#to make something so good it becomes the assumed cannon
realmsalot · 2 days
I've been obsessed with Relativity Falls au for some reason lately so of course I've been turning around my own version in my head lately. And with Fiddleford I keep flip flopping on who I would switch him because there are many good options. Like
Fiddleford <> Pacifica:
This seems to be the most popular option, I've seen many old woman Pacifica designs, but I personally cannot see McGucket be the snotty rich kid that Pacifica was at the start. I CAN see how he could be rich (Tate McGucket probably invented something and got a lot of money for it) but CAN'T see him be anyway snotty about it. I think the best way to make Fiddleford fit this role is through a series of misunderstandings. He is trying SO HARD to be nice to these twin brothers who are spending their summer in Gravity Falls and he just keeps messing up. He tries to make a robot to help them out but it end up turning evil and they assume that it was ment to sabotage them from the start. He tries to have a nice conversation with them but because he's rich he's just out touch enough to come off rude and show offy. FIDDS IS TRYING TO BE NICE FROM THE START!
Fiddleford <> Candy
It is easily the second most popular option here. There really isn't much to say with this one it's probably the one that makes the most sense. I can easily see Candy going to Backupsmore and telling Dipper/Mabel about the weird things shes seen in Gravity Falls. The idea that Stanley and Fidds became friends first before Ford and Fidds is interesting. My main grip with it is that if we're going with the version where Dipper is swapped with Ford, it implies that Mable and Candy never really became friends in this universe, which I find really sad. Honestly I think that the main reason this swap exists in that context is because of that one episode were they go on a road trip and Candy got crush on Dipper mixed with fact that many people ship FiddleAuthor.
Fiddleford <> Soos
Hear me out, hear me OUT! I've seen a few versions where even when Soos' Grandma is swapped with Soos, they also add Fidds as a handyman at the Shack anyways. But why not go the whole way, ya'know? Soos was a friend that Dipper met and shared a dorm with in Backupsmore. Soos was still older than Dipper. Soos and Melody were already married with a kid on the way, and Soos was also Gravity Falls' local handyman. He decided to get college and get like a mechanical engineering degree or maybe a trade in something there because even in the small town of Gravity Falls technology was only getting more and more complicated and Soos wanted to be able to keep up so he can keep making money for his family by fixing things. During their time at Backupsmore, Soos would tell Dipper about some of the crazy things he's seen living in Gravity Falls, and that inspires Dipper to go study it after college. And then the rest of that rolls out predictably. I can easily (and sadly) see Soos becoming the local kook. I imagine that it will also be much sadder for the locals to see Soos acting up because many of them have memories of him coming to fix their microwaves and stuff. And as for Fidds, he's the Mystery Shack's handyman. You can make him around the same age as the Stan twins, we know that in cannon that Soos started working there around that age, so he doesn't have to be Soos' cannon age. I think this works best with Dipper and Ford switching places because in cannon Dipper and Soos were friends, so it kinda easily transfers, ya'know. I've put a lot in this one.
And uh yeah that's my incoherent ramblings...
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you guys ever think about the fact that Dante Alighieri basically self-inserted himself into bible fanfiction and then everyone read it and forced it into their own headcannons
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tossawary · 13 days
Something I found surprising when revisiting the prequel trilogy is how much the clones aren't full characters in the movies. They're props. They're devices. The films give them the same weight and attention as they give the Separatist droids, really. The only two clone troopers I can easily name off the top of my head who get "named" in any way are Oddball and Cody, who are both just barely in "Revenge of the Sith", and interchangeable in their roles with any other background clone.
It's interesting when held up against "The Clone Wars" and other extension material, which had the time and inclination to say more directly, "Hey, these are people and what's happening to them is wrong." Like, obviously what's happening in Ep2&3 is wrong, the audience can draw that conclusion on their own, growing people as cannon fodder is a clear part of the greater tragedy if you take about five seconds to think about the situation here. Even without the element of the entire war being constructed and controlled by the main villain, the clones are a tragedy.
But, oh man, the movies themselves don't really care to focus on that. It's SUCH a background element. I had a "oh, yeah, Order 66 being programmed into a control chip was a later addition to / clarification of canon" moment while watching, because as far as Ep3 actually shows us (as was the initial intention by some, I know), Cody apparently knew the entire time that he might be called to fire on Obi-Wan Kenobi and was just waiting on the call. The "homogenous evil army" trope is... very much present and even more identical than usual here.
By the films alone, you can easily assume that the clone troopers have no love for any of the Jedi (whom we're meant to believe are relatively decent people) for a variety of reasons. Their upbringing and training on Kamino was presumably cold and brutal. They're (possibly enslaved) soldiers in an even more brutal war. This army is offered no development or individuality that makes the appalling Jedi Temple massacre out of character for any of them.
But when the various Clone Wars shows first turned the clones into individual characters and even protagonists, many of whom are shown to be good people and become friendly with the Jedi through years of teamwork in life-or-death situations, Order 66 became weird. "Wait, why would the majority of clones (all the clones we see in the movies, at least) just go along with this? What went wrong here?"
I get why TCW and SW canon settled on the control chips option and I find it interesting enough. The tragedy of it all makes me want to lie facedown on the floor. Darth Sidious is really winning at sheer evilness here.
On the other hand, there are some really fun and interesting "Order 66 was taught, not programmed" AUs to revisit here. Especially when some of the other (Legends canon now) contingency orders include what to do if the Supreme Chancellor is incapacitated or declared unfit, or even getting rid of the Supreme Chancellor and assuming control by lethal force if necessary. Presumably these orders existed as a back-up in case Palpatine wasn't elected to the seat in time for the war or didn't manage to get rid of term limits and was replaced as Chancellor at any point.
That really sounds like Palpatine's evil army of ruthless Jedi-Killers (unchipped) could have easily backfired on him if they'd ever decided all of these non-clones were unfit and organized to take power for themselves. I love any scenario where Palpatine's arrogant and overly complicated plans get him in trouble. The "homogenous evil army" often gets treated as a mindless mob, but while the clones may have some degree of emotional suppression, they're clearly very capable and not unintelligent, and they're not given many (if any) reasons to be loyal to the Republic. And it is FUNNY to imagine any Dark Lord's created army deciding that he fucking sucks at war (there's obviously a leak, why the FUCK are they losing so much ground to fucking droids) and they're overthrowing him for better benefits, so that they can create and run a more efficient Evil Empire themselves.
You could make this angsty as hell or a comedy, or both. I'm imagining the clones at the eleventh hour murdering Chancellor Palpatine with such brutal efficiency that it feels like its own kind of prejudice. And he gets revealed as a Sith Lord in the process (this was taken into account as a potential problem when planning the assassination), so there's an initial moment of: "I can't believe it! He was the Sith Lord in the Senate all along! How did you know?"
Cody: "Didn't."
Obi-Wan: "...Pardon?"
Cody: "This is a coup, sir."
Like, if we're going by what's shown in the movies alone, there's a clear Emperor Cody AU to be had here. Which can be played as a temporary (years long) measure to reinstall a Republic with proper checks and balances, while a bemused Jedi Order and Senate are held hostage, or the First Galactic Empire is established as per canon just with the clones running it and reaping the benefits. I'm currently enjoying thinking about the latter scenario as a dark comedy, in which Future Emperor Cody (or the clone of your choice) has to negotiate in his spare time with the various demands of his fellow clones. (Who are, let us remember due to the horror that is the accelerated aging, a bunch of teenagers at the oldest here.)
Rex: "I want Tatooine."
Cody: "The whole planet?"
Rex: "Yeah."
Cody: "It's a shithole."
Rex: "Yeah, but it'll make Skywalker so kriffing mad, so I'm calling dibs."
Cody: "Noted."
And if you want to write shipfic, there's always the AU of various Evil Army Clones meeting their love interest and then going, "Not evil anymore! Sorry, guys." Which could be angsty or another dark-ish comedy.
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otakubimbo · 2 months
Miguel isn't good at flirting, but that should be obvious shouldn't it?
 Miguel’s first attempt at flirting with you was actually the first time the two of you met. He had arrived in your dimension because there was an anomaly there, but by the time he had appeared, you had just finished capturing the sandman anomaly. He was impressed, to say the least by your skills. The way you webbed through the air, you were graceful yet powerful. It was as if nothing could stop you, the calculation of your attacks the sandman didn’t stand a chance. He barely even registered your speed as you came down in front of him.
“And you are?” You ask viewing him with reasonable wariness, you could tell that he was at least somewhat like you.
“I am the head of the arachno humanoid poly multiverse” He states matter of factly as if you should have already known that. The sentence almost makes you giggle.
“So, you mean the spider people multiverse” You take your mask off, shaking your coils out now realizing that he’s probably not a foe and really is just like you. “That’s cute”
At that Miguel almost becomes a stuttering fool if he could even speak, you were beyond beautiful. Your smile gave a brightness that could rival the sun.
“Well, that could be said in layman's terms but I’m more technical.” He finally gets out after feeling like he wasn’t able to breathe, de-digitizing his mask so you can see his face. You giggle at that; he was very handsome but he seemed a bit awkward. Miguel knows that he may never want to hear anything else besides that for the rest of his life.
“Yeah, I see that so what are you doing here, in my universe?” you question, putting a hand on your hip. You had already assumed it was for whatever you just took down, he kept calling for people that you had no clue about.
“Well, if you must know,” He begins “This is a sandman anomaly which seems to not be a cannon event in your universe. And it is our job as the arachnoid humanoid poly-multiverse group that take care of these types of situations. This is why I am here to take this one back, so the multiverse does not collide. It is essential to keep the universe safe” he goes on and on about the society he created.
His appearance didn’t give the type of man to ramble on like this, but. The idea was actually something that you wanted to get behind and when you questioned if you could join, Miguel thought his heart would stop. He assumed he was wooing you with his words but truthfully, you just had a big heart, and it broke yours to think about the loss of other universes.
And that is how you ended up in the spider society, working extremely close to Miguel because once he found out that not only were you a skilled spider fighting wise, but you were also absolutely brilliant. You had such a mind for science that rivaled his own and your enthusiasm had him captivated when you talked about the research you were doing on society’s behalf.
Everything about working for the spider society brought you joy. Expect, for one thing, Miguel. At first, you thought working with him was going to be amazing. He was smart and driven, you could tell his passion from the moment you met him. But now every encounter with him is insufferable. Any given moment that the two of you are working on something he always makes a note to mansplain everything, as if he didn’t himself ask for your assistance. Initially, you thought it was just adjusting to working alongside someone else; everyone in the society was surprised that he even asked for your assistance. As time went on though, it was as if he doubted your intelligence which pissed you off and confused you since he would constantly ask for your opinion or assign you tasks that he would usually take on himself. Every task he assigned you was completed expertly, and every repair he asked you to manage, was done efficiently. And yet, when it came down to you working on things he would make his way over without fail to over-explain everything to you. You didn’t know how much longer you were going to be able to take it.
Now here you were eating lunch with Jess, rubbing your temples from the headache that Miguel gave you earlier from explaining how the multiverse works AGAIN.
“I truly don’t know what his deal is, Jess” you groan putting your head down on the table hoping the cold metal will relieve some of the tension from your head. “Why ask for my help if he is going to micromanage me the whole time?! And according to everyone, he doesn’t even ask people for help so why ask me?!? Next time I am just going to tell him to do it himself.”
Jess just giggles at your frustrations, causing you to groan. She was finding humor in your suffering. The two of you had grown close to each other since you first entered the society, Jess seemed to be one of the few people Miguel put his trust and faith in which wasn’t surprising at first until you saw how he interacted with everyone else. He held her to such a high regard, and you felt lucky to work with her. Now the two of you were friends since she was always the first one you went to complain about Miguel and your friendship blossomed from there.
The two of you enjoy the rest of your lunch together, leaving the frustrating topic of Miguel behind. It helped you calm down a bit, he really had been working your last nerves with all his commentary on your assignments. But you were going to stick to your word, the next time he had something to say you would just tell him to do it himself. And now you are working diligently on fixing some of the watches that other spiders have damaged. They were easy fixes that most spiders could have done on their own, but Miguel has designated you to be the one who fixes them. He claims it is to ensure that it was done right, but who knows? Everything was going well, up until your last one when your Spidey senses told you that someone was standing in the doorway of your lab and all your other senses screamed that it was Miguel. As you resist the urge to audibly groan at his presence, you continue with your work as if he wasn’t even there. You wish you had worn your headphones instead of just playing music from your speaker so you could really ignore him but you weren’t that fortunate. Your spine tingles as you feel him approach you, attempting to think positively that maybe he won’t over-explain how to fix what you’re working on as if he again wasn’t the one who made you the go-to for all gizmo repairs.
“Hey, you know…..” He starts and it’s as if you see red, he begins to explain how to fix the damn gizmo that you were literally already fixing. In frustration, you slam your tools on the desk standing up quickly, surprisingly this takes Miguel back almost making him stumble.
“What the hell is the point of assigning me shit to do if you’re always going to come in and explain to me how to do it like I already don’t fucking know how to do it.” You almost yell, gritting your teeth, and your face scrunches up in frustration.
“What” he asked, a stupid stunned expression on his face as if he hadn’t done anything wrong and couldn’t even imagine why you were upset.
“Literally every single time you assign me anything or I do anything here you are to explain to me how to do it. What is the point of assigning me shit Miguel if you’re just going to come and tell me how to do shit every single fucking time? Just do it yourself then, stop asking me! It’s like you don’t even trust me!”  At this point you were yelling, talking with your hands, and most likely making a scene that any spider with sense would stay away from. You were absolutely heated, and Miguel just looked at you wide-eyed and confused. “Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?!?!”
“Because I don’t know what you’re talking about. I trust you more than anyone, that’s why I ask you to do all of this.” Miguel speaks softer than you think you’ve ever heard him which quells your anger a bit and now you’re confused.
“Then why do you always come and try to explain everything to me then?!?” Your voice is lower than before but you’re still slightly yelling.
“Well because”
“Because what Miguel”
He looks almost…. Nervous? You don’t think you’ve ever seen him nervous before. Yeah, when you first met him he was a rambling mess but you just assumed that was just the adrenaline speaking, ever since then he’s been this calm, collected, calculated man who despite his instinct to explain things to you, you may have grown fond of him.
“I do trust you to do your job. I wouldn’t give you the task if I didn’t think you would be able to accomplish it without my assistance.” He deflects from your question, which starts to bring back up your irritation.
“That doesn’t answer my question, Miguel. I’m so close to just going back to my universe and being done with this honestly.” Your frustrated threat makes Miguel even more confused about what is going on. He thought you liked being here, he thought he was impressing you with his knowledge.
“I was trying to impress you” He states matter of fact as if it was obvious.
“Impress me?? What???” Your temper is still up, and it comes out harsher than you mean it to because now you’re the one confused.
“I was attempting to show you my knowledge and understanding of things. You know to impress you and show you how intelligent I am” he gives a huff in a really cute pouty way for a man his size, and this confession brings a smile to your face as you start being thrown into a fit of laughter.
“I don’t see what’s so funny about any of this.” His voice is stern, he is obviously upset at your laughter, arms crossed over his chest in frustration. He was cute, he was too cute and now all of it was clicking for you. Miguel O Hara had been trying to flirt with you, in the worst way imaginable. “Has it not been obvious how fond I am of you?”
You catch your breath, as your laughing fit subsides, “No, Miguel you were actually really pissing me off.”  He frowns at the realization that his attempts at flirting have actually been doing the opposite of its intended effect.  “I know you’re smart, you literally developed most of this technology by yourself. There wasn’t anything you had to prove to me.”
“Well I-“Miguel stutters, the great Miguel O Hara stuttered. “Well, then how was I supposed to show you?”
“Show me what”
“That I am fond of you.”
“Fond of me, you mean like you like me?” Your head tilts in the most adorable way that has Miguel flustered, the brown hue of his face getting deeper as a blush crept up his neck.
“Not obviously actually.” You smile gently at him, thinking about all the times you have been so frustrated with him, and he was just trying to flirt with you.
“Well then how would I show you?” He asks genuinely, more awkward than you have ever seen the confident man.
“You could ask me out on a date, you know like a regular person.”
“Okay, so would you like to go on a date with me?”
You smile at him, and Miguel thinks his heart just stopped, “Yes Miguel I would, just tell me where and when” He does a curt nod, not knowing exactly what to say as his brain racks for ideas on where to take you turning around to leave your lab.
“Oh, and Miguel, by the way,” you stop him before he can “You don’t have to try and impress me, you already do.”
And the way you smiled at him after saying that he had to do everything to hold his composure as the stoic man he has tried to portray himself as but he can’t help the small smile that graces his face at your comment.
“You’re really gonna go out with him?” Jess asks the next time the two of you hang out, as you tell her about your last interaction with Miguel.
“Yes, yes, I am. You don’t understand, he was so cute when he was telling me that he was trying to impress me. He even BLUSHED.”
“Such a 180 from wanting his head on a spike” she chuckles.
“I know I know I know I know. But really you don’t understand how cute he was after I basically did put his head on a spike.”
“I could have told you that he liked you”
“And why didn’t you?” You huff, crinkling your nose at the fact she let you sit here frustrated with that man’s behavior for MONTHS.
“Eh, not as fun” she laughs at you, while you roll your eyes at her.
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ctrlchar · 8 months
could you write a little jake x fem reader enemies to lovers
Jake webber enemies to lovers head cannons
a/n:tyty for the request, jake’s kinda a dick for a little bit of this so bare with me guys and requests are always open 🙏
it would probably start with you being Johnnie’s friend and the three of you making videos together
you guys had all been sitting together in the recording room and it was the first video you and jake had made together so obviously you weren’t that close
hell this was only the second or third time you had met
you had been giving Johnnie more attention which made Jake jealous but he wouldn’t ever admit that
atleast not to you
then it got to the point where he had been a bit rude to you
he would never say anything about you or to you in attempt to hurt you however, actions definitely speak much louder then words
for example when the three of you would go out Jake would pay for Johnnie’s food (since Jake would be the one driving) but wouldn’t pay for yours
or whenever you would make a video on your channel (assuming you had one) Jake wouldn’t help pay for what ever it was you guys would react to since it wasn’t his video therefore,not his problem
his defense would be something along the lines of him not knowing you well
you’d try your best to ignore his behavior as well as the way you would get butterflies in your stomach whenever you would catch him staring at you for a little too long
one night the three of you decided to go out to a party together
Jake’s wearing some jeans and a shirt that shows off his star tattoos when his arms are raised which you knew would drive you crazy throughout the night had you three stuck together
the car ride there was hell
you knew you couldn’t hate him as much as you wanted to,especially not whenever he looked so good
his hands gripping the wheel with each vein becoming more prominent as he holds onto the leather cover of the wheel
occasionally you would take a couple of glances up at him just for your eyes to meet whenever you would look up at his rear view mirror
the ride there was a bit awkward since you sat in the back of the car scrolling on your phone while Jake and Johnnie conversed
each time Johnnie would invite you into whatever it was they were talking about Jake quickly shut down the conversation
because Jake didn’t want to have any feelings towards you,scared that liking his best friends best friend wouldn’t end up well
and in his mind if he just ignored you he assumed the feelings he had would disappear because that definitely makes sense
once you had all arrived at the party you and Johnnie stuck together while Jake goes and socializes with some of his friends
the real reason he left though was because he couldn’t stand the way you and Johnnie were so close
he really couldn’t stand the way it was so easy for you to talk to him,how you look so pretty when you subconsciously play with you hair or fingers while you would talk
you grab yourself a drink before you finally decide ask Johnnie a question
“why does jake hate me? I mean he may not hate me but he never interacts with me,hardly talks to me and he’s been like this since we met and when we do talk he’s always such a dick about it” you question with a slight frown
surely his best friend would have an answer
Johnnie debates on what he should tell you but he just shrugs and says “i wouldn’t say he hates you per say” to which raises your suspicions
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you ask since you didn’t know if what Johnnie said was or wasn’t what you wanted to hear
he simply shrugs his shoulders again “do with that information as you will” he jokes because he does know why,he knows Jake likes you,he knows Jake’s jealous of you guys’ friendship, he knows how attractive you are in jake’s eyes but what kind of friend would he be to just rat his friend out like that?
he noticed your expression change after the conversation to which he says “if youre really that concerned about it just go ask him” however this is much easier said then done
or so you thought
“i’ll think about it” you say before telling him you’ll be back so you can go to the bathroom
you search the house looking for the bathroom until you clichely run into Jake on the way
he looks you up and down admiring your outfit as if it’s the first time you’ve seen him all night
“where’s Johnnie at?” he starts “i figured you guys would be together the whole night” he says with a hint of irritation in his voice. “last I saw him was by the kitchen,what’s it to you? you’re not jealous or anything huh?” you joke not thinking anything of it
jake defensively,almost too defensively, says “why would I, Jake webber be jealous of you and my friend hanging out?” cocking a brow in the process. you take a minute to think, remembering the conversation you had a couple minutes ago “you tell me,you’re the one who’s hated me since the fucking second i met you” you spit,your tone suddenly changing with Jake who was clearly not expecting to have this conversation with you tonight and especially not in a place like this. “i don’t hate you” he mutters under his breath barely audible over the music, his confidence diminishing slightly as he realizes he might as well tell you how he actually feels
“right…” you say questioning what it was that he was saying until he cut you off “i don’t hate you at all,I guess I was just jealous of you and Johnnie because of how close you are. I really like you, and-and I knew I would since the second Johnnie told me about you I like how you present yourself,I like how you act,how you dress and you-“
you step up on your tip toes and wrap your arms around his neck before pulling him into a endearing kiss not caring about the place you were in
after a couple more moments you pull back and with a laugh you say “I guess you could say I don’t hate you that much either”
he smiles softly at this before resting his hands along the sides of your face and mumbling a quick apology for the way he had treated you over the last month or so.
he promises that from now on he’ll treat you impossibly well before kissing you once more
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strwberri-milk · 4 months
Hello can I request for Rafayel x Fem! reader head cannons (you may add the other guys if you think it applies). It’s sort of angsty but (imo) mainly funny. 
Rafayel is making his move, trying to show that he’s genuinely interested in the reader, but to his dismay she’s not getting it. The reader is pretty dense, so at the start she genuinely doesn’t get it. Later on, as Rafayel makes it a bit more obvious, and she picks up on it, but the is in denial. It could a be mix of insecurities, and not wanting to ruin the friendship, but she’d rather assume that he’s being friendly or that he’s just like that because they’ve grown closer as friends. So now the reader is in this weird state of being both dense and in denial while Rafayel is struggling. To top it all off, I think Rafayel would especially be frustrated when he does this nice bordering romantic gesture for the reader and all he gets as a reply is “oh, thanks dude!”
I hope this is all coherent. Thank you and have a nice day!
makes perfect sense!! i love. dense object of affection failing to see affection being given to them grr
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Rafayel is rich, famous, and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. He's constantly surrounded by upper society and you just somehow became lucky enough to meet him during a chance encounter and now. somehow, he considers you his closest friend. Any of those things on their own would intimidate you greatly but the fact that he has all of them together makes it hard for you to believe he'll look at you as anything other than his friend.
Rafayel however looks at you and sees the life he wishes to have more than anything. He just wants quiet afternoons with you, to ramble out whatever thoughts he has in his mind, cook and take care of you. At first he was under the impression that his feelings were subtle. He thinks he's a good actor and for the most part he is very good at concealing his feelings but when you don't respond to anything romantic that he does he first thinks he wasn't obvious enough and ups the ante. This makes him become even more obvious to everybody around the two of you except for you for whatever reason.
It's gotten bad enough that he tried to surprise you with the works. Flowers, your favourite treats, some other trinkets that made him think of you all wrapped up in a pretty basket sitting on your doorstep when you came home and yet all he got in response was a string of emojis and a very platonic thank you. He's doing his best not to rip out his hair at how dense you are, finally realising that if he doesn't tell you straight up you'll never recognise his feelings for you.
You on the other hand had noticed that he was getting more romantic with you. You'd begun observing the things he does around other people versus you, knowing that he treats you differently than others by a great margin but also refusing to attribute such behaviours with a romantic intention. After all, why would he pick you out of literally anybody in the world that he could have?
You two are spending the evening together as per usual, Rafayel insisting you come over for dinner because he's received an exceptionally fresh batch of fish tonight and you absolutely have to try some. Conversation flows easily over the sound of your cutlery against the glass and you can't help but notice the soft look in Rafayel's eyes. It's as though he's dropped all his walls just for you in this moment, cheek resting against his palm as he listens to you speak.
"You really don't know how I feel about you?"
Your eyes widen as he speaks for the first time in a while. You were going on and on about something and he was more than happy to just listen to you do so, sitting back in his chair as he crosses his arms. You decide to play more dumb, biting back the doubt in your mind that he actually means what you hope he does.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you laugh, taking another bite of the food.
"Do you really think I'd do all of this for just anybody?" he asks with a chuckle, gesturing to the table.
"I - I mean we're close friends, aren't we? That's what I thought this was," you stutter, averting his gaze.
"We've been close for a while and you told me yourself I'm your best friend. You keep people at an arm's length and you just seem so lonely I don't want to even think about anything that could ruin our friendship."
You ramble a little, Rafayel carefully considering your words as you continue give him excuse after excuse as to why he wouldn't return your feelings for him.
It doesn't take him long to get fed up, scoffing a little as he comes around the table to stand beside you. He slips his arms around your shoulders, sighing happily as he nuzzles his face into your neck.
"You're really dense, did you know that?" he says against your skin, looking up at you.
"I do so much for you and you still don't know how I feel about you," he whines a little, resting his hands on your shoulders.
"I just didn't want to get ahead of myself," you finally admit, mind spinning from how close he is to you right now.
"Well, you aren't getting ahead of yourself at all. If it takes you even more to finally believe me then I guess I can keep going."
Despite the supposed annoyance in his voice you can tell by the way he slumps against you that he's glad the two of you are finally on the same page. You can't help but press up against him closer, putting a hand on one of his and rolling your eyes playfully at his dramatics.
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litnerdwrites · 5 months
"Cassian would be such a good father!" "He's such a girl dad!" "I hope we get a Nessian baby in the next Acotar book!"
That would be the start of a horror story. Not because of the risk of death thing, since it was taken care of at the end of ACOSF. No. Nessian are not ready for a kid, and quite possibly never will be at this rate. There are 101 reasons why neither Nesta or Cassian would be good parents at this current stage in their relationship and their personal development, especially if the dynamic we see in the HOFAS bonus chapter is anything to go by.
When you become a parent, you are responsible for your child's physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, and should provide for them within the best of your abilities. That goes beyond food, shelter and clothing. It means support, love and encouragement, fostering a safe, nurturing environment for them to grow up, free to be themselves.
Nessian can't give that. Not entierly anyway. I don't believe that either of them wouldn't love their child. What concerns me is if they would love their child enough.
Cassian has proven time and time again that he will chose Rhysand over Nesta, no matter what. If he can't chose his damn mate, how could he chose his child. What would he do if it came down to choosing between his Rhysand and his mate & child?
We've established that the mating bond is likely to be the Cauldron's form of selective breeding based on power, so it's highly likely that their child would be incredibly powerful too. The IC have been shown to go as far as lie and manipulate their own in order to exploit their powers. That is what happened to Nesta in ACOSF time and time again. Hell, it's been happening since the IC met Nesta in ACOMAF.
It's not beyond possibility for the IC to lie and manipulate or guilt trip Nessian's child the way they did to Nesta, so they can exploit that power. The worst part is, Cassian, thus far, hasn't given us a reason to think he wouldn't go along with it. If Amren, or Rhysand decide they need Nessian's kid to do something "for the good of the court" but Nessian's kid doesn't want to, or is reluctant? Would Cassian really stand up to Rhysand for the sake of his child? He doesn't love Nesta enough to stand up for her, why would he try to stand up for his kid?
Even if he did stand up for NK, (I'm calling his and Nesta's hypothetical kid NK from this point on, to make things easier) what's to stop the IC from going behind his and Nesta's back? What's to stop Cassian, from going behind Nesta's back on the off chance that he agrees with the IC but Nesta refuses to allow it (assuming NK isn't an adult, which in this world is about 50-80 years)? I wouldn't put it past Nesta's own sisters, and so-called family to undermine her rights and position as NK's mother by going behind her back and making the kid do what they want anyway.
They might not even bother hiding it from her and, like the intervention, tell her it's happening, regardless of how she feels. What proof do we have that Cassian would stand up for her or NK? Would stop the IC, for his child's sake, and defend his mate's right as Nk's mother? He wouldn't. Current, cannon Cassian, wouldn't. He simply doesn't care for Nesta enough to defend her rights and boundaries as his mate, so we can't believe he would defend NK from the IC, if it came down to it.
Then there's the issue of Illyria. Some people are of the opinion that the bat boys would send their kids to Illyrian war camps because it's their culture, while others argue that they wouldn't because it was traumatising. Personally, I think certain parts of Illyrian culture needs to become part of their history instead, like the child soldiers, and wing clippings, for example, but that's not the point.
Rhysand claims to advocate for change and equality in Illyria by thrusting a sword into a woman's hand, and basically forcing them to train too. Based on the argument with Devlon in ACOFAS, it's safe to assume that some level of force and authority is being used to make the women train. But handing them a sword and making them train, presumably in skin tight leathers, while men gawk and stare at them, isn't Equality.
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Equality, by definition, means that men and women have the same status, rights and opportunities.
Opportunity, by definition, is "A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something".
Equality in Illyria won't exist until men and women alike have the choice to not be warriors. Women like Emerie are lucky enough to inherit businesses, but the social circumstances mean that while women may, technically, run businesses, social pressures prevent it. They either wouldn't get business, or other Illyrians might refuse to sell business licenses or stock to them.
These same social pressures are what the IC apply to women when they make them train with the men, without considering what they want. These are the same social pressures that the IC would apply to NK if they decided that they wanted her at these camps. Not only would they consent to leaving one of the youngest members of their 'family' with a people who are so openly hostile to them and to women in general, what are the odds that they would hear any objections from NK?
If NK said they didn't want to train, but the IC wanted them to become a warrior, either to help protect Velaris or to, once more, exploit their powers, or their potential strength (Illyrian killing power, whatever that is).
Cassian claims to love his people, but won't provide them with the opportunities they deserve. He doesn't look or listen to find out what they need, and he did the same to Nesta. He forced her to do things she didn't want to, without asking or understanding what she wanted or needed. If his child were to refuse training, or express interest in other areas, would he ignore them too? Would he force them to train as well?
If his child went through something traumatic (which is pretty much guaranteed with the IC as their family), would he resort to the same methods they used to break Nesta? Once again, we have no reason to believe he wouldn't strip his children of their personal choices, all so they become loyal, complacent weapons of the IC.
What's worse, is that those children may even become weapons to use against Nesta. Who's to stop the IC from telling Nesta's own kids lies and stories to turn them against her? They isolated her in an attempt to break her into compliance, what are the odds they wouldn't bar Nesta from her children? They used Elain to strong arm Nesta into doing their bedding, who's to say they wouldn't use her children? Or manipulate her children against her in some way? Who's to say Cassian wouldn't just let it happen, or even actively participate in the manipulation.
Cassian's loyalty and dedication to the IC would always come before Nesta and their potential children. He's not ready to be a father because he could never put his children before his brother or the rest of his family. The truth I'm seeing is that Cassian, clearly, doesn't love his mate, and probably wouldn't love his child as much as the IC. He wouldn't love them enough to stand up for them. He wouldn't love them enough to not manipulate or coerce them into using their body or powers in a way that the IC approves of (yeah, I also never thought I'd have to read, much less write, that a parent wouldn't love their kid enough to not manipulate them). He's unfit, at this point, to be a parent.
Moving on to Nesta, who still has several unresolved mommy issues, clearly. Her mother raised her to marry a prince and, assumedly, be the perfect wife. Given that the way women are treated in the mortal lands, it's not a stretch to imagine that part of that training would mean obeying her husband (or in this case, mate,) and looking the other way if he cheated, amongst other things.
These values may explain why Nesta isn't as assertive against the IC or Cassian as we'd like. Even if it's subconsciously, some of those values seem likely to be so ingrained in her that she can't break away, as we see when she takes Rhysand's abuse in HOFAS bonus chapter. It's also a fair to assume it may be part of the reason she does what the IC ask when searching for the trove. I'm not saying that those traditions and her mommy issues are the only reason why, there's plenty of other reasons why Nesta acts in these ways, including the brainwashing she got in ACOSF, but it's reasonable to assume that they're at least part of the reason why.
Speaking of brainwashing, Nesta was brainwashed in ACOSF. She was beat down and forced into submission to the point where she even tells Gwyn that she's glad Feyre did that for her. Nesta gave up her dream and desires to travel, her power, her autonomy, and her aspirations just to be subservient to the IC. She became barely a shell of who she was by the end of that book.
That's not to say this is Nesta's fault. Not by a long shot. This is a result of abuse at the hands of the IC, her mother and Cassian. Abuse that left Nesta way more vulnerable and malleable than she was before, stripping her of anything the IC didn't approve of. Meanwhile Cassian did nothing. She thought that she had to earn Cassian's love, despite him being her so-called mate. She seriously thought that she, as her parents' daughter, had to earn their love, for fucks sake people.
What happens if the IC decide that they don't like way NK is growing up, or that they don't like how the kid is dealing with potential trauma? Will they push Nesta into believing her own child doesn't deserve her love? Will Nesta, at any point, consider if her child doesn't deserve her love if they don't have an interest in training or court affairs or training their powers? f
Nesta, like Cassian, is unfit to be a parent, for similar, yet very different reasons. Nesta's self hatred and the lack of ability to stand up to the IC (not saying that's her fault) would bring into question if she would be able to stand up for her children. If Cassian won't stand up for either of them, then how would she, if she feels that her kids deserve better, and that the IC are better. If she feels powerless, and weak, because of their abuse, she likely wouldn't be able to stand up to them. If they come after her together, she wouldn't be able to stand up to them.
I'm not saying any of this is Nesta's fault. She is a victim of abuse. Plain and simple. However, it's also reasonable to decide that she'd be unfit as a parent at that point in time, in large part, due to the environment that was created around her. It's not an environment to raise a child. Especially since Nesta is so brainwashed that it took a stranger from another world (Ember) who knew nothing about her pointing out how messed up her situation was for her to begin considering it as a possibility.
Nesta's own self hatred wouldn't allow her to see anybody but herself as the problem, so she likely wouldn't stand up to the IC or Cassian for her kids, in part because it was so ingrained that she had to obey her husband, but also, in part, because she's less likely to be able to fully understand if or how the IC or Cassian's actions hurt them. Or to consider those actions unnecessary. Even if it came down to mating bond divorce being the best option, if kids are involved, she might not end up going through with it, which can often be worse for kids than a divorce.
Nesta would love her kids so fiercely, but it would be difficult for that love to outweigh the brainwashing, self hatred and abuse that has been engraved into her mind for practically her whole life. She wouldn't love them enough for it to overshadow those voices in her head, through, once again, no fault of her own.
Then the kid themselves. Bringing a child into that mess would be just as torturous for the poor kid.
Imagine what it would do to a child, seeing your uncle threaten to kill your mother, while your aunts, and father and rest of your family let it happen. All because your mother tried to do the right thing?
Or, another scenario, is if NK overhears their aunt (Mor) complaining about how horrible their mother is, and how she belongs in a place you were taught was terrible and evil because she's just like them.
What would it do to NK, to grow up hearing Amren, somebody their Uncle and mother trust and love, refer to their mom in reference to how useful her powers are, or to NK themselves by how useful they are to the court.
NK would likely be forced to do things they don't want to 'show a united front' or to train because it sets an example to the Illyrians. NK would be exploited for their potential power, an initiative likely spearheaded by Amren, and trained to be just as blindly loyal to Nyx as Cassian is to Rhysand.
The child would likely be left to Amren to train, with or without Nesta's consent, and even if she did find the strength to vehemently reject the IC's methods of trying to raise her kid, she'd be punished. She'd be locked up and told she was bad for her own child's wellbeing, while breaking down the poor kid the way they broke her down. They stripped Nesta of her autonomy and freedom. If she had a kid, it wouldn't be long before they stripped her of her role as a mother.
At the end of the day, Nessian wouldn't be great parents, because the IC aren't a great family. They have issue upon issue to work through before they can consider their relationship even somewhat functional or healthy, much less bring a child into it.
So no. Nessian doesn't need a kid. They'd be terrible parents and need to figure their own shit out before they even consider having a kid. Nesta isn't in a good place, mentally, physically, or emotionally, to be able to act with the kid's best interests at heart. Meanwhile Cassian is either delusional enough that he thinks Rhysand's best interests equal everybody's best interests, including his kid's. So, he won't bother to stop Rhys or the IC from using the kid however he wants.
Which is why I'm begging you. Please. No. No Nessian kid in the next book. Not in any book. Not unless SJM somehow fixes the relationship between Nesta and Cassian, and by that, I mean figure out how to fix Cassian's character from ACOSF.
(On a side note, Nesta's basically still a kid by fae standards, and so is Feyre. So why? Why would they not wait anyway? Cause ew.)
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threepandas · 1 month
Since you don't mind, I'll explain the idea, isekai guy! the reader in one of the goals (hits from the moment of birth), a hothouse guy - a knight from a not very noble family, perhaps in one of the bad endings he dies, protecting the main character with his body ... romantic, right? but the MC does not think so, he is the only heir of the family, he needs to think about himself, and about his mother, and about his sisters (of which there are many, because his father had many concubines). If he dies, then they will all be in danger, because of this the MC decided not to pay attention to the saint - a commoner (MC of the game), and in order to look at girls at all, first you need to successfully marry off your beloved sisters, preferably to worthy men, and for this you need money. He loves all his sisters, his mother is the temporary head of the family (until the end of his studies) with the help of her son accepted the illegitimate children of her husband and is calmly waiting for the time when she can give control to her son (she is confident in him). Platonic! Yandere - this story is his mother, his sisters and his older sisters' husbands (his close friends), some of his sisters he bought out of brothels (it's clear where his father went) and helped them enter society, others he simply supported (girls in the Middle Ages, and they already have life and sugar, and they are also illegitimate children), and was the light. His brothers-in-law (his sisters' husbands) also care about him, since he helped many of them in difficult times in life and brought them together with their beloved spouses, but they are more in the background somewhere. And then the sisters find out about a coquette who seduced a prince, a duke and a magician (or rather, just started doing it), and suddenly began making eyes at their brother. They will not tolerate such a girl near their brother. How they will get rid of her, I will leave to your choice ...
Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day / night / evening
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Ooooh this is a VERY good idea! Not sure I could do it justice with my lvl of skill to be honest? Cause it would take at least a few chapters to unfold.
Reader is def a Pillar of Strength. The "I'm going to try and do the right thing, because no one ELSE fucking will" sort? Who is pissed and heart sick at the treatment of his half sisters? Probably wants to bring his father back to life just to murder him himself.
Heck, he even has the concubines to worry about, assuming they were decent ladies. Those are his sister's MOMS. This is less a family and more a small LEGION. Noble blood or not, the house can only afford so much. ESPECIALLY after his father's fucking spending spree!
All HE really has is his body. His strength.
He can be a KNIGHT.
Try desperately to navigate the politics of having so many sister to marry off. Because? It's DEFINITELY making certain factions nervous? Marriages are ALLIANCES. They bind houses together!
Why are you trying to unit so many houses under your command, huh, boy? Up to something? Getting IDEAS???
No! No he is NOT! That and the constant background checks on the suitors. Education for the youngest. Education for HIMSELF. Because maybe if he marries some of his sister's abroad? There was a nice lord several nations over! But, shit, I don't speak that language! Guess I have to learn! Teach HER that language and the culture! Aaaaaaaah!
He?? Doesn't have TIME for romance! Are you KIDDING him?!
This is all ON TOP of managing the MESS of neglect his Family's lands have become! There are land disputes and bandits! Bridge inspections! Tax audits! YOU guys may be able to frolic around with the saintess, but HE is a Border Lord! His lands are both vital to the security of the county AND under his IMMEDIATE command!
Cannon Him was a negligent DUMBASS!
And? Obviously, he wouldn't be impressed by bloodline or wealth. Not for marriage prospects. He's not gonna SELL a family member just to make HIS life easier! Fuck that! We tighten the belt, sell a few ugly paintings, and ignore the sneers. We'll get through this. NO ONE is getting married to an abusive peice of shit on his watch.
Second sons. Bastards. Those of poor birth but Great Ambition. Men who are BRILLIANT and SKILLED and ADORE their beautiful, magnificent, "how the FUCK did I get this lucky, every day is a dream" wives. Who turn around, WITH their beloved wife, and...
Want to Take Care of their poor, poor beleaguered Brother~♡.
The man who gave them THE WORLD. Who SUFFERS under the weight of it. Struggles and fights, exhausted, against an endless sea of FILTH trying to tear his family apart. Destroy him. When was the last time HE rested? Was taken care off? Relaxed? He tries so, so hard to protect THEM. They just... just want to be there for HIM, you know?
Be HIS support.
Have him turn around, relieved, smiling and say "oh thank goodness it's YOU! I can rest easy now, knowing YOU are here. I Needed You Here, You've Got This, I Trust You."
But then? THEN??? As his BELOVED family is gathering around? Preparing to... subtly... GENTLY, mind you! Maneuver him back towards home and out of all this STRESSFUL politics and gold gathering and general drudgery? That frilly little "Saintess", who does NOT seem terribly Holy if you ask them, sets her covetous eyes on THEIR dearest Brother/Brother-in-law/Son!
Don't Saints have TEMPLE Duties? Hmmmm? Unlike THEIR Brother, seems SOMEONE here has NEGLECTED their Duty! Holy my ASS. Have you even stepped FOOT in the Temple in the last DECADE? When did you last PRAY? Perform sacred rights? Cleansing rituals?
Besides! WE don't even FOLLOW those Gods! Yeah, didn't stop to ASK about that, DID YA?! No, you presumptuous *Censored!*! This country may have a STATE religion, but it doesn't enforce it upon others! Because it goes AGAINST said religion! We follow a local God from a different pantheon! *shouted theological rant by Sister number 6, the religious scholarly one.*
It'd be hilarious. One man's journey to take care of his family. That spirals WILDLY out of control with an endless serious of "oh... just one more thing..." and trying to find a SINGLE FUCKING DECENT MAN in the whole shit show of a country for his sister's to marry?
Only to accidentally?
Stumble upon "yandere" as the winning formula, not knowing it. They don't drink. Don't gamble. Would NEVER lay a hand on their beloved spouse. Are romantics and respectful, ambitious and want to make a good life for their family's. Extremely Loyal. Did he mention ADORE their spouses? Not JUST for their youthful beauty? No, no, for THEM. These guys will love them FOREVER.
It's perfect! *each red flag makes a whooshing noise as it sails merrily riiiight over his head* hmm? You hear something?
Unfortunately? Or fortunately, depending on the angle? They are IN to that! Freak to freak behavior! Yandere on Yandere marriages. WHOLE fuckin bloodline is probably cursed now. Rip everyone in THAT region. Cause that's a timebomb waiting to go off horrificly.
But not yet!
Right now? It's just interesting~☆
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universallypersona · 3 months
hai hai do yu have mime bomb hcs :3
Truth be told, This was slightly hard to make since I couldn't exactly grasp alot of HC's of him like the rest but YESSSSSSSSSS
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I'd like to believe he had some sort of traumatic past as a child to become a mime. For an example; He might've ran away from an abusive family in France and never looked back, He had to beg in the streets but he was amused when a Mime earned some coins so maybe the Mime gave him tips and tricks how to be one BUT the Mime was also teaching him pickpocketing before the Mime disappeared with no trace, which I assumed Mime Bomb just expertise how the Mime did and the V.I.L.E. found him as a "unique student"
The creators didn't specify exactly if Mime Bomb was mute or not but I do HC him as mute since it would add more to his past, and I think it'd be so cool if they add more characters with disabilities for more rep if interpreted correctly (I don't know if it is rude for assuming a character has a disability but if so I'll gladly take this down)
He does not have like.. ACTUAL, REAL AS IN REAAALLL friends but he does have people who know him but not personally. Although, I do think Neal the Eel is one person who he is much closer than to everybody else he's ever known
He's great with kids though, Just that sometimes the kids get scared because of his makeup
He's probably the first one to know if something is going on ngl or he could be THE mastermind itself when he needs to 'take down' someone which is awesome as well since it's cannon as heck that he can move without the opponent noticing him
He does not have a specific music taste but he's always seen playing Jazz music so people assume he only likes that type of music (He played rock music once and most V.I.L.E. agents were shocked for a second before they just shrugged it off)
He. Loves. Black. No cap, No borax. But, He does like the color blue and red
Knows — NO, HE. IS. GREAT. At tap dancing. I JUST KNOW ITTTT
Doesn't know how to cook BUT he is awesome on baking. Just say the name of the dish and he already has the ingredients prepared
So far, He's actually had a slightly good relationship with the gang except for Sheena, She finds him creepy and one time she punched him when he appeared beside her so suddenly out of reflex/defense (He was unconscious for three minutes in the clinic ngl)
Among all of the gang, Antonio is probably one person who doesn't mind him at all. Antonio, as well, is by far mostly used to Mime Bomb's sudden appearances unlike the rest
Not a lot of people consider him as a "threat" but they do know he doesn't like to be underestimated which is why most of the time they just shrug him off
I hc him to be aromantic though since I really think he's just "Y.O.L.O" to other people. In addition to that, I think he's probably never had a certain crush whatsoever and is most likely more focused on himself ngl
HE LOVEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS CATSSSSSSSS. He sometimes tries to bring one to V.I.L.E. but it ends up with him getting in trouble and forced to drop them off on the streets again :((
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fandomfrenzy625 · 8 months
Baxter thoughts
Spoilers ahead
First of all
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I win!!!!!?
And based on the background he's working with the 3 V’s - mainly vox
My oldest headcanon was that Baxter was coming into the show by working with Vox and thus the 3 V's, heck I've written stories with this idea (on archive on our own if you do want to check it out :)
anyways, with most of the episodes of season 1 released we may have been given an idea of what his role is currently behind the scenes
In previous shots we see lots of product placement within the V industry such as
Velvettes love potion
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Vox Tech
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and possibly even Valantinos hypnotic smoke
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Now it could be that the three make them on their own naturally, having their own demonic ability
Such as Valantino seeming to produce the poison in liquid/drool form
But needed something or SOMEONE to amplify this power and making it into products for more purposes, such as selling to the masses and building their company higher
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We also only really see them being the head of the company and not actually making them themselves, or at least giving ideas in for workers to achieve, which is usual with being the boss of a large corporations
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But Where Baxter comes into this is that I belive he's the main guy in charge of the all production
The one making the potions and tech
Possibly being Vox's Angel dust (if you get what I mean)
how he will start to interact with hotel I'm not too sure however
I'm not sure if they will go with the liar reveal/spy becoming part of the found family as it was already touched upon with Sir pentious and he didn't want to send someone who wasn't "expendable"
But again Vox could be that desperate in destroying Alastor he wouldn't think twice
After all we don't know what the relationship is between the two
Who knows, this is going of 3 seconds of screen time
But based on past streams that may or may not be cannon anymore, there is a good chance he will eventually come into the hotel
It is safe to assume that vox wouldbecome more furious, with how 2 people from the V's would join the hotel and the radio demon, making him more of a threat
But the main things I want to see:
if Sir pentious and Baxter previously knew one another, with Baxter potentially creating the eggs and hopefully the Mad Mechanic Vs Mad scientist fight
also if the headcannon of him being afraid of water is true or if he's embraced it like Angel dust
So if it comes to light that Baxters soul is owned by Vox
What do you think his chains will look like?
We have angel (Valentino): pink smoke chains
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Husk (Alastor) : green glow in the dark but physical chains
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And vox?
I headcanon blue with electricity flowing through it
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And a little angst to it:
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Baxter covers his neck to hide possible electric scars each time Vox looses his temper ans may direct it at Baxter
But that's all the thoughts I've got so far so we’ll just have to see :)
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mushed-kid · 21 days
Beloved mutual
Share some head cannons with the class?
assuming you mean voltron. okay im not good at headcanons, i feel like i usually dont have any but maybe i just dont remember or think of it
- pidge is trans ftm. i consider this canon.
- i like t4t klance
- romelle is trans mtf
- klance is canon post series
- lance fucking flunks his drivers test so hard. like three times or something. he can fly a lion and it’s not the same as a car okay
- i think its a popular headcanon that shiro cant cook and its funny to me, but i think he’s good at it
- keith can make food but it wont taste very good because he just makes it to eat to not be hungry, not for enjoying the food
- when lance becomes a farmer, they make a farm next to keith’s shack, so he lives there and keith has a place to come back to in between his missions (they’re dating so them living together just makes sense)
- coran starts learning other random human languages and the others dont understand what he says
uhh idk thats all i could think of🤷‍♂️ i dont know any headcanons okay😔 i just think Yippie
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my-pjo-stuff · 24 days
gen question, what are your opinions on each of the Olympians (you don't have to but plz separate for each god cause I'm really interested
Lmao dw, although I should warn you many of my opinions are the same or very similar on them, so I shortened parts and left others out (elaboration at the end) ZEUS - Tyrannt king who's no better than Kronos in terms of personality who deserves to be overthrown. HERA - Cruel woman who yes, is hurt and props mistreated by Zeus and his actions, but still takes her anger out on innocent people. Also deserves to be overthrown
HADES - Upholding and unjust system who may somewhat be okay to Nico, but still is a shitty parent. He litteraly wanted to force Nico to become the Hero of the Great Prophecy for his own gain despite believing the hero would die. Deserves to be overthrown, and have CPS called on him. POSEIDON - A "nice" dictator is still a dictator y'all. Uses and treats mortal life just as carelessly as everyone else. Him being a good father to Percy does not make him a good guy or someone who is a good ruler. I mean just look at his r*pe bodycount plz DEMETER - Negelctful parent who uses her children as much as canon fodder as everyone else. Helps to uphold an unjust system that uses and abuses literal children and their mortal parents while activley benefiting from it.
APHRODITE - Negelctful parent who also uses and abuses her children. Just because she talked to Piper and helped her dad doesn't make her a good person or mother. The main reason for that is that she does not give that same level of attention and care to the rest of her children- picking favorites is not suddenly "okay" or "cool" just because your favorite character happens to be the favorite child.
ATHENA - Negelectful parent who uses her kids as cannon fodder. And not only that but she's also exceptionally irresponsible considering how she just dumps kids on completely unprepared parents and leaves not helping any further. Ontop of that she's also incredibly prideful and assumes she has some right to meddle with her kids' lives. 90% of the gods deserve to be overthrown but she also deserves a kick in the balls from Annabeth ontop. ARTEMIS - I made multiple posts about how creepy she is already. Borderline creep in her way of specifically going after younger girls. Also not yet sure she ain't leading a borderline cult with the Hunters of Artemis. Also the way she is about men violates so many human rights. Joining her Hunters would be a living nightmare for me, knowing she'd be my patron goddess if I lived in PJO makes me glad she's fictional. Helps to uphold and profits from a system literally killing kids. APOLLO - Helps to uphold a system that's literally killing kids and benefits from it. He uses demigod lives as cannon fodder too. Him "loving" his partners and children does not change the fact that he just leaves/abandons both of them if the kid doesn't happen to be a favorite of his. Jury's still out on him post-TOA and redemtion. If he actively does something against the system to help the demigods or atleast attempts to do we're god. If he doesn't he's even worse than the rest bc now he doesn't even have the "he didn't know any better" excuse. ARES - OG reason I wish Luke won unironically. Tyrant, jerk, probably abusive and misogynistic????? Also the typical case of using his kids as cannon fodder. Neglectful parent 101. HEPHAESTUS - IDK if he talked and helped Leo and said he "watches all his children". He did not help any other of his kids like that, no good father EVER employs even a SMIGE of favoritism. You can watch your kids all you want, if you continue to ignore them, use them as cannon fodder, and actively benefit from the system killing them that makes you a weird stalker at best. But most certainly not a good father OR person. HERMES - I have never seen someone fumble the bag so hard like??? Honestly he deserve a TROPHY for being able to mess up so incredibily much with Luke and May 💀 At this point you can really only describe the guy as inept. He for real just left his innocent newborn son with a woman he KNEW was insane completely alone for no reason??? AND THEN BLAMED LUKE FOR LEAVING HIS MOM/NOT LIKING HER????? Listen idk if he "couldn't have interfered without making it worse" and if it was against some ancient law. Poseidon interferes with Percy a BUNCH even when he was under a prophecy for multiple of his quests and everything turned out fine. Hermes loved Luke, unfortunately he just had a room-temperature IQ. He is also a neglectful parent who uses his kids as cannon fodder- he couldn't care less about any other child of his not named "Luke Castellan". Favoritism still ain't cool my man DIONYSUS - May genuinly care about his kids and all, but he still basically trains up a demigod child army and uses them as cannon fodder. Helps to uphold the system. Litteraly shoves his job at camp off to the kids while being a straight up asshole- no wonder did so many kids turn when HE was their one and only example for a god. EXTRA INFO
I think that "helps to uphold an unjust system" and "actively benifits from a system that uses kids as cannon fodder with no regards for them" honestly applies to EVERY god with exception of Hestia and the minor gods who joined the TA. They are also all dictators to some degree- remember everybody: A NICE DICTATOR IS STILL A DICTATOR. IF THEY WERE A GOOD PERSON THEY WOULDN'T BE A DICTATOR! I hate the gods for real. Although personally in terms of hate everyone get's an equal amount, but Artemis creeps me out the MOST. (Can I get a restraining order against a goddess?)
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megapatty2006 · 2 months
So I had kinda a strange AU idea......what if Charlie wasn't raised by lucifer & Lilith?....what If Lilith left MUCH earlier, leaving Lucifer with a only couple month year old baby to take care of....what if Lucifer just couldn't handle it and was racked up in grief....and then...someone offered to raise Charlie for awhile..."n-not forever" he swore...what if...
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Now you might be asking, why the hell would Mammon even bother? Well... because PROFIT. If Mammon had complete custody of Charlie, who KNOWS what his greedy fatass would do with her likelyness?! However this is how I think it would all turn out.
A couple months after Charlie is born, Lilith, for whatever reason, abandons Charlie and Lucifer to go sipping cocktails on the beaches of Eden in Heaven or something.
Lucifer is now in massive depression and is literally unable to take care of Charlie and be a father... he needs some time to grieve....so...who's his options?
The other Sins aren't really good options to watch over his daughter with examples being that Beezlebub is too busy partying to watch over a kid and Asmodeus is the sin of Lust......enough said with that. But the only sin who actually WANTED Charlie was Mammon.
Not to be some great uncle, oh no, it's all so that he can use Charlie as his brand baby and make him WAY more dough than Fizz would have EVER. (I'm not sure if Charlie is older than fizz or not but for the sake of this I'm gonna assume yes)
So let's say Mammon is able to convince Lucifer to let him "watch over" Charlie for awhile...however he's able to make Lucifer unknowingly sign a contract with Mammon for him to use Charlie's likeness in ANYTHING and have her in his care for....lets say around 200 years? Lucifer completely just tired and wanting Charlie and Mammon out of his hair, signs the contract and now Charlie is under Mammons care.
After this, Lucifer would go into hiding like he did in Canon for AWHILE, and as soon as Charlie could speak, Mammon IMEDIATELY starts using her in commercials, products, clothes etc. Charlie, in this Au, would be a lot more depressed but would still wants to make Mammon happy & proud, he's her only parental figure afterall.
And for DECADES she would be subjugated to all of this unwanted attention by the people of hell. Fizz would probably never become Mammons star as he already has Charlie and Fizz would also probably never meet Asmodeus, but maybe things could've worked out between him and Blitzo, and Fizz would maybe still have his limbs, Charlie on the other hand is downright MISRABLE with Mammon and sucked dry like Fizz was in Cannon.
But would she have ever left Mammon? Honestly tough answer, if Lucifer ever came to his sense and visited Charlie and realized what he had done...would Charlie even care? Would Charlie even love Lucifer?
He did leave her with MAMMON of all people. And even when the contract eventually ends, why would she go back to the person that abandoned her!?
The only one who Charlie would really have would be Ozzie but I think Charlie herself would be FAR from the same person she usually is, she would even probably pick up toxic traits from Mammon and have a grudge against Lucifer and her mother, heck maybe Charlie would end up being Mammons secretary if she never did well as a star...who knows...but anyways that was my AU idea.
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blueikeproductions · 2 months
So I’m now aware of EarthSpark rumors of a major character dying in the final episodes, and for whatever reason TFW2005 insists in their speculation it’s gonna be Optimus so Twitch gets the Matrix.
-rubs temples in confusion and annoyance-
Ok so a few things.
How the slag does that make any sense? Optimus is barely a character in EarthSpark, the show treats Megatron more as the hero. The way the show treats Optimus so poorly, I think if they could get away with it, Dot would be partying like Squidward at the mere idea of Optimus dying.
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My point being they offer no emotional reason or investment for this Optimus dying. TFA gave a more emotional punch for its Optimus dying and he only stayed dead for a few seconds.
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Two, and this is a more silly one, but how would the Matrix even fit inside Twitch’s chest? I’m pretty sure Twitch is about the same size AS the Matrix itself, unless the MacGuffin can size change? I don’t remember if that’s ever been a thing actually. For that matter does it even make sense for Twitch to get the Matrix? Having the Matrix typically means you’re the leader of ALL Transformers (but specifically Autobots in war time). I don’t think Twitch wants that or ever had a desire for that. Nor does it really make sense to give her the Matrix simply to make her leader of the Terrans, when she and Robbie seem to take turns. … Admittedly Robbie is more the leader than she is during S2, so shouldn’t Robbie get the Matrix by that logic?
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Basically this but with Robbie instead of Hawk.
It would arguably make more sense if the Terrans were to have their own Matrix, they would’ve gotten a Terran Matrix of Bonds or some such. Presumably created from the Emberstone itself similar to the TFA Allspark getting a G1 Matrix container.
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There’s also the Mini-Con Matrix from Dreamwave Armada.
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Although that wasn’t a symbol of leadership but a MacGuffin designed to kill Unicron by the dead Mini-Cons of another universe. Plus the more I think of it, the Cyber Sleeves are a sort of Matrix in their own right, so I guess Robbie did get the Matrix after all….!
On a related note, they tried a similar idea in Cyberverse, with Robo-Robotnik and normal Megatron both being able to use the Autobot Matrix.
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Admittedly they shouldn’t be able to because even Autobot Megatron couldn’t use the Matrix without Rodimus Prime helping him in IDW. And the last time otherwise in G1 saw Galvatron being unable to use it in his cannon, and Scourge became this.
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So this leads into who is more thematically appropriate: Megatron.
He is basically all but the Autobot leader in the eyes of the writers, and the best character ever in that same regard. There’s far more emotional attachment by comparison to Optimus too; Megatron’s role, similar to his IDW self, is about redemption, second chances, trying to keep the next generation from making his same mistakes, & if necessary dying for his found family. That would be a more thematic end for Megatron, dying for his sins, but fully redeemed in protecting the Terrans and Maltos against… I would assume the Quintessons.
Plus, let’s be honest, if someone were to get the Matrix after Optimus, it’d more than likely be Megatron due to the staff’s bias towards him and their clear distain of Optimus. Wouldn’t that be something, Megatron basically “wins” by being good and inheriting the Matrix to lead Cybertron with the Terrans as his cheer leaders and angels to keep him on the straight and narrow.
Still regarding the Matrix, Hasbro continues to be weird about someone becoming Prime after Optimus, and a new Megatronus Prime, Twitchimus Prime or Maltous Prime probably wouldn’t fly with Hasbro if we still can’t get a proper Rodimus Prime in cartoons that isn’t a butt monkey. -side eyes Prime Wars in particular-
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cloverskentwells · 3 months
ficlet: inspired by this scene from the show never have i ever
when the rule change is announced, shortly after the hunt for katniss draws a dead end and the two cannons in quick succession of each other combined with the fact that marvel never met up with them announce the very probable fact that he's dead, cato and clove are left facing one another, shocked into stillness by the news. their weapons lie discarded at their sides, gathering dirt and whatever else is lying under the arena's soil to add little dark specks among the blood. the resounding silence echoes around them in a stark contrast from claudius templesmith's booming voice that had swept the arena just seconds before.
clove recovers first - out of the two of them, she'd always considered herself the faster one - and shrinks back into a persona she's comfortable with, her default shell of biting sarcasm and scathing sharp wit wrapping around her comfortably like a blanket to a newborn. "so it looks like we're the only two left," she mutters slowly, more to herself than for cato's benefit. "and we're in the finals, apparently." cato grunts in confirmation.
"it's awesome that you made it this far," he says slowly, and she can visibly see him regaining his wits in real time, the transformation obvious in the unsubtle changes of his facial expressions - unlike her, he had no practice in carefully controlling and mastering what he allowed his face to reveal. clove observes his recovery and takes note of his surprise, which is followed by slow acceptance, and then followed by the dawning of a reality she'd accepted several seconds before him.
naturally, his irritating habit of finding every opportunity to provoke her returns with his recovered senses. it doesn't take long for him to become his typically insufferable self. gathering his weapons and approaching her with the cocky smirk she'd come to associate him with, cato continues his jab. "we'll see how it goes, clover." his large hand settles companionably on her shoulder in a friendly gesture clove decides not to punish. she also doesn't bother to protest at the term of endearment - better cato, anyways, who says it with some modicum of grudging respect and admiration, then marvel (an ally she did not at all "dearly miss") who liked to relentlessly tease her and imply that there was something going on between her and her district partner that existed under the surface of their mutual antagonism and vicious barbed-wire threats.
clove watches him walk away, probably back towards their campsite (because of course he just assumes she'll blindly follow along like he's still the leader of a pack that's mostly dead - or close to it, in peeta's case), incredulously. "what the fuck do you mean by - cato, i'm telling you 'how it'll go' right now!" in a rare moment of weakness that she isn't proud of, she hastily stumbles after him so they can walk side by side as she gets the last word. normally, clove prides herself in not putting that much effort to win a verbal battle against someone, always ready with a cutting remark, but this time he's gotten the better of her.
cato's amused chuckles only agitate her further. "it'll go bad for you! and good for me! because i'm the better tribute and we both know it, you blonde oaf!"
he comes to a stop beside her to laugh, almost hysterically. and clove can't blame him, she can only blame herself for her lame attempt to sass him.
but because she was never one for self awareness, she blames everything but her own behavior. so many factors were responsible. the stupid rule change that meant they were inextricably tied to one another, cato for making it difficult for her to contemplate a reality without his hubris and deep chuckles and strength complementing her own as they fought side by side. cato for being her only tie to home and weakening her so badly she'd begun to consider him a friend. a friend, of all things, when he was supposed to be just some competitive asshole with an ego she could easily check with a well aimed blade at a lethal area.
because he felt the need to worsen her current feeling of indignity, cato smiles down at her - fondly, with crinkling and affectionate eyes as if he has grown to enjoy her presence. like an insane person. "fine, but we can go home together now, you know."
"stop that. we're still enemies. it doesnt change anything, and you know it." she feels the need to regain distance, and fast. hide whatever is the reason for this weird sense of gratitude that claudius templesmith's announcement had drawn out of clove.
"yeah, no shit, i can't stand you," he agrees, although clove doubts his sincerity based on the impish smile he's not working too hard to cover. cato watches her glaring back at him with his arms crossed in an obvious attempt to flex, leaning casually against a tree like he's some unreasonably handsome capitol model endorsing a weird makeup product, as always too confident and assured in his sense of righteousness.
it's a fight she has no chance of winning. with a huff, clove opts to ignore him, resuming the trek to their campsite and keeping him at her back where she doesn't have to deal with visual evidence of his presence.
he laughs lightly behind her, obviously amused by her failure to one-up him. her lips twitch upwards responsively in an exasperated smile that she forcibly suppresses.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
The researcher is one of Bruce's parents. I'm calling it now. They're dead from trying to protect Bruce and his pod. They give a shit about them. In the first entry they seemed to struggle referring to Bruce as an 'it'. In the second, I'm assuming it's either Bruce or Jason, but we get he in reference to a mer. They beg for the pods safety, parallel to Bruce's parents in comics begging for for Bruce, or in Thomas's case, Bruce and Martha, to be spared. I think they're either Thomas or Martha Wayne. It's implied that the Researcher named Dick. So they could also be one of Dick's parents. However, given the implied attachment to Bruce specifically, I think it's one of the Wayne's. Not sure which, maybe Thomas, he was a doctor in cannon?
100% sure who they're working for tho... Current (puns!) theory is 'Gotham' being this marine research facility. It gives a pretty good set up for Joker to be the head of Gotham, making Jason's 'death' just him being captured by Gotham because Joker got this obsession with Bruce's Pod, or maybe even Jason specifically.
It was mentioned their scales were diamond hard and abyssal mer would live in Twilight or Midnight ocean depth, which are REALLY hard to get to. Much less drag a skyscraper sized mer from those depths to the surface when a dent in the hull of your sub can make another headline like OceanGate. So an Abyssal just happens to become a pup to a shark mer you're studying, SUPER convenient if you want an opportunity to harvest Abyssal Mer Scales for your dastardly fiendish plot.
As for how Jason gets away. Maybe LoA is an aquarium or other research facility that could contain an Abyssal Mer. Maybe Joker struck a deal with them like in the UtRH movie. Maybe Gotham merged with LoA. But somehow Jason ends up in a position where Talia can free him. In one of the lore bits it mentions someone let Jason out before being eaten by him. I think that was Talia!
I didn't mean for this to get so long...
Also, not a theory, just a thought. If the research facility knows Abyssal Mer are hardwired for parenting, it would be so angsty to have either Tim or Tyler who's a kid in comics that Jay took care of for a little, pretty sure Jason killed his dad, or something. Anyway, it would be super angst if like, this facility, put a trailer in one of the kids, and like, used that to track and or control Jason.
Ooooo Martha and Thomas are also interesting suspects for our mysterious researcher! Would definitely explain the protectiveness over the mer pod. And they’re good people, so they’d definitely give their lives to protect those mer! 👁️
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