#to 'we'd die for each other but we keep begging the other not to do it for us'
icharchivist · 8 months
god Merlin 1x04 is still peak. Merlin drinking poison instead of Arthur to save his life. Arthur disobeying his father to look for a cure no matter what. Merlin spending his whole suffering, dying, mumbling Arthur's name in his sleep begging for him to come back lest he falls into a trap. Arthur refusing to give up. Merlin casting magic to save Arthur and lead him away from the cure to save him instead. Arthur refusing to listen and endangering himself for the cure still. Arthur smuggling and hiding the cure, begging his father to give Merlin the cure even if Arthur had to be locked away for months as long as saving Merlin was possible. Arthur still smuggling the cure back to Merlin at all cost. episode 1x04 my beloved.
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jpmarvel90 · 8 months
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Masterlist Natasha Masterlist
Word Count: 5148
Relationship: Sister Nat & Sister Yelena x Reader Wanda x Reader
Summary: Y/n has been haunted since she watched Natasha fall to her death on Vormir. Her own grief is only intensified when Yelena finds out and shifts blame to the one person that wished it was her who had made the ultimate sacrifce.
Y/n's POV:
Coming home from Vormir without Nat was the most heartbreaking moment of my life. Seeing our sister Yelena's reaction added to the pain that I was already feeling. When Clint, Nat and I arrived at Vormir, none of us thought we'd be leaving as a duo. As soon as the realisation hit, I knew it had to be me. Clint had a family and the world needed Natasha. I was the obvious choice.
But Nat had other ideas. She had to be the hero. Whilst her and Clint were fighting, I took the opportunity to go myself. But Nat stopped me at the last minute. My feet were off the ground as I jumped, I was content with my decision. But my stubborn sister had to be the hero. She was able to grab me at the last minute and use her strength to switch our position.
I still had a hold on her hand, but she was out of reach from Clint, so it was reliant on me to be able to pull her up. That was made even more difficult by the fact that Nat didn't even try. My eyes were filled with tears when I realised that I wouldn't be able to save her. "You can't leave us. Yelena needs you. I need you!" I begged her, a sob getting caught in my throat. "It's ok. You'll be ok." She tells me but I shake my head, tears continuing to fall. I try once again with all my strength to pull her back up. "Let me go." She whispers before kicking off the wall. I can still see her body falling as I failed to save her. The world lost a hero that day and Yelena and I lost our sister.
It never should have been Nat. She was the true hero that carried on fighting when so many gave up after the snap. She gave her life to rectifying the wrongs she was forced to do whilst in the Red Room. Her ledger was already clean, and she deserved the chance to be able to have a normal life. To not have to fight any more.
After the battle was over, we were reunited with our family and friends that we had lost five years ago. I hadn't only lost Yelena, but my girlfriend Wanda too. It had been hell, and it was the reason I stuck by Natasha and worked tirelessly with her to find a way to bring everyone back.
However, telling them both the news was almost as devastating as the moment I saw Nat die. Yelena was angry and couldn't understand it. Wanda was devastated too. Nat had been like a sister to her when she first joined the Avengers. She was hurting too. I tried to be there for them as best I could. I was still grieving myself, but I knew I had to be there for my sister and girlfriend.
It was hard as they both started to withdraw, spending more time together. They had a shared experience and found comfort in each other. I started to feel like an outsider and my relationship with Wanda was slowly becoming more distanced. Yelena rarely spoke to me. Until she uttered the most devastating words at Nat's funeral. "It should have been you." There was a venom to her words and I could see that Wanda agreed. It made everything more painful as they were true. It should have been me. No one needed me. But Natasha Romanoff, everyone needed her.
Life at the compound become more difficult by the day. Those of us left signed to work with the government to keep the world safe from another situation like Thanos. There were rumblings that Hydra had resurrected, so most of our missions focused on wiping out anyone who posed a threat.
During this, my relationship with Yelena became non-existent. Any words said in my direction were said with hate. It got so bad that Fury could no longer put us on the same missions as he couldn't guarantee my safety from my own teammate, my own sister.
Wanda never officially broke up with me, but she moved out of our shared room and no longer spared any time for me. If I walked into a room, she was quick to leave. The love we once had seemed to have vanished when Nat died. Each day, it just reiterated why it should have been me.
So, I decided that I had to find a way that I could bring Nat back. No matter what the consequences might be. I spend a lot of time in the library working out if there was anything I could do that might be able to make everything right again. Though one phrase keeps coming up. "A soul for a soul." It's what's the Red Skull had told us when we were on Vormir, could that be a replacement for a soul already sacrificed.
I decide that's where I need to start. A trip back to Vormir and a conversation with the Red Skull will hopefully set me off on the way to bringing Nat back. I just need a distraction for everyone here so I can "borrow" a quinjet and make the journey. "Hey Y/n, we're going to have a team evening together. Maybe go for a couple of drinks, want to join us?" Bucky calls out after knocking on my door.
"Are Yelena and Wanda going?" I ask as I open the door. He looks at me sympathetically and nods. The rest of the team have been a little distant with me too. Not that I blame them. They're closer to Yelena and Wanda so I don't expect them to insert themselves into the middle of whatever shit show of a relationship we have.
"I'll give it a miss tonight. Thanks, though Buck. Have a great time." I tell him with a tight lipped smile. "You ok Y/n?" He asks me, taking me by surprise. "Oh yeah. I'm good. Thanks for checking in. I appreciate it." I respond. He nods and goes to turn before stopping and looking back. "How about on Friday, you me and Sam all go out together. Make a night of it. I know you've been a little isolated recently. I'm sorry for that." He suggests. "Oh uh. Thanks Bucky, sure that would great." I agree and I see him smile. "Great, we'll sort something out." He smiles and heads off.
This gives me the perfect opportunity. If they're all out, I can start to bring my sister back. I take a bit of time getting everything in order just in case I don't come back. I leave a message for Nat, hopeful that she might be able to see it one day. I considered leaving one for Yelena and Wanda, but they won't care. They'll be happy that the right person is with them.
I hear them all leave about 6pm so I gather a few of my things and head out. One of the few skills I'm grateful for from the red room is my hacking ability. Hopefully, by the time Shield realise the jet is missing, I'll be long gone. I'm weirdly not nervous as I board the quinjet. I feel a sense of hope. I know this is the right thing to do and I just pray that I'll be able to pull this off.
When I finally reach my destination, I take the familiar walk up to the top of the cliff. I get flashbacks of the last time I was here. The last time I was with my sister. I can still hear the conversations we had as I reach the top. I familiar figure waiting for me.
I take a deep breath and make my way forward as the figure turns to face me. "Ah, Y/n Y/l/n, I wondered when I would see you again."
Wanda's POV:
This night out with the team was much needed. Since everything with Thanos, it's been difficult to find the light. We lost a lot and we're still healing. I was surprised when I felt a pang of disappointment when Bucky came to us without Y/n in tow. Not that I'm surprised, we've not exactly made a welcoming space.
I especially have been bad with her. She's my girlfriend after all, but I just let my grief consume me. Add on the confusion of missing out on five years of life, it's just been difficult to make sense of it all. Yelena was the only one who knew how I felt and it was easier to be with her than Y/n.
But now I realise what I'm missing. The support and comfort of the woman that I love. I was stupid to let myself become influenced by Yelena. I started to feel her anger, but mine wasn't directed at Y/n. It was the situation. It just became my outlet as I had nowhere else to direct it. Which is completely unfair on Y/n. She was grieving herself and lost Yelena and me on top of it.
"I'm going to check on Y/n." Bucky tells us when we arrive home, earning a huff from Yelena. "Why do you care?" She snaps. "Because she has become isolated and it's not fair. I shouldn't have let it go on for so long." He defends. "Maybe she deserves it! If it wasn't for her, Natasha would be here." Yelena bites back. "ENOUGH!" Clint shouts, stepping in front of Yelena.
"I promised Y/n I wouldn't get involved, but I can't stand here anymore and let you talk like this. Y/n tried everything to save Nat. She had to watch as she slipped from her fingers after doing everything for it to be her. Y/n had wanted to make the sacrifice herself. So please just stop. If you don't want to be around her or have her in your life, fine. But this bitching needs to stop." He scolds the young Russian. Yelena doesn't respond but lets her head hang low for a moment. "I'll join you Bucky." Clint responds, following behind Bucky.
I should go with them. But when I take a step, Yelena looks to me. "I need more vodka." She huffs, taking my arm and moving us into the kitchen to get a drink. But before she's able to drink the shot she's poured, FRIDAY makes an announcement. "Director Fury has request everyone's attention in the conference room immediately."
"Cyka." Yelena huffs, quickly taking the shot and making her way to the meeting room. I follow behind and see Bucky and Clint return but without Y/n. I don't question it, instead I take a seat next to Yelena. "Would one of you like to explain where the quinjet is?" He asks, his tone flat. "No idea. We've all been out for a team meal." Sam explains. "Was Y/l/n at this meal?" Fury asks after noticing her absence.
The silence provides his answer. "That would explain the encryption on the tracking." Fury sighs. "Wait, you think Y/n has taken the jet?" Clint asks, giving Bucky a worrying look. "Well, considering she's the only one not here and only two people in this team have that ability to hack the quinjet like that." He responds and we all know the other is Yelena.
"This is not good. Do you think she's actually done it? That she found away?" Clint whispers to Bucky who matches his concerned look. "Do you know where the jet was heading?" Clint directs to Fury who shakes his head. "No, she's hidden the location." He replies. "Shit." Clint mumbles. "Something you'd like to share?" Fury questions him. Clint doesn't respond but pushes a piece of paper towards him.
Fury takes it and I see a sadness flash across his face. My heart rate picks up a little and the regret of how I have treated Y/n these last week's grows tenfold. I selfishly thought she would always be there waiting for me for when I was able to get passed this grief.
"Ok, let's go. Hopefully we can catch her before she does something stupid." Fury moves to leave with no explanation. "Would someone like to explain what is going on?" Yelena asks angrily. "Considering you haven't cared about Y/n's wellbeing recently, I'm sure you don't care now." Clint snaps and I see a flash of hurt on Yelena's face. "We don't have time for this." Bucky steps in, bringing the focus back to the situation at hand.
Mindlessly, I follow behind the others towards the quinjet. I have no idea what's going on, but from the panic in both Clint and Bucky's eyes, I know it can't be good. "You're going?" Yelena reaches out to grab my arm and spin me around. "You're not? She's your sister Yelena. I know you're angry at her, but it seems like you might lose her too. It's a loss I know that I won't cope with." I respond, snatching my arm from her and running to the jet.
"Co-ordinates set to Vormir." Clint tells Fury as the jet takes off. Hearing those words sends fear through my body. Why would she be going there? This fear and sickening feeling just grows as we get closer to our destination. The rest of the journey is in silence before the jet touches down.
Cautiously we all disembark and my eyes instantly land on the quinjet a few metres away. "This way." Clint instructs, directing us towards a worn path up to the top of a cliff. As quickly as we can, we start off to reach our destination. Though I don't think any of us expected the sight that was waiting for us.
In this moment, I feel like my heart is in my mouth. My emotions overwhelm me as I see the person that I had been grieving for. "Natasha?" Yelena whispers in shock as our eyes land on a familiar red head in front of us. I wipe at my own eyes, not believing what I'm seeing in front of us. Nat turns around with a confused look on her face as she looks over us. "You're really here?" Yelena says as she rushes forward and wraps her arms around her sister.
My own gaze then moves around trying to find Y/n. She has to be around here somewhere. "What happened? How am I here?" Nat asks once we've all greeted her, plenty of tears shed between us. That's when I notice the sadness in Clint and Bucky's eyes. "Clint?" I ask, panic building within. All he can muster is a whisperer sentence. "A soul for a soul."
Natasha's POV:
The last thing I remember was being in this odd space between reality and wherever I was due to move onto next. I was aware I was dead, and it seemed like I was just waiting. For what, I'm not sure. But I certainly hadn't expected that I would find myself back on Vormir. I knew time had passed. I just don't know how much time.
I look over the edge of the cliff as flashbacks from that day replay in my mind. I jumped. I stopped Y/n from doing it and I jumped in her place. I died, making the sacrifice so we could get the soul stone and beat Thanos. Had we beat Thanos?
I don't get time to really take it all in as I hear footsteps behind me. I quickly turn, getting in my fighting stance ready for whatever might be coming my way. However, my question is soon answered when I see two faces that I've not see in five years. Within seconds Yelena has wrapped her arms around me and is holding me close. I take comfort in her arms and look around for our other sister, desperate to hold her too.
After greeting everyone, I ask what had happened and that seems to bring a sadness to Fury, Bucky and Clint. When Wanda pushes Clint, he simply states, "A soul for a soul." I don't understand what he means, we already did that to get the soul stone in the first place. "What do you mean? Where's Y/n? Is she back at the compound?" I ask, not getting a good feeling about my sister not being here for this reunion.
"Let's get back home and we can share what we know." Clint suggests, guiding us back towards the path. Yelena and Wanda both stick close to me. Yelena seems delighted, but Wanda has a darkness around her. A worry that I don't understand. But I fear it is related to Y/n. "How long has it been?" I ask, wanting to get some sense of the time that has passed. "Three months." Yelena responds. "It felt like we had only been gone for seconds but in that time, I had lost you." She adds on, turning to me and pulling me into a hug once again. I've never seen Yelena this vulnerable before, so I just hold her that bit tighter.
When we reach the quinjet, I notice that there are two which takes me by surprise. "I'll take this one back. Then we'll meet to discuss moving forward." Fury explains, to which Bucky nods. "Not that I'm complaining, but is anyone going to explain how I'm back?" I ask, getting a little frustrated. They all look at each other until Clint speaks up. "We actually have no idea, but we think it has something to do with Y/n." He responds, before turning to enter the jet, preventing me from questioning him further.
My mind is so confused right now. It still feels a little hazy as we fly back to the compound. I have so many questions and I can't quite make sense of what is happening right now. As grateful as I am to be with my family again, I want to understand why. Is this temporary? Will I end up back in the middle place again?
When we arrive back home, I aimlessly follow the others to the conference room. "You go and rest Natasha, we'll give you any updates as needed." Yelena instructs me but I shake my head. "I want to know how this has all happened, especially if it's got something to do with Y/n." I reply, continuing on my journey with the others. I hear Yelena mumble something under her breath and she doesn't look too happy, but ultimately doesn't stop me.
I take my usual seat in the conference room, and I realise that the others are in a state of shock. They are all staring at me as if I'm going to disappear at any moment. "Where's Steve and Tony?" I ask, noticing two very empty spaces in the room. They take the time to talk me through what happened after they returned with all the stones. Knowing that Tony sacrificed himself for the greater good brought a tear to my eye. But I'm grateful that Steve was able to get his second chance with Peggy.
Now we come on to the more difficult conversation of how I happen to be back on earth, very much alive. "Bucky and I went to check on Y/n but she didn't answer. FRIDAY notified us she had left the compound but that she had blocked her location. With the door unlocked we went in and that's when we found that note." Clint explains as Fury nods along. "That would work with the timeline of the quinjet going missing. She obviously waited for you all to be out of the compound so she could do what she needed uninterrupted." Fury responds.
"What note?" I jump in, still confused about what is going on. Did Y/n really steal a quinjet? Why would she do that? Fury moved his hand into his inside pocket of his jacket and pulls out a note before handing it to me. I open it up and I feel both Wanda and Yelena peer over my shoulder.
Maybe this time I can make things right. I'll make sure it was me. Take care of Nat.
I look up from the note to the others. Wanda is full on crying when she sees the words on the paper. Yelena won't make eye contact whilst both Bucky, Clint and Sam look like they're grieving. "What does this mean? What does she mean by making sure it was her." I question, wanting to get some semblance of what is going on. This looks like a suicide note.
I start to get frustrated when no one answers me. In fact, they all make the effort to not meet my eyes. "Someone tell me!" I shout, banging my hand to the table making them flinch. "Yelena?" Clint speaks, raising an eyebrow at her. I turn to face my sister who looks as white as a ghost. "Lena, what is going on?" I ask calmly, but again she doesn't respond.
"Her and Wanda have spent the last three months telling Y/n that it should have been her and not you. I guess she finally found a way to make that true" Bucky finally breaks the silence and my heart with it. "What?" I gasp, turning to look between the two of them. "Did you really say that to her?" I ask, shocked that Yelena could do something so horrible to Y/n. They've always been so close.
When both of them fail to respond, I stand up ready to leave. I can't believe this. "Natasha wait." Fury tries to stop me. "No! From what I can work out, these two pushed Y/n so far that she has killed herself to bring me back. That's what you're telling me without actually telling me isn't it." I snap, tears filling my eyes. "We don't know exactly what happened." Fury responds but I just scoff. "She stole a quinjet and flew to Vormir. You found me and Y/n was nowhere to be seen. I think we all know what happened." I retort.
Quickly turning to face Yelena and Wanda, I feel my anger build. "I'm so angry at you. It was my choice! I decided it had to be me. I had my chance at living and making things right. Y/n still had so much of her life ahead of her. She was in there longer than us Yelena. She had you, Wanda and she was happy. I couldn't take that away from her or you! I made the decision to jump because I thought that if it was Y/n, you'd be left without a girlfriend and you your favourite sister." I yell, jabbing my finger in the direction of Wanda and Yelena.
"Fuck! It was my choice! It was meant to be me. But now I hear that she's spent the last three months without anyone whilst she went through grief, being told it was her fault and she should have died. Her last three months were probably miserable, and you can't change that. She's gone. Y/n is dead. Do you realise that? She's not going to magically rematerialize. And it's all your fault!" I rant, anger and an overwhelming sadness taking over me.
At my words, I see the realisation hit Yelena and Wanda. Tears start to fall down their cheeks. "I jumped so she could have the life you promised me she would have. A life where she would be loved and protected. A life where you would never hurt her. But it couldn't be any further from the truth!" I spit at Wanda, venom lacing my tone.
"And you. How can you even treat our sister like that. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to forgive you." I turn to Yelena, my heart aching knowing I've lost two sisters today. Not allowing them time to respond, I storm off to what used to be my room. Ignoring the calls from behind me.
When I reach the accommodation floor, I find myself stuck outside Y/n's door. My hand hovering over the handle. There is a part of me that is wishing this is some sick joke and I'll open this door to see her sat on her bed, drawing, or listening to music. That she'll actually be alive, and I won't have to face living in this world without my sister. The sister that gave me my humanity.
Slowly I push the door open, and I instantly get enveloped by her scent. Tears once again prickle at my eyes when I see the cold room is empty. Wanting to feel closer to her, I move further into the room and towards her desk where I spot a USB sat on an otherwise spotless desk.
Pulling her desk chair out, I sit and turn on her laptop. Letting out a teary laugh when I see the photo of her, Yelena, and I when we were drunk on a night out. We look the happiest we've ever been. It was one of the first times we'd been able to just forget about life all together and this photo represented that. I reach out and rest my fingers over her face. "Oh, moya malen'kaya sestra. (My little sister) I'm sorry I failed you." I cry as the thought of not seeing her again hits me.
Composing myself, I plug in the USB and open it to see there is only one file on it. A video file entitled "For Natasha." Hesitantly, I click on the file and let out a sob when I see Y/n's face appear on the screen. Straight away I notice that she's barely slept and there is a pain in her eyes I have not seen since we saved her from the red room.
Video message
Hey Nat. I really hope that you are watching this. If you are, it means that I finally did something right and managed to rectify the mistake that I made that day on Vormir. I never should have let you jump.
You see, the thing is about you Natasha, is you don't see your worth. You believe the trauma that you went through as a child is something that you must atone for, for the rest of your life. Despite telling Yelena, me and countless other widows how our actions were not our fault, you failed to allow yourself the same courtesy.
Since joining Shield and then the Avengers, you have done far more good than you ever did bad. Not that you had anything to make up for in life. You had every right to live a normal life, to try and move on from the horrors of your past. But instead, you set your mind to saving others who couldn't save themselves.
Don't tell the others, but you were the true hero of the Avengers. Your intentions were the purest. You were not blinded by money, fame, or righteousness. You were doing everything you could to try and drive out evil from this world. To stop others having to experience a pain like you did.
It's why I decided to jump. Why it should have been me that made that sacrifice. You had already given enough. It was your time to live your life in peace. If you had chosen to carry on your life as an Avenger, then so be it. But it would have been your choice.
The world needs Natasha Romanoff. Yelena, Clint, Shield, hell even my girlfriend, needed you more than me. It's why you never should have given your life that day. It's why I was the logical choice. The only choice.
Yes, hearing that being reiterated by people I love has been hard to hear these last few months. But it's the truth. It's why I tried so hard to find away that I could rectify that mistake and make the world right again. I think I finally have that answer now. A way that I might be able to bring you back. I pray that this works and maybe Yelena and Wanda can stop hating me. Not that I'll know, I guess.
I know that everyone will be able to move one without me in their lives. But you, well we know the world deserves and needs Natasha Romanoff. I just hope that I'm able to give it to them.
If you are sat watching this Nat. Please know how much I love you. You are the reason that I experienced freedom and free will for the first time. You gave me a family, a chance at love. All things that I thought I would never experience. You saved me in more ways than one and I will always be eternally grateful for that.
Being able to call you my sister has been the greatest honour Nat. I love you with everything I have, and I hope that one day, we may see each other again. In a life where there are no expectations of us. A life where we're free to live as we want. But before that time, live your life to the fullest. Enjoy it and have a vodka for me. Ya tebya lyublyu, moya sestra. Do svidaniya. (I love you, my sister. Goodbye.)
I feel the sobs wrack over me as the screen goes black. I feel grief wash over me in waves. It physically hurts to know that she sacrificed herself for me. For her to believe that this world needs me more than it needed her. She is a light that shone brighter than anyone I had ever met. But now that light is extinguished.
With my grief overwhelming me, I feel the sudden need to leave her room. Being surrounded by her things, knowing she'll never be here again is just adding to the pain. As I stand and turn around, I spot Wanda and Yelena crying in the doorway, clearly having overheard the video.
"Natash..." "Don't." I hold my hand up to stop Wanda straight away. "She needed you. Both of you. But you were selfish and put your own grief above hers. You could have supported each other. Grieved together, moved on together and had a life together. But instead, everything is ruined." I express, pain lacing my voice.
"Natasha please." Yelena practically begs, reaching out to take my hand but I'm quick to snatch it away. "No. As far as I'm concerned, I lost two sisters today." I state before barging past them both and to my own room. Quickly locking the door behind me.
I fall onto the bed, the whole day becoming overwhelming. I don't know where to go from here. How do I live a life that doesn't have her in it. How am I supposed to live like she told me to, when I can't share it with her. I feel at a complete loss. Of all the things I have sacrificed, my own life included, this was one I was too selfish to give. But have ended up losing anyway. 
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norris-lando · 9 months
false god
Lando Norris x reader
summary: in which after every fight comes the makeup sex
inspired by the song False God by Taylor Swift
warnings: smut, mentions of fighting
author's note: this is pretty much just smut without a real a plot. I hope you enjoy reading, and please let me know your thoughts :)
word count: 1.5k
we were crazy to think, crazy to think this could work, remember how I said I'd die for you?
You and Lando were never afraid to say what was on your mind and it often lead to quite loud fights. Screaming at each other, slamming doors, dishes flying around and breaking. It wasn't something you were proud of.
However, no matter how much you fought, you loved each other unconditionally. It was hell when you fought but heaven when you we'rent fighting. And though all the fighting was taking a toll on your relationship, there was always a positive side to it.
The makeup sex was out of this world. With angry words turning to screams of pleasure.
Maybe you were crazy. Thinking it would be okay to fight every other day but you didn't care. Sometimes all you cared about was the sex.
You couldn't really pinpoint what it was exactly. Maybe it was the way Lando pinned you against the wall. His breath hot against your skin as he whispered in your ear.
I can't talk to you when you're like this, staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town, I'm New York City, I still do it for you, babe
"You know, I really hate when you're like this. I can't stand it," he'd say, referring to your behavior during your fights.
His hands would be all over you, teasing, making you beg for it. He'd always start running circles on your stomach. And then he'd painfully slowly move a few inches closer to your waist, often playing with the fabric of whatever pants you were wearing.
You'd try your best but always failed not to give in to the feelings. At one point or another, you'd always let out a whimper that was filled with need. The need to feel his hands on your clit, the need to feel his dick pulsating inside your dripping pussy.
And always, without a fail, whenever you'd make any sound or movement that would reveal your neediness, Lando would smirk. He'd feel proud seeing how he made you feel. And he would have to give it his all not to give into the feeling too soon. Last thing he wanted was to give you the satisfaction of him buckling under pressure.
"Please, Lando," you'd whimper in the hopes of him giving up.
but we might just get away with it, religions in your lips even if it's a false god, we'd still worship
You'd buckle your hips, you'd tangle your hands in his hair to pull him closer to you. You'd kiss him hard and passionately, not allowing the either of you a moments rest until you were almost out of breath completely.
A groan would escape Lando's throat as he'd pull away from you. Sometimes, you'd let your hands make their way away from his hair and down towards Lando's growing erection.
Quickly, however, Lando would put an end to whatever it would be that you would try. Shaking his head, he'd say, "What do you think you're doing?"
He'd proof to you he was the leader. That he was the one who called the shots.
"We can stop this thing right here and right now," the taunt echoing in your ears. "Unless you can play nice."
There it was again. The smirk. It held so much power over you it was ridiculous.
You hated it but you had no other choice but play by Lando's rules. So, for now you kept your hands to yourself and let Lando do whatever he wanted with your body.
He'd start pulling your pants lower to make way so his hand could slip into your panties. Lando's fingers burning with each touch.
His hand would rest on your clit for what felt like an eternity. He'd keep his eyes locked on yours. Lando loved seeing the pain in your eyes when he didn't immediately give you what you wanted. Sometimes he'd even stop there and leave you hanging with a need only he could fill.
But more often than not, his fingers started to slowly move around. First, just playing with your sensitive clitoris. Pressing down ever so slightly, he'd make circles as the tip of his finger would tease the entrance of your pussy, feeling just how wet you were.
Moans would escape and your back would arch against whatever surface you were on. Your head thrown back, you could feel Lando's lips attack your neck. He loved leaving wet kisses everywhere. He loved having you a whimpering mess under his touch.
He'd continue teasing your pussy with his fingers while his other hand would sometimes rest on your neck. And with each movement you'd make, Lando's grip would tighten. Denying you air, making you feel lightheaded and causing the feeling to be that more intoxicating.
"Tell me what you want," he'd say. His voice raspy and dark.
Yours, however, would be barely above a whisper as you tried to get the words out.
"I want- I want you to fuck me."
Lando hummed proudly. "Good girl," he would praise you before he rammed two fingers inside you.
we might just get away with it, the altar is my hips, even if it's a false god, we'd still worship this love
You could feel how his digits curled up inside you, moving back and forth and bringing you closer and closer to your climax with each movement. At the same time, Lando could feel you get wetter every second. He'd enjoy hearing you whimper and moan under his touch.
"You like that, huh," he'd say as he continued on.
Sometimes he'd make you cum on his fingers, other times he'd stop just before you could ride out your high. But your personal favorite had to be when he used his tongue along side his fingers.
Lando would slow down the movements his hands were making, never stopping completely as he would lower himself so that he was facing your crotch. He'd pull - or rip - your panties off, saying something about how they were always in the way.
You could feel his hot breathe on your pussy as he would take his time first admiring the look in front of him. You'd whimper and beg and moan. You would always try to do something to get his lips to close the gap sooner.
And when he would finally crash his mouth on your clit, you'd let out a loud scream of pleasure. You could feel Lando's voice vibrate against your skin, intensifying the satisfaction.
He'd usually continue working on you with his fingers and mouth long enough for you to cum. After which he'd lick his fingers clean, tasting every last bit of your juices.
You would left a panting mess, every breath getting caught up in your throat.
But it wouldn't matter to Lando. He'd pick you up and lay you down you on the bed or the couch - or even on the kitchen table. Any surface would do during moments like this.
Lando would usually give you a moment to rest but just enough so that you could catch your breath. After that, he'd get right back to work. He'd rip off your clothes, giving you kisses whilst doing so. He would let you pull his shirt off of his back but he'd usually rush to take his pants off himself.
Sometimes, you'd take his dick in your mouth. Gagging as the tip of it would hit the back of your throat, saliva dripping from the corners of your lips. Lando would praise you, tell you you were a good girl and how well you were taking his dick.
He'd let himself fall off your mouth before he could cum. He wanted to be inside you when he did that. To feel your wet walls pulsating around him.
Lando would position himself at your entrance. He'd tease your folds with the head of his dick and usually you'd yet again beg for him to just push it in, to fuck you until it was too painful to walk.
Lando would always be happy to comply. He'd usually start off slow. Barely moving his hips back and forth before he'd grow tired of waiting. He loved hearing you scream his name so he'd usually fasten his pace soon.
It wouldn't take long before the two of you were moaning and panting. Sweat dripping as Lando would hold himself on top of you with his arms pushing into the surface underneath him.
And almost always, you'd reach your high at the same time. You could feel Lando's load shooting inside you, just as he could feel your walls clenching around him. The two of you collapsing next to each other afterwards.
Sometimes in those moments, right after the sex, you couldn't help but wonder what had led you to have such a heated argument yet again. It was like you had wandered off an invisible path. But you were more than thankful that each time you seemed to find a way back. Maybe it was blind faith all along guiding you.
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thelikesoffinn · 3 months
So...I'm a cat mum. I have a mighty good boy living with me, he's the cutest little bastard and I don't think any other cat will ever be able to top him. Your cats are all lovely, I'm sure, but my baby is the best.
I got him when I was nothing but a depressed, lonely teenager. I swear to god, I couldn't even take care of myself then and yet somehow, for some reason, the universe decided to give me this black furry idiot to take care of and I couldn't be more grateful.
Because back then, at age 19, when my estranged aunt brought over her cat because she couldn't keep him any longer, this little piece of fluff and I took one look at each other and we were a package deal.
I, the eldest child of a narcissistic father and an emotionally abusive mother and him, a sweet and loving cat that was given from person to person to person because, at some point, something else always became more important to them than he was.
A good combination, eh? No wonder we're obnoxiously co-dependant.
Well. Since that day, my boy has been cuddling up next to me every day. I really never need to reach far, he's always somewhere close by. He follows me to the bathroom and everything. And he hasn't left my side for any substantial amount of time, not once.
I mean, shit.
My boy was with me when I was so depressed that I couldn't move. When I felt so alone and tired that I wouldn't, couldn't, get up even if the building threatened to collapse around me he was still there, snoring into my ear or rubbing his head against my palm so I would pet him.
He was just there, and I felt just this tiny bit less alone. That tiny bit less useless, because I could pour all my love and affection - shit I never got with my mother and sister - onto him, and we'd both be better. Or I was, at least, and I hope he was too.
Anyone who reads this has probably already decided that I'm a total nut job - which I'm not going to deny, I know I sound super insane - but the thing is...I've had cats all my life. But never a cat like him. if I was just this tiny bit more spiritual I would probably go around telling people that he's my familiar because I'm 99.999% sure that this is what this must be like.
My baby is well and truly the bestest out of all of them.
And now I think...my baby is going to die.
This feels stupid to say and even stupider to type out, but lately, whenever I look at him I can just...feel it. I can feel that this is the end and I can't tell anyone because who would believe that? That I just...feel it?
But I do and I feel myself saying goodbye multiple times over each day. I cry all the damn time because I just know it's coming and I can't fucking stop it.
We've been to the vet, he's absolutely fine. Needed some meds for very small things, but once that was taken care of there was nothing off with him.
But he's old. I call him baby and boy, but truth is: He's old. He's eighteen or nineteen years old - ancient for a cat - and old age is something that I can't do anything about.
Do you know this weird story of the guy who's immortal and can grant immortality to one other person? But it would be only the one? And despite having many friends and lovers, he never grants any of them immortality and always sees them off gracefully until one day his current lover begs him to grant them immortality so that they could be together forever and he just goes: As much as I'd love to, I can't do so. Someone else has it.
And, in the end, the someone is his cat. The dude chose his cat over everybody else. He could've taken anyone and he took his Feline friend as his forever partner and if I could, so would I. In a heartbeat.
But I can't and it's really beating me down.
Every day feels like I'm getting ready to say goodbye to my closest friend and I just...I can't.
I can't.
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firewalkwithme36 · 5 months
Sometimes growing up means breaking your own heart
A day ago I said good bye to someone my heart never really felt safe with but a little piece of me still kinda wanted it to work. He'd been a complicated person in my life. We worked on/made art together for two years. There was this spark between us that made it exciting to work together, to play in a creative space. But he also let me down with one of those projects. He let me down with so many things, but he surprised me too. He's about four years younger than me and that doesn't mean much if your both in your thirties but it's a lot when you're in your twenties. There's just so much that happens in your life, in your heart and head. It puts a pretty big gap between every year you go through them. And omg do you fuck up so many things, shit you care about. But I guess that means you're putting yourself out there enough to really learn something about who you are.
Anyway, about this guy. We dated a few times and he'd always bail when things got to real and wouldn't really talk about any of it. So after college, after the deep lonely blues really set in and 50 job rejections later, I decided to reconnect with him. I was so nervous the whole time sweat was dripping from my arm pits. We kept in touch for while and then met to talk in person when I moved back to the city he lives in. ( Thats a whole complicated story but I'd lived there before and it was the one I'd have the easiest time more permanently moving to. So I did.) He started to do the same song and dance, so I stopped him and said that I want to actually think about doing this not get back into the same cycles again. It ended with him telling me a few days later he wanted to fall in love with me as a friend. I told him I didn't know if I could do that because I'm not sure my heart works like that and I felt too much that he was asking to cut up his favorite parts of me and our relationship to make it into something easier. Also we would never be just friends, we'd always be moving away from being romantically involved. So it's not like we would really be friends. We'd both get jealous when the other started dating some one new and it also wouldn't be appropriate for anyone we were serious about to meet either of us. Our "friendship" would die off.
Things ended with us spending one last night together not pretending that we were just friends or holding anything back. It was a night of last things. A night of dinner, card games, music, movies, talking, holding each other and sex for the last time. Because there aren't many times that you know when the last time will be the last time and I've had to many hastily done good byes to take one more with some one it didn't work out with but I still have deep love for.
So now it's done and keep wishing and secretly hoping he'll text or call and suddenly he's all in the way I always wished he was and it all just works finally.
But life never is like the movies and so I haven't washed my sheets or pjs he wore just so I still have something around other than me, that he's touched. I sniff the necklace he left me because when my heart is breaking and begging me to talk to him it helps trick my brain into thinking he's still around. I make sure that the sheets are tucked in, pillows placed and the boxers he wore just like he left them for me, because I know taking care of people with the little things is his biggest I love you.
Growing up sucks, It's lonely as hell and there are so many times that it means breaking your own heart so you can get where you're meant to be and become who you want to be.
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urostakako · 6 months
tw gore, horror, blood, injury
i had a dream last night or this morning that i got decapitated. it was on that precipice of sleep that i could've waken up if i wanted to but i also lowkey wanted to see how this would play out and what it would feel like. i was in some sort of squid game kind of thing and the final game was a death battle where everyone was given a weapon that represents them and i got a crayon. my cousin got a pen and we were joking that we'd stay in the corner drawing while everyone else killed each other but i knew that even if we could have stayed out of the way of people with actual weapons we likely wouldnt be able to meet at all from running
so the thing began and i started running cuz there were quite a few people with long blades that i figured were the ones i had to be most wary of. and i wondered briefly if i could run enough to escape getting my head cut off but i wasnt very hopeful the longer it went on. everything was honestly kind of a blur. then one of the people with the blades suddenly got behind me and i was too busy running from the others to dodge him in time and i guess he got me. and before i think i was scared of dying. it didnt seem so scary but when faced with the very real possibility i was going to die suddenly i really didnt want to be in that place anymore, i was willing to beg for my life because getting my head cut off was so unknown and such a scary thought. idk
but while it was happening i was like huh. this isnt so bad. i mean its bad and it hurts kind of but its not as bad as i thought it would be. i could feel the blood spilling from my neck and the blade was kind of thin so it didnt go in one fell swoop, the guy had to keep trying and was kind of swinging my body around and that kind of hurt but it wasnt that bad. i could feel the blood filling up in my throat and everything was a phantom feeling because i had a body and then suddenly i didnt. i think i actually stopped breathing irl too. i could feel my actual body going cold and numb and bloodless in accordance with the dream and my throat closed up with the feeling of blood all up in it and bubbling in my mouth. again, i couldve woken up if i wanted to, i had that kind of awareness especially when i could feel what my irl body was doing
and then i was just thinking i guess. i couldnt see or hear anymore in the dream and i was just waiting for when my brain would frfr die and i did end up thinking that this wasnt what i wanted. i didnt want to die in a place where i couldnt see my mom, or i didnt know what was happening to my family, or i hadnt done the things i wanted to do. and it was such a weird feeling because in my day to day life i never think about these things, it always felt okay to me to die without living a full life. even now typing this it feels okay, but i was totally sad back there, dying and desperately wanting a second chance. it felt pathetic and embarrassing almost to die in such a horrible place. idk
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Broken-Style Remix: Yandere Mother Talia Al Ghul
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Broken: When it comes to Yandere Mothers, Talia Al Ghul is one of my favorites; considering how obsessed she is with her baby daddy. Recently, I came into a Yandere Talia Al Ghul Image made by @anxiousnerdwritings & with their permission, I have been allowed to make this Broken-Style Remix! Now, let the words weave together!!!
@anxiousnerdwritings's version: LINK
Talia Al Ghul wanted things thing and would do anything to obtain those things - Complete Control & Undeniable Power. She was the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul - The Head Demon of the League of Assassin & Immortal Mad-Man, well...not anymore; now Talia was on the Throne as Head of the League of Assassins, but there was a time before everything went to hell. Talia always wanted to have power but she also wanted someone to share it with - that came in the form of the Protector of Gotham - The Masked Savior, Batman. Talia was entranced by his power and skill, he would have been a perfect partner to rule with if he wasn't so hesitant to kill but she could sculpt him to fit her mold one way or another but first she needed to get him on her side. Her father thought of him as the perfect heir but there was no way the protector would join him, so Talia planned and that plan was to give herself and Bruce an heir - the perfect combination of the two of them. However, a wrench was thrown into that plan when inside of one - there were two.
A Son & A Daughter.
A Son that mirrored his father in young as he would in adulthood, with the exception of the emerald eyes that Talia possessed - the eyes of an Al Ghul. He was given the name Damian.
Her daughter was another story: she grew to look just as Talia did in her youth but she had her father's calm blue eyes - the eyes of a protector. The eyes of a Wayne. The eyes of a savior, not a killer - she was flawed with those eyes. She was named Bellatrix - just as her father, she would be expected to be a great warrior.
When it was time to hone their skills, it was clear that they were the perfect combination of the Al Ghul and Wayne Genes - Damian more. He was the perfect killer, merciless and quick; he wouldn't give his enemies time to speak. No, enemies were too kind of a word to describe them - they were his prey while he was the hunter. He didn't care how many he had to cut down; he would never tire until all of them were dead at his feet.
Bellatrix - on the other hand - was a different story. It was clear she had the skills, it was obvious that she had the power, but the main issue was that she wouldn't finish the job; she lacked the most important trait of the Al Ghul Bloodline - she refused to kill. Talia feared this - she was just like her father and she didn't want weakness into the pain; especially since she was the eldest of the two. She either had to fix the problem or completely remove it.
And she would much prefer the latter.
Ra's loved his grandchildren all the same - he didn't care of Bellatrix didn't kill, he was pleased enough that she was able to complete impossible tasks alone and come back unscabbed. He would praise her and he would train with her in his free time - the two of them were fond of meditation to keep themselves centered.
"Remember Granddaughter: If you are completely centered then there is nothing you can't overcome. Knowing your center is knowing your true power." - That is what Ra's would tell her during those times.
As time passed on, Talia noticed that Bellatrix gained in power and knowledge every day while her son showed just how much of an Al Ghul he was every time he went on a mission, but that didn't matter to Talia - that girl...that mistake...was a single dot in the way of her son's rightful place as Head of The League & she had to something about it.
And she did.
One night - Talia told Bellatrix to accompany her to the desert for recon and the girl agreed, thinking it was going to be a mother-daughter experience. The two of them sourced their bounds but found nothing, Bellatrix looked around the dunes to see if there was something hiding in the desert's darkness until her body made her move and she dodged just in the next of time as a blade came in close contact with her throat. She reached for her sword, only for her hand to be grabbed, and turned it to her back. She was then grabbed from other directions before being kicked in the back of her knees and came to her knees in the sand. She struggled and looked at the cloaked figures that held her until she looked at her mother.
"Mother! Help!" She begged for her mother.
"Why would I do that," Talia walked over to her bound daughter as one of the assassins handed her a sword, "When it took me so long to get you here?" Talia looked into her daughter's eyes with emptiness.
"You...You planned this? Mother, why would you do this?" Bellatrix asked.
"This is something I should have done from the start, after all - My Beloved needs an heir, not a burden. You are a stain on the Al Ghul Name, an Al Ghul that refuses to kill is not an Al Ghul; hell, you aren't even an assassin. You're a defect, a flaw, a wrench in my plan to have my beloved rule behind me as King and Queen of the League of Assassins."
Bellatrix's eyes widened at the sight of her mother raising her sword.
"And all defects must be eliminated." Talia growled as her arm thrust forward - Bellatrix's eyes widened and her jaw locked to keep herself from screaming as the blade ripped through her chest and came out on the other side.
Talia lifted her foot - the other assassins released the girl - and kicked her to the dirt and watched her groan in pain before going limp in the cold desert night.
"Dispose of the body. I have to deliver the news that the heir has been killed and watch my one true child take his rightful place." Talia didn't give her daughter's body a second glance as she turned and walked away to her jet that was waiting for her.
She should have checked her vitals.
[Timeskip - Years Later]
Years had gone by but Talia still thinks back to the night she stuck her sword through her daughter's body and left her for dead; she was so certain that was what she wanted by there was something missing and for once in her life, it had nothing to do with her Beloved Bat. She tried to put those thoughts aside for she was on a mission.
After the death of her father, she found some research on a mind-control agent that she could use to have the one she wanted most but the League was too thin and most were doing other tasks while some were rebuilding the complex, thus the Head of the Demon Clan had to deal with it on her own, which she was fine with.
However, something felt different - she wasn't sure what it was...but she knew something was going to happen tonight.
Talia did what she had to do and secured to the agent before making her way back to the roof - only to have two people walking for her.
One was a tall man with a red helmet, a brown leather jacket, a gray Bat-Armor with a Red Bat Insignia on the chest; Talia could see the pistols and ammo belts around his waist.
The second was a feminine figure: She was around the same height as Damian, wearing Bat-Armor that looked a lot like a Ninja's outfit with a sword on her back and a dark blue Bat Insignia on her chest. Her hair was long and black but tied in a ponytail, except some hair that freely fell in her face and covered some of the ribbon eye mask around her eyes.
"I guess my beloved couldn't make it to see me?" Talia asked as she placed the agent in her pocket.
"We were the closest in the area so he sent us to what it was about - didn't think we'd find his batshit crazy baby-momma here." The Red Hood said as he folded his arms.
"Too bad, he might have convinced me to surrender but I don't have an issue with breaking children who stand in my way." Talia said.
"You never had an issue with killing them, why would you have an issue with breaking them?" The female said.
"What did you say?" Talia said as she looked at the female figure.
"You don't remember the child you killed? The blood of the Al Ghul you spilled? The child you detested because she wouldn't kill so you decided to kill her instead?" The female stepped forward and reached for her eye mask, "You don't remember my voice...Mother?" She pulled it off and Talia's eyes widened when they locked with the blue eyes of her late daughter - the one that was supposed to die. The stain in her plan.
"You lived? After all of these years, you dare come to face me again?" Talia narrowed her eyes.
"Rather cold to say to your kid who came back from the dead, Lady." He looked at Bellatrix, "Bat-Fang, you wanna deal with her while I wait on the old man?" He asked.
"You read my mind." Bellatrix stepped forward and pulled her sword out, "Arm yourself."
"I guess some stains are harder to wash out." Talia said as she pulled her sword out, "I'll make sure you don't come back."
Emerald and Sapphire locked with each other before the thunderclap of the coming storm sent them both into attack mode. Their blades clashed against each other as the two women danced in a deadly dance, Talia was focused but at the same time confused - how was Bellatrix this focused when the anger in her eyes was so strong? Talia tried harder and used more power but that was the opening Bellatrix needed.
Talia watched as the girl grabbed the sword with her left hand before delivering a swift but devastating kick to her gut, sending her skipping like a stone against the roof as she released the grip of her sword. Talia picked herself off the ground and glared at her eldest as the girl place her own sword back in its sheath and shatter Talia's into two halves, letting the shards and sword halves fall to her feet before she charged at her mother. Talia's guard went up as the two of them locked in a brawl.
'What is going on here? She was never this fast or ruthless! What is...'
Her thoughts were cut off as Bellatrix grabbed her foot and began to swing her until Bellatrix let her go and got stuck in a window. Talia opened her eyes from the impact just in time to see the glare on her daughter's face as she came soaring and her fist connected with Talia's face, sending them both into the abandoned building. Talia groaned from the pain but more pain was added when she felt her daughter grab her by her hair and pull her to her feet.
"What do you have to say now, Talia? Am I still defective?" Bellatrix asked before she punched the Assassin Leader in the face, making her crash into a crumbling wall.
"Am I still a flaw?" Bellatrix asked as she spartan-kicked Talia through the wall and into the living room, making the woman fall on her back.
"Am I still the wrench in your perfect plan? Am I?!" Bellatrix barked as she grabbed her mother by the next and punched her in the face, making her back hit a window. Talia's version was blurry from the pain but when it came together - her eyes widened at the murderous gaze in her eyes.
"Am I still not an Al Ghul?" Bellatrix punched her in the face again - sending the woman crashing through the window again but this time, she felt on a lower roof of a building just as another thunderclap echoed through the sky and the rain began to fall. Talia grunted at the pain but opened her eyes to watch her daughter jump out the window and walk over to her; glaring down at her with blue eyes.
"How... How did you survive?" She asked.
"You should have checked my vitals before you left me to die; once you were gone, I took care of the assassins that you had hold me. I'm not proud I shed their blood but I knew if I didn't, they were going to make sure I was dead." Bellatrix answered.
"You survived... You killed... And now, you have me helpless." Talia smiled at her, "I'm so proud of you, My Baby Girl." She cooed.
"What?" Bellatrix glared with confusion.
"You are everything I want in a perfect heir: You survived my trap, you killed those who held you captive, and you reduced me - the Leader of the League of Assassins - to this pitiful state. My darling, you are perfect." Talia smiled at her daughter.
"I don't know what you are thinking but I'm nothing like you want me to be and I never will be." Bellatrix reached down and took the mind-control agent from Talia before turning and walking away.
"You can walk away now, My Sweet Child, but know that I am coming for you. I will bring you home and you will be what you were born to me - The Perfect Al Ghul Heir. Run while you can, my dear, Mother is coming for you." Talia laughed at Bellatrix as the girl jumped off the small roof, leaving the woman alone.
Talia looked up at the rain in the sky and smiled before picking herself off the ground, touching the side of her lip, and looked at the blood - her blood - that her daughter spilled.
'It was a mistake to let you go but now that you are back, I shall have you once more and we shall be a family. You can't escape your blood, Bellatrix; you're an Al Ghul...and you belong to me.'
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aerltarg · 2 years
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Jon Snow Month 2022
Day 6: Familial relationships
Jon Snow + Stark brothers
He missed his true brothers: little Rickon, bright eyes shining as he begged for a sweet; Robb, his rival and best friend and constant companion; Bran, stubborn and curious, always wanting to follow and join in whatever Jon and Robb were doing. (Jon III. AGOT)
Jon flexed the fingers of his sword hand. The Night's Watch takes no part. He closed his fist and opened it again. What you propose is nothing less than treason. He thought of Robb, with snowflakes melting in his hair. Kill the boy and let the man be born. He thought of Bran, clambering up a tower wall, agile as a monkey. Of Rickon's breathless laughter. [...] (Jon XIII, ADWD)
Noye drew him closer. “You've heard these tidings of your brother?”
“Last night.” Conwy and his charges had brought the news north with them, and the talk in the common room had been of little else. Jon was still not certain how he felt about it. Robb a king? The brother he'd played with, fought with, shared his first cup of wine with? But not mother's milk, no. So now Robb will sip summerwine from jeweled goblets, while I'm kneeling beside some stream sucking snowmelt from cupped hands. “Robb will make a good king,” he said loyally. (Jon I, ACOK)
“[...] I was walking the wall around the yard when I came on you and your brother Robb. It had snowed the night before, and the two of you had built a great mountain above the gate and were waiting for someone likely to pass underneath.”
“I remember,” said Jon with a startled laugh. A young black brother on the wallwalk, yes... “You swore not to tell.”
“And kept my vow. That one, at least.”
“We dumped the snow on Fat Tom. He was Father's slowest guardsman.” Tom had chased them around the yard afterward, until all three were red as autumn apples. (Jon I, ASOS)
[...] His father had always said that in battle a captain's lungs were as important as his sword arm. “It does not matter how brave or brilliant a man is, if his commands cannot be heard,” Lord Eddard told his sons, so Robb and he used to climb the towers of Winterfell to shout at each other across the yard. (Jon VII, ASOS)
Every morning they had trained together, since they were big enough to walk; Snow and Stark, spinning and slashing about the wards of Winterfell, shouting and laughing, sometimes crying when there was no one else to see. They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. “I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight,” Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, “Well, I'm Florian the Fool.” Or Robb would say, “I'm the Young Dragon,” and Jon would reply, “I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne.” (Jon XII, ASOS)
I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb. Val would want to keep her sister's son, but we could foster him at Winterfell, and Gilly's boy as well. Sam would never need to tell his lie. We'd find a place for Gilly too, and Sam could come visit her once a year or so. Mance's son and Craster's would grow up brothers, as I once did with Robb. (Jon XII, ASOS)
Part of him wanted only to flee, but he knew that if he did he might never see Bran again. He took a nervous step into the room. “Please,” he said.
“Bran,” he said, “I'm sorry I didn't come before. I was afraid.” He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks. Jon no longer cared. “Don't die, Bran. Please. We're all waiting for you to wake up. Me and Robb and the girls, everyone…” (Jon II, AGOT)
He looked at the words, but they didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Bran was going to live. “My brother is going to live,” he told Mormont. The Lord Commander shook his head, gathered up a fistful of corn, and whistled. The raven flew to his shoulder, crying, “Live! Live!”
Jon ran down the stairs, a smile on his face and Robb's letter in his hand. “My brother is going to live,” he told the guards. They exchanged a look. He ran back to the common hall, where he found Tyrion Lannister just finishing his meal. He grabbed the little man under the arms, hoisted him up in the air, and spun him around in a circle. “Bran is going to live!” he whooped. Lannister looked startled. Jon put him down and thrust the paper into his hands. “Here, read it,” he said. (Jon III, AGOT)
Up they went, and up, and up, black shadows creeping across the moonlit wall of rock. Anyone down on the floor of the pass could have seen them easily, but the mountain hid them from the view of the wildlings by their fire. They were close now, though. Jon could sense it. Even so, he did not think of the foes who were waiting for him, all unknowing, but of his brother at Winterfell. Bran used to love to climb. I wish I had a tenth part of his courage. (Jon VI, ACOK)
“It be a mercy to kill them,” Hullen said.
Bran looked to his lord father for rescue, but got only a frown, a furrowed brow. “Hullen speaks truly, son. Better a swift death than a hard one from cold ad starvation.”
“No!” He could feel tears welling in his eyes, and he looked away. He did not want to cry in front of his father.
“Lord Stark,” Jon said. It was strange to hear him call Father that, so formal. Bran looked at him with desperate hope. “There are five pups,” he told Father. “Three male, two female.”
“What of it, Jon?”
“You have five trueborn children,” Jon said. “Three sons, two daughters. The direwolf is the sigil of your House. Your children were meant to have these pups, my lord.”
Bran saw his father's face change, saw the other men exchange glances. He loved Jon with all his heart at that moment. Even at seven, Bran understood what his brother had done. The count had come right only because Jon had omitted himself. He had included the girls, included even Rickon, the baby, but not the bastard who bore the surname Snow, the name that custom decreed be given to all those in the north unlucky enough to be born with no name of their own. (Bran I, AGOT)
“I plan to stop at Winterfell on the way south. If there is any message that you would like me to deliver…”
“Tell Robb that I’m going to command the Night’s Watch and keep him safe, so he might as well take up needlework with the girls and have Mikken melt down his sword for horseshoes.”
“Your brother is bigger than me,” Tyrion said with a laugh. “I decline to deliver any message that might get me killed.”
“Rickon will ask when I’m coming home. Try to explain where I’ve gone, if you can. Tell him he can have all my things while I’m away, he’ll like that.”
People seemed to be asking a great deal of him today, Tyrion Lannister thought. “You could put all this in a letter, you know.”
“Rickon can’t read yet. Bran…” He stopped suddenly. “I don’t know what message to send to Bran. Help him, Tyrion.”
“What help could I give him? I am no maester, to ease his pain. I have no spells to give him back his legs.”
“You gave me help when I needed it,” Jon Snow said.
“I gave you nothing,” Tyrion said. “Words.”
“Then give your words to Bran too.”
“You’re asking a lame man to teach a cripple how to dance,” Tyrion said. “However sincere the lesson, the result is likely to be grotesque. Still, I know what it is to love a brother, Lord Snow. I will give Bran whatever small help is in my power.” (Tyrion III, AGOT)
“Will I truly be able to ride?” Bran asked. He wanted to believe them, but he was afraid. Perhaps it was just another lie. The crow had promised him that he could fly.
“You will,” the dwarf told him. “And I swear to you, boy, on horseback you will be as tall as any of them.”
Robb Stark seemed puzzled. “Is this some trap, Lannister? What’s Bran to you? Why should you want to help him?”
“Your brother Jon asked it of me. And I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things.” Tyrion Lannister placed a hand over his heart and grinned. (Bran IV, AGOT)
“Are they ever coming back?” Bran asked him.
“Yes,” Robb said with such hope in his voice that Bran knew he was hearing his brother and not just Robb the Lord. “Mother will be home soon. Maybe we can ride out to meet her when she comes. Wouldn't that surprise her, to see you ahorse?” Even in the dark room, Bran could feel his brother's smile. “And afterward, we'll ride north to see the Wall. We won't even tell Jon we're coming, we'll just be there one day, you and me. It will be an adventure.”
“An adventure,” Bran repeated wistfully. He heard his brother sob. The room was so dark he could not see the tears on Robb's face, so he reached out and found his hand. Their fingers twined together. (Bran IV, AGOT)
“Bran?” Robb asked. “What's wrong?”
Bran shook his head. “I was just remembering,” he said. “Jory brought us here once, to fish for trout. You and me and Jon. Do you remember?”
“I remember,” Robb said, his voice quiet and sad.
“I didn't catch anything,” Bran said, “but Jon gave me his fish on the way back to Winterfell. Will we ever see Jon again?”
“We saw Uncle Benjen when the king came to visit,” Robb pointed out. “Jon will visit too, you'll see.” (Bran V, AGOT)
Ser Rodrik decreed that they would share Jon Snow's old bedchamber, since Jon was in the Night's Watch and never coming back. Bran hated that; it made him feel as if the Freys were trying to steal Jon's place. (Bran I, ACOK)
“Then let Lord Hornwood's bastard be the heir,” Bran said, thinking of his half brother Jon. (Bran II, ACOK)
“Mother.” There was a sharpness in Robb's tone. “You forget. My father had four sons.” (Catelyn V, ASOS)
“But my father was a friend of the Night's Watch, and my uncle is First Ranger. He might know where the three-eyed crow lives. And Jon's at Castle Black too.” Bran had been hoping to see Jon again, and their uncle too. (Bran III, ASOS)
[...] Bran was terrified that Summer was off dying in the darkness. Please, you old gods, he prayed, you took Winterfell, and my father, and my legs, please don't take Summer too. And watch over Jon Snow too, and make the wildlings go away. (Bran IV, ASOS)
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phoenixthemenace · 2 years
Day 29- Crushed Hopes
It took two weeks of discussions, screaming matches, legal wrangling and medical evaluations to get here. Back on the hillside where you brought me when we first found out we'd been followed.
I haven't seen you much since, mostly just during shift changes. I've felt like I'm watching you die. Every day, your light dims and now…
Now my love…
I've come to extinguish your light. I've come to finish you. I've come to break your heart.
In the end, I don't have to say anything. You always could read me. Better than you gave yourself credit for.
You are a master of the carefully blank face, and you show your incredible talent as I explain how after all the effort and strife and coming within inches of getting the woman out of all our lives for good, the family turned on me, on us in a united front.
And, oh, my love! They threatened the kids!
That bit of revelation finally drew a response from you.
"I know what you have to do." You say quietly, camly, as I watch the last glimmer of the man I loved leave your eyes. But you smile softly, your clay body responding only to the electrical impulses of your brain, and lay your hand on my cheek.
"I'm sorry Johnny." My voice can barely squeak past my constricted throat. "I will always love you. You have to know that!"
"I do." You whisper as you pull me into your arms. Giving me strength to finish this.
"How will I go on without you to give me strength?" I'm breaking.
"Your kids." You say simply. "Keep them safe Roy. Teach them to be like you."
I nod as the tears finally break free. Your lips brush my ears as you say your goodbye.
"I will always love you, Roy. Pally. Always."
We were doomed to this end from the beginning. But I wouldn't trade the time we had together for anything. I can see how badly this is hurting you, but you're needed for a higher purpose. You're needed for your children. I love them like they're mine. They almost were, but no amount of wishing is gonna make that happen.
I ask you to keep them safe. I ask you to teach them to be like you. The world could use more goodness.
We hold each other close, and I wish for rain. For rain to wash this all away. All away except me and you.
And then it is.
But it falls from your eyes as I tell you one last time that I love you before I let you go, and walk away.
My next shift feels endless. Life without you seems endless. At least we'll have these brief, daily glimpses of each other.
Chief Stanley appeared at the office door a half hour before you were due to arrive.
"Gage requested a transfer." He says, not unkindly, but without preamble. I'm glad I'm sitting down. I feel a crushing weight in my chest and I can't breathe.
"It's over between you then?"
"The kids." Is all I can say.
"Ah." He says softly. Then- "Go home, Roy. I'll stand your shift down.This is the last shift he'll be at this station. We don't need any awkwardness."
I nod, and make my escape, barely making it to the car before the tears start falling. Fortunately it's a longish drive to my mom's to pick up the kids. One of the stipulations to my leaving Johnny and moving back in with Jo that I would not be moved on, was that they stay with my mother while I'm working. Something that Joanne was quick to agree to.
I'm not really surprised.
The kids are thrilled that I'm home early, and just let me hold them tight before begging me to drive them to school. It's a Friday and I impulsively decide to take them to the zoo instead of school. My mom comes too. It was a good thing she did. I was distracted by images of you everywhere.
It was early evening when we returned to my mom's. Joanne was there waiting. She looked odd and asked to speak to me alone.
"Mother is dead."
"What? How?"
"She was old, under a lot of stress."
I didn't know what to say, and the silence stretched awkwardly.
"I want the house. You can have the kids."
"Fine. We should tell them their, ah…we should tell them."
The next morning I was awake early. I had gone back to the house with Jo and the kids but the couch was lumpy and I couldn't wait to tell you the news. I called the station several times, but whatever call you were out on must have been big. I'll go home and tell you the news in person.
So I can see the light dawn in your eyes again.
I was bringing some boxes in from the garage to start packing my den when what I saw from my front window crushed all my hopes and dreams.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 4
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(Y/n)'s POV
We tear through the night along dark country roads. Wind slams against the Camaro. Rain lashes the windshield. I don't know how Mom can see anything, but she keeps her foot on the gas pedal.
Every time there is a flash at lightning, I look back at Grover sitting beside Percy in the back seat and for a few moments, I wonder if I'd gone insane, or if he is wearing some kind of shag-carpet pants. But no, the smell is one I remember from kindergarten field trips to the petting zoo - lanolin, like from wool. The smell of a wet barnyard animal.
The only thing it seems Percy could say is, "So, you and my mom . . . know each other?"
Grover's eyes flit to the rearview mirror, though there are no cars behind us. "Not exactly," he says. "I mean, we've never met in person. But she knew I was watching you."
"Watching me?" Percy asks.
"Keeping tabs on you. Making sure you were okay. But I wasn't faking being your friend," he adds hastily. "I am your friend."
"Um . . . what are you, exactly?"
"That doesn't matter right now," Grover answers.
"It doesn't matter? From the waist down, my best friend is a donkey -"
Grover lets out a sharp, throaty, "Blaa-ha-ha! Goat!" he cries.
"What?" Percy asks.
"I'm a goat from the waist down."
"You just said it didn't matter."
"Blaa-ha-ha! Some satyrs would trample you underhoof for such an insult!"
"Whoa. Wait. Satyrs. You mean like...Mr. Brunner's myths?"
"Were those old ladies at the fruit stand a myth, Percy? Was Mrs. Dodds a myth?"
"So you admit there was a Mrs. Dodds!" Percy says accusingly.
"Of course."
"Then why -"
"The less the two of you knew, and weren't together as much, the fewer monsters you'd attract," Grover says like that should be perfectly obvious. "We put Mist over the humans' eyes. We hoped you'd think the Kindly One was a hallucination, Percy. But it was no good. You started to realize who you are."
"Who we - wait a moment, what do you mean?" I ask, highly confused.
The weird bellowing noise rises again somewhere behind us, closer than before. Whatever is changing us still on our trail.
"(Y/n), Percy," Mom says, "there's too much to explain and not enough time. We have to get you to safety."
"Safety from what? who's after us?" Percy asks.
"Oh, nobody much," Grover asks, obviously still miffed about Percy's donkey comment. "Just the Lord of the Dead and a few of his blood-thirstiest minions."
I let out a soft noise of disbelief and Mom glances over at me before yelling, "Grover!"
"Sorry, Mrs. Jackson. Could you drive faster, please?"
I try to wrap my mind around what is happening, but I can't do it. I know this isn't a dream. Even I, with a vivid imagination, could never dream up something this weird.
Mom makes a hard left. We swerve onto a narrower road, racing past darkened farmhouses and wooded hills and 'PICK YOU OWN STRAWBERRIES' signs on white picket fences.
"Where are we going?" Percy asks.
"The summer camp I told you about," Mom's voice is tight; she is trying for our sakes not to be scared. "The place you want to send you."
"The place you didn't us to go," Percy asks and I swallow thickly.
"Please, dear," my mother begs and just the desperation in her voice makes tears well up in my eyes. "This is hard enough. Try to understand. You're both in danger."
"Because some old ladies cut yarn," Percy says.
"Those weren't old ladies," Grover says. "Those were the Fates. Do you know what it means—the fact they appeared in front of you? They only do that when you're about to...when someone's about to die."
"Whoa. You said 'you.'"
"No, I didn't. I said 'someone.'"
"You meant 'you.' As in me."
"I meant you, like 'someone.' Not you, you."
"Boys!" my Mom yells.
She pulls the wheel hard to the right, and I get a glimpse of a figure she'd swerved to avoid - a dark fluttering shape now lost behind us in the storm.
Percy's POV
"What was that?" (Y/n) asks, fear creeping into her voice.
"We're almost there," my mother says, ignoring my sister's question. "Another mile. Please. Please. Please."
I didn't know where there is happened, but I find myself leaning forward in the car, anticipating, wanting us to arrive.
Outside, nothing but rain and darkness—the kind of empty countryside you get way out on the tip of Long Island. I think about Mrs. Dodds and the moment when she'd changed into the thing with pointed teeth and leathery wings. My limbs go numb from delayed shock. She really hadn't been human. She'd meant to kill me.
Then I think about Mr. Brunner...and the sword he had thrown me. Before I can ask Grover about that, the hair rises on the back of my neck. There is a blinding flash, a jaw-rattling boom! and our car explodes.
(Y/n)'s POV (Again)
I feel weightless like I'm being crushed, fried, and hosed down all at the same time, and my head slams against the dashboard.
Stars erupt before my eyes and I hear Mom yell, as if in a long tunnel, "Percy! (Y/n)!"
"I'm okay . . ." I hear Percy say.
I try to shake off my daze, as blood drips down into my eyes. The car had swerved into a ditch. Our driver's-side doors are wedged in the mud. The roof had cracked open like an eggshell and rain is pouring in.
Lighting. That is the only explanation. We'd been blasted off the road.
My head, feeling as though it was made of lead, I lift my head and it falls against the head-rest.
"Percy, (Y/n)," Mom says, "we have to . . ." Her voice falters.
My head lolls back, and in a flash of lightning, through the mud-spattered rear windshield, I see a figure lumbering toward us on the shoulder of the road. The sight of it makes my skin crawl. It is a dark silhouette of a huge guy, like a football player. He seems to be holding a blanket over his head; his top half is bulky and fuzzy, and his upraised hands make it looks as though he has horns.
I swallow thickly, "Who is -"
"Percy, (Y/n)," my mother interupts, deadly serious. "Get out of the car."
Mom throws herself against the driver's-side door. It is jammed shut in the mud; Percy tries his as well.
"Climb out the passenger's side!" Mom tells the two of us. "Percy, (Y/n) - you have to run. Do you see that big tree?"
"What?" Percy asks.
Another flash of lightning, and through the smoking hole in the roof I see the tree that she means: a huge, White House Christmas tree-sized pine at the crest of the nearest hill.
"That's the property line," my mom says. "Get over that hill and you'll see a big farmhouse down in the valley. Run and don't look back. Yell for help. Don't stop until you reach the door."
"Mom, you're coming too," I say softly.
Mom's face is pale, her eyes as sad as when she looked at the ocean.
"No!" Percy shouts. "You are coming with us. Help me carry Grover!"
"Food!" Grover groans, a little louder.
"He doesn't want me or Grover," my mother tells me. "He wants the two of you. Besides, I can't cross the property line."
"But . . ." I start to argue.
"We don't have time. Go. Please."
"We're going together," I say, slamming my shoulder against the door.
Together, the three of us escort Grover, stumbling up the hill through wet waist-high grass.
Glancing back, I get my first clear look at the monster. He is seven feet tall, easily, his arms and legs like something from the cover of Muscle Man magazine. He wears no clothes except underwear; the top half of his body is so scary. Coarse brown hair starts at about his belly button and gets thicker as it reaches his shoulder.
His neck is a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, which had a snout as long as my arm, snotty nostrils with a gleaming brass ring, cruel black eyes, and horns - enormous black-and-white horns with points you just can't get from an electric sharpener.
I blink the rain out of my eyes, "That's -"
"Pasiphae's son," Mom interupts. "I wish I'd known how badly they wanted to kill you."
"But he's the Min -" Percy begins.
"Don't say his name," she warns. "Names have power."
The pine tree is still way too far - a hundred yards uphill at least.
I glance behind me again.
The bull-man hunches over our car, looking in the windows - or not looking, exactly. More like snuffling, nuzzling. I'm not really sure why he bothered, since we're only about fifty feet away.
"Food?" Grover moans again.
"Shhh," Percy hisses. "Mom, what's he doing? Doesn't he see us?"
"His sight and hearing are terrible," she says. "He goes by smell. But he'll figure out where we are soon enough."
As if on cue, the bull-man bellows in rage. He picks up Gabe's Camaro by the torn roof, the chassis creaking and groaning. He raises the car over his head and throws it down the road. It slams into the wet asphalt and skids in a shower of sparks for about half a mile before coming to a stop; the gas tank explodes.
Not a scratch, I remember Gabe saying. Oops.
"Percy, (Y/n)," our mom says. "When he sees us, he'll charge. Wait until the last second, then jump out of the way - directly sideways. He can't change directions very well once he's charging. Do you understand?"
"How do you know all this?" I ask, fear creeping into my voice again.
"I've been worried about an attack for a long time. I should have expected this. I was selfish, keeping the two of you near me."
"Keeping me near you?" Percy asks. "But -"
Another bellow of rage and the Minotaur starts tromping uphill.
He'd smelled us.
The pine tree is only a few more yards, but the hill is getting steeper and slicker, and Grover isn't getting any lighter.
The Minotaur closes in. Another few seconds and he'd be on top of us.
Mom must've been exhausted, but she shouldered Grover. "Go, Percy, (Y/n)! Separate! Remember what I said."
I didn't want to split up, but I have the feeling she is right - it's our only chance. I sprint to the left, turn, and sees the creature bearing down on me; his black eyes glowing with hate. He reeks like rotten meat.
He lowers his head and charges, those razor-sharp horns aimed straight at my chest.
The fear in my stomach makes me want to bolt, but that wouldn't work. I could never outrun this thing. So I hold my ground, and at the last moment, I leap to the side.
The bull-man storms past like a freight train then bellows with frustration and turns, but not towards me this time, towards Percy, whose standing in between my mom and Grover, and me.
We'd reached the crest of the hill. Down the other side, I can see a valley, just as Mom had said, and the lights of a farmhouse glowing yellow through the rain. But It is half a mile away; we'd never make it.
The bull-man grunts, pawing the ground. He keeps eyeing Percy, whose eyes are wide. I sprint towards my brother as the Minotaur charges at him. I dive forward, knocking Percy over as the horns were mere inches from his chest.
The bull-man lets out a roar of anger then eyes Mom, who was just setting Grover down in the grass.
He keeps eyeing Mom, who is now retreating downhill, back towards the road, trying to lead the monster away from Grover.
"Run!" she tells me. "I can't go any farther. Run!"
But I stand there, frozen in fear, as the monster charges at her. She tries to sidestep, as she'd told me to do so, but the monster had learned his lesson. His hand shoots out and grabs her by the neck as she tries to get away. He lifts her as she struggles, kicking and pummeling the air.
"Mom!" I cry, stepping towards the monster.
She catches my eyes, which are welling with tears, and managed to choke out one last word: "Go!"
Then, with an angry roar, the monster closes his fists around my mother's neck, and she dissolves before mine and Percy's eyes, melting into light, a shimmering golden form as if she's a holographic projection. A blinding flash and she is simply . . . gone.
"No!" Percy wails, collapsing to his knees.
Anger replaces my fear; newfound strength burns in my limbs.
The bull-man hunches over Grover, whose lying helpless in the grass. The monster hunches over, snuffling my brother's best friend, as though he were about to lift Grover and make him dissolve too.
I strip off my red rain jacket.
"Hey!" I scream, waving the jacket, running to the one side of the monster, Percy doing the same with his own red jacket. "Hey, stupid! Ground beef!"
"Raaaarrrr!" the monster turns towards me, shaking his meaty fists.
I had an idea - a stupid idea, but better than no idea at all. I put my back to the big pine tree and wave my red jacket in front of the Minotaur, thinking I'd jump out of the way at the last moment.
But it doesn't happen like that.
The bull-man charges too fast, his arms out to grab me whichever way I try to dodge.
Time seems to slow down as my legs tense. I can't jump sideways, so I leap straight up, kicking off from the creature's head, using it as a springboard, turning in midair, and landing on his neck.
How did I do that? I wonder. I didn't have time to figure it out. A millisecond later, the monster's head slams into the tree, and the impact nearly knocks my teeth out.
The bull-man staggers around, trying to shake me. I lock my arms around his horns to keep from being thrown. Thunder and lightning are still strong; the rain is still in my eyes. The smell of rotten meat bringing my nostrils.
The monster shakes himself around and bucks like a rodeo bull. He should have just backed into the tree and smashed me flat, but I am starting to realize that this thing has only one gear: forward.
Meanwhile, Grover starts groaning in the grass. I want to yell at him to shut up, but by the way, I am getting tossed around, if I opened my mouth, I'd bite my tongue off.
As if reading my mind, Percy does yell at Grover, but Grover just groans, "Food!" again.
The bull-man wheels toward him, paws the ground again, and gets ready to charge. I think about how he had squeezed the life out of my mother, made her disappear in a flash of light, and rage fills me like high-octane fuel. I get both hands around one horn and I pull backward with all my might. The monster tenses; gives a surprised grunt, then—snap!
Percy's POV
The bull-man screams and flings my sister through the air. She lands flat on her back in the grass. Her head smacks on a rock. I catch sight of a horn in (Y/n)'s hand and I dart over, grabbing it out of her hands and roll to one side as the monster charges. As the monster barrels past, I drive the broken horn straight into his side, right up under his furry rib cage.
The bull-man roars in agony; he flails, clawing at his chest, then begins to disintegrate - not like my mother, in a flash of golden light, but like crumbling sand, blown away in chunks by the wind, the same way Mrs. Dodds had burst apart.
The monster is gone.
The rain had stopped. The storm still rumbles, but only in the distance. I smell like livestock, and my knees are shaking.
I stick my hand out and pull my sister up from the ground.
My head feels like it is splitting open, and it doesn't help as I look at the back of my sister's head, which was bleeding heavily. I feel weak and scared and trembling with grief. I'd just seen my mother vanish. I want to lie down and cry, but there is Grover, who my sister had stumbled her way towards and was trying to lift the limp figure on her own. Both my sister and my best friend need my help, so I manage to haul him up and my sister and I stagger down into the valley.
(Y/n)'s POV
The pain in my head was almost blinding - from it slamming against the dashboard and the rock - and I hear Percy crying out from our mother, but we both hold onto Grover - neither of us letting go.
The last thing I remember is collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a ceiling fan circling above me, moths flying around a yellow light, and the stern faces of a bearded man and a pretty girl, her blond hair curled like a princess's. They both look down at me and Percy, and the girl says, "They're the ones. They must be."
"Silence, Annabeth," the man says. "They're still conscious. Bring them inside."
Word Count: 2896 words
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wann-der-lusst · 3 years
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Survived in the darkness of the tunnel
by Chabelita Alvarado
I woke up in the morning with the alarm clock. I quickly made a way in the hall to the bathroom. I did my usual routine in the morning and got ready to go to school.
I walked downstairs to eat a quick breakfast with mom and dad. Smiling to myself and munching on the last piece of bacon. I made a way down the sidewalk, the cold air stinging my cheeks, and towards the subway.
I was halfway through my walk to the subway station when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled out my phone, I saw a chat on messenger that came from my annoying best friend.
My best friend, Jane, just told me through chat that Wade Rivas was single. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. That's what she had to tell me?! As if I care.
Well, if there was one thing Jane would wake up this early for, it would be Wade Rivas. Tunasan High School's very own stereotypical badass who just happened to have every female in the school drooling at his feet, and unfortunately that included my best friend. I pity for Jane, poor thing.
I just chatted that "let's see each other at school and spill me the tea".
I slipped my phone back into my pocket smiling at my idiotic excuse for a best friend and looked up to see that I was at the subway station.
Sighing I found myself a seat towards the back as far away from everyone else as possible. I hated when I went out in public and the public was actually there.
It was only after I had sat down and was about to pull out my pair of headphones ready to expertly ignore everyone, that I realized who was sitting right across from me looking like someone had definitely had a bad day.
Sitting there, arms crossed, and dressed in a black hoodie and jeans, was none other than Wade Rivas.
I didn't realize I was staring at him that long until a pair of green eyes met mine, followed by the harshest glare I've received.
Embarrassed, I quickly averted my eyes and turned back to my phone and headphones. My embarrassment turned into curiosity though. Why was he riding the subway? The last time I checked he had a car.
I put my headphones in and played a song of All About You by Taeyeon. I tried to feed my wandering thoughts, and prepare for the thirty-minute ride.
I once glanced over at Wade. He was still staring at me. Although this time that confused expression was no longer on his face. Instead, it was replaced by an amused one.
I didn't buy to talk to him. We've been going to the same school for just about four years, and in all that Wade and I had never crossed paths.
To kill and waste some time, I approached him. "Why are you staring at me?"
"Weren't you just staring at me?" he said. Hmm. His voice, it made sense that many girls admire him.
"I'm not staring, I'm… just… not blinking." I protested.
He shook his head and fixed those eyes on me again.
"Then why were you 'not blinking' at me?
"Why do you care? You used to be girls staring at you." I said. Okay, I admitted that I am quite attractive to him.
"Of course I'm used to girls staring at me. I'm asking why you're staring at me. You don't even throw me a glance at school." Wade said.
That caught me off guard. I was an average girl in the school. So, he knew who I was? I had to remind myself that I didn't care whether he noticed me or not.
"I was just curious." I said bringing myself from my thoughts.
"About?" he prompted.
"Why are you here? Riding the subway I mean. Don't you have a car?"
"That's none of your business." He snapped as he turned to look in the other direction. Woah, a sudden change of his mood. I can't bear him, god.
Aha! He wasn't in a good mood because of his ex. Now I know. I decided to take pity on him. "I'm sorry, I just heard about your, uhm, break up?" I said with sympathy.
"What are you doing Chayo? Why are you trying to be nice?" he said.
Now that really shocked me. I wasn't pretending! It wasn't like I was a mean person. I was nice all the time. Or at least I thought I was. Second thing, I'm shocked he knew my name. We were not uttering a single word to each other through high school and this our first time to casually talk.
"What do you mean, why am I trying to be nice?" I asked, a little offended.
"I mean we haven't said so much as one word to each other throughout high school. Why are you talking to me now? Let alone trying to be nice to me? If I'm not wrong, I was under the impression that you couldn't stand me. If it's just cause you feel for me, don't." he said while completely facing me.
My mouth actually dropped open. What kind of reputation was going around about me?
"It's not that I can't stand you. It's just that I wasn't about to drool at your feet just so I could get a chance to talk to you". I said.
Wade was silent for a moment as he seemed to think this over.
"I don't know why I'm even telling you this, but as crazy as it sounds Amber was the first girl I was really serious about. I mean there was a girl before that but that had about a snowball's chance in hell of happening."
"What? There was a girl that The Wade Rivas didn't have a chance with? I need to meet her and shake her hand." I said, teasing him about that.
First time, we talked like a friend. We'd finally talked and on a subway of all places, kinda strange. However, we were comfortable with each other.
Our conversation interrupted when the subway train suddenly came to stop. The awkward and embarrassing filling caused my body sway to the left and body bumped into Wade's and seeing as my hands were currently shoved into my pockets, I couldn't brace myself for it. So, instead Wade ended up with his hands placed on my arms to keep me from toppling over face first into his lap.
My face heated up. It looked like a tomato.
My moment of embarrassment was changed in fear. Our light mood ended abruptly when the subway doors suddenly slid open and instead of passengers boarding, five masked and hooded figures made their way inside.
They were all wearing dark jeans and hoodies that concealed their faces. Each one carried a black duffle bag. Flirt out of the five figures silently made their way into the other cars leaving just one behind. The lone figure stood in the middle of the subway car and dropped the duffle bag with a loud thud, gaining the attention of all the other passengers.
Silently, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black handgun.
Screams erupted all around me as everyone laid their eyes on the weapon. I sighed in fear, I couldn't believe that this was happening.
I felt the train begin to move again and I let my eyes wander to the left, trying to see through the window into the next car.
I observed all the passengers, they were all afraid. Screams were still ringing out around me and I had to suppress the urge to yell for everybody to shut up.
A gunshot rang throughout the small space causing me to almost jump out of my seat. My ears were ringing and when I looked up to the figure holding the gun in the air with their index finger wrapped around the trigger.
Everyone was silent now.
"Now that I have your attention I'd like to properly introduce myself." The figure pulled off the hood that had been covering their head and face, revealing a creepy flesh colored mask with holes cut out for the eyes and mouth and a shaggy mess of short greasy black hair on top of his head. When he spoke his voice was muffled by the mask but nonetheless I could still hear that it was deep and rough, like a smoker's voice.
"You can call me Rad." He continued.
I frowned at that. What kind of a criminal introduces themselves to their victims? I mean I doubted that if I made it out of this alive and went to the police that they'd have someone named Rad in the system, but still.
"Now first thing first, we need to get a few things straight. Any of you scream again, you die. Simple as that, understand?" He warned.
When no one answered, he shot the gun into the air again causing everyone to jump but no one screamed.
"I guess you all understand. This ride will go by a lot more smoothly if you all just cooperate." He added.
No one dared move suspicious. Wade and I kept our mouth to not say anything for our safety. Rad walked back and forth in the small confined space of the train car, switching the gun from his right hand, to his left, and then back again.
I wondered what he was doing exactly. If he was here to blow people's heads off then why wasn't he? I hated the fact that we were waiting here not knowing what would happen next. As if he could sense my impatience with him, Rad spun around and glared at me through his mask. Or at least I thought he was glaring at me, but I couldn't really tell with the mask on.
"You." Rad said pointing the gun at me.
I froze and clenched my hands into tight fists as I stared wide eyed, not at Rad, but at the barrel of the gun.
"What's your name?" Rad asked.
"Chayo." I said quietly.
"Chayo...Why don't you go ahead and stand up Chayo." Rad said kindly. I hated it when he say my name. I gave an involuntary shudder.
I was about to force myself to stand, even if it was against my better judgement, when I felt Wade grip my left hand, keeping me in my seat.
I glanced at Wade and gave him a questioning look.
"Why do you want her to stand?" Wade asked while narrowing his eyes.
I wanted to slap my hand over Wade's big mouth.
"I thought we already went through this. You don't speak… Unless. You're. Spoken. To." Rad ground out the last words slowly, and I doubted he would remind Wade.
"Wade please…" I begged quietly. I stood up even though I highly doubted it. "Obviously your girlfriend has more sense than you." Rad said while tilting his head to the side.
I almost opened my mouth to tell him that Wade was not my boyfriend, but I kept it shut. I wanted to live.
I slowly walked up to Rad and stood there, waiting.
Then I waited for more than two minutes. He said nothing, did nothing, just stood there staring at me. I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore. He was making me anxious and when I became anxious I also got a really bad case of word vomit.
"Are we just going to stand here and stare at each other?"
After I regretted what I just said, my eyes instantly darted down to Rad's clenched fits and before I could look back at his masked face, I felt his hand connect with my jaw, hard.
The force of his punch made me bite down on my tongue as I stumbled back from the impact, my hand covering my jaw. The train car seemed like it was suddenly bathed in bright white lights, and I reached my free hand out to try and find something to steady myself. I could taste something metallic and salty which I knew had to be my own hold.
Wade approached me and gave an angered face to Rad.
"Well, aren't you two sweet? Trying to protect each other like that." Rad gave a dark chuckle before he jerked his head to the door leading into the next car.
"Move it, both of you, Now!" He ordered.
Still clutching the left side of my face I stumbled my way toward the door with Wade right behind me, one hand on my lower back and other on my arm, whether it was to keep me from falling flat on my face or just there to comfort me, I didn't know. All I was focused on was the pain which seemed to be everywhere in my face.
As Rad pushed us forward I wondered exactly what we'd gotten ourselves into. We'd continue to walk through the next two train cars.
Wade and I got shocked from what we witnessed in the next train car. The image of the knife swiping across the old man's neck and the gushing blood, was imprinted in my brain.
"Grandpa!" the little girl wailed and a chorus of horrified screams followed. She hopped out of her seat and ran to her grandpa before she sank to her knees next to him, his blood seeping into her white tights.
I stared, unable to move or breathe. I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth hard and bit down, trying to keep myself from throwing up.
I heard Rad chuckle darkly behind me before he began shoving at our backs again. When we had reached the front of the train where it was operated. Rad opened the door and I had to bite back a scream.
There on the floor was the conductor with a bullet bole i. the center of his head. I couldn't take much more of this.
Rad lifted the man up like he was nothing more than a rag doll and threw him out of the compartment where he landed with a loud thud, pointing the gun back at me and Wade.
"Get in." Rad ordered.
I walked inside slowly and my nose instantly wrinkled at the smell of blood. I looked ahead, out the front window of the train, as we sped past flickering light bulbs in the tunnel. I wondered where we were headed now.
Wade walked in behind me and I saw his face scrunch up as the smell of blood invaded his nose too.
"I'll be back to deal with you two later."
That was all Rad said before he closed us in and made his way back towards the back of the train.
As soon as the door closed, I pressed my back against the wall before I slid to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest.
This couldn't be happening.
Wade knelt down in front of me with his arms on his knees, and he stared at me intently.
"He just killed him." I whispered, shaking my head. "He didn't even flinch. He just slit his throat. Right in front of his granddaughter!" My voice rose and I think I was starting to hyperventilate. I was taking in quick shallow breaths and I started rocking back and front.
"Oh God, we're going to die. We're going to die." I was seriously starting to panic now. What would my parents do once they found out that I had been chopped up into a thousand little bite sized Chayo pieces? Then there was Jane. She'd probably take it worse.
Wade snapped his fingers in front of my face and broke me from my horrid thoughts.
He placed both of his hands on my knees and spoke very slowly, "We're not going to die. Okay?"
I looked back up at Wade and nodded slowly.
"Promise me then. Promise me that we won't die down here. Not like this." I said as I felt unexpected tears fill my eyes.
I didn't want to die. Not here. Not like this.
I watched him with a frown as he reached out and wiped a strat tear from my cheek before letting his warm hand rest there.
I didn't push his hand away like I told myself to. Instead, I welcome it, enjoying the brief comfort his touch brought me. I could use it right now.
"I promise." he said quietly.
I could only hope that he kept his promise.
I'm not sure how long I sat there. My imagination was running wild the longer we sat there. I imagined it might happen but my horrible thoughts scattered when the subway lurched and rumbled against the tracks.
"We're slowing down." Wade said.
The sound of the door sliding open behind us made me tear my gaze from the window and Rad who was standing in the doorway, his flesh colored mask and gaping black eye holes staring at me. A shiver ran down my spine.
Rad ordered us to follow him.
As we made our way through the subway cars I noticed that they were now all empty. I wanted to ask where everybody was but I was afraid of the answer I might get. So, I kept my mouth shut this time and kept moving.
We were on the last train car, Rad pushed us toward the exit doors which were already open.
We stepped out onto the old platform and my earlier question was instantly answered. All the people who had occupied the subway cars were now on the platform, all on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs with zip ties, set up in a line.
The one wearing a Jason Vorhees hockey mask stepped forward and tied our hands in our back. Jason Mask pushes us forward at the end of the line of subway passengers, where we got down on our knees and joined them.
"Now that you're all here, the real fun can!" Rad began with a clap.
A whimper and a sniffle came from my right and I glanced down the line of people and my eyes landed down on the same little girl from before. The little girl whose grandpa had been murdered right in front of her.
She was crying. I made myself a promise that I'll protect her.
I watched in silence as Rad and his band of masked began untying people and ushering them down onto the tracks of the
"Now this is how this is going to go," Rad began as he paced back and forth in front of the abandoned tracks. "The tracks from here on out are abandoned and farther down they break off into a bunch of unused subway tunnels. That's where you all are headed." He added.
"We're going to be playing a little game of hide and seek if you'd like to think of it that way. There's only one exit in one of these tunnels that leads up and out of the subway station but finding it will be like finding a needle in a haystack. If by some miracle though, you do happen to find this exit then you're home free... but if you don't," I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "And we get to you first then... well I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise now would I?"
Wade and I joined the group of passengers after the mask man untied the knots.
"You get two minutes, Two minutes and then the chase begins and you better hope like hell that we don't catch you" Rad warned everybody
"Why are you doing this?' A male voice demanded and that was Wade.
"I'm doing this to prove a point." Rad stated simply.
"What point?" Skater boy demanded.
"That I'm free to do whatever I please. You all live in this world thinking that you're safe, that you're protected. Well, you're not. Do you see anybody down here that'll give you as second glance if it means risking themselves?" Rad shook his head when the skater boy didn't respond.
"So, whoever is gonna survive through this game. Deliver the message to your pathetic police When they find all your dead bodies they'll see what a complete failure this entire system is." Rad added.
Rad glanced down at a watch that sat perched on his wrist.
"You have one minute and fifty-nine seconds" Rad said
As a cue, all the passengers started to run. I tried to scan the crowd for the little girl but people bumped into me and elbowed their way past trying to sprint ahead.
We kept running.
My legs were arching, my lungs were burning, and my head was spinning, all while I was running for my life.
As we continued running, my heart hammered furiously in my chest, and it felt like I was going to puke acid really soon.
I started slowing down and eventually I just stopped. I bent over with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.
Wade approached me and tried to motivate me to keep going. However, we heard an ear splitting scream echo down the tunnel. I turned to our back. I'm sure the group of masked men started to sue us.
Wade gently helped to keep half-running. I ignored the pain. We've reached the end of the track, we came to the tunnels that Rad had mentioned earlier. It was seven that all led off into different directions.
Wade and I agreed to pick the seventh tunnel. When we were inside, there were no lightbulbs, we couldn't see anything other than a pitch black.
We walked faster and carefully felt our tracks. My hands touched the wall of the tunnel and continued to walk.
Leading the track, Wade checked his phone but no signal to call police. However, we could use that as a flashlight.
Unluckily, the ground seemed to change, and I found myself free falling into the darkness. Wade yelled my name. My body smacked against the concrete. I cried out as bolts of searing hot pain jolted through every inch of my body. Tears filled my eyes instantly and spilled over as the pain took over. There was a horrible throbbing pain in the back of my head and an awful burning and ripping sensation in my side.
I heard the faint shuffling of footsteps and suddenly a bright light was shining in my water filled eyes.
"Shit!" I heard Wade's horrified whisper.
I couldn't even speak cause everything was hurt. Wade knelt down next to me. He sat his phone next to him letting the light create a small pool of illumination around us.
Wade said that he was going to help me. He began to lift the hem of my shirt. He slowly moved his hand upward until it rested just below my rib cage. And I felt an extreme amount of pressure on my ribs. There was an audible pop but I could barely hear it over the ear piercing scream that
was coming from my mouth. That was a great help, it had lessened considerably the pain before. A sheen of sweat covered my forehead as I breathed in and out rapidly.
Wade called my name with a worried and concerned face.
"I'm… still.. okay" I said through pants of breath. I blacked out.
I woke up cuddling with Wade. I'm literally surprised because I thought it was one of the psycho mask man. I could still feel the pain in my side. Wade told me that I was fell in manhole. One of my rib was dislocated.
"I'm grateful that you stuck around and helped me. It means a lot that you'd do that for me… and… and I'm sorry."
I jerked back a little when Wade whipped his head back so he could look at me, his eyes shining in the dim light of his cellphone.
I swallowed nervously and stared back at him, waiting for some kind of response. I froze when he reached up and pushed a damp piece of my hair behind my ear. My heart just about exploded when he let his hand linger on my face.
Didn't he know that there were people after us? Shouldn't we be running for our lives now?
I was ready to raise to slap his face when he got close enough to kiss me, but an ear splitting scream rang through the tunnel.
That scream scared me half to death in a panic, I jumped and slammed my head against Wade's.
I groaned in pain while rubbing my forehead and said to Wade that he had a hard head. Wade said that my head was exactly soft, teasing me.
"Did you hear that scream? Somebody could be in trouble." I said.
Wade just coughed and sounded like he was struggling to contain his laughter.
"Have you lost your mind? Those masked freaks could get to whoever that was and they could be headed this way right now." Wade explained.
I ignored his statement and tried to get up from sitting into his lap but he pushed me back to his.
"Please, Wade, I want to know who it was. Because it could be that little girl. She can't make it down here by herself. Hell, we can barely make it, so just imagine how she's doing. I have to find her Wade, so please don't try to stop me" I said.
Wade stared at me for seconds and stood up and then gently helped me to my feet. He grabbed my hand, shooking his head before he said "Let's go then, Wonder Woman."
Along our way, Wade and I talked nonsense. I've just realized that it was a mistake to find this little girl or who it was that did the screaming.
We've reached the end of the tunnel, but there was a large cavernous room. It was made of the same gray stone as the rest of the tunnels down here and jagged pieces of rock and pipe jutted up from the floor and hung from the ceiling. There were a few pale yellow flickering lanterns that cast an eerie glow across the large room, which meant someone had been here recently. Looking around, the room was empty.
"There's nobody here Chayo, we should head back and try and find our way out of here while we still can." Wade's voice rang out in an echo arout the vast room.
When I was to turn back to face Wade, the same shrill scream from earlier ran out behind me.
A black boots began to step forward, revealing black jeans and then a black hoodie before finally revealing a sheep masked figure.
"You two are just too easy." Sheep Mask drawled out, his voice slightly muffled by the mask.
I couldn't believe that we were fooled by this man. The scream that we heard was just recorded. The sheep mask currently holds the device where the scream came from and he pressed the button again to play the scream sound.
The Sheep Mask reached into the waistband of his dark jeans and pulled out a black handgun. The Sheep Mask pointed the gun to Wade but to my suprise, Wade was on top of him. Both of them struggled to gain control of the gun.
When the Sheep Mask started angling the gun towards Wade's chest, I rushed forward and brought my foot down as hard as I could on Sheep Mask's face.
Wade didn't wait for any second as the gun was on his hand. The Sheep Mask tried to scare them that we were going to die soon when Rad reached them. I faintly heard a loud crack and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wade ram the butt of the gun into the side of Sheep Mask's face, then he shot the gun toward the head of the masked man.
Wade came to me and brought my head to his chest.
"We're not going to die here, Chayo. Do you understand? We're getting out of here," he promised. I hold on that promise.
I can't believe that we just killed the Sheep Mask man. I'm so mad to myself that we had to do that.
We've continued to search the exit. Wade leads the way, but his navigating skills sucks. When I led our way, it turns out that any navigating skills sucked a lot more than Wade's did. I ended up leading us right back to the spot where we started.
Apparently, Wade and I saw the same flurry of pink darts across the tunnel and into another one. I'm sure that was the little girl with the pink shirt that we tried to look for before.
We were not really sure but we decided to follow the girl from where the tunnel she ran through.
In turn of the event, someone grabbed me from the right. I saw Wade also dragged by another mask man. The piggy mask figure man that was covering my mouth by his hand, led me from somewhere. I was parted away from Wade. The last scene of him was fighting with the other mask man.
The Piggy Mask lifted his left foot and kicked open an old door that read "Employees Only".
The room looked like a place where electricians or repairmen would frequent with all the machinery inside.
The Piggy Mark man removed his mask as soon as he closed the door. It was Rad, the leader of the psycho mask group.
He grabbed my hair to go to another destination. There was a series of many lefts and rights before we finally came to his destination.
We went to another room. It was large and full of pipes in the ceiling. In the center of the room stood four, large, curved, gray pipes that jutted out from the floor and were pointed to the right wall.
There were three people handcuffed for those pipes. The strange man was handcuffed to the first one. The second one was the skater boy. The third one was the little girl that we've been looking for.
And for the fourth pipe, Rad cuffed me from the last pipe.
"W-why are you doing this?" I asked between my sobs.
"I already told you. The system already failed me once and now they're going to fail you. This is all to prove a point." Rad simply said. With that, he disappeared back down from the tunnel.
As soon as Rad was out of sight I slumped against the pipe before sliding to the ground. Anything I did was a failure to escape. I just dropped my head and think that this was how I'm going to die.
The first man in the pipe turned into red, burned, bloody and raw. The skin skin looked like it had been seared completely off and I could see the white of their bones poking out.
The skater boy started to scream, asking for help. The little girl started to cry and I had no idea what to do to comfort her.
I've heard a voice. "Chayo?!" Wade yelled out from somewhere. My head whipped up at the sound of his voice and directly look at his eyes.
He ran forward and bent down to hug her.
"How did you-,"
"You don't know how I fight that masked man but I'm relieved that I found you." Wade said.
"But I'm going to die here. The pipes. They shoot out hot steam and the man just got a face full of it." I explained.
Wade looked at the first pipe, his eyes widened and urged to fight to not throw up something.
Wade immediately pulled a trigger of his gum that pointed to her handcuffs but nothing happened.
Wade found two bobby pins into the hair of the little girl. He borrowed it from the girl and promised to help her.
I suggested to Wade to help first the skater boy and the little girl before me. Wade argued about it but he still did it. When Wade successfully unlocked the handcuffs to the skater boy, the skater boy moved forward to also help unlock the handcuffs on the little girl. Wade finished to get rid of the handcuffs to me before the steam of the pipes burned her.
We were successfully all safe, as of now.
The four of us continued to find the exit of this tunnel. Upon walking, we've talked in some conversations but stay alert. The skater boy named Dylan and the little girl named Rose.
Our conversation was long. Until Rose pointed ahead of her. She was pointing at the end of the tunnel and my blood ran cold.
Standing at the end of the tunnel, completely silent and staring at us, was the man in the Jason Mask.
Jason Mask aggressively started running towards us. As an instinct, Wade held my hands and we started to run to the tunnel on our right. Dylan and Rose followed us. There were a bunch of lefts and rights before we reached the two tunnels.
We agreed to part away in two groups. Dylan and Rose went to the left tunnel and Me and Wade ran through the right tunnel.
Me and Wade never stopped to run even though I've being clumsy for how many times I fall on my feet.
Wade stopped, he pushed me against the wall of the tunnel that didn't reach the dim light of the tunnel. I wondered what's going on in his mind but it made sense when I heard booming footsteps and a few seconds later I watched with wide eyes as Jason Mask went thundering past us and continued down the tunnel.
When I'm sure he was gone, I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.
For a minute, we stayed there and had some rest. But I saw Rose had just come into view and even from here I could see red stained in her pink shirt.
Wade and I hurriedly approached Rose. I asked if she was hurt. But she said with tears that the blood stain came from Dylan.
Rose led the way where Dylan was. There was no way Rose should have been able to know the way back. She made way too many turns for her to have memorized it only going through it once. I stopped walking, Wade and I shared a look and thought the same thing.
With that, Rad suddenly came into view and Rose ran to him.
"Did I do good Daddy?" Rose asked.
"You did great sweetheart. Daddy is so proud of you." Rad said. Rose smiled proudly.
Rad pointed a gun on me. He ordered me to walk. We were now on one of the train car. Rad demanded Wade to hold out his hands. Rad handcuffed Wade's hands in one of the metal standing poles. Rad got the gun from Wade's pocket.
And by that, Rad left us after he locked the door of the train car.
I went to Rad's place.
"I'm sorry, I broke my promise to you," Wade said.
"You don't have to say sorry, maybe this is our fate." I said in my tears.
Wade asked to come closer with him. I went closer enough but he demanded to stand between his arms and the pole. I just didn't argue with that with the small place he was asking me to stand.
I stepped forward before ducking under one of his arms and I was now officially enclosed to him. I looked at him when he called my name with an intense expression.
"It was you. Even before Amber. I know this is not the right timing because we're almost likely dead anyway but I needed you to know."
I didn't know what response I should do, but I passionately kissed him. He kissed me back.
We stopped kissing when all of the sudden the doors that connected opened, I can see on the front train that the subway train was on fire. And the flames were quickly making their way towards us.
I could already smell the smoke. I ran back to the exit door and began pushing, pulling, and even banging on the door. Nothing worked.
Wade suggested kicking on the exit window. We kicked the window twice and it cracked. For the fifth time we kicked the window, it finally broke.
Wade told me that there was a left pin in his pocket. I get it used to get rid of the handcuff to his hands. It took more time and the smoke was already burning our lungs. Finally, the handcuff was unlocked. Wade took off his hoodie jacket and placed it around his left hand. He broke some left pieces of glass in the window.
He was the first one to climb out in the window before me. Wade helped me up. When I was on my feet I looked up at the burning subway train and watched as the flames of the fire completely engulfed it.
We saw Rad and his little girl at the top of the platform looking on the subway train to burn into ashes. Rad didn't see from where we were, I'm sure he thought that we were dead on that train.
So I made a plan to eliminate that freaking psycho.
I appeared from where Rad was standing.
"You bastard! You killed him!' I screamed as I slammed my body into Rad's and forced me to cry.
Rad was shocked that I was still alive. But he grabbed me roughly by my wrists and squeezed them tightly.
Okay, this was not part of my plan, I hope he didn't think to kill me now.
Turning back to my acting, I yelled to him like he really killed Wade. He just darkly chuckled about it.
As part of the plan, Rad never got to finish what he was about to say because a shard of glass was pushed straight into the center of his back.
Rad let me go. Rad was about again to speak but Wade stabbed again into his chest.
Rad had died. I hugged Wade as finally we are safe now. Wade took the kicking Rose and threw her into his shoulder. Wade and I slowly move forward to find the exit.
With the help of the light in Wade's cellphone, it was enough to see our way. As I was the one who's holding the cellphone, I saw in the darkness a set of stairs and swallowed hard before turning back to face Wade and nodded slowly.
We saw a light on the wood that was blocking our way. We kicked the light wood on how many times before we succeeded to pull off the wood.
Through the small hole, I could see the city lights that brought me into tears. The stars in the sky let me know that it was night.
We've carefully made a way through the hole. When I stood up and took a deep breath, it felt like it had been forever since I had breathed in fresh air.
There were a lot of old and abandoned buildings around that were boarded up just like the subway entrance had been.
We had planned to surrender and tell the police about Rose's case. She could still be changed with the help of DSWD.
Wade called an emergency call to 911. Wade and I shared a smile. I slowly kissed him.
We sat on the abandoned street and waited for the police to come and rescue us.
16 notes · View notes
tsrookie · 4 years
Alright, so today’s the three-year anniversary of Reputation a.k.a the greatest album of all time, my baby, the light of my life, the album that deserved a Grammy (trying desperately not to think about the scene from Miss Americana😭), the album that introduced us to the most beautiful couple ever, the album that shut Kimye up, and I better stop now, or else I’m not gonna shut up.
So in honour of this momentous occasion (and the fact that I reached 200+ followers! Thank you so much you guys!🥺 Love you all 3000💙), here’s a loooooong post on why Reputation is the Ethan and MC album.
1. ...Ready For It?
No one has to know
Throwback to MC saying the exact same words back in Miami.
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby, mmm
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I take my time
Remember back when MC asked for Ethan to get into bed right away during their first time? Ethan told them that he had dreamt about the moment for months, so he wasn’t going to rush it.
2. End Game
Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh you and me would be a big conversation
These two dating would be the talk of the hospital, and they know it.
Even when we'd argue, we don't do it for long
And you understand the good and bad, end up in the song
For all your beautiful traits, and the way you do it with ease
For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities
Think these lines are pretty self-explanatory😌
I hit you like bang
We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't
*gets war flashbacks of the ‘reset’ phase*😭 They tried to make it work, but we all know how Ch 8 of book 2 went😌
I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
Perfect for our chaotic MC😌
3. Don’t Blame Me
Do I... really have to explain this one?
For you, I would cross the line
I would waste my time
I would lose my mind
They say she's gone too far this time
Do we need a recap of our rule-breaking MC?
And baby, for you, I would fall from grace
Just to touch your face
If you walk away
I'd beg you on my knees to stay
He was willing to risk his (mostly) rule-abiding reputation for being with MC. And there’s no way he wouldn’t beg for MC not to leave him if he ever screwed up🤷‍♀️
4. Delicate
This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me
Ethan stood by MC’s side throughout the Ethics hearing, when her reputation was completely smeared, and people only saw her as a patient murderer. He didn’t know about the sabotages, but he would’ve definitely supported her if he had known.
We can't make
Any promises now, can we, babe?
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep
Are you ever dreaming of me?
Sometimes when I look into your eyes
I pretend you're mine, all the damn time
They spent so much of time apart, not able to be with each other, so the least they could do was dream of being with each other all the time.
5. So It Goes (an underrated af bop)
What can I say... it’s a sex song, okay? Don’t make me go into the details😂 Just listen to the lyrics, and all will be clear.
6. Gorgeous (Tumblr won’t let me put any more links)
MC’s eternal anthem to Ethan.
Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine
You've ruined my life, by not being mine
We all know Ethan loves Whiskey, and the second line? C’mon!
You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But, what can I say?
You're gorgeous
Ethan Ramsey is famous for two reasons. One: his smart brain, I guess😒 Two: HIS LOOKS!!! HE’S GORGEOUS, AND DON’T DENY IT.
And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in the darkened room (dark room, dark room)
Ah, the olden days of hand holding in the diagnostics office🥺
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die
No explanation required.
You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah
There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have
You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
The wonderful will-they-won’t-they saga. The frustrating hot-and-cold behaviour. The ‘We can’t’, ‘It’s unethical’ and ‘It’s complicated’. MC deserves an award for her patience😓
7. King Of My Heart
I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own
I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone
Ethan ‘I don’t believe in soulmates and nobody’s waiting at home’ Ramsey.
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for
King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa
And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go
King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa
This could be from both Ethan and MC’s perspectives. The love they share isn’t something that you get easily. It’s something that MC has waited for her whole life, and something Ethan never knew he needed, but now can’t live without🥺
Late in the night, the city's asleep
Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep
Change my priorities
The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
This was definitely Ethan throughout book 2, after he finally gave in. He let go of his previous rules and regulations, especially during the time of the attack. He was clearly affected, and once MC was alright, his main priority was her, and her alone.
Is the end of all the endings?
My broken bones are mending
With all these nights we're spending
Ethan’s been burnt a lot in the past. But all those wounds are now healing thanks to MC.
Up on the roof with a school girl crush
Drinking beer out of plastic cups
They act like lovesick teenagers around each other, like, that’s literally their description if you choose to kiss Ethan for the first time in Chapter 14 of book 2!😅
Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
Baby, all at once, this is enough
We all know about his initial fear of his mother reaching out to him for the sake of his money. To him, MC not talking advantage of him is a pretty big deal, even though it’s never mentioned. You just know, you know?🥺
8. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
My, my love had been frozen
Deep blue, but you painted me golden
Again, Ethan doesn’t have the best experience with love. But MC changed that.
I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted
This could go both ways, cause they’re both piping hot messes😬 (but love each other anyway🥺)
The rest of this song could have made so much more sense for them if we had gotten some sort of a secret relationship storyline. But oh well, I’m definitely not complaining about the gala😌 (and definitely not believing any of the supposed cancelled storylines)
9. Dress
Our secret moments
In a crowded room
They got no idea
About me and you
I mean... pretty obvious😌
Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me
And I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My one and only, my lifeline
This is practically Ethan’s train of thought, and you can’t convince me otherwise.
As for the rest of the steamier lyrics... I’ll um... let you guys listen to it yourselves😁
10. Call It What You Want
I wrote an entire fic inspired by this song, so excuse me for the shameless self-promo, but go give it a read?🥺👉👈(totally fine if you don’t! I’ve probably made so many posts about this song that y’all know the meaning anyway😅)
11. New Years Day
Don't read the last page
But I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you're turning away
I want your midnights
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
MC has always stayed by Ethan’s side, even when he’s pushed her away. These lines perfectly explain how she wants his worst times, and his best, the midnights they spend staying up together, and the moments where it’s just the two of them, when everyone else has left, like the aftermath of a New Years party (still mad at the fact that we didn’t get to see the gang celebrate New Year together😭)
I'll be there if you're the toast of the town babe
Or if you strike out and you're crawling home
The above explanation for these lines as well.
Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Becoming strangers to each other would be their worst nightmares. Knowing that the other was out there in the world somewhere, but not being in their lives would kill them.
You and me forevermore
These two are each other’s soulmate, they know it, even if they haven’t said it yet. Forever wouldn’t be enough for them to shower each other with they love they hold for each other. But it’s a good start.
If you guys made it this far, then I honestly love you more than words can ever express🥺💙 Thanks for putting up with my Swiftie-Directioner-Ethan stan ass, cause I dunno if I’d ever be able to handle someone like myself. And if you read all the above stuff, then I hope you wanna know why this album means so much to me.
Reputation is perceived as a dark album, when in reality it’s truly about finding love amongst all the noise. This album, and Taylor and Joe’s story, taught me what true love actually is, and Ethan and MC cemented that. This album and these two couples (quite literally) saved my life.
The most beautiful part about both these relationships is that even though they never showed it openly, for the sake of their relationships, both Ethan(in the story) and Joe stood by the side of the one’s they loved, despite half of the people who they knew hating on them, or betraying them. And I think that’s what’s truly important. Forming a true relationship like that, be it platonic or romantic, is long lasting, and I hope everyone finds those kind of people to fill their hearts with. Sending much love, and sorry for being a huge sap😅💙
Tagging a couple of my Swiftie homies: @swiftlydarcy @nikki-2406 @dxnicaramsey @kaavyaethanramsey @caseyvalentineramsey @drariellevalentine @justanotherrookie
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eccl3ctic0n3 · 3 years
This Is My Personal Testimony of How God Found Me When I Was Lost.
I Am A Witness and My Testimony is of Jesus Christ the living Word of God
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What you FEEL and what you THINK are valid and extremely powerful as these are the things you BELIEVE to be TRUTH thus this is your REALITY!
This is your belief system. Unless you suffer from mental illness therapy and counseling can be very helpful. Just talking about it and getting it off your chest is therapeutic in itself. No matter if it is a friend or a therapists getting things out instead of bottling them up and holding them in is great relief.
I was diagnosed bipolar type I when I was 23 years old. I am 41 now and it has only been in the last 5 years that I have been able to overcome, heal, grow, and experience breakthrough.
Traumatic experiences such as verbal, mental, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse to losing a loved one or friend has a lifelong affect. Therapy and medicine are just tools to help you and give you the skills, knowledge, and some understanding, so you can cope and learn how to manage with the pain and symptoms that remain.
I don't know who needs to hear this but I am telling you from 18 years of personal experience. Actually, 41 years as its only been 18 since I began treatment. Where doctors and medicine failed me for 13 years God did not fail me. I got lab ratted on all that time with powerful psychiatric medications. I spiraled out of control and my behavior landed me in the psychiatric ward of prison in the infirmary. 10 weeks I was locked in solitary confinement on 24 hour lock. I was deemed incompetent and unfit to stand trial. I was looking at two F1 Felonies with sentences from 5-99 years each. For 10 weeks I literally lost my mind and was experiencing full blown psychosis. It was in an instant that God found me and restored me to sanity. I did not find God. He found me.
I was lost and could not tell the difference between my dreams and reality. I slept in 15 minute intervals. In one dream I dreamt that I murdered my two children. I bashed my daughters head into the wall. My reality was this place I was in where no other person is visible was like a purgatory and I was awaiting my judgment to be thrown into hell.
I was on my knees in my boxers bleeding from my head and knuckles. I was head butting and punching the walls. As I was on my knees I was singing, ''My Girl, My Girl, Talkin Bout, My Girl." I was only thinking of my daughter and that I was never going to see her again.
The guy in a cell next to me screamed, " Shut the fuck up!" I just screamed back and told him to come on over and shut me up. What was he going to do we are in solitary confinement. 😅
I lost track of time and I was still singing and I began to cry out to God. Literally bawling and begging I screamed for God to help me. Don't you know the guy who cursed me came to my door and asked me to call his momma for him to bail him out. I laughed and said ain't you the same mother fucker who told me to shut up? Before he answered I just said whatever! Just write the number on a piece of paper and slide it under my door and I will get to it.
Mind you that for those 10 weeks I could not even read or use the telephone because I just didn't know how. The hands on the clock just spun round and round. Still on my knees sobbing I noticed the piece of paper slide under my door. I forgot all about it and I couldn't read or use a phone anyway. But I looked closer and I seen the red writing. This guy tore the last page of his bible out to write the number on. The red writing just caught my eyes and the first thing I seen was this. Revelations 22:16 I Jesus, have sent My angel to you to testify in the churches. I am the Root and Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star. As fast as you could snap your fingers I realized that I could read first of all. I then noticed I felt completely normal. I was just wondering wtf am I doing in my boxers bleeding on this floor? 😅 I got up took a shower and cleaned up. The guard came by and stopped giving me a strange look and asked if I was ok. I just said Im fine Im waiting on lunch its almost noon. I could read the time cause the hands stopped spinning.
Finally I got to use the phone and I called home and asked how long I was there. I said 2 weeks? My mom said you been there almost 3 months. I did 6 months and got both charges dropped down to a misdemeanor and 4 years probation. 2 years was deferred. I literally signed out of jail on a PR Bond. No fines, fees, or court costs at all.
That was 5 years ago in October. I never could forget or deny what happened. I knew immediately what the verse meant and what I was told to do. So I have done it this entire time everyday almost on social media.
I had never read a bible before and I was far away from God. I was really on the fence about the whole Jesus thing. What I know now and I knew at that moment was this. Jesus is God! He is the Father, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and of Christ. There is only one. Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and Sovereign Lord over all of creation.
I believe the words of the verse exactly for what they said. He sent an angel to me which is a ministering spirit and a messenger. I got the message loud and clear. So I do exactly as He has told me to.
It has been 5 years and I have not even had a cold. My doctor is weaning me off medications. It was by no means an easy 5 years at all. I suffered with overcoming addiction and the mental illness symptoms I was and still am learning to cope and manage.
There is one thing I learned in addition to all these things since then in talk therapy. I was raised by two narcissistic, one mentally ill, and completely abusive except sexually.
After all those years and all those medications and numerous doctors did not do for me what the Great Physician did in a moment of time.
Don't get me wrong. God has revealed to me that He has gifted these doctors, nurses, therapists, and the scientists or chemists that make these medications. Give or take these crooked sons of bitches.
Just know that God is Hope. Faith or Belief and any good thing at all about man is of God. He is Love. How is Jesus God? All things are possible with God. Just trust Him. Don't worry or be afraid. He has commanded us to be strong and courageous for He is with us wherever we go. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is faithful to keep His word. If He said it. He meant it. It is the Truth. Jesus said His words are Spirit and Truth. These words are Life and Jesus is the Way. The one and only true living God is the living Word of God. He was manifest in the flesh. The holy bible has been tampered with by man and today even more with hundreds of versions. However, man is foolish to think he could ever stop the Power of the Spirit and Truth that is the Word of God Jesus Christ.
Is the Father the Son or the Spirit? Is He 3 in one or one in 3? Don't split hairs with vain debates and argumentative subjects that no man can answer. There are simply things of God that man will never understand. Our finite minds cannot imagine, fathom, dream, or even comprehend the great things of God. He just said don't trip. I got this. Be still and know. Trust Me and Believe In Me. Have Faith! Never give up Hope. Without Hope this Life has no purpose and we have meaning at all. There is just certain death. Then we are worm food.
If it is all just a big story and we die only to find out that's it just black and nothing then fine with me. If we die and it is true and we chose not to simply believe and have the faith the size of a mustard seed. We'd be cursing ourselves not God from hell forever. We would know He was right and we have no defense or a word to say before the righteous Judge.
Life and death. Facts. Choose life or death. It is the most logical, reasonable, sane, and simple choice for anyone in their right mind. So anyone who says its blind faith and completely disregards facts, logic, or reason. You know just as God says. He has used the foolishness of this world for His wisdom. He makes those who are wise in their own eyes, puffed up with pride, and too stubborn or hard hearted to simply admit they do not know. Men fear what they do not know. Rightfully so. You should fear God. Both revere and be a very afraid of the One that can take your life and cast your soul into hell. He gives and takes away. Simple as that.
So remember no matter what the situation or circumstances shit is just temporary. All good things must come to an end. As do the bad. So suck it up, be strong and courageous. Has He not commanded us? He is with you wherever and nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.
To anyone suffering right now I am by no means minimizing your pain. I feel you 1000% You don't have to believe a word from me. Just know there is someone who is always with you and you are not helpless or alone. You may be weak and in complete darkness that seems like hell. God is light in the darkness. He has the keys to death and hell. So weather life or death, heaven or hell. You gotta trust and believe in Jesus. If not it is your own doing. Most of our problems are self inflicted we bring em on ourselves.
This may be the hardest part for me to tell someone in depression just dwelling and can't let go. Do you know what depression is. It is YOUR THOUGHTS and YOUR FEELINGS. It is therefore YOUR BELIEF and thus YOUR REALITY!
This is self-centeredness. Depression for a while that is justified is one thing. Wallowing in SELF-PITY with the attitude WOE IS ME. MY LIFE SUCKS and nobody understands or knows what I I I am going through. No one could possibly relate to YOUR SUPERIOR PROBLEMS! GET OUT OF YOURSELF for a while. Have an attitude of gratitude. You are alive and if you can feel emotions and you woke up today then you KNOW that you are alive. LIFE is a gift from of GOD. He so loved all of us that He GAVE HIS LIFE so that anyone who BELIEVES in HIM Should Not Perish...SHOULD NOT! But HAVE RIGHT NOW AS IN THIS PRESENT MOMENT. EVERLASTING LIFE. God gave us HOPE of ETERNAL LIFE the FREE GIFT of SALVATION is the LORD OUR GOD JESUS CHRIST the ONLY BEGOTTEN of the EVERLASTING FATHER the King of Israel is the Holy One (Christ) or Anointed (Messiah) our SAVIOR and REDEEMER. Not by might nor by power but by that Holy Spirit of PROMISE which is the PLEDGE of our inheritance.
The only reason one would die when God gave us His Life so that anyone whomsoever at all Believes. The Way is the Truth and He has become our Salvation. He is the very HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE that abides forever. LOVE being the greatest. No one SHOULD die. It is a choice!!! Just like you choose to wake up and be grateful saying Thank You God. Bless you Lord Jesus for the Spirit translated "Breath or Air" of Life and the LIGHT we all see and we have heard the word of God preached and proclaimed to us all. So no one has an excuse to even say I Dont Believe! That is our free will and choice. Another gift from God. He wants you to choose Jesus and dont worry but be happy. Rejoice!! Make some noise!! God is good all the time. All the time God is good. We all have a reason for the very BREATH of LIFE that was blown into Adam's nostrils and he became a living soul. Adam just means man. Human. In His image and likeness. Male and female created He them. If you believe in Jesus and the Good News aka Gospel of the Kingdom and Eternal Life you have every reason on every Day the Lord has made to be grateful and choose to be happy. The Eternal One is the Alpha and Omega. The Ancient of Days is the First and the Last. The Almighty. Beginning and End. Genesis to Revelation. Death and Life He gives and takes away.
I pray you don't waste another moment having a pity party if you don't have an actual reason to be stuck feeling sad for an excessive period of time. It is selfish. Ungrateful.
Your THOUGHTS and FEELINGS are powerful. They are YOURS though. You and you alone have a God given free gift of grace to Think for yourself and Regulate or Control Your Feelings and Emotions. It takes time and it's a process of growing up and becoming a man or woman. He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE, AND A SOUND MIND. SELF DISCIPLINE your MIND. We have the MIND of Christ. The Spirit of God and of Christ. The Kingdom of heaven is within. God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is all within. What does it say? The Word is near to you, in your heart, even in your mouth.
It is Finished!
Revelation 22:16 21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
16 “I, Jesus, have sent Mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.”
Isaiah 44:6-8 21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
6 “Thus saith the Lord, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I am the First, and I am the Last, and besides Me there is no God.
7 And who, as I, shall call and shall declare it, and set it in order for Me, since I appointed the ancient people? And the things that are coming and shall come, let them show unto them.
8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid. Have not I told thee from that time and have declared it? Ye are even My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Yea, there is no God. I know not any.”
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chaotictommy · 3 years
When I’m Gone [Part I.]
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[A Dallas Winston Story]
[By ChaoticTommy]
Ships: Stevepop, Jally, One sided Steveboy —
When I stepped out from the dark movie house into the glaring hot sun, the two things on my mind were that dumb beach movie I'd just seen and Johnny... yeah, Johnny, man.
Johnny. The only person I'd ever cared about. Gone, and I was still kicking, still breathing out an existence I didn't want.
It'd been some time since they'd rushed me to that same darn hospital where Johnny had - where Johnny had breathed his last breath, man, I woulda given anything to have been dyin instead of him, sixteen just was too young... now, seventeen ain't that bad, I woulda given my life for his, woulda done anything for that kid... woulda followed him if not for our meddling friends, though I don't really believe in any heaven, I think that if I'm wrong, that Johnny would be there and though I don't believe in hell either, I don't exactly think I'd be waiting at some pearly gates like Johnny would be. That kid didn't deserve what came to him, but that's what ya get for helping people, the little - I don't want to remember him, don't want to wake up with the loss of him fresh in my mind as if it was yesterday and not a year and a half ago.
Johnny was all I had and now I don't even have that... I got nightmares, but I ain't telling no one bout that... I ain't gone soft.
There's some memories I'd like to keep hold of, there's others I'd like to bury, then there's ones I'd rather forget.
I don't wanna forget Johnny, I just want to forget my pain.
There's a small cemetery in the north part of town, we managed to bury Johnny in... we dug the hole ourselves and with every foot down I felt like crying, sobbing out my pain, but I didn't.
I ain't gone soft.
There's this broken angel Ponyboy found somewhere, this little statue with them broken wings, don't much care where he got it, could be stolen for all I care. It was Steve who made the headstone and Sodapop who found enough money we pooled together to get something more than a little box, if Johnny was gonna be resting under the ground, we decided he'd need to be comfortable, more than he had been in - in life.
We all had huddled round together at the foot of the grave then, I remember it raining then, Steve uncharacteristically said that the sky was crying for our loss of him. There wasn't any of the snarky cocky Steve left, that had dried up with the tears he'd shed for our Johnny. Steve Randle, like me, never cried, but that all changed, the only thing that didn't, was me.
Johnny wouldn't recognise me if I went soft.
Ponyboy cried.
Darry cried. Darry Curtis cried.
Two-Bit cried.
That Soc broad Marcia cried. I know cause she was there and I felt like she was an outsider to our pain.
Sodapop cried.
Steve wept. I didn't know it, but Johnny and him had formed a close friendship when Johnny wasn't hanging with me or that Ponyboy.
Steve started drinking more than Two-Bit, anything he could get his hands on, chocolate cake was a thing of the past for Steve Randle as he started going to Buck's every night and came back lit to the Curtis house, all broken in bits, Sodapop would get his friend to the couch while Steve would beg to fight, I drank with him on occasion and knew he wasn't a good drunk, that cockiness would slip back in in those moments and I'd see a glimpse of what we'd all been before - before Johnny had died.
Two-Bit in contrast had gone completely sober.
Sodapop's 'drunk on life' disposition had gotten diminished slightly and in contrast with the past Sodapop Curtis, he hardly ever smiled and his voice was now the softest.
Ponyboy was working extra hard to finish school we hardly saw the kid except a week after Johnny - when he randomly pulled me out to stare at the sky at sunset, I had hardly ever done that and the colours had been blinding... I don't tell people I like sunsets, I'm not soft like that kid.
Darry don't do what he used to either.
And me... there's much that's changed.
We don't see much of each other after Sodapop gets drafted... Steve follows him days later and I'm worried bout them, many don't come home.
People die every day, that's true, but when you're a Greaser, it's just a occupational hazard and you're just stealing time...
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The Trials of Emi
Pairing: A little Minho. A sprinkle of Frypan. Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, her twin brother Thomas, and a small group of gladers had been rescued and taken to a safe haven. Or so it seemed. It doesn't take long for Thomas to realize something is wrong. What happens next is a true trial for all of them but Emi's trials began the moment she was ripped away from a dying Gally. Watching someone you love die right before your eyes truly takes a toll.
Finally meeting the right arm could have been the end but betrayal leads to even more chaos and loss. A new mission to rescue those taken from them leads them to a city. The last city. After Emi finally comes to terms with everything that's happened something unfolds that changes everything again. She will have to not only deal with helping her brother take down WCKD and save their friend but also deal with all the new problems in her head and her heart.
Rating: As of right now it’s at most PG13. Some strong language that’s about it but it could change.
(This is the 2nd part/book to my other story "The Maze trials: A Gally Fanfiction". This will cover the events of the scorch trails and the death cure.)
Chapter Eleven
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As the sun started to set I met Fry at his makeshift cooking area. We didn't want to actually build anything cause we were constantly on the move. So we set a small area up so Fry could work his magic every morning and night. It was nice to have his cooking again. Oddly enough his cooking made where ever we were at the time feel a little more like home.
"Where's Thomas and Newt?" I asked him as I came to stand next to him.
He handed me a few discolored and chipped plates. I sat them down in front of me.
"Back there" he nodded with his head as a smile spread across his face.
I looked back to see my brother and best friend sitting practically on top of each other. Their heads were close together as they had a whispered conversation. I smiled when I noticed their intertwined fingers resting on Thomas' lap.
"About damn time" I whispered turning back to Fry.
The boy next to me laughed.
"How long have you suspected that?" Fry asked me.
"Since the beginning" I chuckled.
I helped Fry finish up what he was doing. Once everything was done he told me to give the call.
"Grub is up everyone!" I shouted.
Everyone dropped what they were doing then made their way over to me and Fry. I helped him fill the plates with food then pass them out to everyone. Fry and I were the last to grab our plates then join the group around the fire. I sat next to Thomas with Fry on my other side.
"You two look very friendly." I whispered to Thomas.
He chuckled then shook his head.
"Very friendly" he said with a grin.
It had been only a few short weeks since we lost Minho, Aris, Sonja, and countless others. The atmosphere around what was left of us had slowly loosened. There was still some tension especially when we were in the middle of following a lead. I had spent most of the time staying busy. Whatever needed to be done I was doing it. From sorting supplies to helping Fry cook and serve the food. Fry had been the one person I'd spent most my time talking to. It was mostly just random conversations like what was happening in and around the camp. It was a nice way to spend the time. As long as I wasn't thinking about everything that had happened.
After everyone was finished eating we all pitched in to finish loading everything up. We were heading out at first light. Our goal was to get to some dock Vince had told us about. We'd been at it for weeks now. We were trying to move forward but track WCKD's movements at the same time. It was a struggle to keep up with them. There had been times we'd lost them completely only to find them again a few weeks later. Now was one of those moments. We'd lost track of them about a week ago. The four of us gladers that were left were the ones that tried to track all of WCKD's moves. Vince and the others worked on getting us closer to the safe haven.
"Let's hit our beds. First thing in the morning we'll get moving again." Vince ordered as everyone finished loading the trucks.
I met up with Harriet so we could go to our beds together. They were right next to each other. When I say "beds" I really mean sleeping bags or blankets either on the ground or in the trucks themselves.
"Any more leads?" Harriet asked as we got to our beds.
"Not yet but we are working on it. We'll find them." I told her softly.
She nodded then crawled under her blankets. I did the same hoping sleep would come quickly.
The next morning Harriet woke me up. We immediately rolled up our blankets then climbed into our assigned vehicles. I was obviously with my fellow gladers. Thomas was driving while Newt happily sat in the passenger seat. Fry and I had our guns loaded and ready in the back seat just in case they were needed.
We drove for hours from sun up to sundown. We rarely stopped only if it was absolutely needed. When we did, it was late into the night. Vince had as stop in an area we could easily hide the vehicles. We all ate quickly then got back in the trucks to sleep for a few hours.
When we did start moving again Newt had taken the driver seat while Thomas took the passenger seat next to him. Not long into the drive, I saw Newt reach over and grab Thomas' hand. They intertwined their fingers together then rested them on top of Thomas' thigh. It was so good to see those two actually moving forward with their relationship. As I watched Thomas rub his thumb against Newt's hand a sudden sadness came over me. It was one I hadn't felt in some time. I had been so busy with everything going on I hadn't let myself have the time to think. To think about Gally and how he could have been apart of all this.
I turned to stare out the window. I had to clear my head. I couldn't let myself get distracted by the past or what could have been. Gally was gone and I had to make my peace with that no matter how hard it might be. I had to keep moving.
"You alright?" Fry asked quietly.
"I'm fine," I told him in a sharp tone.
I didn't mean to say it like that. I glanced at Fry who had a knowing look on his face. These three boys had come to know me way too well. They could read me like an open book.
"I know you still miss him. I do too. He was my friend as well. You know you can talk to us about it. Maybe talking about it will help you move on." Fry said softly.
Thomas had turned in his seat to look at me. Newt glanced back in the mirror.
"I don't want to talk about it. I'm fine you guys." I said softly with a small smile.
Thomas chuckled.
"We know you're not fine Em. It's okay to not be fine. He meant a lot to you. I don't fully understand it but I didn't know him like you did." Thomas said with a smile.
"I don't think any of us knew him like she did." Newt joked.
Fry laughed.
"That's for sure. Did I ever tell you about the time I caught the two of them in the wash pool?" Fry asked leaning forward to talk to Newt.
I felt my face instantly heat up. I had totally forgotten about that! Newt laughed and shook his head.
"No you didn't." Newt said.
Fry laughed again.
"Fry!" I shouted as I slapped his shoulder.
"Remember the day Emi was all muddy?" Fry asked.
Newt laughed again.
"Oh yea I remember that day." Newt nodded.
My cheeks heated even more.
"Can we not please?" I begged them.
"That night I went to wash up and I caught the sight of her and him in the water. Things looked like they were getting pretty heated too till I said something." Fry laughed.
Newt and Thomas both laughed.
"I hate you guys." I grumbled.
"Did you ever figure out why she was covered in mud?" Newt asked Fry.
"Newt!" I shouted in disbelief.
"What? It's not like any of it needs to be a secret anymore." Newt laughed as he glanced back at me in the mirror.
"While the two of them were supposed to be getting mud they ended up making out for the first time. He had mud all over his hands which ended up all over Emi." Newt laughed at the memory.
I couldn't help but smile. I realized at that moment that every memory I had with Gally was so precious. Even the bad moments at the end. Every second I spent with him should be cherished and not buried in my memory.
"I never knew you two were so handsy!" Fry shouted with a fake look of disgust on his face.
I laughed at him as I slapped his arm playfully.
"Let's just say it was a good thing I had my private room in the homestead." I chuckled.
"Ew" Newt said making the other two boys laugh.
The laughter died but I continued to smile. I think reminiscing was exactly what I needed. It reminded me of all the happy moments. The moments I'd almost let myself forget.
"Thank you guys" I said softly.
Gally might be gone but I'll always remember him. I'll always have those moments that no one else knows about. The quiet words shared only between me and him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
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chubbletea · 3 years
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The Spirit Board
A horror story about Amanda's and Serina's experience with an ouija board.
August 12th, 7:38 p.m.
Twelve hours before launch.
Amanda had opened a box from the storage, and she found a wooden board with a triangle-like wooden shaped thing with a hole near the tip, and it had a "Yes" and a "No" and all of the letters of the alphabet. It also had numbers in this order; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
Amanda immediately recognized it. It was an ouija board. She had always wanted one of those, but her father, Reginald, never let her get one because he had Phasmophobia. Amanda's best friend, Serina, had also wanted an ouija board. But she had never gotten one either. But, why was there an ouija board here? Were her fathers trying to hide it from her? Well, it was no longer hidden. Amanda had found it.
Amanda quickly grabbed the wooden board and swiftly dashed to her part of the living quarters, and hid the board. She had to tell Serina about it so they could play with it in secret.
"Serina!" Amanda called after finding her in the cafeteria.
Serina turned. "Amanda! Hey! What do you need?"
"Come here for a second." Amanda beckoned.
Serina swung herself over the side of the seat, and approached her best friend. Serina had strawberry blonde hair and a light blue-minty green ombre colored top hat, along with a pink ribbon and bow going across the brim. Amanda had long red-brown hair that was held up in a ponytail, and she wore a cream colored top hat with smoky gray fingerless gloves.
"What?" Serina asked in a hushed voice.
"So, I was looking through boxes in the storage, and I found an ouija board. I hid it in my room, so nobody knows about it yet. I was thinking, do you want to get up in the middle of the night and play with it?" Amanda explained excitedly.
"Oh! So it was being hidden from you?" Serina asked. "Yeah! Sounds fun, what time?"
"One a.m. sound good?" Amanda suggested.
"Sounds like a plan." Serina nodded. "Where?"
"I was thinking in the portrait hall? Since that's the place which would probably have the most spirits." Amanda told her thinking.
"Yeah! I like that." Serina nodded in agreement. "I have candles."
"Awesome! It will probably keep the ghosts happy. I have a lighter."
"Perfect. I can't wait!"
Five hours later, August 13th, 12:40 a.m.
Seven hours until launch.
Amanda set her phone down, and got herself back into her normal clothes, trying to keep her movements swift and silent. She grabbed her lighter and the hidden ouija board.
She creeped out of her room, and quickly got out of the living quarters without being seen.
She made it to the cafeteria successfully without being spotted.
She made herself and Serina some coffee to help them stay awake. She put sugar and cream in Serina's, and Amanda just had black coffee, because she really liked bitter things.
She walked over to the portrait hall and set the two cups full of hot liquid on the table, taking a sip of her own coffee. It was hot and bitter, just the way she liked it.
Ten minutes later, 12:55 a.m.
Serina had arrived with the candles. "Hey." She quietly greeted.
"Hi." Amanda greeted back, also trying to keep her voice hushed. "I got us some coffee to help us stay awake. Your's is right there." She pointed to her friend's coffee.
"That's thoughtful of you." Serina said, taking a small drink of her coffee.
"Thanks." Amanda nodded. "Here, place the candles on each corner of the ouija board and I'll light them. Then we can start."
Serina placed the candles on each corner, and Amanda whipped out her lighter. She flicked it on as the bright scarlet-golden flame sparked to life. She touched it to the wick of the candles, and they were lit.
Amanda flicked off her lighter and placed it on the edge of the table. "This is gonna be spooky, but I'm excited."
"I agree." Serina nodded. "Well? Let's start."
"Okay." Amanda took a deep breath. "Is there a spirit here?"
They waited for a response.
The triangle at the top of the board moved to the left. 'Yes'
Amanda and Serina jumped in startlement and excitement.
"Oh my gosh, that's so cool! I knew ghosts were real!" Amanda kept her voice hushed, yet got excited.
"What's your name?" Serina asked. "I'm Serina, and this is Amanda."
' '
The board didn't do anything.
"I don't think their gonna respo-" Amanda began when the triangle began to move again.
'S-I-R-W-I-L-F-O-R-D-4' The ouija board spelt out.
"Woah!" Amanda still managed to keep her voice silent. "My dad told me about Wilford before."
"Former Toppat leader, right?" Serina asked another question.
'Yes' The wooden board answered.
"Will you hurt us?" Amanda was trying to keep herself and Serina safe.
"Thank god." Serina sighed in relief.
"How did you die?" Amanda was probably going to pester him with questions like a teenage fangirl.
Hey, she and Serina are both teenagers.
Amanda and Serina got less excited.
"That's kinda dark." Serina commented. "Wasn't he a good leader?"
"Yeah, I think that's what I was told." Amanda nodded. "He was probably killed for the position."
"Who killed you?" Serina was curious.
' '
"Are they still alive?"
' '
Serina was silent, and she glanced at Amanda, whom was drinking some of her coffee.
"That's kinda scary... He didn't answer." Serina grabbed her coffee as Amanda set her's down.
The candles flickered out.
"Oh gosh, I'm getting scared." Serina said as Amanda set down her cup of coffee and used her lighter to re-light the candles.
"Yeah, that's kinda creepy." Amanda agreed, placing her lighter back down.
"Wilford, you still there?" Amanda changed the subject.
"Oh, cool! New spirit!" Serina was interested. "What are your preferred pronouns?"
"Alright then."
"What's your name?" Serina went back to pestering the spirits with questions.
Amanda glanced at all of the portraits. "Terrence Suave?"
"Isn't he the leader who was super reckless and only cared for himself? The one who hurt my dad? Both of them?" Amanda asked. "I haven't met him, but I don't like him."
"Are you going to hurt us?" Serina asked with hesitance.
' '
Amanda and Serina exchanged glances.
"That's not a good sign." Amanda commented.
Serina took a drink of her coffee, then placed it back down on the table. "I hope he doesn't hurt us."
"Me neither." Amanda looked back at the ouija board. "How did you die?"
"I should've guessed that." Amanda told herself.
"Where are you?" Serina then asked.
' '
"Amanda, I'm scared." Serina took a step closer to her friend.
"Me too."
Something creaked.
Amanda jumped in startlement and looked around cautiously. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea..."
"Should I go get dad?" Serina gazed up at Amanda.
"No, they would be furious." Amanda shook her head, reaching for her almost empty cup of coffee.
The two girls heard footsteps.
"I don't like this..." Serina whispered.
Amanda blew out the candles and set down her cup of coffee. "Quick, hide. Under the table."
They crawled and hid under the table, and sat silently, terrified.
The footsteps came to an end, and there was a sound which sounded like a door closing.
It was silent for a few more moments.
"I think we're safe." Amanda whispered. She crawled out from under the table and snatched her lighter, flicking it on and observing the room. "Yeah, we're good." She turned and lit the candles.
Serina emerged from under the table and faced the ouija board again. "Was that you?"
Amanda and Serina exchanged glances again.
"Change of subject, uh... Who killed you?" Amanda asked.
"Dad killed you?"
"You kind of deserved it after what I heard you did. I heard you're transphobic." Amanda scoffed.
The candles lights flickered out.
Amanda sighed and reached for her lighter again, while Serina was looking around nervously.
They heard what sounded like an adult male heavily breathing.
"What is that!?" Serina asked.
"I don't know, under the table again!"
They slipped themselves under the table, in the darkness.
The breathing got a bit heavier, and Amanda flicked on her lighter, looking around.
"Amandaaa, I don't like this..." Serina sounded terrified. "Should we go back to bed?"
"No, the spirit would follow us, and we'd be in huge trouble. All of us, most likely. Dad killed Terrence! What do you think he'd do to him!?" Amanda didn't wait for Serina to answer. "He'd hurt or even kill him! There's no way I'm letting a spirit kill dad!"
"Fair point." Serina admit.
The heavy breathing stopped, and there was another creak.
Amanda and Serina didn't dare to move for a few moments.
"I think we're okay." Amanda pulled herself out from under the table, Serina following behind her.
Amanda lit the candles again and set her lighter down.
"Don't hurt us. Or anyone. We don't want to be guilty for any deaths." Amanda begged. "Please."
' '
"Are you just trying to scare us? Or are you going to do something?"
"That doesn't help!"
Serina finished a long sip of her coffee. "Well... Are there any other spirits here other than you and Wilford?"
"Okay... Who?"
'R-E-Y-N-A-L-D-O' 'R-A-N-D-Y' 'J-A-Q-U-E-S'
"I knew the portrait hall would be crowded with the leaders spirits." Amanda confidently told her best friend.
"Yeah, that's most likely." Serina nodded. "But do you think we should do this in the airship? We might get different spirits."
"Yeah." Amanda told Serina. "But that's gonna be tricky since we'll be in space."
"Yeah, true." Serina nodded. "We might have use Supreme Dominance ourselves."
There were more footsteps.
Something moaned.
Amanda drew her glock and pointed it at the direction it came from. "Who's there!?"
No response.
"Show yourself!"
Amanda lowered her gun. "Huh." She hooked it back onto her belt and turned back to the ouija board.
"Was that you?" Amanda asked.
"... Okay." Amanda was hesitant.
Serina glanced at her, the back at the ouija board.
"Has there been any female leaders before?" She asked a random question.
"Oh." Serina glanced at Amanda. "You'll most likely be the first, Amanda. I'm sure you'll be a great leader, too."
Amanda didn't want to be the next leader. "Thanks." She said sheepishly.
"Well... What other creepy stuff do you think is gonna happen?" Serina asked.
The ouija board started to move out of the corner of their eyes.
"What!?" Serina gasped.
The candles flickered out, and there were more footsteps.
Amanda drew her gun and reached for her lighter. She lit the candles again.
The two girls ducked under the table again. The candles were extinguished yet again.
"Oh my god, we're gonna die..." Serina whispered.
"No, we're not." Amanda reassured. "Their spirits, they can't hurt us. They don't have physical forms. They can only scare us."
Serina didn't respond.
"Yeah? I'm here."
"Oh, okay. You had me worried for a second."
They eagerly waited for something to happen, or get the all clear sign.
The footsteps got louder, until they stopped. And then there was the heavy breathing again.
"I don't like this..." Amanda whispered.
"Me neither, I'm horrified."
"I'm gonna have nightmares for the next three weeks..."
They stayed silent, and the breathing got louder.
"You're hearing this, right?" Amanda wanted to confirm.
"Yes." Serina replied. "It's creepy."
Amanda sighed. "I'm sorry, Serina. We shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have suggested it. I should've just left the ouija board alone where I found it."
"No, you had no idea this would happen." Serina shook her head. "And neither did I. If I knew, I wouldn't have agreed to it."
"... Right."
"COPPERBOTTOM. SVENSSON." Something with a very intimidating voice spoke.
Amanda and Serina jumped in startlement, and Amanda flicked her lighter on.
There was a pitch black humanoid shape with what looked like it had a top hat on, and it had white glowing eyes. It had freaky long shaped hands, and it reached for Amanda.
They two girls let out a blood curling shriek just before they went unconscious.
(Thanks to my friend Rin for making the lineart! I did the coloring and shading.)
(Please reblog if you enjoyed! They help us writers as much as they do artists!)
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