#Crazed Wally
azraelcreates · 4 months
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My Sona With Many Wally Plushies!!! 🍎✨
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koifsssh · 1 year
i rewatched my favorite version of sweeny todd, because tiktok has been bombarding me with the revival of it! oh boy. now i can’t stop imagining... rainy as... sweeney todd... so i offer a messy sketch!
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OHHH if you have the time, i highly recommend listening/watching sweeney todd, very good! you can watch act 1 & act 2 here! oh... i love mrs. lovett...
i wish i had more words to offer, but i feel as if i will just start rambling about topics that are simply unrelated...
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robotwhoscreams · 9 months
Just had the most visceral fandom gut punch checking out the Welcome Home tag out of curiosity and immediately seeing an AU Wally with the most Sans AU vibes I have ever seen from a character who isn't a sans. My first ever fandom was Undertale and when I was younger I really got into all the AU stuff and I just had the most vivid flashbacks to all of that, it was WILD.
Can't wait to see what levels of 'At this point this is just a fucking unrelated OC in a Wally skin' the fandom can get and how long it takes before the Wally AU ship kids start popping up.
First it was the Onceler, then it was Sans, now, it very well might be Wally that inspires a whole new generation of creators to get fucking insane with AU ideas.
I, personally, welcome our new insane AUs posterboy.
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thebigbidea · 1 year
I've vaguely mentioned her in a previous post but here's my Welcome Home OC/ Self-C. Her name is Emira. Emira Eagerly. Emi for short. Alike me, she uses all pronouns, (she/he/they), and is genderfluid. Oh! And after realizing her design was alike the Joyfuls, i decided she'd be related to them somehow. Like, first cousin once removed, maybe?.
Anygay, this is just an art/info dump to get her out there, i didn't feel like curating a post to get likes, so yuh.
I'll be using she/her pronouns for Emi only so it doesn't get confusing xd // the green text is kinda like the words i exaggerated while theoretically talking
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Here's my first real sketches of her <33
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Ignore the crappy Julie drawing lmao. I made a poopy mini comic about Emi getting a haircut.
I do heavily multiship WH characters. Mostly me multishipping Wally x Julie, Julie x Sally, and Wally having a crush on Eddie (the other characters i ship aren't multiships, just regular ones like Poppy x Howdy and Frank x Eddie). This is all to say that i also multiship Wally alot. And so, i both hc him as pan and ship him with my own OC (and some other peoples' OCs that are really cute). I also hc Wally as having a bit of a preference to guys, sooo, when Emi cut her hair, Wals was like awooga.
And yea, that's basically what the mini comic was. Emi cut her hair and this caused Wally to start crushing a little.
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I think atp i did figure out that i wanted Emi to be a fashion designer/ seamstress.
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Other outfits!! Yippie!! - I really love the party outfit. The shoes, ahhg! I wish they really existed.
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Hehe, lil (crappy) sktech :·)
Oh yeah, i kind of had the idea of Wally drawing out the patterns for Emira when she was overwhelmed with ideas and didn't know where to start on an outfit. She'd just waffle about her ideas with Wally. Probably assumed he was drawing an apple or something, but oh? What's this? You drew a whole template for the dress i was rambling on and on about!! Thank you, Wally!
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Her house :·)
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AHHHH i love this drawing!!! Em and Emi, Emira and Emira, she and he, they and they, idc how to describe it, just.. genderfluidness!? And also, the outfits!! I just loved drawing them, I'd hella wear them irl. Especially the belt. I wish i had that 1970s belt irl!! I also loveee how she has longer hair and shorter at some point, meaning i can basically give her any hairstyle i want in my art!! It doesn't have to be consistent (unless it's a comic) - :·)) // this took me about 3hrs. And i barely took any breaks, that's how much i enjoyed drawing her!! Ahhh!!!
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I was just looking through Pinterest and got the inspiration!! Well no, not just that. I failed to mention b4 that I'd like to think in the WH Halloween special, Emi attempted to dress up as a biblically accurate angle.. but it scared the kids tm (not actually, it mostly scared Frank) so she changed!! Her alternative costume was a clown!!. - And while, no, i didn't draw her as a biblically accurate angle, i did still make her an angle!! :·)
I do like this drawing, butttt my original sketch was way more expressive than this one. My second sketch was definitely more stiff, however i still went with it bc the first sketch was kinda wonky when flipped. Whoopies!!
Now i can ramble about Emi wayyyy more. I have so many more headcannons, comics, and crappy little drawing not shown here but this post is getting to long!! Buh bye, now loves <33!!!
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notwallibear · 2 years
legally required post for a sideblog so i dont get suspended for url hoarding
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solar-wing · 1 year
⚣ Predator & Prey 🔥
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Check out Part One🦍 if you haven't already!
⚣🔥 A/N → For anyone who has read the previous version of this on my original account, no you're not crazy. In the process of me editing and revising, I took out and/or added some parts. Which. speaking of, the NSFW is over 2000 words longer than the original. I need to be stopped. WARNINGS: INTERSEX Male Reader. Canon-Typical Violence. Dub-Con slightly leaning into Non-Con. Emotional triggers. More Ass-smacking. Manhandling. SFW Version Posted here. NSFW version posted to Patreon (IT'S FREE TO READ)!
⚣🔥 Summary → After an eventful afternoon of being manhandled and groped by your sexually crazed teammate, your teammates finally managed to subdue the Kryptonian and get you out of his grasp, thanks to Batman's insurance policy. As you all leave him to recover and rest after learning the serum's true purpose, you find yourself trapped inside a powered-down with only you and Conner left inside. How are you going to get out of this one?
⚣🔥 Words → 7.5k
REBLOGS and replies are very appreciated, please 💛
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Half an hour.
It took half an hour for your team to free you from Conner’s grasp. And these people had the nerve to call themselves heroes.
They chased him throughout the entire Cave while sealing off the exit in the vehicle hangar since he tried to escape the headquarters with you.
All you could do was watch from your position slung over the Kryptonian’s shoulder as they tried different tricks and ambushes to subdue him. At some point, you used your powers to melt the makeshift cuffs on your wrists, freeing your bound hands which Conner was not happy about at all if the way he spanked your ass said something about it.
Whenever you tried to free yourself from his hold, he’d spank, pinch, or claw at your butt as a punishment. He’d sometimes shake you around a bit to try and disorient you. It worked in his favor since you spent so much time hanging upside down while being jerked around from his constant running and leaping, that it’d leave you dizzy at times. Your legs had even fallen asleep at some point while your neck was sore from constantly having to hold your head and upper body up.
Thankfully, with your now free hands, you could hold yourself up easier by placing your hands on Conner’s back. Which was totally not extremely hot and attractive from how sweaty and shiny his skin looked from the parts you could see through his torn shirt.
So not hot.
Yeah, I’ll take $1000 for WORLD’S BIGGEST LIAR!
Anyway, that was just Conner’s way of dealing with you. He was much more brutal with your friends. 
Your comrades may as well have been world-class villains the way he was fighting them. But, that was only if they tried to help you or got too close for his liking. If they attacked him, he’d just maneuver and dodge out of the way. 
Red Tornado was right with his earlier warning to the group. Conner didn’t seem to care about himself, he only cared about keeping you out of their reach. In his primal state of mind, you belonged to him, and so he was defending his territory.
At one point, Wally got close to freeing you. While Zatanna and M’Gann kept the Kryptonian distracted from the front, the speedster sneakily sped up behind you two to grab your hands, thinking he could just pull you off from Conner’s shoulder before he could react. 
Unfortunately, you both once again underestimated his abilities. His reflexes were fast enough that the second he felt your body start to slip from his hold, he turned around and had Wally by the throat against one of the walls. Even though he didn’t try to choke him, it was enough to shock you all.
Conner only let him go when you pressed glowing hands against his back to burn him which earned you a hefty smack on the ass. You’d be very surprised if you looked in the mirror and didn’t see an outline of Conner’s handprint on your behind which also had to have been red like a tomato from his rough treatment of it. Just from how hot and stinging your skin felt under the suit, you knew it would be sore and you’d have trouble sitting for the next few hours.
You’d pretty much lost all hope until Batman pulled out his ‘contingency plan’, a ring made of green kryptonite he had stashed in his utility belt. 
When Conner was distracted, the Dark Knight swooped in and got one good hit across the face with the ring, which was enough to disorient him and loosen the grip he had over your legs. You immediately took advantage of the moment to free yourself, reaching your arm backward to press your glowing hand against his arm holding your thighs. He screamed in pain, which you felt bad for, but when his arm dropped as he shook your hand off, you finally could roll off his shoulder onto the ground, happy to feel a solid surface again.
The Kryponite obviously did a number since Conner didn’t recover as fast. But, it wasn’t enough to knock him completely back. The moment he realized you were no longer in his hold, he screamed out in rage before trying to grab you again. 
Batman swooped in and got another hit before he could reach you though, this time on his abdomen knocking him down. Then, Robin came by with another larger piece of kryptonite, just in case. Where Batman had all this kryptonite stored, you didn’t know. Frankly, you didn’t think you wanted to know.
You hated hearing his screams of pain, but you’d rather he be knocked out and sedated than trying to pin you against another wall.
Well, maybe you wouldn’t mind that. Just without the aggressive and dominant behavior.
Alright, you wouldn’t mind that either!
You just didn’t like it happening in front of your friends. It was all you could do to even glance at M’Gann when she and your teammates came to help you onto your feet as the numbing feeling slowly retreated from your legs.
Even your waist was sore since you spent so much time hanging from Conner’s shoulders. You were just thanking whatever deity out there that you didn’t pee yourself while all this was happening because the pressure against your bladder seriously made it quite the job.
Speaking of, you really should go take care of that.
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“He’ll be fine.” You heard Batman say as you returned from the showers. When you made it to the bathroom in time, you decided to take a shower as well, stripping your suit and throwing it into the wash for…reasons.
Don’t ask.
You found your team in the medical wing of the Cave, standing around while listening to Batman’s diagnosis.
“It indeed was a serum designed to amplify Conner’s basic primal instincts. The same instincts we all have but have somewhat regressed over time due to evolution. His Kryptonian genes increase these instincts naturally on their own, but the serum manages to subdue the human part of his DNA and mind, turning his brain into a more primitive state. Had it been fully administered, we would’ve been dealing with an enraged and homicidal animal. But, since Y/N prevented that, we got–” 
“An enraged animal with a bad case of blue balls.” Wally cut in while snacking as usual.
“Yes, that,” The Dark Knight said, turning back to look at the computer. Red Tornado was by another computer, analyzing the samples of the serum they’d gotten from the syringe you recovered.
“It seems the serum is not permanent. After a diagnostic scan of vitals, the dosage has already started to dissipate as his immune system works to remove it. With his Kryptonian DNA, it should be fully neutralized by the end of the day.” Red Tornado stated.
You could feel the tension in the room relax as your friends were happy to hear your comrade was going to be okay. Moreso, he wasn’t going to wake up and try to kill them all again, even if he didn’t really try in the first place.
“We need to move to the Watchtower. With this new development, the League needs to be aware of these new tactics our enemies are using,” Batman stated, closing his screen before walking off towards the central room, Red Tornado following closely behind.
You and your friends could hear the Zeta tube powering up, as the system announced your superior's departure. The room fell quiet for a moment.
It didn’t last long before Wally spoke up. Typical.
“Well, today’s been fun,” He said with a mocking tone.
You all laughed at the sentiment. Even with the chaos today, you could admit that the day’s events did make for a funny story in the future, despite how embarrassing it was.
“How are you feeling, Y/N?” You heard Zatanna ask.
“Oh, other than basically getting molested in front of my team and carried around like a sack of potatoes, I’m feeling quite good. A little warm, if not,” You joked.
Your friends chuckled at your lightheartedness, respecting the obvious fact that you didn’t want to talk about the situation. Especially Wally, who was aware of your feelings towards your team’s resident Kryptonian.
Your eyes floated over to the green martian, who despite putting on a smile, you could tell was also affected by this…ordeal.
“Sorry, M’Gann.” You said, not knowing what else to say.
Everyone shifted a bit uncomfortably as well, knowing that the subject of Conner & M’Gann was still a little touchy. Why did they break up? None of you knew besides them, and you guessed they wanted to keep it that way. It was just surprising since they seemed like the perfect couple, but as you were keenly aware, some things weren’t always as great as they appeared.
“It’s okay, Y/N. It’s not your fault. Conner and I broke up, so there’s no reason for me to be upset.” She said, giving you a reassuring smile. You were happy to see she wasn’t holding anything against you, your friendship still intact.
“I’m just glad you stopped Ivo before he could give Conner that entire dosage. If this was him on just half of that serum, I don’t even want to begin to imagine what could’ve happened if he succeeded.” Kal said.
You all shuddered at the thought.
“Well, I’m still offended over the fact he basically said we all stink.” Artemis expressed.
“I don’t know about that. He may have been right about you. I mean, have you ever stopped to smell your armpits in your suit.” Wally teased, holding his nose and waving his other hand in front of it.
“Oh, I know you’re not talking! Have you ever smelled yourself after one of your runs? It’s like a sweatshop found inside a dumpster.” Artemis mocked in return.
They were about to continue their bickering, but at the behest of Kal, your friends moved out of the medical wing and headed toward the kitchen and lounge room to make some dinner, giving Conner time to rest. Wally asked you to stay behind though for a second, promising the others you’d catch up in a minute.
“You doing okay?” Wally asked, pausing in his gorging of pretzel sticks.
You needed a moment to think. Were you okay? 
Despite basically being molested (even if you liked it), something was nagging at the center of your chest. Was it the fact that you hated how you may have hurt M’Gann by her being a witness to her ex trying to do you against the cave walls? Or was it the fact that you actually didn’t feel all that bad because a part of you liked the fact that the Kryptonian was more focused on you for a change? It was no secret you could’ve done more to escape his grasp. But, did you hold back because, in reality, you wanted it to be real?
Well, that was obvious. 
You didn’t want to escape his grasp. You wanted it to go further. The idea of Conner taking you against your will, having his way with you in that aggressive and animalistic way? Not only was it A) extremely hot, and B) one of your biggest wet dreams since you met Superboy the day you first joined the team, but it was the fact that you were actually living out that fantasy. 
The boy you were crazy for was showing you attention. He was focused on you and your wants. But in the end, it was only because of the result of some crazy hormone-inducing drug. It wasn’t genuine. It wasn’t real. A cruel but typical twist by fate.
Well, as typical as you can for someone of your lifestyle.
This was worse than those times when you'd find out a guy was straight after you felt like they were flirting with you. Only this time, the flirting was in the form of ass-groping and manhandling which again, you did not object to at all.
Oh shoot, Wally was still waiting for an answer.
“I’ll be fine.” You said, not knowing how to express how you felt to the speedster without breaking down.
“I know it’s gotta suck man. Having your crush all on you like that only for it to be because some evil Doctor wanted to use him to kill us all.” Your friend replied, placing a hand on your shoulder for comfort.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his idea of comfort. The boy may be extremely smart, but as the famous statement proves time and time again, common sense wasn’t always so common. And the idea that you probably didn’t want to hear that what happened between you and Conner was fake, and would probably…not even probably, never happen again was in short, like pouring salt on an already bad wound.
But, it was Wally. The notion was appreciated anyway.
“I’ll be alright man. Yeah, it was nice to feel like for a moment, I had something I wanted in my grasp, but I always knew in the back of my mind it wasn’t real.” You expressed, the words feeling like a hard swallow in your throat.
“Sorry dude. But, to be fair, it was more like you were in his grasp,” Wally remarked.
“You just can’t be serious for more than three seconds can you?”
“Hey, don’t be mad at me. I saw the look on your face when Conner had you against the wall.” 
Wally placed himself against the wall behind him, mimicking the position Conner had you in earlier, “Oh no, stop Superboy, please don’t take me against your will, even though I want you to, you big strong brute. Oh no…”
You pinched your nose while holding back your laughs as Wally continued his performance. If this is actually what you looked and sounded like, you’d be casting yourself off to the nearest deserted island to hide away in isolation for the rest of eternity.
You had to give him props for his acting though.
“Huh, didn’t take you as one with a touch for the dramatics.” You joked.
“What can I say, I’m a gifted man.”
“Oh you’re something alright,” You two continued joking back and forth with each other as you started to exit the medical wing. You took one last glance at Conner who was still out cold, then a thought struck you.
“Does Batman always keep kryptonite on him?” You asked, pausing in your walking.
“Yep. Apparently, he’s got stockpiles of it in the Batcave. Calls them his “insurance policies” in case Superman was ever to fall under the control of the enemy like what happened with Vandal Savage and his cronies. Dick says he’s got insurance plans for all the members of the league for ‘just in case’ purposes.” Wally answered, still stuffing his mouth with pretzel sticks and using one of his hands to create air quotes.
“Even us?”
“I don’t know but who knows? You know Batman. I’d be surprised if he didn’t have something up in that tool kit of his or somewhere around here.”
You nodded your head, not knowing how to reply to that. I guess it was good to have protective measures in case something like that were to even happen. It just disturbed you how Batman knew enough about everyone in the League to know their biggest weakness. 
To your knowledge, you didn’t have any direct ones. The only thing you knew regarding your powers was that as long as your body temperature stayed at a certain degree, your powers really couldn’t be nullified. And they were more connected to your emotions anyway so there wasn’t anything you could think of that Batman could have against you, but even then…
We were talking about the ‘World’s Greatest Detective’. As Wally said, you’d be surprised if he didn’t have something up his sleeve.
As you and your friend exited out of the medical wing and headed for the lounge room with the others, neither of you had caught the moment when Conner’s fist clenched at his side.
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The day was over and you were walking back toward the central room, about to Zeta tube yourself back to your city and head home for the night. Wally, Robin, and Artemis had already left while Kal, M’Gann, and Zatanna decided to go walking around Happy Harbor. 
Red Tornado hadn’t come back from the Watchtower yet so it was just you. Well, you and Conner, but he was still passed out in the medical wing where you and Wally left him.
Batman and Red Tornado said the serum would have been out of his system by the end of the day. You figured that and all the fighting must have exhausted him so he was just catching up on some Zzzs. Lord knows you were ready to do the same after the day you had.
The Cave was quiet, which was unsettling considering there was always something going on which resulted in noise, leaving an eerie feeling in your chest but you decided to ignore it. Reaching the central hub and entering the coordinates into the mainframe you heard the chamber begin to activate before the power suddenly blinked out and the Zeta tube shut down.
“What the heck?” You muttered to yourself.
The red emergency lights came on as the system announced a power failure as the backup power generators kicked on. You pulled your communicator out to call your friends, but all you were getting was static.
“Ugh, crappy service. How do you have the most high-tech gadgets, and still can’t get a good signal even in a cave?”
These people needed some serious priority checks.
You placed your backpack down at the center console before conjuring a fireball in your hand to give you some more light. You headed down the hallway, hearing the sounds of your footsteps echo in the halls.
That creepy eerie feeling had returned, and you could feel yourself slightly on edge. When you made it to the generator room which also happened to be the vehicle hangar, you looked around trying to spot which one was the panel you needed to open.
Suddenly, the sound of movement caught your ears, and you jumped around heart racing preparing to launch your fireball at whatever the source was. You stopped yourself in time though when you saw it was just Sphere and Wolf, sitting at the entrance of the cave.
You brought your hands to your heart, feeling the intense pumping underneath your chest as you tried to calm your breathing, “Dammit guys, don’t scare me like that.”
They stared at you, not really moving or doing anything. Well, Sphere kind of always just stares since she doesn’t have a face. But, Wolf looked weird. Instead of laying down and relaxing like he normally does, he just sat there on his hind legs, as if he was standing guard or something.
“Alright, you two are officially acting weird. But, I’ll just chuck it up to the power outage. Don’t worry, they make me nervous too. I’ll figure it out.” You said to them, neither really responding. Not that you’d understand anyway. That was more up Conner’s alley.
You let the flame encircle your hand again, as you looked at the walls to see the cable paths and where they led. As you traced their lines up and around the walls, you finally saw where they all converged, seeing multiple different panels lining the wall.
“Bingo.” You smiled.
Walking over to the different panels, you looked at the different labels to see which was which. When you found the one labeled ‘POWER’, you put in the code to unlock the panel, opening it up. You checked the fuses to see which one had been blown, but they all appeared fine. 
Your sinking feeling started to return as you couldn’t figure out what the problem was until you saw it clear as day, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up as a result.  The switch for the power generator was in the ‘Off’ position.
A fuse wasn’t blown nor was this the outage. Someone deliberately shut the power off.
“Ah, fuck!”
You felt your heart jump in your chest when a hand suddenly grabbed you from behind while another came up to cover your mouth, your screams muffled under their palm. Whoever your attacker was attempted to pull you back as you fought against them, wrapping their arm around your neck while you were doing everything you could to throw them off of you. 
Your hands flew to their arm around your neck to pull as you felt them tightening it, restricting your airflow. A familiar chuckle sounded in your ear, but you were too focused on getting yourself free to think about it. They had caught you by surprise, but you’d be damned if you were going to let them think they had you so easily.
Hands glowing bright orange, you took them and aimed for what you hoped was the person’s face. Your attempt was successful as you felt one of your hands make contact, your attacker screaming in pain while releasing you to probably rub their face. 
Wasting no time, you leaned forward before launching yourself around and performing a roundhouse kick straight to their face, not giving them any time to recover.
They fell back on their butt, hands still covering their face. You didn’t pay attention to their clothes or anything about them as your arms began to grow that orange hue again, preparing to roast them like a Thanksgiving turkey.
“Alright buddy, I don’t know who you are, but you choose the wrong place to trespass and the wrong person to attack,” You said, getting ready to release a volcano level of heat upon them before you finally saw their face when they brought their hands away.
“Conner!” You shouted, pausing in your movement.
The half-Kryptonian looked at you for a brief moment before you saw a smirk on his face as he launched himself at you with his usual shout, taking advantage of your hesitation.
You grunted as he tackled you back onto the ground. His hand immediately went for your neck again as you saw an arrogant but lustful gaze on his face.
‘Guess the serum didn’t wear off completely after all,’ You thought to yourself as you wrapped your hands around his wrist, trying to pull the hand off of you. You felt his other hand tracing down your body, but considering this time you were in shorts and a tank top, you were more receptive to the touch as he was now getting to feel your bare skin without the barrier of your super suit.
The feeling was nice, but you weren’t going to let yourself go down that road. You would not allow yourself to be played with like that. Not again…
“Sorry for this Conner,” You said quickly, a confused expression crossing his face before he watched your eyes also glow bright orange, two beams of concentrated fire shooting out of them and directly into his eyes. He screamed in pain, releasing your neck as you brought back your foot and kicked him off you.
While he recovered, you got back up and ran to the power generator. You switched the power back on, watching as the lights came back. Your moment of reprieve was short-lived though as the Superboy had recovered and was coming right for you. 
You reacted quickly enough though, grabbing the hand that was reaching out for you before swinging your body under him with his arm, twisting it behind his back. He yelled out in pain while you blasted him forward to the ground.
His frustrated breaths filled the silent room as he got himself back up. He slowly turned himself back to face you, a calculating expression on his face. 
Conner? Calculating his next move? Instead of just rushing you?
Yeah, it was time for you to go.
When the Kryptonian realized you were about to move, he tried to rush you again but you had blasted yourself off the ground. Moving to head back through the hallway to the central hub where you saw Sphere and Wolf just looking at you. Again, Sphere had no expression, but you could tell by Wolf’s stance that he was prepared to pounce if you even thought about going that way. That’s when you understood.
“So you two are playing guard dog and guard…sphere, huh? Figures.” You muttered. 
Wolf huffed at you, not appreciating that comment.
The sound of a crash behind you caught your attention as you turned and saw Conner had launched himself onto the wall, hanging off it like a monkey hung off a tree. 
‘For the guy who hates monkeys, he sure enjoys acting like them.’ You thought to yourself.
You realized your predicament when you looked at both your only exits. Try to go out one way, and you’ll have a wolf and an alien sphere that can turn into an entire bike on you. Try the other way, and Conner gets his hands on you.
And even if you managed to make it past Sphere and Wolf without getting maimed, what stopped the Kryptonian from just shutting off the power again before you reached the Zeta tube?
The predator and his cornered prey.
The flames waving off your body were the only sound in the room, as you stared at Conner head-on. 
He looked back at you with a challenging gaze before taking his free hand and pointing at you, and then turning those same fingers to himself. His way of basically saying you belonged to him. How romantic…
“Sorry, Tiger. But, I prefer a few dates and gifts before I commit myself to someone. My ex taught me that.”
The Kryptonian growled angrily at your words, not appreciating the sentiment of you insulating yourself with another person. And though you kept a bit of distance between you, you could tell Conner was waiting for the perfect opportunity to nab you.
With everyone gone, he didn’t have to worry about anyone besides yourself trying to stop him. And apparently, he didn’t think you were going to be that much of a challenge. Or did he? Considering he tried to ambush you by shutting off the power, which speaking of?
All of this seemed a little bit too planned out and smart for someone with a primitive brain. Not to sound like you were calling the Kryptonian stupid, because you weren’t, but if what Batman said was true and Conner was really thinking like a primate from the caveman days, then how did he figure this all out? 
Waiting until everyone left before shutting off the power to prevent you from leaving? Cornering you in a room where one exit would be out of commission without power and using Wolf and Sphere to guard the only other escape route? And, even if you were to make it past those two and hide somewhere, he could just use his night vision and super-hearing to find you.
It was all too convenient, too thought out to have come from a subdued and horny-crazed mind.
Had the effects of the serum only slightly worn off, keeping Conner in this primal state of mind but giving him just enough cognitive thinking to actually plan out his moves? Could it even be possible that this was actually the Kryptonian himself acting on his own urges, and not being persuaded by some sex juice pumping through his veins?
You looked toward the Superboy hanging off the wall, seeing the way his dilated pupils stared at you, full of lust and want. All of his attention was on you as he gazed at your body up and down. 
Then, you remembered something else Red Tornado had mentioned before he and Batman left for the Watchtower.
“As we concluded earlier, Conner, instead of focusing on his natural instinct to hunt and kill, chose to focus on his hormonal urge of capturing a potential mate. And, Y/N apparently had been his choice. Certain wild species are known for choosing their partners based on mating rituals where the dominant has to prove themselves capable to the desired partner by hunting and subduing them. Smells are also a major factor in these rituals, where these animals are known to go after the scent that is most familiar and desirable to them. Though, why that scent happened to be Y/N’s would be a question only Conner could answer.
So basically, the Kryptonian was the hunter, and you were the hunted.
And he set all this up as a test for himself to prove to you that he deserved the right to fuck your brains out.
The predator and his cornered prey. How cliché.
This was a game to the Kryptonian. And what would happen if he’d won?
Conner would get to fuck you, the serum would wear off and everything would go back to normal? And who’s to say the Kryptonian might even remember the encounter? 
There’s been plenty of times when you and the Team came out from under a drug or some spell and didn’t remember the events that led you all there. You’d keep all the memories of this exchange while Conner wouldn’t recall a thing, thus, for him, nothing would be weird or awkward. Only you would have to deal with the emotional aftermath of these entire events. Yeah, your friends would be there to help, but it wasn’t them having their hearts and emotions played with, it was you. They wouldn’t understand.
Nah, fuck that.
No matter how hot all of this may be, you were not about to be some one and dump for anyone, even if it was your crush.
Conner stared at you, waiting for you to make the first move. You saw the glow of your body reflected in his eyes, but it was also like you were seeing the fire inside of him that burned for you.
It was pleasant, to say the least.
But, this was once again a cat-and-mouse scenario like earlier. Only this time, you knew the longer the chase went on, the more excited the cat got at finally catching the mouse.
Due to the circumstances surrounding the situation, you could easily see Conner was willing to play the long game. Shutting down the Cave, using Wolf and Sphere as accomplices to this whole thing, cornering you in the vehicle hangar, he was willing to let this play out as long as possible. As long as it ended with him getting to mount you like some dog.
No offense to Wolf.
And, waiting till everyone was out of the Cave? Not having to worry about anyone interfering since there was virtually no way to get back inside the HQ without blowing a hole in the mountain, which also would alert the Kryptonian, thus giving him enough time to make a swift exit with you if need be.
‘Nope. It ain’t going down like this.’
Conner tilted his head when he saw you slowly backing up. He could tell you were up to something. 
Before he had time to react, you shot off all the energy you could summon to create a giant firewall. You knew it wouldn’t hold him since he was invulnerable. But, you were counting on the distraction it would give you.
You flew back as if you were going to fight your way through Sphere and Wolf who were ready for you. When you heard Conner’s scream behind you as he launched himself through your wall straight for you before dodging out of the way, letting him crash straight into Wolf and Sphere while you made a break for the hatch door. 
Not wasting any time, you immediately went for the control panel to the garage hatch door and entered the command to open it. You didn’t have much time though as you’d hoped when Conner realized your deception. And he was not happy about it if the frustrated yell he let out was anything to go by. 
Slowly backing up as the door opened more, you let off a torrent of fire waves at the Kryptonian as he tried to make his way toward you. His shirt got more and more singed as he pushed through your power attacks. You didn’t let up though, needing the door to open just a few more inches for you to get through.
Why was it on any other day, things like this door seemed to move faster, but when you needed them to move quickly, they went slow as hell?
‘Come on… come on…’
As soon as the door was open enough for you to fly through, you shot one strong fire beam at the Kryptonian to push him back as you flew backward, moving as fast as you could.
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When you made it through the hatch, you let your power go as you flew out of the Cave, making your escape. You felt relief run through your body as you looked at the night sky and the moon shining over the ocean, but that feeling was short-lived.
You’d gotten about 50 feet away though before you felt a strong force tackle you down before lifting you back up, stopping you from hitting the ground. Turning your head, you looked to see Conner staring at you with a smug look as he held your squirming body in his arms, you both floating high above the ground.
“Conner?! Ho- … How are you flying?”
As far as you knew, because he was only half-Kryptonian, he only got half of Superman’s abilities. The only way he could unlock all his powers was using one of those patch things that subdued the human side of his DNA and – oh.
He tucked you under his arm without a second thought, having you face toward his back before flying back through the garage hatch door. You did everything you could to get out of his hold, but there wasn’t much you could do to the Kryptonian since he was invulnerable, especially now that he was at full strength.
When he got you both back inside, he entered the command to close the hatch door before smashing the panel entirely, rendering the door useless. But, he wasn’t done there. 
Using his own heat vision, he created a seal around the edges of the door, locking and securing you both inside even more just in case your teammates got back and tried to force it open. He even zapped your butt with it as well, chuckling at the yelp you let out.
Once he finished that, he let you down before backing you against the wall, an egotistical smirk on his lips as he rubbed his hands down your body. He didn’t waste any time before shoving his face right into your neck again, licking and biting wherever he could as he forced your body to grind against his.
‘Not this again.’
It took a little work, but, to your luck, since Conner was overconfident thinking he’d won, his guard was down.
With a little maneuvering, you let the Superboy feel the blunt force of your knee against his super jewels. Pun intended.
Kryptonian or not, that’s a type of weakness no guy can overcome.
With him crouched over in pain, you shoved him off before attempting to fly back toward the main tunnel. If you couldn’t get out of Mount Justice on your own, the best you could do was find somewhere to hide until the others got back.
But, Conner still wasn’t letting you get away from him that easily. He grabbed you by your ankle before pulling back and throwing you to the ground, managing to disorient you like earlier when the MONQI robots had dropped you. He placed himself on top of you to pin you down but you didn’t come this far to give up now. 
You shot your heat vision at the brown-haired boy’s eyes again, missing by a few inches but snagging him in the face. Visibly angered by this and done with your defiant behavior, he wrapped his arms under you to lift you from the ground and slam you back down, prolonging your daze. You continued to fight back though, especially when you noticed something metallic and shiny he grabbed off his belt.
How you didn’t notice it there before, who knows.
And quite frankly, you didn’t really care. 
All you were concerned about was not letting him get it on you. You quickly blasted him some more with your heat vision doing everything you could to shove him off you. Almost managing to succeed too until Conner got the upper hand when he ripped his tattered shirt off his body and covered your face with it. Your heat vision burned right through it, but your temporary blindness provided the Kryptonian with the opportunity he needed to slam whatever that metal thing was around your wrist.
The moment it snapped shut, you felt a shudder run through your body as a chilling sensation took over. Next thing you knew, the flames around your body and the glow in your eyes had completely dissipated.
‘What the…’
You tried to summon a fireball, heat blast, or even a tiny little flame with nothing happening, your powers seemingly gone. Conner, who was now completely straddling your body, held another smug look on his face as his accomplishment. That’s when you looked at the wrist clamp the Kryptonian put on you, seeing the blue dot glowing at the center of it. Whatever was blocking your powers was being caused by this device, which meant this could only be one thing.
“Huh, so Batman did have an insurance policy for me. Great…” You muttered, hearing a satisfied chuckle from Connor. Your eyes went wide when you realized something.
“You were awake earlier! You were awake the whole time. You heard me and Wally talking!” You accused, but the half-Kryptonian didn’t reply. Only continued to stare at you, not hiding how his eyes crawled up and down your body which was covered in a fair amount of sweat from your earlier brawls.
You tried to see if you could knock him off while he was gloating, hoping the combat Batman and Black Canary taught you didn’t fail you at this moment, but the brown-haired boy was once again ten steps ahead of you as he grabbed both your arms, slamming your upper body back down to the ground.
A frustrated cry left your lips as you stared up at the boy who was still gloating as he reached into his pockets while pinning your hands above you. Looking down, you saw him pull out a pair of metal handcuffs, and not any regular kind either. These were League-style restraints that were almost impossible to break through or escape.
“Don’t you even think about it,” You warned as he smirked at you before moving off your body to flip you around on your stomach. 
A pleased growl left his lips as he watched your thrashing body move on the ground, trying to escape his hold. He placed himself above your squirming legs holding them together while conveniently positioning his crotch right above your ass where you could feel him rubbing his hardness against you.
It was all you could do to not moan out loud while trying to calm the horniness down in your own body as you felt the Kryptonian ground himself against you. Of course, this little distraction tactic of his was purposeful as he brought your arms behind your back, placing your wrist into the handcuffs to bind your hands together.
With you fully secured and nowhere to run, Conner took a moment to admire his prize, unconsciously puffing his chest out at his successful capture. You could feel his excitement as well as he continued to grind his front into your rear end, leaning over your body to nip at the back of your neck.
You did your best to hold in your noises of pleasure in plain, not wanting to give any more smug satisfaction to the Kryptonian. Of course, he didn’t appreciate this sentiment one bit, moving off you to flip your body on its back before moving himself in between your legs. His hands found their way back to your hair and around your waist as he yanked your head back, exposing your neck to him while lifting your lower body slightly off the ground to rub both your crotches together.
The moan that escaped your lips was almost inevitable from the friction you felt between your legs as he ground your pelvises together while having a field day on your neck. 
With you fully bound and virtually defenseless, nothing was stopping him from having full access to your body. You tried your hardest to ignore the pleasurable feelings running through different areas of your body, but it didn’t do much as you felt yourself getting wet in your pants again.
It didn’t help that your clothes were fairly thin which he definitely appreciated if the way his hand around your waist was caressed your body said anything. A bonus for him but a negative for you was the Kryptonian’s shirtless state allowing you to feel the heat from his skin against yours even through the loose garments of clothing on your body.
You could smell the dark brown-haired boy’s musk, which was amplified slightly due to his mild sweaty state from your earlier scuffle. While you were never one who liked the smell of funk, you couldn’t help that the scent for whatever reason went straight down to your pants, making you even wetter than before which the Kryptonian could also feel from his skin rubbing against the dampening spot on your shorts.
Suddenly, he quickly leaned up with his hands still holding onto your head forcing you up with him. He’d made sure to grab his shirt off the ground before pinning you against the wall. You groaned from the rough treatment as you felt his hands grabbing at your tank top before you heard a loud ripping sound, looking down to see Conner had split your tank top apart.
“Hey! This was one of my favorites, you freaking brute.” You complained.
He tore a large piece of your shirt off before sticking it in your face, letting out a small grunt as he waited for you to do something. You stared at him confused for a few seconds until you realized what was happening. He was ordering you to open your mouth so he could gag you.
“Oh, you’re out of your geno-morphing mind if you think that’s happening.” You retorted with a defiant tone, the Kryptonian narrowing his eyes at you.
Before you knew what was happening, he grabbed your jaw with the torn piece of your shirt in his hand, forcing you to tilt your head up before his other hand laid a heavy smack on your ass causing you to yelp.
The moment your mouth flew open, he stuffed the shirt into your mouth, muffling the sound of your scream. You thrashed around more in his hold, trying to spit the piece of clothing out but he pressed his body against yours rendering you still.
While holding the first piece of cloth in your mouth to keep you from spitting it out, he grabbed his torn shirt, craftily using his hand to twist it into a tight long piece like people do with wet towels before proceeding to snap them at you like their whips.
He placed his twisted shirt directly on the cloth between your open lips, before wrapping both ends around to the back of your head, tying them together in a tight knot, securing your makeshift gag in place.
The Kryptonian let out his own bodily sounds of approval and arousal at the sight of your helpless and available body. 
With your arms restricted and mouth gagged, it was easy for him to sling you back over his shoulder, with you whining from finding yourself back in the same position you were in earlier. He stepped over the mess you two (well, really you) made, not even bothering to clean it up.
You were still moaning and whining softly into the garment stuff in your mouth, as you tried to calm the growing arousal in your abdomen. Conner smiled proudly at that, feeling pride at the thought that he was the source of your aroused and excited state. before heading back over to the switch panels, shutting the power down in the Cave again.
Now, it was time for him to claim you fully, without any more distractions or interruptions.
‘Mine,’ He softly growled, squeezing your ass with his hand as he walked up the ramp, your head and body slightly bouncing up and down with every step the Kryptonian took. He walked past his two-door guardians who turned to follow after having bared witness to your entire pornographic display with their half-human companion.
Conner won, and you’d failed. He managed to catch you in his trap, despite all your efforts of resisting him.
The predator had finally caught its prey.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
Patreon link for the full version!
🦍 | Part Three | 🦍
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
hello! could i maybe request a yandere wally x reader where the reader is suspiciously compliant with wally? almost to the point where he thinks the reader is putting on an act just to escape later on (which the reader totally could if they were bold enough to think wally was falling for their obvious act!)
| I'm honestly excited for this one bc I can finally slap a lot of my ideas down for this- |
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- the first time he forcibly took you into home and made sure you'd stay at his own home you were so compliant to the point where as soon as he locked you in he wasn't worried about you escaping.
- he even gave you the okay to be able to leave his room , just really made sure you didn't leave home by telling home to lock you in no matter what either he be in the house or not.
- oh but you're silly aren't you? he isn't dumb. or well he thinks he isn't since he fully believes this is a little act that you're pulling so he doesn't hurt you or do anything to you even if the most he would do is stare..and stare.
- the more he watches you the more he noticed how comfortable you seemed at his house and even comfortable enough to talk to home (who responded in its own little ways).
- he kept having this growing anxiety of you leaving because he was gone most of the day , he couldn't seem suspicious to the other neighbors and doesn't speak a word about you suddenly going missing.
- you had gotten bold though and were sure you could escape late at night. as you slowly sat up trying to make sure the bed didn't creak you slipped out and were able to find your shoes and put them on. you quietly stepped down the hallway till there was a loud squeak from one of the doors..you had forgotten home entirely.
- “ oh darling..why are you leaving me? ” wally asked softly as he messed with a few bits of the fabric of his robe. his hair silky and down enough to cover one of his eyes as he stared right at you. “ did I do something wrong? ” his stare became intense and almost crazed as he stepped closer..and closer. you couldn't speak a single word.
- “ or did you think you could leave me? ” he said as he harshly grasped your wrist cause you to flinch. “ nono of course not wally! I was getting up to get a glass of water- ” “ you don't need shoes for a glass of water. ” you've never heard his tone so low before but in all honesty it was intimidating despite his height. he pulled you right back into his room and took it upon himself to force you back into bed and digged around his room for a few short seconds before taking a long piece of silky material. he walked over and placed your hands in front of you before tying the silky material into a pretty bow. “ oh look at that..a pretty way to keep you right here. ” he hummed, happy you didn't struggle one little bit.
- after tucking you in and getting cozy right beside you he didn't close his eyes all he did was stare at you. his wide eyes watching your every breath and movement. you had no choice but to try and sleep even if this monsters eyes were on you like prey.
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dialtonetophat · 2 months
Normal wally art [please read]
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So I haven't seen a lot of NORMAL Wally content creators- A lot of them are um- yeah.. So I decided that I'm going to start drawing normal and wholesome wh art for all them welcome home fans. I refuse to mischaracterize wally. I'll be trying to make him act as canon as possible which might upset a lot of people. He will not be crazy and crazed in any way. You can trust me that my profile and content will be safe :]]] That's all I have to say! Have a good day! (Eddie was not drawn by me!)
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Guess who's got more au lore for Baker-wally!! (I worked hard on this with some friends and mutuals in the Discord server)
Tw: Disturbing themes, cannibalism, implied abuse, violence, demonic-ritual stuff, overall Just... Huge trigger warning! This is a bit dark!
The overall lore, so far:
Wally was unstable from childhood, grew up in a violent home, baking was always a coping mechanism for wally... Whenever wally was sad or angry, he would bake. This always kept wally calm... And happy. Wally found from early childhood that sugar improved his mood immensely... By large amounts. (this lead to later-on sugar pills, to keep himself happy and.. mostly stable)
One day during his childhood, a close friend of wally's passed away. Wally (being completely off his rocker already) ended up eating their corpse in a desperate and crazed attempt to stay close to them... and never forget them. But upon doing that he got a sudden addiction to it, to the taste of the flesh... and began going out late at night to kill innocent folks and would frequently draw little pictures in the victim's blood.
However one evening upon doing this... He accidentally drew some kind of demonic entity symbol (A swirl to be specific 🌀) which summed... Well... And entity. (because it was drawn in blood) which lead wally into the knowledge of the paranormal, etc etc.
Realizing all of this... He tried to convince the entity he'd accidentally summoned, to bring his friend back. But the entity couldn't do so... because wally had eaten and harmed the corpse... Meaning they couldn't be brought back, because they had no physical body to be brought back TO anymore.
Wally was discouraged by this, but the entity decided to give wally an offer... The entity took a quick liking to wally.
So the entity proposed a deal... Keep making sacrifices to them, and the entity would assist wally... Giving wally SOME of their mind and time manipulation abilities to use however he wished. The only downside, is that this mind manipulation could only go so far... And could only erase others memories for so long. (There was a time-limit on how long the memories would stay erased, in a sense.)
Wally of course took the deal without hesitation... Using it to his advantage to get more sacrifices, to keep the power the entity has granted him alive. But there was another issue, the entity only needed the blood-symbols and the life of said victim... They had no use for the victim's body. (And wally could only eat so many victims at a time on his own.)
And so, Wally began struggling to hide the corpses and the police were catching on... As the downside was previously mentioned that wally could only erase people's memories for a certain amount of time, before the memories would be returned. (The Time manipulation didn't help, because The memories were still intact after time ran out for the erased memories. It just made people slightly confused on why the day seemingly reset.)
So wally moved out of town quickly for a fresh start, packed his things and left without a trace... Left his family behind... Left everything behind. Eventually finding himself in a cute neighborhood. Wally quickly made friends with some nice neighbors... Barnaby, Julie, howdy, Eddie, frank, Sally, and poppy.
Unable to keep his cannibalistic murdering urges at bay... Trying to bake to Distract himself from those intrusive thoughts... He realized he could simply get rid of the corpses by baking them into the treats he makes. Not only that... But he could embed his new-found power into his treats by infecting it, in a sense.
So wally worked some magic when greeting his new neighbors formally, offering them cupcakes... That he infected himself using certain sprinkles (doused in the entity's power he'd been given) that would allow complete control over those neighbors minds, COMPLETE control. (the same sprinkles that are stuck in wally's hair, a hidden sign of wally's control over the neighborhood) This created a loophole of sorts when it came to wally's power limitations... The time limit didn't matter anymore, BECAUSE wally's power was now attached INTO their bodies and systems, attaching onto their brains, growing like fungus... Wally had complete manipulation over their minds now and practically the entire neighborhood, no time limit to worry about. This would make things much easier... He could create the PERFECT neighborhood! Killing off neighbors he didn't like, baking them into teats to serve, and his neighbors would be none the wiser! And if he was ever caught... He'd simply erase their minds, and reset the day!
There was one issue though... Poppy didn't take his cupcake offer upon first meeting. This is a huge issue for wally... Because now she's the only one, besides wally, who remembers things the others don't... And is aware of the day-resets. And she has a strong feeling it all has to do with wally. (which she's absolutely correct, but has no proof)
When poppy tries bringing this up to the other neighbors, they have no idea what she's talking about. (like I said... Their minds get erased by wally if he's ever caught.) Poppy knows something isn't right... and wally is aware poppy knows, as she never took his cupcake offer. She's as aware as wally is of the neighborhood resets.
Wally finds this a bit fun though... And strives to make poppy feel as if she's going crazy. He doesn't bother using his short-term mind eraser on her... He finds toying with her is far more amusing.
Now where does home (wally's bakery) come in with all this?
Home was built from the ground up by wally, and brought to life through sacrifices wally made to the entity. In short... Home basically owes wally their life. Wally is the reason home is alive and conscious... Which is a reason why home never goes against wally's word. (other than the fact wally also protects home to an extreme extent.)
In A VERY short sense: Wally's gained complete control over the neighborhood, and all the neighbors expect poppy, through the help and collaboration between him and an entity who'd taken a liking to wally after an accidental summoning.
(This is all over-explained and word vomit, so I apologize for that! If there's anything problematic about this story, I will go back and fix it! <3 I tried to make the lore as close to the overall theme as possible! This may be edited in the future!)
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azraelcreates · 5 months
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Crazed Wally’s Reference!!! ^w^ 😵‍💫💝🌀
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cherrythepuppet · 1 year
my Corpse Puppet fanfic [Part 3]
Corpse Puppet belongs to @sketchquill (probably sick of me showing up so much lol) and this chapter is written in ze past! Ha ha
"Wally you can't love her you just met!" (Y/n) told him "You sound like my mother" Wally mumbled "Maybe I do but that's because I'm just looking out for you" (Y/n) said in a calm voice as they put a hand on his shoulderWally took their hand off "If you were really my friend then you would be supportive wouldn't you?" He asked
"Wally you just met! She could be a murderer for all we know!" (Y/n) yelledTheir patience was getting thinner and thinner "And?! Nobody that perfect can be a killer!" Wally yelled back "You know what?! I think your just jealous because someone loves me and not you-" he paused
He realized what he said and his eyes widened when he saw small tears in (Y/n)'s eyes"Fine...Fine! Go marry her! Because if you die I'm not coming to your funeral! And all I'll tell you is I told you so!" (Y/n) yelled before stomping off
"(Y/n)! I didn't mean it!" Wally yelled but (Y/n) wasn't listening "What have I done..." he mumbled "What have I done?" He repeated "Maybe they were right...I shouldn't marry someone I just met" he said to himself"I'll go meet Julie and tell her it's off" Wally said as he looked at the direction of where (Y/n) left
"And then I'll go apologize to Hermosa" he addedHe headed off into the forest specifically the area where he, (Y/n) and cherry would all hang out in when they were ten He stood by the big oak tree where he waited and waited for Julie Then He heard a branch snap causing him to think it was Julie
As he turned around he saw nobody there, Wally sighed as he turned back around only to see Julie standing right in front of him gripping on an AxeWally shuddered at the sight of the axe and the deranged look in Julie's eyes. He backed away slowly, trying not to seem frightened
"J-Julie", he stuttered, "What are you doing with that axe?""You are one of the most gullible men I've met...it didn't even take me as long as I was expecting to get you to fall for me!" Julie exclaimed Wally gulped, his fear growing. "Julie, c-calm down", he pleaded
"I'm sure we can work this out! Please put the axe down" He took another step back, his heart pounding in his chest"No I am afraid we can't" Julie chuckled as her grip on the axe became tighter
"You really should have listened to your friend" she said as she slowly walked towards Wally backing him into the old oak treeWally froze, a wave of horror washing over him as he realized he was trapped against the tree with no way out. He frantically searched for anything in his pockets he could use as a weapon, but he came up empty handed
Julie advanced towards him, the axe still clutched tightly in her hands. She was now close enough to see the insanity in her eyes. She stopped in front of Wally, her breath hitching. "I'm so sorry, my 'love' oh wait! I'm not!" she whispered, raising the axe above his head
Wally flinched as the axe came at him with lightning speed. He raised his arms to protect his face from the blow, the last thing he saw were the crazed eyes of his former 'lover'bWith a sickening crunch, the axe struck into his head, and Wally's world went black
Wally layed on the ground, dead and forgotten. His life had been cruelly cut short by one act of betrayal. He would never know the love of another againNow his body was nothing but dust, his heart broken into pieces with no hope of ever being healed
A dark end to a life that was cut far too shortJulie watched as wally's body fell to the ground, the axe still in her hands, kneeling next to the body as she rifled through his pockets, taking out his jewels and leaving his heart brokenWhen she finished, she stood up and wiped the blood off the axe before throwing it at the oak tree, then slowly walked away, leaving his body behind....
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ace-loves-josh · 5 months
Hey there, name’s Ace
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Hey there, my name’s Ace. You might know me for hanging around with Verosika. I’m dating @josh-loves-ace, but I’m pan and poly, so feel free to take a shot! I love making songs with the rest of Verosika’s crew, and Marble Hornets. So lay back, relax, and say hello, little guys.
No spamming walls of text/emojis in my ask!
OOC:I have no association with Vivziepop or her characters, this is just an obsessed fan being bored and goofing off. Things will most likely be out of character at times, I’m just kinda having fun with this.
Blog tags—
Blog Tag 🝮 “#ace-loves-josh”
Ooc 🝮 “#Andy Gossips:Ooc Posts”
Original Posts 🝮 “#Temptation:Original Post”
Ask Answered 🝮 “#Little Guys:Asks”
Reblogs 🝮 “#Inducement:Reblogs”
Threads 🝮 “#Songwriting:Threads”
End of Thread 🝮 “#Start the Music:End of Thread”
Ace x Josh interaction 🝮 “#Josh and Ace:Jace”
Circle of role players—
Same mod—
@king--of--ducks—King of Hell
@moxxies-wife—Corny imp
@mammon-money-maker—Prince of Greed
@wally-wackfords-wacky-blog—Some Verosika crazed wackjob
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My thoughts on Welcome Home's community developement!
These are my opinions, please do not feel hurt by them! It is simply a peppermint that I have not opened and is still on my desk. (Until now!) It is mainly for me, but there is a part of me that would like others to read it.
It's coming very close to the relaunch of Welcome Home! I've been so excited!!! Although, I do make sure to watch myself and save this excitement. I must focus on my life as well! But, I'd like to place this here as a memory before then. As a memory of why I love Welcome Home, of myself!
I wasn't introduced to Welcome Home until the very very early beginning booms of its popularity. At first I was introduced to it by Night Mind, (I thought the voice over was Wally's voice and he was showing us the remnants of his show and friends, I was very wrong!!! I learned throughout the video, I learned I learned!!)
I had it in the back of my mind. I thought it might've been another thing I saw and would drop quickly. (as I had done so many times in this period!) I didn't want the sorrow of that again so instead of investing time, I moved on. Throughout the next little days I saw Welcome Home again and, as my doubts melted away, I fell deeply in love. I was in a bit of a hard place as well as finding it hard to latch on to something I held dear. Welcome home gave me such comfort, a safe place. At the time, I could still say, ah I have no one to share this with...it is a small community! But I am here, I am so happy, I will create content for myself. (I was still so so shy and did not have socials of my own) I watched it grow to such a large size! It was fun for me, I saw the love and care being explored. The characters loved, the story found! What I was too shy to say I saw others recognize, it was so heart warming to me. This time in my life was so special because Welcome Home had been explored based off the canon in the community, based off the real roots of it all. The project. It was so sweet. This was something I was able to follow along to, I got to see the process and not just the finished, it had the warmth of a home! And as the project grew and grew, I can't say that I didn't grow a little sad knowing this was no longer a wonderful secret I knew of. But, at the same time I was so happy that Clown was getting the recognition his project deserved!! Things never stay the same I know, but here in the present it does hurt a little. I understand the want to explore and create, but I am not a fan of all the aus created around Welcome Home. In every corner I see "Creator of ____ au" and such, I remember the scrambling of wanting to make the best au. Having 10 in a day be made and the number grew only more from there, lists to keep track, the craze of being the most popular. It felt like I was watching a competition. Like Clown, I see it as Welcome Home changing its clothes! I have to say, I've seen very cute ones that I like, but I do not seek them. I think one of the main BIG reasons for the explosion of these aus was the idea that Welcome Home did not have a large amount of content. While Clown has stated that yes this is not all of what we'll see and is in fact just a dip in the water, it does not mean that what we've been given is close to pebbles. The project has developed over many years and it shows! There is so much love everywhere! The tellings, characters, worldbuilding, the art, the indirect secrets!!! Even the non canonical, it is there to understand, learn from, recognize and more!! There are ways to explore these characters, their styles, their homes, their interactions, their feelings, background, down to the very smallest thing! The theorizing is part of it yes, but so is the appreciation and love of what's true. I constantly find myself thinking of more than a thousand new things from just a sketch! There are little details everywhere intentional or not! I find it so hard to believe others cannot see them, or choose to ignore. I feel in part, frustrated that Welcome Home is not appreciated in the colorful way it gifts itself. I see some characters be changed so dramatically I cannot recognize them, or become so cubed into one dimension they become boring. And, for these characters that I love so much, to be densly packed into a tuna can, it does make me sad. Give them room to breathe, and play! I rarely see the community speak of it in its most classic form, straight from Clown's heart wrapped in a bow! I might add on to this as I remember my feelings, but I have always wanted to store this somewhere. Again, this is my little ramble, an opinion amongst many! I am not saying Welcome Home's community has to be uptight or that it cannot have fun and explore, I do it too! It is a common nature I believe, to not be so serious and just goof! I just wish, that such astounding work, would have its beauty be seen in the light it deserves.
I would also like to say, that this work has really made me come out of my shell. I love it so much I cannot keep quiet no matter how hard I've tried. I am so grateful to everything this project has given to me and to others, it is so special. I can see it! What my eyes see I wish I could share, what I feel is longed to be given! I have always loved puppets, but it was such a small part of my life amongst other things fighting for my attention, and they were very different from these! Since the discovery of Welcome Home, I've explored more media, sesame street, the muppets, the list continues..... it's truly given me such a lovely home and a look into the childhood I didn't have! Given me a wonderful light in my life! What can I say, but thank you from the bottom of my heart!
A small sidenote!!!
Now if you've seen my twitter, you may have seen the small blab about an important update! No no it is not this! It is coming it is coming! But for now, goodnight!
A silly thing! Oh, I did try to clean it quickly but I was tired and it didn't end up well!! It is scrapped but its ok! I love him all the same!! Maybe in the future he'll be more spiffy🌈 I'm very fond of this jelly smooth animation style, it is a quickly scribbled piece but a tease to the future works! I love frame by frame animations!
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arikihalloween · 7 months
honestly you and the others should just report all those fakes
you get some fuckers who come up with stupid fish barnabys
some greyscale Wally ripoffs
and of course that retard fucking glitch barnaby
you and everyone else behind wttmv are superior
love your work hope you get rid of the stupidass copies
Wow, that is a lot of anger and frustration to process, it seems
Go to the corner to think about it while I show why this is bad fandom behavior
Now now, it's my birthday today, so I am allowed bitch ranting and I'll be a bitch for once
Hey, hi, don't fucking say that
People like that are the reason creators abandon their aus, and yeah, one of the reason wttmv is in pause
We lost motivation due to school, busy life, ect, but also because people keep coming at us with this mentality
I get that you like our work, and it would be flattering, if you didn't put others down to compliment wttmv
I can't stand this behavior
Let people tell their stories !
It's inspired from other works, so what ? Humans get inspired all the time
WTTMV itself is inspired by Underverse and X-tale, at core !!
Rippoff is a strong word, and a wrong one at that
Similar concepts are bound to happen
Heck, there is a character with the same core concept as Stitcher, a Julie destroying worlds while thinking she does the right thing
But Designer and Stitcher are different, they have different stories, different narrative themes, and that's why both are cool as fuck (also they would likely get along if they were to meet)
I don't understand why I would want to get rid of the others
The other aus and multiverser aren't competition
They never were
The multiverse concept is not new, it's not ours, it's big and full of possibilities
That's why when our snowball effect rolled early one, with the mootieverse craze and all, we quickly detached ourselves from the word "mootieverse" so everyone could use it
Idk if people noticed that we stopped calling ourselves mootieverse
Mootieverse is for anyone that has a wh multivers characters and who is mutual with the others, and all stories are worth telling
We also try to give a little lore explanation about how we see the multiverse in wttmv, so that it doesn't exclude other creators and to avoid behavior like this
I'm putting this on full blast
This is BAD fandom behavior
It's behavior like this that makes creators want to lock themselves in their private discords to just play with their friends and never show the world their amazing creations
I don't like being seen as superior than anyone
It's uncomfortable
It makes people want to attack and blame *us* for words like this, when we never even implied anything of the sort (that happened yeah)
I rant a lot, but I think it needs to be said more
Appreciate all the stories
That's what makes us unique and not like AI
If you like wttmv, just say you like it, don't put others down, don't ask us to report (it wouldn't do anything anyway cause the others didn't do anything wrong, duh)
Scroll away if you don't like something, or mute, or block, it's as easy as this
Of you want more wttmv, idk, just ask lore questions, request doodles (me and koko are open for requests), show that you love it and maybe it'll get us motivated to show what we've been working on
Do you just understand all of this
Negativity will get your favorite AUs nowhere
It will only make them disapear
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We should do another Sins of the Youth. I want a teeny tiny Jay running around like a crazed raccoon. 10 year old Barry who's scared of his own shadow and 13 year old Wally who will bite you and will make jokes while he does so.
And then gimme 20 year old Bart who... honestly didn't change much but is not thrilled to be an adult again. 30 year old Ace who isn't really sure what he's supposed to be doing and doesn't know how to take charge but Bart isn't helping so it's all on him.
And the pièce de résistance, grandparent aged Irey and Jai who are just having a blast being adults and doing whatever they want and who are surprisingly wise about everything.
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aerkame · 1 year
Will there be antagonist(s) or rivals or some threats in the finfolk fic? Maybe some hunters who are experienced in tracking down and capturing mythological creatures, as in knows how to avoid getting caught, how to handle them, etc. Someone who actually possesses a threat to home? Or how about since Sally goes on killing spares it’s very likely that the murders will end up attracting attention of some curious puppets, maybe some wannabe crime detectives or a folklorist? Sorry for my rambling, you don’t have to answer this ask.
Oh nono, I love seeing asks so it's fine! :)
Warning: This is very short and not read well since it's 3am and my brain is half asleep writing this 👍
There are actually puppets aware that Finfolk exist, but usually they keep low and hide in fear of getting killed. It's those seeking revenge or seeking Finfolk out of curiosity that end up looking around for them.
I did actually have a rival in mind and it's in relation to the wolf OC I made a day ago along with that bird squad I drew. It's the sheep (or ram, it's undecided) that has been tracking the neighbors down despite their efforts to throw them off. You'd think they would just kill the puppet, but they've had a hard time surprisingly. You see, when you kill enough puppets, there tends to be a growing number of witnesses left to take care of. And sometimes there's too many to just kill. You can't get rid of a town's entire population you know? So they do what they can to wipe memories and minds alike, but for once, they missed one. And it's that one puppet that grew aware of their presence. The neighbors are aware of the sheep/ram's whereabouts, they just can't decide how to take care of the situation. They're too suspicious of new people now, and any attempts at direct contact are met with threats of leaking evidence. They even tried infiltrating government officials to get them arrested but the sheep/ram had fled before then. There's a motive to this tracking, naturally. They want revenge on whoever killed their family. (It was probably Sally, Julie, or Wally)
I mean, all they have left is their crush (that being the wolf). And they'd do anything to keep their love safe. It just so happens to mean killing off whoever killed his family first.
I did want to draw a comic for the next bit on this backstory though.
Eventually, they did turn to drastic measures when a Finfolk had gravely wounded the sheep/ram. Using their own blood to summon a demon, they made a deal for half their lifespan in exchange for their power. (I am aiming for this character to kind of lose it really so tw in that I guess?) It does boil down to them being captured and held by Wally in front of Home though, having almost killed several Finfolk in a blind rage. Home does end up convincing the sheep/ram to give in and become a Finfolk for the guaranteed safety of the wolf lover and a chance at a happy life with their love (all of their actions caused Finfolk outside of Home to target the wolf as well as the sheep/ram). Which the sheep/ram accepts. Never finding out who killed their family. So now we got a demon sheep/ram, Finfolk hybrid ready that's completely crazed.
ANYWAYS, the comic I wanted to draw was when the wolf is slowly realizing the sheep/ram has lost it as a Finfolk now. That or some dialogue between Wally and the sheep/ram where they discuss a deal they're making between the love's safety and becoming a Finfolk willingly under Home.
I really need to just give them names so it's less confusing...
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