#to my darling moot
bubybubsters · 30 days
Happy Birthday (Azriel)
A/n: Happy birthday @claireswritingcorner 💕🎉🎂🥳! This is for you!! Dear mutual, you've been so extremely supportive and it's an absolute honor to even be on the same planet as you. You're so sweet and light up my days with your amazing stories and posts. Keep being you and take care of yoursef! Thanks for being so awesome, you deserve the best of birthdays. From one of your moots and a forever loyal fans.
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Credit and thanks to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the birthday dividers!
wc: 1500
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You awoke to soft kisses on your brow. Tender lips move south until the same kisses were being pressed to your collarbone and neck. You let out a soft breath, almost a whimper.
"Happy Birthday, love," your mates deep, husky voice drags you from any remaining grogginess. However, the moment you open your eyes a shining bright light penetrates and you close them again, groaning. "Hey, wakey wakey Y/n. No going back to sleep," Azriel murmurs into the shell of your ear.
You sigh and open your eyes again but now a veined, black wing blocks the light. You make a sound of contentment and send your thanks down the bond. Suddenly, the weight of your mate disappears and the sunlight comes rushing back.
"Azzzzzz..." you whine sadly.
He presses a quick kiss to your lips, "I'll be right back love."
As he leaves, you slowly sit up. With a quick glance at the clock you mumble a few choice words and jump out of bed. It's past 11:00am and you've missed training with Cass. Your weekly meeting with Rhys is in less than five minutes.
"Crap, crap, crap," you chant under your breath as you run around looking for half-decent clothes.
"Y/n!" Your mates' alarmed voice rings through the room. "What in the world are you doing!?"
You glance up to see a bare chested Azriel holding a platter of very good looking pancakes.
"I missed my meeting with Rhys and Cass is gonna kill me since I missed training! Why didn't you wake me!?" You curse, still trying to find a training boot from wherever Azriel threw it last night. "Az, do ya know wh-"
"Y/n," Azriel cuts you off, "It's your birthday. It's the day we celebrate you! I already talked to my brothers and they were willing to cancel any daily or weekly things that you usually participate in today."
You skid to a stop just as you spot your other boot, "Rhysand agreed to cancel our weekly gossip sessions!?" You ask, offended and incredulous.
Azriel rolls his eyes. "Get back on the bed and next time, let me join in on the gossip," he grumbles cheekily.
You smirk. "Ooooo, poor Azzie boy is sad he got left out! Think we were gossiping about you? That big wingspan of yours?" you question smugly.
He scowls, a soft pout forming despite his best efforts to frown. His shadows slide up your body, taking hold of your wrists and ankles and dragging you back to the bed.
You frown at them. "Hey! I thought you guys were always on my side in these petty situations!"
Azriel grins when you are dragged to sit against the headboard. "First of all, I am not 'sad to get left out' and second, the shadows are mad you didn't let them help with gossiping. They love drama."
He sets the platter of pancakes on your lap and you look down to see 'Happy Birthday Y/n!' written in chocolate syrup.
"No utensils?" you furrow your brows, looking again at the tray to make sure you saw correctly.
Your mate shakes his head, ripping off a piece of pancake and offering it to you. You smile as an idea pops into your head. You eagerly take his fingers into your mouth.
The sweet taste of pancakes fulls your mouth and you swirl your tongue over his fingers to get all the crumbs. "Mmmm," you moan seductively.
Azriel quickly retracts his fingers as pink climbs up his neck. He grabs more pancake and offers it to you again. Again you take his fingers into your mouth, tongue swirling around his fingers. You barely taste the pancakes, all you feel is heat spreading through your body. Again you let out an intoxicating noise as Azriel pulls his fingers from your lips.
"Stop that, I wanna actually celebrate your birthday! Not be stuck in bed all day," he hisses through gritted teeth.
You turn your mouth down and raise a brow in fake confusion as you look down to see what you're doing to him. "Stop what?" you ask too sweetly.
He all but growls in your face. "You keep that up and we won't be leaving this room."
"Oh?" you purr suggestively. You lean back, stretching your arms and back and succeeding in making your night shirt rise up to reveal your stomach.
Azriel practically whimpers at the sight, his eyes turning molten with lust.
A smirk grows on your face and you hide the mischievous glint in your eyes as you got to grab some more pancake. You rip off a piece and meet his eyes, extending your fingers to his mouth.
Azriel oh so slowly leans forward and sucks the pancake from your fingers.
"It's good, is it not?" You ask. "You're a very good cook Azzie."
He nods in agreement, jaw clenching tight.
You peck his cheek delicately but now, you're no longer teasing. "Thank you Az. I love you," you say lovingly.
The desire in Azriel's hazel eyes dims for a moment, replaced by pure love. "I love you too, my mate," he whispers.
Azriel beams at you, shadows dancing as he breathes out, "Happy Birthday, love."
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A/n: The following are a few glimpses into the day of the readers birthday and how it was celebrated.
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You smile at your mate from across the picnic blanket. He'd set up a whole picnic and made the food, even made the blanket for you. Often times you thought you didn't deserve him but right now you just reveled in his love.
Azriel was currently talking about how much he wanted to visit the summer court to see if his wings could get a tan. You highly doubted his wings could get tanned, considering they were black, but you let him talk for as long as he wanted. You'd found out he was quite the talker after you'd got to know him, it's just he didn't get a chance to talk.
You grab your mates hand tug him towards you so that you can lie down and put your head in his lap. He pauses speaking and asks, "Love, are you alright?"
You smile and grab his hand. "I'm great Az. I just like hearing you talk, it makes me feel safe," you reassure.
"Ok... so um... Cassian wanted me to get drunk with him and go to the autumn court to see how mad we could make..." Azriel continues.
You don't really hear the rest of his words, too busy studying his stunning his features. His eyes looked more green today, like the color of ferns. His hair was windswept from flying you around the city earlier and his lips were quirked into a one-sided smile.
"I love you Az..." you interrupt, just because you wanted to say it.
Azriel smiles down at you and pokes your nose. "I love you too, crazy mate. Now shut up and let me talk."
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"So Azriel ended up holding his pee for hours because Rhys's father wouldn't stop questioning him about his shadows! It was hilarious! He was crossing his legs like-"
"I'm glad you found my embarrassment entertaining, Cassian," Az grumbles, hiding his face in your chest.
"Thanks brother," Cassian sends Az a wink and continues, "He looked like he was aroused by Rhys's dad! After the meeting we had to fly back to Windhaven and Azriel couldn't find the time before to pee so he peed on the flight back! I bet the plants got watered that day!"
Mor spills wine from her nose as Cassian finishes. "How come you never told me this!" She accuses, pointing a finger at Cassian and Rhys.
Rhys shrugs elegantly, putting an arm around his mate and kissing the top of her head. "Just thought we'd save it till the right time to embarrass poor Az."
You are holding back laughter as you imagine everything Cassian just told you. Az is still hiding his face and now his wings spread out to encompass the both of you.
"It was not funny," Azriel mumbles, looking up at you.
You can't hold back your laughter anymore. Azriel's face is tomato red and his ears and neck are tinged maroon.
"Stoppppp..." he whines, again hiding his face.
"I'm sorry," you mutter, "You're just so beautiful!"
"Am not! I'm literally the color of Cassian's siphons!"
You roll your eyes and kiss him on the cheek. "You'll be fine. I'm sure we'll all forget about it soon."
"No we won't, girl," hisses Amren. "This is something I will hold over your bats' head forever!"
Azriel groans into your chest.
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You turn to see Azriel on one knee in front of you, holding open a box with a sparkling ring.
"Az! Wha-"
"Shush... will you marry me?" He asks gently.
You blink, you hadn't expected to be married, considering that neither of you had any human background. Marrying wasn't uncommon among the Fae, it just wasn't something common for mated couples.
Then again... calling Az, 'Husband', did have a nice ring to it. No pun intended.
You smile at him, offering him a hand.
"Of course, I'll marry you Az."
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A/n: I forgot if Fae marry... correct if I'm wrong please. If you made it all the way here, I thank you.
sorry for like, not writing.
taglist: @thelov3lybookworm @profound-imagination @stargirl1714 @hieragalbatorixdottir
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azraelcreates · 28 days
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My Sona With Many Wally Plushies!!! 🍎✨
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daffodil-delights · 2 months
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Are you not following my adorable, sexy, built like a brick house girlfriend @trannyprincess-ghoulie ? What are you, straight?
(Side note, she’s teasing the fucking out of me since I’m not allowed to cum until I see her Thursday 😭🥵🫠 Going to RAVAGE her)
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carnivorousyandeere · 5 months
I’m sososso tired after work today but. You know that trend of asking your s/o to peel an orange for you? That with yanderes…
“I would die for you, I’ve killed for you, and all you want is for me to peel an orange for you? 🥺” (peels the orange, falling in love with you all over again)
“I would die for you, I’ve killed for you, and all you really wanted was for me to peel an orange for you? 😰” (their hands shake as they peel the orange, wracked with sudden guilt and self-awareness over all their terrible actions)
“I would die for you, I’ve killed for you, and all you want is for me to peel an orange for you? Is that really all you want? 🤨” (peels the orange, but wishes you’d ask for more. unimpressed by ‘mundane’ romance, was really hoping they’d get to kill for you to prove their love)
“I would die for you, I’ve killed for you, and now you want me to peel an orange for you? 😐” (grumbles a little, but peels the orange ‘cause they’re secretly a softie for you)
“I would die for you, I’ve killed for you, and now you want me to peel an orange for you? 😐” (doesn’t peel the orange, and resents that you can’t see how much ‘effort’ they’ve already put into your relationship, or that you feel the need to test them…)
“How many? I would peel every orange on the face of the earth for you 😤,” (unhinged and completely serious. Probably rips the orange slices open/squeezes them to bursting by mistake in their enthusiasm)
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triona-tribblescore · 6 months
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So so SO deserved oh my god!!!1 Your DTIYS was absolutely beautiful I had to do it as soon as I got a second!!!! I cant wait to see all the more amazing funny and awesome art you feed us in the future uvu <333
@rufwoof <3
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delphi-dreamin · 2 months
So, Palia? It is one of my current obsessions rn. I am so in love with Reth it’s unreal
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I am in love, your honor.
I am working on Hodari right now. Like. Maxed out Reth, Hassian, and Jina. Working on Hodari and Einar. 😂 omg we should be frieeennndddsssss!! (User is Delphi Marie Hawke 😋)
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I love this way too much
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nerdnightjar · 1 year
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cats are a true comfort
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yyxandere · 7 months
hi! saw your post asking for reqs, so can i request kuroiwa? with an s/o who owns a bakery and bakes stuff 4 him? also s/o wears glasses, if you cant write kuroiwa can you do kiryu?
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This is very short sorry about it mootie patootie (also my request isn't open, sorry if I didn't make that clear) .·´¯(>▂<)´¯·.
Kuroiwa loves the bakery you have, he likes to spend his free time there in peace and if it's in a secluded area and has fewer customers means he has more time with you. With that time alone he would spend it all seducing you, may it be a low and husked voice to make your heart flutter or a bouquet of roses. If there was a customer who was taking too much of your attention, he would try his best not to break the fine china that he was holding even though that would not stop him from plunging a beer open in their eyes. He loves the fact that you bake his favorite bread or sweets, he likes the fact that you listen to him, and whenever you approach him smelling newly baked bread with your glasses all fogged up because of the heat, he can't help but award his lady right..(I'll leave the reward to your imagination eheheheh😈😈) (kuroiwa gonna get his back obliterated🙏‼️)
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How much am I gonna say that Kiryu freakin loves domestic things!! (How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man). Whenever Kiryu visits your bakery he is filled with the warm bread smell and makes him feel at ease even though he is not really used to spending time in places like the bakery, he just can't help himself when you greet him in your baker outfit it makes you so domestic and remind him of a housewife and when he comes and visit with Haruka and you gush over her, yea Kiryu has to stop himself from marrying on spot. He would not admit it but when you cook and when your glasses fall off, it makes you so cute! One time when you brought some homemade pastries to the orphanage one of the kids said that they wished that they were their mom while Haruka called you "a mother material" Oh god you should have seen Kiryu's beet face.
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recklessandyoung · 1 year
If Hozier is the embodiment of nature and poetry…
The stick season album is pushing a cart through the aisles of a grocery store by yourself and the lights are just a little too bright and the music too loud and you want to enjoy it but you’re actually just empty. And then loading your groceries into your car but it’s raining now…and your favorite song comes on the radio but you look at your phone and the person you’re in love with read your text eight hours ago and hasn’t responded. And you look out the window at the rain and realize that the food you just bought isn’t actually want you want to cook, but you don’t know what you want…and the car is warm and cozy now but everything is just so empty….and you want to go home but it’s not where you’re living…
Lol it’s so late at night I don’t know what I’m saying
I… my friend, you are truly a poet of our time, those were the most accurate words that painted the exact feeling I, and you have, about Stick Season (I’m speechless seriously you have such amazing poetry abdhchsvuc bestie)
It’s like recalling a nighttime drive that you went on when you were young, and you can’t recall the exact moment, but you remember the feeling of the dark night sky, and how cold it looked from out the window, but how warm and quiet it was inside the car… and when you get home you were carried to bed and fell asleep under the warmth of blankets, but you could hear laughter coming from the next room and the faint sound of rain outside that’s what you fell asleep to
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You stans always act like Feyre is some goddess. What did she do for the night court?!
I'm not acting like anything. Holy mother goddess Feyre did more for the world than Jesus and she is flawless in every single way. Do you know who she is? Do you know of her power?! Never disrespect her.
defending the rainbow when no-one else would
worked to convince the queens of how Prythian and the humans were worthy of being saved
she pretty much gave rhys a reason to live just through her own continued existence
her art therapy classes and general interactions with the citizens of Velaris
Confronted the ouroborus to win them an incredibly important ally in the final battle
decimated the spring court so that Hybern couldn’t use it as a base
Reconstructed the entire fucking cauldron
is an all around badass and incredibly compassionate individual
Quite literally saved the high lord of the night court after he was kidnapped and strung up by Hybern invaders.
She put herself at risk saving the entire IC in Hybern when him and Tamlin ambushed them, she made sure they could make it home and that the NC would still have leaders after this.
Broke the curse that held all of Prythian hostage with her dying breath despite being in excruciating pain and suffering as her bones were broken and her blood was boiling beneath her skin.
She's been doing vast amounts of post war work in Velaris and the night court, collaborating on treaties, developing community outreach programs, redoing NC budgets, guaranteeing housing to people left homeless after the attack.
She's just the queen of the entire world??
Just take a minute to admire this queen and get yourself back on track babe.
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normal-internet-user · 5 months
Hey bunji!! You doing okay? ^^ Just checking in!!!! <33 How's the new job and everything?! I know you've been a busy busy bee on your end so I hope you're resting and recharging where and when you can !! & actively making time for it above all else ! 😁💛
Miss ya loads down here but I'm so happy you're out and about and doing your thang!! 😎
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I have work in two hours but it's awesome so far, i'm more tired than usual, (a given), but I really like finally doing something productive.
But the other day I was kinda down because since I started working it just feels like all of my creative energy is just ZAPPED 😩
I wanna wrote SO bad but I just CAN'T put any words out- It's so frustrating and it's honestly starting to make me kinda upset,
My sleeping habits are getting worse too so I'm always SO tired-
Otherwise I'm just really busy busy. I MISS YOU SO BAD ZEEPIE 🥺🩷
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writingmysanity · 3 months
Tipsy Ask Game:
Congratulations on the wine, I would be drinking right there with you if it wasn't 12pm on a Thursday for me 💃!
First question: what wine are you drinking, hon 👀
Second question: if you were to drink wine with any of the OP characters, who are you drinking this wine with?
Happy wine Wednesday! 😘
It's a cheap-o! It's a strawberry wine and perfect to get tipsy on something sweet!
My first thought would be Mihawk because God of wines. But then, it's mihawk God of wines and this is a cheap-o.
I do believe I would share it with Sanji! I paired it with spaghetti for dinner tonight 🤌🤗💜 and it's YUM so I think a tipsy night with good food with our wonderous chef would be SUBLIME.
I do wish you could get tipsy with my darling. Mayne later. 😈🤌 I have more wine. 2 whole bottles.
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carnivorousyandeere · 2 months
honestly the clone gang bang thing has been a fantasy of mine forever so i really cant understand why folks arent so horny for Dae-Hyun. Like imagine it?? Pinned down like ten hands grabbing at you?? It'd be so smothering??? NNNNhhhhhh
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Hehehehehe, here you go~ 😇
( MDNI, No Age in Bio DNI )
CW: gangbang/orgy, smut, dubcon on account of the under-negotiated kink, blindfold, being held down and restrained.
Info: sub Darling, bottom Darling
A Dae-hyun cradles your head in his lap, thumb smoothing over your cheek, brushing at the blindfold over your eyes dampening with tears.
Another Dae-hyun lays at your side, scattering wet kisses and licks across your neck, ear, cheek, and flirting close to your lips, where yet another Dae-hyun’s fingers are stroking the inside of your mouth to feel the trembling vibrations of your moans.
Other Dae-hyuns’ hands run down your sides, stroking your stomach, making you twitch and shudder. A few hands fight to travel between your legs, stroking you and trying to dip their fingers into you. A stroke against a particularly sensitive spot makes your leg kick out— a Dae-hyun catches you by the ankle and begins kissing up the inside of your thigh as the other Dae-hyuns giggle and coo over your reactions.
Their fervent, possessive touches only increase in speed and pressure, multiple Dae-hyuns licking and biting your skin, their fingers digging into you and trying to keep you still, even as your back arches against the overwhelming sensations.
You cum hard and fast, before you even realize it’s happening, your body seizing. Your teeth dig into the fingers in your mouth with a strained whine. A moan and a chorus of giggling rings out around you as they help you through your orgasm, pressing kisses over your heated skin. They move their fingers from between your legs, and you let out a sigh of relief— until they move their hands to lift your hips and slide a pillow under you.
A Dae-hyun presses a trembling, excited kiss to your cheek. You hear a slick sound in time with his panting, and a few belts unbuckling. “Do you think you can take all of us—? We’ll— we’ll go one by one… or maybe two at a time…” Fingers stroke your lips once more. “Or maybe three…?”
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paranormeow7 · 8 months
TRICK OR TREAT DUDE :D ur costume looks awesome, I hope u have a good Halloween :]
thank you!!! just for that you get kitty picture
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i love you i love you i love you
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