#tips for your trip to venice
theodorecanaryhood · 8 months
The coffee shop guy and Red Hood
Part VII
Arkham Verse Red Hood! X Male reader
Jason takes his boyfriend travelling
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The low sunlight hit you as you figured it must still be early, that early morning light filled the room as you felt Jason’s arm around your neck.
Jason had held you like this since the day you first stayed with him, it meant so much more now since your altercation with your stalker. Jason would refuse to let you go.
You were grateful for how protective Jason could be, you were grateful for his other life. In this moment, you were thankful.
‘Morning gorgeous’ Jason smiled sleepily as he kissed the back of your head.
You smiled as you turned your head to give the sleepy Jason a kiss, Jason pulled you in tighter and held you in place. Giving more morning kisses.
It was the first day of the new adventure the two of you were going on, Jason was taking you travelling to give you some break from life, plus to take your mind off of your altercation.
First, the two of you were going to go on a road trip to Coast City, then you were going to fly from there to Italy.
Sitting in the Airport waiting for the announcement of your flight, Jason held your hand tightly in his.
You’d never seen Italy before so it was nice to get away, especially as it was just the two of you. Jason and you to the end of the world and back.
The flight seemed to be quick as before you knew it, you and Jason were walking through the streets of Venice. Hand in hand and talking about life.
‘Bonjourno’ Jason smiled to an older man who tipped his hat to the two of you.
You spent a weekend in Venice, seeing sights and hitting bars, restaurants and clubs. Jason seemed a different man for this trip, coming out of his shell and allowing himself to be enough of a distraction.
After a week in Venice, the two of you took a trip to Amsterdam.
‘Coffee shop?’ You asked as Jason smiled, nodding as the two of you went inside.
Smoking and sipping on lattes, the two of you both enjoyed the brain fog as the smoke filled your heads.
Being high is a new experience for you as you travelled up to the red light district. Jason was in a different element as he looked through the windows.
Jason felt himself shooting up in his pants as the whole point of the red light district came across clear.
Jason took you to your hotel room and lay you on the bed, his length stood hard, you called out in passion as Jason penetrated you from behind.
Holding your arms behind your back, back arched, head facing the headboard as Jason pumped himself of pleasure into you. Emptying himself inside you.
‘I love you so much baby’ Jason panted as he lay on top of you, you turned your head to greet his lips.
‘I love you more’ you replied as Jason chuckled, you rolled onto your back, Jason remaining on top of you.
You pulled Jason in for a kiss and holding him in your arms. Jason buried his face into your neck, kissing your collarbone.
The next and last stop before heading back to Gotham, you flew to Germany.
‘God, this is so amazing’ you gasped as you took in the view of the German streets.
‘Gutentag’ Jason smiled, friendly strangers passing by.
Jason held your hand tight as the two of you checked into your hotel. You going out onto the balcony, taking in the view.
Jason lay on the bed as he watched you, taking the view in as you smiled brighter than you’d ever done before.
Jason’s heart skipped a beat as he walked over to you, giving you a deep kiss. Taking your hand in his, Jason walked you to the nearby bar.
Shots, shots and more shots, Jason was surely going to black out as he watched you, kissing you every so often.
The two of you joined a group of 20-something year old guys and girls, drinking and dancing in the bar with them.
‘You are so beautiful’ Jason whispered in your ear, pulling you in for a hug.
Kissing you as he held you tightly, grinding a little into you through your clothes. Smelling the liquor off of Jason’s skin and clothes, you buried your head into Jason’s chest.
The two of you said goodbye to your new German friends, who invited you back anytime for a visit.
You were sad you were catching your flight back home, but truth be told you just wanted to get back to yours and Jason’s home. Be alone together, relax.
Jason held you in his arms as a blanket lay neatly in your forms, Netflix on in the background. You lightly snored as Jason kissed your head, smiling as he had seen more of the world, but in this moment. Jason was happy to be holding his world.
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rosewaterandivy · 1 year
Can I request a Steve and rockstar reader where they go to the grammys and she’s there when she wins her first Grammy for like new artist or something
Ooh, you're good. I had one of these planned in the OG series, but... it would fuck with the timeline too much to include it here. 👀 SO! Enjoy actor!steve's first trip to the Grammy's & rockstar!gf's second. W.C.: 3.3K Warnings! My blog is 18+, MDNI. Prosaic devotion, probably. General lack of knowledge of behind-the-scenes/Hollywood et al.
carving through the dark
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🎶 Darling, we sacrificed we gave our time to something undefined / This phantom life sharpens like an image but it sharpens like a knife 🎶
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Awards shows always felt awkward. Fancy gowns, famous faces, free alcohol, press line, and professional competition. Sure, it was nice to be recognized by your peers or the committee or whatever, but that didn’t mean the entire thing ceased to radiate mean girl energy.
At least it was the Grammy’s, something firmly in your wheelhouse where you wouldn’t be expected to make small-talk with a cinematographer and pretend like you actually knew what that entailed. That being said, there was the added pressure of performing and being nominated for a few awards that evening.
No biggie.
The last few shows had been a breeze, all you had to do was show up and look good: the film festival circuit beginning with Venice, the Emmys, the Kennedy Center Honors, the Golden Globes, etc. None of that had anything to do with you— it was all Steve Harrington.
So when your alarm rang on Saturday morning, you screwed your eyes shut and retreated beneath the covers. Despite knowing that Vickie was already awake and would be gently rapping at the bedroom door soon enough.
You heard Steve clear his throat, shifting the sheets as he turned to face you— all stupidly gorgeous bedhead and eyes squinting in the bright morning sun. His right hand flopped over and landed on your thigh, giving it a soft squeeze.
“Good morning,” Vickie coos, once you’ve managed to swipe your phone off the night stand and onto the floor. She picked it up quietly, pausing the blaring alarm and set it back on the table.
Reluctantly, you sit up as the covers are peeled away from you, open your eyes and blink slowly. Game day.
Steve had long accepted now that Vickie would show up at the ass crack of dawn on days like these, coffee and breakfast in hand, before you were relegated to the makeup chair where you’d spend hours being poked and prodded to near perfection.
He had plenty to do today as well and Robin was expected shortly. You wouldn’t be surprised to find her puttering around downstairs finalizing his schedule.
Speaking of which—
“Want me to run through the day?”
You nod and reach for your matcha latte, taking a sip while Steve wraps an arm around to pull you back down to the pillows with him. He’s managed to find his glasses and get them on, so at least there’s some progress in the Harrington camp. There was a noise from the hallway, the bedroom door opened and Robin appeared.
“‘Sup nerds?” She greeted and deposited Steve’s protein shake on his nightstand. 
“Ugh, still?” He grimaced, eyeing the green concoction warily.
“Yes, dingus, still.” Robin falls into a club chair by the windows and sips loudly from her frappucino. “Now, drink up, buttercup. Nolan wants you in tip-top shape.”
Steve rolls his eyes and begrudgingly takes a sip of the drink. Robin smiles, delighted, before turning back to Vickie with a wink.
“Right, as I was about to say,” she begins, a blush steadily creeping up her cheeks under Robin’s gaze. “Carpet starts at 3pm— you’re expected right at the end.”
You suppress the urge to roll your eyes. Your helpful suggestion of skipping the press line and carpet was quickly vetoed by pretty much everyone on the team due to the fact that you were a nominee.
“Your hair is 10am, make up at noon when you finish lunch. Drinks and everything in Bar Marmont with management and crew at 2pm–everyone has different departure times so time on the carpet is staggered. You and Steve are last.”
You nodded. It had been a stressful few weeks— Steve filming on location and you in rehearsals for tour. Not to mention the tabloids and rumor mill running rampant with ‘America’s Sweethearts on the Rocks?’ and ‘Cherry Spotted Solo - Is This the End for the Hollywood Power Couple?’
Steve would walk after the last call, a warning voice would come through speakers and that’s when he’d take his seat. Better to skip the carpet than get drug into the spotlight and inadvertently fuel a fire that neither of you started.
Robin sipped from her own coffee, sensing the hestiancy that hung in the room like the smog around LA. “It’ll be fine guys, piece of cake,” she tried to reassure. “Just focus on celebrating the banger of an album you’ve made!”
You nodded as Steve threw off the sheets to take a shower. He drops a kiss to your forehead and says, “Yeah, honey, the rest is just confetti,” before disappearing into the ensuite. 
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Knowing that no matter what happened or what the interviewers threw your way, you’d make it out alive and wake up to the same sky and the same guy beside you was a good reminder. 
Which was what you repeated in your head when you followed behind him after your last interview, a security detail by your side, all the way by the lingering reporters, inside, past the bars, into the arena, and to the table.
The opening sequence was smooth and energizing, someone delivered drinks and you clinked your glass against his, a quick wink at you in the dark before he leaned and cracked a joke to Eddie at the table nearby.
The night unfolded like that, relatively peaceful and uneventful. That was until one of your categories was called. Steve’s hand gripped yours when your name echoed in the arena with the other nominees. Your eyes went a little wide when he stole a glance at you, the whole table laughed in an effort to ease the tension.
“And the Grammy goes to…” Jennifer Lopez deftly opens the red sealed envelope before glancing back up to the cameras with a smile. “Being Unknown, Cherry McGowan!”
Your head falls into your hands at the shock of it all, the entire table erupted in a cheer and toppling over chairs in their haste. Steve’s arm wraps around you, head tucked close to yours, lips grazing the crown of your head.
“You did it, baby!”
You nod, hands still covering your face so he has to pry them from you and dry your tears. Steve pulls you up, his smile beatific and eyes misty. Fisting your the full of your skirt, you nod to Hop and make your way up to the stage. 
But not before a clumsy kiss that has Steve pulling you back for more. You hide your face in his shirt, laughing before you yank him back down, smothering his growing excitement with something better—enough to make him and you forget that everyone is watching.
“Later, hot stuff,” you promise with a wink and follow your producers and collaborators to the podium.
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The rest of the night went by in a blur, including your performance of “Who We Are.” Despite Steve’s needling and unique methods of persuasion, you’d managed to remain tight-lipped about the song in question, knowing it was his favorite and with good reason.
You’d written it for him, after all.
Slipping backstage to change into your performance gear, getting micced up and fitted with your in-ears, you allowed yourself a moment to exhale. You weren’t expecting to win, too much of a fan of the other artists and albums to think you’d beat them out.
But here you were, two Grammy’s under your belt and being ushered on-stage to perform. A tech hands you the cherry-red Stratocaster Steve had gotten for your birthday last year, the same one you’d recorded the song with. The stage manager counts you down and cues your entrance. 
The crowd cheers as the lights go up, drowning out the announcer echoing through the arena, and the opening piano chords earn a dull roar in anticipation as you approach the mic. You find Steve in the crowd easily, Eddie at his side— both proud and nursing celebratory bourbons. 
And it’s the easiest thing in the world for your hands to cradle the mic and sing the first verse, directly to the man who’d inspired it and had been by your side through it all.
“What I had left here I just held it tight / So someone with your eyes might come in time / To hold me like water / Or Christ, hold me like a knife.”
To say he’s shocked is an understatement. Steve all but drops his drink when he realizes the significance of the song you’d selected to sing. When the drums and bass kick in, you maintain eye contact with him, throwing in a knowing smile.
The final single from your now Grammy award-winning album premiering on the biggest night in the music industry, not too shabby. Catching sight of Steve trying not to shed a tear was just a bonus, really.
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Back at the table, comfortably buzzed after your performance, the night was coming to a close. Steve had somehow wrangled your legs into his lap under the table and was working on the sore muscles of your calves. Eddie had pulled up a chair on the opposite side, under the pretense of “toasting the belle of the ball.”
Trevor Noah appeared on-stage to present the final award of the evening. The announcer listed the nominees, cameras veering toward tables for the live broadcast. You subtly extricated yourself from Steve’s grasp, lamenting the loss of his warmth and touch. He slung an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you lied, nerves fluttering in your stomach. The cameraman swung by for a close-up as your name was announced, you smiled politely before turning your attention back to the stage. A number of people had gathered behind Trevor on-stage, and you spotted a familiar face immediately. 
“And the Grammy goes to,” Trevor intoned, pausing to open the envelope and glance behind him. He beelines for the older woman immediately, the realization crashing on you like a lightning bolt. “You can read it,” he says to your mother, her eyes scanning the envelope before her.
“C-Cherry McGowan,” she breathes out, followed by a roar from the audience. 
The entire table is up on their feet, fists pumping, jumping for joy, high-fives all around. You’re barely able to process it all when Steve lifts you into his arms, coaxing your legs to settle around his hips and kisses you stupid. 
Eddie’s wolf-whistle pierces through the spit slick haze you’ve found yourself in. Steve’s hand cradling the full of your thigh as he reluctantly sets you back to rights. He’s got lipstick smeared on his mouth, just like the Emmy’s, but won’t let you wipe it off. 
“Don’t keep ‘em waiting,” he says, hustling you off to the stage. Your co-writers and Hopper meet you there, all wide smiles and murmured congratulations. Your mother is bouncing on the balls of her feet holding the Grammy, like she can’t believe it’s real. She tugs you close in a warm embrace as you kiss her cheek. Wiping at the corner of your mouth her thumb comes away tinged pink with lipstick. She murmurs her praises and hands you the award, shooing you to the mic at the center of the stage. 
Walked up with no plan, head empty, so all you can say is, “Shit. Well, shit.” Your eyes flit to Steve batting Eddie away while the frontman of Corroded Coffin attempts to get the remnants of lipstick off your boyfriend’s face, with little to no success. You sigh, “I wouldn’t be here without my wonderful collaborators and team,” you say and rattle off their names. “I’ve been so inspired by the artists here this evening and I’m grateful for their friendship. And I think it’s important to remember, especially on nights like tonight, that there is no such thing as ‘best.’” 
Eddie whoops and toasts you with a glass from the table. Steve is all smiles and eyes on you— you try not to lose it seeing him mouth ‘I love you.’
“I’d also like to thank my family and the fans for supporting me and loving me unconditionally as an artist and human being. I wouldn’t be here without you, and I love you very much.” You pause to clear your throat, coming to the end of your speech. “I’m so incredibly thankful and will share this award with the inspiration for this album,” you say, a little breathless when your eyes fall on him.
And Steve is shaking his head while Eddie claps him on the shoulder, his hands coming up to hide his face as a cameraman makes his way to the table. 
“The entire experience of doing this with you has completely pierced my heart and pried me open.” The room falls to a hush around you, and it’s as if there’s no one there— just you and Steve. “Y’know, sometimes I look at you and can’t believe my luck; that you’re actually real and I get to call you mine,” you laugh, a choked wet thing and will yourself not to fall apart. “You are a stunning, gracious person, and all the rest is just confetti.”
The music swelled and you were ushered off-stage into the press room backstage, along with Hopper and your collaborators. A tech shoves a mic into your hand and kicks it off.
“First question we have is from the Associated Press, take it away.”
“Hi Cherry, and first of all congratulations. How’re you feeling?”
You squint against the bright lights, “Sorry, where are you?”
“To your right.”
You spy a slight woman standing in the press pool. “Gotcha, thanks. I’m, uh, a little overwhelmed to be honest.”
“Understandable, this is the cherry on top of a really successful year for you— a world tour, headlining Coachella, residencies in LA and New York. So, what’s next?”
You sputter a laugh, “That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?” Hop scoffs behind you. “I think the real win for something like this,” you shake the heavy award in your hand, “Is being acknowledged and nominated amongst your peers.”
“Okay, our next question is from The Rolling Stone.”
A man takes the mic and stands somewhere in the center of the crowd. “Let me begin by saying, from all of us at Rolling Stone, a massive congratulations to you Cherry - what an accomplishment!”
Hop claps you on the back with a nod to the reporter, Rob Sheffield. 
“Thanks Rob,” you say, ducking at the praise. “Always a pleasure to see you.”
He laughs, “Same to you.” A brief glance down to his notes before he begins, “So much of your music and process ends up pushing other artists and your audience into new places or things they may not have otherwise sought out on their own— Dante’s Inferno, for example, or the use of Irish, Gaeilge, in the lyrics for this album. How do you get to a place like that?”
You let out a low whistle, “Never one to pull punches, are you Rob?” The man in question simply shrugs and winks. “Right. Okay.” You take a deep breath and attempt to gather your thoughts. “I was fortunate to come of age when artists were consistently pushing the envelope— people like Sinead O’Connor, Bowie, Prince— they were the blueprint.” You foist the Grammy off to Hop, the weight of it finally getting to you. “And as far as incorporating a medieval poem and various piece of literature for this album, what can I say? It’s not reinventing the wheel to call upon some of the greatest storytelling in world— Dante literally shaped the modern perception of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. He shifted from writing horny love poetry about a woman he’d seen only twice, to creating a whole new type of poetic verse, celestial love, and elevating her to an impossible echelon. If that’s not devotion, I don’t know what is.”
The mic is passed around the room, a few questions dodged for the sake of privacy— can’t confirm what you don’t acknowledge, as your publicist always says. Steve and Eddie sneak their way in eventually, side-stage and a little more than sloshed, Steve’s tie is askew and Eddie’s blazer is nowhere to be found.
“Our final question comes from The New York Times.”
“Hey Cherry, congratulations my friend, truly well-deserved.” 
The voice is familiar, feminine and matter of fact.
“Thanks Nance, you’re too kind.”
“Not at all.” She smiles from her spot in the crowd. “In your acceptance speech, you mentioned the inspiration for the album, and I don’t mean to pry, but you’re a notoriously private person. Why did you feel the need to address that?”
Not a softball question, but definitely something you could handle. Bless Nancy and her carefully strung together words.
“I, uh,” you clear your throat, suddenly nervous. “While I am a private person, which I think is an important facet of interpersonal relationships, regardless of status, I think it’s also crucial to acknowledge that something like this—” you gesture vaguely to your team and those around you, “Can’t be done alone. This is the first album I’ve had cowriters on, that I’ve had other people helping to compose and create the sound. I was an island for so long that I was blind to the fact that I was drowning.”
You hear a faint gasp from somewhere behind you.
“Look, the pandemic took so much from all of us, as a collective, and I wrote most of the songs during that time of isolation and loneliness. But there are songs that speak to the beauty of life and love, even if it ends up not working out in the end. There’s a sadness and a serenity in that.”
Nancy nods for you to continue, pen scribbling furiously.
“So my decision to acknowledge the community of artists and musicians who helped me along the way, as well as the inspiration for this album was my half-assed attempt as a love letter. Love,” you conclude, “Is the only thing that can make life not just bearable, but beautiful.” You take a breath, coming back to yourself, “I think that was an answer to your question? It was words,” you laugh, “A lot of words.”
“Wonderfully said,” Nancy says with a smile on her face. “Thanks for allowing us a peek of that journey.”
You smile and shoot her a wink, exiting stage left where Steve greets you away from the prying eyes of reporters and telephoto lenses. He pulls you close, hands anchoring at your hips, fingers scrambling for a slice of skin.
“You’re driving me crazy,” he breathes, “Who do you think you are, wearing something like this?” He fists the full of the silk skirt, just where it hangs above your crystal-encrusted knees. The Paolo Sebastian team has been more than generous in dressing you for the evening. Black mesh dotted with crystals against your skin, a luscious black silk gown with a high-low bubble hem and tights to match.
Steve was kind of easy like that; the illusion of barely there fabrics, a flash of skin where it mattered most. His hand snakes its way to dig into the plush of your thighs, tender with the promise of something more. 
“Oh, this old thing?” You drawl, “If you like this, just wait until you see what I’m wearing for the after-party.”
Eddie scoffs, “Please spare me,” he says, “Well, me and the rest of the press corps who can definitely see you if they lean a little to the left.”
Steve’s hand falls from your leg as he pulls you further down the corridor. “Car is outside, think you can do a quick change en route?” He pushes open one of the stage doors with his free hand, the other firmly grasped in yours.
You arch forward again, the cool night air a relief for your fevered skin, strain yourself to kiss his chin, grazing his throat on the way back down, needing him more urgently each passing minute. “I think I can manage,” you rasp, as the car comes into view, “But the question is, can you?”
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worklesslady · 4 months
I got laid off
Two months ago, I got a promotion at my job. Higher salary and, above all, a boost to my self-esteem. I was performing well; feedback from everywhere was amazing. Everyone I worked with loved me, and the company recognized my dedication and rewarded me with a promotion!
I was happy and satisfied. I enjoyed a nice trip with my girlfriend to Venice (we live in the Netherlands, and I'm Italian).
My career was going well. I had found a job that I loved and excelled at.
One month ago, I got laid off. Apparently, my company has two heads that don't communicate with each other. One head is the managers who actually do the job and work with people; the other head is the stakeholder-pleasers who don't care at all about people, but just about numbers.
The US didn't reach the quota this year, so let's cut all the EU market. It doesn't matter how well they're doing; they are too small in comparison.
And the people who work there?
Probably the answer to this question was: Who?
We got laid off—me, my team, other European teams. All our work, planning, and energy didn't mean enough.
It happened in a few hours. One minute I was enjoying my first salary after the promotion, and the next minute I was crying because I would soon be kicked out of the system.
I feel like I fell from the top of a building.
Everybody around me is saying not to worry, that I'll find another job, that I'm qualified, and everything will be good.
The truth is, nothing is good. I feel like shit. I have Rejection Sensitivity, so you can imagine how fun it is to receive tons of rejection emails for your applications.
And what about the tips about CVs, cover letters, and all the different application methods that exist? One goes against the other, and you're left more confused than ever.
People are telling me to take it easy, that I have time and I just started my application process, but I'm not good, I'm not feeling good. Then I think: what the fuck has this world made us become? Why do I feel so worthless when I didn't even get fired? I was a good worker, but still, it wasn't enough. Why can't I help but think that without a job, I'm nobody?
The absurd thing is that I would never think this of any of the people I know. People I love, including my girlfriend, have gone through periods when they didn't have a job and needed to find a new one. During those times, never, even for a second, did it occur to me to judge them or think less of them because they didn't have a job. So, why am I so hard on myself? Why can't I take all of this with more serenity? What's wrong with me?
I've opened this blog just to vent and let my thoughts out. I wanted to come across as a bit more funny, but today is not a very good day. Hopefully, I'll soon sharpen my "virtual pen."
Can anybody relate? Have you gone through it? Any suggestions? Anybody else need support?
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tododeku-or-bust · 8 months
can we see one for kairos and calix, please? i love learning about your characters!
Dawww, of course you can, boo!!! Thank you for the support!!! Let me get this down for you!
Same idea for Modern AUs!
Name: Kairos
Nickname: Kai, my inspiration, the melody of my heart, my beloved child, my beautiful baby boy
Gender: Male
Star sign: Stubborn Taurus ♉
Personality type: observant, intuitive, snarky, fretful, loving. Cold when he's upset.
Height: 5'5
Orientation: Gay, potentially aro
Nationality/Ethnicity: Afro-Greek (he's just light skinned lmao)
Favorite fruit: Plums! They fit his aesthetic and he likes the taste. He carries them in one of his many pockets.
Favorite season: Winter. He likes to wear layers!
Favorite scent: fresh paint, and the lemony smell of his parents home studio, petrichor
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee; he started drinking it jet black to feel cool, and got into the habit. Part of his "artist aesthetic" vibe. Tbh he likes creamer in it too, for the days he's not feeling so hip (which is most days).
Average hours of sleep: 5-6 (sometimes when he gets caught up in a project, he gets less. Which makes the coffee come in handy)
Dogs or cats: bugs! Kai loves bugs!
Dream trip: Kai wants to play the lute in Venice, on one of the gondolas. It's an admittedly specific goal, but he's always wanted that carefree, bard traveling the streets experience. Without the starving artist portion. Alas 🤣 he also wants to visit museums around the world.
Number of blankets: he's got quite a few hand crocheted and quilted by his mother that he won't ever get rid of.
Random fact: Kairos' hair is vines and leaves in the Hades AU, but in modern AUs, lately I've been imagining his hair as locs, they're just tied back into a bun all the time. I've also pictured it as just fluffy curls, always in the ponytail. He also likes to wear very long, sturdy jean/khaki skirts with lots of additional pockets. It's his outfit of choice, to carry all the random shit he'll have on hand as inspiration.
Name: Calix
Nickname: he actually doesn't have any!
Gender: Male
Star sign: Petty Gemini ♊🤣
Personality type: bold, boisterous, charming, funny. Can be hotheaded and a little mean with his sharp tongue.
Height: 6'0
Orientation: bisexual!!
Nationality/Ethnicity: as of the other day, Turkish!
Favorite fruit: I was gonna say apples, but my phone said peaches. So you know what? Now it's peaches 🤣 Calix do love him some As- *knocked out of my chair*
Favorite season: Summer. They used to go to their horse farm in the countryside during the summer for visits, as well as seeing the rest of his very large family, so he has fond memories of the season
Favorite scent: firewood, Philia's body wash (a coconut/sweet tropical sort of scent)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee; he and Kai will share tips and brands
Average hours of sleep: 5-6
Dogs or cats: dogs!
Dream trip: to be honest, it's a petty dream of his to sweep Philia off her feet in front of her petty ass Daddy and drive off into the sunset in a convertible. He doesn't care where they go, he just wants to 1) marry Phi and make her happy and 2) see the look on Achilles' face.
Number of blankets: like 2, though he starts buying more when he realizes they make Phi more comfortable
Random fact: Calix is smitten with Phi the first time they meet in every universe. But they always get held back by the classic friends to lovers "I don't know if I can tell you yet because I don't want you to run away", as Philia is always... Well, she's not quite there yet with him. Permanent romance isn't what's most important on her plate. They flirt the entire time, with others and with each other, but Phi takes longer than he does to really come to terms with her emotions for him. He's going to wait, he's going to simp for life. Kai has to see this shit in front of his salad in every universe.
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bhanu484 · 13 days
Tourist Places in Kerala for 2 Days
Kerala, often dubbed "God's Own Country," is a treasure trove of lush landscapes and vibrant culture. Did you know that even with just two days, you can experience some of its most stunning tourist spots? It’s true! Imagine sipping tea in the misty hills of Munnar one day and gliding through the tranquil backwaters of Alleppey the next. This enchanting state offers an astonishing variety of experiences packed into a short itinerary. So, buckle up for an unforgettable journey as we explore how to make the most out of your quick getaway to Kerala!
<<<<<<<<<Tourist Places in Kerala for 2 Days>>>>>>>>>
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Day 1: Munnar
Munnar is like stepping into a dream! Imagine lush green tea plantations stretching endlessly, kissed by mist and sun. The air smells of fresh leaves and the earthy aroma of spices. You can explore stunning viewpoints that leave you breathless. Don’t miss the chance to visit the famous Tea Museum where history meets flavor. You might even spot local wildlife while trekking through picturesque trails! It's an enchanting experience that will stay with you long after your visit.
Day 2: Alleppey
Alleppey, also known as the "Venice of the East," is nothing short of breathtaking. Imagine gliding through serene backwaters on a traditional houseboat surrounded by lush greenery and swaying palms. The tranquility here feels almost surreal. You can explore charming villages, witness local life, and even savor freshly caught seafood. The vibrant sunsets over the water create a magical atmosphere you won't want to miss. Each moment in Alleppey unfolds like a beautiful postcard, leaving you captivated and yearning for more.
Planning and Tips 4points
Planning a quick trip to Kerala? You’ll be amazed at how much you can fit into just two days!Here are some tips to help you plan your trip: 1. Choose your destination wisely: Kerala has a wide range of destinations to choose from, each with its own unique experiences. Decide what kind of trip you want – a relaxing beach holiday, a wildlife adventure, or a cultural exploration. Based on that, choose the right destination for your two-day trip. 2. Book accommodation in advance: Since you have limited time, it’s best to book your accommodation in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles. Look for budget-friendly options like homestays or guesthouses that offer comfortable and authentic stays. 3. Plan your itinerary: Make a list of all the places you want to visit and plan your itinerary accordingly. Keep in mind the distances between each place and plan accordingly to optimize your time. You can also consider hiring a private cab or joining a tour group for easier transportation. 4. Don’t try to cover too much: It’s tempting to try and cover as many places as possible in just two days, but this will leave you feeling rushed and exhausted. Instead, pick a few must-visit attractions and spend quality time exploring them. 5. Try local food: One of the best ways to experience Kerala’s culture is through its food. Don’t miss out on trying the local cuisine, be it at a local restaurant or through a homestay meal. Some must-try dishes include appam, puttu, fish curry, and banana chips.
Best Time To Visit Kerala
Have you heard about the ideal time to plan a trip to Kerala? It's from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and the heat is not overbearing. You can enjoy activities like trekking and houseboat rides amidst picturesque scenery and flourishing flora. Although the monsoon season may seem tempting, it can also be unpredictable. Therefore, it's best to visit during these months for an unforgettable experience in this heavenly destination!
How To Reach Kerala
Reaching Kerala is easier than you might think! With excellent transport options, you'll find yourself immersed in its beauty in no time. Major cities like Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram are well-connected by air, rail, and road. You can fly directly into the state's airports or hop on a train from neighboring states. Buses and taxis offer convenient local travel too. It's surprising how accessible this tropical paradise really is! Once you're here, adventure awaits at every turn.
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myvacationsbooking · 19 days
Europe Tour: Let's go With Us.
Europe Tour: Amsterdam, Paris, Switzerland, Venice, Florence, and Rome
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European memories past some of the most iconic cities of the continent, from quaint canals in Amsterdam to eternal romance in Paris, via the grand Swiss Alps, the bewitching beauty of Venice, and on to the ancient wonders of Florence and Rome. Each of these destinations comes with a different feel of European culture, history, and charm.
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1. Day 1–2: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Start your European journey in Amsterdam, a city known for its picturesque canals, world-class museums, and vibrant culture: Things to Do:
Rijksmuseum & Van Gogh Museum: To finally see the masterworks of the Dutch and breathtaking works of Van Gogh.
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Canal Cruise: Take a boat tour and enjoy the architectural beauty of Amsterdam.
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Jordaan District: Walk down narrow streets lined with boutique shops, cafes, and art galleries.
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Vondelpark: Take a break in the most famous park of the city.
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2. Day 3–4: Paris, France
Next stop: Paris, the City of Lights! From its iconic landmarks to rich history, Paris is a must-see. Things to Do:
Eiffel Tower: Go up and enjoy the arresting panoramic views of the city.
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Louvre Museum-home to the Mona Lisa and thousands of other famous world-renowned works of art.
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Notre Dame & Sainte-Chapelle: Be amazed by these Gothic masterpieces with their breathtaking stained glass.
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Champs-Élysées & Arc de Triomphe: This is a walk down the most famous avenue, culminating in visiting this national symbol.
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3. Day 5–6: Switzerland (Zurich & Lucerne)
Switzerland offers stunning natural beauty with its majestic mountains and clear lakes. Begin with Zurich before heading to Lucerne for the quintessential Swiss experience. Things to Do:
Zurich: A walk through Old Town, a boat ride on Lake Zurich, or visit the Swiss National Museum.
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Lucerne: Walk across the Chapel Bridge with a view toward the Swiss Alps.
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Pilatus or Rigi Mountain: Take a day trip up either of these two close mountains for hiking or a cable car ride.
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Interlaken & Jungfrau: Still thirsty for more alpine adventures, head to the Top of Europe for its panoramic views and snow sports.
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4. Day 7–8: Venice, Italy
From Switzerland, fly or take a train to Venice, one of the most romantic cities in Europe. Things to Do:
St. Mark's Basilica: Look in wonder at the mosaics and the architectural beauty of this location.
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Grand Canal & Rialto Bridge: A gondola ride or Vaporetto up the famous canal.
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Doge's Palace: Go for a tour around this historic seat of the Venetian power.
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Burano & Murano: See these colorful islands known for lace making and blowing during this excursion.
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5.Day 9–10: Florence, Italy
Florence, the heart of Tuscany and the cradle of the Renaissance, will captivate art and history lovers. Things to Do:
Uffizi Gallery & Accademia Gallery: Marvel at the works from Michelangelo, Botticelli, and da Vinci.
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Duomo & Giotto's Bell Tower: Climb to the top for sweeping views of Florence.
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Ponte Vecchio: Cross this iconic bridge known for its jewelry shops.
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Piazzale Michelangelo: Enjoy the view while the sun is setting in Florence.
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6. Day 11-12: Rome, Italy
Your journey ends in Rome, the Eternal City. History comes alive with ancient ruins, grand monuments, and Renaissance art. Things to Do:
Colosseum & Roman Forum: Travel back in time to ancient Rome and just envision those gladiatorial combats.
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Pantheon: See this ancient temple dedicated to all gods.
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Trevi Fountain: It permits people, according to its tradition, to throw a coin into the water for good luck and in order not to forget their return to Rome.
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Travel Tips:
Trains: Europe has a very intensive web of trains; hence, it is the best way to travel, especially between big cities.
Flights: Budget airlines can be a good option to travel greater distances, such as from Switzerland to Venice.
Currency: All listed destinations use the Euro except Switzerland, which uses the Swiss Franc as official currency.
Packing: An individual will need comfortable shoes when touring cities like Paris and Rome, which include lots of walking.
Book Now Your Trip With Us! Contact Us:- +91 9818 78115, Visit Form Link.
This itinerary gives you the perfect blend of vibrant cities, historical wonders, and stunning landscapes. Enjoy your European adventure!
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'...of all the series out there right now, Netflix’s “Ripley” might take viewers on the most glorious trip. Perhaps I don’t want to bump into Tom Ripley (although star Andrew Scott makes for a good Variety cover), I do want to jump into the screen and experience 1960s Italy the way he does.
I rang up “Ripley” production designer David Gropman to let him know that I’m desperate to get to Italy after watching his series — and get some travel tips on how to find that specifically 1960s-era version of the country that he re-created for the limited series.
Gropman had already worked in Italy, for Hulu’s limited series “Catch-22,” when his old pal Steve Zaillian (they worked together on “Searching for Bobby Fischer” and “A Civil Action”) recruited him for “Ripley.” Gropman was scouting Italy for “Ripley” in January 2021 at the height of COVID, which turned out to be the perfect time to get out there and turn Zaillian’s script into reality. Because the country was on lockdown, it was like exploring an empty canvas.
“We were living in [the] Italy of 1960 in 2021 because of COVID,” he says. “The streets were empty. We scouted Venice and there were no people, or even pigeons, in Piazza San Marco. We got to see everything without a single tourist. And without a lot of Italians. We got to be in train stations that weren’t bustling and crowded. So yeah, It turned out to be a bit of a blessing — which is an unfortunate thing to say with the situation.”
Gropman says he prefers to design a city setting in the actual place — and will sometimes turn down jobs that require faking one city as another, particularly when the city plays an important part in the project.
Period pieces are another challenge, even in U.S. cities like New York, which has visually changed so much over the years. “The amount of work we had to do for the little bit of New York that you see in ‘Ripley’ is really heavy,” he says. “Italy was so much better, there’s plenty of untouched moments, and there’s just so much great architecture there to take advantage of. It’s just so inspirational. Because you’re in Italy, and because of the culture and talent that surrounds you, you can’t help but be a little bit more expressive in your work. If I dare say, I feel like a little bit of opera snuck into the design of the series.”
An inspiring location that leads to beautiful design? Sounds like a great character for a TV show.'
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doyelikehaggis · 5 months
*pulls up to your ask box like you're a McDonald's cashier and I'm about to eat the best meal I've had all day at ten PM*
Give me a little number two, Tale of two Peters, please?
That is the funniest introduction to an ask I have ever recieved. Preparing your order right now, it'll be with you in just a few minutes!
It was already too late to save the tower but the person using all of their strength to keep it upright was another story. A flash of silver lit up the street but there was no one else around to see it. The bell tower creashed and crumbled into the river. It was no big loss. They could rebuild. Probably.
Pietro didn't stop until they were a good few streets away from the chaos they just left behind, away from prying eyes.
"What-" Peter started, gasping when they finally stopped. Disoriented. Honestly, Pietro wasn't much better, but he steadied both of them as best he could as the last trickle of electricity zapped out of them.
Peter looked around wildly like he was expecting to be crushed by falling debris still. Pietro took the opportunity to give him a once-over for any sign of serious injury. A few scratches, a little bit of blood but nothing bad.
Still, he grasped his shoulder and asked, "Are you okay?"
Peter looked at him properly for the first time. Stared at him, in fact, wide-eyed and gaping mouth. He looked both younger and far older in the space of two seconds; he was pale and drenched in water, his hair sticking to his forehead. There was a bruise already forming on his left temple but that could have been from anything, he was rather clumsy, Pietro thought.
"You..." he started again. Then he stopped and, with a lot more coherency and alarm, asked, "What are you doing here?!"
Pietro thought it was fairly obvious. He said so, to which Peter glanced around them as though they were being watched and shook his head.
"You can't... You can't be here," he told him, eyes swiveling back round to him urgently. "How did you even - how did you even know?!"
"It was on the news," Pietro explained. "As soon as they said Venice, Stark and I remembered you saying that you were coming here on your school trip, and-"
"Mr Stark?!" Peter repeated with even more alarm, if that was even possible at that point. He looked around them yet again, this time like Stark was just going to come flying out of one of the streets. "Is he here as well?!"
"No. It's just me."
Peter didn't seem to know whether to be relieved about that or not. He ran a hand through his hair, clearly trying to calm himself down as he inhaled sharply. He started shaking his head and all of his efforts disintegrated when he looked back at Pietro again.
"Does he know you're here?!"
"Oh, man." Peter tipped his head back and groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face. "This is bad, this is so bad. Pietro, you can't be here! Not Quicksilver, at least, and that-" he gestured vaguely back in the direction of the square "-that was definitely Quicksilver! The Sokovia Accords-"
"Don't matter," Pietro cut him off.
It earned him an exasperated look in return, one that reminded him greatly of Wanda in times of deep annoyance with him. Funny.
They both knew the Accords mattered. So much so that they nearly broke the Avengers apart. Pietro corrected himself.
"They don't matter more than your life."
At that, Peter finally stopped. His wild eyes softened. He made a noise as if he wanted to protest further, but he tore his gaze away and pressed his lips together, fighting an internal conflict. They also both knew that the senator wasn't going to take one person's life into consideration. He proposed the Accords to save lives yet seemed to care very little about those he ordered around to do the saving. It didn't make sense. They were still human, were they not?
Looking at Peter, drenched head to toe and hurt, even if not very much, Pietro couldn't see anything else.
He reached out and grasped his shoulder once again. His heart cracked just a little to feel him shivering so badly. Instinct carried his hand up the side of his neck, catching his attention.
"You're safe," he told him. "Right now, that is all that matters."
Peter shook his head and he looked a second away from crying, his lip trembling as he said, "I appreciate your concern, Pietro, but I was fine! I didn't need help. I was staying out of sight, and - and I was handling, and you really shouldn't have come. What if someone finds out you broke the Accords?! You could be thrown back in prison!"
His heart moved faster than him. He clenched his jaw and pushed away the cold shiver that crept beneath his skin. Like metal. Needles, poking, prodding. Metal walls and cages, closing in on him until he couldn't breathe.
"I wasn't seen," he said confidently, though he was not at all certain of that. Just hopeful. "And even if that did happen, I suppose it would be worth it. You are here and not crushed under rubble."
"But I-"
"Didn't need help, yes, I know." Pietro's lips quirked upwards and his shoulder did the same. "But it's still nice to have, no?"
"Not if it means ripping the Avengers apart again!"
Pietro frowned. "Avengers are a team. Yes? We look out for each other, no matter the risks. Or am I wrong?"
Peter opened his mouth to argue. But he didn't. He just sighed. They could go back and forth like this for hours and Pietro still wouldn't cave, and it seemed that he was beginning to realize that as well.
His jaw tightened in frustration until he groaned and said, "Fine. Fine! Yeah, that's - you're right." He stepped closer to him. "But you need to go home now before anyone else finds out you were here! You said we're part of a team, right? So, let me look out for you now. I don't want you in trouble for me. Please."
The plan had been to find Peter, make sure he was alright and potentially take him back to the compound if needed. Seeing that he was alright, it made sense to leave and let him continue on as if nothing had happened, especially now that whatever was causing the attack seemed to be gone.
Something itched beneath Pietro's skin. A little like the electricity that ran through him. Time slowing down to let him move faster. So he could see what was coming before it got to him.
Except there was nothing. No danger. He frowned, taking his hand back and crossing his arms. His eyes darted around them but the street was empty.
"Pietro, you have to go back," Peter insisted. "I'll be fine! We're leaving here tomorrow and going to Paris, and this - this sorcerer guy clearly has whatever this is covered on his own, so there is absolutely no reason for you to stay!"
"Who is he?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "The little green flying man? I don't think I've heard of that one before."
Send me the title/number of a wip and make me write it!
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shalini-yadav45 · 6 months
Weather Forecast for Venice Beach, California: What to Expect
Planning a trip to Venice Beach, California? One of the key factors to consider when preparing for your visit is the weather. In this comprehensive guide, we provide you with all the essential information you need to know about the weather in Venice Beach, California, including average temperatures, seasonal variations, and tips for making the most of your visit regardless of the forecast.
Understanding the Climate Beaches in Venice:
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1. Mild Mediterranean Climate:
Venice Beach enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This coastal location benefits from the moderating influence of the Pacific Ocean, resulting in relatively stable temperatures throughout the year.
2. Average Temperatures:
During the summer months, temperatures in Venice Beach typically range from 70°F to 80°F (21°C to 27°C), with occasional heatwaves pushing temperatures higher. In contrast, winter temperatures hover between 55°F to 65°F (13°C to 18°C), with occasional dips into the 40s°F (4°C to 9°C) during colder periods.
3. Seasonal Variations:
While Venice Beach experiences relatively mild weather year-round, there are noticeable seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation. Summer months (June to August) are typically warm and dry, ideal for beach activities and outdoor pursuits. In contrast, winter months (December to February) are cooler and wetter, with occasional rain showers and cooler temperatures.
What to Pack
1. Summer Essentials:
If you're visiting Venice Beach during the summer months, be sure to pack lightweight clothing, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect yourself from the sun's rays. Additionally, don't forget to bring a swimsuit, beach towel, and flip-flops for enjoying the surf and sand.
2. Winter Layers:
For visits during the winter months, layering is key to staying comfortable in fluctuating temperatures. Pack a mix of sweaters, long-sleeved shirts, jeans, and a waterproof jacket or coat to stay warm and dry during cooler weather and occasional rain showers.
3. All-Weather Gear:
Regardless of the season, it's always a good idea to bring along a reusable water bottle, comfortable walking shoes, and a light sweater or jacket for cooler evenings. Don't forget to pack a camera or smartphone to capture memories of your trip to Venice Beach.
Making the Most of Your Visit
1. Beach Activities:
Regardless of the weather, Venice Beach offers a variety of activities for visitors to enjoy. From swimming and sunbathing to beach volleyball and surfing, there's something for everyone to experience along the iconic shoreline.
2. Indoor Attractions:
If the weather isn't cooperating, don't worry—Venice Beach is home to a variety of indoor attractions and activities to explore. Visit the Venice Beach Boardwalk for shopping and dining, explore local art galleries, or take a leisurely stroll through the historic Venice Canals.
3. Stay Informed:
Keep an eye on the weather forecast leading up to your visit and be prepared to adjust your plans accordingly. Check local weather websites or download a weather app to stay informed about any changes in conditions during your stay.
In conclusion, understanding the weather in Venice Beach, California is essential for planning a successful trip to this iconic destination. Whether you're visiting during the sunny summer months or the cooler winter season, knowing what to expect can help you make the most of your visit and enjoy all that Venice Beach has to offer.
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apoptoses · 2 years
“Here is a secret little story he tells Daniel” please I’m STILL recovering from the Friday Night Riccardo feels and now THIS 😮‍💨 Amadeo getting drunk off his ass at the pub with Riccardo and having him be his first “real” kiss feels so true to both of them and what they meant to each other and how Armand has carried his memory to the present day by bringing up this story to his forever lover pleaaaase. I feel like you live in my brain because emotionally charged road trips? Life changing experiences with your twin flame on the road? The fact that every time I watch the MVs for Aerosmith’s Crazy and Arctic Monkeys’ Suck It And See I can only picture Armand and Daniel (tho Lestat is always the one doing the stripping scene in the Crazy strip club sequence). This feels like a prophecy fulfilled. And set during the PL era after their reunion? You’re a fucking GIFT 🥹 xoxo DA
Oh Dungeon Anon, how convenient that you show up just as I'm working on something relevant to your smutty interests!
Lestat stripping in the Crazy video is my new favorite thing, I'm obsessed. You know that man went to strip clubs while he was in his little glam rock band, got his band mates drunk and hopped on that pole at least once. With those tight leather pants and his vampire agility? He'd make the pros look like amateurs. Have you seen that video of the club with the 20 ft tall pole a woman goes down, gripping it with nothing but her thighs all the way to bottom? That. That is him, 100%.
But yes! Armand and Daniel! Fixing their issues, going over stories of lost love, making both of my test audience readers choke sob. You'll have it all! And you'll have this too, Vampire!Daniel getting it on via Armand biting his throat and filling his head with illusions while they're mind connected:
Yes, there it was, it was back. He was back in London-Venice-New York with a real cock inside him, Armand’s cock, that he was forced to keep so deep inside him he could barely thrust. All Armand could do was rub little maddening circles in him as he rolled his hips.
Daniel snuck his hand between them. Pressed down on his stomach and imagined he could feel Armand moving inside him, moaned when Armand caught up with his ideas and made it feel as though he really could. His cock bumped Daniel’s palm through the soft wall of his stomach over and over until he sobbed with it.
Armand wedged his hand in between their bodies too and toyed with his dick. He was soft. He was hard. He was so thirsty and so close to orgasm he was out of his head and shaking with it. Daniel rested his sweat soaked forehead on Armand’s shoulder, not caring that the blood would stain his shirt, and let himself go pliant as Armand jacked him off. 
In life he’d gone crazy when Armand had rubbed the sensitive skin below the tip of his dick. In death, in the illusion it was the same. A strangely warm thumb rubbing up and down until his muscles drew tight within him. He could hear the pound of Armand’s heart, the rush of his blood right beneath his mouth. He was like a bow with the string running from his mouth to his cock, overdrawn until he was ready to snap.
“Please, I can’t take it, please.”
Come, lover. Come for me.
Daniel’s hips stuttered uselessly into Armand’s hand. His fangs were buried in his shoulder before he could even finish his command.
As a mortal he’d been given the pleasure of coming and drinking from Armand in tandem hundreds of times. Every time he had thought this was it, it doesn’t get any better than this. As a mortal, he’d been so goddamned wrong. Armand’s illusion-memory-fantasy ratcheted the feeling of orgasm up to eleven. Into a full bodied thing that didn’t just involve his dick but every inch of him, that made his mouth prickle and burn as it pulsed through him. Each wave of it hit with each swallow of Armand’s blood until Daniel was flying with it.  Until his vision was gone and all he could see was liquid gold and red flowing through him, into his veins and under his skin.
Happy smutty Sunday! xoxo
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I’m Paty and Im from Mexico. I’m planning a 1w trip to Italy for next year (my tickets are for September), this would my first time in Italy and I was wondering if you can give me some tips and guidance about where to visit. I have only 7 days so I want to get the max of my time there but at the same time enjoy my trip 😁. I’m on a tight budget but I’ve reserved some money for sightseeing and of course for eating great Italian food.
The first stop of my trip will be Barcelona and from there I’m planning to fly to Italy, so I still don’t have tickets for the domestic flights.
Anyway thanks
P.S you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to ☺️.
Hello!! I'm really happy you have the opportunity to visit my country ^-^ Barcelona is also really beautiful, the Sagrada Familia is honestly the single most-jawdropping place I've ever been in but also the rest of the city is so pretty. Go to the Boqueri market for snacks and smoothies!
So, Italy . . . it really depends on what you want to do/focus on? It's September so it's still summer, if you want sea and beaches then you need to do to the south. If you want to sightsee and visit the historical cities and museums and stuff, well, there's historical cities and museums and stuff everywhere, but you might want to focus on the center and/or north. If you are willing to spend a bit more money on transportation, then you can buy fast train tickets (Freccia Rossa trains) that connect the big cities in short amounts of time, so you can, say, fly to Milan, visit Milan, take the fast train to Florence, then take the fast train to Rome, then take the fast train to Naples . . . but of course the fast train tickets are a bit expensive (the Milan-Rome trip is 50-60 euros for reference) so you might prefer to stay in a smaller area where you can travel via regular trains and not lose too much time. In which case I'd suggest Florence and the surrounding areas in Tuscany.
(It also really depends on whether you're like me and when you're on a trip you get possessed by a demon who wants to See All the Things And Walk Everywhere, or you're more or a normal human being.)
As someone who lives near Milan I'm quite partial to that city, but, well, one must to to Rome at least once in their life, right? Florence is a gem. Venice I usually forget when I do this kind of recs because my experience was quite negative, but only because my brother is a wheelchair user and the city is not quite accessible if you are not familiar with it, but, I mean, it's considered one of the most iconic and beautiful cities in the world for a reason.
Naples is a city I sooo want to see more of because I went on a shitty badly organized trip with my school a long time ago, but there are some incredibly beautiful places if you know where to look.
Palermo, in Sicily, is one of the best places I've ever been in imo, but of course Sicily being an island it might be a bit of a hassle to reach on a time-restricted schedule. But honestly, if you just want to see beautiful places and visiting Thee Famous Cities is not a priority for you, you could just make a trip around Sicily and be thoroughly happy with it. (September is still warm, but it shouldn't be as scorching as July and August are, so it should be fine to move around.)
The region Puglia is also soo beautiful (the "heel" of the boot but also reachable by fast train, so it can be a valid alternative to Sicily). I've never been to Calabria but it must be worth seeing too, possibly though less equipped with good/fast transportation because of its geography and stuff.
Let me know which things you're most interested in, and I can totally help you plan your trip more in depth!! If you're interested in, you know, ~less famous but still worth visiting~ places in stead of The Big Famous Cities, we can also consider that too. (Some people totally prefer smaller towns to bigger, more touristy cities, which is valid.)
Also let me know if you're interested in things like art museums, archeological museums/sites, nature/parks or more urban areas etc.
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templemitra · 2 years
Rajasthan Tour Packages
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Templemitra brings to you greetings from the "Land of Kings," Rajasthan. Rajasthan is a place that is truly full of differences, and tourism in Rajasthan reflects that! Our extensive Rajasthan travel guide from regal and colourful metropolises to isolated deserts, rural village life, and tiger-infested forests, there's something for everyone. Turbans, sarees, camels, chai, tuk-tuks, forts, palaces, lakes, shopping, curry, and much more can be found in this fascinating region of India, and that's only the tip of the iceberg; it also features wildernesses, deserts, mountains, metropolitan centres, and seashores. Each part of it also has its own culture, cuisine, and appearance. These factors are what makes it so engaging and exciting.  Additionally, more visitors routinely add Rajasthan, a state in India, to their wish lists, and with exquisite enchantment mixed in with the dust, grime, jackasses, and camels, it is unlike anywhere else on the earth. Templemitra handles your Rajasthan Tour Packages so that you don't have to worry about anything except enjoying the experience; we will design your trip and take you to Rajasthan's most mesmerizing locations, bringing you mementos of lifelong memories. We at Templemitra offer visits to Jantar Mantar, Hawa Mahal, Bagore ki Haveli Museum, Lake Pichola, Nahargarh Fort,  Birla Temple, and Dilwara Jain Temple.
Apart from that, the top attractions in Amer Fort and City Palace are the key attractions without a doubt, and for good reason, the Anokhi block printing museum. Pushkar is a wonderful chance to explore some of Spiritual India's culture in Rajasthan. It is said that a lotus blossom that fell from Lord Brahma's hands produced Pushkar Lake, which the town is built around. Udaipur The "City of Lakes," also known as "Venice of the East," is known as India's most romantic city. It was also the best tourist place in Rajasthan. In Jodhpur, the Mehrangarh Fort is as stunning as forts get. Jaisalmer is frequently described as appearing like a mirage out of the Great Indian Desert. Your comfortable and hassle-free stay and travel are assured by Templemitra . You will get hotel booking, a Private vehicle and food and snacks at stay in the hotel. We also offer ticket booking to exclusive places you visit. We also offer customized tour packages and places. Templemitra recommends Rajasthan Tour Packages as it is a "must-visit" trip. It's a magnificent blend of culture, colour, history, and geography that will bring you to another world! Mark Twain once said about Rajasthan it is one land that man desire to see, even by glimpse. Book a trip now with Templemitra and we assure you that you will remember it for the rest of your life.
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saharadesertlady · 27 days
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Here’s looking at you, kid
I’m a very impulsive person by nature. I don’t think things to death, or at all for that matter. I am a 35 year old single woman with ADHD who has no dependents and no tethers, so naturally when my aunt sent me an instagram post about a Morocco tour I booked it immediately. I’m still waiting for the day that my impulsivity gets me into trouble but honestly, in hindsight, I don’t know why everybody in the world doesn’t just impulsively book a trip to Morocco. So hopefully this blog will inspire some impulsivity in you.
I landed pretty late at night in Casablanca and was met with the first Morocco cliche that I read about: Forex consultants will get you to put your Moroccan Dirhams (MAD) on a travel card which you can tap and use at ATMS. You will quickly find that outside of major city centres the ATMs do not work, the cards come with a fee and also the consultant gets commission for every card they sell. Don’t fall for it. Take hard cash. Moroccan cliche 2: Taxi operators hounding you at the airport. I was met by one such young man straight out of the gates. When I agreed he pointed me to a chair and told me to wait. He then proceeded to hound every other person coming out of arrivals in an effort to fill up his taxi. It was 10pm at night and after 45 minutes of waiting I left and decided to book a Careem (Arab Uber).
Cue Morocco cliche 3: Careem app quotes MAD350 for the trip but when I got to the hotel he told me that after 11pm the charges double so I now have to pay a very angry Arab man MAD500. Advice online is to heckle but as a solo female traveller late at night I gave in. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though.
I was warned not to wander around Casablanca late at night by myself so I didn’t venture out much. To be honest Casablanca was rather unremarkable so I didn’t feel like I was missing out on much, so I went to bed happy in the knowledge that the next day would bring my tour of the King Hassan II mosque. It’s 210m tall minaret, lush gardens, expansive courtyards and magnificent mosaic walls are breathtaking. It can fit 25,000 people inside the mosque and an additional 80,000 people in the gardens and courtyards. The mosque hugs the Atlantic coastline and has glass floors in some places so worshippers can stand and prostrate directly above the ocean.
I’ve always had an issue with elaborate mosques. They can be very distracting, with so much for the eyes and ears to absorb that your mind tends to wander away from prayer, and additionally elaborate monuments cost a great sum. This one apparently costed around $750m, funded by the King directly as well as public funding. But great men of history have been building monuments to themselves and other great men since time immemorial and they’ve almost always been built on the financial and physical backs of the common people.
But this is the thing with African, Arabian and many East Asian cultures. Love for their monarchies is still an engrained thing. Pictures of previous kings can be found in government buildings, but also cafes, convenience stores and even in peoples homes. They speak of their leaders with an almost fearful reverence, as if the men themselves might jump out of the pictures and arrest them for treason right then and there.
However, as someone who has travelled to the Muslim Holy lands of Makkah, Medina and 🍉 and prayed at some of the holiest sites in the world I wasn’t entirely sold on the intricately carved granite walls from the Atlas Mountains, the engraved marble from Agadir or the hand blown and painted glass windows from Murano, Venice. But I’ll tip my hat to the beautiful mosaic murals which are a nod to Moroccan culture.
Tours for non-Muslims are only available with the use of guides. Women must cover legs and arms. Tour entry was about MAD11.
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shiva1906 · 1 month
How to Secure Your Italy Visit Visa for an Unforgettable Journey
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Italy, a country rich in history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes, is a dream destination for many travelers. Whether you're captivated by the art in Florence, the romance of Venice, or the ancient ruins in Rome, having an Italy Visit Visa is your first step toward experiencing all that Italy has to offer.
Why Do You Need an Italian Visit Visa?
If you’re planning a short-term stay in Italy, you’ll need an Italy Visit Visa. This type of Tourist Visa allows you to travel across the country, explore its iconic landmarks, and immerse yourself in the local culture. The Italy Visa is essential for those visiting family, friends, or simply touring the country.
Steps to Apply for an Italy Visit Visa
Gather Required Documents: Before applying, make sure you have all necessary documents. This typically includes your passport, recent photographs, travel insurance, and proof of accommodation.
Complete the Visa Application: Fill out the Italy Visit Visa application form accurately. Any mistakes could lead to delays or even rejection.
Schedule an Appointment: Visit the nearest Italian consulate or embassy to submit your application. Make sure to schedule an appointment in advance, as slots can fill up quickly, especially during peak travel seasons.
Attend the Visa Interview: Be prepared to answer questions about your travel plans. The interview is an essential part of the Italy Visa application process.
Wait for Approval: After your interview, your application will be processed. This usually takes about 15 working days, but it can vary depending on the season and other factors.
Tips for a Successful Italy Visit Visa Application
Apply Early: To avoid last-minute stress, start your Italy Visit Visa application process at least a month before your planned departure.
Provide Accurate Information: Ensure that all the details in your application form are correct. Inaccurate information can lead to rejection.
Seek Expert Help: If you're unsure about any part of the application process, consider seeking professional assistance. Experts can guide you through the complexities of obtaining an Italy Visit Visa.
If you’re planning to Visit Italy from UK, securing your Italy Visit Visa is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable trip. With its rich cultural heritage, stunning architecture, and world-renowned cuisine, Italy offers a unique travel experience that you’ll cherish forever. By following the proper steps and preparing your application carefully, you can ensure a successful outcome. Whether you're on a short holiday or visiting loved ones, your Italy Visa is the gateway to an unforgettable Italian adventure. Start your journey today and get ready to explore the beauty of Italy!
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mayakshethra · 1 month
Explore the World with Our Customized Travel Packages
In an era where the world is more connected than ever, the urge to explore new places, experience diverse cultures, and create lasting memories has become a fundamental part of life for many. However, the vast array of destinations and travel options can be overwhelming. That's where the magic of customized travel packages comes into play—crafted with precision and tailored to your unique desires, they offer an unmatched way to see the world. Let’s delve into the reasons why customized travel packages can elevate your travel experiences to a whole new level best travel agency in kochi
The Power of Personalization
One of the greatest advantages of customized travel packages is the power of personalization. Unlike standard tours or pre-arranged itineraries, customized packages allow you to create a trip that aligns with your specific interests, budget, and schedule. Whether you're a thrill-seeker craving adrenaline-pumping activities, a culture enthusiast eager to explore historical sites, or someone simply looking to relax on a secluded beach, a customized travel package can be designed just for you.
Imagine you're a foodie with a passion for exotic cuisines. Instead of settling for generic dining options, a customized travel package can include exclusive culinary experiences—think private cooking classes with local chefs, visits to vibrant food markets, and dining at hidden gems known only to locals. This level of detail ensures that every moment of your trip is enriching and unforgettable.
Flexibility and Freedom
Another significant benefit of customized travel packages is the flexibility they offer. When you plan a trip on your own or choose a pre-packaged tour, you're often constrained by fixed dates, rigid itineraries, and group dynamics. In contrast, a customized package allows you to travel at your own pace, choose your preferred dates, and even make changes on the fly if your plans evolve.
For instance, if you find yourself captivated by the charm of a particular city and wish to extend your stay, a customized package can easily accommodate this change. Conversely, if you're eager to move on to the next destination sooner than planned, that's possible too. This level of flexibility ensures that your travel experience is as spontaneous or as structured as you desire, without the pressure of sticking to a preset schedule.
Expertise and Local Knowledge
Working with a travel agency to create a customized package also provides you with access to expert knowledge and insider tips. Travel agents have extensive experience and deep connections in the industry, enabling them to offer recommendations that you might not find in a typical guidebook. They can suggest lesser-known destinations, arrange for unique experiences, and help you avoid tourist traps.
For example, if you're planning a trip to Italy, a travel agent might recommend a visit to the lesser-known town of Matera, with its ancient cave dwellings and stunning landscapes, rather than just the popular spots like Rome or Venice. They can also arrange for private tours, ensuring that you get a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the places you visit.
Moreover, travel agents are well-versed in the logistics of travel, from booking flights and accommodations to arranging transportation and securing reservations at top attractions. This expertise not only saves you time and effort but also provides peace of mind, knowing that every aspect of your trip is being handled by professionals.
Cost-Effective and Time-Saving
While it might seem that a customized travel package would be more expensive than a standard tour, this is not always the case. Travel agents have access to exclusive deals and discounts that are not available to the general public. They can often secure better rates for flights, hotels, and activities, and pass those savings on to you.
Furthermore, a customized package can be tailored to fit your budget. Whether you're looking for a luxury experience or a more budget-friendly adventure, your travel agent can work with you to create a package that offers the best value for your money. This ensures that you get the most out of your travel investment, without compromising on the quality of your experience.
In addition to cost savings, customized travel packages also save you time. Planning a trip can be a time-consuming process, involving hours of research, comparison shopping, and making reservations. By entrusting this task to a travel professional, you can focus on enjoying your trip rather than getting bogged down in the details.
Safety and Support
In today's world, safety is a paramount concern for travelers. When you choose a customized travel package, you're not just getting a tailored experience; you're also gaining the support of a team that can provide assistance if anything goes wrong. Whether it's a flight cancellation, a medical emergency, or unexpected travel restrictions, your travel agent is there to help you navigate the situation and make alternative arrangements.
Additionally, travel agencies often have partnerships with local guides and service providers, ensuring that you have access to reliable support throughout your journey. This network of on-the-ground assistance adds an extra layer of security, allowing you to travel with confidence, knowing that help is always just a phone call away.
Unique Experiences and Authentic Connections
Finally, one of the most compelling reasons to choose a customized travel package is the opportunity to have unique experiences and make authentic connections with the places you visit. Travel is not just about seeing new sights; it's about immersing yourself in different cultures, meeting new people, and gaining new perspectives.
With a customized travel package, you can go beyond the typical tourist experience. Perhaps you want to participate in a traditional tea ceremony in Japan, stay with a local family in a rural village in Peru, or embark on a wildlife safari in Tanzania. These experiences, carefully curated and arranged by your travel agent, allow you to connect with the destination in a meaningful way.Exploring the world is a deeply personal journey, and no two travelers are exactly alike. That's why customized travel packages are the perfect solution for those seeking a truly unique and enriching travel experience. By offering personalization, flexibility, expert guidance, and cost-effective solutions, these packages open the door to a world of possibilities. So, whether you're dreaming of a romantic getaway, a family adventure, or a solo expedition, let a customized travel package be your gateway to unforgettable journeys. Your next great adventure awaits—designed just for you best travel agency in alappuzha
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bookandfly · 1 month
Discover Two Great Cities: Booking Flights to Washington DC and Los Angeles
When it comes to visiting and exploring two of the most popular cities in the United States, Washington DC and Los Angeles should be priority of your list. Each city offers a unique experience, from the political heart of the nation to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. If you’re planning a business trip, a family vacation, or a last-minute travel plan, finding the right flights to these destinations is essential. This guide will help you get the best flight deals and navigate with various options Booking Flights to Los Angeles: The Gateway to the West Coast Los Angeles is known as the “City of Angels,” as it is vibrant metropolis that boasts sunny beaches, world-renowned entertainment, and diverse cultural attractions. Whether you’re looking to soak up the sun on Venice Beach, explore the star-studded streets of Hollywood, or visit iconic landmarks like the Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles has offers something for everyone. It’s important to compare flights to Los Angeles . If you’re planning a trip and want to avail the best flight deals, Many travelers look out for cheap flights to Los Angeles by booking early as possible or using by fare comparison tools. However, if your plans are more spontaneous, you can still find last-minute flights to Los Angeles to fit your as per your schedule and budget plan. Exploring Washington DC: The Capital of the United States
From the iconic monuments on the National Mall to the vibrant neighborhoods of Georgetown and Dupont Circle.
When planning your travel, it’s important to compare flights to Washington DC to find the most appropriate option for your travel needs. Many travelers can take advantage of cheap flights to Washington DC by booking in advance. However, for those who need to travel on short notice, last-minute flights to Washington DC are also available. Tips for Booking Flights to Washington DC and Los Angeles
Compare Flight Options: Always compare flights to Washington DC and Los Angeles to make sure you get the best flight deal. Use online flight comparison tools that allow you to see multiple airlines and fight routes at once.
Book in Advance: For booking cheap flights to Los Angeles and cheap flights to Washington DC, try booking your flights early. As Airlines often release their lowest fares several months before the travel date.
Look for Last-Minute Deals: If you have a flexible schedule, keep an eye out for last-minute flights to Los Angeles and Washington DC. To fill remaining seats, sometimes airlines provide significant discounts when the dates are close to the departure date.
Consider Alternative Airports: Both cities have multiple airports. In Los Angeles, consider flying into Burbank or Long Beach as alternatives to LAX. In Washington DC, check out flights to Dulles (IAD) or Baltimore-Washington (BWI) in addition to Reagan National (DCA). Be Flexible with Travel Dates: During mid-week or off-peak times, flights are often cheaper. You might find better deals, if you can be flexible with your travel dates.
Why Visit Washington DC and Los Angeles?
Washington DC offers a journey through America’s history and government. With its iconic landmarks, such as the Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument, it provides a rich cultural and educational experience. The city’s diverse neighborhoods and vibrant arts scene add to its charm, making it a must-visit destination. Los Angeles, on the other hand, is a city where dreams come true. From the beaches of Santa Monica to the Hollywood Hills, LA is a place of endless possibilities.
Whether you’re visiting Universal Studios, shopping on Rodeo Drive, or enjoying the culinary delights in downtown LA, this city promises excitement and adventure. Whether you’re excited to view the historic streets of Washington DC or the sunny boulevards of Los Angeles, finding the right flight is the first step for an unforgettable trip. By comparing flight options, booking in advance, and staying flexible with your travel plans, you can ensure that your journey to these iconic cities is both affordable and memorable. Start planning your adventure today!!
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