fucking audacity. Just the dynamic of the definitely not scheeming princess and her definitely not a terrifying assasin maidservant.
I honestly think they'd get together in like five minutes flat. Arthur not wanting to have her agency taken by a man meets hella cute and also sexily violent Merlin? She'd climb that peasant girl after the first thwarted assassination attempt.
Especially given that lesbians weren't really seen as a thing back then or if they were, were considered 'training' for their 'real' relationships, so people legit would either not notice or just wouldn't give a shit.
Arthur wouldn't be able to be blatant so she would 100% train her maidservant into the perfect spymaster/assasin and unleash her on her political enemies. Merlin thought the princess was a prat for all of five minutes until said prat gave her bedroom eyes and then 'thanked' her for saving her life... Merlin now has a hot gf, a weird dragon friend, and is getting advanced stabbing lessons... she is a fulfilled bitch.
(Arthur takes the throne because she actively ousts Uther. He tried to marry her off and she already had a shakey relationship with him cus he doesn't know how to raise girls. He is now 'taking a medical vacation' and Arthur rules as queen. Magic is legalised cus merlin legit could not last a full week without this observant version of Arthur noticing the magic.)
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Possibly unpopular opinion (Or perhaps not idk): I love what they have done with Zuko and Ozai's relationship in the live action Netflix Avatar show.
In the cartoon we never get the ~vibes~ that Zuko has a complicated relationship with his father, only that it is abusive and one-sided in the sense only Zuko craves Ozai's approval, while Ozai straight up hates him, wants him dead or has no problem with him dying (Why doesn't he kill him if he has Azula? We don't know, plot has to happen, he sent Zuko to find the avatar in order to get rid of him, probably, or actually canon idk or remember), clearly prefers Azula to him as successor, etc, etc, etc (+ later the comics literally overkilled this trend "she was born lucky while..." omg stfu). Zuko is basically the perfect character to prove the fire nation is not all evil (Oh look, they hate him too, he is inherently their victim too from the very beginning).
So when Zuko switches sides in the cartoon, what I see as an adult rewatching is someone giving up on luxory, physical safety and... that is pretty much it. Sure it is a big deal to give up on those things to do what is right (Few would) and still awesome that he did the right thing in the end, but if you really think about it, he is not giving up that much, he is not giving up anything truly valuable to him. Respect? Honor? Sure he is said to have received it back after Azula "killed" Aang, but we never truly see it. For all intents and purposes his sister has that and wayyy more of it. His father's love and acceptance? Never had it, so he didn't truly "loose it" when he spoke up for those soldiers, got the scar and was banished, it is not really shown to have suddenly popped into existence when he was said to have killed the avatar. He literally had nothing in the fire nation, literally nothing. This could only make "doing the right thing" a lot easier for him, and for the adult audience (At least for me), his arc is just him realizing what is almost irritatingly obvious for us: That no one in the fire nation truly loves and respects him so might as well switch sides (Basically if we weren't also shown that Zuko is compassionate and does care about the horrible things the fire nation is doing, Ember Island Players would have gotten a bit of truth in it).
Now, in the live action, where do I even start? It has been so good so far when it comes to Ozai and Zuko. That man, if he hated Zuko in a cartoonishly evil way almost from birth, he sure doesn't show it. Don't get me wrong, he is just as abusive (Creepily so in many scenes, made me feel so protective of Zuko and Azula), but he is also shown to "care" about Zuko as in having some hope left that he can mold him into another powerful genocidal mini me. Is Azula winning by far? Ofc, she is still the prodigy, I am sure I am going to see flashbacks of favoritism later on. But Ozai doesn't yet seem to favor her in a way that makes Zuko's craving for his approval (Or even Ozai's hope in him as heir) hopeless. It seems, from his scenes with Azula, that Ozai foments the rivalry and competition between the two siblings not only because he personally thinks Azula is the best (Which he also might in this version), but also as a way of control through fear (Especially for prodigy Azula), and to make them (Especially comparatively weaker Zuko) "better", something this version of Ozai appears to think is possible EVEN when he banishes Zuko. Now, he might have done this "to get rid of him" as in the original, but in the live action he seems super open to and genuinely believe the idea that the exile could make Zuko stronger and better, not to mention worthy of the throne if he succeeds. Ozai treats Zuko like the heir despite favoring Azula is all I am saying. Zuko's actions are therefore almost impossible, yes, but not hopeless or even naive. And if this trend of Ozai's respect and "love" (Super on quotes) being achievable continues, Zuko's eventual turn to the good side will be much more powerful. He will have to give up much more after spending a summer with his abusive parent love bombing him for "killing" the avatar. Zuko's choice will be solely based on his findings about the horrors the fire nation has committed and not wanting to be the cause of more suffering even though he could have it all. Even though it was his fate to be his father's "mini me"-> Something terrifyingly likely and not so quickly discarded by the narrative itself as it was in the animated series.
I think the best part about this subtle change in the father-son dynamic (If it was the intention of the writers, I am aware it could have been unintended) is that the scar tm was a direct result of Zuko's compassion for those soldiers and not just the excuse Ozai used to banish him or "final straw" because he preferred Azula sooo much more, as it is pretty much implied later on in the animated series and comics by focusing so much on how much of a perfect victim Zuko was pretty much from birth. The addition of the 41st surviving because of Zuko was also pretty nice, and so is Zuko's relationship with them, he will need fire nation allies when he gets to the throne and this is a good start, something the animated series never touched upon much.
I am on episode 6 btw so my opinion might change. I will edit this post if that is the case. BUT my thoughts on these first scenes doesn't change, they are good imho
EDIT (And spoilers): I just watched Zhao’s revelation where he tells Zuko that Ozai would never let him return and he just wanted to use him to motivate Azula. It does change things and invalidates most of what I said, but taking out just this one scene, as I said, the Ozai-Zuko dynamic is great in this show, and also, Zhao is obviously not the most reliable source, because he was allied to Azula and obviously wanted to hurt Zuko, as he was losing the fight with him. There is also the fact that Azula wasn't watching Ozai and Zuko when Ozai told his son that he was being banished and that it was in part so he could get stronger etc, that was all for Zuko and had little way of serving as motivation for Azula (Unlike the scenes where Ozai praises Zuko in front of her, those could have totally been him bullshitting his daughter to motivate her to work even harder). So all in all this scene doesn't ruin the overall impression I had of the Ozai-Zuko father-son dynamic in the life action show. In fact, it could be taken to confirm one of my impressions which was that Ozai likes pitying his children against each other to push them harder.
EDIT 2: Ozai's reaction to Zuko's possible death is further proof imo that his “test” was very much real (even if almost impossible) and everything I said earlier still stands. He wouldn't mind that much if he died, it would just prove his “weakness”, and he is very pleased with Azula, but he didn't look happy or even indifferent when he learned the news.
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bigboipyromaniac · 3 months
I am BEGGING for a sub doom slayer pls and tyy 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
~ 🪼
Omg big man being a sub… im in love
(Aka minors dni)
Its been a while since Flynn had taken a break, been on the quest to kill the demons and finding that robot he hates, not sure why but whatever fit his cup.
You could hear Flynn repairing one of bis weapons the recently broke on a mission, and how he was handling it, you could tell it was frustrating him. You were just going to leave him be and figure out his own problem but you got a good idea.
You tried to sneak into Flynn’s room but that never goes as planned he can always hear you footsteps, you stopped in your tracks when he turned his head over his shoulders, realizing it was you, he turned back around to his work ignoring you for the most part.
But you can never be ignored.
You walked up behind his and wrapped you are around his waist, you were mainly feeling his body, it was very soft, he did always took care of himself after a mission.
You kept rubbing against his abs and slowly moved your hands lower and lower until it was right on his crotch. He was pretty pent up, it's been a while since you both done it. You can feel his erection in his sweatpants, he was thrusting himself into your hands.
You can tell Flynn was trying to focus on his tinkering, but your hand was making ot a bit hard to focus on where to put things in.
You hand slowly slipped into his pants and started to massage his hard-on. Now this time he really could focus on anything besides you. His moans were a bit louder now and he could stop thrusting into your hands.
You knew Flynn was close to release, but you did want to have a bit of fun with him. You let go before things got a bit messy in his pants, "sit down big man, relax for once." You said and of course Flynn listened like a big puppy. He sat down oh his big chair that you always called his "Big Throne." You sat in front of him and pulled down his pants.
You placed you hands again on his election, Flynn has started thrusting again while moaning, you could tell he was desperate to be inside of you, but where's the fun in that?
You placed his dick into your mouth making sure it was wet enough for it to fit into you. Flynn grabbed your head and made sure that your entire mouth covered his dick.
He could stop fucking your throat, it was so warm and tight. He could keep going on for a day, but you had other plans. You pulled yourself out, and breathed a bit before going back to work.
You climbed on top of Flynn and placed yourself on top of him. You positioned yourself on top of his bones, but before you go down on him..
"You know." He looked up at you.
You should really apologize after what you just did." Flynn gave you an annoyed face, but that quickly changed once you moved your hips around to tease him.
"I-I'm sorry " it's been a while since you've heard his voice
It was nice
"I'm sorry for what?" He signed
I'm sorry for using your throat, please keep going" He said with desperation, you giggled a bit.
"OK if you say so!" You gave his a little kiss on his lips and you lowered yourself down onto his dick . Despite your throat getting absolutely destroyed by him, he's still pretty big inside of you, but that's not going to stop you.
After he was fully in you, he grabbed you by the hips and used you like his own personal flesh toy , but honesty stopping him was the last thing in your mind, it felt too good for it to jaut suddenly stop.
There was no noise besides both of your moans and the slapping between yall. He stood up while still inside and placed you on his desk. His thrust were getting deeper and more messier, he was so close and this time he could let go.
You wrapped your leg around his waist making sure he didn't pull out just yet and moved you arm around his shoulder. After a while, he wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer while his load filled you up. You gave him kisses all around his shoulder while both of you were getting ready to move and clean yourself up.
Soon, Flynn pulled himself out of you, his load started to spill out all over his desk. "I'll clean it up later" He says then placing you over his shoulder.
"Where are you taking me now" You said, a bit tired after the pounding from Flynn.
"Shower, don't worry I'll do all the work." Aw whata sweetheart, maybe you could get a bit of rest while he does that.
Yea that's not happening.
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needsmth · 1 year
Hey! I’m KINDA new here so Idk how it works? But Anyway could i request a Edmund x g/n reader. Where there’s a storm and Edmund is looking for reader beacuse he’s worried, and finally he finds them in the middle of courtyard just to see them having the best time of their life running dancing spinning and enjoying the weather? (i like to Imagine that at that moment he would think something like "I wanna be theirs” iykyk)
If it’s not a problem ofc! And thank you <333
Thank you so much omg!! I loved writing this one and I look forward to getting to know you more :)
A disclaimer to all the others reading though, the reader will identify as she/her as I'm not very good at writing with non-binary pronouns. I deeply apologise.
Also, I highly recommend that you read this with the song 'Lovers Rock' by TV Girl. It just fits the mood and I swear you won't regret it <3
- slight cussing (literally just one swear word)
- tooth-rotting fluff :p
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Edmund is not worried, alright? In fact, he's been feeling himself as of late. But that's the problem. He's only been feeling himself when she's around.
And yes, there's very heavy rain today so there's plenty of reason to worry. Especially since Lucy last recalled seeing his best friend in the courtyard, which, he'd gladly remind to anyone, is open-air.
And no, he's definitely not speeding down the long, pristine hallways of Cair Paravel towards the courtyard. He simply isn't. He's just... Walking at a faster pace.
Edmund pays no mind as he passes the meeting room, the throne room, his own bedroom. That's not important right now.
When he reaches the steps that lead to the courtyard, he takes note of the very heavy rain. (Susan, being the most helpful person in the world says there is probably a high chance of lightning striking.)
Edmund eyes at his navy blue silk and cream-coloured linen outfit and then back to the rain. 'Fuck it,' he thinks, stepping out into the unmerciful rain that instantly ruins his hair and clothes.
Never mind that, he needs to find her.
His dress-boots stomp against the slosh that was grass and tried avoiding puddles as best as he could. Lord knows what Peter would say to him later.
The young king shakes his mind off his older brother. Not the time, he reminds himself.
Now that he's finally here in the courtyard himself, he realises how much he's never spent his time here. (A bad situation to be finally realising this, but oh well) He made up his mind on how he's going exploring again when he's not in such a state and when the fields are dry and the sun is peeking from the sky.
He continues wandering for a good three minutes before noticing the spin of a light-pink dress in the distance.
His dark eyes widen, little specks of hope visible in the irises. He rushed to where he saw it, and there you were.
But instead of the cold, wet, miserable you that he'd previously imagined, it was actually quite the opposite.
You twirled yourself around, his presence to you unknown. Your eyes were closed, but your smile shone just as bright. Occasionally, Edmund would hear a little laugh from you, an indication of the fun you were having.
His eyes widen again, but instead of surprise, it's filled with cheeky, malicious intent.
Tip-toeing quietly so you don't hear him, (although the rain made it hard to hear anything, really) his strong arms wrap around your waist, enveloping you into a hug.
You open your eyes with adrenaline, before recognising his strong jaw and milky-white skin. You laugh in relief, pulling him impossibly closer to you. When you open your eyes again, he has a handsome grin playing at his lips before he leads you to dance.
It's not like any other dance you've learned to teach yourself for all the balls and parties you and the Pevensies had been invited to.
It's a ridiculous dance, really, if you think hard about it.
The way Edmund just keeps shimmying you around him and twirling you in ways you never thought he could, it's childish of him. A side he rarely shows but will always be open to you.
Although, you did recognise some of the steps from the more elegant dances, like the waltz. When asked, he smiles wistfully and replies, "Once a king, always a king."
Most of the time your laughter filled the air, only the dark clouds and trees as your witness.
Suddenly, you stop your feet from moving. Edmund catches onto this and stops as well. His hands were still very much around your wrist and on your lower back, however.
You hear each other's panting and the both of you look up to see a wide smile on the other's face.
You take the moment of silence as an excuse to drag your eyes around his lean figure, studying the way his wet hair shone (Very attractively, though you wouldn't admit it to him. Ever.)
God, she's beautiful, he thinks, oblivious to your shifty eyes and red face. Just how much I want her by my side... He continues in his head, How much I want her to be mine.
Of course, he hadn't said this out loud. That's just plain stupid.
But one day, he'll say it. He will. It's a promise.
And with the beam of your face that you make every time you see him... Oh yes, it's a promise.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Hope you enjoyed!! Special thanks to @lidlowa for requesting this in the first place. Your prompt had me kicking my feet in the air and shi.
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Hello!!! Long time no ask! Lol, I've been battling sickness, and I'm and out of hospitals and specialists, and whilst I sit upon my bed, I was thinking of how I used to absolutely ADORE your stories!!! So, I come here seeking a HOTD story!!!
Would it be possible for you to write a story/one shot about an old character I had asked you to make? She was the only child between Laenor and Rhaenyra, but never wanted the throne, in this story could you write her reaction to hearing about her brother, Lucerys' demise from Rhaenys? She was close to her brothers even though they were half siblings and I can't imagine how she must have felt knowing Aemond, who she had once been betrothed too and cared for, was the cause.
Goodness I miss your works and I look forward to seeing the HOTS season 2!!!
Loss of the wrong blood
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Targaryen family x daughter of Laenor and Rhaenyra!reader
warning : angst, emotional, implied war, mention of death (of lucerys), mention of war and death, very slightly implied Aemond x reader, reader is female, no use of Y/n
Summary : Once the succession to the throne seemed secure with her being the true child of Princess Rhaenyra and her first husband Laenor. But that time is over, the war is upon them, and into the storm comes the news of Lucery's death, a time when much worse was to come.
Info : OMG I am so happy to have written this my dear I wish you all the best and the best of health I really hope you enjoy this and I am always open for more. It was really nice to visit old friends again and I wish you a lot of fun…everyone else too of course ;) Season 2 will be amazing and so sad at the ame time
The blood of the Targaryens, Velaryons and Hightowers all older than most houses. Three families that came together under the royal family a family from Alicent and the Hand of Otto Hightower grandfather of the three children of the queen who were also the uncles of the three blood infested children of Rhaenyra a daughter of King Viserys of the kingdom of joy and a woman who would one day ascend the throne.
The three princes, as they were often called, were three children with dark brown hair and dark eyes who knew that they were not the true heirs, born out of love for their beloved mother. Three sons without a father a real father who burned to death in the flames of his castle.
But in those dark days, in the days when Aegon was crowned king, the green ones were preparing for a first strike and the black ones were sharpening their blades and dragons around Rhaenyra, there was a trueborn in the family besides Rhaenyra and her three half-siblings, it was her only daughter.
The only daughter from the marriage between Laenor and Rhaenyra was born one night when it had worked out in a circuitous way with wine and potions with slaves and under the moonshine.
A night from which Rhaenyra's only daughter, the second-born child, was born with white light hair, violet eyes and a darker skin that resembled Velaryon's.
Eyes that now showed assurance as she raised her sword and pointed at her older half-brother who had also moved into position before the two approached each other under the command of the Master of Arm.
Swords slashing against each other, the dragon Vermax looked on curiously at the older Seasomke who was looking at his horse. A battle, a training between siblings, a battle in which Jace was seen to have the strength of his father Harwin, a battle in which the skill of the Velayrons came to the fore.
It was a back and forth until it came to the point where her two brothers moved away and she shrugged off his ,,I'll see you in a minute, you lame chick" with a roll of her eyes and saw the teacher's look of approval. But she saw how tightly Jace clutched the sword, nervous about his first mission for the empire, for their mutual mother.
She knew that she and Jace should have gone, not Lucerys, who was still too young for her. But I can't go…the heiress can't go, she thought, handing her sword to her holder hanging over the fireplace as she put on her formal clothes to say goodbye. Her eyes briefly lingered on the picture of the entire family of Targaryens, Velaryons and Hightowers at the family dinner.
Where everything was still sort of okay until Aegon ruined it, ,,And you defended me Aemond," she murmured and put her finger on her uncle her real blood relative not her half uncle like Jace, Luce and Joff. Despite the fact that it was only a picture, she could see the sapphire in his eye and she felt his gaze on her, he was always with her, had been promised to her.
He was a man she had once not disliked, their interests were similar and he was gentler and more affectionate than her first uncle Aegon. Soon she hastily put the picture away and closed the golden buckle with the dragon while seahorses and dragons in silver and gold appeared on her cloak and clothes.
It was a reminder to everyone here on Dragonstone and King's Landing that she was the only legitimate child and heir to the throne besides her little hall brothers Aegon the third and Viserys the second.
,,We are the true family they say but that's not true" she mumbled as she looked at the painting of King's Landing a painting in the glory days of the city a city that knew who the true heirs were she and her two half brothers and her two uncles and her dear aunt Helaeana and her three children her cousins.
As she left her room, she remembered one thing about Lucery's hopeful sad expression-hope for no war and grief that he was walking alone, his fears threatening to hollow him out.
,,Mother, father…Harwin the house of Velaryon and I we are all so proud of you my little Luce" she reminded him and placed a hand on the brown haired man's cheek looking into his dark eyes as he pulled her into a hug and gave a soft ,,Thank you sister" before she stroked his head one last time and watched him mount Syrax.
She felt Jace's hand on her shoulder, ,,He's going to make it our little Lucerys," her older brother said as he closed her in a hug and she watched him mount his dragon Vermax and watched her brothers until they disappeared into the sky.
But things were to turn out differently - they were messengers on behalf of Queen Rhaenyra, but Jacaerys fulfilled his mission to the Arryns and the Starks in the north…but Lucerys met a bitter, gruesome end over the sea, murdered by his uncle on Vhagar.
A message that came to her late as the fire burned in the hearth and she sharpened her sword as her stepfather Daemon had always advised her to do when waiting, ,,Keep your weapons and mind sharp so you can't be surprised," she remembered his words.
She felt his hand on her shoulder as they shared the few moments they had. Daemond was not like Laenor, she barely remembered her real father, but whenever she saw the sea, the air whirring around her and the fire, she knew he was with her.
Before an almost timid knock on her wooden door made her put down her sword, ,,Come in" she said and saw that it was her grandmother. ,,What brings you to me, grandmother?" she asked, but saw that there was something like sadness in the Targayren baratheon's violet eyes. She saw Rhaenys come to her and stand beside her, her grandchild having risen from the bed and looking at her uncertainly.
She was just about to open her mouth when she heard the news, ,,Lucerys is dead, killed by your uncle Aemond," her grandmother said and wrapped her in a hug that was not returned.
Violet eyes darted around the room looking for something, looking for Lucerys, his image seemed to blur until she saw the family picture…Lucerys is supposed to be gone? Aemond? Could Aemond have done this after all?
Releasing herself from the embrace she saw her grandmother blurred tears had entered her eyes and were running down her cheek as she shook her head, ,,No-what? You're making a horrible joke, Rhaenys," she mumbled, but she could hear the distant sobs of her two brothers, the conversations and voices of her mother and stepfather. Lucerys saw the dark eyes and felt his soft hair under her hand. a few hours ago she had seen him, but he was still alive.
The older woman wanted to put her on the bed and tell her what had happened, but her granddaughter pulled away, ,,No! No, it wasn't Luce, it wasn't my little Lucerys!" she screamed, shaking her head and grabbing her sword before running out of the room.
She felt abandoned by everything, had lost her beloved brother, had lost everything, all because of an iron chair that was hers…a family that brought death. Something had to be done, something had to be done, but the point of war had been passed with his death.
Running past the sleeping chambers and rooms, she arrived in the main hall breathing heavily from crying and running. ,,Tell me it's not true, mother!" she called across the hall, seeing the queen's expression mixed with tears as she broke away from her uncle and husband and slowly, almost shakily, approached her daughter with a ,,Dear child".
But before she could embrace her just as Rhaenys wanted to do, her only daughter threw the sword on the floor in front of her. ,,You-you're the queen, you have power mother damn it he can't be dead!" she screamed in rage, anger and grief, not noticing Jace watching her with tears as he hugged his little brother Joffrey.
,,Your brother, the Lord of Driftmark, will be avenged, you can be sure of that, daughter!" Dameon, who could hardly tolerate such behavior even if the lords and ladies and servants were no longer in the room, pointed out publicly. Lord of Driftmark she thought and laughed in her emotional frenzy the title goes to Joffrey a child and Rhaena now a widow her betrothed murdered even before the wedding with her cousin.
,,You Daemon…Lord of Driftmark do you all hear yourselves? Joffrey is it now, Rhaena is a widow mine-my brothers are bastards with no claim and I'm the only damn child left to a queen without a kingdom! What do you want to avenge Dameon!" she screamed at him, pushing past her mother and giving her uncle a look that was returned by the dragon's violet eyes.
Caraxes and Seasmoke could be heard outside and the other dragons joined in. They all felt the pain and suffering.
For a moment everyone seemed to think that Dameon was going to hit his stepdaughter and great niece but he just put his hand on her shoulder for a moment before walking past her, ,,I'll get us back to bloody Westeros if it means I can avenge this family," he said audibly to everyone and put on his helmet before walking out of the hall.
The doors slammed shut and silence returned to the Targaryen Velaryon family, all of whom remained silent. Going back to her sword and picking it up, she slowly walked to her mother and hugged her for a moment, listening to her sobbing words of comfort, but in the princess, in the only princess of the realm, an idea had already formed, an idea for which she was born.
,,Don't worry mother, everything will be all right again, the war will end," she assured her, looking into the sad violet eyes before she disappeared past her family into her room and stayed there.
She lingered there with the picture of the family in her hand and looked into his eyes, gazing at the gemstone before she waited for the mode to slowly open. A thought she knew seemed to be the only thing left to fight.
She was the only legitimate child of the black she was the only legitimate child of the royal family she had to do what she was meant to do. Putting the leather bag over her shoulder, the sword hanging from her belt, she reached for the bridle for Seasmoke who was staying on Dragonstone in the pits.
The moon was covered in clouds and darkness fell on the family as a shadow flitted through the corridors. Dragons and seahorses gold and silver shells and fire could be seen on her kelding as she ran her hand over the doors of her beloved family members. ,,Forgiven me mother, Jace, Joff and Raenys…forgive me father I will put it back into order" she murmured leaving the letter on the iron table before scurrying out of dragonstone to the hells and calling out to valyrish for her dragon to come to her.
,,We'll fly back Seasmoke we have to try" she said and put the leather around the pale silver gray dragon a growl made her look up and Seasmoke grumbled as they both knew that they had to fly through the storm, that it was the storm that awaited them that Aemond promised her hope for the offer as Aegon accepted the offer of marriage for the peace of his brother with his niece and she hoped that Alicent and Otto with Larys would finally leave the strings of power alone.
Mounting her father's dragon, Seasmoke flew into the sky with a roar, his roar and fire barely visible or audible. The dragon brought his rider safely to King's Landing into the courtyard, protecting her from the guards with fire and wings until the proclaimed king with his sister queen, children, mother, grandfather and his brother Ameond were in front of her.
Only then did she step forward and kneel before them, throwing down her sword, and it is said in the books of the secured that violet tears of the dragon rolled down her cheeks in the darkness of the night as she asked her uncle Ameond to marry her as a peace offering.
A marriage that should have happened much earlier when she saw the pitying yet devoted look on Ameond's face. It was the chapel in the Dance of Dragons where the marriage took place, a marriage that was short-lived as Daemon kept his promise and his great-niece became both prisoner and wife.
It was a time when both sides fought a side that the other took more and more. A family struggle that ended in death and the throne went to the true heir after Aegon's death.
The green blood was wiped out and the only true heiress, the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon, ascended the throne and the only thing she had left of her beloved family were her two younger half-brothers full of fear of tomorrow, her grandfather Corlys a man with sorrow and yet hope in him when he looked at her and her husband's sword in her hand while her mother's necklace hung around her neck and the symbol of the dragon joined the seahorse on the banner in the throne.
It was the Peaceful Queen's reign that unified the kingdom and made the way for her younger brother when she died. But she was in the place she hated surrounded by a small part of her family that was slowly rebuilding with the memory of her beloved mother and brothers for whom she had statues built.
The peaceful queen would never let the history of her family be forgotten…and so once again a Targaryen sat on the throne full of grief, hope and a story that began with the spilling of untrue blood the death of her brother Lucerys Velaron.
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Finale!! Let’s go!! (Gonna write as I watch)
1)The scene with Luke was so cute but also a little creepy. What was up with that?? Also!! The initial narration of episode 1 is Percy quoting Luke?!?! My heart, I love them so much 🥺
2)Omg!! The fight was good af! Did... did Walker's eyes change color???? Not Ares trying to kill them with his " true form" as a last resort, sore loser.
3) mom??? Bro, you just saw her statue in the Underworld.... holy shit!!! Mrs. Dodds!!! The helm looks cool af ngl. Percy is so cool, like damn. Oh, yeah, the deadline passed, which means Poseidon & Zeus are definitely at war!!! That's what started WW2?!?! Gods being petty bitches... damn... He's done running from monsters 😭 (I love the implication that Zeus is a monster. You're right and you should say it.) Annabeth gave him her necklace 😭😭😭, that's so cute. An email, Grover 😂😂
4) That's one way to get Zeus's attention, damn. Just dropped the bolt in front if the doorman 😂😂. What do mortals see when they see the bolt??
5) Olympus looks cool af!! Oh, Luke & Percy again! Annabeth is terrified of spiders! Things that are small and scary get squished. Oh Luke is in his big brother mentor era!! Love to see it!
6) the council room!! The thrones look cool af, I can't wait to see all of the God's sitting on it! Oh, I have no idea how they're going to replace the actor, he is perfect as Zeus!! Yes!! Read him to filth Percy!!!! Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poseidon surrended for Percy 😭😭😭😭, I'm- Oh, Toby Stephens always eat. Omg!!! They're speaking Greek!! Is it Greek Greek or ancient Greek. Does anyone speak ancient Greek. Everyone?? What are Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, and Demeter??? 😭
7) Percy and Poseidon!! Omg! Patrus 😭😭. Poseidon's smile about Sally... Bro... Ares is a moron 😂😂 (they've done the family vibe of the Olympians so well! 😂). Answer the question, Poseidon!!! Do you dream about her!?!?!
8) I wonder if thet planted that tree specifically to be Thalia's tree or if they just found a cool tree they liked lol. They hugged!! Holy shit, Clarisse is still here??? What is happening?!?!?
9) Luke being a responsible leader! We stan!! Annabeth being all cool, I see her!
10) fireworks! So cool!! The mommy issues in Luke are through the roof. Wait does Luke look like he's crying?? Wait what??? What do you mean she didn't???? Wait what?!?! Wtf. Luke?!?! No. LUKE SAY SOMEGHING! NOT THAT!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?! HOLY SHIT. IM CRYING. NO.
Oh, he's making some good points. This are some valid points. Episode 1 Percy would be eating this up ngl. I mean, not to be a bitch, but like... Luke sounds like those girls that have been groomed... all like "he loves me! He's gonna take care of me!" Like... are you sure???
Are they trying their best Percy?? Are they really?? I'm not an expert, but maybe don't mention his dad to the kid you know has daddy issues, if you don't want him to kill you, just a thought. I kinda of want Percy to say he's and go apeshit on the Gods ngl. He apologized for hurting Luke 😭😭😭. Wait, what??? Annabeth!! No!! 😭😭😭 she heard everything, Luke's face, my heart 😭😭😭 I was not ready for all of this emotion
11) Armed escort lol. He doesn't want you dead, he wants you next to him. Very persuasive... sounds manipulative to me.... Mr D! He's funny af. I'm 90% sure it's Peter😂. I don't think so 😂. Kicking them all out, I can't, bro...
12) Annabeth is going to see her dad?!?! Omg her hair looks so cute!! Her talking to Thalia's tree is cute. Her dad is taking her to Disney world 😭😭. Percy telling her to be a kid 😭😭😭 Grover is gonna search for Pan!! Percy is gonna help him search the seas!! (The next one is called sea of monsters right?? Maybe that's the "main quest"???) The hug!!! 😭
13) I hadn't realized it earlier, the beach is Montauk!! Where his mom went missing! It's the beach house they came to. She's here!!!! Look at her!!!! 😭😭 hugging her baby boy 😭😭wait what??? No, Sally!! Where are you?!?! Wait, is that kronos?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Is he sassying time itself?!?!!?! Bro.... 😭😂😭😂😂 what does he mean?!?!?! What?!?!
14) Sally!!!!!! She's here!!! The fact that he's only just starting 7th grade is wild... he's baby. Percy calling Kronos grandpa, I can't 😂😂. Sally is done with Percy's shit , I can't. "Kronos, Lord of the Titans, said that?" I love her 😂
15) blue pancakes?? They look good af ngl. It's a storm!! Poseidon is also there for Percy's first day of school 🥺. Didn't percy have a step-dad?? The asshole one? What happened to him??
16) oh, there he is. What an asshole. Sally changed the locks 😂. Good for her!! What a dick. Wait.. is that.... is that Medusa??? Omg! Holy shit!! That's hilarious!! 😂😂 good riddance!!!
I have no words. I need a new season now!!! This was by far my new favorite episode!! I love this so much!!! I'm heart broken. I need more!!!
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Okay but hear me out. The Arcane playlist is so Nexus... Like- Like-
Goodbye: "How could I have ever let you down?" "Share our dreams and sit our thrones" "Where is my home? I don't recognize the faces anymore. Where is my friend? One I known since I was only just a kid." (he's still a kid. And a very problematic teen kid to that.)
Dirty Little Animals: "I never felt like this before, I think I might just Slide" "the kinda bad that makes you feel good" (him and dark star power for real)
Enemy: "Tell you your the greatest, but once you turn they hate us." (I can imagine when Solstice betrays him after saying he's the "greatest") "Everybody wants to be my enemy."
Guns For Hire: "No turning back, kiss your perfect day goodbye" "tuck your innocent goodnight, you sold your friends not guns for hire."
Misfit toys: "I declare war, to anybody standing in the way to what I dream for" "They say I'm only brick rap" "both sides go to war like a mosh pitch" "Don't you make me erase your existence, all by my lonely need no assistance" (Him telling Solar he'll kill him if he has too :c)
Dynasties & Dystopia: "Everything I know I am, You should go and save yourself, Thought you had my number, huh? Congratulations you played yourself" "Rising to every occasion as if I defeated the gods, Switch up the mod"
What Could Have Been: "I am the monster you've created, you ripped out all my parts" (Like everyone in the Celestial family) "I hope you know we had everything, and you broke me and left this pieces, I want you to hurt like you hurt me today." (For everyone he "hates") "Why don't you love who I am?" "I am a ghost, a fallen angel, you ripped out all my parts." "'Cause I was meant to be yours."
I'm just... I apologize for this.
Do not apologize omg you are so right-
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
throne of glass twitter/instagram/influencers fic? love your work!!💞
🥰🥰🥰 awwwww thank you!! i LOVE this concept omg let's see what the brain decides to crank out...
word count: ~1k
warnings: none?
Aelin threw her hands into the air in exasperation. "What do you mean, my numbers are dropping? I've been watching the charts myself, I'm not an idiot." She quieted for a moment, listening to the person on the other end of the call. "Yes, Lys, I know my content hasn't changed in a while. The hell do you want me to do about that?"
"Shake shit up, Ae," Lysandra returned. The sharp-tongued woman had been Aelin's manager for almost four years now, and while Aelin was indebted to Lys's expertise, she wasn't afraid to call her out on what she gracefully called her "buzzword bullshit."
"And just what brilliant thing are you going to suggest that I do to 'shake shit up,' my dear and very wise manager?" Aelin drawled.
Lys snorted a laugh. "I think it's time for a boyfriend reveal."
"Absolutely not. You know how Rowan feels about being on my social media. I'm not going to violate his trust like that."
"I'm not saying it has to be a full reveal," Lys clarified. "I just think you should consider posting some kind of reveal that you, the famously single power woman who only loves her book boyfriends, has a special someone in her life."
Aelin considered her manager's idea. "That's....well, that's not as terrible as some of your ideas have been." She chuckled at Lys's playful scoff. "I'll talk to Rowan, see what he thinks. Bye!" She waited for Lys to say goodbye and then ended the call and flung her phone across the room, landing it on her plush, pale grey sofa.
Rowan strolled out from the office, where he'd probably been watching her animated phone call through the glass doors. "What's wrong, love?"
"Fuckin' everything," she grumbled.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest in comfort. "What specifically has you all frustrated, Ae?"
"You're too perceptive," she huffed, but a half smile curled her lips. "I... Lys told me my engagement numbers are flattening, and I love my audience and don't want them to be bored with me." She blew out a sigh. "Lys thinks I should do some kind of relationship reveal, because that shit spikes numbers like crazy."
"Do you think it's a good idea?" Rowan sat down on the couch, tugging Aelin with him.
"As an idea? Yeah, it's a great idea, and it's worked for literally every other influencer who's every posted about their relationships." She twisted the ring around her left middle finger. "As an idea for me? I'm not so sure. I won't make you do anything you're not interested in doing, and I know how you feel about being on my pages."
"What if I agreed?"
Aelin's jaw dropped. She pulled away from Rowan's side and faced him, her stunned gaze scanning his face for any sign that this was some kind of prank. "What?!"
He chuckled. "Let me explain. Yes, I heard you and Lys on the phone, but you knew that." She laughed softly and nodded. "Here's the thing. I don't want my image to be splashed all over the internet. However, if you're willing to agree, I'm okay with little pieces of us being out there."
She raised a brow. "Can you explain what you mean by 'little pieces of us?'"
"Like this." He grabbed her phone, swiped to the camera, and took a photo of their shoes lined up by the front door. "Little things--bits of our home but definitely not all of it, things like a close-up of our hands or matching outfits or something. Basically, I don't want my whole self in photos that you post, but I'm okay with the world knowing that you're mine."
"So possessive," she teased. She settled back down onto the couch, took her phone from his hand, opened to her notes app, and started typing ideas. "I'm honestly a little uncertain that I'm not dreaming, but yes, I agree to your terms."
"So formal," he teased, poking her in the side.
She yelped and scooted away from his wicked fingers. "Ro!" He grinned and held up his hands in surrender, and she relaxed. "You're absolutely sure about this?"
"I am." He laced his tattooed fingers with her ringed ones, stroking his callused thumb over her knuckles. "Call me a caveman all you want, but I'm ready to tell the world you're mine."
"Caveman," she snickered. Swiftly, almost without thinking, she picked up her phone, swiped to the camera, and captured a few different photos of her and Rowan's intertwined fingers, the aesthetically pleasing contrast of his tan, tattooed skin against her pale, silver-ringed fingers and manicured nails. Humming with satisfaction, she showed him her favorite photo. "What do you think?"
He swept a brief, appraising glance over the picture on her phone. "I think it's perfect." Smoothly, he rolled them over so she was half-sprawled on the couch and his arms were caging her in in the best possible way. "Why don't you go ahead and post it, and then we'll see how long I can keep you from checking your notifications?"
"Are you calling me addicted?" Aelin faked a dramatic gasp. "Why, how could you?"
Rowan chuckled. "Hardly, love. I'm just remarking that you're always glued to your phone right after you post, and I can think of a few ways to keep you...relaxed."
She smirked in that slow way that always set his blood afire. "What if I don't want to relax?"
"Then I'll wear you out."
Heat raced between her legs. "Rowan?"
"Hmm?" His hand--which had been inching steadily up her thigh--stilled. "Talk to me, love."
She exhaled deeply. "I...I need you to tell me yes one more time before I post this."
Quietly, firmly, Rowan reached over, locked his steady emerald eyes on her, and tapped the post button with his own finger.
Swiftly, Aelin put her phone on "do not disturb," turned off the screen, and tossed it onto the side table. "Ro?"
Taking his hand, she settled it squarely between her legs. "I'm stressed about that post, love. I want to relax."
"That's my good girl," he murmured into her neck.
Then he stood, lifted her effortlessly into his arms, strode down the hallway to their bedroom, and kicked the door shut with a resounding slam.
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thegreymoon · 5 months
I am really not the target demographic for Red, White and Royal Blue and honestly, the entire premise sounds dumb af from where I'm sitting, but all the gifs that crossed my dash looked hilarious and that main actor is beyond gorgeous, so I am going to give it a shot tonight. My expectations are so low, that unless this movie gets a shovel and starts digging, there is no chance it cannot exceed them. I am so ready to eat my words, just give me some pretty people, mindless fluff and basic comedy and I will be happy, I swear!
You guys, I'm going to be honest here, I don't think I have it in me to sit through this 😭😭
LOL, only a younger brother 🤣🤣 They did not have the guts to go all in and make him the heir to the throne.
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Also, lol @ "Prince of England's hearts" but even more so at "whom all the world adores" 🤣🤣 I cannot. I am absolutely not the target demographic for this and I don't think I have it in me to just go along with this, fictional British royal family or not. Who speaks like this? Who even believes it?
Anyway. Abolish the monarchy, Guillotine them all. Long live the glorious revolution!
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Well, at least he looks equally disgusted.
If we can't off the royal family, how about we just off this news announcer? Because I am getting so much second-hand embarrassment.
LMAO, OK, he gets ONE point 🤣🤣
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OK, fine, two points, because he is stupid beautiful and the reason I sat down to watch this in the first place 😤
Yassss, girlfriend has great taste!
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I'm two minutes in and so far, she's my favourite. I would totally watch a two-hour movie of her touring London and giving commentary on the yumminess of various guys she encounters.
LMAO, is he going to get hammered and smash the obscene 75-thousand-pound cake? 🤣🤣
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Because why else would they mention that price point and also show the cake in all its humongous 8-tier glory 🤣🤣
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Here for the diplomatic incident, ngl, I would totally read the shit out of that in the tabloids the next day 🤣🤣
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Okay, I am laughing 🤣🤣
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I saw it coming from a mile away, but goddamn, it DELIVERED! 🤣🤣
I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣
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Watching this was such a good decision 🤣🤣
LOL, if this was a real-life event, I would spend a week gleefully reblogging it on Tumblr, no lie 🤣🤣
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Also, it is a 9-TIER CAKE, not 8 🤣🤣 The more, the messier!
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Also, OMG! Uma Thurman! 😍 It's been a hundred years since I watched her in anything!
"Sunshine of my heart" 🤣🤣
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This movie is hilarious 🤣🤣
Wait, Sarah Shahi??
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I loved her in Life! I also watched Fairly Legal for her and thought she was stunning in The L Word! I'm forever bitter we never got to see that Nancy Drew adaptation with her in the main role 😕
The thing that is the most difficult for me to suspend my disbelief for is the idea that these two overly privileged young men involved in their countries' respective politics are actually nice people.
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I keep chanting to myself, "You are not here for realism! You are not here for realism! YOU ARE NOT HERE FOR REALISM!"
To varying levels of success 😕
Romantic comedies are so not my genre. And I am so not here for ex-boyfriends or whatever this guy is.
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I need Alex and Henry to get back together ASAP and start smashing cakes again because I'm starting to get bored.
These are gutter-level jokes.
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Seriously, they couldn't get more creative?
They have the most basic taste in literature ever. It doesn't even feel authentic, more like what a nineteen-year-old girl thinks good taste in literature should look like.
I feel like I am extremely uncharitable towards this movie (the cake thing was funny tho) but it is very hard to take their bland flirting, pedestrian romance and pathetic humour seriously when you're coming into this from 2ha 😕 The standards that have been set are on another planet compared to what we are being given here.
Please 😭
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And smash another cake, otherwise I don't know how I'm going to make it through another hour-and-a-half of this 😭😭
The things I will watch for pretty people 😭
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He truly is stupid beautiful and makes this thing infinitely more watchable every time he's on screen.
I'm with Henry on this one, this party is like something straight out of my worst nightmares and crushing on the tall, hot guy seems like the only tolerable thing in this whole hellscape.
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Aww, baby, he is not having a good time.
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He wants to kiss him for New Year's too!
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Well. That escalated 🤣🤣
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And some women! 👀
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She's my favourite character in this thing, lol, followed closely by Sarah Shahi and Uma Thurman. And then Prince Henry 😅
This guy stands no chance to the level that it's embarrassing he still keeps trying.
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I almost feel sorry for him, but I kinda have the feeling that he's going to be the one to out Alex and Henry, so my sympathy is very shallow. Just know when you've lost, my man, and MOVE ON.
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Good afternoon! Would be able to write something for Dream? Maybe where he sees his girlfriend/lover in workout gear for the first time and is completely mesmerised by the sight, and can't help flirting with her.
Da Bootie
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: "I don't want to be strong like man who look pretty, I want to be strong like bitch who fight bear in forest."
Word Count: >900
Warnings: fem!reader, some suggestive content, fluff, etc.
A/N: GIRL YOU AND I HAVE THE SAME BRAIN I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE SOMETHING LIKE THIS SO BAD LETS GO LETS GO LETS GO. i have a theory my nonnies are just me from alternate realities, which would make so much sense considering some of the reqs i get that are like so good and so my style omg. also i realized it's so hard to write exercising so i just made it meme-y Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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I jolted and let out a gasp when I turned around and saw the unexpected face of my boyfriend. I break into a soft smile, "hi."
Dream leans in and places a chaste kiss on my lips, wordlessly walking off to sit on my couch.
Albeit his uninvited visits were normal and not unwelcomed, I couldn't help but wonder still why he was so randomly here without notice.
"Baby," I call as he sits himself down, "can I get you anything?"
Dream smiles, "I'm fine, thank you."
I give him a look as I walk over. Once I am close enough, he leans back and spreads his thighs, patiently awaiting me to take my throne. I snort when stop in front of him. Dream grabs one of my thighs and yanks me onto him.
I fall with a chuckle, body instinctively curling and leaning into him, perfectly snug.
"Hi," I mutter against his shoulder. He turns down to me, brushing his nose against mine, "hello, my love."
When I turn my face away to avoid his kiss, he pulls back and furrows his eyebrows. I raise one of my own and rebut, "you get a kiss if you tell me why you're here."
He's twice as offended, "must I have a explicit reason to want to be in your presence?"
"Sweet," I smile, "but I know better than that."
I lean in and press a deep kiss on his lips. Once he begins to readjust me on his lap, I pull away, "yeah, well, I'm going to be working out, so I can't really attend to your needs right now."
Dream watches as I set up in front of him. He relaxes back on his seat. Once I have everything ready, I turn over my shoulder and narrow my eyes at him. I catch that his line of sight was unabashedly on my butt and thighs. I roll my eyes as I chuckle, "that's why you're here aren't you?"
He doesn't reply to me.
I cross my arms, "Dream."
Still, nothing.
"Dream!" I call as I stomp in his direction.
He turns to me, shoulders tensing, eyes widening, "yes, my love?"
I shake my head, "you better not try to touch me."
He lets out a hmp, "must you be so cruel?"
Now for everyone's favorite segment: Dream's reactions to exercise moves!
Dream's reactions to squats I release a deep breath as I bent down and straightened back up. I had dumbbells on each of my hand as I did my reps for extra challenge. I look over to my side and watch as Dream's eyes take in my movements like a cat watching his prey. "Like what you see big boy?" "Yes, you have very strong thighs." "Why thank you." "I should like to be in between them."
Dream's reactions to push ups I lock my arms on a plank stance when I hear my name get called. "This move makes me recall a scene in a movie that you watched?" I release a huff, turning to him, "what movie?" I continue my pushups. There is a sound of sand trickling. The next thing I know Dream is beneath me. "The fuc-" "Hello, my love." "Go away." "Is it not more motivating to have me underneath you?" "It's really no-" He puckers his lips out. "... what are you doing?" "... making it easier for you to kiss me."
Dream's reactions to jumping jacks Jumping jacks were always a chore, especially since all my assests jiggled case of the impact. It was a pain. Yet, the sight of this annoying jiggling enticed Dream so. And now that I was out of breath and growing increasingly tired, I shot him a dirty look. He was too distracted by the sound of my panting to even notice. I snap at him when he licks his lips, "get your head out of the gutter." He does not hear me. "Dream!" He turns to me, sheepish, "what was that, my love?" I groan in annoyance.
Dream's reactions to lifting dumbbells I inhaled slowly every time I lifted the weights and exhaled deeply as I carefully brought it down. I averted my attentions to my arms as they flexed, watching as the muscle constricted. I grit my teeth in moments I felt the burn. "Choke me." My head snaps to Dream as I curl my weights, "what?" "I want you to choke me with your arms," he stands from the sofa. I let out a chuckle as I raise my brows, "that makes two of us." "No, but you cannot choke yourself with your arms." "That's not what I meant." "But that was what I meant." I roll my eyes at him, "sit down." He does so with not another word.
And finally Dream's reactions to sweat My chest was rising and falling quickly as I caught my breath. I wipe my brow and my forehead with my arm as I pace around the room to catch my breath. I lift my shirt and wipe my face with it. Dream catches sight of my stomach and stiffens. H licks his lips, "would you like for me to get you a towel? "No, I'm fine, thanks, love." He raises his hand. Once I notice, I give him a questioning look. "I could be your towel." "What the fuck." He stands from the sofa again, "I do not want-" "Sit down." He sits down with not another word. I shake my head and stop in my tracks when he calls my name out, "can I at least join you in the shower later?" "..." "..." "..." "... please?" "Take your clothes off." Dream does not waste another second.
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