#tmp officers
Chambers: "Uuuuugh, my instincts as a detective suck."
[REDACTED]: *in his normal form* "Really? Don't be so hard on yourself. Let's talk about your instincts."
[REDACTED]: "Well, I heard you were struggling with your investigation..."
[REDACTED]: *holds up a basket* "So, I brought you some tea!"
Chambers: "You brought me some tea... Well, listen here fella, YOU'RE what we call a 'civilian', and you're not allowed in here, okay?"
[REDACTED]: "Oh, sure I am! Officer Trevor is a client of mine! He has a nice little duck."
Chambers: *looks down the hall in confusion*
Officer Trevor: *walks by with a nice duck plushie that [REDACTED] made for him*
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endless-nightshift · 8 months
Showing my mother (an IT specialist) the Magnus protocol and watching the look of horror form on her face when she hears "Windows NT 4.0" and "bedrock that the whole system is based on, and it’s been at least fifteen years since anyone actually knew how it worked."
Laughing my ass off and saying "that's not even the horror part of the podcast"
Only to be met with "yes it is"
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dragunonov · 4 months
Listen to The Magnus Protocol, we have:
Samama Khalid, not yet killed by his curiousity because he is the main character
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Alice Dyer, who is okay, trust her
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Celia Ripley, a single mother with no secrets whatsoever
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Colin Becher
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Gwendolyn Bouchard, expertly handling her new externals liaison duties
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And Lena Kelley, who has to somehow manage this shitshow
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cardtowers · 8 months
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TMP Stream Of Consciousness Theory
(Like, I'm forming it and I'm not sure where I'm headed here)
Spoilers All - TMP
So as I'm reading through a lot of Lena Post on here it's starting to strick at me. Her wording when she vaguely explained things to Gwen in EP 13, Futures.
Gwen asks if they're the bad guys.
Lena hesitates before answering "We are... Managing, the bad guys."
Unlike the The Magnus Institute they aren't collecting Statements, they're keeping track of them.
Lena doesn't see herself and her work as good, but a necessary evil.
This would make Lena NOT Jonah's Parallel, but Gertrude's.
To Gertrude, Michael was a necessary evil, but she hurt no more people than absolutely necessary.
Lena isn't willing to put her employees in unnecessary risk.
The Magnus Institute was destroyed and OIAR has something called The Magnus Protocol.
They're preventing the Dread Powers from taking hold. Be it Fear, Hunger, or Regret. They're making sure no one of them gets a real foothold into our world. And if one gets to close. Well, they have their last resort.
The Magnus Protocol
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Non Vacillabimus
We Will Not Falter
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vendettafrank · 8 months
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littleechoart · 8 months
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I absolutely love Alice and wanted to sketch her silly lil self so here you go
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trumpetbot · 3 months
Thinking about starting a magnus archives/protocol side blog…thoughtsss?
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philtrashnumberunus · 4 months
send me to the gallows but I think Alice Dyer is a snitch
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allgremlinart · 1 day
honestly its probably for the best (for Jim at least) that in TMP that Vulcan science officer replacement got turned into goop when he did cus imagine if he lived and Jim had to explain him to Spock when HE got on the Enterprise....... awkward.....
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[REDACTED]: "Finally! After all these years!"
[REDACTED]: *bang bang bang bang bang!*
Chambers: "[REDACTED]! You're not supposed to have a GUN!"
[REDACTED]: "I can do what I WANT, FARTFACE!"
[REDACTED]: *bang bang bang bang bang!*
*Chambers and Trevor hide behind some cover.*
Chambers: "Trevor! It looks like [REDACTED]'s gotten a GUN."
Chambers: "Listen, Trevor, it's not safe to go alone. This is. A. GUN."
Chambers: "There's only one thing to do now, Trevor!" *pulls out a gun too*. "[REDACTED]'s got a fucking GUN, SO WILL I."
*[REDACTED] and Chambers have a shoot-out in the middle of the street. Trevor is watching with some popcorn.*
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scrimblyscrorblo · 8 months
Idk if anyone’s pointed out but the Latin over the OIAR’s is Non Vacillabimus which translates to ‘We Will Not Falter’
Idk if it’s significant, maybe it’s whatever Lena is aligned with deciding they won’t falter this time. It’s very stern and determined, very Lena-core.
Also it’s the office of incident assessment and response yet we’ve only seen the assessment part - no response to it yet. I’m excited to see it tbh I’m loving this series so farrr
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beggerprince72 · 10 months
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flailingangel · 8 months
Alice if they pull "chester" and "norris" out of Windows NT 4.0
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shittymurderparty · 12 days
Officer Trevor: Did you feel that? Detective Chambers: What? Officer Trevor: A great disturbance in the Order. As if millions of voices cried out to say "Oh shit!"
Doll Ghosts: ... (Source: 8-Bit Theater)
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Gwen. Gwen baby. Honey. My giiiiiiiirl. I admire the gumption. I really do. But you don't *want* this job. You literally don't. You hate this job. It scares the bejeezus out of you. As it should. I get the argument for protection. That's pretty smart. But honestly. Quit. Leave the city. No. Leave the country. The continent. I know America at least has werewolves and vampire hunters. But they don't have Mr. Bonzo. Think of a Bonzo-less life Gwendolyn.
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