#titles I’ve seen is just. geez. but like have you read a book that you like in the last year? and the answer is seemingly no
samglyph · 9 months
If you’re a a film/book/art reviewer and all of your reviews are negative I don’t respect your opinion. Right off the bat you either don’t love the medium or you’re not making it clear what you actually like, so why would I trust your opinion about what not to enjoy?
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Can I request an Angst to fluff for Scara? With a hint of jealousy pls.
I’m sorry, Mona for always making u the other woman 😭 I love her I promise but I also love to hate her
pairing: gn!reader x scaramouche (I hope ur not tall bc he isn’t yikes)
word count: 1,382
tw: jealousy, angst, themes of infedelity
You woke up once again to a cold, empty bed. Rolling over to stare at Scaramouche’s side of the bed, you wondered why you still sleep on one side. It’s not like he’d come home to sleep with you anyway, so what would it matter?
Getting up to brush your teeth, his side of the counter looked untouched as usual. This shared bathroom, shared house, was starting to feel more like you lived here by yourself.
No notes as usual, not a reminder that he’d be coming home today or any update on how much longer he’d be working on this project. You understood that Scaramouche’s job was important, and you knew that there would be times when you wouldn’t see him for weeks or months. But whenever the two of you were apart, he was usually in another country. Mondstadt, Liyue, Fontaine, somewhere else. Not like now, when he was here in the same city.
He had warned you that he’d get busier. He told you one night over dinner that the Tsaritsa had given him a big project— planning the capture of the traveler. He complained, saying that he also had to negotiate terms with an outside party about assistance, and how the Tsaritsa double booked him with work. He always hated getting important roles, but he never half-assed his job. His title as the Balladeer came before anyone and anything. He was a hard worker, if nothing else. But you knew this, and you told him that you would make it work but knowing he’s maybe thirty minutes away from you in the same city made it more painful that he didn’t come home.
Was he avoiding you? Did you do something wrong? Did he meet someone else, and simply not bother to break up with you? Maybe he was hoping you’d break up with him and he wouldn’t have to deal with confronting you. Whatever the case, you wished you knew the truth and if he was going to break your heart, you at least want to know the full story.
You packed him a lunch, hoping that he’d have time to step away and share a meal with you. If he hadn’t been coming home, he also wasn’t eating well. He would rather skip a meal or two than fall behind on work, but hopefully he’d make an exception.
When you got there, the agents already knew who you were. Hardly anyone stopped to say hello out of respect, knowing who you were dating. When you got to his office, the agent guarding the room stepped in front of the door— something he didn’t do before.
“Hello, Javert. I’m dropping off Scara’s lunch. Is there a problem?”
“I’m sorry, [Y/N], he’s not taking guests right now. Please see him at another time.”
You stepped forward, reaching for the door. “No, I’d like to see him now.”
Javert put a firm hand on your shoulder and pushed you back. “Please, this is an order from him directly, I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
“I don’t care!” You spat, shoving him aside and quickly throwing open the door. “Scara, we need to talk—”
Your eyes met his, along with someone else’s. He sat on the outside edge of his desk, his hand on a woman’s chin— someone you had never seen before. His nose was not even an inch away from hers, a smile on both of their faces. “[Y/N],” he said in surprise, letting go of her chin and gently pushing her aside. “What are you…”
You drop the lunchbox onto the floor. “So this is what you’ve been so busy with, huh?” You bit your lip as it began to quiver, your fists shaking with rage. “This is why you couldn’t be bothered to come home?” Your heart pounded against your chest, the stinging pain too much to bear.
“[Y/N], wait. She’s—”
“No, fuck you! I’ve been waiting for you like a puppy, and you’re fucking around on me? We’re done!”
Kicking the lunchbox across the room, you turn and slam the door closed, Javert looking away to avoid making eye contact with you. You stomp down the halls, agents stopping to look at you. With the way you shouted, you didn’t doubt that everyone here heard you. Some people looked at you then quickly looked away behind you. Others tried to stop you from leaving, as if to beg you to stop and calm down.
It wasn’t until your fingers wrapped around the doorknob did you realize they weren’t looking at you or trying to stop you because not far behind, Scaramouche was stalking down the halls with an ugly scowl on his face. He grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, pressing you into the door. “Do you not hear me calling you, [Y/N]?” He hissed, holding your stare. “This is my workplace, you can’t just come in here and make a scene! Mikhail,” he snapped at one of the passing-by agents. “Open a conference room and escort the astrologist out of my office, please.” You pushed at his wrist holding you still against the door. “Please behave and come with me to my office.”
Back in his office he relieved Javert of duty to try and give the two of you some privacy. You stand by the door, refusing to move closer to his desk where they probably fucked every night, her sweat and come coating the surface. It made you angrier to think about it.
Scaramouche crouched down by one of the shelves as he picked up the contents of the lunchbox. “Thank you for making me lunch,” he said with a chuckle. “Even though I won’t be eating it now.” You didn’t say anything. You just stood there with your arms crossed, tapping your foot angrily. “Baby, please stop being mad. I already told you about her.”
“No you didn’t?! You didn’t tell me shit about some skank!”
He tossed the lunchbox on his desk, pulling his hat off and hanging it on the back of his chair. “Yes, I did. The assistance? She’s an astrologist, she can read the future.”
“So?! Why did you have to put your hands on her then?!”
Scaramouche made his way toward you slowly and deliberately. He extended his arms out to gesture for a hug. “Scare tactics, honey. She knows not to pick a fight in one of our bases. Look, she’s friends with the traveler. I have to make sure she won’t betray us.”
He stood in front of you, arms open and waiting for you to reach out to him. “I don’t like you touching her,” you spit, eyeing him up and down.
“Okay, baby. I won’t touch her again.”
“And I don’t want her alone with you in your office anymore.”
“Fine, you wanna start coming with me to work?”
“Are you actually going to come home?”
Scaramouche raised a brow at you. “What do you mean? I’ve been coming home.”
“No you haven’t! Your side of the bed is always untouched! And your sink, too!”
Scaramouche rolls his eyes and leans into you anyway, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tight. “You do know I only get, like, three hours of sleep right? Because I get home so late and I leave so early.” He cups your cheek, eyes darting from your eyes to your lips. “I can’t sleep without you, [Y/N]. Don’t be silly, you think I like being in this office? I’d much rather be at home, napping all day and getting lectured about the trash.”
You finally relax into the hug and hang your arms over his shoulders, letting him pepper your face and neck with kisses. “You’re not lying to me, are you?”
“Lying is a waste of time. You’d only find out the truth eventually.”
“I guess,” you pout, knowing he’s never been one for lying. “If I ever found out you’ve been having sex in this office behind my back, I’ll—”
“You’ll kill me, I know. Trust me, the papers on my desk are more important than pussy.” He pulled back to look at you, your blush heavy from embarrassment and pout prevalent on your lips. “But if you want to—”
“Okay! Geez, just saying!”
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re-diesirae · 3 years
Prologue & Chapter 1
Llanbister, Wales. March12th, 2016.
He was running late. He shouldn't have spent those few extra minutes waiting for that coffee, but then again, the traffic today was a nightmare. He had no idea of what was happening, but at this rate he wouldn't make it to the office until past noon.
The man drummed his finger against the glass of the window impatiently. The line of cars was not advancing at all and he could see the irritated drivers coming out trying to figure out what was happening. The man checked his hand watch and sighed. His office was barely a few blocks from where he was right now; he probably would make it less late if he just got off and did the trip by foot.
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by poke on his shoulder. THe woman sitting by his side had suddenly dropped her head on him apparently asleep and he couldn't help but feel the annoyance building inside him.
"Ehm...excuse me, miss." he said trying to hide the irritation in his voice "Miss?"
Seeing that the woman wasn't responding to his words, he tried moving her to a better position. She was cold and he noticed that she was holding a bulk in her arms. No matter how much he shook her or called, the woman remained unresponsive.
A loud set of screams made him jump on his seat completely forgetting about the woman for a second. He looked out the window and he could see smoke coming from somewhere a few vehicles in front. Just like him, the other passengers in the bus were also trying to see what was happening outside with curiosity. Suddenly he was distracted by a stir at his side.
So…the woman had finally decided to wake up.
He turned around to see her and screeched in horror. The woman was suddenly covered by blood; it dripped out from any possible body hole: nostrils, eyes, mouth, ears...
She began murmuring some incoherent things that he could not understand, but before he could ask anything the woman had jumped over him with a roar. It was too quick for him to react as she stuck her teeth on his neck.
The last thing he would ever remember were the people running frantically inside the bus trying to escape, the smell of blood, pain and darkness and horrifying screams.
North America TerraSave HQ, Hughesville. March 16th, 2016.
Claire let out a frustrated sigh as she dug into the fresh pile of paperwork on her desk. After her return from Sushestvivanie Island, the North American branch of Terrasave had fallen into chaos. The treason of one of its higher characters had caused the organization to falter, and people were starting to lose confidence in them. As a result, the directives decided that it was time to put a meaningful person in the head, and that was how she got promoted to branch chief. Despite the pretty office and the fancy title, the new rank brought even more problems into her already messy life. As expected by many, Claire had done a magnificent job as chief by proposing new plans and strategic protocols, among other things. She had done such a great job that the Chiefs from other branches asked her for advice regularly.
"Seriously," Claire sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. " I am not sure if I'd rather shoot zombies every day instead of signing all this paperwork."
Claire gave the file she had been reading one last look before signing and shutting the folder. She left the thing on the pile on her right and stretched her arms. It was then that she heard the shy knocking at her door, and the auburn headed sighed and told whoever it was to come in.
"Excuse me, Ms. Redfield," Madeleine, her secretary, said, peeking her head behind the door shyly, "I am sorry, but I've been knocking for about ten minutes. I was afraid that you might have collapsed."
Madeleine had been working as her secretary for a couple of months now. However, for some odd reason, the girl still acted a little nervous around her. Claire was aware that there was an innate Redfield trait that would sometimes make her intimidating, so she gave the girl her brightest smile, trying to calm her.
"Oh, sorry. I've been spacing out a lot lately. Did you need something? Please tell me you bring me something good and not another of those endless reports that I am supposed to sign."
Claire was feeling pathetic and bored, and she swore that if she had to sign another of those stupid reports, she would jump out through the window and hide somewhere away from there.
Madeleine laughed, feeling a little more relaxed, and shook her head.
"Oh, no. It isn't a report, Ms. Redfield," she replied, "And I supposed it counts as good news, in a way."
"Huh?" Claire said, tilting her head.
"You have visitors, Ms. Redfield."
"Visitors?" Claire repeated.
She looked at the clock on her desk and frowned. She was sure she didn't have anything booked in her Agenda for that afternoon. She wasn't even expecting guests that week.
"Well, a zombie may kill me," a familiar grave voice chuckled.
Claire's eyes widened in surprise, and her lips curled into a smile as she watched her brother's form step into the room with a teasing smirk. He was wearing casual clothes, something that was very odd these days. To her shock, Chris hadn't come alone. When the large man stepped aside, she saw Jill, Barry, Moira, and Leon enter as well. The latter was who made her even more surprised, as she had no idea of what had brought the agent to visit her today.
"Chris! What the...? What are you doing here?" said Claire, dropping her pen. Suddenly, a wave of panic ran through her body, and she looked at her visitors in a panic," Oh, no. Please, don't tell me there was another outbreak."
Her question caught everyone by surprise, but it was Moira's laugh that broke the tension.
"See what I told you?" the girl laughed, "She's been like this for a while. Whenever someone stops only to say hi, she automatically assumes you bring news of the apocalypse."
Claire rolled her eyes. The only reason she did that was that she had enough experience now to know when something was off.
"You would, too, if you had my job. I've gotten six outbreaks in the past two weeks..." Claire defended herself, "that ebola case in Congo and the Plagas thing in Mexico still has me on edge, so don't judge me."
"Ok, ok..." Moira said, raising her hands, "No one is judging."
Claire sighed. The woman turned to her brother and tilted her head.
"Please tell me there isn't another outbreak," she whispered, looking at Chris.
Chris scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Tch, do I need to be in a crisis to visit my baby sister?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I supposed not," Claire shrugged, "but considering your history and that fact that Leon is here, too. It is hard not to think otherwise."
Claire stood up and gave both men a questioning look.
Chris let out a chuckle as he pulled his sister into a warm hug. Claire couldn't remember the last time she'd felt her brother's hug, and she was happy to return it.
"Relax, Claire," Jill smiled, putting her hand on her shoulder, "We just returned from a mission, and we got a couple of weeks to rest. Since we happened to be around and Barry told us you were overworking yourself, we thought we should come to visit for a change."
"Ok, that's reasonable for you," Claire nodded.
Of course, Barry would tell them that since he probably heard it from Moira. The girl was always complaining about how little rest Claire got, but in her defense, the piles of paperwork kept growing, and she needed to finish them on time.
"What about James Bond?"
"Very funny, Claire," Leon sighed.
Claire smirked at him teasingly, and the blonde shook his head with a faint smile. She often teased him with that, and she was probably the only person from whom Leon accepted it.
" Pretty much the same. I came back from a mission, too. I was in the area and coincidentally stumbled with Chris," he answered, "he said he was going to visit you, and since I haven't seen you in a while, I decided to tag along. Is it true that you've been overworking yourself, Claire?"
Claire laughed.
"I guess that's a plus from my promotion," she sighed, and then she quickly added, as she saw Leon give her a skeptical look, "It's alright. The whole thing is more boring than anything else. Just paperwork and stuff, you know. The sort of thing that Chris hates the most."
Claire punched her brother's muscular arm playfully, and Chris answered the gesture by hugging her by the shoulders.
Jill laughed at the comment, while Barry nodded gravely. No one knew how much Chris hated paperwork better than his partners. Both Barry and Chris would do anything to avoid that, so it was Jill who ended up dealing with that.
"Well, it must be some hellish paperwork, then," Leon said, frowning, "You don't look too well."
"Geez, thanks, Leon, but you are one to talk..." Claire said, rolling her eyes, "No, wait. You never look bad, so how would you know."
Leon smirked at her teasing but said nothing else.
"I know what Claire needs to look livelier. How about we grab a bite?" Barry suggested, "I am starving, and I can swear for my Magnum that Claire needs to put on some weight. Seriously, girl. Are you even eating your meals?"
"Yes, I am, Barry," Claire answered, "Are you here to lecture me on my eating habits?"
"Nah, that's Kathy's thing," Barry laughed, "but you're seriously too thin."
"Blame my quick metabolism for that, but talking about food. I think I can take that offer, but you, Barry, are treating me."
"Sure thing, whatever it takes to put some fat on those bones, girl," Barry smirked, patting her back.
It was rare to have all her friends and family reunited in the same place at the same time, and Claire couldn't deny she felt happy, but Claire's happiness always came with a tiny thorn of doubt. No matter how well things looked, a part of her was waiting for something ominous to happen and make that happiness crumble. She wasn't always like that, but after so many bad experiences, she couldn't help it.
No more than a few minutes had passed since the thought had crossed her mind that she found her prediction coming true. The group was walking out of the office when the harsh echo of the emergency alarm began to ring. They all looked around in confusion, and Claire bit her lip with worry.
"What's that?" Chris asked.
"Isn't that the emergency alarm?" Moira asked, looking at Claire, "That thing has never rung before, has it?"
"No, never..." Claire said with a frown. She picked the radio she carried on her waist and began calling into it.
"Red? Do you copy?" a cracked voice called through the radio.
Claire let out a sigh and answered the call, fearing the news that it'd bring.
"I'm here, Grant. Would you mind explaining why the alarm is ringing?"
"Yeah, sorry about that. There was a security breach. Someone hacked into the system and set out all the safety protocols."
"What?" Claire sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Again? Please tell me you are doing something about that."
"Ah, yeah. I am at it," Grant replied, "where are you now?"
"Standing in front of my office door," Claire said, looking at Madeleine. The girl was sitting at her desk and turning pale.
"I got an S.O.S call from Saya," Grant replied, "Things are a fucking mess. All the security protocols in the laboratories got activated, and people got either locked in or locked out. I tried to help remotely, but the hacking messed up with the system, and it's rejecting me. I am trying to fix things up, so I can't go and reset it manually. Mind lending a hand and taking a look? I think your master code should work."
"If it is rejecting yours, what makes you think mine will work?"
"Well, your code works differently, and even if it fails, I trust you can figure out a way to solve it in situ. Just try not to toast my circuits."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"What happened the last time?"
Claire rolled her eyes.
"Fine. You fix up this mess. I'll head to R&D."
"Roger to that."
Claire put the radio away and groaned.
"Sorry," she told her friends. "I hope you don't mind a detour and a slight delay on that lunch date?"
"Well, we don't mind," Barry replied, "Duty is important."
"What happened?" Chris asked, "is there anything we can do to help?"
The group walked to the emergency stairs, followed closely by her brother and friends.
"Ah, never mind. It's just another false alarm," Claire sighed, "It's another attempt to wreck our security system. These pro-terrorists have taken it up against TerraSave, lately. This incident is the first time they succeed, though. No surprise, Grant is so pissed off. He controls the whole cybersecurity system in the building. His pride must hurt."
"Grant?" Jill asked.
"Grant Wallace," Moira chuckled. "Claire's little fanboy and the head of cybersecurity."
"Fanboy?" Jill asked curiously.
"Don't ask," Claire replied, rolling her eyes.
"Hardcore fanboy," Moria smirked, "and not shameful about it. How many times has he asked you out?"
"Out of topic."
Moira smirked and wagged her eyebrows meaningfully.
"So, pro-terrorists?" Leon asked, and Claire innerly thanked him for changing the subject.
"Well, Mr. Government agent, I would have expected you to know about it. It seems there's a significant group of people who believe TerraSave is causing more damage than good. The organization has made its enemies, and the situation with Fisher made our credibility fall apart. We get tons of threats daily."
Claire had, purposely, omitted the detail about the fact that more than 80% of the threats were specifically for her. She could deal with the nuisance, and there was no need to worry about them with silly pranks.
"Those extremists see anyone that goes against their ideas as enemies. Everyone knows the effort that TerraSave has put into helping people in need, Claire," said Chris, placing his hand on her shoulder. "You are all doing a good job."
Claire smiled at her brother. She didn't recall when was the last time she had Chris physically by her side. They spoke regularly by phone unless he was on a mission on some decrepit corner of the world and out of reach, but having the flesh and bones Chris was somehow soothing, especially now. The younger Redfield had been having some issues recently. Her paranoia and neuroticism had been keeping her awake at night. A part of her was unconsciously awaiting a calamity, but having her brother close was a rare comfort.
They reached the fifth level of the building, and Claire led the group through the door and into a corridor with white walls.
"Well, I just had a deja vu," Chris said, shuddering.
Claire snorted. The corridor would surely remind them of many of the bioterrorist laboratories they had visited in their career in the BSAA. However, it was the standard design of any health and investigation facility.
"Don't worry," Claire smiled, "We don't make bioweapons here."
"Fuck no," Moira agreed.
"Where exactly are we now?" Leon asked curiously.
Claire smiled again, this time with some pride. Level five and six held restricted access, so even most members of TerraSave had no access to the place. Chris had visited the building on several occasions, but he'd never stepped into this area either, and Leon had only come once, so she wasn't surprised that he seemed a little confused.
Claire was sure that Leon expected the place to look like a conventional office, but he found laboratories instead.
"Research and development, Level four. Biosafety and Public Health department," Claire explained, "We do some research on disease treatments and control. We work continuously to develop effective countermeasures during outbreaks. Health care systems, communication, medicines, among other things."
"You are developing vaccines?" Leon asked, "here?"
"I had no idea TerraSave could do that," Jill said, surprised.
"No, unfortunately, we lack the resources to develop vaccines. However, we can provide data to companies to help, and we can design treatments for disease, but we don't have enough power to produce vaccines."
"We have the brains, though. Right, Claire?" Moire said, grinning.
"I have no doubt we do. We have many competent researchers."
The group turned around the corner and reached an area with several glass doors. The lights on their electronic locks were red and blinking, and a tall woman with long black hair and Asian features was pacing back and forth in front of the door restlessly.
"Saya," Claire said, surprised.
"Ah, god bless us. You're just the person I wanted to see," the woman said.
"Well, I'm happy to be a sight to sore eyes, I suppose. You got locked out?"
"Isn't that obvious?" the woman asked with a frown, "I went to get some papers from the office next door when the alarm rang. All the doors got locked. I tried my master code, and guess what, it rejected it."
"Any sensible essay I should be worried about?" Claire asked, opening the panel and fidgeting with the buttons.
"Well, not on my part, but some people were working in lab3."
"They will run out of Air if we take too long," Claire sighed, "Let's hope it won't reject my master code."
"I am sure that you can figure out some other way if that happens," the Asian said, "though maybe something less explosive than the last time."
"Are you all going to keep reminding me that?" Claire said, rolling her eyes.
Claire pressed the buttons in the panel. Finally, after tampering with the electronic log several times, the red light turned green, and all the locks chimed, indicating that they were open.
"Bingo," Claire said, closing the panel.
"As expected from Fix-it-all Redfield," the Asian woman chuckled, "You're an angel."
"Oh my god, so the fix-it-all title was for real?" Moira asked.
It was because of Moira's sudden outburst that Claire and Saya remembered that there were other people present.
"Oh, my. Where are my manners," Saya said, looking at Claire, "Who might these be?"
Claire scoffed and turned to her friends.
"You know Moira, of course, this is her dad, Barry; this is my brother Chris, his partner Jill Valentine, and my old friend Leon Kennedy."
"Oh, friends of our chief are friends to me. I am Saya Hiwamura."
Saya shook everyone's hand politely.
"She's a doctor and one of our active researchers."
"You give me too much credit," Saya said with dismissal, "We all know the one doing most of the work here is you, Ms. Fix-it-all."
"Can you stop with the nickname?"
"Why? We know it brings good luck."
"That rumor has been running around the members for a while now," Moira explained to her father and friends, "everyone says that when something isn't working, you must come to Claire. She will fix it."
"Oh, that's a horrible lie, and the reason why my work load keeps piling up."
"Well, that's your fault for being good at this job," Moira laughed, "If you sucked, no one would ask for your advice."
"If I sucked, this branch would sink deeper."
"You can't blame yourself for that," Moira said, "That's fucker Neil's doing."
Claire shrugged. Suddenly, they were interrupted by the sound of Claire's radio. The woman answered it and got greeted by a lot of static.
"Hey, Redfield. Do you copy?"
"Yeah, Grant. What's wrong with your signal? It sounds so bad."
"Not...sure. Probably interference," the voice answered, "Hey, can you come to the Command Center? I've got troubles here, and I would like you to take a look."
"Me? You are the tech guru, not I. If you can't fix this mess, then I can't either."
"Oh, I am sure you can fix this. Come down here, and you'll see."
Saya gave Claire an amused smile, and the auburn headed caught Moira snickering.
"Fine. I'll be there in a minute."
Claire put the radio away and groaned. She turned to her friends and gave them an apologetic look.
"Sorry, I have got to check this," she sighed.
"Wallace calling for you, huh?" Saya smirked, "He'd use any excuse to have you pay him a visit, wouldn't he?"
"This is purely professional. I don't know what Grant wants me to see, but I am sure it is important," Claire shrugged, "Would you mind entertaining my friends until I'm back?"
"Oh, no. I am happy to oblige," Saya smiled at the group.
"Are you sure you don't want us to help?" Chris asked, but Claire waved her hand.
"I am sure it's nothing. Grant is a dork sometimes, but he knows his deal. The security system in the building is tight. I am sure they just messed up with the alarms and stuff, nothing more than a bad prank."
"Are you sure?" Jill said, "We don't mind helping."
"It's fine. I'll check, and I'll be back in a jiffy. We can get that lunch then."
Claire patted her brother's back and walked down the hallway until she disappeared around the corner, leaving the group behind.
Claire reached the basement, where the Command Center was. The alarm had finally stopped ringing, and the woman was happy to hear silence at last. The loud whistle was starting to cause her a headache.
Everything seemed to be in order, but she had an odd feeling in her gut. However, the woman brushed it off as her paranoia, kicking into action. She had seen several people on her way down, but once she reached the basement, she felt it unusually quiet.
"You are overthinking, Claire," she told herself as she pushed the door to Grant's office open.
The room was empty and dark, except for the tiny lights coming from the equipment. That was the first thing to set off her alarm. From all the rooms in the building, that room was the only one that never looked dark. Even if the lights were off, Grant's monitors would still light it up enough.
"Grant?" Claire called.
There was no answer and Claire's gut twisted. Something was wrong, and she was automatically on edge. Her clear eyes tried to scan the room for danger, but with the little light, it was difficult for her to see if there were any threats.
It was a good thing that her instinct was fast to react. Otherwise, she wouldn't have evaded the dark figure that tackled her from behind the door.
Claire rolled over the ground and stood up in a jump, taking a fighting position. The woman landed a clean kick on the ribs, sending the black-suited person against the wall.
Her attacker was surprised by her reaction, perhaps he taught that Claire was an easy target, but she wasn't. The woman was ready to fight if she had to. Claire hit the man several times, but the man dodged one of her hits and pushed her against the table, slamming her head against the polished wood.
The attacker was sturdier and stronger than her, and he had the advantage in the fight. However, she'd learned to fight from Chris, and he had taught her many ways to overcome that disadvantage. Claire's knee hit the man in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. Using that distraction, she grabbed his head and slammed it against the table several times until the man fell to the floor unconscious.
"Well, crap," Claire gasped, rubbing her head and trying to recover her breath.
She was about to check who the man was when a second man, who she had not seen before, attacked her. The auburn headed struggled against the man, leaving a mess in the small office.
It was at the last minute that Claire realized that there was a third person in the room, but she was too late. The third attacker raised his shotgun and hit her head with it.
The impact was painful, and it made her lose her balance. The second hit knocked her out, and the last thing she felt was a crushing pain on her backs as she faded away.
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nikki-romero · 3 years
The Wild Flower (Tomoki Matsuba x OC) Chapter 1
I turned around to look at them. My eyes stopped on the man known as Tomoki Matsuba.
"Alright, I pick you, Tomoki Matsuba." Tomoki's expression was still and emotionless; he seemed like the most serious out of all of them.
"Very well," he answered. Still without a hint of life in his expression, he pressed a hand to his heart and bowed.
"Aw, too bad. You and I would have had fun together," Itsuki said.
"I have no use for a butler who isn't serious." I waved a dismissive hand at him.
"Geez, you're mean. I was just kidding."
"Itsuki." Tomoki rested his eyes on Itsuki. Although his expression didn't change, I could hear the warning in his voice.
"Tomo, come on. Don't look at me like that," Itsuki said, a carefree smile on his face.
"Looks like we're done. We'll be returning to the Ichijo residence. Tomoki, I'll leave the rest to you," Yuma said.
"Tomoki will be living in the apartment next door. He'll be taking care of you," Aoi added.
"I'm well aware of what a butler's job is, thanks. If you're done, please leave," I said coldly, turning my back on them once more.
"As you wish. You must be tired. Today was a busy day. You should get some rest," Aoi said.
"Good luck, Miss Ichinomiya," Yuma said with a smirk on his.
"Great, thanks. Don't come back, 'kay?"
"See ya," Itsuki smiled.
"... Goodbye," Kyo said.
I took my tea and walked to my room. I put the cup on my bedside table as I opened my closet to get some PJs.
"Miss Ichinomiya," Tomoki said.
"I tossed the pyjamas on the bed and stood on the threshold, my hand on the door.
"What." It didn't come out as a question.
"So, let's get started." Tomoki, somehow having hidden them up until now, showed me a fat pile of textbooks. "I need you to master what's written in these books over the course of this month."
I sighed. "Put them down on the coffee table. I'll take a look." I sat down on my knees on the carpet in front of the coffee table.
"A lady shouldn't..."
"Shut up," I cut him off. "This is my house. I will act as I please." I looked down at the covers of the books. "I've read this one... This one, too... I've read all of these." English conversation, etiquette, table manners, flower arrangement, dance, cooking... Each volume was thicker than a dictionary. And I've read every single one of them.
"You have?"
"You've never seen me at a party, have you? Of course you haven't. I avoided the Ichijos like the plague," I muttered. Tomoki raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed. "If you had seen me at a party, you'd know I already know all of this. I kind of have to? You know, as the vice president of the Ichinomiya Group? You do know about that, don't you?"
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Of course not. You're just one of a long line of people who believe I have the position for show. Because I'm some princess who has everything just fall into her lap." I rolled my eyes.
"What about these?" Tomoki piled on a bunch of additional volumes. I looked at the titles.
"I've read this one, this one, this one..." I picked them out one by one.
"Very well. But I will still need to test you personally to make sure."
I scoffed. "Do what you want." I waved dismissively, a sour look on my face.
"First, I'll test you in table manners from 8:00 to 8:59 pm. Etiquette will be from 9."
"Yes, fine, whatever."
"Also, from now on, please call me Mr Matsuba." This made me cock my eyebrow.
"With all due respect, you and I aren't buddies. I'm a butler who serves you. I'm not your family or your friend. I don't see any need for you to call me by my given name."
"Oh, okay. Shall I call you Tomo, then? Like your brother?"
He glared at me. "I just told you..."
"No? Okay, how about Mr Four Eyes?" His glare turned more severe. "Don't like that name either? Then quit your whining. I called my dad's butler by his first name, and he never said a word."
"You mean Mr Ichinomiya," Tomoki said. My head shot to him.
I glared. "I mean my dad. The one who raised me." I walked to him until there was no space between us. "I'll only say this once. Kazuma Ichijo means nothing to me." I took a step back. "So, Tomoki or some nickname. Which do you hate more? Take your pick." The smile I flashed him was as sickeningly sweet as my voice sounded. "Anything else?"
"So, next on the schedule, beginning at 10 pm is—"
I sighed. "Look, are you going to be much longer? You can test me tomorrow. I'd like to get some rest now."
"Very well. I will retire for the day. Oh, and one more thing. Here." Tomoki handed me a tablet with a calendar displayed on the screen. "This is your schedule, starting tomorrow. An alarm will go off when there's an event."
I begrudging snatched it from his hand.
"Goodbye." Tomoki left.
I checked the calendar. Every day was jam-packed with things I was supposedly going to do. I tossed it onto the sofa and went to my room, but I didn't sleep. I worked.
The following morning, I woke up early and got ready for school. It was almost strange how my routine hadn't changed, even though I just moved. But then again, I'd always had my own rigid schedule. After showering, eating a light breakfast and drinking my coffee, I started to head out when I heard a loud beeping sound. The light from the tablet I'd dumped on the sofa the previous night was flashing. No sooner did I stop the annoying alarm, my door opened and Tomoki walked in.
"Good morning. It's 7:52 and 40 seconds. Time for you to leave for school. Get ready immediately."
"I'm aware." I pushed past him when he called out to me.
"Wait. Here you are." When I turned around, Tomoki handed me a small bag.
"What is it?" I warily looked inside.
"Your lunch."
"Thanks..." Great. Now I feel bad for being bitchy.
"It's not a problem. I am your butler. Your lessons-"
"Sorry, can't talk. Gotta go, bye!" I made a show of rushing down the stairs.
I sat at my desk in homeroom with my chin in my hand, staring out the window.
"Good morning!" A cheerful voice said from nearby. Ayame was standing in front of my desk.
"Morning," I said grumpily.
She cocked her head to the side, trying to figure out if something was wrong or if I was just being me. Before she could say anything else, the bell rang and she had to go to her own desk.
During lunch, Ayame and I sat on the roof to eat lunch. I opened the bento that Tomoki gave me. It was packed to the brim with food.
"Hey, where did you get that?" Ayame looked curiously at my lunch.
"My butler gave it to me," I answered.
"I thought Geo went with your dad?"
"I got a new one."
"You don't seem to be happy about it."
I shrugged. "I don't care either way." At least the food was good.
After school, I met up with Yukino at a café we frequented. I absentmindedly stirred the frappe in front of me, barely listening to what my best friend was saying.
"Hotaru. Hey, Hotaru!"
"Huh? What?" I was suddenly snapped out of my reverie.
"You've been giving me totally vague answers. Were you even listening?" she asked.
"I'm sorry, Yukino. I just have a lot on my mind."
Yukino sighed. "You always do that." She frowned.
"Do what?" I knew she wasn't talking about me not listening to her.
"You bottle everything up until you're ready to explode from it. Or collapse." I took a sip of my frappe. "See? You haven't touched that drink, and now that I ask you what's wrong, you want to drink it."
I gave a self-deprecating chuckle. "I guess you're right..." I told her everything.
Yukino was silent for a few moments. "This is... I don't even know what to say."
I ran my hand through my hair. "I mean just what gives him the right to force himself into my life after all this time. And then he has the audacity to send his butlers to do his dirty work?" A cold laugh escaped me.
"Yes. I mean I wouldn't even know what to think if my father did something like that. Yours wrote you letters, didn't he?"
"Yes. Because that makes up for everything," I said sarcastically.
"You should tell him," Yukino said.
At first, I wasn't sure what she was getting at. "What?"
"Look, I'm with you. Everything he's done and is doing is completely unfair. He isn't even taking your feelings into account at all. But you're also not the kind of person to take this kind of thing lying down. You're going to meet him at this birthday party, right? Take the chance to tell him everything you couldn't before. Give him a piece of your mind. You're not just some possession for him to screw over time and time again. It's about time he realises that. You don't play by anyone's rules but your own."
I chuckled. "You sound like my dad."
"Who else?"
As we moved on to lighter topics, I couldn't help recounting my past. My mom had told me that my father was a sailor. There was no way she wouldn't have known that he wasn't. Which means she lied. Even as she lay on her deathbed, she never bothered telling me the truth. I was mad when I found out, but it's been a long time since then, and I've forgiven her. Not that it mattered. She wasn't in this world to answer for it anymore, anyway.
My mom had died when I was still in Elementary School. Akira was a good friend of hers. Unlike Eisuke's father, my mother never made him promise to take care of me. But he did. I had no one; no relatives. I would have ended up in the system if it weren't for him. Who knows what kind of life I would have had?
Akira was the CEO of the Ichinomiya Group before my brother took over. Eisuke and I didn't really have much of a bond. He wasn't that kind of person. Our relationship resembled that of business partners more than anything else. Our ways of thinking were always so different. We bumped heads a lot of the time, but as far as the Ichinomiya Group goes, we worked well together.
Then there was Kazuma Ichijo, my estranged, not to mention, deadbeat, father. He developed the Ichijo Group into one of the biggest corporations in Japan. But nothing about that impressed me. I spent the majority of my life hating him. I never wanted to meet him, and every time Eisuke told me to go to a meeting with another corporation, my stomach churned at the possibility of it being the Ichijo Group.
Yukino and I finished our lunch. It felt like we spoke for hours, and I felt so much lighter leaving the café.
By the time I went home from meetings, it was past 10. Tomoki was waiting for me in the foyer when I got home.
"Welcome home, Miss Ichinomiya. You are two hours, 10 minutes and 26 seconds late."
"I had meetings," I replied as I pushed past him.
"What happens at your job is not my concern."
"Right. Just like I don't give a shit about your little schedule either."
"It is my job to teach you what you must learn from 9 pm to midnight."
"And what's that? How to be a micro-managing freak?" I noticed Tomoki's eyebrow twitch. "Oh, wow. A reaction."
"So, let's begin with etiquette."
"Yeah, Yeah. Just gimme a minute to change."
"I can allow you 2 minutes. Not a second longer."
"Oh, yes. Here." I handed him the bento box in the paper bag he gave me this morning. "It was good. Thanks."
"No need to thank me. I was simply doing my job. You do yours. Show me you have what it takes to be a society lady. I don't have much time."
"I don't "have what it takes". I already am one," I said and disappeared into my room. "Why do you care so much, anyway?" I called to him through the closed door.
"I consider making sure you're a presentable lady my way of repaying your father."
"How wonderful for you..." I replied sarcastically. I finished changing into more casual clothes and joined Tomoki in the living room.
"Expect to make up for yesterday's lack of practice and today's tardiness."
"Can't you just get on with it without leaving your 2 cents about everything I do?"
"Very well. Let's begin with basic greetings. We're behind schedule so we have five minutes to finish this." The things he was going over was, in fact, pretty basic. After almost two hours, the tablet started to beep loudly. "It's midnight," Tomoki said. "That will be all for today. Good job."
I sighed. This man resembled a robot more than anything else. I wouldn't be surprised if he did end up as some cyborg.
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snarktheater · 3 years
Hey, d'you have any French book recs? I'm trying to work on my French, and rn I have downloaded one of my favourite book series' French translations, but I figured maybe books already written in French might work better? Also have you read the Ranger's Apprentice series? 1/2
RA's def flawed - the books' narration does like to point bright arrows at the protagonists' intelligence, and the last few books def have the tone of 'old white man trying to write feminism', although at least he's trying? - and it's aimed more to the younger side of YA, but it is still a very fun series, and I can ignore the flaws fairly easily, at least partly due to nostalgia? This rather long lol but I'm wordy.
I'll start with the second question: no, although every time the series is brought up I have to check the French title and go "oh, right, I've seen these books in stores". But I've never purchased or read them. It sounds like something I probably would have enjoyed as a teen but I just missed the mark, and these days I'm trying to drown myself in queer books, so that probably isn't happening.
As for your first question, geez, I haven’t read a French book in years, so this is gonna skew middle grade/YA, though that may not be so bad if the point is to learn the language. I will also say that as a result, these may read a little outdated.
I'll put it under a cut, even if Tumblr has become really bad with correctly displaying read mores. Sorry, mobile crowd.
It's also likely that old readers of the blog will have seen me talk about most of these. I don't feel like going through old posts.
One last thing: while I was curating this list I took the time to make a Goodreads shelf to keep track of those.
The Ewilan books by Pierre Bottero
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(It's a testament to how long ago I read these books that these are not the covers of the edition I own, and I can't even find those on Google. I'm settling for a more recent cover anyway since it'll make it easier to find them, presumably)
There are at least three trilogies (that I know of) set in the same world.
The first trilogy is essentially an isekai (so, French girl lands in parallel fantasy world by accident) with elements of chosen one trope, though I find the execution makes it worth the while anyway.
The second trilogy is a direct sequel, so same protagonist but new threat, and the world gets expanded.
The third one is centered around a supporting characters from the previous books, and the first couple of books in it are more her backstory than a continuation, though the third one concludes both that trilogy and advances the story of the other books as well.
Notably these books have a really fun magic system where the characters "draw" things into existence. It's just stuck with me for some reason.
A bunch of stuff by Erik L'Homme
I have read a lot of this man's books, starting with Le Livre des Etoiles.
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They also skew towards the young end of YA, arguably middle grade, I never bothered to figure out where to draw the line. They're coincidentally also using the premise of a parallel world to our own (and yes, connected to France again, the French are just as susceptible of writing about their homeland), but interestingly are set from the point of view of characters native to the parallel world.
It also has a very unique magic system, this one based on a mix of a runic alphabet and sort-of poetry. I'll also say specifically for these books that the characters stuck with me way more than others on this list, which is worth mentioning.
This trilogy is my favorite by Erik L'Homme, but I'll also mention Les Maîtres des brisants, which is a fantasy space opera with a pirate steampunk(?) vibe. I think it's steampunk. I could be mistaken. But it's in that vein. It's also middle grade, in my opinion not as good, but it could just be that it came out when I was older.
Another one is Phaenomen, which was a deliberate attempt at skewing older (though still YA). This one is set in our (then-)modern world and centers a group of teens who happen to have supernatural powers. I guess the best way to describe it is a superhero thriller? If you take "superhero" in the sense of "people with individualized powers", since they don't really do a lot of heroing.
...I really need to brush up on genre terminology, don't I.
The Ji series by Pierre Grimbert
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This one is actually adult fantasy, though it definitely falls under "probably outdated". It is very straight, for starters, and I'd have to give it another read to give a more critical reading of how it handles race (it attempts to do it, and is well meaning, but I'm not sure it survives the test of time & scrutiny, basically).
If I haven't lost you already, the premise is this: a few generations ago, a weird man named Nol gathered emissaries from each nation of the world and took them to a trip to the titular Ji island. Nobody knows what went down here, but now in the present day, someone is trying to kill off all descendants from those emissaries, who are as a result forced to team up and figure out what's going on.
I'm not going to spoil past that, though I will say it has (surprise) a really unique magic system! I guess you can start to piece together what my younger self was interested in. Which, admittedly, I still am.
Once again, this one also has a strong cast of characters, helped by rich world building and the premise forcing the characters to come from many different cultures (though, again, I can't vouch for the handling of race because it's been too long).
The first series is complete by itself, though it has two sequel series as well, each focusing on the next generation in these families. Because yes, of course they all pair up and have kids. Like I said: very straight.
A whole lot of books by Jean-Louis Fetjaine
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OFetjaine is a historian, and I guess he's really interested in Arthurian mythos especially, because he loves it so much he's written two separate high fantasy retellings of them! I'm not criticizing, mind you, we all need a hobby.
The former, the Elves trilogy (pictures above) is very traditional high fantasy. Elves, dwarves, orcs, a world which is definitely fictionalized with a pan-Celtic vibe to it. The holy grail and excalibur are around, but they're relics possessed by the elves and dwarves with very different powers than usual. Et cetera.
Fetjaine also really loves his elves (as the titles might imply), and while they're not exactly Tolkien elves, there's a similar vibe to them. If you like Tolkien and his elf boner, you'll probably like this too. And conversely, if that turns you off, these books probably also won't work for you.
This series also has a prequel trilogy, centered around the backstory of one of the main characters. I...honestly don't remember too much about it, but I liked it, so, there you go, I guess.
I said Fetjaine did it twice. The other series is the Merlin duology, which, as the title implies, is a retelling of Merlin's story. Note that Merlin is also in the other trilogy, but it's a different Merlin; like I said, completely different continuities and stories.
This one is historical fantasy, so it's set in actual Great Britain, and Fetjaine attempts to connect Arthur to a "real" historical figure...but, you know, Merlin is also half-elf and elves totally exist in Brocéliande, so, you know. History.
Okay, that's probably enough fantasy, let me give some classics too.
L'Arbre des possibles et autres histoires - Bernard Werber
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Bernard Werber is a pretty seminal author of French sci-fi and I should probably be embarrassed that the only book of his that I read was for school, but, it is a really good one, so I'll include it anyway.
It's a novella collection, and when I say "sci-fi" I want to make it clear that it's very old school science fiction. It's more Frankenstein or Black Mirror than Star Trek, what we in French call the anticipation genre of science fiction: you take one piece of technology or cultural norm and project it into the future.
It has a pretty wide range of topics and tones, so it's bound to have some better than others. My personal faves were Du pain et des jeux, where football (non-American) has evolved into basically a wargame, and Tel maître, tel lion, where any animal is considered acceptable as a pet, no matter how absurd it is to keep as a pet. They're both on a comedic end, but there's more heartfelt stuff too.
L'Ecume des Jours - Boris Vian
(no cover because I can't find the one I have, and the ones I find are ugly)
This book is surrealist. Like, literally a part of the surrealist movement. It features things such as a lilypad growing inside a woman's lungs (and, as you well know, lilypads double in size every day, wink wink), the protagonist's apartment becoming larger and smaller to go with his mood and current financial situation, and more that I can't even recall at the moment because remembering this book is like trying to remember having an aneurysm.
It is also really, really fun and touching. Oh, and it has a pretty solid movie adaptation, starring Audrey Tautou, who I think an international audience would probably recognize from Amelie or the Da Vinci Code movie.
I don't really know what else to say. It's a really cool read!
Le Roi se meurt - Eugène Ionesco
Ionesco is somewhat famous worldwide so I wasn't even sure to include him here. He's a playwright who wrote in the "Theater of the Absurd" movement, and this play is part of that.
The premise of this play is that the King (of an unnamed land) is dying, and the land is dying with him. I don't really know what else to say. It's theater of the absurd. It kind of has to be experienced (the published version works fine, btw, no need to track down an actual performance, in my humble opinion).
The Plague - Albert Camus
You've probably heard of this one, and if you haven't, let me tell you about a guy called Carlos Maza
I'm honestly more including this book out of a sense of duty. The other three are books I genuinely liked and happen to be classics. This book was an awful read. But, um. It's kind of relevant now in a way it wasn't (or didn't feel, anyway) back in 2008 or 2009, when I read it. And I don't just mean because of our own plague, since Camus's plague is pretty famously an allegory for fascism, which my teenage self sneered at, and my adult self really regrets every feeling that way.
Okay, finally, some more lighthearted stuff, we gotta talk about the Belgian and French art of bande dessinée. How is it different from comic books or manga? Functionally, it isn't. It really comes down more to what gets published in the Belgian-French industry compared to the American comics industry, which is dominated by superheroes, or the Japanese manga industry, which, while I'm less familiar with it, I know has some big genre trends as well that are completely separate.
The Lanfeust series - Arleston and Tarquin
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This is a YA mega-series, and I can't recommend all of it because I've lost track of the franchise's growth. Also note that I say "YA", but in this case it means something very different from an American understanding of YA. These books are pretty full of sex.
No, when I say YA I mean it has that level of maturity, for better or worse. The original series (Lanfeust de Troy) is high fantasy in a world where everyone has an individual magical ability but two characters find out they're gifted with an absolute power to make anything happen, and while it gets dark at times, it's still very lighthearted throughout, and the humor is...well, I think it's best described as teen boy humor. And it has a tendency to objectify its female characters, as you'll quickly parse out from the one cover I used here or if you browse more covers.
But still, it holds a special place in my heart, I guess. And on my shelves.
The sequel series, Lanfeust des Etoiles, turns it into a space opera, and goes a little overboard with the pop culture reference at times, though overall still maintains that balance of serious/at times dark story and lighthearted comedy.
After that the franchise is utter chaos to me, and I've lost track. I know there was another sequel series, which I dropped partway through, and a spinoff that retold part of the original series from the PoV of the main love interest (in the period of time she spent away from the main group). There was a comedy spin-off about the troll species unique to this world, a prequel series, probably more I don't even know exist.
Les Démons d'Alexia
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Something I can probably be a little less ashamed of including here.
Some backstory here. The Editions Dupuis are a giant of the Belgian bande dessinée industry, and for many, many years I was subscribed to their weekly magazine. That magazine was (mostly) made up of excerpts from the various books that the éditions were publishing at the time; those that were made of comic strips would usually get a couple pages of individual scripts, while the ongoing narratives got cut into episodes that were a few pages long (out of a typical 48 page count for a single BD album). Among those were this series.
For the first few volumes, I wasn't super into this series, probably because I was a little too young and smack dab in the middle of my "trying to be one of the boys" phase. But around book 3 I got really invested, to the point where I own the second half of the series because I had canceled by subscription by then but still wanted to know more.
Alexia is an exorcist with unusual talents, but little control, who's introduced to a group that specializes in researching paranormal phenomena, solving cases that involve the paranormal, that kinda stuff.
As a result of the premise, the series has a pretty slow start since it has to build up mystery around the source of Alexia's powers, but once it gets going and we get to what is essentially the series' main conflict, it gets really interesting.
Plus, witches. I'm a simple gay who likes strong protagonists and witches.
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There was a point where my mtyhology nerdery led me to look for more stuff about the historical cultures that created them, and so I'd be super into stuff set in ancient Rome (I'd say "or Greece or Egypt" but let's face it, it was almost always Rome).
Murena is a series set just before the start of Emperor Nero's rule. You know, the one who was emperor when Rome burned, and according to urban legend either caused the fire or played the fiddle while it did (note: "fiddle" is a very English saying, it's usually the lyre in other languages). He probably didn't, it probably was propaganda, but he was a) a Roman Emperor, none of whom were particularly stellar guys and b) mean to Christians, who eventually got to rewrite history. So he's got a bad rep.
The series goes for a very historical take on events, albeit fictionalized (the protagonist and main PoV, the titular Lucius Murena, is himself fictional) and attempts to humanize the people involved in those events. Each book also includes some of the sources used to justify how events and characters are depicted, which is a nice touch.
It's also divided in subseries called "cycles" (books 1-4, 5-8 and the ongoing one starts at 9). I stopped after 9, though I think it's mostly a case of not going to bookstores often anymore. Plus it took four years between 9 and 10, and again between 10 and 11. But the first eight books made for a pretty solid story that honestly felt somewhat concluded as is, so it's a good place to start.
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hookedonapirate · 4 years
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Summary: The Jones brothers are polar opposites. Liam's the safe and honorable one, straight-laced and straight as an arrow. The good son.
Killian's the dangerous one, the bad boy with tats, leather jackets, a motorcycle and a questionable past.
The only things they have in common are panty-melting sea-blue eyes, the flat they share in Storybrooke and a rare blood type.
Oh, and apparently their taste in women.
Or rather, one woman.
Green-eyed Goddess.
Killian saw her first, but she chose his brother—the nice guy over the playboy. And even though she’s dating his brother, it doesn't make him want her any less. If that's not bad enough, she moves in with them and he has to pretend he's not completely in love with her. His life could not get any worse…
Until Liam dies in a tragic motorcycle accident.
Leaving each of them with one half of a broken heart.
Now Killian and Emma are left helping each other pick up the pieces.
Just as they're beginning to learn how to live in their new reality, another riptide pulls them further into the deep end when she finds out she's pregnant with Liam's baby.
Notes: So I made this post on Tumblr the other day, and then this fic happened. If you haven't seen the tags, please read them before starting this story or becoming invested because it’s very angsty. First of all, this starts out as Swan Jewel? I don't know what their ship name is or if there is an official name, but yes, Liam and Emma are in a relationship in the beginning, and I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you're not comfortable with that, I highly encourage you to hit the back button.
Thank you @ultraluckycatnd​ for looking it over!
This story was inspired by Baby Mine by Kennedy Fox, and I loved the book so much and thought it was very much underrated. I’ve wanted to write a fic like this for a long time now because it’s one of my favorite tropes, but after I read that book, I just had to write my own take. Also, I made this post about a Baby Yodarita drink last year when it was trending and since the beginning of this story starts one year prior, 2019 and since Killian is a bartender, it was a perfect way to include the prompt.
The title comes from the lyrics of the song, Lay By Me by Ruben. The particular line goes like this:
"I hope you know through the rising tide That I'll be here and you can lay by my side"
If you've never heard it, I recommend giving it a listen. It's an amazing song and very fitting for this story.
P.S. In case you're unable to read the shoulder tattoo in the picture above and are wondering what it says—
"There is no happiness without tears
No life without death
And no true love without heartbreak"
Rated: Explicit for smut (including sexual fantasies, masturbation, implied and detailed sex, etc.) and language (lots of F-bombs).
Also available on: AO3 FF.N
Chapter 1
“Late again?” Liam chides when Ruby waltzes into work as if everything is completely normal. As if she’s not an hour late for her shift. 
  For the third time that week.
  She gives him an apologetic smile, but Killian knows she’s not actually sorry. 
  He’s just wondering who she was with this time.
  “Won't happen again, boss.”
  “Damn right it won’t. This is your third warning. Next time, there will be a write-up,” he admonishes.
  Frustration creases her forehead. “Geez, would you just chill? My car broke down.”
  Liam crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes at her. “So, you mean to tell me your car has broken down three times this week?” he asks, holding up three fingers. “And on either of these occasions, you couldn’t pick up the phone and give me a heads up? Did your phone break, too?”
  She flashes him a look as though the answer to his question is obvious. “I told you my car’s a piece of junk. And I tried to call, but no one answered.”
  Killian fights off a laugh, knowing for a fact Ruby is bluffing. At least about calling tonight, since the phone hadn’t rung in the past hour. But he could easily check to see if she’d called on the other two days on the bar phone’s caller i.d. to find out for sure if he really wanted to. 
   “So get a new car. Don’t you make enough from your tips and the hourly wage I pay you?”
  “I make enough from my tips,” she replies with a sarcastic smirk, “but I have more important things to buy.”
  Liam rolls his eyes. “Like what? More six-inch heels, low-cut tops and short skirts?”
  Ruby lets out an exasperated sigh. “How do you think I get good tips—by dressing like a Catholic schoolgirl?” She twists her lips and presses the back of her long, red-painted fingernail to her chin, pondering her own words for a second. “On second thought, that actually might bring in even more tips. Besides, you should be paying for my work clothes. Maybe then I could afford a new car.”
  Liam scoffs. “You want me to pay for your outfits?” He shakes his head. “I don’t think so.”
  Ruby's eyes widen, as though she’s shocked he declined her request. “Why not? Can’t you claim them as a work expense?”
  He nods. “Alright, fine. But if I’m paying for your work attire, then I’m choosing what you wear. Sound good to you?” he asks, knowing damn well she’ll never go for it.
  Unsurprisingly, she shakes her head. “Absolutely not. I ain’t wearing no damn polo shirt and black slacks. I like my low-cut tops and short skirts, thank you very much.”
  Liam sighs and cups his forehead in his hand to indicate she’s giving him a headache as he turns around and walks toward his office. “Just get to work, Ruby.”
  She wraps her apron around her waist and mimics his words in a mocking tone, “Just get to work, Ruby.”
  “I heard that!” Liam hollers.
  “I could be already serving customers if it weren’t for my pain in the ass boss riding me every two goddamn seconds!” she shouts, hoping he heard that too.
  Killian chuckles to himself as he rings up a customer for his drinks and hands him the change.
  “That dude seriously needs to get laid,” Ruby huffs. “Maybe then he’d back off a little.”
  “Ha! I doubt it,” Killian comments before taking another drink order.
  Ruby heads to the dining area to wait on customers. She knows Killian’s not wrong to doubt Liam’s ability to show a little mercy. He’s worked for his brother for two years, longer than anyone has ever been able to stand working for him, and he’s never once seen Liam be lenient, not even to his own brother. He runs a tight ship, and Killian doesn’t see that ever changing. Liam has owned this bar for five years and takes his job very seriously. 
  Killian’s just glad he only has to work here for another six months. Or at least that’s the plan. He’s about to graduate from Storybrooke University and get his degree in engineering. As much as he enjoys working for his brother, or rather listening to his coworkers complain about his brother behind Liam’s back, he doesn’t plan on spending his entire life making drinks.
  Liam emerges from his office an hour later and announces he has to take off for a while to run some errands. Killian’s confused because this is Liam’s night to manage the bar. He dedicates the majority of his other time performing administrative tasks during the week.
  “What errands do you have to run on a Friday night?” Killian asks, his words laced with suspicion.
  “Just some errands I promised someone I’d take care of. You’re in charge while I’m gone.” He pulls on his jacket and leaves Killian behind the bar with a confused expression on his face, wondering what his brother is up to. 
  Killian brushes off the thought, deciding to further question him later.
  Liam heads out the door, but not before scolding Ruby for sitting down at a table full of rowdy men, chatting (and not about the menu). She may be into women, but she flirts with customers regardless of their gender for the tips. 
  Ruby curses under her breath and gets up, moving to her next table to jot down orders.
  Emma sighs as Mary Margaret grabs her hand and pulls her into The Captain's Rum. Or more like, drags her in kicking and screaming. She doesn’t wish to be at this bar any more than she wanted to be at the last two. But her sister-in-law insists on the outlandish idea Emma’s going to find Mr. Perfect tonight. Or somehow get over her asshole of an ex-boyfriend after one night of drinking.
  And even though it's been two months since she left Neal and his thieving and cheating ass, and as much as she wants to get over him, Emma knows it’s not gonna happen for a while. At least not tonight.
  And yet, here she is.
  One night of drinking can’t hurt, she supposes. One night of forgetting everything. Of numbing her pain. Or so she keeps telling herself, but that could be the alcohol she’s already imbibed at the other two bars speaking.
  “So, how’s it going tonight, Rubes?” Mary Margaret asks the cocktail server once they’re seated at a booth. 
  Apparently, they know each other.
  “Well, no one's tried to manhandle me yet, so it's a start.” The tall brunette with red streaks in her hair leans over the table and murmurs, “Not a great start, but it's a start.”
  Mary Margaret rolls her eyes and laughs as she gestures at Emma. “Rubes, this is my sister-in-law, Emma. She just moved here from New York.”
  Looking at Emma, Ruby grins and sticks out her hand. “Hi! Nice to meet you!”
  Emma gives her a polite smile and shakes her hand. “Likewise.”
  When Ruby brings the chips and cheese Mary Margaret ordered, she places them on the table along with two empty plates. Before arriving here, Mary Margaret decided they would put some food in their bellies before they added more alcohol so they wouldn't get too drunk too fast and have to head home early. Well, that was Mary Margaret’s idea at least. Emma would much rather be home in the comfort of her bedroom watching Netflix. Or rather, her brother’s and sister-in-law's guestroom they so graciously let her sleep in until she gets her own place. 
  “Enjoy, ladies.”
  “Sure will,” Mary Margaret beams as Ruby leaves their table. She sips on some water as she scans the bar. Probably for potential suitors she can hook her sister-in-law up with, Emma surmises. “What about him? He's cute,” Mary Margaret remarks, her eyes trained on someone behind her. 
  Emma looks over her shoulder and arches a brow. “He’s cute if you’re sixteen. He looks way too young.”
  “Well, he’s drinking, so he must be at least twenty-one,” Mary Margaret points out.
  “He looks sixteen, and sorry, I don’t date children.”
  “Emma, he’s not a child, probably a college student. And you act like you’re so old just because you already graduated. You’re twenty-two,” Mary Margaret points out like she’s jealous and wishes to be so young again. But she's only a few years older—the same age as David.
  Emma groans. “No, thanks.” Her last boyfriend was immature enough as it was, and he was ten years her senior. “So, tell me, how are you and my brother getting along?” Emma asks, attempting to change the subject and get her sister-in-law to avert her attention from the college boys across the room. “Sick of each other yet?”
  Mary Margaret whips her head around and scowls. “Of course not. Why would you ask such a thing?”
  Emma laughs and raises her hands in defense. “Because I knew it was the only thing that would get your attention.”
  Guilt and apology flicker in Mary Margaret’s eyes. “Sorry, Emma.” She lays her palms on the table. “David and I are just worried about you, that’s all.”
  Emma sighs, frustration creasing her forehead. “I’m fine, I promise. Neal was an ass, and honestly, him cheating on me was a good thing. I needed the wake-up call, okay? I was blinded by love. But now that we're over, I can move on with my life. That’s why I let you talk me into bar hopping.”
  A slow, hopeful smile spreads across her lips. “I know, and I’m so happy you got out of that relationship, Emma. David and I both are.”
  Emma laughs. “I know. When I landed on your door stoop, we both had to stop him from driving all the way to New York to kick Neal's ass.”
  Mary Margaret nods. “True. He’s very protective of you.”
  Emma rolls her eyes. “I know. It’s both a blessing and a curse.” She takes a sip of water as she scans the bar. It’s the first time she’s been to The Captain's Rum, and everyone is so unfamiliar to her. New York is a huge place, especially compared to Storybrooke, but in this bar, it feels like she‘s back in New York. She swears everyone in Storybrooke is here.
  Ruby returns to their table to sit and chat. And steal some of their chips, double-dipping them in the cheese. Emma fights off the urge to laugh at this as her eyes wander past Ruby’s shoulder. 
  Huge mistake.
  The group at the bar counter disperses, revealing the most gorgeous sight she's ever seen.
  Holy. Fucking. Hell. 
  She loses a breath when she sees what she can only describe as a fine specimen. 
  Good Lord.
  Handsome features and such a delicious smile to accompany his perfect face as he chats with a male patron at the bar, she finds herself licking her lips.
  “What about him?” Emma manages when she’s able to find the words in her throat. 
  Mary Margaret’s eyes light up before she even looks to see who Emma is staring so unabashedly at. “Who?!” She and Ruby both turn their heads, their eyes following the path of Emma’s gaze until they land on the target.
  “You mean the bartender?” Mary Margaret asks, though, to Emma’s surprise, she doesn’t seem very excited; more like disappointed.
  Emma tears her gaze away from the bartender, as much as she doesn’t want to. But she couldn’t breathe when she looked at him and she needed to come up for air. “Yeah, why not?” 
  “Why not what?” Ruby asks as she looks at Emma, curiosity flashing in her big hazel eyes. “Because if you’re asking ‘why not jump his bones,’ then I can’t think of one good reason.”
  “Ruby, don’t encourage her,” Mary Margaret chides with a glare.
  Ruby frowns, confusion etched in her features. “Why not?”
  “Because… Killian is a player. Emma just broke up with her player of a boyfriend a couple of months ago. She doesn't need another one in her life.”
  “Um, excuse me, I’m right here,” Emma groans wryly. “And I’m perfectly capable of making my own decisions.”
  “She’s not wrong though,” Ruby remarks. “He is a player. But a fucking hot player. Between the two of us, we’ve conquered all the women of Storybrooke.”
  Emma lifts a brow. “Does that mean what I think it means?”
  “Yep. Probably even some of the same women,” she winks, her words bearing no shame or remorse.
  “Ruby, would you stop? Besides, neither of you have conquered me,” Mary Margaret points out with air quotes.
  Ruby rolls her eyes. “Of course not. Prince Charming had already parked his car in your garage long ago.” She reverts her eyes to Emma. “If you’re looking for a relationship, he’s definitely not for you…” she leans over toward Emma, speaking softly, “but if you’re looking for a hookup to get over that cheating ex of yours, then he’s absolutely perfect for that. He’ll give you an orgasm sooooo hard, you’ll forget all about that scumbag. Then he’ll do it over and over again until he knows you won’t be able to walk for weeks.” Ruby grins wide. “Hell, you’ll forget your own fucking name for weeks.”
  Emma gulps, having to recover from the images Ruby implanted in her mind of the man on the other side of the bar. Once she recovers, she furrows her brows at the conclusions she’s drawn from Ruby’s graphic depictions of what a night with the handsome, dark-haired bartender would be like. “How would you know? Have you two—”
  Ruby laughs as though Emma just said the funniest thing she’s ever heard in her life. “Oh Gaaaaawwwwd, no! I don’t swing that way, honey,” she says, rising and waving off Emma’s words with a flick of her hand. “But I’ve seen the number Killian’s done on his conquests. People talk, especially the drunk, horny females who enter the bar. Plus, as I said, he’s my competition, so I have to know what he's working with… if you know what I mean,” she says with a wink.
  “Yeah, I got it,” Emma groans as Ruby saunters away. Why do all the hot guys have to be players? 
  It’s just her luck.
  Emma turns to catch another look at him. 
  God, he’s gorgeous. 
  Dark, wild hair, stubble on his chin and cheeks, and a fantastic body based on what she can see from her vantage point.
  “Emma! Don’t even think about it! That man’s trouble and you know David would never approve,” Mary Margaret explains, pulling Emma from her trance.
  She turns her head, glaring at her sister-in-law. “David is not my father. And besides, I’m a grown-ass woman! He can’t tell me who I can or cannot date.”
  Mary Margaret gives her a motherly look. “I know, sweetie, but this man doesn’t date women, he fucks them and then sends them packing. David only wants to protect you from guys like him.”
  “I don’t need his protection, okay? Or yours. I’m perfectly capable of looking out for myself.” Emma stands from her seat, and she’s not sure if it’s because of the alcohol still brewing in her system, or because her sister-law has expressed disapproval from both her and David, making this man seem like a forbidden, sinful dessert she’s dying to get a taste of, even though she’ll pay for it later. But right now she doesn't give a fuck. 
  She sucks in a breath and strides across the bar, ignoring Mary Margaret’s pleas and warnings.
  Her eyes are fixed on him like a magnet. He’s wearing a black v-neck that fits him like a glove and shows off a provocative amount of chest hair, his tight, firm muscles bulging as he wipes down the bar counter. His muscles aren’t inhumanly large, just big enough for her to imagine him picking her up and easily carrying her to his bedroom like she weighs nothing. Emma can feel her panties grow wet just from watching him work. 
  But even though she doesn’t wish to be told who to be with, she knows she should heed her sister-in-law’s warnings.
  What would one night of fun hurt, though? She’s spent too much time holed up in her New York apartment, wallowing in self-pity and heartache after Neal hurt her. She hasn’t been with anyone since then. And maybe she’s not looking to dive into a serious relationship right now. Or ever. Maybe she just wants to blow off some steam. And this man looks like he can handle such a task. She’s more than willing to find out. 
  Emma approaches the bar and stands in front of him, placing her hands on the counter. 
  “What can I get you, lass?”
  Well, fuck me sideways.
  He has a British accent too?
  She knows she should run for her life, but before she can talk herself out of it, he looks up from his task, and she feels like her feet are glued to the floor. 
  Ho-ly hell.
  He’s even more gorgeous up close.
  His arms are inked with tattoos she so badly wants to trace with her fingers, and his striking blue eyes sparkle as he stares at her, his smile showing off a set of pearly white teeth.
  Well shit.
  She couldn’t run away if she wanted to.
  Killian had been running back and forth behind the bar for hours, ringing up bar patrons, making drinks and engaging in small talk. It’s a typical Friday night at The Captain’s Rum; the place is normally busy on the weekends, especially since the bar is only a stone’s throw away from the university, and tonight is no exception. It’s crowded and loud, couples are dancing, and the women are scantily clad in either tiny dresses or short tops and skirts. As he’s grabbing beers and making cocktails, the bar continues to fill and grow louder. 
  He hands off drinks to a couple before moving on to the next customer. 
  “Hey Jones, can I get two Blue Ribbons?” his good mate, Robin, calls over the blaring music. 
  Killian chuckles and grabs the desired beers, popping off the caps before handing them over. “Taking it easy tonight?” he asks, leaning against the counter and gripping the edge of it with both hands.
  “Aye. Regina doesn’t like the hard stuff. She’s more of a wine person.”
  “Ah, I see.” Killian nods; he can definitely see that about Regina. He doesn't want to say this to one of his best mates, but the lass can be a little stuck up and quite bossy at times. She makes Robin happy though, so he keeps his mouth shut.
  He chats with him for a few minutes, finally getting a few minutes of reprieve. As Robin heads back to his girlfriend, Killian takes the opportunity to wipe down the bar top. But before he’s finished, someone approaches the counter. His eyes are still trained on his task, but he can’t miss the long blonde hair, pink lace and fantastic cleavage, seeing as the view is directly in front of him. “What can I get you, lass?” he asks, throwing on his most charming grin as he lifts his head.
  His smile is cemented on his face the second he looks up.
  Killian’s accustomed to seeing pretty women entering his brother’s bar and parading around in clothes that barely cover their essential parts.
  Yet nothing in the world could’ve prepared him for the woman standing in front of him on the other side of the bar counter.
  No, not woman. 
  Emerald green eyes, soft pink lips curved into a shy smile, smooth creamy skin, long golden hair cascading over her shoulders.
  She’s breathtaking.
  “What would you recommend?” she asks in a teasing tone.
  Her voice is that of an angel’s. Pure and sweet and innocent.
  She looks like everything he doesn’t deserve but wants every... fucking... part of.
  “Uh… I um…” he stutters, scratching nervously behind his ear. He can’t form a cohesive sentence as he looks into those hypnotizing eyes. He wants to get lost in them, drown in them. “What are you… what are you in the mood for, love?” he finally musters, adding another one of his signature grins. “I can make you anything your heart desires.” What he wants to say is, “I can give you anything your heart desires,” but even that may not be true. As gorgeous as she is, he’s afraid he wouldn’t be the man she deserves. He’s never been the guy women like to take home to their parents, anyway. He’s the guy chicks like to have around for a good time before they eventually settle into a serious relationship with Mr. Perfect. He’s definitely no Mr. Perfect, more like a Good Luck Chuck, but at the moment, he feels like he could be fucking Superman for this woman. And he's only exchanged a few words with her so far.
  She arches a brow and it’s literally the most adorable and sexiest thing he’s ever witnessed in his life. “Anything?” He senses a challenge in her tone. 
  “Try me,” he encourages.
  She bites her bottom lip in thought.
  He lied. Now that’s the most adorable and sexiest thing he’s ever witnessed.
  “What if I said I wanted a Baby Yodarita?”
  He arches a brow, very much intrigued. “A Baby Yodarita? Never heard of it.”
  She laughs and the sound is music to his ears. “That's because I made up the name. But I figure it would be a green drink that looks like baby Yoda.”
  “So, I take it you’re a Star Wars fan?”
  “Are you a bartender?” 
  Just as he answers like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, since he’s behind the bar serving drinks, he catches her drift and flashes a smirk.
  Could this woman be any hotter? And yes, as he’s asking this question in his head, he’s picturing Chandler Bing and the way he would say it, emphasizing the word be. Gods, he hates that he knows that about Friends. He hates that he actually likes that show.
  “You don't really have to be a Star Wars fan to be a baby Yoda fan though. He's so cute, he's trending on the internet, haven't you seen?”
  He chuckles. “Aye, who hasn't?” 
  She plants her hand on her hip, donning a sultry smirk. “So, are you up for the task, or not?”
  He licks his lips and leans over the bar counter, his eyes locked with hers. He wants to ask her if she fell from heaven. Or if he just died and went to heaven. But he has a feeling cheesy lines wouldn't work on a woman like her. “I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific as to what task you’re referring to, love.” But who the fuck is he kidding? There is nothing he could do for her he would consider a task. 
  Only a pleasure.
  Blush paints her cheeks and she leans over, meeting him halfway until her face is mere inches from his. “I have a few in mind… but how ‘bout that drink, first?” 
  Bloody. Fuck-ing. Hell.
  Her voice is a mixture of sweet and seductive. He doesn’t know how she manages to pull off a combination like that. His eyes drop to her lips and he’s seriously considering kissing the holy fuck out of her over the bar counter, audience be damned. He almost groans just thinking about her soft, luscious looking lips pressed against his, but he swallows the sound before it leaves his throat.
  He lifts his eyes to hers. “Sit tight, sweetheart.” 
  “Okay,” she says with a smile and takes a seat on a barstool. “Oh, and a Cosmo for my sister-in-law.”
  “Coming right up.” It takes every ounce of strength within him to pull away, but somehow he does. 
  He has to take slow, deep breaths to peel his mind from the fantasies he’s already having of him and the blonde temptress watching him intently as he prepares her drink. 
  Emma snorts. She honestly didn’t think he would actually take her seriously. She was only kidding around. But he took her very seriously and eagerly accepted her challenge. And he did an amazing job.
  She stares at the green drink in amusement, impressed, to say the least. He brought it to her in a margarita glass with two lime wedges sticking out like ears. The stem is wrapped in a napkin tied with twine and clearly made to look like Baby Yoda’s coat. And there's a cocktail stick tucked into the twine like a sword. 
  “Well? How did I do?” he asks, eagerly seeking her answer.
  “It's so cute,” she comments honestly. “It looks great, but does it taste as good as it looks?” As she asks that question, she’s looking up into his gorgeous eyes. And she can’t deny she’s wondering the same about him. 
  Does he taste as good as he looks? 
  Before she brings the glass to her lips, he puts up a finger to stop her. 
  “Hold on.” He grabs a toothpick and stabs two cherries, one on each end, before sticking it into the drink, giving the baby Yoda a pair of eyes. “For the finishing touch,” he smirks.
  After she stops laughing, she takes a hesitant drink. Once she takes the first sip, her face sours and she blinks a few times as she swallows. “Wow, that’s strong.” She arches her brow, pinning him with an accusatory stare. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
  He chuckles. “Aye, isn't that the intention?” 
  She nods and grins. “This will certainly do the trick.” She rises from the stool and reaches into her back pocket, pulling out her phone case wallet, which holds her phone and money. “How much?” she asks, pulling out some cash.
  He waves off her offer. “The drinks are on me,” he says with a wink.
  “Are you sure? I don't wanna get you in trouble.”
  “Trust me, I won't get in trouble.”
  Taking his word for it, she tucks the cash into her wallet. “Thanks for the drinks, Killian.”
  He arches a sultry brow, making her heart skip a beat. “So, you’ve heard of me, but I have yet to learn your name?”
  She laughs and points at the name embroidered into his shirt. “Yours is right there.”
  “Oh, that,” he chuckles, a light blush tinting his cheeks as he peers down and brushes his fingers over the letters. “My boss insists we have our names displayed on our shirts.”
  “Well, your boss sounds like a pain in the ass.”
  “He is, but I only have to work here for another six months. I’m graduating from SBU in the Spring.”
  She nods as a group of people approach the counter beside her. She glances over at them and shifts her gaze back to him, wishing he had more time to chat, but she knows he has to work. “It's Emma,” she makes sure to tell him before the counter becomes too overcrowded. “My name,” she clarifies, in case that wasn't obvious.
  “It’s nice to meet you, Emma,” he says sweetly, reaching over to shake her hand. When she slips her palm into his, she can feel the sparks from his touch, but instead of shaking her hand, he brings it to his lips and kisses the back of it.
  Oh, God.
  This man’s lips on her skin feel like heaven and sin. She has to clench her thighs to stop the throbbing she feels between her legs.
  She feels the loss when she pulls her hand away and sees the loss written all over his face. “Well, I should um… I should get back to my sister-in-law,” she stammers after learning how to form words again.
  He scratches behind his ear and opens his mouth to speak before closing it again like he’s nervous about something. “Of course, love.”
  Emma swallows thickly and lingers a bit, patiently waiting for him to say what’s on his mind. 
  He must sense she's waiting for him because as she grabs the drinks and starts to back away from the counter, his voice stops her. “Emma?”
  Good Lord, she loves the way her name slides off his tongue.
  She cocks a brow, hoping he's about to ask for her number. Praying he does. “Yes?”
  “I um… can you come back here before you leave? Say in an hour when it slows down a bit? I’d love to chat with you some more,” he says sincerely.
  Emma purses her lips like she has to mull over his question. The offer is extremely tempting. But she has something else in mind other than talking. Something involving his hands all over her body and her legs wrapped around his hips as he's plunging into her. 
  And you know what? Fuck it.
  She’s sure whatever he has in mind is exactly what she has in mind. Or at least, close to it. “Sure.”
  His eyes widen in excitement and surprise, as though he wasn't actually expecting her to say yes. “Really?”
  She flashes him her sexiest grin. “Yeah, why not? I’ll see you in an hour.”
  “See you then, love. Enjoy your drink. May the booze be with you.” 
  She snorts and backs away from the counter, holding up her glass in salute before taking a sip. Their eyes are still locked before she turns around.
  As she walks away, she cranes her neck to see him still watching her, even as he's serving other customers. She winks at him and has the pleasure of witnessing that adorable pink blush coloring his cheeks and the smirk on his lips before she faces forward and heads back to Mary Margaret. 
  She’s not looking forward to the lecture her sister-in-law is about to give her, but honestly, she doesn't care. She's looking forward to returning to the hot bartender, hoping to go back to his bedroom. Or the restroom. Either will do, really. As long as she gets to have him.
  After Mary Margaret is done chewing Emma out and reminding her of what a player Killian is, and after she finally realizes Emma is going to do what she wants, regardless of what anyone says, they are able to have some fun. 
  Ruby keeps the drinks coming, and soon they’re tipsy enough to get up and dance among the crowd of gyrating bodies already on the dance floor. Emma glances over at the counter every now and then, and every other time, she catches Killian staring at her, sending shivers down her spine. And every time he tosses her one of his cheeky smiles, her stomach flutters with butterflies. 
  Emma's thankful Mary Margaret is plastered enough to let loose and not give her any shit because she has no idea what Mary Margaret would do if Emma told her she's going back to talk to Killian. Though she has a feeling if Mary Margaret were sober, she'd do anything in her power to make sure Emma stayed away from him. 
  When the time finally comes, they order an Uber, which takes much longer than expected. She helps Mary Margaret into the backseat and tells her she's staying for a bit longer and will catch another Uber when she's ready to leave. She doesn't dare mention Killian's name, or that she plans on leaving with him, for fear Mary Margaret will blabber to her brother. Because then he'll come marching into the bar on his white horse to find his sister with the bartender and embarrass the hell out of her.
  Mary Margaret's too drunk and in no shape to talk her out of anything, so Emma’s able to escape, knowing her brother will take care of his wife when she gets home. 
  Emma quickly shoots David a text to let him know his wife had a few too many drinks and is on her way home in an Uber and that Emma decided to stay a little longer but will be home soon. Which is a lie. 
  She hopes. 
  Before the Uber drives away, Emma slips her phone into her pocket before heading back into the bar. She's fifteen minutes late, but it's not like Killian can go anywhere. He’s the bartender.
  Once inside, she takes a deep breath and tucks some hair behind her ears, a smile playing along her lips as she makes her way to the bar counter. She has no idea what exactly will happen once she reaches him, but with a face as gorgeous as his, she’s pretty sure she would let him do anything he wanted to.
  She’s also pretty sure he could help Emma get over her ex. As they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. And that’s exactly what she plans on doing.
  As Emma nears the counter and spots Killian, the beaming smile on her face immediately falls flat.
  And her heart sinks.
  A busty blonde is standing at the bar, her hand running up and down Killian’s arm, her fingers tracing his tattoos. The woman is sitting on a barstool at the opposite side of the counter in a low-cut top that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, and a skirt so short and tight it looks like it's been painted on. Killian’s standing in front of her, so his back is to Emma as he gives his full attention to the other blonde. It's almost time for last call, so it's now much quieter in the bar, and she's close enough to be able to hear their conversation.
  “What can I get you, love?”
  “A Tequila.”
  “Tequilas are trouble,” he says matter-of-factly.
  She moves in closer, biting her smile. “So am I,” she taunts.
  “I’m fully aware,” he replies with a chuckle. He tries to move, probably to make her Tequila, but she grabs his arm, forcing him to stay. Though, forcing is a bit of an overstatement; Killian doesn't seem to be putting up much of a fight. “Would you like a snack, too?”
  Mischief dances in her eyes as she licks her lips, ogling him like he’s the snack. “I’m looking at it, honey.”
  Emma feels like she's going to be sick. 
  The woman leans in and bites his ear and then pulls away slightly. “Last weekend was incredible. Can’t stop thinking about having my legs wrapped around you,” she giggles.
  Jealousy stabs Emma’s gut and disappointment shoots through her like a lightning bolt, bringing her back to reality.
  Mary Margaret and Ruby were totally right. 
  He’s a player. 
  Unable to listen to them for another second, Emma spins on her heels and dashes out the door so fast, she almost tramples over some guys heading in at the last minute. 
  She should’ve listened to the warnings, but she was too blinded by the attraction she felt for Killian. 
  God, she’s a fucking idiot. 
  Why does she always fall for the dangerous guys? The ones who are bad for her? Why can’t she just find a nice guy for once? Someone safe. Someone who won’t stomp on her heart and discard it like trash without batting an eye.
  She pushes open the door, tears stinging her eyes as she runs outside into the bitter, chilly night, hoping the Uber driver hasn’t taken off yet. But it's wishful thinking because she can't think of a reason why he wouldn't have left by now.
  The air rushes from her lungs as she slams into a tall, solid mass. 
  Hands are gripping her arms to keep her from falling as apologies leave her lips. “Sorry.” She looks up at the man towering over her, Emma's eyes connecting with soft blue ones, which are full of apology. 
  He flashes a warm smile, his lips framed by a light brown scruff.
  “I’m the one who should be sorry, lass. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” 
  He has an accent too? 
  What’s with all the accents in this town? She’s noticed a lot of the locals here weren’t actually born here. Or the States. She didn’t realize how much she liked men with foreign accents until tonight.
  This man continues to apologize, but he doesn’t sound very sorry. At least not for crashing into her. “I was distracted,” he says with a smirk, giving Emma the impression she was what he was distracted by.
  Emma tears herself from the trance she’s in and glances at the side of the road, where the Uber once was. “Shit,” she curses under her breath.
  “Are you okay?” he asks in genuine concern.
  “Yeah, it’s just… my ride has already left. And I’m too drunk to drive home,” she sighs.
  Before the man can respond, his phone chimes from his jacket. “Excuse me,” he says apologetically, pulling out the device. He studies whatever’s on the screen with a worried expression, then looks up at her, his mouth slightly agape.
  “Everything okay?” she asks with an arched brow, starting to shiver as a frigid wind sweeps around her.
  “Um, yeah.” He glances at his phone again before lifting his gaze. “You wouldn’t happen to be Emma, would you?”
  She freezes and just stares at him, not knowing how to answer that. Or rather, why she should answer that.
  What the hell? 
  She's never seen this man before in her life, so how does he know her name? 
  Her heart pounds and she wants to run, but she's afraid she’s not sober enough for that at the moment. “How do you know my name?”
  He appears to be hesitant as he holds up his phone, showing her his screen.
  Emma takes it in her hands so she can get a better look.
  Her eyes widen when she sees a text from a Nolan.
  Nolan, as in her brother? Who else with the last name, Nolan, lives with a Mary Margaret and an Emma?
  Nolan: I just received a text from Emma. She sent Mary Margaret home in an Uber and is at your bar. Can you make sure she gets home all right?
  Her blood sizzles as she rereads the message. Then she reads the texts before it, a couple in particular sticking out like sore thumbs.
  Nolan: So… I have a huge favor to ask.
  Me: Sure, what’s up, mate?
  Nolan: The wife and sister are going to the Rabbit Hole tonight. Emma just moved here from New York after a terrible break-up and Mary Margaret is determined to hook her up with someone.
  Nolan: Think you have time to get away from work and keep an eye on my sister, make sure she doesn’t find any trouble? 
  What the actual fuck?
  Why is her brother having this man spy on her?
  Emma turns around and pulls back the hand still holding the phone, about to toss the damn thing.
  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, don’t shoot the messenger, love,” he pleads. “I need my phone.”
  The endearment makes her shiver. Killian had called her love, too.
  She spins around to glare at the stranger. “David’s using you to spy on me?” she demands firmly.
  He holds up his hands in surrender. “I didn’t want to, lass, I promise, but I would’ve felt terrible if I said no and then, later on, found out something bad happened to you. I promise, I was only helping a friend and looking out for you.”
  Emma sighs and hands his phone back, knowing he’s telling the truth. She saw his responses to David’s texts and gathered he didn’t wish to put his nose where it didn’t belong or to stir up any trouble. “David always has been good at persuading people,” she grumbles.
  “Aye, especially when it comes to protecting the ones he loves,” he winks. 
  “Even so, he has no business spying on me!” she states louder than intended.
  “I wholeheartedly agree,” he states adamantly, making sure to express how much he was against this whole idea, to begin with.
  Emma crosses her arms over her chest, wondering how she never saw him at the Rabbit Hole when she was there. “So, you spied on me at the Rabbit Hole?”
  He shakes his head. “No, I didn’t get the chance to. By the time I got there, you and Mary Margaret were already gone.”
  Emma shakes her head and rolls her eyes at the thought of her own brother asking someone to spy on her. But she’s not surprised. “Brothers are so annoying,” she grumbles.
  He chuckles, and the deep, hearty sound warms her heart a little, despite the chill in the air. “Agreed.”
  She arches her brow, as though to ask him to expand on why.
  “I have one of those, too. So I get it.”
  Emma’s features soften, a small smile pulling at her lips. “Older or younger?”
  “Younger. He can be quite the ponce sometimes, but at the end of the day, I’d lay down my life for him.”
  “I usually feel the same about David… and then he goes and pulls something like this,” Emma remarks bitterly.
  “I take it he does this a lot?”
  “He did when we were younger. But then I moved to New York and he came here, so we didn’t see each other very much.”
  “Ah, I see.”
  Another gust of wind makes her shiver and has him removing his jacket and offering it to her. Even though she’s already wearing one.
  “May I?”
  She cocks a brow. “Won’t you be cold?”
  He shrugs. “I rarely get cold.”
  She gives him a soft nod. He looks like he’d be the type of man who knows how to stay warm, and therefore knows how to keep a woman warm. He has those big, strong arms and broad shoulders, and he’s very tall. She could picture herself being buried in his warmth, but maybe because she's currently freezing her ass off. “Thanks,” she murmurs when he goes behind her and drapes the jacket over her shoulders. 
  “It’s my pleasure, love.” When he’s standing in front of her again, he sticks out his hand. “The name’s Liam.”
  Emma smiles and slips her palm in his. 
  She was right. He is warm. Very warm. “I think David’s mentioned your name a few times.”
  “Probably not as much as he talks about you. In fact, I feel like I already know you,” he chuckles as they break the handshake.
  “Hopefully, he had good things to say?” She almost groans at the idea of David spewing a bunch of embarrassing stories about her from when she was a kid.
  “Aye. Very good things… well, mostly,” he admits. “But who doesn’t have at least a complaint or two about their siblings?”
  She nods in agreement. “True. I complain about him all the time.”
  He grins big and wide. “I don’t doubt that.” When his smile fades a little, he scratches his head as he looks at her, hesitant to form the next words he wants to say. “Well, uh… seeing as it’s,” he checks his watch, “almost two o’clock and not getting any warmer out here, how about I give you a ride home?”
  Emma twists her lips in thought. Normally she wouldn’t even think twice about rejecting a ride from a stranger, but there’s something about this guy that tells her he’s not a serial killer or rapist. There’s something pure about him, a vast contrast to the bartender inside. That guy screamed danger and sin, but this man standing before her gives off completely different vibes. He has a warm personality, which is very refreshing, and he has honest eyes. Besides, she may not be able to stand her brother and his antics sometimes, but he's always had good taste in friends. And if David trusts Liam enough to keep tabs on his sister, then he must be trustworthy.
  So with a feeble smile, she finally answers. “Okay.”
Tagging people who have shown interest. Let me know if you would like to be added. @itsfabianadocarmo​ @resident-of-storybrooke @onceuponaprincessworld @viajandosinalas @teamhook​ @captainswan-shipper88 @jamif @katielovesstarcrossedlovers @uhthreeyuh @lfh1226-linda @babyyouremyqueen @sthonour @julesep3026 @fairytalewhispersinmyheart @andiirivera @wefoundloveunderthelight @wickedsw4n @eleveneitherway @eherron14 @ouatpost @transparentclodsludgeweasel
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aion-rsa · 3 years
A Clockwork Orange at 50: Malcolm McDowell Revisits Kubrick’s Film
“I think I’ve always been my own kind of person, and you know sometimes to my detriment,” says Malcolm McDowell, chatting to Den of Geek via Zoom, 50 years after the release of A Clockwork Orange.
“I’ve never really played the Hollywood card, I’m not really an insider, that’s just not my thing. And I like to be able to say no. And that’s it.That’s not probably a politically correct thing to do. However, too bad. I’m still here 50 years later.”
McDowell is talking to us from LA, his accent a soft mix of Yorkshire, where he grew up, and California where he has resided for much of his professional life. He is funny and charismatic, with a hint of the mischievous, he says people still find him “a little intimidating” – traits which he brought out in spades for his breakout roles, first as rebellious school boy Mick Travis in Lindsay Anderson’s If… and then as violent delinquent Alex Delarge in Stanley Kubrick’s bold, blistering and controversial satire A Clockwork Orange.
Watching it today it seems hard to believe the movie is 50 years old – it’s lost none of its power. Set in a futuristic dystopian Britain, McDowell plays gang leader Alex, who with his band of ‘droogs’, gets high on ‘milk plus’ and commits a horrible home invasion and rape, and later a murder. Apprehended by the police, Alex agrees to participate in a new kind of aversion therapy which makes him physically unable to commit crimes, causing pain and nausea at the very thought, in exchange for a reduced sentence.
Alex is robbed of freewill, becoming the Clockwork Orange – an organic thing with a machine inside – of the title. It’s a movie of big themes, of totalitarian governments controlling citizens and left wing dissidents exploiting individuals, it’s a discussion of goodness and evil, of youth and authority, which is visually striking and often shockingly so. And to many it’s a masterpiece.
Kubrick’s film is an adaptation of the novel by Anthony Burgess, which like the movie uses a language Burgess called Nadsat (from the Russian suffix meaning ‘teen’) – a mix of Russian, English and Cockney rhyming slang. 
McDowell recalls his first meeting with Kubrick which took place at Kubrick’s house in Boreham Wood, during McDowell’s lunch hour filming Bryan Forbes’ Long Ago, Tomorrow. Kubrick said he’d seen If.. four or five times and it had made a big impression on him.
“We had a very nice chat but he didn’t mention anything and at the end I said ‘Well, I’ve got to get back to work. Was there anything you wanted to talk to me about in particular?’ And I could see his discomfort, at having to actually tell me that, yeah, he was thinking of making this book into a movie. And anyway, he begrudgingly gave me the title, gave me a copy of the book and told me to read it and call him,” McDowell smiles.
He describes the book as “a damn difficult read on the first go” but by the third go he was convinced. “I read it and I went, Holy crap, what a part! Oh geez!”
No kidding. Alex is front and centre of the entire film, he’s the narrator and charged with delivering difficult lines about ‘ultraviolence’, ‘weepy young devotchkas’ and how the treatment is affecting his ‘gulliver’.
Burgess was a linguist and his decision to make a new hybrid youth slang was a practical one. He wanted the youths in this world to feel ‘other’ and separate from the grown ups but felt if he’d chosen to use contemporary slang that the book would date quickly. It was a shrewd move that Kubrick stuck to, helping the film have a sense of timelessness.
Then there were the iconic costumes worn by Alex and his droogs – removed from any particular era of fashion they were simple but immediately intimidating. The look came about via a moment of serendipity between McDowell and Kubrick when Kubrick asked his star what he had in mind for the costume himself. 
“I said ‘Futuristic, I don’t know!’” McDowell laughs. “He goes, ‘What have you got?’  I went ‘What have I got? I mean I’ve got jeans and a T-shirt and I’ve got my cricket gear in the car’. He goes, ‘We’ll put it on. And then ‘What’s this?’ I went, ‘Well, that’s the protector’. He said ‘Wear it on the outside’. And that’s the iconic costume, right there, boom.”
McDowell says he had around six months of prep time where he got to know Kubrick really well, where Kubrick grew to trust him which he describes as being really fun. That trust between the two was important – McDowell had heavy lifting to do physically, including the indelible scenes of the ‘Ludovico technique’ which saw his eyelids pinned back (he scratched a cornea) and the humiliation scene, after his conversion, (he cracked several ribs). McDowell plays this down, “Most of the time it was fun to do. I had a couple of injuries but they weren’t life threatening. They were fairly painful, but it was really a small price to pay.”
On a rewatch these moments still standout, though there are others too – an extended sequence where Alex is being drowned in a trough by his former friends knocks the breath out of you. 
“To be honest with you, it’s a complete cheat,” says McDowell of the scene. “There’s one cut right at the beginning. That water was cold and they coloured it with Bovril. I mean can you imagine beef extract? It stank to high heaven, it was absolutely like shit! And it was cold because we shot it I think in November. So they couldn’t heat the water because it steamed. I could only literally last three to five seconds before I had to come up for air. And so he put a tank of oxygen in there with a mouthpiece, and I spent my time trying to find the mouthpiece, which was bobbing around. It was harrowing.”
Not to mention he was being beaten with a billy club at the same time. 
“Admittedly, it’s rubber, but it still hurts,” McDowell recalls. “You can still feel it, and you feel like you’re in a nether world, you’re underwater, you’re sort of like drowning, but not quite. It’s a pretty good shot though.”
As well as the language, the soundtrack, the costumes and McDowell’s performance, the movie is also remembered for the controversy surrounding it. Allegations of copycat crimes as well as death threats sent to the director prompted Kubrick to pull the film from UK distribution in 1973, making it difficult to see in Britain until after Kubrick’s death in 1999. McDowell says the withdrawal didn’t especially affect him at the time, since he was in another country filming, and the movie had already been shown for a year. “It wasn’t like he pulled it at the height of its success so people couldn’t see it.”
Though it remains tough to watch in part, McDowell says younger audiences seem more comfortable with the comedy and satire elements of the film, a strand that was always intended.
“It is a black comedy and that’s how it was made. And I would have to say that that element of it has caught up, and kids when they see the movie now just roar with laughter and that makes my heart sing because that’s what I thought when I made it,” he says. “When it first came out, my god! It was total silence in the cinema, nobody moved out of their seats.”
When we ask McDowell what he hopes new viewers coming to the film today might take from it he’s typically candid: “I really have nothing to say about that. You know they can take whatever they want.” Though he says he thinks it’s amazing that the film is still relevant which he attributes to Burgess’s book even more than Kubrick’s adaptation.
Then after a beat he follows up with an anecdote.
“Well, actually I did go to a screening for the 40th anniversary at the Egyptian, I also gave a bit of a talk. At the end I was walking towards the bathroom and a young kid passed me, and goes ‘Oh my god! Clockwork right?’ I went, ‘Yeah!’ he goes, ‘Which part?’ I went, ‘The old guy’. He goes, ‘The old guy! Oh!’ I went, ‘No! the young guy! It’s 40 years old!’ he went, ‘Oh!’ he didn’t even connect,” McDowell chuckles. “I don’t know what he was smoking.”
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To mark its 50th anniversary, A Clockwork Orange Ultimate Collector’s Edition is now available to own here and includes the feature film on a Ultra HD Blu-ray™ disc in 4K with HDR and a Blu-ray™ disc with the feature film and special features. Fans can also own A Clockwork Orange in 4K Ultra HD via purchase from select digital retailers.
The post A Clockwork Orange at 50: Malcolm McDowell Revisits Kubrick’s Film appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3B9M0du
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Diabolik Lovers Character Song Bonus CD ー Sweet Time [Laito ver.]
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Original title: Sweet Time [ライト編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers Character Song Bonus CD for buying all six volumes
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: Holy shit I felt bad for the MC in this one. xD I thought these tracks were going to be about enjoying some type of sweets/dessert with the different boys but the only thing Laito savors in this track is Bitch-chan’s delicious blood. Laito’s known for his moaning but I feel like they really upped it with an additional 200% this time. So yeah, use headphones or this won’t end well for you NOR the people around you.
Shuu ll Reiji ll Ayato ll Kanato ll Laito ll Subaru
You are flipping through a book.
“...What do we have here~? Bitch-chan, what are you reading?”
You show him the book.
“Heeh~ I see. Night sceneries taken from an observation deck high up in the air (1)...? Oh Bitch-chan~ You’re interested in this kind of stuff? Nfu~ I see...In that case, perhaps I should invite you over to my secret spot tonight~? Nfu~ Come on, follow me!”
“...We’ve arrived! This is the place! It’s not quite on par with the tower in the magazine, but this multistory hotel is quite high up as well, don’t you think? Well then, let’s get inside the elevator and go to the top! Nfu~ Fun awaits ahead.”
The elevator starts moving. 
“Ahn~ Bitch-chan, you’re so cute! You’re making such an eager expression~”
“Come on, we’ve reached the top floor.”
You try and get out, but Laito grabs hold of your arm.
“Woah, hold it right there! We’re not getting out just yet. Nfu~ As I said, the fun waits ahead.”
You seem a little confused.
“Why, you ask? Because I have no business at the top floor.”
You frown.
“Watch the night scenery? Geez, Bitch-chan~ You really lack a little imagination. You have to think big, right? ...Nfu~ I’ve got something much more enjoyable than watching the scenery by night in mind”
“...Inside this elevator, get it?”
The doors close again.
“Now that the doors have closed again, shall we get...started?”
Laito pins you against the wall.
“...Nfu~ ‘What are you doing?’, you ask? Shouldn’t that be obvious? I’m going to suck your blood over here, nfu~ ...Aaahn~ Look at you pretending not to want it. You look very cute.”
“Say, did you notice? We’re inside a secret room right now. One that floats several metres above the ground. However, this secret room comes with a time limit, you could say. If somebody were to try and take the elevator and press the button, the doors to this secret room will open in no time.
...Everything we’re doing ー Exactly, they’d be able to see! Aaah~ I’m shivering with excitement for the first time in a quite some time. A random stranger might just...see how I suck your blood as you drown in pleasure! 
Well, I doubt there’s a lot of people who would take the elevator in the middle of night like this. However, knowing you could be seen by anyone at literally any second is just so incredibly arousing, don’t you think?”
You get flustered.
“Ah, let me tell you this in advance, but if you struggle and cause any unusual tremors, it’ll activate the elevator’s safety mechanism and attract even more attention, okay? You should be well aware that I’m not the kind of guy to stop just because people rush to the scene, aren’t you?”
You freeze in place.
“Even right now, the elevator’s steadily moving downstairs. Don’t just look at the screen displaying the floor numbers. Your eyes should be on me, don’t you think?”
Laito kisses you again.
“To get us started, I’ll go for the neck...”
He rips open your collar before biting you. 
*Gulp gulp* 
“...Haah~ Delicious...Bitch-chan’s blood...I suppose this proves you’re turned on by the circumstances. It’s so much more...”
*Gulp gulp*
“The blood’s...getting sweeter...Haah~...”
*Gulp gulp*
You nearly collapse but Laito catches you in time.
“Woah there! You already can no longer stand without me supporting you? ...Say, Bitch-chan. You accidentally pushed the elevator’s button while suddenly moving just earlier, you know? ...Nfu~ Let’s see, we should reach the next floor any second now. Soon the doors will open...”
You start panicking. 
*Rustle rustle*
“Aaah~ You can’t make a fuss! I know it may have been a slip of the hand, but you’re the one who pushed the button, aren’t you?”
The doors open.
“Woah there~ Too bad. Nobody’s here. ...How boring~ It would have been so much more interesting if a large crowd was waiting at the other side.
You shake your head.
“However...I know! You helped me think of something nice!”
You frown.
“Ahh...Fufufu~ ...Ahahahaha!”
*Tap tap tap tap tap*
“What I’m doing? Ahahahaha~! I obviously pushed the button of every single floor! You really are a little dummy who needs to have everything spelled out for her~ Nfu...~”
“Let’s see...If I do this...”
He bites you again.
“Even if you keep quiet, the elevator will stop at every floor. Haahn...”
*Gulp gulp*
“The door will open beyond our control.”
He continues to drink your blood.
*Gulp gulp*
“...If there happens to be someone standing at the other side when it opens...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Mmhー! ...They’ll see aaaaall of what is happening right now~ What do you think? Doesn’t that sound like the best thing ever?”
The elevator opens again.
“Oh dear...Ah-aaah~ Well if you aren’t lucky, Bitch-chan. There’s not a single soul on this floor either.
Haaah~ ...Bitch-chan~ My arousal is over 9000 has reached its peak as well! Aaahn~”
Laito pushes you down.
“...Nfu~ Let me suck from your leg next, okay? Fufu~ Your thighs look scrumptious per usual.”
He bites your thigh.
*Gulp gulp*
“Aaah~ Aahn...So delicious...Because you’re embarrassed...Your blood is even sweeter than usual~ Haahn...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Aah~ Mmh...”
*Gulp gulp*
Laito legit sounds like he’s jizzing his pants by this point.
The birds are chirping outside.
“Ah-aaaah~ In the end, we ran out of time without being seen by anyone. What a shame~ It’s already dawn. Getting kicked out by the hotel’s security guards would kind of ruin the mood so let’s call it a day and head home, okay? You had too much of your blood drained, so you can barely stand on your legs anyway. I still think it’s a bit of a shame, but we had plenty of fun, so let’s leave it that, okay?”
You seem shaky on your legs.
“If you can’t stand up right, I’ll hold your hand.”
Laito scoots closer.
“You seem just the slightest bit relieved that nobody saw us in the end. Nfu...~”
“You were incredibly cute, Bitch-chan~ Next time, I’ll suck your blood while somebody is watching us, okay? Nfufu~”
ーー THE END ーー 
Translation notes
(1) He says 超高層展望台 or ‘choukousou tenboudai’ which literally means ‘an observation deck at an extreme height’.  (I had to listen to this part many times because he says it very quickly and I wasn’t quite sure where one word ended and the next started lol xD)
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By which I mean, Tom King was on ComicPop discussing Supergirl! So we have CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND INFO! WOO!
Gonna get into it below, but my recommendation, as always: the best way to have an informed opinion is to get the info firsthand, so don’t just take my word for it! Go forth! Watch the thing! (Language advisory, though. There is some swearing.)
Okay. With that out of the way, LET’S GO!
Gonna lead off with a summary of the Supergirl bits, as they discuss a variety of things, from Strange Adventures to Batman/Catwoman to the canned New Gods project:
How Tom King came to be the writer of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow:
King’s longtime editor, Jaime Rich, was moved from the Bat books to the Super books. 
King, historically, likes to take on characters that ‘need help.’ He cites the example of Kirby who, upon coming to DC, asked what their lowest-selling title was, which is how he ended up on Jimmy Olsen.
So, when King asks which character needs help, Rich, to King: Supergirl. We have trouble selling that book.
King, describing Supergirl: ‘She’s singular in a way Mr. Miracle and Vision are not.’ Says that if you ask any four year old who Supergirl is, they know.
Editors asked him, ‘what’s your take? what are you gonna do with her?’
King then discusses the difference between his approach to Bat people vs. Super people.
Bat people: It’s a deconstruction approach. King brings up Kite Man from his Batman run. You tear the character down and build them back up, a la Dark Knight Returns
Super people: It’s not about deconstruction. Let them be themselves. They’re wonderful, let them be wonderful. 
But he does mention sort of stripping down the character to their purest form; he describes it as chiseling off the barnacles that have built up on the character, over the years.
Additionally, he says ‘evil doesn’t work for the Super family of characters.’
He mentions Superman: Up in the Sky. He says that there’s deep stuff in Up in the Sky, but the theme of every page is simply: Superman is awesome.
King: “I don’t want to make Kara mean or sad. I want to test her.”
The host compares ‘angry Kara’ stories to ‘evil Superman’ stories in that there are many of them, such to the point that people think Kara is relatable because she’s miserable and angry all the time. 
The host: I don’t get that.
(Same dude, same.)
King talked to Steve Orlando
They discussed the fact that Supergirl knew her planet; the people who died were her friends, family, classmates.
King summarizes Kara’s original Silver Age origin: she witnessed three huge, traumatic losses of life. First, when Krypton exploded. Then again when the Kryptonite started killing Argo residents, and then again when the meteorites destroyed the lead shielding that was keeping Argo safe. 
King: “That’s some f-ing trauma! I don’t know if you’ve read my books, but I love the trauma in characters.”
King thus describes Kara as world-weary, she swears, ‘she has seen some sh*t’.
On the new character, Ruthye:
She’s a child on a vengeance quest.
She’s named after King’s niece, Ruthie.
The pronunciation for the comic character, though, is Ruth-Eye.
One of his sons told him to add the ‘e’ on the end to make it look cooler.
Further discussion of Kara herself:
King noted that there’s sometimes a tendency to be very precious with the character.
King: ‘Let’s not be precious with Supergirl.’
This is not the story of a sixteen-year-old girl discovering the world; King says that Supergirl has been that sixteen-year-old for a long time now.
He describes it more as a move from Supergirl to Superwoman.
Art and Influences:
Talking about the red sun planet that Kara visits for her twenty-first birthday, King says he was reading a lot of Conan, which influenced the look of that portion of the story.
The impetus for getting Evely on the book: King said his editor emailed him, ‘Hey, how about Bilquis?’ King: “And I did a happy dance!”
Evely sent King a mood board of the types of things she wanted to draw; Moebius, Kirby, Wally Wood, landscapes in particular. 
Also, King says Evely is fast! She’s already halfway through the book, art-wise, and King is confident the book will release on time.
The host asked him, following up on King’s description of the book as a fantasy/western, ‘Is this True Grit?’
King: “It’s True Grit inspired. The novel AND the movie.”
If asked to give the Hollywood pitch: ‘It’s True Grit in space with Supergirl as Rooster Cogburn.’
Details about this book, as compared to Other Tom King titles:
He’s using captions on this comic--he’d thrown out captions as a storytelling device after Batman, but he found a ‘good voice’ for this comic.
King was prepared to do his usual twelve issues, but they said no one buys Supergirl comics, so it’s eight issues.
King says that Strange Adventures, Rorschach, and to a lesser extent, Batman/Catwoman, were written at a time when the world felt very apocalyptic.
He considers them to be angrier books; they are about what happens when evil is in our life, and how we deal with that.
Supergirl is the start of the ‘next generation’ of titles. 
It was written during the pandemic, but King hoped that by the time it was released, the pandemic and this very dark time in our history would be past.
He says it’s a ‘roaring 20s’ book. Not about anger, or trauma, it’s about stepping into the future and kicking a**. 
THUS CONCLUDES the Supergirl portion of the interview. 
Okay, so! Now that we’ve been objective and presented the information in a straightforward, unbiased manner...SOME THOUGHTS AND OPINONS!
The thing I was most curious about was how King got the book, so I was EXTREMELY PLEASED to get the full story.
This wasn’t like. King desperately wanting to do a Supergirl book, nor was it DC coming to King like, ‘Take Supergirl!’
Sadly, it was, ‘which book needs the most help right now? In the Superman lineup?’
He even said that Supergirl was kind of just sitting around, no one was doing anything with her/there were no plans.
(So the idea that King stole this opportunity from a woman is not true. There were NO PLANS.)
(Also it’s not based on the FS stuff, I suspect they gave the FS team some ideas from his pitch to work with, as that entire event was sort of a stop-gap/fill-in as they hurried to relaunch their line.) 
My initial thought that this is DC’s attempt to sell some dang Supergirl books? Not that far off! XD
Boy, I hope it works.
(Important to note: This is not news. Supergirl has historically always sold poorly. I’ve heard from actual Supergirl writers that the trades do not sell, which is a huge problem.
So King, who is KNOWN for having really good trade sales, is as solid a gamble as they could probably hope for.
He said Superman: Up in the Sky is his third best-selling trade. A WAL-MART BOOK! Is just behind Vision and Mr. Miracle!
Basically: If this doesn’t work, I don’t know that anything will.) 
As for the specifics of King’s take in particular!
Again...I really want to see it, before I pass judgement on it.
I liked the Andreyko run! And that was pretty edgy! 
Also, we have never seen a twenty-something Kara, post-Crisis. She’s always been a teenager. Thus I’m pretty willing to go along with this approach because it’s entirely new territory.
And it does seem like King is enjoying leaning into the idea of a Super who swears and kicks butt and is just a little ‘done’ with it all.
It might not mesh with my ideal Kara but again. I need to see it, before I come to any firm conclusions. 
Honestly the thing that gives me the most pause? Is that King says this book really focuses on Supergirl, not Kara, which is a more recent identity for her.
(That is somewhat true! The ‘Kara Danvers’ identity is wholly new to the show; she’s always been Linda Lee, Linda Danvers, Kara Kent, or Linda Lang, when she has a secret identity. Sometimes she doesn’t.)
(Also of note: Tom pronounces it ‘Care-a’, like the cartoon.)
(PERSONALLY I like KAHr-a, like in the show, because it creates a phonetic consistency with ‘KAHl-el’ but that’s not really relevant to a comic book. You can mentally pronounce it however you choose! XD)
So, yeah, I like the Kara Danvers part of her identity, I like earth-bound Supergirl stories, but. This isn’t that. Which I’ll need to make peace with, I guess. XD
Otherwise? Tell me a story, Mr. King. Even if I hate it, Evely will draw it beautifully, Lopes will color it masterfully, and that’s half the battle, right there. 
I’m sad King didn’t mention the Gates/Igle run! But I also understand he’s probably been looking at more recent stuff; those Gates/Igle comics are fifteen years old, oh man, oh geez, how are they that old already.
King did confirm that this is 100% in-continuity, and will affect the character going into the future.
But, IDK, given the sort of. Grim beginnings of how this book came to be, what with the reminder that the Supergirl title doesn’t sell well...who knows what the future will look like, for Kara!
I stand by my guess that Kara will graduate to ‘Superwoman’ and the Supergirl mantle will pass to someone else, maybe Ruthye? She might be a bit young, though.
Mmm. What else, what else?
Oh, this is pretty funny, IMO: when King first teased the new character, Ruthye, a bunch of SG fans rushed to google to see if there was any clue as to like. What it could mean.
And they freaked out over some obscure connection where that name appears but hey, turns out! It’s just a made up name! Based on King’s niece!
It’s funny because SG fans never learn, man. Just chill out, read the dang book, then get all upset and huff and puff and blow your twitter house down.
They briefly mentioned the Peter David run; King said the PAD stuff was great.
He’s already teased that ‘treat’ and, okay. Time for some rumination on that specifically.
I’ve read the whole PAD run. It wasn’t my cup of tea, I don’t really like the DnD, angels and demons stuff. Also, it wasn’t Kara; it’s an entirely different character who uses the name ‘Supergirl.’
Also, stuff from that run didn’t age well.
And on top of that, PAD turned out to be...kind of a jerk! As so many folks in the comic industry are.
There’s also...an extremely weird, mean-spirited vibe through the whole back half of the run; I thought maybe I was imagining it at the time, but I recently went back to “Many Happy Returns”, the final story arc of the title, and David’s introduction in the trade...it doesn’t read like a guy who was in it for the love of the character, you know?
All of which to say! I’m not excited about connections to the PAD stuff. 
But I know a lot of fans who love that run, love that version of the character.
So like. Eh! Not for me, but to the folks who enjoy it, I hope it’s cool/fun, whatever it is.
(Still think it’ll be a variant or an easter egg or something, but we’ll see.)
(Oh, hmmm! Evely *did* post a WIP of like. Some creepy skull gate that they presumably encounter...hmmmmm.)
Okay, this is crazy long, and there’s no fun art or anything to go with it--OR IS THERE?!?!?!
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BOOM. From Bilquis Evely’s twitter today. (GO. FOLLOW. HER. FOR THE GOOD ART.)
(LIKE!!! I look at this and I just! Can’t! Bring myself to not be hyped as all heck! LOOK AT THIS! AND iT’S JUST THE PENCILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
God, wish that Supergirl sold better, so we could get a full year of this. HNNNNGGGGGGG.
Oh! That was another thing King discussed in detail; that 8 is way different from his usual 12, in terms of pacing and story. The beats fall at different places (obviously) so it was a bit of a challenge for him.
Actually, now that I’m thinking about it...maybe 8 will be good. Issue 10 just dropped for Strange Adventures, and wow, it has felt LONG. (I mean, the last four? Three? issues are also bi-monthly so that doesn’t help but. Still.)
(Superman: Up in the Sky was twelve issues but half the length, because it was a Wal-Mart book, so it was more like six.)
OKAY! For real, I’ve gone on long enough. XD 
SOON. Soon. June 15th, to be exact. Mark yer calendars!
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 1: The Accident...
It is recommended, though by no means a must if you know the Marauders history enough to be reading fanfiction about them, you read We Were first. The first five chapters are slightly AU to the continuity of this fic, but the grand point and especially the final chapter are key to the beginning of this fic as you get plopped in the middle. Link is below or you can find it in my profile.
Before you get started; Warnings include- Explicit Wolfstar (Remus/Sirius), and on the whole a rather flimsy premise that I honestly created to indulge myself because I didn't let myself do it the first time. A lot less logically based and a lot more I just felt like having fun with this one. It's not to say I'll let this degenerate into tropes and one note things, but there's going to be even less reading of the books involved, as in literally they're just interacting around the story with only passing mentions of what's going on in there. If you want a much more grounded basis and more 'realistic' approach to a reading series, I put my heart and every cell of my mind into The Life that Never Lived, PDF's upon request. I'm pretty sure this one grew from my funny bone that I broke when I was seven.
The dungeons where Potions were held had always felt like the most oblique part of the castle, and Sirius had been in every corner of it to claim as such. It wasn't entirely the fault of the dark stone walls, sweltering hot air from the many flames, or the often unexplained fumes. The feeling seemed to seep up straight from the cold stone floor no matter how many fires were lit, as if the wooden stool itself were trying to pin them all with the unknown.
Sirius had never been more grateful for a Potions class to be over, and that was really saying something. It was the last one of this bleeding school semester, and if he had to spend one more day glaring at a cauldron and somehow inexplicably turning it the wrong color one more time without the usual helpful hint from Peter telling him why, he was going to chuck every last drop of it in Slughorn's face for constantly telling him he'd figure it out!
He'd never packed up his bag faster, even managing to multitask by muttering under his breath how stupid all this was. He was the first person to make it to the door, but collided with someone even less pleasant to see than the three people he'd most been avoiding lately. He cursed loudly, earning several dirty looks as the rest of the class was now passing. His bag had ripped upon stumbling into his little brother and smashed to the ground, sending his things flying and managing to spray him with ink.
Regulus hesitated in the doorway, muttering a quick, "sorry Sirius."
"Oh, it knows my name," Sirius growled under his breath, though his tone was far less hateful than usual, considering this was the first time he'd had a proper conversation with someone in nearly three weeks. His little brother was hardly his first choice, given his proud Slytherin status and being two years younger didn't remotely have them coming near each other most days, a fact he was usually grateful for.
"Yes, he does," Regulus' scowl looked remarkably close to Sirius', the two put side by side at once was rather eerie. His tone though was even more friendly than Sirius', which wasn't all that hard as he tried to explain his abrupt appearance. "I ah, I came sprinting down here to see if I could catch Slughorn, ask him if I could pick up an extra credit assignment."
Sirius straightened with his stuff still half strewn around, but again that pull for someone to talk to seemed greater, especially as he glanced back and saw who hadn't left yet, so he responded no matter how unenthusiastically. "Yeah, what you struggling with?" While tapping his bag and mending the tear, slowly bending down to pick each item back up while he absently listened. Regulus even began to help him while he explained in short, precise sentences like he was practicing for the teacher.
Frank Longbottom and Alice Smith slipped in past the two Black brothers at the doorway and found the room mostly empty, and they shared an exasperated look as they wondered if they'd just walked in on Slughorn telling this group off again. They were early for their next class after all, but the teacher was nowhere in sight. They did get a full view of what started quite an interesting journey.
James was hanging by Evans' cauldron, trying to chat happily with her, but mostly waiting for Sirius to leave first. He could hardly stand to look at him these days, let alone pass by him in such a restricted place, yet the wanker had struck up a conversation with Regulus of all people, someone he'd hardly spoken a whole sentence to in the past five years, but no, he'd chosen now! Probably just waiting for them to walk past first, like this was all still some game to him.
Remus and Peter were hovering on edge right beside him, Remus fidgeting with what was left of his cauldron on the desk while Evans was trying to pack hers up and being hampered by James staying in her way. "Won't you at least consider coming? It's our last game of the season! What if you're my good luck charm, you've always been the best at those! Do you really want to be the reason Gryffindor loses?"
"They've gotten on just fine without me there the past years," Lily snipped. She never knew why she even bothered responding to him half the time, but considering it no more discouraged him than ignoring him, at least this way she got to vent.
She tried to sidestep past him, James once again stepped into her way, and the two collided with each other, their hands accidentally slipping into her cauldron Remus had just mistakenly dumped his own potion into.
Whatever the concoction the two mixed together created upended the entire world.
At first though, nothing really changed. There was no marvelous flash of light, no force of nature that showed everyone outside of this room had vanished. Lily simply made a gagging noise as she pulled her hand out of the vat and glared furiously at the oddly pale teen, pulling her wand out at once with her less dominant hand she hadn't tried to catch herself with and banish the gunk off while hissing at him, "You are so lucky I turned that in already Lupin! What the hell did you even create? I've never seen this before," she finished with a critical eye at the now steaming mess, that vanished before their eyes.
"Wow Remus, you should do that more often, really makes cleanup easier," Peter chuckled while Remus looked rather concerned.
"I, err, I'll admit, I really screwed up my potion worse than usual. I think I added three things I actually wasn't supposed to, so you've got me."
James just flung the mess from his hand, which also vanished before it had even landed on anyone, and glanced back hopefully like he'd thought his source for this mess had left already.
He hadn't.
His face was turned in their general direction, like he'd been trying to subtly glance over and hope for the same, but now he was looking right through James. That wasn't uncommon lately, but the stunned look of confusion on his face was enough James grudgingly turned his head the other way to see what.
Back on the lip of the cauldron, was a slim red book with a golden one on the spine. It was just sitting there, like Evans had left it on purpose, but it certainly hadn't been a second ago.
Lily took his distraction as a chance to bolt from the room, Regulus gave his brother an awkward wave goodbye and went back out towards Slughorn's office since he'd clearly missed him, and Alice and Frank tried to casually step back out as well. Even being a year above those four had not left them oblivious to their fight. The whole school was aware of the fact the four Marauders had not been seen together in quite some time, and neither of them particularly felt like putting their nose into why.
James was still frowning in confusion at the odd title stamped across, which simply read Harry Potter Year One.
"Err, did either of you-" James looked at the two as if in some kind of explanation, but both gave a mystified shake to their head. James couldn't help it, he still looked automatically towards his best mate, and then he caught himself and realized they were the only four left. Sirius' eyes had still been locked in on the odd object, really ridiculous his mind supplied as James had no relatives named Harry, and wondered if this was some odd attempt at a prank?
Sirius didn't stick around to care, completely forgetting the rest of his things, he turned on his heel and finally exited as well, when they all heard a shriek.
As one, the four bolted up to the Entrance Hall, Alice and Frank right behind them as they hadn't wandered off far, to see Lily standing in the middle and stamping her foot in frustration upon seeing them. "Damn, I thought someone would have reacted to that."
"Err, Evans," James began in concern as if for her health.
"Where is everybody!" She demanded while gesturing to the Great Hall where there should have been a packed lunch crowd. Nobody was in there, and now that they were listening for it, the din of a castle filled with people, was deadly silent all around them.
As if given a signal, everyone began shouting all at once, sure the ruckus would cause someone to appear, but the only other arrival was Regulus coming up from the stairs as well, looking at all of them with great concern. "Geez, you lots shouting usually has a much greater audience."
"Thank you Regulus for that helpful insert!" Sirius snapped.
Regulus ignored that and seemed to look around himself and really acknowledge his own words, before realization slammed into him as well as he whispered, "What's going on?"
"We'd all like to know that," Frank put his hands up in frustration, this was what he and his girlfriend got for getting to class early.
"This is ridiculous," Lily seethed, stomping up towards the stairs. She was intending to barge into every crevice of this place and find someone other than these idiots to deal with. She didn't know what the school was playing at, but it wasn't funny.
Alice and Frank followed her as they still considered her the least craziest compared to the others.
Sirius still couldn't bring himself to look at the other three and bolted out onto the grounds for an exit, and Regulus couldn't think of anything better to do but follow him.
James waited until they were back alone before nodding to Peter, who pulled the Marauder's Map back out and cast the charm to activate it. On cue, the magical ink appeared, spreading through the tattered paper, but only revealing eight names instead of the several hundreds it normally housed.
"What the bloody hell?" Remus demanded, snatching it away as if sure somehow Peter had cast it wrong. He deactivated it and retried five times before looking up in exasperation, to see James flipping through the book. "Of all times, you chose now to pursue one of those!" Remus demanded.
"Remus, what the bloody hell was in that potion," James whispered to him.
Remus looked at him askance. "I told you I don't know, I was, well I-" it was hard to admit how thoroughly distracted he'd been, even more than usual in his potions classes. His past two attempts had been utter messes as well. Somehow without Sirius by his side and being a constant distraction, he'd found a way to blow up his more recent attempts, so he'd been rather proud this one had only changed the wrong color seven times. "What's your point?"
"This," James waved it around, his face still looking somehow detached as if he had no clue what he was really saying, "it's-" he broke off, and Remus huffed in exasperation as he snatched it away.
"Yes James, it has words, glory look at that they're even strung together with sentences! What's the big-" he stopped abruptly at what he saw quite clearly had Prongs so thrown off. Remus could feel it now, this book was giving off as if the most powerful magic to exist, certainly that he'd ever been around.
"This isn't, there's no way-" he tried to protest what his eyes weren't changing.
"What?" Peter demanded in exasperation of the two.
"That's from the future." James stated coolly.
Peter laughed, realized neither was pulling his leg, and then yanked the book to him as well.
"It, it's a joke or-" he tried to say, but it was the exact same to his eyes as well.
"Remus, what the bloody hell did you mix with Lily's Profligare potion?" James asked again like he'd have another answer!
"I, I told you, I have no clue!" Remus insisted, his heart restricting painfully in his chest.
"Why aren't their words in the rest of this book?" Peter asked curiously. There were an easy three hundred pages to this thing, but only the first sentence was visible. The rest was blank.
"Put that down," Remus suddenly yelped, slapping it away from him. It thudded to the ground and even skidded a few feet while Wormtail looked offended.
"Merlin Remus, James was holding it for a whole five minutes and he didn't explode."
"Let's prioritize for a minute," James insisted. "Ignore that thing and figure out where everyone is, maybe show that to Dumbledore-"
"That might be a problem, as there's no one else here!" Remus snarled.
"Well I'll say one thing, Evans sure can make one good banishing potion," Regulus commented as he stepped back into the Entrance Hall minus Sirius.
The question burst out of James before he could consider doing otherwise, "where's your better half?"
Regulus scowled hatefully, hesitated, but still answered, "still wandering the damn grounds, think he said something about checking the bottom of the lake. I don't know what you lot are fighting about, but for him to be saying that even as a joke really is something."
James flinched with the first spot of guilt he'd felt, and Remus looked away as if he hadn't even heard. Peter took the opportunity to shove the map back out of sight before he twisted his fingers together and just deciding to ignore that as well and said, "We might as well go find the other three and show at least them. Something Dark is going on around here, perhaps we shouldn't go wandering off."
"Oh that's nice, just leave him out on the grounds by himself then if that's what you're thinking," Regulus muttered as his two friends seemed to agree and took off up the stairs, Peter having to jog to keep up.
They found them already up to the second floor, and with every empty room they'd opened, they'd become increasingly more panicked. This just wasn't natural! Even during the holidays you were likely to run across someone by now! A ghost even! What was left of the Marauders caught up to them, and Lily's near hysterics weren't helped with their answer to this.
"Just come back downstairs!" James was trying to put his hands up in a comforting, surrendering gesture to the vivid redhead who hadn't stopped shouting for a solid minute, so her face was as bright as her hair. "We found something you lot really should see!"
It took a bit more persuading and Frank and Alice agreeing first before Lily conceded searching every room wasn't helping.
They went back downstairs and saw Sirius had rejoined his little brother, and the two were frozen in place over what had already been discovered with the book still open on the ground for all to see.
"You wanted to show me a book!" Lily demanded as she looked murderously at Potter. "How is that helping to find out what happened!"
"Just look at it," Potter insisted.
Without touching it, she went to where it had fallen on the floor, and then she too along with Frank and Alice saw.
Scrawled across the top was the title The Boy Who Lived, which meant nothing to anyone so their eyes skipped down to below that, which was just under the date 1981. Six years from now.
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weebtarurights · 4 years
Sakyo Furuichi SSR ( Between Yin and Yang) - Part 1
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 
Story Title: "A Brand New Goshuincho"
Citron: Let's go, shikigami ! “Kyun kyun meow meow meowーー” Kumon: Yes ! Master ! Perish, evil spirits! Haa ! Citron: Behold,  my secret technique! 
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Sakyo: Shut your mugs!  That's enough!   Azami: Haa, they're on it again. Sakyo: Geez...How long are you planning to keep on making a ruckus? Yin Yang Midnight's run is long done already. Kumon: But, but you see ! Sakyo-san's onmyoji is crazy cool ! The way you cast a spell is so dashing ! Haa~ I'm amazed beyond words ~....! Sakyo: ..... Chikage: Haha. As expected, even Sakyo-san is rendered powerless when you look at him with sparkling eyes. Sakyo: Tch.... Citron: The performance is over but Yin Yang boom hasn't fried.* Azuma: You mean, hasn't died? Citron: That's it. I want to collect various Japanese-style items ~. I'm particularly interested in 50-inch cho. Kumon: 50-inch cho? Azami: It's obviously wrong.... Azuma: Hmm.... 50-inch....I wonder what is it. Sakyo: Maybe he's talking about goshuincho? Citron: OH-! That's it! I want to collect red temple seals ! Azami: Isn't that a mere old men's stamp rally? Citron: No no no ! Even young girls are collecting it now ! Chikage: Certainly, it seems like collecting red temple seals are popular among young people these days. Citron: The red temple seal  is profound and has a long history. The design of the seal differs for different shrines and temples. Azuma: Goshuincho has various designs too. Azami: Ah, so goshuincho itself has various colors and patterns. Kumon: I've seen it on TV too ! They're writing something with a brush before they put temple seals on it.  It's so cool ! Sakyo: It's not just the stamp, the name of temple and shrines, names of gods and Buddha. In some places, they even write the date of your visit. Citron: Getting a temple seal is extremely important when making a shrine visit. You'll be punished if you take parsley!*  Azami: parsely? Why in the world would you take parsley? Kumon: Parsley...? Maybe he means barley.....?   Chikage: You mean, 'take it lightly'? Citron: You're right! Kumon: I see! You're amazing Chikage-san. That’s the power of being multilingual. Azami:  It has nothing to do with being multilingual..... No, maybe there's such a thing as Citron-lingual? Sakyo: Geez.... However, getting punished ....?
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NOTES: 1) Goshuincho lit. (honorable stamp/seal book) is a book being sold in temples and shrines. It is often used by people who are doing temple pilgrimage as a sign that they have visited  a specific shrine or temple. Also  getting temple seal is completely optional. Gods won’t punish you if you choose not to get one. xD 
 If anyone's wondering what it looks like, I'll leave a link here ^^ >>> IMAGE LINK
2) Citron refers to 'サメザメない' (reads as samezamenai-- lmao I have no idea what it is xD ) in which Azuma corrected him to '冷めやらない' meaning, hasn't cooled down. I changed the wording to rhyme with its English equivalent.
3) Citron refers to 'キャロット' (carrot) which sounds similar to '軽んじる' (make light of). I changed the wording to rhyme with its English equivalent.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Song of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 5
Song of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because it’s dinner time!
Last time in book: Kylan and Naia have joined forces with Rian to overthrow the Skeksis. Rian’s plan is to go to the All-Maudra with his claims and a vial of Mira goo. To kill time before dinner with Rian’s family, Kylan reads a bunch of rocks and Naia has a nap.
Chapter 5
Dinner is awkward for everyone. Then the plot comes knocking. Rian, Kylan, and Naia make a game plan.
Oops, this is a slightly bigger chapter that ruined my one week streak! But its also a really good chapter that I quite enjoyed!
Mythra leads Kylan and Naia into the kitchen and introduces them to mom Shoni and little brother Timtri.
Like most Stonewood Gelfling, she had long dark hair, and her soft wings were brown and red, with two large black eyespots accented by other dappleso f orange, gold, and tan.
Shoni pretty.
She stops preparing dinner to greet the guests.
Shoni set down her chopping knife and rounded the table to cup Naia’s face and then Kylan’s. Her hands smelled of spices and carrots. It was a warm gesture that Kylan had seen many mothers do, although he couldn’t remember much about his own mother, and certainly Maudra Mera would never have done something so kind to him.
Shoni pls adopt this boy right now!
That’s the relationship I ship, Shoni adopts Kylan.
Because, geez, the more Kylan and Mera’s relationship is expounded on, the sadder I feel.
“Hello, my sweets. I’m glad to finally meet you. Please, sit down. Ignore Rian if he’s cold to you. Rian! Fetch our guests something to drink, would you?”
“I can do it, Mother,” Mythra suggested, but Shoni waved her away.
“I want him to do it. It will be good for him.”
Wow. Savage. Rian is having a bad time in these opening chapters.
So, dinner is served on a stone table that seems to be growing out of the ground, leading Kylan to wonder whether the hut or table came first. Dinner is nuts, spiced peach-berries, and diced root.
I wonder if Stone-in-the-Wood doesn’t eat a lot of meat or whether this family doesn’t. Probably meat is a special occasion food.
Shoni asks about how far they’ve traveled which starts a conversation about Landstriders which makes Kylan feel like crap because he’s bad at all the Spriton things.
[Kylan] didn’t want to tell them about his brief foray into riding, the majority of which involved falling off, spooking the beasts, or a combination of the two. Galloping across the plains was one of the many Spriton traditions Kylan had seen much and done little of. There was that, and spear mastering, and bola throwing...
Geez. Kylan needs a hug. And some self-confidence. And another feel good day full of reading.
Actually, its an awkward dinner for other reasons too. Naia mentions that she’s thankful Kylan was good enough at riding to guide them away from the castle and Rian, grim boy that he is, mentions its good because if they didn’t have a Landstrider they would have been caught by the Skeksis.
“Rian!” Shoni scolded. “Now’s not the time. Can’t we enjoy one meal as a family without mentioning... that?”
“I don’t know, Mother. Can we even call ourselves a family when Father -.”
Wow. I guess Skeksis are the politics of Thra and discussion of them will just ruin dinner. That and Ordon is hunting down Rian for the Skeksis. Imagine thats contributing.
Rian just bringing it up like that smacked me in the face though.
Shoni flicked her wings once, shrugging off the little argument
Wiiiiiiiing body language! I loves it!
Shoni switches the conversation to safe small talk and asks what the Drenchen do for fun, leading Naia to an enthusiastic explanation of various fun swamp activities.
Here’s one I like.
“When I was younger and argued with my sisters, my mother used to throw gems into the deeper parts of the swamp and make us find them before they sank into the mud. If we couldn’t find a gem, we had to do chores under Great Smerth, cleaning mites from the roots and such.”
That’s good swamp parenting.
Everyone is getting into the conversation about swamp activities. Kylan thinks that Naia sounds like she’s bragging, but in an endearing way. Even Rian seems to be listening to the conversation.
He jumps in to mention that Gurjin told him about the bola tourneys held and starts discussing comparative bolas with Naia. How the Drenchen bola uses shorter rope so it has more force and less chance to tangle.
And Naia gets into the topic of bolas and tries to bring Kylan in to talk about Spriton bolas.
Kylan shrank a little into his shoulders. He appreciated her attempt to include him, but the truth was, he didn’t know how shorter or longer rope changed a bola, or whether smaller or larger stones would be better in the field or forest. He didn’t know, and a part of him didn’t even care. He shrugged.
“I guess,” he said.
His contribution was so small and green, it almost killed the tiny flame of conversation entirely. Naia was ready with kindling words.
I really like that metaphor. But also, wow, this is like every awkward family dinner smooshed into one.
“Kylan is a song teller, and a dream etcher. A very good one! And even so, he can still throw a bola. He struck skekMal the Hunter square in the face.”
Again, Naia was only trying to help, but to Kylan, it sounded less like an endorsement and more as if she were trying to excuse him. As if being a song teller explained his athletic ineptitude, and his single victory in combat redeemed him.
I don’t know how many ways I can say wow what an awkward dinner. Poor Kylan.
Rian grunts approvingly of Kylan bonking the Hunter and adds that he’d love to do that himself one day.
Then the dinner gets EVEN MORE AWKWARD as Maudra Fara shows up. (Fugitive Rian of course hides while she’s visiting.)
An older Gelfing stood outside, dressed in indigos and greens, her dark burgundy-and-gold wings folded along the length of her back like a cloak. From the beads and ornaments woven into her dark hair, Kylan realized who she must be.
Maudra Fara is also pretty.
But she’s here on business. And for Kylan, specifically. She saw a Spriton on the rise and figured hey, a Spriton. Then she received a note about a Kylan.
She tells him “Before you wonder -- it is bad news.” Just ripping the band-aid off. That’s the Fara I know!
To my maudra sisters:
Take note. Lords skekLach and skekMal arrived early this morning. They sought one of mine, a runaway named Kylan. They say he is a traitor. When they did not find him, they took three others as collateral. If you know of Kylan’s whereabouts, send him to me, and I will take responsibility for him.
In Thra’s song,
Dream Stitcher Mera
aw crap Kylan is a fugitive now too.
(I wonder what skekMal’s title is when he’s not being a serial killer. He can’t go by Hunter because that’s his secret identity.)
Naia gets rightly offended at the Skeksis, pointing out that they’re not even hiding their cruelty and accuses them of taking hostages for snacks.
Maudra Fara tells Naia not to talk like that but out of fear instead of loyalty. When Naia keeps talking, Fara just. Pretends she’s not.
Fara is median cool. She’s clearly not willing to risk her village by sticking her neck out and probably wouldn’t back up Rian if he went to her, just as he feared. But instead of capturing Kylan, she gives him this headsup and a head start.
“If Shoni has welcomed you to her home, I won’t betray her hospitality tonight. But the Skeksi are looking for you, and my duty is to my clan. By the time the suns rise, you must be gone from here. Go to your maudra or do not. Go anywhere but here. I’ve got enough on my hands with Rian missing in the woods we share with the Skeksis. I can’t risk the safety of my people any more. Please understand.”
Kylan understands logically but still feels like a kick in the gut to so suddenly be kicked out. And its not explicitly stated but since he is half Stonewood, Kylan has basically been alienated from both of his homes. If he goes to Sami Thicket, Mera will turn him over to the Skeksis. And Fara has made it clear that she won’t risk her people for him.
Even if he hadn’t chosen to continue the quest earlier, he’d be stuck with it.
This is just a huge bummer of a dinner!
Kylan throws the note into the fire but since the paper was enchanted to resist the heat of dream-etching, it takes some time to burn.
H-hey! A neat trivia about dream-etching!
Naia gets mad on Kylan’s behalf who is too kicked in the guy and worried. But Rian comes out of hiding with a more different take. Or at least acceptance.
“She would have sent me away, too, if she’d known I was here. I can’t fault her for it. It’s her duty to do what’s best for the entire clan, not just one or two, or even three of us... The Skeksis will eventually come here, and they will do what it takes to scare the others into giving us up. The only thing that may save us is if no one knows our whereabouts and if we reach the All-Maudra as soon as possible. We should do as Maudra Fara says and leave. Tonight.”
Kylan is too focused on who the Skeksis took from Sami Thicket and whether attempting to rescue them would be a waste of time. And when he comes out of his musing he’s arrived at a different conclusion than Rian.
Not that they don’t need to leave but that heading to the All-Maudra isn’t a good enough plan. Because the Skeksis won’t stop preying on Gelfling or coming after Kylan and Rian and other Gelfling are going to get caught in the crossfire.
Kylan thinks that they should let all Gelfling know the truth so that they can take precautions to protect themselves. But he also gloomily thinks that maybe people will be unwilling to listen to the truth, like Maudra Fara.
Naia sides with Kylan.
“We will tell the All-Maudra,” Naia announced. “But Kylan’s right. The rest of the Gelfling need to know, too. If we focus all of our efforts on reaching the All-Maudra and waiting for her decision, many of our people could be taken by the Skeksis in the meantime. We have to find a way to spread the message faster, and sooner. Like dreamfasting.”
But even with Naia’s Super Cool Dreamfasting it would take too long. They’d have to touch hands with EVERY GELFLING.
Its just not practical and its not like there’s some kind of fire skype! The Gelfling are still in the courier stage of communications technology, drat it!
Shoni pops in and mentions that they could take the path to the High Hill making Rian groan that Aughra will be no help.
Blowing away Kylan that Mother Aughra, huge figure in Gelfling culture, is just casually an option here.
Aughra who is probably as old as the suns, called maudra Thra, lived through the only two conjunctions, and knew the world before Gelfling existed.
That Aughra. Is casually an option. And just casually lives nearby!
“Her home is near our wood, though few make the trek to see her. Even those who arrive often do not find the answers they are looking for... Some find nothing at all. But I think, given how empty our table is, even a crumb would look like hope.”
A rebellion resistance is built on hope!
I’m intrigued that she appears to not be napping forever in this version which makes one wonder why she hasn’t gotten involved because even at her movie grumpiest, she wasn’t callous. She saved Fizzgig the Fizzgig to no benefit to herself.
So what’s her deal in this continuity? And is she as grumpy?
“She’s nothing but a mad witch spouting nonsense and riddles,” Rian grumbled.
“You’ve met her?” Naia asked, as surprised as Kylan but more practical about how the news could serve them. “So you know the way! We can ask her if she knows how we can send out warning.”
“She won’t help!” Rian snapped, his voice escalating suddenly. When Kylan and the others fell quiet, he tried to settle down. Still, his fingers twitched and his thick brows drew tight. “She’s existed since the beginning of time, and the years have eroded her mind. She’s not interested in us. In the Gelfling. She won’t help and I’m not about to waste my time on her.”
That sounds like there’s history there that I’d love to know.
And sounds like if she’s not as grumpy as in the movies she’s at least as difficult.
Did Rian go to her for help after fleeing the castle to no gain? Or did he have a different reason for visiting?
Aughra wasn’t senile in the movie so I don’t think she’d be senile here so what’s her deeeeeal?
Anyway, Rian argues that showing the All-Maudra the vial of Mira goo is the best plan. And Naia argues against putting all their hope on one plan. So Rian says cool I’ll go alone like I wanted to. And Naia says hey buddy this is a team effort.
And Kylan finally points out that they should split up because they’re both basically saying that but arguing about it.
They should split their efforts and making it harder for the Skeksis to catch them.
“We need to work together, apart.”
Oh, I love that turn of phrase.
Kylan shrugged, in case they didn’t like the idea. They were both leaders, and he was a follower, but they weren’t looking at the big picture. To his surprise, though, the suggestion brought a calm to the room. Naia nodded at Kylan, a flash of respect in her eyes.
This is funny for a kind of meta reason. Rian and Naia are both protagonist but Kylan was a supporting character last book but protagonist of this one and he needs to speak up and protag.
Also, Rian and Naia are a bit in the way of being stubborn.
Rian agrees, insofar as he doesn’t think it will matter because his own plan is going to 100% succeed and it gets them out of his (blue-streaked) hair. He even offers to take them partway to High Hill.
Kylan then decides that they should go immediately.
Though he wasn’t eager to forsake the warmth of the stone hut for the cold wilderness of the wood, he felt it was the right thing to do. He had wanted to rest, but it seemed rest was a luxury for which they would find less and less opportunity. Knowing that Maudra Fara thought they were endangering all the Gelfling of Stone-in-the-Wood -- and that they were under orders to leave -- robbed the warm hut of much of its comfort.
That’s a bummer ending to an awkward dinner party.
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Here We Are, Born to be Kings - AUgust Day 9
Title: Here We Are, Born to be Kings
Author: Purple_ducky00
Rating: Teen
Warnings: N/A
Pairing: Rhodey/Tony
Square Filled: G2 Dramatic Proposal
Link: Read on AO3
Summary:  Prince James is in love with Lord Tony Stark, a childhood friend. However, the Starks have been disgraced due to embezzlement charges. Can they overcome this?
“Your Highness. Lord Stark is here to see you.” Quentin Beck holds up his nose.
 Prince James Rhodes rolls his eyes. It’s not like Beck should judge. He was only hired because his family was in serious debt.  Tony is working out of his.
 Tony walks in a few minutes later, hair askew. “Wow, Rhodey, your servants hate me. I call it an achievement.”
“They just think it’s ok to judge since their scandals happened long ago enough for people to forget. You don’t deserve this.”
 “I probably do.” Tony shrugs. “It doesn’t bother me. Actually, it gives me the chance to ditch my politeness because they already dislike me.”
 “Oh for that luxury,” Rhodey sighs. He hates the protocol he must go through. Maybe that’s why he finds Tony so refreshing.
 They first met at a football match. Tony was on the other team, and he told the young prince, “We’re not playing any easier because you’re the prince. So, be ready for that.”
 Rhodey laughed and started playing. Tony’s team was clearly better, and they defeated Rhodey's team easily. After the game, Tony invited him to grab some lunch. They have been fast friends ever since.
 Now, Rhodey is 22 and Tony is 21. Tony’s father died last year, and Tony inherited his estate. After going over the numbers, Tony’s godfather, Obadiah Stane informed him that Howard had been falsifying records and was basically bankrupt.
 Dazed and reeling from his parents' sudden death, Tony doesn’t know what to do with this information. He reaches out for help, but as Howard had been stealing money from his peers, everyone refuses to help him. Rhodey offers to bail him out completely. Tony won’t let him. He decides he will work to pay off his father's debts.
 Tony was always incredibly smart. His patented inventions were used worldwide. He decides to start his own company, Stark Enterprises, where he builds and sells hi-tech machinery and entertainment devices. As his company quickly grows, he branches out into clean energy and satellites. Not even a full year after starting his company, Tony is very successful. With only Stane and his PA, Pepper Potts, at his right hand, Tony makes sure that he himself takes care of the books. Every entry is painstakingly entered and checked by the big boss himself.
 Rhodey is very proud of his friend, but it seems that his family is the only one in the kingdom that is. King Terrance and Queen Roberta love the young man as a son, but they often wonder if he is taking on too much, causing his sleepless nights and unhealthy eating habits. Tony waves them off saying he had had those problems before his parents had died.
 Prince James’ PR agent tells him that finding someone to date might be a good look for him. Everyone is looking for news of the royal family, and they will only assume the worst if they don’t hear from each member. Queen Roberta’s cooking classes and bingo games are televised. The king does a podcast twice a month. Jeannie plays tennis professionally. James is the only one without a big public profile, and he prefers that. However, there are some people who think that James is being pushed out of the spotlight or being abused in some kind. To quell any quickly rising rumors, Rhodey agrees to attend sports matches and talk to the press for a few minutes each time. When Tony’s not working his ass off, he often accompanies Tony.
 What Rhodey doesn’t tell his PR agent is the reason he doesn’t date. He is hopelessly in love with Tony and admitting that would be bad for a few reasons. 1.) Everyone in the country is against Tony. They would slander his name even more if they thought he had got his “money-grubbing claws” in the prince. 2.) Tony is straight. He had never told Rhodey otherwise, and he has only dated women as far as Rhodey knows. 3.) He doesn’t want any reason to make Tony uncomfortable in the only place he is welcome other than his home. So, he skirts the topic because fake dating is not his idea of fun.
 Now, Tony’s here and Rhodey knows he’s giving Tony heart eyes. “So, you’ve got a day off from me. What’s the plan, Rhodey?”
 “You pick today. I’m up for anything.” Rhodey trusts that Tony won’t do anything Rhodey can’t.
 Tony sits on the chair beside Rhodey. “I need to sit. I don’t think I’ve stopped moving for a week.”
 “So, what you’re saying is you need sleep.” Rhodey retorts.
“No, I need to spend time with my Rhodeybear. We never did that Star Wars marathon after Rise of Skywalker came out, did we?” Tony pokes him. “We can order like tons of pizza and greasy foods and bro it out like the old times.”
 Stuck in a theatre room with only Tony and highly unhealthy food? “Sounds like a great day. Let’s queue up the movies. I’ll have |Miss Cabe order our food. The usual?” Tony nods and heads off to the theater.
 Rhodey pulls out his phone and texts a maid, Bethany Cabe, to place an order for the following: an extra-large bacon pizza, two orders of cheesy curly fries, mozzarella sticks, and onion rings. Rhodey has cases of Tony’s favorite beer, so they did not need to worry about drinks.
 As they settle in to watch the movies, Tony tells him, “Wake me up if I fall asleep. I don’t want to miss Episode Six again.”
 “Come on Tones, Return of the Jedi isn’t the best.” Rhodey smirks.
 Tony glares at him. “It’s my favorite. Leave me alone. Go ahead and like Empire or whatever one you like the best. Geez.”
 “You know mine is Episode Three. The tragedy, the pain, the John Williams’ scores? A masterpiece.”
 “Anakin deserved better.” Tony mumbles as he eats a bite of pizza. Rhodey sighs. He’s heard this rant many times, and he’ll probably hear it again tonight. Tony really gets into these movies.
 Tony falls asleep at the end of A New Hope, his head falling on Rhodey’s shoulder. He looks so exhausted so Rhodey lets him sleep through Empire since Tony thinks it’s overhyped or something. Rhodey likes it. When Return of the Jedi starts, Rhodey nudges Tony awake. “Episode 6? Honeybear, you are an angel.” Tony kisses his cheek.
 By the time The Last Jedi comes on, both of the men are sleeping. Jeannette comes in to check on them and snaps a picture of Tony lying on top of Rhodey, both snoring away.
 Rhodey wakes up a few hours later and freezes. Tony is sleeping peacefully on him, his head on Rhodey’s chest. He doesn’t dare move in fear of waking Tony up. He slowly reaches for his phone and scrolls through Instagram and other social media apps until Tony wakes up.
 Tony wakes up slowly, but when he’s fully awake he jumps up and goes. “I’ve got to get to work!”
  “Hey Tony. It’s Sunday. We were going to spend Saturday and Sunday together, right?”
 “Oh. Oh. Whew. I thought.” Tony slumps. “Probably hallucinating from all that grease.”
 “Maybe we should get a little more sleep in a real bed.” Rhodey suggests. Tony nods, and they walk up to Rhodey’s room. Since they were kids, Tony always slept in Rhodey’s bed with him. They only ever slept and/or cuddled, and Rhodey has a king bed in case either of them needed their own space.
 They go to Jeannie’s tennis match then accompany her to an expensive Italian restaurant for dinner. The next morning, there are pictures splashed across the tabloids. Stark trying to get in with the Royal Family? Read more on page 3! One says. The Apple Doesn’t Fall far from the Tree – Another Gold-Digging Stark! Rhodey shakes his head. He was afraid this would happen. He calls his PR agent, Maria Hill.
She answers with a “Now do you see why having a partner would be good?”
 “Yes. Do you have any candidates who would be willing to date with no sex and/or strings attached? For public only?”
 “You don’t know how many celebrities only hope for that. Let me see which ones I can get. I’ll send you over a packet when I get them.”
 When he gets the packet, Rhodey isn’t surprised to find that 75% of them are women. Skipping through them, he tells Maria to reach out to an A-list actress Natasha Romanov. She is a beautiful woman, and they seem to have a lot of the same likes and dislikes. She agrees to meet with Rhodey at a small café near the palace. He introduces himself as Rhodey, then corrects it to “James or Jim” when Romanov gives him an odd look. “I’m sorry. My best friend always calls me Rhodey. It’s just what I expect now. I mean, if you want to call me that in private, it’s fine. Maria thinks it’s better if you call me James or Jim when talking with the press.”
“Tell me about this best friend.” Natasha leans forward. “He sounds like a nice guy.”
 Rhodey launches into a detailed description of Tony: his strengths, his flaws, his quirks, etc.  When he’s done, she asks, “And you’re dating me because you can’t date him?”
 “How did you…?”
 “You’re in love with him. Just look at your face. It’s ok. I won’t tell the press. I have almost the same problem. I’m in a poly relationship with a different celebrity couple. However, since Hollywood, even with its sex scandals, still looks down on poly relationships. I need a beard to keep our activity on the downlow. Is that acceptable for you?”
 Rhodey nods. “Of course. And you’re right. I love Tony, but I need to keep the press out of his life. His father put him through a lot, and he’s trying to make up for Howard’s sins. He doesn’t need the extra press coverage. Also, I don’t know if he likes me like that. I’ve never seen him date a guy.”
 “Well, I’d like to meet him.”
 +++++++ Natasha and Tony eventually meet. Tony is happy to meet her, but Rhodey feels that Tony is wearing one of his many masks. |When they kiss goodnight, Natasha tells him, “Rhodey, he likes you.”
 “Not that I want to doubt you, but I’m highly doubtful on this one here.”
 A few months pass, and Natasha and Prince James are photographed at red carpet events, at sports games, and at galas. Rumors are spreading that Prince James might propose soon. Natasha shows up at the palace for a surprise visit. “Hey, can we talk?” She pulls James from his family dinner.
 She tells him how the couple that she is dating are planning on coming out to the press as poly with her because they know some younger people who are receiving hate for their relationships. They want to be allies for such people. And they want her there when they come out. “Can we say we amicably split? I’d love to keep in contact with you.”
 “That sounds good.” His phone pings. He has a google alert set up for Tony because the press likes to come up to him for hostile interviews at the most inopportune times. James does his best to save him. “Listen Nat, I will talk to my publicist, but I have to go.”
 The press has trapped Tony on the palace driveway. “What do you think of Prince James marrying Ms. Romanov?” One reporter asks.
 “I didn’t know they got engaged, but I think they are an excellent match. Well-suited for each other.” Rhodey can see Tony is keeping his press face on but was not ready for the sudden press conference.
 Another reporter sneers. “We know you were trying to get a piece of the royalty. Will you try for the princess now that the prince is spoken for?”
 “Excuse me?” Tony reels. “What are you talking about?”
 “They’ll never have you. You’re just a charity case to them. What do you think of that? Did you think Prince James really liked you? Especially after what your father did?” Another reporter shoves a microphone in his face.
 Tony loses his mask. “Do I think Rho- Prince James really liked me? I have known the prince since we were young teenagers. I know he likes me… as a friend. But anything more? No. He never did, never will. I know what my father did; I know what I have to do to fix it. My father and Prince James have no correlation. What are you even trying to say here?” Rhodey can see the pain in Tony’s eyes. They flash when he says that Rhodey will never like him as anything more as a friend.
 “Excuse me.” Rhodey steps forward. “Can you step away from him, please?”
 The press apologizes and steps away. “Now, I want to say this once more and hopefully never again. Lord Stark is not his father. Lord Stark is paying his father’s investors back as quickly as he can. He started up his business on his own with his trust fund from his maternal grandmother. Howard never saw or added to a penny of that fund. What is the point of hating a man for the sins of his father? Keep rolling. I am talking to the country as a whole. Leave him alone, please. I want to say one more thing. Tony Stark, you are the love of my life. The reason I have not dated is because the only person I have ever loved was you. Yes, Natasha and I dated, but we did to keep other things hidden. I’m sure she will let you know at some point. It’s not my job. Tony, again, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and perhaps rule with you. I do not have a ring yet because I had not planned to propose to you in front of live TV today, yet here I am. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
 “You’re serious?” Tony gasps.
 “Then Rhodey, my Honeybear, my Platypus, my Sourpatch, I will marry you in a heartbeat.” Tony smiles widely, and Rhodey kisses him deeply, in front of the cameras. As they turn to the palace, Tony turns back to the cameras, lifts his middle finger, and says, “Fuck you” whilst smiling sweetly.
 ++++++ The country is so shocked at Prince James’ dramatic proposal. People wonder if Tony is a good fit for the prince due to his blatant disregard for protocol. Princess Jeannie posts the picture she took of them sleeping in the theatre room on Instagram, the caption “I knew it.” She broke the internet with the most likes on an Instagram post.
  Tony goes through his numbers and his father’s numbers again to make sure everyone is paid off. While looking at his father’s records again, he notices some discrepancies from Obadiah’s report. The truth comes out – Howard had not done anything wrong; it was Obadiah. He falsified documents, records, and even bills to give him much more money. Obadiah is fired and imprisoned. Tony’s name is cleared. Anthony Stark marries Prince James Rhodes a happy man.
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
What do you think people like about your fics?
Ahhhh, geez, I’m averse to guessing what other people are thinking.  But- I do have my own thoughts about what my stories have to offer beneath the cut.
So I’ve mentioned before that I often write about trauma:
-How it can shape a life
-How it’s omnipresent and never “in the past.”  It’s not a “you survived, it’s over, you live happily ever after” scenario.
-How it is often intergenerational, or a ripple.  We Americans, for example, still deal with the trauma that soldiers faced in wars, such as WWII and Vietnam.  Soldiers go to war, see horrors, return home, have few options for mental health care, and often end up venting that horror on their families, who grow up and vent it on their families, etc.  It can also be a smaller thing, a ripple.  Someone hurts Bill, so Bill hurts someone else.  Pain goes outward unless a hurt person makes conscious, concentrated effort to avoid spreading the pain- something many people simply aren’t equipped to do without professional guidance, which is often difficult to obtain and stigmatized.
-You are never “cured” from trauma, but you can develop the tools to handle it in healthy ways, and to avoid spreading it.
It’s impossible to live on this earth without encountering hurt people who are desperately trying to do something to ease their hurt.  We are all exposed to trauma, so...  I assume a lot of my readers are interested in this aspect of my writing.
BUT, I also write about emotional abuse in a family setting, which...  Honestly seems almost...  Taboo????  In our media?  Many stories that I’ve seen show the family sort of...  Working out the abuse with a simple conversation, and then everyone is happy.  Or, even worse, the child (or adult child) just decides to deal with the abuse, “because faaaaamily,” or because, “that’s just how mom/dad/whoever is.”  Or, like, there’s almost this idea that...  Well, if you weren’t physically hurt, then it couldn’t have been that bad, and you can recover from it.  Our media seems to echo the secrecy and “look-the-other-way” attitude that a lot of families have in real life.  Like- yes, we know Uncle Bill can’t open his mouth without being cruel, but you just have to calmly take it, because frankly, we adults are also scared of Uncle Bill and don’t want to deal with the inevitable explosion if someone speaks up.  Your comfort, child, is not worth that effort.
So, I think showing a character change for the worse in an environment like that (pick up behaviors meant to protect her, like being reluctant to draw attention to herself, being guarded, and constantly alert for threats), then slowly find confidence again, then acknowledge that the situation is unhealthy and she needs to escape it, then find the tools to deal with the trauma she suffered and place boundaries for her own health...  It’s powerful, but also sobering, because I never show the trauma being over and defeated- just the characters purposefully seeking tools to deal with it, and supporting each other to do the same.
I also explore what Emily Nagosaki calls Human Giver Syndrome in her book, Burnout.  It’s...  Basically the concept that women are expected/socialized to devote their lives to supporting others, at the cost of their own wants, and even needs. 
“If you have ‘human giver syndrome’ you believe that it is a woman’s moral obligation to be pretty, happy, calm, generous and attentive to the needs of others.” – Emily Nagoski 
I highly recommend the book, although I should say that it is directed to women’s needs.  If you want a preview, here is an interview with Nagosaki about some of the concepts.
Now, obviously, no one is arguing that women should stop supporting other people 100%.  The point is that old adage, “don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.”  If your desire to be helpful is hurting you, then there’s a problem.  If you don’t particularly want to help in a certain situation, but feel obligated out of social conditioning, then there is a problem.  
But Human Giver Syndrome can also materialize in the form of swallowing your negative emotions, because you were socialized to be emotionally available to everyone else, but never need emotional help/never “bother” other people with negative emotions.  Or, you might feel shame over not being “pretty enough”/”thin enough”/”whatever enough,” to the point where eating disorders are not uncommon in women.
ANYWAY READ THE BOOK!  It’s really important stuff!  It has lots of tips for dealing with stress, too, which, like-  Uh, yes please.  Your local library likely has a few copies, as it’s a new, hot read.  I didn’t have a title and a nice definition for Human Giver Syndrome back in 2012, but I’ve been writing about it for years- and I think it’s been resonating with readers.  (I should maybe also say about Burnout- the ideas are not necessarily new, but having language for them and having it spelled out plainly is so helpful).
Other than that, I’m a character-focused writer, I love the heck out of digimon, and I’ve just, like...  Been around for 9 years (NEXT YEAR IS MY 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY AS AHIDDENPATH, WHAT THE CRAP!).  Familiarity and frequent updates, I imagine, increase general... likeability?  
BTW, I’m not saying you have to have some grand, thematic mission for fics!  For most readers, I imagine “it was fun, generally in-character, and featured the ship/AU/trope I love,” is more than enough!  Like, don’t add pressure to something that is supposed to be fun.  For all I know, maybe people read my stuff because they think it’s funny or has nice dialogue, lol!
These are just the issues I explore for myself, and for my own mental health/sense of understanding the world.  And I figure, if it helps me, maybe it helps someone else out there?
Thanks for the ask <3  
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zach-the-fox · 4 years
Furiends Episode 3: A Bad Idea
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A new day has come, and the warthog sits with the cat at a small table in a small coffee shop by the name “Pawbucks.” Zach sits with them, along with his two housemates. Having settled for nearly a week while out looking for employment, he’s quite comfy with their company, and had shared them with his new friends. The five animals spend plenty of time together and today, are now are gathered at the coffee place.
Zach has gone up to wait on line to ask the barista for an application while Hatboy accompanies him, patiently standing to order a fancy mocha. The girls, however, are slouched in their chairs, and have their heads leaning against solid objects as flat-mouthed, half-eyed expressions occupy their faces.
“Ugh, I’m so bored!” Emmy exclaims. “What are we supposed to do? There’s nothing around here…”
“Honestly, I don’t know,” responds Carly. “Thought it would be a good idea to talk about art, but we constantly see each other’s posts on Furbook. Maybe we can go to the cartoon festival?”
“Actually, I’ve got an interesting idea.” Brook reaches into her bag and pulls out a book to show to the girls. The title reads “The Dark Arts for Dummies,” and has a deformed face on the cover. “Was thinking we could do a little conjuring at my place. What do you say?”
“Uh…” Carly keeps her gaze fixed on the cover. “Gee, Brook. I don’t know… Maybe we shouldn’t-”
“Why not?” Emmy spurts. “Not like we’ve got anything better to do. besides, I’m interested in this stuff.”
Carly quickly faces the warthog. “Um, are you sure about that?”
“Come on, Carly,” replies Emmy. “It doesn’t seem too bad.”
“Yeah.” Brook smiles. “We could raise a cute little demon baby. Who knows?” Carly sighs before deciding to go onboard with the plans. Emmy asks the purple rabbit what the first step is. Brook opens the book and reads off the first page. “We’re going to need some supplies for this.”
Zach returns to the table with Hatboy by his side. “Well, turns out they’re not hiring… So much for that…”
Hatboy slurps down some of his mocha. “You probably wouldn’t want to work here, anyway. You’d have to be quick with making drinks and filling out orders. The food business is rough.”
“Don’t worry,” Emmy tells the fox. “You can fill out a lot more applications where we’re headed. Come on! We’re going back to the mall.”
 Back at the mall, the gang wander around in search for their items. They split off in different directions as they look around. Hatboy follows Brook into the candles store. Zach, however, walks around in search of employment.
Brook notices a box labeled “dinner candles” on it. “These will do. Hats, come pick this up.”
“Why do I have to lift this?” he asks.
“Because you’re a strong boy, and I’m not able to lift this by myself.” Hatboy sighs, bends down, and lifts the box off the ground. “Perfect, let’s head to the next step.”
“Excuse me,” calls out a store associate. “We haven’t stocked those yet!” The rabbits continue to the counter and prepare to pay, leaving the clerk with a look of dismay.
Emmy searches up and down the row of chalkboards, taking the erasers and chalk from the holders. “This will suit our need of chalk dust.” She picks up one eraser, but barely has a grip on it. “Uh oh!” Upon catching it, she hits the chalk boards on either side of her, emitting dust into the air around her. “Oh no…” Emmy’s mouth begins opening wider until, “Achoo!” The dust enters her nose more, causing an uncontrollable sneeze. “I must… achoo! Get out of- achoo! Here…”
In the floral shop by the corner, Carly looks around for the last item on the list; black rose water. “Hm… If I were rose water, where would I be?” Her eyes are drawn to the bottle on the top shelf near the entrance. “Of course, it’s up there…” She looks around, yet sees no worker in the store. “And no one’s around to help… Guess I’ll just help myself then…” The cat reaches for the bottle, but her paw is only inches away from it. “Hugck! Come on!” She stands on her tippy-toes. “Come on, Carly! You’ve almost got it!” Her paw stretches out more and wraps around the item. “Got it!” Her weight, however, causes the god to lean forward into the shelf. “Uh oh! Whoa!” Carly is knocked into it, causing it to fall over. As the shelf falls, a vase of flower water tips and spills all over her. Carly gets up and sees the damages she’s caused. “Uh, whoops…” She quickly pulls out some cash and leaves it on the counter. “I’ll just be going!” She leaves the scene. “I was never here…”
The friends regroup in the center of the mall. Brook approaches them with Hatboy by her side. “All right, everyone got everything from the list?” she asks, smiling. Emmy and Carly nod. “Good. Now, let’s head on back to my place and get everything set up.”
“Set up for what?” the fox queries. Brook fills him in on the details of what they’re plans are. “Oh… W-we are? Okay, I guess we’ll-” He sniffs the cat. “Hey, why do you smell like fresh roses?”
“Please don’t,” Carly utters. “I need a bath once I get home…”
“You can wash later, when we’ve-” Emmy sniffles. “Oh no… achoo! Ugh…” She sneezes again.
“Bless you,” Brook tells her.
“Security!” someone shouts. “Security! Someone has destroyed the flower shop!” As the spectator yells, the five animals rush out the entrance.
 The gang gathers at Brook and Hatboy’s apartment, where they set up for their “special event”. Carly draws along the floor, making a pentagram with a marker. Emmy takes sand and proceeds to encircle the pentagram, touching the points with perfection. Lastly, Zach places candles beside the points while Hatboy lights them.
Carly looks into the picture in the book before viewing the shape in reality. She crosses her arms with a smile of pleasure. “Looks about right.”  
“Yeah,” Emmy adds. “And it smells nice, too!”
“Okay, let’s get started.” Brook picks up the book and holds it in her paws. “All that’s left is to recite the incantation.”
“Wait!” Zach interrupts. “What if whatever comes out of there tries to kill us?”
“Hm, good point. We should suit up and prepare for the worst.” The friends rummage around for protective equipment and anything that could be used as a weapon. They manage to find gear and tools, preparing in five minutes. Zach holds a wrench close while donning a knight’s helmet, while Carly protects herself with football helmet, wielding a frying pan for her defense. Emmy’s head is covered with a pumpkin as a baseball bat leans up against her for her weapon. Hatboy and Brook use bubble wrap as light armor, donning bike helmets for their heads. Hatboy’s weapon is a shovel. The purple rabbit holds up her book. “Everybody ready?” Her friends stand by her, ready to expect the unexpected, while she begins the incantation. “For thou who lives trapped in flame and clay, heed this call, rejoice and pray.” Zach’s arms tremble, shaking the wrench in his grip. Carly tightens her grip of her frying pan. “Gather upon thy mortal door.” Hatboy hides behind the counter. Emmy watches with fascination and interest. “Break the gates, and emerge once more!” The candle flames enlarge, brightening the room as a portal opens within the center of the pentagram. One big, round ball shoots out from the entryway, bouncing off the walls of the apartment. The three girls panic as the frenzy continues.
“Whoa!” Carly dives behind the counters in the kitchen to take cover, lying on the floor. “Jeez! How do you stop this thing?!”
“Good question,” Brook answers. “I don’t know.”
Emmy dodges as the flame ball flies past her. “This thing’s out of control! Yipe!” She stumbles onto the ground, avoiding the fire sphere as it nearly collides into her. The flaming sphere then makes it to Zach, hitting him direct on and knocking him down to the ground, then bouncing off of him. He grudges his torso while lying on his side.
“Don’t worry!” Hatboy holds the shovel firmly. “I’ve got it!” As the ball comes him way, he swings and smacks it away. The sphere of flames smashes through the glass window and outside. “Homerun! Woo!” The orb is last seen barreling down the street, burning lampposts and trees along the way. “Um, uh oh…”
Brook stands and looks out the broken window. “Nice going… You yeeted our demon out the window!”
Emmy rushes over to the fox, who sitting on the floor, attempting to get up. “Zach, you okay?”
Zach grunts. “Ugh! That was rough!”
The warthog notices a large burn spanning from under his pectorals to the upper pelvic region, covering his abdominal area. “Oh geez! That looks bad…”
“Let me see!” Brooks glances over. “Ooff! That certainly looks like it hurts.”
Carly walks over and sees the fox’s burn. “Oh my goodness! Zach, we should take you to the hospital.”
Zach shows his friends the palm of his paw. “No! I’m okay.” He gets to his feet slowly. “It doesn’t hurt too bad. Just a slight burn… I’m used to pain.”
“We should get you some ice, at least,” Hatboy insists. “And you should rest.”
“I’m worried about you,” Carly tells the fox. “We should-”
“I’m fine!” utters Zach again. “Nothing too bad… Shouldn’t we try and get our demon?”
Emmy looks out the broken window. “I think it’s a bit late for that… That thing is long gone, and not sure where it went.”
“Aw man!” Brook juts. “I was so excited! I had a good feeling we’d be friends with a demon! Damn…”
“It’s getting late,” Carly says. “I should head home before my mother worries about me.”
“Yeah, same,” Emmy adds. “Stepdad’s going to go ballistic if I’m not back in my “cell” before curfew… Sorry about your apartment.”
“It’s no biggie,” Brook tells her. “That was freaking exciting, though. See yous around.” The cat and warthog exit through the door before Hatboy closes it.
Zach lies on his back against the couch. “Ugh…” He raises his head to examine the burn mark on his torso. “That stings…”
“I thought you said it didn’t bother you,” Hatboy reminds him.
“It hurts a lot,” Zach responds. “I just don’t want to go to the hospital… Not after everything I’ve been through…”
“I hear you,” Brook jumps in. “Hospitals suck anyway. Need a package of frozen peas to hold on your stomach?”
“Yes, please…”
@carlycmarathecat​ @emmy-the-absolute-goof​ @bendy-bear-15​
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libraribear · 4 years
2020 in Review
2020 is in the books. What a year. It seems a given that through life, some years will be good and some years will be bad, and for many 2020 was one of the bad ones. Globally, it feels like it was the worst year ever. Personally, I can’t go that far. So many people have it worse than I do, and I’m leery of writing this post because I don’t want to sound unsympathetic as I count my blessings (before going into the undeniably shitty, but FAR LESS shitty things than what some other people are going through).
Nonetheless, as part of a New Year’s Resolution to create more, I figured I’d polish up this blog and write more, so here’s my 2020: Good, Bad, and Ugly. This is a heckin’ long post so only read on... if you dare.
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The Good
I never lost my job.
A lot of my academic colleagues did - basically everyone who had “temporary” or “adjunct” in their title was axed. By virtue of being temporary year-to-year faculty for five years, I was promoted to the tenure-track in 2019. I feel very badly for my colleagues, all who lost their job to circumstance, not merit. Six years ago I took a chance leaving a steady job with a newborn to pursue my goal of being an Academic Librarian.  The job was a one-year temporary position with no guarantee of continued employment, and I worked hard, interviewed for my job twice in five years, and managed to hang on. It’s crushing to imagine what it would have been like to survive all that and get axed because of a pandemic, and I feel very badly for my colleagues who suffered that fate.
I got to spend most of the year working from home with my kids.
Before I get into “The Bad”, namely that keeping a five and six year old on task while working a full-time job is incredibly stressful, the good was that I got to watch one-year-old girl grow and grow and grow every day whereas my two boys were in daycare at that age. I got to spend a ton more time with the boys and my wife too.
My kids live in a school district with resources.
We’ve made a lot of strides in Distance Education, but it still isn’t ideal. I feel like my kids’ school district is doing the best they can to make it work. I feel extremely fortunate to live in a district where that was an option from the start, with full distance, hybrid, and in-person options. Not wanting to expose my kids or their teachers to any risk, we’ve gone full distance the whole time. we chose this to keep our kids as safe as possible, so I hope you’ll forgive me when I go into detail under The Bad as why it sucks for everyone involved. ;)
Ms. Bear and I started Doctoral Programs
File this one under “things I’d have never done if I knew the pandemic was going to be this much of a problem in Fall”, but it’s still a good thing - and definitely not the kind of thing I would do if it wasn’t free through my university. With Ms. Bear it’s more of a life-fulfillment thing and I’m happy that I can help her realize her dream. 
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The Bad
Distance Education Requires Training - Students Are Struggling
My college freshmen struggled to adapt to their first year seminar class and I attempted to make it as easy as possible for them to follow along, engage online, have second and third chances to turn in assignments... it didn’t matter. Elementary school students have it worse - my kids struggle to stay on task, and me and Ms. Bear do our best to keep them on task. I feel really bad for those kids whose parents can’t work from home or are too busy to stay on them and help them with distance education. I’m not anti-distance education by any stretch, but the pandemic forced a lot of people to switch to it relatively quickly and since distance education is by its nature very self-directed even with a good teacher/instructor, some people unused to this method really struggle.
I should note that none of this is meant as a criticism of the decision to go for distance education.  Health is most important, period, and those politicians that are like “But think of the children, send them to school” - well, hold them back a year if it’s that bad. I repeated the first grade. It’s better than dying. I worry less about the kids’ educational attainment and more for those kids from bad homes where school is a safe haven/source of food. If you’re that worried about it pass some laws to help. 
The Roof, The Roof, The Roof is leaking water
When you find a tiny leak in your roof, if you can afford it, pay the money and fix it. Don’t wait “because it’s a pandemic and we may need that money”. The money sat in my bank account until the the bedroom ceiling started to drop a few months later. Definitely the decision of 2020 I’d most like back.
2020 Was Not The Year to Reduce Stress.
I think everyone is running on fumes by the time they got to the end of this year. For my wife and I as young parents (can’t help that), full-time workers (gotta eat to live), and grad students (like I said above, if I had a do-over I’d DEFINITELY have waited until 2021, the pandemic represented the steady erosion of all the gains I made the past year. Anxiety? Back up. Overall level of physical fitness and nutrition? I was exercising and eating and feeling really healthy in March, but I eat (and feel) like crap now. 
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The Ugly
Misinformation, Misinformation Everywhere... and Politics
Misinformation is nothing new for a US Presidential Election year. But as a librarian whose job it is to promote information literacy, understanding which sources are indeed trustworthy and which are not, this election year was frankly, terrifying for me. I mean, if you know a source is trustworthy because of the standards and norms that are used to govern it, but people simply roll to disbelief it’s trustworthiness... I’m not sure how in the hell you get through to them. Lest this be construed as too political a post (I did get a little political above, hee), I’m going to stress that these information discernment skills that seem to be lacking are skills people on both Team Blue Donkey and Team Red Elephant lack. Add to that the psuedoscience, lack of fact-checking, and the whole “If it doesn’t agree with my worldview, I refuse to believe it” attitude illuminated by the pandemic and I’m not going to lie, this shit is terrifying to me. I’m hoping it’s just a phase we’re going through in America, but geez. I’m not a doom and gloomer, but this year was TOUGH in the whole “Faith in humanity’s ability to reason” department. I’ll listen to anyone’s political opinion if they back it up with well-researched sources and facts, but rather than driving closer to this goal, we’re heading in the wrong direction.
I should note that to me, it’s not just Team Red Elephant that has trouble discerning information, or is duplicitous. I need to make that clear. I definitely lean left and it’s not hard to see why - I mean, I’m a heckin’ librarian for crying out loud. But lying and misinformation or misconstruing facts? Some politicians may be more egregious offenders, but most politicians do that regardless of stripe. I feel politics are more like a teeter totter constantly switching up and down. We do ourselves a disservice when we believe everyone on our team is rational and level-headed and everyone on the other team is evil, stupid, irrational. There was a time when we could have discourse, and through disagreements we could at least learn from one another. I intensely understand the desire to make and justify political beliefs, but they’re not how we progress in a country that’s run the way the US is. Maybe it’s always been this way, but as I’ve aged I notice we have a lot more tendency to anoint a politician of our political stripe as a savior. Whatever happened to the old worldview that all politicians were lying dirtbags and though you might side with them, you could never fully trust them? It seems to have been turned on its head, I’m not sure how, to “Trust my side implicitly, DO NOT TRUST THE OTHER SIDE AT ALL.” That one side could be a bastion of truth and virtue and the other a bastion of evil and ugliness is, I’m not gonna lie, extremely unlikely.
Do as I say, not as I do. I got swept up in the political fervor myself with my D&D Friends - for a time we had a “Just Politics” channel to talk politics. That was a big mistake. Though no friendships were ended, that channel alone intensified my anxiety tenfold (MY FRIEND IS WRONG ON THE INTERNET! I HAVE TO SHOW THEM THE ERROR OF THEIR WAYS!) and... yeah. The BEST decision I made in 2020 was folding and walking away from the political discussion table - but it took me a few months of arguing and stressing to get there. I’ve reverted back to trying to do good for all people in my little corner of the world and the web by treating everyone respectfully and rationally unless they give me reason to do otherwise, at which point I’m far more likely to ignore you than engage with you. I hate that I have to do that, but it is what it is. If I talk politics, it’s privately with someone I know that is sane enough to safely distance from the chaos, or someone I trust implicitly. I won’t deny that it’s a very fascinating subject to me since politics is so ingrained into human nature, but good lord, what a minefield.
UGLY Bonus Edit (I always think of the coolest things to say right after I hit post, after all)
A last thought - whenever we’re confronted with a worldview we disagree with, whatever happened to asking the person why they feel that way or what they meant before immediately labeling them scum on Earth? We don’t even bother to fact check the people we loathe when honestly at worst you’re just confirming suspicions, at best you may even cause them to question why they believe what they believe? I can’t remember the last political or heated conversation I’ve seen where that happened. When I was fighting with my friends on “Just Politics” I don’t think I bothered to ask that often enough myself.   
Anyway, I’m looking forward to making 2021 a better year than 2020. Happy New Year, everyone. Love and hope to you all.
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