#parasite Wally
azraelcreates · 1 month
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My Sona With Many Wally Plushies!!! 🍎✨
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potatochip-oc-dump · 4 months
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xx-sketchy-xx · 1 year
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Paper doodles for the soul. I’m working real hard on making new art, but my tablet is having a good old time not working. So here are drawings on paper
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Hopefully I’ll get it up and working soon :)
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jaxxsoxxn · 3 months
Funny scene imagine it
Boomerang and Bart talking about anything and having fun
Hal huh? Who knew that kangaroo actually is good with kids can you believe that Barry 
Barry looking at boomerang like he’s the only person in this room hal knowing that look too well
Screams out Flash no are goddamn serious. Barry caught off guard. Wait what
hal of all of the men in this world and the women him why him Barry looks at the hand that he pointing at to boomerang wait no no no no no no no that’s no oh don’t lie to me I know that look Barry I don’t like him like that I promise hal you sure cause your face is turning red OK fine so it’s not a big deal a big deal. He’s a criminal well your girlfriend was once a criminal your ex-girlfriend you did not pull that card Barry I did. Hal
Come back to boomerang then Bart what the bloody hell are they screaming about I don’t know should we go stop them boomerang no kid let’s see this play out.
Henlo Snail Anon! :D why won't I write the scene out a little ;>
Also, poor Wally, he didn't connect the dots yet :')
Bart and Digger share few things with each other - their hatred to boredom, their inability to think some things trough and stop moving being one of those, so when Barry sees them meet, he honestly expected them to at least understand each other.
The Suicide Squad (or something something force X) is helping Justice League with some type of mission, which is centered around the Bat, so unsurprisingly not many of them know exactly what is the mission about or what is the danger they are helping with, but it leads to the squad meeting up with a lot of sidekicks.
Of course all the Robins know Harley and Deadshot, Aquaboy or however he's called at the moment also know King Shark.
(said Villain waves at the kid almost shyly and Barry can see Hal roll his eyes in fondness - man was always weak for animals and after sitting trough Guy's drunk rants about sharks and how they're misjudged, he might've grew a soft spot for them which he's not proud of)
Surprisingly for him, Wally barely even knows Boomer. He blinks few times after somebody mentioned that Captain Boomerang was a Flash Rouge and looks closer, which causes few of the more vigilant sideckis to stop in their tracks and look from Kid Flash to the villain.
Digger, being one of the first to notice Wallies confusion, scowls visibly and just averts his eyes. Flash couldn't stop the slight grimace at the scene, feeling bad for the man. That is, until Bart, always his actions faster than his thoughts (though he's learning to do better) gets inside their meeting place and starts running circles around Boomer.
"Cap! Cap! Cap!" a show of affection in his way, chanting his nickname and running circles, while every person that can see above Bart could notice Digger bite back a fond smile.
His Speedforce gauntlet shines lightly while he grabs the kid behind his neck and pulls him up with an amused huff.
"Me, me, me." he repeated after the boy, slowly letting him down.
Somehow, ignoring the shock of few people around them, the two jump into conversation like it's their second nature. Bart still moves around like normally, but Digger does the same, if slightly slower.
When they finally stop for a second, all people can decipher is "Barry talks about ya do much." and then they brush it off, continuing.
Hal, gods bless Hal, doesn't notice it. He's smirking slightly, pointing at their general direction with his hand, while with the other he practically hangs himself on Barry.
"Who could've guessed that the kangaroo is good with kids! Especially since he put bombs in two of 'em..." he wants to carry on, but he can't help but catch the way his friend stares at his Rouge.
Barry has a light smile on his face, soft and so admiring that it's almost loving. His eyes are squinted and shining with delight at every silly joke Boomer and Bart make to each other. Green Lantern's jaw is on the floor so quickly, that he could be mistaken for a speedster himself.
"No, Barry, no." he shakes his friend lightly, to not cause a scene, but his eyes are wide enough for Flash to know he's serious. "Bar, there's no way--"
"What? What's wrong now?" his head moves in his way, he's eyes confused, even if they jump back to Boomer and Impulse whenever a loud cackle or a snort is heard. "What's with you?"
"With me?!" Hal slightly loses the control he had on his tone of voice. "I'm not the one thirsting for a goddamn Villain-!"
Flash stops him with his hand against the other's lips, his eyes darting around the room making sure that no-one heard the man. Somehow in the back of his head he can hear Wally also joining Bart's and Digger's conversation, though he's way more subtle than Impulse.
"Shush! It's not like that, I have no idea-"
A hand grabs his writs and Hal pulls his mouth free.
"Like hell you have no idea! If I'd look at anyone the same way you look at him, you'd probably play wedding bells!"
Barry can feel his face starting to match his suit and he grimaces at the sight of a prideful smirk on GLs face.
"Okay, maybe, but it's not a big deal!" he hissed back at the man, who looks at him like he's the biggest idiot here.
"Not a big deal-?! He's a rouge, your very own one! He tied you to a giant Boomerang once!"
"Okay, first of all, it was the funniest shit ever and it wasn't even that serious, second of all, the name Carol Ferris rings any bells?"
"Oh you did not-!"
"... Does anyone know why Bar and Hal are arguing over there?" Wally asks, staring at the pissy fight his two elders have, somehow in disbelief when Flash grabs the other by the hair and pulls almost lightly.
Bart and Digger don't stop talking about their favourite Just Dance dances for longer than a second, just to shrug at him.
With a heavy sigh, Kid Flash is still trying to put together how does Captain Boomerang know Impulse, since the only person Barry actually talks about is this silly Harkness guy or George, whoever he might be.
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lovey-doveywally · 4 months
ew a bug *sprays with bug spray intensely*
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*cough* I assure you *cough* I am not a bug.
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eeyesangel · 8 months
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Here come get y’all reboot
((I won’t post the full for the lols))
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ac-blueberrypaw · 24 days
Parasite Forest {WH AU}
small warning : org4n (in the stomach) & no cloth (not NSFW thing)
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Parasite Forest Wally
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this is Parasite Forest AU. it's basically where parasite r plant kinds so does fruit & vegetables include in this one? well idk for sure but this one is an flower kind of parasites & that would be flower parasite then, this used to be scrapped & old name were Night comfort that is also bout Parasite but it's kinda got taken bc someone made parasite that is eep ones tho im fine w/ it so i made parasite plant instead :"3
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misfit-crew · 1 year
I love horror with evil homes. I love a house that hates its residents. I love Home from Welcome Home because it is totally evil and would eat me if given the chance,
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boockscancooks · 8 months
Goretober day 16: Artist’s choice. I chose my work-in-progress Welcome Home AU, featuring Parasite!Wally :]
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djrenard · 11 months
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My Pull List (08/09/23):
World's Finest: Teen Titans #2
Superman 2023 Annual
Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #2
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cutepotatook · 1 month
Au sketches!!
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emo sweets wally: @pinkysdreaming parasite wally: @meatbag56 on tiktok ena wally: @eechytooru animated puppetry wally: @mandasarts tats all :]
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
Short DPXDC Prompts #886
Wally has some trouble figuring out why he’s been slower than normal. He thinks there’s a new speedster somewhere but it doesn’t feel like a new speedster. It feels more like a parasite. But a symbiotic one, that both benefits the speedforce and itself. He’s much more refreshed every day he wakes up and feels a strange sense of purpose now. He didn’t expect that parasite to be the mentee of the physical embodiment of time.
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len7en · 1 month
teehee oc x canon time :3
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Butcher and Parasite Wally belongs to sorrowsmche on twitter
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chepib3 · 3 months
i'm still thinking about that time where batman was being mind-controlled so he said a lot of really, really awful things to robin!dick (even smacked him) and even though dick figured out that it wasn't really batman, i can't imagine how much it must have hurt him to see someone with bruce's face tell him that he's worthless
when dick liberated bruce from the manipulation (by being light in darkness and reminding batman of who he really is, as usual) bruce did nothing but reject his concern and criticize him for not acting fast enough against the parasite. i mean maybe bruce wasn't conscious so he didn't remember that the parasite had made him say all of those things to dick, but still :/
the funniest part was that this was in a titans book so roy, donna, garth and wally were next to their corresponding heroes who had just hugged them and congratulated them for doing a great job (they were watching the scene like this o.0)
i like this story because it gives the other titans a glimpse in dick's life, who had done nothing but amaze them with his skills, come up with plans and strategies and lead the team to execute them. it's the kind of thing that strucks you as odd when you're a kid but you don't really have the maturity to process until you're an adult? so i believe it's interesting to think of the titans growing up and slowly realizing that batman is a bitch
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infectedhome · 5 months
Can you show all of the puppets that are infected 😃
the only completely infected one is Barnaby! :)
tw // body horror, scopophobia (image + cont. under cut)
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while the parasite is inside of Wally, he isn't fully infected, as pups body is fighting back. more of that will be shared in the future :3
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pinejayy · 1 year
Wally Darling giving you Flowers
Inspired by @simpitsu !!! inspired by their post please show them support!! 🥺
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Wally looked at you from the distance, he seemed a bit nervous. He felt butterflies in his stomach, shaking hands as he held a bouquet of flowers.
Wally had been completely obsessed with you. And he wanted to ask you out but hasn’t had the courage to do so. So he just kept his distance as he watched you.
He couldn’t help but feel jealous whenever you spoke to the other neighbors. Especially Howdy…he saw how friendly you two got. He’ll have to take care of Howdy…
But today you were alone, siting by a tree reading a book. Yes this was a prefect opportunity for him.
Wally slowly walked up to you, holding the flowers. As he approached you he smiled at you.
You would look at him and he would just hold up the flowers. Giving them to you. “These are for you neighbor.”
And once he gave you the flowers he would run off giggling like a little school girl. And he would hide behind a tree, leaving you confused.
As he hid and watched you he couldn’t help but smile to himself but that smile soon faded away. He was frowning.
He watched you…and Howdy joining you. Wally saw the way you smiled at him. He felt angry and jealously.
Where did he come from?
“They are MINE!” He thought to himself. “Not yours Howdy! You stupid parasite.”
He’s definitely going to take care of Howdy…and that’s a promise.
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