#tifosi support charles because he’s FERRARI’S driver
dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Hey! So I had this Hurt comfort fic idea with Charles where she is engaged to him. Have you seen the video about the crowd in Montreal surrounding him? So something like them arriving and he's signing and clicking pics through the crowd holding her hand and the crowd and paps goes a bit haywire and she is separated and then visibly very hurt and injured because of that. And Charles is angry and protective, with the "Idc about myself but if anyone touches/hurts you I lose it" or something similar. Add drama and spice as you feel
Thank you Babe ❤️
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A Step Too Far || CL16
Warnings: fluff, angst, implied smut WC: 1.9k
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Charles could remember the first time he met your father. Obviously it wasn’t the first first time but it was the first time as your boyfriend, and that made it more important than any of the times they met in the paddock. Toto had gripped his hand tightly as they shook, pulling the younger driver closer to whisper in his ear.
“That’s my daughter, Charles, you put her above all else. It’s my job to protect her, and I’m trusting you here.”
“I understand, sir. I’ll keep her safe.”
“What did he say?” you asked as you left for your date.
“Nothing, ma chérie,” Charles assured you with a smile and a kiss to your cheek.
For three years he had kept that secret promise religiously, even as his popularity grew beyond his wildest expectations. He couldn’t walk down the street without being recognised, crowds gathering and people asking for photos or signatures. It wasn’t exactly new for you having grown up the way you did, but Charles’ fans were far more excitable and passionate than the ones who met your father.
Monza 2023
Everywhere you looked it was a sea of red supporters, the tifosi out in force to celebrate the third and fourth places Ferrari had taken in the race. You could see the equal parts of pride and disappointment on Charles’ face as he watched Carlos take the third step on the podium.
After heading back to his driver room, he collapsed into a chair with a groan and hung his head in his hands. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head, wrinkling your nose at the sweat that dampened his dark hair. “That was a hell of a fight, baby.”
His grunt told you he thought otherwise but he placed his hand over yours and gave it a soft squeeze. “I almost had it, amour.”
“I know.” You nuzzled into his neck until his shoulders bunched up and he wriggled with a laugh at his ticklish spot.
“Okay, okay, no more moping,” he said as he stood up and turned to face you. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You held up your hand that had a sparkly new ring resting upon it. “Or I wouldn’t have said yes.”
“I’m very glad you did.” He smiled as he took your hand and kissed the engagement ring. “I need to shower. There’s room for one more…”
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Charles kept you tucked close to his side as he made his way through the lines of fans to where his car was pulling up. You were running late once again, after being distracted while you were meant to be getting dressed to go out for dinner. He left your side for only a moment to open your door but that moment was all it took as the metal barriers separating the crowd came crashing down and they surged forward.
The sight and the sound gave you a fright and you stepped back instinctively. “Charles!” He turned at your panicked tone and watched with horror as your heeled foot missed the curb, twisting painfully as you fell. For a second he lost sight of you in the sea of red and he was spurred into action.
“Back up! Get out of my way!” he shouted to the crowd as he pushed his way to you. Rage filled him as he found you crumpled beside his car, arms wrapped protectively around your head while the bodies finally started to give you room. Tears blurred your vision as pain radiated from your ankle and suddenly you were weightless as a familiar pair of arms picked you up. “Amour, are you hurt?”
You could hardly hear him as the crowd demanded his attention, screaming as they waved hats and posters in his direction. The look he sent them should have been warning enough but they were too high on his presence to notice.
“My ankle,” you admitted with a wince as it was jostled.
He released a torrent of expletives under his breath as he carried you to the driver’s seat and climbed in with you on his lap, your legs hanging over onto the passenger seat. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he apologised as he kissed your temple and pulled out of the hotel.
“It’s not your fault, Charles, I should have been paying more attention.”
“You got hurt because of me, that’s the only reason they were there. Shit.” His eyes darted to the centre screen as it announced an incoming call from Toto and he hit the accept button on the steering wheel.
“You haven’t lost your watch again, have you?” Toto greeted, his voice thick with amusement.
“We are almost there,” he replied as he turned onto the street where the restaurant reservation was booked. “We just ran into some trouble with some fans.”
The silence was deafening until it was broken by the scratch of a chair being pushed back on a wooden floor followed by the click of your father’s footsteps. “Trouble?”
You watched the door to the restaurant open and your father ignored the concierge as he stepped to the curb Charles was pulling up to. “This should be fun.” Charles grimaced at your words and ended the call as Toto tucked his phone away and opened the passenger door.
Toto stared at the empty seat before dragging his eyes across the space to find you on your fiancé’s lap. “Hi papa.”
“Don’t hi me,” he tutted as he walked around and moved the valet along with a wave of his hand. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” you assured him as you accepted his hand out of the sports car. “You two are as dramatic as each other.”
The flare of pain was sudden and impossible to hide when your shoe touched the pavement, the joint weakly giving underneath you. If not for Charles behind you it would have been much worse but he took your weight and kept you upright.
“What the fuck have you done to my daughter, Leclerc?” You found yourself in a tug of war, but you were the rope. Your father tried to pull you out of his arms but your yelp of pain froze the very air. He relinquished his fight and raised his hands before pointing a damning finger at Charles. “Hospital, now.”
“But I’m hungry,” you whined as he instantly moved to follow the order, stepping back towards the Ferrari. “Can’t we go after dinner, please?”
You turned your pleading eyes to your father and watched his resolve weaken.
“No,” Charles interrupted before Toto could agree and you turned to him with a look of betrayal. “Don’t look at me like that, amour. I can’t bear to see you in pain, especially when it’s my fault.”
“At least you take ownership,” Toto muttered. “Susie and I will bring you dinner. Go.”
There was no room to argue, not that Charles would. He respected your father too much for that.
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“You need to make a statement,” Toto said tiredly as he sat in the hospital chair opposite Charles. You were on the bed separating them, enjoying the lack of pain while the drugs did their job and waiting for the moonboot to be fitted. “Something like this cannot be allowed to happen again.”
“He didn’t exactly give them permission, papa.”
Charles cut you a look out the corner of his eye before nodding to Toto. “I’ll make sure of it, sir. It might be time to hire some security.”
Your father barely hid his scoff as he muttered, “Better late than never.” Toto sat up straighter and rubbed his tired eyes. “These are things you will need to think about even more in the future, especially when you have children of your own - you’ll realise you can’t wait until something bad happens before making changes. You need to start thinking about the future now, son.”
Charles’ stare turned out the window as he took the advice seriously. You could see the contemplation set in hard lines across his face. The look turned sad when the nurse arrived with the moonboot you would need to wear for at least two weeks and he started to withdraw into himself as he pulled his phone out. Only a few moments later you saw your phone light up with a notification that he had posted to his Instagram.
“Good man,” Toto said as he read the statement that in no uncertain terms warned his fans there would be consequences if they couldn’t respect the boundaries set.
“Was that really necessary?”
“Yes,” they both answered adamantly.
“You are all set to go, darling,” the nurse said with a soft smile. “Rest up, and if there are any concerns just come right back.”
After thanking her you hobbled along, sandwiched between your father and fiancé, to the underground car park where the car was waiting.
“I’ll come back to your hotel, make sure you get inside safely,” your father said as he opened your door and kissed your cheek.
“His fans have probably all run away by now.”
“I think you’re underestimating the tifosi. I’d rather not take the risk.”
Toto was right, because if anything there were even more fans lining the entrance to the hotel than before. Only this time there was also more security.
You were quickly ushered through to the quieter reception area where Toto shared a look that said ‘I told you so’ before bidding a goodnight and heading his own way back. The elevator ride to the penthouse suite was silent and it wasn’t the comfortable silence you were used to. It grew heavier with each level and you were itching to get out of the confined space by the time the doors opened.
“It’s not your fault,” you whispered as Charles pulled his shirt off and sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. “Don’t blame yourself.”
“I broke my promise,” he said as his shoulders sagged further, like he was moments from imploding on himself. “I swore to your father I would protect you.”
“Charles, I love you, but you can’t protect me from the world - no matter what my father thinks.” You crawled over the duvet and onto his lap so you could cup his face. “I don’t blame you and it is me who is going to be marrying you, not him.”
His brows pinched together. “I hadn’t even thought about children.”
“After the wedding, having children - what that would be like in this environment. I hadn’t thought about it. I obviously knew it’s what I wanted for us down the line but now…it’s a little scary to think what might happen to them.”
“Char, there’s no rush. We don’t know what our future will look like in five years, or ten.” You stroked his cheeks and dipped your head forward to kiss his pouting lips. “Just focus on the here and now, baby. Forget what happened out there. In here, it’s just you and me, and a king sized bed that’s far too neatly made.”
“It is pretty neat.”
“So why don’t we mess it up?”
His eyes flicked to your legs draped over his, lingering on the bulky boot. “Amour?”
Your fingers were already running down his chest, reaching for the waistband of his trousers he had worn to dinner. “You won’t hurt me. You could never hurt me. I trust you.”
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lestappenforever · 9 days
I think Max has developed a new level of respect for Charles. Now that he finds himself in a situation that Charles has been in many times, namely a crappy car, an inconsistent team that makes mistakes. I think he has even more realized how talented Charles is to have managed to still be at the top, give good results and save his team despite all that.
Anon, given the amount of time Charles has already struggled with this in Ferrari, I don't think Max's respect for him is anything new. Not to mention the fact that Max also spent several years competing in a car that wasn't exactly performing all that well prior to winning his first WDC in 2021. Max made his F1 debut in 2015, after all, and it's not like he's been dominating since that day. Our favorite Dutchman is quite familiar with the struggles of subpar machinery himself prior to this season.
If there is one driver on the grid - and one person in the world in general - who has always been acutely aware of how exceptionally talented Charles is despite the dreadful machinery, and at times team, he's working with, and who has never once doubted Charles' ability as a driver regardless of results, it's Max. Hell, our boy has been praising Charles to the high heavens since his emotional support rival made it into F1, regardless of how Charles' car and team were performing. So I will have to disagree with you here, because that respect has always been there and I don't think it's anything new for Max at all.
What I do think Max has gained with the issues Red Bull has been experiencing this season, however, is a new level of realizing just how unhinged Charles Leclerc actually is. He has watched that man drag several versions of that red tractor to positions it has had no business being, year after year after year, while also dealing with a team who has lived on nothing but historic glory for 15+ years. He has watched Charles be fueled by but nothing but athletic insanity, rage, unparalleled stubbornness and the love of the Tifosi for years while his biggest (and most favorite, don't even try to fight me on this) rival has made F1 history repeatedly.
If anything, the only new thing Max has developed for Charles this season is that weird kind of fear you only feel towards someone who absolutely terrifies you, while still being the single most attractive and appealling person you have ever met.
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Toto Wolff with wife reader. She and their son, Jack in the paddock during the race in Monza and the podium celebration. Credit to @wonderwolffs
Up to you how it goes. Add anything you want.
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Winning in our own way
Word count: 891
Pairing: Toto Wolff x wife!reader, feat. Jack
Summary: Toto Wolff teaches his family the value of unity and support, even without a podium finish
Thank you for that request and thank you to @wonderwolffs for posting these sweet pics of the Wolffs
The Italian sun cast a golden glow over the Monza circuit, the vibrant energy of race day filling the air. The roar of engines and the cheers of fans echoed through the stands as you stood in the paddock, cradling Jack in your arms. Your little boy’s wide eyes sparkled with excitement as he took in the sights and sounds around him.
Toto stood beside you, his presence a comforting, steady force. He had one hand resting on your back, his thumb brushing gently against your shoulder, while his other hand lightly caressed Jack’s back. The three of you formed a close, intimate circle amid the flurry of race-day activity.
“You’re going to love this, Jack,” Toto murmured, leaning in closer so that only you and your son could hear. “Even though it’s not our day on the podium, it’s still going to be something special.”
Jack turned his head to look at his father, a curious expression on his face. “But why aren’t we winning, Papa?”
Toto smiled, his eyes warm as they met yours before he looked back at Jack. “Today, it’s someone else’s turn to win. And it’s important to be happy for them, even if we’re not the ones at the top. That’s what being part of a team is all about.”
You adjusted Jack in your arms, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. “And we’re here to show our support, because everyone worked really hard today. It’s not always about winning, but about doing your best and being proud of that.”
The race was thrilling, each lap a testament to the skill and determination of the drivers. But as the checkered flag waved, it was clear that Mercedes wouldn’t be standing on the top step today. Charles Leclerc took the victory, with Oscar Piastri and Lando Norris rounding out the podium. The tifosi erupted in cheers, the sea of Ferrari red in the stands a sight to behold.
Toto exhaled softly, a mix of pride and acceptance in his expression. But when he looked at you, holding Jack so close, his gaze softened even more. “Let’s go to the podium,” he said, his voice gentle. “It’s important for Jack to see this.”
With Toto’s hand still on your back, guiding and supporting you, the three of you made your way to the podium area. Jack’s small hands clutched at your shirt as he took in the scene, his excitement palpable even in the midst of his curiosity.
As the drivers celebrated on the podium, the crowd’s cheers filling the air, Toto’s hand never left your back. His fingers traced soothing patterns, his way of grounding you both in the moment. Jack’s eyes were wide as he watched the champagne spraying, the sheer joy on the drivers’ faces a powerful image.
“They’re so happy,” Jack said softly, his voice full of wonder.
“They are,” Toto agreed, his voice equally soft as he leaned in to kiss the top of Jack’s head. “And we’re happy for them, right?”
Jack nodded, his little face lighting up with understanding. “Yeah, Papa. We are.”
After the podium ceremony, as the drivers came down to celebrate with their teams, you and Toto approached them with Jack still in your arms. Charles was the first to notice, his face breaking into a wide grin when he saw the three of you.
“Toto, Y/N, Jack!” Charles greeted warmly, crouching down to be at Jack’s level. “Did you enjoy the race, Jack?”
Jack nodded enthusiastically, a big smile on his face. “It was amazing! You were so fast!”
Charles chuckled, his gaze flickering up to you and Toto. “You’ve got a good one here,” he said, clearly charmed by Jack’s enthusiasm.
Oscar and Lando joined the group, their own smiles bright as they congratulated each other. You offered each of them a warm hug, Jack still secure in your arms, his little head resting on your shoulder now that the excitement was beginning to wear him out.
“Great job out there,” you said sincerely. “You all earned this today.”
Toto reached out, shaking hands with each driver, his respect evident. “Well done, all of you. This was your day.”
Lando grinned, his eyes flicking to Jack, who was fighting to stay awake in your arms. “Thanks, Toto. It’s nice to see you all here together. This is what it’s all about.”
As the celebration wound down, you and Toto stood together, watching the last of the crowd disperse. Jack had fallen asleep in your arms, his tiny breaths soft against your shoulder. Toto’s hand remained on your back, his presence as comforting as ever.
“Today was special,” you said quietly, leaning into him.
Toto nodded, his gaze tender as he looked at you and then down at your sleeping son. “It was. Not just because of the race, but because of what we’re teaching Jack. That it’s okay to not always be the one who wins, but to be happy for those who do.”
You smiled, feeling a deep sense of pride in the man beside you. “I’m proud of you, Toto. For the example you set, for the way you lead—both here and at home.”
Toto’s eyes softened as he leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “We’re a team, Y/N. In everything. And today, we won in our own way.”
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leclerc-s · 6 months
paint the town red - part twelve
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series masterlist
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MONZA 2024
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scuderiaferrari posted new stories
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local german spotted in the paddock!! well, look who the iceman dragged in STOP STEALING MY PHONE TO TAKE PICTURES YOU KNOCK-OFF ONE DIRECTION!! clearly these guys are hard at work before quali today. scores polo position, begs bianca for her phone, sends me this and says, 'let the people know i'm ecstatic to have pole position.' who's man is this??
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there is anticipation in the air. the city of monza is thick with excitement, the possibility of their drivers not only winning the race as a 1-2 but also becoming constructor champions at their home race is amazing. it’s a sense of excitement the tifosi haven’t felt since monza 2019, back when their current championship leader, won their home race. however, no one is more charles and carlos. charles is on pole once again, carlos right behind him with max and oscar behind them, it’s another ferrari front row lockout, but this time it’s at monza, their home race.
charles had been smiles all around, laughing and joking with his fellow drivers, he wasn’t nervous anymore, he’d lost the nerves after winning monaco. carlos also had lost the nerves after winning his home race in spain. they were confident and probably a little cocky, but with the lead they had in the championship, it would only be a matter of time before they won, it just wouldn’t be as special if they won anywhere else but monza. 
much like monaco, the avengers could be spotted in the paddock throughout the entirety of the weekend. everywhere you glanced there was an avenger there, dressed to the nines and in red, showing their support for ferrari. but the true stars like always were charles and carlos. however, the arrival of a certain former ferrari driver sparked even more chaos than anyone else ever could. kimi räikkönen was spotted in the ferrari garage, sparking much conversation because the beloved iceman was missed around the paddock.
once again, will buxton was walking through the garage area when an avenger was caught waving at will, this time the culprit was none other than steve rogers. behind him were the ever bickering duo of sam and bucky. 
“mr. rogers, a pleasure to be seeing you here at monza.” will greeted. steve smiled at him, “mr. rogers makes me sound old, i’m only a 104 will. steve will do just fine.”
will laughed, “well, steve, how are you liking monza so far?” 
“it’s been great,” steve began, “the energy here is just unbelievable. i thought the craziest it would get was monaco, but i was wrong.” 
“did you enjoy monaco? it was quite the chaotic race, not for ferrari of course. they had a calm race.”
“oh yes, it was very fun and entertaining. i wasn’t much of a formula 1 guy before all of this, it was after my time the first time around. but when i met tony he used to require no one bother him on race weekends, bianca always joined him, it was like their thing.” 
“are you liking the sport so far? any complaints?” 
“no, none from me personally. i heard the fans get annoyed when one person or one team starts winning it all so i suspect they’ll start complaining after this. as for liking the sport, yes, it’s very entertaining once you understand how everything works.”
“any doubts from the team today?” will asked, hoping to get some information out of him. steve shook his head, “they’re pretty confident they can win today. i know, like most race weekend when max is starting behind charles, they feel a bit of pressure, but they’ve got this. the car’s good, the drivers are confident.” 
“so they’re definitely winning this?” 
“of course,” steve answered, “not a doubt in my mind about it.” 
“very well, it was nice speaking to you steve,” will said, as he departed. 
“bye will,” steve replied. he rapidly turned around, beginning to scold sam and bucky. which the cameras caught, one of the commentators making a joke about it. 
inside the ferrari garage the team stood in a semi circle, sebastian being the last to join them. the closer they got the race, the more the nerves seemed to actually appear. sebastian took a look at his team, “we’ve got this.” 
“we do,” bianca agreed. the shared a quick embrace before parting ways. charles turned to bianca, “another bet?” 
bianca groaned, “no, no more betting.”
“it’s kind of a tradition now,” he joked. 
“fine,” bianca said, “one last bet, what do you want?” 
“if i win this, and we become constructors champions today, you have to tell your dad.”
“what? do you have a death wish?”
“he won’t kill me,” charles replied, “he likes me too much.”
“i’ll think about it,” bianca answered, “now, shut up and listen to what i have to tell you.” 
“yes, madame,” the two laughed, failing to notice a gossiping joaquin and scott. 
“they’re totally dating,” scott told joaquin. joaquin nodded in agreement, “i wonder how long they can keep this up for?” 
“not long,” scott replied, “bianca is not that great of a secret keeper. she’s bound to slip up sooner or later.”
the two of them shut up as sam and bucky approach them, the race 20 minutes away from starting. charles steps away from bianca as the team begins taking the car out of the garage and towards the race track. he exchanges a nod with bianca before joining the rest of the grid for the national anthem. as soon as it was over he went to talk for a moment with carlos before he was being ushered to get into the car.
"radio check," bianca said.
"do you think we can play a song when we win? like the lady gaga one again?" charles questioned. bianca laughed, "we'll see."
the moments before the lights went out were the most nerve wracking moment's of charles life. despite telling everyone he wasn't nervous and tricking himself into believing the nerves were gone for good, he was lying. but he moment those lights were out he was gone. carlos was left behind fighting max for p2 as oscar was shown to sneak around both of them and gain the upperhand. on lap 3 carlos was finally able to get away from max, and his fight with oscar began. it would only be a matter of time before he caught up with oscar but for now oscar was gone.
apparently catching oscar would be easier said than done, but a pit stop error from mclaren gave carlos the advantage that he needed. when he came out of the pits oscar was now fighting max for that final podium position. in the penultimate lap of the race, with charles and carlos ahead of them oscar and max continued to fight u til they achieve a photo finish. unfortunately for the reigning world champion, oscar came out on top for the race.
"it seems fitting that here, in monza, the home of ferrari, where they bleed rosso corsa, that ferrari is crowned the constructor champion of the 2024 season! for the first time since 2008 ferrari is constructor champions! charles leclerc and carlos sainz bring home another 1-2 for the scuderia.”
the camera pans to the the ferrari crew as they erupt into screams and begin jumping for joy. at the pit lane bucky barnes and sam wilson run across the pitlane, grabbing sebastian vettel and hoisting him onto their shoulders, as they parade the man up and down the lane. they stop in front of the red bull garage, both soldiers stop for a brief moment, flipping off the red bull crew who could only laugh, a visibly upset christian horner is shown for a moment. joaquin torres and peter parker are seen grabbing tony stark and throwing the man into the air, all he can do is laugh.
but the real stars, charles and carlos are basking in their win. the two cars came to stop at their rightful places in the parc ferme. charles jumps out of his car first, he jumps on top of it as carlos does the same. the two drivers turn to look at each other before running and enveloping each other in a hug. together they rush at their team, who welcome them with open arms. both of them hug their engineers tightly, before rushing to get weighted. charles is the first to spot oscar, he shakes the other drivers hand as oscar congratulates him.
before he can say anything else, david coulthard is pulling oscar away for his interview. carlos follows after him, with a brief congrats from oscar. charles is last one to go for his interview before all three drivers were being ushered to the cool down room.
charles turns to oscar, “i thought you were behind me?”
oscar shakes his head, “i lost a position after my pit stop. there was some kind of mistake and it was too late to catch up with carlos. i came out right in front of max.”
“i couldn’t catch you,” carlos tells the aussie. oscar smiles a bit, “you were too busy fighting with max.”
the three drivers turn to the screen, checo’s car is seen fighting with a williams, carlos looks confused, “is that logan or alex?”
“logan,” oscar answered, “he was starting p10 this race.”
“he’s doing better, no?” charles asked. oscar nodded, “he was close to a podium a while back in canada.”
“he’ll get it one day,” charles said, rather optimistically. with the way the season had been going, full of surprises, it was only a matter of time before logan got his podium.
“i hope so,” oscar whispered. he knew his american friend and been longing to get that podium in formula 1. it was his way of proving everyone wrong.
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will buxton approaches tony, before the podium ceremony, he’s got both arms around harley and bianca. bianca is holding morgan in her arms. the little girl looking at everything in wonder while harley is bicker with peter. tony notices will and smiles at him.
“tony, bianca, harley, any words to the fans?” will asks.
"this win is not just for us," tony begins, "it's for every single tifosi who waited and hoped that one day we would be constructors champions again. but this is also for the other drivers who were let down by ferrari in the past. kimi, felipe, fernando, this is for you! forza ferrari!"
“it’s just,” harley began, “it’s incredible to be able to do this in front of our home crowd, it’s so special. we’re so thankful they had faith in us to be able to do this.”
“holy shit,” bianca softly says, “it was always a dream, to be able to do this, to see ferrari do this. i don’t think there are any words to describe what we as a team feel having won this after so many years.”
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the screams are deafening as carlos runs up to the podium. he waves at the crowd, seamingly amplifying the cheers. charles is called up next to the podium and it seems like the cheers grow louder. charles stands on his spot at the podium, as he looks down at the crowd below, where his team is, winking at them, or rather someone. the person on stage is ferrari’s beloved team principal, sebastian vettel. he smiles brightly, at his two drivers, the crowd below chanting his name.
the national anthems begin, causing it to go silent for a moment as the monégasque anthem begins. charles smiles brightly, hearing his anthem play in monza again. the anthem switches to the italian anthem and all hell breaks loose. all around them the crowd sings the anthem, as their team sings along. all three ferrari members turn to look at each other mounting the words of the italian anthem, before looking back at the crowd.
as each of the drivers get handed their trophies, the crowd’s energy shifts.
oscar raises up his trophy to his team, a group of papaya drowned out by a sea of red, but everyone cheers for him regardless. carlos holds up his trophy, as the sounds are amplified. charles receives his next and throws it up in the air, before holding it out to the tifosi and his team. the last one to receive the trophy is seb, he takes and waits a moment before showing it to the crowd. the screams grow louder, if that was even possible.
when the time comes, all three drivers, as if in agreement, turn to drown seb with champagne. the team principal laughs before they all turn to the crowd below. after pictures, seb grabs the trophy, running to the front of the stage, where he holds it out, one last time, and the screams are deafening. it had been a long time coming but ferrari has finally done it, they were finally constructors champions.
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liked by sebastianvettel, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and others
scuderiaferrari 2024 constructor world champions. we fucking did it! to our beloved tifosi, this is for you. your years of patience have paid off, we are so back.
tagged: charles_leclerc, carlossainz55
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username i never thought i'd live to see the day! OH MY GOD!
username oh these guys are going to be so fucking hungover tomorrow
↳ username oh yeah, these guys are so drunk. where's isaiah when you need him?
charles_leclerc WE DID IT BABY!! LET'S GO!!
↳ username apparently he's as drunk as them.
arthur_leclerc YEAH! SCREW RED BULL! WE DID IT!
↳ username oh boy, they're all going to regret this tomorrow
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris, harryosborn and others
peterparker PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT! (i have no memory of what occurred last night, yes we all partied together.)
tagged: michellejones, yelenabelova, katebishop, biancastark_potts, joaquintorres, pierregasly, francesca.cgomes, georgerussell63, fernandoalo_oficial, harleykeener, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, isaiah_atkins, ririwilliams, landonorris, oscarpiastri, logansargeant, alex_albon, lilymhe, lewishamilton, danielricciardo, yukitsunoda0511, arthur_leclerc, olliebearman, americachavez, estebanocon, mickschumacher, lancestroll
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📍peterparker not pictured is yuki and pierre's horrible karaoke, isaiah falling on his ass, yelena punching a guy who flirted with her, riri outdrinking max, logan and oscar taking a nap in the middle of the club, alex and george almost making out, lewis trying to get a dancing kate off a table, charles for some reason, and many others.
↳ pierregasly he disappeared in the middle of the party and came back like an hour later?
↳ charles_leclerc lies and slander!
samwilson is that bianca? making out with someone?
↳ peterparker huh i guess it is.
↳ katebishop that is obviously the boyfriend you idiots.
yelenabelova is that why there's blood on my shirt?
↳ alex_albon you are one scary lady. you knocked him out.
↳ yelenabelova good, you should fear me.
biancastark_potts oh my god, what the hell happened last night?
↳ americachavez apparently too much and too little at the same time.
yukitsunoda you guys should throw more parties if it means free alcohol paid for by tony stark.
↳ harleykeener duh? you're a billionaire, you can handle it.
ririwilliams i have never been more proud of myself.
↳ katebishop you built your own iron man suit from scratch?
↳ ririwilliams and? i outdrank max verstappen! that's not something a lot of people say they can do.
↳ maxverstappen1 she's right! be proud of yourself riri!
harryosborn oh, i'm sure you guys had fun.
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bianca groaned as she pulled her phone away from her face, charles laying beside her laughed. bianca turned to look at him, "this isn't funny."
"it's hilarious mon amour," charles said through giggles. bianca rolled her eyes, as she sat up, "sure, my dad demanding to know who i'm kissing in peter's post is hilarious."
charles laughed again and as bianca moved to get up charles pulled her back, "you have to tell him."
"i will," bianca promised, "i just have to figure out when."
charles nuzzled his face into her neck, "go back to sleep."
both of their phones buzzed at the same time, a text from harley. bianca grabbed her phone first, sitting up as she read harley's text, charles groaned, "no, come back."
"shit," bianca said as she began running around the room. charles sat up, "what is it?"
"harry told my dad. we have less than five minutes before he shows up."
charles sat up, "why is this bad? i thought you wanted to tell him? are you embarrassed of me?"
bianca stopped, pulling her shirt over head, shaking her head rapidly, "i'm not, i promise. i just, i wanted to tell him when i wanted too, not when someone else decided to tell him. with harry, my dad found out because of norman. i never got an opportunity to do things right."
"okay," charles said, pulling a shirt over his head. bianca kissed his forehead, causing charles to pout, "i think you missed."
bianca laughed, but pressed a quick kiss to his lips, charles seemed ready to protest when both of them froze, a voice coming from the otherside of the door, "LECLERC!"
"oh shit," bianca whispered.
"fuck," the couple whispered.
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series taglist: @burningcupcakefire @spilled-coffee-cup @evans-dejong @elliegrey2803 @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @be-your-coffee-pot @vellicora @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog @bionic-donut @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @int3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @nothaqks @nataliambc @prongsvault @georgeparisole @kailyn-g05 @bella-1 @butterfly-lover @emilyval1 @winchesterwife27 @namgification @octopussesarecool @jensonsonlybutton
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¡leclerc-s speaks! ooh, a cliffhanger dun, dun, dun! harry's such an ass, can't believe i wrote him to be like that. bianca and charles are so american coded. i stand by what i said.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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unsolvedjarin · 1 year
Can we have more mentor!Seb x Ferrari driver!reader? Maybe she wins in Monza the same season as the last fic? 👀
note: sorry it took me so long to get to this request, life has been KILLING me lately. this one is pretty short but hopefully you enjoy!
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part one here but can be read without <3
pairing: (mentor! sebastian vettel x ferrari driver! reader) (mick schumacher x ferrari driver! reader AT THE END)
summary: monza was never an easy race, and that certainly wasnt changing anytime soon. but maybe some luck is on your side this year— and a supportive mentor.
content warning: none besides my verb tenses being all over the place
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Max had gotten pole. So not good for you.
You lost P2 as well to Lewis by two-tenths of a second, but P3 was fine, P3 was good. Hopefully good enough for today. It was finally Sunday, and you couldn’t be more excited— it was finally Monza.
“Well the goal is to win,” you say, although it comes out muffled with food in your mouth. Sebastian had invited you to paddock brunch on race day, and you were not one to turn down free food.
Swallowing, you add, “I mean obviously the goal is to win. We’re in Monza, that’s every Ferrari driver's goal.”
The Aston Martin driver had been listening intently to your complaints about Ferrari’s performance recently, and from what he’s hearing, it’s not looking good. Not only was the car lacking in pace, the team itself had bad strategies left and right. While you had gotten a podium back in Spa, it was starting to look like it'd be the last podium for Ferrari for a while.
Charles had DNF’ed last race, and you ended up P9. Not a great result, but it still kept you third in the Construction Championship. This race, however, was too special to have a mediocre result.
It was the home of the Tifosi; the people, the cheers, the chants, it was all for Ferrari— all for you. You couldn’t lose in Monza.
“So you think you’ll win later then?” Sebastian asks, taking a bite of his own food.
“Well I don’t don’t think I’ll win, so there’s that.”
“What a strange type of confidence.”
“Thanks, I try.”
Sebastian laughs, a genuine one that makes you smile as well. You’d been spending more time with him since learning about his retirement at the end of the season, which says a lot when you were already always together. He didn’t mind though, he loved spending time with you above all the other people on the grid– well, except for Mick. He tagged along sometimes when he could. You liked having him around too.
“If it amounts to anything, I think you can win it.”
He always says that. ‘If it amounts to anything’ or ‘If it matters,’ as if everything he says wasn’t important to you when it was. “Thanks Seb, but save that optimism for yourself, you need it,” you tease.
You say it in a joking manner, but Seb knew there was a hint of seriousness to your words. Aston Martin hadn’t been performing well either, and if you considered Ferrari’s performance bad, then you could call theirs atrocious. You knew it wasn’t Seb’s fault, he had been trying to contribute to the efficiency of the car with his knowledge and he pushed it every race.
Nodding, he sighs, and you can sense the tiredness in his breath. 2 years of a slow car will do that to you. Before you could give him any comfort, however, a Ferrari employee calls out your name for you to get ready for the race.
“Good luck Schatzi, I believe in you,” Seb says, getting up from his seat. You get up and hug him tightly, smiling when he hugs you back just as tight.
“You too Sebby.”
“Do what I couldn’t,” you hear him whisper.
You don’t reply. You don’t tell him, ‘I’m sorry,’ because he already knows. He knows because you’ve told him it before many different times on many different races when he used to drive for Ferrari– but you’ll always remember Monza.
It was his dream, the most important thing he wanted out of joining Ferrari besides winning the championship with them. But he never got it. Every year he was there, something took the win out of his grasp. Engine failure, collision, slow pace, no grip, it didn’t matter what the reason was. He never got it.
You separate, both going to get ready. You’ll make him proud, you think to yourself.
The race was tight. Lewis was giving you a good fight, always just less than a second away, but conveniently farther whenever you were in a DRS zone which meant you couldn’t overtake him. Thankfully, he slipped up during a straight, and gave you enough slipstream and space to pass him.
Then it was just you and Max. He was 10 seconds away, and you were so sure it was over. But then he pitted a little too long, giving you enough time to take his position.
And then you were leading.
You were leading in a Ferrari in Monza.
Holy fucking shit.
Just one more lap, one more and you could see it– you could see the end.
You couldn’t believe it.
You won. You won in Monza. In a Ferrari.
You did it.
If the screams of the fans were loud in Spa, the cheers of the emotional Tifosi were deafening here. Exiting your car, still shellshocked, you’re immediately approached by Max, who gave you a quick hug in congratulations.
Slightly snapping out of your buzzed state, you run towards your crew who was on the other side of the barrier, practically jumping into their arms. They couldn’t believe it either. When you finally removed your helmet, the muffled sounds of everything else suddenly became clear, and somehow the already thundering roars of the crowd had gotten louder.
Despite all that commotion, all that chaos and celebration, there was only one man you were looking for. You heard he had DNF’ed, which meant he would be in his garage, but you didn’t care. You were going to look for him before you got on that damn podium.
While Max and Lewis went to the cooldown room, you got ready to sneak out and go to the Aston Martin garage, when a hand grabs yours and spins you around to face them. It takes you a second to realize what was happening, but when you did– “SEBASTIAN!”
He enveloped you in a hug, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around. You could hear his proud laughs, and you started laughing as well. You had done it.
“I ca-”
You both start at the same time, making you both laugh even harder. You gesture for him to start first, and he does. “I can’t believe it. You actually fucking did it,” he says, the joy evident in his cussing.
He walks with you back towards the Podium, an arm around your shoulder looking proud. When you get to the side stage you pause in protest, but he reads your mind before you can say anything. “Go, we’ll talk later.” He gives you a little nudge, and off to the platform you go.
You asked Charles once, and he told you that when you get up there on the platform, everything goes quiet. You would see the crowd, the fans clad in red, and you would feel the love, but you wouldn’t hear it– as if all their cheers mixed together into a large vast silence. One thing would come into focus, and when you see what you’ve focused on, it’ll all make sense. For him, it was a man wearing a shirt with the number 17 on it. In the large mobs, it was the one thing his eyes had focused on.
For you, however, it wasn’t in the crowd. It wasn’t in the endless support of the Tifosi, nor the trophy given to you. No, it was in the man you could see in your peripheral vision, standing on the side, clapping proudly and looking at you as if no one else was on the podium.
Sebastian. It was him. Your mentor, your father figure, your friend. You finally understood what Charles was always rambling about. That loving feeling— not one you feel with a romantic partner, but the one that buries itself deep into your soul and grows over time, unseen and unnoticed, but when you finally focus on it, everything makes sense.
The second the podium festivities ended, you ran into Sebastian’s arms and hugged him tightly, not minding the cameras all around you. He didn’t understand what was happening, but he hugged you back, not letting you go.
Tomorrow— not today while the chaos of the fans was still ongoing— the media will spew rumors about you and the older driver, but you don’t care. Not when you’re finally happy here; content.
With content tears flowing freely down your face— along with some champagne from earlier— you finally disconnected from the hug, looking at Sebastian with a grin.
He looked confused, “What’s happening? Are you alright? Is everything okay?”
Shaking your head with a laugh, you reply, “It’s fine, everythings okay. I just— I can’t believe I did it. And with you watching. I couldn’t be happier.”
Sebastian takes a moment to intake what you said. He had never felt this way before. Never felt so utterly proud of someone. You had done what he never could, had finally achieved the Ferrari dream he had always wanted for himself. He could see himself in you now, the sheer joy of a win with a team he always wanted to win with. He couldn’t be more happy for you too.
“Sebastian?” you ask, worried about his silence. Maybe what you said was too much, too forward. But then he smiles softly at you, and you can see the tears welling in his eyes.
“You have no idea how proud I am of you.”
You breathe a sigh of relief, “Oh thank god, I thought you were thinking of scowling in disgust or worse; not hearing what I said and making me repeat it.”
He laughs, a hearty one, and you laugh as well. The roar of the crowd was still loud, but amidst all the chaos, your eyes still only focused on one person.
“Dinner?” he asks softly.
“Yeah, let’s get dinner.”
a bit of bonus for my mick girls out there:
“Y/N!” you hear a voice shout from across the paddock. It catches your attention, and you turn your head to the Mercedes hospitality where the voice came from. Sebastian is beside you, an arm around your shoulder, accompanying you for a post-race dinner.
“Mick! What’s up?” you ask, disconnecting from Sebastian’s hold to walk towards him. He meets you in the middle, giving you a quick hug before smiling.
“I just wanted to congratulate you on your win. We should celebrate!” he says, pausing for a moment as if thinking how to word his next sentence. “I was thinking— just a random thought really— we could…go out to dinner to celebrate? I mean just throwing ideas out there, you don’t have to.”
He’s looking everywhere but at you at this point, his eyes pointed down at his shoes and you can see his hands fiddling in his pockets. You notice Toto Wolff watching from the hospitality, but you pay no attention to him, instead keeping your eyes on the man in front of you.
“I’m sorry Mick I would love to, but I’m actually going out to dinner with Seba—”
“He can come,” Sebastian butts in. “He can join us, I have no problem with it.”
“Oh, then great!” you exclaim, nudging Mick softly. He looks up at you with a slight red dusting on his cheeks you don’t notice. Oblivious, you intertwine your arm with his, walking with Seb tailing the both of you.
You ramble on about the race to him and don’t notice when he turns his head around to face Sebastian quickly, who was giving Mick two thumbs up with a cheeky grin. The younger driver blushes softly, before going back to facing you and listening to you talk.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, however, the older driver was already secretly thinking of an excuse to get the two of you alone at dinner.
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valyrfia · 7 months
Why do so many F1 fans hate on Charles Leclerc? I, myself, am an "old time" so to say fan of the sport and while I appreciate the generations past, there is no denying his astounding talent and connection to the car. And yet when I started to get back into watching recently, I have seen nothing but distasteful jabs at his ability and his fans, along the lines of "he's just a model" and "only girls in love with him like him". Why is that, I really do not understand - not even as a fan of his, I'm just asking as an objective observer of motorsport
Thanks for your ask anon! I think there's two facets of it. There's the fact that Charles has a lot of expectations that haven't been fulfilled yet due to a variety of reasons and media that may already be skewed away from him doubling down on that, and quite frankly, there's a misogyny aspect due to the composition of his fanbase.
Focusing on the expectations aspect first, as I'm sure you'll probably know better than I will since I've only been watching F1 for a year or so, Charles came into Ferrari with an incredible weight to him already. Not only did he totally crush competition in junior categories but he was the youngest Ferrari driver in the 21st century (later to be usurped by none other than Ollie Bearman at the 2024 Jeddah GP) and he had quite frankly an incredible first season. He would have won Bahrain 2019 if not for the engine issue and he won Monza. This understandably gave Charles's name a gravitas and expectation unlike any non-WDC. I mean, his nickname is literally il predestinato, there is an expectation that Charles will bring the championship home to Ferrari.
Now, unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet. This has been due to a multitude of reasons, but mainly Mattia Binotto's terrible management, the effects of it we're still feeling years later.
An aspect of Mattia's management that people discuss less however, but I'm certain contributes to some groups having a strong dislike of Charles, is Mattia's complete inability to manage a strong driver line up. Ferrari has had an incredible line up, with Charles and Seb for Charles's first two years, and Charles and Carlos for the next three. A lot of the general population who dislike Charles are Seb supporters, feeling as if Seb was pushed out by this young upstart who hasn't even managed to bring the WDC and WCC home as promised. This is entirely due to Mattia losing control of the narrative. DTS encouraged this viewpoint, but media doubled down on it. Mattia also failed to manage each driver's expectations.
Similar is Mattia's signing and then subsequent management of Carlos. My dislike of the Carlos camp is well-documented, but Carlos is by no means a bad driver, in fact I think he's probably in the top six drivers currently on the grid. The issue is, he's not Charles. He doesn't have Charles's raw talent, nor any sort of similar mythos that the tifosi revere about Charles. Carlos on paper, is an excellent n2 to Charles's n1, and I think if Mattia had been honest about that in signing Carlos, I would like him a lot more. Instead, Mattia promised that Charles and Carlos were to be treated as equals, resulting in bizarre strategy calls like Silverstone 2022 where they sacrifice the race of their driver fighting for the WDC in order to gift the other driver a win, or having a championship car in early 2022 only to undevelop it because Carlos complained that he wasn't comfortable. It's frankly bad management, when Checo wasn't comfortable with the RB19 Red Bull didn't change their development direction, because the focus was on getting Max the championship. Ferrari needed Mattia to make a similar decision in 2022, but he instead chose to try and pander to all sides instead of enforcing a potentially difficult decision like a team principal sometimes needs to.
I've said that Sainz media is responsible for much of the traditional media smear campaign against Charles, whether that's them using links with Spanish media, or paying off various outlets, and now I'm putting that down to Mattia not managing Carlos's expectations correctly a couple of years ago, and now relationships have broken down to a point that they're pretty much irreperable, even if Fred is managing everyone's expectations correctly. Mattia's bad management from the car development perspective gives Sainz media an angle to smear Charles as well. 2022 was Charles's championship to lose, and he lost quite badly. It becomes quite easy for journalists to take the line of "oh well, is Charles REALLY a generational talent or is he all hype?", and then compare Charles and Carlos in frankly incomparable situations to make it seem like, at first glance, Carlos comes out on top (key example of this would be Bahrain 2024, where Charles had an insane brake imbalance and still managed to finish p4, but Carlos's camp were quick to point out that Carlos's brakes had cooling issues, which if you know anything about the sport you know that's comparing a mouse to an elephant, but a lot of people chose to ran with Charles and Carlos having the same issue, resulting in people applauding Carlos for a podium in a car that's undergoing normal race stress and decrying Charles for managing to finish P4 in a car that should've been undriveable).
The second aspect moves away from traditional media and to word-of-mouth and online perspective of Charles, although often the first point about Charles not yet living up to his il predestinato name is sometimes used as evidence. Charles's fanbase is female (at least outside of the countries of Italy and Monaco), and disproportionately so compared to other driver fanbases. And look, sure he's a conventionally attractive guy, we're not going to deny objective facts. But those who dislike Charles like to use the fact that he has an active female fanbase, along with the fact that he's conventionally very attractive, in order to mock Charles and his hype. "Leclerc is mid and people only like him because he's hot and women don't understand wheel knowledge" seems to be the current argument of MANY a Charles hater.
Ultimately, it boils down to thinking that his fanbase don't truly understand the sport, because we're majority women and CAN'T be in the sport because we enjoy it we MUST just be here for the hot man. Which is both untrue and fundamentally misogynistic. While Charles himself can't experience misogyny as a man, his fanbase of women certainly can and certainly does. Our voices are trivialised and counted out, and that in turn has an impact on Charles's public image, since people think that a majority of his fans don't have any actual knowledge of the sport (when in my experience, this is perhaps the furthest from the truth).
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p6to · 3 months
What the fuck is going on?
I was in the process of typing out several essays worth of thoughts in the tags of @tsarinablogs's lestappen 2024 manifesto, because what else is new. Since I am uncannily similar to Max in all aspects of his public persona (except his driving abilities and his apparent need to come out as bisexual in every third interview), including the 'tism allegations and the certified "parent has a very weird sense of seeing their child as their own person" experience, in this essay I will be yapping about Screwderia Ferrari, shady business and of course: Charles Leclerc.
Charles has given his life and a large part of his career in f1 to Ferrari, leading to six wins, including his own home race Monaco and Ferrari's home race Monza, but also ten gazillion strategy fuck ups and now a (likely) second failed championship battle.
How much is too much for a person to handle?
Ferrari has not won a championship since Kimi Räikkönen in 2007. That much was known when Charles went through the ranks in the Ferrari Driver Academy, so he knew they were not suddenly going to dominate the way Red Bull did the last few years and Mercedes before them. He still had faith in them, made promises about his achievements to his dying father when he must have known that they might be impossible to ever reach.
His devotion and his talent have made him into an (almost) religious figure to the tifosi. Charles Leclerc is Ferrari, and Ferrari is Charles Leclerc.
Or is it?
Time and time again, we have witnessed Charles getting fucked over in favour of his teammate (see "it looks like they're going to sacrifice Leclerc" - George, or the entirety of the SF-23, maybe even today). While a team principal and a good number of other employees were fired in 2022 because things were going horrible and Charles insisted on it, and things were looking better when competent personnel and even Lewis Hamilton were signed by Fred Vasseur, it seems like the actual problem is still there.
Based on what we saw with the Barcelona upgrades and Carlos' interviews, we may have to expect the car to be developed to suit Carlos' understeer-y preference once again, which is wild considering that he is a driver who is leaving at the end of the year, has been outperformed by Charles pretty consistently over the time they were teammates, and has shown very clearly (alone this season!) that he is (in the words of a friend) not driving for Ferrari but for Carlos.
How can it be that Charles has mechanical and technical problems every second race weekend, while his teammate does not, and not only does nobody from the team leadership say anything about it but they also let Carlos downplay Charles' very severe brake issues in Bahrain?
Silverstone has marked the third race this season where Charles did not score points due to either inherent issues of the car (tire warm up in qualifying), mechanical issues (engine), damage (front wing in Austria) AND very questionable strategy calls. Three races of the twelve that have passed is 25%, a figure that is much too high for any top team, let alone Ferrari who were very close to catching up to Red Bull in the WCC just four races ago.
Of course, problems in car development and maybe even a higher lack of reliability in mechanical parts can happen to any team. However, we will now come to the area where I see the biggest problem.
This entire triple header, Fred Vasseur has been giving unacceptable statements about BOTH of his drivers. In Barcelona, he downplayed the issue between Charles and Carlos at the start, positioning himself directly against the driver he should be supporting since he was objectively (data-supported) correct. In Austria, Sky Sports had to make him watch the moment Charles sustained the damage to his front wing, because he could not be bothered to watch it during the actual race.
And now in Silverstone, he blamed both Carlos and Charles for not performing miracles with this shitshow of a tractor during qualifying, let his drivers be fed different information regarding the incoming rain leading to one of them making the wrong tire choice, ruining his race, and then had the audacity to lie about that and Charles position during this incident, making it look like he was still behind Lance when he had actually already overtaken him and was now behind Carlos after starting four places behind him, EVEN THOUGH there were radio transcripts and of course the fucking broadcast that showed the truth.
Us Chirlies have to preface our posts about conspiracy theories with statements about tinfoil hats and "for legal reasons this is a joke", but I will not do this here.
I fully believe that there is shady business going on at Ferrari, including but not limited to potential blackmailing, software sabotage and bribery. I will not pin these onto specific people/groups, because there are too many options. I also think that there is shady business going on at every team, but not to this extent.
The way things are going, with Charles already being on an actually not so subtle PR warpath, I expect some form of news in the next three weeks, including either announcements about people being fired or a Charles-to-Red Bull announcement, although Charles to Mercedes would not surprise me either.
Merc fans joined in on criticising Fred yesterday, and hardcore Max fans are saying Charles should leave Ferrari and join Max at Red Bull. This issue has breached containment, as it should.
Either things are changing at Ferrari or Charles will be exchanging Ferrari for a different team. There is no other solution.
(You have made it to the bottom of this yap-fest. Congratulations! I wish you a very nice day/week/month/year/life without Ferrari-like fuck ups and thank you for reading my stuff :) )
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thearchercore · 7 months
I’ve spoken about this in my blog a bit more but personally I’ve never seen so far a blog post regarding Charles mental strength
The insane pre-silly season silly shenanigans (LH replacing CS for 2025, how his contract renewal was leaked, etc.), the fact he’s the longest and 2nd youngest in scuderia ferrari, how the team changed so much when he’s in it, given a more leadership role, even his involvement outside of F1 (like dropping an album)— they’re all like super fucking added pressure on him BEFORE the first ever GP
Now adding the media clownery, and s*inz camp tomfoolery, technical issues, and just focusing on how to still be able to bring points for the team, even if he wasn’t able to win this GP because of the technical issue just insane mental strength
It was also interesting to hear that he could’ve easily gotten the P2 (for himself). And that his teammate was rightfully P3 material.
Add to that being a public figure, and his fans getting out of control, with people literally invading his space and even during an interview!!
Add to that like the pressure of driving for ferrari, for the tifosi, for people who believed in him, for his family, for his friends…Charles always drives for other people. But because him being competitive is first by nature.
Hopefully he has a support system behind the scenes to help him manage because just empathizing with him because I feel he’s also close to snapping at some point 🥲
(This is @monacodarling btw! Love your takes and also @tsarinablogs takes)
his mental strength needs to be studied. he also most likely has a very strong support group - his closest friends are his childhood friends from monaco and he keeps his personal team tight (joris, antoine, mia, andrea). so it definitely helps him.
but it was also said that charles is really hard on himself, fred mentioned that during his sauber year he always had tendency to blame himself for whenever a race went wrong which is a great trait for taking accountabilty for his mistakes (unlike others) but also did not help him because he spent too much time blaming himself for bad races to the point fred had to talk to him everytime to not be so hard on himself.
and with charles' mentality of "i'm only satisfied if i win and am the first", it can be a lot. but i'm sure he knows how to work through it, the way he picked himself up in the second half of the 2023 season was unbelievable. he had a good race, then something bad happened, then a good race again. he could not predict what would happen next. and yet he still remained focused.
he's a gem of a driver and i hope we see him have more happy moments in the future!
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laura1633 · 3 months
Lestappen positivity! I love love love how much Charles cares about his fans and the tifosi as a whole. You can tell that he’s truly grateful for all the support and doesn’t take it for granted. For Max, I’ve been loving his post-race interviews recently. He’s been so kind and positive, even when he doesn’t take first place. He’s been very humble and it seems like it’s coming from a genuine place rather than being performative.
Love this so much anon!
I agree, Charles really does seem to care about his fans. He also really does understand the importance of Ferrari and the relationship with the tifosi and he wants to perform well for them. I do think that his faith in Ferrari will be rewarded as they seem to be turning things around and I just know being WDC for Ferrari will mean the absolute world to him.
Max really is so sweet and kind and it's nice that a lot more people are starting to see that, especially with how he has handled himself in victory and in defeat! One thing I really love about Max is that he is genuine and doesn't say things because he thinks he has to. He also seems to appreciate great racing and is happy to praise other drivers.
Thanks so much for sharing your Lestappen positivity anon ❤️
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thef155 · 10 months
Note: this was posted prior to the LH->Ferrari news
I really, really hope the rumors that Carlos might have only a short-term contract extension (i.e. until the end of 2025) are true. That may be a blow to his pride, and I feel for him deeply, but breaking away from Ferrari by 2026 would be the absolute best thing for him.
If you don’t know, Carlos and Charles are both currently contracted to Ferrari until the end of 2024, and both are now currently in talks for extensions. According to La Gazetta (grain of salt required), Charles is taking a five year extension to 2029 (whyyyy Charles? why do that to yourself?). Meanwhile, Carlos has asked for a 2-year extension, but Ferrari reportedly only want to offer him 1 year for now. Carlos potentially becoming a free agent for 2026 is very significant because that's the start of the next regulations era in F1; a new formula and new rules come into play, ushering in new engines and new cars and opening up the field for new contenders. It’s also when Audi will be stepping onto the grid as they take over at Sauber (currently Alfa Romeo). Importantly, Audi have been long-rumored to be interested in Carlos as the driver they want to sign and build their new team around.
I'm not going to delve into how much Ferrari has treated Carlos like shit, because we all know that story, and none of us are actually surprised to see the team undervalue the man who keeps them afloat when all else fails and gives them their only win in a season. I don't think Ferrari ever expected Carlos to be so competitive and push il Predestinado the way he has, and now it's bit awkward for them. But the fact is that Ferrari have now gone all in on Charles with this 5-year deal, and now they have no choice but to make every other decision around that. It makes sense that they would offer just a 1-year extension if Carlos is asking for 2 years because they know a 2-year contract would be no more meaningful than a 1-year if other teams are seriously interested in Carlos. If Audi (or McLaren, if Lando leaves) really want to get Carlos for 2026, they will have no qualms about swooping in during the 2025 silly season to buy Ferrari out of Carlos’s last contract year. They know what they have with Carlos even if they aren't going to publicly recognize it, so it's in Ferrari’s best interest to keep their options open for shopping if they don’t want to risk being caught out dry in 2026.
But let’s forget all that and talk about the most interesting part of all this to me: that Carlos asked for something as short as a 2-year extension. He knows Charles is getting 5 years, so why?
This tells me that Carlos has finally begun to lose faith that Ferrari is the best place for him. That’s a pretty damn big deal, because—although this gets overshadowed by Charles’s love story with the Scuderia—Carlos’s passion for Ferrari and the Tifosi is no small thing. I think he smiled bigger on the third step of the podium at Monza than he did at Silverstone for his maiden win. Winning a WDC with Ferrari is (or was) his life’s dream.
But maybe 2023–his best year ever—is what Carlos needed to stop ignoring the writings on the wall. Maybe he’s starting to admit to himself that he’s never going to get the support (or competence) he needs from Ferrari to achieve his dreams. Maybe he's understanding that he's found success not because of Ferrari, but in spite of them.
Carlos is too good to be a No. 2 driver. We know it, Ferrari definitely knows it (and that’s their problem), and—most importantly—Carlos knows it. Ferrari can go ahead and search for someone this talented who's also willing to roll over and be their next Rubens Barrichello. Because it sure as hell won’t be Carlos Sainz, Jr.
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somanyfandomsbruh · 23 days
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i mean charles loving and bleeding red since he was a kid and begging them for a good car, for a good strategy to prioritise him but ofcourse ferrari doesn't understand shit or more specifically their own car. Charles trying to rewrite the history of ferrari disappointment by the likes of seb vettel and alonso and kimi but ofcourse he can't.
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and ferrari are stealing all the prime years of a driver by promising him that he'll be the one to bring back glory to maranello but ending in disappointment. and ofcourse does ferrari feel threatened when they find out that the tifosi will support him because they know he is devoted to red. And despite it all, he still states without a doubt he only wants to win the wdc with the red car.
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and finally he begs them to make changes but they are still sleeping and holding on to their failing mindset and almost as a prophecy it feels like they'll lose him one day to another team when they fail to help him win again, they'll lose the predistened, the one who was promised to be the best in the history of man
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nicolesainz · 2 years
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Win until you bleed (CL16)
Charles Leclerc x reader
Warnings: (my pure imagination of charles winning wdc) and a lot of fluff, maybe bad Italian and French translations
I’m so sorry if it’s short. I will repay you :)
“Verstappen’s right on his tail Crofty!” Martin Brundle exclaimed anxiously as we all saw the Red Bull going head to head with the Ferrari.
"There hasn't been a more intense battle for first place for god knows how long. So thrilling!"
Thrilling the viewers and fans say, but everyone at the Ferrari garage, including me, thought this was nail-bitting and extremely cut-throating.
I have witnessed the highs and lows of Charles. Whether from up close or from a small television. From karting victories, to European championships being lost and then being crowned as the F2 champion.
Dnf's and mistakes have come and gone during those six years in Formula one. I have seen him smile a lot, but also cry. Cheer and shout, but also angry and disappointed. A true emotional rollercoaster.
With only 3 laps to go, Max and Charles were separated by just 5 seconds and that gap needed to be kept alive, otherwise, the title battle would come to a disappointing end for Charles. He would have to see Max stand at the top of the podium again, with another championship under his belt.
"Come on Charles! Je t'aime trop pour te perdre" (I love you too much to lose you) I whispered softly, as I prayed for a positive result or for a miracle to happen.
I felt two bodies leaning beside me, only for them to be Isa's and Carlos's. Poor Carlos was unfortunate enough to suffer an engine blow. At the moment, he didn't care about himself. He only wanted Charles to win and bring to Ferrari, what would be the 16th Drivers Championship.
Championship number 16, for the driver carrying number 16.
"He will take it. I have no doubt" Isa tried to calm me down as much as she could. The couple knew how much Charles meant to me. Everyone knows me as his best friend and ultimate supporter, but that figured it out how my love for him, had altered into something bigger.
"Chiudete gli occhi e tra un minuto sarà incoronato campione del mondo." (Close your eyes and in a minute, he will be crowned world champion) Carlos uttered, equally anxious about his teammate, who was having the battle of his life out there.
"And last lap" Xavi, Chalres's race engineer said through the team radio.
Max had managed to close the gap to 3 seconds, inching closer to the car in front of him. To say that I didn't feel like throwing up my guts, would be an understatement. I always am scared whenever Chalres races but this time, I could barely open my eyes to watch the final lap, on the screen of the garage.
"Forza Charles! Puoi fare questo!" (Come on Charles. You can do this) the entire ferrari garage shouted as the last few corners were approaching
"This may be it everyone. Ferrari, after almost two decades, without being crowned champions, will give the Italians tonight, something to remember for a long long time to come" Crofty's voice echoed through my headset, sending a positive wave of energy.
"Y/N, open your eyes. This is it!" Isa and Carlos took my hands in theirs and held them very tight.
"After years of anticipation, the bells will ring again happily in the small village of Maranello. Tifosi, come out of your houses, take out your hats, flags, shirts and wave them. Because tonight, for the first time, after finishing six year in formula one and five years with ferrari, Charles Leclerc is finally, a world champion under the red!"
The screams of happiness almost shook down the garage. Tears of joy were running down my cheeks. The biggest smile was plastered on my face as I ran towards the fence and climbed it as high as possible, alongside with Carlos and the mechanics who were applauding pridefully.
"The fucker did it. He kept his promise and won! You should be proud. Because this, is just the beginning." The Spanish driver, who had managed to clinch P3 in the drivers championship, said whilst yelling for his friend and now world champion teammate.
"Molte congratulazioni Charles. Sei ufficialmente un campione del mondo, sotto il nome di Ferrari. Sei il nostro figliol prodigo. Grazie." (Many congratulations Charles. You are officially, a world champion, under the name of ferrari. You are our prodigal son. Thank you.) Fred said through the team radio, before Carlos asked him to say a few words as well
"Sono più che onorato di essere vostro compagno di squadra e amico. Oggi ci hai reso tutti molto orgogliosi. Che guida straordinaria! Sono senza parole. Goditi questo momento, perché ne stanno per arrivare molti altri. E non presentarti in ritardo sul podio, una donna speciale ti sta aspettando." (I am more than honoured to be your teammate and friend. You made us all very proud today. What an amazing drive! I am speechless. Enjoy this moment, because many more great ones are about to arrive. And don't show up late to the podium, a special lady is waiting for you.)
"Grazie a tutti per il duro lavoro svolto in questa stagione. Non posso essere più grato. Amo tantissimo questa squadra e spero di continuare a rendervi orgogliosi il più possibile. Carlos e Fred, grazie per avermi creduto e dato fiducia. Y/N, sei tutto ciò che potrei mai chiedere a una persona. Tutti vorrebbero averti al proprio fianco, ma anche se sembra meschino, sono felice che tu sia solo mia." (Thank you everyone for the hard work you have put this season. I can't be more grateful. I love this team so much and I hope to keep on making you proud for as much as possible. Carlos and Fred, thank you for believing and trusting me. Y/N, you are all I could ever ask for in a person. Everyone would want to have you by their side, but even if this sounds mean, I am happy that you are only mine.)
“Tu as fait de moi la femme la plus heureuse du monde. Cette nuit est à toi et le championnat aussi. Je suis immensément fier de ce que tu as accompli. Je t'aime plus que les mots ne peuvent le décrire.” (You made me the happiest woman in the world. This night is yours and so is the championship. I am immensely proud of what you have achieved. I love you more than words can describe.)
The view of the podium, is one sight for sore eyes. A true beauty. My best friend, the man I love, standing at the very top. Being crowned world champions means so much to Charles and to me. I get to see him be the happiest version of himself.
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When Charles got off the podium, before being wrapped to anyone else’s hug, he ran towards me and fell into my arms.
I’ve never felt my heart pounding so fast. His heavy breathing on my neck gave me tingles, which caused butterflies to crawl into my stomach.
Suddenly, his hands were free so he hugged me back, tighter and sweeter than ever before. He was mumbling something that I couldn’t really understand.
“I have to tell you something, but please, don’t freak out” Charles looked me deeply in the eyes, as if he was about to say something groundbreaking
“You’re scaring me. Are you alright?” I am full of worry and anxiety runs all over my body
“It’s a proposal. I need to ask you a very serious question-“
“Charles if there’s anything I can-“ I don’t even manage to finish my phrase when he blurts out
“Would you want to be my girlfriend? Honestly, there’s no other person I’d like to share my life with more than you. I see you more often than my own siblings and it’s up to the point I call you my family. I love you in all the ways you could possibly think and my heart breaks at the single thought of not having you close to me”
I fought the urge to not jump on him and wrap my body around his so hard, but unfortunately failed. The night became even better than it already was.
“I’d love more than anything else to be your girlfriend. No matter the circumstance, I will always love you Charles. Seeing you smile is my source of happiness and I wouldn’t change it.”
That night, was one, I’d never forget in my life. Nor I ever intend to. It’s the euphoria that keeps me sane and his love that runs in my veins.
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fellow-meme-lover · 3 months
it’s hard to be a fan of both carlos and charles when charles gets constant favorable treatment from the team, from the fans, all the way up to the fia. it’s suspicious to me that he didn’t get a penalty for deliberately crashing into lando and i suspect it has to do with lobbying by fred and his manager (this goes way back, it shouldn’t be allowed for the son of the fia president to manage a driver). now he’s using the media to turn tifosi against carlos, even though carlos was already forced out. it’s politics and it’s insidious.
ferrari will regret keeping charles
hi anon!! congrats you are officially my first ask which makes me very happy. I agree to the extent that there is definitely a bit of politics and favoritism at play when it comes to the treatment of Charles and Carlos in ferrari, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and not get the tin foil hat out too quickly, especially since I’ve seen the inverse where people try to accuse Carlos of wild conspiracy theories against Charles. I’m also trying to give Charles the benefit of the doubt as well, as he strikes me as the type of person who doesn’t think very deeply about the consequences of things he says or does and instead becomes overruled by his emotions in the heat of the moment, but I don’t think that excuses him from being criticized for what he said about Carlos. He was upset about a lackluster race and so he lashed out at Carlos (and we know this isn’t the first time he’s publicly chewed Carlos out after a bad race), and he said remarks that he knew would cut, because he was upset and wanted to hurt Carlos in return. The unfortunate byproduct (I don’t think it was the intention) is he mobilized the toxic lecfosi who, following the behavior of their driver, decided to rip into Carlos too.
All I can say about next year is that it’s going to be crazy with lecfosi and teamlh and I will support both from afar but I will NOT be taking part in those fandoms.
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slythereen · 11 months
nooo anon about the booing you’re so unfortunately right :( the only thing keeping me skeptical about the charles to rbr thing is that charles likes to be loved, and the tifosi loves him (worships him even). i think if he moved to rbr that… wouldn’t be the case. i think he’d go from f1’s most generally well liked driver (out of the drivers that people usually have opinions on) to potentially a villain real fast. it makes me sooo upset!!!
i sort of agree with you, but... only sort of. i don't think charles is that much of a people pleaser. yes, he's really sweet and nice and genuine and everyone who meets him adores him, but he's also very unapologetically ruthless about his ambitions. he's been far nicer to ferrari than ferrari deserves... but he's now openly said if it doesn't work, he's going to have to leave so that he can win.
because he wants to win. p2 is first loser, pole isn't enough, he's so competitive he used to smash xbox controllers like a heathen and tried to drown max. there was that one story about how he refused to talk to his mechanic/engineer(?) for a week after not giving him the tyres he wanted or whatever it was. he still goes deadly silent and pissed on radio when he doesn't get what he wants. he also loves the tifosi very, very much and will always have a strong connection to them and would hate to lose their love/support, i agree, but i think that's more so about their shared bond and how much he appreciates them than about charles innately wanting to be liked.
i also do really think he'd take a lot of their support with him. maybe they'd still be tifosi and loyal to ferrari first, but it would be a ferrari+charles sort of love.
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leclerc-s · 6 months
wait, there's another one of you?
series masterlist
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isabellaperez posted new stories
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this booger picked me up from the airport and then decided to mock me for buying food at the airport. little outfit change because it's not hoodie season in mexico. i ditched the booger and picked up my comfort food. no i will not be sharing, they're all mine.
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lando norris someone want to explain to me who the guy in isabella's story is?
isabella perez my fucking brother? gael? dulce perez it's our brother.
charles leclerc wait, there's another one of you??
max verstappen how do you people not know this?
mae jones i didn't know...
daphne jones i did know, nice kid. i don't know how he's related to isabella.
sebastian vettel he used to come to races all the time, and then their dad died and he stopped coming.
dulce perez we all bonded with dad over f1. it was harder for gael because he was karting when dad passed. he gave up on the sport after that.
isabella perez haven't you heard, he's a big shot actor now. HE WORKED WITH THE SEBASTIAN STAN!!
penelope trevino your taste in men needs to be studied. under a microscope. isabella perez i don't really have a crush on sebastian stan. i have a crush on bucky barnes. it's very different. penelope trevino oh yeah, that makes so much sense.
max verstappen the worst thing is that he's a ferrari fan too 🙄
charles leclerc LET'S GO!!
lewis hamilton i will never understand how checo's own blood aren't red bull fans.
dulce perez he was a ferrari academy driver with jules. it's practically in our blood to be tifosi. i just like to support my uncle, the other two are heathens.
esteban ocon we have to meet this guy!
lance stroll when can we meet him? carlos sainz are we allowed to meet him? dulce perez never. my brother will not be tainted by you nerds.
rowan todd listen, i understand the boys, but seeing as we work together with marvel. good luck keeping me away from him.
rowan todd wait-
rowan todd in the sense that, we're going to become besties. work besties if you will.
lance stroll pierre just let out a sigh of relief.
pierre gasly do you know how to shut the fuck up? if so, please do so. lance stroll why would i when you're so easy to tease?
max verstappen you have to bring him to a race soon. it's only fair! i will turn him into a red bull fan.
isabella perez listen, uncle checo driving for red bull is temporary, however long that may last, but ferrari is forever. you just have to deal with this max, uncle checo does.
carlos sainz max is just surrounded by tifosi isn't he?
max verstappen oh shut up carlos.
carlos sainz is the little one still a huge charles fan?
daniel ricciardo he called my move to mclaren the worst mistake of my life. daniel ricciardo he's also a little shit. but we love him max verstappen NO! YOU LOVE HIM! i tolerate him at best.
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fernando alonso when you say patito, you don't mean pato o'ward, do you?
isabella perez i do! they were best friends growing up!
dulce perez wow, you are dumb.
dulce perez ask gael. maybe he'll answer the question.
lando norris someone could be in love with her and she would never notice.
daniel ricciardo i can't wait for the day i get to witness that
daphne jones don't be mean. she's not dumb, just oblivious.
pierre gasly this is like that time that guy asked for her number and she gave him dulce's number.
arthur leclerc WHAT THE FUCK? WHEN WAS THIS?
max verstappen arthur right now, probably
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charles leclerc can confirm that is what arthur sounded like.
max verstappen at least someone appreciates my comedic genius. natalia ruiz he's in love with you charles leclerc literally shut up?
daphne jones like i said, you're oblivious.
freya vettel at least put us all out of our misery and ask out cute prema guy
isabella perez i can't.
esteban ocon the fuck do you mean you can't?
lance stroll wait. don't fucking say it isabella
isabella perez i got back together with austin
fernando alonso OTRA VEZ? ISABELLA, NO PUEDES SEGUIR HACIENDO ESTO! (again? isabella, you can't keep doing this!)
isabella perez but he said things would be different this time!
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gael perez dime que no es verdad isabella! (tell me it's not true isabella!)
isabella perez that depends, what are we talking about?
dulce perez cut the bullshit. why would you do this?
isabella perez HEY YOU KNOW WHY! I LOVE HIM!
gael perez i'm gonna die and my sister's still going to be dating that lunatic.
dulce perez at this rate i'm going to get back with arthur and she's still going to be with him.
isabella perez let's talk about dulce's problems instead!
gael perez old news, we all know she's still in love arthur but in denial about it.
isabella perez by the way, was patito ever anything more than your friend?
gael perez i have to go.
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isabella perez dulce is a snitch who's still in love with her ex and my brother dated his best friend.
max verstappen no, tell us more. as the children say, spill the tea sis.
mae jones i forget you have a broken childhood.
charles leclerc tell us something we don't already know.
dulce perez literally fuck you guys. i don't have to sit here and take this.
dulce perez i have class now.
pierre gasly coward.
dulce perez call me a coward again gasly. i know all your secrets.
lance stroll she's sort of scary sometimes.
daniel ricciardo she's a middle child. of course she knows everything.
daphne jones i love her.
max verstappen i'm kinda scared of her now. what else does she know?
dulce perez i know everything verstappen. all of you confide in me because i'm the only 'normal' one here.
dulce perez AND I KNEW ABOUT DANIEL'S PROPOSAL BEFORE ANYONE ELSE SO SUCK IT FUCKERS! (except for seb, lewis, and nando. i love you guys.)
daniel ricciardo would you look at the time. i have to go walk my kangaroo.
fernando alonso coward!
daniel ricciardo no shame about it!
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @prongsvault @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @chezmardybum @d3kstar @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @suicidepanda07 @minmira95 @vroomvroom95 @scuderiadevils @lilsiz @ssararuffoni @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @cowboylikemets1989 @rmeddar123 @kaa212 @anxxiousaries
not taggable: @Mimolovescookies @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @Smnthnclj @melissayalene @nothanqks @ragioniera @anytimeanywherebitchblog @burberryfilms @lorenaskaspersen @My-fangirling-outlet
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¡leclerc-s speaks! if i hadn’t mentioned this character before that’s because he was literally made up like last week. i also just love danny ramirez and i had to include him somehow. this entire series is just me putting together all my interests in one. also my love for pato, i love him so much. i have too many stories and don't have time to update them all so i just create more to ignore the bigger issue.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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Hello Luci, I wanted to tell you that you have been like a racing guru to me. This year I decided to commit myself more to F1, because in previous years I had been a more casual spectator and your blog has helped me a lot with that purpose, because your analysis of the races are so interesting, that it has made me realize that I really enjoy the side. which is not so visible in races. That being said, I wanted to ask you something and as the insane Ferrari fan that you are, I'm sure you'll have it. So what do you think makes the Tifosi so devoted to Charles? What makes him so special to them? He is so loved and adored by fans in such a unique way. It is easy to see that Charles generates a much greater commitment than any other driver, that even other teams take advantage of this. I know about his journey to get to F1 and about his success with Ferrari, but I would still like to know your opinions about this commitment on the part of the fans and the love of the Tifosi.
Hi, thank you so much, that means so much to hear. I am so happy you are enjoying the secret invisible race that happens in the numbers of it all.
To answer your question it's pretty simple. Charles has always been one of the Tifosi. They recognize that in him. He is just as insane and always has been that insane about Ferrari, and that obviously resonates deeply with the Tifosi. Not only that he's pretty open about it, there have been other drivers in the past who loved Ferrari and were crazy about it, but they weren't routinely saying some of the insane things Charles says about Ferrari. But his line of there is only one team that has ever mattered to him, and his constant support of the dream not matter what is exactly what the Tifosi want.
There's "I love Ferrari" but then there is Charles with "If being in a cage equals being in Ferrari, then I would like to be in a cage for my entire life"
Monza also was a spiritual experience that the Tifosi will always remember. That win there, with their insane new Tifoso driver winning at Monza, it was truly iconic.
A big part of it was he really only wanted Ferrari. We've had beloved drivers come from other teams, drivers who have given so much to Ferrari but then moved on, drivers who love the team but we know would go somewhere else if an offer was on the table. Then there is Charles whose dream since he was five was to race in Formula One for Ferrari, he didn't want another team he always wanted the red car. He is a one team type of driver and that one team is Ferrari.
In summary, Charles is an insane Ferrari fan and that is highly relatable to the other insane Ferrari fans.
I could go on, but at the risk of writing 10k words on this topic hopefully that gives you an idea.
(also no one take any of what I have said as slights to other drivers, we love Seb and Kimi and appreciate Carlos in this garage)
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