#thunder lightning strike
secretarysong · 5 months
older drawing from january i (HEAVILY) refurbished + moar recent-ish extras
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Cap should be allowed to teleport to the rock with his transformation lightning. I mean that's where it's coming from, after all.
He would use it to get out of so many situations XD.
Batman: captain, do you have a minute to stay after this meeting?
Billy, going to be late for school if he doesn't hup to: um haha sorry the wizard wants me back at the rock I'm already pushing it hahaSHAXAM
The wizard, looking up from his orb: *raises an eyebrow*
Cap, transforming back with more lightning and rushing for his bag: I'm sorry I'm sorry Mrs Ermine is going to KILL me if I'm late again this week!
The wizard, to his rapidly retreating back: this is the seventh time this month you've used me as an excuse.
Billy, halfway down the hall of sins, voice echoing: I said I'm sorrrryyyyyyy!!
Batman, left all the way on the watchtower: :|
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triglycercule · 2 months
if killer has differently sized eyes then does he blink like those lizards that have each eye blink abnormally. like the small eye has to be shut for a full second and then the big eye has to take a minute to blink. his blinks are delayed. they have their own timer. is this purposeful??? perhaps killer is doing it on purpose to freak people out and its just a really really really long running inside joke between himself and himself. or it could actually be srs and he can't blink synchronized. or he could use it to his advantage by like never having one eye closed ever. he'd never be held back by the disability that is blinking. AND it's a psychological trick on his enemy because they're weirded out like "why isnt this prick blinking normally"
does this make the top 20 dumbest triglycercule posts. i think this is a solid 12/20
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midnottart · 1 year
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⚡️🐍⚡️ • a storm is coming
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quillpokebiology · 8 months
Have you ever seen a Luxray and Absol crossbreed?
Not in person, no. But Naranja-Uva has info about them in books and all that.
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Lightning Strike
(Name inspired by @freerangeranger )
Lightning Strike is the name for members of the Luxray line with an Absol father. The line gets its name from the Lightning Strikes that appear when they are near. This crossbreed isn't rare, but it isn't common either, since Luxray lives in savanhas while Absol live in the mountains, but sometimes, Luxray will travel to the mountains if food is scarce.
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Lightning Strike Shinx gain claws, lighter fur, white fluff, long hair fluff, sharper tails, and a singular pointed ear. All members of the line gain red pupils, and many myths say that they can see danger as well, though that hasn't been confirmed. But they are able to sense disasters to a minor extent, most commonly, thunger storms. Research shows that they'll often leave areas before disasters.
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When they evolve, the horn on their ear becomes bigger, and they can sense larger disasters. Luxio will leave their mother Luxray about after evolving, and this crossbreed will often move closer to mountains with it's siblings.
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Lightning Strike Luxray are praised for their mystery and grace. They gain longer fur that's more built for storing heat on the cold mountains. Like Absol, they prefer to be alone, but they'll sometimes meet up with other Lightning Strike Luxray or other Luxray crossbreeds that would live on the mountains. They can still sense dangerous lightning storms, and their warnings should be taken just as seriously as Absol's.
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aestheticemi01 · 1 month
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Thunder in the city. ⛈️
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coolcrazycoffeecat · 3 months
Wait! Whatever you do don’t think about how this would have played out if Polities was still alive like in the odyssey. Would he be one of the six eaten by Scylla? Or would he be lightning zapped after Ody chose for him to die???? Need the therapy saga now more than ever
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terrorofthetrident · 6 months
vhagar and aemond’s reveals at storm’s end were so dramatic..had lighting striking as they came into view/turned around and everything
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it was storming today . . .
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all-or-nothing-baby · 4 months
every time there's a thunder storm i stumble outside into the driving rain like a spastic baby dear just ripped from its mother's womb and born into the fucking apocalypse
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ineffablegods616 · 4 months
I want Dolly Parton to be an Admiral in
Star Trek Janeway.
I don't care necessarily what happens, but I want Dolly Parton and Kathryn Janeway to be together.
They are both smol and I want short, fiery Admirals verbally destroying so many ppl....
Admiral Nychev(sp?) is also smol....
Oh shit!
Imma need
Janeway busting into a conference room with smol big hair blonde Admirals on either side of her.
They gon Saber Rattling Diplomacy so many mfkers.
Midwestern Tornado
Southern Fire
Russian Thunder
The Natural Disaster Special Forces of Admirals.
Yass. Yep. I'm in. Let's fuckin GOOOOOO!
Janeway comes in when other diplomats fail to get shit done.
She always travels with 2 other ships, each with their own Admiral.
They always give the other guy one last shot at whoever before
Janeway struts thru the door, and places her rifle on the table. Or if we wanna be massive lil shits about it, an ornamental saber, like Naval officers. And sits down. Dolly and Alynna flank her.
"I have for you a list of your options, here are our concessions (pulls up holo-display), these are their concessions. (Pointing out each list)
Now. I'm here to help you choose and get on with this agreement. Rather than this purgatory of petty whims. Does anyone have an issue with that?"
Pick a tall aggressive ppl...idk Klingon kinda feels old hat for this...Stands up and walks up on Dolly at Janeway's right side.
"And what are three small frail human females going to do if we do?"
Dolly smirks at him crooks a finger at him. He leans down to her level...
And that's all I got....
Someone better at writing write this lol
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fangirlforeversthings · 5 months
So this is what i think happened at force ghost heaven after they all died.
*Narrator voice*
Somewhere in force ghost heaven after his death a tired obi wan kenobi sat down and prepared a cup of tea, ready to drink it and enjoy his finally well deserved peace and rest for all eternity to come as suddenly an ear pinching, to him oh so well known, voice disrupted the harmonious silence and before he turned his head he already knew who it was and started silently praying: "oh my force no please, please no." But it was too late: "Oooh maaaasteeeer. Guess who felt so sorry that they let him iiiiin." And before he knew a pair of familiar arms one of them metal hugged him tightly, squishing him. Obi wan twists his face in an annoyed, desperate grimace a familiar headache crawling up his head. "oh force no."
"Obi wan i missed you sooo much and also i an so sorry for what happened i know this makes it not better but: my bad. Yoou, are not angry anymore? R..Right? *traumatisedly remembering the pain after his master beat him up twice after losing his pantience* I mean i love you so i wanted to tell you that back on mustafar that i love you and you are my brother aswell *dramatic sobs*. And i am back now. And i have to tell you soo many stuff soo many years of storys and adventures i have to tell you, and Luke and leia by the way you met them, knew them, tell me about them luke is as strong as his father isnt he? *muffled sobs* AND HOW IN THE WORLD YOU LET MY DAUGHTER HOOK UP WITH A SMUGGLER? also dang how did you got so old like what happened to you you old hermit fart? hahaha and....." and he kept on talking and talking and talking without a point or taking a breath once. Having missed his beloved master so dearly. Cause the moment obi wan was gone he stood there, not having a purpose anymore. shure he wanted to defeat him but he had never actually really thought he would get that far and now that he was gone he was lonely and lost. "Naur. iF OBi waN iS nOt hEre I dOn't LIkE iT. Bye b*tches i'm out. Imma follow him🥰 maybe if i say that i am very very sorry they'll let me in👉🏻👈🏻"
meanwhile obi wan asked himself what he ever did to deserve this. He didn't knew if he should be happy and cry because his beloved brother and best friend was finally back with him as back then in their best days, as if nothing had happened. Or if he should cry cause he was back with him. FoR aLl EteRnItY TO ComE. He ultimately decided to cry.
In the meanwhile a well known, now metal, hand grips the hilt of his purple lightsaber tightly, trying to calm his rage down and stares with a dead expression in his infamous glare with two words on his mind: "skywalker" and "motherf*cker".
Yoda: "oh heck. No, rid off you we thought we got. Mace: " it was MY FREAKING HAND. if you had more patience M*THERFUCKER WE SOME DAY WOULD HAVE GRANTED YOU YOUR STUPID ASS RANK. Like i can't believ you murdered us all just because you had a bad dream and didn't got a rank. Yoda Was about to teach you force healing:"ThE POwEr tO SavE HeR" IF YOU PSYCHOTIC ASS M*THERFUCKING M*THERFUCKER JUST WOULD HAVE HAD A LITTLE MORE PATIENCE. And mental stability." Yoda Petting his leg trying to calm him. Anakin, hiding behind obi wan who is yet done again: "really? Oh. My bad then i guess heh sorry." Mace: " *eye twitching aggressively, heavy breathing* Aaaaaaaah........*distant long scream*"
But obi wan was just about, to have his yelling moment, and that was when his former master stood infront of him a nervous smile on his face waving him hello: "obi wan my dear boy i'm so happy you made it here. I meant to tell you i was there obi wan *putting his hand to his own heart* the whole time you were never alone." A slap and sharp pain caused through gui gons cheeks as he realised that obi wan had slapped him. "what was that for??" Obi wan: "I CALLED FOR HELP AT LEAST 200 TIMES AND NOT EVEN A SINGLE WHAT DO YOU WANT WHAT DO YOU NEED NOTHING!" "Listen here i.." "NO YOU LISTEN HERE YOU OLD FART I WAS BASICALLY STILL A KID MYSELF AND YOU LEFT ME WITH THAT SACK OF CHAOS -*pointing on anakin who looks up at them and smiles, waves happily at qui gon*- no how to parent your padawan book left for instruction NOTHING!!! what were you even doing? I HOPE THE MILK TASTED GOOD!!" "Hey don't yell at your master!! I tell you.." qui gon tries to defend himself but obi wan just continues letting his feelings out:" you cant bring that up on me anymore i am a master myself now!" Qui gon:"AS LONG AS YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE..!" Obi wan:"THIS IS NOT THE TEMPLE AND I AM A COUNCIL MEMBER." Qui gon *gasp*: "i can't believe you are bringing this up to me" *shocked* obi wan:"Well i'm sorry but you forced me to. its your fault all of this IS YOUR FAULT." Anakin interrupting him: "so its not mine anymore?" Obi wan: "Sh*t up anakin. The council told you he was to old we should not train him, yoda told you his future was clouded, i told you it was a bad idea BUT YOU HAD TO INSIST and now LOOK WHERE THAT BROUGHT US!!"
Moment of silence. Yoda: "right you are maybe his fault it all was not skywalkers." Mace having finished yelling at anakin: "eh you know what? You're right obes. *pointing at qui gon* YOUR FAULT IT IS M*THERFUCKER" *loud dispute starting.*
I desperately dare someone to make a comic pretty pls
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varpusvaras · 3 months
I will say, now that all the things from last night got sorted out and I got some more sleep and we have finally made it to the island, today has been kinda nice. I've just been brushing and painting a wall, listening to the waves.
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Is pretty nice.
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very-uncorrect · 6 months
I just heard a massive crash of thunder and literally starting JUMPING up and down in excitement and then ran over to my window to watch the rain and wait for more thunder and lightning
Maybe I am cute
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euesworld · 2 years
"My heart thunders, it roars.. every lightning strike of a heartbeat almost knocks me on the floor."
Whenever you smile - eUë
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dravidious · 2 months
There was a thunderstorm last night, and I had a dream where I was menaced by a giant leviathan
I was in a big camp full of people on a stormy night, and nearby was a lake. A colossal sea serpent was sitting with its head sticking out of the water. It was massive, just the visible part of it reaching taller than my house. Its head alone was bigger than a car. It had this horrible mouth of teeth and it was almost smiling. Behind it, part of its tail was sticking out of the water too. It was way too close to the shore, impossibly close, there's no way the water there was deep enough for it to fit.
When I say the lake was "nearby" I mean like within a one or two minute walk. It was close enough to see clearly, but too far for any kind of direct interaction. Still, we were able to see the leviathan just sitting there, barely moving. I don't think it was looking at us.
The people in the camp treated the leviathan as a threat, but didn't really fear or respect it. They casually mentioned how they're planning to kill it, as if this is a normal occurrence and killing it is reasonably possible.
Occasionally the leviathan would move; it would bend down, then throw its head up and roar, and a ton of lightning would start striking everywhere. Each time, I took cover under one of the cloth cover/shelter things (lol) and covered my ears. This is the probably the main reason the people were planning to kill it, to stop the lightning.
I felt like I could fight the leviathan as an Ultrakill boss. I don't remember if I even had any weapons. I even wanted to look up its HP online, but my computer was turned off in the dream. Also my computer was there, outdoors, sitting under a cloth cover/shelter thing a bit away from the camp. I woke up before even getting close to the leviathan.
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