#time lapes
nothingbizzare · 7 months
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Hearts and stars
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tabby-kazuki · 5 months
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Despite his apprentice and being a punk rock troll. Venice is actually quite shy and not very out spoken thus has cause problems for him not being able to speak up for himself in the past. He usually stays inside and away from other trolls because of his shy nature which is why he lives on the outskirts of Pop Village. He has a love for botany which is why his home is mushroom inspired and has a green room deactivated for his plants. Others will often come to him with plant relatied questions. His favorite type of flower is the blue rose and has try for years to grow them but with no luck. Since his efforts to grow them he has made many different types of hybrid roses even hybrids that others though where impossible. When not taking care of his plants he'll usually hike in the forest or around the village singing his favorite songs and dosen't realized that others are looking at him which make him embarrassed when he noted them. He'll run away to find a place to hide until he calms down. Which can usually last up to an hour or two unless a close friend of his is able to calm him down sooner.
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He's finally done with all his info/personality. I couldn't stop thinking about how cute it would be for a troll to live in a cute little mushroom house which is why I gave him one. His design is actually the first design I did for him as a consep at the time I didn't care for it since I was very tired when I did the first couple of designs. I realized that the first design was perfect after some time away from designing him plus I'm pleased with his hair being so long that it look like he has a tail from some angles. The house floor plans doesn't have all the details like his plants nor the details on walls since I only did a top down view which is why I went with the basic blueprint route. I might do fully detailed designs/colors for each room later on if I feel like it that is😂
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parc-the-ferme · 7 months
every other driver: struggling with breaks, overheating, horrendous strategies, dashboards bluescreening mid race, whatever the fuck that switch was with daniel and yuki, everyone generally having an awful time,
max: (currently laping everyone and leading by 20 seconds) what a lovey race :)
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darknight3904 · 2 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖆𝖈𝖊
ᴀᴇᴍᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ᴏᴄ! ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ
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ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴘᴀʀᴛ / ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ /ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
This chapter takes place 3 months after the previous one, Rhaella is once again living in Kings Landing.
129 AC
"You are ten and four and you have never been swimming?"
"I have not."
"You used to live on an island!"
Aemond's exasperated tone has Rhaella laughing. Her friend is entirely too worked up for the topic of conversation.
"I never learned when living in Runestone. And the sea can be rough so I never tried when I was living at Driftmark." Rhaella explained
"We are going swimming." Aemond suddenly declares pulling her up, off her bed that was covered in books and poorly drawn illustrations of Vhagar and Sōna.
The flight into the King's Wood was short and rather warm as Rhaella flew close to Aemond and Vhagar. Aemond had claimed to know of a beautiful lake that he swore was not as rough as the sea.
"I will keep you from drowning." He had declared before climbing atop Vhagar. Aemond had been at least correct about the beauty of the lake. Rhaella's eyes widened from atop Sōna when the glittering water came into view.
"It's perfect isn't it?"
Aemond's voice reached her eyes as they landed. A boyish grin sat on his face as he reached his arms up to catch her when he dismounted from Sōna.
"I can get off my dragon just fine on my own." She laughed as his hands let go of her waist.
"Come, the waters are always warm during the afternoon." He says, ignoring her
Vhagar lets out a loud grumble and Rhaella can feel her heated breath as they walk away from their dragons.
Rhaella ungracefully pulls at her riding clothes. The leather is slick with sweat and will have to washed but it feels amazing to be in nothing but her chemise and small clothes as the sun beat down.
Aemond hadn't taken into account the lack of clothing this particular venture would entail. Sure, they couldn't swim in their dragon-riding clothes, but he also wasn't expecting to see Rhaella stripping hers off like they had offended her. He finds his eyes wandering as he stands a few paces away from her. Her silver hair is in a single braid down her back as the last bit of dragon-riding clothes all off her.Her body is mesmerizing as her white chemise seems to glow in the sun. Aemond finds himself suddenly shy as his mind begins to fill with erotic thoughts, thoughts he certainly shouldn't have towards his closest friend.
"Do you plan to stay on the side forever? You said you were going to teach me to swim." Rhaella calls as she wades into the water so it's up to her knees.
"Oh right."
He fumbles with his own clothes as he keeps his eyes on the overgrown grass and wildflowers that litter the ground below him. When he finally stands beside her, water laping at his knees and upper thighs, she's laughing at him.
"You look as though you've seen a ghost."
Perhaps he has, her silver hair is paler than the moon as the sun beams down on them.
"So, how do I swim?" Rhaella asks
Aemond tries, he truly does, but Rhaella is, for lack of a better word, terrible. He tries to teach her how to float on her back and she comes back up coughing up enough water to fill an entire flagon. Then, he tries to show her how to tread water and she's gone under again, He wraps his arms around her and pulls her back up, treding water for the both of them. By the time the sun is beginning to go below the trees, he has managed to teach her a simple doggy paddle, nothing more.
"It is a good thing Runestone is in the Vale and not near any water." Aemond sighs as they lay in the grass together.
He is exhausted after rescuing Rhaella from her demise multiple times today. How could she fly a dragon but not swim well?
"I suppose so." She sighs beside him
"What do you have to sigh for? I did all the hard work today." Aemond declares
"Are you forgetting I almost died, multiple times today! That is tiring work!" She defends
"I was the one rescuing you!" Aemond argues
"What about the time you let me go for too long? I could've died!" She gasped
"I thought you had it that time!" Aemond laughed
Rhaella's laugh joins his own in the open air. Away from the peering eyes of the castle, Aemond has never felt more free. Rhaella's laugh is sweeter than any birdsong and he decides he'd love to stay here forever.
The quacking of ducks fills the air and Aemond's mind drifts to supper. Perhaps he could catch one and then cook it for them. He didn't want to return to the castle but the prospect of an empty stomach has him thinking about it. He sits up, letting his eye scan the area. Vhagar and Sōna are sleeping about a hundred paces to his right while the ducks that are flaunting about are just on the edge of the water. twenty paces to his left. He pulls his dagger from his crumpled mess of clothing beside him.
"What in the seven hells are you doing?" Rhaella asked, suddenly sitting up, alarmed at the blade in his hands.
Aemond reaches to hook a finger under her chin and turn her face to the ducks.
"Dinner." He says simply
"Are you some savage Hill Tribesman?" Rhaella asks, clearly not happy with his idea.
"I am starving. You wouldn't want your savior dying of starvation would you?" His tone is light and airy but he is serious about catching a duck and cooking it. The pain in his stomach is becoming unbearable.
"You are not killing that duck, Aemond." She scolded him, "Look there."
He follows her pointed finger to where a mother duck swims to what was going to be dinner. She has five baby ducklings close behind. The other duck, his dinner, quacks loudly before joining his mate in the water.
"You were going to take a father duck from his duck family." Rhaella laughs
"I am certain hundreds of ducks die each day, Rhaella." He grumbles, placing his dagger back in its sheath.
"Oh, my poor sweet starving prince," Rhaella's sweet tone isn't as enjoyable as it was a few moments ago.
"If you're going to mock me, you should get Aegon, he is good at that." Aemond feels his expression souring at her teasing words. He could let the duck go but he hated when people patronized him.
"I have food. In Sōna's saddle bag. Wait here." Rhaella says
Aemond watches her skip off to her sleeping dragon to retrieve whatever she's brought. Sōna is a beautiful dragon, the only egg to hatch from a clutch laid by Silverwing during Queen Alysanne Targaryen's trip to Winterfell. The dragon later being named when it's scales turned out to be the same color as the North's snow. Aemond remembered reading about the dragon in a book, it had said the North's ancient magic had changed the dragon's color and left it devoid of color, except for its ice-blue eyes, akin to the wall itself. Even Sōna's dragon fire was a different color than normal dragon's, her flames were a pale orange in contrast to Vhagar's red.
"I hope you like apples," Rhaella says, tossing him one.
She has returned with an armful of apples, bread, and even a hunk of cheese. When had she grabbed all this? He had dragged her out of her room as soon as he heard she couldn't swim.
The apple is deliciously sweet as the juice runs between his fingertips while he bites into it. Rhaella sits beside him, munching on her own.
"I didn't mean to upset you." She said suddenly
"What?" He asks, too focused on the apple
"When I called you my sweet prince." She says "I was...being honest."
Aemond watches as her face grows red and she looks away from him. She had meant to call him that? Why though? He was planning on murdering a duck because he couldn't stand his own stomach's grumbling.
"I hope you're not mad at me." She says, suddenly taking his hand in hers. Juice from the apple stains her skin and makes a sticky connection between their skin.
Warm wind blows Rhaella's damp hair off her shoulders and messes with his own as he lets her fiddle with is fingers. She slides his silver ring off his middle finger and places it on his ring finger. He feels his face heat up as she looks back up at him, her violet eyes meeting his own.
"I'm not mad." Aemond truthfully says, "I'd never be mad at you."
Hehe I love writing fluff.
Gave a Sōna back story there because I thought she deserved it. Sōna is currently 70 as Alysanne visited the North in 58 AC and I like the idea of Sōna hatching in 59 AC. As I wrote this I envisioned Meleys to be about 10-15 years older than Sōna and Caraxes to be about 5-7 years older than Sōna. Basically, I plan to age everyone up including the dragons. So, spoiler alert, I'm making Viserys' diseased ass live longer than he did in the show/book.
Aemond One shot I wrote yesterday
Next Part
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@fix5idiots @canpillowscry
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cicimunson · 2 years
Ruin Me Part 2
Series Summary: Eddie is obsessed with you, but tries to hide it because he knows you’re a virgin and he doesn’t want to corrupt you or risk your friendship.
Chapter Summary: Eddie's been avoiding you and you call him out. He is quick to remedy the situation.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Virgin Female Reader
Warnings: EDDIE RIDES OUR THIGH LOVES. Little bit of angst in the beginning, sexual situations.
Word Count: Almost 2k
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
It'd been a few days since you'd hung out with Eddie. You saw him in class and at lunch, but other than that, he’d barely spoken to you. You could tell he was avoiding you.
Maybe you'd come on too strongly the other day. Eddie had licked and sucked your tits until your nipples were practically chafed, jerking himself off until he came all over his hand.
He wouldn't let you look at the mess. He didn't even kiss you afterwards, although you'd been writhing from his touch, practically begging him to meet your lips with his own. He'd cleaned himself up and apologized several times.
"I'm sorry. I took it too far. I feel terrible."
He held you close, whispering apologies over and over while kissing your cheeks and forehead repeatedly.
"Eddie, it's okay. I promise there's nothing to feel bad about. I liked it."
"You're so sweet, you don't deserve this. I'm the devil."
He ushered you back out the door, looking guilty and remorseful despite you insisting it was fine. He didn't even say bye, just murmured he was sorry once more before shutting the door in your face.
You knew that the two of you had crossed a line you couldn't come back from. Not that you wanted to. Sure, you were a virgin. And yeah, calling you innocent was pretty accurate. But something about Eddie made you want to change all that. You knew he felt the same. It was just getting the scales to tip in your favor at this point.
You catch up with him in the parking lot after school. "Munson, wait up!"
He turns to you, his expression unreadable. "Oh, hey." He greets you half-heartedly.
"Are we still on for tonight?"
"Studying for O'Donnell's final?"
"Oh, yeah, shit, I forgot. I kinda have plans."
He made plans. He forgot about you. That fucking hurts.
"Wow. Okay, then." You turn to walk away.
"Don't be mad." He pleads
"It's fine, Eddie. I get it. I'll leave you alone."
 He sighs. "Come on, Y/N, it's not like that."
"You haven't spoken to me in almost three days. And now you're blowing me off. It is like that. But it's cool. No worries"
He grabs your shoulder and turns you to face him.
"Y/N, I feel guilty as shit for what happened the other day. I shouldn't have touched you like that, shouldn't have made you watch me. I just…I know if I'm alone with you it's gonna happen again and maybe go further than it needs to."
"You didn't make me do anything, Eddie. I could have walked out anytime. I chose to stay."
"Because I'm corrupting you."
"No, because I'm tired of being treated like a little girl by everyone. Because you make me feel things I haven't felt before. Because I liked what I saw you doing. It's not about you and what you do, Eddie. It's about me and what I want. I'm my own person and I can make my own decisions."
He sighs, running a thumb over your bottom lip. "And what do you want, sweetheart? You don't even know what you're asking for."
"So teach me. Better you than some jock or someone from your club, right?"
His eyes narrow. "I would kill anyone that tried."
"I'm not going to stay your sweet Y/N forever, Eddie." You lick the pad of his thumb that's gliding over your lip.
Eddie's breath hitches.
You swirl your tongue around his finger.
He moans softly and pushes his thumb past your lips. You suck on it and he pulls you close.
"What are you doing to me, Y/N?" He murmurs into your hair. "My resolve is hanging by a thread."
You whimper around his finger and he groans, knowing he can't keep fighting the urge to make you his.
He removes his thumb from your mouth and replaces it with his tongue. You tug on the lapels of his jacket, wanting him closer, wanting to feel him pressed against you.
He breaks away from the kiss after a minute or two. "As much as I'd love to keep going, we should probably get off school property."
You giggle. "Oh yeah, probably."
"Can I give you a ride home?"
"Mhm, thank you."
You and Eddie climb into his van and head down the road. You watch as he drums on the steering wheel, singing under his breath to the Black Sabbath song blaring from the speakers.
Feeling bold, you reach out and take one of his hands, pressing a small kiss to his knuckles before laying it on your lap. Eddie squeezes your bare thigh, his thumb slipping underneath your skirt to trace circles on your skin.
Your shiver and he grins, glancing over at you. "You okay?"
"Mhm. I'm fine."
He lets his hand wander a little higher. "Are you sure?"
You squirm under his touch. His hand is warm and his cool rings are a nice contrast to the heat. You clench your thighs together.
Eddie smirks knowingly.
"So needy. So cute." He murmurs to himself as he pulls up in front of your house.
"No one's home if you want to come in." You try to sound nonchalant.
He raises an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
"Mhm. We could get a snack or something before you have to attend to your other plans."
"Oh, I didn't tell you? Those plans got canceled."
You giggle. "On the car ride over here?"
"Yup. They sent a smoke signal, you probably didn't see it." He deadpans with a wink.
You play along. "Oh, makes sense."
Once inside, you offer Eddie a coke and some pretzels. He guzzles it down, soda running from the corner of his lips. You wipe it away with your thumb and then stick your thumb in your mouth.
Eddie watches you, fascinated. Everything you did lately seemed sexual to him. The way you giggled, the skirts you wore around him, the way you looked at his mouth when he talked.
To his surprise, you take a step towards him and brush your lips against his. He kisses you back softly and carefully, oh so damn carefully, struggling with the urge to grab the back of your head and slide his tongue in your mouth.
Your hands slip underneath his shirt and he groans. "You're so sweet, baby. So damn sweet."
"I'm not sure how to touch you." You admit. "I wanna learn, though."
"Do you ever touch yourself?"
You look down, clearly flustered.
"Tell me. Do you ever rub yourself?"
Just tell him. It’s nothing to be embarrassed of.
"I have before, yes."
"How did it make you feel?"
You still can't meet his eyes. "Really good." You admit.
He lifts your chin. "Did you think of me?"
You squirm under his gaze.
"Answer me."
You know there's no point in lying, Eddie can read you like a book. "Yes. I've thought of you while doing it."
He smiles, looking almost smug. You can see the lust in his eyes.
He takes a step back and lifts you on the kitchen table.
"Show me what you do."
"When you touch yourself. Show me how you do it."
You blush. "Eddie-"
He leans down and presses a kiss to the top of your thigh, then another one a little higher. He pushes your skirt up as he goes, until he's kissing your hip bones and your skirt is hiked all the way up.
You moan softly and run your finger through his hair.
He hooks a finger in the waistband of your panties. "Can I take them off you?"
You nod and lift your ass so that he can pull them down. He sticks them in his jeans pocket before kissing down your leg and back up the other one, pushing them apart.
You realize your pussy is on full display for him.
He kisses right above your pubic bone and you gasp. He takes your hand and guides it between your legs.
"Show me how you touch yourself when you think of me."
You can't resist him. You both know it. You start moving your fingers in slow circles on your clit.
"Feel good, angel?"
"Mhm." You rub a little faster and moan softly.
"Do you put fingers in yourself?"
You nod.
"Let me see."
You groan as you ease a finger into your pussy. You're wet, wetter than usual, and you know it's because he's watching you.
His intense gaze is fastened between your legs, his tongue flicking put to lick his lips.
"Can you add another finger, sweetheart?"
You push another finger inside you and moan his name.
Eddie's eyes snap up to your face.
"Say it again. Say my name."
He pulls you closer to the edge of the table. "Keep doing that. Keep touching yourself."
"Do you want to touch yourself, too?" 
"I'm gonna do something else."
He places a leg on either side of your thigh and rubs against you.
You'd heard about thigh-riding before. Nancy had talked about riding Steve's thigh before she gave him her virginity. You didn't realize it was something boys could do, too.
Eddie grunts as he grinds down on you, the zipper of his jeans digging into your skin. You secretly hope it leaves a mark. Branding you as his.
Eddie watches your fingers move faster, listens to the sound of your pussy getting wetter and your breathing speeding up.
He wants more than anything to replace your fingers with his cock, but he knows it's too soon. It's something that needs to be worked up to.
He can't take his eyes off you as he shamelessly ruts against your thigh. He had told himself he wasn't going to worry about getting off, that he'd be content to jerking off at home picturing this moment, but he couldn't hold back. He needed to come with you.
"I'm so close." You moan, your fingers moving frantically. "Eddie, I'm gonna…"
"That's right, sweet girl. Come for me. You can do it."
You cry out his name as your whole body tightens. The orgasms you'd had before were nothing compared to this. It slams into your body so fast your vision goes spotty. Your cunt spasms around your fingers and you fall back on the kitchen table, still working your fingers furiously because the sight of the man falling apart while he grinds into you makes you want to keep going, to keep cumming.
Eddie feels his cock twitch and he knows he's close. He snatches your hand from between your legs and sucks on your fingers, the taste of your pussy sending him over the edge.
Rather than cum in his boxers, he lets open his fly and shoots his load on your leg.
You gasp when the hot liquid hits your skin. 
Eddie lays on your stomach, gasping.
You reach down and touch your thigh, bringing your fingers up to examine them.
Eddie's eyes nearly bulge out of his head when you lick them.
"Jesus Christ." He presses his forehead to yours. "I say I'm your damnation, but I'm starting to think you might be mine."
You kiss him softly. "I guess we'll be damned together."
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filthy-baee · 1 year
eddie fucking reader in his bedroom and they’re sooooooo loud bc wayne’s at work but OH! no he’s not at work! he got home earlier than usually! and he hears everyyyyythingggggg
next morning at breakfast he gives them a condom „i can’t afford another child“
Note: Pffff this is way too funny! I remember my dad saying something like this to me when I was younger and I had my first boyfriend. I changed it a little bit, but I hope that's okay for you. Thanks a lot for requesting! 💕 | English isn't my first language, so there will be some grammar errors. Not proofread!
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Red as a tomato
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, MDNI, 18+, oral (f reciving), petnames, daddy kink, ball gag, bondage (hand cuffs), fingering, squirting, biting, dirty talk, crying, getting walked in on, if I forgot something please tell me
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Y/N's skin was glistening from the sheen of sweat that formed on her body. Eddie was between her legs, laping at her wet folds. A small patch of wetness has began to form under her ass. As Eddies fingers found her aching hole she tried to wiggle away, her third orgasm of the night slowly beginning to build in her stomach. "Mmhg!" is the only thing Y/N can mumble with her mouth bound by a heartshaped gag. Eddie grinned at her, his breath fanning over her hot pussy. "Awww princess. Are you getting close again? For the third time this evening, right?" he mocked her, slowly circling her wet folds with his fingers. Eddies finger entered her hole slowly pumping in and out of it. Y/N tried to close her legs, the feeling becoming too much for her. "I asked you a question, princess." Eddie mumbled forcefully opening her legs even more, licking a fat stripe from his fingers to her clit.
"Yesh, daddy": she mumbled out, spit dripping down on her face. Her hands were bound above her head tightly with Eddie's handcuffs. They start to shake as Eddie starts his chicane again. He pumped three of his thick fingers into her tight cunt, the room being filled with the squeeking sounds of her pussy and the slurping from Eddie's mouth.
Y/N starts to shake uncontrollably, her wrists rattling against the headboard. "Hold it a little longer, princess." he came up to her, whispering into her neck as his thumb drew tight circles on her puffy clit.
Her pussy tightend around his fingers and he knew Y/N was close. "You want to come, princess? Be a good girl and...cum!" As the last word left Eddie's mouth Y/N came around his fingers, squirting on his bed and on his hand. Eddie bit into her neck, making her orgasm even harder. Y/N's mouth escaped a loud moany scream, her body trembling.
Suddenly the door opened with a forceful swing! Y/N looked at Eddie in shock, as she couldn't see who opened the door, she only saw Eddie's blown pupils looking directly into hers.
"Kiddos! Is everything-?!" As Wayne saw the scenario right in front of his eyes, he couldn't believe what he just saw. His eyes met shortly with Y/N's shoked ones, as Eddie turned around to face his uncle. He holds his hands in front of his eyes, trying to get rid of the image now burned into his brain. "Oh, Jesus Christ!" Wayne screamed. Eddie tried to cover up as much of Y/N as possible with his own body, but Wayne saw everything. The cuffs, the gag, the whole thing that went on.
"Wayne! Get out!" Eddie yelled, throwing a blanket over Y/N's naked body. Y/N couldn't move away, but if she could she would jump through the window and run. This has to be the most embarrissing moment in her life! Her cheeks were a deep red and small tears formed at the corners of her eyes. Eddie looked down at her for a second, before he heard the door close again, followed by a loud "Sorry guys! Just...calm down a little!" from Wayne. It all happened so fast but for Y/N it still felt like a eternity. This was awful. Both thought that Wayne was out the whole night working and they didn't even hear him open the front door.
"What the...?" Eddie mumbled and looked down at his poor girlfriend. Tears rolled down her blushy cheeks and her mouth was shaking around the gag. " Sorry! Wait-!" Eddie said as he opened the cuffs for her and her hands fall in front of her face. She tried to hide behind them, too embarrassed to even look at Eddie. She opened the gag, spit covering her cheeks and chin. Y/N curled up into a ball, throwing the blanket over her whole body and face, letting out a deep sigh.
"Hey, baby...It-It's okay. He didn't see anything." Eddie tried to sooth her, coming closer to her and rubbing her back with his still wet hand. "Don't lie, Eddie! He saw everything! We even had eyecontact!" Y/N whined, trying to wiggle away from his touch. Her nose was runny, her voice barely there. Eddie sighed, coming closer and crawling under the blanket with her. He was still fully clothed, his jeans rough against her hot skin. He pulled her closer and Y/N hid in his chest, drying her tears with his band shirt. Eddie carefully stroked her hair, pulling her even more into his body. He kissed her forehead, a calming hand on her back. "It's not the end of the world. I mean- he knows what we are up to...you are loud enough." he tried to lighten the mood a little, making a small smile appear on her lips. "Yeah, but- but he never saw iiiiit." she sobbed, letting the last word out in a annoyed tone. "It's okay, baby. Come here." Eddie said, rubbing her back and pulling her up, so she laid on him, her arm on his chest.
Eddie patted her head, telling her sweet nothings into her ear, as she slowly drifted away to sleep. She was done for the night, not only because of the encounter with Wayne but also the orgasms Eddie pulled from her one after another. As she peacefully slept in his arms, Eddie tried to wiggle away from her grip, but it was no use. Her hand was curled up fisting his already loose shirt, one leg swung over his hips. He could still feel the wetness from between her legs on his jeans. His cock twitched in his tight pants and it took everything in him, to not wake her again for some fun. He knew she wouldn't want it right now, as she was too sleepy and still uncomfortable because of this whole situation. Eddie also felt a little tired and he slowly fell asleep too.
The next morning he woke up still in the same position, but Y/N laid on him with her whole body, caging him in under her. Eddie let out a small laugh, she was just too cute.
He pulled her softly off of him, giving her a pillow, so she could cuddle with something else. He pecked her cheek and went off to the kitchen, to get him something to drink.
Wayne was awake, a small coffeecup in front of him. "Morning, boy." he mumbled, also still tired. Wayne felt uneasy, still thinking about the weird encounter last night. He fumled with something in his hand and got up to Eddie, who was at the kitchen sink, pouring himself a coffee too.
"Boy, uhm. Take these for the next time." Wayne holds a pack of condoms up to Eddie's face. Eddies face grew red, as he grabs the condoms out of his hand. Before Eddie could say anything, Wayne said again "I know what those stains are on your bed. Please, for the love of god, use some condoms, Edward. I can't afford a second child."
Eddie's face grew as red as a tomato and he just nodded and pushed the condoms into his backpocket, fleeing from the scene with his coffee in his shaky hands. He closed his bedroom door behind him, letting out a loud breath, he didn't even know he was holding in. Y/N left her head from her pillow, her hair a hot mess. Her still sleepy eyes met Eddie's gaze. A small smile formed on his lips.
"You were right. He saw everything." Eddie said as he pointed on the now dry stains on his bed. Y/N buried her face in the pillow again, but Eddie could still see a small grin on her face.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Behind locked doors (1/2)
Pairing: Reiner Braun x [gender neutral] Tybur! Reader Summary: You just want to have fun with that damn hot soldier. Tags: Forbidden relationship kinda thing / Penetration (no gendered description) / Choking / Harsh / One line of dirty talk
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          Reiner quietly watched you walk around with your older brother and a few other military officers trailing behind you while the commander seemed to lead the way. He cleaned his throat, adjusting his uniform as the talk among the others faded, substituted by attempts to fix their hair or their posture. This nervousness hung in the air and crawled under their skin, making them tense up with each step you and the others took closer.
“Now,” Commander Magath said, but it was directed to you and your brother. “I want you to meet who fights for our motherland right now. I’m sure you only knew their predecessors.”
Having the Tyburs in Marley during such a moment of uncertainty and agitation was like having the hand of a deity reaching out to fix Marley’s wounds—this time, it wasn’t just a palliative and the Tybur family there for their occasional appearances to put pressure on the military and appease the population. The new agitation in Paradis was enough to have Willy Tybur bringing the War Hammer Titan into the show, and even the highest ranks in the military had no idea of their identity. As of what seemed, anyone in the present part of the family could have the titan.
Despite Willy being the head of the family, you were there, too, tagging along with your older brother everywhere. Could you be the shifter? Probably not. They wouldn’t risk you, then. Whatever your function was, no one ever provided any explanation.
Opposite to the friendly—and probably fake—smile on Willy’s face, you instead had that cold gaze. You looked all the soldiers up and down, scanning all of them. Were you also one of those people who despised Eldians? That’d be quite hypocritical, but anyone was far from caring about that.
When your gaze fell upon him, Reiner felt his breath stop in his throat, freezing at the way your eyes scanned his uniform until meeting his own. There was something in your gaze that he couldn’t quite decipher, but still made something stir inside him.
As the others talked, you kept looking around, stepping away, and darting off until Reiner felt a hand on his forearm.
“Could you perhaps show me around?” Your voice was quiet as you looked at him from under your lashes with such a gaze.
Reiner needed a couple of seconds to make sure he still had himself together before he nodded and took a step, confirming you were coming along before he started walking.
Sun shone down on the quarters and, like usual, the kids were being trained and yelled at by the instructors as they raced with all that heavy equipment, but still had unwavering determination. The voices started becoming evident according to how the two of you approached them, the screams and cheers turning into actual words.
“I see there’s a training going on.” You observed the kids, eyebrows knitted together.
“They’re the candidates to be the next warriors for Marley,” Reiner explained plainly as he walked a few steps after you, his hands clasped behind his back. “They’ve been on intense training ever since being chosen.”
“I see,” you mumbled, raising your eyebrows and resuming the blank face you had on now and then. It wasn’t easy to read. Still, Reiner didn’t try to think too much about it, only following as you made your way around a building, heading over to the back of it.
A few trees littered the area, which had a wall limiting it. There weren’t even windows on the back of the quarters; there was nothing to see, hence it wasn’t even a guarded place, really, only with occasional rounds. Reiner was about to let you know about it when the words died on his tongue and his back met the wall, knocking some air from his lungs.
Reiner’s eyes widened as he looked at you, your hands tight around the lapel of his uniform jacket’s lapel as you pinned him to the wall. Your eyes observed him with a new air now, with actual interest.
“You’re a strong guy, Mr soldier,” you mumbled, “nothing that one wouldn’t expect from the Armor himself. Also, quite...” The words trailed into silence as your eyes went from his face to his chest and down.
Reiner wanted to say something, but the most he could do was clean his throat and inhale.
“You don’t have that pride the others have.” You blinked, that piercing gaze finding out more than he wished to let anyone else know. Whatever you muttered next sounded too unclear, but it didn’t matter once your lips pressed to his.
          The dinner with the Tyburs meant reinforced guard. Reiner and Galliard were around just in case. Galliard was outside, but Reiner continued in the dining room because he ‘had a feeling’, standing there with the other guards as he observed all those people sit and eat as if they were worth something more than him and his comrades just because of the blood that ran in their veins.
Unlike Willy, you didn’t talk a lot, only making additional comments whenever you considered needed, but your voice was still too quiet for Reiner to catch on anything, as much as he tried to. Why did he care, anyways?
Reiner left the dining room after all of those people did. If it were a while ago, he would be mentally judging their careless manners while watching their back, but now, things were just so confusing after being confronted with everything he had learned in Paradis that his mind was just blank. He only kept absentmindedly walking until suddenly pulled into a room.
Fuck, was Eren there to get his hands on the Marley Titans? Reiner couldn’t see anything in the darkness, but he knew full well that the soft hand that rested upon his lips preventing him from screaming was too soft to be from an officer or any sort of fighter in general, so it couldn’t be that bad, right?
The hand slowly slipped off Reiner once he relaxed his shoulders, and the only stripe of light that entered the room slowly vanished into nothing once the door closed and the lock clicked. His breath was slow as he observed it, but it caught in his throat again the moment the lights turned on and he saw you standing there in that office that even he didn’t know who it belonged to. You observed Reiner up and down, and just that was enough to send a shiver down his body.
Were you expecting him to say something? Did Reiner need to do anything right now?
“I didn’t think you would...” Reiner’s voice sounded too loud in that small room.
You just pushed yourself back, sitting on top of the desk, pushing some stuff to the side to open some space. “It’s rare finding some guy like you. Good looking, tall, strong...” You mumbled, scanning Reiner again, and bit down on your lip. “Hot. And I always have my family on my tail preventing me from having whatever I want because ‘a Tybur can’t risk anything in this world’. What’s wrong with me having fun right now that they’re not so focused on me?”
A smile showed up on your face as you spread your legs and Reiner immediately took that as an invitation, stepping closer to stand between them. His breath hitched in his throat a little when your arms wrapped around his neck, your face just centimeters away from his, again.
Reiner’s heart was beating so loud that he wondered if you could hear it, in that small, muffled room.
“Come on, soldier,” you whispered, pulling Reiner closer. “You got all that size for nothing?”
          Reiner’s hand was clasped over your mouth to try and prevent the sounds from escaping it every time his hips would meet your ass, slamming inside you just deliciously as he had you bent over that office’s table. Your knuckles were white around the table’s edge and some stuff that previously rested on it was now scattered on the ground.
The hand Reiner had around your hip sank deeply into the skin, holding firmly enough to make you believe you’d have bruises to hide later.
“Can you imagine... if someone saw us right now?” Reiner breathed in your ear, adjusting his hand over your mouth—the way you drooled had made it damp. “A spoiled Tybur being fucked like this by a filthy Eldian and enjoying it?” He breathed a chuckle then moaned when a specific thrust reached just the right spot inside you, making your eyes roll back into your head as you clenched tightly around him.
The idea Reiner put in your mind stirred something inside you, making you quiver under him and become whinier, all summed up to the way he kept thrusting exactly in that angle that made you clench and go weak. You could feel your release approaching but you doubted he would stop just because of an orgasm since he had made sure to already give you one while only preparing you.
“Damn,” Reiner’s breath was hot against your neck, as hot as his body pressing to yours just fine, his chest pressed to your back and brushing against it as he moved. The same chest you had your mouth all over just a while ago.
Reiner’s hand went from your hip to your ass, squeezing the skin as if testing it before his palm met it in a sharp slap that snatched a high-pitched sound from your lips, muffled into his fingers. He groaned, trailing down to grope on your thigh as he kept thrusting, only making a brief pause so he could hook his hand under your knee to bring your leg up; his other hand let go of your face so he could wrap his arm around your torso instead, keeping you bend over the desk.
The new position created a different frame for him to fuck into, allowing Reiner to reach that same spot easier, and it just snatched that orgasm from you in a matter of seconds. Reiner’s name among other babbling spilled from your lips in a string of moans as he hissed, trying to contain himself while keeping moving his hips, feeling you throb around him so nice and good.
“Ah, fuck,” Reiner cursed. He pulled away, ignoring your whine at the emptiness as he helped you turn over to lie with your back on the desk, practically manhandling you.
You were barely used to it when Reiner already had a hand holding your leg up by your thigh to push back into you, cock throbbing as it met that delicious warmth and tightness of your insides once again. He looked at you and the light makeup that once decorated your eyes was now smudged, leaving behind the trails that the tears made—and kept making—on your face due to simply how good he was able to make you feel.
Reiner couldn’t handle it, taking a deep breath as his hand took hold of your neck, holding around it just enough to give you that extra sparkle of pleasure, and he just couldn’t hold it back anymore. He gave his best in those last thrusts, not caring about how the desk under the two of you even rocked a little with his movements. His index finger and thumb sank under your jaw by each side of it to keep your head down and give him the best look of your face when you felt him finishing inside you, his thrusts turning shallow as he rode down from his high.
No disgust laced your face, no—you pressed your eyes shut and bit on your lip while muffling a groan. “Ah, shit,” you mumbled, voice still weak, your moan coming out high-pitched when Reiner slowly pulled off you. He clicked his tongue, observing the cum drip out of your hole while he muttered something under his breath.
Reiner took hold of your jaw, turning your head towards his so he could give you another kiss, slowly easing you down as well. His thumb ran along your cheek in a light touch, hand eventually going down to caress the back of your neck in a soothing motion.
“You good?” Reiner whispered between kisses, still a little out of breath.
You could just nod in response, eyes barely open as you observed him. He smiled a little bit, sighing as he held onto your waist; his touch was now light and comforting, almost as if he weren’t the same person who was deep into you seconds ago. That was exactly what you needed, whatsoever.
“Very,” you finally muttered in response as your arms snaked around his neck.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 5 months
Hi Gigi! 💖
11 or 87 for the fic game?
Helloooo Calli! I guess im in a super ridiculously fluffy mood rn, this is going to be a 2 for 1 because i definitely want to draw this scene for fourth of july, hope you like it! :)
87. “Stay awake.”
“Gallagher” Mickey drawled out, crooning in his ear.
Ian did his best to hum in response, but the warm evening air mixing with the light summer breeze felt just too comforting, and the rhythmic laping of Lake Michigan against the shore too hypnotic. 
The joint they split and the two beers he’d finished were settling heavily over his brain and most importantly, his husbands chest was so firm and warm behind him from where Ian was leaning back, seated between his legs. It was all just too much, and he was fighting a loosing battle against sleep despite his husbands protests. 
“Gallagher” Mickey repeated, a little more whining this time. “You can’t drag me out here with half of the fucking city to watch the fireworks and then fall asleep on me. I could be shooting off bottle rocketswith Sandy and Carl right now, stay the fuck awake.”
“‘m awake” Ian defended weakly, not opening his eyes. He settled even more comfortably against his husbands soft body, and exhaled a contented breath. 
Mickey brought both hands up to either side of Ian’s head, scratching at his scalp slightly before shaking his head back and forth with each word. “Mickey” he whined, doing a high pitched impersonation of his husband “lets go to the beach this Fourth of July, we can bring beers and watch the big fireworks, maybe even bring some gay ass sparklers. There definitely won’t be a million fucking people around us and I definitely won’t park my ginormous ass in the sand and fall asleep.”
“-doesn’t even sound like me” Ian pouted. “I’m just resting my eyes.”
Leaning over, Mickey pressed a loud kiss against his cheek, making Ian twitch “you are a fucking liar is what you are.” 
Knowing that the big groups of people were all preoccupied with their own celebrations, Mickey started smacking kisses all over his husbands face, punctuated by little nibbling bites against his cheek and jaw. He could feel his husband’s smile against his skin, he smelled like beer and summer and Ian’s favorite brand of deodorant. 
Ian wasn’t really the giggling type, so he blamed it on being half asleep when his husbands playful treatment roused happy, bubbling giggles from him.
When Mickey finally kissed his husbands lips, Ian actually opened his eyes, blearily leaning up and twisting to chase him for a second before they were interrupted by a deafening boom!
Ian snapped back towards the lake, where brilliant reds, blues and whites were raining down and reflected on the dark, expansive lake. 
Mickey didn’t say anything, but from the way he snaked his arms around Ian’s torso, holding him tightly and pressing his cheek against the top of Ian’s head, Ian could tell he was enjoying the show.
Red and white, shooting up with a whizzing wail of anticipation. Another one, pure gold exploding in the air. Ian was fully awake, at least for now, and he was fixated on the dazzling display before them. 
justice for chew toy Ian gallagher
Prompt game fun!
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darkeagleruins · 2 months
Expect to hear very little about the shooting in Kentucky from this week.
Here’s why: 7 people were shot and it appears this was only possible because a left wing Judge named Kathleen Lape gave a child rapist probation and no jail time.
The shooter is reportedly Chase Garvey. He’s a convicted child rapist who once lured a 13 year old from Snapchat to rape her. Left wing Judge Kathleen Lape gave him only 5 years of probation. It gets even worse though because she had a second chance to jail him.
Chase violated probation and she still only gave him 30 days in county jail when she could have given him a 5 year sentence. He should have been sentenced to much worse than that from the start but even just enforcing his full 5 year jail sentence for violating probation would’ve saved 7 people from being shot and 4 people wouldn’t be dead right now.
Soft on crime judges get people killed. I doubt the media will tell the truth about this.
Oh and by the way, he’s a felon so he shouldn’t have had a gun either but like most criminals, he didn’t comply with gun laws.
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vertumnanaturalis · 5 months
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While this particular sheet isn't fully finished & public yet, I did wanna post these publicly while I was thinking about it - My headcanon calendar, approximate dates for when IWATEX takes place, and characters indivudual birthdays on both the Vertumnan Calendar and the traditional Gregorian Calendar! I get a bit rambly with this so the explaination behind my reasonings for things is below the cut:
The Vertumnan calendar is simple: 12 months of 30 days between the four normal seasons (Quiet, Pollen, Dust, and Wet), followed by a slightly shorter 28 day month for the already uniquely short Glow season, for a total of 388 days on an average year. Leap years with a single extra day would still occur just much less often than on Earth, only needed once every 17 years (aka 16 average years followed by 1 leap year), with that final extra day being added onto the end of Glow. This also matches with the years on Earth "laping" the years on Vertumna every 16/17 years; A character's 16th birthday on Vertumna would've been their 17th on Earth, their 32nd Vertumnan birthday would've been their 34th Earthern one, ect ect.
This also goes by several key things that aren't against canon information but contridictory to what was in early forms of the design document; the first is that days on Vertumna are nearly identical in length to days on Earth, still following a day divided into 24 hours of 60 minutes with each minute being composed of 60 seconds; the second is that weeks are assembled into batches of 7 days and (currently) follow the modern naming scheme for Sunday through Saturday.
The reason for keeping the day such a near identical length is that in practice it is actually incredibly hard to permanantly readjust the average humans sleep cycle to something longer (or shorter!) than their natural circadian rhythm. Even just an hour longer would have a cumulative effect on people's sleep cycles, getting more and more tired an hour "earlier" than the day before. This only stop becoming a problem if the days were almost perfectly twice as long as one on Earth, but having days that long - especially on a planet with two suns - would likely cook the planet to deadly temperatures during the day, while leaving the far side to drop insanely low each night. And yeah, sure, this one could be waved away by having each of the characters genetically modified to have a circadian rhythem that matches the length of their new day, but that requires both reader/writer and all characters to start adapting to a whole new lingustic system for describing units of time, which is also my entire reasoning for keeping the modern week setup. In theory, building up a whole new system of hours and names for week days is a lot of fun! And it can be, I've done it before, I'm halfway doing it again!
Which is how I learned that actually using said system casually and naturally is a WHOLE different beast, and not one I particularly want to explore in this fandom worldbuilding exercise. I think that in-universe the days of the week would be renamed over time, the same way that I think each given month would eventually have a more unique (and easier to use/identify) name than "Early Pollen" or "Mid Wet". Another headcanon of mine is that the founders actually did attempt to rename them before launch Onesday Twosday Threesday ect ect... But that between the adults deeply ingrained existing habit of calling things by their current names & the younger Earthborn colonists + spaceborn kids having secondhand exposure to the concept through media brought from Earth, it never actually caught on (except for Twosday taking over Tuesday, despite it being the third day of the week).
On another point entirely; The Gregorian calendar dates seen here are all founded on the age 11/year 2 Valentines day event. I ended up settling on that day being February 14th, 2204. Theres a few reasons for picking that year in particular; when I first started toying with the idea, it would've put their landing date during 2203, and I thought that it was a nice pun on the then-current-year 2023 (and, now having hammered it out further, having the landing year be 2202 is a nice nod to the game being released in 2022); One of the early humanties class events has a reference to space travel being "a passtime of billionaires in a previous century", and the standard english usage where I'm from would have this imply that more than a century had passed since that point, but it doesn't automatically mean it that either (think about using that phrasing to talk about something today; if you were talking about things that happend between 1900 and 1999, would you say that they happened in the previous century or a previous century?); the third reason is that its a shout out to one of my other favorite games, Stellaris (a space exploration/empire management sim), which always has the starting year of 2200.
Again, a lot of this is conjecture & opinions, just headcanoning pure and simple, but I've put a lot of thought into this over the past year. I'll eventually have a public copy of a calendar covering all 10 years of the canon game & update the npc sheet to have their local and Earth birthdays (as yes, I have gone and given them all specific birthdates, though I haven't finished calculating the Gregorian dates for the unimportant characters yet), but I'm in the middle of a frustrating medication adjustment & dealing with other personal issues that make it fall lower on my priority list rn.
If you have any questions or thoughts on any of this I absolutely wanna hear them, and as always all of this stuff is free for people to use-as-is or remix or takes part of to incorperate into their own headcanon system freely, and if you ever make anything based on or inspired by or referencing any of this stuff I very much would like to see it.
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naughtie--angel · 4 months
How many times did you edge? And you were definitely a good girl and didn't cum, yes? Just kept rubbing, edging, staying needy, messy, and drippy like the desperate little porn addicted goon slut you are?
I don't know have many times I edged but I didn't cum. I rubbed until I couldn't stay awake and fell asleep with my cunt wet and aching and woke up with it the same. I got in a cold shower and rubbed my clit and nipples while thinking about eating ass, about being on my knees hungrily laping away at a mans delicious asshole.
My asshole was starting to get needy at this point so I turned the shower nozzle to the hardest pressure, bent over, and moved my ass backand forth against the stream of water, it felt amazing and my pussy really started gushing. But it wasnt long until my clit demanded I give her attention again.
It was so hard to take my hand off my clit long enough to get out of the shower but now I'm in bed edging again.
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yidoarts · 5 months
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Fern fanart
If you are interested in Time Lapes process 👇
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th0rns-n-r0ses · 7 months
arcade ~
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steven adler ~ 543 words ~ androgynous reader ~ fluff ~
For the longest time, Steven had been begging you to take him to that arcade that opened downtown. He’d heard about all his friends and bandmates going on dates there, and he’d really wanted to go, too. It’s been about a week or two of him begging you, and he’s not letting up quite yet.
“Please, baby!” Steven’s tugging on your sleeve as he points to the arcade as you walk around the town. The neon lights draw him in, and the people inside are seeming to have fun. You know he’s hungry and wants lunch, but the only thing he’s gonna want more than food right now is to go to the arcade. “I wanna go so bad, it looks fun!!” Steven gives you those puppy dog eyes of his, knowing it’s now impossible for you to say now from how his eyes sparkle.
“Ohh, how can I say no to such a sweetheart?” You smile and give Steven’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Let’s go.”
Steven’s eyes widen and he smiles brightly as he grabs your hand and drags you to the arcade, absolutely excited to go and have some fun with you. As you enter the arcade, you’re met by the chatter of people inside of the place, as well as the sounds of arcade machines being played. You rub Steven’s arm, telling him you’ll follow him where he goes. He immediately goes over to a shooter game, wanting you to play with him. You look at the game, seeing how it works. There’s targets on the lower wall, and as you watch some people play, you see that when water is shot at the targets, they move up the wall and closer to a bell. Someone hits the bell and it rings, then they point at a prize and get it. 
As you watch the game, you see Steven’s attention is focused elsewhere. You follow his eyes and see a big penguin stuffed animal on a shelf. Steven’s looking at it with such determination that it’s cute. It puts a smile on your face.
“I need it.” He says with such passion and squeezes your hand. You look back at the stuffed animal, determined to win it for him.
You walk up to the stand and pay 50 cents to play, and Steven pays his half dollar as well. Another couple walks up as well and pays to play as well. You each grab a water gun and aim it at a target, and the bell rings, the game starting. Water spews from the guns and you aim it at the target, watching it climb closer to the bell. You’re pretty close to the top, but someone else is catching up quickly.
As soon as your target hits the bell, Steven smiles at you and grabs your arm. You point at the penguin and the person behind the counter grabs it and hands it to you. You turn to Steven and hand it to him. He grabs it and holds it while looking at you with an appreciative smile.
“I hope you like it, Stevie.” You ruffle his hair and he hugs you tight.
“I do, but the best thing right here right now is you. I love you lots.”
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A night of heaven.
A start of night.
A tell of tale.
A time in keep.
A mouth in her.
A lie.
A seep.
A soot.
A simp.
Her kajol.
Her lepa on kshi's height.
She was a twin of brotherly ink.
A swadesh wasi.
A sight-loshi.
A mouth.
A leaf.
A light.
A leap.
A lape.
A loon.
A slight.
A date.
A right.
A same.
A light.
A lane.
A loot.
A size.
A hop.
A hoop.
A line.
A boundry.
A light drew her.
She is her.
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indictivity-mu · 1 year
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re-draw + edited transaltion of that drawing from awhile ago
lon e lape
kepeken ilo pi tawa tenpo
sina awen lon tenpo ali
live the dream
with a time machine
youll be waiting forever
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Can u do one where the reader has pierced nipples? Again for any driver
Tw: there's a lot of nipple and boob related talk here
You'd been thinking about it for a bit, liking the idea and the aesthetic of it
And you mentioned it to Mick, not that you'd make your decision based by his opinion but just to mention it I guess
And he gulped, the image on his head enough get him aroused
So when he gets home one night, he sees you standing by the kitchen counter, your shirt cladded back to him
And when he goes to
"They said that I should let them air out for a bit so the fabric doesn't irritate the skin"
And he would be right there when you needed to wash and sanitize the metal piece and your nipples, his long fingers touching them with the softest of touches
Soaping the area up before rinsing it, a towell gathering the water that naturally fell on your boobs and being absolutely thrilled the first time you mentioned that they needed to air dry
Would be the one to take you there after you mentioned it was something you were thinking about
If there was another person touching your boobs, he was going to be there to make sure no one crossed the line
And that they knew you were taken
Holds your hand through it all
Wipes the tears that come from the first shock
And from then on he just can't stop smirking everytime he thinks about it
Seeing you in some shirts that don't really show it makes it tick for him
Because he is the only one to know that you have the piercings
And he feels very cocky about that fact
You can't tell me that he wouldn't play with them 24/7 once they were fully healed
You had then way before you met him
And they didn't really match your personality, in a good way though
Like, you would always present yourself in very business casual clothes
Suits and tailored pants
An no one would guess that under those layers of clothing
The bars looked so beautiful against your nipples
And George would love it how he could just graze your chest slightly
Even with the laped of his blazer
And they would get hard immediately and the sensations would tingle you right away, the noise that came from your mouth inevitable
You had gotten them done a month ago
And that month had been so chaotic between you and Charles that you and your boyfriend hadn't really been able to spend much time together, let alone for him to see the new piercing
So when you finally got some time together, you were changing in front of him, a common thing when you heard him ask for you to stop
"Bebé, did you get it done while I was gone?"
And his hands would cup your boobs immediately
Gently groping them as he knew it could still hurt or cause discomfort
The freaking smirk on his face as he watched your skin erupt in goosebumps just from his tender touch
"Can't wait to hear the noises you make with these here"
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