#tiger eye crystal benefits
webcrawler3000 · 1 year
Crystals used to read cards:
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boundinparchment · 3 months
Fortuna Minor
This is for @threadbaresweater's Summertime (and the livin' is easy) collab event! The chosen prompt was Il Dottore and "starry nights and stargazing" but goes off the rails a little bit to encompass the melancholy of that gap when old friends are left behind (and maybe found again).
On AO3 here || Words: 1563 || Gender-neutral reader, parting of ways, finding friends again. References to Genshin's lore regarding fate and based on the theory that Zandik is Dottore.
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The quiet between you and anyone else would be disconcerting, enough to throw off your measurements and interrupt your thoughts.  But that was precisely why you’d invited Zandik out to the open fields tonight. 
You needed to look up at the sky and anchor yourself one more time to the unchanging stars above.
This was your last night.
Tomorrow, you would be somewhere else.  Perhaps in a pocket between leylines.  Or dead.
At some point, the theoretical had to become tangible.  And the only way to know was to try.  You’d defended your third dissertation and now could wander as you pleased with the title of Dashtur, provided your project was approved.
What the Sages didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
“I’m sorry I won’t be going with you,” you said, the words so soft you wondered if you only spoke them in your head.
As you pulled your eyes away from the astrolabe to write down measurements, you caught movement out of the corner of your eye.  Blades of grass bent and gave way underfoot, their destiny already predetermined to contain their own semi-destruction.
“Sohreh will miss you,” Zandik replied.
“Sohreh will miss my chai,” you replied, casting a pointed look at him through your lashes.  “Her theories about evolution are contrary to the laws my darshan has established regarding the world we live in.  She does not appreciate my company.”
Not like you do.
Zandik didn’t so much laugh as he did scoff, silence taking his tongue again.  He was not good with sentimental moments and you asked him here knowing that.
Between the three of you, Spantamad and Amurta and Rtawahist came together in a unique way that often put your integrity and ethics in the line of fire; it was not uncommon for darshans to work together but when it came to the child from the forest who was one of the youngest scholars this century…
“The ruins won’t be anything remarkable, I’m sure,” he said at last.  “Not compared to the Primordial Sea that was discussed in those texts of yours.  And certainly nothing like the machines of the desert.  The Eremites speak of technology different from that of the Dahri.  Smaller, more agile devices and creations, utilizing electro energy stores in crystals.  They supposedly convert the beating rays of the sun.”
In the distance, you peered over your telescope and saw the cresting point of King Deshret’s empire.  The light emitted from the pyramid made your work difficult some nights, polluting the sky and ruining the magnificence above.  Special lenses had to be created for various pieces of equipment purely to counteract the phenomenon.
Without them, you wouldn’t have found the corner of the constellation you were looking for.
“Ah, there you are,” you hissed.
You adjusted the pitch and focus before you held up your sextant to measure the coordinates.  After a moment, you continued Zandik’s topic.
“You say supposedly but you speak as if you know.”
Zandik approached, closing the distance, and held a purple crystal set in bronze between his thumb and forefinger.  It was a few inches long, easily rivaling some of the jewels you saw on the Sages’ fingers.
“Where did you—?”
“Caravan Ribat.”
You scrunched your face; it took at least a day to get to the edge of the Wall, let alone a round trip.  It was difficult in a group when there were so many tigers out that way.  A Corp of Thirty escort was often needed if scholars wanted to go that far west.
“The benefit of being an outcast,” he said, a smug smile tugging at his lips.
He was going to get himself killed one day if he kept to himself and continued to look into devices not sanctioned by the Akademiya.  There weren’t many but anything from the desert was considered primitive and not worth the time.  After all, Deshret succumbed to Forbidden Knowledge; he was a prime example of looking too deeply.
“What do you intend to do with it?” you asked as you ignored the hammering of your heart.
“I’ve begun to hypothesize that there might be some compatibility between the mechanisms of the Dahri and Deshret’s creations.  They both rely on elemental energy and pull from the leylines beneath our feet.  But they utilize it differently…Deshret was clearly inspired by those who came before him.  Imagine what might be possible if we could harness that power for ourselves, instead of giving it to machines without cognitive abilities…”
He continued on well into the night, regaling you with ideas while you measured and counted star after star, charting your course.  After all, you needed a map to determine the direction to go in.  
And a memory of this night.  Of him.
As you walked back to the Akademiya, equipment in your arms, Zandik shattered the quiet that came peacefully with a conclusion of a tangent, startling the nearby shroomboar.  It gave a huff but then fell back into a slumber, no doubt dreaming of Zaytun Peaches and Sweetflower.
“You’re onto something, you know.”
“Elaborate,” you chuckled.  “I’ve got at least three ideas bouncing around any given time.”
“Defying fate.  How most think it impossible because the stars never change with the seasons.  Constellations burning out and on occasion, renewing themselves.  Everything is made up of energy, even stars, and the laws of entropy dictate that energy cannot cease existing, it just takes a different form.  And if everything is elemental energy, then the ley lines that house them are veins, no?  Or perhaps roots for something else.  Plants leech their energy from the soil and the sun.”
“Humans are unrooted, though,” you countered.
“Not to the stars.  It is impossible not to look up and stare.  Find a single human who does not take a second every night to look up.”
“It’s a little too abstract just yet.  My expedition should yield some evidence one way or another, as will yours.  I do wish the timing was better.”
Zandik looked up for a second, red eyes scanning the sky and tracing lines that you knew by heart.  His constellation was up there, somewhere, but you learned early on not to pry when he didn’t give his alongside Sohreh and the others.  He kept it close.  And around you, the Rtawahist student who dared to consider that stars should be moveable, that between gravity and the rotation of the world, things should change.
“We’ll meet again.  One way or another,” he said at last.  “Under a different set of stars.”
You could tell from the angle of his head and the purse of his lips that he had more to say.  So much more.  Much like his constellation, he held them back, whatever sentiments he held in his head kept so far under wraps that you were certain not even drink would pry them loose.
He looked at you just once before you parted ways for the night and you buried the selfish pang in your chest to steal him away.  Your work was done here.  
His, on the other hand, had only just begun.
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Snow crunched and cracked under your boot as you trekked through the tundra, auroras dancing above you.  Your lungs burned not with excretion but from the frigid climate, so cold that it seared your very bones.
Why had he come here of all places?  Couldn’t he have gone to the desert, where at least the sun showed itself year round?
Hunting down your old companion was something out of a Fontainian murder mystery.  Sumeru changed drastically upon your return and you came to find that traveling through the veins of the world affected not only space but time.  Somehow, Zandik defied the average lifespan and while the trail grew cold, the Eremites in the desert knew the description you provided so vividly that you wondered if you were hallucinating.
Funny.  He left his homeland and yet still maintained a professional connection with the mercenaries of the desert.  A single solitary crumb.
One that, upon your arrival to the facility, made you question if you had enough evidence to back up who you claimed to be.  The human mind eroded quickly after a certain decade and your companion was, well…several centuries old.  
You were taken aback when you recognized short teal hair and an enthusiastic gait, wild gestures and a boisterous tone.  The side of him that only showed itself when your group was deep within a debate and working on weaving various threads together for an idea.
But that wasn’t actually Zandik, you quickly discovered, when you were led to an office that held an air of foreboding.
“You’re not him?” you asked your escort.
“I am, but I’m not.  I remember you but I’ve never met you.  He knew of your arrival hours ago.  The door is open.”
Questions filled your mind and began to overflow but the not-Zandik turned heel and left before you could ask another.  How had a scholar from Sumeru, one accused of various sins in his pursuits of knowledge and accused of the murder of his friend (were they just friends, you wondered), now the Second Fatui Harbinger?  A role that rivaled a Sage, so close to divinity, he might as well have…
You pushed the door open and met a pair of red eyes so striking, you would know them anywhere.
“Hello, Zandik.”
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
FREYA (a deity deep dive & some UPG)
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⚔️Who Is Freya?⚔️
Freya is a Norse goddess of war, love, beauty, sex, pleasure, magic, and so much more! Its very hard to summarize the extent of her powers, and what knowledge remains of her through artifacts and myths suggests she was once as complex a deity as Odin (bearing many alternate names and ruling over so many aspects of life). I took inspiration from @coinandcandle for the layout of this post. Hopefully that isn't a problem! If I get any information wrong or site sources that someone else discovers to be unreliable, I am open to feedback! Note: some of this is UPG, and I'm very clear when I'm stating UPG. If there's any confusion, feel free to message me!
⚔️Parents & Siblings⚔️
-Njördr (Freya's father, a Vanir god)
-Njördr's Unnamed Sister (Freya's mother, who some scholars speculate is Nerthus, yet it remains a mystery)
-Freyr (Freya's brother, a Vanir god)
⚔️Significant Other⚔️
-Odr (Freya's husband, a mysterious wandering god who is suspiciously like Odin)
-Hnoss (Freya's daughter)
-Gersemi (Freya's daughter)
-Hörn (meaning "flaxen", probably in reference to her hair)
-Gefn (meaning "the giver")
-Syr (meaning "sow" a creature that was associated with fertility like Freya)
-Valfreyja (meaning "lady of the slain", as Freya is the goddess who picks and rules over half the slain warriors in her hall Sessrúmnir, in the field of Fólkvangr.)
-Mardöll (meaning "sea-brightener" or "one who makes the sea shine") Note: I always think of her making her father Njördr proud, as a way of making the sea shine, but that is UPG.
-Vanadis (meaning "Vanir goddess")
⚔️Important Notes⚔️
-Freya is famous for her beauty, and her lavish taste. An example of this is her iconic necklace Brísingamen. She acquired this necklace by sleeping one night with each of the dwarves who made it. In return they made the necklace (which is said to have been gorgeous and forged out of gold with amber beads).
-Something that also confirms that amber and gold are sacred to the goddess Freya would be the story of how she cries tears that turn to gold when they touch the earth and to amber when they fall on the sea. Its important to note that she cries these tears for her husband Odr who has not returned in a long time from his wandering journeys. Below is a picture of the famous artwork that depicts her tears by Gustav Klimt:
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-Oh, and Freya rides a chariot pulled by cats. Pretty cool, huh? The original cat lady. Cats are sacred to her, so if you want to honor her be sure to treat feline friends with extra respect and adoration!
-When she doesn't ride her chariot, Freya is said to ride her boar into battle. The boar's name is name is Hildisvíni (meaning battle swine).
-Freya possesses yet another treasure: her falcon cloak. This magical cloak of falcon feathers helps her to fly with the ease of a falcon. Therefore, its safe to say that falcons are sacred to this goddess.
-Despite being a goddess of sex and pleasure, Freya is not easily won over. The myths reveal she wont just sleep with anyone. Many giants sought to steal her away and wed her, yet she never caved and slept with someone she didn't see the benefit in sleeping with. In my UPG, she is a very independent goddess.
⚔️Modern Deity Work⚔️
Correspondences (These are based off of my UPG)
-falcon's eye (also called blue tigers eye)
-rose quartz
-lily of the valley
Offering Ideas
-cinnamon tea with honey
-sweet decadent foods
-pieces of amber
-cat figurines
-jewelry (specifically necklaces)
Acts Of Devotion
-spending time caring for cats
-fighting for what you believe in
-standing up for yourself
-being respectful of your own and others sexualities
-beauty routines
-glamour magic
-learning seidr
-connecting with magic in whatever form feels right for you
-practicing being more loving and compassionate
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How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice | Witch Tips
How should you celebrate the summer solstice? Also known as Litha, the summer solstice is one of the best times of year to manifest. It’s great for performing spells to increase abundance, passion, creativity, health and protection.  With the vital power of the sun at its highest point, we have the longest day of the year to embrace life.
What can you do to celebrate the Summer Solstice?
Here are some tips you can practice as a witch or spiritual being who wants to get the most out of this special time.
Go outside & soak in the suns energy
Spend time enjoying the sun and its energy as it can purify and restore you spiritually.
Watch a sunrise or sunset
Embrace time outside by seeing the sun at its highest point, when it rises or when it sets. Regardless of when you’re able to get outside, take a second to appreciate the suns glow.
Light candles or have a bonfire
Traditionally, a bonfire and fire jumping were common practices during the Celtics celebrations of Litha. It was said that jumping or crossing through the fire would bring good luck. Please be mindful not to burn yourself, but it can be great to sit near a fire during this time. If a fire is not possible, lighting of a candle can also be done to invoke the energy of the sun.
Infuse solar water by leaving a glass of water in sunlight
Letting the suns rays infuse water can be done for many reasons. Some witches use Sun water similar to the popular Moon water where they will use the infused water in rituals and spellwork. You can opt to drink your solar water for the benefits of the sun (although please do not drink stagnant water and be mindful to refrigerate the water and drink it only within a day or two).  You can use the solar water to water plants, cleanse crystals, cleanse your home, make sprays and infusions, etc.
Decorate with gold, yellow, red, orange, green, blue and white
Gold and yellow represent the suns rays. They also symbolize abundance, joy, confidence and optimism.
Red for passion. strength and courage.
Orange for vitality, health, joy and creativity.
Green represents the grass, nature, and the flourishing of new life.
Blue as an opposing color for the flames of the solstice to help balance with the calming, relaxing, watery colors of blue.
White because it is aways appropriate as it purifies and represents all colors.
Use herbs like rosemary, marigold, calendula
Herbs best used during the summer solstice include Rosemary, Marigold, Calendula, Rose, St. John's Wort (do not ingest if you take SSRI medication), Chamomile, Mugwort, Lavender, Hemp, Vervain, Sage, Mint and Thyme.
Use crystals like citrine, carnelian or sunstone
The best crystals to use during the summer solstice include citrine, carnelian, sunstone, golden healer quartz, amber, tiger’s eye, topaz, pyrite, peridot.
Use fire elements in your magickal rituals
Using the colors, herbs and crystals listed above. As well as incorporating flames, candle magick, fire related sigils, flame readings, etc.
Incorporate fire elements in your altar
See above for colors, herbs, and crystals to consider including in your altar. Having gold decoration pieces on your altar can be great at this time.  You can also include fairies and Fae themed items on your altar to represents the connection to Fae at this time.
Pratice magick & gratitude
Summer solstice is a heightened time for magickal workings making it perfect to do your spell work, rituals and manifestations. It’s also important to practice gratitude for what the first half of the year has given us, for the seeds that have bloomed from the spring, and for the remainder of the year still ahead of us. Taking time to be grateful for all that we have in life is always a blessed opportunity and the summer solstice is a great time for reflection and shining a light on areas of our lives we want to improve upon.
Strengthen your connection with Faeries / Fae
Summer solstice is known as one of the best times of year for the veil to thin between our realm and the realm of the Fae. With the veil thin, it can be a great time to strengthen your relationship with the Fae by leaving them offerings and paying attention to notice their presence as you enjoy your blissful and abundant day.   You can invite them to live in your garden or plants around your property.   There is also the dance of the Fae, where many practitioners will dance and let loose to help invoke your intentions an inviting the Fae to join.
Please do note, the Fae can be quite impish and mischievous, so it is important to wear protection and do your research beforehand if you haven’t worked with them before.
Some lovely offerings to leave the Faeries include:
Herbs (see list above)
Flowers / Flower Crowns
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apolloendymion · 6 months
emergency divination readings!🃏🔮☕💎🕯️
tarot, runes, tea leaves, pendulum, and crystals!
(info on my situation here)
for $5, you may choose one of the following:
single card or rune (see deck options below)
tea leaf reading
crystal chip scattering (see crystal list below)
pendulum reading (see pendulum options below)
additional cards/runes [$1 each]
my cat will choose your card(s)/rune(s) (see cat pic & bio below) [$2]
my dog will choose your card(s)/rune(s) (see dog pic & bio below) [$2]
I'll recommend a deity/spiritual entity to guide you based on your query and results; you may ask for an entity from a specific culture if you'd like (open practices only!) [$5]
please dm me with proof of payment, your choice of divination method, any add-ons or preferences, and a clear, single-sentence query. you may provide extra context to assist with the reading. tips and dona.tions appreciated.
🕯️ vnm 🃏 cshpp 🔮 gfndme ☕
options and photos of my equipment (& cute pets!) beneath the cut:
deck options:
standard smith-waite: tiny (smaller than a US quarter), pocket size (comparable to a business card), and standard size
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nonstandard smith-waite: the somnia tarot by nicolas bruno (incredible photography project. eerie, dreamlike, liminal, yet the physical props give it a more grounded, tangible feel than your average deck.), the tattoo tarot (stunning art, if you like clean but complex designs, classic playing card artwork, or traditional western tattoo art, this deck will really resonate with you.), the literary tarot (each card depicts classic literary characters from around the world; deck sales benefited charity. my personal favorite. every detail is carefully crafted to appeal to book lovers. elaborate, shiny, magical. also they gave odysseus top surgery scars)
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specialty decks: the caretaker (@cryptotheism, formerly @normal-horoscopes)'s normal tarot deck (completely original oracle deck, feels liminal and dark, but somehow peaceful; great for someone pondering deep mysteries or looking for advice in hard times), moreno & quijada's sonoran tarot (smith-waite's major arcana only; stunning and vibrant watercolors of sonoran desert wildlife. really showcases the power and wonder of the natural world. local purchase from indie artists who I've personally met)
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if you'd like me to use a specific tarot spread template, please let me know. otherwise i will choose the best option for your query + number of cards. you can also pick a spread mat, if you like! you don't need to purchase enough cards to fill the mat; i can get creative with the placement. just let me know if you want the floral mat or the bunny mat:
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other options:
pendula: metal (this was a gift and i don't know what it's made of; brass maybe? gold in color.), howlite, glass beads with sea turtle scene
crystal chips: red jasper, various quartz, flourite, lapis lazuli, lace agate, tigers eye, sunstone, sodalite, bismuth. all stones can be thrown, or you/i can choose 5-10 specific stones that resonate with your query.
runes: elder futhark, white clay, handmade. wyrd optional.
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my kitty cat, nachtus:
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nacht came into my life through my current girlfriend, who has had him since he was born. every time she went into the room with his litter, he scrambled up her pant leg like he knew she would be his favorite person. he's about 2 years old now, and loves cuddles, belly rubs, q-tips, waking up our boyfriend in the middle of the night, bothering people while they're gaming, and sitting on my gf's shoulder like a parrot.
my puppy dog, misha:
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misha came into my life through my current boyfriend, who has had him since he was a puppy. he was a rescue, along with his brother oakley, who went with my boyfriend's sister. misha is a chug (chihuahua-pug mix) and is estimated to be around 8 years old. he loves cuddles, being swaddled in blankets, barking at strangers, lying on the softest pillows he can find, and zoomies!
thanks so much for taking the time to read this. it means more than you know.
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simplyspiritualyt · 1 year
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This gemstone set includes 72 pieces of natural crystals, including at least 15 of the types listed below, such as Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Rhodonite, Tiger's Eye, Obsidian, Fluorite, Lepidolite, Red Jasper, Mookaite Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Dragon Blood Jasper, Ocean Jasper, Howlite, Mahogany Obsidian, Unakite, Crazy Lace Agate, South Africa Red Agate, Colorful Agate and more.
The crystals are tumbled and polished to a smooth surface and have a variety of shapes and sizes. They are ideal for placing on the crystal grids cards or using as thumb stones, palm stones or pocket stones. The crystals are about 0.5 inches in size.
The crystals have various healing properties and can be used for chakra balancing, energy therapy, meditation, reiki, witchcraft and other spiritual practices. They can also enhance your intuition, creativity and manifestation abilities.
The gemstone set is a perfect gift for yourself or your loved ones who are interested in crystals and their benefits. It can also be used as a beautiful home decor item that adds color and positive vibes to your space.
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shyambaba7773 · 1 year
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The benefits of tiger eye bracelet are to protect the one, lower blood pressure, increase strength, Increase bravery, Brings hoper & solutions to any problems you have, Brings Wealth, Brings Luck, Raises Awareness, Enhance willpower, and Removes Negative energy. A tiger eye bracelet is usually worn during the darkest times in one’s life. It’s also believed to stimulate taking the correct actions and helps one in making tough decisions. Tiger eye bracelets have many benefits. This is what makes a tiger eye bracelet such a power crystal/stone. Tiger eye bracelets’ benefits exceed our limitations, and no one truly knows all the tiger eye benefits.
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andrewmoocow · 1 year
Little Homeworld Life chapter 17: Little Homeworld Idol (originally published on April 17, 2023)
AN: I have to admit, I'm not that much of a songwriter in the sense that I don't write many original songs. I usually prefer to make themed parodies of existing songs, like a parody of You'll Be Back from Hamilton themed around The Terminator! That said, Steven Universe has some amazing songs and I really hope to capture the spirit of Aivi and Surasshu's compositions in the songs you shall hear, er, read today. I'll try my best here, please give me the benefit of the doubt.
Synopsis: The Gems hold a talent competition.
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Tiger's Eye
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Volleyball
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Jon Wurster as Marty
T-Pain as Sam Galley
Gal Gadot as Desert Glass
Willa Holland as Albite
Maddie Ziegler as Serpentine
Courtenay Taylor as Beryl
Billie Eilish as Turquoise
Featuring Tim Gunn as Tristan Wheeler
With RuPaul as Willie McCarthy
Christian Slater as Brock Ridley
And Emily King as Kunzite
"Welcome one and all to our very first Little Homeworld Idol!" Bismuth's voice declared as spotlights shined on the Beach-A-Palooza stage. "We got ourselves an impressive roster of singers here tonight, but first, let us get introduced to our judges!"
"First off, we have the Broadway sensation and star of classics like Death of a Salesman, Angels in America, and Cats, Brock Ridley!" A scruffy, long-nosed man in a red knit cap with a five o'clock shadow sat at the judges' stand with his legs kicked up on the table.
"Thank you, thank you, everybody." Brock Ridley thanked his adoring fans of humans and Gems. "This was not how I'd expect to spend my day, but I'll take what I can get."
"Next up is the fashion model, reality show host, and gender-nonconforming icon, Willie McCarthy!" A handsome and bald dark-skinned man dressed in an extravagant suit started blowing kisses to his fans.
"Pleasure to be here, my friends." Willie said as they struck a pose for his fans. "And be sure to catch my lifestyle reality series What A Drag, Wednesday nights on The DW!"
"Next up, it's famous fashion designer, animal rights activist, and academic Tristan Wheeler!" The spotlights shined next on an aged fellow in a black suit and glasses, who politely waved to the audience.
"Good evening, everybody." Tristan Wheeler greeted the viewers while straightening his suit. "Let's have a good clean competition, shall we?"
"And for our final judge, we have…." Bismuth announced before her showmanship faltered in absolute confusion. "Marty?! How did he get here?!"
"Hey, sorry I'm late, everybody!" Marty exclaimed as he pulled up a steel chair to sit beside the judges. "I just flew in from Keystone and my arms sure are tired!"
"Who let him here?" Pearl asked as the Crystal Gems and Sam Galley stood backstage.
"Hey, don't forget who's sponsoring this event!" Marty yelled before turning on one of the monitors to read, "LITTLE HOMEWORLD IDOL, BROUGHT TO YOU BY COOKIE CAT. HE'S THE PET FOR YOUR TUMMY!"
"I was the guy who organized this event! How did I not see that?!" Sam exclaimed at the monitor. Further backstage, the Rutile Rebels had gathered for Black Rutile's latest scheme.
"This is utterly genius! Thanks to my genius manipulations, I have convinced that talent agent to put this shlock together and make the Crystal Gems believe this was all his idea! Humans love competition, which should be a perfect excuse to gather more supporters!" Black Rutile proclaimed eagerly. "And naturally, we should also be performing our own song."
"What are you suggesting, my Rutile?" Holly Blue asked.
"Cat, hand me your phone." Black Rutile commanded the feline-like former attorney as she was handed Cat's smartphone and presented her minions with social media threads galore. "In my extensive research of the social media sites these humans love so much, it seems that the musicians that are lusted after the most are Korean boy bands and male pop stars." Scrolling through more posts, Black Rutile saw many ways for people to express their adoration of these celebrities. "Usually, they express their worship of these young men through writing fanfiction of real people or making what they call "fan-cams" of them."
"Wait, you can write fanfiction about real people?" Eyeball asked confusedly. "But aren't they, you know, real?"
"Exactly, but apparently, that doesn't matter to them." Black Rutile replied. "More to the point, that is why we shall emulate these performers for our act and earn ourselves the most applause when it is time for us to perform. Afterward, we shall reap the rewards and drown in how many new followers we gain!"
"Oh, that is utterly splendid!" Aquamarine cheered and clapped at her master's brilliant idea. "This might be one of your best plans yet, my Rutile!"
"Yes, yes, I am a genius. I'm well aware of that." Black Rutile blushed cutely. "Now then, get to work on preparing our act!"
"So, who are you guys betting on to win this?" Tiger's Eye asked as she sat down in the audience with Desert Glass, Albite, Serpentine, and Beryl. "I'm personally placing my money on Lapis!"
"Ooh, a duet between Amethyst and Jasper." Desert Glass replied with interest. "I wonder how utterly chaotic it will be."
"I'd like to see what Black Rutile has planned." Albite added. "I think I heard she has something big planned!"
"They got a special surprise performance at the end! I want to know who it is!" Beryl cheered excitedly.
"Good evening everyone, and welcome to Little Homeworld Idol." Garnet announced as she stood on stage. "Tonight, we are going to have Gems demonstrate their musical skills to see who is the most talented, judged by a panel of experts. And Marty."
"I've always wondered about the musical talents of extraterrestrials." Willie stated as the first performers took to the stage. "Okay, you two, give us some names. We're wasting daylight here!"
"My name is Amethyst, this is Jasper, and we're gonna sing a little sibling duet!" Amethyst announced while holding out a cane for Jasper to take. "Hit it, sis!"
"Understood." Jasper obeyed before smashing a hole in the stage.
"No, I meant to hit the music, as in turn it on." Amethyst corrected the orange Gem.
"You know, you could've just said "Turn on the music" instead." Jasper replied before she turned on a jazzy, big-band tune. "You know, Amethyst, being so small really gives you a leg up on the world!"
"Oh, you bet, sistah!" Amethyst proclaimed before she started singing while spinning her cane. "A little guy like me can see what others can't see! Yet being so tall makes you want to have a ball!"
"You may be a total shrimp, but you have lots of heart!" Jasper added. "But I'd be nothing if we were apart!"
"The two of us, so different, yet also so alike!" the two quartzes sang harmoniously while forming a kickline. "Someone better call the shop, because we'd like a bike! We want a bike!"
"Yeah, if I could be anything," Amethyst declared. "In this great big world we call home."
"The only thing I wouldn't be is forever alone!" Jasper added. "Alone, alone, alone, alone!"
"Just you and me against the world!" Amethyst kept singing. "Just the two of us, my girl!"
"Big or small, we'd still have it all!" Jasper and Amethyst concluded. "Big or small, we'd still have it all!" The two took a bow, followed by the crowd going wild.
"Hey, you weren't half bad there." Amethyst said to Jasper. "A little rusty, but you really carried this song."
"I made up most of these lyrics on the spot. Bear with me here." Jasper whispered back.
"Okay, I'm not that much into big band stuff, and it seemed a little short," Brock gave his honest thoughts on the song. "but hey, you two seem to be in good harmony, so you have my vote."
"What a touching affirmation of a sibling bond!" Willie sniffled with joy. "Plus, I love the jazz setup too!"
"Indeed, a very original composition." Tristan agreed with Willie. "Though I must admit, I was definitely hoping for me of you together. You make a really good duet."
"Eh, I've seen better sideshow attractions." Marty rolled his eyes in disgust.
"Thank you, thank you! We'll be here all night!" Amethyst laughed. "Hey, if you want more, we'd happily take requests!"
"Okay, Amethyst, that's enough." Pearl grumbled before she dragged Amethyst away with a stage crook.
"Hey, wait up!" Jasper yelled as she raced after Amethyst, causing the audience to laugh.
"And next up on our list of performers, we have Lapis Lazuli coming onto the stage with a powerful number of her own!" Pearl announced to the audience's excitement.
"Hey, didn't she nearly kill hundreds of people?" Marty complained about the round of applause Lapis was receiving as she, Peridot, Laz, Zuli, and a Flower Buddy got up on stage. "Why is everyone cheering for a psychotic murderer?!"
"I'd watch my tone if I were you." Pearl scolded Marty. "Security!" At Pearl's command, Marty's chair was picked up by White Topaz with Marty still sitting in it and tossed into the air.
"I wonder how far he can go." White Topaz mused to herself as Marty was sent flying and screaming into the air, only to fall to the ground with a loud clatter, his chair smashing against his body. "Wow, pretty high up."
"Too bad that didn't kill me." Marty grumbled before Lapis began to speak.
"Hi, everybody. You may know me as Lapis." Lapis introduced herself. "Now, this is a song I've already sung before because I was in a really dark place in life. But now that I finally know where I am in the universe, I think it could use a little rewrite. Peridot, if you please."
"With pleasure." Peridot said as she tapped on her tablet, and it started playing music for Lapis to sing to. "I believe in you, my water witch."
"It all felt to me so lovely, those bluest skies above me." Lapis began singing, with her two fellow Lapides providing backing vocals. "Those funny feelings that I felt once I had met you. I wanted to leave for a while. I didn't want to smile. So many colors I wish that I had known. But now I find myself sitting on that distant shore. I'm no longer alone."
"Dang, she's good." Amethyst complimented Lapis's singing when she saw Jasper shedding a few tears. "Wait, Jasper, are you crying?" she asked the bigger Gem in confusion. "I thought you two didn't get along once upon a time."
"I'm not crying; I'm sweating a watery discharge through my eyes." Jasper lied through her teeth to try hiding how moved she was by how far Lapis had come.
"Then I saw the colors fading, the gentleness of light escaping. Shadows of my fear invading, have I seen this all before?!" Lapis continued her song. "I knew! There was something deep residing, a terror deep inside me. I once understood how you could've been so bold. But now I find myself smiling on that distant shore. I'm no longer alone."
The crowd began going wild as Lapis took a bow, and then Peridot raced up and hugged her, causing the two to fuse into Turquoise. "Thank you, thank you! I'm so happy to be singing for you all today." Turquoise announced. "I couldn't have asked for a more adoring audience."
"Wow, I'm normally not one for being overemotional, but I think I started crying on the inside." Brock proclaimed. "How about you boys?" Rather than giving a proper answer, Willie was so moved to tears that he was crying his eyes out. "Okay, Willie's out for the count. Wheeler, your two cents?"
"Music is often an expression of one's troubled emotions, and Miss Lazuli's number is no different." Tristan analyzed what he had just heard. "You can truly feel how emotionally damaged she once was through song alone, and how she is taking slow but crucial steps in recovering from whatever struggles she suffered in life."
"Couldn't agree more." Willie agreed, finally getting a word between breaks from crying so much. "Bravo Lapis, bravo!"
"Oh please, you're all too kind." Turquoise blushed with delight at all the adoration showered upon her, while Marty sulked his way backstage with a few broken bones after getting crushed by his chair. "Hey, who wants an encore?!"
"Ooh, gonna need to call in a hospital soon." Marty groaned, rubbing his aching neck while spotting Black Rutile preparing for her number in front of a vanity mirror. "Hey, Black Rutile! You're Black Rutile, right?!"
"Yes, that is me." Black Rutile said, turning around to show off her white pop star-inspired outfit. "And you are?"
"It's me, Marty! I chatted with you on Yatter!" Marty introduced himself. "Don't you remember?"
"Ah yes, Morty!" Black Rutile immediately remembered, albeit getting Marty's name wrong, much to his chagrin. "My apologies for not recognizing you; I've just been so busy planning my revenge and researching ways to unleash a being of pure chaos and mayhem unto the world."
"Sorry, what?" Marty quietly answered.
"Nothing." Black Rutile fibbed. "So, what can you offer me? And make it quick; I'm on in five!"
"I only wish to join you in your revenge on the Crystal Gems because I go way back with Steven's family." Marty revealed. "I was once his dad's manager up until he decided to ditch me for that big pink harlot on the beach, and then his son made my son disown me before I was chased out of town because everybody hated my Guacola so much!"
"Wait, Guacola?" Black Rutile asked. "Wasn't that the disgusting drink some moron got sued for after some catering incident? It was all over the news a few months ago!"
"Oh, of course, you'd bring that up." Marty grumbled in embarrassment. "Listen, you're starting that whole movement against the Crystal Gems, right? Well, tell you what, I have some industry friends who'll help you get all the funding you need for whatever you have planned. You with me?" He extended a welcoming hand to the Rutile. "Come on, let's shake on it."
"I like the way you think." Black Rutile smiled eagerly as she shook Marty's hand. "Maybe in exchange, I can help you get back at Steven's old man too."
"Oh, Black Rutile, we're due out on stage!" Holly Blue called for Black Rutile as she, Aquamarine, Eyeball, Cat's Eye, and the Rubies marched onstage in similar outfits to their boss. "Don't keep us waiting by talking to that human!"
"I'll introduce you to my friends here later." Black Rutile stated as she turned around and followed her subordinates to the limelight. "Right now, it's showtime."
"Ladies and Gems, we have a pretty special show for you tonight." Sam Galley announced to the audience, the spotlight shining on him being the only source of light on the stage. "Our next performer believes that this song could possibly change lives. Well, I'll be the judge of that." He gave a light chuckle. "And now, for your listening pleasure, I give you Black Rutile and the Rebels."
As Sam left the spotlight, an electropop started playing as the light began shining on Black Rutile, striking a provocative pose before she began to sing. "I hate all this peace and love; I pray to the stars above. You all thought I was done. No, I'm not; I really hate you!" she began, cuing the Rutile Rebels to start acting as her backup dancers. "I hate your oppression; I'm trapped in depression; my shame is all because of you! You think you're still the good guys?"
Although Black Rutile composed a very well-made song, the audience was slightly unnerved by her message as the chorus began. "I am far smarter and far stronger thanks to the sands of time! I just wanted to reign supreme; why is that a crime? I list everyone I hate, and you're at the front of the line. I'm always plotting, so you should've thought twice!"
"Oh!" the Rutile Rebels yelled.
"Look at what I just did! Look at what I just did! Take a look and see what I just did!" Black Rutile continued, strutting closer to the audience and giving them a domineering glare. "Look at what I just-Ooh, look at what I just did! Look at what I just did! Take a look and see what I just did! Take a look and see what I just did!"
The second verse soon began, just as ominous and taunting as the last. "I want to see you all squirm, to see everything you love burn." Black Rutile declared. "You punished me for doing what's right, threw me here without letting me fight."
"What?!" Black Rutile's backup singers yelled.
"Homeworld moves on every day without drama, drama! But not for me, because I only want to give you karma!" Black Rutile added, further creeping out her captive audience with her lyrics and gyrating. "And as the universe turns, well, one thing's for sure, I may have got mine, but I'll give you yours!"
Once again, the chorus emphasized how Black Rutile loved boasting about her superiority and how she had the skills and infamy to back up her claims. "I am far smarter and far stronger thanks to the sands of time! I just wanted to reign supreme; why is that a crime? I list everyone I hate, and you're at the front of the line. I'm always plotting, so you should've thought twice!"
"Ooh!" the backup repeated.
"Look at what I just did! Look at what I just did! Take a look and see what I just did! Look at what I just-Ooh, look at what I just did! Look at what I just did!" Black Rutile proclaimed while presenting video footage of her previous exploits. "Take a look and see what I just did! Take a look and see what I just did!"
"I don't trust anybody, but everybody trusts me. I'll play the lead role in your scariest dream. I don't trust anybody, but everybody trusts me. I'll play the lead role in your scariest dream." Black Rutile repeated as part of the bridge. "I don't trust anybody, but everybody trusts me. I'll play the lead role in your scariest dream. I don't trust anybody, but everybody trusts me. I'll play the lead role in your scariest dream!"
"I am far smarter and far stronger thanks to the sands of time! I just wanted to reign supreme, why is that a crime?" Black Rutile sang while the song began to reach its conclusion. "I list everyone I hate, and you're at the front of the line. I'm always plotting, so you should've thought twice!"
"Ooh!" Black Rutile's backup sounded out one last time.
"Look at what I just did! Look at what I just did! Take a look and see what I just did! Look at what I just-"Black Rutile cried. "Ooh, look at what I just did! Look at what I just did! Take a look and see what I just did! Take a look and see what I just did!"
"I'm sorry, Black Rutile can't come to the phone right now." Black Rutile smirked as the song finished. "Why?"
"Because you're dead!" the other Rutile Rebels added with an evil laugh.
"Should we be concerned about that?" Volleyball whispered to Desert Glass in the audience.
"Worst case scenario, she's plotting to kill us all." Desert Glass replied plainly, freaking everyone out with her dark sense of humor.
"Okay, that is clearly ripping off another song!" Brock exclaimed. "But given what I heard about you, I wouldn't be surprised you'd sing something like this. Still, we got a huge red flag here."
"Oh, this is more than just a red flag!" Willie disagreed with Brock's statement. "We're looking at an electric red flag here!"
"Some compelling and meaningful lyrics, though I have a sinking feeling this might be an excuse to spread propaganda." Tristan commented on the song he had just heard.
"Why yes, that is exactly my point!" Black Rutile announced. "When I first heard that song, I felt so connected to the feelings of revenge and hatred in its lyrics. It just screamed me!"
"Of course, that's why she wanted to perform." White Topaz frowned in disappointment. "But at least she's still a terrific singer."
"That alone is worth listening to her." Jasper agreed with her girlfriend while the Rutile Rebels walked backstage, where Marty awaited them.
"Black Rutile, my buddy!" Marty cheerfully greeted his new Gem friend. "So, how was the performance, bubala?"
"First off, do not call me a bub!" Black Rutile scolded Marty. "Second, I think you might be trivializing some Earth religion for your own benefit. And third, the performance was amazing. I'm so happy to have seen all my hard work get the respect it deserves."
"Wonderful, because I got great news!" Marty exclaimed before presenting a video of Black Rutile's song posted on Yatter that was quickly going viral. "You're an Internet sensation now! And check it out; this #BlackRutileWasRight hashtag is everywhere!"
"Excellent, just as I had planned." Black Rutile sneered evilly while steepling her fingers together. "I simply must find a way to meet all these new followers."
"Trust me, babe. The Internet can allow you to do anything." Marty assured his new business partner. "We'll find a way soon."
The show continued with more Gems stepping up to the stage to perform. Some of the quartzes put on a barbershop quartet, Teal Zircon played an 80s heavy metal song, Nephrite and her crew did opera, Monazite became a one-Gem band, Diaspore sang a romantic duet with Dumortierite, and Snowflake, Bixbite, and Larimar did a standup comedy routine. The show began to close, but there was still one contestant yet to put on their act.
"Well, we surely had fun, everyone, but unfortunately, we'll have to put an end to this soon!" Sam Galley announced, to the disappointment of the audience. "But don't get too unhappy, because our last competitor is sure to impress! Please welcome to the stage, the moment you've all been waiting for, Kunzite!"
While the audience started cheering, the Crystal Gems and the Rutile Rebels all stared blankly at a short blue Gem with a purple gem poking out of her head who wore a bubble-like coat. "I'm sorry," Black Rutile said. "who is this?!"
"I think I remember her." Garnet stated. "She was a corrupted Gem I fought once before putting her in the Burning Room. I may have forgotten her name, though."
"Hi, everybody, my name's Kunzite." The Gem introduced herself. "You may or may not have seen me a lot, but that's because I'm a bit of a shut-in and don't really get out much."
"So that explains why we barely recognize her!" Amethyst declared.
"For my song, I'm just performing a cover of a song I keep hearing on the radio, and I really liked how much the singer sounded like me for some reason," Kunzite explained while picking up a guitar and a radio. "I hope you all enjoy." Setting down the radio and pushing play on some easy-listening music, Kunzite started strumming her guitar as her song began. "Just a little time. Just a little something else instead. Just a little time. Just a little something up ahead."
"Hey, I've heard this before!" Amethyst said, nodding to the beat of the song.
"Are you kidding me right now?" Black Rutile grimaced. "She literally stole my idea!"
"I'm dreaming of being... being... being... Being human..." Kunzite continued singing. "Just a little time. Just a little something that I need. Just a little time. Just a little feeling gaining speed. I'm dreaming of going... going... going... Going somewhere and... Being... being... being... Being human." Kunzite put her guitar down and awkwardly prepared to leave when she stopped playing, only to be stopped by the crowd going wild. "Oh my, you really liked my song that much?!"
"Dang straight, you did the original version justice!" Brock smiled widely. "It's almost like you were her!"
"Agreed!" Willie exclaimed. "So beautiful!"
"I think we might have a winner here." Tristan concurred with the other judges, much to Black Rutile's anger.
"What's impressive?! I've been ripping off a song my whole act!" Black Rutile yelled as she stormed towards the victorious Kunzite and slapped her so hard, Kunzite fell to the ground. "This whole thing was rigged to humiliate me, wasn't it?!"
"Black Rutile, calm down!" Garnet yelled at the Rutile. "Just accept that sometimes, there will always be someone better than you! If it makes you feel better, we'll let you have second place."
"Besides, look at all the attention you've gotten!" Marty added, showing Black Rutile that her followers were still growing by the dozens, which was all she needed now to be satisfied with her work.
"I see. Good enough." Black Rutile's tune changed entirely as she walked off the stage. "Come my thralls; we have much to do!"
"I suppose we shall continue our indoctrination of the masses?" Aquamarine asked evilly while the Rutile Rebels, now joined by Marty, followed their fearless leader.
"Quit reading my mind." Black Rutile responded.
As the Crystal Gems helped take down the stage as the show ended, the judges took some time to exchange some friendly conversations before they went back to their respective celebrity lives. "So boys, up for a few drinks later?" Willie asked Brock and Tristan. "I know of a good place in Dover with such amazing service!"
"Eh, I got time to kill before flying back to Empire City." Brock agreed to the queer fashion model's offer. "Hey, I know we shared this thought earlier, but Black Rutile is definitely all kinds of messed up, right?"
"I believe I've seen her many times before." Tristan stated. "She made headlines for her numerous crimes against humanity and her trial not too long ago."
"We made a good choice not naming her the winner." Brock declared. "Otherwise, she'd have let it go to her head and, I don't know, use it to take over the world or something!"
"Like that will ever happen." Willie laughed. "So, still up for drinks?"
"Yes." Brock and Tristan declared as one before the three judges left Beach City behind.
Well, we had our fun for now, but next time we'll be getting back to more serious territory. On the next Little Homeworld Life, more new Gems will be introduced and it'll be up to us to decide if they're friend or foe! In addition, the Crystal Gems will start questioning their own actions and maybe start slowly falling apart. I'm sure you'll find that very exciting. Catch you next time!
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loudstan · 2 years
It is me again, the law student and crystal shop keeper :) I was wondering if you were planning on writing other werewolf!au's and if so, are they meant to be interconnected, like are the werewolves all from the same pack? I feel like that would be so cool, but it's okay if they're not, I was just wondering. Maybe we could bounce some ideas on that... IDK it's a thought. :)
Also don't know if you're into crystals or anything, but what would your fave one be? Ik a lot of people like them for aesthetics and not necessarily benefits/witchcraft, etc. so what are your thoughts? You seemed really surprised at how I work in a Crystal store (I also work in a supermarket but that's because the crystal store has minimal hours, so it's only really open during the day on weekdays.
From 🧚‍♀️ (anon symbol, for now cause I'm not yet comfortable revealing my blog, I hope that's okay!)
Welcome back 🧚‍♀️! I want to write more about werewolves for sure! I like other au’s too but for now I just want to focus on this one.
I always intended for everyone to be a member of one huge pack so their stories in theory would be interconnected, but I never explained it 😂 In my head they are a big pack of werewolves living together in an ancient house that they bought for cheap and then remodelled it themselves.
Before that, some of them grew up together, while others joined on the way while they moved to different towns until they found a place where they felt safe, among witches. Since people who do magic are mostly familiar with werewolves, they don’t need to hide and they get to live a somehow normal life by going to school, getting a job, going out with friends, etc. Like I said, all that information is in my head, because knowing their backgrounds helps me write more emotionally.
As for crystals, I don’t know too much about them so this will probably sound very basic, but I really like using onyx and clear quartz for protection and tiger’s eye when I need help with creativity for projects and assignments. I also like aquamarine but only because I read somewhere that it was my zodiac birthstone 🤷
It was lovely to hear from you again!
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ourlovejewelry1 · 8 days
Energy Crystal Necklace, Earring, Ring and Bracelet – ourlovejewelry
At OurLoveJewelry, we believe in the power of natural energy stone jewelry to heal, protect, and inspire. Our collection of energy crystal necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets is designed to help you attract positive energy and bring balance to your life. Each piece is crafted from carefully selected gemstones, offering benefits such as healing, protection, and mental clarity.
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Our spiritual mission is to help ease the anxiety and negative emotions many women face in their daily lives. We are particularly focused on contributing to the fight against breast cancer by offering women tools to promote inner peace and reduce stress. Our jewelry serves as a reminder that beauty and strength come from within, helping you stay centered and focused in your life’s journey.
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Explore Our Healing Crystal Jewelry Collection:
Energy Crystal Bracelets: Whether you're drawn to the protective evil eye bracelet, the soothing rose quartz jewelry, or the grounding malachite bracelet, our crystal bracelets for women offer both style and spiritual healing. Each healing bracelet is designed to keep you in touch with your inner strength while attracting good fortune and mental balance.
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Crystal Necklaces & Pendants: Discover the perfect piece from our selection of crystal necklaces, including the calming aquamarine bracelet or the vibrant rose quartz necklace. Wearing a crystal necklace for women promotes healing energy and is a stunning way to enhance your outfit.
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Gemstone Earrings & Rings: Our gemstone rings and earrings, crafted from healing stones like amethyst and turquoise, bring subtle beauty and spiritual energy to your daily look. Whether you prefer drop earrings or stud earrings, these pieces help channel positivity and balance.
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Find Your Energy Stone Jewelry by Symbol or Stone: At OurLoveJewelry, you can shop by symbol, including the 7 Chakra Jewelry, Tree of Life, Evil Eye, and more. Our gemstones range from clear quartz to tiger’s eye and jade, all of which provide distinct spiritual benefits like attracting health, wisdom, wealth, and love.
Shop now at OurLoveJewelry and experience the healing power of natural stones!
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bellaallen9090 · 1 month
Blue Tiger Eye History, Meaning, Properties, Benefits & How To Use
There are tons of crystals out there that are used to make gemstone jewelry. As you go out to explore jewelry, you will find numerous stones that are closely related to each other. If you go deeper, you will find that these are, in simple words, varieties of the same mineral. For instance, have you seen tiger eye jewelry? One of the gemstones closely related to the tiger eye is the blue tiger eye stone – you will find many jewelers crafting blue tiger eye jewelry from this stone. Blue tiger eye gemstone, which is also called Falcon’s Eye or Hawk’s Eye, is a unique and captivating gemstone that is known for its charming appearance and healing properties.
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VISIT NOW- Blue Tiger Eye History
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sizukawilliam7 · 1 month
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Blue Tiger Eye History, Meaning, Properties, Benefits & How To Use
Blue tiger eye gemstone, which is also called Falcon’s Eye or Hawk’s Eye, is a unique and captivating gemstone that is known for its charming appearance and healing properties. Blue tiger eye is a quartz mineral and it comes under the category of semi-precious stones. This crystal is related to tiger eye stone, and you can distinguish the blue tiger eye by its distinctive blue-green to blue-gray coloration and its ability to exhibit chatoyancy.
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novalopez697 · 1 month
Blue Tiger Eye History, Meaning, Properties, Benefits & How To Use
There are tons of crystals out there that are used to make gemstone jewelry. As you go out to explore jewelry, you will find numerous stones that are closely related to each other. If you go deeper, you will find that these are, in simple words, varieties of the same mineral. For instance, have you seen tiger eye jewelry? One of the gemstones closely related to the tiger eye is the blue tiger eye stone – you will find many jewelers crafting blue tiger eye jewelry from this stone. Visit Us:- Blue Tiger Eye History
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ellyseperry266 · 1 month
Blue Tiger Eye History, Meaning, Properties, Benefits & How To Use
Blue tiger eye gemstone, which is also called Falcon’s Eye or Hawk’s Eye, is a unique and captivating gemstone that is known for its charming appearance and healing properties. Blue Tiger Eye Use is a quartz mineral and it comes under the category of semi-precious stones. This crystal is related to tiger eye stone, and you can distinguish the blue tiger eye by its distinctive blue-green to blue-gray coloration and its ability to exhibit chatoyancy.
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geliseelise · 1 month
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Blue Tiger Eye History, Meaning, Properties, Benefits & How To Use
There are tons of crystals out there that are used to make gemstone jewelry. As you go out to explore jewelry, you will find numerous stones that are closely related to each other. If you go deeper, you will find that these are, in simple words, varieties of the same mineral. For instance, have you seen tiger eye jewelry? One of the gemstones closely related to the tiger eye is the blue tiger eye stone – you will find many jewelers crafting blue tiger eye jewelry from this stone.
0 notes
Tumblr media
Blue Tiger Eye History, Meaning, Properties, Benefits & How To Use
There are tons of crystals out there that are used to make gemstone jewelry. As you go out to explore jewelry, you will find numerous stones that are closely related to each other. If you go deeper, you will find that these are, in simple words, varieties of the same mineral.
Read More:https://shorturl.at/s0nRm
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