#tips to build strong business plan
pendarling · 1 year
Agonizing Corruption
Smutty with like a dash of lemon
It was just one mission, and that was it. Only a little bit of intel and nothing else. They let Villain go this time, but only because of a favour.
Little by little, as they stayed up late at night, staring at their empty ceiling, Hero concluded they were slowly becoming corrupted.
Their heroic morals and goals were immediately tossed to the side as soon as the sly call of their enemy beckoned them closer. They would switch up, show a change of face and eventually— "I guess I could do that for you." became "Whatever you need, I'll give it."
They had a way with words that just couldn't be described. It was greedy but gifting all its intricate details. So how could Hero stop pursuing something so addictive?
Every night their weekly patrols had led them back into Villain's arms repeatedly until these stopped becoming patrols and simply rendezvous in the dark.
Hero let out a cold shudder of breath as soon as Villain lifted their suit enough to become exposed to the cold. Their back pressed up against the tall building, tongues tangled with what was presumed to be an enemy. Hero couldn't tell where their hands would end up next, but the thrill of not knowing had made them grow more excited. Their face burnt a bright crimson in the cover of the night, trying to hold their moans back.
"Villain--" Their body tensed as they pulled their lips apart. Their bodies were too close. Too warm. Too... 
"Easy, baby," They heard them whisper back, the shivers climbing up their spine again at the feeling of their hot breath. "I'll be gentle with you." Hero gripped tightly onto the other, losing concentration all over again. Their head spiralled out of control. 
Villain's readjusted their grip on Hero's hips with a light squeeze and pushed their thighs apart. "Please, Villain don't..."
"Why?" What a cruel and beautiful smile Villain had on.
"Not in public."
"No one will see us." before Hero could argue again, their lips reassured their safety. "Trust me..." Their gaze lingered for a bit longer, and Hero felt their cheeks flush. "Don't I owe you thanks after all the hard work you've done for me?"
A small pat between their legs sent a wave of shivers as soon as they got to business. It was always like this, some taunting, some flirting, and then...
"V-Villain-!~" They pushed harder, their teeth clenching on the pressure. "Please-- I can't take your teasing--"
They heard a low chuckle against their ear; it felt so humiliating to be whining this desperately, but who was to blame when Villain captivated them every time?
"I'm only preparing, dear. You can wait for me, hm?" Their other hand came up to pull their reddening face toward them. Villain's towering figure left them struggling to speak. "Now, where did you say that election was being held, sweetheart?"
Hero struggled with their code of ethics for a second. They knew Villain was planning on toppling it. They knew this was a manipulation tactic. But for manipulating, this was taking it a bit too far, wasn't it? This was just too real to be fake.
Villain gave their hips another light squeeze when they noticed their difficulty responding. "You can do it for me…" their lips kissed their cheek, encouraging them to speak.
They couldn't say no to them. Never them. So with daring confidence, they spoke again. "Downtown, near the city's park…" 
"Good." Villain cooed, their hand working their way through their suit. They watched Hero's eyes roll to the back of their head. "And what are the times?" Their touch pushed harder and faster, pleasuring them.
Hero breathed quickly, their heart racing with every strong and gentle stroke. Their hips tended up, too caught up in the moment and left unable to speak. 
"What time, Hero?~" they repeated. This time, Villain's hand pulled back a bit, dissatisfying Hero all over again. They moaned lowly as their hips pushed up onto Villain's palm desperately. Their feet were practically tip-toeing to meet friction. "Nine—"Hero's fists clawed onto Villain, their body aching to feel more. 
"Nine?" Villain pushed back down, right where they knew Hero liked it. Of course, they knew. They've done this sort of work between them too many times.
They buried their head into their chest, panting harder. They were so close… almost… 
"Nine-thirty to… two in the afternoon."
"That's perfect." With that last sentence, Hero savoured their reward, finally releasing themselves from the deliberation. 
Almost instantly, their legs gave out underneath them. Villain held them tightly as they came down from the euphoria, exhausted and still sensing the warmth around their cheeks. 
"You did wonderful, darling." They gave a short peck to their head. Hero smiled, their mind still reeling from the experience. The only person who showed this amount of love for them had been Villain. How they longed for these nights to see them again. Anyone could say Villain was like a forbidden fruit, but something too sweet to ignore wasn't possible.
Every minute spent with them was worth it, even if it came at a cost. 
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billthedrake · 1 year
What do you know: I posted the wrong draft yesterday. This is the finished story.
"Good evening Officers," I said as I walked down 6th Avenue, feeling in a good mood from dinner with friends. Two of New York City's finest were on the corner, beat cops keeping an eye on the park nearby, or maybe just resting for a bit.
The taller one, a 40-something Italian-looking man, tipped his hat in acknowledgment and flashed a wry grin as his partner, a shorter Latino cop, had his eye fixed on a group of women in sun dresses walking by.
I gave a confident smile, but kept walking. But ten paces on, I turned my head back for another look. Officer Friendly was looking at me, all right, and kind of laughing at my brazenness.
It was that fuck-it attitude that got my success rate up. I have a thing for cops. I mean, who doesn't? But I go out of my way to have sex with them. It helps that I live in the best city on earth and have a full-on smorgasbord of men in blue to scope out. And I swear, policeman or not, so many New York City straight guys have a bi streak. Maybe it's the prevalence of no-strings dude sex on the side, maybe the freedom of the city infects them, too, just like it does with us gay guys.
OK, not every cop is looking to hook up with a dude, not even for a no-strings BJ. But enough are, and if you play the averages right, you get your fair share of cop dick.
It helps that I'm 28, fit as fuck, and have a gym-pumped jock body. Before I moved to the city, I had no idea that my Iowa cornfed looks were cop-bait, but apparently they are. I'm just masculine enough to put a police officer at ease, and just gay enough so that even the most clueless of them know I'm available.
Of course you can't just walk up to a cop and proposition him. Maybe he goes on an app, DL, and propositions you. But usually, it's about laying the ground work, being flirty in a low-key, friendly kind of way. Getting to know by name the policemen in my neighborhood, near my office, or even on trips uptown or to Brooklyn. Seeing which ones might be interested.
I thought that was going to be my plan this evening. But the looking in Officer Friendly's eyes made me want to feel him out more. I gave him another look, then ducked into the first deli I came across. I kind of wandered next to the refrigerated section. Maybe I'd just get a water, or maybe nothing. Mostly I wanted to see if Cop took the bait.
He did. I heard the bell ring from the door opening. A couple of footsteps on the linoleum floor and sure enough the tall, Italian cop was rounding the aisle, his face with a knowing grin as he spotted me.
Compared to other guys, I have an advantage in my hunt for policemen. I like 'em all. Short, tall, fat, thin, older, younger... I don't care if they're classically good looking. If he's law enforcement and he has a dick, I'm into him. I just love cops.
But this one was a real looker. Fit for his age, strong build beneath his bulletproof vest, and a certain dimpled boyishness to his DILF-y Italian looks, with a closely shaved full beard and a square jawline.
"Nice night, huh?" he said as he got closer. As an Iowa boy, that New York accent would never fail to get me hard. His voice wasn't as deep as I expected but it was sexy as fuck.
"Sure is, Officer," I greeted. "They keeping you busy out there?"
He laughed. "Kind of a quiet night, actually," he said. "I'll take quiet, though."
I stopped pretending I was looking for a water or gatorade or anything and turned to converse with the man. I was on the tall side of average at 6'1" but Officer Friendly had a few inches on me. "You boys in blue deserve a break now and then. For all the work you do." OK, maybe the flattery was cheesy, but it was sincere. And it was just the kind of double entendre a law enforcement dude can recognize.
Those brown eyes grew a little wider and he smiled. Officer Friendly leaned in. "You offering tonight, buddy?"
I nodded. The first time this happened, the first time an NYPD cop said yes to my advances, I was nervous as hell. Now, I just excited. "You bet, Officer, if you're interested. I live over on the next block."
You never know what you're gonna get. The shy kind, the offended kind, the naughty kind. Officer Friendly was pure Horndog.
"I got about five minutes. Think that will work?" he asked. His voice was a little quieter, in case someone was listening. No one was.
"Definitely," I smiled. Boasting. I was talented and I knew it. Pretty soon Officer...
"Cantone," he laughed as he saw me scoping out his name tag.
"Pleasure to meet you, Officer Cantone."
God, he was adorable as we walked the block over to my building. Definitely in his mid 40s now that I had a good look but his dimples made him seem youthful. "This you, buddy?" he asked with a smirk.
I nodded. "Did I use up my 5 minutes?" I teased.
He strutted up the steps to follow me. "Just make it worth my while and I'm not gonna split hairs."
I had it down pat. In full-on buddy mode as I ushered him in my place. Then crouching down in front of him, taking only a second to feel up that uniform fabric before I started unzipping.
Cantone had to help me pull his erection out from his briefs. He wasn't huge, but he was plenty big. I liked big. I licked him up and down some and I knew then from how hard he was, Cantone was a bisexual dude. Not just wanting to shut his eyes and think of a chick. He liked getting head from a guy.
So I went for it. Pulled that cop dick down and swallowed half of it.
"Holy fuck, dude," the policeman gasped. "Suck my dick."
I knew he was on a time crunch so I went for it. Nice sloppy, hungry blowjob. His hands settled on my head as I gave him head, which only fed my fire to do him right. I was determined to get this cop off big.
But the hands left and I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Buddy... I hate to press my luck," he hissed. "But do you take it up the ass?" God bless bisexual men.
Honestly, I'm not the biggest bottom, but a fitter policeman in uniform is usually enough to get me to put out. I looked up excitedly, in a way that told Cantone all he needed to know. "Still gotta make it a quickie, OK?" he clarified.
"Fuck yes," I said. I stood up and he followed me to my bed. I tossed him some lube then undid my shorts and leaned over the bed. I was keyed up but it had been a while since I'd been fucked, so I sure hoped this cop knew what he was doing.
He did. It took him twenty seconds for his blunt tool to work me open. To a great extent, sex is psychological for me and my attraction to Cantone and the surprise quickie was making me really enjoy this. I realized how much I missed it a full, thick bare policeman cock working me open and pressing deep.
His dick felt great but it was the uniform and the bulk of the kevlar vest against my back that had me going wild, spreading my legs and pressing my butt back against his crotch.
That was the signal he needed. Wrapping his strong arms around me, he started pounding hard and fast. His cock had me cumming a few seconds before I heard his own belabored breath in my ear and felt his body jerk and seize behind me. I forgot to look at the clock, but it was no more than a minute and a half before he came. I'd been ridden good and hard and it felt glorious.
No guilt either afterward, just a polite shyness as he asked for something to wipe off with. I obliged then watched his naughty schoolboy look as he tucked back in. "Ramirez is gonna razz me so hard," he chuckled.
"Ramirez is just jealous," I smiled, which made him laugh. He stepped up to me, not kissing but nudging my chin affectionately. "Can I get your number?"
I went to get a pad to scribble it down and handed it to him. He folded it like a prize lottery ticket and stuffed into his uniform shirt pocket.
"Thanks man, that was incredible," he said.
Then, he was out the door.
I have one rule, and one rule only. And Deputy Inspector Geoff McMullen was about to learn it.
"I could use one of your blowjobs, man," came the DM on Grindr. I'd met the Queens career cop the first year I lived in NYC. He pretty much was central casting, barrel-chested Irish daddy in his early 50s. Cautious enough to feel out guys discreetly, but smart enough to know being a DL married cop was his calling card on the app. He hit me up, I chatted him back and we set up a blow job date.
That first hookup lasted three minutes, five if you include the hello when he walked into my apartment and the chit chat as he tucked back in. That married cop prick was short and fat and clearly loved a mouth on it.
He apologized a little for blasting off so quick, but it was adorable actually. I assured him it was hot as fuck, and he got a playful grin on his face. "I'll hit you up again?" he asked as he paused by my front door.
We repeated that three weeks later, this time me going out to far Queens for a chance to blow him in his uniform. McMullen may not have a big dick but he sure shoots a hell of a cop load. I sucked it down like a pro, then got a healthy taste of the dribbles before licking him clean and tucking him back into his uniform trousers. McMullen loved that touch.
Then Deputy Inspector McMullen disappeared from Grindr, either playing things safe or just feeling guilty or whatever. That's cool.
Recently, almost two years to the date, I heard from the man. His profile was stripped down now, not even a good chest picture, but he'd logged on for a repeat. "I keep thinking of your blowjobs, Kyle. You're the best at em."
I didn't need flattery, I just needed a hard cop dick offered to me. I invited him to look me up when he was in Manhattan. It was the next day, and the Deputy Inspector had a heavy load saved up for me. Even if he was cheating on his wife, I felt bad for the man, in a way. He clearly didn't get enough action at home.
That's why I almost caved two days later when he DM'ed me again. But I didn't.
"Sorry, Officer, I have a three time rule."
"Three times?"
"I'll only service a man three times if he's not gonna put out for me."
"Whadda mean?" Damn I could sense his horniness even over these texts.
"Three BJs is the installment plan. After that I get to fuck your ass."
There was a long pause. There always a long pause. How often did this rule work in my favor? Let's say I struck out a lot. Generally most of the time, even. But the law of averages meant I'd fucked six NYPD asses since moving here. I wanted to make it seven.
"You're bullshitting me," came McMullen's reply.
"Friad not, sir," I decided to address him with extra respect. I wasn't looking to make McMullen my bitch. I just wanted inside his seasoned cop hole. "It's kind of my thing."
"Yeah... can't do that, man," he replied, less upset than I expected.
"No hard feelings." I said. Like I actually expected him to bend over for me.
Maybe this was easier because I was finding new police dick to suck. It wasn't the entirety of my sex life, but it was most of it. There are 36,000 police officers in the NYPD, and I was fooling around with about 2 or 3 a month, including some rotating regulars Life was good.
I was just getting off work one day, when out of the blue McMullen messaged me. "What do I get if I let you fuck me?" he asked bluntly.
Holy fuck, I had a live one on the fishing line. I grinned as I typed, "The lifetime plan. BJs whenever you want."
"You sweet talking fucker ;)"
He didn't elaborate, and I didn't push him. But an hour later he picked up the conversation again. "I'm cherry. Think you can go easy?"
God my dick was so hard right then. "Absolutely man. I want it good for both of us."
"You done this before?" he asked, with less pause than before.
I wasn't sure what he meant. Fucked a cop? "Done what?"
"Taken a guy's cherry."
"A few times, yeah," I replied truthfully. "I'm good at it." OK, you'd have to survey the men I'd done to see if they agreed, but I knew a little boasting would help my case.
He told me he'd think it over and get back to me.
"Take your time Officer," I wrote.
Sgt. Ellis wasn't bi. He watched PornHub vids on his phone the whole time I sucked him. The ones with loud moaning chicks doing bad fake orgasms. I never see why straight dudes like that shit. But he had a nice tool.. long more than thick, with foreskin over the head. His build was tall and matched his cock size. He wasn't Office Cantone hot, but he was muscular and the chocolate-dark muscle looked great in uniform. 9 times out of 10 when I blew the Sergeant he was in uniform.
The cop was the opposite of verbal. It never took him long to cum but neither of us rushed it. The man would come into my place, unzip to pull out that long schlong and then pull up a new favorite video on his phone.
Sgt. Ellis was on the Lifetime Plan. He had grinned and bore it when I fucked him. He was a tough as nails fucker and actually relaxed into it. He didn't get off or enjoy in the way gay men enjoyed it. But he actually had fewer hangups than I expected. I made a play for a repeat but he gave a firm no. That was OK, fucking him had been a trip and I still got off knowing I'd tapped that ass.
Some months I heard a lot from the Sergeant, some months not at all. I guess he dated women who took care of his needs. But when he was single I'd get a text from the police officer. A day in advance or a half hour. It was all good.
The man never announced his cum. He didn't need to, I knew it was coming by the way his legs shook. He came a lot and was sweet tasting. I loved it. I gave a soft lick before he pulled completely out because Ellis was always super sensitive after a nut. He'd silently wipe off with the rag I'd give him and tuck back into his uniform. And then put away that damned phone.
And as I walked him to show him out, he'd thank me. "You do good work, man," he'd say.
Deputy Inspector McMullen was nervous as anything. I did my best to calm him. A beer, some sports talk, some jokes. I thought of myself as the cop whisperer, but as he sat on my couch almost shaking, I worried this one was gonna bolt.
"You OK, man?" I had to ask.
He looked at me and forced a smile. "I can't believe I'm here."
"I'll do my best to make it easy for ya man," I said. "I swear I'm good at this."
He gulped. "Maybe that's what I'm worried about," he admitted. He took a swig of beer and set down the bottle with a clank on the coffee table. "Think we can just get this started?"
I nodded and led him to the bedroom.
He was half hard when he stripped which was a good sign. "Just go with the flow," I urged, then started my method: slow oral worship of his cock, but not getting him off. Lots of attention to his balls and the spot underneath. Finally, directing him to lift his legs so I could eat him out. I gathered McMullen had never had a rim job before. He wouldn't be the first cop to have that milestone with me, but he was the most enthusiastic.
"Fuck buddy," he gasped as my tongue drilled and teased his daddy ring. "That feels wild."
"It's gonna feel wilder," I boasted and dove back in for some more intense ass eating.
By the time I was moving on to the next stage Geoff McMullen's short fat cop cock was a rock hard spike leaking against his furry belly.
"Feel good?" I asked as the first lubed finger teased then slowly entered him.
He nodded. "So far so good," he answered. The nervous was coming back but not too bad.
I added a second. Tight at first but soon the officer got used to it.
I took my time. By the time I had three fingers in him, the Deputy Inspector wasn't only ready for it, he wanted it.
I didn't want to jinx anything by asking if he was ready to be fucked. I just maneuvered so my slicked up meat was lined with my hand. He looked down his girthy bod at me, his legs pulled wide and back in a receptive position. I timed it so my fingers pulled out as my cock pushed in.
Fuck, I was in cherry cop territory. Giving gentle thrusts in and out about three to four inches. The tightness and thrill I fucking live for.
Geoff breathed heavily but wasn't objecting. I could tell he was adjusting to the mind fuck of it all. Particularly once I felt the relaxed hole allow me to press all the way in.
"You got it, Officer," I announced proudly.
His eyes lit up. "Fuck!" His spike thwapping on his belly.
I thrust in. Actually fucking that rack of Irish cop beef. Not hard but steady.
"Not gonna take me long," I announced. "You wanna stroke off while I fuck you?"
It was like the idea hadn't occurred to the man but after I drizzled some lube on his stick he got the hint. As I worked my hips harder, he jerked like a horny teen, fast and spasmodically. I gathered that was McMullen's normal masturbation style.
It took a minute. A minute for me to show this 54-year-old cop his p-spot. His face went pink then red and his body gave it up. Heavy spurts of seed onto his belly and blocky pecs just as my own ejaculation began inside his guts.
We were both out of breath as we recovered and as McMullen laughed I started laughing too. "Goddamn, that was something else," he said as my dong slowly softened and slipped out of him.
I took a chance, hoping I was reading him right. I leaned in...
"No," he said brusquely, the laugh stopping suddenly. "I don't fucking kiss."
Officer Cantone, the 6'4" DILFy stud I'd met on my block, held my head tight against his crotch. He smelled like cologne and cop uniform and man. It's what helped me keep my gag reflex in check as he claimed a deep throat and unloaded those heavy balls of his.
"God fucking damn, buddy, that's sweet..." he hissed, excitement in his voice as he rode out the orgasmic pleasure and finally extracted that beautiful seven-incher from my mouth.
I was still catching my breath and on my knees when the man tucked back in, not even bothering to wipe off the spit and sperm from his dong. "I knew I could count on you, buddy," he said. Of all the cops I'd done, Cantone was the friendliest. The fact he was a bachelor, divorced maybe, made my mind race for the first time to think of what it would be like to date a cop.
"Happy to help, Officer," I said in my normal post-sex manner as I got up on to my feet. "It'll be the last." I explained to him my Rule of Three.
He shook his head. "I'll be damned. That ever work for you, buddy?" He was clearly amused by my chutzpa.
I shrugged. "I'm discreet. But yeah it works more than you'd think."
He didn't say anything. He just picked up his cap and put in on his head. I couldn't tell if he was offended or thinking it over. Maybe both. Gone was that Officer Friendly manner. Instead, he turned and walked out of my place without a word.
That was the hardest part of the no-strings approach, and if there was a man who made me question it, it was Rich Cantone. But damnit, it was such an unrealistic idea. Cops like that didn't date men, they just got sucked on the DL.
Deputy Inspector McMullen kicked off his shoes as he undid his belt. I could tell his short fat spike was rock hard. "I got a full two hours, man," he said excitedely. "Maybe we can go for two?"
"Your call," I replied with a laugh. I knew Geoff McMullen would want head regularly now that he was on the Lifetime Plan, but even I was surprised by how regularly he made excuses to come into Manhattan. I offered to go meet him, but he liked the freedom and privacy of my place.
He shucked down his jeans and there it was, commando... that thick married cop cock. Drooling even in anticipation. He stepped out of his jeans. McMullen was a top heavy man, and had put on a couple of extra pounds as he approached 55. Like before, he hesitated to take off his sweatshirt. I didn't give a fuck either way. This career cop was the real deal.
"Kyle..." he asked after I milked load number one of him. "Think you might wanna fuck me today?" Not nervous this time. I could tell McMullen had been thinking this over, a lot. And he knew he had the goods, how crazy I'd be to get in his ass again.
"Yeah, man," I said as I peeled down my workout shorts and stroked my bone. "That'd be incredible."
Then the guy surprised me by leaning in and putting his hand behind my head. Instead of guiding it to his cock, he pulled me up into a kiss. Our first one. I'd fucked seven cops, and Deputy Inspector McMullen was the first I'd kissed.
The kissing made that fuck even hotter. We took our time, particularly since Geoff needed some recovery before round two. It was worth it. I fucked a healthy load out of him and left a matching one inside him. He felt more comfortable in his skin, even after the sex.
I let Geoff shower up first. He had to get back home and I was just enjoying the relaxation of lying in bed after a good lay. A little proud that my swimmers were deep in the Deputy Inspector's guts.
Then, as I checked my phone I saw I had soem texts. A couple from my friends checking in about evening plans, but one was from Officer Cantone. "All right you win. Let's do this."
God fucking damm, I was gonna add cop number 8 to my collection.
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brella-boi · 2 months
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Building Dango: Part 2
I actually finished this step a couple weeks ago but was too busy to post with con prep, so here it is now!
In this edition were getting the EVA foam together. I got a big ole cutting board before starting for about 7 quid so its easier to cut out the large shapes.
But first! Tracing.
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We got ourselves the paper pattern to trace and slightly edit. Drop that sucker on the foam. And start cutting.
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For the eyes I am planning to have them domed. Which means I got these googly eyes im going to deface to steal the plastic dome from.
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Cutting the circle was honestly the most nerve-wracking part of this, and I did it in 4 segments just to be as careful as possible.
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I wouldng exactly call cutting the EVA foam easy tbh. I was using mainly 10mm super high density foam as the base structure. That is to make sure that the base head is strong and isnt going to warp during movement. My exacto knife wasnt entirely... long enough to cut through it in one go, and I wouldnt say I was strong enough to do that even if it could lol. My arm and hand hurt afterwards, and theres some parts that came out a little crooked.
A lot of EVA sculptors cut their edges at an angle, and honestly, i was too scared to do that and mess up the angle with how *rough* cutting this already was. So I opted for just simple straight edges. I probably shouldve added some extra space here or there and thought about the fact this foam is 10mm thick. But oh well.
Whats important is its cut and we can move onto gluing.
Now we could use hot glue, or super glue. But the recommendation from Pros is Contact Cement. So thats what were gonna use.
Honestly this was pretty easy. You mark one side and swipe it down evenly with a scrap piece, you leave it to dry for like a minute or two, do the second piece where the first is gonna connect. Let that dry. Then put the two pieces together. Revolutionary shit im telling you. The bond is so damn strong too im shook.
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Theres several parts I wasnt too happy about though. The top and longest piece wasnt long enough and ill need to compensate for it later. And some cuttings werent identical like I wanted. The biggest issue was the fact I didnt take into account the thickness of the foam overlapping at the jaw. So its. Well it doesnt exactly fit right now. But that will be fixed with sanding. A lot of sanding.
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Youre probably looking and pointing at the black pieces of foam too. Thats 4mm low density foam. I wanted it for building details.
For the horn I ran into the problem of it possibly being heavy. And with its placement, it needs to be *light*. Initially I was going to use three pieces of 10mm high density foam. But that sucker weighed about 70 grams together. Thats. A lot. To be put on the tip of the mask.
You may be quick to suggest to carve out two pieces of low density foam as the horn, bend it, and make it hollow. And to that I say: im not experienced enough with eva foam to do that and also i dont want it to get crushed inside a luggage into a deflated Thing.
So i tried to weigh up the difference between the low and high density. And it turns out i can just use 2 pieces of low density foam that equal the size of the high density one, but it weights *half as much*. So instead i used high density as the core of the horn, surrounded by 4 pieces of low density. Which reduced the horn to about 40 grams! Yippe!!
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And with it all put together... it is super blocky. And i am dreading figuring out how to sand it, and actually make it wearable.
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sunshinesmebdy · 4 months
Navigating Business Terrain: Astrological Insights for Growth and Transformation
The Moon entering Taurus brings a grounding influence to business endeavors, encouraging a focus on stability, practicality, and financial matters. When the Moon in Taurus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus, there’s an amplification of abundance and growth potential, signaling favorable opportunities for expansion and prosperity, particularly through steadfast determination and wise investments. Additionally, the harmonious sextile between the Moon in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces emphasizes the importance of disciplined action and strategic planning, facilitating the manifestation of long-term goals with patience and perseverance. On the other hand, Mars in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius signifies a potent blend of transformative energy and revolutionary drive, urging businesses to embrace innovation, break through barriers, and pursue ambitious objectives with unwavering determination and courage. These transits collectively offer a dynamic blend of stability, growth, discipline, and transformation, providing valuable insights and opportunities for strategic advancement in the realm of business and entrepreneurship.
Moon enters Taurus: You might feel more attuned to your senses, appreciating beauty and pleasure in daily experiences. Indulge in self-care or pampering activities. Logic and practicality might take precedence over emotions. Make well-considered decisions and focus on achieving tangible goals. Be aware of possessive tendencies in relationships or regarding material possessions. Focus on building healthy connections and sharing instead of clinging.
Tips for this Transit:
Make practical decisions
Seek stability
Balance indulgence
Practice detachment
Indulge responsibly
Moon in Taurus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus: This transit can bring feelings of intense pleasure, appreciation for beauty, and a strong desire for comfort and indulgence. You might feel more optimistic about your finances, personal life, and overall future, leading to an abundance mindset. Be mindful of overindulging in food, spending, or other sensual pleasures during this transit.
Tips for this Transit:
Review your experiences
Integrate learnings
Maintain moderation
Cultivate optimism
Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces: Saturn helps ground the Moon’s emotional energy, allowing for clear and practical plans. This transit can support responsible financial decisions and investments. The sensuality of Taurus encourages enjoying the rewards of your efforts. Saturn guides emotional expression towards helpful solutions, fostering deeper connections. Be mindful not to let Saturn’s influence become restrictive, hindering opportunities. Ensure the pursuit of security doesn’t overshadow more fulfilling objectives. Don’t let Saturn’s seriousness suppress healthy emotional expression.
Tips for this Transit:
Set realistic and achievable goals
Practice responsible budgeting and investment strategies
Balance indulgence and practicality
Channel your emotions constructively
Approach challenges with compassion and understanding
Mars in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius: This transit can fuel intense motivation to enact innovative change and tackle social issues. The Aquarian energy encourages collective action and collaboration, driving impactful movements. This conjunction provides power and courage to overcome challenges and dismantle outdated structures. Be mindful of potential conflicts when navigating power dynamics. The transit can intensify opposing viewpoints, requiring understanding and diplomacy.
Tips for this Transit:
Channel your energy constructively
Collaborate for collective progress
Manage power dynamics responsibly
Think before acting
Embrace constructive feedback
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esoteric-chaos · 2 months
Disability-Friendly Prosperity Magic
So let's face it, those who are disabled have a hard time with money in general, either from being unable to work or not having a steady, strong source of income. Sometimes we can monetize our hobbies, admittedly at a limited capacity (some less or more than others).
From our relationship with money, money mindsets, and income streams, it's hard. That's not to shame anyone, either. Some overspend to cope, while others are incredibly frugal.
In this post, I will review some resources, tips, and tricks for the struggling disabled witch.
The Mundane Before Magical
Step one is to make a budget and track your expenses. I'm serious. Sit down, look at where your money is going, and decide on a budget that you can realistically stick to. I use the 50/30/20 rule as a budget, which is 50% Needs, 30% Wants, and 20% Savings. However, I recently switched wants and savings around so I can save for a trip.
Now I do not want you to worry about a big fancy budget method. I don't want you to overthink it. Here is a resource (Canada, but it can be used in the USA) to start one. Focus on your needs like housing, utilities, basic clothing, food, etc. Then go into wants and entertainment, and finally, savings. I suggest you put any debt payoff into the needs category if you have any debt. You do not want a blow to your credit report.
Now do you have any financial goals? Going back to school? Debt payoff? A trip? Even a big medical trip coming up? Here is a resource (Canada, but it can be used in the USA) that can help you create a goal and a plan to pay this off.
Savings, please, your SAVINGS. It is vital to have an emergency fund. Job loss? Death? Vet bills? Children? Dentist? You better believe that piles up. It is recommended if you are single to have at least 3 months of income saved up, with a child and single at least 6 months. Married on two incomes, the same amount. Married with one income, it is recommended without children at least 6 months saved up and with children 9 months. It is vital you have the means to take care of yourself if an emergency strikes. It is never recommended that money be stopped from being put into these accounts.
If you are in debt, look at your debt relief options. Sometimes there are services out there that can advocate for you regarding debt. They will help you develop a plan, understand the relief options, sign documents with you, and develop a credit rebuilding program. These services are out there; even if they are paid, they can help you pay off some of your debt, especially credit card debt.
Educate yourself on investing, basic investing, and financial literacy, in stock markets and everything beyond. Know what kind of accounts you can hold and what could help you in your situation.
Need help applying for disability? Here's a resource for the USA (a lot can also be used for Canada).
The Magical
Upkeep a prosperity altar. Work with the spirit of money like you would any other spirit. Honour it, talk to it, venerate it. Money loves to be valued, moved, not wasted, and used in charity. Most importantly, money takes time. Money takes time to grow and build a relationship with.
This is the most important thing I've learned about money. It wants to be worked with. It's sitting there. It wants to help and aid you in ways that you need.
Work with this altar on Thursdays, incorporating the spirit of Jupiter. Jupiter rules over finances. Long steady finances, not quick finances. Jupiter rules over business, legal and all things finances. Jupiter is a slower-moving planet.
You can also incorporate the spirit of Mercury on Wednesdays along with your Jupiter workings. Mercury is a fast-moving planet, a planet for fast-moving money. However, you must build a long, steady form of finances over quick, easy cash (but sometimes you do need it right now).
You can create a money bowl and work with it on this altar, a Jupiter cashbox (I will make a future post on this), or a manifestation mirror box filled with petitions, sigils and your investment/banking information.
Fill your altar with greens and gold, imagery for wealth and abundance, pocket change, and anything else that symbolizes wealth.
Do not forget to leave offerings for your money altar. A simple glass of water can do but try to do more if you can.
Road opener workings or petition with an offering for the cross-road spirits who can unblock blockages in your way.
Final Take Away
I know this might not help everyone, but I sincerely hope this helps somebody. Financial literacy was not taught to everyone, nor were proper budgeting tips. I wanted to share what I've learned over the years as I believe it is vital information for some of the information I have collected.
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jewelk595 · 8 months
Effective Social Media Marketing Tips and Tricks
In today's digital age, social media marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to reach and engage with their target audience. To harness the full potential of social media platforms, it's essential to employ effective strategies. Here are three valuable tips and tricks for successful social media marketing:
Know Your Audience Inside Out: Understanding your target audience is the foundation of a successful social media marketing campaign. Start by creating detailed buyer personas that include demographics, interests, pain points, and online behavior. This knowledge allows you to tailor your content and messaging to resonate with your audience's preferences and needs.Additionally, use the analytics tools provided by social media platforms to gain insights into your audience's engagement patterns. Monitor metrics like post reach, engagement rates, and click-through rates to gauge the effectiveness of your content. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to ensure you're delivering the right content to the right people at the right time.
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Consistency Is Key: Consistency is a vital element of social media marketing success. Develop a content calendar that outlines when and what type of content you'll post on each platform. Posting regularly helps you stay top-of-mind with your audience and encourages followers to engage with your content.Maintain a consistent brand voice and aesthetic across all your social media profiles. This builds brand recognition and reinforces your business's identity. Use scheduling tools to plan and automate posts, but don't forget to stay responsive to real-time trends and engage with your audience promptly.
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Leverage Visual Content and Storytelling: Visual content, such as images, videos, and infographics, tends to perform exceptionally well on social media. People are naturally drawn to visuals, and they are more likely to share and engage with content that includes compelling imagery. Use high-quality visuals that align with your brand message and storytelling.Effective storytelling is another powerful tool in your social media marketing arsenal. Craft narratives that connect with your audience on an emotional level. Share success stories, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into your business. Stories help humanize your brand and make it relatable, fostering a deeper connection with your followers.
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In conclusion, successful social media marketing requires a deep understanding of your audience, a commitment to consistency, and a focus on engaging visual content and storytelling. By implementing these tips and tricks, businesses can build a strong online presence, foster customer loyalty, and drive tangible results through their social media efforts.
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allycat75 · 5 months
We see you and your handlers, Boston Dumb Fuck (probably more your handlers).
We have been noticing anons coming to various blogs with a couple of sets of storylines- either "what type of girl/woman would you be happy for Chris to be with?" and "I think he is an awful person and the worst actor in the world and he ruined Steve Rogers".
I am not one for conspiracy theories, but I have been here long enough to notice patterns. We just saw it with the anons asking "what would it take to believe it isn't PR". When the consensus was more organic sightings, we got the photoshopped GG party pics and mentions (by the way, I can't remember the blog, but thanks for finding the 2020 pre-Golden Globe party pics- blue blazer, rust turtleneck- which are clearly the original images, at least for you BDF, and probably why Vogue took it down). And of course we got the oh so romantic group date, with Gully overacting to highten the importance, all leading up to the "natural" double chicken peck with the mouth wipe dismount. I think we are still waiting on the score from the Russian judge, but you have strong odds to medal in the Pathetic Olympic Games. However, you will not be allowed at Whole Foods because scientific analysis came back and it was determined you are too manufactured and modified to be considered organic.
So now to the new intell gathering. One is seemingly to gauge how far gone we are as a fandom, perhaps? Maybe would we even welcome you back as Captain America? General feedback is that there is talent in you, BDF (not for the wifey, she is hopeless) but here is an odd concept- maybe you need to work at it, instead of planning and executing these stupid stunts that make you look like a fucking joke. Have some humility that you are not magnificent and take some acting classes, and probably engage in some intense therapy because whatever is blocking you in your personal life is blocking you in your professional life. And remember, Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie is Captain America. Whether he succeeds or fails, you don't need to come back and look like the White Savior. Also, it would just be sad, like the guy who keeps visiting his high school long after graduating (and we all know why that isn't a good look for you, either).
As for whether another 26 year old would look good on your arm, if only she weren't an arrogant, childish, manipulative, racist, antisemetic, fatshaming clout chaser, my question is why does it matter what we think? If you and your team are thinking of "recasting", don't! Just cancel the show! You are not a character. Your life is not a script that needs tweaking. You should never do this type of arrangement again-EVER!
And as for your next "real" relationship, that isn't for us to decide. What I will say is that you need to get your shit together and be good to yourself or you won't be good for anyone else. This situation exposed how damaged you are by agreeing to it in the first place, with so little guardrails, and caused even more damage by exposing how much of your personality and character was built on matchsticks. There is so much to repair and build back stronger before you should even think about a partner right now. But a little tip- once you are ready, it is no one's goddamn business but the two of yours what you do and how you make each other happy. Hold it precious and don't stop learning and growing.
And finally BDF, fire your entire team- agents, publicists, stylists,... Start with fresh ideas. Even if they have been kind to you and don't have ill-intent, they have gotten you into a rut that you desperately need to be forced out of. Especially if their only solution to get you more work as an actor is to see which Netflix Chick they can whore you out to, they do not have your best interests in mind.
Also, this is just another example of where the fandom has been used and abused for emotional manipulation and free labor, so keep that in mind as you begin to balance the karmic scales again. We haven't forgotten.
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ladey · 4 months
When I Brush Your Hair | Chapter 4
Jinx x Fem!Reader 🌙🦋🎀
Word count: 2.4k
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
"Vander learns none of this."
"No worries there. Powder took care of the evidence." Mylo replies making Y/n silently glare and flip him off.
"I tried, okay? You don't get it. You're older, you're bigger. It- it isn't fair!" Powder tries to defend herself, throwing her arms around as she grows frustrated.
"So stick with us. Take a punch or two!" Mylo retorts, slumping back into the couch when at the same time the door creaks open.
"Everyone alright?" Vander's voice is heard, making everyone scramble to pretend like nothing happened.
"Never better." Mylo huffs out. Way to make it obvious. Vander walks around the room and behind the couch the two younger girls are sitting on. They avoid looking his way, practically hiding their faces in their knees.
"Good. I don't suppose you can explain why it is that I'm hearing about an explosion and a foot chase topside? Five children fleeing the scene." He inquires. No one says a word.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Y/n just knew it. How he figured out it was them, she didn't know. But she knows that she's mad at whoever snitched.
"That we can handle a real job." Vi's voice cuts through her thoughts, making her turn her head to watch.
"A real job?"
"We got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw."
"You blew up a building."
"That wasn't—"
"Did you even stop to think about what could've happened to you? Eh? To them?" Vander motions to the others, who immediately look away to avoid eye contact.
"Where did you even get this tip?" He then asks. It's silent before Powder lifts her head and speaks up.
"We just heard it at Benzo's shop."
"From?" He glowers.
"Little man." Powder grimaces, and Vander has to look away and groan. But Vi quickly stands up, quick to defend.
"I took us there. If you wanna be mad, be mad at me. But you're the one who always says we have to earn our place in this world." Her voice is raised, getting caught in her feelings. Y/n feels overwhelmed and the space between her eyebrows get hot. She wishes she could say something to help, but...
"I also told you time and time again, the Northside's off-limits. We stay out of Piltover's business."
"Why? They've got plenty while we're down here scraping together coins. When did you get so comfortable living in someone else's shadow?" The room is deathly quiet as Vi and Vander have a stare-off. Y/n and Powder share an awkward glance.
"Everyone out." Vander says sounding oddly calm. Everyone very awkwardly stands up and exits the room. Y/N takes one last peak before the door is closed. Her and Powder exchange concerned looks, but decide to leave even though she wants to try listening with that object Mylo is holding up to the door.
Powder goes out back to fetch a few things while Y/n goes up to the bar area. She hasn't spoken to her cousin in a while and she wonders what she's been up to. She kind of scares her sometimes but she feels very fond of her at the same time and can't help but give her a nice warm hug whenever she says goodbye. Even if it's not always fully reciprocated.
Advancing up the stairs Y/n wanders around a bit until her eyes land on a familiar muscular figure hunched over a table with a couple other scary looking individuals. Her smile widens and she makes her way over.
As she approaches, the scent of her cigar grows strong. She waves her hand to rid of the smoke in her face, and when it clears she's face to face with Sevika.
"Hi cuzo, what's cracka-lackin?" Y/n cheers. The woman just looks at her almost nonplussed. She knows that she annoys her, especially when she's with her friends.
"Hey, kid." Sevika huffs. Y/n looks down at the table and recognizes the poker game Sevika must've been in the middle of playing.
"Having fun losing your money?" Sevika's eyes widen and the others sitting around the table are heard snickering. Y/n appears indifferent however; she was being genuinely serious.
"You're funny, kid. What do you want?" Sevika brushes it off, trying to make this quick so the little girl would just leave her alone. Y/n holds her hands behind her back and bounces on the balls of her feet.
"Nothing. Just wanna know what you've been up to." She responds sweetly.
"Not much." Sevika says shortly. She's lying, but her little cousin didn't need to know that. She opens her mouth to dismiss her but the girl beats her to it.
"Aw, that's boring. You'll never believe what happened today, though. Me and Powder went out with Vi and the others, and a building blew up. It was so scary. And then we got chased for hours. I thought I was for sure gonna die, especially when I almost fell off a roof." The young girl rambles, the whole time playing with the gold coins scattered around the table. The others just listen and watch utterly jaw-slacked.
"Uhuh.." Is all Sevika can give as a response.
"Yeahh, hahah.. I probably shouldn't have said all of that.." Y/n trails off and frowns feeling embarrassed. Then she catches Powder's blue hair not too far the stairs.
"I'll talk to you later, cuzo. Bye!" She gives Sevika a hug, pulling away before before she can even reciprocate it, and happily waves before bouncing over to her friend. The woman is left staggered.
Y/n quickly takes notice of Powder's slumped shoulders and sad face looking around the room. The taller girl turns her head and meets her eyes when she notices her now standing in front of her.
"Hey! ...You alright?" Y/n asks, placing a hand on Powder's shoulder. The girl's eyes look to the side and she shrugs.
"Yeah, I'm okay." She answers.
Usually Powder shares everything with Y/n, positive and the negative. So for her to not tell her what's going on when something is visibly bothering her both shocks and hurts her a little bit. Her hand squeezes her shoulder a little bit before letting it drop.
"Alrighty.." Y/n responds, pausing for a moment. Powder opens her mouth to say something but Y/n doesn't notice and beats her to it.
"Well I have to go since it's super late." This makes Powders eyebrows raise and look a little disappointed. She slowly nods her head.
"My dad will let me stay with you tomorrow though. And if not I'll just run away." The shorter girl laughs. She pats her friend's head with a parting smile and skips away.
Powder watches her exit the bar, wishing she could've stayed just a little bit longer.
It's the next day, and earlier Y/n's dad escorted her to The Last Drop. Beck knew of the possible dangers associated with her, and didn't want to risk anything. But he was also aware that she would rather be with the other four more than anything during this time. And after him and Vander had a long discussion about their fiasco in topside, he thought it would be best if she too stayed in a safer area with the rest of them.
"Remind me again why we bother with this dump." Mylo asks while picking his nose and flicking a boogie off to land on a wall.
"Vander said to lay low. Enforcers never come down here, so this is as good a place as any." Vi responds as she pants, having just finished a round of using their punching machine that has been there for what feels like decades.
"Oh, what's the matter Mylo? You worried Powder's gonna beat you again?" Claggor teases from across the room. He leans back carefree against a wall, a smirk growing as he watches Mylo's face turn into a scowl.
"Hey, if she didn't keep fixing these things, I wouldn't keep missing." One second after he says that, Powder pops up from behind the counter and connects two wires. The shooting range turns on with a buzz of bright lights.
Her evil smile grows once she hops over the counter and Mylo attempts to hit the targets, and then Y/n looks over to watch too. Boy was he godawful.
"Geez, are you even trying?" Y/n taunts dangling off the railings surrounding Vi's machine.
"Shut up."
"You guys know I wouldn't take you on a job you couldn't handle, right?" Vi asks sounding a little perturbed. Mylo is quick to answer.
"Are you kidding? That was the best job we're ever done! Maybe just don't take Powder and Y/n next time." He says, making Y/n slide off the bars and Powder roll her eyes before taking her aim at the moving targets.
Y/n doesn't see this too often, but when she does she nearly falls to her knees. She's fairly good with a gun and has her own dexterities and what have you, but Powder is without a doubt better than her. It makes her wish she could display her own abilities more often without a skill issue.
And without a problem, Powder hits every target square on, impressing anyone who sees. When it's over she places the fake gun back down on the counter and sneers at Mylo.
"Dang Powder, you're op!" Y/n chuckles and pats her shoulder as they walk over to an arcade game randomly sitting in a corner.
The shorter girl leans her side against the arcade game as she watches Powder play with a dreamy expression, still admiring her. It doesn't last long though because they both hear commotion coming from the large stained glass window. Powder look up at the same time Y/n turns around with a baffled expression. They look through a jagged hole in the glass.
"Tell me where to find them." A man is being restrained by a group of enforcers while one interrogates him.
"Topsider business ain't my concern." The guy argues.
"It's every one of you trencher's concern now. Give me a name." The enforcer gets in his face and sternly demands.
The man spits and it lands on the enforcer's shoe with a splat.
The two girls share a weary look. Powder steps back and warns the others.
"Hey, guys? You should see this—"
A man is suddenly flying through the room and then tumbling aggressively to the floor, stopping after a couple of rolls. A moment of silences passes where nothing happens, but now the whole group of enforcers can see them.
"Search them." The one in charge says. And one by one they enter through the much larger hole made in the window.
Y/n and Powder have now backed up against the counter at the shooting range. Y/n feels Powder stiffen beside her and looks down to see her hand hiding something in her tiny bag hooked on her belt. That's when she remembers that Powder had been keeping those stones with her. She never thought why, but she's knows now that's it's definitely an inconvenience.
"Go ahead, idiots. We've got nothing." Mylo taunts while holding his hands up in surrender when an enforcer shoves a stick in his face. The two girls internally panic. And when Violet and Powder's eyes meet, the redhead immediately gets the message.
The head enforcer just so happens to be the one to approach the younger two, looming over them as he looks down at them with terrifying looking eyes. Y/n feels her heart drop.
But then it all happens before she even knows it has. Violet turns to Claggor who hasn't moved from his spot, and he pulls a lever that turns on a blue light, making the room significantly darker than it was before. Y/n doesn't focus on that too much, because she's running.
Everyone does what they can to escape; Vi throwing a metal piece at an enforcer's head while Claggor shoves down another to the ground. Y/n and Powder make their way through the shooting range, manoeuvring around the moving figures until they hide behind one at the very back.
They're both panting and shaking, desperately trying to stay calm and not get noticed. Powder grabs onto Y/n's hand and tries to make another run for it, but the second her head pops out from behind their spot a hand reaches out and manages to grab onto her braid. Powder screams nearly tripping over her feet.
Y/n gasps feeling anxiety shoot up her spine, and then her blood boil. When the enforcer pulls on Powder's hair again, his arm spontaneously catches on fire. His hand lets go and he immediately waves his arm around like a fool, trying anything to put it out. Y/n grabs Powder's hand again at the same time Vi grabs Powder's arm. The five of them run to a door farther back and kick it open, now sprinting down an alleyway.
They get maybe 50 feet when they see a couple other enforcers pinning a person up against a wall. They look over at them and drop the guy on the ground completely disregarding him. They turn back around but the other enforcers are charging towards them. They're trapped.
A whistle sounds above them and a ladder slides down beside them.
"Over here!" Leave it to Ekko to randomly save the day.
Vi is the first to jump and climb up. The enforcers are pelting towards them, and Y/n is scared they might not all get up in time. Soon she's one of the last ones below, she can hear the sounds of their boots stomping against the cement as they get closer to her. Her brain feels like a whirlpool of dread and she swears her vision turns blurry.
I’m so dead.
She lets out a fearful a whimper and covers her eyes with her arm, the other one shooting out in a pathetic attempt to defend herself, even though she knows there's really no point. At that moment she gets surrounded by a ring of fire, blocking both sides from approaching any closer. She can no longer see them, but she can hear the enforcers letting out coughs and yells of protest. Powder looks down astonished from her spot on the ladder, making Y/n usher her to keep going with flailing arms.
Even though Y/n makes her way to the top, Vi still aggressively kicks the ladder down to the ground just to be safe. She glares down at the group of men as the fire slowly dissipates then turns around to follow the others.
"You need to hide those crystals." She all but demands.
"Yeah, no shit."
Chapter 5…
y'all better eat this lore up in the future.
i'm trying to introduce u to this fire thing slowly and not be cringe with it. i'll talk abt it later tho.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
I just saw requests were opened and I had to come by 🥳 since it is the month of November I would like to ask how are the ozzies handling NNN 👀
A/N: Asdfgh ahhhh well had to get this done before November ends lmao. I thought about this request with my colony the minute it hit my inbox lmao
How the Penguins Handle NNN 
Trigger Warnings: for those that don’t know, NNN is No Nut November, nothing explicit but definitely suggestive in case that makes you uncomfy.
So first things first, I have no idea why but I feel like I ought to say this. But I feel like normally most of the Penguins would fare pretty well. One because they're fueled mostly on loathing and pure spite (which love that for them) and two because they don't have someone to constantly tease them and tip them over the edge and as rough cut as some of these Penguins are they all have their own set of disciplines they stay strong too. 
Basically I have thought about this way too hard and for too long just ignore me.
Also each Pengy has a rating out of 10 for how well they'd do. 
1 being didn't even try, lost back in October and through all of November.
10 being MVP man's has mad discipline but once it hits December 1st pengy will pounce.
Arkhamverse Penguin (7 out of 10): 
This Penguin is fairly preoccupied. Running an underground criminal empire requires a lot of attention. There’s always something going on in Bludhaven. He has to check on imports and exports, keeping track of his henchmen, keeping constant eye out for Batman. 
In fact, you’re so aware of how busy he is, you don’t even find it in you to tease him like you planned. Maybe a lingering touch here and there but nothing to provocative. 
However, it's easy for things to get…frustrating. For him to have a lot of pent up anger and you're the best stress relief before he absolutely explodes. 
"C'mere love, I need you…"
You remind him of the challenge. 
"What? Love, I could care less about some silly challenge. I'm asking you nicely, don't make me get rough with ya.." 
Farrell/Reevesverse Penguin (11 out of 10): 
Now, this Oswald will absolutely rock the shit out of this. 
He sees a challenge and he seeks to overcome it regardless of the stakes. This man has never come up short on any obstacle that’s come his way, what’s a fun little game of who has the weakest resolve? 
He’s also one of the few that would actively be trying to knock you off your game too. He’s a shameless flirt as is, but expect him to notch it up to 100 at this point. 
“Aww, don’t get mad sweetheart…don’t hate the player, hate the game. But you gotta admit the reward will be worth it.” He winked. 
Gotham Penguin (7.5 out of 10): 
I’m not going to lie…I had the hardest time thinking of a rating and scenario for this Oswald, because I feel like…agh
He’ll definitely be a difficult nut to crack (pun…probably intended). I mean he’s known for being the biggest moonlighter of Fish and Maroni, he can be extremely disciplined and determined to see the light at the end of the tunnel to power through the month. 
However, he’s also prone to stress and pressures constantly building up inside of him. He will hold out until about the last week of the month. Something happens, the straw broke the camel’s back and he needs you. 
You are a strong comfort for him, he doesn’t have to be The Penguin, The Mayor, The King of Gotham…none of those things, he can just be Oswald. The way you caress him, hold him, love him…
“I don’t care…the…fun of it is gone...I just really need you, please.”
Yeah, he gets closer than a few of these Oswald’s to winning, but honestly, when he’s got you he’s already won.
BTAS Penguin (10 out of 10):
Ah, the true gentleman. 
This Oswald may struggle a wee bit here and there. Especially with you teasing him, constantly at every turn. Face flushed red, absolutely biting a hole in his lower lip, almost ripping his hair out.
However, mind you this one is a true gentleman first and he can and will continue to show restraint. Any time he wishes to absolutely ravish you, he spoils you instead. He’ll almost make you feel bad for being such a tease, because he flips it and acts so sweet in return.
“Ah, ha, yes I see. As much as the feeling is mutual, there is a greater achievement to be had! But don’t be fooled, dove. I won’t forget your…advances.” 
TNBA Penguin (9.8 out of 10): 
This Penguin isn't much different from BTAS Penguin and Reevesverse Penguin. 
He sees a challenge with you and he accepts it, especially if the reward is you at the end of it. 
Oswald notices you teasing him from time to time. Trying to get him to bend, sometimes he's almost at the breaking point but you pull back. 
He warns you, teasingly so not to keep pushing or he may push back. 
“Thin ice, darling, thin ice…win or lose I always get what I desire.”
Telltale Penguin (7 out of 10): 
This proud prick. 
He’d talk a big game for sure, saying that he’s passed the month before with flying colors. Although, you know why that is…you weren’t there. He was distracted with his plans to take everything away with the Wayne name attached to it…well, not anymore. 
Oz will put up an air-tight resolve for a good few weeks of the month. You haven’t quite laid the flirting down thick, not yet. There’s a method to it. 
A lingering touch on his shoulder, a peck at night on his jaw line around the middle of the month. But then near the end, like the last week; you’ll accidentally forget your change of clothes for after your shower. 
Much like other Penguins, he has his frustrations, but instead of it being outside sources, this is purely pent-up aggravation from not being able to touch you for long periods of time. 
“I gotta say, love. I’m damn near at my breaking point here…not sure if that’s a good or bad thing for you.” Oz growled.
One Bad Day Penguin (10 out of 10): 
Aww, this is cute. He thought.
If you’ve read the comic, you know this man is determined and resilient. But he also knows how to play the game. Whether it’s a turf war or who gives in to their unadulterated desires first…he knows what cards to play and how to play them. 
You best believe he’s an active player too. 
He’ll tease you first, if you don’t. He’s not afraid to make the first move, especially if it means throwing you off. 
Oswald will pull you to his lap. He’ll teasingly squeeze your sides and thighs.
When you look back at him with a certain displeased look. 
He grins and winks. “Don’t look at me like that, you know I play to win, babe.”
The Batman (2004) Penguin (-100 out of 10):
Listen, listen, this little gremlin has little to no self preservation whatsoever. He’s also arguably one of the most unhinged members of my colony.
Ozzy would talk such a big game about being a winner, how he'd sail through this month.
But you literally don't have to do anything and he'd bust.
You don't even have to tease him. You could literally just be wearing shorts one morning or an oversized t-shirt and underwear and he'd pounce. 
He sees what he wants and he gets what he wants.
"What? Ahh come on, who needs to win some stupid challenge? I wanna be with ya!"
Batman Unlimited Penguin (7.5 out of 10): 
The main thing that makes this pengy rank so high is cause of his age. He’s subjectively the oldest out of most of my colony members. (I believe he’s meant to be like late 50’s early 60’s, I could be wrong, but the grey in his hair and wrinkles are telling me otherwise rip)
I genuinely believe you have to initiate most of the intimacy in your relationship. 
Not that Oswald won’t try, but the man literally doesn’t know how to. He’s seen things in film, television, and literature. However he also knows he’s not conventionally as attractive as the leads in those medias, and he’s certain if he attempted anything like he saw, he would find a way to ruin it.
Much like the other pengys, he’s been cruelly shunned by humanity, but he’s lived with it cemented in his brain for longer (considering the age thing, again). To say this man is emotionally stunted would be an understatement. He still isn’t used to you giving him compliments or how you honestly enjoy kissing him. 
However, on the different side of the same coin…do to not being…errm…well practiced. He’s also likely to fall apart soon enough. Giving him enough touches and kisses the man will combust. 
“Hmm…I’ve never felt anything like this in a long time. I don’t think I could ever give it up,” he chuckled breathlessly. “Even just for thirty days.”
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lucky-dreamfisher · 2 years
I think BATDR has good themes as a foundation, but just doesn't build on them enough. Like, its main theme is legacy and destiny, and we have 3 big players that feed into this: Audrey Drew, Joey's magnum opus; 'Wilson' Arch, Nathan's forgotten son, and Bendy - Joey's most pivotal and yet hated creation. These 3 could function as wonderful foils to each other, like how Audrey and Bendy already do, but the problems are that:
1) Wilson isn't given enough backstory early on to make him more dimensional than 'crusty old man with a mean streak', and
2) Audrey doesn't have enough backstory to make her choices have weight.
For Wilson, we know that Nathan neglected him, but why? Was it for something out of his control (he's blind in one eye - did Nathan hate to have an 'imperfect' son) or in his control (I've seen a theory that he was a terrible business man, which would of course make Nathan embarrassed)?
Whatever it is, we should have had more tapes/notes about their dynamic, which would have been reflected in how Wilson treats the Ink World.
(an aside about the blindness thing - I think there could be merit to this angle, but Wilson's design is already a little ableist, since his scar and glass eye are just there to say 'oh no! spooky disfigured man has come to bad things to you!', it would have to be approached with care, caution, and advice from a disabled sensitivity reader)
Wilson could also project onto Audrey, if we give them a deeper relationship than 'creepy coworker that trapped me in this hellscape'. What if they have a sort of mentor/mentee relationship? They often work the nightshift in tandem, and Wilson has an artistic streak. You could very easily go with 'polite grandpa who gives art tips whenever he passes by' route, and Audrey accepts him as the father figure she apparently doesn't remember (still don't understand how Audrey forgot she was Drew's Daughter)
Let this then be reflected in how Audrey interacts with the world; let there be an option to have Wilson-abilties instead of Demon-abilties, with their own rewards and drawbacks. Using these powers sets on you on the Wilson ending.
It also makes his subsequent betrayal of her more impactful. If Audrey comes into the Ink World believing that the Machine twisted Wilson into turning against her, thus giving her a motive beyond simple escape, only to find out that he planned to kill her the whole time, endings where she either is sacrificed or fights him off but succumbs to the ink demon are sadder.
Speaking of Audrey, I think there's a strong enough connection to Joey for the story's 'You were born of darkness, you don't belong to it' thing to stick.
Let her make mistakes! Let her fuck people over! She has a spooky ability that is implied to send people to the most terrible parts of the studio, yet no-one says anything! Her arrival heralds the return of the Ink Demon; I think she should get both adoration and hatred for it, and then the gameplay is reflective of whether she chooses to dig her heels in and accept the darkness or go along with what Wilson says (or if you collect all the memories by completing side quests for NPCs, you get the secret ending where she takes control for herself, which is the ending the game currently has.)
An example of this would be the Lord Amok section. Instead of the Keeper's dropping her in the spider pit, let it be Sammy and some religious rebels, interested to see if she's a legitimate prophet/vessel/chosen one for their Lord. Once she completes that, Sammy gives the player an update on their path:
If Audrey has been mainly using Wilson abilities, the congregation shun her and provide a big hint that Wilson is going to kill her.
If Audrey has been mainly using Demon abilities, they welcome her and try to get her to make this massive ritual work for them, which is a precursor to Bendy's fusion with Audrey.
If Audrey has been completing sidequests and maybe has a unique ability, (something with colour?) Sammy is unsure about her and they have a bit more of a heart to heart.
All of this makes Audrey a more well rounded and sympathetic protagonist, and the ending the game currently has feel earned and impressive.
The game has good themes but they need to be built on
One way to do this is to flesh out Wilson's daddy issues and thus create a more positive bur ultimately fucked up relationship with Audrey, leading to an ending where it makes sense that she trusts him but is still betrayed
Another way is to give Audrey more choices that have bad consequences but are understandable(a choice between a Wilson abilities path and a Bendy abilities path, changing how the Inkworld perceives her), thus allowing a happy ending (be nice to NPCs and they'll all help you fight of Bendy, like in the actual game) more hard worked for and thus earned.
It's a good point about the game introducing themes and not developing them. Like the whole "not a prequel not a sequel" thing they've been saying for years, but then the game comes out and it's a straightforward sequel?
I did notice them trying to make some small attempts at suggesting that maybe the ink dimension is a different timeline to the real world, with that book by the Gent CEO:
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Except it never goes anywhere, because the time inside and outside the studio is exactly the same, down to the date.
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And even the seeming time loop in BATIM is soft-retconned, because we're told that Joey created Henry before he rekindled his friendship with Allison and created Audrey v1.0, but when Henry walks around Joey's apartment, there's Allison's letter on the wall and Audrey v1.0's voice, so it's not like he went back to the day he was born. Resetting the cycle doesn’t turn back the flow of time, the time goes forward as normal, the ink creatures just suffer an amnesia.
There are some details in the lore, which could be a hint of time shenanigans... but they could just as well be plot holes and reused stock images. Time will tell which it is, but it's looking increasingly like the latter.
I don't even know why they bother giving us so many dates if it's not to make us draw any connections, or question the timeline of events. Like the detail about the studio having two different locations, which was hinted at in the archive previews, but then never comes up in the actual game. I hope they're not under the impression that we care about the dates because we just... like dates, or something... and that's why they keep serving us new ones. I don't care about !!THE LORE!! for the sake of !!THE LORE!!, I care about it because I was told that there is some underlying mystery, which can be solved by looking at !!THE LORE!!. It's a tool. If I can't use it for anything, then I don't have a need for it.
Even SHB announced that he won't be making many Bendy theories. Because the big stuff was explained, and the small stuff now feels like something the creators didn't think too deeply about, and so the fans shouldn't either. So, for the future of the franchise, I hope they will.
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billthedrake · 1 year
"Good evening Officers," I said as I walked down 6th Avenue, feeling in a good mood from dinner with friends. Two of New York City's finest were on the corner, beat cops keeping an eye on the park nearby, or maybe just resting for a bit.
The taller one, a 40-something Italian-looking man, tipped his hat in acknowledgment and flashed a wry grin as his partner, a shorter Latino cop, had his eye fixed on a group of women in sun dresses walking by.
I gave a confident smile, but kept walking. But ten paces on, I turned my head back for another look. Officer Friendly was looking at me, all right, and kind of laughing at my brazenness.
It was that fuck-it attitude that got my success rate up. I have a thing for cops. I mean, who doesn't? But I go out of my way to have sex with them. It helps that I live in the best city on earth and have a full-on smorgasbord of men in blue to scope out. And I swear, policeman or not, so many New York City straight guys have a bi streak. Maybe it's the prevalence of no-strings dude sex on the side, maybe the freedom of the city infects them, too, just like it does with us gay guys.
OK, not every cop is looking to hook up with a dude, not even for a no-strings BJ. But enough are, and if you play the averages right, you get your fair share of cop dick.
It helps that I'm 28, fit as fuck, and have a gym-pumped jock body. Before I moved to the city, I had no idea that my Iowa cornfed looks were cop-bait, but apparently they are. I'm just masculine enough to put a police officer at ease, and just gay enough so that even the most clueless of them know I'm available.
Of course you can't just walk up to a cop and proposition him. Maybe he goes on an app, DL, and propositions you. But usually, it's about laying the ground work, being flirty in a low-key, friendly kind of way. Getting to know by name the policemen in my neighborhood, near my office, or even on trips uptown or to Brooklyn. Seeing which ones might be interested.
I thought that was going to be my plan this evening. But the looking in Officer Friendly's eyes made me want to feel him out more. I gave him another look, then ducked into the first deli I came across. I kind of wandered next to the refrigerated section. Maybe I'd just get a water, or maybe nothing. Mostly I wanted to see if Cop took the bait.
He did. I heard the bell ring from the door opening. A couple of footsteps on the linoleum floor and sure enough the tall, Italian cop was rounding the aisle, his face with a knowing grin as he spotted me.
Compared to other guys, I have an advantage in my hunt for policemen. I like 'em all. Short, tall, fat, thin, older, younger... I don't care if they're classically good looking. If he's law enforcement and he has a dick, I'm into him. I just love cops.
But this one was a real looker. Fit for his age, strong build beneath his bulletproof vest, and a certain dimpled boyishness to his DILF-y Italian looks, with a closely shaved full beard and a square jawline.
"Nice night, huh?" he said as he got closer. As an Iowa boy, that New York accent would never fail to get me hard. His voice wasn't as deep as I expected but it was sexy as fuck.
"Sure is, Officer," I greeted. "They keeping you busy out there?"
He laughed. "Kind of a quiet night, actually," he said. "I'll take quiet, though."
I stopped pretending I was looking for a water or gatorade or anything and turned to converse with the man. I was on the tall side of average at 6'1" but Officer Friendly had a few inches on me. "You boys in blue deserve a break now and then. For all the work you do." OK, maybe the flattery was cheesy, but it was sincere. And it was just the kind of double entendre a law enforcement dude can recognize.
Those brown eyes grew a little wider and he smiled. Officer Friendly leaned in. "You offering tonight, buddy?"
I nodded. The first time this happened, the first time an NYPD cop said yes to my advances, I was nervous as hell. Now, I just excited. "You bet, Officer, if you're interested. I live over on the next block."
You never know what you're gonna get. The shy kind, the offended kind, the naughty kind. Officer Friendly was pure Horndog.
"I got about five minutes. Think that will work?" he asked. His voice was a little quieter, in case someone was listening. No one was.
"Definitely," I smiled. Boasting. I was talented and I knew it. Pretty soon Officer...
"Cantone," he laughed as he saw me scoping out his name tag.
"Pleasure to meet you, Officer Cantone."
God, he was adorable as we walked the block over to my building. Definitely in his mid 40s now that I had a good look but his dimples made him seem youthful. "This you, buddy?" he asked with a smirk.
I nodded. "Did I use up my 5 minutes?" I teased.
He strutted up the steps to follow me. "Just make it worth my while and I'm not gonna split hairs."
I had it down pat. In full-on buddy mode as I ushered him in my place. Then crouching down in front of him, taking only a second to feel up that uniform fabric before I started unzipping.
Cantone had to help me pull his erection out from his briefs. He wasn't huge, but he was plenty big. I liked big. I licked him up and down some and I knew then from how hard he was, Cantone was a bisexual dude. Not just wanting to shut his eyes and think of a chick. He liked getting head from a guy.
So I went for it. Pulled that cop dick down and swallowed half of it.
"Holy fuck, dude," the policeman gasped. "Suck my dick."
I knew he was on a time crunch so I went for it. Nice sloppy, hungry blowjob. His hands settled on my head as I gave him head, which only fed my fire to do him right. I was determined to get this cop off big.
But the hands left and I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Buddy... I hate to press my luck," he hissed. "But do you take it up the ass?" God bless bisexual men.
Honestly, I'm not the biggest bottom, but a fitter policeman in uniform is usually enough to get me to put out. I looked up excitedly, in a way that told Cantone all he needed to know. "Still gotta make it a quickie, OK?" he clarified.
"Fuck yes," I said. I stood up and he followed me to my bed. I tossed him some lube then undid my shorts and leaned over the bed. I was keyed up but it had been a while since I'd been fucked, so I sure hoped this cop knew what he was doing.
He did. It took him twenty seconds for his blunt tool to work me open. To a great extent, sex is psychological for me and my attraction to Cantone and the surprise quickie was making me really enjoy this. I realized how much I missed it a full, thick bare policeman cock working me open and pressing deep.
His dick felt great but it was the uniform and the bulk of the kevlar vest against my back that had me going wild, spreading my legs and pressing my butt back against his crotch.
That was the signal he needed. Wrapping his strong arms around me, he started pounding hard and fast. His cock had me cumming a few seconds before I heard his own belabored breath in my ear and felt his body jerk and seize behind me. I forgot to look at the clock, but it was no more than a minute and a half before he came. I'd been ridden good and hard and it felt glorious.
No guilt either afterward, just a polite shyness as he asked for something to wipe off with. I obliged then watched his naughty schoolboy look as he tucked back in. "Ramirez is gonna razz me so hard," he chuckled.
"Ramirez is just jealous," I smiled, which made him laugh. He stepped up to me, not kissing but nudging my chin affectionately. "Thanks man, that was incredible."
Then, he was out the door.
My next cop was too easy. Only I didn't know he was a cop at first.
"Mike," though that was not his real name. He was off duty and in civilian clothes, hanging out near a gay bar. Like he was some bruiser waiting to follow a guy to beat him up. But I could read the desire in his eyes and grabbed the bull by the horns. He'd be only the second non-cop I'd hooked up with in two years' time, but he was very much my type. Big burly, and masculine, muscle filling out some shorts and a dark-blue Yankees T-shirt.
"You seen a cab lately?" I asked. It had just rained and there wasn't a free taxi to be found. "Though maybe I should just walk home."
The big muscle dude picked up on it. Unlike Cantone his face was older than his age, which I guessed to be just over 30. And he didn't smile, other than with his hungry eyes. "I'll walk you home, man.... if you need company."
"Yeah... thanks." I knew the laid back masculine approach was best with a guy like this. I was still a little nervous he might have had some ill-will on his mind, but he got a little nervous as we got to my building. I patted his shoulder. He was solid as fuck. "Come on up, man... if you want."
"Yeah," he said.
Our kiss inside my apartment was incredible. Just the right amount of agression and the right amount of tenderness.
"You married?" I asked. I didn't want to kill the spell but I had to know.
"Five years now. I don't do this often, man, but sometimes, I gotta, you know?"
I nodded and peeled off my shirt.
"Damnit you're fucking beautiful," he growled. "You city boys are so fucking hot." I knew then he'd come into NYC to play. From god knows where.
"You're pretty hot yourself." I knew then he was self-conscious about his looks, his gruff, not-pretty face. It was the right thing to say. He peeled off his clothes to match my nakedness.
I had only a second to take in the beefy build before this big bruiser was crouching in front of me. The man may be closeted but he knew what the fuck he was doing. I watched him pull out my dick and worship it. Slowly, lovingly. Like rubbing his face against my boner before licking it base to tip.
And after some foreplay, the gruff man took my prick in between his surprisingly soft lips.
I don't think I'd ever been edged orally, but Mike had me on edge for a good fifteen minutes or more. I let him run the show and felt the thrill that this big butch guy was so into servicing and having a hard dick in his mouth. I was getting real close and when he pulled out, I saw his brown eyes grow wild as he watched my hardon quiver and spurt out its precum.
"Feed me that cum, man," was his deep masculine growl right before he pounced back on my stick, in full throated strokes.
I blasted SO hard, like I hadn't cum in weeks. It all went down this muscular married stud's throat in hard steady spurts. I was actually lightheaded when he pulled off.
He leaned back and I saw his face beet red and his hand tugging at a smaller yet thick dick. "You got any lube?" he asked.
I nodded and reached over to the nightstand to get him some. I squirted a few spurts into his palm and he was off to the races. Still on his knees, still in servicing position, only his hand was a blur of motion on his dick.
I wasn't soft yet but had lost some of my fuck hard. Still, his eyes were glued to it. Fixated.
"Want my dick?" I asked.
"Yeah," he grunted.
So I fed it to him. He didn't suck me so much as just nurse my prick and enjoy its thickness in his mouth. That was the trigger to get him to cum, moaning around my cock as his big body jerked in pleasure.
After he was done he asked if he could use my bathroom to clean off. I gestured the way and watched him amble down the hall.
As he shut the door, curiosity got the best of me. I flipped open the wallet that had tumbled out of his shorts pocket. His name was Ron and not Mike, and there was a badge from a suburban PD. I guess I wasn't making an exception after all.
I have one rule, and one rule only. And Deputy Inspector Geoff McMullen was learning it.
"I could use one of your blowjobs, man," came the DM on Grindr. I'd met the Queens career cop the first year I lived in NYC. He pretty much is central casting, barrel-chested Irish daddy in his early 50s. Cautious enough to feel out guys discreetly, but smart enough to know being a DL married cop was his calling card on the app. He hit me up, I chatted him back and we set up a blow job date.
That date lasted three minutes, five if you include the hello when he walked into my apartment and the chit chat as he tucked back in. That married cop prick was short and fat and clearly loved a mouth on it.
He apologized a little for blasting off so quick, it was adorable actually. I assured him it was hot as fuck, and he got a playful grin on his face. "I'll hit you up again?" he asked as he paused by my front door.
We repeated that three weeks later, this time me going out to far Queens for a chance to blow him in his uniform. McMullen may not have a big dick but he sure shoots a hell of a cop load. I sucked it down like a pro, then got a healthy taste of the dribbles before licking him clean and tucking him back into his uniform trousers. McMullen loved that touch.
Then Deputy Inspector McMullen disappeared from Grindr, either playing things safe or just feeling guilty or whatever. That's cool.
Almost two years to the date, I heard from the man. His profile was stripped down now, not even a good chest picture, but he'd logged on for a repeat. "I keep thinking of your blowjobs, Kyle. You're the best at em."
I didn't need flattery, I just needed a hard cop dick offered to me. I invited him to look me up when he was in Manhattan. It was the next day, and the Deputy Inspector had a heavy load saved up for me. Even if he was cheating on his wife, I felt bad for the man, in a way. He clearly didn't get enough action at home.
That's why I almost caved two days later when he DM'ed me again. But I didn't.
"Sorry, Officer, I have a three time rule."
"Three times?"
"I'll only service a man three times if he's not gonna put out for me."
"Whadday mean?" Damn I could sense his horniness even over these texts.
"Three BJs is the installment plan. After that I get to fuck your ass."
There was a long pause. There always a long pause. How often did this rule work in my favor? Let's say I struck out a lot. Generally most of the time, even. But the law of averages meant I'd fucked six NYPD asses since moving here. I wanted to make it seven.
"You're bullshitting me," came McMullen's reply.
"Friad not, sir," I decided to address him with extra respect. I wasn't looking to make McMullen my bitch. I just wanted inside his senior cop hole. "It's kind of my thing."
"Yeah... can't do that, man," he replied, less upset than I expected.
"No hard feelings." I said. Like I actually expected him to bend over for me.
Maybe this was easier because I was finding new police dick to suck. It wasn't the entirety of my sex life, but over 50 percent of it. There are 36,000 police officers in the NYPD, and I was fooling around with about 2 a month. Life was good.
I was just getting off work one day, when out of the blue McMullen messaged me. "What do I get if I let you fuck me?" he asked bluntly.
Holy fuck, I had a live one on the fishing line. I grinned as I typed, "The lifetime plan. BJs whenever you want."
"You sweet talking fucker ;)"
He didn't elaborate, and I didn't push him. But an hour later he picked up the conversation again. "I'm cherry. Think you can go easy?"
God my dick was so hard right then. "Absolutely man. I want it good for both of us."
"You done this before?" he asked, with less pause than before.
I wasn't sure what he meant. Fucked a cop? "Done what?"
"Taken a guy's cherry."
"A few times, yeah," I replied truthfully. "I'm good at it." OK, you'd have to survey the men I'd done to see if they agreed, but I knew a little boasting would help my case.
Officer Cantone, the 6'4" DILFy stud I'd met on my block, held my head tight against his crotch. He smelled like cologne and cop uniform and man. It's what helped me keep my gag reflex in check as he claimed a deep throat and unloaded those heavy balls of his.
"God fucking damn, buddy, that's sweet..." he hissed, excitement in his voice as he rode out the orgasmic pleasure and finally extracted that beautiful seven-incher from my mouth.
I was still catching my breath and on my knees when the man tucked back in, not even bothering to wipe off the spit and sperm from his dong. "I knew I could count on you, buddy," he said. Of all the cops I'd done, Cantone was the friendliest. The fact he was a bachelor, divorced maybe, made my mind race for the first time to think of what it would be like to date a cop.
"Happy to help, Officer," I said in my normal post-sex manner as I got up on to my feet. "It'll be the last." I explained to him my Rule of Three.
He shook his head. "I'll be damned. That ever work for you, buddy?" He was clearly amused by my chutzpa.
I shrugged. "I'm discreet. But yeah it works more than you'd think."
He didn't say anything. He just picked up his cap and put in on his head. I couldn't tell if he was offended or thinking it over. Maybe both. Gone was that Officer Friendly manner. Instead, he turned and walked out of my place without a word.
That was the hardest part of the no-strings approach, and if there was a man who made me question it, it was Rich Cantone. But damnit, it was such an unrealistic idea. Cops like that didn't date men, they just got sucked on the DL.
Deputy Inspector McMullen kicked off his shoes as he undid his belt. I could tell his short fat spike was rock hard. "I got a full two hours, man," he said excitedely. "Maybe we can go for two?"
"Your call," I replied with a laugh. I knew Geoff McMullen would want head regularly now that he was on the Lifetime plan, but even I was surprised by how regularly he made excuses to come into Manhattan. I offered to go meet him, but he liked the freedom and privacy of my place.
He shucked down his jeans and there it was, commando... that thick married cop cock. Drooling even in anticipation. He stepped out of his jeans. McMullen was a top heavy man, and had put on a couple of extra pounds as he approached 55. Like before, he hesitated to take off his sweatshirt. I didn't give a fuck either way. This career cop was the real deal.
"Kyle... think you might wanna fuck me today?" he asked. Not nervous this time. I could tell McMullen had been thinking this over, a lot. And he knew he had the goods, how crazy I'd be to get in his ass.
"Yeah, man," I said as I peeled down my workout shorts and stroked my bone. "That'd be incredible."
I stepped up to him and we kissed. Our first one. I'd fucked seven cops, and Deputy Inspector McMullen was the first I'd kissed.
I let Geoff shower up. Maybe I'd join him, but I needed some cooling down time. If I showered with him, I knew I'd get one of those painful erections I sometimes got when I didn't allow myself a break from sex.
Maybe one of those aching hardons was gonna happen anyway. As I checked my phone I saw I had a text from Officer Cantone. "All right you win. Let's do this."
God fucking damm, I was gonna add cop number 8 to my collection.
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boliv-jenta · 11 months
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Angelo (OMC) x f!reader, tiny bit of Nico x reader.
Summary: After some time apart, you and Angelo catch up. A purely self-indulgent fic set in the Kitten Universe.
Warnings: Smut. Rough P in V sex. Dirty talk. Daddy/Papi kink. Vaginal fingering. Mentions of M/M sex.
"Hey, Sweetie. How are you?" It has been a few weeks since you had seen Angelo. He and Owen had welcomed a new addition to their happy home. They'd adopted a slightly timid Boxer Terrier.
For the last ten nights, Angelo has slept in the living room while his new baby, Oisin, adjusted to his surroundings. Owen had doted and fussed over Angelo, making sure the anxious new parent was comfortable and actually sleeping. Rather than watching their new baby sleep.
"I'm freaking out. Owen wants me to meet Lily." Lily was the apple of Owen's eye, his granddaughter.
"Why are you freaking out? You've met his kids. They love you."
"Yes, but they are adults. Kids are brutal. They have zero filter."
"You mean they're honest, and she will honestly love you."
"But what if she doesn't. Now that we live together Owen wants her to stay over. What do four year olds even do? How do you even talk to them?"
"Angel, you're spiralling."
A deep breath blew down the phone. "Can we go out for lunch? A little retail therapy?"
"I suppose I could be convinced. I do have some good news to celebrate."
It was a warm day. The breeze blew pleasantly across your skin as you waited for Angelo to return from the bathroom. As he walked over, you couldn't help but admire the flash of his muscular legs under his skirt. The leather swished from side to side with the swish of his hips, giving you a tantalising glimps. 
"So you had good news?" He sat back in his seat, bringing another piece of his vanilla crown to his lips.
"Yes. I didn't mention it before because I thought it was such a long shot and I don't understand all the legalities but I'm going to get a settlement from all the work I put into my family's business."
Angelo's breath hitched in delight. "Oh, that is wonderful. Congratulations."
"Thank you. I can finish my degree. Afford a new place…."
"With Nico?" 
"Maybe." You grinned at the thought of the man you loved. "Not yet though."
"We've decided to take things slow."
"Sure, you don't want to rush things with a man that has already violated you in every way imaginable." He added a pastry muffled 'twice'.
"Funny." You rolled your eyes mockingly. "We're taking things slow to build a strong foundation. We want this to last. You know beyond the really hot violation of each other's bodies. Twice." You weighed up adding the next part for a moment. "We started to see a couples therapist."
"Really? How's that going?"
"We're only two sessions in. I think we've overwhelmed the poor man. He's mainly given us tips for communication."
"Well, good for you. I'm glad you guys are planning for the future. You both deserve to be happy."
"Thank you." It warmed your heart that Angelo meant that with all of his. "So Lily?"
"Lily. I'm thinking bribe her with presents and use Oisin as a social buffer."
"You're a very successful doctor, who makes life or death decisions, and you are terrified of meeting a child."
"Damn right. Medicine I know. Growing up with my cousins I was the little effeminate kid who read, while they were all rough and tumble outdoor kids. Until I was twenty-nine I was a gold star gay. I was in two long term relationships with men who didn't want kids. I wasn't good with kids when I was a kid and I never thought I would have to deal with them as an adult…."
"Spiralling…" you reminded him as you stirred more sweetener into your coffee.
"You're right." He lay a hand on your arm in thanks.
"Out of curiosity, what happened at twenty nine?"
"A post break up dry spell, coinciding with the farewell party of a beautiful colleague who was going back to Germany and a few too many two for one cocktails."
"So I have Appletinis to thank for having you in my life?"
"First of all, it was Cosmos. Second of all, no, you should thank Dr Meyer for showing me what I was missing. The alcohol just got me over my nerves."
"You? Nervous about sex?"
"Not exactly about the sex. I was living as an openly gay man. I had the odd crush on a woman but I'd never acted on it. It was the whole ramifications of if I liked it. It would open up a whole new side to explore, and as you know, with new things in my personal life, I tend to…"
"Spiral. I know."
"Well I'm glad you explored that side." You leaned in to kiss him. He hesitated to meet your lips. "What?"
"I'm just thinking about the couples therapy. Is this still okay? Us?"
"Yes. That part he was surprisingly chill about. It was more the self delusion and lying that he had a problem with."
"Well, in that case." He shuffled closer to lean in conspiratorially. "After we finish stocking up on bribes for a four year old, you wanna come back to my place?"
"I'm not a hundred percent on board with bribing a child."
"Please. Bebita. I need help to choose the right things."
Angelo pulled you into a half hug. As he did, your hand grazed rather high on his thigh.
"Are you not wearing anything under there?"
"What do you think?" His low tone and warm breath in your ear sent a shiver through you.
"That we'd be better going to the toy store on Third. There's a stationary store next door too. Kids love crayons."
Angelo's eyes creased adorably as he laughed. The two of you quickly gathered your things and left.
On the way home, Angelo ran a scenario that he was eager to try past you. As you entered the apartment, shoes were kicked off, bags were left in the hallway. Angelo pulled you lightly along to where he wanted you. Past the dog bed near the living room. "Puppy school." He offered as an explanation as to it being empty.
The balcony wrapped around their penthouse apartment. They shared the floor with one other apartment. A thin wall separated the individual parts of it. It provided a little privacy but not much. Voices would easily carry to the next apartment. When you were in reach, Angelo promptly pushed you up against said wall. His hands skimmed along your thighs, worrying the hem of your dress. His lips left red hot kisses on your neck.
During the last couple of weeks, you'd missed Angelo. You'd missed the easy, carefree relationship you had. He was your best friend here. Actually, he'd become your best friend, period. The new person you had become this last year didn't have as much in common with her old friends. She still loved them dearly, Angelo was just a better fit for the new you.
"Are you sure they're not home?" You asked nervously. Public sex was never your thing. The idea of accidentally violating someone like that if they caught you was a turn off. They'd be one time with Nico but that was more about the rush of being with Nico. The attraction and the power you had over each other. So desperate for each other that you didn't care who saw.
"You sound like Owen. I told you they are away for the week at the same conference. That's how Owen found this place. He works with the neighbour." He pressed a reassuring kiss to you temple.
"Come on. I'll keep the skirt on. I saw how you've been looking at me." He twirled his hips for effect, the fabric swishing from side to side, inching up to show more of his toned flesh. "I've been thinking the same about that little sundress." The flimsy sundress nearly burned off your body under the heat of his gaze. Those soft brown eyes turned predatory. "Do you have underwear on?"
"Of course." You laughed. The material was light, a good gust of wind would leave you exposed if you didn't.
Angelo sat himself down. "Take it off. The panties then the bra. Slowly."
"The bra?"
"I want to see if I can fuck you so hard that they bounce free."
Something about that tickled you and a laugh bursted from you.
Angelo laughed with you. "You're laughing? Don't you think I could? Come here…." A tug on your arm set you off balance until you landed in his arms. His large hands tickled just under your ribs. "Angelo!" You couldn't help but giggle. Angelo was always warm and playful. It was hard to imagine him at work being the very serious doctor man. To you, he was your sweet Angel. There were times when his intensity bled through but with Nico there, Angelo usually fell into a sub role. That gave you an idea. 
"Well, what if I want to fuck you in your pretty skirt instead?" The nudge of his rapidly swelling cock against your thigh told you he was more than okay with that. "Would you like that, Baby?" You rolled your hips, grazing his dick. "I'll fuck you so hard that my tits bounce out of my dress."
"Fuck the dress." Angelo did his best to strip it from your body. The top of it ended up hanging around your waist, he completely abandoned it at the sight of your delicate chiffon bra. His fingertips traced your nipples through the sheen fabric. As your nipples pebbled his tongue darted out to wet his soft lips. Before he could lean in and capture one in his mouth you stopped him with your hand in his hair. A sharp tug on his tousled curls stopped him in his tracks. The shift in the energy between you showed in his eyes.
"You didn't even ask, Angel. You should remember your manners." You chided. 
A shallow breath rattled in his chest before he spoke. "Please?"
The quiet desperation in his voice made you clench around nothing. The well toned muscles under his shirt strained under your palm as he waited for your answer.
"Go ahead." 
Suddenly, his lips sealed around one of them. His firm sucks drew out your moans like he was nursing on them. His thumb made sure the other nipple wasn't neglected before he swapped over. It took no time at all for your panties to be as wet as the sodden bra covering your nipples. While your nipples ached from over stimulation, your pussy ached from lack of attention. 
Another tug on his glossy curls was followed by an order. "Go sit down."
"Si, señora." He folded himself down into one of the large sofas. Stripping his shirt off in one move as he did. It was tossed to the floor where your panties soon joined it.
Angelo's well defined legs dropped open under his skirt. The leather rode up to mid thigh as they did. The sight has you on your knees and pushing the skirt up around his waist in seconds.
"Hmmm. I've missed this pretty cock." You told him before traces the thick vein underneath it with your tongue.
"Oh, fuck, yes." Angelo's head rolled back only to snap back to you when you stopped. "Wha..?"
"You don't get to be inside me, in any way, until you make me come."
"Easy." He pulled you into his lap. His large hands spread your legs either side of his before one of them came to your folds, only to be stopped by you.
"Not like that."
"Talk to me." You lowered yourself against his hard length, letting his thick shaft rub against your clit.
"Oh, I can do that. I can tell you how much I've missed you on top of me. I've missed your curves under my hands, the warmth of your pussy as it drips all over me."
"Mmmm. What else?" Your hips sped up as much from his words as from your needs for more friction.
"I can tell you that just from the thought of seeing you today, I had to jerk off this morning."
"I bet you looked so good doing that, Baby."
"I was naked on our bed, I came so hard at the thought of fucking you I painted my stomach with it."
There was something about watching your boys jerk off that just did it for you. Maybe it was the added naughtiness of viewing what could be a private moment. Or the fact that they could take themselves apart so easily, you were rewarded with the sight of them coming so quickly. The thought of his naked body glistening with his creamy release pushed you closer.
"Love watching you touch yourself."
"Maybe you could ride my thigh instead and you could watch me now?"
"Look at you trying to turn the tables by offering what I want. Naughty boy! I'm still in charge, you stop if I tell you to."
"Of course, señora."
With a little adjustment you were soon riding his thigh and getting closer than ever watching his large hand be dwarfed by his even larger member. His strokes were slow and firm. There was something so debauched about watching his first his cock that was peeking out of his skirt. It was a mystery to you how even after all these months of filthy, no holds barred sex that some things could still give you that type of thrill.
"Tell me how it feels?"
"Not as good as when you do it. Or when I sink into your pussy."
"I'll let you have it soon, I promise. Just be good for me. Keep talking to me."
"You know, the last time I sat in this chair Owen was sucking my cock." The lewdness of his confession made your hips stutter. A smirk played on Angelo's pretty lips. "He wouldn't let me fuck him out here though. He was too afraid of being caught. I wouldn't give a shit. I want the world to know how good he makes me feel. I had to settle for fucking him up against the window there. I took his ass while I pumped his cock. I talked so dirty to him I had him whimpering for me. He came so hard I had to clean the whole window." The mental image had you on the edge. Angelo could feel you tensing against his thigh. "So, señora, do you still want to be in charge or do you want me to fuck you hard?"
Being so close to climax had you needy and weak for him. "Fuck me."
"Oh, Cariño, you can ask nicer than that."
"Please, fuck me. Please."
The hand that had been around his cock, wrapped around your throat. "Who do you want to fuck you?"
"You…" A squeeze of his hand prompted you to remember. "You, Papi."
"Buena niña." His hand remained at your throat as he kissed you deeply. The passion that you had missed from him had his tongue swirling around yours like he was trying to lap you up. The entire time he guided you across the balcony, his lips barely left yours. When they did it was to spin you abruptly. When he stopped your hands automatically braced yourself on the brick wall of the balcony. The height of it allowing you enough cover to protect your modesty but your head and shoulders peeked above it, giving you a view of the city.
"Do you think people can see you from up here? Do you think they'll be able to tell that you are taking my cock in your tight little cunt?" He filled you as he spoke.
"Angelo!" He was pushing as deep as he could, making you take everything he had. 
"I want you to be completely full of me when you come. I want to feel every excited twitch of this sweet pussy." His fingers strummed your clit as kept himself pressed deep inside.
At this high you wondered if people heard your scream as you finally burst apart around him. 
"Sucia. Look what a mess you've made of me." His words didn't register as you were too gone from your orgasm. Absently, you let him turn you and push you down to your knees. He bunched his skirt up in his hand at his hip. "Clean me up."
Your tongue made quick work of the sweet fluid glistening in the hairs as the base of his cock and the top of his thighs before you moved onto his length, taking as much as you could into your mouth. "I said clean it, not enjoy it. Get up." His fingers caught in your hair. Dragging you up, he bent you over the balcony wall again. 
"Fuck!" He bellowed as he slid back into your now drenched pussy. "You've made it too easy to pound the fuck out of you." His hips moved languidly, teasing you with the ease of his movement inside you. "Papi is going to use this little cunt until he fills it. You are just going to take it. I don't want to hear you holding back any moans. I want to hear all of it. ¿Comprender?"
"Yes." A sharp slap to your chest served as a reminder. "Yes, Papi."
After that point, any thought of anything but Angelo left your mind. The tip of his cock slamming impossibly deep. The girth of him stretching you out. His fevered mutterings in Spanish and English, all of them undoubtedly filthy no matter what the language. The caress of the soft leather of his skirt against your ass. Your arms strained with effort to stop your delicate skin pressing into the rough wall. When he realised this, he pushed you face first onto the nearest sofa. The wood groaned under the plush cushions as he rutted into you hard and fast. Another orgasm swelled within you, it didn't come to fruition before Angelo's cock swelled inside you, pumping out every drop he had to give you. 
"Yes. So good for Daddy. Love this perfect cock sleeve." He babbled as he finished inside you.
After pulling out and wiping the sweat from his brow on his forearm he turned his attention back to you. "You were close for me. Let me see if Papi can finish you off while I stuff all my come back inside of you. I want to be so deep in you that Nico can still taste me later on."
Three fingers scooped his seed back up and rammed it back inside. You whined at the sudden intrusion. "Shhh, Bebita. Just take it like you took my fat cock. Come on, come for me." His thumb gently coaxed you towards your end as his fingers pumped his spend in and out. He could feel you close on his fingers. "That's it. You took me so well. Let me use your perfect hole to come. You deserve another orgasm. Come for me."
His sweet words pushed you over the edge. This time was even more intense. Your whole body lit up with it, chasing his touch. "Oh, Ang…Papi!" 
A satisfied smile played on Angelo's lips. "That's it, come for Papi." His fingers worked you until you begged him to stop. 
Happily exhausted, Angelo flopped down next to you, cuddling into your side. He intertwined his legs with yours, his softened cock pressing into your hip.
"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?" The softness returned to his eyes.
"I'm fine…Papi." You smiled.
"I know. It's such as fucking cliché but it gets me going."
"Everything gets you going! Why Papi in particular?"
"I don't know. You think young women are the only ones that can have daddy issues?"
"Maybe you should speak to someone about them? Our therapist suggested bringing you along."
"Therapy with you and Nico? I would do anything to get out of that."
"Anything?" You closed the gap between your faces. Stopping just before your lips touched.  "Then try talking to Lily before you try to bribe her. She will love you like we do."
"I love you too." A tiny kiss was pressed to the tip of your nose. "Well, come on then."
"I'll need your help to hide all the gifts before she sees them."
The gifts were hidden, Oisin was picked up from school, and the three of you spent a quiet night in.
Owen arrived home mid-afternoon. After Angelo and Oisin welcomed him home, with matching puppy dog enthusiasm, he exchanged pleasantries with you before he ushered you towards the door. "I know you want to get home to him. He did great. Take care." He gave you a warm hug before calling the elevator for you.
Owen's words repeated in your head. Nico had been so nervous about starting at a practice again. The conference had been his first big step. Oddly, it was nice to be the one being leaned on for a while. Nico had done so much for you even if he didn't realise it.
Before you knew it, you were home. "Hi." Nico beamed at you from behind the counter.
Freshly chopped herbs scented the air. Quickly washing and drying his hands, he came around to pick you up into a hug. "I've missed you. How was the weekend with Angelo?" He set you down but kept you close to his chest, rubbing circles on your back.
"I shopped. Played with an adorable puppy. Let Angelo fulfil his desire for outdoor sex by fucking me roughly. Watched a movie. Then, this morning, we went for a run. Showered together, and just before I left, he made sure to make an absolute mess of me for you to clean up. The usual." You casually remarked.
Nico responded by walking away and turning off the pans in the kitchen. "Let's go." He pointed in the direction of your now shared bedroom.
"What? But food! It smells so good."
"Oh, I'm still going to fed you, Kitten." He smirked as he spanked your ass.
Tags: @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid2 @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @mandoloriancookie @faceache111 @elegantduckturtle @manazo @simpingcowboy @pedrit0-pascalit0 @yourcoolauntie @pedrostories @geekrenaissance @its-nebuleuse
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thelostbaystudio · 9 months
The Lost Bay update
Hey folks, sorry I've been away for a while, I've been busy working on The Lost Bay - First Look., and I’ve just dropped the latest update!
I think we’ve reached a milestone here!
What’s new?
1.An Area generation/exploration procedure for the Sleep Country district. You can generate 10 000 000+ different areas with just a few dice rolls!
In the last few weeks I chatted with members of the community asking how they’d want the exploration tables to be designed. Here's the feedback that I got.
Half of the folks said they’d want more lore injected in the tables, to get a better sense of the game world.
The other half asked for modular tables that allowed for maximum replayability.
With this update I think I’ve reached a nice compromise, not going too much into details here, but basically I’ve split where + who + what into separate tables. The procedure is highly reusable, and the what table entries have strong moods that help define the setting. And, you asked for it, the tables are written taking into consideration solo play.
2.A beautiful map designed by Strega Wolf van den Berg, it’s so exciting to see a physical representation of the Bay!
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3.Two non-human NPCs: the Dogpack and the Spider Nest. I had fun designing those two, particularly their Moves. Moves are a simple way to give personality to the NPCs you create, and to make combat a surprising and fun experience.
4.I’ve modified combat rules and a few other mechanics, the game engine is more consistent, quicker, simpler. Small tweaks that have great effects. If you are planning to play the game I’d recommend downloading the latest version. You might not notice all the revisions, but trust me, they’ll make the gameplay experience better.
What’s coming up next?
Not 100% sure in what order, but here are the things I’m working on:
A couple more Vibes (playable character classes)
A new Reborn Vibe (post-mortem playable character class)
More NPCs
Exploration tables for the Mall Nation district
Errands prompts (solo and group adventure prompts)
Solo support (oracle, and complications table)
Better online character keeper/sheets
And the Creator Kit
Creator Kit and Third party publisher license
As I’ve mentioned a few times already, the development of the game has been influenced so much by the feedback of the community. And I know that several of you have plans about making supplements/adventures for TLB. The Creator Kit, which will probably drop with the next update, is intended to support the community and the creation of 3RD party modules. It’s a series of guidelines and toolkits to facilitate adventure design, like: take off checklist, tips, designer commentary, and modules you can use to build the next kick ass TLB thing.
Along with the release of the Creator Kit will come the Third Party Publisher license, I’ll reveal more about it in the next update. 
If you haven't done yet, grab the game! If you're on a limited budget don't worry, Community Copies are regularly available for free https://the-lost-bay.itch.io/thelostbayrpg
Have a great day/week
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mmnazzar · 3 months
Mastering the Art of Being a Stellar Affiliate Marketer
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In the digital age, affiliate marketing has emerged as a lucrative avenue for individuals seeking to generate passive income. Becoming a successful affiliate marketer entails more than just promoting products; it requires strategic planning, relationship building, and a keen understanding of your audience. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of excelling as an affiliate business, offering practical tips and insights to help you thrive in this dynamic industry.
Understanding Affiliate Marketing:
Understanding affiliate marketing basics is crucial before delving into success tactics. Fundamentally, affiliate marketing is collaborating with businesses to advertise their goods or services in return for a cut of purchases made via your referral link. Because it enables higher sales and brand exposure, this business model benefits both the merchant and the affiliate marketer.
Choosing Your Niche:
A key to becoming a successful affiliate marketer is choosing a niche that fits your target market, area of expertise, and interests. You may gain your audience's trust and position yourself as an authority in a particular field by concentrating on it. Make sure there is enough demand and competition in lucrative sectors by conducting in-depth research.
Building a Strong Online Presence:
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You must have a strong online presence on a variety of channels in order to market affiliate products. This involves setting up a polished blog or website where you may post excellent information relevant to your specialty. Utilize email marketing, social media, and other digital channels as well to connect and interact with your target market.
Creating Compelling Content:
In the realm of affiliate marketing, content is king. You need to be producing worthwhile, educational, and interesting content all the time if you want to draw in and keep readers. Blog entries, product reviews, guides, videos, and more can be used for this. With your content, put your attention on solving the issues and meeting the wants of your audience.
Selecting the Right Affiliate Programs:
With so many affiliate programs out there, it's important to pick the ones that pay competitive commissions and fit your specialty. To determine which affiliate network or program best suits your audience and objectives, do some research on them. Seek for programs that offer a variety of goods and services, prompt payouts, and dependable tracking methods.
Building Trust with Your Audience:
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The foundation of effective affiliate marketing is trust. You need to come across to your audience as a reliable and trustworthy source of advice and information. Be open and honest about your affiliate relationships, and only recommend goods and services that you sincerely believe in. Developing a lasting relationship with your audience is considerably more important than closing a deal right away.
Optimizing for Conversions:
As an affiliate marketer, you must improve your techniques for conversions if you want to maximize your earning potential. This entails employing convincing copywriting strategies, search engine optimization (SEO), and the strategic placement of calls-to-action (CTAs) across your content. To raise your conversion rates over time, evaluate your performance indicators frequently and make any improvements.
Diversifying Your Revenue Streams:
Although affiliate marketing can be a very profitable source of income, it's a good idea to diversify your sources of income in order to reduce risk. Consider looking at additional revenue streams like consultancy, digital product sales, and sponsored content opportunities. Not only may diversification boost your earning potential, but it also offers protection against changes in the affiliate marketing industry.
Staying Updated and Adaptable:
Affiliate marketing is a dynamic area that is always changing due to the frequent emergence of new technology, trends, and techniques. Make a commitment to lifelong learning and follow industry advancements to stay ahead of the curve. In the always evolving digital landscape, you must be prepared to modify your strategy and try out new approaches in order to stay competitive.
A systematic strategy, effort, and dedication are necessary to become a great Affiliate marketing You can fully utilize Affiliate marketing as a long-term revenue stream by selecting the appropriate niche, establishing a solid online presence, producing engaging content, and developing trust with your audience. Continue honing your tactics, keeping up with market developments, and never stop learning. In the fast-paced world of Affiliate marketing, you can succeed spectacularly if you have the correct attitude and perseverance.
To Becoming a Great Affiliate Mindset & Fokus E-Book! JOIN NOW
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moostaronce · 2 years
Pairing: Kim Lip x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Hey! So sorry this took so long but here it is. I hope it’s to your satisfaction.
Tip Jar
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“Come on Jungeun, please!” Jinsol’s plea carries throughout the dorm garnering the attention of their other roommates.
“If you ordered the food why do I have to go get it?” Jungeun whines back from the couch.
“Because you love me?” The older member smiled sheepishly at her own response.
Jungeun groans in annoyance but proceeds towards the door anyways to meet the poor delivery person waiting on the other side. When she opens the door she finds you double-checking the delivery address. The click of the door startles your attention towards her.
“Oh! Hi, order for Jeong Jinsol?” You look up from the receipt with a charming smile that has Jungeun a little surprised.
“Yes, that’s us. Sorry for keeping you waiting like that.” Jungeun accepts the bags of food from you, handing them to Jinsol who was lurking behind her even after refusing to answer the door herself.
“Here you go, thanks so much.” Jungeun nods at you one last time before you briefly thank her with a bow and set out down the apartment building stairs.
“She was nice,” Jinsol comments as she sets the bags on the kitchen counter.
“Who was nice?” Sooyoung comes into the kitchen immediately putting an arm around Jinsol.
“The delivery girl,” Jungeun speaks up while sifting through the bags to find her order, only for it to come up missing. She begins to grumble and groan before the doorbell rings. Sooyoung is the one to answer this time and proceeds to scare the crap out of everyone in earshot.
“What?!” The two girls come bounding into view to find you standing on the other side of the door being smothered into the body of your longtime childhood friend.
“Youngie, please! Can’t breathe.” You strain to wriggle out of her strong hold and finally, she lets you go.
“What are you doing here? How’d you figure out where I live?” Sooyoung is bouncing with excitement.
“ I didn’t weirdo. I just forgot to give you guys one of your bags. Here ya go.” You extend your hand to reveal the bag that had Jungeun’s missing order in it.
“Oh, thanks. Are you busy? Do you have time to catch up?” Your heart warms at the happiness you see all over your dear friend but you give her an apologetic smile.
“I actually have a few more deliveries but if your number is still the same we can plan something.” You pull your phone out and present her contact info to her.
Sooyoung shakes her head in disapproval and types in her newest personal number before she texts herself from your phone.
“Text me when you get off so we can plan something. Don’t forget either or I’ll haunt your dreams.” You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you at her antics.
“Yes ma’am!” You give her a mini salute before giving her a parting hug and waving at the blonde and brunette still standing in the background. With that, you turn on your heel and Sooyoung watches you descend the stairs until you disappear.
The eldest closes the door and turns around to face her girlfriend and best friend with a giddy smile on her face. Jinsol smiles back at her happiness and quirks an eyebrow while Jungeun just looks on confused.
“So that’s the Y/n you always mention from when you were a kid?” Jinsol inquires as her taller girlfriend walks into her waiting arms.
“Yes, I had no idea she came back to Korea! What are the odds that she works at the new shop around the corner?” She says practically bouncing off the walls.
“Should I be jealous or what?” Jinsol asks jokingly.
“Oh no trust me I’m not her type but if she’s seeing someone maybe she’ll be interested in going on a double date.”
The two continue talking while Jungeun gently slides the food bag out of her older friend’s grasp to take it into the kitchen. She pulls out her food and transfers about half of it onto a plate before calling to the rest of the dorm and her other three roommates make their appearance. Haseul, Jiwoo, and Kahei all enter the room excitedly.
“I texted the others to come over so they should be here soon.” Not even a full five seconds later the door opens to reveal Hyeju leading their other friends inside, making a B-line for the kitchen where Jungeun is poring over the orders and organizing them by person.
The twelve girls gathered in the living room, pushing the coffee table out of the way so they could all sit in a circle on the floor to eat their dinner together, as is tradition on Sunday nights before their classes resume the next day. This time though you are the topic of discussion. Sooyoung tells everyone of your brief reunion and answers excited questions about you as a person and her experiences with you as a kid.
Jungeun doesn’t ask but listens intently to the conversation. The more she hears the more interesting she finds you and when she pictures you in her mind, the image reminds her that she did indeed think you were cute.
When Sooyoung finally gets your text while they are wrapping up dinner, she screams about how you actually enrolled as a transfer to their college as an art major. Apparently, you truly hadn’t been back in town that long.
The following day Jungeun finds herself waiting for you outside Main Hall with Sooyoung, Jinsol, and Jiwoo who was adamant about meeting you after hearing Sooyoung talk you up. Even if she looked as if she’d rather be elsewhere Jungeun was curious. Honestly, she wanted to see you outside of your work get up for scientific purposes.
You spot your friend and her entourage as you approach the great doors of The Main Hall. Jungeun is the first to spot you and immediately takes you in. You’re in black jeans, and a simple sweater vest but you look great to her. The way you beam at them makes her heart race and even if it’s for the group she pretends it’s just for her.
“Hey Youngie, Youngie’s friends.” You stand at a small distance and wave once to the entirety of the group. Sooyoung leaps into your arms wrapping you in a strong hug. Then turns to the others with an arm around you.
“Guys this is my best friend Y/n! Y/n this is my girlfriend Jinsol, and our close friends Jiwoo, and Jungeun.”
When Sooyoung points to Jungeun and says her name she just looks on at you blankly with a small wave. You tilt your head at her with squinted eyes before you seem to recognize her.
“Oh hey, you answered the door last night when I came with the food. Nice to meet you all formally.” This time that bright smile of yours is actually for Jungeun. She tries to keep a straight face but winds up smiling right back. The brunette bows to you in return with not much else passing between you two.
You turn your attention away to greet the other two girls you’ve yet to really speak to and strike up a friendly conversation. By the time Jungeun has to head to class, it turns out that your schedules are almost exactly the same due to being in the same major. Putting it simply she doesn’t mind when you link arms with her to be led to your first class of the day.
She knows you’re trouble from the moment that you enter the class and she lets you go. It’s clear you don’t like to ask for help even when you need it. Jungeun watches you in amusement when you reach up on your toes to grab something on the supply wall and struggle until you huff and just decide you don’t need it. Jungeun waits a bit but sees you clearly did need it so she grabs it for you and places it at your workstation without a word.
When you see her put the thicker brushes in front of you, you turn to thank her but she doesn’t even look your way. Later in the day, she hears you talking about how badly you wanted something out of the vending machine but you left your wallet at home. Jungeun wanders off mid-conversation with your friends and brings back the exact snack you wanted like nothing ever happened. Yet she’s completely caught off guard when you lean over and kiss her on the cheek leaving her red in the face.
This continued over time to the point that Sooyoung could see everything clearly. For 3 months she’s watched Jungeun confuse the hell out of you. Every day after you pretended she didn’t exist all while doing little things for you but never acknowledging it. You went to Sooyoung days after reuniting and told her about your crush on Jungeun but Jungeun refused to admit her own crush to anyone. That is until today at a café off campus.
Jungeun sits across from both Sooyoung and Jinsol with a red face and ears to match. She invited the couple out to ask them something but they’d all been sitting together for half an hour and Jungeun has yet to actually say what she wanted to.
“Sooo, are we just going to stare at each other over danish and coffee or are you going to spill the beans?” Jinsol asks playfully leaning forward in her seat.
“Um, so I had something to tell you guys that may or may not have something to do with Y/n.” The couple smirks at her as she avoids eye contact from across the table.
“Go on.” Sooyoung grins, leaning her head against her hand.
“I um… I may or may not have a very small crush on her and I was kind of hoping you guys would help.” Her gaze never meets her friends who listened to her with wholesome smiles.
“Why us?” Jinsol asks.
“You’re just the healthiest relationship I know of and Sooyoung, you know her really well. I figure if anyone can tell me what my chances are then it would be you.”
“Look, I’ve got your back. Why don’t you just invite her here for coffee? I promise you she won’t say no.” Sooyoung’s smile is soft and encouraging. It really does give Jungeun hope.
She makes up her mind right then and there. Jungeun gets up after excusing herself to prepare herself to confess to you the next day. She gets up the next morning with a new kind of determination.
You’re walking up to the library first thing in the morning to get ahead of your studying when you feel a hand on your shoulder. The smile on your face was actually really calming to her and she gave you a big smile back.
“Hey, Y/n.” She lets you go and steps back to give you some space.
“Jungeun! What’s up?” You step back into her space and hold her hand as you smile at her like literal sunshine. Your heart warms up at the feel of Jungeun’s hands going clammy on your own.
“Would you um… do you want to grab coffee together at the café across the street? It’s okay if you don’t I just figured I’d ask.”
You watch her face progressively get redder the longer you take to respond. The look of surprise on her face when you kiss her cheek with a nod is worth all the money in the world as far as you’re concerned. At that moment Jungeun feels so high that she hardly notices you fortifying your hold on her hand and walking you both the other way.
“W-Where are we going?” Jungeun stutters to life.
“The café silly.” You don’t even glance at her as you say it like it’s the most obvious thing ever.
“Now?” Her shocked voice brings your beautiful laugh out.
“Yes, right now.”
On the way, you both run into Sooyoung and Je way. They go to greet you both but can’t get a word in as you put a quieting finger up and continue dragging a flustered Jungeun with you.
“No time. We’re on a date.” You say dismissively. Failing to see 3 pairs of bulging eyes staring at you.
“A date!?” The girls' screech as Jungeun finally tugs you to a stop.
“This is a date?” Jungeun searches your eyes for something.
“Was it not supposed to be? Cause if not this is incredibly embarrassing.”
“No no, this is most definitely a date.” She rushes it out like she’s afraid that you’ll change your mind and now Jungeun is the one dragging you along to the café.
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nazrulislamads · 5 months
How to be successful creating a new business in 2024
Unlock the secrets to entrepreneurial success in 2024! Explore strategic tips for launching and growing your business, leveraging digital trends, and staying ahead in a dynamic market. Discover the keys to adaptability, customer focus, and building a strong online presence. Dive into this comprehensive guide and propel your business towards prosperity.
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In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, launching and sustaining a successful business demands a keen understanding of current market dynamics and a strategic approach to innovation. As we step into 2024, the opportunities are vast, but so are the challenges. This blog post serves as your roadmap to entrepreneurial triumph, offering actionable insights into crafting a winning strategy, embracing digital trends, and fostering adaptability. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding startup, the keys to success lie within the following pages.
Launching a successful new business in 2024 involves a combination of strategic planning, innovation, and adaptability. Here are some key steps to help you establish and grow your business:
1. **Market Research: — Understand your target market, including their needs, preferences, and behavior.
— Identify your competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.
— Look for gaps in the market that your business can fill.
2. **Unique Value Proposition (UVP): — Clearly define what makes your business unique and why customers should choose your products or services over competitors.
— Highlight the value you bring to your customers.
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#Business Ideas
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