lovelynim · 5 months
Daily report
Eighty Six - Shin & Theo and Raiden (feat. Lena)
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A/N: Of course my first (official) client would be @wertzunge! Thank you so much for your constant support and your trust! I hope this is of your liking, my dear, dear customer ~
Summary: As the captain of the squad, Shin is giving Lena his daily report, but the call starts to get a little... unstable.
Word count: 1118 words
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“And that’s how it went today, major,” Shin spoke softly, his eyes lost in the barren fields that surrounded the squad’s base at the Eastern Front First Ward. The night would be dead silent if it weren’t for the girl on the other side of the line and, obviously, the rest of the group that was still inside the old house. “That's all I have to report.”
“I’m glad to hear everything went well, captain,” Lena hummed on the other side of the line, her gaze fixed on the sketch book in front of her. “But this isn’t really the kind of answer I was expecting, if I’m being honest with you.”
Shin arched his eyebrow, puzzled. He already knew the girl wasn’t like the other handlers the Spearhead Squadron had in the past, but, still, what else did she want to hear? “Is that so? What were you expecting, major?” He muttered, leaning back in his chair, crossing his hands behind his back and one knee over the other. 
Lena giggled on the call, imagining what kind face the captain would be making. “When I asked you ‘how was your day’, I wasn’t requesting an official report, captain.”
“Ah,” he looked up to the starless sky, letting out a small chuckle, “my mistake, then.”
“Let me try again,” Lena smiled, twirling a strand of hair in her hand, “how was your day, captain?”
“Peaceful, I suppose,” Shin muttered, closing his eyes as he barely gave his own words much thought before speaking them out loud. There was no need for those formalities, after all. 
While Shin let himself sink in the casual - and private - conversation with the squad’s handler, two pairs of eyes peeked at him from the corner of the closest doorframe. Theo and Raiden slowly retreated back inside, with Shin’s voice almost fading in the distance.
“They are doing it again,” Theo mumbled, a pinch of annoyance in his voice. “Tsk, ‘let’s wrap up for today’ my foot, they just wanted to talk by themselves.”
“Hah, and you are jealous? Of him or the major?” Raiden teased, scoffing. Still, he couldn’t deny that it was - at least - curious that the oh-so-reserved Undertaker agreed in spending some hours of each of his nights chit chatting with the handler. 
Theo frowned, leaning to get another peek at his captain, “whatever. Are you ready?” The blonde grinned, looking at Raiden with the corner of his eyes and feeling excitement sparkle inside his chest when the other man nodded.
It was time to put their plan into action.
“...and then we had lunch together. It was pretty nice,” Shin commented, not aware of the shy smile that took place in his lips while talking to Lena - and also not aware of the two figures silently moving in the background. 
“I can imagine,” Lena, on the other end of the call, had already moved away from her desk. Strolling around her bedroom, the handler eyed the balcony, thinking about the squad under her care. “So, according to your report,” she continued, jokingly, “the squad went through some training during the afternoon. Did you join them this time, captain?”
“Someone needs to keep an eye on the group,” Shin replied in a monotone, making Lena wonder if he was being serious or joking back at her. While some other members were like an open book, it was pretty hard to get a grip on Shin's feelings sometimes. 
Walking over her bed, Lena sat on the edge of the mattress before allowing herself to fall on the soft surface. Swinging her feet in the air, the handler pondered about her next words, not wanting to let the conversation end at that point.
“But,” Shin resumed, picking up the topic from where he had left it. “I did take pa-ahart- h-hey!”
“Huh?” Lena frowned, rolling onto her side and laying on her stomach. “Captain, is everything all right?” She narrowed her eyes, doubling the attention she was paying to the conversation, but all she could hear from the other sound were… some sort of static? Or some other type of unknown noise. “Shin,” Lena insisted, “did something happen?”
“G-give meheh a secohond!”
Lena pinched the bridge of her nose, gently rubbing her eyes. She must’ve misheard it, but, for a moment, she could swear that Shin was… laughing?
“S-sure, but you’re ok, right?”
“Y-yehes, it’s just- agh, you two, stohohop it!”
“Huh? W-who is there?” Lena inquired, but nothing that sounded like an answer came from Shin’s end - just more noise, lots of noise. On the other side of the line, Shin fought as if his life depended on it. Sadly, it all seemed like a losing battle.
Theo and Raiden, working together like they never did, grinned at the Undertaker. 
“What’s wrong? ~ Aren’t you going to answer the major? ~” Theo teased, keeping his arm wrapped around Shin’s leg while his other hand dug and prodded at the sides of Shin’s thigh and the back of his restrained knee.
Raiden, standing behind the captain, held Shin’s head in an armlock while his other hand moved against the captain’s sides and ribs, playing him like some sort of instrument. Unlike Theo, Raiden remained quiet, not wanting his voice to be captured by the mic - still, there was no need for words when his expression said all he wanted to.
“I-it’s nohohoting, m-major,” Shin gritted his teeth, trying to somehow coordinate his moves between punching Raiden in the face and kicking Theo away - but it was all for nought. “J-just sohohome minor i-issues!”
Lena felt the back of her throat going dry, unable to say something back while Shin’s laughter echoed through the voice call. Lena felt some heat spreading up to her face, tainting her pale skin with a bright shade of red. “S-should we stop for today? I don’t want to-”
“NOHohoh,” Shin laughed, his voice raising slightly as Raiden managed to dig his fingers under his arm, “a-ahah, i-it’s fihihine!”
The handler jumped in her bed, sitting up in a hurry. “A-are you sure?” She chuckled nervously, pressing her hands against her flustered cheeks.
“Y-yehehes!” Shin pressed his eyes shut while a large grin spread over his face. “J-just gihihive me a sehecond t-to- agh, dahahamn it!”
“O-ok, ok,” Lena smiled, “I will call you back in a few minutes.”
As soon as her fingers hit the button, the handler fell back into her bed and let out a huge, dreamy sigh. “I can’t believe… they actually followed my orders. I need to thank Theo and Raiden later…” 
Lena reached for one of her pillows, wrapping it into a tight hug while she hid her flustered face. “Poor Shin, heheh…”
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intheticklecloset · 21 days
Liar (Bungo Stray Dogs)
One Shot
Summary: At a celebratory tea party, Dazai lets slip that Akutagawa has a favorite spot to be tickled. Of course, his new boyfriend Atsushi simply MUST know what it is!
Word Count: 2233
“Oh, Atsushi~” Dazai sang as he set a plate of cookies on the table between them. “You know your new boyfriend is super ticklish, right?”
Akutagawa promptly choked on his tea. Atsushi laughed.
“Yeah, I know, Dazai,” the weretiger replied through a huge smile as he slapped Akutagawa’s back, trying to help.
Akutagawa, for his part, couldn’t care less if every other word he spoke came out strangled thanks to the droplets of tea still trying to slip down his windpipe. He snapped, “And what exactly was your goal in asking that? If he hadn’t known, you’d have just outed me!”
Dazai plopped down on the cushion across from them both and smiled. “Oh, that was the whole point, Akutagawa. If he didn’t know, I was going to make sure he definitely did by the end of today.”
The mafioso flushed, and Atsushi continued to smile at him.
The three of them were having tea at Dazai’s place; the detective had been so excited that they had finally made it official that he insisted on throwing a small party for them. Though Akutagawa had thought the whole thing ridiculous – and now, perhaps dangerous for him – Atsushi had found it endearing and had insisted they do it.
“Besides,” the brunette continued, “what’s the point of having a boyfriend if you can’t have a little tickle fight once in a while?”
Atsushi finally turned that smile on their host. “Speaking from experience?”
Dazai sighed dramatically. “I wish. Chuuya is cute but he can’t take a hint.”
Chuuya and Dazai had made it official a couple of months earlier, and to be honest, their getting together was what spurred Akutagawa to finally ask Atsushi out. After all, if their bosses could do it, why couldn’t they?
The detective leaned in conspiratorially. “Have you found his fluff spot yet?”
Akutagawa decided not to dare and reach for a cookie after all. He glared at Dazai instead. Atsushi looked intrigued, and that wasn’t good. That was never good.
“Fluff spot?” the weretiger asked, taking a cookie himself with no hesitation. “You mean his worst spot? I think so. It’s his ribs, isn’t it?”
Stop talking about me like I’m not here! Akutagawa wanted to yell, but he pressed his lips together firmly, blushing harder when Dazai shot him a look that told him he was in deep trouble.
“Sure, his ribs are his most ticklish spot, but I’m talking about the spot that he loves having tickled.”
Atsushi spun to his boyfriend. “You have a spot you love getting tickled? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I don’t,” Aku shot back, though a sharp jolt of…something shot through his entire nervous system in response to the way his partner was looking at him now. Anxiety? Excitement? The desire to leap out the window and run far away from here before anyone got any ideas?
Dazai tsked. “Liar.”
That one word made the mafioso shudder in his seat. He knew that tone. How many times had he been tickled near to tears after hearing that tone? He shot his gaze over to Atsushi, who looked like a puppy who’d discovered a new squeaky toy.
“Don’t,” Aku said, throwing his pride out the window. “He’s crazy – how would he know if I had a spot like that? Which I don’t!” He shuffled slightly away from the weretiger. “He’s just trying to get you riled up for nothing. You’re the one who wanted to be here; my tea will get cold, and that would be a waste. And rude.”
Atsushi beamed from ear to ear and leaned over so their noses were nearly touching. “That’s a lot of words, Akutagawa. Are you sure you’re not the one getting riled up?”
“Why would I—?!” Akutagawa cut himself off, deciding to switch tactics. He closed the short distance between them with a long kiss, hoping that would deter Atsushi’s train of thought. It worked well enough at home.
Not here, though, apparently. Atsushi hummed happily after pulling away, then – still making eye contact with his partner – asked, “Where’s the spot, Dazai?”
Akutagawa’s eyes widened in surprise, and a little bit of panic.
Dazai started to reply, but in a blind frenzy, Akutagawa shouted, “Don’t you dare say another word, Dazai!” And then he latched onto Atsushi’s sides and dug in desperately.
“Aiiieeeee!” Atsushi squealed, bursting into giggles. He tried squirming away but Aku kept up with him easily, tackling him to the floor, tickling all the way.
The detective sighed again, this time in a dreamy way, and propped his hand in his chin as he watched them struggle. “Ah, young love.”
“Ehehehehehehehe! Quihihihihick, tehehehehehell me, Dazai!”
“Not a word!” Aku yelled, switching to his boyfriend’s tummy, a small part of him melting at the sound of his favorite person’s happy giggles while the larger part focused on distracting him however he needed to.
“You know I can’t take sides, children~”
Atsushi threw his head back with laughter and pleaded, “FIHIHIHIHINE, DON’T TEHEHEHEHELL ME!!” And for a moment Akutagawa thought he’d won, but then: “SHOHOHOHOW ME INSTEHEHEHEHEAD!!”
Akutagawa jerked his head over to look at Dazai, who was getting to his feet, and something inside him started to crumble. “No!”
Dazai rounded the table quickly, coming up behind Akutagawa.
“No! Rashomon!”
The jet black tendrils of his coat lashed out at Dazai, and even before they reached him the mafioso knew it was useless. Thinking fast, he leapt to his feet, leaving his giggling boyfriend behind as he sprinted for the aforementioned window, fully intending to actually jump out of it now and make his escape.
But Dazai was fast, and he grabbed onto his former protégé with ease, dragging him back by the collar of his coat, effectively keeping him from using his ability anymore.
Akutagawa’s mind went blank. It wasn’t panic – although he was definitely nervous. It was one thing to have Atsushi tickle him in the privacy of their apartment or for Dazai to do it now and then just for fun, but both of them? At the same time? Working together?
He was screwed.
“Wait,” he cried as he was tossed onto his back on the ground just as Atsushi was getting up to his knees. Dazai pulled his arms above him and pinned his wrists to the floor, winking at him playfully. “No! Don’t touch me!” Atsushi plopped himself comfortably across Aku’s hips. “I swear, weretiger, I will make you pay for this—!”
“Oh, so we’re back to ‘weretiger’ now?” Atsushi teased, cracking his knuckles and wiggling his fingers just above his boyfriend’s torso, smiling when he jumped and let out a tiny noise that was somewhere between a squeak and a whine. Atsushi gave him a knowing smile. “The spot, Dazai?”
Dazai chuckled, settling in as if to watch a good show. “Oh, you’ll know it when you get to it. He can’t hide how much he loves it to save his life.”
Akutagawa was going to murder them both.
Atsushi jabbed two fingers into either side of Aku’s ribs and started walking them upwards in a teasing way, beaming at his boyfriend’s helpless smile, the way he bit his lip to keep from laughing. “How about it, Ryu? Feel like telling me yourself?”
“Never,” Akutagawa spat shakily, his voice wavering as he fought off his mirth. “Do your worst.”
Well, that was a mistake.
“Agh! Shihihihihit, Atsushihihihihihi!” Akutagawa burst into giggles the instant the taunt left his lips, his arms shaking in Dazai’s hold while Atsushi scribbled freely around his ribs and sides.
Dazai chuckled behind him. “Still holding on to the tough guy act, huh? Even though all three of us know you enjoy this?”
“Ahahahahahaha I do nohohohohohohot! Stohohohohop with your lihihihihihies!”
Atsushi clicked his tongue. “Lies? You’re the only liar here, Ryu.” He climbed up to his topmost ribs and vibrated his fingers. “You’ve had a favorite spot all this time and you didn’t tell me? I’m hurt. I could have been focusing on it for you all this time.”
Akutagawa shook his head defiantly. “I dohohohohohohon’t! He’s lyihihihihihihing!”
“You going to tell me you don’t like being tickled, too?”
“I swehehehehehear I dohohohohohohon’t!” Aku bucked his hips when his boyfriend suddenly shot back down to his bottom ribs – the worst ones. “GAHAHAHAHA Ahahahahahatsushi!!”
Atsushi shifted so he was looming above Akutagawa, leaning closer to him with a smirk. “You don’t? Not even when I do this?” He glanced up at Dazai. “Avert your eyes.”
Dazai scoffed playfully. “Please. We’re all adults here.”
Atsushi nestled his face into the crook of Aku’s neck and started nibbling gently, all while continuing to wiggle his fingers into the older man’s ribs.
Akutagawa’s eyes flew wide open. “Ah! Ahahaha, no! Nohohohoho, not that! Atsushi, stahahahahap!” He squirmed and pulled at his trapped wrists and started laughing in earnest, his resolve breaking with every tickle. “Shihihihihihit!”
“Language,” Dazai admonished teasingly, and suddenly Akutagawa felt fingers in his armpits, too, making him snort and begin to really writhe and cackle. It took him a moment to realize that his former boss had joined in on the fun. That he was being tickled by both of his favorite people at the same time.
“Ehehehehehehehe stahahahahahap! Bohohohohohoth of you, cehehehehehease this at ohohohonce!”
Atsushi murmured into his ear, “Gonna tell me now?”
“Okay.” The younger man sat up again, smiling wide with eyes gleaming, clearly enjoying this guessing game. He scooted back so he was kneeling above Akutagawa’s flailing legs and slid his tickling fingers down to his boyfriend’s sides.
Akutagawa’s laughter died down a notch once the focus on one of his hot spots let up, though he still giggled and squirmed and shook his head and spat out demands for them both to cut it out already, to let him go, that he didn’t have a favorite spot, goddammit!
But then Atsushi moved to his waist, and Aku’s breath hitched, and Dazai hummed knowingly. “Getting warmer, Atsushi~”
“Shuhuhuhuhuhut up!” Akutagawa’s voice was more pleading than demanding now, and even though his heart was already racing from all the exercise, he swore he felt it begin to pick up even more speed.
“Oh? Is it here, Ryu?” Atsushi teased, still tickling his waist.
“I’ll nehehehehever tell—” Akutagawa started, cutting himself off as he began to cough, feeling a fit coming on right in the middle of all the play. He shot a worried glance up at his boyfriend, but both he and Dazai had already stopped tickling, allowing him to get it out of his system and catch his breath.
Dammit, Akutagawa thought, taking deep breaths to regain his composure.
It took him a moment to realize Atsushi and Dazai hadn’t restarted their tickle attack yet.
“I’m…I’m okay,” he muttered, shifting a little, feeling embarrassed and silly.
“Do we need to stop?” Atsushi asked, genuine concern in his voice.
Dazai let go of his wrists. “Your health is more important than showing off how much you love being tickled.” He started to get to his feet. “I’ll get you some more tea.”
“Wait!” Akutagawa cried, the word escaping him before he could stop himself.
All movement stopped. The silence in the room was unbearable. Akutagawa battled himself, trying to figure out what to say next.
Atsushi’s fingers brushed his cheek, drawing their eyes together. “What do you want, Ryu?”
And that, right there, was Aku’s undoing. Those eyes – those sweet, gentle, kind eyes that had never looked at him with anything but respect even when they were trying to kill each other. Those eyes and that voice and the quiet, genuine question were what finally broke him.
He squeezed his eyes shut.
“Keep…keep going,” he said, just above a whisper. “Please. Don’t stop now. I want…” Akutagawa used his freed hands to his advantage and covered his face. “I want more.”
Silence. Again.
Then a soft grip around his wrists, pulling them away so he had no choice but to look up at his boyfriend’s smile. “You do have one. A favorite spot.”
“Yes.” Akutagawa was done fighting, done pretending. He glanced over at Dazai, then back at Atsushi, pleading with his eyes. Imploring. Don’t make me beg for it.
Atsushi beamed, tickling his waist again, seeming pleased at the way his partner immediately dissolved into giggles so freely, almost eagerly.
“I was getting warmer, was I?”
“Then…” Atsushi finally latched onto his hips. “Is it here?”
Akutagawa couldn’t even reply. His hands flew down to grab Atsushi’s forearms while his head tipped back and laughter – pure, unfiltered, belly laughter – poured out of him like a dam bursting, his smile wide and his cheeks red and unable to hide how much he loved this feeling. Unable to deny it even if he wanted to.
But he didn’t, he realized. He wanted Atsushi to know he loved this. So he could be tickled here more and more in the future, in tandem with the spots that made him scream and Atsushi smile like the sun.
“You were right, Dazai. I see it now,” Atsushi said over Akutagawa’s laughter.
Dazai’s grin was evident in his voice. “Look at that smile! You love it, don’t you, Akutagawa?”
The mafia part of him wanted to scream, shut up!
But the real part of him – the part of him only these two could see – instead screamed, “YEHEHEHEHEHEHES!!”
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hero-of-the-horn · 10 months
lil snippet from my next wolfwren smut:
Shin’s stomach clenches when Sabine ghosts her mouth near her navel, and a strangled, unhappy sound weasels out of their throat. 
Sabine’s eyes are wide when she pulls back and her mouth is set in a small, open smile. “Did you just– Are you ticklish?” 
She’s not sure why the idea sounds so absurd – Shin’s only human – but somehow the thought of her getting tickled as Sabine kisses her stomach feels like an even more insane thought than the two of them fucking. 
Shin’s glare could melt steel. “Don’t.”
Sabine’s thumb sweeps gently over their stomach, but before she can even make up her mind if she wants to test them, breath chokes off in her throat, Shin’s Force grip on her warning enough for Sabine to lift her hand in surrender. 
When she can breathe again, she nods and rubs her throat. 
“Noted,” she says seriously, and means it. 
There’s being vulnerable – bare on your enemy’s ship freshly fucked by her strap on – and then there’s being vulnerable – at the mercy of your enemy tickling your bare stomach when you’re resting in post-orgasm afterglow.
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mrchiipchrome · 7 months
Mornings With You
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W.C. - 1.4 k
Warnings: suggestive
Early morning rays of sun peeked in through the blinds as your girlfriend admired your features lit up by the soft glow of the rays. Alessia’s blonde hair was splayed over the pillow, her finger tracing soft shapes into the skin of your arm. 
Your nose twitches, a telltale sign of you being awake, Alessia doesn’t comment on it though, she knows that you just want to stay in bed that much longer. She doesn’t mind that at all though, for she too would like to stay in your embrace for a few extra minutes before the hustle and bustle of the arriving day settles in.
Alessia’s silken lips press light kisses all over your collarbone, the ticklish feeling making a smile grace across your lips, fingers moving to thread through the blonde’s soft hair. When Alessia’s teeth nip playfully at your skin, you grip her hair a little tighter, near the roots. 
The grip is not hard enough to hurt her but it definitely stings slightly, and with it you pull her face away from your collarbone area and up towards your face. Her baby blues stare sensually into yours, the covers just hiding the supple rise of her breasts, and her lips twist into that smile that is so uniquely hers.
Your hands slide down to her cheeks, fingertips just reaching behind the curve of her jaw, thumb reaching to slide over her bottom lip. It was something you did often, especially during these soft days, the days in which you and your girlfriend barely got out of bed in time for training.
Alessia’s features soften significantly at the obvious display of affection, your rough and calloused hands settling against her satiny skin. You seem so fascinated by the freckled skin over her nose and by the uptick of Alessia’s lips, her naked legs tangled with yours, knees knocking into the other’s every so often.
It’s not surprising when Alessia finally leans in, soft puffs of air hitting your lips in the most perfect way. 
When her lips finally met yours, it was like heaven had come to earth in the form of a kiss, like every good feeling ever felt was packed into one singular embrace, like angels had blessed your lips and let them meet for the first time.
The kiss was nothing like the ones shared the previous evening, not the fast paced, teeth clashing, lust filled ones. No, it was rather slow and lazy, neither of you really putting in the effort to make it last longer. In reality, it was more like a bunch of small, long lasting pecks than a long continuous kiss, but you both enjoyed it nonetheless.
Long lashes rest against your girlfriend’s cheekbone, eyelids hiding those brilliantly blue eyes that you so adore, her foot kicking you in the shin when one of your hands start to glide down where they definitely should not be this early in the morning.
Even though she doesn’t open her eyes, you can still see how she takes delight in the teasing action, a sly smile pulling haphazardly on her lips, her knees pressing against yours firmly, fingers digging into your lower back more prominently. 
It’s only when one of Alessia’s hands comes up from where they’re settled at your hips that you realize what it is she’s planning. Her hand pushes against your shoulder softly, so as to signal to you that she wanted you on your back instead of on your side.
A smirk blooms on your face as the blonde slings her leg over your waist, her expression mirroring yours, eyes darkening with lust. Her usual baby blues were now closer to a marine blue than anything, body moving sensually against your own.
It was downright sinful, the way her hair fell just right and how her abdominal muscles tensed up at your simple touch, nearly pornographic in its gorgeous simplicity. Your hands settle on her waist, clutching and clawing at the miles of unmarked skin, willing her to get closer, willing her body to merge with your own only to be able to have her closer.
She leans her body over yours, her large hands pushing into your mattress like she’d die if she didn’t, her lips finally meeting yours again after what felt like a decennium, moving against you like it was her purpose, like she was born simply to kiss and lay with you.
Maybe it was, her body fit to yours like a puzzle piece, made with you in mind, and she can’t help the dopamine that’s created when she stumbles across the thought. It wasn’t inherently wrong, maybe she was made just for you, for you to ravish and enjoy, just as you were for her.
Her tongue enters your mouth slowly, moving around in a sinful embrace she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to break. Fuck training, fuck football, fuck everything else, as long as Alessia had you there, in your bed with her tongue in your mouth nothing else mattered.
She feels how your hands flit all over her body, it’s like you don’t know what to do with yourself as soon as she takes charge. When her kisses start to travel down your neck, you know that you’re done for, you can’t find it in you to try and get her to stop even as her teeth start to nip at your skin once more. I mean it’s only right, one quick peek at the forward and you’d see the deep purple patches of skin.
Alessia hums at the deep guttural noise you let out when her lips meet a sensitive spot on your neck, the grip you have on her waist likely to leave bruises with how hard you’re gripping it. Even though she wasn’t in this position very often, she knew exactly what buttons to push to make you tick, what your weak spots were, what to do and when. It drove you insane.
When she pulls back it’s to the sight of your flustered face, dark red blush covering the entirety of your face. She wouldn’t be wrong if she compared you with a tomato, you were virtually the same color as the fruit.
“Hmm, as much as I’d like to continue this, to make you feel everything I felt last night, we do have training in an hour, and as you can see I have quite a few hickeys to cover up.” She was so mean, so so mean, getting you all worked up and then not finishing it off.
“I hate you” You tell her, quite obviously joking, though there was some truth in it, you did hate the situation she put you in, that much was clear to see.
“Mhm, I’m sure you do.” She teases, leaning down to fetch an oversized t-shirt from the floor, the hem just about reaching the middle of her thigh. Her hips sway playfully as she struts out your bedroom door, not even looking back as she hears you scramble to find a shirt of your own.
Alessia can feel the way your hands slip under her shirt almost instinctively, her hands going to clutch yours when she feels your lips attach themselves to your neck .
“Love, stop being a horny teenage boy would you? Put a pot of coffee on instead and make yourself useful huh.” She turns in your grip only to add more salt to the wound by patting your cheek in an antagonizing way.
Safe to say that the rest of the day is spent being in a pissy mood, which led to you being that much more aggressive in training, surely leaving more than a few bruises on your teammates.
“Damn Lessi, what did you do to her? She’s such an arse today.” Katie exclaimed to your seemingly innocent girlfriend, your ‘innocent’ girlfriend who couldn’t look her mentor in the eye when she asked about the cause of your bad mood.
“I heard that McCabe.” Alessia shooed you away as you neared the pair, a murderous glint in your eye.
“I did nothing!” It was unconvincing to say the least, but Katie decided not to probe further.
“Okay, sure.”
The next day you arrived to training in a much better mood, and Alessia with a slight limp.
Nothing could ever top mornings with you, Alessia concluded.
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tojisun · 9 months
SUNNY SUNNY!! can you imagine the reaction simon would give u if u start singing big boy by sza?? GRAAAAHHHH HE WILL GO FERAL!! NEED TO CLIMB HIM UP LIKE A XXXMAS TREE
ANA BABE!! IM ACTUALLY BARKING IN MY CAGE WHAT??? THIS IS SO!!! no bcuz it aint just singin– it’s a whole performance that you’re giving him!!
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simon’s sat on the sofa, huffing a laugh when he sees you frantically fiddling with the remote control before flicking on a youtube video of just the cut of sza’s lines – one that simon doesn’t know.
the bass trickles into the living room like dripping molasses and simon quirks up a brow in question when you turned to him all of a sudden, the mic now held up before your lips. you sway your hips along with the music, trailing your hand up from your belly to your chest, playfully squeezing your tits with a wink, before falling to your knees slowly. almost salaciously.
then, you begin to crawl towards him, head still tipped up as you sing the lyrics. simon’s breathless all of a sudden, eyes wide as he follows your slow crawls. he has to grip the armrests, blunt nails biting into the upholstered material, when the lyrics finally click in his brain.
“it’s cuffin’ season, an’ all the girls are leavin – i need a big boy.”
“fuck,” he rasps out the moment you reach him, your hand – empty of your impromptu mic – creeping from his shin to his knee before squeezing his thigh, acrylics digging into the robust muscle.
you continue to crawl close, squeezing yourself between his legs – those that simon spread open even more – before pressing your cheek to the inside of his thigh. you look up at him from your long lashes, batting them in faux demureness.
simon almost goes catatonic when you nuzzle your cheek to his thigh, sighing wistfully, before ending your teasing with a last, “i need a big boy.”
you get to ghost a kiss on his leg before simon’s lunging to pluck you from the floor, growling in restrained hunger. you squeal, the remote clattering onto the carpeted floors as you find purchase on simon’s shoulders, gripping tight when the centre of your gravity shifts.
simon drops you on his lap, big hands squeezing your hips. “yeah?” he asks, chest heaving with need.
“mhmm,” you say, one that is another teasing purr. “need ‘im bad, si.”
“well, he’s here,” simon teases back, shuffling you close until you’re pressed flushed on his chest. he noses along your neck, breathing you in with a tremble.
you giggle at the puff of warm air, shifting at the ticklish feeling. simon lightly nips at the column of your neck in warning. “any more an’ i’m fuckin’ you here, sweetheart.”
simon shivers at feeling your acrylics dancing across the expanse of his back, the thin material of his shirt not doing much in dampening the sensation. then, he hears you mumble, “an’ if i wanna be fucked here?”
simon rips his head from the crook of your neck to meet your gaze and, with reverence in his voice, he says, “well, big boy’s gotta do what his girl wants, yeah?”
you lick your bottom lip in excitement, nodding eagerly, and simon thinks enough’s enough before diving down to kiss you. to devour you. to claim you.
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dividers by @/plutism!!
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shidouryusm · 10 months
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✿༝༚༝༚ Satoru: 1 You: 0 ✿༝༚༝༚
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content -> fluffy fluff, banters, teasing and touching, making out, mentions of hickey at the end, implied sexual innuendo at the end.
w/c- 1.6k
a/n -> Happy birthday to my blue eyed goober, I love this lil shit till infinity. @pastelle-rabbit to answer your ask more thoroughly hehehehe. And to every Gojo fucker, hope y'all enjoy this once again extremely self indulgent piece with me and let's celebrate our pookie's birthday. Gojover? hell nah what's that
dividers by @/cafekitsune
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“Babyyy, I’m hereee. Stop looking at your phone”, you hear Satoru’s whines muffled in your sweater. Your arms wrap around his neck as you hold the phone above his head, which in fact you were using to post for his birthday.
“Just a min, ‘toru.” you murmur softly, using one of your hands to thread through his cloud like hair. Your nails gently graze his scalp, starting from his undercut, as they smoothe over the prickly skin, reaching to the tufts of white candy floss that sits atop, repeating the circling motion again and again. Satoru hums satisfyingly at the feeling of your hands combing through them, comfortable enough to shut up momentarily and nuzzling himself further into your chest. You smile at his clinginess, dipping down to press a light peck on the top of his head. 
Your nostrils fills with the sweet scent of shampoo, the fragnance carrying undertones of candy and molten marshmallow. You wonder where he even gets these and how much do they cost? 
His hands envelopes your back as you half lay on the couch with him plopping himself right on top of you, his tall frame settles between your legs while his head nests snugly on your chest. You tangle one of your leg around the back of his shin. A mess of limbs under the thin blanket that covers both your lower bodies. 
Outside, the sun shlyly peeks from the greyish clouds that wrings out sudden downpours every now and then, forcing both of you to coop up inside the house. 
Not that Satoru was complaining at all, until now, when you shifted your attention from your grown ass boyfriend to your phone. He scoffs mockingly at you, still immersed deep in your phone. What even is there in that godforsaken phone? His blue eyes maliciously eyes that rectangular device. He lays on your chest, silently devising plans on having you all to himself, till the cogs of his brain click.
He shifts, raising himself slightly under the pretext of  “just getting comfortable” so that his face now nestles the crook of your neck. Warm breaths tickles the skin under your ear to which you squirm a little, 
“Toru-” you warn. From your peripheral vision you see him curled up over you, pulling the warmth of your body towards him. His face painted with an expression of serenity as if the only thing in his mind is to be bask in your silent embrace. 
“Hmmm? What did I do?” faux innocent laced his words. You roll your eyes, one of your head still tangled between his locks. He waits for a while, letting you fall into a fake sense of security before  his hands that were wrapped around your lower back start their journey to explore the expanse of your back. His touch is soft, leaving an electrifying sensation through your thin sweater. Almost ticklish and tantalising. One of his hands reach below, long fingers playing with the hem of your sweater, daring to slip underneath it. 
You try your best to not give into whatever mischief his brain has cooked up. Even though, you know, you should have given him the attention, considering it’s his birthday. 
But, since he had to be a menace, two can play the game, right? 
Your attention has now fully shifted to your phone, the cat reel that was playing became ten times more interesting to watch. You even decided to up a notch, removing your hand from his hair to grab the phone with both hands. 
“So, this is how it’s gonna be?” you hear him challengingly mutter, the removal of your hands acting as a declaration of silent war between you two. You dared not to look at him, although you were certain that his face is curled up in his trademarked smirk, plotting to win. 
But if he’s Gojo Satoru, you are Gojo Satoru’s girlfriend. No way in hell you are backing out from this little game you both started literally out of nowhere. 
“Gonna be what, ‘Toru? What did I do?,” you parrot his words back at him, feigning innocence while still peering at your phone. Your jaw muscle twitches, a smile threatening to break out. 
Satoru quirks an eyebrow, amused by your witty banter. One of the many things that made him fall head over heels for you – your ability to match his energy at any given moment.
 Little challenges sparking up between you guys often, keeping the ultimate fire of passion alive. 
“Well, if you say so then,” Satoru breathes, his hands now fully getting into work, as they roam around your body. his other hand trails down to your hips, studying the way his palm bumps over the dips and curves. 
The hand that was fiddling with the hem has slipped inside, resting over the waistline of your sweatpants. You feel your heart race as his blunt nails scrape over your skin ghostily, hooking one finger under to pull the elastic. He snickers against your skin before releasing the fabric, letting it snap against your skin. 
You let out a small gasp at his ministrations. From the corner of your eyes you can make out this insufferable prick grinning at you, still resting his face on your neck. 
“Low blow, ‘toru.” you narrow your eyes, determined to still not make any eye contact as you whisper under your breath, which apparently he caught on. 
You hear him hum, “hmmmm? should have known before removing your hand, baby,” his satirical voice vibrates through as you scoff.
“Should have kept your hands to yourself in the first place.” 
“Shouldn’t have ignored me in the first place. Y’know it’s impossible for me to not touch you, why demand such a thing?” with that, he lets his fingertips place fluttering touches all over your skin, without the obstruction of your sweater. You hiss, trying to squirm away from his cold fingertips but this sturdy, 6 foot giant had you locked under his hold, causing you to fail horribly.
“You’re cold! Get your hands off me.” you grumble. Satoru pretends to not hear anything, continuing to draw random lines with his fingers all over your lower back and sides. At times, fully planting his palm on your back, the frigidness making you gasp and falter. 
“More the reason for me to touch you. You’re hot, baby.” he quips, to which you fall silent. How does he have the answer to everything you say? 
“I’m not gonna leave my phone nor will I react now. You’re gonna lose the challenge”, you huff to which he shrugs his shoulder,
“Nah, I’d win.” Satoru says coolly, resuming his exploration with his hands.
You fall back to your phone, finding it difficult to concentrate on whatever is playing on the phone with the way Satoru’s hands glides over your skin. The pads of his fingers skim through your stomach. Even though they are cold, the lingering touch leaves wamr blaze in its wake. Your heart races sporadically as you anticipate where his hands might move next. 
Although, your face says otherwise, making the most sour expression possible as you stare daggers into your phone. Satoru has always noticed every minuscule details and changes in your body, so this definitely didn’t go under his radar. 
He decides it’s time to dial it up a bit. Afterall, he’s the birthday boy.
With his left hand which was already underneath your sweater, he continued tracing over your skin, while his right hand snaked up to the neckline of your sweater right where his face is currently planted to tug it down, exposing more of your skin in front of him. The veil of cold from the weather outside causes goosebumps to flesh out in your skin, catching Satoru’s eyes as he admires them with his piercing gaze before his mouth puckers in a “o”, cool air slid over your skin from his mouth. 
“T-toru, stop it.” your resolves crumbles like your voice. 
“Are you denying the birthday boy, baby? Don’t hurt me like that.” He whispers against your skin, a mocking bent in his tone as he feigns sadness. You debate whether to succumb to his touches or strangle him.
You breathe through your mouth, attempting to gain composure which you are notoriously failing to do. Satoru’s lips presses against your skin, his lips etched with a grin as he places countless pecks throughout the crevice of your neck and shoulder.
“So fucking pretty, still can’t believe you’re like all mine. Why were you ignoring me, baby. Need you always so fucking much.” Satoru’s gravelly voice vibrates through your skin, the tingles straight shooting down your spine. His hand has now gripped your side like a vice, fingers indenting deep into the skin.
 He groans against your shoulder as he press a kiss there, finding his way back to your neck again, millions of kisses littering your skin. He reaches under your ear, his teeth nipping lightly at the lobe.
Meanwhile, his hands push your body up, towards him, grinding his lower body against yours.
A soft whimper dares to escape your lips before you suppress it. Hands turning a little wobbly, and you hate how heat courses through your veins as Satoru turns your whole being into a mushy puddle against himself.
“Give up, darling.” Satoru whispers in your ear, before his mouth catches hold of your skin. His teeth scrapes the skin, sucking it fervently, while his back pushes you flush against him, letting you feel all the ridges and contour of his skin. His heart rhymes with your, palpitating with galloping beats. A soft whine escapes Satoru's throat at this steamy turn of events.
This had to be the last straw that broke the camel’s back as your phone slides from your hand, falling somewhere on the floor. Your head tips back and a breathy moan ricochets the room as Satoru duly runs his tongue over the hickey that prickled a little.  
You hear Satoru’s simpering resonating around the room as he pulls you up, now seated on the couch with you straddling his lap
“See, told you I’d win.” his hand caresses the newly formed mark that will definitely take a concealer or turtleneck to hide.
“You prick. Fuck you. You did that on purpose.” 
“Tell me where it says I can’t do that.” he muses, shutting you up once again. Your lips jut in a pout as you stare at him. 
His eyes are so blue, glossing with the reflection of the rain pouring outside. His forehead veiled with your most favourite part of his body – those fluffy tufts of hair and his lips curl into a toothy smile. The eyes brimming with love and admiration for you.
Even as he weaseled his way out with an upper hand, you don't feel any of it. Rather, you drink in the way he looks so haphazard. So messy. So homely.
Your hands reach to cup his face, feeling the physicality of his beauty before you lean down to press a kiss.
“The least I can do for you birthday is to let you win, I guess. Happy Birthday, sexy.” you murmur against his lips, taking them between your own.
 He returns the kiss with the same vigour, his hands are now out of the sweater, holding your back for support, whilst pulling you close to him. 
The flavour of your strawberry balm etches itself in Satoru’s mind and he never wishes to stop from relishing the taste of your soft lips. A calm havoc wreck his insides as he thanks whatever lies above for granting him the biggest gift of his life – you.
You break apart from him, his eyes deepening their shade of blue and his face carrying a lingering expression of passion. His chest heaves from deep breaths as you stare at him with confusion. He motions his eyes downwards, making you realise what’s the issue.
“Mind helping me out?” 
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a/n -> God I'd commit felonies to experience this especially with a 6'feet, white haired, blue eyed, freakishly handsome and annoying blockhead.
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bonesandchalamet · 1 year
summer is with you - j.fisher
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part one (a glimpse of summer) - but can be read on its own!
pairings: Jeremiah fisher x reader
warnings: fluff
the door to your bedroom creaks open, you can hear him shushing the old hinges for their squeakiness.
you feel the mattress dip and can smell his shampoo, the smell makes a smile form to your lips as your eyes flutter open to see him staring at you. you could get used to waking up to his beautiful blue eyes.
“good morning.” he whispers gently placing a kiss to your forehead that makes your nose scrunch. you mumble the words back and flip over onto your other side for more sleep. usually you’re up and at ‘em, but summer time is meant for relaxing and taking each day one at a time. you’d have enough Jeremiah for three months.
“what are you doing today?” he asks nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, you can feel his caramel colored curls tickling your skin making your body’s ticklish reflex kick in and kick his shin.
“trying to sleep.” you mumble shoving your face into your pillow.
“I have work in an hour, will you wake up for me?”he peppers, whatever part of your face is visible to him, with kisses before he finally leaves your bedroom.
the same hinges squeak yet again, but this time he doesn’t shush them, he just allows them to wake you up, and if that wasn’t enough Conrad’s stomping feet up the stairs certainly did.
“morning!” he calls into your bedroom completely ignoring that you hadn’t even risen out of bed, but the commotion of a summer morning certainly does.
salty hair, golden tan lines, a good book, and frozen lemonade are your company at the beach until Jeremiah’s shift was over. you lay sprawled across your towel listening to the seagulls and the ocean waves crash against the sand while reading.
any minute now you knew you would hear the clap of his flip flops against the sand, you can feel the excitement bubble in your stomach.
“y/n!” you hear him call as he runs against the thick sand, his flip flops kick sand every which way until he finally collapses against the edge of your towel. he’s wearing his red swim trunks from lifeguarding, and was throwing off the tank top they made him wear.
“hi,” you smile up from your book deciding it was no longer important. the beautiful smile and tan skinned boy in front of you was much more exciting than words on a page, “how was work?”
“boring, per usual.”
he takes the chance to kiss your chapped lips, and it’s like he’d been waiting to do it all day. the passion and desire behind it, made you melt as you reciprocate the same energy. his hand tugs on a strand of knotted hair from the waves, your mouth opens in response allowing his tongue to slip inside your mouth. he’d waited hours to kiss you.
“what’s all this for?” you pull away placing your hand on his visibly rising chest. his smile widens allowing you to see his pearly white teeth as he just shrugs, “can a guy miss his girlfriend?”
you nod pressing a gentle kiss to his lips before collapsing back against the sand, “just lay with me, jere.” you open your arms up and he doesn’t take a second to think before resting his head against your chest.
“I could spend all day here with you.” he sighs settling his body against yours. your legs naturally intertwine with one another, his fingers rake through your hair.
“cousins and you are my favorite.” you say with a long happy sigh as you close your eyes. you listen to his breathing pattern, the seagulls chattering, and the sound of the ocean. you could lose track of time here, and somehow you always do, because august always comes so soon.
“you’ll always be my favorite part of cousins, y/n.”
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sleep-drunk-kitten · 4 months
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pairing: Husband!Jake x gn!reader
genre: sickening fluff, drabble
content warnings: could give u toothache idk
summary: some fluffy thoughts about husband Jake, that is all
notes: just a lil sumin inspired by yet another delulu conversation with the one and only @nar-nia
Everything below the cut is NOT proofread
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♡ I am fully convinced that Jake would be the type of lover who doesn't compute what shyness is when it comes to expressing how much he loves you
♡ and that would be fine, welcomed even
♡ except he's so corny about it 😭
♡ even when you're married and living together, he'll continue to use the most clichéd pickup lines on you, at the most random times
♡ "hey, my name’s Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?"
♡ "we live together Jake"
♡ "if I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together."
♡ "it's a whole bowl of alphabet pasta, good luck"
♡ "I'd say God bless you, but it seems like he already did!"
♡ you don't respond, you have a cold and it's difficult to not smile and continue pretending to be grumpy after he made you take that god awful medicine
♡ your snarky replies and feigned annoyance never does much tho, he thinks it's cute when you scrunch up your nose in mock disgust, you're incredibly sexy when you remind him how smart and quick witted you are, and he loves to hear you laugh knowing he's the reason behind it
♡ there's no winning, but you wouldn't trade what you have with him for anything
♡ you'll be standing in the kitchen late one night, tiredly waiting for the light on the kettle to indicate that your water's ready and you can make yourself that cup of coffee you so desperately need
♡ when a pair of arms wrap round your middle, a warm body resting against your back
♡ Jake doesn't need to say anything for you to know it's him
♡ after all, nobody else fits against you so perfectly, no one could possibly know how to hold you in a way that makes you feel so safe and secure
♡ naturally, your frame melts into his
♡ you can feel Jake smiling into your neck as he presses soft kisses against your skin, knowing you're very ticklish
♡ you try to shove him off, but to no avail. It just makes him more determined. He'd dig his fingers into your sides, relishing your yelp of surprise and the high pitched giggles that follow
♡ he doesn't let up till you manage to twist yourself round, grabbing his wrists and resting your forehead against his
♡ you're both out of breath, grinning like idiots as you lightly kick his shin, informing him that he's absolutely evil
♡ he just snickers, kissing your nose and telling you he loves you too
♡ "life without you would be like a broken pencil... totally pointless"
♡ you groan, kicking him again, resting your head on his shoulder now, and whining about how he ruined the moment
♡ Jake just laughs softly, wriggling his wrists out of your slackened hold to weave his fingers through your own
♡ pressing a kiss to the side of your head, he says nothing, just starts humming a song you recognise as the one you both listened to together on your first date, when the movie you'd wanted to see was suddenly cancelled and Jake had dragged you to a park in all your sulky disappointment
♡ pulling you down to snuggle against his chest while you both sat on the edge of a slide, he'd passed you his phone and an earbud so you could both trade songs back and forth while telling each other what you loved about each one
♡ with his arms around your waist, your back tucked into his warm chest, his voice filling the quiet space, you were suddenly grateful for the "failed" movie date
♡ and you were grateful for Jake now, as he slow danced with you to music only the two of you could hear in your dimly lit kitchen
♡ with your cheek pressed into his shoulder, you tell him that you love him, and that
♡ "if I were a cat... I'd spend all nine of my lives with you..."
♡ Jake didn't know his heart could feel any bigger in his chest, but he swears it's almost suffocating, how much he loves you too
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need to know how the ghoul would feel about seeing his lil vaultie reader put on a pair of heels she found🤭 something tells me cooper had a thing for em and forgot all about them til now
See, one of the things I love most about having my ask box open is finding out over and over that y'all really do think just like me. I couldn't agree more: this man absolutely had and has a serious high heel and leg thing.
When you first discover the trunk of old clothes, he would be annoyed at you wanting to waste time playing dress-up, but coming across well-preserved pieces of old world clothing is such a rarity, and this stuff is even in your size! He would get a kick out of watching you try on different pieces of clothing, but when he sees you pull on a pair of pumps, he's hyperfixated in a way that doesn't even really register with him consciously.
Then, when you've had your fill and you're ready to put your clothes and armor back on, he waits for you to strip out of the clothes and then tells you to put the shoes back on, a glint in his eye you recognize well. Big into heels combined with nudity; it drives him nearly feral, pinning you to the floor to run his hands and mouth over every inch of your legs and ass. Feeling his tongue trace over every curve of your shin and calf is ticklish and makes you squeal and giggle, but soon you're begging for him to fuck you.
And boy, get ready to be fucked six ways to Sunday with those heels on. You express concern that you'll scratch or hurt him with the sharp bits and he feverishly tells you to shut up about it, already lifting your legs onto his shoulders. The entire time, he's groping at your legs and ass, feeling down as close to the heels as he can. When everything is said and done, the shoes, at the very least, are coming with you.
And, IN MY EXPERIENCE, men who are really, really into high heels are usually more than a little into feet (you are not allowed to hate me for saying this). The High Heel Incident would really unlock something in him about that, something that he may have been too embarrassed to admit to, or even think much about, before the war. He might find it less odd that he finds your smooth little feet so intriguing now that he is the way he is; I mean, you're so soft everywhere, so different from him. Fixating a bit on that specific part doesn't mean anything, right?
Look forward to him stealing way more little glances at your bare feet in the rare moments you'd feel comfortable enough to take your boots/shoes off, and definitely look forward to him eventually offering to massage them when you complain that they hurt from all the walking. It is not a selfless offer by any means.
Also...I'm just saying...if you wanted to rub your feet on his cock at any time...he wouldn't be mad...
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qveerthe0ry · 9 months
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Summary: Dieter gets waxed for a role and gets a little too excited. Word Count: 966 Pairing: Dieter Bravo x GN! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, dubious consent, body hair waxing, pain kink, humiliation kink (kinda), subby!Dieter, ruined orgasm, coming untouched, hands-free orgasm, reader does not engage in sex acts, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drug use, accidental exhibitionism, accidental voyeurism Note: I'm hoping this will be part of a long series of one-shots where I write Dieter as a pathetic little subby, desperate, whimpering mess. As of right now I don't have any big plans for what to write next, but I'm always down for suggestions ;) - Also, I had a hard time with the warnings on this one, don't hesitate to let me know if I missed something that needs tagged.
Dieter Bravo does not feel shame.
His entire schtick is doing whatever the fuck he wants, unapologetically. He hasn’t batted an eye at a tabloid headline in decades. 
But now… Now he feels like a fool. He’s gone and landed himself a really stupid part in a low-budget film about a bunch of old guys on an Olympic diving team. 
Which, first of all, ouch. He knows he has some years under his belt, but he wasn’t ready to be typecast into old guy roles this early on. 
But second of all, ouch again, because he’s gotta get a full body wax for this dud of a movie that’s inevitably going to sink anyway. 
And not ouch in a bad way, per se. But ouch as in he’s kind of really into the sting, and he’s ass naked on this cold table covered in paper, hard as a rock. 
Which was fine when he was turned onto his stomach. He was able to squish his cock in a not-so-pleasant way to stave off the desperation. 
But now you’re telling him to flip over, and he doesn’t want to move. Any other time he’d be dying to get his cock out and swing it around. But you’re just trying to do your job, and here he is, leaking onto your poor little waxing table, soiling it.
With a heaved sigh, he rolls onto his back, clambering all awkward on the small space. You’re turned away from him, preparing the next glob of hot wax, and his cock throbs. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, quiet and shameful, and you barely hear him.
“What’s that?”
Dieter can’t say it again. He just grumbles and covers his eyes with his arm as you fiddle with your waxing supplies and glance at him.
“Oh. It’s fine, happens all the time. I’ve seen worse.” 
That at least gets him to huff out a laugh. You sound unbothered, and it eases him a bit. 
“I’d hate to see worse,” he tries to joke.
You just hum in response. 
You start on his chest, though there’s not much to wax there. His armpits are ticklish, which makes him even harder. His cock bobs in the air, angry and red and neglected. He’s afraid to move, he’s afraid to breathe, he’s such a hair trigger. 
He starts thinking about all the directors he hates. He goes down the line, from his earliest project he can remember, and he’s about halfway through when you finally finish his shins and knees but it doesn’t help.
Your hand taps the inside of his thigh, prompting him to spread and bend, and the movement sends his cock lolling onto his stomach. It makes him jolt and suck in a deep breath. He can tell you’re trying to ignore it. He wishes he could. 
And fuck, he hasn’t gotten off in like, a week and a half, caught up between traveling and getting whiskey dick at that party and leaving his Cialis at his friends with benefits’ apartment. 
He jolts every time you wax the sensitive skin on the inside of his thighs. And every time he jolts, his cockhead rubs against his now smooth stomach. His dick is drooling. 
When you get to the well groomed, thank you very much hair at the base of his dick, you have to wipe away the obscene amount of pre-cum that’s pooled there. 
“Sorry,” he breathes again. 
“It’s okay,” you tell him, swiping the taut skin. 
It tugs on his dick. He whimpers. 
His knuckles are white now, gripping the edge of the table so hard he’s sure there will be permanent nail marks on the pleather. He’s biting his bottom lip, a metallic taste blooms inside his mouth. 
He’s lightheaded, between holding his breath and the fact that all his blood is in his dick, and his vision starts to tunnel a bit. Those tell-tale, fuzzy stars begin dancing around in the edges of his vision but promptly disappear when you grab his dick. 
The sound he makes is pitiful, a pathetic plea to his own body to stop betraying him. 
He chances a look down to see what you’re doing. One of your gloved hands holds his dick with just your thumb and forefinger, as professional as can be, while you spread wax across the wiry hairs just above it. 
He’s on the edge, his cock is jerking and pulsing between your two fingers, and if he can just make it past these next few minutes he can spill into his own hand as soon as you leave the room to let him dress. 
If only. 
You rip the wax from his skin, and it tugs on his cock and it hurts and it feels so fucking good. The pleasure shoots down his spine and he cries out a pathetic little whine. He’s barely able to push your hand away in time, breathing out an apology just as his prick jumps and releases a long, thick rope of cum. 
“I’m so sorry, fuck, s-sorry,” he pants. 
Tears prickle behind his eyeballs as he just keeps coming. There’s so much it’s almost comical, spraying the tender, reddened skin of his chest and belly.  You’re just staring too, completely emotionless, waiting for it to end so you can complete your job. 
Dieter whimpers again, biting his fist as he watches the last of his release dribble down his traitorous cock, then squeezes his eyes shut. A tear slips free, and he lets out a shuddering breath. This is the worst orgasm of his entire life, and that includes all the times he couldn’t help but rub one out with a UTI. 
You clear your throat, and you’re handing him a box of tissues. 
“I’ll let you clean yourself, then I’ll finish up.” 
He hears your impatient sigh as you leave the room.  Apparently Dieter Bravo can feel shame.
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
miasma would luv to hear ur thoughts on ghoul bush if you have any and would like to share
Of COURSE I have thoughts about ghoul bush! Here, have some body hair headcanons.
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Aeon - doesn't have much in the way of body hair, but does have a neat little bush that he keeps well manicured. likes the way it looks when he's soft especially. there's one little white patch near his thin happy trail, just like the one between his horns. has no preference on the bush status of his partners, he's just happy to be down there.
Aether - hairy all over, but not densely so. more like a nice layer of fuzz everywhere. he trims around his dick, but leaves his balls the way they are. (they're so sensitive, having them bare would be just terrible). also doesn't have a preference when it comes to his partners, but really loves when anyone asks him to shave it for them.
Alpha - hairiest on his arms and lower legs, with a patch on his chest and a relatively sparse bush. he keeps it shaved short to make his dick look bigger. does NOT like hair on his partners and WILL be an ass about it.
Aurora - hates the feel of having body hair and waxes regularly. it grows in soft and light, she just really doesn't like it. she's tried leaving a little decorative patch between her legs, but it just made her itchy. while she prefers being bare herself, she really enjoys nuzzling up against a nice full bush every now and again.
Cirrus - her hair grows in dark and silky, and she does not shave any of it unless someone is doing it for her. it's a dominance thing. she especially loves the way her bush looks in just a pair of panties or bikini bottoms. if she's going down on someone, she does prefer they at least be trimmed as she really doesn't like getting hair in her teeth.
Cumulus - her hair also grows in light and soft, but she shaves/waxes her pits and up to her knees. her bush, though, gets left alone. a lovely nest of platinum curls that sits pretty right between her thighs, begging to be kissed. likes her partners hairy, but doesn't make a big deal of it.
Dew - really only grows hair on his lower legs and armpits, and maybe half a dozen hairs on his chest that he shaves because they feel silly to him. doesn't have much downstairs, just a barely-there blonde happy trail and a light dusting just above his dick. more often than not he shaves there too, the smoothness appeals to him. LOVES hairy partners, despite the fact that he's crazy ticklish and they use it against him.
Ifrit - smooth everywhere, from his chin to his toes. thinks having any hair takes away from his muscular physique, so he keeps it bare. prefers his partners do the same, but will only bring it up once with each of them - he's not as bad as Alpha.
Mist - water ghouls don't grow much hair in general, and she's no exception. what she does have, stays put. my Mist is intersex, and her little dick sits in the nicest patch of silvery hair. no preference in her partners though, she's not picky.
Mountain - hairy legs, chest and pits, but keeps his bush nice and neat. it can get unruly very easily, so it's easier to just keep it short. doesn't like being hairless, though, just well-kempt. likes his partners comfortable, whatever that means for them.
Omega - similar to Aether, he's hairy all over, but unlike Aether he spends quite a bit of time trimming and manicuring. started doing it when he got together with Terzo, a habit picked up when the pair of them developed a morning routine. uses a trimmer for his bush, but doesn't take it too short. likes his partners to do as they please, but truly adored helping Terzo shave.
Rain - where he does grow hair, it's long and dark. a patch at the center of his chest, his shins, a nice trail from his bellybutton and a bush to match. he doesn't trim or shave it, but he does have special conditioner just for his pubes. likes to run his fingers through it whenever he's relaxing. doesn't care what his partners do with their own hair, as long as they don't care about his.
Swiss - hairiest ghoul, just covered in dark, coarse hair. densest on his chest, stomach, ass and - of course - between his legs. his bush and butt are the only things he performs regular upkeep on. it's mostly for the benefit of the others, too many incidents involving mouthfuls of hair for him not to. likes his partners to be happy, hairy or otherwise.
Sunshine - my Sunny is transfem and super proud of her body hair. a smattering of curls between her little tits, under her arms and trailing down her belly. she always wears low slung pants to show off her happy trail. loves her bush, couldn't imagine doing a thing to it. likes her partners hairy too, loves the way it feels.
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intheticklecloset · 3 months
Cry With Laughter (Bungo Stray Dogs)
One Shot
Summary: Akutagawa pays more attention than Atsushi realizes, and the weretiger reaps the rewards.
A/N: Just wanted a light, cute, fluffy, romantic fic between these two because they deserve the world. Enjoy! <3
Word Count: 1011
Sunlight streamed in through the tiny sliver of a window. Atsushi groaned in protest and rolled onto his other side, surprised when a pair of warm lips met his.
“Morning, weretiger.”
Akutagawa. Atsushi could still hardly believe it. Years of fighting, months of near-flirting, weeks of pining, and now three days of living together. Three whole, blissful days. Waking up to the black-haired man was still the best feeling in the world to him. He never wanted it to end.
“Time to get up,” Akutagawa said.
Atsushi let out a long sigh and snuggled closer to his partner. “Five more minutes?”
The mafioso snorted, but wrapped an arm around his waist nonetheless. “Five.”
Atsushi hummed in contentment…but then Akutagawa kept counting.
“Four.” He snuggled closer. “Three.” A hand went to his waist, playing with the hem of his shirt. “Two.”
All right, now Atsushi was nervous. He finally allowed himself to open his eyes, just in time to see Aku grin wickedly at him and finish his countdown.
“Aiiee!” Atsushi yelped, squealing and squirming instantly when his partner’s fingers dove under his shirt to scribble at the bare skin of his side. “Ehehehehehe! Nohohohoooo, Akutagawa!”
Arguing with Akutagawa was a death trap. He knew that by now, he knew, but sometimes – especially early in the morning – he started into it out of habit. Within seconds the covers had been tossed aside, Akutagawa pushed up and swung a leg over his hips to straddle him, and Rashomon wrapped around his wrists and pulled them up to either side of his head on the pillow, trapping him as the older man’s fingers flew freely across his bare tummy.
Atsushi squealed out a hysterical cry and sputtered, “Whahahahahat?! Whehehehen did you puhuhuhuhut your cohohohohoat on?!” He hadn’t gotten into bed wearing it; that much he remembered. “Ahahahahahakutagawa!”
A rare smile graced his partner’s lips, and it hit the weretiger all at once – he was playing with him. Akutagawa was just playing with him, for fun! Just because he could!
…was the world ending?
“EEEK!! Ehehehahahahaha nohohohohot thehehehere, please!” Atsushi begged, trembling as a single finger began swirling around his navel teasingly, threatening to plunge in and make him really laugh.
“What will you do for me if I spare you?” Akutagawa asked, his voice as low and gruff as ever, though the twinkle in his eyes gave him away.
“Aha?! A-Anythihihihing! Anything you wahahahahant!”
The mafioso chuckled. “That sounds nice. But I want to hear what you come up with, weretiger. Unless you want me to tickle you to death before you even get out of bed this morning?”
The hell? Where had this version of his partner come from?!
“I-I…! I’ll cohohohohook you breheheheakfast!”
“You do that anyway.” Akutagawa stopped circling and scratched at the spot juuust below his belly button, a silent warning.
Atsushi was so surprised and flustered by the whole situation that for a long moment, all he could do was giggle hysterically, hyper focused on how ticklish it was just for Aku to scratch that one spot over and over again. He squirmed helplessly, mind scrambling to come up with ideas.
Aku quirked a brow, smirking. “Oh? Where?”
“I dohohohohohon’t knohohohohow?! Wheheheherever you neheheheheed one!”
“Hmm.” Akutagawa finally left that spot and instead began scribbling all over the rest of his belly once again. “I’m listening.”
Atsushi tugged at Rashomon, which of course did not budge. He twisted his face into his pillow, unable to bear looking directly up at his partner when he was being so playful and cute like that. “A mohohohohohovie? Shohohohohopping? Whahahahatever you wahahahahant, Aku!”
Akutagawa chuckled again. “What if what I want is to tickle you until you’re crying with laughter?”
Atsushi’s eyes snapped back up to his, wide with surprise.
Akutagawa merely smirked at him, triumphant.
“Y-You…you jeheheheherk!” the weretiger managed at last, going limp, allowing Akutagawa to continue tickling him into happy fits of giggles.
“You love it.”
“Shuhuhuhuhut up!”
“I will not.” Akutagawa circled his navel again. “You asked for it yourself, don’t you remember?”
“Plehehehehease stohohohohop tahahahahalking, damn Akutagahahahahawa!”
Akutagawa dipped his finger into his belly button and wiggled, causing Atsushi to arch his back off the bed with a howl of laughter that was far too loud and embarrassing. He kicked his legs frantically, messing up the comforter and sheets in his sudden desperation to escape his partner’s tickly clutches.
Last night had been rough for Atsushi, and – as he did more often than he’d like – he’d suddenly found himself crying into his pillow. He was used to this, but last night had been different. Akutagawa was with him, spooning him from behind, hugging him quietly while he let his emotions run wild.
When he’d recovered, that’s when he’d said it. “Just once,” he’d muttered, “I wish I could cry with laughter instead.”
Akutagawa had heard him. Because of course he had – how could he not, lying right next to him, silently supporting him? And now Atsushi was cackling frantically, laughter and pleas for mercy spilling from his lips before he’d even had breakfast, gasping and wheezing and very near to tears for the second time in twenty-four hours, albeit for a very different reason this time.
And Akutagawa was smiling. Genuinely smiling at him.
“Ryu!” Atsushi begged through hysterics, his nice, neatly made bed now needing to be redone entirely. He arched his back again, crashing down with another wave of laughter. “Plehehehehehehease!”
“I’m only giving you exactly what you wanted, Atsushi,” Akutagawa replied, adding another hand to the mix now, this one kneading and pinching his ribs. “Another minute or two ought to do it.”
It was, in fact, three more minutes before the first mirthful tear slid down his cheek, at which point the mafioso stopped his assault and leaned down to kiss him passionately. Atsushi could hardly breathe, but he didn’t care. He had everything he could have ever wanted, including a smile so big he was certain he couldn’t rid himself of it if he tried.
Bless that Akutagawa.
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smittenroses · 2 months
Hiya Ro! Since your requests are open, decided to throw this your way. How about some extra tooth rotting fluff cuddle headcanons for Jose, Kevin, Kurt, Servais, and Norton. Up to you if you wanna do all of them or just one! Anyway, that is all, have a lovely day now uwu
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— Close to your heart
Fandom — Identity V Featuring — Jose, Kevin, Kurt, Servais and Norton/reader Content Warnings — none Author's note — hi Bridge
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— Jose
Jose is the kind of guy that loves to shower his significant other in affection; kisses, hugs, and yes, cuddles. He won't do this sort of stuff in public where others are able to interrupt so usually it's confined to the bedroom or quiet places where the two of you won't be walked in on.
Has a fear of his arm accidentally scratching his partner so he'll usually pop his prosthetic off. He usually gets self-conscious when it comes to removing his prosthetic, feeling as if the scars are a major eyesore, but, he feels comfortable with his s/o and so it doesn't bother him too much.
Also, it gives his skin a chance to breathe; he hates the feeling of sweat causing his prosthetic to stick and so it's just another reason for him to take it off, like someone would kick off their shoes.
Prefers that you're on the right side of his body when he cuddles you. Easier for him to wrap his arm around you.
Loves it when you play with his hair, if he wants you to you'll notice that he slides down a bit more than usual so that his hair is more accessible.
When he's cuddling it's quite easy for him to nod off if he feels safe and secure; he'll listen to his partner, he'll mumble stories of the sea, but it's in those moments that he looks the calmest when he has you in his arms.
He also likes to wrap the both of you up in his coat if there's no blanket. You look so cute if you're sitting there wrapped in it.
— Kevin
Whenever Kevin wants to cuddle, he will give his significant other his hat. Even if it's in the middle of talking to someone else, Kevin will reach up, take off his hat, and put it on you.
Unlike Jose, he really likes the idea of cuddling in spaces where people can walk in; it's like a form of demonstration that you're his, and that you're his special one.
He prefers to have you lying on top of him where he's able to wrap his arms around your waist, sometimes even interlocking your legs where his feet will run up your shins and his face in your neck, gently peppering kisses along your skin like fire hot rays of sun.
He also likes to have you sitting in his lap while he's doing things like sewing or working on braiding a lasso, allowing for his arms to be wrapped around you as he works away at them.
If he wants to get up from sitting with you in his lap, he'll carry you over his shoulder with a laugh, usually spinning around for a bit before putting you down, though, there's a lingering gaze that comes from him as he seems to want to hold you a bit longer.
Sometimes, and he doesn't think that you know this, he'll just seek you out for affirmation that you love him. Hold him, love him, he'll love you twice as hard.
— Kurt
The most surprising one. Compared to the others he doesn't have a specific place he'd want to cuddle, when he's in the mood he'll just come up behind you and start cuddling — if you need a warning, he'll come up from the front, first.
Actually, he prefers standing up when he's cuddling you, holding you against his chest and swaying gently from side to side. He struggles to sit still and thus he finds himself playing with your hair idly, if he's allowed.
Defiantly a giggler, he laughs easily if you start moving about in his arms; go for under his armpits, it's where he's the most ticklish and he'll start tickling you back.
If you come up to him to cuddle and he's working on his book, Kurt will look at you with such the cutest smile underneath his glasses and extend an arm. He'll gently pull you into his lap and start muttering about what he's writing. He loves it when you want to engage in his interests and he'll listen to you if you start talking about yours.
He's gone through most of his life believing that he has to lie about himself or feed into his own delusions to feel as if he's important, so, sometimes he may just touch you, not hug you, just touch you as you're standing there. It reminds him that he's actually there, that you're there, that you're real.
The most likely to come to you to fall asleep on your lap. Please cuddle him and be the big spoon every once in a while.
— Servais
Due to being proper, he's not exactly the type that indulges in public cuddling often, in fact, he'll be against cuddling in public - though he does allow for a hand hold.
In private, he'll be the one to initiate a cuddle, demanding that you come to his side so that he can hold you. He has to be the one in control of it the entire time; where you're cuddling, how you're cuddling, however, there is always something that is majorly consistent; he likes to rest his cheek against your chest, namely let his ear rest flush against your body.
When he was small, he sought comfort like this from those that he was close to like this; to hear their heartbeat is to mean that they're still there with him. He wants to hear your heartbeat, to be able to listen to it thrum and drum because you're alive and with him now.
interwoven fingers, muttered words.
Cuddling is his ultimate form of I love you.
— Norton
He's brash and unapologetic about his need for cuddles when he wants them. Despite the fact that he's a loner most of the time, he'll find ways to make his cuddles the most pass offish as possible.
He doesn't like to cuddle in bed, do not expect cuddles in bed as he overheats very easily and finds that if his scars get overstimulated then he'll get irritable.
His favourite way of initiating a cuddle is having his arm sling around your shoulder, pulling you flush against his side as he's likely still talking to someone else. Don't even bother trying to break away from him because he'll move his arm to around your waist. Or do, he probably wouldn't mind it.
He melts inside when you lean into him with your head on his shoulder. You stare up at him with those eyes of yours? He'll drop anything to kiss you quickly before going back to what he was doing.
Another way he likes to cuddle is when he's doing prospector things and you're on his lap, he'll have his eyeglass on and you asking questions with him answering? His perfect date night.
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Short silly Buddie mpreg drabble because I could not get the thought of Buck being obsessed with Eddie's little baby bump out of my head. And I know Buck will yap non stop at the baby bump and Eddie will simply indulge him, the love struck fool 🥹
The scratch of Buck's stubble against him is slightly ticklish but he's so used to it by now that he doesn't even move. He however does muster enough energy to pull at his boyfriend's curls. "Buck that's enough, c'mon". Buck finally stops and looks at him forlornly.
"Absolutely not", Eddie tells him sternly. Buck, the man-child that he cannot believe he's in love with, sighs sadly, places one last kiss onto his stomach and finally moves up to lie next to him, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth, "can't help myself Eddie, it's so cute".
A smile tugs at his own lips,equal parts exasperated and fond. Buck's hand migrates down to his stomach, under the soft shirt he's wearing that might be Buck's actually, and cradles the little baby bump that has started to show. His hand is big and gentle, slightly possessive. Warmth curls down Eddie's spine.
"It hasn't changed in the span of five days Buck. Still the same size. You've literally done nothing but spend time obsessing over it", he reprimands him but the effect is ruined by him nuzzling into Buck's neck. He reaches down, placing his own hand over Buck's on the bump.
He had noticed it while he was alone at home, after a nice warm shower. He'd passed the mirror and had done a double-take when he realized that from the side, he can visibly see the bump. He had stood there curling his hands around it for almost an hour before he had called Buck.
Ever since, his boyfriend has been obsessed with his baby belly. Talking to it constantly and singing lullabies and placing a thousand kisses on it and even falling asleep on it, ears pressed close as if he could hear the lump of cells.
Eddie is absolutely positive their child is going to come out being a yapper just like one of her fathers.
"She's growing so fast", Buck says softly. Eddie hums in agreement. They hadn't really had much hope; tests after tests coming back saying their chances were slim to none but Buck is, if anything, determined, his freaky super swimmers defying science to knock him up soon after the multiple disappointing medical appointments.
They don't really know the gender of the baby yet, and Eddie is comfortable in not knowing but Buck swears up and down that it's going to be a girl. Eddie would love any baby equally but he can admit there's something sweet in the excitement of having a baby girl; about Buck being a dad to a baby girl.
He knows Buck would be an amazing dad already. Christopher is the living proof; Buck is always doting on him despite his teenage grumblings and Chris loves him to the moon and back.
He could't wait to see Buck cradling a baby in his big arms; one that he doesn't have to give away.
Buck has already baby proofed their home and Eddie has stumbled upon his online shopping cart filled with baby furniture, toys and cute onesies. Their baby is about to be so spoiled. It's going to be fantastic, Eddie couldn't wait.
He turns to his side and pulls Buck down for a thorough kiss. Buck grins at him. "What's that for?". Eddie shrugs. "Just because. Now shut up and stop bothering my baby bump, I want to sleep". Buck laughs and puts his arm around Eddie, pulls him even closer.
"I'd say the hormones are making you grumpy but I know that's not the case, it's just your natural state", Buck ribs him. Eddie kicks him on the shin. Buck doesn't even flinch, laughs louder, tucks Eddie into his chest and kisses his forehead.
There's a flutter in Eddie's belly, maybe the baby, maybe indigestion or maybe it's the love radiating from Buck, either way Eddie let's it wash over him in waves. Buck is here. And Chris is in his room. And their baby is growing everyday. Eddie is finally home, sweet home.
ib me going feral over his flat tummy:
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dreamingticklee · 4 months
i always forget how deathly ticklish my shins are until they're being tickled ☠️
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Pranksters Get Tickled
Summary: Yelena has gotten closer to Wanda and decides it is now a good time to play a prank on her. Wanda gets her revenge accordingly.
Note: Happy birthday @lillexx !! I hope you enjoy your day and enjoy this fic as well! I may or may not have used some of your worst spots :)
Word Count: 812
Wanda and Yelena started off not being very close to each other. Their mutual link was Natasha, but they never seemed to click that well. However, Natasha had helped the two of them bond better and now they were much closer. Closer to the point where Yelena found it acceptable to play pranks on the witch. 
Today was one of those days, as Yelena was setting up her prank. As someone as clumsy as herself, she hated how perfect Wanda was. She had never seen her trip or fall once unless she was in a battle. However, Yelena was the type to trip over her own shoelaces. This time would be different though. 
Yelena was setting up a very thin string across the floor of the entrance to the compound, as Wanda was out right now. Being very meticulous as Yelena was, she also set up a system where once the string was tripped upon, a bucket of flour from above would be dropped onto the person who was standing there.
Yelena had just put the finishing touches on the apparatus and quickly raced around the corner as she heard the door unlocking. Luckily for her, nobody else was out during that time, so she knew it had to be Wanda. 
Yelena ran to hide, but tried to hide in a non obvious place. Hiding in her room would be too easy to find, so she hid in Steve’s room.
Yelena kept the door open a crack so she could hear Wanda’s reaction. She heard the door close and then waited for the prank to play out. She heard Wanda gasp as she stumbled over the thin string, shouting as the flour poured down on her. Silence took over, as Wanda tried to process what had just happened. Yelena shut the door quietly and giggled softly to herself, careful to not be too loud.
Wanda quickly took off, looking for the person who was guilty of this prank. She wasn’t sure who had done it, but she had a list of suspects. First, she thought it may have been Peter, so she went off to look for him. However, her search was cut short as the suspect was revealed early.
Yelena hadn’t checked Steve’s room before entering and didn’t realize that Steve was using the attached bathroom to his room. To his surprise, he came out of the bathroom to see Yelena near the door.
“Zip it Captain Underpants, don’t say a word,” Yelena scolded him, looking for her chance to escape.
“Oh Wanda~ I think your culprit is in my room!” Steve called out, betraying Yelena for the nickname she gave him.
Yelena quickly tried to make a run for it, just as she ran right smack into Wanda.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Wanda questioned, still covered in some leftover flour. Yelena couldn’t help but giggle at her.
“You think this is funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about,” Wanda stated, grabbing the younger girl and bringing her to the living room, where she gently tossed the blonde onto the couch. Wanda sat on Yelena’s shins and began tickling her feet, making the blonde squeal with giggles.
“WAHAHANDA,” Yelena shouted.
“I’m not giving you any mercy,” Wanda said strictly, as the blonde began to giggle hysterically. Wanda then moved up and began to squeeze the blonde’s hips, making her gasp and shout with laughter.
“Bad spot?” Wanda asked with a teasing grin.
“Not until you apologize for the prank,” Wanda teased, as she now went to squeeze both of Yelena’s thighs at the same time, making her flop around in ticklish agony.
“OKAHAHAY SOHOHORRY AHAHAHA,” Yelena shouted, reaching up in desperation to tickle Wanda’s ribs.
The witch jumped back in surprise, as Yelena used this opportunity to turn the tables on her. 
“Don’t tickle me!” Wanda shouted, as Yelena dug into her ribs, making Wanda burst out laughing. 
“Not so powerful now huh?” Yelena asked, poking her ribs and spidering her fingers over her stomach.
“YELEHEHENA! STAHAHAHAP,” Wanda cried, as Yelena blew a raspberry on her stomach for good measure. 
“That’ll teach you,” Yelena said with a triumphant smirk.
“You’ll never win!” Wanda declared, tackling Yelena back down and tickling her until she couldn’t breathe.
“Say I win,” Wanda said, as Yelena fought off the witch as best as she could.
Yelena couldn’t handle the tickles anymore and quickly surrendered when her thighs were attacked again. 
“Are you gonna prank me again?” Wanda asked sternly.
“No,” Yelena said reluctantly, rolling her eyes playfully, as they both knew her next prank would probably be within the next 24 hours. 
“You should be flattered that I feel close enough to you to prank you,” Yelena said, as Wanda giggled in appreciation that the blonde now felt comfortable enough to be silly with her. 
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