#to defend the truth and defeat the lies
lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
hi! will you write an aegon x reader imagine in which they are married out of love. and after she gives birth, alicent (or otto idk) requests to see her child like she did to rhaenyra. like what would aegon do to see his wife in pain and how would he react? thank you!
Ugh, I live for this type of angst!!! I reckon Aegon would be so fucking pisssssed. How dare they try to get you to lift a finger, let alone stand after birthing his child!!!! sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy xx
Our Child.
PAIRING: Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,948.
WARNINGS: swearing, fluff, angst, Dad!Aegon, mentions of pregnancy/birth, mentions of bullying.
A/N - I apologise for getting carried away with the beginning lmao, but I felt the need to lay some background, so don't mind me. hope you enjoy!
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Within this realm, gossip and scepticism was not unfamiliar territory. Especially regarding the livelihood and innocence of maidens such as yourself, whispers were constant, back and forth, the ongoing judgement would never be silenced although, you'd grown ignorant to. It did not matter, many accused you of being a whore, many expressed their disgust over hearing your so-called promiscuous nature, and many had ridiculed your poor upbringing.
"Surely, she's bedded men before, and the Prince seems to not mind? I heard she was betrothed to a farmer in the North, although ran away."
"Aegon is no saint either... Although he is a man, and men have needs."
"What would the Prince want with someone of her kind? She has nothing to offer, not even a dowry, and he is to be King."
The scrutiny was constant, and Aegon knew at times, no matter how well you masked it, that the words stung. He knew your story, having allowed him and granting him the time to really get to know you, Aegon had pestered you for so long, he listened and knew your truth.
The rest were all lies, deceit and gossip, for many lords had intended for their own daughters to wed the King to be.
"The realm have already made up their minds, Aegon, I stand no chance against them."
Aegon did not care. He loved you undeniably, and whatever he saw in you, made him a better man.
"They can answer to me, I'd like to hear their judgement directly."
It was true, no one dared to question Aegon's intentions with you, not at least in front of him. First off, he had a dragon. Secondly, a terribly, quick temper, the notorious Targaryen temper... The two fused well together depending on who asked.
Overtime, just as you always had, the scrutiny of the high class and council did not matter to you, for it was the least of your concerns.
Although, it bothered you greatly that his mother, Queen Alicent, had tuned into such gossip and determined herself that you unworthy.
She did not completely ignore your presence in the castle, although she was cold. She never warmed unto you like she did with other high-borne ladies, nor did she give you the chance to speak or tell your truth. Her mind was made.
Alicent was certain that you had other intentions with her son, that you'd wanted riches, gold, money, anything to help redeem your family's status in society. She assumed that you would use the Crown in all its glory, all through Aegon.
"I see you as you are, Y/N. Aegon may think with his cock when it comes to you, although I see right through you," Her words cut sharp as Valyrian blade, left you defeated and speechless.
Aegon knew of this, for he could tell how quickly your mood had shifted. He knew of his mother's sour attitude towards you, for she'd plead with him many times to let you go, even proposing the idea of offering you money in return that you leave King's Landing for good.
In despite of the adversity, Aegon held his ground, for one of the first times in his life. He remained with you, by your side relentlessly, and defended your honour. He often returned to your chambers tiresome of the repetitive quarrelling with his mother about you, and yet he did not intend to stop, until she'd accepted you. In time, he had asked for your hand, wedding you in a private ceremony, upholding his Valyrian heritage, and not before long, you were with child, Aegon's child and his rightful heir.
The birthing was difficult to say the least, going on for a fair few hours in the night, right until sunlight could be seen in the horizon. The instant cry of your newborn babe filled the room, and much to your relief, caused you to beam with a smile on your face, as you embraced the small bub in your arms.
"A boy, your Grace. Kicking like a goat," The experienced midwife exclaimed, as she tended to the sweat dripping on your face, and the blood marked on your cheeks, from kissing the babe, trying to make you somewhat decent if Aegon was to return.
Aegon although, desperate to be with you, was caught in a council meeting. Much to his dismay, his abrupt marriage to you left many lords in uproar as his family had promised them the opportunities for their daughters to meet the young Prince, determined to see if he'd take a liking to one of the them. Many now furious at the Crown, refusing to pay taxes and levies.
As you cradled the baby in your arms, enamoured by the bundle of joy, little shrouds of hair on his head, parallel to his father's Targaryen heritage, his nose even a copy of Aegon's. It was his little twin. Trying to take your son's presence all in, was suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on the door, jolting your attention towards the entrance. Your heart raced with excitement, as you'd relished in the image of Aegon rushing through to your bedside, meeting his newborn son for the first moment ever.
Much to your disappointment it was a knight, although, one that you'd grown familiar to seeing in the Queen's company.
"Apologies to bother you, your Grace. Although, Queen Alicent wishes to see you and the babe at this very moment."
A puzzled look drenched your face, as you scanned the faces of the midwives and maester present during your birth, each of them sharing a discerning look, some quickly looking to their shuffling feet, trying to seem busy.
"Right now?" You stuttered, holding your newborn tightly instinctively.
The knight merely nodded, as though hesitant to giving such orders considering the ordeal you'd endured just mere minutes ago.
Now you'd grown annoyed, you gestured for one of the midwives to hold your dear son, who continued to wail as he left your arms, whilst the others helped you to your feet, blood drenched clothes, pooling down your legs as you gained steadiness.
You couldn't stand by yourself, your head whirling and your belly and thighs aching in a dull pain, sudden movements and long strides caused sharp pains to bellow your lower back and hips, cramping your muscles. It was pain you'd never felt like before.
The maester attempted to convince you of taking milk of the poppy for the walk, although short, would be tormenting with the stairs you had to conquer.
Although, milk of the poppy made you feel weaker, less conscious. You did not want to wish dropping the babe in your arms, nor be less alert for Alicent.
The midwives carefully donned you in a clean, silk gown, attempting to make you as decent and proper as possible, for people began to bustle through the castle now. Hearing their conversations and steps outside the door, for it was morning and you'd grown familiar to its routine.
"Y/N dearest, perhaps we can send a message to the Queen that your condition does not allow for you to travel currently-" The maester pitied.
"No, it is fine. If this is what the Queen wants, this is what she shall get."
The midwife that had held your son, returned him to your arms, as the knight helped to guide you out, holding out his armoured arm as you gripped it tightly for support. Thankfully, he did not rush you, for he could see how slow and careful you were taking your steps.
Some lords and ladies passing by would congratulate you, whilst others remained ignorant to your presence, and some in pure shock that you were travelling in such a state.
Their whispers again, filled the morning air, although before reaching the steps, you'd taken a glance at your newborn son, snug in his blankets. Again, the same, warm smile gleamed on your face as you watched him, before a sharp pain pierced through your lower abdomen. Your grip on the knight tensed and he knew immediately, questioning if you wished to turn back.
"No-No, let's just fucking go."
As you took the first, agonising step up, a familiar voice yelled out your name. Slowly turning back, your body straining, resisting all the physical movement, you could see Aegon down the other side of the corridor, rushing past as he reached your side.
"What's the meaning of this, where are you going in such a state?"
He kept his focus on you, oblivious to the babe in your arms, as one hand massaged your back, whilst the other held your arm for support, as you began to cower in pain.
"Ughh-Y-Your mother, wanted t-to see the babe, now."
You stuttered, your voice trembling as the pain worsened the more you remained on your feet, becoming breathless by the second.
As you mentioned the babe, Aegon looked down, his eyes meeting his newborn son, a cherished look on his face appeared for a split second, before he realised the situation. His eyes darted towards the knight and commanded that he tell his mother, "That would not be wise, if she so wishes to see the babe, she can come down herself."
You reassured the knight that you were fine, as Aegon took his place by your side, turning you back around to your chambers, the midwives still present as they remained cleaning the bloody scene, were relieved to see you return. They all helped you back down cautiously, propping pillows behind your back for support, even preparing a small cup of milk of the poppy, now that you were rested in bed.
"What were you thinking Y/N? Don't you ever think that you need to prove yourself like that, my mother can answer to me."
"I-I don't know, Aegon. She is the Queen, a-and I thought... I am sorry husband."
Aegon had been pacing himself up and down the room, as the midwives left to give you both peace and privacy, shaking and rubbing his head. Out of fury, he slammed his fist against the wooden post of the bed railing, before calming himself. Seating himself down by your side, as he ran his fingers through his short, tussled platinum hair. A low sigh escaping his mouth, as he exchanged a worried look on his face, your hand reaching over to hold his reddened knuckles, as your thumb grazed the small, fresh cut.
"You-You my dearest, need not to apologise, you did nothing wrong. I just cannot fathom how my mother think it okay to torment you like that."
"I-I do not know, Aegon. But rest assured, our son is happy and healthy, come-"
You pulled his fingers, beckoning to come closer, as you pulled down the cover on your son's little face, despite all the mayhem that ensued following his birth, he remained quiet and slept. Unphased by the drama of his presence, he was your calm before the storm.
"He's beautiful isn't he? Our child." You softly whisper, as you looked up from the babe to Aegon, and back down again, gently cradling him in your arms.
Aegon's arm wrapped beneath yours, as his free hand, a finger gently grazed over his son's nose, dotting it. Helplessly, a smile beamed up on his face, as his son cooed against his father's touch.
"As angelic as his mother is." He uttered, before resting his head against your shoulder.
"She will be dealt with, Y/N. Rest assured, I will speak with her and it will be the last time we speak of this matter again. She did not deem me fit to be King before, she will now."
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suikasweetheart · 28 days
Hind's Hall
Woah! Yeah, the people, they won't leave What is threatenin’ about divesting and wanting peace? The problem isn't the protests, it’s what they're protesting It goes against what our country is funding (Hey) Block the barricade until Palestine is free (Hey) Block the barricade until Palestine is free When I was seven, I learned a lesson from Cube and Eazy-E What was it again? Oh yeah, f**k the police (Woo)
Actors in badges protecting property And a system that was designed by white supremacy (Brrt) But the people are in the streets You can pay off Meta, you can't pay off me Politicians who serve by any means AIPAC, CUFI, and all the companies You see, we sell fear around the land of the free But this generation here is about to cut the strings You can ban TikTok, take us out the algorithm But it's too late, we've seen the truth, we bear witness Seen the rubble, the buildings, the mothers and the children And all the men that you murdered and then we see how you spin it Who gets the right to defend and who gets the right of resistance Has always been about dollars and the color of your pigment, but White supremacy is finally on blast Screaming "Free Palestine" ’til they’re home at last (Woo)
We see the lies in them, claiming it’s antisemitic to be anti-Zionist I've seen Jewish brothers and sisters out there and riding in Solidarity and screaming "Free Palestine" with them Organizin’, unlearning and finally cutting ties with A state that's gotta rely on an apartheid system to uphold an occupying violent History been repeating for the last seventy-five The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied (Woo) If students in tents posted on the lawn Occupying the quad is really against the law And a reason to call in the police and their squad Where does genocide land in your definition, huh? (Hey; hey) Destroying every college in Gaza and every mosque Pushing everyone into Rafah and dropping bombs The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all And f**k no, I'm not voting for you in the fall (Woo) Undecided, you can't twist the truth, the people out here united Never be defeated when freedom's on the horizon Yet the music industry's quiet, complicit in their platform of silence (Hey, woo)
What happened to the artist? What do you got to say? If I was on a label, you could drop me today I'd be fine with it 'cause the heart fed my page I want a ceasefire, f**k a response from Drake (Woo) What you willing to risk? What you willing to give? What if you were in Gaza? What if those were your kids? If the West was pretending that you didn't exist You'd want the world to stand up and the students finally did, let's get it (Woo)
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dreamgirlvibes · 1 year
People really think they’re ready for a relationship even marriage but how good are you at apologizing? How attentive are you at others needs? How sacrificial can you be even when you can’t and how vulnerable will you be even when you’re angry? How much does pride mean to you? Are you okay with knowing your person can be sick for the rest of their lives, become broke, can gain weight or lose their most attractive qualities? Do you know how to be faithful? How good are you with leaving your needs and wants at the door sometimes and putting someone else first? Will you learn new things, can you be open minded? How quick are you to walk away when things become crazy? How grateful are you when things don’t go as planned? Do you care about being the better lover or the bigger person? What would you do if someone better came along? Can someone entice you easily? Do you know how to defend? Are you a selfish person? Do you consider yourself to be loyal? How are you with protecting someone else? How do you feel about true commitment? How do you treat people who can’t do nothing for you at the moment? Are you okay knowing that butterflies don’t last forever but love does? How do you handle stress? Can you cope or are you easily defeated? Can you unlearn unhealthy patterns and habits or you are who you are? How do you react when your truth is really not truth? Can you handle being wrong? Are you okay with being honest and are you also an honest person? Is lying a way of escape for you? Do you believe in white lies? Do you consider yourself too good? How are you with patience? Does social media influence you? Will you be okay knowing things aren’t always as it looks? How are you with problem solving? When was the last time you gave credit when it was due? Do you know who you are and what you need? Are you observant? What does Love mean for you? What if your interpretation of love is wrong? Will you fix it?
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rosejigglypuff76 · 4 months
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🍪👑 Cookie Run Kingdom - Dr Vanilla & Mr Shadow AU Cast 🍦🃏 aka; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde Musical (Recast Meme) 🎭🧪
Inspired by a Cookie Run Kingdom Animatic from: @obernice
Note: This features characters from Cookie Run Kingdom as told in the formatting of the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde Musical! The characters listed below will have their roles showcased, in the Dr Vanilla & Mr Shadow AU.
Original Meme Recast Template
🍦 Pure Vanilla Cookie as Dr Henry Jekyll 🍦 The titular character of this two-sided but amazingly thrilling musical! An understanding ruler of the Vanilla Kingdom, where the Light of Truth shall always prevail. But when he went too close to the cold hard truth in order to find White Lily, it was then where Pure Vanilla became one with a deceitful entity. He still has control over his body about 85% of the time. But the remaining 15% will have Shadow Milk take over. At that point, the 15% increases to a higher and more frequent chance of Shadow Milk being the one in control. Is he still Pure Vanilla? Or is he now Shadow Milk?
🃏 Shadow Milk Cookie as Mr Edward Hyde 🃏 The original owner of what's now known as the Light of Truth, with what remains pure from his corrupted thoughts on the Soul Jam. A deceiving trickster, creating an entire theatrical performance with his own ideas of fun. When Pure Vanilla went too close to where he was sealed away, Shadow Milk took advantage of it. He sometimes pops in and out of control of Pure Vanilla's mind to control his body, which increases more as time goes on. Is he still Pure Vanilla? Or is he now Shadow Milk?
⚔��� Dark Cacao Cookie as Lucy Harris ⚔️ Very stoic and headstrong, making sure he's capable in defending his own kingdom and its citizens. And also being there for his dear friends to protect them, especially Pure Vanilla who he has a crush on. On the night Pure Vanilla unwillingly became one with Shadow Milk, the latter of the two decided to target the warrior king first. Dark Cacao saw through his deceitful lies, and tries to help Pure Vanilla take control when he gets the chance. Unfortunately, Dark Cacao knows he needs to play this dangerous game. But he doesn't care if he crumbles from this, as long as his crush is safe from this alter-ego.
🏵️ White Lily Cookie as Emma Carew 🏵️ A sweet and caring cookie, who has a strong bond with Pure Vanilla. Even when many are indifferent towards White Lily for she used to be one with Dark Enchantress, he's still forgiving and understanding to her. White Lily is aware of the Origins of the Five Beasts, but still doesn't know the complete story. A reasonable amount at best, but not good enough to stop them. She's dedicated to helping all cookiekind out, especially the Faerie Cookies after Elder Faerie transferred his powers to her before he passed on. No matter what, White Lily will do her best to save Pure Vanilla from Shadow Milk's control. Just like when he did the same for her back then.
✒️ Clotted Cream Cookie as Mr John Utterson ✒️ The son of Light Cream and adoptive kid (more like eventual appointed consul) of Elder Custard. A cookie who allied himself with the Ancients in order to defeat Dark Enchantress Cookie, and learn more about Beast-Yeast. He doesn't know much about what Pure Vanilla is currently dealing with in terms of being one with Shadow Milk. Slowly but surely however, Clotted Cream noticed how much Pure Vanilla's been acting lately. For now though, he needs to focus on helping him and the other Ancients about this Beast-Yeast Situation.
🌙 Moonlight Cookie as Sir Danver Carew 🌙 A cookie who White Lily sees as some sort of mother figure, often going to her for guidance. Moonlight is one of the few cookies (other than Pure Vanilla) who's willing to open up and understand the given situation. Even so, White Lily wanted to tell Moonlight about the Vanilla-Shadow Ordeal. But Pure Vanilla himself doesn't want anymore cookies to get involved, afraid he might hurt them.
🦋 Elder Faerie Cookie as Simon Stride 🦋 White Lily's great friend, with a sort of friendly rivalry with Pure Vanilla in terms of winning over her affection. A calm, strong, and just ruler of the Faerie Kingdom. Trusting White Lily and those that's deemed close to her, all while he made sure that the seal on the Silver Tree is safe. So that the Five Beasts won't get free and cause havoc again. Unfortunately fate had other plans, as the Five Beasts broke free the moment the Silver Tree was broke and thus the seal opened. Elder Faerie sacrificed half of his life to revive White Lily, before giving his other half of his life to her before passing on into the afterlife.
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ningningsdream · 1 year
the villain in your story | part fifty
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word count: 0.9k
"what's up?", jaemin's voice reached your ears as his arms wrapped around your waist from behind.
"oh nothing.", you lied, quickly putting your phone away.
after tweeting that picture of jaemin, you scrolled through your feed to catch up with whatever you missed and saw jiwoo's and lia's tweet about dresses and a wedding. you started wondering if it was the same one as the one you were attending. it wouldn't be that far fetched since they were also friends with your ex back in high school and if he invited you, he probably invited them as well. if you weren't sure about going at first, you were even less now. all your problems would be reunited in one place.
"you're doing it again.", jaemin said, snapping you out of your thoughts. you turned around to look at him, face full of confusion, "you're pushing me away."
jaemin let go of you to walk to your couch, hands in his pockets and shoulders slightly slumping.
"i'm sorry.", you sincerely apologized.
"you don't have to. i don't want you to feel pressured to talk to me about things you're not comfortable talking to me about. but i hope that you, at least, talk about it to someone. whether it be jimin, minjeong...or even hyuck.", jaemin tried not to sound too defeated but you caught on the insecurity in his voice, especially when he said donghyuck's name.
"it's not you, really.", you settled on the other end of the couch with a sigh, "i don't talk about my problems unless someone really pushes me to do so. i usually bake until i forget about them."
jaemin frowned at your statement, he wondered how many hardship you've kept to yourself during your life so far and especially recently since you've baked non stop.
"but i've gotten better. back in highschool, i sometimes went to jiwoo and lia when i needed comfort, without really telling them that i needed it or that anything was wrong. now, i can sometimes manage to talk to jimin, minjeong and hyuck if i feel the need to but this... this is just too much. i can barely process anything myself, so talking about it..."
"hey, it's okay. take your time.", jaemin's soft gaze never left you as he reached out to take your hand.
"it's just that the whole thing with jiwoo was already hard to handle. i felt like i was betraying her but at the same time, i was mad at how she handled things. then, my ex showed up out of no where? inviting me to his wedding as if he didn't tell me a few years earlier that he'd never want to get married, but turns out he just didn't want to get married to me, i guess. i don't even know why i feel like this, it's not like i'm still hung up on him. i'm not sad, nor jealous about the fact that he's getting married. i don't want to marry him. but there's this feeling as if something was heavily sitting on my chest, and i can't breath and it just spread all over my body. and added to all of that, lia, who just came back from visiting her family abroad, texted me to defend jiwoo as if her life depended on it, making me feel even worse. it was just the last straw, i completely broke down. i still feel bad about taeyong, johnny and you witnessing it, though."
"we were more worried about you than anything else."
"and i'm sorry, to you, because you deserve so much better than all of this.", you said, waving your arms around.
"hey, now, don't start saying ridiculous things.", jaemin said, putting his hands on your shoulders and looking at you in the eyes to make sure you heard him.
"no but, it's the truth. you've done so much for me and given so much while i've barely given you anything in return. i keep pushing you and everyone away when things get too much. the worst is that i'm aware of it, but i keep doing it anyway..."
"y/n, i don't expect anything in return. i know it takes longer for some people to open up than others. i'm part of the people that can open up pretty easily when i'm comfortable with someone but i know everyone is not like that. i'm willing to wait as long as you'll still want me to. sure, i'm kind of sad when i feel like you're pushing me away, but i get it. and what you're doing right now is already a lot. don't worry."
you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, giving him a hug you needed, "thank you.", you tightened your arms around him, half your body laying on the couch as you just launched at him for the hug, not really moving your butt from where it was on the couch.
jaemin just smiled and chuckled at your position before putting his hands on your waist and pulling you closer to him, then adjusting his position so you could both be laying on your pretty small couch - at least for two people. he wrapped one arm around your waist as his other hand was gently playing with your hair. your arms went from around his neck to around his torso as your ear pressed against his chest. jaemin's heart was beating really fast - as it always does in your presence - but he wasn't afraid of you hearing it. in fact, he hoped you could so you'd know how you made him feel.
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main masterlist | tviys masterlist
pairing: fem!oc x barista!jaemin, fembarista!reader x barista!jaemin
genre: fluff, angst, suggestive, barista!au, sns au
summary: girls' code prevents you from liking the guy your friend likes right?
a/n: i wonder how i managed to write such a green flag!jaemin wtf
taglist: [@glamourizz @rinrinslovebot @beomibeom @moonjobf @hiqhkey @calssunflower @donghyuckster @vianna99 @kookiedesi @baehaechannie @nshimura @thiccfullsun @dear-dreamie @neobowlingshoez @jjaehmins @liliansun @bythe8 @hyuckrec @dearlyminhyung @ohmygs-blog @hoeshi17 @wonupuppy @shan-oldham @jeongintwt @renjunoya @najm00 @sukistrawberry @goldryush @000rpheus @sfthyuka @mxnhoeuwu @dandelionxgal @vanillainverse @niaalove @igotkpoops ]
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ronancexists · 1 year
Things I would like to see in Stranger Things 5:
- Since Robin has done quite a few doodles on her red converse, I like to think she's quite good at drawing, so that can be a way for her to start up a conversation with Will
- And then Will confides in Robin about being gay and being in love with Mike because he had a feeling that she was like him and Robin confirming she was indeed like him and becoming his gay mentor (like you don't understand I NEED ROBIN AND WILL TO HAVE A CONVO ABOUT BEING GAY)
- Will (finally!) tells the party that he's gay (and Byler becomes a thing) but not before Robin comes out to the party in order to make Will feel more comfortable and to show him that they will accept him because that's totally something she would do as his gay mentor
- More Steve and Robin being "Platonic with a Capital P" cause we didn't get enough in st4
- Hopper and Joyce trying to corral the kids and control the situation as best as they can
- Joyce being a mother figure to Robin like she is with the rest of the kids and Robin becoming better acquainted with El, Jonathan, and ESPECIALLY Will because she didn't really get a chance to get to know the California crew before they packed up and moved so ya
- El traveling into Vecna's/Henry's/One's mind in order to be able to wake Max up and free her from his control because he said his victims stay with him in his mind so like ��
- Max wakes up after El successfully rescues her from Vecna/Henry/One but she is severely incapacitated, like she's probably blind in one or both eyes and is going to need assistance walking for the rest of her life and is going to be stuck in the hospital for a few more weeks (possibly months)
- How and when the Upside Down was created
- What Will's connection to Vecna/Henry/One and the Upside Down really entails and how that could affect both him and The Party during this final stretch
- Vecna/Henry/One, the Demogorgons, the Demodogs, the Demobats, the Mindflayer, and the Upside Down along with whatever other monsters are down there get destroyed once and for all because I don't think shutting the gates is gonna do it this time
- Kali comes back to help El defeat Vecna/Henry/One
- Murray tries to figure Steve and Robin out but he can't because he's never seen anything like the two of them and it frustrates him to no end
- Then when he tries to psychoanalyze Robin she does it right back to him because she's a freaking genius and everyone is in awe of her because they've never seen Murray speechless before
- And I hate to say it but if Steve dies Robin dies too because despite the fact that she is my favorite character (close seconds are Nancy and Will) Steve is her platonic soulmate and they are codependent on one another and one just simply cannot survive without the other
- Like it would absolutely break my heart to have to see Robin try to live without her dingus of a best friend and to have to see Steve try to live without his wing woman of a bestie so if one dies both of them die
- Lucas defending Max's unconscious body with Erica from whatever creatures from the Upside Down want to try and take and/or kill her
- Mike and El break up because El realizes she needs to be her own person and because Mike is in love with Will
- Dustin is even more protective and stubborn about Steve heading into danger because of what happened to Eddie and he absolutely refuses to leave his side through the entire season
- RONANCE RONANCE RONANCE RONANCE (i know it's probably not gonna be canon but a girl can dream)
- Robin finally getting an onscreen kiss with her girlfriend or a girl she really likes (cough cough Nancy cough cough) (sorry Vickie but I feel like ur just too similar to Robin)
- And if Steve doesn't die (hopefully🤞) then please please please DO NOT have Steve and Nancy get back together after she breaks up with Jonathan when she finds out he lied to her about Emerson along with everything else that's been piling up between them
- Instead Nancy decides she's better off not being in a relationship (or better yet she gets together with Robin) and focuses on what she's absolutely sure she wants which is getting her journalism degree at Emerson (and Robin decides to go there too if they become a thing 😊)
- Because Nancy Wheeler is a smart, strong, fierce, badass, independent woman and she does not need to be kept in a cage by becoming a housewife who gives birth to SIX KIDS
- Steve and Robin move in together and attend a community college together (Steve's either getting a teaching degree or a child psychology degree while Robin is doing something with linguistics) or they follow Nancy to Boston because Robin and Nancy are absolutely smitten with one another :)
- Meeting Steve and Robin's respective parents
Ok I think that's all for now 😅
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because--palestine · 28 days
Hind's Hall - Macklemore
The people, they won't leave
What is threatenin’ about divesting and wantin' peace?
The problem isn't the protests, it’s what they're protesting
It goes against what our country is funding
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
When I was seven, I learned a lesson from Cube and Eazy-E
What was it again? Oh yeah, fuck the police
[Verse 2]
Actors in badges protecting property
And a system that was designed by white supremacy
But the people are in the streets
You can pay off Meta, you can't pay off me
Politicians who serve by any means
AIPAC, CUFI, and all the companies
You see, we sell fear around the land of the free
But this generation here is about to cut the strings
You can ban TikTok, take us out the algorithm
But it's too late, we've seen the truth, we bear witness
Seen the rubble, the buildings, the mothers and the children
And all the men that you murdered, and then we see how you spin it
Who gets the right to defend and who gets the right of resistance
Has always been about dollars and the color of your pigment, but
White supremacy is finally on blast
Screamin' "Free Palestine" 'til they're home at last
[Verse 3]
We see the lies in ’em
Claimin’ it's antisemitic to be anti-Zionist
I’ve seen Jewish brothers and sisters out there and ridin' in
Solidarity and screamin' "Free Palestine" with them
Organizin', unlearnin’ and finally cuttin' ties with
A state that's gotta rely on an apartheid system
To uphold an occupyin' violent
History been repeating for the last seventy-five
The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied (Woo)
If students in tents posted on the lawn
Occupyin' the quad is really against the law
And a reason to call in the police and their squad
Where does genocide land in your definition, huh?
Destroyin' every college in Gaza and every mosque
Pushin' everyone into Rafah and droppin' bombs
The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all
And fuck no, I'm not votin' for you in the fall
You can't twist the truth, the people out here united
Never be defeated when freedom's on the horizon
Yet the music industry's quiet, complicit in their platform of silence.
[Verse 4]
What happened to the artist? What d'you got to say?
If I was on a label, you could drop me today
I'd be fine with it 'cause the heart fed my page
What you willin' to risk? What you willin' to give?
I want a ceasefire, fuck a response from Drake
What if you were in Gaza? What if those were your kids?
If the West was pretendin' that you didn't exist
You'd want the world to stand up and the students finally did, let's get it.
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blogtruenorth · 7 months
🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
Gaza defends and fights with its flesh and blood, and the flag will not fall.
The enemy's decision to cut off all communications and internet services to the Gaza Strip, following its threats of committing more genocidal crimes and escalating brutal bombing, is an attempt by the enemy to silence the voice of Gaza, to hide images of its crimes and defeats, and to use shock to spread fear among the steadfast residents of Gaza.
What the Popular Front fears and warns against are the ongoing brutal crimes by the enemy's army and air force against defenseless women, elderly, and children, especially given the enemy's escalation of its aerial, naval, and ground bombardment.
Any enemy ground incursion attempts, no matter their form or size, will only be met with increased resistance, and the enemy will face surprises prepared by our people's resistance that they are unaware of. Our people should be confident of the readiness and capability of the resistance.
The Front warns against exploiting the communication blackout in Gaza to spread rumors and circulate the enemy's lies, urging our people and Palestinian journalists to make their best efforts to convey the truth to the masses using any available means.
The Front calls on Palestinian companies and entities to urgently find solutions that enable the residents of Gaza to access communications, warning against any negligence in this regard, especially since these communications are essential for residents to access emergency and ambulance services.
The Front also calls for an escalation of Arab popular and official efforts to stop the aggression, emphasizing the necessity of working on bringing aid, volunteers, and international delegations to the Strip to relieve its people and wounded, and to reveal the scale of the zionist crimes committed in the Strip.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 
27th October 2023 
Central Media Department.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 9 months
Hakkai Shiba top 10 moments!
10. Being such a sweetheart to Takemichi when they first meet. He really met this guy 5 minutes ago and immediately decides that they're brother's now. He was just so nice here.
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9. Joining toman's 2nd gen with 0 hesitation, Hakkai didn't even need to think about this one he just wants to help his friends out.
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8. Biting Rindou, just a classic moment in the series. He really did this.
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7. Coming right in time to help Mitsuya out, Mitsuya wasn't able to keep up with both Haitani brother's during the final fight and was having a bit of trouble. Luckily Hakkai arrived right on time to assist.
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6. Defending Takemichi and Hina against the black dragons. I mean right before this he even had the manners to ask them to "please" stop.
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5. Agreeing to leave toman to save Takemichi, he left everything he loved for Takemichi's (and we later find out Yuzuha's) safety
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4. Finally telling the truth, Hakkai had no idea how the others would react to this and if they'd turn away from him or not. It was pretty brave of him to finally admit he needed help and that he had lied.
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3. Taking the fall for Yuzuha in the future, it's actually pretty sad to think about that Hakkai was forced to stray further and further away from toman and Mitsuya's teachings to protect Yuzuha but he still did it to keep his sister safe.
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2. Kidnapping Rindou and coming up with the plan to take down the Haitani brother's. This is just iconic and lead to the defeat of the Haitani brother's in the final fight.
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1. Standing up to Taiju, it is incredibly hard to stand up to someone who's been causing you pain and fear for years but Hakkai managed it. Seeing him face Taiju and finally stand up to him and his fear has to be one of the most satisfying moments in the series.
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baeddel · 7 months
via RNN (28.10.23) (click):
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: — Gaza defends and fights with its flesh and blood, and the flag will not fall.
The enemy's decision to cut off all communications and internet services to the Gaza Strip, following its threats of committing more genocidal crimes and escalating brutal bombing, is an attempt by the enemy to silence the voice of Gaza, to hide images of its crimes and defeats, and to use shock to spread fear among the steadfast residents of Gaza.
What the Popular Front fears and warns against are the ongoing brutal crimes by the enemy's army and air force against defenseless women, elderly, and children, especially given the enemy's escalation of its aerial, naval, and ground bombardment.
Any enemy ground incursion attempts, no matter their form or size, will only be met with increased resistance, and the enemy will face surprises prepared by our people's resistance that they are unaware of. Our people should be confident of the readiness and capability of the resistance.
The Front warns against exploiting the communication blackout in Gaza to spread rumors and circulate the enemy's lies, urging our people and Palestinian journalists to make their best efforts to convey the truth to the masses using any available means.
The Front calls on Palestinian companies and entities to urgently find solutions that enable the residents of Gaza to access communications, warning against any negligence in this regard, especially since these communications are essential for residents to access emergency and ambulance services.
The Front also calls for an escalation of Arab popular and official efforts to stop the aggression, emphasizing the necessity of working on bringing aid, volunteers, and international delegations to the Strip to relieve its people and wounded, and to reveal the scale of the zionist crimes committed in the Strip.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 27th October 2023 Central Media Department.
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starshinedragon · 1 year
SSO - DARK RIDERS Extended/Upgraded Lore (unofficial)
(Full body arts: Sabine, Jess, Elise by Eleanor Nightwalker (Youtube), Katja by @bluelightcore)
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SABINE CLAYMORE Dark Rider Malumi (The Black Knight)
Horse: Kaahn (warmblood) Powers: Fire Circle (Anti-Lightning) -> Fire and Nullification. Energy absorbing fire against Alex’s lightning attacks. Alex's rival.
Role: Strong guy/Fighter of the 5-man band Flaw: Envy and Wrath. Her hot temper can be used against her. Personality: She’s angry, malicious and a hothead. Inferiority complex. She is often sent against the SRs to do the fighting, often used as a simple minion and she hates it. She thinks she’s stronger, cleverer and better, than the other DRs, while at the same time being envious of them, because she knows she isn’t. Argues with the other DRs even when on a mission. Wants: to prove herself. To defeat the SRs alone, so she can prove, she is the strongest DR.
Backstory: always envious. Only daughter of the rich and prestigious Claymore family. A spoiled and jealous horse girl, who tried to be the best in every discipline, and bought her way into success whenever she could. The only ones who could defeat her were Lisa and Linda and she will forever hate them because of that. But her true rival is Alex. Hobbies: mischief and petty crimes, making others frustrated, getting them into trouble. She is happy when others are not. Discipline: Eventing (that’s why she raced both Lisa and Linda) consists of cross-country, showjumping and dressage.
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KATJA HELBERG   Dark Rider Stiria (The Ice Witch)
Horse: Tyrann (arabian) Powers: Frost Circle (Anti-Moon) -> Frost, Ice and Manipulation. While Linda’s visions show the truth, Katja makes Illusions that are Lies. Linda's rival.
Role: Smart guy/Scout of the 5-man band Flaw: Arrogant and Cold, can’t understand love. Her arrogance can be used against her. Personality: A cold and calculating manipulator, planner, master of Lies. The most dangerous beside Elise. Afraid of her, but won’t admit it. No petty quarrel with the others, she knows her importance. Wants: to control everything. Obsession with controlling and leading the Dark Riders, especially after Elise’s arrival. Wants to prove, that love only gets in the way, it is a hindrance.
Backstory: was betrayed. Norvegian father, kallter mother. She lived with the Kallters in the Dino Valley, inherited her mother’s nature powers, but got corrupted by the forces of darkness. Since she was born with white hair, the kallters always thought she was cursed, but her mother insisted she’s good. After an incident got blamed on her, she got into an argument with ther mother, and she finally gave in to the pressure and said Katja’s bad. Katja ran away into the night in the snowstorm, almost froze to death, but got saved by dark magic and recruited to the dark side. She returned to the village days later, and instead of defending the people from the cold, she unleashed her ice powers and froze the valley. The cold lingers in there ever since, even though the rest of jorvik is warm.   Hobbies: to use her frost powers and cause harm with it (freeze flowers, small animals and such). Likes to prove, that people are cruel and cold and love is a lie. Discipline: Endurance riding. Although normal Arabians are heat and not cold tolerant, Tyrann is just like Katja: doesn’t feel the cold.  
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JESSICA JET Dark Rider Umbra (The Dark Princess)
Horse: Erebos (friesian) Powers: Shadow Circle (Anti-Sun) -> Shadow powers and Banishment. Summons shadow seekers to fight for her, when they steal a person’s soul, she locks them in Pandoria. Anne's rival.
Role: Lancer of the 5-man band (to Katja) Flaw: Pride and Hatred. Her hate for Katja can be used to make her help the good guys. Personality: Hates Anne more than anything, since Concorde kicked her back into Garnok’s prison in SSL 3. Short-tempered, proud and hateful. Does little fighting, her minions fight instead of her. Rivalry with Katja, thinks she is better, than her, even though Katja always outdoes her. Wants: to defeat others. To prove that she is better, than Katja, wants to humiliate and defeat Anne.
Backstory: was defeated by Anne. Jordan Jet’s lost daughter, disappeared years ago, causing her to leave the island of Jorvik in grief. Many years later she returned (in Spring Rider) to pursue her dream of leading a dressage stable. She organizes the Rockville – Beauvista – Bayridge triangle in the Spring Valley, when her long-lost daughter shows up again- but on the side of evil. Hobbies: fashion and modelling. Since Anne is also into fashion, Jess wants to beat her in every way she can. They are rivals in the modelling world also. Discipline: Dressage. Picked it up after she was first defeated by Anne. Got her Dark Horse and trained to one day finally humiliate Anne in her own discipline.
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ELISE SAMASSA Dark Rider Nihili (The Night Huntress)
Horse: Acheron (Rocky Mountains horse) Powers: Darkness Circle (Anti-Star) -> Discord, Darkness and Destruction. Opposite of Lisa’s trust and healing powers, Elise only destroys and corrupts. Lisa's rival.
Role: Leader/Heart of the 5-man band (keeps them together, working for the singular goal) Flaw: absolute cruelty, even towards her fellow DRs. Gets rid of anything and anyone that's not useful anymore to her. Their fear of Elise can be used against her. Personality: Has an unsettling energy about her. Doesn’t have family, doesn’t have friends, doesn’t have weaknesses, doesn’t bargain, just destroys her enemies like a force of nature. Even the other minions of Garnok are afraid of her. Wants: to win. To achieve total victory over the forces of good. Obsessed with winning always.
Backstory: very mysterious. To be the perfect soldier in the service of Garnok, she removed everything from her life, that could hinder her. No attachments, no family, just the sheer focus on the mission. Doesn’t play around, her only goal is to defeat the forces of good, doesn’t matter who or what she has to destroy. Discipline: Racing. Hobbies: power-lifting, strength training, airsoft.
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runabout-river · 28 days
Macklemore - HIND’S HALL
Macklemore says Free Palestine.
Woo Yeah, the people, they won't leave What is threatenin’ about divesting and wantin' peace? The problem isn't the protests, it’s what they're protestin' It goes against what our country is fundin' (Hey) Block the barricade until Palestine is free (Hey) Block the barricade until Palestine is free When I was seven, I learned a lesson from Cube and Eazy-E What was it again? Oh yeah, fuck the police (Woo) Actors in badges protecting property And a system that was designed by white supremacy (Brrt) But the people are in the streets You can pay off Meta, you can't pay off me Politicians who serve by any means AIPAC, CUFI, and all the companies You see, we sell fear around the land of the free But this generation here is about to cut the strings You can ban TikTok, take us out the algorithm But it's too late, we've seen the truth, we bear witness Seen the rubble, the buildings, the mothers and the children And all the men that you murdered and then we see how you spin it Who gets the right to defend and who gets the right of resistance Has always been about dollars and the color of your pigment, but White supremacy is finally on blast Screamin' "Free Palestine" ’til they’re home at last (Woo) We see the lies in them, claimin' it’s antisemitic to be anti-Zionist I've seen Jewish brothers and sisters out there and ridin' in Solidarity and screamin' "Free Palestine" with them Organizin’, unlearnin' and finally cuttin' ties with A state that's gotta rely on an apartheid system to uphold an occupyin' violent History been repeating for the last seventy-five The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied (Woo) If students in tents posted on the lawn Occupyin' the quad is really against the law And a reason to call in the police and their squad Where does genocide land in your definition, huh? (Hey; hey) Destroyin' every college in Gaza and every mosque Pushin' everyone into Rafah and droppin' bombs The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all And fuck no, I'm not voting for you in the fall (Woo) Undecided, you can't twist the truth, the people out here united Never be defeated when freedom's on the horizon Yet the music industry's quiet, complicit in their platform of silence (Hey, woo) What happened to the artist? What do you got to say? If I was on a label, you could drop me today I'd be fine with it 'cause the heart fed my page I want a ceasefire, fuck a response from Drake (Woo) What you willin' to risk? What you willin' to give? What if you were in Gaza? What if those were your kids? If the West was pretendin' that you didn't exist You'd want the world to stand up and the students finally did, let's get it (Woo)
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bloghrexach · 26 days
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✊🏽 … YES!! Macklemore — remember his ‘LGBTQ anthem”?
By: Reem Ghunaim, Strategic Leadership, from LinkedIn …
“Make it go viral! — 👉🍉 — https://lnkd.in/gJU-nmuj
Send the link to everyone you know to raise more funds for UNRWA.
📣 Let this song be our virtual protest, showing those who seek to silence us just how powerful our voices can be.
Written and Produced by Macklemore
The people they won’t leave
What is threatening
about divesting and wanting peace?
The problem isn’t the protests
it’s what they’re protesting
Cause it goes against
what our country is funding
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
When I was 7 I learned a lesson
from Cube and Eazy E
What was it again?
oh yea
fuck the police
Actors in badges
protecting property
And a system that was designed
by white supremacy
But the people are in the streets
You can pay off meta
you can’t pay off me
Politicians who serve by any means
AIPAC, CUFI and all the companies
You see we sell fear around the land of the free
But this generation here
is about to cut the strings
You can ban tik Tok
take us out the algothim
But it’s too late
we’ve seen the truth we bare witness
We’ve seen the ruble the buildings
the mothers the children
And all the men that you murdered
and then we see how they spin it
Who gets to the right to defend
and who gets the right of resistance
Has always been about dollars
and the color of your pigment
But White supremacy is finally on blast
Screaming free Palestine
until they’re home at last
We see the lies in them
Claiming it’s anti-semetic
to be anti-zionist
I’ve seen jewish brothers and sisters out there and riding
In solidarity and screaming
free Palestine with em
Organizing, unlearning
and finally cutting ties with a
that’s gotta rely on an apartheid system
To uphold an occupying violent
History been repeating for the last 75
The Nakba never ended,
the colonizer lied
If some kids in tents,
posted on the lawn
occupying the quad
is really against the law
And a reason to call
in the police and their squad
where does genocide land
in your definition huh?
destroying every college in Gaza and every mosque
pushing everyone into rafah and dropping bombs
The blood is on your hands Biden,
we can see it all
And fuck no
I’m not voting for you in the fall
you can’t twist the truth
The people out here
never be defeated when Freedom’s on the
Yet the music industry’s quiet
complicit in their platform of silence
What happened to the artist
what do you got to say?
If I was on a label,
you could drop me today
And be fine with it
cause the heart fed my page
I want a ceasefire
fuck a response from drake
What you willing to risk?
What you willing to give?
What if you were Gaza?
what if those were your kids?
If the west was pretending that you didn’t exist
You’d want the world to stand up
And the students finally did
Let’s get it”!! … ✊🏽
#FreePalestine … #HindsHall … #Macklemore … @hrexach
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Transforming into the Devil God right in front of Susu’s eyes is the cruellest thing Tantai Jin can do to her, doing the one thing he promised her to never do, but that’s exactly his intention; hurt her so deeply she would come to resent him and abandon him - the complete opposite of what he has been trying to do for the 500 years - because once he’s accepted that becoming the Devil God and giving up on any hope for himself is the only way to save her he redirected all that willpower that never allowed him to give up in those centuries to find her and win her love into his new task - to make her hate him and leave him.
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Tantai Jin is so used that everyone misunderstands him and judged him unfairly no matter how much he defends himself that now it’s so incredibly easy for him to embrace the worst people think of him and own up to it, even though the truth is he only fulfilled his Master’s dying wish and killed him to save him from becoming a demon.
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His complete defeat and resignation that despite everything he’s been through, all the impossible obstacles he’s overcome and how much he’s changed himself he need to willingly become the very thing he’s sworn to never become.
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He knows exactly what he needs to do and become but he still retains his identity, staying the man Li Susu loves beneath all that dark power and black armour.
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I adore how he holds up the sword defiantly in front of him, literally declaring an all-out holy one-man war against the original Devil God at which end both of them shall perish.
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He can’t escape his fate but he chooses to rise to meet it and face his greatest enemy. In the name of love for Susu.
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satelliteddie · 2 years
not a chance in hell - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x henderson fem!reader
summary: you and eddie have been friends since childhood, which means there is nothing hidden between the two of you...but when jason hurts eddie in a fight, you have no choice but to defend him the only way you can: with your powers.
content warnings: fighting (between jason and eddie), kissing, language
word count: 3.2k
author’s notes: this is a combo of two requests! all of these characters are alive and happy in order for this to work kk bye!
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It was common knowledge in Hawkins High that Jason Carver and Eddie Munson hated one another. Maybe it was Eddie’s defiance against Jason’s terror; Eddie never let Jason get under his skin— and it drove Jason mad. Maybe it was because Chrissy had been rumored to visit Eddie’s trailer a few times, and no one believed it was only for drugs (even though Eddie would swear up and down to you that nothing ever happened). Whatever reason or combinations of reasons it was, the two couldn’t be around eachother for more than two seconds without spiteful words being said. During class today, the tipping point was that Jason didn’t ask Mrs. Westin his question in an efficient enough way. Eddie had to pretend to snore half way through the question, just to antagonize Jason. You smacked Eddie’s arm from your chair, giving him a look to stop before it escalated. Eddie backed down, his cheeks flushed from your attention, and sunk down in his chair. Usually you could calm Eddie down; one gentle hand on his arm, a few words, or a quick glance, would release the tension he held and he would shake his head clear of the anger. You were Eddie’s safe space and he was yours. It was like your minds were one and you read eachother like an open book, there was nowhere to hide lies. Except, you had been lying to Eddie…you’d been lying for years. You would tell yourself it wasn’t a lie, just simply avoiding the truth, but your brother would always argue against that logic.
“It’s the same shit,” Dustin rolls his eyes, tossing his arms up. You shut the front door, tossing your car keys into the bowl and dropping your purse.
“Language,” you reply with a grin. “I can’t tell him, Dustin. He’s not going to be okay with it. Eddie can barely handle it when I change our movie dates.” You groan, sitting down at the kitchen table. You glance over at your purse across the room. I want gum. You think and flick your wrist towards the bag, it slides across the wood into your hands. You open a piece of gum and pop it into your mouth, “there’s no way he’d believe me anyway.”
“Are you joking?” Dustin waves his hands with an unhinged jaw, “Eddie Munson, the biggest nerd I know, and I know a lot.” Dustin sits down across from you and steals a piece of gum. “He would be pissed if he found out there was this supernatural world and he wasn’t a part of it. You have powers.” He emphasizes while pointing at your pack of gum.
“It’s not that easy,” you rest your forehead on the cool table.
“Why not? It’s Eddie,” Dustin pokes your head with his finger. “You guys tell eachother everything. It’s kinda your thing.”
“That’s exactly the point.” You mumble into the table, “what if he flips the fuck out and I never-”
“Language,” he teases. Dustin’s tone changes to be kind as he talks, “But he won’t. He’s too obsessed with you to run away screaming.”
“He’s not obsessed with me.” You deflect, lifting up your head to look at your brother. You puff out your cheeks to blow away a stray hair that fell in front of your face.
He grins proudly, blowing a bubble with his gum, “oh sure, yeah. Definitely not.” Dustin sarcastically replies, waving his hands up in defeat. You shove his arms away as you debate whether or not to confess to Eddie. You had powers similar to Eleven, but not nearly as advanced… Ever since you were young, you felt a strong connection to the world around you. It started with coincidental movements of items in your room, but you quickly wrote it off. However, when bigger objects started moving without anything around them shifting, you started to take notice. It started with a water bottle and you worked yourself up to moving an entire book shelf. Some parts you still struggled with and hid from everyone except for Dustin— there were too many unknown factors. So when Dustin brought home his friend Eleven, you knew you weren’t alone. After that you and El were constantly using one another for strength testing. It was an otherworldly bond that no one else could understand. There were still some things you didn’t understand and couldn’t do, but Hopper and El were always there to help. When things got hard or you couldn’t wrap your mind around it, you would put pen to paper. Literally.
Most girls wrote in their diaries about high school crushes, failed grades, best friends, and parties…but you? You wrote about the Upside Down, Eleven, your powers, Dustin’s theories, and everything related to the alternate world. And of course…Eddie.
How am I supposed to tell Eddie about my powers when I don’t even know what they are myself? I still don’t understand my full capabilities. This whole thing is giving me a headache. 
You scribble across the page, every thought you have flowing out.
There’s this entire universe underneath our town and everyone’s just oblivious— but us. I feel bad for not telling Eds. I do. I really do, but I don’t want him hurt. What if I hurt him? What if this world hurts him? I’m so ridiculously in love with him that if he gets hurt because of me….I would never I don’t think I could handle that. I’m barely hanging on as is. I know I have to tell him, but I just don’t know when. I wish you could tell me what to do.
You close the journal as you hear your bedroom door open. You toss the book away onto the floor, flicking a hand over it to slide it under your bed, just in time. The bed shifts under the additional weight, a smell of mint, cheap cologne and cigarettes flooding your room.
“Hey pretty,” Eddie coos as he lays down on his stomach next to you. “Ready to go? Movie starts in twenty,” his brown eyes twinkle. His hands run over the backs of yours, his silver rings cooling your skin. You give him a smile and flip over onto your back, Eddie stays laying on his stomach as he looks down at you.
“Do we have to?” You ask. “I kinda was hoping we’d stay in,” you confess, looking away from him. Eddie tilts your face back to his with a long finger.
“We can do whatever you want to,” Eddie smiles genuinely. “Just wanna be with you.”
You try to ignore the way your heart rate spikes when Eddie talks like this. He’s always flirty and adorable with you, but he is with everyone. You’ve known Eddie nearly your entire life, so it was safe to say you’ve seen him flirt with anything with a pulse. Constantly. His infectious energy had its hold on you though; the feelings you had locked away for Eddie slowly started to creep out in moments like this. Moments where he was so lovely, so kind, and so real. You wanted to just take his hand and run away from Hawkins and never look back. He was too good for this town — even if he would never believe that, you knew it was true. You found yourself staring at Eddie, admiring every crease and mark on his face. You shook your head clear of the fuzzy feelings you had and rolled back over.
“On second thought,” you stand up from the bed. “Let’s just go to the movies.”
“But you said—”
“But you want to see it,” you interrupt Eddie. Grabbing the sleeve of his leather jacket and pull him. “C'mon let’s go. I’m going to tell Dustin we’re leaving,” you walk out of your room and downstairs to find him. Eddie rolls off your bed onto the floor, face up towards the ceiling. He sighs heavily before turning to get off the ground, but something catches his eye. A small leather bound book sits under your bed, just out of reach. His long arms sneak under the bed and pull it out; the book is held together with a small string tied in a bow. Everything in his body is telling him to leave the journal alone, but Eddie can’t help himself. Quickly he pulls on the end of the tie, opening the book slowly. He’s close to tossing it away when he spots his name on one of the older pages.
December 11, 1984
It snowed today!! Eddie wants to go to the back of Hawkins High and see if we can sled down the track on garbage can lids. I think it’s disgusting….I really don’t want to be sitting on a garbage can…but I’m sure Eddie will convince me otherwise—everything with him is fun. God…I think I may have a crush on my best friend.
Is this her journal? Eddie stands from the floor, his ring clad fingers flipping through the worn pages. I really should put this back…she clearly doesn’t want me—oh this is from today…. Eddie’s mind shuts off as he sees the date and the smeared ink. It’s like you weren’t able to finish the entry in time. He’s sure that it’s some fictional story you’re writing. He’s sure it’s all made up. There’s no way it was at all based in truth…Including the fact that you were in love with him. It had to be. His eyes skim the page twice before he hears your footsteps in the hallway. He ties the book back together sloppily and tosses it to the floor, kicking it under the bed with his shoe.
“Ready?” You ask, giving Eddie a careful look. He’s playing with his hands and his cheeks and tips of his ears are bright red. “Eds,” you encourage while stepping towards him. He stares at your hands for slightly too long before rushing around your bed to meet you at the door.
“Yeah- yeah,” Eddie nods, but he won’t make eye contact with you. “Let’s go.”
Eddie is quiet the whole drive to the movie theater, he hums along to songs on the radio and taps his fingers on the wheel. Yet, he never tries to make conversation with you. You write it off as him being tired or distracted thinking about Hellfire’s meeting tomorrow, but you can’t seem to figure out exactly what it is. He stays uncharacteristically quiet through the movie too— never once commenting on how the killer was obviously the character he guessed. Never tried to make you laugh with corny jokes. Never stole your popcorn. Never did anything he usually did on your movie dates. Again you brushed it off, but when you left the theater Eddie would always tuck you into his side to protect you from the night. Tonight he left an awkward distance between the two of you as you walked through the nearly empty lot.
“Did I do something?” You stop walking and glance down at your shoes, “you seem like you hate me all of a sudden.”
“Why would I hate you? It’s not like you’re hiding anything from me,” Eddie calmly says. He turns to stand in front of you, still leaving a gap. You could swear it feels like he’s accusing you. Did Dustin tell him?
“Munson,” a voice calls from behind you. A cold chill runs up your spine as you place the voice to Jason Carver. He stalks up to the two of you in the parking lot, no one else in sight. Leaving just the three of you in the far side of the theater parking lot, surrounded by scattered cars.
“Not now,” Eddie responds to Jason, but his eyes stay on you.
“No,” Jason chuckles. He steps right behind you, “I think now is a good time. Really didn’t appreciate your freak show routine in class today.”
When Eddie doesn’t respond and only keeps his eyes fixed on you, Jason grins. He turns his attention to you and you hear Eddie’s breath hitch. “Hey beautiful, why don’t you just cut him loose already. Poor things being dragged around like a love sick dog.”
You clench your jaw, swallowing every word you want to say. Eddie inches towards you, but still leaves a gap.
“Carver,” Eddie’s voice booms. He finally turns to Jason with a clenched jaw, “Leave her out of this.”
“Aw,” Jason turns to you with a wicked smile. “Have I struck a nerve? Poor Eddie Munson. Poor kid is in love with his best friend and then when she doesn’t want him back he has to hunt down other girls.”
You break the tension with a laugh, “hunt? You can’t be serious. Jason you may have to ‘hunt’ your girlfriends,” you throw air-quotes around his words. “But Eddie has no trouble with that, women practically throw themselves at him…I guess you just wouldn’t know what that’s like.” Eddie’s serious expression cracks and a smirk pulls at his lips. Jason flares his nostrils, anger coursing through his veins.
“Suddenly his bitch has a voice, huh?” Jason’s voice rises, “let’s see, are you all bark or bite, mm?” He muses stepping towards you. It’s like every fight and disagreement reached the climax at that moment. Eddie could take the digs Jason threw at him, but to talk about you? That was a line no one, absolutely no one, would cross while Eddie was still breathing. He didn’t care if you had lied, if your story was real, if you had a crush on him, if any of it was true—he knew what was his truth. Eddie lunges forward gripping the collar of Jason’s varsity jacket. Jason quickly snaps around and elbows Eddie right in the bridge of his nose. Eddie curses, releasing Jason’s jacket allowing Jason to get the upper hand. He kicks Eddie square in the chest, making him stumble towards the van only a few feet away.
“Eddie!” You yell, rushing towards the two of them. Jason towers over him as Eddie bends over to grip his chest and nose. He looks up momentarily when you yell for him, but raises a hand to stop you. Eddie never wanted you involved in his fights. He never wanted you to see him the way the rest of the town did. Yet here you were, right in the middle of one. Jason punches another blow to Eddie’s side, causing an exasperated groan to fall from Eddie’s mouth.
“Jason, please.” You beg. You’re only a few feet from them as you call out, your hands in fists at your sides. “Jason. Stop!” You ask for mercy again on Eddie’s behalf. Eddie lays against the door of his van, his staggered breathing getting more shallow. Jason wipes the back of his hands against his jeans before curling them into fists. He raises his hands, cutting his right hand through the air towards Eddie’s face again. Without a second thought, you raise your palms in his direction, yelling out as you throw Jason off his feet. The ground seems to lift away from him as he flies through the air, slamming his back into a parked car.
“Fuck,” you curse, running towards Jason. Quickly you find his pulse as he lays there unconscious. You close your eyes, moving your hands away from his pulse point on his wrist, “he’s okay”. Slowly you turn around to face Eddie; he’s no longer curled in on himself by the van, but rather he’s up walking towards you. His eyes flick to Jason for a second before they meet yours. “Eddie, I’m so sorry,” you feel tears start to fall from your cheeks. “Are you hurt? Do you need help?” The questions fly from your mouth with every step he takes.
“There’s so much I have to—”, your words are cut off by Eddie’s mouth melting into yours. A surprised gasp leaves your lips, but Eddie gladly takes it as he weaves his hands into your hair near your cheeks.
“That was so hot,” Eddie smirks against your mouth. His eyes are still shut as he rests his head on yours.
“Eddie, I have to, I-” your mind races at the same rate as your heart.
“I know,” Eddie comments, pulling away from your head to look in your eyes. He holds your cheeks firmly in his hands, titling your face up so you’re forced to look at him.
You shake your head in his hands, “no Eddie you don’t.”
“Yes,” Eddie cocks his head to the side. “I do know.” You scrunch your eyebrows together, moving your focus down to the ground.
“Did Dustin—”
“No,” Eddie cuts you off, a small smile on his lips. He brushes his thumbs across the high points of your cheeks, “don’t be mad.” He hesitates for a moment and you look back at him confused. “I kinda read your diary.”
“You read my diary?” You ask leaning away from him.
“You have superpowers?” Eddie counters with a sarcastic tone. He brings you close to his face again, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Fine, you win.” You smile at him, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. You hesitate before asking, “you’re not afraid of me?”
“No,” Eddie responds without any doubt. “I mean, I was… but I just didn’t understand it. Should I still be? Yeah— but there’s not a chance in hell I’m leaving you.” He brushes his thumbs over your skin again, tilting his head to rest your foreheads together. Jason groans from behind you, breaking the intimate moment. “We gotta go,” Eddie reluctantly moves away from you. He tugs you back towards his van, tucking you back into his side like he always has. You get into the car in a blur, watching as Eddie drives the van out of the parking lot.
“We have a lot to talk about,” Eddie breaks the silence as he speeds down the narrow streets.
“I know,” you pout, turning in your seat to look at his side profile. “I should have told you about all of this supernatural stuff. Dustin was right–”
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” Eddie stops you, glancing over to look at you. “I’m talking about how you have an embarrassingly massive crush on me.”
You slap his shoulder, tucking your legs under you to slide next to Eddie on the bench seat. Instinctively, you rest your head on his shoulder, “yeah, well you have one on me too.”
“Damn right,” Eddie moves his right hand from the steering wheel to pull you to his side. He presses a kiss to your head before saying proudly, “My girl has superpowers.”
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
gotta love a friends to lovers fic <3 hopefully this was everything those requests hoped for, if you have any ideas please submit them and ill get to them as soon as I can :)
✭masterlist ✭ requests
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idreaminmugiwara · 28 days
Yeah, the people, they won't leave What is threatenin' about divesting and wantin' peace? The problem isn't the protests, it's what they're protestin' It goes against what our country is fundin' (Hey) Block the barricade until Palestine is free (Hey) Block the barricade until Palestine is free When I was seven, I learned a lesson from Cube and Eazy-E What was it again? Oh yeah, fuck the police
Actors in badges protecting property And a system that was designed by white supremacy But the people are in the streets You can pay off Meta, you can't pay off me Politicians who serve by any means AIPAC, CUFI, and all the companies You see, we sell fear around the land of the free But this generation here is about to cut the strings You can ban TikTok, take us out the algorithm But it's too late, we've seen the truth, we bear witness Seen the rubble, the buildings, the mothers and the children And all the men that you murdered and then we see how you spin it Who gets the right to defend and who gets the right of resistance Has always been about dollars and the color of your pigment, but White supremacy is finally on blast Screamin' "Free Palestine" 'til they're home at last
We see the lies in them, claimin' it's antisemitic to be anti-Zionist I've seen Jewish brothers and sisters out there and ridin' in Solidarity and screamin' "Free Palestine" with them Organizin', unlearnin' and finally cuttin' ties with A state that's gotta rely on an apartheid system to uphold an occupyin' violent History been repeating for the last seventy-five The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied If students in tents posted on the lawn Occupyin' the quad is really against the law And a reason to call in the police and their squad Where does genocide land in your definition, huh? (Hey; hey) Destroyin' every college in Gaza and every mosque Pushin' everyone into Rafah and droppin' bombs The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all And fuck no, I'm not voting for you in the fall (Woo) Undecided, you can't twist the truth, the people out here united Never be defeated when freedom's on the horizon Yet the music industry's quiet, complicit in their platform of silence
What happened to the artist? What do you got to say? If I was on a label, you could drop me today I'd be fine with it 'cause the heart fed my page I want a ceasefire, fuck a response from Drake (Woo) What you willin' to risk? What you willin' to give? What if you were in Gaza? What if those were your kids? If the West was pretendin' that you didn't exist You'd want the world to stand up and the students finally did, let's get it
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