#thx for reading. if anyone made it this far
princeandreis · 1 year
okay i just had the weirdest thing just happen to me and im extremely confused (discussions of anxiety, body dysmorphia, and bodily sensations under the cut if you don't want to read that)
setting: end of abnormal psychology class; we'd just finished watching an upsetting scene from csi about a girl with body dysmorphic disorder who literally gouged holes into her face
i'm sitting there feeling a little upset, partially because of the video and partially because the day's lecture material hit a little too close to home (anxiety disorders and whatnot)
and then out of the blue, my ears "zone out" and a high-pitched buzzing starts, i feel unrooted and dizzy like the world just spun 180 degrees, my vision briefly goes dark and fuzzy on the edges, and i get this heavy but floating feeling in my chest -- like it's hard to breathe but my chest is barely there.
then i start to feel nauseous -- seriously nauseous, like i might have to leave the room to vomit, which genuinely never ever happens to me -- and my stomach feels like it does when my lactose intolerance is out to get me. meanwhile, my body gets so hot that my face physically starts sweating and i have to take off my jacket.
i was so freaked out by all of this and my hearing was so fuzzy i had to concentrate to understand what the professor was saying, and it felt like i was barely in the room because i was so inside my own head and body trying to figure out what was wrong. i was so scared i'd throw up or do something weird that i just sat motionless and stared straight ahead, wide-eyed, hoping it would all pass. all of this happened within a minute or two and then it was over.
girl wadda hell just happened to my body
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noellefan101 · 14 days
How do the different yanderes "love" you? (plus some tropes(??) i feel like would fit them)
this was honeslty just practice, and it ended up turning into smt kinda decent, i dont love what ive written but i just needed to get our smt
i blame @fatuismooches for being lovely and having such good harbinger thoughts that they've taken over my mind (fuck you[said with affection])
Yandere! Childe, Scaramouche, Dottore(separate) x gn reader
Childe ("soft and sweet" x unloving and hates touch)
He just spoils you left and right, he feels a little bad when he sees the uncomfortable look in your eyes when he kisses you all over, or when he touches you too much. so he has chosen to spoil you rotten until you finally fall for him, or at least see the way he can take care of you and finally kiss him back.
[He loves you, and that should be known by now, so why do you force his hands to do this, "why cant you just love him like he is", those were the last words you heard before he brought something to your lips and made you drink something unknown]
You are incredibly lucky that the 11th Harbinger is this patient with you, but dont push it too much, he can go to more bloody measures of getting you to fall for him if he sees it's needed. dont worry he wont hurt you too much, he loves you too much to do that, but love is complicated and you cant always control whom you fall in love with, so just love him will you, darling?
after all he knows the aphrodisiac he gave you wont last forever, so it would be better to just fall for him manually, right?
Scaramouche (manipulative, powerful x easily manipulated, weak[...i didnt know what to do here lol])
He might seem like he doesn't love at all, but when you aren't being dragged around to missions and meetings, and all alone with him in your shared chambers, he loves to just hug you, maybe litter kisses on your neck and collarbone. you hated it at first, and you still kind of do, but you've long since gotten used to it all.
He show his love for you when he has his hands all over your body as you dress into the clothes he picked out for you. he cant keep himself off of your lovely body, but would kill if anyone even touch a strand of your hair.
But oh how could you try 'nd leave when this weak little puppet is crying in your arms every night, when he has nightmares about you leaving him, dying when he can't be there to protect you... oh how foolish you are, how stupid you must be to fall for such things, as he has long since abandoned the idea of ever letting go of you.
And he'll make sure you dont let go of him either, because you need him. after all he was the one to save you from danger when you were stupid enough to walk too far into a hilichurl camp. you need protection, and he's rgith here willing to give it for "free".
Dottore (crazy scientist and his crazy lover[aka yandere x yandere but worse])
You lvoe each other in ways normal human minds wouldn't dream of ever understanding. he smiled when you gave him a dead body for experimenting, and the worst part? you had the biggest grin on your face, and a massive amount of blood on your hands and clothes, much to the dismay of many onlookers.
And then there's the fact that neither of you even spare a glance at the amount of blood on the others' clothes, or at least it looks like you don't. but when you are in the privacy of your shared bedroom (though filled with dead onlookers in the closet) you reward each other for getting rid of anyone who dares to interrupt, or archons forbid break, the love you two have.
It has been made a daily occurrence for you both to randomly disappear from the building with a fatui agent, who had taken too much attention from the other, and then come back alone with bloodied hands, and being greeted by a two-minute-long kiss when opening the lap doors again.
just two crazy maniacs in love, awwww (if they arent wanted in at least 6 nations they need to be)
thx for reading whatever this is, luv ya -Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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lauriquasar · 2 months
Nobody as Weak as I Feel — FINN WOLFHARD
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pairing; Finn Wolfhard x singer!gn!reader
synopsis; the reader is a musician who is performing in front a large audience for the first time, but finn isn’t there to support them :(
authors note; every time I see a clip of Olivia Rodrigo and Louis Partridge I gain a year of life (Louis at Olivia's concerts inspired this fic thx yall) , also this feels so clunky i’m sorry if the chunks of text are difficult to read 😭
lowercase intended , not proof-read , 667 words , originally was an x character
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Y/n threw off the hoodie they were wearing, before pulling out their phone to call their boyfriend, Finn. They were preforming for the first time, in front of an audience of at least 9,000 people which obviously had them on edge, and left without comfort.
Finn was supposed to be coming but, he was busy doing interviews and events for his new movie. And honestly he had plenty of time to get there after, but jumping back into the spotlight had him busy and out of time for personal affairs. Finn always came to y/n's concerts, but usually they were smaller, way smaller.
"You're coming over later though, right?"
Y/n asked through the phone to Finn.
Of course, make sure to get Millie or Caleb to send me a video, okay?
"I'll tell them,"
Y/n sighed.
I love you so much, I'm so sorry I can't make it
"It's fine. I'll be fine— as long as you come over later!"
Y/n felt a lump arise in their throat. Something about Finn seeming so close but being so far away, made y/n almost angry.
You know I will! And we can do whatever you want when I get there
"Thanks Finn, love you. Okay, I gotta go get ready, my designer is here, bye."
Bye, I love you, and I'm so proud of you
"Yeah, I love you too, and thanks."
Y/n hung up and held their head in their hands, until the kind designer offered their comfort— then got started on getting y/n ready.
After about 40 minutes of the stage being occupied with other artists preparing the crowd for y/n, it was finally their turn to perform.
Y/n walked onto the stage, hearing their heart bounding in their ears along with the multitude of applause— sure they were going to fuck something up somehow.
"Hello everyone, holy shit I'm so nervous,"
Y/n giggles into the mic, making everyone else in the audience laugh. They scanned the audience for anyone they knew, before finding Millie and Caleb in the middle of the venue— which gave them an ounce of peace.
"Should I tell you the song or, you know what you'll figure it out,"
Y/n stops themselves from speaking any further, worried about embarrassing themselves anymore than they already felt and started to play their most popular single. Once they heard the crowd singing along, they started to feel more at ease.
The concert had ended about an hour later, y/n went to go find Millie and Caleb, to thank them for coming and to ask if they got any good videos.
As y/n was leaving the venue, they were stopped by a multitude of people asking for pictures and acknowledgment. They took as many as they could before trying to run away, though they couldn't get far before they felt a hand slip into theirs.
They looked up to see who the hell had suddenly grabbed their hand, until they noticed a familiar head of dark hair and big brown eyes.
"you were great! the set list was so fucking good,"
Finn spoke into y/n's ear while y/n tried their hardest to engulf finn in the biggest hug they could while still walking to the exit.
"when the hell did you get here?"
y/n asked pure excitement shining through their words.
"i got here basically the second you started, although i saw a bit of TV Girl when i came,"
y/n smiled and continued to walk with finn holding their hand out of the venue, and finally getting to their car while finn showed y/n all the badass videos he took of them on stage.
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enchantedbarnes · 1 year
Uncle Buck • Part 3
Lord of the Pins
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Summary: A mysterious text leads Bucky to a local bowling alley.
Word Count: 2,213
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five
A/N: since you've all been so nice 😭 here's some more wholesome content for you. Thank you @sjsmith56 for the bowling suggestion. If anyone else has ideas they'd like to see you can send them to my asks and maaaaybe you'll get lucky with some more parts to this. Wishing you all happy holidays! Thanks again for being so awesome 🫶💖
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Bucky Barnes wonders what he has gotten himself into this time.
He had received a text that read:
"Bucky. super inportant meet up. please be there @ 3. Thx!!!! 👋 "
Followed by an address pinned to a local bowling alley called Balls to the Wall.
The number was unknown.
He tried to reply asking "who is this?" but it never marked itself as delivered.
It was now 2:45pm and Bucky has been waiting for any sign of why he was here. He kept to the outskirts of the entrance where he found a small bench that gave him a view to see everyone entering the building.
He probably could have called Sam or Torres to ask if they could help track the phone number but the thought of dealing with either of them today sounded more exhausting than dealing with whatever mystery awaited him.
"Bucky..?" A soft voice called out.
He turned to identify the voice and then stood up quickly. "Y/N?" His face lights up slightly but he's still confused, "Um, Hey..."
"What are you-"
"Were you the one-?"
They both start at the same time.
Bucky holds his arm out, signaling for her to continue first.
"What are you doing here? Are you here to bowl..?"
He scratches the back of his neck slightly, "Um, no, not exactly... I was about to ask if you were the one that told me to come here. I got a text earlier saying to meet here at 3pm but I couldn't reply to it and they didn't leave a name or really much info to go with it..."
"Do you... usually show up to places random strangers send you..? Do I have to explain stranger danger to you, Buck?" You squinted at him with a smile, "Do you still have the text, can I see?"
He grins, "Well, I can't say I've received a text like this before. I did, however, get an email once from a bank director in Canada that was looking to send me inheritance from a long lost uncle that passed away and I'm the only next of kin they could track down. I gave them my banking information so I'm sure I should be getting that 9.2 million dollars any day now." Pulling his phone out he opens the mystery text and hands it to you.
"Wow! How fortunate for you!" You joke back while taking the phone from him. "The bank must have tracked back pretty far to find you.. How old was the uncle?? 130?" You smirk.
"Ha-ha. Funny. And to think I was going to give you a million out of the kindness of my very generous heart," he tsks.
"Oh? That's fine, I have an evil genius in the family that is going to make us millions someday anyways. That or he'll marry me into it, don't let him know about all your pending riches unless you want another proposal inquiry," you laugh and then look down at his phone.
"I don't recognize the number either.. it's a strange area code. Did you try googling it?"
"...No? I didn't know that was an option.."
"Sometimes it'll tell you a name but not always, usually it will just say where the area code is from," she hands the phone back to him.
"So why are you here? Are you here to go bowling by yourself..?" Bucky asks, his head tilted slightly.
"No, I'm meeting my sister and the gang here. We usually try to meet up at least once a month to do something together o--."
A small laugh escapes from Bucky. He knows exactly who the text was from now. Of course the small one would be involved.
Benji runs full force, stopping short in front of Bucky and his Aunt.
"YOU MADE IT!" He jumps up in excitement.
Realization hits Y/N next, "Benjamin, did you text Bucky to meet us here??"
"Well, you guys said Monty couldn't make it and that means we would be short a team member...sooo," he gestures towards Bucky with wide Vanna White enthusiastic movements.
"How did you even-?" You start to ask but Nora beats you to it.
"Excuse me, you don't have a phone. How exactly did you contact Bucky and HOW did you know his phone number??"
"Please, Mom. I'm a kid, not an idiot. I found his number in Aunt Y/N's phone and I texted him from my tablet."
"We will be discussing this later," she sighs.
"You'll join our team, won't you, Bucky?" Benji looks up at him with an exaggerated pout and big puss in boot eyes. A low-blow to any adult that receives the look.
"I don't want to intrude on family time.."
"Nonsense!" Nora exclaims, "he already dragged you out here- I'm really sorry about that by the way. Please feel free to join us, we'd love to have you!" She grabs Benji by the shoulders and steers him towards the entrance, "When Dad gets here you have a lot of explaining to do, Mister."
Bucky looks over at Y/N.
"Like Nora said, please feel free to join us. Or feel free to run for the hills. I'm so sorry if you had plans already today."
"I had already finished everything I needed to do today when the message showed up," he shrugs.
"Well, do you have any bowling experience?"
"A few times back in the day. Haven't been since though."
"Fair warning, I'm very competitive. If you're going to be on my team, I don't like to lose," you grin.
"Isn't Benji on your team?"
"Yeah, and I got lucky. We had to draw straws for him. Kid is unstoppable. Watched a bunch of YouTube videos and suddenly he was a bowling prodigy."
"Well, now I need to join, gotta see these skills. Do you think the text was his only shenanigan today or do you think a ring will be inside one of the bowling balls?" He smirks.
You blush slightly but laugh with him, "I can make absolutely no promises. Thank you for being such a good sport about it and not filing a restraining order on us."
He laughs, "The only restraining order I'd consider at the moment is on a raccoon hell bent to get my arm," he lifts his left arm slightly.
"Oh, I'm definitely going to need more details on this please."
He laughs holding his right hand out for you to take and both of you start to walk towards the entrance.
"Is anyone else joining in?" Bucky asks you.
"My brother-in-law, Theo, is on his way here now and my best friend is also joining. Prudence is essentially a 2nd sister. Her boyfriend Monty is usually with us too, but he had to drop out to cover a shift at his job."
You both grab some bowling shoes on your way in and make your way over to the lanes.
Benji skips over, "So Bucky, with your super soldier strength and all, are you able to bowl without throwing the ball through the wall?"
"One way to find out," he smirks down at him and takes a seat to switch his boots for the bowling shoes.
"The place is called Balls to the Walls, not Balls through the Wall, got it?" you point at them while taking your jacket off revealing a shirt that says "Rollin' with my homies" that matched Benji's shirt that simply said "Homie" on the front.
Bucky reads both of them and chuckles. You look down and shrug looking back up at him, "It was a gift from Benj. We also wear them when we do other activities like roller skating and mini golfing."
Bucky smiled at that, enjoying how close they all seemed to be as a family.
Eventually Theo and Prudence joined, Benji introducing Bucky to both of them with his usual enthusiasm. Ecstatic to have the super soldier on his team.
Theo shakes his hand, "Nice to meet you, heard many things. I'm apologizing now before I find out how you ended up here today," he smiles and walks over to hug the rest of the crew.
Prudence walks by shortly after mouthing "Oh. My. God!" at you as she greets Bucky as well, bringing him into a huge hug.
You all start entering your names into the scoreboard.
Y/N, Benji, and Bucky declared their team Lord of the Pins while Nora, Theo, and Prudence were The Britney Spares.
Prudence prepares to go up first, only knocking 2 pins down.
"What I lack in skill, I make up for in heart, ok?" She reasons while sitting down.
A few turns go by, Benji scoring a spare on his first turn, Nora trying a throw from under her legs.
Benji excitedly follows Bucky up on his first turn, giving him a quick pep talk while coaching him on the essentials of his favorite throwing techniques.
They both hold incredibly still while they watch the ball fly down the lane. The pins all fall over and STRIKE appears on the screens. Everyone cheers, Benji jumps up and down and they both high-five in victory.
Benji runs back to the benches while shouting to his dad, "Did you see that?! We're sooo going to kick your butts!" He starts doing his own little victory dance.
Bucky walks over to you with a smile. You grin and shrug, "I guess you can stay on the team."
Benji sits down next to Prudence as she looks over and smiles at the scene in front of her. Y/N and Bucky were standing near the ball return, a ball in her hand while waiting for her turn after Theo. She was laughing at something Bucky said and they were both making animated gestures as they talked.
"Look at them in their own little bubble over there. They look so happy and adorable. Good one, Benj." She stretches her hand over to him to exchange a low high-five out of sight.
"I know," he moves his shoulders up and down while wiggling his eyebrows.
"You still lost your tablet privileges for the weekend," Nora sings as she walks by.
"Aw, come on Mommm!"
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Benji is on his last turn following Prudence. He already has 2 strikes before this turn, making this turn his chance to score a Turkey (3 strikes in a row) AND get an extra turn if he does get a strike.
Concentrating on the lane ahead of him, the ball lined up in front of his face. After a moment he takes a few steps forward winding up his shot, letting go in his perfect bowling pose, one arm up in the air and one leg sticking out behind him.
Three perfectly spaced out pins survive in a triple split.
His little shoulders slump.
"You've got this Benji!" Prudence cheers.
The rest of you start cheering and clapping as well.
"Aunt Y/N?" Benji asks.
"Yeah, Bud?"
"If I get a spare on this throw, will you and Bucky take me to get ice cream tomorrow?" The puss in boots eyes have engaged again.
You look over at Bucky, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, ice cream sounds less expensive than a wedding to me," Bucky answers quietly to you.
You laugh, "Ok, deal."
Benji grins, turning back around.
He goes through his usual steps but takes an extra few seconds of concentration this time.
He throws the ball watching it curve slightly, it hits the middle pin and left pin knocking them down while the middle pin then bounds over and takes out the right pin.
Your group erupts in loud cheers. Benji jumps up and down while shouting and doing his victory dance. Theo runs over lifting him up to his shoulders.
"Told you," you say looking over to Bucky, "bowling prodigy," you point over at Benji.
Theo lowers him back to the ground. Benji is already listing the flavors of ice cream he wants and how many scoops and toppings.
Nora, Theo, and Bucky finish their last turns with decent scores.
You go up for your last round earning a spare, but it's not nearly as exciting as Benji's.
Joining in high-fives you all start switching shoes.
"Alright, Lord of the Pins, you earned yourselves some pizza," Theo announces to Benji while handing him his sneakers.
"Can we get the one that has everything on it??"
"Sure, why not. When you say everything, we're talking about the one with sardines, liver, and mushrooms, right?"
"No! That's not the one!-"
"Too late, I already ordered it," he joked but hasn't touched his phone yet.
Your usual pizza spot was a block away from the bowling alley. With your shoes and coat already back on you turn to Bucky who is also ready and waiting, "If we haven't taken up enough of your time today, would you like to stay and join us for dinner?"
"Would you like to stay forever?!" You hear Benji's voice shout from behind both of you.
You cover your face and both of you laugh, "Sure, I'd love some sardines, liver, and mushroom pizza," he jokes.
"Yuck!" Benji answers back.
Bucky offers his hand again, you smile and lace your fingers together and follow the rest out.
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ukiyology · 19 days
today i want to talk about my video:"you're so far away"
first of all,in this video,i wanted to focus Chuuya and Dazai's partnership. they know and understand each other very well.it is very powerful i think.
whatever,here it is:
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Chuuya never met someone like Dazai after Dazai betrayed the mafia and thus abandoned him. In my opinion, this made Chuuya sad, maybe he didn't cry and get depressed, but I think it affected him when his trusted partner suddenly left him.
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We know Chuuya called Dazai while drunk. And they don't have very peaceful conversations, Chuuya argues with him. What if he asked to Dazai that why he left him without any explanation? While Chuuya pours out his heart to him, Dazai ignores him and continues to do what he knows. He acts like he knew.
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Dazai wasn't happy when he was in the Port Mafia. He was behaving childishly, trying to look cheerful and strong. Because he wanted to look strong, he didn't want weakness.
He could easily do these childish acts, especially when he was around Odasaku and Chuuya. Playing games like child at the arcade with Chuuya, making ridiculous little bets with him... At least for a moment, he really felt like a child.
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Dazai leaves the Mafia after losing Odasaku. He knew all this time that he needed something else in his life. Odasaku also gave him a purpose. Of course, it wasn't easy for him to get over this, he needed space. Even though this space represents years.
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Chuuya has never faced someone like Dazai. Of course, this made Chuuya happy, but he also sees a small deficiency in his life. There was no one manipulating him, making fun of him, getting on his nerves.
Dazai is someone who believes that Chuuya is human. This is already very important for Chuuya.
Chuuya trusts him with his life. He might risk his life for him. Additionally, he knows that when he uses Corruption, he is at Dazai's mercy. But he still does it.
So Chuuya didn't face anyone at Dazai's level.
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(I thought about this in two ways while making the video)
Dazai understands and knows Chuuya very well, he can see his intentions clearly. But Chuuya can't do it as well as Dazai. Because he is very good at wearing a mask.When he tries to understand him, he realizes how far away he is.
Chuuya feels lonely after Dazai leaves the mafia. Because the person who could understand him and spend time with him was his partner of many years.But Chuuya knew, Dazai was far away anymore.
that's all. thx for reading🤍
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gemmasgraveyard · 4 months
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Hi! My name is gemma, im 22 (mdi)
◇300lbs sw active in 2024◇
My account has gotten deleted so many times and it makes me so sad. Backup @riotgrrrlgemma
Sw: 305
Cw:??? Idk I don't have a scale
Gw4: 175
150 is the goal ♡
Or less
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Read for stupid rambles, update frequently
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If you scolled this far thx!
I'm gonna put some stuff here about me, like my favorite music and sh!t like that
I'm 22, a Gemini. Although I don't believe in astrology, I do think a little of it is true. Like,, my moon and rising are so accurate.
Scorpio moon, sag rising
Anyways, I'm a size 22, isn't that crazy?
I remember when I was size 18 and actually to into actually how my teen body changed from size 12 to 18. This was the lowest in my life, I basically just shoved down the way I felt with food. My parent kicked me out because I told them I was as by their partner.
Long story short they don't believe me and never will... so I kept shoving how I felt with food
Now I live alone, I'm happier
Or. Am I. Because like I don't feel anything but guilt and anxiety. I try not shove my face with food but unfortunately I'm not better than I was before.
I'm still so fucking massive and I've been doing this since November. I fucking hate my self.
Sorry to like trauma dumping
Anyway, I always found my outlit to be creativity. I love knitting, painting, crafting, and making diy clothes. Music is another thing I'm trying to dabble in, I love all music and all genres. How can anyone make a horrible song? At least, that's what I think. So much goes into it. It's just such a beautiful thing. Even in the songs that others find bad or corny, I love.
I love smoking w33d and gaming.
I know that sounds corny asf, but honestly, I could spend all day being a gremlin and not binge. I used to play Cold War so much, and because I have anxiety, I would clench my jaw. The way that felt was enough to make me not want to eat.
I want to start going out, but every time I do I feel so ugly and gross. I start to feel guilty just being there. I guess I'm guilty other people have to see me? I don't know. Anyways sorry for dumping this here. But yeah I might just dump my rambling I have in my head.
April 5
Sometimes I think God isn't real then I pray for strength in order to fast and it works.
April 12
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I went out a few days ago. No one worried about how ugly I was because I did my makeup. I am starting a 44h fast. I love the number 4 soooo much. Anyways, I'm almost out of weed and cigs, which is very annoying... just like how my partner wanted to sit down with me and have dinner before he went to work. I tried to just serve him, but he was like almost lecturing me, and I ate. It's okay. Like I said, I'm starting a 44h fast now. I just hope this isn't a problem in the future. Update at 2 pm so my partner made me make breakfast, I'm not upset. I just had eggs, but I was able to make him some eggs and sausage. He went to go pick up his check, and he got me cigs and weed. But he came back with a pizza and was like "oh this is for dinner and maybe tomorrow's breakfast" so glad to have this man in my life but why pizza !
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I was wondering if I could request platonic yandere riddler trying to teach reader how to make a good riddle.
It would be most appreciated. thx
I would love to, BTAS Eddie btw.
Tw: intimidation, kidnapping, threats of blackmail and violence (slight).
Eddie was little more than a distraction to what you wanted to do now, it was as if every time he got out of Arkham he found his way back to you.
He smiled fondly at your annoyed expression and gave you a hug. The constriction threatened to snap you in half. If you'd been able to feel your fingers you would've felt the blood flow begging for some release.
“Hello my dear friend, it's been quite a while since I'd seen you last.”
“It's been three weeks Edward.”
He shrugged off the comment with a bashful grin. Then took you from the goons he had bring you up, merely waving them off as he rather quickly pulled you over to his desk.
Having been friends with Edward since before he'd moved from New York to Gotham you knew his excitement better than anyone. As he sat you down in the chair, harsher than he'd meant to he made his way over to his side.
“Care to tell me why you can't just wait for another probationary period Edward? I visited you the last time you warned me about the blackmail.” You didn't want to be there at all, and looking into the almost watery green eyes of your friend it was clear he did.
Feigning ignorance Edward rolled his eyes, “Why would I ever actually blackmail you? You're far too important to me.”
“I must be given this is the eighth time you’ve kidnapped-“
He interjected,
You deadpanned before continuing,
“Kidnapped, me.”
His brows furrowed harshly, nose twitching as he shuffled his elbows inward. The tension in his fists were obvious, as was the same tension in his neck.
“I don’t want to play this with you. I just borrowed-“ he stood slowly, lights from outside casting the front of his body in darkness. “You.”
You nodded as you saw him do the same.
“Okay Edward.”
“Eddie.” He corrected dangerously, regaining absolute control of the situation.
You held your breath in for a moment to keep yourself from shaking.
“Okay Eddie.”
He sat back down slowly, never taking his eyes off of you. They seemed to bite into your soul, searching for the very moment you’d decide to flee.
“I'm thinking of my next caper.” he started, strongly.
You fiddled with your pants before nodding, pursed lips.
“Yeah that's uhh, kinda bad Eddie.”
“I can’t exactly control what my mind wants me to do. It becomes so bad I feel the need to pick at myself if I don’t plan.” He stood from his chair and dramatically went through the movements, going on a tangent about how the feelings just build until they burst.
“Is there anyway I can help…” you paused, he turned around intrigued by what you were saying.
“With the… building?” You we’re unsure of how you phrased that, the words coming out awkward. But he seemed to understand.
His eyes widened and he seemed brighter than before.
“Well well well, look who’s coming into their own!” He smiled slyly before turning to his bookshelf, you meanwhile looked for an escape.
Every window was sealed. There were guards outside, Eddie could practically read your mind, and knew that you never actually went to the restroom when you were uncomfortable with something.
He set a pen and paper down in front of you before nearly organizing the books in front of him. He pulled a map of Gotham out of his shirt right after, setting the paper before you.
You looked up incredulously, desperately searching for an answer as Eddie leaned on the table happily staring at you.
“What is this?”
“For what?!”
“You’re not stupid my friend do try and fit the pieces in with one another.” He leaned in and kept the map open with one arm and pushed your chair in with the other. From here you could feel him shaking with glee, the previous tension forgotten.
You tried to forget that you were making plans for a supervillain here, and tried to imagine all the times you’d spent with one another.
“How abouuut…” You tried thinking only to feel like your brain was useless. You drew blanks, pushing the paper away with one hand as Edward stared, concerned back at you.
“I’m no good at this stuff Eddie, maybe I can help give you tools, or run you coffee. Like a secretary!” This was partially to arouse sympathy from your old friend, but also to find a way to leave and not speak to him again.
“To have you mitigated to a secretary as my best friend?” He looked bluntly at you, “that’s stupid,” he snatched the pencil from your hand, and grabbed the paper. “You start with one idea. Then add on, you don’t give up if you don’t have it right away. Now throw somthing out there.”
You fumbled, and he began to hum a tune from a game show he knew, counting down your time. It reminded you of nights where the two of you would go over Flashcards for tests.
“Nuclear Fission!”
He ‘oohed’, impressed by the quick and out of the box thinking, and he quickly jotted the idea down
The next few were rapid fire rounds.
“The starry night-“
“Colour theorem.”
By the end of the night the two of you were down a bottle and a half of whiskey, with a plan that only required word play, and machinery.
You leaned against the man with an arm over his shoulder as you reminisced your childhood.
“I missed this Eddie, you always were great company.”
He smiled earnestly, his readers glasses slipping down his nose as he undid his tie. “You were always like a younger sibling to me, it’d only make sense for me to wanna spend time with you…”
He trailed off, then grew somber.
“I’m sorry.”
You tilted your head in confusion, and he put a hand on your shoulder. “For the interruptions, and the blackmail… I really-“ he turned his head as his voice cracked. You could tell he was getting emotional, so you pulled him in for a hug.
The two of you set to sleep that night, Ed in his armchair, you on the couch. And you began to wonder if helping him with riddles would really be all that bad.
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erikahenningsen · 4 months
hi! for Sometimes Mean Is What You Are, can I request a Cady/Regina angst where Regina has trouble trusting people after junior year? thx! love ur work!
Today is the day.
Today, Cady is going to tell Regina how she feels about her. No more excuses—she's going to do it.
Cady would be lying if she said she wasn't kind of terrified, but she feels like she's going to explode if she doesn't do it soon. Ever since she realizes she had feelings for Regina, she's barely been able to focus on anything else. Damian has called her out on more than one occasion for blatantly staring at Regina in the hallways or the cafeteria.
(She's already starting to go a little crazy, muttering "today is the day" to herself as she walks down the hall, not realizing it until Gretchen asks, "What's today?"
"Thursday," Karen helpfully supples.)
Cady basically invites herself over to Regina's house after school, wanting to be able to get the hell out of there if Regina punches her in the face or something. Not that she thinks that will happen, but it's always good to have an escape plan.
"I need to tell you something," Cady blurts the moment Regina's bedroom door is closed, before she can chicken out or throw up.
"Okay," Regina says, looking a little confused. She sits down on her bed and raises an eyebrow expectantly.
"I like you," Cady says, looking at a spot on the wall just over Regina's shoulder because that seems less scary. "Not as a friend. Well, I do like you as a friend, but also as more than a friend. Like, a lot. You're kind of all I can think about and it's kind of becoming a problem."
Cady chances a look at Regina. Regina looks blankly back at her.
"So... yeah," Cady finishes lamely. "I just... wanted to tell you."
Regina lets out a little scoff and rolls her eyes. "Right, okay."
Now Cady is confused. "Did you hear what I just said?"
"Uh, yeah," Regina says. "How stupid do you think I am?"
"What?" Cady asks, absolutely lost. Her stomach is starting to contract anxiously. "Regina, I just told you that I like you."
"And I don't believe you," Regina says coldly. "Nice try, but you can go now."
"I don't understand." Cady can't keep the desperation out of her tone. "Why would I make that up?"
Regina stands up, getting inches away from Cady's face. If she's trying to intimidate Cady, it's working.
"I thought we were done with the lies, but I see I was wrong," Regina says, eyes narrowing. "Really, this one's on me. Fool me once and all that. But I know better now, so you can get the fuck out of my house."
Regina's voice cracks, and she turns away from Cady, taking visibly deep breaths. Cady's chest physically hurts.
"No, Regina, please," Cady says. "I'm not lying. I swear. I'll go if you want me to go, but please believe me."
"Stop, okay?" Regina says, and she doesn't even sound angry. She just sounds... exhausted. She sits back down on her bed and drops her head into her hands. "I can't... this is too much. Not after I... for so long..."
For a moment, Cady considers cutting her losses and leaving. But... she's come this far.
"I like that you're never afraid to say what you think," Cady says. "And you're always making me laugh, even when I'm having a bad day. You're so protective of your friends, and you come to my mathletes competitions, even though you think they're boring. I like that you love to read, and I like that you read Shakespeare, even if you don't want anyone else to know you do."
Regina looks up at her, cautiously, her eyes red and watery.
"I love that we can hang out together and do nothing and still have fun, or talk for hours, and I love our bad movie marathons," Cady continues. "I still listen to the playlist you made for me when we first met. And you're the prettiest girl I've ever met. It's been really distracting."
Regina stares at her, and when she starts to smile, just a little, Cady's knees practically give out from the relief.
"And it's okay if you don't feel the same way, but please believe me. Okay?" Cady whispers.
"Okay," Regina says after a long moment.
And when Cady reaches out her hand, Regina takes it and squeezes.
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thewandererh · 2 months
HII wait are you THE the Wanderer (like the one on yt)??? Really sorry if not and I’m mistaking you for the wrong person here
In any case! I love the way you draw iterators and slugcats SO MUCH??? Like your style is just so incredibly eye-pleasing and wonderful to look at I am in incredible awe. Anyway uhm. Yeah! Scuttles away
(- @strandedaylily)
yes!!! i am :]!! the one who animated tr on yt yeash thats me💥. and its you!! the real strandedaylily,, reposted some of ur stuff recently to show it off f4 answering this. love ur thingers :DD✨
and thanku sm 😭😭 that means??? so much??!? its been a journey finding my style and i love that u love it sm!! i have a few diff styles for iterators and slugcats, and whipped up these fast sketchy style analysis sheets last night.
Iterator Styles
I have two main styles for iterators: chibi and humanoid-ish. round head vs oval head with a cheek curve (cheek curve is a staple of my style. was actually against it when drawing iterators with it for the first time, yet it’s become such a signature now XD. I love it a lot huhu). here is an example with my lovely boy Twine (he is not the main antagonist despite his mischievous posings). also!! slim eyes for devious characters, like twine and shadows (and leaves, unwillingly /lore). the two ogs 💛 with their yellow jack-o-lantern faces. theres a phrase i made up a bit ago: you can’t spell wanderer without jack-o-lantern-faced iterator, can you?
got better with posing over the years but im still struggling with fabric and cloaks </3
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Slugcat Styles
now for slugcats, its evolved a different way. rather with two stages, they have a few more. when i first discovered rainworld, i had a very simple way of drawing. u heads and 3 fingers and toes, aswell with really odd aggressively-digi legs. and then it evolved when i learned “sketching” (blotting down odd shapes with barely any sense of proportion. balls for the elbows, no line of action, eyeing it and getting anatomy wrong lol) and things got really disproportionate. theres more stages, but i made a few complex and simple examples of my style over the years :]!! maybe i put too much effort into it but it was interesting to figure out!!
theres some timeskips in the big timeline one, and some other arts of mine might showcase style changes a bit better, and this is only my digital gallery, but oh well!!! whats done is done until its undone💥 /ghibli movie reference
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didn’t do iterators or general effects-and-tidbits-i’ve-learned (shading, rendering, lineart, etc) bc i’ve spent so much time already. so you get SLUGCAT BEAM BLASTED💥💥. all this art ranges from 2019-2024 (the years i’ve been a rainworld fan :])
yes i spent hours analyzing my old and new art just for fun but i think i learned something. thanks for asking this and putting a big smile on my face :]!! have a good day you (and anyone else whos reading this. thx for reading so far and so much💛✨!!)
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ok i'm supposed to be doing work but this tag game seemed really cool! thx for tag @prettyiwa :3 tagged to talk about five of my favorite fics! i'm not including matcha since its still a wip lol. also these are obviously all levi x reader bc i need this man
in no particular order:
➼ 1. Until I See You Again — 3.3k, Canon!Verse, Hurt/Comfort, Post-War, technically a WIP but it's more like a collection of oneshots instead of a multi-chapter fic
I got a request for Levi and reader thinking the other died and then find each other after the war and I got so excited that I created a mini-verse based off it. This was one of the first oneshots I published and it still warms my heart to read occasionally.
➼ 2. You're Safe — 1.6k, Hurt/Comfort
This was my very first request, in which Levi accidentally triggers his s/o that's a survivor of domestic abuse. It was very cathartic to write :')
➼ 3. Your Safe Space — 1.2k, Hurt/Comfort
I struggle a lot with volatile emotions and I was in a mood, so I wrote a little oneshot of Levi helping you through one! Also very cathartic to write.
➼ 4. Revenge — 1.1k, Smut, Public Sex, Revenge Sex, MDNI
I think this is the only actual smut oneshot I've written so far that's not just me rambling about wanting Levi to rearrange my insides kdjfksdf
➼ 5. Your Worth — 1.3k, Hurt/Comfort, Canon!Verse
One day I was having the Sads™ because another fic got published at the same time as matcha and was doing loads better than mine and I got so fucking sad that I was couch-locked for the rest of the day but then I wrote this and it made me feel so much better 😭😭
this was really fun! and a great way to practice self-love 😭
tagging (no pressure :3): @chaotic-on-main @leviismybby @romantichomicide95 @sixpennydame @happybird16 @dont-f-with-moogles @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @youre-ackermine @danchou-danchou @chosos-mascara @postwarlevi @jayteacups + anyone else that wants to participate!
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Hi buddy! Can I have some Yandere Narancia plz? (Can we get a bit more of that psycho sh*t too lol >:3) Thx so much
Runaway - Yandere! Narancia Ghirga x Reader
not completely psycho but I wanted to do a little something with Narancia
He had just seen you squeeze through a window out of the corner of his eye. Narancia had just gotten home from a tediously long mission, and you decided to just escape at the last moment. There was some miraculous luck that he managed to catch a glimpse of you. He was ticked but not in the normal pissed off fashion the young adult would be if it were anyone else.
“Come on, come back!” Was the one thing that managed to escaped his lips. Not quite loud enough for you to hear as you ran off in the distance. The one advantage he had was it was late at night, which would make it easier to track you with Aerosmith. If he could hopefully manage to catch up. He knew these streets like the back of his hand however. Though he wondered what you would try, he wasn’t that all creative with counter tactics.
Everything raced in his mind out of desperation, thinking about what went wrong. The ropes firstly, he did tie them correctly but somehow you had gotten ahold of something sharp enough to cut through it. Not only that he probably gave you more space to move than needed. Apparently though you couldn’t be trusted with this, as lenient as the usually impatient male could be. Guess he would have to use the handcuffs he managed to grab from Abbacchio ages back.
It was that and the headwear on his head to gag you from making noise as his arsenal. He’d only use Aerosmith to shoot down physical things around and maybe a few holes in someone that may try to take you away. He sped up his pace in determination, still tailing you he saw your eyes glance back with horror before facing forward again.
You didn’t seem to understand why he needed you to stay, and that terrified gaze didn’t change anything. Narancia wasn’t going to let you slip away, not now, not ever. The thoughts of you happily eating lunch with him with a silly smile on your face, or listening to whatever music you wanted flashed before him. He had become desperate to have that all back, not really thinking about how he was inadvertently pushing you away.
He loved you with everything he had, and maybe it was his slightly childish perspective on falling in love but he had to take drastic measures. Shaking his head he spots an alleyway he can easily cut you off, but risking losing which direction you went if you went too far out of his range. There was no time for hesitation, as hardheaded he could be he immediately made his choice.
Running with all your might, you glance back once more seeing Narancia run out of sight. Usually that would be a time to be relieved but it only put more fear into your body. Where was he going to exit from? Should you run back from the way you came? That didn’t sound like a hopeful outcome in the slightest. Especially since he could somehow get a read on where you were going.
It was near impossible to think on a scrambled and confused brain like yours. Why didn’t you plan anything? How would you plan anything? Had ran through your mind previously from squirming out of that window. All you had was trying to get to the edge of the city, find someone in the countryside that might help you. Even that was an optimistic thought of yours.
Though before you could bring your attention, a hand snatched your left arm, pulling you into a familiar body. You were only able to briefly exhale before another hand was placed on your mouth. To prevent you from screaming for help, that in all honesty likely wouldn’t come. “Dammit y/n….I really didn’t want to do anything more than rope” Narancia muttered while breathing heavily himself.
You tried to struggle against him but he knew what you were trying to pull and restrained you quickly. While shuffling to take his headband off and wrap it around your mouth.
“Naran— bia” your voice was muffled with saliva and the cloth pressing against your lips.
“I know what you wanna tell me, probably somethin’ like go to hell right?” He softly spoke,
“Maybe you’re right and I deserve it” He quickly adjusted your body to put the handcuffs on your hands.
“I’ll paint the walls red if anyone tries to touch you, and I can’t just let you go like before” Narancia sighed. “I wanna love you, I don’t care if it takes forever…never is not a thing between you and me” his hand proceeded to hold the back of your head and push you up against him.
“We can just go home, lie down, and forget this ever happened…the two of us and maybe live everything out…like anyone else”
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theclearblue · 4 months
For the ship ask : ZoSan - Zoro & Sanji and MobRei - Mob (aged up) & Reigen and SatoSugu - Gojo and Getou.... Thx
Thank you for sending this is in!!
Ship it
Fun fact I was pretty against this ship at the beginning when I first started watching (now it's my fave op ship lmao). I think the turning point for me was maybe Water 7/Enies Lobby when they really start working together, and Zoro worries about Sanji on the sea train. But when it became my favorite was probably the Nothing Happened scene and also when Kuma is chasing the strawhats in Sabaody. Just the way they clearly care so much for each other and their dreams where Zoro first protects Sanji in Thriller Bark, and then Sanji is worried enough about Zoro in Sabaody to protect him over Nami??? Yeaaaahhhh I started falling down the Zosan well pretty deep after that lmao
I think what makes Zosan fun is that they fight ALL the time but it's like...play fighting lmao?? If you've ever had cats where they just bat at each other and wrestle but they don't really hurt each other, it's all in good fun and then they snuggle up to each other? That's the Zosan dynamic to me lmaooo. But also under that I think they trust and respect each other more than anyone, both in a fight but also with what they view as the worst parts of themselves. Lots of potential with them I think (also VERY interested to see how the Wano oath will come back around because it will...)
Hmm I think sometimes when people write Zosan they either lean too much into domestic sappy lovers or just straight up toxic lmao. They are the pinnacle of cranky old married couple so when they don't make fun of each other anymore or playfight well..that's not Zosan lol, but then sometimes people go way to far the other way where they don't like each other at all and scream at each other and miscommunicate and that's just not any fun either, there's a balance.
Don't Ship It
Usually I don't like an aged up ship unless you're aging up both characters, it's hard for me to get past an age gap that big because it colors so much of the dynamic. Even aging them up I think I couldn't stop imagining Reigen as the cringefail older brother/mentor type of figure to Mob.
Hmm honestly maybe aging Reigen down to Mob's age might be ok? As like a childhood friends kind of thing instead? I still don't think I would see that as romantic though.
Hmmm I think this one just isn't for me sorry
Ship it
God, what doesn't make me ship it? I know Ij ust made a post yesterday where I was like "You could interpret them as brothers!" and like, you COULD but this feels like the most obvious romantic subtext of all time with every scene they have. But I started shipping them when I read Hidden Inventory/Premature Death, and then the ship became really solidified with a JJK 0 reread and with the Gojo sealing scene. Gay disasters of all time.
I've talked about this a bit before but just the way that there is nobody else for them, nobody will understand Gojo like Geto does and vice versa. They are a pair, until they suddenly aren't, and neither really know how to navigate that. I think they embody a lot of the core themes of JJK really well, about love and death and corruption and loneliness. I think there are just a lot of different avenues to explore them, from pre HI arc to Geto's descent to the 10 years in between to JJK 0 and to Shibuya. They really do it all lmao, and of course, I am tragedy enjoyer first and foremost and they deliver.
Geto gets woobified waaaayyy too much by satosugu lovers. He is undeniably a victim under the jujutsu system and his struggles are very painful and even sympathetic, but I think some satosugu fans really erase his flaws way too much and end up blaming Gojo for everything? Which I think is wildly unfair.
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enstarriedownbad · 1 year
Regarding my longer fanfic (reader x himeru), I'm so sorry for not updating it
Honestly, many (concerning) stuff have been going on in my life recently and writing about my dream life felt wrong and made me feel even sadder. I can't tell if my situation is getting better, but I'm actively trying to 'break through' from abuse rn
But back to the subject, I can't tell when the next chapter will drop though. The 4th one has been sitting in my drafts for 2 months now... I may publish what I have wrote so far but, I don't know when I'll actually continue it. It may be tomorrow or in 3 months
In the meantime, I'll keep writing one shot smuts every now and then bcs it's less mentally draining
Thx for reading (if anyone did)
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xx-purple-jester-xx · 8 months
HI @frillsand ! ever since i saw your little thing about actor wally being insecure about his masculinity, i was thinking about the specifics of him being shorter, not having broad shoulders, and just being "cute", and couldn't help but think of what he would do if he met my oc, who is the exact same, but in the opposite way!
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this is my oc olive (zoom in to see them better sorry about bad picture) they're biologically female and just about the same as actor wally. they have broad shoulders, are very tall (6'5 without shoes, 6'8 with them) not really curvy at all, and overall just very masculine, so much so to the point that lots of people actually think that they are a guy when i draw them. which i mean like they are, but they're also a girl. sorry gender is complicated essentially if you asked them their pronouns or gender they would respond with yes (anyone know a name for that btw? is it just unlabled or or something? totally not asking because i totally took that trait from myself and put it onto them).
anyways though my point with this is that it makes me wonder what it would be like if wally and olive met since they're like, the exact opposites of each other. i figure olive wouldn't care much, as they don't really see much differences between people it's just like, "oh you're shorter/different from me, cool".
little thing of mine is that if i thought they met then it would be at a childrens hospital entertaining children where they both just happened to go there on the same day, because olive also goes to childrens hospitals to hang out with children and play with them (they aren't an actor they're the owner of a big factory that makes toys/other things that may or may not be violent but i ain't delving into that cause i'm gonna do lore stuff with my little guys)
yeah but i figured they would just meet that way. although if they met in a childrens hospital entertaining children olive would probably be in a outfit like the one as seen below
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they would be wearing the rainbow mask thing by the way, don't wanna scare the children. btw the little things that come off their mouth and go up their cheeks are scars, they're light pink in the picture. olive would keep the mask on with the children but wouldn't care about wally seeing them without it, so if they got like, a break or something where the children weren't there, then olive would take off the mask, they don't really mind adults seeing the scars but they keep a mask on around the children in the hospital so that they don't scare any of the smaller ones.
that's another thing i wonder how he would react to btw that's why i'm telling you that information, i kinda wonder what he would react like if they had the mask on the whole time when they were with the kids and then just take the mask off not caring about the scars at all once all the children are gone.
sorry for the long post thingy i just can't help but be obsessive over small details and must put them in
also you don't like, have to respond to this, i just kinda put it out here as a little wondering thing, it's not gonna bother me if you don't respond. but i will be immensely happy if you do end up responding cause that's cool ya know? if you somehow end up drawing stuff for this "prompt" btw, i will draw something back. tbh i'll probably draw actor wally stuff at some point anyways but if you draw something for this then it will be my top priority i tell you here.
sorry if this is kinda weird too, i know i'm being weird sorry i've just had this stuck in my head for like, a week since i saw the post you made and needed to get it out before i went insane. if you got this far thx for reading ',;) <3
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toonycatuwu · 2 years
Okay, so I wanna be clear about what disgusting things about Tobey people said.
TW: mentions of pr*sh*p, p*dophilia, and use of the word "y*ndere"
Alright... so one of my homies gave me some info on what happened. Turns out it WASN'T from a wg discord server, but it was this.
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Ok, so this is one of my old posts i lowkey forgot about until now. My dumbahh thought using the word "y*ndere" was cute and quirky, and I sincerely apologize for that. I don't really make y*ndere art or headcanons, or really anything at all about Tobey anymore at this point, definitely because of the crazy pr*sh*p shxt going around nowadays (I saw that one AWFUL post from someone else saying "tobey love and support pr*sh*ppers", and it really made me super uncomfortable.). Now I stick to just random chill and wholesome stuff, because I want to keep THAT positive side of the fandom alive.
Now, because I realized I was being a cringy and insensitive mf back then, I deleted all posts and reblogs involving the word "y*ndere" because I don't want anyone new to feel uncomfortable when scrolling through my blog.
However, THESE people...
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reblogged my post and made extremely questionable remarks and jokes. Honestly, I'm really ashamed of myself for letting this slide in the first place, because now that I look at it... that's when it gets wayyyy too far. However, even if this wasn't a serious remark and more of a lighthearted joke, just- where's the funny? Do you see me laughing right now??? Even if I forgave them last time, they didn't even take the situation that seriously. Now look at this one:
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How is s*xualizing a MINOR just chilling with a plush of his secret crush funny??? Damn, these people really need to realize what they're saying before they decide to reblog.
Not only that post, one of my Fanboy!Tobey blog's posts got a really disgusting reblog.
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So one of my homies (wordgirlhottakes) stood up for me later and simply just went "eww" at this. That person actually knew it was disgusting af. wordgirlhottakes, if you're seeing this, thx for defending me from the nasty ahh reblog! :>
There might be some more uncomfortable and unnerving things being said about Tobey that I might even not be aware of, but if you see one, report and block them immediately.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
I haven't yet reblogged the epilogue BCS I NEED TIME TO PUT TOGETHER MY WALL OF TAGS OKAY??? but I told you I would be getting all vulnerable in your ask box and I would never lie to you!!
Walt, you truly have made something so special. Mfl has resonated with me in a way no other writing has, your creativity, thought process and way with words is just something so unique and incredible and will stay with me forever. Mfl was the first piece of content on here I have ever really interacted with, before that I was too nervous to do anything but the occasional ask and 1 to 2 tags, without this series, your encouragement and kindness, I wouldn't have come out of my shell as much, and wouldn't have started talking to and met so many amazing people (looking at u raven and lis), including, and especially you. and now look!!! I HAVE NEVER REACHED THE TAG LIMIT FOR ANYONE ELSE BEFORE BBY!!!
From the bottom of my heart I genuinely thank you for gifting us with this truly beautiful, beautiful thing. not just your writing, but the space, and for your wonderful self, I cannot imagine being in this community without you, and I thank you for everything. there not enough words, and I myself am not eloquent enough to explain how much this past *checks watch* hoo boy over half a year has meant to me. so again, I thank you and ily.
(this doesn't mean im done btw. I will continue to be a menace in your ask box until this wretched site shuts down. I will not rest until we have a mfl timeline for the next 30 yrs)
this has me in absolute shambles omg. i want you to know that i read it while on a video call with my new boss and i gave the performance of a LIFETIME keeping my face straight!!! i want my oscar!!!!
this means...just everything to me. i can remember the handful of fics i've read in my life that made me feel the way you described, and it is absolutely fucking insane to me that i made something that occupies that feeling for someone else. i put so much of myself into mfl and the fact that y'all stuck around for all of it is...wow. thank you thank you thank you.
and like fr i cannot imagine my askbox without you in it!!!!!! i am so honored that it was mfl that brought you into the mix bc you're a staple of this community now as far as i'm concerned. you're not allowed to go anywhere. you are our prisoner. this is a kidnapping.
i'm gonna be freaking out about this for like ever ok thx bye
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