#tlm finn
don’t be shy, share your fic recommendations (pleeeeaaaasee)
Omg Okay!!!!
By the way- I have a huge list of fanfics on my tablet already, where, when I read a good fic, I copy-paste the link in a note on my notesapp, and I add descriptions to the fanfic to help me remember which is which. So all I had to do for this was gather up all of the Lego movie fics on there, and put them here! (If anyone wants fic recommendations from a different fandom, just ask, and if I have fics about that fandom, I’ll GLADLY share!)
I think just copy-paste the links into whatever search engine you use, and (hopefully) they’ll work! 💜🤞🏾
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54471712/chapters/137994778 a Lego movie good cop bad cop fic where they make friends with the masterbuilders (especially a certain blue spaceman)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50555752/chapters/127712488 another gcbc fic about their day-to-day stuff ig (very cute!)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52320787/chapters/132356653 a very weird very good gcbc Lego movie fic that has Venom (marvel) vibes (unfinished, I think)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43394259/chapters/109085490 a Lego movie chat fic that made me laugh so hard I choked, HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ONE
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47864848/chapters/120671509 a really really really good coppernaughts (bad cop/ good cop x Benny the spaceman) fic (Lego movie)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56551666 a very bittersweet Lego movie fic about Finn, and growing up
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38830809 a Lego movie 2 fic where general mayhem meets god (she meets Finn’s sister)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18029462 a LEGO Movie 2 fic about general mayhem and Balthazar the vampire!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17502986/chapters/41228459 an adorable Lucy x Emmet fic!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42778479 mermaids au tlm gcbc x Benny fic!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30546039?view_adult=true Lego movie fic gcbc scene re-write
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36466327/chapters/90930955 Lego movie characters react to movie fic! (Unfinished, sadly)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51886477/chapters/131195230 LEGO Movie fic (gcbc (technically a fix-it fic))
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55598758/chapters/141114871 a REALLY GOOD gcbc fix it fic where scribble cop is a character! (Angst warning, but worth it)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3337625/chapters/7299125 a very sweet good cop bad cop Lego movie fanfic (human au) where poor good cop has some nerve damage after being “in a coma” (fluffy tho)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23847673/chapters/57395902#workskin a Lego movie fic about Rex, that I’ve only read the first chapter of, and I don’t fully understand what it’s about, but it’s good :) (I probably just need to watch tlm2 again)
Can you tell who my favourite characters are? Just kidding they’re all my favourite fr tho
Here’s all I got for now!!! If I find more (which I intend to 😉) I might update this! Have fun reading Lego Movie fans!!!!
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francesthetraveller · 3 months
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he simply does not have the patience to listen to Charlie's brainrot (he should be watching analysis videos on how Seth Rogen effected american politics)
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
Honestly, I cannot decide if this should be Markiplier TV {Darkiplier, Wilford, Alice,, Ruthanne and Actor! Mark singing}
or The Lego Movie 2 {Future Lucy, Rex Dangervest, Benny, General Sweet Mayhem, Finn, and Bianca singing}
I see it as Markiplier TV but The Lego Movie 2 makes it more angst ;)
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shaampoo · 1 year
does Emmet have a childhood, like, he probably does, but, like, uhh i cant really explain so here's a flowchart or something
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like uhh, is Emmets childhood fake?? Did Finn ever bother making him a backstory? Like Emmet was made as a adult lego and stuff,
also, in a toy sense, the sewer babies don't grow up?? Cause like their toy doesn't become a child, which means that either Finn and Biance replace them with toys or don't bother, so i guess they don't grow old either??
i mean, they do grow up a bit i guess since Emmet becomes 25 in TLM 2, but his hair isn't any longer (i mean haircuts can work, also why does he still wear his construction outfit?? That must be like very much broken by now seeing the city [also Emmets outfit outlasted Bennys arm]) also what about the cats?? like, the cats in the first movie look like mature cats, and in tlm 2 they don't look any older?? (i mean its probably cause legos cant fukin age but uhh I'm just rambling here by now)
sorry about the ramble, now enjoy your day/night (and drink some water, your lips are dry /lh)
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maxphilippa · 2 years
Any Unikitty headcanons?
Oh, I have some!
Unikitty tends to enjoy any normal cat activities.
She could represent Finn's more creative and chaotic childhood (I like to think that he got her when he was like... four?)
She has repressed memories of the past.
The Unikitty! Show happened before TLM 1.
She's scared of pickles or cucumbers. Why? I don't know.
Even if she's still as energetic as she was, she's matured a lot more ever since the apocalypse era started. She had to toughen up and the UltraKitty mode let her emotions out in a healthy way, as she repressed those bad feelings for God knows how long! She probably wants to make everyone happy and calm in the new kingdom Watevra gave her! Though there's still that wild energy from her :]
Just like the other hcs I have with Rex and Benny, I did mention that Unikitty does have repressed memories! Yes, but in her case, instead of just having blurry memories of who she once was (my Rex hc) or simply completely forgetting who she once was (... Benny hc), Unikitty just has... glimpses of the past that she doesn't understand.
MetalBeard and her are like... probably the oldests in the group... maybe? I'd like to think Unikitty took the throne in Cuckooland for a long time ajd years have passed by. She's younger than MetalBeard, yes, but still old.
... Pansexual Demiromantic Unikitty y'all?
She would have loved Rex if he was still around. They would have been best friends... she knows that he's not like Emmet! But she would like him to feel comfortable in his own skin.
Despite everything, Unikitty cares deeply for Emmet and it shows. I'm talking about the Apocalypsburg era. I feel like they were close friends and alongside Lucy, Unikitty was just worried that they might end up hurting Emmet for... being too soft.
She would be a nice mom.
A hopeless romantic, that's for certain! Love is magnificent for her and she loves to see her friends being in love and happy! She... she hopes she can get someone for her, too...
Her magic is destructive, yes, but I'd like to think that aside making stuff explode, she can change stuff with using it!
She probably has an photo album that has pictures of her family and friends.
Sweet Mayhem and her get along certainly well. I think they would be nice friends too.
MetalBeard x Unikitty? MetalBeard x Unikitty time!
Unikitty shows her love to MetalBeard by getting him some treasures she founds in her own planet. MetalBeard repays this obviously.
Unikitty loves him with the entirety of her soul and she's happy that she found someone.
Their shipname is Rainbow Coins.
Unikitty likes to hold him. So she always uses the UltraKitty form to do so.
Partners in crime /pos.
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redrascal1 · 1 year
On the JCF, they are currently discussing the forthcoming Rey film...90% of them are huge Finn fans but some of them make interesting points. And when several insisted that Rey’s film will be a hit ‘if ST fans rally around’....this is what one fan said:
This website is frequented by Star Wars fans, most of which are generally positively predisposed to new Star Wars content. None of us really want to actually see bad Star Wars content, we all want to see good stuff being made. Outside of these forums, I generally see more negativity towards the ST and towards a new Rey movie to be honest. And while the internet is not the real world, and while I believe this new Rey movie could do generally well, I find it hard to believe that it will do great. I know I won't go to the movie theaters personally, marking the first time I am missing out on Star Wars in the theaters
.They can’t just appeal to SW fans, they also have to appeal to the general audience, whether we geeks like it or not! And the GA embraced Kylo, more than any of the other characters. 81% over all of the rest, including Rey. Disney are losing money - both TLM and Indy 5 underperformed at the BO, not good for expensive blockbusters, Willow has been put ‘indefinitely on hold’ and people have been less than enthusiastic about Mando 3, and it’s focus on a female character.
When oh when will this company pull their heads out of the sand, wake up, and smell the coffee? Because they are running SW into the ground over their tiresome ‘women don’t need men’ agenda, and I for one are fed up with them. How long can they ignore what is staring them in the face?
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Dream casting would be Donald Glover but if I had to go the white male route Asa Butterfield or Finn Wolfhard.
Ooo.... Donald Glover would be awesome lol 😆
As much as I HATE HATE HATE to say it lol.... I feel like Ezra Miller would have been good in this role too lol 😆
Tbh, Shia would be have the perfect choice imo cuz he actually kinda favors Gene, and he has just enough eccentricity in his regular personality to pull off a role like this lol 😅
Again....I HATE TO SAY IT LOL 😆 🙈
With that said, I'll probably get bashed for saying this, but while Donald would be great, I'm kinda over black ppl getting hated on for being cast in "white roles" 🙄😔
I don't like what racist ppl did to Halle Bailey (ppl STILL hating on TLM) even though she really was the BEST Actress for the role (the director even said so).🙄
I think I'd rather see ORIGINAL films with black actors being cast in the lead role. But of course, HW is too chicken to do anything original these days. 🙄 Just about everything is based on a book, a former film, a sequel, or a "reboot" now days cuz they know or will bring automatic revenue 😭
Let me stop my rant here.
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brickowskibois · 2 years
I'm literally just making this post because I love Lego Dick Grayson and I had to prove nothing bad happened to him
Okay now that that's out of the way, let's talk The Apocalypse.
I recently posted some concept art that had some rather dark implications. Of course, this was gonna lead to some theories and speculation. @strawberri-doggo and my friend @lilacs-stash pointed out that this could mean that the reason the Batfam from The Lego Batman Movie were not in the Lego Movie 2 was because they died during the Apocalypse. Because I refuse to let anything bad happen to them, allow me to propose a theory of my own!
Gotham is in a separate location in The Man Upstairs's house/basement that was not included in the 5-year Apocalypse between the first and second Lego Movies
Allow me to explain.
Evidence 1, which is actually a refute of evidence that could prove me wrong: So we see Harley Quinn twice in the Lego movies. We got our girlboss from the Lego Batman Movie and we got the DCCU Harley in The Lego Movie 2. This could be used to argue that Harley is one of the sole Gotham survivors alongside Batman and Alfred.
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However, I firmly believe that these are two different Harley Quinns. It's already been confirmed that the Upstairs family (yes I'm treating "Upstairs" like it's their last name) own duplicates of characters:
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So, considering the fact that the two Harleys look different, are from different properties, have different personalities, and are voiced by different people, it's not out of the question to believe that they're completely different Harleys.
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Evidence 2: The Finn-pocalypse
So, the reason the 5-year Apocalypse happens is because Finn wants to make his own builds that are cooler and grittier than the things his dad made. One thing that often gets overlooked (by myself as well until I started researching this) is that Finn straight up nuked EVERYTHING that his dad made.
This is a pretty good look at the downstairs table in the first Lego movie.
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And here's that same table in the second movie
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It's all GONE.
Where did it all go??
Well, I believe that, in order to create the bada$$ apocalypse world Finn pictured in his head, he just mashed everything together.
Using the map Lord Business used in the first Lego movie and the screenshot of Finn with the storage bin, we can kind of see where we are in the basement. On the back wall we can see a space diorama of sorts. This *could* be Cape Space on the map below.
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And as we know, Apocalypseburg was mainly based on Bricksburg (I don't know if the Bricksburg ruins in the movie are literal or not so I'm not gonna think about them too much), so the circled Bricksburg section is likely the table that became Apocalypseburg's setting. Everything around it sounds rife for creating an edgy desert wasteland. Pharaoh's Quest has plenty of sand and desert colored blocks, Middle Zealand has stone buildings and armor that can be repurposed, and the Old West is, yep, more desert pieces.
So anything that was in the area around Bricksburg, Finn nuked and conglomerated into his Apocalypseburg design. However, as the classic space on the back wall appears to be untouched, it's likely Finn saw no need to mess with any properties that weren't in the space he wanted to work with.
In the first movie, Finn's dad is startled that Batman is among the Fellowship of Strangers.
The Man Upstairs: What am I holding here?
Finn: It's a battleship.
The Man Upstairs: No, it's a hodgepodge that's what it is. What's Batman doing on it?
I believe that this line implies that Gotham, which is not pictured on Business's map (although there are a few unlabeled areas, I feel like Gotham would rival Bricksburg's size and would be acknowledged) is far enough away from Bricksburg that The Man Upstairs doesn't understand why he'd be in the city.
I think that Gotham was not added to the Apocalypseburg conglomerate, as it didn't take up space that Finn wanted to use for Apocalypseburg and it didn't have pieces he needed. The only reason Finn grabbed Batman from Gotham for The Lego Movie 2's game plotline is simply because Batman was important to the plot he made when he was a kid that he now wants to wrap up. He grabbed Alfred as well because, let's admit it, apocalypse Alfred is a funny concept. And the way Finn plays him, Batman needs someone to order around!
So, Gotham is just fine guys. Dick is waiting for his dad to come back from visiting his old stomping grounds with his guardian Barbara Gordon, and the Joker makes sure to send Batsy plenty of hate mail. They're okay.
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unicone0crem · 2 years
credit: Joe Albanese
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lego-witch · 3 years
Some tlm headcannons because i was inspired by some other posts (some of them are rather lgbt+ or angsty because YES)
1. Emmet still has nightmares about what he did to the Systar system. He's afraid that he might eventually snap and become just like Rex; Betrayed, vengeful and genocidal. (He nearly killed everyone in the entire galaxy after all)
2. At the same time however, Emmet still misses Rex terribly. It felt good to have someone like him around, despite what his true personality and motives were. Emmet still wishes he could have found a way to save Rex, and help his alternate self redeem himself.
3. Emmet and Lucy occasionally binge-watch movies and shows on the double-decker couch at night together, mostly really bad ones that they love to laugh at. Occasionally they fall asleep mid-binge, so Unikitty gently props them on her back and takes them to their room to place them in their bed.
4. Unikitty is a loud and proud lesbian that doesn't care at all what bigoted people think about her.
5. Meanwhile Sweet Mayhem is a closeted lesbian. She isn't too sure how to tell anyone yet, as she fears she might get rejected by the people that are close to her.
6. Back in his youth, President Business had a fiance, but she dumped him because he became too hungry for power.
7. Unikitty forgave Bad Cop for destroying her home, acknowledging that he was simply a puppet being manipulated by his boss. She still hasn't forgiven Business, though.
8. Bruce introduced Robin to Watevera, to which both immediately grew attached to one another, becoming a makeshift mother-son duo
9. Sweet Mayhem and Benny are best friends and love to stargaze together.
10. Lucy is a male-leaning Bisexual.
11. Balthazar is a gay, transgender man.
12. Lucy has had difficulties in the past with relationships, not just romantic ones.
13. Finn does subconsciously believe that the characters are alive, seeing how he saw Emmet move of his own free will, and heard the others singing from the storage box. He denies he does, though.
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some blurry traditional doodles n mostly pink digital doodles!!! A lot of em shitposts, some of them serious, all of them shitty 😎
its late at night and i did these quickly so,,,,- even though i did the digital ones earlier,,,,
and finn listens to lemon demon n likes vine dont fight me on this bc im right
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fairydraws04 · 5 years
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Redraw of a thing I found on Jadon Sand’s (the kid who plays Finn) Instagram!! the tumblr side of the fandom should really like,, create more fan content about Finn and Bianca,,,
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francesthetraveller · 3 months
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I just got reminded of the one AU I did solely for this pairing (I love my little "I have no mouth and I must scream" enjoyer x listens to avril lavigne on the regular duo)
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tlmismyfanjam · 5 years
okay so
we need more finn and bianca tlm fanart i mean this boy had the inner conflict i used to go through when I had the choice to leave LEGO or not.
and bianca, well i didnt have a bianca, but somewhere out there, people could be dragging non-LEGO fans to build with them in their way as how they persuade them 
they also need headcanons so the sibling rivalry gets bigger *queen whatevra cackle*
(im used to saying LEGO instead of “lego”)
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shaampoo · 1 year
So like uh uhh uhm I have another Lego au idea :D, well more of a scene with context I guess??? Idk, kinda like the last one I did, honestly this is just a idea I want out my head lmao (again feel free to use this idea, I have too many fics already DX)(also don't judge me I got this like in the middle of the night :p)
So here the context:
So Emmet (in apocalypseburg) is tired of people like underestimating him and stuff etc. Etc. So he goes through a villain arc, kinda like Rex but without the Undar, then hatches a plan (now imma refer to this Emmet as Rex but like Rex still looks like Emmet or something, or maybe not you decide) Rex is gonna build a time machine to stop himself from saving the world (tlm 1) so then Rex builds a time machine and then goes back in time the saves himself from Bad Cop, then like Lucy comes stuff,
Rex then pretends to help Emmet and stuff until like that countdown scene where everyone is gonna get electrocuted
(in my head Rex isn't tied up like everyone else, maybe he like escaped through the vents and then found himself in the electrocution room [I forgot the name] with everyone tied up/restrained [I know it ain't that good of a story but like, I got this idea I the middle of the night, leave me alone XD])
Then Emmet ask Rex for help and then Rex is like "nah bro, these bitches are uncool, theyre like macho jerks to us in the future" then Emmet is like "fym by that" then Rex reveals he's him from the future (no duh if like Rex looks like Emmet but oh well) then they fight and Emmet falls down the building to the realm of the man upstairs
So like I guess this is the scene???:
Emmet is sitting strapped to a chair, then he saw Rex coming
"Rex!" Emmet shouted "thank goodness your here! Help me out!"
Rex looked around the room, at all the master builders looking at him,
At all the people who were jerks to him, even after he sacrificed himself
Rex smirked
"sure thing" Rex said, Emmet smiled "after the countdown ends, that is" Emmet's smile dropped
"Rex, but they'll die if I don't get out of this!" Emmet shouted, Rex shrugged,
"so? They deserve it after all they've done to us" Rex said
"what are you talking about?!" Emmet said
"Emmet, I'm you from the future" Rex said
Then like they fight and stuff, then Rex accidentally pushes Emmet off a building into the realm of the man upsatairs
Rex watched as Emmet fell, the battery falling with him, all the master builders were free,
"Emmet!" Lucy yelled, Rex looked at where Emmet fell, Emmet was In the realm of the man upstairs, Rex had to go after him, since Emmet would save the world after Finn found him, he had to prevent that, so Rex jumped in as well
The like Emmet and Rex fight and stuff, etc. Then like Rex loses, Emmet saves the world, the Rex wants to restart but everyone gangs up on him (or something since Lucy doesn't have the heart bomb) and time machine broken
I actually don't know whether or not Rex would disappear here, since Emmet might become him in the future In apocalypseburg now that I think about it, but eh, I haven't thought that far. Plus this is just an idea I need out of my brain.
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cartoonosaurusrex · 3 years
reminder that the angry birds movie 2 and the lego movie 2 both came out in 2019 and feature a purple character played by tiffany haddish who is revealed to be the daughter of one of the main characters
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