#tiki golem
retrocgads · 5 months
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UK 1987
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dq-avenquire · 10 days
DQIX Post Game Alchemy: A Non-Minmaxxer's Agate of Evolution Guide
[For the sake of not having to type agate of evolution 5 million times, I will be abbreviating it to AoE, you just have to remember that, in this case, that doesn't stand for area of effect. Thanks!]
As the title implies, making agates of evolution is a post game endeavour because of one specific required ingredient, so don't look past the read more if you're not comfortable with spoilers! To fully complete your alchenomicon and get your hands on some of the strongest items in game, you'll need around 90 AoE's, which is an incredibly grindy task. I hope this guide will be useful to anyone. I've cut out a few potential options for farming certain items because I personally don't judge them worthwhile and this guide is long enough as is, but I promise I've explored most avenues! That being said, this is NOT a minmaxxer guide. There are much more efficient ways of farming, largely through grottos at high levels and no doubt a few methods I have no idea about. I'm not one to do seed checks and figure out the numbers, and if you are then this likely isn't the guide for you!
RIGHT! For one (1) AoE you will need
2x sainted soma
2x ethereal stones
1x chronocrystal
Starting with the chronocrystal because it's easiest to address, you can only get these* by buying them from the Lonely Coast item shop for 50kg. Personally I farm gold passively while working to collect the other items needed, but if you're looking to do that specifically the three main ways are to repeatedly buy ingredients to make Ear Cozy's or Gold Mail, then selling those, OR to repeatedly accept the fake gold golem quest in Gleeba and kill those. While gold golems drop a cool 500g as is the quest grants you an extra 1000 upon completion, so you might as well. While note as repeatable/efficient I also collect platinum and mythril ore from the respawn points around the map and sell those for 1500 and 3000g each respectively.
*There is also one to be found in the Tower of Nod, in a red chest on L6. One can also be received as a reward for quest 173, which needs you to kill seaverns, which can only be found in high rank water grottos.
Requires 2x lucida shard, 2x sage's elixir and 2x astral plume.
For the lucida shard's:
Made with 3x brighten rock and 3x evencloth
Received as first time and repeat reward for quest 61
Lucida shard's can be pickpocketed/dropped by cosmic chimera's, who will otherwise drop or be carrying Brighten rock's, making them most useful for farming in that respect, though they only show up in mid to high level cave grottos
There are 2 material respawn places each that you can find evencloth's and brighten rocks, check this map for locations (this will be relevant again later.
Evencloth's are otherwise easiest to pickpocket/loot from the ragged reaper's near Zere, and failing cosmic chimeras the goodybag's near Batsureg or in The Bowhole are your next best bet for brighten rock's
For the sage's elixir:
Requires 1x magic water, 1x royal soil and 3x nectar
Received on repeat completions of quest 50
Magic water CAN be alchemised, but isn't worth the trouble. You're better off buying it for 500g in most item shops or farming/stealing from the jinkster's on Newid Isle
Royal soil can be found at 2 material respawn locations
Failing that, they can be farmed/pickpocketed from the mad moai on the Lonely Plains/Heights of Loneliness
For the astral plume's:
Requires 3x flurry feather's, 2x fresh water, 1x angel bell
Received as first time and repeat reward for quest 121
Flurry feathers can be found in two material respawn locations, and can otherwise be farmed from weakon beakon's in The Bad Cave
Fresh water can be found in two material respawn locations, failing that go for cheeky tiki's in Gerzuun or around the Khaalag Coast
I usually just buy angel bells since they're only 90g and available at most item shops, but you can also farm them from the chariot chappie's around Coffinwell
Requires 1x enchanted stone, 1x perfect panacea and 2x narspicious
For the enchanted stone's:
Requires 2x thunderball, 2x ice crystal, 1x mystifying mixture
Received as first time and repeat reward for quest 60, however the quest requires nectar and narspicious which you will be using for other things, so judge carefully if it's worth it
Thunderball's can be found in two material respawn locations, failing that farm cumulus rex at Wyrmtail or Wyrmsmaw
Ice crystals can be found in two material respawn locations, and can otherwise be farmed from freezing fog's in the Gittish Empire, Gittingham Palace or Cringle Coast
Mystifying mixture regrettably also must be alchemised, as the chance of getting them from mudrakers is less than 1/100. You'll need 1x belle cap, 1x manky mud and 3x cowpat
Belle caps can be found in 3 areas on the map, and are easiest to farm from mushroom mage's in the Tower of Trades
Manky mud can be found in 2 material respawn locations, and are otherwise farmable from walking corpses on Newid Isle or in the Tower of Trades (kill two birds with one stone in the Tower of Trades for more efficiency)
Cowpat's respawn near Zere, or farmed from bag o' laughs' in The Hexagon
For the perfect panacea:
Requires 1x panacea, 1x angel bell and 1x wakerobin
As said, I usually just buy angel bells since they're only 90g and available at most item shops, but you can also farm them from the chariot chappie's around Coffinwell
Wakerobin's can be found at two material respawn locations, or be bought for 66g each at the Bloomingdale item shop at the entrance to town
Panacea is another thing to alchemise. It requires 1x each of special medicine, superior medicine and moonwort bulb.
Special medicine can be made with 2x strong medicine (which can be bought for 36g each at the Gleeba, Batsureg or Wormwood Creek item shop) (Or farmed from zumeanie's around Slurry Coast/Dourbridge) (Or made with 2x medicinal herbs, which are 8g in item shops and can be farmed from slimes near Angel Falls)
Superior medicine requires 1x medicinal herb + 1x strong medicine. See above notes for those.
Moonwort bulb's can be bought for 30g at item shops or farmed from leafy larrikin's in Eastern Coffinwell
Finally, narspicious can be found at two material respawn locations, or farmed from shivery shrubbery's found in Snowberia (lower drop rate, but easier to farm) or from sculpture vulture's found in The Bowhole/Wyrmtail (these also drop resurrock's which are used in a few other recipes if that skews anyone's choice)
[And that about covers it! Thanks for reading, and happy questing! May RNG be kind to us all.]
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animeyanderetalker · 2 months
I just imagined, that if Allen, Kanda, Komui and Tyki (Idk if Noah can reproduce, but this imagine is for funnies) have a child and the minute the father isn't looking, their toddler snatching flying near them Timcampy (Allen) or Teez (Tiky) or personal flying Order golem (Kanda and Komui) and starts chewing and licking it
Allen would probably have the most nervous reaction to it as he is worried that his baby may accidentally choke on Timcampy as well as worried about his little golem friend who is obviously not happy about being reduced to a chewing toy for Allen's toddler. He'd apologise later on profoundly to his golden friend.
Komui's reaction would be a tad bit more comedical as he'd just stand there for a few moments before taking off his glasses and taking another look again as if initially not quite understanding what he sees. As soon as it has clicked in his mind he's instantly marching over to his baby and quickly takes the golem away from them, promising his baby as soon as they start crying that he'll buy them a ton of other chewing gums.
Kanda would most likely make his baby cry by accident. Even if he is more reclusive with his feelings he is very dedicated to protecting his darling and now also his baby. Especially his baby since they are tiny and can't even properly walk yet so as soon as he sees them chewing on his golem he storms over and snatches the thing quickly and a bit too roughly out of their little hands, scaring them in the process.
Tyki would be initially a bit alarmed as he knows best what his Teez can do to other people. He uses those butterfly golems to torture and devour people and for a short moment he feels a cold chill running down his spine when imagining how easily those butterflies could remove a little baby. He quickly calms down though as he knows that those golems listen to him, not to mention that even the golems seem to sense that the baby is someone they mustn't hurt. He'd let his baby continue playing with his butterflies but he'd still try to stop them from chewing on them because he wouldn't want his child to accidentally swallow and choke on them.
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sacredfire44 · 7 months
Considering writing a Daemon AU for D.gray-man, but is the fandom even alive enough to read it????
I like the idea of the complications of necromancy and akuma and Noah when your literal soul is something outside your body, something physical and visible.
What magic is used to get around it? What ways do Akuma affect Daemon? Does the magic keep the daemon whole, controlled by the new invading soul in it’s body? Do daemons shift with the new owner, the new soul, or does the Akuma magic keep them trapped in this form, tortured as much as the other half of their soul, chained to a form not meant for itself? Do akuma’s souls feel it, when you touch their daemon? I can’t imagine they react outwardly, but perhaps through Allen’s eye, he can see them flinch, see them scream and cry and beg for mercy for their daemon, if not for themselves. Can Allen see the daemon’s soul as well, it’s true form, chained and restrained and tortured within itself?
What do Daemon mean for Noah? I like the idea that they unsettle when Noah are reborn, that the rebirth changes them so fundamentally that their daemons must change as well, must rediscover what and who they are. But do they always resettle into the same form as their previous lives? I doubt it. There seems some separation, at least for Tiki, from the original Noah memory. But for Wisely, it seemed to be a one-to-one reincarnation. Perhaps it depends on the individual, on how much they remember and connect with their previous selves, on how much they identify with them.
And what of the Second Exorcists? Are they reborn with their daemon? Do they even HAVE daemon anymore, or did they fail to follow them into this life? If they did, are they the same as they had been the last time? Do the souls remember, even when the brains do not? Do the daemon remember their past lives? Do they see these children as themselves, or are they so different that even the other half of their souls can no longer recognize them? Or are the daemons just as clueless, just as new?
And Neah… is he still considered alive? Does his daemon remain, alive and alone? Does his soul still long for his brother, for his best friend? Do they need to stay nearby, need to cling to the other half of their soul?
Oh god. Oh god Timcampy is Neah’s daemon. Hidden in plain sight, disguised as a golem.
Wait. Neah and Mana were the same person once. Could Timcampy be BOTH of their daemons??? Ohhhh boy, and combined with the theory that Mana sealed his soul inside Allen with the curse, and how much Mana cared about his little Pierrot, and how much Neah and Allen had to care about each other for his reset to make sense, of course a piece of their soul would love him too, of course a piece of their soul would mourn him even if Neah would not allow himself to, and of course their daemon would WANT TO STAY CLOSE-
I may be posting some polls soon about what Daemons characters should have, or I may go take that one weirdly-specific Daemon quiz from the perspective of the characters.
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white-shadow25 · 7 months
I just imagined, that if Allen, Kanda, Komui and Tyki (I doubt that Noah can reproduce, but this imagine is for funnies) have a child and the minute the father isn't looking, their toddler snatching flying near them Timcampy (Allen) or Teez (Tiky) or personal flying Order golem (Kanda and Komui) and starts chewing and licking it 🤭
THIS WOULD HAPPEN! Wait, hold up, listen
I don’t think it would be a big problem for Allen, Kanda, or Komui since the golems ain’t meant to cause harm. Even more, I think Allen and Komui would actually find it cute and Kanda wouldn’t care that much (still would take it out of the child's mouth 'cause disgusting).
Buuuuuut the Teez? That is like the Tyki equivalent of going for a glass of water and returning to find your child licking on a knife like, the panic Tyki would feel at that moment, I swear his soul would fall to his feet.
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delicatefury · 2 years
Do not take it personally (you just happened to be in the tag as I was scrolling), but everyone wondering why pokemon spain would have chinese legendaries is such a funny concept to me. Where were you guys when *checks palm of hand* northern japan had god and atlas, golems resided in southern japan, new york was home to djinn and musketeers, and famed japanese fable protagonist but from another dimension appeared for the first time in hawaii? And don't get me started on starters (pun unintended) (kyoto is famous for its native honey badger and alligator populations /s)
Oh, i don’t take this personally. I’m well aware I’m taking the L on this.
But if I had to explain it, I guess it’s because I didn’t feel like they were really putting in a major effort in matching the pokemon to the regions’ real-world counterparts’ uniqueness until Sun/Moon. And I didn’t really play that one.
I mean, Unova had a few very-America pokemon (like Bouffalant and Rufflet and vullaby) but also a lot of very not-America pokemon (alomomola (not lower-48 at least), cofagrius, darumaka, Muna, blitzle…). The “America” pokemon felt more like a treat than an expectation. And as pointed out, several of the legendaries more closely resembled Japanese legends. Which made sense since ultimately Pokémon is (or at least used to be) a very Japanese game.
So you went from a lot of the legendaries being pretty Japan-based to 3 very fae-like legendaries in France, to Tiki guardians in Hawai’i, then the knights-based dogs in England. Then you have Ting-Lu and Wu-Chien and Chi-Yu and Chien-Pao in Spain. If you’re not paying attention, it feels a bit like 2-steps forward and one step back.
Another factor is probably the set-up for the legendaries in other games. For most of the gens, it’s really hard to start your legendary quests without at least some background about them. You literally can’t start some of them without triggering a cutscene where an NPC tells you the myth.
I stumbled on the first stake before I got to the school! I thought I’d trigger a cutscene along the way as I pulled them out but the only one was when they woke up. I found Ting-Lu’s location by wandering past it trying to hatch eggs. I could complete the whole quest line without taking a single class. As such, for me and others these four literally came out of nowhere. The only connection to China I’d seen before that was the random bamboo forest by the Paldea-Kalos border! And it’s not like the Pokédex entries gave any clue.
As for the starters, I’m pretty sure they’re rare/foreign pokemon that the game’s professor is studying. At least in the early generations. Kinda like how until we got to poké-Europe, Eevees couldn’t be found in the wild.
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macabremomo · 5 months
Bunny Buns Menus Unlocked 2/6 Hats 0/24 Clothes 0/24 Mats 0/24 Kitchens 1/2
Memoirs Girl Scout 3/15, 1/3 Black Cat 2/15, 1/3 Fire Golem 1/15, 1/3 Marshmallows 0/15, 0/3 Tiki Shaman 0/15, 0/3 Gator 0/15, 0/3 Bunny 0/15, 0/3 Blob Lolita 0/15, 0/3 Chickens 0/15, 0/3 Giraffe 0/15, 0/3 Bull 0/15, 0/3 French Bull Dog 0/15, 0/3 Penguin 0/15, 0/3 Rich Pig 0/15, 0/0 Worm Inspector 0/15, 0/3 Turtle 0/15, 0/3
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clayfellover · 1 year
If you could add any armor set to terraria what would you add
Hi star thanks for fuelling my terraria kick you're the only person I know who would ask me this
Personally I'd give summoners a new set that can last till the lunar events because I'm sick of tiki or spooky armour being the go to in vanilla. There's not many ocean themed armour sets in vanilla so... maybe that would be the theme?
It would be post golem as you use tiki for golem
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fvxmalstromsblog · 2 years
I'd like to show you guys the starter base I made in modded Minecraft.
It's not much, but I was too busy trading with villagers to actually gather materials, so I just threw something together.
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It has a bed so I can skip the night, and a hammock so I can skip the day and grind xp organically.
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saucylobster · 4 years
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Hocus Pocus Focus 28: Lava Golems
Going to try and get some of my Halloween themed folder out each day. There’s a lot so I hope you enjoy. I’ll group similar ones together but a lot are going to be one-offs.
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blogfanreborn777 · 5 years
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Totemic Maokai by Mike Azevedo
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Persona Lite with Fire Emblem sprinkles on top
I’ve been addicted to Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore on my Switch for the past few weeks, and I’m getting close to wrapping it up. I figured it’s high time I talked about it a bit.
The game that would become Tokyo Mirage Sessions (TMS) was first announced as “Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem,” which is absolutely not a good way to describe what this became. 
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This title led so many people astray.
What comes to mind when you think of (mainline) Shin Megami Tensei games? An apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic setting. First-person-perspective battles. Negotiating with demons. Battles against deities. TMS contains a little bit of the third thing on that list, and none of the others. 
What comes to mind when you think of Fire Emblem? Medieval-era settings. Permadeath (either optional or mandatory). RTS-style combat. The famed “weapon triangle.” Support conversations. TMS contains the fourth thing on that list, and none of the others. 
But let’s be honest here: For most people (especially Westerners), the first thing you think of when you think about Shin Megami Tensei isn’t even the games with “Shin Megami Tensei” in the title. It’s the Persona series! They’ve grown far more popular than their parent franchise at this point.
So I suppose it was natural that TMS is, at its core, a “Persona Lite” game. The darker edges of Persona titles are removed in favor of something more T-friendly, but the basics are all there: A group of teenagers in modern-day Japan discover a strange alternate dimension that they can access which also gives them the ability to summon supernatural powers/entities. When people start to go missing in this other dimension, it falls to this group of teens to unite and save the day, ultimately leading to them discovering the reason why this alternate world has been bleeding into modern Japan in the first place and, in the end, saving humanity from annihilation. That’s totally how Persona works, and it’s also totally how Tokyo Mirage Sessions works!
However, instead of summoning Shin Megami Tensei demons as “Personas,” the heroes of TMS summon Fire Emblem characters that are “Mirages.” Each character is permanently linked to a single Mirage, so there are no “Wild Card” characters here. However, you can level the characters’ mirages up to make them take on new forms and new abilities. FE fans will notice that all of the characters here are from the Falchion/Tiki/Shadow Dragon stories - the two Marth adventures (Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem) and the semi-recent 3DS hit Awakening.
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For some weird reason, all of the Fire Emblem “mirages” wear helmets, masks, or other face coverings 100% of the time. The only exception is Tiki.
The lack of the darker themes in many Persona games and the fact that there’s no “Wild Card” to manage is what makes this, in my opinion, more like PERSONA LITE. And then you get your Fire Emblem backup characters to serve as extra flavoring. The characters we meet from Fire Emblem are rarely the focus — you spend most of your time with the teen heroes — but they still manage to show off their unique personalities and carry in a load of FE fanservice. (The good kind of fanservice where it’s full of references and nods to the continuity of the series, I mean. Not the other kind where it’s softcore porn.)
Fire Emblem fanservice was one of the biggest delights for me here. If you’re looking for any SMT/Persona characters to pop up and link the continuity together, you can stop looking because they aren’t here. But if you want to see specific characters from the three source FE games pop up here, a metric ton manage to do so. For example: Tharja (from Awakening) creates two golems for training purposes, which she names Bord and Cord after the pair of heroes from Marth’s era. And then the actual spirits of Bord and Cord possess those golems. So naturally, they start bickering and fighting. It’s delightful. 
So yeah, there’s plenty of nods for FE fans to appreciate even if your favorite characters are taking a back seat to a bunch of teenagers. Fire Emblem fans will recognize the heroic mirages, the enemy boss mirages, the weapon triangle weakness/strength system and lots of musical cues. On the flip side, Persona fans will recognize the story structure, the magic spells the characters wield (things like “Mazio” and “Diarama” and “Rakukaja”), the common enemies you encounter and cameos from a few of the more famous demons found on signage around Tokyo. Sadly, there are no familiar sounds or music pieces borrowed from SMT/Persona that I noticed.
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In addition to the main story, there are also “Side Stories” for your party and side quests from various NPCs. The whole game lasts around 50 hours even if you aren’t trying to 100% it.
And while the music here is mostly pretty good — especially the Fire Emblem themes — I really wish we’d gotten some Persona-style tunes in here. Persona soundtracks are absolutely killer and everybody knows it. I wanted to hear some Shihoko Hirata, some Lotus Juice, some Yumi Kawamura, some Lyn Inaizumi. Alas, that never happens. Sad face.
In fact, as far as vocal tracks go, you’ll only be hearing the performances of the main characters. See, the story this time revolves around a group of teens who are hired by a talent agency to become young starlets of the stage and screen. You meet plenty of pop idols, a cooking show host, aspiring actors, and those who do combinations of the above. There’s a lot of focus on the Japanese entertainment industry, and it’s mostly a very positive portrayal about how hard teen stars work to reach their dreams and how fulfilling it can be when they express themselves through their artistic pursuits. Speaking as someone who legitimately does not care one iota about the idol industry in Japan or Asia as a whole, I’m very happy that these characters managed to remain likable and their pursuits stayed enjoyable throughout. No one here is an ultra-deep character, but no one here is a total cipher, either. I’m additionally thankful that the vocal songs are another highlight of the soundtrack alongside the FE tunes. 
The last thing I’ll bring up is the “Sessions” mentioned in the title. It’s a battle mechanic wherein striking an enemy with a weapon or element they’re weak to will enable other characters to start jumping in with follow-up attacks. At first, it’s just one or two follow-ups, but by the game’s end, you might be sitting there for 15 or more consecutive strikes on an enemy after you initiate a “Session” of follow-ups. The greatest quality-of-life improvement built into this Switch port is that you can turn on “Quick Session” to make these attack animations much shorter and more rapid than they ever were in the Wii U original. I never had to play that one, but I can’t imagine I’d have much patience for constantly triggering 15 attack animations with every round. SO glad I don’t have to sit through that.
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This is just a two-strike Sessions, so it won’t last long enough for you to take a beverage break.
So yeah, there’s a lot for RPG fans, Persona fans, and most of all, Fire Emblem fans to dig in “Tokyo Mirage Sessions.” And since we already covered that Danganronpa fans are apparently predisposed to enjoying Persona and Fire Emblem, that probably means that YOU, dear reader, are likely to dig this game as well. 
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jaspers47 · 4 years
I watched 180 Movies in 2020
Five Stars
1917 (2019) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) Before Midnight (2013) The Biggest Little Farm (2018) The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover (1989) Daisies (1966) Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997) The Fits (2015) For All Mankind (1989) I Am Not Your Negro (2016) Ink (2009) It’s Such a Beautiful Day (2012) The Last of Sheila (1973) Living in Oblivion (1995) Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005) The Myth of the American Sleepover (2010) Police Story (1985) Rewind This! (2013) Serial Mom (1994) Shock Treatment (1981) Stalag 17 (1953) The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974) Uncut Gems (2019) The Watermelon Woman (1996) Zazie dans le Metro (1960)  Zombie Girl: The Movie (2008)
Four Stars
12:01 (1993) The 39 Steps (1935) All Things Must Pass (2015) Alphaville (1965) Always Shine (2016) The Amazing Johnathan Documentary (2019) April and the Extraordinary World (2015) The Bad Seed (1956) Batman vs The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019) Black Sunday (1977) Borat Subsequent Moviefilm etc. etc. (2020)  Brief Encounter (1945) Buck Privates (1940) But I’m a Cheerleader (1999) Carnival of Souls (1962) A Christmas Carol (1951) The Court Jester (1955) Da 5 Bloods (2020) Daughters of the Sexual Revolution (2018) Death at a Funeral (2007) The Devil’s Backbone (2001) Earth Girls Are Easy (1989) Ebirah, Monster of the Deep (1966) Gas, Food, Lodging (1992) The Getaway (1972) Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster (1964) The Green Fog (2017) Hollywood Shuffle (1987) The Host (2006) I Married a Witch (1942) I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020) The Irishman (2019) John Wick (2014) Klute (1971) Live from the Space Stage: A Halyx Story (2020) The Lady From Shanghai (1947) The Living Daylights (1987) The Magnificent Ambersons (1942) Man With a Movie Camera (1929) Mascots (2016) Mikey and Nicky (1976) The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek (1944) Moon (2009) Mothra vs Godzilla (1964) Night of the Demons (1988) The Night Stalker (1972) The Ninth Configuration (1980) Palm Springs (2020) Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) Postcards from the Edge (1990) The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) The Public Enemy (1931) The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) Sisters (1972) Sleeping Beauty (1959) Sudden Fear (1952) Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken! (2019) That Darn Cat! (1965) Throne of Blood (1957) Tom Jones (1963) Way Out West (1937) Yojimbo (1961)
Three and a Half Stars
Birds of Prey or the Really Long Harley Quinn Subtitle (2020) The Conversation (1974) Destroy All Monsters (1968) Double Dare (2004) Electra Woman and Dyna Girl (2016) Gimme Shelter (1970) Gun Crazy (1950) His Girl Friday (1940) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939) Jour de Fete (1949) The Lady Eve (1941) The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2019) The Mask of Zorro (1998) Mean Streets (1973) Movie Crazy (1932) Onward (2020) Paper Moon (1973) Repulsion (1965) The Train (1964) To Catch a Thief (1955) You Can’t Take It With You (1938) Zelig (1983)
Three Stars
L'Age D'or (1930) The Absent-Minded Professor (1961) The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988) Anna Karenina (2012) Bachelor Party (1984) Berberian Sound Studio (2012) Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) Black Narcissus (1947) Black Sunday (1960) Cat Ballou (1965) Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969) Empire of the Sun (1987) Elvira’s Haunted Hills (2001) Enola Holmes (2020) Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965) The Final Girls (2015) Forbidden Zone (1982) The Golem (1920) The Great Ziegfeld (1936) High Sierra (1941) House (1986) It’s a Gift (1934) Kon-Tiki (2012) Lady and the Tramp (1955) My Name is Nobody (1973) Observe and Report (2009) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) Phantasm (1979) Phenomena (1985) The Phineas and Ferb Movie: Candace Against the Universe (2020) Saludos Amigos (1942) Slap Her, She’s French (2002) Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) Sons of the Desert (1933) Titticut Follies (1967) Touchy Feely (2013)
Two and a Half Stars
Arthur Christmas (2011) The Cat and the Canary (1939) The Cat from Outer Space (1978) Jasper Mall (2020) The Kid (1921) Return to Oz (1985) The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) This is Not Berlin (2019)
Two Stars
Bell Book and Candle (1958) Bride of Re-Animator (1989) Casino Royale (1967) Gamera vs Guiron (1969) Godzilla vs Megalon (1973) Masters of the Universe (1987) Make Mine Music (1946) Melody Time (1948) Muppets From Space (1999) Parenthood (1989) Valley of the Dolls (1967) Willow (1988)
One Star
Cave Dwellers (1984) Crash of Moons (1954) The Creeping Terror (1964) Foodfight! (2012) Hamlet 2 (2008) Howard the Duck (1986) The Human Duplicators (1965) King Dinosaur (1955) The Mad Monster (1942) The Mole People (1956) Swamp Diamonds (1955) A Talking Cat!?! (2013) Time of the Apes (1987)
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I’ll do the whole class- ’ll also give them mini details and notes, maybe I’ll make this an au 
It’s probably set in Kalos but maybe that’s all where they came from and they moved to Galar..? Kalos is based on like- France right? I like Galar though.. the camping elements could be cute.. you guys decide I guess
Marinette: Ledyba(basically tiki), Leavanny, Orbeetle, (then I can imagine she’s the kind of person to just pick up random Pokémon she saved) Dratini, Chinchou—She originally wanted to stay home but showed how talent with being a trainer and also being a Pokémon Performer! She makes all of them costumes and has her own little following of fans. It’s very humbling.
Adrien: Litten, Absol, Goomy(Nino gave it to him. Gabriel hates it but Adrien absolutely ADORES it), Duskskull—Traveling with Nino and Marinette after running away from home to become a trainer (Nathalie helped), falls in love with Marinette after getting his ass handed to her
Alya: Braixen, Vulpix, Espeon, Pikachu, Rotom(in her phone)—Is working on a blog to share Pokémon to the world, but ran into the whatever Villain Team and gets saved by the Best Friend squad, making her join, surprisingly clever
Nino: Frogadier, Wartortle, Roggenrolla, Spheal—Mom friend of the fucking team and he’s tired but he loves these guys. All of his Pokémon know how to dance or groove/vibe in some way. Even the Spheal. That boy flops like a mad lad. He loves them all and he calls them his dudes.
Chloe: Vespiqueen, Ribombee, Ampharos, traveling with an egg—Also a Pokémon performer, a little over the top, but it’s cause of Audrey’s crushing demands and expectations, Marinette helps teach her that it’s okay to like things her mother doesn’t like. She joins the Miracuteam when Sabrina goes off on her own.
Sabrina: Arcanine, Furfrou, Luxray—Used to travel with Chloe as a duo but decides that she wants to go off on her own for a while, becomes Chloe’s friendly rival.
Alix: Rabbot, Yamask, Sigilpyh, (and her fossils) Carnidos, Archen, Tyrunt—Her father works and studies fossils. She thinks it’s cool and all but wanted to put them to good use. Became a trainer to show fossil Pokémon their coolness, and also show her own strength, as she was just seen as the “Curator’s little girl”. She’s traveling with Kim because he had no idea who she was and she liked that. Unfortunately that changed when Max joined but it’s fine. She’s secretly rich thanks to this and it’s funny when she takes people home and they flip out.
Kim: Grooky(He’s a proud monkey dad), Tentacruel, Luvdisk, Deino(given by Alix)—On a journey to get stronger and impress his family and his peers. He had no idea who Alix was when he met her but when he learned who she was from Max he absolutely flipped- and then went back to normal, much to Max’s surprise and Alix’s relief.
Max: Rotom(yes it’s named Markov)—He’s less of a trainer and more of a researcher, he’s joined Alix and Kim when they saved him. He recognized Alix to be the Curator’s Daughter and she freaks out. He’s baffled by her and can’t see her as someone other than the genius’s kid for a while until they become better friends
Ivan: Rolycoly, Golem, Rockruff, Cubone, Steelix—Traveling with Mylene, likes picking up small Pokémon to raise cause he’s a softy 
Myelne: Audino, Cleffa, Togepi, Alolan Grimer—Traveling with Ivan to face her fears, working to become an actress
Juleka: Mismagius, Hattrene, Frillish, Ghastly, Sylveon(unexpected thanks to her goth aesthetic but it loves her so it’s fine)—Working to become a Ghost Gym leader and Rose is tagging along. Intimidating until not, basically Marnie.
Rose: Snom, Tepig, Snubbul, Munna, Mimikyu(She found it and showers it with affection)—She met Juleka one day and swore to herself she was going to marry that tall goth and climb her like a tree. Likes to collect “ugly” Pokémon because she likes them and thinks they’re cute.
Nathaniel: Eevee(Marc gave him this one, it’s a brat but they love their child), Smeargle, Pichu—On a journey to get out of the house and collect artist inspiration, might join Alix, Kim, and Max but they’re just friends for now. 
Lila: Zorua, Thievul, Umbreon—In it for the fame, performer who’s a rival to Marinette, though its more respectful now. She’s still jealous of Marinette but she isn’t gonna go out of her way to sabotage. 
Ondine: Primarina, Vaporeon, Lapras, Oshawatt, Quagmire, Mantine—Swimmer and friend of Kim. She covers for the Water gym while Luka is away.
Marc: ALL OF THE EEVEELUTIONS—Don’t ask where they got so many eevees. They just do. 
Aurore: Gardevoir, Castform, Psyduck, Seviper(you bet your ass Mirielle has a Zangoose)—Performer who’s rivaled with Mirelle. 
Luka: Gyarados, Milotic, Slowbro, Goodra(given by Kagami), Greninja, Drednaw—The water type gym leader. He’s gotta support his FAM. Very chill and proud of his sister. Accidental rivals with Kagami but ends up traveling with her for a bit.
Kagami: Garchomp, Fraxure, Kingdra(given by Luka), Noivern, Salamance, Dragonite—The Dragon Type gym leader. Her mom forced her into it, and while she’s good at it, she has no true passion for it. She hates how chill and unserious Luka can be with his duties but it comes from her being jealous of his freedom. Eventually goes on a journey to find her true passion, and Luka joins her.
(Extra Extras) Gabriel: Volcarona, Venomoth, Dustox, Cofagrius (GET IT- CAUSE HIS WIFE IS IN A FUCKING COFFIN HAH-)—Probably the leader of the villain gang. Lusamine style.
Nathalie: Altaria, Decidueye—Vice leader of the villain gang but she gives a shit about Adrien so she helps him escape. She also probably backstabs Gabriel at some point.
Felix: Purrloin, Meowth—Bitch
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randomnameless · 4 years
Rhea is the reason why Edel's family even rules over something. Afaik first Emperor and rhea worked together to create the empire. They fought together against Nemesis. Apparently sources think they were ducking. At least they worked together to make a new calendar. Rhea remembers him fondly 1k years after his death. Wilhelm golem is one of her last guardians. It's the epitome of human and nabatean working together. But Edel twists and destroy this story of cooperation.
Ultimately we don't know what happened during the war of heroes.
IDK what Edel was thinking during the course of the game regarding Seiros and her lizard relatives (i’m sure the devs ignored it too) but she doesn’t seem to regard Wilhelm in a good light. To her, it seems as if Wilhelm sold humanity to Nabateans, or allowed them to control humans.
Why ? She implies Seiros manipulated people to fight against Nemesis, so was Wilhelm manipulated in some way? Regardless, he is the one who allowed humanity to be controlled, so it doesn’t matter if he was blinded by faith brought by, idk, false miracles, or if he was thinking with his dick - Edel rejects his heritage and wants to destroy Rhea and her Lizard Cabal to make the world a better place and controlled/led by “humans”.
She’ll use the powers (crest + position as an emperor) Rhea gave to her family to destroy her. I’m sure it made the mole people giggle a lot. She only succeeds when she secures Rhea’s mom and ends her route with using Rhea’s mom to bash Rhea’s skull here the mole people were laughing their asses off
That’s why I made an earlier parallel with “imagine if Chrom’s descendant starts a war against Naga/Tiki” - Naga gave Chrom’s ancestor (not Marth, another one?) a brand and powers to defeat Fell Dragons, Chrom’s ancestor created the halidom of Ylisse, but now, what if Chrom’s descendant wanted to kill Naga/Tiki?
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