#eggs Benedict Wally
azraelcreates · 4 months
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My Sona With Many Wally Plushies!!! 🍎✨
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
Jason is a hopeless romantic 100%
it just doesnt show
But everyone goes to him whn its time to plan dates
Dick: Hey, can I ask you something?
Jason, reading: No.
Dick: You see, Wally and I have our weekly date night coming up, but we've been to pretty much every place there is. You got any ideas for how to shake things up?
Jason: *scribbles coordinates and tosses him the Bat-plane keys*
Wally: Wow, I've never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Dick: I'm glad you like it.
Dick: *texts Jason a thumbs up*
Jason: *read at 8:55 PM*
Tim: Jason, glad you're here! I totally forgot it's me and Bernard's six-month anniversary. Help me out, man.
Jason, clipping his toenails: Fine. You better write this down 'cause I'm only saying it once.
Tim: *nods*
Jason: Go to Home Depot. You're gonna need some rope, a tarp, hammer and nails, a hatchet, matches, and fuel. After that...
Tim: *furiously takes notes*
Bernard: A camping trip was a great idea. It's nice to get away from it all. And I can't believe you set this all up yourself.
Tim, chuckling nervously: What's a boyfriend for if not to build a tent and chop down a tree?
Duke: So the school dance is coming up.
Jason, working: Theme?
Duke: Under the sea.
Jason: Ugh, how cliché. Anyway, Armand's Tailoring has a blue suit that'll match whatever your girlfriend's wearing. Tell him I sent you. After that, call Patricia's Bistro and make a reservation with the code word "surreptitious." Alfred can take you in the limo if you give him a 24-hour heads-up to clean it. Once you're there, remind the DJ he owes me a favor to get your song requests bumped up. And remember, a slow dance is basically moving your feet in a square but otherwise go with the flow.
Duke: Sweet, thanks!
Cass: Steph is sad.
Jason, cooking: *sighs*
Jason: *takes out a tub of ice cream*
Jason: *scoops a hole in the middle*
Jason: *fills it with candy*
Jason: Here.
Cass: Thanks!
*phone rings*
Jason, waking up from a nap: What?
Kory: Sorry if I woke you. Barbara's coming over for breakfast in half an hour but I burned it with my powers. It was supposed to be eggs benedict.
Jason: Order takeout and put it on fancy plates.
Kory: You're a lifesaver—
Jason: *already hung up and went back to sleep*
Kate: It's Renee's birthday tomorrow. I have a gift, but I'm not sure if it's good enough.
Jason, polishing his gun: If it's from you, it will be.
Bruce: *walks in*
Bruce: Hey, son. Selina's not talking to me after our argument. How do I tell her how much she means to me?
Jason, reciting Shakespeare: I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say, "I love you."
Bruce: You're right. I'm just gonna tell it to her straight. Thank you.
Bruce: *leaves*
Jason: *takes off his headphones and turns around*
Jason: Did someone say something?
Damian: Todd, what is love supposed to feel like?
Jason: Why do you want to know?
Damian: None of your concern. Now tell me.
Jason: *shoots a training dummy*
Jason: It's when they're lodged in your head like a bullet. Except without the excruciating pain and messy red stuff.
Damian, nodding: Tell me more.
Roy: *takes down a villain*
Jason, sitting on a roof: *wolf whistles*
Roy: The hell?
Jason: I know hot when I see it.
Roy: What are you doing here?
Jason: I brought Arrowdogs.
Roy: You hate Arrowdogs.
Jason: But you don't.
Roy: Aw, how sweet—EYES UP HERE, TODD!
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nobadeggs · 8 months
Name: Benedict Custard
Age: 20
Occupation: Pokemon Daycare worker for the Naranja-Uva starter program and other courses.
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(Not shown: Togepi egg)
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Feel free to ask any questions regarding my work! And remember, there are no bad eggs!
//The egg puns are for a reason. And the team largely is that of Wally in Pokemon Too Many Types.
//Mod is an adult but this blog is SFW.
//Pelipper Mail, Malice, and the musharna equivalents are on.
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suzylwade · 3 years
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Harold Lloyd’s Christmas Tree “It took from Thanksgiving until Christmas to decorate the tree. Over the years, my grandfather had collected thousands of ornaments from all over the world. The tree held one-of-a-kind rare ornaments valued in the hundreds of dollars when they were first purchased in the `30’s and `40’s. The tree also held homemade ones that Harold received from his charity work. I remember a jewelled encrusted ostrich egg, and a sequinned football (a reference to the college football hero Harold Lloyd played in his most popular film ‘The Freshman’). I particularly loved a Christmas ball given to him by his friend, make-up artist, Wally Westmore, that was a miniature diorama depicting a bespectacled Harold in a red bathrobe trimming the tree.” - Granddaughter Suzanne on Harold Lloyd’s Christmas Tree. Silent film star Harold Lloyd knew how to do Christmas. His 15-acre estate ‘Greenacres’ boasted a 44-room mansion, 9-hole private golf course, a 900-foot man-made canoe stream and what was once southern California’s largest swimming pool. However, the main attraction of the ‘Greenacres’ holiday season was always its mighty Christmas tree. Lloyd thought big. This was no ordinary tree but three trees lashed together. The tree itself stood at the end of the Lloyd family’s orangery - 20 feet tall and no less than 30 feet in diameter. By the 1950s it held something in the neighbourhood of $25,000 worth of ornaments collected from around the world - and was starting to be left up until March. (at Benedict Canyon, Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX0b4S3oEgf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dumb-batim-aus · 4 years
Batim sister location au, Malice is baby, Sammy if ft. Freddy, the Projectionist is ft. Foxy, Ink Bendy is Ballora, Hamd Unit is Thomas Connor/Wally Franks, the miniarinas are searchers/lost ones, bittybabs are the malformed butcher gang, and Henry is Eggs Benedict. (Oh, and the ink puddles are ennard, probably)
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blametheeditor · 4 years
In The Palm Of My Hand | Part 2
Previously in part 1
Next in part 3
Warnings: Almost excessive cursings. Mentions of experimenting on people. Mentions of murder, death. People being forced to do things against their will. Government intervention. Using willingness against others. Being seperated. Trust being essentially abussed. Trigger warnings
Run Down: The population of the world has reached its carrying capacity. In the need to ensure resources won’t be completely diminished, a solution was found in the form of a virus. The only true question lies in being an indivdual society would chose to have, or to get infrected due to having no despirable traits.
Eggs may or may not should be allowed near tinies for more than one reason
They had been chosen based upon their records. School, jobs, stability with the economy. Those who benefited everyone the most, and those who seemed to weigh society down. 
They also had a few randomly chosen. If they seemed to hold promise, they’d be placed with those who have their lives completely unaffected. To go home and only have their neighbor no longer living beside them.
And the system included those related, mainly for children, but also siblings. The parents combined status would then determine what their flesh and blood would be decided, though less so the older they are. 
David Harrison’s name holds success and wealth. His original business was to be hired by people who needed assistance building their own business’s, creating a reputation for them and a flawless system to care for their customers. 
William Afton is tied to the richest man alive. A failing restaurant that had been placed as number one once again under the people he hired motivation and standing. Everything he’s done that doesn’t contribute positively to his name is unknown and will stay that way. 
James Stiller’s reputation stands higher than his current standing. Now a night guard, he still got the highest score out of his entire high school class when he graduated, as well as a year of college under his belt and the path of a doctor. 
Eggs Benedict’s name stands with his parents. Wealthy and well known, he’d make great contributions no matter what he does. Adding to the fact of almost flawless engineering skills stated by college professors, it’s clear he owns up to the family last name. 
Caleb White only stands with his father. A single dad but with a healthy income and two other children living under his roof. He’s a hard worker and takes care of his two sons and daughter, even if he constantly states his son’s fear is only a nightmare. 
Henry Ross’s name has honorable mentions within the military during the Vietnam war. Only a solider he showed leadership and completed difficult missions even at the age of nineteen. Now he works under a growing company as a character designer and keeping a decent wage.
Mike Schmidt was put up for adoption and lost his frontal lobe. The only job he could get was as a night guard, and a night guard he will stay, unable to even provide enough for himself. 
Jeremy Fitzgerald almost unable to pay for his apartment and works as a night guard. Once with the top scores of his class, they suddenly dropped senior year and lost his scholarship to Stanford University. 
Scott Cawthon lives in a perfect home. Divorced, worked under a restaurant for nearly thirty years and not going to be gaining a better standing. 
Vincent Wright’s history of being adopted over and over again stands for itself. Not only that but essentially disappearing off the face of the earth at certain times. 
Fritz Smith while only sixteen lost both his mother and his father, taken in by a foster family and seemingly needing to work in order to help support him. Not the greatest of grades, no documentation of great talents, and nothing set to a bright future. 
Sammy Lawrence, Norman Polk, and Wally Franks have little to no status under their names. As if they had disappeared and then were raised from the dead once again. Sammy working under William Afton as a music composer, Norman having no documented job or wage, and Wally a young adult earning money at a fast food restaurant. 
And those deemed to be unfit of being ‘chosen’ were infected. 
Right that minute it was announced, to be precise. 
“They aren’t harmed!” 
William elbows David at that, finally earning the business man’s attention when he found out the others apparently were ‘infected’. That Fritz hadn’t been chosen to simply go home with him. 
Screw the others! Fritz is his charge! AND his hardest worker! 
“See? Not harmed.” 
“They’ve been goddamn infected,” David hisses, staring at the man as he tries to just process what was being said. 
If they aren’t harmed, then most likely that doesn’t mean zombie apocalypse. Or maybe it does and now they’re all going to die. Why the fuck is it even described as being infected! Who the hell comes up with this stuff! 
He has to be fine. He has to! This is FUCKED UP! 
“I’m just as confused,” James murmurs at the pleading glance. He wasn’t able to come up with an extremely friendly solution to the idea of population control. And that means he truly can’t understand why ‘infecting’ someone without harming them would help in any way. 
Eggs nudges the horror guard at that, attempting to calm his own nerves about the bullshit being said. “Famous Stiller not knowing the answer? That’s definitely something I’d use to balance all of this!” 
His mouth closes at Henry’s shake of the head. The old animator was on edge, and he didn’t want to push an ex-solider further. 
“M-Mr. Aft-?” 
Caleb’s question is cut off with a yelp, William’s hand that was holding his suddenly letting go in order to pick him up. He’s quickly handing off to David, however, the man holding his close as tears soak his suit. “A-Are they really okay?” 
There’s no answer, not even from Fredbear as he hugs the plush tightly. 
“If they’re not, I’ll kick everyone’s ass, okay?” 
A laugh escapes the boy. Because as much as the business man tries, he can never pull off Mike’s line like the lead guard does. 
Does. Not did. 
James gently shushes the two, listening intently to what was being said. Apparently the others are condensed, small enough to be cared for easily. 
David looks down at him, breathing speeding up as Caleb buries into his chest. “What?” 
“They’re shrunk.” 
“Like M & M size?” Eggs questions, darting after Henry as their friend quickly approaches the raised platform. 
A thoughtful look is sent as William raises an eyebrow. “You immediately want to compare them to a candy?” 
“What! Means they’re bite-sized.” 
Bite-sized. If that’s correct, then Fritz is that size. Minuscule. Unable to defend against a bug. And unable to defend against someone ’chosen’. David himself. 
“Sir?” Henry begins, grabbing the attention of the man who was practically pleading the ex-solider to punch by simply existing. “There seems to have been a misunderstanding.” 
“Everyone infected was deliberately-” 
The word forces David to finally focus. To realize he had moved without thinking, following after those he learned to trust and almost tolerate the presence of. The idea of someone being shrunk though kept flickering through his head, though. Realization the teenager he’s admittedly begun to enjoy being around was shrunk. 
How small? Eggs’ guess, or bigger? And how much bigger? Or was he even smaller? They said ‘easily cared for’. That could mean anything. Even if it means I’m a danger by simply being near him. 
A shake of his head. Henry was talking about guardianship. About him and Fritz. 
The animator nods to the wall behind the man. Calm and collected even though he wanted to tear concrete down to right something incredibly wrong. “Someone who is set to be infected is actually under the legal custody of this man here. Not as a foster, but a legal guardian and therefore considered a ‘relative’ in some cases. 
“That means they’ve been separated. Due to the statement you gave, this is to be corrected and they will be placed under his care, correct, sir?” 
Why was the man looking almost panicked? Why wasn’t he grabbing Fritz? Why did he have a terrible feeling about this? 
“I apologize for the miscommunication between the legal statements of a few guardianships.” 
So where’s Fritz? Why aren’t they allowing him in here now? 
“We’ll be more than happy to right this.” 
Good. Now give him- 
“We must inform you he is already-” 
Caleb tenses up as David does, shaking his head at what was being said. No Fritz wasn’t hurt, and no one else was. But they’ve been infected. 
“Are we able to get him now?” James questions, earning a questioning look before he gestures someone to approach. 
“The immersion is supposed to be done several weeks from-” 
William pushes the now frozen business man aside, fixing a glare at the person standing between him and Vincent. “They’re infected already, correct? And as you had spoken briefly about, if someone infected and uninfected mutually agree with being under the care of those uninfected, they are permitted to do so. Written statement is all that’s required, as well as an agreement someone with authority will check in at a scheduled time and day every week to ensure no one is harmed or being treated inhumanly. Nothing had been stated a certain amount of time had to pass.” 
A moment. And another. Then there’s a single word and the man beckons William and David to follow. 
“Come with me.” 
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enouementiisms-a · 5 years
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✰ it’s time to wake up, BURTON ‘GUS’ GUSTER II, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of PSYCH miss you. when you went into slumber you were FORTY-TWO years old, your pronouns are HE/HIM, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the expanse program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as a TEACHER is waiting for you. remember, the expanse thanks you!
NAME: Burton ‘Gus’ Guster II
ALIAS(ES): Super Smeller, Super Sniffer, Peter Panic, Gus ‘Sillypants’ Jackson, François, Magic Head, Chocolate Columbo,  Doctor Mc … Took, The Jackal, Earnest Lambert Watkins, Mr Vocabulary, Felicia Fancybottom,  Bud, D'Andre, Gus T. T. Showbiz, Ovaltine Jenkins, Burton ‘Oil Can’ Guster, the G, Big Head Burton, Burton the Billowy Bear, Magic Head, Tabrickisha Schillington, Cowboy Lendo, Shmuel Cohen, Galileo Humpkins, Schoonie ‘U-Turn’ Singleton, Nick-Nack, Lavender Gooms, Doctor Guster, Tan, Bruton ‘Gasty’ Gaster, Patty Simcox, Fearless Guster,  Lemongrass Gogulope, Die Harder, Squirts MacIntosh, Ernesto Agapito Garcés con ya de Abelar, Big Baby Burton, Black Star, Homeskillet, Methuselah Honeysuckle, Chesterfield McMillan and wife, Longbranch Pennywhistle, Scrooge Jones, Gussie, Hummingbird Saltalamacchia, Step Anthony Wally Ali (Cat Stuck in a Tree), Resourceful Gus, Taye Diggs, Dequan ‘Smallpox’ Randolph, Hollabackatcha, Slicks, Sterling Cooper, Trapezious Milkington, Jazz Hands, Shawn, Detective Miles, Gus Brown John Slade, Ron Davis, Rich Fingerland aka Bob Adams, Black Magic, Harry Munroe, Cheswicke, Doughnut Holschtein, Ghee Buttersnaps AKA The Heater, The Vault of Secrets, Clementine Woollysocks, Guts, Ol’ Ironside, Old Iron Stomach, Tin Tummy, Gustice, Jonathan Jacob Jingly Smith, Santonio Holmes, Deon Richmond, Gurton Buster, Chaz Bono, Chocolate Einstein, MC Clap Yo Handz, Road Rash, Mellowrush, Miss Whittlebury, Crankshaft, G-Force, Sher-Black-Lock, Imhotep or He Cometh in Peace, Control Alt Delete, Yasmine Bleeth, Lodge Blackman, Mission Figgs, RadioStar, Gusjay Gupta, Original G-String AKA Crowd Pleasah, Tap-Man, Watson Williams, Benedict Arnold Jackson, Suggs, Ingle Woods, Brutal Hustler, Fellatio Del Toro, Eddie Adams from Torrance, Larenz Tate, Sh'Dynasty, Candyman, Gurn Blandsten, Immaculate Conception, Pootie Tang, Domo Arigato, Jonas Gustavsson, Blue Ivy Carter, Bill Ofrights, Vijay Armitraj, Django Unchained, A Playa Named Gus, Darryl, Flapjack Palmdale, Burton Trout (no relation), Bad News Marvin Barnes, Lil’ Wayne, King Mongkut, Gigi Van Tran, Trending Ontwitter, Robert ‘Booooooooooob’ Jones, My Black Cameron, Dr. Alan Champion, Angela Bennett, Jack Devlin, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer, Tony Stark, Billy Elliott, Ferris Bueller, Edward Scissorhands, Hans Solo, Hans Landa, Han-Na Montana, Mr. Popper, Mr. Bee, Mr. Ripley, Mr. Deeds, Mr. Pink, Mr. White, Mr. Brown, Mr. Blonde, Mr. T, Dr. T, Dr. Jekyll, Dr. Phibes, Dr. Evil, Dr. Horrible, Dr. Dolittle, Frodo, Gandalf, Bilbo, Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Simba, Zazu, Ross, Chandler, Joey, Jerry, George, Elaine, Kramer, Kirk, Spock, Picard, Data, Denzel Diggs Underwood Morris Chestnut Washington, Burton Guster Black Spencer.
AGE: 42
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: December 1977, Sagittarius
BACKGROUND: Status: Alive. For Gus, this has been a very important thing his entire life. That is not an exaggeration. With a best friend like Shawn Spencer, it’s surprisingly easy to be at risk, sometimes multiple times in one day. When Gus was younger, he nearly got away from Shawn thanks to schooling and his parents interference, but when Shawn helped the Guster family, Gus’ parents backed down. Years, and a sham marriage passed, Gus was living his best life as a pharmaceutical sales rep, making 48k a year. He was where he belonged. With a best friend like Shawn Spencer, it’s surprisingly easy to have one’s life plans go awry. Gus still worked as a pharm. sales rep, but too often, he ended up being the getaway driver in the police cases Shawn managed to worm them both into. As the years passed, Gus still complained about it but when the chance came to go back to his comfortable career and say goodbye to his best friend, Gus chose to say goodbye to the comfortable life, knowing it wouldn’t be the same if he was on his own.
KEY RELATIONSHIPS: Bill and Winnie Guster (parents), Joy Guster (older sister), Shawn Spencer (best friend), Burton Guster I (uncle, namesake), Mira Gaffney (ex-wife), Rachael (ex-girlfriend) and her son Maximus.
WEAPONS: The Blueberry.
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: Tap dancing, expert safe cracker, vocal manipulation, bomb defusal, incredible sense of smell.
GREATEST STRENGTH: His friendship with Shawn.
GREATEST WEAKNESS/FLAW: His friendship with Shawn.
OUTFIT THEY WOKE UP IN: Pinstripe button down shirt, tan slacks, dress shoes.
FAVORITE FOOD: A poached egg with hollandaise sauce on an English muffin.
ONE FEAR: The “head peel.” (It’s his fourth greatest fear.)
ONE HOPE: To survive the strangest case he’s ever been on and to really let Shawn have a piece of Gus’ mind if they ever see each other again.
ONE HEADCANON: Gus won’t go anywhere without The Blueberry to the point of clinging onto it with all his might until he at least gets to have his trusty car with him.
How does your character feel about being dropped into the expanse program? Are they excited? Suspicious? Confused? -- Suspicious as heck. He’s still convinced this entire thing is an elaborate escape room Shawn’s cooked up for him.
What does your character hope to see the most during the expanse 009’s journey? -- Home.
If your character could bring one thing from home, what would it be? --  While it’s not exactly how he remembers it, he has his Blueberry so he doesn’t need anything else.
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behealthy99 · 3 years
World Vegan Day: Know the health benefits of a vegan diet | Health
New Post has been published on https://behealthy99.com/world-vegan-day-know-the-health-benefits-of-a-vegan-diet-health/
World Vegan Day: Know the health benefits of a vegan diet | Health
Veganism is gaining popularity with each passing year. Not only international celebrities from Benedict Cumberbatch, Pamela Anderson, to Russell Brand have turned to veganism, Bollywood stars celebs too are not left far behind with names like Aamir Khan, Kangana Ranaut, Sonam Kapoor, Anushka Sharma to Shraddha Kapoor swearing by vegan diet. With such popular role models, the concept no wonder is trending in India like never before.
Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet and an individual who follows the diet or philosophy is known as a vegan.
World Vegan Day is celebrated on November 1 every year by vegans across the world. The event was started in 1994 by then Chair of The Vegan Society, Louise Wallis, in the United Kingdom, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the organisation.
ALSO READ: Here’s a list of celebs who turned vegetarian or vegan
Veganism comes not without its own set of benefits as studies have established that the diet helps in lowering cholesterol and is good for your heart health.
“If we have to talk about the nutrition, vegan diet or non-vegan diet, both can cover almost all the nutrition if someone puts some extra efforts in choosing the right food. But vegan diet has one extra advantage and is recommended by the American Heart Association in controlling the coronary artery disease. Vegan food may help in lowering the cholesterol and can help in cardiovascular diseases,” says Chirag Barjatya, Nutritionist and Founder, Team Chirag.
A person who adopts vegan diet can eat any plant-based foods – vegetables, grains, nuts, fruits. While dairy products and eggs are not part of diet, they can be substituted by tofu, almond milk soy milk, coconut milk, rice milk among many other such options.
“When you are on a vegan diet you tend to consume more of legumes, fruits, veggies and soya products which are rich in fibre, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E,” says Barjatya, elaborating on the health benefits of going vegan.
Eating vegan can also be helpful for people who are allergic to dairy products.
“A part of population is allergic to dairy products, and when they turn vegan, they see great changes on their skin and digestive system. Many people have reported better skin, hair and gut health after changing their lifestyle to vegan food,” says Barjatya.
While many studies say that vegan diet could help in losing weight, Barjatya says one has to look at the total calorie intake and not rely on vegan food specifically for shedding kilos.
“Vegan food not necessarily helps you to lose weight as it is more about your total calorie intake. If you are eating more than what is required, you will gain weight irrespective of the diet type,” concludes the nutritionist.
On the occasion of World Vegan Day, Barjatya also shares a yummy vegan recipe.
Moong Dal Dhokla
70g Moong Dal, Yellow
5g desi ghee
Salt and other spices
Ginger garlic paste, green chilly paste and Eno
* Wash and soak moong dal in water for 2-3 hours
* Add this soaked dal, salt, ginger garlic paste, green chillies paste and some water in a mixture jar to blend a smooth paste
* Add water if required to get a smooth consistency (I.e. cake batter consistency)
* Add pinch of Eno, whisk a bit
* Grease thali with ghee, add batter in it
* Now steam this dhokla thali for about 15-20 minutes in a pressure cooker
* Cut into pieces
* Serve for yourself and enjoy
Carbs: 42g
Fat: 5.84 g
Protein: 16.80 g
Total calories: 287.76 kcal
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laidease-trinity · 4 years
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We had fun on our second week of the mental health calendar. To more challenges to come!
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New Post has been published on https://travelonlinetips.com/13-of-the-best-sunshine-coast-kid-friendly-cafes-and-restaurants-4/
13 of the best Sunshine Coast kid-friendly cafes and restaurants
From aqua parks to wildlife experiences of the up-close-and-personal kind, the Sunshine Coast is a playground for family goodness. But the fun doesn’t stop there.
Soak up the Sunshine Coast’s atmosphere ­­– and take the fam’s taste buds on an adventure too – with this go-to list of kid-friendly cafes and restaurants. Consider the hunt for new eating experiences with menus for everyone, caffeinated drinks for grown-ups and distraction zones for kids sorted.
The Velo Project, Mooloolaba
This back-street community café in Mooloolaba looks after hungry kids and adults alike with a menu that supports local farmers and producers.
Kids will love ‘The Little Harry’s Club’ unicorn chino, grilled toasties with avocado and cheese or Nutella and cream crepes. Mums and dads can avoid FOMO with buckwheat crepes filled with crunchy peanut butter or smoked salmon, or a toasted tortilla wrap filled with slow-braised ginger and soy pork belly.
Velo’s coffee game is strong (they even serve it up in bowls!), but for an alternate pick-me-up, try their healing organic teas. You’ll find a shaded kids’ area out the back with enough toys and cubbies to keep them busy while you sip.
Where: 19 Careela St, Mooloolaba. Open: Breakfast and lunch daily 7am-3pm. Hot tip: Add the Fraser Island spanner crab side for a next-level breakfast.
Guru Life, Rosemount
Head west from Maroochydore and swap the beach for lush gardens, a pond and ducks at Guru Life. The setting is perfect for little explorers and the menu is full of colourful, healthy options.
Start your day under the umbrellas with a wet coconut brekkie bowl (fruit salad with coconut yoghurt for kiddies) or if you’re visiting for lunch, follow the hypnotic smell of their vegan burger with eggplant parmi, cashew cheese, pickled veggies and relish; while the kids can make tracks for crispy calamari or battered fish with chips.
Where: 522 Petrie Creek Road, Rosemount. Open: Breakfast and lunch daily 6am-3pm. Hot tip: This is a good spot for bird-chasing kids to play a feathery version of Where’s Wally so you can finish your coffee while it’s still hot.
CK Coffee Bar, Mooloolaba
It’ll be hard to get your kids to leave the cute indoor play area with books, toys and a play kitchen that entertains while the food and drinks are prepared.
The CK Coffee Bar team have also crafted a kid-friendly menu (based on learnings from their own fussy eaters) with short stack banana pancakes with coconut ice-cream for breakfast or mini Angus beef burger with sweet potato fries for lunch.
Parents, get ready to make the tough choice between a sweet or savoury breakfast with banana and cinnamon waffles with coconut yoghurt or truffle scrambled eggs with herb roasted mushrooms and marinated feta.
Where: 17 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba. Open: Breakfast and lunch daily 7am-2pm. Hot tip: Lactose-free milk is up for grabs for those with sensitive tums.
Cafe Doonan, Doonan
An adorable rustic café set amongst the trees on a country road outside of Noosa, you’ll spot toys and books indoors or you can head down to the big garden area complete with sandpit and toy boxes.
Breakfast options start with the classics: muesli and zesty smashed avocado. But you can also get adventurous with Café Doonan’s quinoa apple waffles, or halloumi stack loaded with grilled vegetables and topped with a poached free-range egg and housemade pesto.
From the drinks menu, kids can choose from the milkshake range or stick with a babyccino to go with their beans on toast or toasted wraps.
Where: 777 Eumundi-Noosa Road, Doonan. Open: Breakfast and lunch Monday to Thursday 6:30am-4pm; breakfast, lunch and dinner Friday and Saturday 6:30am-8:30pm; and breakfast Sunday 6:30am-12pm. Hot tip: Friday and Saturday dinners have an ever-changing blackboard menu. Go à la carte or put your trust in the chef’s three-course set menu, which is usually themed (and always delish).
Izba Espresso, Birtinya
Breakfast doesn’t come handier than a brekky wrap – and the Izba interpretation is top notch (bacon, egg, cheese and Spanish onion drizzled with homemade tomato relish on a wholemeal wrap). Go for the fig and walnut loaf if you’re looking for something lighter or, if you’re up for a serious challenge, take the triple stack pancakes for a run.
Kids can also pick pancakes (just two, though), Humpty Dumpty eggs or the kids’ mini breakfast (two free-range boiled eggs with thick buttery toast) from the all-day brekky menu.
The lunch menu is crammed with burgers and wraps for adults and cheeseburgers and toasties for the little ones. Whatever meal you choose, enjoy some ‘me’ time while they make good use of the playground area suitable for kids aged four and up.
Where: Corner of Lake Kawana Blvd and Birtinya Blvd, Birtinya. Open: Breakfast and lunch Monday to Friday 6:30am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday 7am-5pm. Hot tip: Check out the jaffle bar at one of Izba Espresso’s other Sunshine Coast branches at Bells Reach.
Boathouse at Mooloolaba Surf Life Saving Club, Mooloolaba
Surf Clubs are the go-to venue for many a family get-together and this one is no exception. Located in the hub of Mooloolaba, it’s the spot to refuel after a morning at the beach.
Boathouse’s all-day dining menu begins with breakfast staples like bacon and eggs and toasted muesli; while seafood a-plenty and a roast station is sure to fill bellies later on.
On the ‘Nippers Only’ menu you’ll find old faithfuls like fish and chips, penne Napoli, cheeseburger and chips or chicken schnitzel. The best part (for them) is the free ice-cream cone included. Once it’s demolished, they can escape to the kids corner for arcade games.
Where: The Esplanade, Mooloolaba. Open: Breakfast daily 8am-10am, lunch and dinner daily from 11:30am-late. Hot tip: On the first Sunday of each month, your kids can meet and pat pooches as part of the Surf Club’s support of Smart Pups, a local charity that provides Assistance Dogs for children with special needs.
Kelly’s of Peregian, Peregian
Just across the road from one of the locals’ fave beaches you’ll find Kelly’s of Peregian, where you can grab a bite to eat after a morning of sandcastle constructing or an afternoon of salty splashing.
The Kelly’s chefs often get high fives for their halloumi and zucchini fritters, which make an appearance on both the breakfast and lunch menus. They do a baby benedict for your little ones, or they can satisfy their hunger pains by chowing down on a kid-friendly portion of steak and chips.
They can then run amok outside on the village green, perfect their sand-building skills in the sandpit or make the most of the fully enclosed indoor play area with toys and cubby.
Where: 2/6 Kingfisher Drive, Peregian Beach. Open: Breakfast daily 7am-12pm, lunch Monday to Thursday 12pm-3pm, lunch Friday and Saturday 12pm-5pm. Hot tip: If you’re looking for a hearty iron injection to round out the week, head to Kelly’s on Friday or Saturday for their $20 steak night special.
Nouveau Restaurant, Novotel Twin Waters, Twin Waters
If your crew likes to feast on an array of food, try the family-friendly themed dinner buffet at  Nouveau Restaurant.
Sit outside and watch Marco Polo action unfold in the hotel pool or stay close to the foodie action inside where the whole fam will be going back for seconds of tasty Mexican, Asian delights, roast goodness or seafood delicacies depending on what day of the week you drop by.
Where: 270 Ocean Drive, Twin Waters. Open: Dinner daily 6pm-9pm. Hot tip: They also put on a delicious daily breakfast buffet with hot and cold options.
View Restaurant, Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas, Noosa
View Restaurant is the foodie heart of Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas but is open to anyone (not just the lucky resort guests).
Their lunch menu will get your mouth watering with dishes like slow-roasted lamb shoulder with grilled Mediterranean veggies, smoked olives and pesto or spaghettini with barramundi, tomato, capers, garlic and parsley. And you won’t need to bribe the kids to get through their dinner as they’ve got seven meal options that all come with a drink, dessert and Peppers kids pack.
Where: Little Hastings Street, Noosa Heads. Open: Breakfast daily 7am-11am, lunch daily 12pm-2:30pm, dinner daily 5:30pm-late. Hot tip: Kids eat dinner for free if you’re a Mantra+ member, which you can sign up for while dining.
Noosa Boathouse, Noosaville
Wander along the jetty from Noosaville’s main drag where sitting pretty on the Noosa River is Noosa Boathouse with three-levels of foodie fun. 
Boathouse’s seafood is pretty special. Parents can share baked scallops, freshly shucked oysters and chilled Mooloolaba king prawns, or go all in with the seafood experience for two which has everything a seafood lover needs from calamari and bugs to crab and fish.
Little foodies can pick battered dory and chips, bangers and mash, or pasta from their own menu.
Where: 194 Gympie Terrace, Noosaville. Open: Lunch daily from 11:30am, dinner daily from 5pm. Hot tip: For the ultimate picnic, grab a family pack from the fish and chips takeaway window and find a spot on the sandy bank of the river.
Coffee Cat on Kings, Caloundra
Place your order inside and snag a table outside with views of Kings Beach at Caloundra.
Go for healthy AM options like the Cocowhip breakfast bowl and quinoa Nasi Goreng, or dial up the heftiness with the Beach Jaffle filled with savoury mince and cheese. Juniors can choose between a bunch of toast-related options with hash brown, salmon or halloumi extras.
Lunches are all about burgers, wraps and salads, with the usual suspects like mini grilled chicken burger and Hawaiian pizza for kids combo options.
Where: Shop 4, 8 Levuka Avenue, Kings Beach, Caloundra. Open: Breakfast daily 6am-11:15am, lunch daily 11:30am-2:30pm. Hot tip: Stick around for the live music and fun vibes on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons.
The Ginger Cafe, Ginger Factory, Yandina
Your taste buds can celebrate all things ginger at this café inside at thee Ginger Factory.
Sweet treats like ginger scones and ginger ice-cream are served up, while the savoury dishes are just as unique – think beef burger with ginger onion jam or Vietnamese ginger chicken salad.
When you’ve had your fill of gingery goodness, let the kids loose in the fenced playground.
Where: 50 Pioneer Road, Yandina. Open: Breakfast and lunch daily 9am-2:30pm. Hot tip: Make a day of it and check out the tours and fun at the rest of the Ginger Factory.
The Pub at Aussie World, Palmview
Don’t be disturbed by the screams as you chomp through your chow at this family-friendly spot. It’s not your kids refusing to eat their veggies; it’s just people having a blast on the rides at Aussie World right behind you!
The Pub dishes up classic grub like chicken schnitzel, steak sandwich and pizza through to crispy skinned barramundi and lemon myrtle calamari. Kids under 12 can take their pick of the battered fish, cheeseburger or crumbed chicken tenderloins – all served with chips or vegetables plus ice-cream.
While you’re in the area, work off the food with a few rides and slides next door.
Where: 73 Frizzo Road, Palmview. Open: Lunch and dinner Sunday to Thursday 11:30am-7:30pm, Friday and Saturday 11:30am-8pm. Hot tip: Adults score entry into Aussie World at kids prices.
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marvelnyc · 7 years
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Daredevil #8 (June 1965). Stan Lee (W), Wally Wood (A), Sam Rosen (L).
“Ordinary snatches of conversation” from New Yorkers in 1965. Topics include haircuts, Eggs Benedict, television, sawbucks. I wonder what this panel would look like in 2017 (topics include haircuts, brunch, Netflix and chill, Venmo, gentrification).
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carpetravel · 6 years
It never dawned on me how ironic it is that I grew up in a town called “Grapevine” until I began writing this piece about wine tasting in Grapevine, Texas. Perhaps it was a little foreshadowing into my future that I didn’t read into until just now…
In the last 20 years, my little hometown of Grapevine, Texas has become quite the trendsetter and leader in the Texas wine scene. It’s now home to the Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association, nine Grapevine wineries, and Grapefest, the largest wine festival in the Southwest and one of THE wine festivals in the United States not to miss. But, it hasn’t always been this way.
When I was growing up in Grapevine, wineries were not on the map. The small town, tucked in-between Dallas and Fort Worth, was home to one McDonalds, one grocery store – Skaggs – and about 80 percent fewer people. Not to mention a ton of wild mustang grapes, which earned the town its name – Grapevine.
Today, there are nine Grapevine wineries, and more fast-food and chain restaurants that I care to count. Not to mention a whopping population of 52,000+ people.
Times have certainly changed. Now when I visit Grapevine I find myself lost trying to get around. I literally had to map it to my mom’s house on my last visit…
All change isn’t bad though, especially when it includes wine. Grapevine is finally living up to its namesake and producing wine paired with fun experiences. Truth be told, the wild mustang grapes are not being used to produce the wines in Grapevine, and that’s a good thing. Most of the fruit being used by the Grapevine wineries is grown in the Texas High Plains AVA and the Texas Hill Country AVA. (AVA stands for American Viticulture Areas, a federally recognized and designated wine region.)
Wine Tasting in Grapevine
Most of the Grapevine wineries are located within walking distance from the historic Main St., making it easy to sip your way through town. Along the Grapevine Urban Wine Trail, you’ll want to pop into some of the cute boutiques and cafes. You could spend an entire day in the historic downtown and never get bored.
I’ve built out the following recommendations and map to help you create your personal itinerary for a day of wine tasting in Grapevine. I didn’t feel like I could create a stand-alone itinerary for wine tasting in Grapevine given that the Grapevine wineries are so close to one another. It’s really a matter of taste.
I do suggest you begin with brunch followed by a wine tasting at two Grapevine wineries. In-between the two, pop in and out of a few of the shops lining Main St. then head to lunch. Afterwards, you should be able to sip samples at another two of Grapevine’s wineries.
Messina Hof Winery is located in the replica of the Wallis Hotel and offers a cozy 19th century environment. Messina Hof Winery is a family-owned business and one of the most highly regarded and awarded Texas wineries. It has three tasting rooms – the Texas Hill Country, Bryan, TX and Grapevine. Make sure to check out Carpe Travel’s interview with Paul V Bonarrigo of Messina Hof.
The Grapevine winery features more than 50 wines from 28 different varietals, favorites include Private Reserve, Papa Paulo Port, Private Reserve Cab Franc and Solera Sherry. LOCATION: 201 S. Main St.
Bingham Family Vineyards Cliff Bingham, a fourth-generation farmer in Terry County, Texas, began full time farming in 1982. Since 1992, Cliff and his wife, Betty have served as pioneers in the Texas organic cotton and peanut markets and diversified their farming operations in 2003 by planting grape vines. Together with their children, the Binghams currently own or manage over 200 acres of wine grapes in the Texas High Plains American Viticultural Area. Opening in May 2015, the Grapevine tasting room is the first tasting room operated by Bingham Family Vineyards. LOCATION: 620 S. Main St.
Grape Vine Springs Winery Featuring more than 32 different wines in production, Grape Vine Springs Winery offers daily wine tastings, a wide variety of wine accessories, the Night Watchman Ghost Tour and custom winemaking experiences where guests can make their own wine. Popular choices include Midnight Onyx, Boot Scootin’ Blush and Sangiovese. LOCATION: 409 S. Main St.
  Homestead Winery Just a block off Grapevine’s Historic Main St., this 100-year old Victorian home offers daily tastings and wine accessories. The wines produced by Homestead Winery are grown in the fertile Red River Valley wine region of North Texas. The Grapevine tasting room is the perfect place to try the rich, full-bodied flavor and award-winning assortment of wines Homestead produces.  of wines. Make sure to stop by Homestead Winery for the Wine Downs on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Fan favorites include Prairie Rose, Moonshadow and Rose of Ivanhoe. LOCATION: 211 E. Worth St.
  Sloan & Williams Winery Sloan & Williams Winery offers wines produced from fruit grown in American Viticulture Areas (AVA) in both Texas and California. The Texas fruit is grown in the Texas High Plains AVA and the Texas Hill Country AVA. The California fruit comes from wines the Lodi AVA, Sierra Foothills AVA, Alexander Valley AVA, Monterey County AVA, and the Mokelumne River AVA. The winery features seven varietals and three blends, favorites include Serendipity, Sangiovese and Symphony. Make sure to enjoy a glass of wine on their pet-friendly patio where you can also enjoy a few bites to pair with your wine. The menu includes flatbreads, tapas, and wine ice cream. Yes, ice cream made from wine. It’s a treat for those hot Texas afternoons. LOCATION: 401 S. Main St.
  Umbra Winery Umbra Winery features more than a dozen spectacular wines produced from only the highest quality grapes that their partner vineyards in Texas and the Northwest have to offer. With primary production facilities in Little Elm, Texas, the Umbra team has been crafting award-winning wines since 2005. Now situated in the heart of downtown Grapevine you can sit back and enjoy a glass of their Red Fusion, Pinot Gris or one of their many other award-winning wines. LOCATION: 415 S. Main St.
  Wine Fusion Wine Fusion Winery features a fun experience meant to fill the void between novice and experienced wine drinkers. Wine Fusion Winery offers a variety of experiences, from tasting to special events and custom wine blending classes, where guests and groups can make their own wine. (Wine blending classes are soooo much fun!!! Make a reservation and do this!) LOCATION: 603 S. Main St.
These two Grapevine wineries are not within walking distance of the other wineries. I suggest you begin with them and/or end with them, or opt for doing them as a stand-alone wine tasting in Grapevine.
Delaney Vineyards & Winery Delaney Vineyards is the largest vineyard in North Texas, the 8,000 square foot winery is reminiscent of an 18th century French chateau nestled among 10 acres of lush grapevines. Tastings, special events and more allow wine aficionados and those just discovering Texas wines to enjoy this amazing venue. Offering two varietals and three blends, some of the most popular selections include Cynthiana, Muscat Canelli and Texas Claret. LOCATION: 2000 Champagne Blvd.
Cross Timbers Winery Set in the historic Dorris/Brock home, one of the oldest structures in Grapevine, Cross Timbers Winery offers a unique wine tasting experience, featuring 11 varietals grown in the High Plains. Some favorites include Texas Blush, Grapevine White and Stone Cold Sparkling Wine. Surrounded by centuries-old oak and pecan trees, the outdoor facilities feature a relaxed setting to enjoy wine tastings. Cross Timbers also features a selection of wines from Casa Madero, the oldest winery in the Western Hemisphere, located in Parras de la Fuente, Mexico, one of Grapevine’s Sister Cities. LOCATION: 805 N. Main St.
  Where to Eat for Your Day of Grapevine Wine Tasting
Winewood Grill Kick the day off early with brunch at Winewood Grill. Make sure to stock up on your protein before you head out for your day of wine tasting in Grapevine. That shouldn’t be a problem considering your choices of eggs benedict, quiche, chicken and waffles, steak and poblano omelet’s, barbacoa tacos, croque madame…are you hungry yet?
Winewood is also open for lunch and dinner. I would suggest starting the day here though since it’s about a mile south on Main St., where the hub of the Grapevine wineries are located. It’s a good way to walk off breakfast and check out the downtown area as you make your way down Main St. for your Grapevine wine tastings.
Main Street Bistro and Bakery If you get a later start to the morning or want to begin in the heart of the historic downtown near the Grapevine wineries, pop into Main Street Bistro and Bakery. The pastries are out of this world delicious, and the croissant sandwich and quiche are hard to pass up. Main Street Bistro and Bakery could also be a great option for lunch spot given the variety of options. My favorite – the Grilled Chicken Brie Panini.
Farina’s Winery & Cafe Farina’s Winery & Café is great spot for lunch, it also do dinner so if you’re staying late, check them out. While they call themselves a winery, it’s really not. They have a few wines they blend and brand as well as several additional wines from other producers – go for the food, it’s delectable! The Spaghetti  Pizza is a favorite.
Tolbert’s Want to stick with a burger? Tolbert’s is it. You can also find fried catfish, chicken fried steak, and a few Tex-Mex dishes.
Mac’s on Main For steak and seafood check out Mac’s on Main. It is located further down on Main St. so you can’t just pop in for a quick bite during your wine tastings (see the map). But, if you want to take a break and enjoy a higher-end lunch spot, this is it.
Esparza’s Mexican Restaurant I grew up eating fajita’s at Esparza’s. It’s THE place to go for Mexican food off Main St. in Grapevine. Don’t try to pair the wines though, stick with a Margarita. If the weather is nice opt to dine on the patio. It’s a fun atmosphere!
When to Visit for Wine Tasting in Grapevine
365 Days a Year You can make your way down the Grapevine Urban Wine Trail any day of the week, at any time during the year. It will be less crowded if you opt for a weekday versus a weekend.
But, May and September are pretty cool times… In May, Grapevine is home to Main Street Days, which is more of a “A Craft Brew Experience”but, there is a Grapevine Wine Pavilion that offers wines from the Grapevine wineries all in one spot.
September is the annual GrapeFest, which has been rated one of the Top 100 Events in North America by the American Bus Association. It’s the largest wine festival in the Southwest and one not to miss in the US. GrapeFest features an array of entertainment including the Texas Wine Tribute a black-tie formal affair for gourmet food lovers and wine enthusiasts. The People’s Choice Wine Tasting Classic is a fun way to cast your vote for your favorite Texas wines.
Have you been wine tasting in Grapevine? What’s your favorite winery?
Looking for more ideas on things to do in Grapevine or need information on the Texas wine scene. Done.
Great Times in Grapevine: Things to do in Grapevine, TX with Kids Texas Wine Travel Guide
Sipping Through the Grapevine: Wine Tasting along the Urban Wine Trail in #Grapevine, TX. #wine #travel It never dawned on me how ironic it is that I grew up in a town called “Grapevine” until I began writing this piece about wine tasting in Grapevine, Texas.
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