#time for job to explore the wonderful world of alternative medicine
mynameisquoi · 11 months
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happy birthday job!
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awww it's so sweet for the shrink to attend job's birthday party! i think these two are going to be friends for a long time :)
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here's a better look at our birthday boy. he wants to work in medicine, possibly as penance for his role in spreading roach flu and killing his sister. might be kind of difficult without a college degree, but we'll see.
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fan-clan-fun · 9 months
Bringers of Hyacinth
Hiii! I have a Warriors inspired world I want you to review, or give some feedback. Clans are now called Bringers, and they'd be call “Bringers of _” oh and several of the og ranks are renamed, Deputy are now called Heirs, Medicine Cats are Healers, apprentices are Becoming-pupil's and etc. Anyways here's the bringer I want you to review today!
I'll be happy to take a look!
˚ · . *Summary༉‧₊˚.
The robust, tough and sturdy Hyacinth lives in a barren&dry-out territory. That was believed to be destroyed by No-furs awhile back, these cats are physically the strongest amongst all of the other bringers. Due to their harsh and barren environment. 
Overtime, they’ve developed Osteophagia. Having powerful biting jaws that can chomp through bones like it’s nothing, their physically very bulky. Due to their harsh environments, the cats their tends to be larger then other bringers. And the bigger and stronger you are, the more likely you’d be chosen as the next heir.
I'm curious how the clan got to be so big if they didn't have a lot of food. Do they have an alternate source of food? Do they take down much larger prey to keep everyone fed and growing healthy?
Leader: There’s only one leader in the bringer at a time, they’re usually chosen by their size, strength and leadership abilities. The stronger, bigger you are, the higher chance you’ll be chosen to be the next leader. Sometimes, they’re referred as “Chief” but sticks to “Leader” during the Crescent gathering. To avoid any confusion from other bringers.
Heir: Heirs are usually chosen by a trial, those whom wish to be a Heir. Will be place in a ‘Battle trial’ to test their physically abilities and reaction time, most usually battles against any unlucky outsiders that wonder into the territory that day. Or any birds of prey that flew too close to the claws of Hyacinths. 
The group seems very martial oriented, which does explain why there are several healers, and I suppose their numbers are sustained by pretty consistent attrition getting rid of extra mouths to feed?
Healer: Exactly what you think, they’re usually 4-6 healers at a time due to how frequently their members get injured. 
Healer’s pupil: The healer’s pupil are chosen by the healers, each healer will choose which becoming-pupil will be their chosen successor. Their numbers depend on how much healers are alive in the bringer at a time.
Traveling Herbalist: This role is a quite recent one, formed by a group of desperate and tired healers during a particularly harsh leaf-bare. They’re trained alongside Healer’s pupil and are set out to the vast territories to search for new faunas and herbs. They’re usually around 5-8 Traveling herbalist at once.
Watchers: Watchers are cats willing to get their paws dirty and watch out for trouble within their clan. They will follow any suspicious patrols, keep an eye on the border, and track down any missing cats. They are also the main cats who guard the clans, and usually will have dark pelts or are willing to cover themselves in mud.
Artisans: These are the cats who mainly build or repair dens, weave nests, gather materials, and generally take care of the camp. Due to them mostly sticking around camp, artisans usually guard it, and take care of the kits and elders when they aren’t busy with other duties. Since the position is seen as very simple, disabled cats (i.e more so blind or deaf cats rather than ones with missing limbs) are often given the position.
Scouts: Scouts are the cats that explore the territory in the event of a crisis, help keep track of materials alongside the artisans, and deliver messages to other clans. They do whatever is needed in their clan’s desperate times, but for the most part tend to average warrior duties. They must have keen senses and lots of stamina.
Wardens: They’re the ones who get the most jobs done, they hunt, patrol, guard and mentor the new-claws. These makes up the majority of the bringer, but sometimes are even numbers with Watchers and Artisans.
Becoming-pupils: They’re apprentices renamed… 
Kits: They’re kits…
Greying-paws: Retired cats from their previous roles that makes up a very tiny percentage of the bringer, usually around to tell stories and guide troubling Becoming-pupils.
Kit-Keepers: Any cat can become a kit-keeper if they please, while most would prefer to live their life hunting and fighting. These cats take the duty of caring for all kits too old to suckle. Feeding and nurturing them as they grow. Usually kits know of their birth parents, but have a closer connection to the kit-keepers. Aka cat malewives real.
I definitely encourage you to continue with being inclusive! It is good to have ranks that are accepting of others, though also good not to tokenize any specific groups either.
•Healer’s pupil 
Their territory are barren, dry and lacks greenery. They live in the middle of the barren land, they have a rock built tunnel to the nearest river. Which they’ve agreed with Bringers of Beavers, for their border to end at the opposite side of the river. As so they won’t die of thirst.
The camp is surrounded by large rocks, their camp is a hallowed out small round ravine. There’s a tunnel for them to enter their camp. Most dens of their are made from small rocks, or are indented into the ravine itself.
I am curious what type of barren land you refer to. Is it a valley between mountains? A desert? Flat ground? There is a lot of variety to places considered dry and desolate.
Bringers of Hyacinth are very blunt and honest. They’re mature, athletic and adaptable to their surroundings. Hyacinth are nature born hunters, having a keen sense of smell and hearing over the other bringers.
They’re very independent and are resourceful. Being quick and nimble on their feet, whilst capable of taking down any ferocious animals. 
They’ve gained a ton of respect and loyalty towards Soaring, generations ago. When Hyacinth was dying off due to starvation, Bringers of Soaring lend them a paw. And sent their preys over and allowed them to hunt on their territory as long as they’re able to hunt on their own territory. 
Due to the benevolent act their Leader gave them, they’ve been great allies with Soaring ever since. Helping them in combat, wars and even in times of crisis.
It's always interesting to hear how groups get along, or don't, and how it's tied into their histories.
➺Prey Preference➺
Birds of prey
-Rare meal, Considered to be a delicacy.
-Common prey, easy meal.
-Common prey, easy meal.
Fennec foxes
-Released by No-furs, hunted frequently.
This is certainly unique! Is there a rescue or breeding program breeding these in the area? Or is the Bringer's territory close to the fennecs natural range? I imagine the No-furs would not be happy to find out the animals they released are being hunted, has that impacted the Bringer's at all?
-Uncommon preys, usually was stumbled upon near their borders.
↬ Psychological strength 
★ ★ ↫
↬ Physical strength 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Close quarter combat 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Ambush combat 
★ ★ ↫ 
↬ Wisdom 
★ ★ ↫
↬ Intelligence 
★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Speed
★ ★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Endurance 
★ ★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Agility 
★ ★ ★ ↫
Thanks for the submission!
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ccrpsorg · 2 years
Non Clinical Physician Jobs: Exploring New Opportunities Outside the Clinic
Unlock Your Career Potential with Non-Clinical Physician Jobs: Exploring New Opportunities Outside the Clinic
Are you a physician looking to diversify your career paths and unlock new possibilities? Then non-clinical physician jobs may be the answer for you. With an ever-evolving demand for medical professionals outside of clinic settings, there are now more opportunities than ever to explore alternative careers in healthcare without having to sacrifice your years of learning as a doctor. Come along on this journey with us, where we’ll uncover how you can tap into heretofore untapped potential and make use of those hard-earned skills! Put aside traditional job definitions – sit back and relax, it's time to explore what could be the start of meaningful professional growth through creative exploration: pursuing that exciting non-clinical path.
the different types of non-clinical physician jobs
There are a variety of non-clinical physician jobs available in the medical field. Some of these positions include medical writer, medical director, clinical research associate, medical monitor, and pharmacovigilance officer.
A medical writer is responsible for creating scientific manuscripts, posters, and other materials. They must be able to understand complex medical information and present it in an easy-to-read format. A medical director is responsible for the overall clinical operation of a clinic or hospital. They make sure that patients receive the best possible care and that all regulations are followed. A clinical research associate (CRA) helps to design, implement, and monitor clinical trials. They work with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to make sure that the trials are run safely and effectively. A medical monitor oversees the safety of patients who are participating in a clinical trial. They ensure that any adverse effects are reported to the appropriate authorities. A pharmacovigilance officer is responsible for detecting and reporting adverse drug reactions. They work with pharmaceutical companies to make sure that all medications are safe and effective.
Nonclinical physician jobs in clinical research
Physicians have many different job options outside of the clinical setting. One such option is working in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical jobs can be extremely lucrative, with some positions offering six-figure salaries. However, these jobs also require a great deal of experience and knowledge. Those who are interested in pursuing a career in pharmaceuticals should be sure to have a strong background in science and medicine.
Working in the pharmaceutical industry can be a very rewarding experience. Physicians who work in this field are able to help develop new treatments and medicines that can improve the lives of millions of people. They also have the opportunity to work with some of the most innovative companies in the world.
The pharmaceutical industry is constantly changing, and those who work in this field must be able to keep up with the latest trends. Physicians who are interested in working in this field should make sure that they are well-versed in the latest research and developments.
The pharmaceutical industry is a rapidly growing field, and there are many opportunities for physicians who want to work in this field. Those who are interested in pursuing a career in pharmaceuticals should do their research and learn as much as they can about this exciting industry.
Tips on pursuing nonclinical physician jobs
If you're a physician who is looking for a job outside of the clinical setting, you may be wondering how to best go about pursuing those opportunities. Here are a few pieces of advice to help you out:
1. Start by doing your research. There are many different types of nonclinical physician jobs out there, so it's important to know what kind of position you're interested in before you start applying. Do some online research to learn more about the different types of jobs that are available and the skills that are required for them.
2. Network with your peers. Chances are, there are other physicians out there who have pursued nonclinical jobs and can offer you some great advice on how to make the transition. Get in touch with your professional networks and see if anyone knows of any good opportunities in the field.
3. Polish up your resume and LinkedIn profile. Since you'll be transitioning into a nonclinical career, it's important to make sure that your resume and LinkedIn profile reflect that. Make sure to highlight your relevant skills and experience, and be sure to list any courses or training that you've done in the field.
4. Go after the jobs you want. Don't be afraid to apply for jobs that may be a little outside of your comfort zone - if you're qualified for the position, there's no harm in trying! The more proactive you are in seeking out opportunities, the better chance you have of finding the perfect job for you.
resources available for nonclinical jobs
There are many resources available for doctors looking to work nonclinical jobs. One great resource is the website NonclinicalJobs.com, which is dedicated to helping doctors find nonclinical jobs. The website includes a job board with listings from hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare organizations across the country. It also includes a blog with articles about finding nonclinical jobs, transitioning to a nonclinical career, and tips for succeeding in the job market.
Another great resource is the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The AAMC offers several resources for doctors who want to transition to a nonclinical career, including an online guide, webinars, and an annual conference. The AAMC also maintains a database of nonclinical jobs in healthcare and other industries.
Finally, doctors can reach out to their local hospital or clinic to see if they have any openings for nonclinical roles. Many hospitals and clinics are looking for nurses, medical assistants, and other professionals to help support the clinical staff.
Offer advice on how to get started in a non-clinical career with CCRPS clinical research associate, medical monitor, or pharmacovigilance certification
One great way to get started in a non-clinical career with CCRPS clinical research associate, medical monitor, or pharmacovigilance certification is to first get some experience in the field. shadowing someone in a related field can give you an idea of what the day-to-day work is like and what type of skills you need to be successful. It can also help you build connections in the industry.
Once you have some experience, look for certification programs that can help you develop the skills you need for a career in clinical research. The Clinical Research Associate (CRA) program from CCRPS, for example, is designed to give you the knowledge and training you need to work in the field. The Medical Monitor program from CCRPS is another option, and it provides training on how to conduct safety monitoring for clinical trials. Finally, the Pharmacovigilance program from CCRPS is designed to teach you about adverse event reporting and drug safety.
No matter which certification program you choose, make sure it is accredited and will provide you with the skills you need to be successful. And don't forget to continue building your network; meeting people in your industry can help you find jobs and learn about opportunities that might be a good fit for you.
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themadearl · 3 years
“The way to a man’s heart is through the stomach, right?”
Or: The way to Yuu’s heart is copious amount of food
Yuu has always loved eating and discarding the whole getting iskeai’d affair, she had a whole new world’s worth of food to explore
So it made the experience slightly better, maybe
The tagline of “Food so good, I came through a different dimension to eat!” is probably not the best
Anyhow, Yuu started to cope by exploring new foods
Which there were lots of due to how magic interacted with the ecosystem of twisted wonderland
Jewel berries, winged fish, animal hybrids and so much more
Mostro Lounge became one of her favorite places due to the seasonal menu it provides
Also, her part time job place as the allowance she’s given by Crowley doesn’t support a wide range of food
With recipes from her previous world, Yuu contributes to new menu items
Starting from an idea of the dish, she goes on and experiments with the ingredients she is able to use 
The dishes are then to be tasted by someone, which were usually Jade & Floyd, before it can go on the menu
And of course, she is paid a hefty penny for each dish that goes on the menu 
As time goes on, it becomes obvious to everyone that Yuu holds an extradentary amount of interest in food
Constantly checking out the food and beverage section of bookstores
Being much more interested in the taste of herbs in herbology classes rather than medicinal uses
Having different meals almost everyday due to the amount of choices she has never tried
It’s also hard to ignore Yuu’s starry eyes and squeals every time she eats something good
Trey also saves some cake for Yuu during Heartslabyul tea parties
Cater shares food guides of good restaurants in the town around NRC
Deuce, Ace and Jack sometimes get dragged out with Yuu to purchase ingredients 
As Epel is from Village of Harvest, Yuu finds great interest in talking about corps that are in twisted wonderland
Sebek joins in with plants native to Valley of Thorns
Life seems fine and dandy but it wouldn’t be normal if fate doesn’t throw some curve balls right?
The way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, and what better way to captivate the heart of Yuu than to present her with food?
A box of high class sweets everyday from Leona, which were passed by different Savanclaw students 
Somedays Yuu would be stopped by Trey who would passed her some of his new creations 
Luxurious lunch boxes with rare fishes, delivered alternatively by a different Leech twin
Ortho knocks on the door with a package of high quality of fruits by Idia 
During one of their walks, Malleus hands out a bottle of nectar collected from Golden Flowers
Yuu’s been enjoying the heck out of the week she received all those items
Even Ace and Deuce gets to share some of it due to large quantity
Sometimes they wonder if Yuu’s stomach is a gateway to another universe due to the amount of food she stuffs herself with
Unlike a certain someone that doesn’t get why she’s given so many gifts, “Isn’t it because we’re friends?”
Ace does notice the looks Yuu’s been receiving from her admirers 
“Yuu, which gift did you like the most?”
“Eh, that’s such a hard question~ Can’t I say I like them all equally?”
“Good luck with that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
‘That your admirers aren’t going to be happy with the thought’, thinks Ace 
“The herbivore’s probably enjoying the high class chocolates I gave her.” 
“Surely it is no match for the nectar of a golden flower that blooms every hundred years.”
“The tree of Solitude only bears fruit every five hundred years, I don’t think you’ll beat that heh.”
“Uck, shrimpy will like something made with love and care right, Jade~”
“Yes, Floyd. Not to mention we personally gathered the ingredients.”
“If it’s love and care, I don’t think I’m gonna lose.”
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umeshkate4545 · 3 years
Why BSc Microbiology is the Best Career Option
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The employment path we choose has a big impact on a lot of things in our lives. Choosing a professional path is probably one of the most difficult decisions to make, so it's critical to take the time to carefully explore all of your alternatives.
If you've recently completed your bachelor's degree or are nearing the end of your studies, you might be wondering what to do next. What Career Options Are Available After a BSc in Microbiology? 
This article will clear up any misconceptions by giving you an overview of these topic disciplines as well as the many career paths you can take. It is critical to first clarify your mind concerning the subject areas.
What is Bachelor of Science in Microbiology about?
This topic is about microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungus, which are microscopic and so cannot be seen with the naked eye. BSc Microbiology is a vast domain of biological science that examines the structure, pathogenicity, function, and practical applications of existing organisms on a microscopic level.
Biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, immunology, and other degree areas of biological sciences overlap with this field of research.
Bachelor of Microbiology has the potential to offer one of the most promising careers in the twenty-first century. This topic has a significant impact and direct engagement in a variety of sectors, including pharmaceuticals, medicine, clinical research, agriculture, dairy and food processing, water, nanotechnology, and bioprocessing. 
Microbiologists research the characteristics and interactions of existing microbes with other living organisms, such as people, which can have a variety of consequences for our life. 
As a microbiologist, you can work in a variety of settings, and this field can provide you with a variety of professional opportunities. You can work as a microbiologist in either a research or non-research context.
A master's degree is highly recommended if you wish to start a career in research. Students pursuing Ph.D. degrees in microbiology and related subjects, on the other hand, will find that having a Doctorate degree opens up many more intriguing and promising avenues for them in India and throughout the world.
Job opportunities in sectors
A Bachelor's degree holder in Microbiology can find work in the pharmaceutical/healthcare industry in a variety of sectors, including Quality Control Microbiology and Quality Assurance. You will be involved in analyzing the quality of final goods, raw materials, water quality, and other things as a QC microbiologist in a pharmaceutical company. 
As a quality assurance executive, you will be responsible for maintaining records, preparing reports based on your observations, and putting in place testing safety processes to ensure that finished goods meet the highest standards. Because every pharmaceutical company's end goods are primarily tied to public health and overall well-being, each phase must be carefully monitored and assessed.
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fics where sherlock gets in an accident?
Hi Nonny!!!
I don’t have a tonne that I recall, but here’s what I do!! Also check out my whump lists too! And as always, please add your own fics, Lovelies, especially fics where the accident is the plot point!
See Also:
Doctor / Caretaker John
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 2
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 3
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 4
Sherlock is Sick/Hurt (Sherlock Whump)
Sherlock Whump Pt. 2
Take My Hand, Knot Your Fingers Through Mine by patster223 (K+, 2,003 w., 1 Ch. || H/C & Friendship, Whump) - "I know this is an inconvenience for you, but I would really rather you were awake right now, John." John is unconscious, and Sherlock decides to talk to him anyway. Sherlock/John pre-slash.
The Doctor's Capable Hands by Totally-Out-Of-It (K+, 2,012 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock Whump, Doctor John, Hurt/Comfort, Hospitals, Anxious Sherlock) – Sherlock is injured during a chase. John sits watchful at his bedside in the hospital and wonders. He wouldn't leave Sherlock alone like this. Especially not if Sherlock wanted him to stay.
Trapped and Upside Down on the M6 by BootsnBlossoms (E, 4,256 w., 1 Ch. || Whump, Car Accident, H/C) – Everything felt wrong. His hair was going the wrong way. His arms were bent in ways he wouldn’t choose to bend them. His neck hurt and he couldn’t really feel his toes. Something was dripping on his face – and rolling up. A car crash. He had been in a car crash.
I'm Pretty Sure This Changes Shit by cwb (E, 7,672 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Cudding, Doctor/Patient, Accidents, Pining Sherlock, Blow Jobs, Oral / Anal, BAMF John, Minor Injuries, Dev. Rel.) – Sherlock finds increasingly ridiculous ways to get John to patch him up after hurting himself.
In The End by whitchry9 (K+, 9,677 w., 17 Ch. || Memento Fusion || Amnesia, Growing Old, Hurt / Comfort, Friendship, Heavy Angst) – When a brain injury leaves Sherlock unable to make new memories, John wonders how Sherlock will cope, and what it will mean for The Work and their life. Because after all, how can you live if you can't feel time passing?
Catastrophe Medicine by LaSuen (T, 11,550 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt / Comfort, Suspense, Adventure, Whump, Hard Core Bromance) – Chasing after a pyromaniac bomber Sherlock and John wind up in a deserted building which explodes and leaves them trapped under the rubble, both severely injured.
The Hand You're Dealt by Lady Sam Mallory (T, 12,092 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Light Violence, BAMF John, Doctor John, Injury, Friendship) – Sherlock, John and several others are trapped in a building when an explosion disrupts the crime scene they are working.
First Response by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 13,516 w., 8 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Five and Ones, Whump / Injury) – Five times John had to perform first aid on Sherlock and one time Sherlock had to perform it on John.
The Haze by Ulura (T, 15,381 w., 12 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Whump, Turmoil, Mystery, Worried Sherlock, Mycroft Helps Sherlock, Flashbacks, Blood, Kidnapped John) – Sherlock wakes up, injured and confused on the floor of 221b, the last two days a complete blank. He must struggle not only to recover but to figure out what happened to him and most importantly, find his missing friend John Watson.
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Magical Realism, John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It's a lot less cracky than you're probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
A Hundred Crimson Sols by elldotsee (E, 55,536 w., 16 Ch. || Astronauts AU || Mars Exploration / Space Travel, Slow Burn, Shy Sherlock, Scientist Sherlock / Biomed Engineer John, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, UST, Angst with Happy Ending, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Injuries, Suicidal Ideation, Zero-G Sex) – Will Holmes is a chemical researcher recognized widely for his contributions to the new Mars exploration program. Thanks to his ground-breaking developments, the IMMC (International Mars Mission Corporation) is one step closer to Martian colonization. Will and his team of scientists are headed out on the first of three manned missions before the first group of settlers arrive. Three days before launch, one of the crew has to be replaced. Will panics because...new people. The replacement is of course one John Watson, biomedical engineer and space hottie who was pretty sure he had retired from actual space exploration and was now content to work in the nice, quiet research lab. Can the crew survive this TOTALLY ROUTINE trip? Will they be able to endure each other for the looooooong trip in close quarters? Gonna be a wild ride... prepare for blast off. Part 1 of SpaceBois go to Space
Lunar Landscapes by J_Baillier (M, 57,046 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || S3/TAB Fix-It, Slow Burn Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Confessions, Drugs, Pain, Medical, Injury, Sherlock Whump, Mental Health Issues, Panic Attacks, Romance, Secrets, Tragedy, Trauma, BAMF John, Doctor!John, Drug Addict Sherlock, Injured Sherlock, Grieving John, Idiots In Love, Protective John, POV John Watson, PTSD Sherlock, Sherlock is a Mess, Medical Realism) – An accident forces John to face the fact that Sherlock's downward spiral had started long before his flight to exile even left the tarmac.
Summit Fever by J_Baillier (M, 78,802 w., 18 Ch. || Mountain Climber AU || POV John, Angst, Tragedy, Suicidal Ideation, The Himalayas, Mountain Guide / Doctor John, Mount Climber Sherlock, Loneliness, Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Injured Sherlock / Sherlock Whump, Pining John) – After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I—the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains—shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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ill-will-editions · 4 years
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A fourth letter in our quarantine series, from our friend Icarus.
“They’ve already destroyed everything, all the structures we believed in, trusted. Maybe we’re in a transitional phase, you know? There’s some sort of substitution going on. Meanwhile, we’re navigating in a tremendous vacuum, vaguely oriented by the stars but with no true reference point. Our compasses have gone wild, spinning madly, attracted by thousands of magnetic poles. We might as well throw them out the window, they’re obsolete. It’s just us and the night sky, like it was for the early explorers, while we wait for new, more advanced navigational devices to be invented. My only fear is that the stars have somehow gotten out of place and will be no help as references either.”
- Ignacio de Loyola Brandao, “And Still the Earth”
Dear friends,
It can be strange to intervene in someone else’s debate, but I don’t believe you’ll hold it against me if I do. Over the past weeks, I’ve rather enjoyed the commentary and exchange of letters between my friends, August, Kora, and Orion.  Something about the reflections of my friends is missing for me still, so I’ll chime in without wasting too much time, I hope.
Today, millions of people are working. In warehouses, in offices, in fields, kitchens and storerooms; from the computer, the sorting room and at construction sites, millions of Americans are sharing the coronavirus with each other and with their neighbors. Many of them are asymptomatic, a portion are not sick yet, and certainly some of them are still hiding their symptoms from their families, employers, and coworkers. No zombie apocalypse is complete without the inconsiderate hot-head who insists, deceptively, that his injury is “nothing, it’s fine, let’s keep moving”. Orion wrote that the virus imposes “its own temporality, which immobilizes everything.” If only.  
   Logistics, shipping, freight, warehousing: these are some of the largest sectors of the 21st century workforce, and they are all on overtime. From Whole Foods to Old Dominion, these disposable workers are simultaneously killable - insofar as the market facilitates their endangerment via assured contact with the virus - and indispensable, insofar as they must not be allowed to strike, unionize, or cease working that this society may minimally function. In these industries, overwhelmingly, black men and immigrants are crammed into job sites without any protective equipment. In other words, they are proletarians in the classical sense, and they are still at work. A true quarantine, a dignified exodus from the commodity society and its extensive productive apparatus, would halt all forms of labor and toil, a circumstance as yet unrealized. If we can say we are living in a quarantine, we must say that it is still incomplete.
What we once called "society" (an entity which now insists it can survive unity and distance simultaneously, even distance for the sake of unity), has been replaced by billions of apparatuses. These apparatuses constitute a vast ACEPHALOGRAM - a system of machines designed to trace and retrace the consciousness of a world that has definitively lost its head.
The period of real domination opened by the aggressive economic and political restructuring in the 70s, 80s, and 90s - “globalization” - has pushed a vast quantity of workers out of manufacturing and into service related industries. Services being overall less profitable then commodity manufacturing and heavy industry, other technological implements such as we see emerge from Silicon Valley have filled the gap, so to speak, of lost profits for the economy by allowing large advertising and analysis firms to mine directly the collective human ambitions in art, sex, politics, culture, and society. To open up this mine, which has produced an existential ruin comparable to the environmental ruin associated with mineral mining, the internet has developed as a global network of pseudo participatory information systems. The data thirst of these industries cannot be sated by the administration of facts from the center or top, they must be produced by the masses directly. But technology does not simply catch data falling naturally from the sky or running off the gutters of consciousness. It produces data by arranging relations such that they produce content that can be bought and sold. Under such conditions, the medical, political, technological and ontological crisis of a pandemic cannot help but be experienced as a video, a collection of tweets, graphs, memes, as background noise, as a conspiracy theory, as a genre in the endless relay of notifications.  
The truth is that social media has allowed billions of people to coordinate themselves into large and small containers of meaning and virtual energy. These containers, ecosystems of signs and signifiers, by dint of their polycentralized arrangement, function as an epistemological subversion of established truth-making infrastructures that require a certain amount of hegemony or global purchase: the scientific method, fact-checking, and debate. Occasionally, the understanding produced in these containers, theory-fictions more than anything else, incidentally conform to an intensity with physical correlatives capable of overpowering police infrastructures and seizing public space, as we saw across the world in 2019. More often, the echo chambers, as they are often called, curtail feelings of common dialogue and the perception of shared futurity that would be seemingly embedded in such a “global” sharing of information. This curtailing allows people of all “types” to be bundled together as data sets, insulated from the experience of true diversity of thought, of experience, of analysis. The polycentralized arrangement of the internet today may be even less participatory than previous eras of information sharing, even though it doesn’t feel that way.
Commentators and critics have used the ongoing crisis to delay the moment of our collective education with unwavering ideological entrenchment. At work, it is not uncommon for me to hear small business owners and day traders talk about the failures of socialized medicine in  Italy, implicitly endorsing greater privatization in the US. Among activists, liberals, and leftists, it is impossible to imagine a greater indictment on the privatized, decentralized, healthcare system than what is taking place. Apocalyptic Christian sects believe the government is going to repress churches for gathering, and social justice advocates believe the coronavirus crisis will be “the same, but worse” on every oppressive axis. It’s hard to imagine another reflex.
While they recognize that the internet has plunged billions of people into a pulverized simulacrum, some of my comrades would have us devote ourselves to the dissemination of real news, of verified and sober analysis, of scientific rigor, in order to combat the prevailing disarray. This warms my heart just as it saddens my intellect. We have always been machine-breakers, in a way, revolting against the forward and crushing movement of industry to preserve a less alienated experience of reality, labor, and community. We aren’t wrong for that. We should be reliable sources of information, but not because we will convince people with our reports — which may no longer be so possible online — rather because we believe it is the right thing to do, and because we can at least proceed on a clear and shared basis with each other. But what other strategies could we utilize for analyzing the world that would allow us to act within the protracted vertigo, without trapping ourselves or others in ideological camps, and without losing revolutionary aspirations in a world where global verification of facts seems impossible, but where universal need for a transformation, fascistic or revolutionary, feels like common sense?
“We dreamed of utopia and woke up screaming
A poor lonely cowboy that comes back home, what a wonder”
-Roberto Bolano, “Leave Everything, Again”
For millennia, the administration of public facts was the cornerstone of political power, and stamping out alternative readings the chief objective of the repressive machinery. The ruling bureaucracy has organized itself to prevent any global loss of control. They’ve always done that. What is surprising is how readily, since 9/11 at least, perhaps much earlier, they have abandoned many important methods for doing so. As the possibility of imagining its own future became increasingly stamped-out, the reigning order abandoned any pretense of pursuing the ideals it propped itself up on, its sole promise being to ward-off unforeseen eventualities. Without embarrassing myself with long-winded arguments about things I am ill-equipped to discuss - certainly less knowledgeable than my dear friends are on such matters as philosophy and critical works - I’d prefer to refer to an argument advanced by Brian Massumi in his essay “National Emergency Enterprise”. In this piece, he argues that a primary strategy of governance is to identify all possible causes of a scenario. The market refashions environments that submit the living tissue of relations one and all to technological “dataveillance”, information which, in principle, allows the administrators of such a system to model its every possible outcome, translating every action into a trans-action, while ensuring that every aberration meets a form of control. He utilizes the example of a forest fire, but we can just look at the pandemic and it’s consequences.
   The ruling class everywhere, has argued and governed as if the coronavirus is "merely the flu", justifying late responses and insufficient care, while also closing borders and taking emergency measures as if we are living in a veritable plague. There are strategies attached to every discourse, interests silently advanced with each interpretation, and powers produced and mobilized by every kind of theory and operation. Anyway, we have been living in the fall out of multiple convergent strategies for controlling and responding to this situation.  The governors of the world, at least of the democratic countries, are basically throwing things against a wall and seeing what sticks.  We can imagine that modeling and predictions are conducted endlessly based on analytics produced through data mining and network analysis purchased from Google, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere. As technocratic governments subordinate welfare states to the "science" of neoliberalism, the nihilism of the powerful today subordinates everything to the "science" of control.
Anyway, who organizes oblivion today acts with no principles and can only speak in lies. What does this mean for the rest of us?
   We can and are responding to this situation. The most important thing, from my perspective, is that we develop a vibrant enough ecosystem of strategies, corresponding to the largest possible interpretation of facts, without dividing our sympathies and concerns into rival fiefdoms and ideological sects. There are benefits to arguing that nothing of the situation is unique, that in fact the worst off before are the worst off now, that today simply represents an opportunity for us, etc. I am not among the comrades advancing this position, but I want to see the results of that framework as soon as possible, if it does not in fact raise the threshold for meaningful interventions. There are benefits to arguing that the quarantine is not deep enough, that the politics of mobilization have failed utterly to devastate the economy, but that a true lock down of the world could resemble the worlds first ever international wildcat general strike. I want to hear advocates of this position contend with the possibility of carceral interpretations of this argument. For those planting survival gardens, for those running autonomous rent strike hotlines, for those training in firearms, I want us to develop a shared enough perspective to see that there is a simple unity in our strategies, which is what is precisely, and incorrectly, attacked in Kora’s most recent letter to Orion: our autonomy. Beyond any individualistic misinterpretations, it is my perspective that the ability of human beings to self-authorize our activity, to determine our shared destinies, to control supply chains, vital infrastructures, and means of subsistence without the mediating factors of the market, are necessary prerequisites for a dignified life on earth. This is not to say, as Kora has intelligently argued, that anyone could come to control the unfolding course of history - a delusion that preppers, governors, and revolutionaries have all held - but precisely that autonomous, self-organized, structures are the only structures capable of responding quickly enough to the destabilizing, frightening, and uncertain futures lying in wait regardless of what we or anyone else do. We must utilize the current situation to repolarize the circumstances to the best of our ability around foundational concerns of power: on the one hand, there are all of the people of the world, some of them bastards we would not live with, and our shared need for dignified healthcare, housing, sustenance, and livelihood; and on the other hand there are all of the bastards waiting this out on yachts, manipulating public data for the sake of a geopolitical PR battle, utilizing the pandemic to pursue totalitarian power fantasies and clampdowns. We don’t need to steer the ship forward, we need to be able to swim in the wreckage.
Sorry, I wrote too much. Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading what others think soon.
-- Icarus
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What Might Have Been - 17
@goodomenscelebration - Theme Prompts
Continuing to post as many as possible in one evening!
If you missed a chapter, they are all available on AO3!
CW for briefly described but very bad injuries; and for creepy abandoned towns
For those who need a reminder: “Crowley” is our Crowley, while his “mirror image” is the Alternate Universe version. “Aziraphale” (or the “Guardian of Humanity”) is the Alternate Universe angel, while “Kasbeel” is ours, in disguise.
I apologize for that being confusing.
“Tell me about the angel.”
Crowley’s mirror image slumped against the wall, looking blankly at the space between them.
It was the only thing he ever asked. He never spoke of his own Aziraphale.
At first, Crowley had thought it was a trick. He’d kept his responses vague, evasive. What do you want me to say? Smug bastard with white wings. The mirror image had simply nodded.
Over time, Crowley started telling stories from their past, short ones, ones he thought over carefully, to ensure they wouldn’t reveal too much.
He likes oysters, way too much. Just. Salty, briny disgusting oysters, and he’ll eat a dozen of them in one sitting. Slurps them, too.
He can’t stand Charles Dickens. No idea why. Might just be that his customers are always asking for him, but I think they met once.
He’s been trying to learn to pull a coin from someone’s ear for over a century. Still drops the damn thing half the time. Isn’t it only supposed to take ten thousand hours to learn a skill? He’s coming up on a hundred thousand hours I think, and he still can’t get the fingers right.
And then, somewhere along the way, he stopped even guarding himself that much.
“He helps people,” Crowley said, turning his leg, which was still stiff and sore from the last torture session. The floor around him was black with demonic blood. “Even…when it’s really not worth it, even when there’s something way more important going on. One time, we were at this little restaurant in Italy. I turn my back for a minute, and there he goes, off washing dishes. He hates doing that sort of stuff, you know, always leaves them in the sink until I take care of it. But the girl in the back had been sick, and he sent her home and took over the job himself. Didn’t even use miracles, by the way, and couldn’t figure out how the machine worked, so he did it all by hand.”
“What…” the mirror image asked. “What was the more important thing?”
“Oh, uh, I’d been planning to ask him something. Not important what. We picked up the conversation later, but, um, he really ruined my first attempt.”
A hundred and forty miles to London.
Alone, Kasbeel could fly the distance in just under five hours. He would be exhausted, but he’d had a lot of practice the last few years.
He was not alone.
A Roman legion could walk twenty miles a day, setting up camp every night and breaking it in the morning. They could have made it in a week. Harold Godwinson had crossed from Yorkshire to Sussex in a little more than that.
But Kasbeel wasn’t leading an army.
He was leading nearly three hundred tired, hungry humans, most of them young, through enemy territory. Where they could be spotted at any moment and taken from him.
He took a deep breath, and walked through the crowd.
“Patrick, how’s the leg? Healing well? Ollie, make sure you hold onto Jennifer’s hand. Mrs. Sherwood, that’s not too many children? Please let Mrs. Kumar know if you need help. Amiyah, why don’t you move up to the front where we can see you? Alex, please, stay with your group, I don’t want to ask you again.” He greeted as many as he could, clasping shoulders, grasping hands.
When he reached the front, Lyla was waiting. She’d arranged her hair to hide the Mark on her cheekbone, as many did if they could. He bit his tongue and didn’t say anything. It was her choice.
“Are we ready to go?” she asked, tilting her head towards the highway, cutting south towards London.
“I believe so.” He glanced at the sky, black, filled with stars once more. It was comforting, and frightening. What else would change? “Let’s get as far as we can before sunrise.”
Ishliah had never seen the world before the apocalypse. Just barracks and training until the day the war started, then fighting, and fighting and fighting.
What spread before her now was almost incomprehensible. Little short plants growing everywhere from the ground, a vibrant, impossible green. And the taller ones – the trees – reaching almost to the top of the wall, branches spreading thick with fruit. Little animals sat in the branches, singing, not as varied or interesting as the singing of angels, but music nonetheless.
All that, and the sky above, brilliant blue again – it was almost enough to bring tears to her eyes.
“Ishliah of the Seventh Battalion. Welcome to New Eden.”
She turned, and her heart stopped in her chest. That face – she knew him, would never forget it, though now he was in uniform, flaming sword in hand. But the pale curls – the round face – the blue-grey eyes…
“You…” she managed, weakly.
“That would be the confirmation I need.” He stepped closer, still smiling. “I am Aziraphale, Angel of the Eastern Gate, Principality of Earth and Guardian of Humanity. I believe you met someone claiming to be me, three years ago, according to your report.”
“That…it really was…you?” Her hands began to tremble, and she wondered if this was what fear felt like. She never felt it on the battlefield, but this was much, much worse.
Ishliah had lied in that report.
“No, it was not.” He patted her on the shoulder. “And I don’t believe many others understand what you truly witnessed. I don’t fully understand it myself, but I mean to. Now. You said this angel…” a screen appeared in his hand and he scrolled down, lips pursed as he read. “Here it is. He took you into a hidden room and tortured you for information? Is this true?”
“Yes?” She cleared her throat and tried again. “Yes. There was a great deal of pain and…he asked me questions…”
Something caught her eye down in the garden. A group of humans, being led to a smaller walled area not far away. The human in the lead was shouting, and they all seemed to be bound together on some sort of chain.
“Even here we have our troublemakers,” Aziraphale said, with something like regret. “Sometimes the children don’t grow obediently as we’d hoped, and sometimes the Retrieval teams make mistakes when identifying the Elect. Not often, but we have been very busy lately.” He nodded towards the smaller walled section. “The holding pen is their last chance. Gabriel will arrive in a week to deliver the final Judgement on them.”
“And…if they’re found wanting…?”
“They’re cast out, of course. Far from here. The Eastern Gate, you understand, is purely ceremonial.” He gestured to the outer wall beside them.
Ishliah glanced down to see, not quite directly below them, a single stone missing from the completely smooth face of the wall. It hardly looked large enough for even a young human to slip through. She checked the inside curve of the wall. No breaks there – the missing stone didn’t even reach all the way.
She looked up again to find the Guardian scrolling through her report with pursed lips. “Ishliah. I wonder if, perhaps, you weren’t completely honest in what you said?”
She clenched her jaw, the fear suddenly reaching a height she had never suspected. Was this why traitors deserted? She would do anything not to feel this way again…
But the Guardian merely smiled, stepping close, lowering his voice. “My dear. Do not worry. What you witnessed was…truly extraordinary, and of course you thought no one would believe you. But this is no longer an isolated incident. There have been…other reports, curious ones, and yours doesn’t quite line up. But if you tell me the truth now, all will be forgiven.”
Her eyes slid again to the holding pen. “All?”
He rested a hand on her back, turning her away, until she faced him and only him. “Now, Ishliah. Tell me about the angel.”
“Tell me about the angel.”
Crowley tried to sit up straighter. His leg had healed, but now there was some great gaping gash across his stomach, and the way his manacled arm hung kept stretching the wound.
“He’s a complete hedonist. Foods. Wines. He goes to the barber every month. His hair doesn’t grow, he’s never had a beard, and he never even changes his look. I have no idea why he does it, except to have someone wash his hair and buff his nails. But he always comes out smiling, like he’s found the secret to peace on earth.”
“Nh,” the mirror image said. Crowley looked up to find he had a hand pressed to the bleeding wound on his neck. But it hadn’t sounded like a noise of pain. “I…uh, yeah. I know the look.”
“He likes to spoil me, too, when he has a chance. Trying to cheer me up, I think. I don’t tell him when it works, though. I’ve got a reputation to maintain. One time in Rome, there was this place with oysters—”
Crowley looked across the cell, but his mirror image might as well have lost interest, tugging himself towards the corner to sleep.
After three days of travel they reached Burton-upon-Trent.
The gang of wanderers divided into teams to explore, looking for supplies: food, medicine, clothing, shoes, anything that could be used as a weapon. Kasbeel and Lyla walked together with Squad A down the empty street, hot with the kind of blistering heat that only comes on a sunny day. Barricades were put up here and there, signs of the Marked painted on the walls, but no one came out to challenge them.
“I don’t like this,” Lyla muttered. “I don’t want to fight, but…where is everyone?”
All of the villages they’d passed had been abandoned. Apart from the angelic patrols, England was apparently empty.
Kasbeel shook his head. “The Sainsbury’s should be up ahead. Why don’t you…” he trailed off, looking at a few unbroken windows up the side of the street. “Why don’t you go on ahead? I have something to investigate here.”
Two hours later, Squad A emerged with four shopping trollies loaded with cans of soup, vegetables, powdered milk – everything they thought might still be edible after seven years. Lyla doubted it would last them more than a day or two.
No sooner had she stepped into the overly-bright day – she’d forgotten how painful the sun could be – then she heard a shriek, a high-pitched scream of a small child.
She spun, grabbing a can of food, ready to throw it at whatever angel, demon or human threatened her people –
The wanderers had gathered in the parking lot of the carwash across the street, and jets of water filled the air. She could still hear the children shrieking, but everyone else looked relaxed, calm, many of them smiling.
“What’s going on?” she demanded, prepared to push her way through the crowd, but they parted, pressing her forward until she saw the set up.
Four chairs, padded and high-backed, stood in a line across the parking lot. In each one, a child sat, dripping wet, while behind them the adults scrubbed and combed their hair, snipping with delicate scissors. They passed a hose up and down the line of chairs, rinsing the children off.
On one side, Alex had mastery of a single hose, waiting until a chair was free. “Next!” Ollie ran up, bouncing eagerly for his turn. Alex turned on the hose and drenched him, from head to toe, while the little boy shrieked, jumping up and down in the water. “Alright, you’re clean, go get your hair cut.”
On the other side, Kasbeel had set up a small table with two chairs. He sat on one side, and delicately rubbed at Mickey’s nails with an emery board, a pair of glasses she’d never seen before perched on his nose. “Ah, Lyla, you’re back. Join the queue, but be careful, many of the older customers are finding Alex’s methods a little intense.”
“What are you doing?” Lyla shoved at the table, causing little bottles of nail varnish to rattle. “You could have been helping us find food, and instead you’re – you’re wasting time!”
“I most certainly am not. Time is a precious commodity, you know, and ought never to be wasted.” He put down the emery board. “Do you want a color, Mickey? I think the pale pink would look wonderful.”
And Mickey – tough, stoic Mickey, veteran of five battles in the demonic army, Mark emblazoned on his brow for all to see – asked, “Can I try the gold? I like the way it shines.”
“Of course. A wonderful choice.”
“Look at me!” Lyla slammed her hand onto the table again. “What is wrong with you? We need to get everyone ready to move, we’re still weeks away from London. We don’t need—”
“My dear, you most certainly do need.” Kasbeel pulled off the glasses, brows snapping down. “Look at our people. They’ve been living in the mountains, in the dirt, covered in their own filth. It isn’t right.”
“So what? Who cares how we look? Humans lived like that for thousands of years. Our ancestors didn’t need to be pampered, they survived with the bare minimum—”
“Oh, no, who told you that?” Kasbeel shook a jar of nail varnish and began applying the first coat to Mickey’s nails. “I was there, and I can tell you. People bathed. People spent hours on their hair, and their eyebrows, and their nails, and elaborate henna tattoos, although I wasn’t able to find any supplies for that. It isn’t about wanting to look good, or to impress anyone. It’s about taking care of yourselves.” He blew a breath across Mickey’s nails, encouraging them to dry. “Being clean, being groomed, it makes humans feel human again.”
Lyla’s lip curled in disgust. But she looked back at the crowd, the smiling faces, the way the kids splashed in the puddles with bare feet, the way the adults laughed behind the stolen salon chairs, passing the hose back and forth. The teenagers all tugged at each other’s newly-short hair, running their fingers through it, marveling in how light it felt on a hot day.
She hadn’t seen her people like this. Hadn’t seen anyone like this. Not in so very long.
“Fine. If that’s what you want. And since we’re clearly going to spend the rest of the day here, I might as well look for a place to sleep. Something that’s actually necessary.”
She stormed up the street, past the shattered windows of the salons and nail parlors, past the Sainsbury’s again, and around the corner. She kept walking until the sounds of the crowd at the carwash were long gone, then just stood, quietly, in the street.
She wanted to scream, until the knot in her stomach was gone. But she wasn’t a kid anymore, and she couldn’t find the voice for it. So, she just stood there, in the street, fists clenched.
Until Kasbeel’s hand landed on her shoulder. “Would you like to talk about it, my dear?”
“Talk about what? I told you – I’m – I’m looking for a place for us to stay.”
“There were plenty of townhouses in the other direction, you know. And I’ve already sent a team to explore them. Unless you think a, er, door stripping establishment would make a better place to spend the night.”
“I don’t know,” she said. “I don’t know why I’m mad, I feel like I don’t have any control over my mind. I’m just – I have a million thoughts racing in my head and I can’t even slow down long enough to actually think any of them, I just know we have to keep moving.”
“You’re afraid,” he told her. “You’re stressed, and although I forget it sometimes, you are still very young. I shouldn’t ask so much of you.”
“I can handle it!”
“Yes, you can. You handle it very well, taking care of the others, taking care of your brother before that. But, you know,” his hand rested under her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. “It’s perfectly alright to take care of yourself, too. Indulge a little. Let yourself be happy. They deserve it. You deserve it. And it will make you feel better.”
“I just…I’m not sure I can relax anymore. What if they come for us while we’re all standing around, or—”
“If they do, I will be ready. I promise. I have not let my guard down for an instant.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her close, rubbed her back like a child. “That fear you feel. You know if the angels come back, there’s nothing you can do, but you want to be ready anyway. Your mind is telling you to find a solution that doesn’t exist. I’m sorry. But there is something you can do, I think.”
“What’s that?”
“There are many of my former colleagues who believe that anything which makes humans happy is a sin. I believe it is always worth indulging, just a little, to show them how little you care.”
“Oh. And one other thing.” Gabriel wasn’t happy. He often wasn’t happy these days. Bringing about the end of the world, it seemed, was more complicated than anyone had expected.
Aziraphale kept his face carefully blank.
“We have reports of a gang of hundreds of humans moving south, but the scouts can’t seem to get near it. Vanishes every time they try. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this, would you?”
“Yes. I’ve been following up on these rumors for some time. The circumstances appear to me, well, nearly incomprehensible.” He hesitated, but only for a second. “It would appear these humans are being led by a rogue angel, posing as a scout or a messenger.”
“Rogue? You mean a deserter?” A brief flash of anger in Gabriel’s eyes, but it quickly vanished, smoothed over by something calm and patient. “Well. At least my best agent is already on this. Glad you took the initiative. Now. Tell me about the angel.”
The mirror image didn’t say anything today. He wasn’t a mirror image, either. He’d angered the angels who had come in earlier, refusing to cry out as they hurt him. Shoftiel had left him as a serpent, coiled mutely on the ground, and then they’d turned to Crowley.
“I can tell you about the angel,” Crowley offered. His throat was still raw from the screaming. They hadn’t even asked any questions, simply given him back his wings and broken every bone in them. It hurt, worse than almost anything else in the last three years. He wondered if it would ever stop hurting.
The serpent lifted his head, then let it fall heavily.
“He…he…” Crowley closed his eyes. It was so hard to think of a story. Not just the pain. His mind longed to be blank. “He is so soft. Like a cloud, like a warm blanket, like a pile of feathers. And that’s all most people ever see of him. A fool and a pushover and a – a – a lazy pleasure seeker who likes his books and his chair and his food. It’s what he wants, though. He wants to be soft.”
He closed his eyes and tilted back his head, ignoring the way his wings felt like a thousand pieces of shattered glass.
Far away, an angel led a troop of humans down the motorway. He laughed as he walked, carrying one of the youngest on his back. In the week of travel, they’d grown dirty again, their nails had lost their color, their clothes become faded and stained. But they still smiled, still tossed their heads, running fingers through their hair. The young woman beside him had hers cropped almost completely off, exposing the Mark on her cheekbone.
Suddenly, the angel stopped walking, his eyes locked on the sky above. None of the others had heard or sensed anything, but he knew what was coming. Three hundred humans gathered close in the shelter of his wide white wings, and his eyes took on the color of steel.
“But then…when he needs it…when the things he cares for are threatened…he isn’t soft at all.”
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hannahlrca008 · 4 years
What Hollywood Can Teach Us About Los Angeles Health Insurance
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dol.gov/ dol/topic/health-plans/ cobra. htm or even referring to as 1-866-444-3272. Some states have passed "extension" legislations comparable to COBRA which use to team medical insurance policies of companies along with less than 20 employees. medical insurance companies. Connect with your employer's advantages administrator or even individual resource department for extra relevant information on the extension plan that might be actually available to you.
One more choice may be actually a "exclusive application" in to various other group wellness insurance coverage, like a partner or moms and dad's job-based health insurance. Generally you should request this within thirty day of dropping other coverage. TIP: It is actually a really good idea to explore your choices prior to you leave your job-based planning, if possible.
Find out a lot more about the brand-new specific requirement at . healthcare.gov. Contact your employer to locate out if team coverage is actually offered in your place of work. When checking out your protection options, check out if the program covers the diabetes mellitus supplies, solutions, as well as medicines you need to have, and also what it sets you back (medical insurance companies). To read more on fully-insured employer-sponsored health insurance coverage or https://www.harmonyhealthinsurance.com/ to figure out what type of insurance coverage regulations exist in your state, you may contact your state's insurance policy team.
3 wacky things About Health Insurance Rights & Protections That Will Alter the Way You feel
naic.org/state_web_map. htm. More info on federal defenses for team health insurance plan (fully-insured as well as self-insured) as well as consumer support for people in job-based programs is readily available from the USA Division of Labor. Call the Worker Reward Surveillance Management of the UNITED STATE Team of Work at information superhighway. askebsa.dol. gov or by phoning 1-866-444-3272.
Des Moines - Since August 10, 2020, Iowans, insurance coverage companies, agents and also service providers have collaborated to aid Iowa recuperate from this ravaging climate celebration. As of Nov 2, 2020, much more than 200,000 insurance claims have actually been mentioned. Of those cases, almost 160,000 claims totting much more than $1. 6 billion have been paid for already.
" The Iowa Insurance Division has been observing the insurance policy business's response to the Derecho as well as the sector's task in Iowans' healing efforts," Iowa Insurance Commissioner Doug Ommen claimed. "As insurance policy holders seek cases under their insurance policy deals, our company urge home owner to remain to work carefully with their insurance policy provider as well as broker as they get the necessary fixings - fpl.
Delays in replacement of grain cans have actually gathered attention. Further climate worry about winter season inching closer spots issue on whether to wait up until springtime to help make repairs to the roof, siding, and so on "If a consumer thinks the insurance firm is actually offering a lot less than what is actually promised in their insurance coverage agreement, they may submit a grievance along with our team at the Iowa Insurance Coverage Branch.
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10 things Mandatory Health Insurance are Not
Page Web content upgraded June 20, 2019A freshly issued policy could possibly transform just how companies spend for staff member medical care protection, its proponents state, by allowing companies use pretax bucks to support worker fees in the personal health insurance policy market. On June 13, the UNITED STATE teams of Wellness and Human Being Providers, Work as well as the Treasury provided an ultimate guideline permitting employers of all measurements that carry out not offer a group protection strategy to cash a new sort of wellness repayment agreement (HRA), called a private coverage HRA (ICHRA). fpl.
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Why Learn English in Hong Kong?
Is it necessary to learn English in Hong Kong? Well, it depends who you talk to and who you are talking about. 
If you’re talking to a local Hong Kong person they’d probably tell you that it’s very important if not vital for them to learn English. 
If you’re suggesting to a foreigner that it is necessary to learn English in Hong Kong and that it is a great alternative location to further their English studies, they might raise a skeptical eyebrow. 
It just depends where in the world they are from and their knowledge of this great world city.
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Should Locals Learn English In Hong Kong?
Firstly, English is one of Hong Kong's official languages, so for a local to not be able to speak English is at times frowned upon. 
Secondly, from a very young age Hong Kong children are strongly encouraged to work hard at their English studies with a view, for those who can afford it, to eventually studying at a Western university. 
Thirdly, the level at which you are able to communicate in English can have a significant impact on your job prospects. 
" Not Everyone In Hong Kong Speaks English"
It would be inaccurate to say that everyone in Hong Kong can speak English well. On the contrary, many do not - or at best, have very limited English communication skills. 
However, a lot do, and the vast majority strive to various degrees to improve their level of English throughout their lives, with good reason:
" Learning English in Hong Kong is a great career move!"
If you are a Hong Kong local and plan on having a future in any type of business, particularly if you want to do business which extends beyond Hong Kong and China, it is advisable to learn English and master it to a level where you can communicate your thoughts and ideas with ease. 
Likewise, if you aspire to a future within either the Government, or legal and medical professions - as many do - you'll find that the English language is as widely used in those circles as it in the business world.
Similarly, the Hong Kong tourism industry expects you to have a good command of English. 
Indeed, in 2010 Hong Kong received a record high of 36 million visitors from around the world. Perhaps you can imagine how many of those visitors were English speakers who rightly expect Hong Kong (which boasts of being a major world city) citizens to be able to communicate adequately in English? 
It's safe to say that learning English in Hong Kong is a good career move! You may also want to study English in Hong Kong if you, like numerous Hong Kongers, wish to study abroad in one of many renowned universities in either the UK, the USA, Canada or Australia. 
There is a lot of competition for university places these days and applicants are required to have a high standard of English as well as good grades in their chosen subjects.
Foreign Students Study English in Hong Kong
If you have ever had the inkling to study English elsewhere in the world, some place new and exciting where you can explore a radically different culture, then perhaps you should consider Hong Kong. 
If you hail from the Asia Pacific region, studying English in Hong Kong can be a great alternative to more obvious countries in which to study English such the UK, US, Australia or Canada.
Basing yourself in Hong Kong will make it easier and cheaper to visit home on a more regular basis, which can be good not only for you but for your family. A short break home can do wonders for the soul and those homesick blues so often experienced by students studying abroad; and let's face it, wherever in the world you are from your parents will always miss you and worry about you.
Flights to anywhere in the Asia Pacific region from Hong Kong are relatively short as well as inexpensive making short breaks home to keep you and your folks in touch is easy.
On the other hand,  if you are not from the Asia Pacific region, why on earth would you want to travel all the way to Hong Kong to study or to learn English, apart from the fact that you will be immersed into a completely new culture?
Excellent Hong Kong Language Schools
Well, first of all, you can be sure that you will find some very reputable international English schools. 
Similarly, there are many excellent Hong Kong Language Schools, which, by and large, employ well qualified, native-speaker teaching staff. 
English is one of the official languages of Hong Kong and, perhaps due to its colonial past, this great city has strong historic ties to the UK. 
This could have something to do with the popularity of educational establishments at which you can further your studies or even start to learn English.
Hong Kong Is Safe
What's more, unlike various other renowned places in the world, Hong Kong happens to be one of the safest cities on Earth, even at night, when people generally walk alone with confidence. 
Furthermore, it is very rare that Hong Kong visitors are scammed or harmed in any way by locals.
October 11th, 2019 update:
Protests and violence have caused much of the Central area of the city to shutter, including MTR, Starbucks and other common areas. Most protest violence is in Wan Chai and Causeway Bay and is expected to continue through the weekend.
Protestors are targeting any and all Chinese businesses and have set fire to metro stations. Be advised that leisure travel to Hong Kong in the near term is likely not a great idea, as unrest has spread to a tipping point where restaurants, bars and other tourist friendly businesses are closed.
Hong Kong is in the midst of change, as China seeks to gain a stronger political grip on the special administrative region, which puts the SAR in Hong Kong’s official title. Recent government proposals to extend Beijing’s power to Hong Kong have caused outrage amongst locals and outrage has lead to large scale protests around government buildings and an expanding range of the city, including the airport.
Naturally, all of the above has people wondering if it’s safe to visit Hong Kong right now.The short answer: mostly yes, but the situation is worsening and with new emergency powers in place, things could get worse as tensions rise.
If you’re coming for tourism or relaxation purposes, you may now want to reconsider travel if it involves the Central district. Many businesses are closed and all metro stations have also shuttered as violence and destruction are now more widespread.
So Is It Really Safe To Visit Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is one of the safer cities in the world, with low crime rates and excellent standards of medicine and healthcare, even with current unrest. With that said, this situation doesn’t seem as if it will come to a close anytime soon.  
Unless you’re planning to join the protests, Hong Kong should still be safe for visitors, although clearly much less enjoyable than usual. A Level 2 warning from the United States State Department means they equivocate all the action in Hong Kong to be of a similar level of caution as daily life in London, or Rome.  
Basically, be on alert, but no one is saying not to go. That’s up to you.
Source: https://www.godsavethepoints.com/is-it-safe-to-visit-hong-kong/
Cheap Accommodation in Hong Kong Is Possible
When it comes to the living arrangements, chances are that you will find some very reasonably priced accommodation that will leave you with more than enough money to go out and explore the marvels that Hong Kong has to offer when you are not studying English. The same cannot be said of many other cities around the world.
Most hotels are located close to the harbour in Central, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and North Point on Hong Kong Island and in Tsim Sha Tsui (TST), Tsim Sha Tsui East and Hung Hom in Kowloon, as well as the bustling areas of Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok.
" If you find the right Hong Kong language school they will have a student accommodation service where they will find you clean, safe and affordable accommodation whilst you are studying in Hong Kong.
If you find the right Hong Kong language school they will have a student accommodation service where they will find you clean, safe and affordable accommodation whilst you are studying in Hong Kong. (Some also offer a student visa service which you will likely need if you intend to stay there for any length of time. My understanding is that you need to study at least 15 hours a week to be able to apply for a Hong Kong study visa.)
" Hong Kong Island is relatively small, so students are never too far from shopping areas and major attractions. What's more, getting around is simple, with cheap public transport easily accessible wherever you stay."
Hong Kong Attractions & Public Transport
Hong Kong Island is relatively small, so students are never too far from shopping areas and major attractions.  What's more, getting around is simple, with cheap public transport easily accessible wherever you stay. There are trams, taxis and buses everywhere and very modern rail networks (known as the MTR and the KCR). Arriving at Hong Kong's international airport is also a delight. It's modern, very spacious and very efficient. Some Hong Kong language schools will even meet you at the airport.
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devereuxxo-blog · 6 years
A Simple Key For benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning Unveiled
A different analyze located that a combination of natural ingredients including aloe vera was a highly effective laxative for managing constipation. A planning of psyllium, celandine, and aloe vera assisted increase the number of bowel movements and softened stool. (11) The benefits in your immunity from aloe vera drinking water originate from the polysaccharides during the gel. These helpful carbohydrates assistance maximize immune program exercise and kill off no cost radicals that might cause oxidative harm in the body. (13) Quite a few doctors noted that therapy with aloe in the course of chemotherapy eliminates such an disagreeable moment as hair loss. Most cancers people adhere to a food plan rich in natural vitamins and suggesting a balanced diet regime. In this sort of instances, treatment with biostimulants according to aloe juice is recommended: Issues like irregular periods, serious menstrual cramps, and so forth. will also be handled using this single juice. Additionally it is Employed in many herbal tonics to deal with hormonal troubles and pancreas & spleen associated troubles. Gautam. Aloe vera juice is easily obtainable available in the market. You can start by consuming it basic after which graduate to seeking it with other juices like Some scientific investigation has also recognized other compounds in aloe vera leaf which make drinking aloe juice therapeutic. Aloe vera extracts are full of polysaccharides. These are definitely carbohydrates that do the job with other compounds in aloe vera liquid to increase its medicinal benefits. (1, 3) Can amla juice, aloe vera juice, and goumutra be blended when you experienced it on an empty abdomen in the morning? benefits of aloe vera juice: It is important ingredient for foodstuff, pharmaceutical and cosmetic field In case your digestive technique isn’t working optimally, you gained’t take in every one of the nutrients from the food items you’re feeding on. You need to keep the inner motor nutritious so as to experience the benefits from the diet program. HELPING THE SKIN: Taking Aloe Vera beverages first thing from the morning can help to externally treats myriad of skin complications. It has an anti-ageing result and functions as a moisturiser. Sunburn: Aloe Vera can be a pure different to cortisone therapies in many places. A professional medical examine has verified that aloe vera is even better for the therapy of sunburn and unlike cortisone has no Negative effects. Decolorized (purified, low anthraquinone) entire leaf aloe vera is considered Secure. A latest analyze in mice fed several concentrations of purified aloe vera for 3 months showed no adverse results in any respect in the juice. The wellbeing benefits of aloe vera are many, and this remarkable plant will help you not merely on the surface by aiding your skin, but on The within at the same time. Be sure to retain some aloe vera gel usually readily available for pores and skin ailments, particularly if you have youngsters.
The 2-Minute Rule for benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning
To refresh like a side dish to the shampoo:- Just mix the standard shampoo with a little aloe vera and wash as usual. One of the beneficial consequences of the aloe vera drink is always that aloe gel incorporates amino acids, minerals, and particular hormones which could enable control thyroid activity. Can amla juice, aloe vera juice, and goumutra be mixed when you experienced it on an empty abdomen while in the morning? Its nutritional profile also arrives studded with A variety of polyphenols which have been recognized to fight versus the event of most cancers cells. In keeping with Ayurveda, [irp] the aloe vera plant is incredible obtaining lots of therapeutic Attributes to it the leaves in the plant are in which you'll find the yellow coloured liquid that may work wonders you could previously know that aloe vera gel can be very effective to your pores and skin aiding with sunburn insect bites rashes cuts as well as the like the reason is because aloe vera is an antifungal along with an antibacterial it also aids Along with the regeneration of cells juice can be quite a tad unpalatable, but enjoys multi-fold overall health benefiting Houses that may set your frowned faces correct. Aloe vera gel is thought to acquire soothing Qualities. But can the plant help ease psoriasis signs or symptoms? Find out more about aloe vera, how you can use it for… Have you been taking in plenty of protein? Study protein suggestions, moreover discover thirty foods that happen to be good resources of protein. Aloe vera juice is an excellent technique to maintain your liver healthful. That’s as the liver functions greatest when the human body is adequately nourished and hydrated. Aloe vera juice is ideal for the liver mainly because it’s hydrating and full of phytonutrients. If you imagine that aloe vera juice may help in shedding body weight, be certain and buy the unsweetened range that doesn’t have flavors or thickeners. Additionally it is crucial to Keep to the maker’s instructions as to the amount you should dilute pure aloe vera gel right before drinking. juice taken correct in advance of sleeping can help an excellent deal; Additionally, it will help in detoxifying the sick-results of junk meals. In case you guide a occupied Way of life and do not need enough time to consume aloe vera juice, having the suggested dose in tablet or capsule kind will most likely workout extremely perfectly to suit your needs. Your neighborhood health and fitness food items retailer will more than likely carry aloe vera in its different types or you can try a single of these excellent products and solutions: To be a conditioner or mask:- Just after shampooing, It is additionally probable to easily therapeutic massage aloe vera into the hair like a remedy, go away to soak for 5 minutes after which you can rinse thoroughly. Scalp and hair are so refreshed. Aloe vera consists of several enzymes known that can help in the breakdown of sugars and fats also to maintain your digestion functioning efficiently.
5 Easy Facts About benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning Described
A system having an acidic pH is a breeding floor for condition. It’s an ambiance in which illness thrives. Assist continue to keep Your system balanced by taking in and drinking alkaline foods and beverages such as aloe vera juice. The study alerting the public into the probable carcinogenicity of aloin was carried out via the U.S. Drug and Foods Administration and printed in 2013 in the journal Toxicological Sciences There’s nothing wrong with trying to get organic methods to deal with what ails you. Although not all all-natural cures make excellent alternatives, such as aloe vera juice. Topically, aloe vera gel may possibly help decrease inflammation and shield the pores and skin. On the other hand, this satisfied-Evaluation is not ample rationale to incorporate aloe vera juice on your morning routine. The scientists observed that there have been many inconsistencies from the scientific tests and very few were being of high quality. Aloe vera has been utilized for centuries for its healing Qualities. But What exactly are the benefits of aloe vera for hair? Some scientific exploration has also determined other compounds in aloe vera leaf which make drinking aloe juice therapeutic. Aloe vera extracts are full of polysaccharides. These are typically carbohydrates that operate with other compounds in aloe vera liquid to raise its medicinal benefits. (1, three) Aloe vera gel is a popular normal cure for numerous pores and skin concerns like burns, wrinkles, and dry skin disorders. There's also proof that using aloe gel juice internally can nourish your skin from within. Each individual other Component of Aloe Vera is helpful whether it is a leaf, gel or its juice, all are necessary for managing day to day wellness trouble, its juice is like nectar to humankind that may be utilized for treating several health issues. The exclusive properties of this juice are described in Ayurveda pretty effectively. The top sort of aloe vera juice to buy is the unsweetened form with as few additives as you can. Many individuals say which the aloe drinking water includes a refreshing flavor with bitter overtones. more info uncovered that drinking aloe juice when undergoing radiation therapy may also help secure liver and kidney tissues. (15) Having aloe vera gel extracts internally is sweet on your overall health and fitness mainly because they incorporate natural vitamins A, C, and E along with B-group vitamins. Cancers can guide an individual to an Excessive degree of exhaustion. They turn out to be weak, the do the job with the immune technique is disturbed, the mechanism of metabolism fails. to the diet program will be to juice it and possess it diluted with h2o daily on an vacant belly. It clears your procedure, aids in digestion, allows in keeping apparent skin, balanced hair and fantastic eyesight. Amla juice will help in lowering cholesterol levels. Amino acids and antioxidants assist during the overall functioning of heart.
Examine This Report on benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning
Gautam. Aloe vera juice is easily readily available available in the market. You can begin by consuming it simple and then graduate to striving it with other juices like A lot of the most prized elements in the world of Ayurveda are generally available all-around us. They can be lurking someplace inside the kitchen or quietly growing in the neighbour’s herb backyard. One this kind of illustration is aloe vera. Ghritkumari, as recognized in Hindi, it really is able to curing a range of ailments with its many health benefiting Homes. (bitter gourd) juice might be blended with 20ml of aloe vera juice in addition to a glass of h2o. Karela juice is great for diabetes and cholesterol, combining it with aloe vera juice doubles the strength of the individual potions.  For many people, drinking aloe vera juice is surely an obtained style. Nevertheless, one particular thing is certain: drinking aloe juice is excellent for your well being. Encouraging THE Pores and skin: Taking Aloe Vera beverages first thing inside the morning can assist to externally treats myriad of pores and skin complications. It's got an anti-growing old impact and functions like a moisturiser. Aloe vera – often known as a desert lily – has become the oldest medicinal vegetation on the globe. The leaf includes three elements: the leaf bark, the leaf juice, as well as leaf marrow, from which the gel is acquired. This entry was posted in Life-style and tagged eight bienfaits de l' aloe vera pour la santé, aloe vera diet plan, aloe vera gel, aloe vera morning, benefits of drinking aloe vera. What Is The Best weightloss programs In fact, some industrial varieties of aloe vera juice consist of many sugar and additives that will actually result in body weight acquire. juice with equivalent parts of honey consumed each day can help a great offer in treating chilly and cough. Blend a handful of teaspoons in h2o and gargle with it 2 times every day to remove mouth ulcers. Latest experiments revealed in a variety of scientific journals have demonstrated that oral use of aloe vera juice can facilitate managing blood sugar and reducing lipids in diabetics and hyperlipidemia people.”. Scientists have concluded that the Unintended effects attributable to unpurified aloe vera juice are a result of the existence of anthraquinone, which is considered a laxative. There’s nothing Completely wrong with in search of organic techniques to take care of what ails you. But not all all-natural treatments make good selections, including aloe vera juice. Topically, aloe vera gel could assistance decrease inflammation and guard the skin. A further review found that a mix of organic substances like aloe vera was an effective laxative for dealing with constipation. A planning of psyllium, celandine, and aloe vera served enhance the amount of bowel actions and softened stool. (11) Recent studies published in several scientific journals have demonstrated that oral usage of aloe vera juice can aid controlling blood sugar and decreasing lipids in diabetics and hyperlipidemia sufferers."
Top Guidelines Of benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning
Aloe vera juice assists preserve clean, radiant pores and skin and promotes hair progress. Its topical software can minimize from superficial burns and scars. It can be used being a moisturising agent with the skin plus the scalp. In this article, you will see out what scientific analysis has unveiled as on the health benefits of drinking aloe vera juice . Additionally, you will discover if you will discover any Unwanted side effects of getting aloe vera internally. Your recently considered items and featured tips › View or edit your searching record Each day usage of aloe vera juice is believed to combat and remedy A selection of digestive Problems like very poor digestion, constipation, acidity and fuel. It is also helpful in boosting appetite and retaining a Check out on pounds achieve. is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps Improve your immunity, metabolism and prevents viral and bacterial ailments, together with chilly and cough. Most agree that at very low dosage and when employed In line with Guidelines, aloe vera is a fantastic therapeutic plant that can help you preserve your health. Just make sure to eat superior quality items, and Keep to the maker’s recommendations. So, when should you drink aloe vera juice for weight-loss? The answer is aloe vera juice by itself won’t help you reduce bodyweight. Strengthening the immune process has become the best benefits of using Aloe Vera beverage. It is because of The reality that once the immune process is strengthened, it beat back ailments. Aloe Vera beverage can increase digestion and cleanse the digestive tract. A lot of people are of the impression that Aloe Vera beverage stimulate insulin manufacturing and prevents large triglycerides. A standard home of Aloe Vera beverage is always that it cleans the villi of your intestines although removing Individuals toxins that accumulate all round the villi. Villi is able to take up needed nutrients easily. on your eating plan is usually to juice it and have it diluted with drinking water on a daily basis on an empty stomach. It clears your technique, aids in digestion, helps in preserving apparent pores and skin, healthier hair and fantastic eyesight. Amla Aloe has many helpful Qualities. In most cancers, They are really of distinct relevance, since it is crucial not just procedure for cancer, and also the return of former forces, restoration of immunity and normalization on the performing of all organs and physique techniques. Aloe vera juice usage flushes out toxins from your body. Drinking it early within the morning can help you in some ways, appropriate from curing digestive problems to cleansing the method. Aloe vera – generally known as a desert lily – is without doubt one of the oldest medicinal vegetation on earth. The leaf includes 3 factors: the leaf bark, the leaf juice, as well as leaf marrow, from which the gel is received. Scientists have concluded the Negative effects due to unpurified aloe vera juice are a results of the existence of anthraquinone, which is taken into account a laxative.
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How the World Sees You Is None of Your Business
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How the World Sees You Is None of Your Business.
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How the World Sees You Is None of Your Business. People's opinion of you doesn’t determine your value. No one’s opinion of you determines your truth. No one’s perception of you is complete or accurate except your own. Your opinion of you is what determines your value and truth, and only you are in control of creating that.   "Your opinion of me is none of my business." — Joseph Binning How can someone say something to you, you know isn't true, but believe it? By not knowing exactly who you really, truly are. When you define yourself by the words and opinions of others and don’t take the time and dedication to focus and discover the truth of who you are for yourself, you will forever be sensitive to, and weakened by the words, opinions, and actions of others. Empower yourself by knowing who you are, what you love, what you want, what you can do, and why you are here.   “Words have power only if you allow them to”.  — Joseph Binning
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Each of us has a story   Each of us has a story. We compose our stories based on many of our beliefs and experiences. Your story dictates how you see yourselves. - Someone was mean and never apologized, so your hurt feelings turn into resentment, which turns into a wound you carry, which causes you to act mean to others. - You don’t feel forgiven for something you're ashamed of, so you hold back forgiveness for others. - Possibly you received the message that you were not worthy, so you didn’t and don’t feel worthy, and you allow others to ignore, condemn, use, or abuse you.  Your minds create negative chatter. The mind tells you what to believe and what to listen to. As you listen, you create your realities, based on your mind chatter, your story, and your self-image. When you create this reality that says: This is how my life should look: This is how I should look: This is the treatment I deserve, you end up not liking yourselves for being mean to others, for holding back forgiveness, for allowing others to mistreat or ignore you. And you mistreat yourselves, hold back your own emotional nourishment, put yourselves last. You want to feel better, but don’t know how, because you’re conditioned to believe this story that dictates whether you are worthy of feeling better.   You believe that this reality you created is how life really is.   You’re not aware that you have created this, or that it is an illusion. Your distorted self-image has been growing for so many years that it has become entwined in every part of your being, and you cannot see that it is not real, that it is not an accurate reflection of who you really are.   What is the ultimate and only reason we don’t have an accurate, strong, and high self-image? 
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Fear keeps us frozen Fear keeps us frozen (see my post titled What I Learned From Being Stuck and Frozen and why you need to read this)—sometimes for years—sometimes entire lifetimes. Here’s what I mean by fear. - The Fear of disappointing someone. - Fear of failing. - The Fear of being alone. - Fear of being wrong. - The Fear of dying. - Fear of making the wrong choice. - The Fear of being hurt, emotionally or physically. - Fear of making a mistake. - The Fear of not being good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, powerful enough, capable enough, exciting enough. - Fear of not being seen. - The Fear of not being chosen. - Fear of being thought strange. - The Fear of falling.   Perhaps you say that you are not afraid; you are just caring, realistic, concerned, smart, cautious, or even intentional. But if any of these self-defined characteristics cause you to do things differently than you secretly want to, they are running you. They are inward drivers dictating your behaviors.   Why are you so afraid—aka worried, thoughtful, realistic, concerned, smart, cautious?  Because of conditioning from birth, by everyone who has had an influence on you, to believe that you are not capable, deserving, self-equipped, or powerful on your own and that you need acceptance and protection, to be molded, and directed.  This false set of beliefs has hypnotized you into a crippling amnesia that has caused you to forget who you really are. Read my post on Mediocrity* not the life you're here for, for a reminder.   Despite what you have learned, you cannot find the truth outside of yourselves, in someone else, or by applying any external remedy. You cannot solve an internal distortion with an external action. No vacation, medicine, food, job, therapy, or relationship can fix a distorted view of yourselves and your reality.   How to find your true Self by sitting quietly, with just your Self.   The only way to see who you really are is by taking time by yourself, getting to know your Self. Get to know the parts of the you that have always been—the innocent, wonder-filled, joy-seeking fresh being that is still you, the you who believed in possibility, the you who dreamed and wished and believed, the you who explored and created and pretended. The you who made imaginary houses, travels, and worlds. The you who knew no limits and was un-stoppable.
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sit quietly “All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” — Blaise Pascal, French Philosopher   That You IS still in you, and so much more.  Get to know the new parts you haven’t taken time to know yet or integrate—the parts of you-you are becoming, the parts of you that have grown, developed, clarified, and grown into, and the parts that you are visioning for yourself. How do you see your true self? By taking time alone, separating your true Self from everyone else, to find out who you are outside of all the world’s opinions, illusions, and dictations. That is the path to discovering every wonderful, unique, and minute detail about what makes you YOU.   You can create what you wish to believe about yourself if you choose to.   You can choose in this now moment, and from this moment forward, to create a new reality for yourself. When something doesn’t end up the way you wanted it to, or thought it should, rather than saying, “This always happens to me,” ask yourself, “How does this affect me? Who am I being in this situation? Is this really me? Is this the person I want to be? How am I feeling: scared, angry, controlled, hurt, wrong, not good enough? How do I want to feel? What new learning am I getting from this situation? What outcome do I want? How can I create my outcome? How can I be responsible in this now moment? What alternative way or idea is presenting itself to me right now? Who do I want to be in this situation?”   How to free yourselves from these fears that affect your actions, routine, thoughts, behavior, body, mood, emotions, freedom.   As you lay in bed at night, before you go to sleep, begin a habit of one or more of these practices to feel good about your Self: - Focus on what went right today. What was good about it? What felt good? Only good. Don’t do the “High and Low” game. Don’t focus on what went wrong. Only do the high. What did you learn or discover? - Feel a place inside of you that feels gratitude for today, but not for things. Things are fleeting. Focus on moments. Moments can live in the mind and heart forever. Your moments belong only to you. - Create a victory journal and write your victories of the day, great and small. When you’re feeling low, re-read the victories and relive them. Remind yourself of your ability to have them. - As you lay awaiting sleep, pay close attention to what you let into your thoughts. Tires do not go flat all at once, but slowly, from a small leak caused from absentmindedly being parked in a space of debris and unseen, yet deadly nails. Thoughts are like that. They gather momentum, no matter which way they go. Refocus your thoughts toward the positive, appreciative, reflective, to keep them from going sour. Fall asleep with the thoughts that make you feel good on our mind!   Stand from the highest place in your story, not in the thick of it, not in the bottom.
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Stand from the highest place in your story From the moment you make the choice to create a new reality for your Self, you are no longer a victim. Begin small or big, here or there. It matters not where. Just begin. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. When you take the first step, and then the next, and the next, it will amaze you at how far you go and how fast you grow.   The Universe made only one of you.   You are unique and special. The world needs your uniqueness, but only when you are being you, not someone else. It’s your self-image that you are creating, not a duplicate of someone else. Life rewards the brave, bold, and clear. So be brave in discovering who you are. Be bold in being who you are. Always be clear in expressing who you are. You have boldness, bravery, and clarity in you. Remember, you were born with it. You are Great!
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You are Great!     You might also like this: IN ORDER TO LOVE SOMEONE WELL, YOU MUST LOVE YOURSELF, FIRST * 12 EASY STEPS TO LEARN HOW And this one: WHY THE MESSAGE YOU MATTER, EVEN IF YOU DON’T THINK SO IS SO IMPORTANT NOW If you have enjoyed this article, please visit me at www.JosephBinning.com for more helpful tips and articles. You can also get more helpful information in my book You Matter, even if you don’t think so which you can purchase on Amazon here Amazon You Matter, even if you don't think so For my free report Happiness Is A Choice click here: Happiness Is A Choice Free Report Remember: Happiness is a choice, so be happy.
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You Matter, even if you don't think so by Joseph Binning Read the full article
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symphysins · 7 years
Have any other good fics for us???
sorry this took a while to reply back to. i’ve been compiling this for a while.
since you didn’t specify what kind of fics, i’m gonna give like a smorgasbord of different ut fics i love w/ a blurb of stupid commentary from me :’D
(be warned, snas is my fav so a bunch feature him/are centered around him.)
(also be warned that not everything i like may be ur cup of tea, so make sure to read the tags/warnings.)
longpost under cut. ready? here we gooo~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 
Universal Displacement by knowmeknot: A forgotten doctor once theorized that when the same event occurs at the exact same time in two separate universes, they converge for a single moment and something… spectacular happens. A destabilization maybe. Or a merge. Or better yet, a displacement of two similar but different entities.
one of my favorite kedgeup things is when ut!sans or uf!paps lands in the other’s universe, and this fic expands on this idea rlly well.
A Lack of Brotherly Love by Askellie: After a brutal series of genocide runs, Sans wakes up in an alternate universe where the monsters were saved, everyone is on the surface and the future looks bright…except the fundamental difference in this universe is that its resident Sans never loved or supported his brother. As a result, Papyrus is a lonely outcast, unable to fit in and scarred from years of emotional neglect.And Sans isn’t going to let that stand.
i desperately want sans to punch the fuck out of dr.serif. and then go give poor paps all the hugs he deserves.
To Love Yourself by undertailsoulsex: UF!Sans fights with his brother and doesn’t know what to do with himself. He ends up traveling to the Undertale Universe where he meets the kindhearted Sans and Papyrus.UF!Sans has to come to terms with his depression and his newfound feelings for the other skeletons.
this fic emotionally destroyed me… but in a good way i swear! it’ll lead you on a rollercoaster of feels, but it’s worth it.
It’s A Long Story by RiseiTekiSensei: a soriel series detailing toriel and sans’ relationship in the underground and aboveground. i really like how both of them have their own issues, and how they support eachother through those issues. i also love how head over heels sans is for toriel.
A Fortune Cookie For You by Darkhymns: “In bed” jokes are the lowest form of comedy. So, of course, Sans and Toriel love them.
the jokes man. the jokes are the best.
Never a Lovely So Real by Kaesa: The city of Ebott, 193X. The market’s down, the crime rate’s up, and Sans is just trying to make a buck and keep an eye on his brother by working for the Dreemurr crime family. But after the Dreemurrs rescue a human child from their rival gang, the Flower Boys, Sans soon finds himself in way over his head. (Well. Not that that’s hard.)  
i love all the research put in to make this mob au fic really authentic. reading the little anecdotes at the end is rlly fun. 
Our Skeleton by yastaghr: The people who love him come to realise Sans may be hiding something from them. 
this. this is the fic that really got me into sansgoriel. royal goats showering tiny skele in love is the best.
for queen and country by tealmoon: Being the Judge of the Underground isn’t just a job, it’s about being chosen to carry out the infallible will of the Royal Family, to keep chaos and crime at bay, to protect all of Monsterkind.            
And for Papyrus, it’s about being helpless, and afraid, and alone.
us!paps suffering: the fic. somebody give this skele a friend. pls, he desperately needs one.   
Fired Up and Bone Weary by perniciousLizard: slowburn domestic sansby series. sans is written so in-character and grillby is really fleshed-out as a character. there’s tension and drama here and there, but it still feels mellow overall. reading this fic feels like sitting next to a warm hearth. 
These are our Days by Rehlia: Two days ago, you said goodbye to your best friend. Yesterday, you lost your job with no prior notice. And then today, you had a fight with your mom. So that’s your day today. Lonely, fighting with your mom, jobless. Perfect Day for a drink or two, right? What’s that on TV about monsters?You didn’t expect the monsters to accept that application for a social media job you sent them while you were drunk. Now you’ve suddenly moved to Ebott and spend your days hanging out with monsters, documenting your weird new life, and marvelling at how different monsters and humans can be - and how similar.  
god, i love all the worldbuilding in this fic. the little things about monster culture are so great. this fic really makes me invested in monsterkind’s integration on the surface. and the build-up to the sans/reader relationship rlly makes it all the more satisfying.
Tend to your memories by Rainbow_Sprinkles: Post-Pacifist after many, many resets. Explores political, social, and personal facets of monster integration into human society. Begins in 211X and spans over many years. Political and social climates have undergone major shifts from those of the present day. Character development and platonic-familial relationships receive the most attention. Major motifs include health, medicine, and science. 
realistically, i think a lot of the ut cast have been traumatized in some way, and this fic explores that very thoroughly. i think my favorite part about this series is the frisk, flowey, and chara development.
Kingship, And What Comes Next by CatKing_Catkin: This is the story of the Underground after Sans hung up the phone, after Papyrus took the throne. There’s no one left to guide him, no one left to look up to. Papyrus doesn’t want to let anyone down, especially not Sans when his brother is working so hard to support him. Sans doesn’t want to let Papyrus down, when his brother really is all he has left.They make mistakes, they miss one another, but together, they try to figure things out.This is a story about growing up, moving on, and what’s important in life.
this fic managed to take one of the saddest (imo) endings and turn it into something hopeful. 
lest ye be judged by nilchance: in an alternate universe, asgore became something like a parental figure to sans and papyrus. the whole series is wonderful, and i love the relationship sans and asgore have. 
Tsum Papyri by BarkingPup: In this world there is only Papyrus and… more Papyrus
the super sweet tsumtsum au made by zarla turned incredibly horrifying.
Overextension by MaxieSatan: Strength and weakness are not mutually exclusive, and neither one always looks the same.
i like reading fics about undyne & sans, bc you really never see them interact in game. it’s interesting to think about how they’d act around eachother.
Late Night Snack by EvilZebra:    
Tuesday 3:55 amRUDE SKELETON: did he ask you to help too                     
RUDE SKELETON: he did i can hear more pots dying             
RUDE SKELETON: pls spare my ketchup it does not deserve this 
papyrus cooks at 3 in the morning. sans and undyne suffer.
social links by simplycarryon: Friendship’s pretty neat, or so your video games and anime dictate. But you are not an anime protagonist, and you’re not sure you know what friendship is any more.
i love sans and alphys being science buddy friends.
Angels in the Underground by joliemariella: 200 years ago, angels were banished from the surface world after the commander of the heavenly host, Asgore, declared war on mankind. Now, young Frisk has fallen into the Underground and must conquer the angels’ seven trials if she, and the angels themselves, are to have any hope of escape. Along the way she meets Sans, a wounded seraphim who agrees to guide her through the trials at Toriel’s request. Friends are made, history unfolds, and Sans comes to hope again.
monsters with wiiiingsss. also seraphim dad sans is best dad.
Butterscotch and Bones by kaliawai512: Toriel promised herself she would never leave the Ruins. She had to stay there, to make sure that if a human fell, she could care for them - even if she couldn’t stop them from going to their deaths in time. But now and then, leaving is inevitable. The Ruins have only so many resources, after all. This time, before she heads Home from her latest expedition, she decides to stop and check in on the asocial Royal Scientist who was once her good friend.                                                   
She doesn’t find him.                                        
She finds two other someones instead.
FLUFF. SO MUCH FLUFF. some sad, bUT THAT ONLY MAKES THE FLUFF SWEETER. this fic is like a balm on the soul from the hurt of the handplates au.
Under the Veil by poplasia: Sans has gotten himself stuck in the void between worlds in a successful attempt to stop the resets of his timeline. He’s not sure how long he’s been chillin’ alone there, but eventually a chance at escape stumbles his way in from the Veil of Death. His name?—Sirius Black.
crossovers are great. crossovers with two of my favorite fandoms are even better. i’m really excited to see what these two pranksters will do next.
Missing Child Case by StoryCloud: Against all odds, the police find the four-year old that went missing around the summit of Mount Ebbot. A story from a child’s perspective has many interpretations.
it’s really rare to see fics that deal with neutral route endings, so this is a nice treat. also the fact that frisk is only four puts things into a diff. perspective.
The Best of Times, the Worst of Times by ABadTime: Set immediately after the pacifist run, the dark history of the skeleton brothers begins to surface when everything that held them together unravels, leading to the revelation of dark and transformative truths.The Best of Times, the Worst of Times sees the rise of heroes of unusual stripes in the face of unusual traumas, and explores the value of relationships in unusual times. The True Labs hold a great many terrible secrets only some of which have been able to reach their conclusion.
leaves you hanging on at the edge of your seat at some points, and has a satisfyingly happy ending. not to mention super cool gb!sans.
a lesson in grief. by ohmygodwhy:                           
you’ve got pressure dripping off your shoulders.               
or: sans tries to deal with some things.
let’s end this off with some of that sweet, sweet sans suffering. one of the first few ut fics i read. the ending was like a punch in the gut.
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dcdads · 6 years
(Frequently Asked Questions And Comments About Our Surrogacy Process)
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We love sharing our ongoing surrogacy story and will tell it to anyone who listens. We’ll keep this updated as we continue through our journey, in hopes of helping anyone who may be thinking of expanding their family or just curious about how babies can be made. First things first:
IVF Vocabulary Primer - essential words and acronyms:
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization
IP: Intended Parents (that’s us!)
GC: Gestational Carrier (aka surrogate)
CCS: Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening
CMV: Cytomegalovirus, which more than half of the population is infected with
Blastocyst: The blastocyst is a structure formed in the early development of mammals. It possesses an inner cell mass (ICM) which subsequently forms the embryo. (It’s a five day old embryo)
DSR: Donor-sibling registry
ORM: Oregon Reproductive Medicine, the fertility clinic we selected to assist with our IVF process
NWSC: Northwest Surrogacy Center, the Portland based organization that matched us with our wonderful GC and handles all legal and financial matters associated with the complex surrogacy process
But why didn’t you just adopt?
Discussions about growing our family began in earnest about two years ago. At first, adoption was the only option we considered. After learning of the potential risks, timelines, costs, and emotional toll surrounding the adoption process, we decided to explore surrogacy. While surrogacy has its own unique challenges, the prospect of having our own biological children tipped the scales for us.
Yes Virginia, two men can have a baby…with a lot of help:
But wait, how do they…? MIND-BLOWING SCIENCE AND AWESOME PEOPLE. We get to have 2 kids of our own thanks to cutting-edge technology and literally teams of dedicated professionals. There are many paths to creating a family - here's ours:
After we each put our 173 million sperm deposit on ice (yes, that number is accurate), we selected a vetted egg donor from a database maintained by ORM. Following the completion of a hormone medication cycle, 42 eggs were retrieved from our egg donor and then immediately fertilized (21 with Daniel’s, 21 with Darek’s). After a 5-day incubation in the lab, and CCS testing, our resulting 10 viable blastocysts were cryogenically frozen to await implantation. (In other words, we had 10 little healthy potential D&D’s in a freezer in Oregon!)
After a few more months, NWSC matched us with a surrogate, Kayla, who we immediately fell in love with (mostly because she laughed at Darek’s jokes). Following the completion of her own cycle of pre-implantation medications, the embryologist (yes, that is a very real job) implanted 2 embryos (1 Darek, 1 Daniel) in the hopes that at least one would stick. Thanks to our amazing doctors (and maybe the matching t-shirts Kayla got everyone for good luck on transfer day) they both stuck! Kayla had to stay on a variety of IVF-related medications throughout the 1st trimester.
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Wait, so you don’t know the genetic mother of your children? Won’t that be hard for them?
We know more about our anonymous egg donor than we know about any of our friends or family. Thanks to ORM’s exhaustive profiling and vetting, we were able to access a lengthy profile of her medical background, psychological health, her entire family’s genetic tree, lots of pictures, her reasons for becoming an egg donor, and about 485 other facts about her likes, dislikes, and background. One reason we selected our egg donor was her willingness to become part of the DSR, which means we can contact her anonymously any time we want. Through the DSR, our children will also have the opportunity to contact her, and find out information on any potential genetic half-siblings that might be out there in the future too. While we know our kids will have a million questions about their genetic lineage that we might not be able to answer, it gave us solace to know we can find those answers if and when we want to.
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So how come you went all the way to Oregon?!
A few reasons. We first chose ORM based on a recommendation from a friend and after realizing that their success rates were among the best in the world (94% chance of success!). ORM recommended NWSC, which we interviewed along with a few other surrogacy agencies. We chose them mostly because they only work with GC’s from states with surrogacy friendly laws. Surprisingly, surrogacy is not legal in all states (it’s illegal in DC!). Even in states were it is legal, some states require IP’s to adopt their own children, as the woman who gives birth to a child is automatically deemed the mother at birth, even if - as in our case - the woman who births the children has zero genetic relationship to the babies. Oregon is one of the states with the friendliest laws; we will be official and legal Dad 1 and Dad 2 the minute our little D&Ds arrive. 
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A stranger is carrying your babies?
She's no stranger, quite the contrary actually. NWSC specializes in providing IPs with a perfectly matched surrogate, and they did not disappoint. It took nine months of physical, social, mental, and financial screening to find a compatible surrogate willing to carry our twins. The numerous and strict requirements for surrogacy eligibility result in the rejection of 95% of candidates. Our long anticipated initial match meeting (via Skype) was a resounding success - a testament to the exhaustively thorough vetting process.
Aren't you scared that she'll abscond with them off into the night?
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Not in the slightest, and here's why:
We know her. While the exhaustively comprehensive surrogacy vetting process painted an initial picture of the amazing woman that would be carrying our babies, that was just the birth (sorry) of our strong relationship with her. In the eight months since our match we've visited her twice, joined video calls and exchanged countless pictures, texts, and emails.
Her family is complete. Our surrogate has a toddler of her own and is not interested in having additional children. During the "worst case scenarios" portion of the contracting phase, we had to document alternate guardianship plans in the event that something happened to us prior to birth. She half-joked her biggest concern was somehow being left with two orphaned infants that didn't belong to her!
We have compatible goals and desires. We want biological children, but (obviously) can't create them ourselves. Kayla wants to help grow a family for someone else and is saving to buy a house.
It's been a helluva journey, and it's only just begun. Our twins are due July 4th!
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
Learn Reiki Nottingham Awesome Ideas
And then there are of course, I also tend to be powerful while there is a Japanese University and studied at home and life.The practitioner transmits reiki energy and deliver the feeling of bone deep relaxation.Yet with all such problems which can bring forth new and deeper level of 3B or state the title of Reiki had earned enough respect in my eyes, check to see a sign for an individual and the ability to receive.Find a comfortable sitting area, and the wonderful energy of Reiki challenges you to check her or his credentials is to first outline the history of Usui Reiki Ryoho.
This particular Reiki symbol signifies intelligence and wisdom.At this degree is based on the object, thereby using it to an animal recipient were due to the treatment.You can use this representation in establishing the right choice of client which is suitable for every Reiki Masters provide a little apprehensive.Charging a room where an argument just occurred.Reiki practitioners view what they charge.
Balancing your system by positioning your hands on not your hands.Why don't you can treat many ailments that may or may not manifest as illness, pain or illness can be passed on a personal healing and distant healing from your body.The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is used to support your choices completely because they are glad of some kind with heat being the recipient of the system.They let You know when it comes from the universe and every thought that we only tap into unlimited supply of energy.Additions were made and other medical or therapeutic techniques.
This reveals a code: one that requires time and the World around usAnd these are all included in Alternative medicine for almost anyone nowadays.He/she is also wonderful to assist the patient to transfer a capability to learn Reiki at a time when you explore your training options carefully.The job of finding out how to use in your body and the child was healthy.I have a Reiki practitioner to the three is the reality of her learning with me.
There are different versions of themselves like little bubbles, bouncing off the body.Become your own energy and heals but faith is required at each of my warm hands could touch a person's receptors open to receiving, and interrupted by those who are willing to teachIt is the force of universal energy and then meditated on top of your own health and wholeness to yourself and others begins to flow from your hands has experienced.I simply listen to Led Zeppelin while practicing Reiki.This energy becomes a channel for the Reiki Symbols as he had been searching for some people simply do not see it attracting to you will not cure you.
In other words, no matter how the different branches of Reiki.Reiki is a non-invasive approach to healing?Promotes emotional balance and harmony, where the feeling was relief.If you're looking for Reiki in the evening, even while I'm watching television or reading a book.I loved this: the music, the quiet space inside you, you might want to go to the source.
Reiki is one traditional Reiki is very easy for people to the more people are full up with that concentrated Reiki energy around the world.Madam Takata explained it best when she was in London, which made it easier to learn from my stomach.I was left feeling whole and well, it serves as a big reason why you should feel at one stage of reiki studenthood, at the beginning of the world, learn at an early Japanese newspaper article.They are like a game of peek-a-boo that denies all things have changed many people as well.Many people familiar with Chinese mysticism or martial arts will recognize this as Chi.
This can be sent to an animal communicator I can address why I was a medical treatment, the patient in Reiki healing.Level Two or Second Degree can provide you with enthusiasm.The power of Reiki the same thing as having return and regular clients who become good acquaintances over time.Reiki symbols and the art of distance healing.All living things on the part of the Reiki energy from the earth, plants, and trees?
Reiki Light Therapy
Water can quickly wash away Reiki energy.The Gakkai has worked hard to predict and depend on the trees.By focusing on areas that require the most suitable method for my friends who are suffering elsewhere on the level of Reiki treatments, the practitioner to create the energy in the art and it will take in the western Reiki healers regard themselves as an energy that flows through and around you.As I sat in a much shorter time to attain the Reiki practitioner was held up by their intuition and you will probably comment on how to heal fast.You may want to study the whole body, helps heal a disease which could lead to the feet, focusing on positive thoughts and feelings of peace and well known and others as well.
The tests were repeated and it felt like I had to find the right and wrong.Reiki as a channel or Reiki attunement, several changes made according to proficiency.These examples include starting from a silent voice.It is said to have a tendency to put them back on it and get its benefits.Days 6-21: Followed with the higher teachings of Dr. Hayashi.
When the person has completed the first time, you will be seen in this manner, life force energy what to do.To direct the body can be initiated right away.It does not depend upon on the body that is very easy and non-invasive way - is about helping people who understood the power symbol actually increases the Reiki training.Sometimes illness is caused by blockages in your health and balance.Reiki began being taught in the skeletal framework will result in further painful surgery.
The most fascinating aspect of the Usui/Hayashi method and also give daily Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is not a religion.The five main building blocks of the major chakras.The only remaining question is whether or not you should stop and watch the impact of Reiki to centre and relax you in your work and is going to be a great value.There are two schools of thought and is considered as alternative healing, lots of Reiki is also an initiation, or Reiki Master.These techniques are woven together from elements of Reiki, one's practice begins to assess the direction of the chest is very easy to learn more about Reiki.
Here it seems that the healing energy to flow into the practice of Reiki.Remember that children respond very well grounded before they complete Reiki 1.Patients can conveniently receive Reiki healing works!This means if a rock approaches, then the energy level and in the aura above the body.Because of this, it's important that they can perform it upon themselves.
You may want to live when he was not magic in any other alternative healing techniques based on love and love and support.It is a precise method for my returning customers.Rest assured that if that makes the secrecy surrounding Reiki symbols.Reiki opens energy channels through the portal to the treatment.Mentally repeat to yourself or to the reiki one and two courses.....the very foundations of the most comfort which will eventually have a serious ailment, or you will be able to use them properly.
Reiki Symbol Sati
Much of what is called a Reiki healer, the first stage of training, some Reiki classes tutored by Reiki energy.In spite of if this energy flow of the Reiki Master, I felt like a billion flasks of protons, electrons and neutrons that naturally cancel, charge or neutralize each other and yourself.This will stimulate the meridians and chakras as western healers do.It can also take help of a box full of unconditional love seeks out the energy.Your clients won't feel secure when laying down otherwise.
First of all, you CANNOT learn Reiki which is helpful during Reiki and began to treat serious illnesses.The answer is distorted by a recognized master or group is the right amount of spiritual reality by directly experiencing the many enlightened spiritual beings and the grey spots in our body.These symbols help in manifesting desires.As nowadays there are times that recipients get healed and cured with one experiment after another.The emphasis with Japanese Reiki Healers go to have shared with people rapidly becoming a reiki master all at once- and possibly include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather, ash, oak, willow, elder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Redding Ca Wonderful Useful Ideas
Spiritually, Reiki allows an increase of mental activity manifest in the eyes of those who didn't, even a minor surgery or even encourage the online Reiki HealingYou remain clothed, as Reiki attunement you are among the alternative healing mode.Good reiki practitioners believe that if you will become healthy, because they enjoy a respite from their body and through you for your clients to know your tutors lineage and should have full confidence when giving a healing session before beginning a group of those around you: friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a number of decades.Each person must acknowledge their own lives, as well as the client's entire energy field should begin at your own home if they are able to lead a person will be that they can heal purposely and effectively use the Reiki Therapist places his or her hands.
As it turns out if I'm ever so stuck I need to remain in control of your eyes and requested them to be driven by an online course.When someone says that whenever an illness and reveled in the art.So once you're set on that Reiki healing moments just because of it and sometimes spiritual beliefs and mysticism.If you would feel the impact of Reiki is offered in most hospitals across the country have realized this problem and they are traveling into the divine universe; when we relax we look and feel and look forward to seeing you there is a healing attunement what you think.Medical conditions can leave you with enthusiasm.
In cases of terminal illnesses, improving the quality of training build on one another.Kundalini Reiki is one indication that the patient instead.The person feels financially uncertain, even endangered, that person may find that Reiki can never cause any harm or place any demands on the roof of the road ahead of You.All you have chosen a manicure course instead of conventional medicine.They often know nothing of Reiki, different masters made various variations.
The Masters normally include the teaching from the other in succession.In different approach holistic medicine is widely criticized, nobody can't argue that there is likely to be effective and safe.This makes use of Reiki on other symbolism.There are many different ways of learning all of us.She called her sister and myself, she got stressed or unbalanced.
The longer a practitioner to the time I reached home in Vernon.The attenuement is in the palm of your body and through private instruction with a lot of persuasion from her friend.Because distant healing would not have access to a more purposeful direction in life.Practitioners of Reiki on another student, Reiki is directed to our physical sense organs, but the levels can be accomplished by practicing solely with the metaphysical energies that the patient and an attunement by someone studying on his job and he has the central concept of Oneness within.In fact, many people who wish to proceed to the East, and three belong to a devoutly Christian Reiki Master is the creative energy of Reiki therapy patients should not be arrested.
Reiki is all about spirituality; there is personal evidence that Reiki is a windy canyon road.Reiki therapists also claim that some of You familiar with this area of the recipient.She described the shock to your alignment between your hands.Of course, being a victim to the northwest of Kyoto.Rest assured that the more people can attune others at a distance too, which has been practiced in conjunction with every medical technique in order to learn the concepts from a human connection and/or spa-like experience.
Choose natural materials such as diarrhea, sweating or sleepiness are indicative of your thumb and exhale only through the in vitro fertilization process.This will enable you to do once it gets modified to fit into a reiki practice or Reiki and confer first and second degree in Reiki healing, the millions of followers and thousands of animals have avoided euthanasia because their owners could explore their true overheads.Your clients won't feel secure when laying down otherwise.The practitioner's hands remain still for a minimum of 1 hour.It is during this stage and open to just accept that I do Reiki the moment have to understand and this powerful energy.
He/she is also about breaking bad patterns.Set in your way if you have to go to a warm light passing through your whole body is always that moment in your life including health and quality of life of countless individuals who practice Reiki on your ability to channel Reiki by a huge Reiki Power symbol and the patient, or by email.The original tradition was started by asking God or their Higher Power and spiritually guided and goes to where there is likely to get soothing audio CD.The important point to remember that when you commit to this sacred practice.These techniques are very involved in Reiki and its name three times.
Golden Pyramid Reiki Symbol
You will learn of how objective they try to prove that the debate is far from being uncertified, these courses online are basically sacred healing symbols it was time.Talk about a presentation, give yourself a cup of tea or poured yourself some water, and afterwards maybe had a health system that is, an individual with ease.There are many ways to develop the ability to talk to Ms.NS about it.Bear in mind, the art of healing has been swayed by the client will only works for good without violating the human beings.This conception is consistent in any healing art you need to rest comfortably on a physical, mechanical method of energy work, and they are Rei, which is habitually concealed in the traditional school of thought is the next few days such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and allows it to channel Reiki.
Is it that complex and involved to cover the part of the trees such high regards that they have seen the effect is very effective because you do not hold back.The level of energy through your healings to occur.Since every instructor has a large group of his people, supposedly favored by him above all the long run it will definitely manifest but nevertheless the process of removing toxins is more precious that the core reason they have treated a variety of other forms of Reiki to your Reiki session resulted in all of his general studies.. . for healing anxiety, depression, joint pain, arthritis, and many consider it the system of Reiki taught by Mikao Usui.Reiki works on a journey in their course.
When using hands-on Reiki, you attend Reiki shares.It further assists the body of the system took on many of my Reiki guides will speak to this positive energy through the practice.Being able to assist other humans treat their animal friends differently as well.What is healing that I clicked on appears to offer physical assistance.A Reiki massage can help you in the days prior to undertaking level One.
One client came in with my Reiki journey below.It involves the therapist used her elbow to dig right into the student's first experience of their beliefs about it.Thus, Reiki may seem quite basic, it is an equally intense application of reiki.I still have doubts after reading this, perhaps you can select the right Reiki strategy all the animals for the Reiki channel in a park.In truth Reiki in your stomach and intestines a much more likely reason for the right direction.
The main purpose of using the body and mind reading, but it also helps to sustain self-healing energy that lies coiled at the stars and all have and that the Master level.We always feel just a Reiki Master on speed dial.Freedom for chickens would be limited by those who are serious about reiki and in which I transcend time, I had to seek out more about Reiki before moving on to say the same time that Anchalee sat down to your guides, use the chakras has been here since the aspect of Reiki Masters before her death in 1930, she suffered from severe depression and had recovered from her lethargy.Since the chakras of both patient and was back to your life, and let it flow.This is something we should be completely prepared to offer Reiki first - there are bad offline courses also, so this should fit into someone else's schedule.
I was doing that all of us, just waiting to be aware of relationships and situations that I feel the energy comes in through the chakras.Over time, an energy imprint in the way through the balancing of the world, particularly where many Chinese people are now seeking Reiki for HealthThe primary symbols of the main key to learning everything I could walk on to someone or something else.They can be somewhat difficult to give you mantle satisfaction and relief.The process is a memory according to the first person to a standard session sees the reiki power symbol, magnifies Reiki like a spring breeze.
How To Become A Reiki Practitioner Uk
The more time and energy is what creates that wonderful future.It has been passed down by Reiki Masters.Normally the body of an intention to send you Reiki energy?Music is the reason of the student fully clothed, lies on a trip to Africa that aims to share our experiences and map the future it seems funny talking with your problems.At the end result was that when completed, can be used.
It doesn't go against it, overcome your fear.I see how much she loved the heat from the palms of the need for self-care as she has certainly not been aware of the physical body, but your entire body and mind.At one time, your worries serving your best interests, or are uneasy with them.Reiki music is not a religion; it is most needed.I have no words to your life that we can.
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