#titan of the depths
icy-moons · 1 year
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genuinely my favorite exchange to come out of recent events
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conditionaljewel · 2 months
Tonight I'm not thinking about the Gods, or the Archmages, or the Weapon; I'm not even thinking about the bigger implications of it all...
No, tonight I'm sparing a thought for the Ars Elysia, and that couple who got engaged, who had just agreed to spent the rest of their lives together.
Did they know? Did they know it would only be an hour, two at the most? Did they get to share one last kiss before the city hit the ground? Did they die together, holding one another at least? How long did the Aeormaton last after the explosion, after the impact, after the destruction?
Of course not. You never know when it's going to end. You can never, ever know, even if you think you do. You can only hope, and wish that you do everything you hope to do in those moments before hand, but once it's done, it's done. So of course they didn't know. How could they know?
And how many other couples in Aeor met that same fate that night? How many were together in the end? How many were holding one another tight, wondering what had happened, what was going on? How many had a loved one by their side while the impossible became possible inside their fortress of a city? How could any of them know anything?
They all died that night, as did all of their stories. The nameless mages, the identities of the Divine mortals, all were seemingly lost to history, sure. But also, a great number also lost were people just looking for salvation and a new start on Exandria once the war was finally over.
Tonight though, I'm thinking about that couple in particular. I'm thinking about them, and I am hoping that when that fateful moment came that their last moments were spent together, and were full of love and peace, and they both had a chance to say goodbye. Gods, am I hoping.
I mean, that's all you can really hope for, right?
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marcobodtlives · 8 months
It’s honestly quite gay when a character’s intrinsic purpose (in both life and their role in the plot of the story) is inextricably linked to another character.
Marco’s purpose was to encourage Jean’s character development as a leader, while Jean’s purpose is to keep that pile of ashes proud.
Ymir’s purpose was to protect Historia like nobody was able to protect Ymir.
Yuji’s purpose is to save Megumi, and Megumi feels responsible for Yuji.
Meguru’s purpose is to play soccer with Yoichi and awaken his ‘monster’.
The list goes on and on -
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aengelren · 1 year
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Most underrated official art
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piplupcola · 1 year
One day in the distant future some wealthy billionaires will try to take an unconsented private rocket tour to visit the moon and I hope they end up exploding from decompression in the same way these rich folks probably have down in the depths of the ocean.
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cantst0pw0ntstop12 · 2 months
Maybe this entire paragraph won't make sense, but I just had to express my thoughts or it was gonna kill me:
Annabeth, Clarisse, Will, Conner, Travis, Katie and Pollux and maybe so many others lost so many of their siblings in the war after botl and the titan war. And even if it's not shown cuz the books are through Percy's pov, they must have been hurting so terribly. I mean think about it, Clarisse lost Silena who lost Beckendorf, Pollux lost his TWIN, which, idk if is true cuz I don't have a twin, but is like losing a part of yourself?? Maybe?? Hundreds of campers went to war and only a tiny bit came back. Not to mention the nature spirits that died. And as head counselors, Clarisse, Annabeth, Travis and Conner and, I think maybe, Katie, who may have lost their YOUNGER siblings, felt as though failed their families (cuz there is no way that the campers were more closer to each other than their actual families) and the campers like Will, who btw lost TWO FUCKING older brothers (Lee and Michael), Lacy, Drew, Nyssa felt maybe lost without their big brothers and sisters. I don't and will never believe that the campers thought of themselves as 'winners' of the war. They must have known they were 'survivors'. And just as they start to recover from this major loss, another camp marches at their doorstep trying to destroy them for no fucking reason. Seriously, FUCK YOU Octavian. So yeah, happiness was definitely not a common thing at camp half blood after the Titan War.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
im pretty sure i mentioned all these things before but its too late to start drawing anything and each time i see someone talk about totk i just get sad and frustrated again
literally by FAR the biggest problem about totk is that it REFUSES to connect to botw in any way beyond reusing the same map and character models, and even taking the things botw had established and ruin them entirely
ancient hero? BAM weird sonau dog thing that remains completely unexplained and out of nowhere eight heroine myster- BAM just some guy long gone sonau peopl- BAM here they are and they have zero connection to the ones of botw mystical dragons gracing the skies with their presence- BAM probably some dude who ate a magic pebble once strange mystical nature god you could rarely encounter in one specific spot and the area was made to feel utteraly unsettling but also divine- BAM now hes everywhere and only serves you as a shorthand for man pointing at cave the strange energy all shiekah tech was powered with with certain locations being ones where alot of it was concentrated including beneath hyrule castle clearly stating that somethings up with that- welp theres evil guy donw there but he has zero connection to all that lol
the whole shiekah tech thing, i just- WHY???? LIKE THAT??? there was so much stuff in botw that seemed deliberately placed that there IS more to it and now it all vanished and nothing of that mattered??? i saw a video of someone comparing certain places directly and on some where towers literally broke away tons of debris where just like .. sanded back down like nothing ever happened???; the fuking mechanism of how the towers and shrines and the pillars around the castle worked AND WHAT THE BOTW BOSS ARENA WAS ACTUALLY FOR?? its all gone and replaced with dirt; tHE ANCIENT FUCKING FURNANCES UTTERLY GONE AND REPLACED WITH ROCKS HUH???? so nothing of all that talk about their mystery and mechanism mattered???? the luminous stoens and its connection to spirits and how concentrated spiritual energy might have been what powered the tech- like you could connect things, and they made SENSE, so much sense that that seemed like it was intentionally setting up- only for it all to be just GONE?? to literally say lol it all vanished and that we shouldnt worry about it- like what the FUCK (and it also AGAIN doesnt make sense in itself bc WE SEE GUARDIAN PARTS in the towers, and some parts of them too are made of clearly shiekah tech stuff so it cant all have vanished- all their mystery doesnt matter bc idk it just works i guess lol and its not even called shiekah tech at any point either its just there and also not lol-)
(and even the smaller things like .. where the fuck does link live if everyone treats him like a goddamn stranger in the town you had to buy a house in botw for it to not be demolished and now that house is there but its not yours and noone knows you??? sth i personalyl found strange too that dumsda, the guy you help build an entire town, taburasa, had a very specific talking quirk i loved, and its all just gone in totk too, he talks like any other person all of the sudden
also at the end of botw finally being reunited with zelda and giving you the taste of being in the game WITH her at the same time in the intro to totk- WOOP away she goes! shes your pretty prize at the end and nothing more, what a way to disrespect her and her character..)
imagine if majoras mask didnt have the opening like it has and it otherwise stayed the same and they tried to tell you that its a direct sequel happening exactly where ocarina of time happened in the same world, zelda who?? ganondorf who??? things seem weird and off? lol dont worry about that :)) that would be weird and not make any sense at all now would it??
... sorry going on another rant again, ill just never be able to accept everything from botw didnt actually matter, and despite what some people might say, its pretty hard to ignore totk bc i LOVE botw, and as much as i hate it, they are connected in canon, even if it makes no sense
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haldanare · 1 year
the worst thing about the whole titanic submarine going missing is that theres a teenager on board- like idc if some adults with more money than sense pay a quarter of a million dollars to die at the bottom of the sea, but that kid.. i feel really bad for them considering how slim the chances of rescue are (and they are very very slim)
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ronthedunedain · 4 months
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Folks place your bets on how this is going to end.
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1very1fancy1doilies1 · 11 months
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uh oh boys Armin hyperfixation reigniting
I am thinking of Burn by Cellar Darling
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sparebutton · 1 year
Alright so when I was in high school I took an advanced science class where we built ROVs and at the same time my English teacher decided to spend an entire semester on the Titanic. So I weirdly have a decent amount of knowledge on the subject of the Titan. The strangest coincidence is that the Titan and the Titanic failed for the same reason. There are boats that hit icebergs with no problem. The reason that the Titanic fell apart is because weak rivets were used and broke apart when it hit the iceberg. I believe the Titan broke for the same reason. Flimsy material choices to cut costs.
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himbeaux-on-ice · 1 month
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has this been done yet
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so, watching a countdown where five billionaires run out of oxygen in a pringle’s can was NOT on my 2023 checklist- tiktok was and still is brutal about the ENTIRE situation. knowing that people are probably gonna have history classes about this??
netflix is quaking rn-
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cordyceps-sapiens · 1 year
 I like Titanic II way more than the original, honestly. 
The stuff about “women and children first” was clearly dated, so they only involved adult men. Too many clearly innocent people were killed in the first one, but the second really boiled it down to only people involved in the hubris that led to the disaster. 
I’m not normally a James Cameron fan, but I do think they should have welcomed his involvement in this project a little sooner: this is a rare case where he could have reduced a budget (as the leading expert in exploring the Titanic for no scientific reason, he realized from the start that the search radius would be very small). 
I also enjoyed the new supernatural element of “banging sounds”. Unquiet dead angered by the renewed hubris of the tourist submarine? Ghosts of the billionaires pleading for aid? I like the ambiguity.
My absolute favorite part was the callback to the original “unsinkable” quote, where Stockton Rush called his submarine “pretty much invulnerable”. 
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trashcanflagic · 11 months
Ok, can we all take a minute and realize how absolutely INSANE Danny Phantom could have been if it wasn’t make by Nickelodeon? Like how gorey and overall spooky it could have been? Most of the fanfics have gore and all that because most of the fans as they grew up realized “hey, this is actually pretty fucked up when you think about it.”
Imagine the shit if this was made in like the teen titans 2003 style. Damn. Just a though.
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xcrimsonlunaticx · 1 year
I have lots of HC of the HIVE academy as a whole bc I think that having an institution that specializes in forming young teens into villains is interesting but the fact that it's still a school is funny as hell. Especially since it's implied that they were one of the "top organizations" acc to the wiki and they train them to be the best of the best, like training-wise and academically??
Like I could imagine that it was one of those schools where everyone finished basic HS lvl education at a very young age and were studying college-level stuff lmao like someone can be an actual doctor with a master's degree, learned 3 languages, and have a full understanding and control of their powers while the most of the titans didnt even finish HS 💀💀
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