#tldr; look at the pics and you get the idea
lobsterplush · 1 month
Day 13-14: 3D lacing
I'm probably not the first person to try this technique, but I didn't learn it elsewhere. I figured it out on my own and have been putting it in projects ever since. 3D lacing adds sides to an alternating square knot:
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Lark's head knots attach to the open square loops on the sides, one knot per open square loop. Then, you fold the sides down...
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...and build an alternating square knot while stitching the open square loops together:
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^Open square loops of the original alternating square knot are colored in blue, matching the first diagram.
These diagrams are drawn loose so you can see the structure but would be tighter in-project.
Odd numbers of lark's head knots:
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This makes the sides an alternating square with an extra half knot. An open square loop is stitched in on each row.
On alternating squares with even numbers, the open square loops line up evenly. But on odd numbers the open square loops will be offset. Odd number alternating square knots do take a bit more planning.
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^Circles are square knots, in relation to how they fold corners.
Okay so. When it comes to the spacing of square knots on an alternating square knot, the grid is ALMOST the same horizontally and vertically. But open square loops on the side are a little bit wider than the square knots side by side on the top.
This spaces the first few square knots farther apart than a normal alternating square, and can make a distinct crease on the corners of wider sides. If you want rounder corners don't make all the lark's head knots into square knots on the first row, but add them in gradually.
Even if you start with loose alternating square knots they tend to grow closer together as you go. (Unless you really pay attention, but that ain't me.) So the width of a 3D project's sides are measured by the square knots, like a regular alternating square, not by the width of the open square loops used.
If you're working towards a bend rather than away:
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Unless the project is really open or shallow, you're not going to be able to hide the overhand knots on the inside. This is my favorite method for securing the cord ends- Two cords per open square loop are brought over and into the loop, an immediately brought back to the outside of the project on the outsides of their cords. Like a backwards lark's head knot. Then those two cords are secured with an overhand knot.
The hardest part in planning a 3D project is trying to hide the overhand knots, but sometimes they just stick out.
Adding and subtracting cords in the middle of an alternating square rather than the sides to make it bend is not going to be covered. I plan to try some tests for another Macre-May, but for now my 3D projects are kinda square and blocky.
(Macre-May Prompt list)
Extensive sample pictures below the cut:
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^Three square knots wide, but I started with two square knots on the first row for a rounder edge.
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^I begin stitching!
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^I complete one side.
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^I narrow the side alternating square knot, then used the outermost cords to wrap over all of the others to make a really thick square sequence. When I got to the other side I did those steps in reverse, using the other side as a guide so they match.
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^I work down towards the bend.
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^Backwards lark's head knot.
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^Overhand knots tied and cords cut.
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reemieme · 11 months
SUCCESS STORY! (w photo proof)
ive been in the LOASS community for around a month now, so ive been wanting a vinyl record player for like a few months and last week i was looking through amazon like “oh these are so expensive..” and then i was like im literally a master manifestor why dont i manifest it??? like i completely forgot ab the law 😭😭
anyway so that week i was just affirming to myself a few times a day like “oh yea i have a vinyl record player now!!”, i did SATS bc its fun, i talked to myself pretending i was talking to my friends bragging about my vinyl player, i searched online for new vinyl records to buy to play, and just STAYED IN THE STATE of having my record player. i didnt affirm 10k times, just everytime i thought of it to REMIND MYSELF i have it.
i ABSOLUTELY DID NOT waver. i did NOT get nervous about not seeing it in the 3d, bc i reminded myself i already have it so its fine. the law NEVER fails. so theres no room for failure. i lived in my imagination ion playing songs on my vinyl record player, (bc i LOVE visualization, if you love affirming then affirm for it instead!!) everytime i was like “i cant wait for my vinyl player” or “is it gonna be here?” or “hows it gonna come?” ECT i IMMEDIATELY flipped those thoughts with WHAT? i already have my record player wdym
tldr, i convinced my subconscious that i HAVE a vinyl record player, and since i lived in the 4d (imagination) where i have it, it reflected in the 3d bc thats the LAW. anyway, i wake up and theres a package at the door addressed to my name and i was so confused bc i dont order things. my parents had no idea where it was from and when i opened it, IT WAS A RECORD PLAYER RAHHH!!!
i literally SCREAMED yall i was like NO WAY. but i was also rlly confused so i looked at the address it came from and it was my aunt who lives a state away. (but we r REALLY CLOSE) so i called her and she was like “surprise!!! i know you love music so i decided to buy one for you because it was on sale.” and i was like OH ,Y GOD!! keep in mind she had NO CLUE i wanted a record player bc it never came up, and she NEEVR buys me gifts unless its my birthday or smthn which is in like 2 months. CIRCUMSTANCES DONT MATTER!
anyway here it is!!
i put a piece of paper w my @ next to it bc alot of bloggers r being called out for lying, and i dont want people to lose trust.
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(the second pic is on my floor, first on my bed.)
if u guys have any questions feel free 2 ask!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH TO @coquetteprincesss @nakedbibi333 @fleurlx @miracledarling @aphrodieties @blushydior @cinefairy @gorgeouslypink @heliosoll @hhtpsjup1ter @oonasempire @piercedblunt @remcycl333 @voidprincessblog YOU GUYS ALWAYS HELP ME SO MUCH!!! i love all ur blogs tysm for ur help w the law ❤️
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; More Rhys Cameos; Damien Gerard; Hugo PIerre Martin; More Samba BTS Feat. David Fane; Cosplay Day; Feb 8 Events: #WeLoveSamson; Upcoming Watchparties; UK Fan Effors: Radio!; YouGov Tutorial; Stats; Schadenfreude; More Clowning; Morale; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika.
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Another Rhys Video on Cameo! This one in particular had a lot of folks clowning today. You can watch the video on cameo-- it's the newest one 3:51 seconds long with him in the hat and the red shirt. I tried to download it and upload it, and tumblr literally lost all my drafts because of it, I have no idea what happened so I'm not doing that again lol. Instead, here's the short video of what triggered the clowning.
"Thank you so much for all your support on Our Flag Means Death, they'll be more stuff happening in the future, keep listening and watching, and uh, yeah, peace out, Rhys Out, Don't let that Octopus out! BuhByeeee!"
Thank you @Jodegg for sharing this video with us!!!
== Damien Gerard! ==
Damien Gerard gave us a new BTS photo for #WearFineThingsWell
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== Hugo Pierre Martin ==
Hugo, aka our friend the french doorman from The Best Revenge is Dressing Well poked his head out! We'd love to have you doing venues sir!
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==More BTS from Samba!==
It's a David Fane themed day! Wanna see the videos too? Head on over to Samba's IG!
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==Cosplay Day!==
Today was cosplay day and lots of folks shared their awesome costumes from today or over the past couple years! These are just a few highlights! Please feel free to hop over to IG or Twitter for more!
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== Events for Feb 8! ==
Tomorrow is #WeLoveSamson Day! Let's show Samson Kayo some love for all his hard work and various characters! Feel free to reach out across platforms to send him some love! Pic Src: Samson's IG
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Twitter / Instagram / Facebook
=Watch Party Reminders=
No watch party for Feb 8, but Feb 9 we've got:  Love Birds Watch Party on Feb 9th - 9 pm GMT, 4 pm EST, 1pm PST.
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== UK Fan Efforts ==
Fans are reaching out to radio stations in the UK! Very cool guide put together by @TeeHeeSeason3 on Twitter for contacting BBC radio stations in the UK regarding what to place to help support the OFMD Renewal.
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== Focus Groups ==
Remember the focus group/surveys we mentioned yesterday on yougov.com? Well some folks have been trying to sign up and been having some issues finding OFMD, so our lovely, sweet, amazing @libbyroseitm was kind enough to make a tutorial for everyone! Twitter Thread. YouGov rating tutorial! Make an account first, then follow these steps. If you'd like to see what kinds of questions it asks for you to sign up, visit here. Step 1: On your Account page, scroll down until you see a link for "View All Ratings", and click that
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Step 2: You'll be taken to a screen that says "Rate Everything", click on the link for "Not What you're looking for?" and it will pop up a model that gives you a button to click that says "Previous Version" Click that.
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Step 3: Once in the new version, type the name of the show (or actor, writer, etc) you'd like to rate
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Step 4: Select your show when it pops up, and then rate it and add an opinion if you'd like!
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Special Notes:
People probably aught to be careful to keep personal information to themselves.
You can search for actors and other films and tv shows related to OFMD, not just the show itself.
Vote on things other than OFMD so they don't get suspicious.
As always, special thanks to our dear friend @meowzawowza_ over on twitter for their constant stats updates
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== Schadenfreude ==
Awww, looks like WB Discovery Inc is still trending downwards. How sad. Thank you @btweenhisteeth for keeping us up to date on these sad sad times for WB!
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== More Clowning ==
So today I learned of this "Honk Weather Control Center" account on twitter (@HonkForecast) and I have to say it's pretty great. So far for several days they've had "clown" forecasts for how much we should be clowning. Love it.
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== Morale ==
Definitely head on over to Rhys' New Cameo video if you haven't already because as always his sunshine is a big ol dose of Vitamin Darby right to the soul and there's nothing that can replace that feeling!
== Love Notes ==
Done with your Rhys love? Great! But now you have to endure my unconditional love as well! *Maniacal laughter*
Are you aware that you are so very loved, my dear?
But also, did you know you're worthy of love?
All the love--- Like every kind you want (platonic, romantic, parental, agape, etc)
You are not difficult to love. Not at all.
You are not too much, or too little,
you're exactly the right amount,
and you are worthy of love just the way you are.
I've probably said it before, but I want you to know just how imperfectly perfect you all are, and every moment of every day you deserve love and happiness and everything you want in life.
The world is such a better place with you in it and all of your crewmates want you to know that. We care for you deeply my friends.
You matter, don't ever forget that.
= Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika =
So I just got done watching a bunch of Radiradirah on youtube (which is goofy AF btw, like New Zealand Monty Python style fun) and I can't get over Space Waltz, so tonight that's the theme. Look at these two stinking goofballs and their faces.
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Night lovelies <3
PS: I never say it but thank you for all the lovely comments in the tags! They always make me smile, yall are the best!
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ryan ross iceberg explained (masterpost and tier 1)
tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, tier 6, tier 7, tier 8
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if somehow you have no idea how icebergs work/what they are, then i’ll give a tldr: it comes from the saying “it’s just the tip of the iceberg,” so basically, the entries at the top of the iceberg are the stuff the average person would know, and as you go deeper, the content becomes more obscure. for example, if you’re a more casual panic! fan, then a lot of the entries in the sky tier are more likely to be things you would know, whereas you’re probably only going to know the stuff at the very bottom if you’re an insane person (me).
i got most of the entries from this iceberg from a couple of others that i found on twitter, here and here [i]. i combined them, shifted some stuff around, and added some things to make this one. of course, a special thanks to the twitter users areyouIlooking and checkyesjuul for making the ones i used to create this one.
i also want to give a special shoutout to the tumblr blogs @pathetic-at-the-disco and @prettyoddfever because i got so much info from them for this iceberg and they are just incredible sources of information for panic! fans.
finally, i'm really hoping everything on this iceberg is correct; of course, i did my research and there was a lot of it i already knew. however, i was not actually there for presplit panic! so i can't speak off of firsthand accounts for a lot of things. with that being said, if something is wrong, or if there is something you think should be added, please feel free to let me know, and i will go back and edit the post.
enough introduction, let’s get started.
the sky (tier 1):
guitarist of panic!:
what he is most well known for. ryan was the original guitarist of panic! and one of the true founding members. he departed the band in 2009 with former bassist jon walker, which we’ll come back to later.
this refers to an iconic piece of clothing that ryan wore while they were touring their debut album, a fever you can’t sweat out. he wears it in live in denver as well.
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(side note: the post i got this pic from is a very interesting look at their outfits from that tour so i would recommend checking it out here!) [ii]
good at makeup:
during the fever era, ryan was really well known for doing makeup looks, some elaborate. i’m inserting some examples here, but i’m also going to link a post that showcases more pics of the makeup looks he did. there are more that he did than just the ones shown in that post or here (like the god awful blue eyeshadow he did on that red carpet), and there were a lot of times he just did the classic black smudged eyeliner.
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and the tumblr post as promised: the makeup styles ryan ross wore in summer 2006 [iii]
oh boy, where do we even start with this one. there are actually going to be quite a bit of ryden references in this, but at the end i’ll link a masterpost for further reading (although most of it will be covered here). but to be keep it short and simple, ryden is the ship name for ryan ross and brendon urie. it was arguably one of the biggest ships in early 2000s bandom, as evidenced by the litany of fics written with them as a pairing. this ship (unfortunately) still lives on in people’s hearts today even though ryan and brendon don’t speak anymore.
also, i know it would seem to make more sense if their ship name was ryDON not ryDEN because of how brendon’s name is spelled, but the ship name comes from the mashing of their nicknames ryro and bden (which still doesn’t make any sense but i digress).
unfortunately, all of the ryden content on this iceberg will probably be long because i am a former rydennie (yes u can make fun of me for it go ahead) so i have a lot of knowledge on that ship. but trust me i know that ryden was not real.
“creative differences:”
this entry refers to the july 6th, 2009 split where ryan and jon left the band. the most cited reason for the split was musical differences, as stated in these interviews with brendon and spencer [iv]. however, most people believe the band actually split due to personal reasons since they basically all stopped speaking afterwards, and because of some comments jon made [v]. in fact, one MTV interview specifically singled out ryan and brendon as not getting along, but it has since been deleted [vi].
cheez wiz:
this references a clip from the pretty. odd. short-film called american valley [vii]. the video went viral circa 2015/2016 and became a huge meme in the bandom community, especially in the crankthatfrank yeemo fanbase (that sentence wasn’t in the bible). if you were a panic! fan during that time, you know the cheez wiz jokes were inescapable.
milk fic:
“ryan was kneeling in the bathtub…”
this is also unfortunate. to be blunt, this is a ryden fic in which brendon gives ryan an enema with milk. it catalyzed a trend of other shocking fics within the bandom sphere, such as the comb fic. it’s just cringy. sadly, it became so iconic that brendon knows about it and even made a vine referencing it [viii].
i would link it but i’m not going to because the author, druscila, is a pedophile. so there’s that.
onceler jokes:
i’m going to put a picture of the onceler, who is from the lorax, and ryan side by side. and that should explain this.
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now let’s move on to the next tier.
tier 2
[i] https://twitter.com/areyouiooking/status/1366887508441718790?s=46&t=srOJ3YueMMsx9_sm96odQQ, https://twitter.com/checkyesjuul/status/1368794897499615233?s=46&t=srOJ3YueMMsx9_sm96odQQ
[ii] https://prettyoddfever.tumblr.com/post/628882839458512896/panic-at-the-discos-2006-summer-tour-costumes
[iii] https://prettyoddfever.tumblr.com/post/629161631117656064/the-makeup-styles-ryan-ross-wore-in-summer-2006
[iv] https://patd.livejournal.com/2943372.html, https://patd.livejournal.com/2928377.html#cutid1
[v] https://oneweekoneband.tumblr.com/post/131968366779/jon-walker-and-ryan-ross-from-a-2009-interview-in
[vi] https://whisperdlullaby.livejournal.com/9051.html
[vii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBot_X9pquo
[viii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyWlisnfrm0
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evilcoconutz · 7 days
How I met Neil Newbon.... Twice
TLDR at the bottom. This literally has 2,944 words so I totally understand if you wanna skip around, I tried adding little chapters to help chop it up a bit. I'm a very details kind of person lol.
This took me like two days to type out, still can't believe this happened to me.
I just wanna say that I got a very unique experience and got extremely lucky. When I say I got LUCKY, you have no idea.... I have a shitty memory and will forget this if I don't type it out. This is mainly for myself to come back and re-read again and again. This is my memory of Fan Expo Dallas and meeting Neil Newbon.
I decided to go all three days because Neil had two separate panels I wanted to attend. One on Friday and the other on Sunday. I went dressed as a Sith on Friday with lil Batstarion on my shoulder with a tiny magnetic lightsaber (Space Cowboy of course). We did some shopping and walking around before trying to get my signature with Neil that I had scheduled for that day. Neil's panel that evening was like 7:45 pm and so we joined the line to get the autograph well before then. Around 5ish I think. I get to the back of the line with my husband, we sit there about five minutes and only one other person lines up behind us. (I only uploaded pics of my druid outfit and not my Sith, just imagine the same shit but with a black dress and black and red pauldron, I also carried my personal lightsaber)
I cannot explain how long this line was. it would be at least 2+ hours before we could get through the line on a Friday, I couldn't imagine what Saturday would be like.
It's been a few years I have been to Fan Expo, the crowds would not get better, and I knew that much.
Having every intention of standing in line and waiting multiple hours just to get his signature, I looked around and saw so many amazing Astarion, Karlach, Gale, and Shadowheart cosplays. Not too far from this amazing cosplay!
We also saw a Damon and Karlach hanging out, a couple of Alfira's too!
A Fan Expo Staff Member goes through the back ends of the line and picks out those who have an "All Days" pass, which included us.
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He pulls about 20ish of us aside and explains that if we come back tomorrow, we had two options. *Checks Neil's itinerary on phone* "He's got nothing scheduled before noon tomorrow, if you see him at the table early don't hesitate to get in line."
-----The red ticket-----
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So if we accepted this red ticket our options were:
Come back between 10-10:15 am tomorrow and get in line asap, to be first in line, they usually only allow VIP to line up during this time and if we had the ticket, we would be allowed through.
Come to the VIP booth tomorrow between 12:30-1 pm and MAYBE get a spot if there are any left.
Don't accept ticket and rejoin the line.
-----Saturday and the virtual line-----
Obviously we wanted to come back the next day to be there before 10:15, but between traffic and trying to find a parking spot we were late. My hubby almost insisting I get out and go stand in line while he wait in traffic <3 Soooo sweet, but I didn't wanna be there with out him!
Before we even get to the sign floor... yeah... it is so crowded we be sardines. We bee line it for Neil's line and immediately get told we need to come back in an hour because the line was completely full. BUMMER. We decide to walk around a bit more to kill time for said hour. There is so much to do and see at Fan Expo, do not sleep on some of these panels! Free programming and cosplay building, it's amazing!
We come back an hour later and are greeted with a virtual wait line! Yay!
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I have nothing against these, but as we accepted our virtual wait ticket, we asked about our red ticket from the day before.
We were then told our best bet was either to wait until 12:30-1 pm to go to the VIP booth or wait for our number to be written on a white board they had put up (virtual wait list number in which we could line up). I wish I had a picture of it, but it was incredibly crowded.
-----Let's Go, Baby!-----
12:30 pm just rolled around and we were curious what the white board number was, it wasn't close to ours so my husband asked where the VIP booth was (we had no idea what this meant btw) and were directed to the other side of the celebrity signing area. As we approached, there was only one couple before us. The Staff asked who we were there to see, "Neil Newbon, we have a red ticket." The couple ahead of us was there to see Jim Cummings, which was the booth next to Neil's. There was a brief walkie talkie moment, I had kinda spaced out and my husband tapped me and said "Let's go, baby!" I was like "Uh, where?!"
"To Neil" The staff then swept all of us through a maze of people, we formed a small train apologizing to any one we bumped into. The very kind woman who was in front of us commented on my dress and metal halfling ears. She said she had seem them at Renfair and always wanted a pair (I told her go for it next time, I highly recommend! <3)
They pushed us into a small waiting line next to those who had been waiting for hours. This felt so weird, like I had skipped the line or something (which yes, but like... not for sinister reasons). I probably had about 10-15 mins max to think of what to do or say.
Right before it was my turn to approach the signing table, one of the workers noted "Yall don't have to be so nervous, I can see yall shaking, he's really nice!" Even while standing at the front of the line one of the other staff members came over to chat with another staff, pointing at Neil saying "He's one of my favorites! So nice!"
The girl that was right in front of me, she was trying to load her QR code and the signal wasn't the best. My heart would have hit my stomach if that were me. Imagine waiting all that time and now your phone won't load! Yikes! She did finally get it, I'm glad I had mine printed. Take screenshots of your QR codes if you can't print them!
So now it's my turn to walk up to the table, but just before meeting Neil, they ask your name + spelling on a card, they ask if you want to add a small quote (5 words), large quote (more than 5 words), table picture, signature, that kinda thing for an additional fee. He has prints you can choose from (unconfirmed but possibly free if you pay for signature, looked like Streamilyish prints). She asked "What are we signing today?" I then asked if cloth was ok, and she said it was fine. I told the lady behind the table my 5 word quote and she was a bit stunned, lol. Looked at me like I was crazy or something.
The person in front of me was one of those whom had been waiting quite a long time in line, she was so nervous to get her words out to Neil, like she had been rehearsing all day what to say. She looked proud afterwards and happy.
I honestly didn't know what I was going to say, I'm one of those people who cross that bridge when I get there. I was not prepared at all, but I was confident I wouldn't say anything stupid.
I cannot tell you how hard it was to look Neil in the eyes. I am 5'0" and this guy is tall, his eye's are very blue and it's really hard to keep eye contact, at least for me.
We walk up to the table and he immediately held his hand out and said "HI! I'm Neil!" I shook his hand and told him my name, he said nice to meet you and looked at my husband.
"And you are?" He held his hand out as well.
"Dakota, I'm her husband." My husband got to shake his hand too!
In the loudest Astarion voice, "HER HUSBAND?!? Oh there's nothing to see here, err umm side eye" He kinda did this looking away motion with his hand. We laughed and he leaned on the table and said "What's going on guys?" Nobigneil? Verytallneil! Even with him leaning on the table.
I chose to introduce my Batstarion first. I plucked him off my shoulder and placed him on the table. I told him I missed him yesterday as a Sith because Batstarion was a Space Cowboy. I had Batstarion hold the lit lightsaber and Neil said "Surely I'm not going to sign him..."
"No, you'll sign the material I made him out of!"
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Feeling cute
might decapitate
later! Astarion
Maker <3"
Immediately, he smiled and said "That's from one of my recent live streams."
"It is!" I replied with glee.
He asked me to hold the fabric so he could sign it. As he wrote the quote, he read it out loud just like he does on his signing streams. he warned me the marker would bleed horribly and I did not anticipate what he meant...
I thanked him but I wasn't expecting what happened next.
Neil held out his hand again after finishing the signature for a handshake, but then met the top of my palm with his other hand "See you in the Streams" He spoke so genuinely. His eye contact pierced my fucking soul. Dedz. I honestly don't think I even said anything after that, it stunned me.
I quickly swept my things off the table to make way for the person behind me, not paying attention to exactly what I was doing. I was just trying to not waste anyone's time, I only had to wait a few minutes for Neil but everyone else waited hours. It didn't feel fair for me to stay longer.
I am not kidding when I say people waited for hours on end. When he was swept away to a photo op or to a panel he was involved in, people waited. I don't think I ever saw his line short.
We walk away from the booth to an empty corner to wrap up my cloth, I brought like 1/4 of a yard of fabric so I could wrap it up on itself. That's when I notice Batstarion and honestly wasn't even upset.
It so bled....
He meant what he meant...
Batstarion got bled on... lol... accurate.
TBH I'm shocked the cloth survived all of that, the ruffle and shuffle of bumping in to others through that traffic on a Saturday...
I had the idea of going to see what number was, up on the white board it was at 1030. I wouldn't have even been able to line up yet. This felt unreal.
-----The Waiting-----
So! Now it's time to take a photo with Neil on the SAME DAY.
It's almost 1 pm at this point and it was so crowded, we decided to go ahead and make our way to the photo op area. Neil's photo op wasn't until 2:30 pm so we decided to just wait it out.
Around 1:30 my husband noticed a spot had opened up closer to the entrance of the photo op line area. They started calling for last call for Mads Mikkelsen, in booth A. I noticed some people in a hurry to get there, I looked up and I see one of my favorite Youtubers!
FunkyFrogBait! I only got like the side of their face, but the glasses and hair were unmistakable. Here's their channel:
Seriously though, if it wasn't them, it was a damn good cosplay! Really wish I could have said HI and spread the love, but I never saw them again.
I bought my FanExpo tickets on mother's day and added the signature for Friday and the photo op for Saturday. This put me in group A for the photo op. Depending on when you buy your tickets and how many people buy them is what group your are put in.
I don't remember what time they started calling for VIP line up for Neil NewBORN. This made me laugh, no one corrected this poor man the whole time.
I think there were three people total that lined up in VIP. As soon as they called for group A line up for Neil Newborn, we were off and got in line fairly quickly. Only a few moments waiting in line and an older man that was just passing by, stopped and asked us what we were in line for. My husband said "We're in line for a photo with Neil NewBON." He just said ok and waved his hand as he left. The lady behind my husband snickered and said "Newborn" as if mimicking the announcer.
"Pfft! I know right!?" Suddenly, I was approach by someone who had this in their hands and they gifted it to me!
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I'm actually still wearing it as I'm typing this.
I squealed "OMG!!! Thank You!!!" Seriously! So cute!
The energy of all the people waiting in line, it was very comfortable, we all knew why we where there. Soooo many amazing cosplays waiting in line, we saw a Heisenberg, and several Lady Dimitrescu's, a couple of Astarion's.
-----The Photo OP-----
The line is FULL. We have maybe six people in front of us including VIP.
This doesn't feel right, it feels like I just cheesed and speed ran my way into meeting Neil in the shortest amount of time possible without being VIP on the busiest day of FanExpo. WHAT?!?
Granted, I bought my ticket way in advance for the photo op and we got there early, I never thought I would ever be so close to the front of the line like this!
It's time to start the photo op so VIP goes first, but we where right behind them. They bring you, along with 4-5 others into a small room with a table, that you can set your bags on. My husband just held onto ours.
The process of this was so amazing to me, I have never taken a photo with a celebrity before and had no idea what was going to happen. There is very little preparation they give you to take the photo.
Back to back, they give you maybe 10 seconds to prepare. SNAP. Go. SNAP. Go. SNAP. Go. SNAP. Go.
I got a glimpse of the first photo, she had a stuffed Astarion, she had Neil hold upside down. All the others just walked up, posed, left. By "pose" they just did a side hug.
I didn't know what to do so I just did the same thing as everyone else. I walked up and immediately, he went "Heh, Druid..."
At first, I thought we were going to take the same picture as the ones before me, but to my surprise, he touched my antler and said "Ooo pointy" When they called for the picture to be taken he literally yelled
I'm sure my face went bright red after that. I said thank you and turned to walk away. He even said "Nice to meet you!" as I left. I was again shocked and didn't say anything! Ugh... Kicking myself a little over that.
As we left, my husband pointed out, Neil really didn't say anything to anyone else. They sent us down a winding pathway to get our prints. We came to a small area and prints started shooting out of the printers so fast, it was actually amazing. (Six Flags take a fuckin note!) Anyways, here is my photo with Neil, my face blocked out because I look like a deer in headlights lmao!
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So yeah, if you ever get the opportunity to meet him, you should! 10/10 nicest dude ever. Those bracelets he's wearing are the ones his fans have gifted to him in case you were wondering.
So what's really great about this photo, it looks like Batstarion is leaning on him! <3
I zoomed in and you can really see the red from his signature and his cowboy hat!
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This is what he looks like today, it's almost completely gone, dunno if I want it fully gone though tbh.
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So yeah. I just wanted all of my memories in a place I could keep them. I don't play with Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Snapchat, or any other social media, so I only post here. I hope you enjoyed my rambling!
The serotoneil was very high this whole weekend! Sunday would be the best day to go if you have kids!
BTW both panels he was in was very entertaining! This clip was from Friday's!
TLDR: I got to skip big lines to see Neil Newbon and maybe saw one of my favorite Youtubers? Batsarion got red ink from Neil's signature.
My Druid cosplay:
My Batstarion build:
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joker-ace · 3 months
This is kind of a wild thing to admit, but when my best friend and I were kids (like 12-13), we had an entire MHA RP and we used a lot of OCs we found randomly online. Obviously we grew out of that pretty fast, and as an adult now I look back on it with a little bit of guilt cause ya know, they were other people’s characters and I don’t think we understood why that was a weird thing to do at that age?
Anyway, long story short, Inori was one of the characters we used the most and I had honestly completely forgotten that I just saw him while browsing google one day and I loved his design, so I used him. I haven’t even thought about that RP in several years, but I thought you might get a kick out of knowing that Inori has been happily living on my Tomodachi Life island for AGES now. He’s one of the first Miis I added and he’s actually married to another person’s MHA OC (who we wrote as his love interest in the RP back in the day too 😅) He’s one of my favorites on there, and it didn’t strike me until today how his original artist had no idea about any of this!
I just thought you might laugh a little about it! I really hope that doesn’t upset or offend you in any way 😅 If it does, I genuinely do apologize. It’s not something I would ever do now, obviously!
TLDR: Inori is alive and well in my Tomodachi Life and my best friend and I really loved your art as kids :)
Genuinely feeling a mixed of things about this, so I waited to sleep on it before responding. And the lasting thought I had the past couple of days since getting this ask was "Oh yeah, been there, done that."
In my early internet RPing days, I too was just a kid that took random pics online willy-nilly bc I thought it no harm to do so, especially for something silly as a random rp online. Obviously, like u & ur friends, I realized later on how bad it was to just take someone else's character and make it your own, w/o consent from the original artist-- especially as an artist myself.
The overall thing I'm willing to say on this is that I'm glad you guys loved my art (and Inori especially apparently!! 😂). I can probably assume you guys weren't being malicious about it, and if someone had ever pointed it out back then, u probably would have stopped. 😅 But what's done is done, and I did get a laugh at Inori living in ur Tomodachi Life.
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detectivehole · 3 months
hey man the anti-AI stuff you reblog is rly. Reactionary idk how else to put it. It’s a mixed bag. AI has been used in art for a LONG time, it’s not as new as ppl think it is. It’s used a lot in animation especially. Obviously there is a difference between AI as a tool and AI as a replacement for artists/writers, but nearly every single instance of them attempting this has been catastrophically bad. (Doesnt stop the dumbass studios like Disney and Pixar to keep trying it tho, bc they value short term profit over any actual value) For AI being used in a professional setting, it’s imperative the distinction be made between tool or replacement. Machines, despite how efficient they have become, are managed by humans. Letting them run without a person actually operating it that knows what they’re trying to do is always a bad idea.
However, using AI generated pics for like. Personal use? Let’s say you aren’t a good artist, or as many have pointed out, can’t be an artist due to disability (none of that inspiration porn abt painting w your mouth some ppl can’t do that either.) and you’d like a picture of your Tabletop game character or OC or something, and you do not have the money to spare for a commission from the artist you like. Doesn’t mean you can’t pay for one later on, as a human will take the finer details you want and bring them to life, but if you’re looking for like. A placeholder? And you aren’t planning on selling it or some shit, then ppl shouldnt get on your case. Except every anti-AI bro now hears “AI” and flies into a frothing rage, saying it’s “never ok”. Nobody should care of somebody made a meme using AI or tried to make something just for themselves or friends. It becomes an issue when it’s being marketed as a “replacement” for artists.
Tldr: AI is a useful tool, the tech bros that got a hold of ot do not represent the entire scope of it. If it is used as a tool or personal use, it’s not an issue. It only becomes one when it is used as an explicit replacement for writers/artists.
i agree with the first paragraph, though im a little insulted you'd assume my knowledge and opinions on AI image generation were so shallow and uninformed as to have to explain it to me- but you lost me after that
first off, i wanna make it clear that basically no one thinks you're some sort of amoral monster for having used or even enjoyed what AI image generation and art can give you. most people genuinely don't understand the intricacies of its ethics and effects, and while ignorance like that is annoying, it's something most people who do get it understand and forgive with a sorta... exasperation. most of the time. now, maybe you're not coming from a place of good faith, i can't say, but i choose to think you are
i don't have the chops, time, or particular desire to explain what exactly is wrong with AI art generation (there's a lot in way too many directions), so i'll just give you a link to get you started (it's not a long read, just some basic critiques to jump from) and some admittedly harsh sounding (but well meant) advice that pertains to your particular use of AI:
you dont always get what you want. you're not entitled, for any reason, to the fruits of stolen (and popular AI datasets have been proven to unequivocally be stolen) artistic labor, especially if that theft is impacting the livelihoods of independent artists. (and don't give me "what about other generic media piracy" because that's its own can of worms and you know it. i won't hear it). it's not the end of the world that you have, but it's just not ethical to generate that art knowing it's based off stolen work- if it was all consensually given data it'd be different- and sometimes behaving ethically means you dont get what you want. tough shit. plenty of people can't or won't draw for all sorts of reasons, and none of those reasons suddenly make it ok for them to take other people's art
to be clear, if all the datasets used to train AI were ethically sourced- bought, donated, or taken from free use material- this wouldn't be an issue. i mean there would still totally be issues with casual generative AI, but this particular issue would be moot. the issue with AI art isn't the AI, it's what the AI's being fed. every time you engage with it gets smarter, and better, and more efficient at chewing up its stolen foods and spitting out a knockoff. the issue is what it's being fed and you are putting tokens in the little treat machine at its petting zoo enclosure
you want a placeholder? you got picrew. doll dress up games. hell, pester your friends for doodles. save up. or even just learn to handle not getting it at all- just pick something else
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leonvilasi · 3 months
Spoilers for My Time At Sandrock
This is going to do some speculation on a Character and they are part of the main plot so please read at your own risks. Thanks you :)
I’ve seen around that Pen might not be Howlett’s killer and that’s based on Pen enjoying combat/having admiration for Howlett and would dislike the idea of poison and instead would prefer a death by combat situation.(Matilda would be a better option for poisoning but that’s not the point of this post tho :( ) the reason some speculate to tell this to Logan is to enrage him and to spite him.
I raise you this as a plot point. What if Pen was/is Jealous of Logan? Given what we do know about Pen is that his Mom is dead and his dad is AWOL/a deadbeat. It would stand to reason that when he sees how Howlett is with Logan do you think a seed of envy is planted. “Like how is it that a runt like Logan has everything that I want but isn’t even grateful” kind of thinking and it’s only Fueled by Logan having the love of the town and only after a few years of being a bandit the town wants action against him and also getting close to the builder… his builder. I would be angry. Even during his own battle the main target of Pens wrath/attack was Logan even if the MC would be a key target to eliminate. So my HC if events are as follows
Pen is assigned at Sandrock
He gets to know some of the townsfolk
Gets to know Howlett and Logan
Respects Howlett and has some resentment towards Logan
Matilda then poisoned Howlett and framed it as an Old World Sickness which Fang can’t heal because Toxicology is sorta primitive at SR
Logan starts the fire
Pen chases Logan while Matilda gets to Howlett
Matilda then kills Howlett while Pen objects but relents because of his Loyalty to Duvos
Events of the game
Pen being jelly of Logan could be a starting point of some of the things we see and would also justify Pen not being Howlett’s killer
Also have a great day reader thanks for reading this fever rant of mine have a picture of what my Oc would look like thanks to Pic crew
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munsster · 2 years
Hi again! I have this idea for a Walter Keys (x fem!reader) fic where Keys buys the reader a puppy for her birthday and he has to go and get this puppy and all its toys and then hide it before she gets home from work. I can just imagine Keys running around his apartment chasing a little chocolate Labrador puppy or something and then the reader gets home and he surprises her with it but it's just CHAOS.
of course, you don't have to write it, but I thought it was a cute idea!
keys surprising you with a dog
A/N: THIS IS SO CUTE IM BLUBBERING LIKE A LITTLE BABY OVER IT (also i did it in headcanon format bc it felt right) SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT THE BIRTHDAY PART but it can still b read that way!!
Warnings: just fluff, cursing, a kiss, pure chaos and i love it
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he definitely felt like you were dropping hints and you were NOT subtle about it
“omg look at that perfect little puppy” + *bombards his messages with pics of little doggies* + “DOG!” x100 + “don’t you just love dogs?”
but he’s pretty sure you don’t know that he knows that you know what you’re doing
tldr; he’s getting you a dog
he’s spent WEEKS scrolling thru adoption ads online and scouring shelters for the bestest boy and then
looking for a loving home: misha! chocolate lab, 7 month old, friendly/affectionate/playful, vaccines up-to-date
with the sweetest little face and a picture of him playing catch
like COME ON
you know keys immediately called the number and sped on over to the address they sent for this pup
misha sat in the passenger’s seat the whole way home, and keys quickly found out he likes the spice girls
they’re already best friends and it was only a four hour drive
……. he’s committed
only he didn’t consider: food, bowls, a bed, toys, leash, etc.
so the journey is back on, and you’re off work soon
lets misha trot around the store picking out his favorite toys (chooses the loudest, most squeaky ones and is grinning like a bastard the entire time)
picks out a matching collar + leash and a fluffy bed and like 100 pounds of dog food
needless to say, he may or may not have spent almost $1000 that day
no matter ‘cause the look on your face is gonna be priceless, he can already tell
then he lets misha off his leash and into the apartment
and he’s off
sprinting into the bedroom and out again, barking at nothing, bouncing off the walls, he’s got the ZOOMIES for sure
and keys is just standing in the front doorway, leash in hand like……. what have i done
apartment: trashed
so now he’s chasing after the ball of energy, picking up knocked over books and a lamp and trying to get the shoe out of his mouth when he hears
“… i’m home”
all while he’s crouched by the arm of the couch, eyes wide, and turned over his shoulder to smile at you
and the dog comes SPRINTING out of nowhere, completely mowing him over, flattening him on the carpet
and keys just groans because he can hear you laughing while the dog laps at his face
you set your stuff down and kick the door closed and are DOUBLED over looking at this fully grown man with a dog wiggling around on top of him and nearly suffocating him
and you’re just kneeling down next to them and scratching the dog’s head while keys is playing dead and you’re like
“who’s this little guy?” “the devil” “awww, such a good boy, what’s your name, bub?” “it’s misha. and he’s insane” “hi, misha!!”
and the puppy hops into your lap and you have to hold him back from climbing you like a tree
he’s such a sweetie, and keys is still recovering
then misha sits down in your lap and is panting and nudging your hand until you pet him more 🥺🥺
“so who are we dogsitting for?”
“we’re not”
and you just laugh and shake your head while keys wipes the slobber off his face and sits up
“ha ha very funny. who?”
but keys just stares at you with that little stupid smirk and you look up from the dog and your face go so serious
keys is scared
“he’s ours?” “mhm”
and you just hug the little puppy and are literally on the verge of tears and grabbing keys by the back of his neck to give him a big kiss
and misha starts barking up at the two of you
and you pull away laughing with keys holding your hand
“he’s ours”
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Where do you get the inspo for each of the designs? They’re all really good
Hi first of all thank you!! I’m glad you think they’re good 😊
A lot of my inspiration comes from fellow wc artists and design blogs; everyone has their own takes on the characters and I often find myself looking up fanart of certain cats if I need ideas (obviously I don’t copy designs, but if I do take directly from someone else’s design, I’ll only do so with permission and give credit lol)
I’m also inspired by irl cats, and I have an embarrassing amount of reference pics in my camera roll, from poses to interesting fur patterns, face shapes, etc. Pinterest is a good source!
Additionally, I often take the cat’s name, personality, history, and family into account when designing them. A recent example is the BrambleSquirrel kits; Alderheart has his dad’s large, stocky build, stripes, and white ear spots (something I plan on incorporating into most of the Tiger lineage) but his mom’s reddish coloring and soft fur. He’s supposed to give off “gentle giant” vibes and look kind, but strong.
Tldr; inspiration consists of other cat artists, real cats, and warrior cats canon, plus my own headcanons if I have any interesting ones.
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nightroo · 2 years
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Here are the last pages of my sketchbook+something im gonna put in the new one
First page is concept art for a future location in my comic. I've been doing a lot of renditions of the same place, because I want to try everything before I put it in the comic, since after that I can't change it.
Next is a random doodle I decided to color with my alcohol markers. Have'nt used those in years, but I wanted to add some color to my sketchbook. It worked suprisingly well on this paper, which makes me a bit sad I didn't try it before lol
After that I made some concept art for a robot in Old Blood. If you follow my sideblog you might've seen my huge lore dump about the robots, but tldr there's now a few types of robots, and this one is the "animalistic" type. Considering I didn't sketch at all, the perspective is actually decent. On the right of that is just me using up the left over paint I had. I always do this because I dont want to waste paint. I never plan anything with them, I just throw paint on the page and see what comes out.
On the last pages I have sketches of fantady creatures inspired by Pliny the Elder's animal descreptions. Most of them dont have a real counterpart, except the scorpion. I used the descreptions, the illustrasions, and the real animals (because a lot of times he would describe stuff like "head of a badger", "legs of a stag" etc). Theres a lot of interesting stuff there. Completly innaccurate, but facinating lmao.
Last pics are of a painting I did on a saparate piece of paper, since I'm not 100% sure of which sketchbook should I use next...
Either way I'm gonna glue it there when I choose. As for what I painted, this is more concept art for the comic / Old Blood. The idea is like a fire forest. I got inspired by the practice of controlled fires in forests, and of trees that take advantage of periodic fires to spread their seeds. I just pushed the idea of a fire dependent forest to the extreme.
Next to it is what I used the leftover paint on. I had a sketchbook I got when I finished highschool from my art major, and the paper there is... kinda bad so I knew I'm not gonna choose this one. It ended up looking pretty cool, and I might use this as concept art as well.
Overall I've been really enjoying messing around with gouache, but now I want to get back to digital, and to the comic. It's been... way too long since I worked on it. And the idea of changing the style of it excites me.
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elvishdemigod · 3 days
Art challenge idea
Okay, so go to Google, Pinterest, just here on Tumblr, whatever you feel more comfortable with.
Now the challenge is to make a character using just colors. What do I mean by that?
If you want to do a Green challenge, then you're going to look up things like Green hair, Green eyes, Green lips/lipstick, etc. Or a rainbow challenge, with looking for Red eyes, orange hair, yellow lips/lipstick, green skin, etc
The color themes are all up to you, even look for a color palette for inspo.
Maybe look up specifically black and white stuff, draw the art in grayscale, and then look up and use the first color palette you see or like.
But whatever is the first image result (If there's multiple options, then just go from the direction of how you'll read books), you use that or its color.
Say you want Green hair with an accessory. You'll look up Green Hair, then look for Green Hair Accessory, these are your first results.
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So part of the design is this hair with this accessory, with the colors they have in the pics. (If it turns out to be multicolored, keep those extra colors)
If there's specifics you want, that's up to you. If you want to look for a fantasy dress, then go specifically look for a fantasy dress. Can even use it for a background idea if you wish. You can choose the gender, if you want there to be a couple, make some fantasy human type, if you want an animal involved or to make an animal only.
So TLDR: Look for the first results of a thing in specific color, and use that to make your own character art. And you can use this to get out of an art block.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/26/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew;WeeJohnWondays; New Calendar; Watch Party Reminders; Uk Billboard; Trends; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight'sTaika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Wee John Wonday! =
No guests today! Just the wonderful Kristian Nairn himself! So I didn't get time to write up a synopsis, so I'll give you a few highlights I thought you might like!
Next Wee John Wonday will feature: Ruibo Qian and Anapela Polataivao!
Calypso's Birthday Airing Episode, the guests will be: Con O'Neill and Gypsy Taylor!
GOT questions!
== New Calendar ==
Weekly Calendar! Tomorrow is #TomatoTuesday!
#TomatoTuesday is a day to rave about OFMD's rave ratings on Rotten Tomatoes to different streamers! Please add your own review if you haven't already! Rotten Tomatoes Review Tutorial.
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= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 27 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more.
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= Joe Lycett Watch Party =
According to the new weekly calendar you can join @lcwebsxoxo for Joe Lycett Watch Party at 10 pm GMT on twitter! #YoureATreasure
== UK Billboard ==
As many of you have heard, the Save OFMD Crew has been working on getting a billboard going in the UK.
"Our goal is to help achieve pick-up for Our Flag Means Death. To do it, we need the show (and the campaign) to continue garnering attention through sustained interest, viewership and fandom growth, and we need to prove to other streamers that picking up the show is a good financial investment."
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Since there's so much information, I'm just going to give you some links that you can peruse at your leisure:
Save OFMD Crewmates Billboard Post on Tumblr
Transparency Policy
London Billboard FAQ
SaveOFMD Crew Contact Info
If you'd like to donate to the billboard/truck/subway effort (it's not required) please visit: Save OFMD Ko-Fi
I mentioned in another post-- if you don't feel comfortable reaching out to SaveOFMD Crew directly, and want to chat/forward feedback anonymously, I'm more than happy to do that on your behalf, just shoot me an anon ask. However, I will probably not get to them tonight because it's already very late, sorry! I'll forward them on first thing in the morning for me.
== Trends ==
Sure looks like #OurFlagBBC is still going pretty strong! Great job friends!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Collages =
Almost at the end of the month of February -- and the Feburary LOVE #OurFlagMeansDeath Collage Fest! from our fabulous crew-mate @WanderingNomad on Twitter! So close to being caught up on the rest of the month!
Day 26: Season 2 Costumes!
Day 10: Ewan Bremner!
Day 11: Joel Fry
Day 12: Ruibo Qian
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Wanna be featured in the fan spotlight? Send me a message! We're trying to make sure our creative crewmates are getting a chance to strut their stuff! I've been reaching out to several folks so hopefully we'll have lots more soon!
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. Tonight, I was gonna write a bunch of stuff but then I found this video of Rhys sending some love and encouragement, and I felt like it was needed more than anything else. I haven't gotten permission to share the full video on here yet, so if I do I'll get it posted. For now, @lividturkeys posted an uplifting section that I think we all need to hear tonight.
"Keep the laughter coming...We stick together and keep bringing love and joy to this planet, it needs it more than ever...Keep laughing, Love you"
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Okay so I'm running out of time, so tonight will be pics not gifs, sorry all. One of these days I'll finish catching up earlier in the day (ha!)
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PS: I have no idea why but my 5 year old finds Taika and Rhys HILARIOUS. Like, laugh his ass off roll on the floor laughing when he sees Taika talking and Rhys making silly movements.
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akgaereporter · 5 months
zeroses: queerosins & hetrosins fighting over twitter survey😕
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tldr: a big hao pics account did a rosin survey and posted the results, the sexuality section being a whole 51% straight. queerosins started joking abt it bc its ironic but hetrosins took actual offense and start being homophobic forreal.. mind u these people stan ZHANG HETEROPHOBIC HAO🤕
we used to be a proper country..
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so earlier @/haopics posted this fun little thread of rosin demographics, like what gender, job, fav song/album, 2nd bias, etc is popular among rosins. super cute n just a fun interactive thing for the subfandom to have, right?? right….????😓
well no.. dont forget u cant laugh or smile in zeroseville they will jinjja slaughter u😕 the issue started when queerosins started making twts about the sexuality portion of the survey, all of which were clearly unserious..?
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there qrts were filled w these, and this was genuinely the worst i could find. no one LITERALLY no one was taking it seriously. like as a straight person if u see this and feel inherently offended then we need to run it back bc this is not any form of oppression..? as long as ur not an akgae, not HOMOPHOBIC, streaming his music and supporting him, trust me no1 actually gaf if ure a hetero rosin its just ironic. these twts shouldnt bother u?? maybe giggle at them a little? “im so sorry you have straight fans” should NOT have u pressed enough to tweet sht like this☠:
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whats it finna play.. WOAH🤕 when ur in a dramatic competition and ur opponent is a straight rosin.. “remember you cry on the streets to be respected”????????????? hello?????? discriminaton where exactly???? hao would block n report u all actually bc resorting to casually homophobia in response to satirical tweets made by a minority group is insane.. when u stan this man??
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what happened to like idol like fans?? like erm.. yall really sitting here upset over “heterophobia” coming from the fans of the heterophobe founding father himself.. idk maybe sit down and think long and hard abt who u stan🤕 best of luck w that
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LMFAOO THIS PERSON GMFU. please.. ples.. stop it… i am criiyng… Hao is my bias he is never gay pls… stop spreading rumours please……im tire of people saying he is home of sexual… he is chinese…..😓
there were were also some people who felt it was a bad idea to have the sexuality section included at all, bc its “no one’s business”:
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but it was a public survey..? wdym none of ur business when people obviously offered this information up😭 and "did yall ever see him for his talent" is a crazy thing to say in this context like what are u even talking abt dawg🫤 i guess zeroseville has gotten to a point where even talking abt sexuality has become discourse fuel. this is just so unserious like it shouldnt be a problem to mention and joke abt orientation without someone getting mad. yall speculate about the jebes sexualities constantly, hao in particular actually, and if thats not a touchy subject then why is this?? and why was yall's go to response ACTUAL homophobia like..
but out of everyone i feel so bad for haopics like they just wanted to do a fun thing for their subfandom and look what happened,, that dec survey def aint happening after yall pulled this nonsense😭
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bottom line everyone needs to unclench and smile a little (challenge level IMPOSSIBLE for zerosetwt)🤕
[c l o s e t a b ?] ◀ ⇨ akgaepop.com
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nuclearforest · 1 year
Hello friendly anon! Ty for the ask ❤️ Maybe we'll see some oversharing on my part this morning.
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
Gremlin living in the woods.
I love the woods. I like a healthy separation and lots of trees and shade and no big wasteful lawns. I love the colors changing with the seasons and snow on evergreens. And the idea of a cabin nestled in the woods with a gravel driveway and a little trail of smoke billowing from the chimney with the scent or something warm hanging in the air is just so lovely. Bonus if it's lakeside or has a little stream.
Inside the cabin (log or cobblestone) it would be so nice and cozy. Lots of wood and shiny rocks and handmade things with tasteful modern conveniences mixed in. I don't mean smart stoves bc those are fucking stupid, but decent wifi and a little worshop in the basement or off to the side for my myriad of hobbies. Big open spaces and high ceilings and a wood stove for heating and cooking. Double bonus if there's a nook for fluffy things and chilling out and cuddling with cats or dogs or possibly a werewolf 🤣
I like soft things in natural spaces and wanna appreciate how mother nature really went nuts with the rings in wood and the crystalline structures that naturally form underground and the way that things change in a rhythmic soothing way. The patter of rain on the roof or crackle of fire in the fireplace with enough privacy that you can curl up and lose time with those you love.
In other words: I am a monumental sap and a softie.
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
Honest to God: my baby blanket.
So like, fun fact: sometimes I get in a headspace where I wonder how much of my life I could get rid of and be fine without lol. Usually it happens when I get 🌈 hella anxious 🌈 but since actually starting to take meds for it, it's been a lot less frequent.
But the conclusion for these tangents usually fell to my baby blanket. Like everything else is replicable or replaceable outright. I don't have that much pride or care much for stuff I made (most joy comes from the process of making pretty things and not owning pretty things). Most stuff can be backed up on the cloud if I need it, and even then how likely am I going to be to look at ALL my old unsorted pics? Physical stuff is cool but whatever. Makes for conveniences and costs money to replace.
But one of those irreplaceable things is my baby blanket. I have a hella emotional attachment to it, and in my life it represents a very pure kindness that I can't shake the feeling of. Great Aunt made it for me. Mended it for me as a kid. And it's still kicking well after 2 decades of wear. It represents somebody making something warm and loving for somebody that they gain no benefit from, and like. That just absolutely kicks me in the honey nut feelios.
A close second is my car. Because I kinda bond with it like pets and I don't have any pets yet lol. I sobbed like a baby when I had to trade in my old one for my current one instead of fixing it, even if it wasn't worth the cost to fix and might not have been that reliable for my brief foray out on the other side of the US. But years later I've now bonded with my current car, too, and get massively upset if something breaks 🤣
So TLDR: I'm a sap and form strong emotional attachments to inanimate objects, making them inherently irreplaceable.
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loverboyromanroy · 3 years
i'm confused about something though, like, he talked about sending "pictures" (plural) does that mean he's been sending her pictures since the beginning of this season? but she didn't mention them when she talked to him about "boundaries" in 3x04. did he start after? in that episode he also said "what i can't masturbate in a time and place of my choosing?" so were they still having phone sex? + sending pictures? so many questions i'm a bit lost
okay...so...here's my take!
tldr: everything's open for interpretation, but i think there's a case to be made that they've been having sexual encounters (phone calls and/or sexting) all season, but given time and story restraints, it's not been a priority in regards to showing it on screen. my case is made under the cut lol
on 3x04/boundaries: i got into it a little in this post, but i do think the takeaway we're supposed to get from 3x04 is that they are still engaging in some sort of sexual activity (most likely the phone call thing). my line of thinking with that dialogue specifically is that when gerri brings up boundaries, she's talking about roman getting too comfortable in her office (his fucking shoes off) which could give an outsider looking in the perception that perhaps they are getting too friendly. it's why she's looking around, out the door, etc. when he turns it on her to say "i can't masturbate at a time and place of my own choosing?", to me that reads as him throwing it back at her as like...nobody knows what we're doing! nobody is seeing us have these conversations! if i masturbate at home and you just happen to be on the phone, who cares! the implication, to me, being that it is still actively happening, just outside of office hours (as it always has). to me he's partially making light of her trying to set boundaries while also saying 'i understand there are boundaries, i'm not doing anything wrong, you're just being overly cautious, nothing's gonna happen, we won't get caught'...lol.
if they were not engaging in any sort of sexual thing this season, i think at some point there would've been a nail-in-the-coffin type end to that part of their relationship. i don't see the conversation in the hotel room in 3x01 as a conclusion, more of a bridge between seasons, and i also think her introducing the idea of her dating in 3x04 isn't an ending, it's more of a signal of like...this thing we have is not something that lives in the daylight where everyone can see. i'm going to date because i'm a woman with a public image to maintain and needs that this sideways relationship doesn't meet. if they were telling us this isn't happening any more, i feel like it would've been less a discussion about boundaries and more of like...a conclusion?
i also think when you consider their sexual trysts in 2x04 and 2x05 (can you believe they're that far back 💀), they happen when gerri is Off The Clock. i think something that's vitally important to her as a character, which is echoed in the 3x01 hotel convo, is that when she's at work, she's at work. if they're dealing with business, she's not gonna engage in "the mess" (if she's at home alone lounging having a drink, well, that's a different story). her being catapulted to interim ceo in season 3 kind of forced the show to operate in a place where we only get to see gerri on the clock, which i think leaves a lot of that after hours up to our own interpretation...my interpretation just happens to be that they were definitely getting into it lol
on 3x08 and plural items/pictures: the other reason i think things have been going on in the background all season is because when they have this convo at the top of 3x08, it is like...day one in italy. gerri isn't saying 'oh you've been sending dick pics this whole trip and it needs to stop', she's saying 'look, i know we've had this line of communication open where i was allowing you to send me these things, but that has to be buttoned up now'. she knows that he's stressed out about the deal, she most likely knows/can sense that he's stressed out about his mom, and i think she believes that if he's trying to engage with her sexually while they are in italy, while the lines between work and personal are blurred, something bad is gonna come of it (and whaddya know, she was right lmao)...also she's got a mans in her room! it's not exactly an ideal time to get risky!
also also...in considering the actual dick pic moment, doesn't the way they set up that scene seem like it's giving us a model for exchanges they could've had in the past? almost like the writers didn't have time to lay the groundwork throughout the season so they're giving us an example of what's been going on all this time? something about the way he views her text message to him as a green light (or maybe even an amends because she left him out to dry going into the meeting and they seem to have a shorthand about taking these minor steps to make things up to each other) and then responds with that sort of sexual proposition..idk the whole thing gave me the vibe that they've been operating on this other level all season long but because there's been so much else to cover, they just haven't put it at the forefront of the show.
on how long do we think they've been sexting: honestly...wouldn't 3x06 have been an interesting place for that to have gotten started...they're out of town, they're handpicking the president, roman's over stimulated and there's distance between them in the work-sense...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i do think it's maybe something that developed from a place of them both being incredibly busy, so maybe it's something that just sort of came out of necessity when thinking about lack of time and the quick rush of important things coming all at once (dealing with kendall, shareholder meeting, etc etc)
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