#CP Wally
azraelcreates · 4 months
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My Sona With Many Wally Plushies!!! 🍎✨
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floof-bunz · 1 year
I BRING TO YOU…Cannibal! Au >:D
Tbh idk what is wrong with me, making cannibal characters is fun haha. In this au there is a Human (CH) Wally and a Puppet (CP) Wally! In this au CH! Wally is the cannibal while CP! Wally is more of an accomplice to CH! Wally. (Although CP! Wally’s hands aren’t clean either haha…) I have more idea but don’t wanna spoil too much so enjoy these doodles!
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arishamoni12 · 9 months
Only USA people please click the link and sign up please and rewards $50 sign up bonus https://sites.google.com/view/tanjim433/home
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solar-wing · 10 months
⚣ Idiots In Love 🤦‍♂️
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⚣🤦‍♂️ A/N → This is a request that I got from my previous account. It's not a re-post though. This is freshly written and done. Here you are @alexanderstarhero! I hope you like it! Not one of my best, but I did get a similar request to this one, and I wanted to get it out. Warnings: Omegaverse | Oblivious Friends to Lovers | Jealousy | Canon-Typical Violence | Kissing and marking | etc.
⚣🤦‍♂️ Summary → Nothing is more frustrating than watching two people who are clearly in love with each other be completely oblivious and ignorant of each other's feelings. It's so obvious, like come on, how could they not see it? Wait, did Conner just protectively wrap his arm around Y/N when Wally got too close? And they're supposed to be "friends?" I can't take this anymore. I'm DONE! I'M OVER IT!
⚣🤦‍♂️ Words → 5.0k
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
Also, vote in my Omegaverse/Yandere poll here!
⚣ ENJOY 🤦‍♂️
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It was so sweet, yet also so painful to watch. How could you two be that affectionate and cute with each other, and still have no clue of the feelings you both held? It had to be a screw loose in the brain or something because this was just getting ridiculous.
Shortly after Zatara became the new Dr. Fate, Zatanna, his daughter, reached out to his son and her adoptive brother, Y/N Zatara to come join her at Mount Justice and join the Team. He was more than thrilled at the offer and immediately packed up his things from his boarding school and joined his sister in Happy Harbor.
Y/N had always wanted to join the Justice League’s newest stealth and covert team when it was first formed, but Zatara would not allow it. He didn’t want either of his children to join the Team for various reasons. Specifically, he didn’t want to create any chance or risk of losing Zatanna, his only connection to his deceased wife, Sindella.
For Y/N, he knew the life of a superhero and its sometimes cruel and unfair conditions. The magician knew the already hard life the young omega was given early on and didn’t want to add to it.
When Y/N was very young, he’d become an orphan, his parents disappearing under mysterious circumstances. So, he was placed in foster care and moved between many different foster homes. As the story typically goes, he felt out of place and never really accepted in any of the homes his CPS agent would place him in.
Not just for his magical abilities, but sometimes also for his daily obvious submissive nature. Even if he hadn’t presented yet, Y/N always showed early traits of an Omega dynamic. And, just as many places in the world that had yet to move forward in modern times, there was an inherent bias in the foster care system that favored Alpha or Beta children over Omegas.
It wasn’t until his 5th or 6th foster home that he ran away, and happened to come across a battle between Zatara and Wotan. The magician’s curiosity had been piqued when this random child helped him in taking down the sorcerer. After hearing a bit of the young child’s story, he decided to take him under his wing and adopt him as his son.
Many jokes were made by different leaguers about how he needed to be careful or he’d turn into Batman 2.0.
The Dark Knight did not find the joke amusing.
When Zatara had brought Zatanna to the Team’s new base shortly after their creation as a stealth unit for the Justice League, Y/N wanted to join along, but Zatara insisted he stay at his school and focus on his studies. That’s why he was absent for the first adventures his sister got to join in.
Things changed though when Zatanna decided to use the Helmet of Fate in the battle against Klarion after he split the world into two dimensions with one only full of adults and the other only full of children. As fate would have it (pun unintended), Nabu, the spirit possessing the helmet refused to give up her body as he felt it necessary he establish himself permanently on Earth to prevent the world from falling into chaos.
A deal was made between Zatara and Nabu that he would trade places with his daughter, becoming the new Dr. Fate.
After that, Zatanna’s life was moved from New York to Mount Justice where she lived alongside Miss Martian and Superboy. M’Gann did her best to help her new comrade and roommate feel welcomed, excited at having another girl living at Mount Justice and being able to do all sorts of Earth girly stuff as she saw on TV, but it wasn’t enough.
Zatanna craved familiarity. She missed her home and her dad, and though nothing would ever be able to replace those feelings, she figured having her brother around would help her feel less alone after just a few months of living at the Cave
Yes, was it a bit selfish? Kind of, but, in her defense, Y/N had already wanted to join the Team the second he found out about it. It was their dad who wouldn’t let him, so of course, when he got the call from his sister, he wanted to immediately pack up his things and move himself to Happy Harbor.
But, of course, adults had to intervene. Their leaders suggested Y/N wait till he finished the semester at his current school and then transfer over in the new year after winter break was over. Not what they initially wanted, but knowing they would eventually be together in a few months was enough to hold them over.
After the entire mess with Vandal Savage and his scheme of taking the Justice League was over, Batman and Black Canary began the official process of transferring Y/N over to Happy Harbor. They handled all of the paperwork and administrative details on Zatara’s behalf, and soon, both the Zatara siblings became full-time members of the Team.
The day Y/N arrived was one to be remembered. His future teammates couldn’t think of a time they had seen Zatanna so anxious and excited. When the Zeta Tube machines began whirring up and the automated voice announced his arrival, she almost left skid marks on the floor from how fast she sprinted to the opening.
The very first moment Y/N came through, she immediately ran forward and tackled him into a hug with him returning the gesture as well, happy to see his sister. The other team members watched in silent awe, some a bit emotional than others (*cough* Wally *cough*).
After their tearful reunion, Zatanna introduced her brother to the rest of the team. Everything went smoothly until she got to Superboy, who Y/N immediately became nervous and flushed around the second he laid eyes on the Kryptonian.
Zatanna and Y/N always kept in contact through phone calls, emails, and letters while he was away, and that didn’t change when she met the Young Justice team. 
In her messages, she described the Team and its different members, the missions they went on, and all the different stuff about the Cave. She also went into very specific details about one particular member of the group, even going as far as to send pictures sometimes whenever the group took photos together.
Knowing her sweet, Omega brother, and his overly romantic way of thinking, she knew if he and Superboy had ever met, he’d more than likely fall head over heels. Zatanna herself was a Beta, so she wasn’t easily swooned by the sight and smell of Alphas and Omegas like her brother or other certain members of the team (*cough* Wally *cough*).
However, she didn’t expect the surprising (at least to her) relationship between Conner and M’Gann. That truthfully was the plot twist of the season. She was no relationship expert, but if you asked her, those two just didn’t make sense.
There was no chemistry, no connection or spark that even the strongest telescope could see between them. The most you could see was physical attraction if even that. So when it came down to their eventual split a few months later, Zatanta, out of everybody else on the team, was not even the slightest bit surprised.
M’Gann swore they were just on a small break and would be back together in no time, but the sorceress was almost positive it wasn’t happening. Conner showed no interest in wanting to get back with her, which was the entire reason she even started poking at the idea of him and Y/N together in the first place.
They would look so good together, and oh god, could you imagine their children? Cutest kids ever. She wasn’t biased at all, but seriously? Take one look at Y/N, then look at Conner who’s basically the standard of the attractive himbo– ahem, male. 
She could even remember her and her dad doing all the thinking of the world of who Y/N’s parents could be.
You didn’t get looks like those by wishing for it or casting a spell…
Hold up?
Yet, the only issue getting in the way was their inability to confess their obvious feelings for each other. It was like that feeling you get when watching a Dora episode and the twitch but replacing it with a b kept asking for something that was literally RIGHT THERE.
Like, girl, ARE YOU BLIND?!
That had to be the case, considering both reactions from Y/N and Conner when they were introduced.
As mentioned before, Y/N became flustered and nervous, almost stuttering over his words when he went to shake hands with Superboy. He’d been smooth and charismatic with everyone else on the team, but, as Zatanna predicted, the Omega immediately grew a crush on the young superhero. And it definitely wasn’t one-sided.
You know in those cheesy romance novels and movies (Disney we’re looking at you), when the two lovebirds or soulmates first make contact, and there’s that ‘spark’ between them. Like long-lost lovers or some shit like that?
Let’s just say, this was a bit more, extra if you will.
Conner had only been out of his pod for a few months, and what he had yet to discover was that the human part of his DNA meant his genes were also subjected to Alpha/Beta/Omega biology, unlike M’Gann and her Uncle or even Clark. Not much study had been done yet on Kryptonian biology and if they were affected by a similar biological dynamic system like most homo-sapiens were. 
Martians were never known to have such a thing in their biology according to Martian Manhunter.
Therefore, it never occurred to anyone the possibility that Conner could very well end up presenting a dynamic at some point if he hadn’t already. When he met Y/N and shook hands with him, you could say his reaction was surprising, bordering on terrifying or hot. Your choice.
The Kryptonian’s nose had flared and he ended up yanking Y/N into his arms, aggressively sniffing at his neck. He also uttered the word ‘Mine’ while glaring and growling at anyone who dared take a step too close.
Hmm, does anyone else have the weirdest sense of Déjà Vu? Weird.
It became clear to everyone right there Conner’s biological dynamic; Alpha. And, considering meeting Y/N was his first time meeting an Omega ever, he reacted quite better than many before they’d seen, which was a bit shocking when you think about it.
The man literally came out of his pod swinging and punching, not to mention his less-than-tactical way of dealing with confrontational situations. Everyone chalked it up to his Kryptonian DNA and his isolation from society for his aggressive ways.
Nope, it was just regular Alpha-like temper tantrums. Typical.
Plus, most of the guys were either Alphas, except for Dick who had yet to present. Artemis and Zatanna were both betas, making Y/N the first and only Omega on the team.
The others managed to separate the two, and when Conner got himself back under control, he apologized embarrassingly before excusing himself. Everyone had brushed it off and wouldn’t hang it over his head, knowing from experience how bad those situations can get when you experience your first ‘hormonal instinct takeover’, or H.I.T. as most would call it.
Whoever thought of that must have considered themselves quite clever. Getting hit with H.I.T.? So corny.
That interaction all but confirmed Zatanna’s predictions that Conner and Y/N would end up together. Though, he didn’t score high in M’Gann’s favor at all.
She wasn’t pleased with that interaction at all and wanted to avoid the possibility of having any repeat mistakes in the future. Things would not go her way. In truth, they would go the opposite.
After they showed him the Cave, they let him get set up in his room which was conveniently right next to Conner’s room. Something else the Martian girl was 100% not happy about.
She tried to point out the fact that maybe if Conner was getting used to his new Alpha dynamic, having an Omega room right next to him wouldn’t be the best idea since it could be a trigger for the Kryptonian. It almost worked too, but once again, things did not go her way.
Surprisingly (not for Zatanna), it was Conner who shot down the idea, saying that he could control himself and didn’t think it necessary for Y/N to move rooms. Besides, the Omega had already started unpacking and getting comfortable, and he didn’t want to inconvenience him.
Which was half the truth…
Little did he or anyone else realize, Conner was already falling in sync with his natural Alpha instincts. And the most urgent of those at the moment was keeping the Omega he desired in a close enough place where he could protect and watch over him.
The thought of having Y/N in a room farther away where he couldn’t immediately get to him if something were to happen left a very sour feeling in the Alpha’s stomach. Thankfully, Batman and Black Canary agreed to let him keep the room. But, Conner would be working with the Dark Knight on controlling and understanding his new biological nature since that was something the G-Gnomes couldn’t telepathically teach him.
M’Gann was not happy.
Zatanna was ecstatic.
Y/N was nervous but also giddy. The Kryptonian was not alone in his feelings or instincts taking over as the second anyone suggested a room change, the Omega was prepared to fight (metaphorically speaking) to stay exactly where he was.
He wasn’t blind at all. Y/N caught on to M’Gann’s motives the second she opened her mouth, and he wasn’t going to let her win if he had anything to say about it. The more time Conner and Y/N spent around each other, the more protective and jealous each other became when it came to anyone else coming around them. Specifically, anyone they saw as a threat.
For Y/N, that was obviously M’Gann.
As time passed by and he got more acclimated into the team, he was not oblivious to the many attempts M’Gann would make to flirt and get back with Conner, even going as far as one day just blatantly asking him if he ever thought about her.
The Kryptonian was kind enough not to embarrass her in front of everyone and pulled her out of the room to explain his platonic feelings for her. Y/N heard everything though, thanks to a spying spell he secretly cast.
And Y/N is not shy about staking his claim on the Alpha, even though they’re only friends. He finds subtle ways to leave his scent on Conner, whether that’s giving him subtle touches where he knows his scent glands are, asking to wear his jacket when he pretends to get cold, or finding an excuse to hug or touch the boy.
Also, if the Alpha ever needs anything, Y/N is the first to grab and provide what it may be. Not only did it please his nature to know he was taking care of an Alpha, but it also satisfied his territorial side whenever M’Gann saw or heard Conner praising him for his assistance.
His biggest success though may have been after an incident where M’Gann tried to read his mind only to have her thoughts scattered by his defensive spell. Y/N was never a big fan of the telepathic link of communication they used on missions, giving M’Gann unlimited access to all of their thoughts.
He placed a protective spell over his and Zatanna’s minds with her permission that would only allow M’Gann access to communicating thoughts and nothing else. If she went searching for more, the spell would activate and deflect her signal right back to her mind, scrambling her head. Imagine a brain freeze or your worst headache, and then put it on steroids. Served her well.
He discreetly put one on Conner as well, but knew he would take it off eventually as he didn’t want to overstep boundaries.
Of course, this caught the attention of others when the Martian girl was more or less screaming in pain for a solid minute. The effect didn’t last long, so she wasn’t being tortured for an extended period, only long enough to teach her a lesson. 
When Aqualad asked what happened, Y/N simply explained his discomfort with having an open link into each of their minds and his protective measures in case someone decided to get a little nosy. M’Gann’s little reaction proved his concerns were justified.
The mage suggested that he could use the same spell which would allow them to communicate telepathically still, but just that. No reading one’s thoughts and mind.
Everyone readily agreed to this, of course, the only one protesting it was M’Gann, but considering she was outnumbered, she had no choice but to go along. Aqualad also requested he place that defensive spell on each one of their minds, just in case any of them were to have run-ins with a mind-reading villain like that time in Bialya.
When it came time for him to put the spell on Conner, Y/N decided to come clean and admitted he already placed a spell on him. He claimed it was because he heard how the G-Gnomes used to control him telepathically and figured he wanted to erase any chance of that, which was true, but not the only reason. 
Thankfully, the Kryptonian didn’t question him, finding comfort and admiration in the fact that he would go out of his way for him like that. His Alpha side was very happy.
Zatanna, of course, knew better and was very happy watching this entire thing unfold.
Now, on Superboy’s end, his threat was basically anyone who was not either a female, another Omega, or himself. Meaning he sees not just his enemies as a threat to claim over Y/N, but even some of his allies as well.
If he and Y/N were in the same room together and Kal, Wally, or Dick entered, Conner immediately would be on edge. He’d watch their every move like a hawk, especially if they came too close toward the mage for his liking. 
If any of them were to be talking to the Omega, they’d turn to find a very aggravated and tense Kryptonian glaring at them with a very clear message. One wrong move and their mentors would be looking for new mentees.
It was something he had to work hard on in his training with Batman and now Superman as well, taming his jealous and possessive instincts. He learned that while Kryptonians don’t share the same biological dynamics as humans do, they do still have stronger instincts and urges, which can amplify his already strong Alpha nature.
It proved easier said than done.
It was so easy for him to let his protective nature take over, even when Y/N was perfectly safe or in total control of a situation.
Many times on missions, Conner would all but demand that Y/N be paired with him if they were to split up. Even if it sometimes made sense for the mage to be paired off with a different person, he’d barely budge. With Artemis or Zatanna, he was lenient. M’Gann was just an automatic no. And any of the other guys, it’d be easier to ask Batman to not brood for one day.
That wasn’t even the worst part, though. Many times on missions or in battles, the Kryptonian would demand Y/N stay back and let him handle the fight, even if the mage was winning.
At one point, Wotan sought revenge against Zatara, Dr. Fate, and the Omega who defeated him so many years ago and had once again combined forces with Klarion to put many heroes in the Justice League under a spell. Similar to when that mind control thing happened with Vandal Savage, but this time, they were instructed to just destroy those three.
Of course, as Fate would have it (no pun intended), Superboy and Y/N ended up facing off against Superman. Now, given the last time the two Kryptonians faced off, you’d think Conner would have taken the back-pedal, considering they both shared a similar weakness to magic.
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Conner insisted that Y/N stay behind him and that he would take care of Superman himself. He held out for as long as he could, but, at some point, the mage just couldn’t continue to sit by and watch.
They won the battle, and Zatanna and Y/N were able to break the spell over the heroes, but Conner was not happy with the Omega at all. However, he couldn’t figure out if he was more upset about the fact he disobeyed him or that he put his life in danger for him. 
And, truthfully, he had to wonder if he was only upset and not also appreciative and grateful for the knowledge of knowing that if he truly was ever in trouble, he could count on Y/N to be there to help him when he couldn’t help himself.
Again, Zatanna was fully enjoying herself watching this play out.
Yet, the longer it went on, the more she and the others got tired of waiting. Even M’Gann was getting restless wondering when those two were going to man up and admit their feelings.
In the beginning, Y/N and Conner were both very awkward around each other, considering how they first met. The Kryptonian felt as if he didn’t know how to approach the Omega without humiliating himself again. And, the mage felt like he didn’t know how to talk to the Alpha without getting flustered and nervous and saying something embarrassing.
Truly, two peas in a pod.
But, their mutual affection and painfully obvious feelings for each other would bring them closer over time, and they soon became almost virtually inseparable. There weren’t many instances where anyone could say they saw one without the other. Especially Conner who always made it a point to be in the same vicinity as Y/N.
Zatanna and the others eventually got tired of waiting and cooked up a plan to get the two together so they could finally end this drawn-out torture. Since they were both so oblivious, they decided the best way to get them to admit their feelings was for lack of a better phrase, ‘forcing them in a corner.’
Some legitimate concerns did come up considering their plan consisted of Wally flirting with Y/N to irritate and make Conner jealous. The main one came from the speedster himself in how they would keep the Kryptonian from trying to essentially murder him.
Don’t get him wrong; Wally was no coward. But, he knew when he was outmatched in a fight, and considering how territorial and aggressive Alphas could get when they felt challenged since he was one himself, the possibilities were all too real in his mind.
Zatanna, Dick, and the others promised they wouldn’t let that happen, but it didn’t do much to alleviate the concerns in his mind. But, in a surprising twist of events, it turned out Conner wasn’t the one they had to worry about.
They put their plan into action early in the mornings, with Wally giving subtle one-liners and suggestive looks in Y/N’s direction. As predicted, Conner immediately became disgruntled, growing irritated and frustrated with every flirty line and look out of the speedster’s mouth toward his Omega (at least in his mind).
Y/N was surprised by this as well and did his best to ignore Wally’s advances, but not good enough in a certain Martain’s eye. 
M’Gann was not in on Zatanna’s plans for obvious reasons, and when she saw Wally’s attempts at flirting with the Omega took that as her golden opportunity to win Conner back. She found the Alpha in the training room by himself, a rare occurrence where Y/N was nowhere in sight.
He was busy sparring with the reinforced punching bag Batman created for him, doing his best to control and tame his anger like Superman and Batman taught him. But, his super hearing wouldn’t allow much of that since he could still hear every flirty line out of Wally’s mouth which just increased the intensity of his punches.
M’Gann took advantage of his angry state, trying to paint a false, negative image of Y/N that if he really cared about the Kryptonian, he wouldn’t entertain any of Wally’s behavior at all. She was laying hands on his hard, shirtless body doing her best to give her most alluring eyes while looking at his sweaty and angered face.
Conner was so in his head with his anger and frustration that he barely reacted or moved when M’Gann pushed herself closer, looking as if she was going in for a kiss. Of course, as fate would have it, that was the moment Y/N chose to walk in on them with Wally and the others in tow.
It was almost as if time had paused and then skipped a few seconds because before anyone could react, Y/N had cast a spell that blasted M’Gann to the other side of the room. No one had seen the Omega that angry before (besides Zatanna) didn’t know how to react when he stomped toward the Martian who was just getting herself off the floor.
When it looked like no one was going to do anything, Zatanna was about to step in until Conner intervened, grabbing Y/N, and holding him against his body while instructing the others to check on the Martian to make sure she was okay. He dragged the furious Omega out of the room, Zatanna subtly smirking as she watched before going to help M’Gann.
Conner marched them both toward his bedroom, shutting the door forcibly behind him before pushing Y/N against the surface, smashing his lips against him to silence the Omega’s angry shouts. Shocked, surprised, bewildered, all words you could use to describe Y/N's reaction to the sudden kiss, but resistant? Not in this universe or the next however many.
He immediately gave in to the Kryptonian’s demanding and rough lips, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of his hands squeezing and pulling his waist against his. They became a tangled mess of limbs as Conner moved them from the door over to his bed, carefully laying the Omega’s body onto the mattress while positioning himself on top.
Eventually, they broke their lips apart, but the Alpha wasn’t done yet. He greedily ran his lips up and down the Omega’s jaw and neck, giving into his possessive nature and leaving as many bites and hickeys as the eye could see. 
At that point, Y/N was begging for the Kryptonian to knot and mark him, seeing as how Conner wasn’t shy this time about letting the smaller male know who’s Omega he was. His Alpha nature and instincts were very satisfied seeing the mage so desperate and needy for him, wishing suddenly he could take a picture to capture this moment.
And while tempted to give in to the Omega’s cries and pleas, he opted to resist, wanting to save that moment for a more special occasion.
“Boo, you’re no fun,” Y/N pouted.
Conner grew a smug look at the bratty Omega before running his nose down his neck toward his scent gland. “That’s fine. Besides, why should I reward you after letting another Alpha flirt with you all day?” Conner asked, a crossed expression passing over his face.
“I wasn’t letting him flirt with me. I was trying to get him to stop and avoid him all day since I knew it would make you upset.” Y/N said in reply.
“How did you know I would be upset?”
“Dude, anytime one of the guys even breathed at me, you got angry. You were ready to break Dick’s arm that time he caught me falling from that stairway.” Y/N laughed.
“He shouldn’t have his hands that low on your waist. You can easily catch someone using their armpits.” Conner said, a childish ‘hmph’ leaving his lips.
“Yeah, okay Mr. I can lift a car with my pinky.”
Conner rolled his eyes, before using his hands to tickle the Omega’s sides, “You think you’re so funny.”
Y/N tried to fight against the laughs coming up his chest and push Conner away, but the Alpha was obviously stronger than him and easily held him down while continuing to tickle him mercilessly. Eventually, he released him and they both calmed down.
The Alpha continued to lay gently on top of the Omega, burying his face in the smaller male’s neck to breathe in his scent while Y/N rubbed his hands up and down the larger male’s back and through his dark hair. It was intimate and peaceful, the two lovebirds finally enjoying what they both had secretly been craving for so long.
Eventually, their friends came to check on them, interrupting the special moment. Wally apologized to Conner after he and Zatanna explained their plan, to which the Alpha and Omega gave unamused looks to their friends, though they both appreciated the gesture since it did help them finally get together.
Y/N also apologized to M’Gann for his behavior but did warn her that if ever tried something like that with his Alpha again, she’d realize just how creatively violent he could get with his magic. Surprisingly, she also apologized, but the Omega could tell that his friends probably forced her to do so.
Either way, he was happy.
He and his idiot Alpha were finally together.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
Short DPXDC Prompts Masterlist #951-1000
951. Dani HoH Barista 952. Wes is Harley Quinn's Cousin 953. Lancer's Student: Harley Quinn 954. Billy Finds Thermos 955. Dani meets Catwoman 956. Lancer's Class in Central City 957. Wes Gets Superpowers from Pipeline 958. Sam uses Wonder Woman Bracers 959. Better Call Dan 960. Dan Bargains with Captain Cold (FAV PROMPT) 961. Jimmy Olsen's Roommate: Dash 962. Val Works for CPS 963. Barry meets Dani (resurrection) 964. Paulina Museum Curator 965. Diana & Lancer Friends 966. Diana & Tucker Friends 967. Danny Needs Shazam's Help 968. Dash JL Mechanic 969. Clockwork & Wally Angst 970. Danny Sees Speedsters in Portals 971. Diana Finds Danny 972. Danny Chews out Superboy 973. Constantine Meets Johnny 13 974. GL Read CW Sticky Note 975. TimKonDanny Mermaid AU 976. Task Force X Stalks Skulker 977. Dani & Secret 978. Star & Paulina Gotham Roomates 979. Harley Meets Sam 980. Paulina Calls Alfred 981. Johnny/Kitty Work for GCPD 982. Dash & Steph Motorcycle Mechanic AU 983. Consultant Danny 984. Maddie Demands Batman Finds Her Son 985. Maddie Defeats LoA 986. Jack Worked For Wayne 987. Tucker GCPD Detective 988. Dan is Flash Rogues's Friend 989. Danny Overshadows Batman 990. Danny is a Substitute Teacher 991. Shop Teacher AU 992. Danny Joins Vásquez Family 993. Jazz & Harley. Psychologist AU 994. Sam Works For Daily Planet 995. Teen Titans Sleepover at Danny's House 996. Damian's Twin Possesses Danny 997. Dick & Danny Magic Phone AU 998. Central City Baker AU 999. Fentons Hunt Solomon Grundy 1000. Balls.
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ggfj84 · 2 years
"I need you to sign this," Bruce said without preamble as Dick rushed into the kitchen. Hair disheveled, jacket flapping, and tie loose, Dick was a chaotic force of nature with his soccer cleats, gym duffle, and backpack hanging off his shoulders. "Now?" "Yes." Bruce placed the paper and pen on the kitchen island as Alfred was busy with the kettle on the stove, back to them. Dick sighed dramatically like the performer he was, dropping all his accoutrements to the floor and reaching for the paper. Without reading it, he added his John Handcock on the line and grabbed a pancake from the pile on the island. "There. You happy? Now, come on! I'm going to be late for morning practice." "...Y-You don't even need to know what it is." Years later, Dick might have picked up on the subtle stuttering. He might have noticed the slight shaking in Bruce's hand as he lifted his teacup off its saucer or even caught the nervous shifting of his foster father’s eyes. But fourteen-year-old Dick Grayson just hoped he didn't have to run ten laps for being late to morning practice - again. "Yes, I'm so worried that you're taking me for everything I'm worth." Dick motioned around the large, elegant manor in which they stood. "Now come - " "Hold one moment, Master Richard," Alfred interrupted as Dick started to regather his belongings. With daft touches, Alfred tied Dick's school tie, flattened his collar, and then closed his school jacket and buttoned it properly. Then, once Alfred deemed him presentable, he added, "Please do try to keep all my hard work in order until you reach the locker room." "I can make no promises, Alfie.” He grabbed another pancake and shoved the whole thing into his mouth. “B, come on!" he mumbled. Then he was off, leaving an impeccably dressed Bruce at the kitchen island, blinking down at his half-drunk tea and the signed document. "...I'm doing the right thing, right, Alfred? I should ask him, make sure this is the right course of action." "It should be his choice, Master Bruce." Alfred brushed a wayward strand off Bruce's shoulder as he passed. "But...I'm going into space, Alfred, to a war planet. What if he says no and the shareholders decide not to honor my request?" "This is all contingent on, perish the thought, you not returning from said war planet." Alfred heaved an exaggerated sigh, not unlike Dick's earlier. "Yes, what shall a teenage boy do with only a surrogate grandfather who happens to have millions in savings? How shall he ever survive?" Bruce's glower was as piercing and bitter as Batman's, though Alfred had long become immune. "What if CPS doesn't leave him with you? What if they decide to put him back where they originally placed him?" He shook the signed paper at Alfred. "This will protect him." "B!" The slamming of the front door resounded through the quiet manor. "We. Have. To. Go. Or I'm calling Wally and skipping school all together!" "Do it, and Robin won't see the Gotham skyline for a month," Bruce returned but not unkindly. To Alfred, he said in a low voice, "It's my duty to protect him. If anything were to happen...I just need to make sure he'll be okay." He then nodded to himself, pocketed the document, and headed out of the kitchen. "Perhaps you should have thought of that before placing him in a colorful uniform and parading him in front of Gotham's most dastardly lot." "I heard that," Bruce replied in a raised voice and a half-smile, which Alfred decided to ignore.  
(I wasn’t sure if Gotham Knights #17 was still canon, and this little plot bunny just hopped into my brain.)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
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Na but fr this book had gaven me more questions then answers,head's up there's gonna be A LOT OF SPOILERS I'm gonna talk about so bewere on that
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SO sadly this whole book isn't fully a backstory book and it leads more questions then answers
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Darkwell now described in this picture, from my understanding after reading has an untrustworthy mouth due to some actions we see him do in the book,now the reason I bring this fucker up is because he's the main reason of my coping and seething (the second being the lack of slappy's siblings being mentioned)) because HE'S THE BITCH THAT ACTUALLY MADE SLAPPY Wich begs A LOT OF FUCKING QUESTIONS now this takes place during 200 years ago in Europe doesn't say we're so I'm gonna safely assume Salem??? But the question about Franz and kanduu especially after there part in the new goosebumps show is what's up with that why were they mentioned in slappy and mr.wood's life dose that implay different wizards and witches made and or created them or what??Oh did I mention that darkwell has a nephew? No? Well it's because kid is not even real??? But he also can bleed??? He has wires and tubes but not even he knew about not being a doll poor kid was attacked, ridiculed and the towns people thought they could be CPS and take the kid away from darkwell, after making slappy darkwell just booked it and left when the towns people tired to burn him down he didn't want Isaac anymore Wich even they were shocked about before learning the kid isn't even a real boy,Wich is quite sad really because the kid definitely deserves better he was only 12 after all.
Miss.rabbit has fainted
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See that 👆 that's slappy,no really it is you can't give him a redemption ark enless it's sacrifice,in the book darkwell said he lied to slappy about it because he wanted to take revenge but I highly doubt that was even a case to begin with,not after what he did with Isaac plus he didn't prove nor shown anything to the reader that he's being for real on it, it gets worse that slappy somehow juked him if he made slappy he should know slappy's tricks meaning that it just seems like some other wizards or someone is complaining about slappy so he tried to deal with it but failed miserably because he just didn't give to fucks and wants to be left Alone or at least that's how I seen it. Now from this understanding I do find it quite funny/sad if slappy can't be good even if he wanted to because if he doesn't do evil he gets put to sleep even if he dose a good deed it's like that miss rabbit has fallen joke(Wich I may do if I have the time 🤭)
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So yyyyeah there is 0 explanation about slappy's siblings and I'm not even sure what's up with mr.wood especially how the fandom is split with this piece of shit,some believe he's Wally some believe he and wally are separated characters if counted correctly if there separate it be 5 of them if not 4 now i know there's gonna be people saying"oh there's evidence" what evidence?? How can we be so sure we can count that if stine can't even keep slappy's orgains in straight and just adding questions? Stine was the Scott coathen before Scott was even a thing BUT besides that! The reason why I mentioned this is quite interesting to me 🤔
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I made a drawing to the best of my abilities about the slappy bewere mr.wood next to the official artwork of Mr.wood in slappy bewere this puppet went by "Mister" wood instead of Mr.wood, Wich again rather odd
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Here is the highlighted parts of the description, during this section of the story slappy not only tried to fit in with this toy brand to scare kids it was an easy suit due to Mister wood being wildly popular,Wich also adds the question is it the mr.wood that we knew grew popular to get a branding of himself??because I could have sworn I seen someone mention he perhaps DID become a bigshot but what an odd detail to add with glasses it didn't tell us about his nose nor eyes it's just only those details,all I know slappy did bring these toys to life but it's quiet and oddity to bring in still it's already wild enough that he was referenced but not Goldie nor snappy whom was told in the slappyworld series that they were made side by side with him or made earlier or before him we do know kanduu had a part to play in his life with mr.wood so dose that implay that slappy was gaven to Franz?? Did darkwell knew Franz?? Send your opinions in all this in the comments or something 🤷‍♀️
There's no room for more photos but we got spells n shit ✨yippee✨
So yeah we got new spells if someone broke the code with the og I'm sure one of y'all have more of a bigger brain then me
Lambda Osiris karamubder dominus malado venn is a LONG ASS SPELL JFC but the spell keeps people frozen in place playing there WORST fears now this one seems more simple,amapo amapi amapo golrah golreeh amapo Wich is a spell that you chant that brings non living things to life or at least that is what is displayed for all we know this can bring back the dead if he wanted to.
🎶you are copeing, COPEING and SEETHING, you don't believe what you are seeing, you are copeing you are seeeethiiinng-🎶
I'm sorry but that's the best way I can describe the last story, turned out slappy's biggest weekness is himbos or people who gives 0 fucks or are complete airheaded those are the 3 horsemen who can truly defeat slappy(not really but slappy is REALLY copeing with this) because Everytime he tried to ruin something the Carlton family laughs it off and also bless Bryce's heart they were just unconditionally sweet tords slappy sure kids parents were sorta weirded out by it but it was harmless after all due to them thinking slappy is not really alive kid gave him a bowl of soup let him have his air pods to listen to music hell kid even puts slappy to bed with him,slappy obviously couldn't give to shits about the kid but I find it rather cute I don't think I seen any kid with slappy that passionate and kind tords him before finding out he's a pice of a wooden splinter dispite slappy's failed pranks one of them that even surprised me that slappy put a spider in someone's coffee AND THEY DRANKED IT WITHOUT RELIZNG SAYING THE BREW WAS "LUMPY" JFC- IM SORRY F U C K DAT- but besides that slappy genuinely thought he'd be knocked out for good if he doesn't do any good evil deeds in time so he was having a panic at the disco,this was during the time darkwell tried to "dystroy" slappy even though he flat out "lied" to him(and i say "lie" from what i mentioned before)
Questions, somewhat answers?
So what we know now that darkwell made slappy question goes what is up with his siblings then? Mr.wood was referenced and his siblings Goldie and snappy are nowhere to be found especially add ons with Franz and kanduu like what's there deal now?? The only answer we ever got was a possible confirmed Creator of slappy but I can't say the same for the rest due to the possibility slappy's siblings were made by different people it seems??? I don't know so uh yeah thanks for hearing my shitty review and opinions on slappy beware 😔🖐️✨
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talkingtea · 1 year
tbh the final scene between Wally/Iris was a little stale to me, both the writing & the acting, CP seemed to be half assing it & I can see why as it was DP directing it….lol but even the camera angle is stupid, to have a wide shot from the side profile instead of in front of them 😵‍💫 lol those CW ppl really let anyone direct
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myinnersmutdemons · 2 years
Smut Commissions
$10 per 1000 words for light smut
$15 per 1000 words for heavy smut
Spiderman/Peter Parker, Captain America, Thor, Loki, Tony Stark, 
Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Superboy/Conner, M’gann, Artemis, Wally/Kid Flash, Kaldur/Aqualad
One Piece
-Blackbeard Pirates, Foxy Pirates, Akainu, Kizaru, any movie specific characters, Big Mom, most of the big mom pirates, Kaido, most of the beast pirates, Doflamingo, the Donquixote Pirates, Enel, Buggy, CP-9, any of the Celestial Dragons, Lindbergh, Karasu, Belo Betty, Morley, Dragon, Kuma, Inazuma 
-Exceptions: Katakuri, Corazon, Yamato
-most likely anyone else.
Mystic Messenger
Yoosung, Jumin, 707(Saeyoung), unknown(Saeran), Zen, 
Aged up versions: Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Blake, Jaune, Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, Oscar
Ozpin, Oobleck, Qrow, Winter, Ironwood, Cinder
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect), Hancock (Fallout 4), 
If you didn’t see a character you want to read about above, feel free to ask, these are just the characters I know I’ll write for
Will Write::
Character x character 
Character x reader
Won’t Write:
Scat, watersports, fisting, incest, rimming, underage, vore
racist, homophobic, ableist, etc.
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ao3feed-birdflash · 1 year
Debt collecting is a dangerous job
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dquD6hf
by Pie_pie
That was the last time he’d ever do a favor for someone else: damn debt collector and shitty clients who can’t pay back their money. Who the fuck takes out a 2 million loan without any way to pay it back and why the fuck did they give him the 2 million.
Now he’s the bad guy and some 13-year-old girl with the biggest gap known to humanity randomly rushes at him and everything goes black.
Now here he was, some crying baby beside him, and what appeared to be a room full of weirdos in green robes bowing down to them. He couldn’t move his damn body and no noise would come out of his mouth.
Life sucked ass
(AU where Chuuya is reborn as Damian Wayne's younger twin brother. He quickly comes to the conclusion that this needs to be everyone's problem)
Words: 2131, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jonathan Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Mara al Ghul, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Wally West, Selina Kyle, Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe - Crack, Nakahara Chuuya-centric (Bungou Stray Dogs), Protective Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Alternate Universe, Assassin Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Protective Talia al Ghul, Chuuya has blue eyes, Talia lowkey delusional, it's okay Chuuya still loves her, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Protective Dick Grayson, Protective Tim Drake, Misunderstandings, cps is called at least 20 times at one point, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, big brother privileged Damian, Nakahara Chuuya Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), Chuuya cusses like a sailor, Chuuya is named Bruce in this world, Barely anyone calls him that, except for Damian and Talia cause they have rights
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dquD6hf
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thegrimalldis · 1 year
Nicholas Xavier being the Grimalldi equivalent of Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII I love a good nod to history! I assume this means that Morana likely couldn't stand him haha.
Sfkjsfkj yes, Morana couldn't stand him 😂 Actually, Nicholas Xavier and Claudette have brief appearances in CP Max's mini-series, so I'm sure we will know exactly how Morana feels about her brother-in-law and how her mother-in-law feels about her 😳
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So the thing with Annabelle Wallis is PR too? 👀 (Sorry I'm really not up to date with Seb's love life) Chris can't even handle this current PR, I'm not sure he would do it again. 🤷🏼‍♀️//
Annabelle is known to be "a beard" so when fans saw them together, fans start saying it's a new PR to clean up the last PR.
But those are rumors.She's better than Ale, so even if it's true or false, she doesn't really bother and fans don't really care.
Ok first of all, thank you I just learned a "new" word in this context. 😁 But how is this possible that she is known to be a beard ? I thought she dated CP for 4 years?
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
"While the Nation of Islam [NOI] made up the largest group of Black war resisters, they were a relatively small part of a massive wave of conscientious objectors flooding federal prisons. Over twelve thousand COS served in what was known as the Civilian Public Service (CPS), and another six thousand were incarcerated in federal prisons. The majority were Jehovah's Witnesses, over four thousand of whom protested war and fealty to any government; according to some estimates, they constituted as many as 60 percent of all war resisters. Bat other COS were experienced racial justice organizers fresh from experiences with the March on Washington Movement (MOWM), the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), and the recently formed Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Bayard Rustin entered federal prison having just traveled to twenty states, including eight CPS camps, to speak with people about racial justice and nonviolent direct action on behalf of FOR. He began his prison term by singing the anti-lynching ballad "Strange Fruit" through the vents from solitary confinement at Ashland prison in Kentucky. Others, such as Wallace (Wally) Nelson and Roger Axford, first cut their political teeth in peace movements. Nelson walked out of a CPS camp (which he called Civilian Public Slavery) in 1943, penning a seven-page letter on the trend toward totalitarianism and his opposition to all coercive government. In language reminiscent of Muslims' claims to be "registered with Allah," Axford was described by a supporter as "a prisoner of the Lord" and wrote his draft board that he could not "serve God and War."
These war resisters dramatically reshaped prisons. Suddenly, as many as one-fifth of all federal prisoners were objectors. As in World War I, when Leavenworth became what one report called a "University of Radicalism," prisons became laboratories where different social movements intersected. One frequent visitor remarked that prisons "now seem to be information centers to which all news swiftly flies without hindrance." Incarcerated COs shone a spotlight on federal prisons' policy of racial segregation in particular. Black conscientious objectors such as Rustin, Nelson, and Joe Guinn, and white COS such as Axford, David Dellinger, and James Peck, came to prison ready and willing to challenge Jim Crow. While segregation in state and federal prisons continued to be illegal, unspoken and unwritten assumptions about the natural order of white supremacy and its necessity to prison security ensured its prevalence." Whereas the NAACP had previously chosen to contest segregation in prisons through closed-door arbitration, COs were now engaging in nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience. In the most dramatic example, eighteen COS waged a 135-day hunger and work strike at Danbury Prison in Connecticut in 1943 to end racial segregation in the dining hall. Suddenly prisons were filling up with groups of trained activists with experience in peace movements and the tactics of nonviolent resistance, as well as strong networks of supporters outside.
Prison administrators responded by revisiting and reevaluating prison discipline. When eight COs went on a hunger strike at Lewisburg penitentiary to protest segregation in prison cell blocks, James V. Bennett - director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) - wrote that
they think their Government discriminates against the negro race, and they are going to reform the whole social structure while they are in prison. I am letting them starve for the time-being and trying to decide what further we should do.
He saw the most pressing problem for the BOP as figuring out some way to "rehabilitate" this group.
They are, of course, not criminals, and yet I suppose it is part of our job to try and adjust them to the realistic facts of life.
One of those facts was racial segregation.
Sociologist Donald R. Taft, who was temporarily employed as a technical assistant to Bennett, believed that COs posed new problems, which invited experimentation and a revision of traditional modes of punishment. After visiting nine prisons in 1943, he submitted his "General Report on CO and JW Policy" to Bennett, which differentiated Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) from other COS and all COS from other incarcerated men. For Taft, the situation offered "an opportunity to test out for otherwise-similar non-CO inmates the next logical step in the development of Bureau penal policy." The prison's traditional regime of "deprivation of privileges, segregation or isolation, loss of good time, etc.," seemed to him "particularly ill-adapted" when applied to draft resisters. Indeed, Taft explained, "such deprivations tend to increase the feeling of already unjust punishment by the state and to satisfy any desires they may have to play the role of martyrs." He even suggested creating a special prison for COs, where the warden might allow voluntary racial integration. Taft concluded that "take-it-and-like-it-without-explanation' discipline is still rather prevalent even in federal prisons" and "might well be eliminated." Here he illuminated the dynamic of heightened repression and prisoner activism that constituted the dialectics of discipline long before the Nation of Islam was at the vanguard of the prisoners' rights movement.
But most prison officials shared the tendency to differentiate tradition prisoners from this influx of men whom they often regarded as outside the bounds of criminality. Beneath most state musings about the problems posed by COs were assumptions about criminality, race, and class. They saw conventional disciplinary methods as ill-suited for largely white, educated COs who were, to their mind, not really criminals. Reflecting on the distinction between the general population and political prisoners like himself, Bayes Rustin recalled that "we used to say the difference between us and other prisoners is the difference between fasting and starvation."
In most state-authored accounts, Muslim war resisters are rarely mentioned; if they were noticed at all, they seemed to be regarded with curiosity, Traces of their resistance to the prison regime appear only in the shadows and margins of official narratives of prison activism. Incarcerated Muslims were relatively few, and JWs and white COs attracted most of the state's attention. Unlike COs, who had powerful outside allies and left a robust paper trail through their hunger strikes, work stoppages, and other collective protests, incarcerated Muslim men relied on private correspondence with their wives and families to sustain them and the organization during these years. Clara Muhammad wrote Elijah and her son Emmanuel with verses from the Qur'an, as they were refused access to the holy book and given no official space for worship." Muhammad hosted meetings at Milan federal prison in Michigan on Wednesday and Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons. But the NOI was necessarily cautious during this period: Viola 2X told an undercover FBI informer that the group was "very careful to obey the laws of the United States."
One of the few portraits of Muslim men incarcerated during World War II comes from a 1944 statistical analysis of Sandstone, an isolated federal prison in Minnesota. Like other federal prisons, Sandstone was transformed during the war, receiving 427 Selective Service violators over two and a half years. By 1943, 80 percent of its prisoners were resisters. Muslims constituted 16 percent of its total population and almost half of its Black prisoners. While the study did not document their activities, it reveals how anomalous NOI members were among the war resisters. Nearly all the Muslim men at Sandstone were affiliated with Mosque No. 2 in Chicago. Their age immediately set them apart, Muslims' average age was forty-four, with the youngest man in his mid-twenties, while COs and JWs were, on average, in their late twenties. For example, James 2X (originally from Alabama), Joe X (from 'Texas), and James X (from Louisiana) were all between forty-nine and fifty-seven." Muslim men also tended to have less form education and be identified more often as unskilled laborers than their non-Muslim counterparts. Although most Selective Service violators were sen tenced to three years or less, 90 percent of NOI members received the full three years, despite a "definite tendency of shorter sentences for offenders in the Conscientious Objector group." Sandstone made national headlines in 1943 for its hunger-striking COs, but Muslims at the prison were "reported to have been their best prisoners in every respect."
When Muslims did protest prison conditions during the war, it was most often over pork served in the dining hall. Albert Bofman was a peace activist who held a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Chicago and served two years at Sandstone, where he taught Russian and economics in the prison library. During his incarceration, he drafted a report called "Maladministration and Human Relations in a Federal Prison." According to Bofman's account, Nation of Islam members all lived together in one dormitory, which he remarked "may be of their own volition, so as to carry on their religious services, etc. uninterruptedly." Bofman reported that half of all meals served with protein included pork, which he described as "tantamount to deliberate starvation" for Muslims. Beginning in 1944, the prison began substituting a double serving of beans instead of pork, but this change came only after "Muslim Negro objectors liv[ed] on a skimpy diet, refusing pork, for 3 years."
The other prison with a sizable group of Muslims was Milan, where Elijah Muhammad was incarcerated with his son Emmanuel. Taft commented that
the presence of 11 Negro Mohammedians at Milan suggests to me the need for some consideration of their special food needs. Even though as seems apparent they are not genuine Mohammedians but Negroes who have been explo[i]ted by their leaders, nevertheless, their religious views seem to be sincere and I understand they have some difficulty with the food.
During one visit to the prison, James Mullin, who was touring the country compiling reports on federal prison conditions in his role as secretary for the Prison Service Committee of the American Friends Service Committee, recorded at least forty-six vegetarians, including "Moslems" and eight other COs. His note that "Moslems have special diets (During Dec. special food and eat at special times)" suggests that Muslims at Milan had managed to secure the right to observe Ramadan, which the NOI celebrated in December.
In 1945, Mallin spent five fall days at Milan, speaking with twenty-six COs, including Muhammad, Axford, Nelson, and Guinn. These men all knew one another; at one point Muhammad even took an English course from Axford alongside Nelson. Muhammad told Mullin,
We're trying give our people the religious basis for knowledge and understanding to return to our own people in Islam.
Meanwhile, Nelson, Guinn, and Axford were all being held in solitary confinement. Axford emphasized to Mullin that the "state must not punish men for their religious convictions."Nelson and Guinn were in solitary for protesting racial segregation in the dining hall." Mullin reported that through the steel bars of the single cells, the men talked and
impressed on [him] the richness of the fellowship which had developed among them and what they are learning from each other.
Nelson's and Guinn's solitary confinement was likely retribution for a de-segregation petition that had begun circulating in Milan and had thirty-seven signatures its first day. Nelson kept a daily journal in prison, and it took a hopeful tone after a move by Muslims in the dining hall from one table to another appeared to coincide with the petition. But a conversation with James 4X Rowe indicated that it was concern over pork rather than solidarity with the desegregation campaign that prompted the move. Nelson wrote in his diary
He made me understand that... it was their dislike for pork being eating around them rather [than] racism, which is the primary [reason] they requested the table.
Such scattered references to the life and politics of incarcerated Muslims during the war appear in the historical record like light flicking across a page. Bayard Rustin's prison file, which contains detailed notes on his desegregation campaign at Ashland federal prison in Kentucky, includes a brief interrogation by prison staff of "Inmate Bey," likely a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America, who explained that "Rustin had contacted him and endeavored to get him to go along with the hunger strike movement," but Bey did not agree to participate. Nelson's diary also reveals the common misconceptions surrounding the Nation of Islam's beliefs. He wrote that a conversation with
Bro Jacob emphasized another reason (they did not join] Two days ago. They believed in and preached Black supremacy like the Bilbos (think) and Ku Klux Klan (do) white supremacy. Both are equally curious.
The parallel made between Black Nationalism and white supremacy would blossom with devastating effects a decade later. Moreover, Taft's assessment of NOI members as "sincere" but not "genuine" Muslims marks the beginning of the long history of prison officials acting as arbiters of religious orthodoxy. As Roger Axford remarked, the prison system "makes pseudo professors out of officials." In Taft's case, it made a pseudo official out of a professor.
When Taft sent James Bennett his "General Report" in 1943, he placed the Nation of Islam in a motley subcategory that included followers of Father Divine. "Israelite Negroes," and "Mohammedan Negroes." But he cautioned that there were "a number of special groups among the CO's which might well be studied separately and I have particularly in mind the rather large group of negro Mohammedans. Possibly this group has already been studied but, if not, someone should do it because there is a feeling which might or might not be well-founded that this apparently meek and ignorant group is nevertheless a part of a movement which may be potentially dangerous. In a discussion among prison officials in the early 1960s exploring brainwashing as a form of prison discipline, the Nation of Islam was raised as a chief concern. There, Bennett made the connection between the COs of World War II and the Nation of Islam decades later. He recalled that
during the war we struggled with the conscientious objectors - non-violent coercionists - and believe me, that was really a problem.... We were always trying to find some way in which we could change or manipulate their environment.
But he cautioned that
if you pulled out what you thought was the leader and the agitator, you then create a defensive solidarity among all the rest of them and it made it impossible to deal with them as a group.
What bridged the so-called model prisoners of World War II and the politicized Muslims whom Bennett and other prison officials were considering brainwashing by the 1960s was a small group of Muslims at Norfolk Prison led by Malcolm X and his co-defendant, Malcolm "Shorty" Jarvis."
- Garrett Felber, Those Who Know Don’t Say: The Nation of Islam, the Black Freedom Movement, and the Carceral State. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2020. p. 22-27
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anothersebastianblog · 5 months
As we knew, production started on MERCY and it’s confirmed Annabelle plays’ CP love interest
He injured his ankle last week and considering Annabelle was in atl this weekend i think these pics could be “old”
0 notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Debt collecting is a dangerous job
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lmW7t2r
by Pie_pie
That was the last time he’d ever do a favor for someone else: damn debt collector and shitty clients who can’t pay back their money. Who the fuck takes out a 2 million loan without any way to pay it back and why the fuck did they give him the 2 million.
Now he’s the bad guy and some 13-year-old girl with the biggest gap known to humanity randomly rushes at him and everything goes black.
Now here he was, some crying baby beside him, and what appeared to be a room full of weirdos in green robes bowing down to them. He couldn’t move his damn body and no noise would come out of his mouth.
Life sucked ass
(AU where Chuuya is reborn as Damian Wayne's younger twin brother. He quickly comes to the conclusion that this needs to be everyone's problem)
Words: 2131, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jonathan Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Mara al Ghul, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Wally West, Selina Kyle, Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe - Crack, Nakahara Chuuya-centric (Bungou Stray Dogs), Protective Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Alternate Universe, Assassin Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Protective Talia al Ghul, Chuuya has blue eyes, Talia lowkey delusional, it's okay Chuuya still loves her, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Protective Dick Grayson, Protective Tim Drake, Misunderstandings, cps is called at least 20 times at one point, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, big brother privileged Damian, Nakahara Chuuya Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), Chuuya cusses like a sailor, Chuuya is named Bruce in this world, Barely anyone calls him that, except for Damian and Talia cause they have rights
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lmW7t2r
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
Debt collecting is a dangerous job
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NnJVfH2
by Pie_pie
That was the last time he’d ever do a favor for someone else: damn debt collector and shitty clients who can’t pay back their money. Who the fuck takes out a 2 million loan without any way to pay it back and why the fuck did they give him the 2 million.
Now he’s the bad guy and some 13-year-old girl with the biggest gap known to humanity randomly rushes at him and everything goes black.
Now here he was, some crying baby beside him, and what appeared to be a room full of weirdos in green robes bowing down to them. He couldn’t move his damn body and no noise would come out of his mouth.
Life sucked ass
(AU where Chuuya is reborn as Damian Wayne's younger twin brother. He quickly comes to the conclusion that this needs to be everyone's problem)
Words: 2131, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jonathan Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Mara al Ghul, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Wally West, Selina Kyle, Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe - Crack, Nakahara Chuuya-centric (Bungou Stray Dogs), Protective Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Alternate Universe, Assassin Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Protective Talia al Ghul, Chuuya has blue eyes, Talia lowkey delusional, it's okay Chuuya still loves her, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Protective Dick Grayson, Protective Tim Drake, Misunderstandings, cps is called at least 20 times at one point, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, big brother privileged Damian, Nakahara Chuuya Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), Chuuya cusses like a sailor, Chuuya is named Bruce in this world, Barely anyone calls him that, except for Damian and Talia cause they have rights
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NnJVfH2
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