#today's vibe is 'being not in bed makes me feel nauseous but being in bed makes me feel bored and also kinda guilty'
no-gender-only-rage · 4 months
0 notes
katuschka · 4 months
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Olalla – Chapter Four
Josh Kiszka x female OC
6.432 words
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere.
One more chapter until Jacob makes an appearance again, so bear with me. Some shit still needs to happen...
Warnings: alcohol consumption, junk food, lots of fluff, heavy petting, oral sex, masturbation, unprotected penetrative sex, some rough sex too, but not too much, orgams (self) denial, depression, allusions to trauma, some arguing going on, the main character being a bit insufferable
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Feel the vibe Feel the terror Feel the pain It's driving me insane I can't fake For God's sake why am I driving in the wrong lane Trouble is my middle name But in the end I'm not too bad Can someone tell me if it's wrong to be so mad about you
Josh protested weakly for a short while but gave up soon, because he didn’t really have enough strength to fight with her. All he wanted to do was to wash the sticky sweat off his exhausted body and crawl in bed. He had a throbbing headache, his feet were swollen and his calves felt as if he set them on fire, not to mention the hollow ache deep inside his chest. The first panic attack had scared him shitless, but he learned to cope since then and could feel this one subsiding already. He hoped she didn’t recognize it, thinking that he was probably just upset by what happened…
He was also so hungry it hurt, but the idea of going anywhere and just being seen by any more people made him even more nauseous. He generally loved people, so this scared him too. He didn’t feel like himself anymore. 
“Could you please at least tell me where we’re going?” he asked after a while, still clutching his forehead with his elbow sticking out of the window. 
“We’re nearly there,” was all she said as she drove through the last sharp bend. They were now at the top of a bare, grassy hill with just a few trees here and there. The sun was setting right in front of them and if he just turned his head left, he would see a truly breathtaking view. It was a warm, breezy, fairytale evening. One of those summer evenings that make you forget about tomorrow; when you stay outside a bit too long, wrapped in a blanket, until early birds and the sun re-emerging on the other side tell you it’s finally time to go get some rest. 
Not today though. The magic was lost somehow. He just didn’t care. He didn't want to care right now…
They soon arrived at a wrought iron gate that separated the main road from a driveway which led to several log chalets. They were obviously new, but looked sufficiently traditional at the same time, built in the picturesque goralski style, with just a few modern enhancements. It looked fairytale-ish AND expensive.
In his dreamlike state, he watched her miraculously procure the keys from the glove box, step out of the car and open the gate. 
She did the same thing again after she parked the car in front of one of the smaller chalets. This time she motioned him to follow her inside. He groaned and slowly dragged himself out of the car. He wasn’t in the mood for whatever she’d been plotting or whoever she wanted to meet here. 
The plank wall interior looked bright and cozy and was moderately furnished with just a large and comfy-looking modern gray couch that contrasted with a wooden dining table and chairs carved in the rural style. There was also a fully equipped kitchenette, a large TV and stereo system and a wooden staircase with iron-wrought banister that led upstairs. It was also completely empty. 
“What is this?”
“Our shelter for the night,” she answered and switched the lights on because it was already getting dark inside. “I figured you’d appreciate a bit more privacy today.”
She wasn’t wrong, he couldn’t deny that. He knew he was a mess and if they went back, there would be questions, and the people who’d ask them, and he feared couldn’t deal with that right now. He was sure she didn’t want to, either. And this place was actually quite nice, but…
“So, it’s just the two of us? Is this place yours?” He asked tentatively. He thought it unlikely, but really hoped it was. 
“No, not mine. I couldn’t afford it even if I wanted to. And I don’t,” she replied matter-of-factly, as if that explained everything, and turned on the oven to let it pre-heat.
Joshua, however, looked positively alarmed now. Still clutching his backpack in one hand, he tried to stop her in her tracks with the other. “Seriously, Olalla! What is this place and how could you get us inside? Please, tell me we’re not trespassing. I don’t want more trouble. If we can pay for this, I definitely will! I don’t want you to…”
“Relax, Mr. I-will-pay-for-it-all. It’s been already paid for. This is a private resort. People pay yearly rent so they can come anytime they want. Anyway, this one belongs to a guy who owns a small chain of bakeries. I’m the housekeeper,” she finally started to explain while rummaging in the fridge and kitchen drawers. “Here, have some water. And stop bouncing around me like a yo-yo. Sit and relax, for fucks sake!” She grabbed his shoulders and gently pushed him in one of the chairs before she dived her nose in the freezer, searching for boxes with frozen pizza. She threw one on the table in front of him “Margherita?” 
He nodded weakly and she put it in the oven. “That’s why I couldn’t go to dinner with you the other day. I was here. Even when they’re not here, I come in here every week to keep this place spotless, because his wife is scared of spiders. Also, it just needs to be ready all the time in case they just decided to come here on a whim.” She noticed his alarmed face and added: “Not now! Don’t worry. They’re currently in Egypt…There’s some wine, too. Would you want some?”
He sucked in a breath and exhaled dramatically, which made her roll her eyes. “I take care of their groceries and other supplies. There’s a monthly budget and they don’t keep track, so they won’t notice. Besides, I can keep the change, so all in all you’re my guest… Now come have a look.”
She took his hand and led him to a small terrace outside a glass door at the southern side of the chalet. That’s when he finally saw it. The whole Tatra mountain range was stretching right in front of them. The setting sun was now illuminating just the tops of it, painting the peaks in fiery red, while the valley below was already shrouded in shadow. The glimmering streetlights of Zakopane looked surreal from where they stood, almost inappropriate…like a fake illusion that civilization could possibly surpass the power of the surrounding nature. We don’t control life, life controls us – that’s what Agnieszka thought. Josh, on the other hand, believed in divine symbiosis. Even now, all he could see was beauty. This was much bigger than him, much more important.
She watched with joy as his expression finally relaxed and a weak smile played on his lips.  “This is beautiful,” he breathed out at last. “You still didn’t explain why we’re really here.”
“I already told you. The privacy.” His crossed arms and raised eyebrows and the whole oh-come-on look on his face told her that he wasn’t buying. He didn’t look so drained anymore, though, already going back to his charming, bubbly self. And even if he wasn’t, she wouldn’t mind. 
She took a deep breath and told him that this was the exact reason. “We’re here so that you could just be yourself. You don’t need to feign anything tonight.”
If they went back to Eulalia, he would no doubt be forced to smile and act normal, at least until he’d reach the confines of his small and stuffy attic room. He had been upset, and she just wanted him to breathe and smile in earnest. This place was perfect for that. She would go here on her own sometimes – or stayed a bit longer than necessary after having done her chores – just to enjoy a private moment of peace, unbothered by anyone. That’s what she told him. 
She did not tell him that she feared that they would just part in the hallway and that would be it. There were still some things that were left unsaid and there might not be another opportunity to say them. She would resume her role of a receptionist/slash/maid and he’d be her guest again, engaging in polite conversations about the weather until he’d be gone for good. The whole ride here, the devil on her shoulder kept telling her that it would be better that way and that this was foolish. Or was it the angel? She couldn’t tell. She also couldn’t let go of him that easily. Maya was wrong. A lot of things could have happened…and they did. She needed closure. 
She did not need to tell him that, though. She brought him here not as her guest, but as her…whatever he was. A friend, most probably. Someone who she cared about, in spite of her resolve. 
He knew that, and that was what really made him smile, not just the view. 
“Thank you, Olalla,” he said in a low tone after a while and brought her from her reverie. “I truly love it here. Can we eat outside? he added, motioning to a set of fake rattan chairs and a small table right beside Agnieszka. He looked like an excited, mischievous boy again. 
“Of course,” she smiled kindly and the stove clock buzzed, telling them the pizza was ready. 
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It was already dark when they finished eating, the wine was almost gone, too. It was getting chilly and they had to wrap themselves in blankets from the couch. Their bare and swollen feet, already freed from their heavy boots, were already getting uncomfortably cold, but neither of them wanted to leave yet. The pizza was okay, but small and they were still a bit hungry after, so Agnieszka quickly made some microwave popcorn. They were now munching the last handfuls, each of them lost in their thoughts, and watching the stars mirror the lights below. 
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” she finally broke the silence. 
“You’ll have to be more specific,” he smiled warmly and reached out to stroke the back of her hand that lay on her armrest... 
“The bus…” Her hand slid from under his fingers to reach for her wine, leaving them hovering in mid air awkwardly for a split second before he retracted them and clenched his fist unconsciously. 
His previously relaxed face clouded again. “What’s there to talk about? People are jerks, you can’t avoid them. End of story, I guess.” His tone was not unpleasant, but it sounded definitive. He wasn’t going to discuss his breakdown with her. She nodded and looked away, so he continued in his honeyed voice: “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m just impulsive. And I’d rather talk about our trip. The valley, it was a truly beautiful place. How many times have you actually been there?” 
Her heart sank and she watched him playing with the hem of his shirt for a while. It was OK if he didn’t want to talk about the bus ride, but the way he just dismissed the kiss stung her.  She cleared her throat because the lump in it threatened to choke her, and answered politely:  “A few times. I think I was six or seven when my dad took me there for the first time. We needed passports back then. 
“Well, that makes it easier now,” he nodded absentmindedly, still playing with his shirt. 
“Nothing is easier!” Her sudden outburst made him look up in annoyance, but his expression quickly softened when he saw her own. He wanted to hug her, but didn’t dare, too afraid that she would pull away from him again. 
He was about to suggest that they should probably call it a night. The wine obviously didn’t have the best effect on her. However, she took a deep breath and continued. It was a sudden outburst of words, totally out of her character, but he listened eagerly as she told him about the solace she found up there; how the weather made the same places look a bit different each time; how she knew every place accessible on foot and how Dominik – her fiance – once convinced her to get a climbing permit so that he could show her more; how she avoided going up there for nearly two years after he fell and left her here; how she finally learned that it’s just people’s stupidity that makes bad things happen, and nothing else…
She had no idea why she told him all that, but she suddenly felt so much lighter. It was just like the first night all over again. He was her confessor. 
“Is that why you’re running from love? he whispered.
“No,” she huffed in protest. “I’m just seeking joy elsewhere. Love is overrated.” 
“What? Oh no! Love is everything, dear. You cannot live without it. It’s the ultimate knowledge. ‘The more you love, the more you know’ – a dumb man once said. Love IS joy!”
“Yeah, you’re positively glowing,” she responded sarcastically.
“Even when it hurts, it’s worth it.”
“I’d rather never known that pain,” she mumbled. 
“I regret nothing.” His face betrayed him, though. This was clearly not true. He could feel her eyes on him as he chewed the inside of his cheek. She opened up to him, he should do the same. It just wasn’t easy, not when this ugly, fake and pixelated version of him kept defeating him and its tentacles could reach this place too if he weren’t careful. It had destroyed his love and it still threatened to destroy his life…or at least it felt that way sometimes.  “…well, almost…but that has nothing to do with love,” he added when the silence became unbearable.
“So, what’s his name?” The question made him smile, albeit ruefully. He loved how straightforward she was from day one. Some might think it rude, but her questions were always laced with pure interest and concern, nothing more. He appreciated that. She was clever, too…although not clever enough. 
“Who? The love I don’t regret?” It was obvious that she wasn’t going to repeat the question. They both knew exactly what she meant, so he looked at her at last and added, finally telling her much more than just a name: “Christopher.”
“Do you still love him?”
“I don’t believe in falling out of love…unless it turns to hate. And I could never do that.”
“That sounds a bit evasive.”
“Yet it’s the most truthful answer I could give you. Everyone I’ve ever loved has left a mark. Some may be a bit faded, but love just doesn’t leave. Don’t your vain attempts to run from it prove my point?” 
She huffed in annoyance and emptied her glass of wine. “He didn’t leave me intentionally. He died. Isn’t it natural to feel resentful when someone breaks your heart? They’re not gone, they just don’t want you anymore. I’m pretty sure it’s much easier to let go.”
“He didn’t break my heart. I broke his…and mine, in the process. I’m to blame. And I’m pretty sure he’s resentful, but it didn’t make it any easier for either of us. Besides, didn’t you just say a moment ago that it was all about human stupidity? We’re supposed to learn from it, not hide.” 
She had no answer to that. She just tightened the blanket around her, acting like they were just talking about the weather. “It’s getting a bit chilly.”
He gave her a long, scrutinizing look, but she kept avoiding his eyes. “Ok, let’s go inside,” he sighed.
They washed the dishes together in silence and then she reluctantly led him upstairs, sad that their day would – after all – end in what felt like an argument. 
The upper bedchamber was not much different from his attic room, with just the most essential furnishings, the double bed taking up most of the space. It was also equally stifled after the hot day. The bathroom, however, was large and cool and fully equipped.. Agnieszka once again started making everything ready with alacrity. She turned on the boiler, opened up the window to let some fresh air in, reached into the closet and handed him several clean towels, showed him where to find spare toothbrushes…and all that time he watched her with visible concern in his eyes which she masterfully ignored.  
She was finally done. Standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her sides, she exhaled audibly. “Unfortunately, there’s just one bedroom here, but I can sleep downstairs.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Olalla, the bed is big enough for both of us. If you don’t wanna share it, I understand…but in that case I should be the one sleeping on the couch.”
“I don’t mind sharing the bed with you, I just thought…”
“Good, it’s settled then. Now let’s go take a shower,” he interrupted her matter-of-factly and pulled off his shirt. Her breath hitched as he started unbuttoning his shorts. 
“What? Together?”
“We’re gonna sleep in one bed, we have no spare clothes, what difference does it make?” He tried to act nonchalantly, but there was some underlying tension building up under the surface, as if he was testing her, but losing his temper already.
“It makes a difference to me Joshua. I do…”
His face contorted in frustration and he threw his arms up in the air. “And what makes you think that I don’t? What exactly do you want? If you brought me here just as a friend, fine. I can cope with that. You obviously made some assumptions about me along the way, and you weren’t completely wrong. But the kiss…I meant it. And I think you did too, that it’s what you want, but your walls are too high. You’ve been dodging me ever since that happened, even before that, actually… Yet, here we are. I’ve been acting like an idiot too, you haven’t met me at my best, but I do like you, ok? So please, stop overthinking this and fucking tell me. Why does it make a difference to you?”
All the time, she just stood there, watching him flailing his arms around, shocked. If only it were so easy – not overthinking it. Was she really pushing him away today? She wasn’t aware of that. She wanted to touch him again. Badly. The yearning was strong, and past the point of it being purely physical. It kept frightening her.
He was wrong, though. This wasn’t really what she wanted. When she saw him for the first time, he was just another guy that she could potentially have some fun with…if he wanted. Just another handsome body to fill the void for a while. But that changed very quickly. And what the hell did he want, anyway? 
“I’m scared.” She was crying now, overwhelmed by his confession as well as her over emotions. 
“Of what, baby?”
I’m scared of the fact that for the first time in years, I care. And I’m scared of having to admit that, if you asked. And no matter what happens now, you’re going to leave me. I don’t know what this is yet…definitely not a date…we have no future. But I already know that I’m going to miss you.
She couldn’t say any of it aloud though. 
He cupped her cheeks in his hands and looked into her eyes, searching for cues. “Do you want me to go sleep on the couch, baby? It’s ok, you know.”
“No,” she whispered. No, she couldn’t possibly let him do that. It was something in his touch. Every time he made a slightest contact with her skin, her brain short-circuited, making her mind do mental backflips. Because, screw that…If she’s going to miss him, she wants to miss everything about him. “Can you kiss me again, please?” 
He barely touched her at first. Just a fleeting brush of his lips against hers. It would be almost innocent if it weren’t for the shaky exhale, almost a moan. It was controlled, and he did it on purpose. He was teasing her before he looked at her again and whispered: “Is this what you want, hm? Just a kiss?” 
“You can take whatever you want.”
“I’m not going to be taking anything today, baby,” he responded, caressing her cheek in a loving way. She leaned into his touch and ran her fingertips up his bare chest, tracing his collarbones and then his jaw as she tried to commit every detail of his face in her memory. “We’re gonna take it slow, what do you think? he whispered. 
“Yes…,” she whispered back. 
He reached for the hem of her tank top, motioning her to lift her arms up, which she was reluctant to do. 
“I stink like a pig,” she sniffed, but a soft smile was already forming on her lips. 
“You smell divine, my dear.” He kissed her again, this time with more passion. They stood there for a while, reveling in their newly found intimity, licking and moaning into each other’s mouths. He cupped her bare breast in his hand, running his fingers along her nipple before he bowed down to do the same thing with his tongue. She tilted her head back. “Joshua…”
“Yeah,” he muttered with her nipple still in his mouth. 
“I’d really like to shower first…” He smiled against her skin and straightened up. He took her hand, grabbed the towels with the other and led her into the bathroom. 
He did as he promised, and took it slow. They took off the rest of their clothes and stepped in the shower together. She unbraided his hair, helped him disentable the dreadlock beads from his hair, before she started rubbing shampoo into his curls. “Coconut ice-cream again?” he chuckled softly. She smiled back. “I told you I take care of the supplies. That includes my supplies. I get a wholesale discount for this.” 
“You’re a hell of a housekeeper,” he laughed. 
When they got back to the bedroom, she just turned off the lights and climbed in bed. He followed suit. They cuddled at first and explored their bodies in the darkness. Listening to his heavy breath was intoxicating. The silky softness of her skin, in contrast with her calloused palms, moved him in a way he never expected. But as soon as their kisses deepened and his cock hardened, they couldn’t wait any longer. She cupped his balls and kneaded them gently, making him whimper. 
“I need to feel you,” he whispered.
“Come inside then.” 
“What a nice way to put it,” he chuckled against her shoulder. “How do you want me?”
“Spoon me.”
She turned on her side and he positioned himself, pushing in slowly. He tried to do everything slowly, but it became almost unbearable after a while, and when she whispered “more,” he quickened his pace. He wanted to do just what she asked for, and just listening to her reactions was making him lose his mind. So, when she whimpered “tough me more,” he was delighted to oblige. He grabbed her leg and lifted it up, resting her shin against his knee. His hand sneaked down her thigh until he found that precious little button. It didn’t take long and he soon felt her contracting around him. He diligently took her there, pushed her over the edge with one last flick of his finger and held her tight while she reached the dizzy heights and then came back to him.
It took her a while to realize that he had stopped completely. “Joshua…go on…” Her voice was like a jingle bell, feeble and high and a little breathy. 
“Shhh, just let me savor the moment, it’s ok” he murmured into her hair. She exhaled heavily and relaxed as the fatigue threatened to overcome both her mind and body at last. With their limbs still intertwined and their bodies still connected, she felt his chest rise and fall against her back. It was getting cold in the room. He moved just a little to grab a blanket, threw it over both of them and buried his face in her hair again. Almost involuntarily, he moved his hips just a little a few times and whimpered weakly, still chasing the feeling before he finally stopped. “Get some rest, sweet Olalla,” he whispered and his fingertips stroked the baby hair that covered her temple. She fell asleep before he got limp, feeling both peaceful and full.
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The sun emerged from behind the clouds and its morning rays hit Josh straight in the face, waking him. He was a bit disoriented at first. He also had a painful erection.
The planks on the ceiling looked just like those in his attic room, but the light coming from the outside, as well as the smell of new wood and furniture were different…then he remembered. 
Her side of the bed was empty and cold and no sounds were coming from below. That made him start…only to notice a piece of paper with a quickly scribbled message placed carefully on her pillow. 
I had to go back to Eulalia, but I will be back VERY soon with some clean clothes and breakfast. Feel free to make yourself some coffee.
He checked his phone on the nightstand to see what time it was, only to find it dead. Perfect, so she was keeping him hostage now. 
That made him huff. He had no idea what time it was, but he had faith in her, so…first things first. He had to take care of himself. He wrapped his fingers around his hard-on and started stroking himself. It was slow at first, but he soon became impatient. All the pent-up energy, all the emotional whiplash he experienced recently, all the hurt and newly found pleasures…he needed to release the tension that had only intensified the night before. 
For the first time in months, he didn’t picture Christopher’s mouth enveloping the tip of his hard dick while he was pumping himself. The events of the previous night occupied his mind instead. He enjoyed sex with women, but it had been a couple years now…and to be honest, it had never infiltrated his deepest fantasies…until now. He just couldn’t help it now. He could feel it again – her tight walls, smooth like velvet, warm and tight…but not too tight. Different.
The way she moaned with each thrust; it was so melodic. So sincere. All the hurt she had tried to hide, it seeped out of the pores of her silken skin and evaporated in the air above them. He made her feel better. She made him feel better. 
He closed his eyes and he could see her face clearly again, as if it was tattooed on the inner surface of his eyelids. He thought about their first kiss as he twisted his wrist, stroking the head of his cock in a circular motion. The electricity when the tip of her tongue met with his was real. It made him moan loudly and his heart started to beat faster. He was getting close already. 
He ran his second hand past his abdomen to cup his balls, kneading them gently just like she had done yesterday. He longed for her to do it again, but right now he had to get this over with so they wouldn't burst. A few more strokes – together with a memory of her dark ponytail flailing in the wind – before spurts of his cum landed on his belly and chest. 
The hurt he had felt – it somehow ceased to matter the very moment she decided to try to make it go away without even asking what he had done to feel that way. Her whole being left an imprint on him. Her teary eyes, her ringing laugh, the softness of her skin and her calloused hands. His vision of her was not purely sexual, but it made him emotional. She was a born caretaker, who – for some reason – chose to live without love. He couldn’t forget the way she was looking at him the night he gave her the pendant. Like deer in headlights. She begged to be seen, yet she was trying to make herself invisible. He became convinced that he had to fix it. 
Again. He hadn’t learned a single thing…
He lay there for a while with his eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of warm sun rays on his skin, but the relief he had sought was short-lived and he started to feel on edge once again. Groaning in annoyance as his release on his stomach started to get crusty, he finally scrambled out of bed and trudged over to the bathroom.
The quick shower he took to clean himself did not make him feel more relaxed, on the contrary. It once again reminded him of last night. He lathered up a drop of the coconut shower gel between his hands to wash his torso with it and the smell only made him dizzy. He needed her. 
He wandered naked around the chalet, searching through empty drawers for a compatible charger, knowing too well it was futile. He made himself a coffee and then just let it get cold on the table. He opened a bottle of beer, took two sips and then just held the cold bottle on his forehead while he sat sprawled on the couch. He started gnawing on his lower lip out of impatience when he finally heard a key in the lock and his eyes snapped open. 
She was beautiful, with her long dark locks just hanging down this time. She was wearing a white madeira sundress and flip flops. He had never seen her like this. 
“I’m SO sorry, it took a little longer than I expected, I hope you didn’t…oh!”
At first she thought he was angry, the way he leaped from the couch and darted towards her, with that look on his face. She instinctively backed away, but he just took the bags she was holding, put them on the table and literally pounced on her, grabbing her sides and making her stumble backwards and collide with the wooden door. 
“Joshua! Wait a second,” she bursted out, grabbing his shoulders in an attempt to regain her balance. He disregarded her feeble resistance, grabbed her wrists and pinned them against the door at both sides of her head.
“For what exactly? I’ve waited for hours. Now I don’t need to anymore. I think I”m going to take what I want after all,” he grunted against the soft skin right below her earlobe and pushed his leg between her things. “And don’t tell me you dressed like this to make me wanna hold your hand again, so don’t play coy,” he added, while licking a long stripe from her collarbone back up to her earlobe, earning a high pitched moan when he bit it. Her heart started beating wildly, sending tingling waves of arousal throughout her whole body. He was already rock hard, rutting against her pelvic bone. 
“Aren’t you hungry?” she whimpered, nodding towards the table. She was referring to the food she brought, but they both knew she was teasing him with double meaning. She arched a little, pressing her still clothed pussy down on him a bit more. It was exhilarating to feel his hands tightening around her forearms, digging his fingernails in her flesh. He looked at her, nostrils flaring, and she reciprocated with intense glare. 
“I’m starving. Feed me.” He let go of her arms, grabbed her jaw instead to force her mouth open and licked into it, claiming it. Her own hands immediately travelled up his back, kneading his tight flesh in a sudden frenzy, pulling him even closer to her chest.   
Still locked in a searing kiss, he turned her around and they slowly made their way towards the couch. When her calves collided with it, he just pushed her down and kneeled in front of her, pushing the hem of her dress up to her waist with one swift motion. She had no panties on, which made grin like a madman, shaking his head with a mischievous “tsk”. 
With just his fingertips, he pushed her thighs further apart and licked his lips absentmindedly, seeing her in all her glory for the very first time. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, while the same fingertips travelled further up her inner thighs until his thumb brushed gently against her clit, sending a jolt of electricity up her spine. 
She moaned melodically and he hummed in unison with her. “You said you liked my singing?” 
The question brought her back to earth and she looked down at him in confusion. “You want to sing to me now?” 
He locked his eyes with her and they gleamed with mischief as he brushed his cheek against her inner thigh and planted a soft kiss on her labia. “Uh huh.” 
“What do you mean?”
“Just this…” he whispered, pressed the tip of his tongue on her exposed bud and really, really started singing…
He had to push her abdomen down with his hand to keep her steady as her whole body twitched in shock, her hands frantically grabbing at the pillows around her. He had her moaning loudly in no time. She had never held any man’s head between her legs, but she entangled her fingers in his curls almost involuntarily, in fear that he would stop. He hummed in approval and quickened the vibrations of his tongue even more and she cried out, eyes open wide. He slowed down a bit when her legs started shaking, enveloped her clit with his lips and started sucking on it gently. That was a terrible mistake, because instead of prolonging the experience, it pushed her over the edge immediately. 
She watched him in a haze as he emerged from between her legs and hovered above her, his facial hair completely wet. She immediately reached out to wipe it off with her palm, but he grabbed her wrist and smiled devilishly. “Leave it!” It sent her mind reeling. 
“What is it, baby? You look completely ruined,” he crooned maliciously. 
“Oh god, Joshua, just shut up and fuck me!” she exclaimed impatiently, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him closer. 
“Oooh, I will!” he bit his lip and shook his head maliciously. Before she could react, he buried his dick in her to the hilt. They both groaned loudly, exchanging a quick look. He swallowed audibly and rested his forehead between her breasts. “Your body’s made of silk, baby,” he murmured against her skin. “It’s driving me nuts.”
She clenched around him deliberately, making him groan again. “Don’t get too sentimental now. I’m not ruined enough yet!” 
“Dear lady, you’re a beast,” he whimpered through his teeth and straightened up. “As you wish.” He grabbed her hips and started thrusting into her with an unexpected force.  
She watched him, mesmerized. She literally saw him in a completely new light now. His parted lips, his furrowed brow. Just seeing him like that was an intensively sensual experience, and it turned her on even more. She could soon feel another orgasm building deep inside her low abdomen. It was becoming almost overwhelming and she grabbed his upper arms to steady herself, digging her fingernail into his skin. That did it for him and his movements became erratic. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to regain control over his bbody, but she clenched around him again and hissed: “Go on. Fill me up!” 
With a few last spasmic thrusts and a long, high-pitched moan, he did, taking her with him one more time. They collapsed together on the couch, breathing heavily. 
“I like you too.”
He didn’t say anything, just pulled her even closer to him and kissed her forehead lovingly.
“What do you think is going to happen now?”
“I don’t know,” he answered truthfully, stroking her hair “but literally anything’s possible. Let’s not worry about it now.”
“I assume you can’t stay longer, can you?”
“No, I’m afraid I can’t. But we still have a week. Let’s make it the time of our lives.”
And they started immediately. The weather was capricious that day. The morning sun soon hid behind the clouds and heavy shower rains kept drumming on the roof. It was a perfect day for ceaseless fucking. It was as if nature played along. Once they got the taste of each other, they just couldn’t stop. 
They fucked three more times that afternoon. At first he bent her over the dining table right after lunch. It was animalistic and quick and she feared she’d leave scratch marks on the wooden table as she cried out with each violent thrust against her cervix. His hands on her hips were gentle though, kneading her flesh like velvet cushions, the pressure of his fingers  on her skin more aggressive only when he came. 
The second time was slow and gentle, as they lay in bed under the roof. Rain kept falling as he showered her with kisses. 
They lay there for another half an hour before they concluded it was finally time to take another shower. That’s where he pressed her against the tiles and filled her with his seed one more time. 
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The day wasn’t over yet, but it was time to go back, so they cleaned up the chalet, got dressed, packed their things and soon were on their way back, arriving at Eulalia before supper. 
Maya greeted them at the reception with a smile, but something was off. She was all smiles and giggles when she and Agnueszka talked briefly earlier that day. She looked almost apprehensive now. 
“I need to talk to you,” she hissed at Agnieszka in Polish after Josh excused himself and ran up the stairs to his room. 
“Can it wait?”
“No, I’m afraid it can’t. 
“Well, it will have to. We’re going out soon in half an hour. You promised me. I’ll be back in the kitchen tomorrow morning.”
“See you in the moooorning,” Agnieszka trilled over her shoulder, already on her way up. 
Back in her room, she checked her phone briefly, only to notice she had a whatsapp message from Bartek. It was a link to some article one of his buddies allegedly found somewhere. She opened it and gasped in shock. 
Josh knocked on her door ten minutes later. He definitely did not expect her to open it with teary eyes.
“What happened,” he frowned. 
She showed him the screen and he went pale immediately. “OK, let me explain.”
“Yeah, you do that…and while you’re at it, feel free to introduce yourself, because clearly, I don’t know you…”
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Give me all your true hate and I'll translate it in your bed Into never seen passion That is why I am so mad about you
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Previous Chapter Olalla masterlist
@its-interesting-van-kleep @edgingthedarkness @writingcold @thewritingbeforesunrise @lvnterninthenight @fleet-of-fiction @takenbythemadness @myownparadise96 @gvfstuddedmajesty @josh-iamyour-mama @jazzyfigz @tripthelightfantastix @sanguinebats @love-isnt-greed @klarxtr @kiszkas-canvas
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imightgetbetter · 2 years
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this picture is literally not the same vibe as what this story is but he's so - you know - that anything works. matty acting a little bit over protective. it's cute. i like her. thank you all for the support and love. happy reading -warning: mentions of pregnancy (this was requested abundantly today but if you don't like that, i have others that don't include anything like that)
Quiet. That’s all you really wanted. Quietness, a break from the overwhelming sounds coming from the studio and the excessive laughter (that in every other circumstance you have always found so heartwarming) and the horrible screeches from instruments being using improperly. Heaviness weighed at your front, your hands rubbing at your swollen belly as you lay lazily on the mattress settled in the center of your bedroom. Coming through the walls, you can hear the thrum of a cello and the terrible clanging of an instrument you couldn’t name, and that was it, you finally had enough. Quickly, you send a text to your husband, telling him that you need to go for a walk, and you’ll be back in a bit. Easy. He likely wouldn’t even notice until you’re back.
Messily getting yourself off of the bed, you steady yourself on your feet, your eyes falling to the floor, where your stomach is now hiding your toes. Usually, Matty is there to give you any help with your shoes that you might ask, but the idea of calling him and having to explain where you’re going (when you don’t actually have any idea) is making you angry. Normally, it’s very rare that you get angry or irate with him. Matty has always been nothing but sweet and loving to you, always wanting what’s best for you, however, what’s best for you at nearly thirty-four weeks pregnant is going on a walk by yourself without the clanging of instruments ringing in your ears. Matty would tell everyone to leave if you asked, you know this as well, but they need to work and you want to be alone, as much as telling him that would absolutely kill you.
“God damn it!” you groan, rolling your head back against your neck in frustration. “I love you so much already, but you are in the way,” you say to your belly, the gentle rolls relaxing your frustration only slightly, because as soon as you look up, there’s a knock on the door and twisting of the knob. “Can you put on my shoes for me? I need to take a walk, get a bit of fresh air and see the world, but our daughter is kind of in the way of me getting my shoes on.”
“I, I can ask everyone to leave for a bit, I suppose,” Matty sighs, pursing his lips and looking from you to the hallway. Matty shakes his head, seemingly making a decision quickly before walking towards you and grabbing the shoes that you always left outside of your closet for moments like these. “I’ll grab my shoes and I’ll take you. Can grab a tea from that shop in town, if you’d like? Are you still nauseous?”
“Matty, I want to go alone,” you say, a softened whimper leaving your lips as his fingertips gently massage the soles of your feet. “I know you need to work. I just want a bit of quiet.” His last question finally registers, and you suddenly feel guilty for how annoyed you are at him. “No, I’m okay, right now. I just need a break.”
“I can work any time, baby,” he says surely, leaning forward to kiss your bare belly and stand on his feet. “I’ll tell everyone to leave. It’s not a bother. I’m sorry I didn’t ask them to go earlier.”
“Matty, I love you dearly, but please listen to me when I tell you this,” you say, standing on your feet and taking his face in your hands. “I have not had a minute alone in nearly three weeks. I am going to go insane. Clinically unwell.”
“I’m not comfortable with you going out by yourself,” Matty says certainly, taking your hands in his gently and pulling them away from his face. His hands leave your wrists and settle on the curve of your stomach. He’s the only one that can do this without you getting violently angry. “I don’t want to think about what could happen if you get lost or someone from a bloody tabloid finds you or you start feeling ill or something. I just, I would feel more comfortable if I came. Call me annoying, that’s fine. Can you please just let me come? I’ll be quiet the whole time. Not even a sound.”
“One inkling of a sound, Matty, and you’re sleeping on the couch, without a blanket,” you say warningly, standing in front of the mirror and adjusting the way your chest is sitting in the sports bra on your torso. “My tits are ginormous.” Matty turns to you, tying the laces of his shoes, and you can see him trying to hide the laughter wanting to break free. “You can laugh.”
“I agree, your tits are ginormous.” Matty stands on his feet and walks over to you, grabbing a pair of your favorite sunglasses and slipping them over your nose when you turn around and lean your forehead against his chest. “You’re not feeling great, are you?”
“I am miserable,” you murmur, your voice muffled by his chest and the drawled moans leaving your lips as his fingers scratch your head soothingly. “I’m hot. I’ve got an extra forty pounds on my belly. My tits do not fit in anything. And, I love your band and I love the guys, but you make the most fucking noise I have ever heard in my life.”
Matty laughs breathily, leaning down to kiss your head sweetly. “I’m sorry you’re miserable, darling. I would do all this instead of you, if that was humanly possible.” His honey eyes are soft when you tilt your head to look at him. “And I’m sorry that you’ve felt like you’re going insane the last few weeks. I just want to make sure that you’re safe, and I cannot do that if I’m not with you.” He leans his forehead against yours, “Have to keep my girls safe, don’t I?”
“That was a very evil thing to say, and you know it,” you grumble, pulling away from his hold around you and adjusting the sunglasses, your arms reaching around your head to tie your hair out of your face. “You can’t use the ‘my girls’ thing and get away with it!”
“I’m coming on the walk, aren’t I?” Matty opens the bedroom door and gestures for you to walk ahead of him, the hallway quiet and still, meaning the guys had already left for the day. “I would say that this is me getting away with it, but I know you’ve got at least another twenty minutes of anger left in you.”
“You made me this way,” you say, taking his hand and using his steadiness as you descend down the stairwell. “Not only did you get me pregnant, but you also waited until I was about to leave for college in New York City to tell me that you had feelings for me.”
“Not this again,” Matty groans, opening the front door and waiting for you to walk outside before he follows you, closing and locking the house. “It’s been years. And we’re married!”
“I have twenty minutes of anger left on the clock,” you say teasingly, smiling brightly at him as you hold out your hand, waiting for his fingers to lace through yours. “Have ten seconds to back out of the walk, starting now.”
“Not a chance,” he says, rolling his eyes and grabbing your hand. “Get walking.”
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AITA for sleeping during a road trip?
My bf (25M), his brother (28M), and I (24F) took a 12 hour road trip to visit their family for the 4th of July.
A few things to know: neither of us have driver’s licenses, only his brother, so he was doing all of the driving. We made multiple stops where my bf and I were alone at least for a time in a gas station/rest stop/what have you, so if he had concerns he could have brought them to me privately during the trip as well.
I did sleep for a bit at the top of the drive, we left at about 6:30AM and I get very nauseous in stop and go traffic, so I did close my eyes and rest for a bit.
Through the trip, I was sitting in the backseat the whole time, and dozing intermittently. I did join in some conversations, but they were talking about a lot of stuff that I have little/no knowledge in and I didn’t feel like I had a lot to add. I did play some solo video games during the trip too.
With about four hours left in the trip, my bf decided to play with ChatGPT (which he KNOWS my opinion of) (negative) and ask it to basically generate crossover fanfic for them to read and laugh at. I didn’t want to ruin their fun, so I put in my noise cancelling headphones and listened to a few podcasts, pretty much until we got home.
We all unloaded the car and took turns carrying things up, and then my bf and his brother went to go find parking (there’s not a lot in our neighborhood) and get McDonald’s (I had told them both that I didn’t want to get McDonald’s myself for dinner after that long car ride, again, I get nauseous), while I walked somewhere local and got takeout.
We’ve all just gotten back home with our own dinners, and the first thing my partner said to me when he got back was “I can’t believe you slept for 60% of the trip and then didn’t even come with to help park the car.”
I tried to open a conversation about it but he wasn’t receptive to it, so now I’m just hoping it’s because we haven’t eaten much today and are snapping at each other because of it. I’m going to try to talk to him again before we go to bed, and to my therapist as well, but his argument doesn’t make sense to me.
I understand that sleeping in the car during a road trip can be rude to the driver and make them feel more like a chauffeur than a member of the group, but since they were talking/curating the playlist it didn’t feel like me staying awake would add anything to the vibe, and being unconscious is a great way to be not nauseous. The biggest thing I’m confused about is the going to park the car thing, because why would I go with them to park the car when 1) I don’t know how to drive/park 2) I wasn’t going to the same place to get dinner after 3) my bf was there to look for spots/help guide him into the spot?
But idk. He’s usually pretty reasonable so maybe I was TA? Tumblr, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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halloweenbitch2764 · 4 years
It's A Scream, Baby!
Part One
Billy Loomis x Fem! Reader x Stu Macher
TW: None
(F/C)- Favorite Color
(H/L)- Hair Length
(H/C)- Hair Color
(Y/F/N)- Your First Name
(Y/L/N)- Your Last Name
(Y/N)- Your Name
Chapter One
I let out a sigh and dusted my hands off as I carried the last box in from the moving truck. I heard the muffled voice of my mother thanking the movers and I ran my fingers through my hair. A fresh start. Something new. My mother had gotten a job opportunity and moved us from my comfortable hometown to Woodsboro, California. Before my mom told me the name of the town, I had never heard of it. That was to be expected after I found out that it was a fairly quaint town. 
I opened the box and started unloading the things that would be in my bedroom. Some magazines and books, my bedsheets, posters of my favorite bands, etc. Things that made my room uniquely me. The move wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be but I already missed my friends. My friends were people who I'd grown up with. Now the only contact I would have with them is by phone. It's okay. Little contact is better than none. However, there was one thing that had yet to determine if the move was worth it. Will I make any friends? I've always had such a hard time doing it. My old friends were just always there and I didn't really make any new friends. Maybe one here or there but nothing like this. 
I sat on my bed and looked through the box beside me. I pulled out my phone and plugged it into the wall, setting it on my desk. If I get lonely tonight maybe I can call one of them. I tapped my fingers absentmindedly against the phone before snapping out of my thoughts and continuing to unpack. I was tired from the drive to Woodsboro, but wanted to set my room up a little at least. I hung a calendar on my wall beside my desk and looked at the red, circled date. New school. I would be starting school tomorrow. I think the school said someone would help guide me around, right? Fuck I hope so. I know I'll get lost. 
I glanced out the window and saw the sun had almost completely set. It didn't necessarily surprise me, but it didn't ease the nervousness of the fact that school seemed fast approaching. Wish I could have gotten more time to unpack. Then again, the sooner I get this done the less time I'm going to spend worrying about it. It's like ripping a bandaid off. A soft yawn tumbled from my lips as I grabbed my backpack from the corner where I had set it, double checking I had everything I wanted. Folders? Check. Notebooks? Check. Pencils? Check. Once I knew I had everything I'd need, I set the (F/C) bag by my desk. 
I continued to unpack the necessities before feeling my eyes start to become heavy again. A knock from my door woke me up.
"Hey sweetie, how's unpacking going?" My mom questioned. She looked tired from everything and I assumed I did as well.
"It's going fine. I unpacked what I needed. I think I'll just unpack the rest tomorrow. I'm really tired." My mom nodded sympathetically. 
"Well get some good rest for school tomorrow." I nodded in agreement and she gave me a nod before leaving the room. I got up and closed the door behind her, setting the box on my bed on the ground and away so I wouldn't trip over it. I pulled the covers back and dressed in my pajamas before lying down. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
I woke up to the annoying buzzing of my alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes and clicked the off switch before sitting up after a second of letting my eyes adjust. Sunshine filtered in gently through the curtains I had put up. I pushed myself out of bed and grabbed a simple yet cute outfit. One that never failed to make me feel confident. The more confident I feel in the simple things, the more confident I'll feel in myself. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower before drying off. I dressed in the clothes and hung the towel up before heading downstairs. 
"Good morning." My mom greeted me and I gave her a smile. I was still tired but the shower had managed to wake me up slightly.
"Good morning." She was finishing up a plate of pancakes before setting them on the table.
"I made breakfast." She said cheerfully and I sat down, digging in.
"This is really good. Thanks mom!" It was nice to have a real breakfast. Most of the time breakfast was a granola bar or something similar. Cereal if I was lucky. She smiled and made small talk while I ate. I cleaned up the dishes and headed upstairs to finish getting ready. I styled my (H/L) (H/C) hair and checked over everything, adding a little makeup and grabbing my bookbag. 
"I'm leaving for school!" I called out to my mom.
"Alright, be safe and have a good day!" She yelled back. I left and started walking to the school. It wasn't much of a walk, only about five minutes or so. I looked at the school and the nervousness returned, making me nearly feel nauseous. I gripped my bag and walked into the school. There were already a decent amount of kids, all gathered in their respective groups and chatting while they waited for the bell. I walked into the main office and waited, the receptionist soon looking up and giving me a kind smile.
"H-Hi, I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). I just transferred here." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.
"Oh, Ms. (Y/L/N), yes. Here's your schedule." She handed me a piece of paper and I swiftly skimmed the words and times. 
"Sidney, would you please show (Y/N) around?" A brunette girl stood from a chair not too far from me. She had her bag over her shoulder and a textbook or two in her arms. She nodded to the receptionist and then smiled at me. 
"Hi, I'm Sidney Prescott." She introduced herself and I did the same. "Nice to meet you! Guess we should start looking around before the bell rings." She looked at the paper in my hand. "Oh, Mr. James? He's your homeroom teacher. He's pretty nice." She explained and we started to walk around to the classes. I'm really happy she seems so nice. This is already making this whole thing a thousand times easier. The whole tour didn't really take too long and when we got to the final class she smiled. "We have History and English together. We also have the same lunch. If you want you can hang out with my friends and I today." I smiled shyly. 
"O-Oh, thanks! Yeah um...I'll probably sit with you if you don't mind." If she minded she wouldn't have offered. She waved her hand and smiled.
"It's no big deal." She reassured me and I nodded. "We usually sit by the water fountain in the front of the campus. Just meet us there when you want." She smiled and I nodded. Suddenly the bell rang, signaling that we needed to start heading to class. 
"Alright well, I'll see you later." I smiled and she nodded with agreement before we both left to go to our homerooms. As I walked I felt like someone was staring at me. I turned and looked around but nobody stood out. If anyone's looking it's probably because I'm new. Don't really know why anyone would stare otherwise. I made my way to the class and took a seat at an empty desk. It was more secluded but I was happy about it. Just want to sort of fly under the radar until I feel comfortable enough to start making friends.
I was pulled from my thoughts when a noisy boy entered the room with other boys behind him. He was definitely tall and he seemed energetic for it being so early in the morning. He high-fived the boys and I caught something about football being talked about. Figures. I set my bag by my desk and grabbed out a notebook, copying my schedule into it in case I lost mine. The second bell rang and signaled the start of class. I saw someone sitting at the desk next to mine. Why would anyone sit here when there's plenty of open- oh. Him. The same tall boy I had seen earlier had now planted himself at the desk beside me. 
"Hey!" He said in a louder tone than I had expected. I looked at him.
"Hi." My voice was much quieter than his and less energetic. 
"So you're the new girl, huh? Sid kept talking 'bout how someone new was coming to school." I raised my eyebrow a bit. I guess he's friends with Sidney? I nodded in response to his question. "So what's your name, sunshine?" He asked in a playful tone.
"(Y/N)." I said and smiled so he knew I wasn't trying to be rude. My answers sound short even though I don't mean for them to. I'm just awkward. He smiled brightly and nodded. He gives me puppy dog vibes. 
"Well nice to meetcha, (Y/N). I'm Stu."
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skyeet-the-writer · 4 years
Can you write a corpse x reader when she finds out she's pregnant and she's playing among us and she imposter with corpse and she kill someone and someone sees and reports it right away she get all nauseous and let's it slip to everyone while she go to throw up and corpse doesn't know what to do but he's excited to be a dad. You can change it up and add thing if you want, I was writing everything down, sorry if this is weird.
And If You Wanna Stay … Please Stay
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yes finally a pregnant request! also, i’m gonna be waiting to get the triggered pro-life people in my asks and DMs about how ‘iT’s A LiViNg BeInG”. like what’s the baby gonna do? tell it’s mom??
corpse x female!reader 
summary: when the reader gets morning sickness during an Among Us game, Corpse and her expect the worst. And they get it. 
word count: ~4.8k 
warnings: swearing, vomiting, mentions of abortions, mentions of being pregnant, a little bit of suggestive content near the end but nothing happens
He’s finally asleep, you think to yourself as you watch your boyfriend’s chest rise and fall. He needed it.
Recently, Corpse has had trouble sleeping for more than three hours. You two had tried everything you could think of. You had tried staying up late to get him tired, you tried subliminals and music to get him to sleep. You even tried to give him a massage one time, but that led to other things.
You look over at the drawn curtains and pull them back a little. There, on the window, you have tin foil covering them. It’s a trick you learned from your dad when you were younger. When he worked night shifts, he had to sleep during the day, and he had trouble sleeping since your parent’s room had thin curtains. And so your father taped tin foil to all of the windows in their room so that he could sleep.
You’re not exactly sure why this seemed to work for Corpse, but you’re certainly not complaining. He looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping. He doesn’t look stressed, he doesn’t look sad. He looks so calm.
You lean forward and peck his nose. His breathing stutters and his nose wrinkles. You giggle and slowly, he opens his eyes. He blinks a few times and his brown eyes look around the room before settling on your face. He grins and your smile widens.
“That’s a pretty face to wake up to,” he mumbles and his morning voice makes you blush. “Oh my god, you’re already blushing.”
You blush even harder and bury your face in his neck. He laughs and hugs you around your waist. “Don’t make fun of me, asshole.”
He kisses your hair. “Morning, baby.”
“Good morning,” you mumble into his skin. You pull away so that you’re only a few inches apart. He leans forward and nuzzles your nose against his. Instead of kissing in the morning--you can’t handle his morning breath--you nuzzle your noses together.
“How’d you sleep?” you ask after you two pull away.
He smiles. “Really good, actually.” He chuckles and looks up at the window. “I guess the foil worked.”
You laugh and sit up. You’ve been awake for a little while and your stomach growls. “You hungry, babe?”
He nods and sits up as well, running a hand through his hair and shaking it out. “Can we have pancakes?”
“You can eat those, right?” you ask. You stand up out of bed and walk to the kitchen, your boyfriend trailing behind you.
“Yeah,” you hear him say. “Even if I couldn’t, I’d still want to eat them because you make really good pancakes.”
You smile. “Really? Thanks, babe.” 
You get out the ingredients to make the pancakes when Corpse announces that he’s going to take a shower. You give him a kiss on his cheek and notice it’s a little scratchy. You grab his chin suddenly and he blinks at you as you run a thumb against his cheekbone. 
“Want me to shave?” he asks softly.
You shrug. “If you want.”
He grabs your hand and presses his lips against your finger. He gives you a sweet little smile. “I’ll shave.” He squeezes your hand before walking back to your room.
After mixing all of the ingredients, you drop a few droplets onto the buttered up griddle. When it sizzles, you pour two medium-sized pancakes before going to search for the spatula. 
When you find it in the dishwasher, you flip both of the pancakes and grin. They’re both perfect. You notice it’s quiet in the kitchen and call out, “Alexa.” You hear her go off in the living room. “Play some fall lofi.”
“Playing ‘Midnight Lofi - Fall Vibes’.
”You smile when it starts to come from the living room. It’s a little quiet, so you say, “Turn it up.”
The music starts to play a little louder and you smile more. It’s so aesthetically pleasing, lofi music. It’s probably one of your favorite music genres. Before you moved in with Corpse, you had to listen to something and you eventually began to fall asleep to lofi. But now that you’ve been living with him for almost a year, you don’t listen to it as much. Usually when you’re cleaning the house or playing music when you study for school. 
You cook a few more pancakes and when you’re putting them on a plate, you have an idea. Corpse can’t eat chocolate because of his health, but you can. And you usually have a secret stash of chocolate in the back of the pantry. You’ve been craving chocolate a lot for the past week which is weird because your monthly hasn’t started yet even though it should have a few days ago. But you don’t dwell on that thought and pull up a chair from the small island and stand on top of it to reach the very back of the pantry. Your fingers skim the edge of the chocolate chip bag and you grab it between your middle and index finger. You grin at it and go to hop off of the chair when suddenly--
“What are you doing?”
You yell and you almost slip off the chair. Luckily, you land on your feet and wobble. You look up at your boyfriend when you regain your balance. He’s smirking and looking between you and the bag in your hand. 
“Chocolate,” you tell him, making your way back to the griddle like nothing happened. “You know, just because you can’t eat it doesn’t mean I have to suffer with you.”
He laughs and leans on the counter next to you. “I know you have a stash, y/n.”
You look at him with wide eyes, stopping in your tracks. “You do?”
He nods. “Yep. I knew since the first month you moved in. You’re bad at hiding it, you know.”
You blink at him before shrugging, walking over to the griddle. “Well, you’re not allowed to have any.” You stick your tongue out at him and sprinkle the mini chocolate chips into the remaining batter. There are enough pancakes for Corpse, so you’ll just cook up the rest for yourself.
Usually, you and Corpse don’t wake up until after breakfast time since you have a habit of sleeping in. But when you can wake up early enough for breakfast, you both like to sit out at the small balcony and eat together.
“What are we doing today?” you ask Corpse, sitting across from him at the small metal table.
There’s a breeze and it ruffles his hair. “I was gonna stream Among Us later. You can play, too. My fans love you.” He smiles and looks down at his plate.
“As they should.” You flip your hair and the two of you laugh. “Yeah, I can play for a little while. I’ve got classes to do and a paper due tomorrow, though.” While Corpse is a Youtuber and a streamer, you’re a college student taking classes at San Diego State University, trying to get your major in anthropology and a minor in Spanish and engineering. “God, I have a test at the end of the week, babe. I’m gonna fail it,” you mutter, putting your face in your hands. 
“What’s it in?”
“Spanish,” you tell him, pushing a blueberry with your fork. 
He gives you a stare. “Babe, I’m literally half Mexican.” He laughs.
You throw the blueberry at his head and it bounces off onto the floor. “Shut up, stop making fun of me!”
He grins. “I can tell you the answers as you take the test. It’s online, right?”
You nod. “Yeah, I chose all online classes this year. I mean, you could. But that’s cheating.” You flip a piece of your pancake over. “And I don’t wanna cheat. I cheated all the way through high school. I want college to be different.”
Corpse grabs your hand and you look up at him. He’s smiling at you. “You’re smart, baby. You’re gonna do fine. You’re gonna get your degrees and you’re gonna be the best... what are you studying again?”
“Anthropology,” you tell him quietly.
“You’re gonna be the best anthropologist ever.”
You crack a small smile. “Do you even know what an anthropologist is?”
You laugh and that gets him to smile. You lean across the table and press a gentle kiss to his lips. It’s a little sticky and sweet because of the syrup, but you’re not complaining.
Later that morning, after taking a shower while Corpse cleans breakfast up, Corpse says that he’s going to stream and you come and join him. There’s a monitor across from his that you use from time to time and a headset as well.
Your boyfriend sends you the code for the Discord and the Among Us game. Corpse looks at you from across the desks and you smile. He grins back and your stomach churns. You blink and wince at the feeling. You’ve been feeling nauseated for a few days now and you don’t want to get sick during a stream.
“Hi Corpse,” someone says as you load into the waiting room. You look back at the screen as someone gasps. “y/n! Best friend!”
It’s Sean and you laugh. “Hi, Sean.”
“y/n!” exclaims someone else and you realize that it’s Lily.
“I thought I was your best friend, Jack!” says Sykkuno and he sounds hurt.
You smile and move your character to the customization. You choose yellow and choose the leaf hat. Since your gamer tag is “lemon” you always try and be a lemon.
“Aw, y/n’s a lemon,” says Dave.
You laugh and run circles around him. “Hi, Dave.”
You hear him laugh and Corpse chuckles in front of you. You look at him and be flashes you a smile.
The round starts and the red “IMPOSTER” text lights up your screen. You’re paired up with Felix. You haven’t been the imposter with Felix too often, so you don’t know what to expect. You mute your headset and head down to storage to fake wires before going to fake another task.
 You’re standing in the electrical room pretending to download data when Sykkuno walks in. You pull up the sabotage map and close the door before killing him and venting. You come out in the medbay and head over to the cafeteria.
 When a body is reported, it’s Lily’s. You unmute yourself and bite your thumbnail as your stomach churns even more. You’re starting to get worried that you’re going to get sick.
 “I found Lily in admin,” says Sean. “And I didn’t see anyone around.”
“Sykkuno is dead, too,” Julien points out.
 “Oh shit,” you mutter and hold a hand over your mouth. You try to keep the bile from rising while everyone talks and you don’t bother to listen. You do hear someone say that they’re going to skip voting and you do the same.
When no one is ejected, you mute your mic once again and go to follow Corpse down to the shields. You stand beside him while he does his task. Sorry, babe, you think and kill him just as your kill cooldown reaches zero.
 You smirk and run away in the opposite direction and you can feel him staring at you. You glance up at him and your smile widens. “What?”
He just shakes his head and you laugh.
You meet up with Dave and follow him around and fake wires with him. At one point, you and he cross paths with Felix and Toast. You may not know Felix too well, but any good imposter knows to go for a double kill. So as you run by each other in the cafeteria, you close the door and both you and Felix kill who you were with before venting away. 
By the time you’re out of the vent and running away from admin, Dave’s body is reported. Your stomach feels awful now and you’re almost certain you’re going to throw up in the next thirty seconds.
 “Fuck.” You unmute your mic. “It was me, I killed Dave. I’m the imposter. I’ll be right back.” You practically throw your headset off and run for the bathroom.
Corpse watches you practically run out of the room. For a second, he’s not sure what to do. Should he go after you? But he’s in the middle of streaming.
“y/n?” Sean asks. “Corpse, where’d she go?”
“Is she okay?” Julien wonders.
He nods even though no one can see him. “Y—yeah. I’m gonna go check on her. I’ll be right back.” He mutes his mic and takes his headphones off before leaving the room to go check on you.
He finds you on the tiled bathroom floor vomiting into the toilet. He curses and kneels behind you, pulling your hair back.
When you finish, he says, “This is the third time this week you’ve gotten sick, baby.”
You groan and lean your head on your arm. “I know. I don’t know why. Well, I—“ You cut yourself off and go still as if you suddenly had a realization.
Corpse tilts his head. “What is it?”
It takes you a few long moments to respond. “…My period is late. And I’m getting morning sickness. Plus I’ve been moody.��� You turn back to look at him and he can tell you’re about to cry. “Corpse.”
You don’t need to say anything else. He’s already standing up, trying to ignore the pit in his stomach and his shaking hands. “I’ll go get you some tests.”
You grab his hand. “Corpse, no! I’ll go.”
He shakes his head and gets on his knees in front of you. “It’s okay, baby. I’ll be okay, don’t worry about me.”
Your lip quivers. “You don’t have to do this. I know how much you don’t like going outside. Really, it’s not a big deal, I can go get some.”
But then he kisses your forehead. “y/n, it’s okay. You need to rest. I won’t be out for very long.” He stands up after squeezing your hands. “I’ll be back in, like, twenty minutes.”
Before you can do anything to stop him, he turns around and goes to grab his mask and his wallet before grabbing your car keys. He doesn’t like to drive, but you’re worried and driving is quicker. And right now you’re the most important thing for him to be thinking about.
When Corpse leaves, you sigh and stay sitting on the floor for a few more minutes while your stomach settles itself. Afterward, you get up and brush your teeth after flushing the toilet. Deciding to get some school work done, you grab your laptop and head to the living room.
When you pass by his recording room, however, you see his monitor still on. You curse and head inside. He’s still streaming. You sit down and put his headset on and unmute his mic. “Hey, guys.”
You glance at the exploding chat as Sean asks, “y/n? Where’s Corpse? Are you okay?”
I’m probably pregnant. “Uh, I’m kind of sick, so Corpse went out to get me some, uh, stuff. Sorry, but we gotta go. Uh, it was fun streaming.”
“Okay,” says Sykkuno. “I hope you feel better, y/n.”
“Thanks,” you mumble. “Bye, guys.” You leave the chat and close the game before looking at Corpse’s stream chat. “Sorry about this, guys. I had fun streaming, though, I’m sure Corse did too. Have a good day.” You smile even though they can’t see you before ending the stream. You go over to your monitor and leave the game and chat in your own game. You lean back in your chair and press your hands in your eyelids.
You want to cry. You want to scream. You can’t be pregnant. You’re still a kid, you haven’t completed college yet. You and Corpse aren’t even married.
You suck in a shaky breath and wipe your damp eyes. “I’m probably not pregnant,” you whisper and stand up to go into the living room. “I probably just ate something bad. Yeah, that’s it.”
You sit in the living room on the couch with a blanket around your shoulders, trying to focus on your schoolwork. But you can’t. Your mind is too overwhelmed with the possibilities. You hope Corpse is okay. You know how much he hates going outside and being around other people.
You turn back to look at the lecture your professor posted and sigh. You just need to relax and calm down. Just wait until Corpse gets back and focus on schoolwork until then. 
It takes a while, but he does come back. Some small voice in your head thought that he wasn’t going to come back, but you quickly pushed it away. Corpse loves you and he’d never leave you. 
The front door opens and you look up from the paper you’re in the middle of typing. You meet him in the hallway where he’s taking his mask off, a plastic bag in his hand. He meets your eyes and cups your face in one hand. 
“Are you okay?” he asks softly. 
Your chin wobbles and you shake your head. Tears form in the edges of your eyes and you suck in a deep breath. “Did you get some tests?”
 He nods hand hands the bag to you. But before you can take them, he grabs your wrist. “Hey. I’m not leaving, y/n.”
You nod before taking the bag from him and quickly walking to the bathroom. You’re scared to say anything because you know that if you do, you’ll start to cry.
 Ten minutes later, you’re sitting on the bathroom floor with Corpse, leaning into his side as he rubs your shoulder. There are three tests on the counter and your boyfriend has a timer running on his phone for five minutes. So far, three minutes have passed. To you, they’ve felt like a lifetime.
 “Are you okay?” Corpse asks quietly, finally breaking the silence.
 You shrug, not entirely sure how you feel. “I don’t know. I’m scared.” You glance down at your stomach and place a hand on your naval. “If I am pregnant, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m young.” You look at him. “We’re young. I’m still in college. I can’t afford to have a kid!”
“I know.” He draws you closer to your shoulder. “But whatever you decide to do, I’m going to support you. And I’m not going to leave you, either. In case you were worried about that.”
Even though you shouldn’t have been, you were.
Luckily, Corpse changes the subject, going on to say, “I’ve been working on another song.”
He nods. “Yeah. It’s kind of a lofi type song. I can show you the lyrics, later, if you want.”
 You smile a little and look up at him, staring into his shining, dark eyes. “I’d like that.”
He smiles back and leans down to give you a small kiss. When you pull away, his phone rings, signaling that the timer is done. He turns his phone off and you stand up, walking towards the counter where the tests are. You pick one up. 
One line.
 You let out a breath of relief and turn to Corpse where he’s leaning on the sink. “Negative.”
He smiles a little. “What about the other two?”
 You look back down at the other two tests. You pick one up and your heart drops. Two lines. You swallow and gently place it down as your hands begin to shake. Maybe that one is a false positive. There’s still another one. Whatever this one says will probably determine if you’re pregnant or not.
 And so you pick it up. And you smack a hand over your mouth when you see two lines. You’re pregnant. You’re pregnant. The test falls from your hands and you fall to your knees, tears streaming down your face.
 “Baby, what did it say?” Corpse asks, coming to your side and trying to coax your face into his hand. “Babe?”
“I don’t want a baby!” you exclaim through your tears. “I can’t handle that. I’m too young, I’m not ready. We’re not ready.” You lean into his arms as he pulls you towards him. “Corpse, I don’t want it.”
He nods and you feel him run his fingers through your hair. “It’s your decision, babe. It’s your choice. And I’m gonna support you either way if you want to keep it or not. If you do decide to keep it, then we’ll figure something out. If not, I’ll drive you there and get you In-N-Out or something.”
That gets you to laugh as you tighten your arms around him. “You’ll really buy me food?”
“Yes. I’d do anything for you.”
Your stomach churns that night as you’re scheduling an appointment to get rid of the clump of cells in your body. You’re nervous and Corpse was sweet enough to order you whatever you want for dinner. 
You get off the phone as Corpse grabs the food from the delivery person and walks into the kitchen. He looks at you as he places the bags down on the counter. “So?”
You swallow and lean on the counter. “My appointment is in a couple of days.”
He nods and approaches you, placing his hands on your hips and drawing you to his chest. “It’s going to be okay, love.”
You lean your head on his chest. “Am I a bad person?”
“Of course not. It’s your body. You can do whatever you want with it. And besides, it’s not like it’s living anyway.”
You giggle as you try not to cry again. “What’s the baby gonna do? Remember it?”
Corpse laughs his deep and rumbly laugh and you grin. “True. But I seriously will buy you In-N-Out if you want. Or McDonald’s.”
You laugh again and tighten your arms around him. “Okay. And, Corpse?”
“Thank you for being so supportive of wanting to get rid of it.”
He kisses your head. “Don’t thank me.”
When you and Corpse are laying in bed after watching a true-crime documentary, he’s gently dragging his nails up and down your back as you’re nestled into his chest. The tinfoil is still on the windows and it makes the room even darker. Which is actually the entire point.
 Something had been rattling around in your head for the past few hours and you hadn’t gotten the courage to ask Corpse. But here, in the darkness of the bedroom the two of you share, you often ask each other stupid questions late at night when neither of you can fall asleep.
 And it feels like it’s going to be another one of those nights because you’re wide-awake and you know Corpse is as well. And so you ask, “Do you ever want to have kids together?”
His hand abruptly stops dragging his nails on your back. “What?”
 You regret asking him, but there’s no going back now. “When we’re older, would you ever want to have a family together?”
His hand begins to slowly go up and down your back once more. “Maybe. If you want to. If you want to have kids one day when we’re older, then I’ll definitely have kids with you.”
This makes you smile and you tighten your arms around his middle. “I love you, Corpse.”
“I love you, too.” He kisses your head. “Before we have kids, we should get married first.”
You grumble and say, “We’ll see who proposes first, then.”
He laughs and wraps his arms around your waist. “It’ll probably be you, baby. I’m too anxious.”
“Excuses, excuses,” you huff but the two of you laugh. “I’m too broke to afford a ring, though. You might have to settle with a Ring Pop.”
“If you propose to me with an onion ring and I would say yes.”
You giggle as something else comes to mind. “What about those cheap, plastic spider rings? Or the ones that come on cupcakes.”
Corpse laughs again and begins to scratch your back again. “If you do that, we would get married on the spot,” he says in that deep and gravely voice of his.
 You grin. “I’m keeping that in mind.”
Corpse hums into your shoulder. “You’re not going to fall asleep anytime soon, are you?”
 You shake your head. “No. Are you?”
“What do you want to do?” you ask him, pulling away from him to look at his face through the darkness.
 Even though you can’t see him too much, you know he’s smirking. “Well, there’s already a fetus in you. Want to see if we can get another one?” 
You laugh and push his chest. “You’re disgusting, Corpse!”
He laughs and grabs your hands and lifts your arms up so he can roll on top of you. “Maybe. But it got you to laugh.”
You blush and turn your head to the side as he sits on top of you, holding your hands above your head. He starts to kiss down your neck and you sigh. “Corpse.”
He hums against your skin.
 You bite your lip. “I’m not really in the mood, babe.”
Immediately, he stops what he was doing and lifts his head. “Okay. That’s fine, babe. It’s been a long day. Can we still cuddle, though?”
You nod and smile. “Of course. You can be the little spoon.”
“Yay!” he exclaims and climbs on top of you and rolls on his side. You get yourself situated behind him and throw one arm over his stomach and use the other one to play with his incredibly curly hair. Your legs get tangled together like they always do and you bury your fingers in his hair while he lets out a deep breath through his nose. 
“Happy?” you ask him quietly and he nods. You squeeze his stomach with the arm you have there and kiss his head. “Okay. Try to sleep again, babe, okay?”
He nods, but both of you know you’re not going to fall asleep for a while. And that’s okay. You both sit there in the darkness talking about everything and nothing while you play with his hair and he holds the hand around his stomach with one of his hands. You don’t say anything else about you being pregnant or kids or how you want to get rid of it, and you’re glad. You don’t want to talk about it because you feel like a bad person for not wanting the baby. 
Of course, you’re not going to change your mind. Neither you nor Corpse are ready for a child. But that small voice in your head tells you that you’re making the wrong choice or a bad decision.
 But you don’t listen to it. You don’t listen to it that night while Corpse falls asleep again in your arms or when you’re in class the next day. Not even when you’re listening to a demo of Corpse’s new song in the car on the way to the clinic.
 “It’s really good!” you exclaim as he parks in the parking lot. “I love it, babe.”
He smiles at you before glancing at the clinic. “Want me to go with you?”
You shake your head. “No, I’ll be fine. It'll take little while, though. So you can go do something else if you want to.”
He nods and leans in to give you a kiss. “Okay. I love you. Text me if anything goes wrong at all, okay?”
You laugh gently and nod. “Okay, I will.”
“Love you,” he tells you again as you’re putting your mask on.
 You pull it down and smile at him softly. “You already said that, babe.”
He blushes and looks away. “O--oh. Sorry.”
You just kiss his cheek. “It’s okay. I’ll be back.” You pull your mask back up and gather your things before getting out of the car. You wave to him and then make your way into the clinic.
 And Corpse did stay true to his words about getting you In-N-Out after your appointment. He even paid for it and got you a milkshake, too. 
That night, after finally dragging Corpse away from his computer so he’ll at least try to fall asleep with you, you begin to think. You feel better after your appointment. Before, you were incredibly stressed out and even a little depressed. But afterward, you felt so much better. You felt like you could breathe and no have to worry about throwing up or eating the wrong thing.
 And you didn’t regret getting an abortion. You and Corpse both knew neither of you are ready for one and that’s okay. You’re both still young and still new to being together. But as Corpse hums some song against your neck with his nose buried in the skin there, you feel the vibrations from his throat against your shoulder. You sigh happily and push a hand into his hair and gently scratch at his scalp. You feel him smile against your neck and you can’t help but mimic it.
 Yeah. You and Corpse aren’t ready for kids. But maybe you will be one day.
I’m sorry, but the tag list is closed. It’s just too stressful for me to keep adding them. I’m sorry, guys. Also sorry to everyone who messaged me to add them because I didn’t write them down and can’t access my messages now. Still love you guys! x. 
@honeysuger @chubby-dumpling @polahorvat @annshit @simonsbluee @dad-ee-drea @save-the-sky @wibblytimey @thegirlwholikestomanythings @yagorlnessa @alilshit @majolittlemixgurl18 @the-bunny-anon @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @loraleiix @artist-bby @ellomellows @pillowjj @matthew-gray-g @myherotrashbin @sunnsetteeee @lxdybyrd @cultofandom @anngelllla @tododokizuku @pachowpachowbucket @gaysludge @bethpiercwhy @marvelkatwoman @c0rpsew1fe @your-cherry-bomb @bi-andready-tocry @redosmo @gracehaileym @helena-way07 @nekomacam @fadingprunebagelfestival @fifiyau105 @easygoingtheatre @satanwithagenda @gracehaileym @oumachii @mythicalreader @this-isnt-living-anymore @punkrainbows @kitsunedarian @crapimahuman @honestlyimstilllivinginthe90s @realnicoleworld @scarswideworld @bluewneptune @weeblyheaux @beebo-at-the-church @melmachh @abbiesthings @peterparkerspjsuit @mitchiesdungeon @theeerealpunkin @kaitlynw011 @bookoffracturedghosts @beebeomgyu @tooturntashbash @hughugh20 @spideys-gurl @reddeserths @heartbroken-writer @chimchimsugakookies @danny-devitowo @susceptible-but-siriusexual @moonnei @crystalbaby12 @cherry-pieee @girl-obsessed-with-things @sokkas-paintings @yobroitsjayden @boba-king-iroh @chouxfleur @bbecc-a @tayloryorkscurls @getdevils @nightly-daydreamer @beegobuzzbuzz @dxffxdils @mae-musicbitch @fangirlmisanthrope @bipolarbisexualdisaster @taliyahvermillion @unded-bride @kguerrero-23 @cold-deep-water @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @motheroffae @jokenotfunny @yongboxerrr @theolwebshooter @hawkssnugget @yoyoanaria @babyhoneystvles @rjwinterfell @simp-for-corpse @benjaminka @sailor-earth-1 @mmimozaa @zirvel @bombardia @parkchaeyoung1997 @tetsuluvbot @killuaz0ldick @xibrokensunriseix@fuckbuckyyy @luv-buggie @moneybagmara @betabeta0031 @adorkably @angelic-blxssom @littlebabysandboxburritos @thebriarpatch @i-have-arrived-bitch @alexandrium
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yuuhta · 3 years
just once
pairing: gojou satoru/reader
genre: smut
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you weren't one to engage in one night stands, especially with strangers and well known fuck boys. heck, you don't even think about it, you just know so damn well that you would never want to get involved with them, dreading the thought that you might get feelings, only to be a check mark on their list.
but when gojou satoru came in the room, and his eyes were fixed on you, and only you, you can't help but think that maybe you can make an exception just this one time.
he hasn't even done or said anything yet, but you already feel so down for whatever he has in store. you aren't one to jump in to conclusions and assume that someone is interested in you, but the way his gorgeous blue eyes focused on you and only you as he walked inside the room, you just know it.
he is only proving your theory to be true when he sat on the chair beside you.
gojou satoru doesn’t count as a stranger since he’s a previous classmate and current workmate, but it has been well-established among your group of friends that he's one hell of a fuck boy. he's literally the no-strings-attached kind of guy, and you can say this is a fact because your mutual friend, which is satoru's best friend, ieri shouko, has told you that a one night stand is really just a one night stand for satoru, just a way to relieve his needs, no love, no romance, no feelings. he simply just doesn't really care. oh and also, he has never fucked a girl twice.
honestly, before today, he was someone in your to-avoid list. although you acknowledge that he’s very attractive, you never really paid much attention to guys who gave off arrogant vibes, so you barely interacted with him. you knew to yourself that you'd rather not get involved with someone like him. hearing the stories about satoru just made you feel nauseous, you've always thought of him as an asshole who only thinks with his dick. he's the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, yeah, but you give absolutely zero shit about that.
he's a heartbreaker... but if you were going to be honest, it's not like he's the only one to blame. he didn't really intentionally make the people he slept with fall in love with him.
you also heard from shouko that satoru always makes sure to tell his one night stand partner about the no strings attached rule. however, some still end up falling in love with him, or on some cases, they're already in love with him even before it happened.
fell in love with satoru?
it's their fault. in satoru's defense, he made sure to tell them to not fall.
it's satoru's fault. in their defense, satoru obviously led them on.
now that you think about it, besides stories about his sexual activity and the number of confessions he turned down, you don't really know much about him.
he always gave off a confident and pompous vibe, but whenever you had your little interactions with him, he actually seemed a bit decent. however, that was probably only because he knew how to separate his personal life from work.
but honestly, he is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, and on top of that, he has an ethereal face and an excellent body proportion. he has all reasons to be extremely confident.
"hi." the blue-eyed man started, removing his blindfold to change it with his shades.
your theory? so far, he's only proving it to be true. he definitely had his eyes on you.
you were feeling extremely and unusually conscious, but of course you try to hide it by acting like a bitch.
your eyebrows knit slightly as you take a look at him from the corner of your eye. "what?"
okay, now, you're starting to wonder if he's actually trying to flirt with you, or just become all buddy buddy with you. maybe you’re just being a mean bitch for no reason.
his eyes widened subtly at your response, probably not expecting such a dry and a bit rude answer. "you look cute today." he whispers.
his breath didn’t touch your ear, but it still sent shivers down your spine. you don’t let it physically show, but your paranoid ass is thinking he might’ve been able to sense it through cursed energy.
you wanted to roll your eyes to the point of seeing your brain inside your head, but you don't, and obviously, you can't. 
"thanks?" you sneered.
you definitely don't want to deal with any bullshit and unnecessary feelings, so you at least try to ward him off while you still can.
"ah, sorry. are you in a bad mood?"
irked, you decided to ignore him, not knowing how to respond to his question. why is he trying to talk to you, in the first place?
your conversations with him were always brief and professional, mostly just to cooperate on a mission. you barely even looked at each other during those times. so you being cold and rude right now was a bit surprising to him. you're not usually like this, but it's the only thing you can do to try not to give in to his flirting.
well, sorry to him, you absolutely hate guys who try to get in your pants. no past bad experience or whatever, but you really don't like them. their style is just not your cup of tea. you’re someone who needs the emotional and wholesome connection before doing some... stuff. 
and maybe that’s why you’re still a virgin. suguru is just a friend, ijichi and kusakabe are simply not your style, and nanami, oh, nanami. he’s the one who comes the closest to your type, but he just ain’t it, as well. you wanted someone who can deal with your jokes and occasional sarcastic remarks. you wanted a bit of playfulness.
"okay, i guess it's already obvious and i shouldn't have asked that."
you've never thought about it, but being the one on the receiving end of gojou satoru's attention actually feels different. now you feel a bit of regret for being mean.
you didn’t reply to him in any way, and he didn’t bother prodding anymore after.
you don’t know if you’re pleased or dismayed about this.
honestly though, you badly wanted to indulge him and flirt back. you just don't do so because how were you supposed to do that now, with all that’s been said and done.
glancing at him discreetly, you noticed that it seems like it doesn’t really matter for him, whether you ignored him or not.
good, you think to yourself, sighing in relief about the fact that gojou doesn’t care much about you. at least you feel chill now.
an hour has passed and the meeting has come to an end. not another word has been exchanged between the two of you.
you couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of that room.
you hurriedly stood up and headed to where the door was, but the superiors and older officials were heading out first, so you were just standing there in the middle of the room, somehow stranded.
you were walking in place because of impatience, when suddenly, you felt a large hand wrap around your wrist.
startled, you flinched at the sudden skin contact. your hyperawareness was at its peak since gojou satoru was just standing right behind you, you were very conscious of what the fuck he’s doing.
“oh. sorry, did i startle you?” he immediately pulled his hand away, raising it slightly.
'yes, insect, go away.'
“no. what is it?” you said in a rushed manner.
“are you in a hurry?” he asked. he wasn’t being sarcastic, but you wanted to punch him, nonetheless. why can’t he just let you be?
“can you stay?”
you felt your heart jump to your throat.
'what the fuck.'
all of a sudden, you can be compared to a statue. you were incredibly flustered, feeling all the blood flowing so fast in your body at his question.
now, the sexual tension, for you, has rose to very high levels, to the point that your tongue refuses to move.
you can’t even think straight right now.
“satoru, y/n, aren’t you two going to head out?” principal yaga indifferently asked, his head peeking on the door.
you didn’t know what to say in response, and gojou didn’t say anything either, so the principal only shrugged and closed the door behind him.
sighing, you internally thanked principal yaga for breaking the heavy atmosphere that was rapidly building up for you.
“i’ll get going, then.” you said, roughly pulling your hand away from satoru.
when you were already near the door, he suddenly appeared next to it and opened it for you.
with a small frown on your face, your mouth fell agape, what the fuck does he want?
it’s not like it’s the first time someone has ever showed you this kind of attention. it’s just simple and basic interaction. you were just getting all worked up because it’s gojou satoru. gorgeous fucking shit.
the heck is he opening the door for?
he's someone who you can't even call a gentleman. he always carefully chose the people he'll be nice to. a pretty woman can trip in front of him, and he won't bother giving two shits, he won't help her if he doesn't feel like it. he's the type to not respect old people just because they're old people.
but the thing is, you do know he’s not a bad person. he’s just... rude and annoying, and has his own way in doing stuff, but he’s actually a good person. his intentions are harmless, you know it.
nonetheless, you still don't want any personal involvement with him.
however, your own body is telling you otherwise.
the warmth that was increasingly becoming unbearable down your core is starting to reach its limits, as well as the rational part in you. so, as if you weren’t trying your very best to avoid him just a few seconds ago, you closed the door with your own hand, “what is it?”
you were thinking, maybe he just wants to talk about something in private. maybe it's nothing bed-related. maybe you were just overthinking.
“do you want me to get straight to the point?” he asked with lidded eyes, looking down on you intensely.
actually, at this point, you were sure. your theory is absolutely correct. he’s definitely giving you the bedroom eyes.
holy shit.
he bends down to your level, his face just a few inches away from yours.
“i want you.”
satoru says this with such intensity that you had to pause for a second to swallow the lump that got caught in your throat.
the longer you look into his eyes, the more you want to succumb to the hints of pleasure that was starting to build up down there.
but first of all, you had to at least clear this up. you needed to be sure. maybe it’s just a misunderstanding on your part.
“want me? uh, what exactly do you want from me?”
gojou noticed that your question was completely innocent, it had no underlying meaning.
he pulls away, removing his shades to examine your face carefully, amusement painted on his features.
at the same time, you also get the chance to scan his face. he sure is handsome. his eyes are so fucking beautiful, you could get lost in it.
the man probably has no idea that you have zero experience in these kind of... activities. though, to him, you seemed like someone carefree and wild. it's probably because sometimes, you sounded like a thirsty hoe when talking about crushes with friends. little does he know that all of your knowledge just came from watching and reading.
you were expecting him to get annoyed, to just walk away, and look for someone else out there to indulge him. but to your surprise, he chuckled.
'is he making fun of me right now?'
gojou finds it amusing... and cute, even, that you can make casual talk in a situation like this. he knew that you were trying to reassure yourself.
the sexual tension between the two of you was just so thick, it has been building up so fast ever since you and gojou made eye contact.
it sounds absurd, but it’s true.
"is it alright if i kiss you?" he simply said, giving you the reassurance that you needed.
eyes widening, your mouth dropped slightly at the question.
maybe your heart jumped a little at the request and the gentleness his tone gave off, who knows.
"if you don't want to--"
mind completely going blank, you rudely cut him off, pulling the neckline of his top to press your lips against his abruptly.
feeling him smirk against your mouth, you quickly pulled away in embarrassment, the realness of your actions suddenly sinking inside your brain.
you were about to head straight for the door as the rational part of you has realized that you actually kissed the fucking douchebag gojou satoru.
neither of you were even drunk, you should have known much better.
the plan was for naught, though, when said man’s long fingers wrapped around your face, gently making you look up at him as he bent down to reconnect his lips with yours.
satoru’s lips were softer than expected, and it moved smoothly against yours. the prick definitely knew what he was doing. so, without hesitating, you kiss him back, letting your lips mold together fervently.
he started kissing down your chin and onto your jaw, pausing just at the base below your ear, biting and sucking at the skin firmly.
you knew deep inside your mind that it was definitely going to leave a mark. but you decided to brush it off and just think about it later.
the rational part of you is screaming that you're going to regret this the next day. not even a drop of alcohol is in your system right now. you have absolutely zero excuses to use as to why you're actually giving in to full-of-shit-fuck-boy gojou satoru right now.
“the door is not locked, you know, we might get caught,” satoru whispers just right in front of your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine as he started to shamelessly grind against you.
right, you both were still at the meeting room.
“yeah. so, get the fuck off of me.” you said in a hushed tone.
despite the words that were coming out of your own mouth, you just stood there, stiff like a statue, feeling his member grow harder. you didn’t know if you wanted to push him away, or pull him closer.
well, at least it means that your self-control is still somehow working.
however, the warmth that was building up down your core was clouding your mind, making your body refuse to move.
you were about to enclose your arms around his neck, when a loud noise was made. you felt your heart drop to your gut, roughly pushing him away as your face started to lose all colors at the thought that there might be someone else at the place, and that you both might get caught.
"don't worry. that was just a rat." he mumbled, looking at you with bedroom eyes.
"h-how can you say for sure?"
with a smirk painted on his annoying face, he bends down once again, but this time, he placed his hands on the backside of your thighs, lifting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. "i'm gojou satoru."
with his smug reassurance, relief washed over you and calmed your panicked state.
this time, you were the one who crashed your mouth against his, successfully circling your arms around his neck this time.
you were incredibly turned on with everything. the position he has put you in is definitely not helping with you trying to resist him. fucking fuck boy. 
when you finally noticed the presence of the aching heat that has grown too strong to ignore in between your legs, you grind your hips onto his, sighing at the much needed friction.
gojou groaning at the action has only worsened the situation. again, the rational part of you knows that you will regret this the next day, but at this point, you were already in too deep to even back out. well, maybe you aren't that deep yet, but yeah. you thought that you might as well just finish what you’ve already started, and save the regrets for later.
satoru sat down on the floor with his back on the wall, making it easy for you to move on top of him, with you straddling his hips.
feeling completely lost in how good it felt, your eyes shot open when his tongue went inside your mouth and met yours, sending a powerful wave of electrifying pleasure straight down to your core.
trying to muffle your moans to not stroke his ego was extremely difficult, especially when his hard cock keeps on rubbing your already sensitive clit through your panties and pants.
the friction was driving you mad, making you pull at his hair aggressively, as you grind on him harder and faster to make the most out of the pleasure.
you could say the same for satoru, his hands traveled down your body, landing on your ass to squeeze it firmly. he pushed you down even more, needy, as he thrusts his hips upward to grind his swollen cock on your pussy.
you looked at satoru, his beautiful blue eyes were lidded, and focused only your face—as if he was trying to memorize the face that you were making.
"y/n... shit... more, please..." a deep groan escaped his lips as you roll your hips hard against his. "ngh, please do that again."
"l-let's make this quick, satoru, a-ah... i'm pretty close." you tried to say coherently, genuinely just wanting to reach your own release get this over with.
without hesitation, satoru starts thrusting his hips fast, picking up his pace. "as you wish. i'm close, too." he breathes, letting out a shaky sigh.
taking a close look at satoru, you see that his beautiful eyes were lidded, and focused only your face—as if he was trying to memorize the face that you were making.
the fact that you can make the arrogant and self-centered fuck boy, gojou satoru, beautiful man and strongest jujutsu sorcerer, pleading for pleasure is incredibly satisfying, and he hasn't even entered you yet. you both still have your clothes on, and you were only dry humping him, yet he was so fucking close to coming undone.
you closed your eyes in ecstasy, biting your bottom lip to at least try to muffle an incredibly loud moan, walls squeezing at nothing as you felt yourself come undone, wetness definitely soaking your panties.
satoru rubs himself onto you harder to make sure you ride your high to the fullest, his own thrusts losing rhythm, as he reaches for his own climax.
"you feel s-so good- ahh... fuck..." desperately surging forward rapidly a couple more times, he groans deeply as his seed shot out of his cock, and onto staining his loose white jogging pants.
it takes you a full minute to recover from what just happened. then you untangle your legs from his waist to stand up in front of him. "uh... bye?"
you turn around, heading straight for the door.
satoru follows you with his gaze. "that was great, y/n."
looking back, the two of you only stared at each other. "you didn't even get to put it in yet, satoru." you said, a smug smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
a blush blossomed on his face, embarrassment evident. "shut up, y/n."
"okay. bye."
"wanna do it again?"
and then you dashed out of the room, sick feeling of regret suddenly starting to bubble over your head.
but at the same time, you also feel sick at the fact that maybe you actually liked it.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Weight of Living
Perhaps today was not your day, and it hasn't been yours for the past week either. In the end of it all when the weight of living brings you to tired tears, he would be there to tell you it will be alright.
Pairings -> Zhongli x Reader
Word Count -> 1161
Themes -> Comfort fic bitch, angst of course, but we're gonna get fluffy for arc reasons
Series -> #SojournerSpecials (Event Masterlist)
Warnings -> Mean brain, depression, and all that comes with it
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You've been silently struggling for the past few days.
Alone with your thoughts, of a heavy dread clinging to your chest in days when the silence lets your mind stray, you find it harder to get up in the morning. The weight in your chest and on your shoulder appeared randomly, and you hoped that it will pass just the same way. Sudden, like a bubble's burst.
But it didn't.
And that's where the problem lied.
Daily you walk through your day hoping to fight off what's inside your head in a battle of wait. You don't know what's wrong, what's wrong with you, what's wrong in you; you don't know how to deal with it this time.
And everyday of hoping it leaves turns into accumulated weight, dread and exhaustion.
It started scaring you that maybe you're not gonna feel better ever again.
Today is your breaking point. It had you shedding tears that wouldn't come out despite your desperation to let them flow.
Waking up to get ready for work, you accidentally broke your favorite mug, the only one matching with Zhongli's (the only one he uses as he's usually cradling a teacup). The shards managed to nip at your skin too, making it bleed more than you expected it to be.
You stood there for a second, staring at the mess and blood before you heard heavy footsteps approach from the corridor of your humble home.
It didn't hurt but it must be due to your numbness, as you hurriedly cleaned up both the broken glass and your small wound. "I heard something break from the living room, are you alright, dearest?"
"It's all cleaned up, don't worry." You managed to smile this one off, not wanting him to worry.
The rest of the day you were running errands for work, which is totally not part of your job description. It felt unfair that despite being one of the hardworking people in the workplace, the extra work was still placed on your shoulders while the rest slack around.
"What do you mean it's not there?! It should be there, go back and use your eyes!"
"But I already-" before you could finish, you held your tongue and went back to the storage house to fetch the box your boss asked you to retrieve.
Three, four, five times you checked the whole place from top to bottom.
So many times that your head started spinning.
Defeated and nauseous, you made your way back to the building. Not before seeing the box you've been looking for just behind the door this whole time.
The look of condescension on the man you call your boss disgusts you so much you really wanted to punch it off of him.
And the worst case was the simplest one, when you thought you'd be free from the bad luck of today and be given the liberty to just lie in bed. There was an obvious frown on your face as you gripped your bag's strap closer. It felt heavier than before.
Your sluggish steps almost made you slip when a force knocks you from the side, a shoulder bumping you as the person responsible just walks off, "Hey, can't you watch your fucking step!" You yelled with unbottled fury as you whirled around, tired yet ready to tell off the rude person -
When you were met with the face of a child in the brink of tears.
"How dare you swear at my child like that!" A woman obscures your view as you were pushed by the shoulder. Your mouth, dry and hoarse, mumbled desperate apologies as the image of fear in the child's eyes imprinted itself into your mind.
You're horrible.
You're a monster.
You're so stupid.
"Get out of here, you pest to Liyue-"
A pair of gloved hands cupped your wet cheeks gently, coaxing you out of your flashback to stare at amber ones. When the tears started flowing, you have no clue, but they won't stop even in the view of the man you didn't want to see right now.
Didn't want you to see you like this right now.
"I have been calling for your name but you do not seem to hear me. Are you sure you are alright, dearest?" You nodded your head in a vain attempt of a lie yet your eyes betrayed you as it let out more tears. Zhongli smiles as he easily wipes away the tears with his thumbs. "There is no need to lie now, pour it all on me and I will listen."
Your silent waterfall turned into sobs and hiccups, the words coming out as a blabbering mess yet he nods to let you know he understands.
Fingers gripped around his wrist as you told him about everything; about today, about yesterday, about last week.
Your sigh was heavy as you find the words to say of how tired and exhausted you are from all the burden you're feeling. You've done stupid things, said foolish things, and you're scared that one day you'd be eaten by the heavy feeling. That it will never stop. Until, until-
"It's alright, it's okay. You're not a demon, there's a reason you behaved in that way."
You snapped your head up to face him fully, words at the tip of your tongue to counter -
"And I believe that you would see a better day, it's alright."
Coaxing your head with a hand on your back, you muffled your sobs and cries on his suit-covered chest. Finally letting everything out, all the tears that wouldn't flow and the choked sobs you kept hidden. Through this whole experience he was patient and comforting, stroking your hair the way you've always liked and even subtly swaying side to side to lull you more.
Somewhere in the middle of it all, the both of you started slow dancing in the dark. His right hand finding yours as he guides your sluggish steps, your tears subsiding to sniffles and sobs into tired giggles. Perhaps it was distraction that he was good at in making your tears stop, an unexpected breakthrough.
"You're a human and you've made a few mistakes. Just human. It's alright, it's okay-"
"I'm alright, I'm okay..." Zhongli's soft smile is as comforting and reminiscent of the warmth of the sun. Silently urging with a nod, his arm around your waist pulls you closer, "I'm a human, and I've made a few mistakes."
His ever-growing smile had your lips finally break into one too. Even if just a little, the weight in your chest, the weight on your shoulders ease up for another day.
Your fears may still be there but he's with you now, next to you and guiding you.
"If it is too heavy, do not forget that I am here to help you carry the burden. Together, for I am here now, to fight off what's inside your head."
You'll see a better day.
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I finally wrote my comfort fic, been feeling not poggers lately so I whipped it up :) I hope it helps to those who needs it, even tho I just realized it's a totally different writing style what the fu-
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pinkispoggers · 3 years
Questions Lead to Answers | Lance Bishop x Fem!reader
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Prompt: Asking an artificial person questions is easy, but the answers, could lead to something a little different.
WARNINGS: Smut, light fluff, and rough sex.
Words: 3.8k
notes: if there is bad grammer, im sorry! PLEASE READ!!! (BIG CREDS TO SQUILF FOR REFRENCING THE PART WHERE (SPOILERS!!) ROBOT RELATIONSHIP TALK COMES IN AND ALSO THE IDEA OF GETTING DRUNK AND KISSING HIM!!) (If you think I haven't credited them for other things please let me know so i can credit them!)
Waking up from Cryosleep is always hard, like when you feel nauseous after finally waking up, or Sergeant Apone always on your ass. You rise up from your bed, peacefully, not feeling the need to vomit, and sleeping away from Apone. This was gonna be a great trip, you thought. You had heard the rumors of a new synthetic being put on board, or a new crewmate but nothing else about the situation.
You didn't say hello to anyone except for Hicks and Drake, as you had met them before beginning this trip. You were very new to the crew as this was your first trip with them. Before you could get a chance to hear Apone's morning bullshit, you rushed over to get your flight suit. 
As soon as you are done with that, you rush over to the cafeteria as fast as you could, not trying to catch the attention of anyone, keeping as quiet as possible. About half way there you're about to turn a corner when you see a pretty average height… male? You aren't sure but it makes you stop in your tracks. You try to stay as quiet as possible, trying to slip past him but when you tried to take a step, he turns around. He looks straight into your eyes, with soft ones.
You have never seen him before, not even when you were getting ready for cryosleep. "I'm sorry…" you whisper "no need." He says as clear as day, his voice almost soothing and a little deeper then you had imagined he would sound like when you saw his face. "I'm Bishop." He exclaims softly "I'm sorry if I scared you." He adds. "No, no your fine." You say, louder than you intended. He smiles at your response, a tight but soft smile. 
In all honesty, you were a little creeped out by the situation you were in but you couldn't deny that he was attractive. "I'm Y/n" you say awkwardly. "Well hello Y/n. Would you like me to walk you to the cafeteria?" "Uh… sure…" you answer softly and he starts walking and you catch up to his side. You walk to the cafeteria slowly, taking in every moment of your new surroundings and him, but you do not talk. 
He locks eyes with yours for a second as you look back at him and then he parts ways with you but not before he smiles which makes you blush. You just stand there, in the middle of the cafeteria awkwardly, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to do anything other than breath. When you finally notice your situation and surroundings, you get your shit together and find that you need to get food, which Bishop seems to be passing around. And of course the first person he walks over to, is you.
You aren’t even seated yet when he asks you, "do you want some cornbread" you are still anxious from all the new eyes gazing over at you "uh.. uh.. sure!!" You say and you take it. You don't look back and walk away to where Hicks is sitting with another crewmate. "Hey guys!" You blurt out and they look at you all smiley as you sit down finally. "Whats up man!" The unknown man smiles widely. "I'm Hudson, and he's Hicks" He says, lowering the smile on his face to a grin, awaiting your response. "I'm Y/n! I've met Hicks!" "Well great!" Hudson shrugs off. 
Hudson turns his head to Bishop, who was still serving cornbread. Bishop notices Hudson looking at him, and reaches out with the cornbread, raising an eyebrow. "Hey Bishop man, Do the thing with the knife!" "Oh please no-" he gets cut of by Hudson's begging and finally steps over to Hudson. Drake is standing right next to him and offers to play the game with Bishop. 
Bishop places his large hand over Drake's and pulls out the knife he has in one of the many pockets on his flight suit. He places the knife in between their fingers and starts. He raises the knife in and out of between both fingers, gliding to a new set each time at unhuman speeds. Your eyes widen, thinking he's going to hurt himself or Drake. You had almost reached your hand out to stop them but it ended.
A wave of reassurance washes over you and you are finally calm. Bishop heads to sit down right next to you and you freeze in your seat. "I thought you never missed Bishop." Says one of the voices at the table. You look over to see the man with white liquid in his fingertips. You are in shock when you see this.
"Oh… I thought you were… nevermind" you blurt and he looks over at you "is there a problem?" He says softly. "No, no, I just wasn't expecting you to be a synthetic on board" you say quietly "I prefer the term "artificial human" myself" He smiles. "Ok then!" You smile back. "We always have an andr- artificial human on board. It's standard practice, he's just new." A man called from the other side of the table. You just nodded, getting a bad, creepy vibe from him. 
It's been a fine day, and everyone is bringing out the drinks for a celebration of some sort, maybe to celebrate the first day out here. You have never had alcohol before, or any type of drink like that, so you were very nervous about how to act around everyone. You try to stay near to Drake, Hicks, and Hudson if you could. The first line of shots were rounded around you and the others. You took your first. It was a strong taste, but you loved it but didn't want to ask for more. Drake slides you over another and you take it
Apone was yelling at Hudson for a reason you didn't know. It's cause that's how drunk people act, you thought. You were 7 shots in and feeling woozy, but you needed more. You could barely walk, but you could walk over to grab the bottle, which had the marines cheering you on. "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" They cheered and you did. After that you could barely see straight and everyone was heading off to bed, except for Drake and an unnamed female. It was time for you to go, but you had the urge to see someone. You get up from the table and head out.
You found him. You continue your search, as drunk you is more persistent than sober you. You pass the docking and loading unit, but you still can't find him until "Y/n?" A familiar voice says, and you bolt around, not saying anything but wanting to scream. It's Bishop, emerging from the darkness. "Y/n what are you doing here?" He chuckles deeply. "I- i- Bishop- I was looking for… you…" you say, speech slurred. 
You walk up to him slowly, and unsteady. "You should have been there" You blurt and he smiles "I'm sure I would have enjoyed it" "I missed you" you smile drunkenly. You walk even closer to him and he just stands there, waiting for you. You plant your face in his chest, not knowing what was happening right now, but you liked it. He grabbed your waist and you blushed, hard. "You should be in bed right now." He hushes softly "but…" you smile wider, looking up at him. 
you get up to kiss him again.. Your teeth clash as you kiss him deeply. He puts his hands behind your back, but it ends as soon as it begins. You pull away to catch your breath, and he looks at you blankly. 
You fall forward, head meeting his neck and he holds you to support you. You never want this moment to end but… everything goes blurry.
You wake up to the normal nonsense, but this time with a burning headache, and Apone screaming at Hudson - but all of you at the same time but mostly Hudson - and getting everyone up. You feel like screaming. It's bad. You're rubbing your head, knowing that you were going on a mission today. To check on the Colonists of LV-426 since they hadn't heard from them in a while. Then you remembered it. Kissing bishop while you were drunk, it was the only thing you could remember from that night.
"Shit" you murmur and you get up fast. You get past everyone slowly and put on clothes, getting ready for the day. 
You get down to the room where the ships and transporters are held and you see him. "Fuck…" you whisper and he looks at you but you just walk away. You hop on the drop ship and sit alone as it falls down to LV-426. 
You get off and it's guns up. You are just there to supervise everyone so you don't have one. You know Bishop is coming down too but you stray far from him. 
You get inside the building and start to search but you see nothing. But when you get to a certain lab, you do. You see things that shock you there. In tubes, what looks to be a horseshoe crab with a long flexible tail is preserved in there. Until it moves. You jump in place at the sight of it and now you are shaken up… great, you thought. Such a great day so far. Everyone leaves to check out other things which leaves you on another path of your own. 
You reach the lab again and only to see Bishop… dissecting something? You knew he was gonna see you, alone nonetheless. Unless you could sneak past him, but you really didn't want to waste your energy doing so. Right when you were about to turn the other way, "Y/n, I want to show you something." He says politely and you blush "shit" you whisper. You walk towards him awkwardly and you see one of those… things under his hand, which was holding a scalpel. "That's a nice pet you have there, Bishop…" "magnificent isn't it" 
He started to ramble on about the thing he was dissecting and you had to admit his passion about it was quite cute. But you broke it with "Bishop…" you say quietly and he turns his full attention to you. "I'm sorry" you whisper anxiously. He grabs your hand which you are surprised about. You knew that androids can't touch people unless they are in danger of falling or they need to steady them or carry them. "I- you can't usually touch me." You exclaim. "Unless of emergency situations, I know, but I'm reflecting off of our relationship." 
"Relationship?!" You blush, knowing exactly what he meant but still acting clueless.  "You kissed me" He said confidently. You blushed even harder " Bishop, I was drunk I didn't-, I mean I did mean it but…" you smile. You noticed how close you were with him and you knew you needed to back up. "I can always change our relationship status if you want." "Wait? Are you saying we have a romantic relationship in your system… Bishop…" you say sadly. "Well, I cannot have a partner, but If a crewmember wants and gives consent, I can access my sexual functions to pleasure the crewmember for their physical needs." 
"Ok… I thought robo- artificial humans were just flat down there." 
"Well, we aren't and yes, I do have one" He smiles and you blush feverishly. "My system could also trigger an erection if needed." "So you can get hard by what? Seeing some pretty?" "Well, its more like when someone makes a sexual joke or gesture that "turns me on"" "Will you kiss me again?" He whispers but you hear him and climb in him from where he is sitting so that you are in his lap and he smiles as you kiss him gently then you kiss him hard, lips clashing and he kisses you back. "Was that ok?" He asks and you nod and nuzzle your head in his neck. "Bishop… can we… further this?" 
"Are you sure?" 
But just before you could kiss him again, you heard footsteps towards the lab. "shitttt" you murmur and jump off of him and he frowns and you glance at the door. It's that weird dude from before. "Hello there…" He says seeing the two of you close to each other, not thinking anything of it. "Oh hello Bishop and Y/n, how are you?" He says. But before you could speak, he cuts you off "I don't think we've properly met, im Burke." "Ok… hi Burke, since you already know my name, I guess we don't have to properly meet." You say a little annoyed.
"Oh, yeah then." He exclaims anxiously as he shoots his hand around the back of his hand "I'm just here to tell you it's time to leave, the Colonists are safe, they just weren't responding." "Ok then, let's get outta here" you say and the three of you leave to the drop ship. 
You sit alone again, only this time, holding in sexual frustration. You wanted him, you needed him but you couldn't think of that now, it wasn't professional of you to have thoughts of intercourse with a ROBOT… no, you felt completely disgusted now. But also ashamed and you had to go back to talk to him about what was happening and how you felt, looking for someone, anyone to tell you if what you were feeling was ok or not.
You sit alone in your quarters, pondering endlessly. But the thought of going to see him was tempting. "Ah fuck it" you sigh as you get up, still in your pajamas to go to the place you knew you would find him. His lab. You walk alone, mildly afraid of something happening to you, or that someone would catch you going to see him. You finally got up to the lab and to no surprise, he was there, working on that thing he had taken back with him. "Bishop-" you whisper, secretly hoping he wouldn’t hear but he did. "Y/n, come in, I knew you would come see me" He smirked. 
"Yeah i- yeah." You say frowning. He walks up to you slowly and kisses you like he had done before. You grab the back of his waist and kiss him back. He smiles at your lips. Next thing you know, you are in his arms and he's guiding you to a table. You gasp, not expecting him to be able to lift you up. He sets you down on the table and pushes you back slightly. You blush, knowing that you weren't wearing anything under your pajama gown. 
Without warning, he pushes his hand up your gown, getting feverishly close to your area. He opens your legs with one hand. "B- Bishop" you moan softly, aching for him to go farther, to touch you. He looks up at you "are you ready?" He asks and you nod as he continues. His other hand is reaching for your breasts but instead of touching them, he unbuttons your gown, slowly taking it off to see your beautiful breasts, then taking them in his palm and squeezing them, making sure not to hurt you. 
"Ah Bishop…" you moan and he smiles, knowing that he's pleasuring you. He moves his hand farther until he reaches your warmth and sinks two fingers down to your clit and makes you flinch. You were very wet for him already soaking and dripping down your leg. His fingers start to move in a circle around your clit and your legs start to shake, you can't escape the pleasure running through your veins. 
He continued to swivel his fingers around your clit, making you whine and quiver under him, going feral. You now were shaking with pleasure that you couldn't control anymore. "Bishop im- I'm about to come" you shout through hard quick breaths. "Then cum for me sweetheart" He says as he smiles, knowing that he's getting the job done correctly. You explode with all the strength you have, going completely numb. This is the strongest orgasm you have ever had in your life.
Your chest is rising and falling and you're panting. "I'm guessing I did good" He grinned and you nodded slightly, still coming down through your high. With 2 fingers already on your now swollen clit, he drags them down to your entrance, and without warning, shoved them in you while smirking at you and keeping eye contact and you squealed. "Bishop!!" You yell. Thank the gods that this is a noise proof room, so you couldn't scream his name all you wanted.
He dragged his fingers in and out of you at a slow pace, curling them and getting close enough to your ear that he could whisper sweet nothings in them. "You are very tight Y/n" "thank you" you bite your lip and smile while holding in the urge to scream out his name. "Will I fit?" He asks as he quickened his pace, knowing that it would make it harder to talk for you. "How about- mph- you show me- agh!!" You whisper and he slows down, then completely stops to get up from on top of you, to unzip his flight suit.
He finally gets his flight suit all the way down and you can see everything, from his chest, which actually had a little bit of abs, to his cock from where he is standing and the position you are in. He has the perfect size for you, about 6 inches fully hard. He smiles as he notices you looking at it. "Will it hurt, because you know I cannot hurt you, and I only want to please you." He says shyly, but politely. "No, it won't, just start off slow and everything will be fine." You reassure him. 
 "I have to tell you this before we start. By performing sexual intercourse, I cannot get you pregnant, nor give you any stds or stis. Would you like to proceed?" "Yes Bishop, I would like you to fuck me." You say and he smiles. His cock is pressed up against your leg and you bite your lip. You sit up a little to guide him to your entrance. 
He pushed the tip between your folds and straight up to your clit making you shudder. He brings it down to your entrance, and pushes in slightly. "Ah!!" You cry in pleasure. He's not even an inch in and you are crying out for him. He looks up at you, worried but you smile at him, which calms his system. "Please" you look up at him with big puppy eyes and he looks back at you with his, pushing about half way in.
You want to scream out his name, for him to go further but it turns out to be just a whine and now he's all the way in. "Ah! Bishop!" You moan and your head rolls back onto the table as he looks up at you and smiles once more. He starts up a pace that is painfully slow, to which he moans softly, thrusting deep inside of you and you arch your back so it's easier for him to go even deeper, even though you were belly up. You start to move your hips around his cock, silently begging for him to speed up. "Bishop… faster!" You almost scream out for him. 
He speeds up to a comfortable pace but you still want more as you are a moaning mess now, but you still wanted more and maybe if "you're doing s- so well" you moan and he grunts as he speeds up, grabbing the side of your hips and pulling you inwards. "AH!!" You scream out. "Don't st- stop!!" You cry out, tears brimming your bottom lashes. He's trusting even harder, hitting your gspot and cervix every time. A single tear streams down your face. He's grunting and growling from pleasure going through him, more like sparks building up in him, ready to burst.
Next thing you know his fingers are on your clit again, circling fast around you, pushing you farther out to the edge. You're barely holding on. "Im- Im- gonna cum Bishop please!" You yell out and he sees that you are shaking under him so "please cum for me y/n" he says and his voice makes you just go wild. You shudder and quiver under him, your orgasm flowing through you at high speeds. It's even more powerful than the last one. As you are coming down, a hot liquid shoots unto your pussy, making you moan, just knowing that he is finished but he fucks you through it.
Your breathing hard, chest rising and falling fast. He slows down, then stops. While he's still in you, he bends down to wrap his arms around you and kiss you as you are still panting. "Did I do ok?" He asks. "Bishop" you pant "you did amazing" you say and he grins. "Thank you" he adds. 
He stands, pulling out of you slowly, and sliding on his flight suit. You got up, sorely and he rushed over to help you. "Y/n, are you ok?" He asks "Yeah I'm all good!" You get up, slipping on your flightsuit and you kiss him once more. You leave the room, holding his hand. 
you get back to the cryo room where everyone was getting ready to go back to sleep, to return to the ship you came from. You weren't ready to say bye to Bishop just yet so you pull him over to the side. "Hey Bishop?" You say and he turns over to you "I'll miss you, ya know" you smirk as you pull him down for a kiss. It doesn't last long but it was worth it just incase you don't see him again. 
"No you won't, im just an artificial person. You can always upload my data into another Bishop model." He says "I will miss you, trust me. And I know I can, and I probably will" you giggle. "I'll sure miss you Y/n, and I won't forget you just incase you do." He smiles and you release his hand and walk into the room. 
You both part your ways to get to your chainbers. You watch him get undressed, down to his underwear and you remember the moment you two had together and you sigh, slumping in place in your bed. Hicks comes over to shut the top of your bed down and you smile at him and he smiles back. You smile as you are going to sleep. And of you go to dreamland as you finally feel peace.
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Eleven
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut! 5K
“Oh my god.” You say and turn to him. “Oh my god!”
“Oh my god!” He squeals and picks you up to spin you around. “We’re gonna have a baby!” He sets you down carefully. “Okay, from this point on, this house is a no stress zone. You’re not lifting a finger, I’ll-“
“Harry, Harry!” You put your hands up. “Please, it’s okay. Don’t spiral.” You giggle. “We need to make an appointment with my OBGYN first, take a proper test. She can tell me how far along I am.”
“I wonder if it was the night in your office.” He smirks. “Pumped yeh good that night.”
“Jesus.” You swat an arm at him and wipe some tears from your eyes. “I’ll call tomorrow to see when they can squeeze me in.” He grabs your face and kisses you over and over again.
“Thank you for waiting until I got home. I couldn’t cancel on that client.” You both walk out to the living room and he sees the papers from the university on the coffee table. “What’s all this, lovie?” You both sit down on the couch.
“Well…Dr. Harrison, who I met with today, told me there’s going to be an open position in the Communication Department for the spring semester. She wants me to consider applying. The position is going to open at the end of the month.”
“So it’s not a guarantee if you get it?”
“Something tells me it would be a formality. I was looking over everything, and I’d be able to take classes for free after my first six months, I could go for my PhD.”
“That would be amazing!”
“But where does a new baby fit into all of this?”
“Well, think of how much easier it would be for you to take time off. You may not even need to work every day of the week.”
“I don’t think you get that privilege as a junior faculty.”
“Still, plus you’d have summers off, right?”
“Yeah, major upside. Plus, the winter break is like six weeks long.”
“Oh my god, think of how much time we could spend in London with my mum. The baby would really be able to spend time with her.”
“I know! I was looking over the benefits and they’re actually better than Mark It’s. I think I’m ready for the change. I could at least apply and see what happens, right?”
“Yeah, I think it’s a great idea.”
“If I have this baby when I think I will, I wouldn’t need to use the maternity leave right away because I’d be off contract for the summer, so I could just teach online next fall or use it then.”
“Look at you finding the loopholes already.” He smirks. “I’m really proud of you, this is huge.”
“It just feels right, I think. I mean, Niall’s about to leave, him and Sarah live in their house now, and they’re engaged. I feel like we’re all forming our own little lives and growing up more and more. Rachel even said she was thinking of proposing to Mariah soon, Isaac and Seth seem to be moving in that direction just the same. I don’t wanna get stuck in the past, you know?”
“No, I get it. I think this could be a really good move for you, for us.” He puts his hand on yours. “Apply, see what happens. Stay in contact with Dr. Harrison too, she could help you with the application or coach you through the interview.”
“I’m gonna talk to the doctor too, all of this could add so much stress…but I appreciate you being so supportive.”
“Always.” He takes your hand and kisses it. “I can’t believe that test said pregnant on it. I’m so happy.”
“Me too, babe.”
The next day at work you were in the middle of a meeting when you had to get up to leave. You rushed down the hall to the bathroom and threw up. Niall rushed after you to make sure you were okay.
“I won’t come in unless yeh need me to.” He says from outside the door.
“I’m fine!” You get up and rinse your mouth out. You open the door and see the concerned look on his face.
“Are you sick?” He gives your back a little rub.
“Not in the way you think…we’re keeping things quiet for now, just in case, but…I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon…we think I could be pregnant.” You whisper.
“Oh my god!” He gasps and then he quiets himself. “That’s amazing.” He whispers.
“I took the test yesterday, but the doctor will really be able to confirm it. I’ve been nauseous all morning, I guess this is just the beginning.”
“Well, whatever time off yeh need don’t be afraid to ask for it. I got your back.”
Around 3PM you leave to meet Harry at your doctor’s office. He dropped Buster off at home beforehand. Your name gets called and Harry gets up to go in with you. The nurse gives him a funny look.
“He, uh, I want him in there with me…” You tell the nurse, and she nods.
Harry had never been to the OBGYN with you before, why would he have needed to? He found it interesting that they made you pee the second you got there. He supposed it was the best way to tell if you’re pregnant or not.
“Alright, Y/N, what’s going on today?” The nurse asks.
“Well…I think I’m pregnant. I took a home test yesterday and it said so. And I’ve thrown up a few times in the last couple of days.”
“Any fever or anything like that?”
“Nope, just nauseous, really nauseous.”
“Alright.” The nurse makes a few notes and looks over your chart. “And this is your…?”
“Husband, Harry is my husband.” You smile at him. “We just got married in April.”
“Oh, congratulations!” She smiles. “Here, put this on, you know the drill. Dr. Johnson will be in with you shortly.”
The nurse steps out and leaves you to change into the hospital gown.
“Why would you need to put that on? Isn’t she just going to look at your stomach?”
“No, she’s going to examine me as well, make sure everything’s alright. It’s pretty standard.”
“Even for this kind of visit.”
“Why are you putting it on backwards?”
“It’s easier for them when it’s open in the front. Harry…” You sigh. “I’ve been coming here for over ten years, I know what do.” You cling to the front of the gown and hop back up on the bed. There’s a knock on the door.
“Hi Y/N, oh!” She looks at Harry. “We have a visitor today.”
“Dr. Johnson, this is my husband, Harry.” The two shake hands.
“Very nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot of good things over the years.” She looks at you. “Heard we’re feeling a bit nauseous today?”
“The last couple days, actually. As you know we’ve been trying to get pregnant basically since the end of April. I took a test yesterday and it came back positive.”
“I looked over your urine sample.” She beams. Harry stands up to hold your hand. “You’re pregnant, Y/N.”
You and Harry get teary eyed as you look at each other and smile.
“Congratulations.” She puts some gloves on. “You’re only about six weeks along. Now, Harry, I need to take a peek at your wife, and I’m sure you love looking, but-“
“I’ll sit down.” He says.
You lay back as she quickly examines you, making sure everything was fine. She examines your breasts next.
“You’re going to want to take these out if you plan to breastfeed. If you don’t then it doesn’t matter. Your belly piercing for sure you’ll want to remove though, and soon.” She covers your breasts back up. “No lumps or bumps, looking good.” She smiles and gets the ultrasound ready. You wave Harry back over to hold your hand. “This’ll feel cold at first, I’m sorry.” You jolt slightly from the cold jelly on the end of the ultrasound. She moves it around a bit. “Since you are six weeks, we may be able to hear the heartbeat today. There! See that tiny dot on the screen?” She points to it. “That’s your baby.”
“Harry, look.” You sniffle.
“I know.” He also sniffles. You both start to hear something. “Is that it? That’s the heartbeat?”
“Yes.” She smiles at the two of you. “I’ll send you home with the little clip, and we’ll print up some sonograms for you.”
She takes the ultrasound off and wipes your belly clean. She makes some notes on her laptop before sitting down to look at the two of you.
“Now, I know it took us some time for this to happen, so there are some precautions you’ll want to take. Y/N, you’re an active person. I want you to stick to walks and low weight exercises. Maybe even try some yoga to keep yourself relaxed. Is your job very stressful?”
“It can be…my biggest stress right now is that I might be changing jobs. I’ve been asked to apply for a teaching position at my old college.”
“That’s wonderful! Do you think all of that will be too much for you?”
“I’m not entirely sure. Something tells me I’ll get the job if I apply. It’s mostly the unknowns, like switching insurances and a new commute, stuff like that.” Dr. Johnson nods and looks at Harry. “And what do you do for work again? You’re a photographer?”
“Yeah, I own my own studio. We do really well.”
“Good, so you can be home for her when she needs it? Help out with things?”
“I already offered and she told me to calm down.” He chuckles.
“Y/N, I want you to let Harry help you. I know you like things a certain way, but let him pick up the slack alright? I wanna get you through this first trimester. I’m gonna give you a list of vitamins and nutrients you’ll need, okay?”
“I want you to know though, if for any reason something happens, and…well…you miscarry, it’s not because you did anything wrong, okay? I’m sending positive vibes, but just be aware that those things happen.”
You shudder at the thought, but know she’s right.
“Maybe we should wait to tell our families and friends then…just until I’m farther along.” You say to Harry.
“Good idea. Although, didn’t you throw up at working this morning?”
“Okay, so Niall has an idea, but other than that let’s keep it quiet.”
“Okay.” He smiles and looks at the doctor. “Anything else?”
“Come see me again in three weeks. You can make an appointment on the way out. If anything feels weird though, come see me sooner.”
“Thanks, Dr. Johnson.” You smile as she exits the room.
You hop off the bed and get dressed. The woman at checkout hands you the sonogram prints and the copy of the video of the baby’s heart beating. She gives you an appointment card and out the door you go.
“So, should we head to the market and get you some pickles and sourcrout?” He jokes. He wipes a few tears from his glossy eyes.
“No.” You laugh. “I don’t have any cravings yet, but we should go to the store and get some of the vitamins on this list. I don’t have any of this stuff at home.”
“Alright.” He puts his hand on your thigh as he drives off. “I’m trying not to be too excited because I know things could…not go the way we plan, but-“
“I think it’s okay to be excited. We shouldn’t worry about something that could easily not happen. We just need to be careful.”
“Shit, I should’ve asked her if it was okay to have sex or not right now.”
“I’m sure it’s fine, Harry.”
“Six weeks ago, what was six weeks ago?” He furrows his brows. “That was definitely the night in your office, it had to have been.”
“What does it matter?” You laugh.
“I’d just like to know so when I’m old and grey and have to give some type of speech I can embarrass the kid and say they were conceived on mummy’s office floor.”
“Harry.” You pinch your nose. “If you ever-“
“Relax, I’m only kidding.”
“I don’t think you are.”
“Half kidding.” He grins.
After that, Harry started taking your picture every week. He’d have you stand in front of a blank wall with your shirt up in the same clothes so you could look back and see the progress.
“When you get to be farther along we should do a maternity shoot. I can set something nice up down here for you so you won’t have to climb the stairs.”
“That would be really nice.”
Before you’re able to roll your shirt down he comes over to you and kneels. He kisses on your lower stomach and hugs you before standing up.
“Was it sad taking all your piercings out?”
“A little…I can always have them put back in if I want later. I’m kind of glad I took the nipple ones, my boobs have been so tender.” You go into the kitchen to fill up your water bottle.
“My poor baby, I wish I could like absorb all your discomfort.” He pouts.
“I know, and I appreciate that.”
“What size is it this week?”
“Let’s consult the app. At twelve weeks, it’s the size of a passion fruit.” You smirk as you show him the picture.
“Oh wow! That’s kind of big.”
“Still just a fetus though, it’s not really a baby yet.”
“Can you believe the end of this week will be the end of your first trimester?”
“I’m so happy, I’m sick of throwing up all the time. I was talking with Eleanor and she said her second trimester was much better. I’m sorry I haven’t really been in the mood lately.” You wrap your arms around his waist.
“It’s okay, I understand.” He kisses your forehead. “Have you heard back from the school yet?”
“They said they’d be contacting me soon for a second interview.” You smile. “I’m really excited.”
“They know you’re pregnant?”
“Just Dr. Harrison. She said it’s not something I need to disclose yet.”
“I can’t believe Niall’s leaving Mark It soon too.”
“I know.” You frown. “I’m really going to miss him, but it’s what’s for the best. The startup that approached him is such a good opportunity for him, and he’ll be the director of their marketing department. It’s what he deserves. His last day is in two weeks.”
“That’s so wild, I remember when he started working there. He’s got like two years on you?”
“Harry, this really pretty girl started workin’ with me. She’s really funny too!” He says in Niall’s accent.
“Would you stop?” You laugh and nudge your husband. “It was platonic love at first sight.” You giggle.
Harry makes you both some dinner and you decide to eat on the sofa. You get a call from Seth.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I asked Isaac to marry me, and he said yes!”
“What?!” You spit out the food in your mouth. “That’s amazing! How did you do it?!” You put the phone on speaker. “Hold on, I have you on speaker, Harry’s here too.”
“Okay, so I took him out for a walk to our favorite park near our place. You know the one.”
“I do.”
“And I just got down on one knee and asked him. He cried, I cried. It was really nice.”
“I’m so happy for the both of you!”
“Me too, mate, that’s amazing!” Harry exclaims.
“Harry?!” You both laugh when you hear Isaac’s voice.
“Congratulations!” You both say at the same time.
“Can I have the phone back, sorry, he’s very excited.” Seth laughs. “Rightfully so, I’m a great catch after all.”
“Remind me to vomit later.” You roll your eyes.
“Anyways, we’ve been talking about it for a while. We both wanna just do the courthouse thing, we don’t want a big ceremony, but we’ll definitely have a party to celebrate.”
“Wouldn’t be you if you didn’t have a party.”
“Exactly. We’re making the rounds calling everyone. We’ll keep you up to date on everything.”
“Sounds good! Congrats again!” You hang up the phone.
“Okay, Rachel and Mariah are next for sure.” Harry says.
“I’m so happy for them. Oh my goodness! Sarah and Niall set a date too, did he tell you?”
“What?! No! When?”
“Next fall! October 20th I think. He just told me today.”
“If he didn’t already know about the baby, I’d say let’s keep the news from him the longest.” He rolls his eyes.
“Speaking of that…why not invite our friends over soon for a little lunch so we can tell them the good news. I know we’re going to my mum’s this Sunday to tell her and my siblings. And then we’ll FaceTime your mum and Gemma. We need to call Nannie too.”
“I think havin’ the crew over is a great idea.” He kisses your temple and leans back into the couch.
Your mother cried when you told her you were pregnant. Your siblings were all really happy for you. It turns out Erica had also been keeping her pregnancy to herself and was 15-weeks along. It was a really nice day with family. You stopped off at your dad’s house as well, and he was thrilled to hear the news. When you got home you FaceTimed with Anne and Gemma. Anne was trying not to sob as she was absolutely overjoyed.
Your Nannie cried on the phone as well. She couldn’t believe two of her granddaughters were having babies at the same time. You were able to celebrate so many things with your friends when they came over. Niall’s last day at Mark It and his first day at his new job, Isaac and Seth’s recent engagement, and Rachel and Mariah officially passing in adoption forms with an agency.
“Okay, so I know you’re all here and it feels like we’re here for a ton of different reasons…” You start. “Harry, is the FaceTime set up?”
“Mhm, Lou and El are here.”
“Hi guys!” Louis exclaims from the phone.
“Great, well…” You turn to the side and rub your lower stomach.
Rachel and Sarah gasp and squeal and rush to you to hug you.
“Oh my goodness! How far along are you? You literally can’t tell.” Sarah says.
“Thirteen weeks, I’m officially in my second trimester.”
“That’s amazing!” Rachel wipes a few tears away. “I can’t believe it.” She hugs you again. “You’re gonna be such a great mom.”
“I can’t wait to be an auntie.” Sarah says. “For the both of you of course. Still keeping my fingers crossed for the two of you with this agency.”
“Thanks.” Mariah says. She gives Harry a hug and kiss. “Congrats, I’m so happy for the both of you.”
“Seriously, it’s amazing.” Seth says. He gives you a hug next. “This kid is gonna be so loved.”
“Do you think Buster will get jealous?” Isaac jokes.
“If he’s anything like his father, which we all know he is, then yes.” Niall says.
“Oi! I’m not that clingy.”
Everyone laughs including Louis and Eleanor from the phone. You were happy everyone was finally in the know. Your doctor’s appointments were going really well. Everything was good.
“Harry.” You whisper in the middle of the night. “Baby.” You nudge him and he groans. “Honey, please, I need you.” His eyes flutter open. He got slightly excited because he thought maybe your hormones were making you a little needy.
“What’s up?”
“Could you go to the corner store, the 24-hour one? I really need a slim-Jim.”
“Y/N, you don’t eat meat.”
“I know, but I really need a slim-Jim. I can’t get it out of my head. Please? I know it’s a lot to ask, but I can’t sleep.” You pout.
“Alright.” He yawns and sits up. “Anything else you need?”
“No, just a slim-Jim.” You smile. “You’re amazing, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Harry slips out to head to the corner store. You sit up in anticipation. This was one of the first real cravings you had. You weren’t sure what it was, you just needed the disgusting, processed meat. He returns with it shortly and you devour it.
“Oh my god, thank you. That really hit the spot.”
“Probably shouldn’t eat those all the time. Maybe that vegan bacon we have could suffice.” He says as he climbs back into bed. “Sure that’s all yeh needed?”
“Yeah, why?”
“No reason.”
He was desperate for you. He loved the way your body was making slight changes. But he didn’t want you to feel pressured because he was the reason your body was changing.
The next day you had your second interview at the university. The faculty were really impressed with you. They told you a final decision would be made soon and you’d hear from them either way. You were extremely excited. Work had gotten boring without Niall. You two would text each other throughout the day, and you’d even FaceTime a couple times a week during lunch breaks.
As the days got shorter and colder, you found yourself feeling needy for cuddles. You either had Buster with you every second, or you had Harry’s arms around you. You still hadn’t quite gotten your sex drive back. You wanted to offer to blow him, but even that you, for the first time since you’ve known him, just couldn’t bring yourself to do. You felt terrible.
“I have to work late tonight, honey.” He says on the phone. “I’ve got an evening shoot for a family.”
“I’ll grab myself something for dinner.”
“When do you think you’ll be home?”
“Maybe around nine? I’m not sure. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I know you need to do what you need to do.”
You found yourself turning in earlier to bed as you noticed yourself getting more tired easily. You tried reading to tire your eyes out, but you felt something in the pit of your stomach that just wouldn’t go away. You look over and see the bare spot next to you and sigh. You wanted Harry. Oh shit, you really wanted Harry.
“Fuck.” You groan and get up.
You go into the closet and pull down your special box. You sigh when you grab your little bullet vibrator. You couldn’t even remember the last time you used it. You wiggle your pajama pants off and get back on the bed. You touch yourself with your hand first before turning the device on.
Harry was just coming in from his session, getting home a tad earlier than he expected. He even picked up a new jar of pickles to put in the fridge for you. As he walked down the hall to the bedroom he heard soft whimpers.
“What the…” He says to himself as he opens the door. His eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees you.
“Harry!” You throw the vibrator somewhere else on the bed out of embarrassment.
“Sorry!” He nearly walks out of the room and then shakes his head at himself. “Wait a second, why am I leaving?” He asks himself more so than you. You reach for the bullet and turn it off. “So…has this been what you’ve been doing?” He sits on the edge of the bed. “Instead of with me?”
“What?! No! This is the first time I’ve even wanted to…and you weren’t home, and well…” Your cheeks were beat red. “I’m sorry, ugh, I’m so embarrassed.” You hide your face in your hands, but he pulls them away.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed, it’s okay. What made you want to use it?”
“I don’t know, I was missing you, and then I realized how much I was really missing you, and I just wanted you. And the damn thing wasn’t even doing it for me anyways.” You pout.
“Well, I’m here now.” He perks up. “You still in the mood?”
“Very much so. I’m sorry things have been so stagnant between us these last couple of months. I’ve just felt gross and nauseous and all of the above. I’ve wanted to do things for you, but-“
“It’s alright, I really understand. When El was pregnant with Eliza May, Louis sort of told me this might happen. I was prepared for it. I know it really doesn’t have much to do with me.”
“It really doesn’t, but I think I’m over that hump now. I love you so much, I hope you know that.”
“I do, and I love you too. You’re sacrificing a lot to grow this little one.” He gives your lower belly a little pat. He stands up and undresses down to his boxers, and gets your shirt off so you’re completely naked.
“I feel bad, you just got home. Did you eat and all that?”
“I did. Don’t worry, there’s really nothing else I’d rather be doing than lovin’ on my wife.”
He gets back on the bed and kisses you. It’s a slow kiss, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth, licking into your mouth. Doing all the things he knows you like. Even though you didn’t love all of the changes your body was making, Harry still, somehow, made you feel beautiful and sexy. He kisses down your chest, and plants nice wet kisses down your belly. His head gets between your legs and he gets to work.
You feel him groan against you as he licks into for the first time in ages.
“Got this wet thinkin’ of me?” He smirks and you push his head back down.
“Get over yourself, will you?” You laugh. “And yes, I did.” His tongue explores your folds before sucking on your clit. “Oh fuck, oh my god.” Your hands grip at his hair, and your legs start to shake. It didn’t take him long since you were already wound up. “Shit.” You breathe as he gets himself settled against the headboard.
“Come here, baby girl.”
You straddle his lap, and line yourself up with his hard dick, his boxers now long gone. You slowly sink down on him and moan out loudly when he bottoms out.
“Feel okay?” He grunts, desperately hoping he doesn’t come too soon.
“Feels amazing.” Your slot your mouth over his as you move up and down on him. You couldn’t get enough of him right now. All your senses were heightened.
“Y/N.” He moans as he thrusts up into you.
“Harry.” You moan back.
His hands grip your ass to help you move faster on him. You cling to his shoulders to give him full control of the pace. You both had the bed shaking as you took him so well.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” You throw your head back as you release again, his come spurting up inside you at the same time. “Holy shit.” You press your forehead to his shoulder as he catches his breath. “I’m so sorry.” You kiss him. “How awful of me to make you wait like that.” You kiss him again. “Never again.” You kiss him a third time.
“Babe, babe! It’s okay.” He chuckles. “I’ve missed yeh like crazy, but don’t feel bad, alright?”
“You’re so amazing, I’m…I just love you.” You start tearing up. Another side effect of being pregnant. You cried all the time. He holds you close and rubs your back.
“I love you too.” He coos. “Come on, I bought you a fresh jar of pickles.”
“You did?!” You slide off of him and get your feet on the floor.
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
Things with you and Harry had gotten really got and heavy during your second trimester. You had even gotten to a point of sexting him at work. You just couldn’t help it. You had never wanted him so badly before. And he was always right there, ready to give it to you. You both would often only wear underwear around your apartment to have easier access.
Just as you were getting home one night, you got the call you had been waiting for.
“Dr. Harrison, great hear from you!” You get upstairs and into your living room.
“Hi, Y/N! How have you been feeling?”
“Much better, thanks. The nausea has definitely stopped.”
“Glad to hear it. The search committee has made a decision.” You take a deep breath, knowing this phone call could go one of two ways. “And we’d like to offer you the position.”
“Oh my god! Are you serious?! That’s amazing!”
“I’m glad to hear you’re excited.” She chuckles.
“I’ll just need to chat things over with my husband. I know he’ll be just as excited.”
“Great! Do you think we could schedule a meeting for Friday? There are a lot of things we’ll need to go over, especially with HR since you may not end up teaching in the fall. Luckily, you’ll have the entire winter break to prep up for the courses we’ll need you for this spring.”
“Yeah! Uh, what time Friday? I could probably leave work around three, and get to campus for like 3:30 if that works for you.”
“I’m open!”
“Wonderful, thank you so much. I’m very excited.”
You hang up the phone and squeal. Just as you’re celebrating with yourself, Harry walks in with Buster. He rushes over to you excitedly. You run over to Harry and give him a big hug and kiss.
“Guess who just got offered the job of being a junior faculty member?!”
“Shut up, are you serious?!”
“I am! I have a meeting with Dr. Harrison Friday to go over a ton of things. And I’ll have the entire winter break to prep up for the classes I’ll be teaching. I’ll be able to negotiate my salary too, they know what I’m expecting, and I won’t take anything less. We have a baby on the way after all.” You rub your hands over your lower belly where the cutest bump was finally starting to form.
“I’m so fucking happy for you. This is amazing! We should celebrate.”
“We can this weekend. Let me get everything finalized first. But…I know another way we can celebrate right now.” You wrap your arms around his neck.
“I really like this whole thing of you not gettin’ your period for nine months. It’s nice to just do it whenever.” He kisses you.
“I was looking up some safe positions we can try too.”
“Oh really?”
“Mhm.” You wink at him and you both shuffle down to the bedroom.
You were amazed at Harry’s stamina. He was never too tired to fuck you when you asked. Sometimes you wouldn’t even need to ask, he could just tell you wanted it sometimes, like he could smell it on you. He truthfully couldn’t get enough of you, and he was happy that you seemed to be back in the groove of feeling the same way.
He loved going to work with fresh scratch marks or love bites. He’d love when you’d send him a risky text in the middle of the day. The second trimester was treating him very well.
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
mouth full of white lies {Machine Gun Kelly} 5
5. you say that you’re no good for me
Summary: So you have actual real feelings for him and they’re kind of starting to get in the way of your job, which is awful because you’re a professional, damn it, you’re better than that. Perhaps it’s time to come clean.
the brainstrust: @sataninsatin @silvertonguedserpent @juliarose21 @kellysimagines @estxxbritt @machine-gun-casie @harringtonstudios @misscharlottelee @narcvissa @hiworlditishumbleme @angelwarner28 @nevilles-insinuations @rumoured-whispers @mgkobsessed @edwardtriggerhandzz @suckerforbarnes @wastelcve @bakerkells @local-troubled-writer @freddiessmallnipples @oopsiedoopsie23 @mayaslifeinabox @mrs-machinegun-norris @hxbbit @lilytalebi 
Casie had gone back to her mom’s about a week and a half ago, and now you’re left all alone with his words of ‘like if you wanted to actually date my dad, that’d be cool with me’ with a strangely knowing air that you’re trying not to think about.
But the point is that now you’re sitting back, watching him snort fake cocaine of a very pretty girl’s bare chest, and slowly and bitterly coming to terms with the fact that your feelings for him have gone from just a lowkey crush, to a crush large enough to make you jealous because a girl’s got her tits all over Colson on a set that looks like a strip club, and you hear ‘and we’re rolling’ a few feet away from you, and you’re not quite sure why there’s an uneasy feeling in your stomach. At first you try and tell yourself that you’re a little indignant that they’re basically just using pretty girls as props, but the girls who are all over your brother in the scene don’t give you that same vague nauseous feeling, so you can’t delude yourself that into believing that there’s any particularly feminist reason for your feelings.
You try not to think too much about the girls on set wearing not much at all, covered in oil and glitter with their hair teased up and curled and laden with products. They’re doing their job, and they’re doing it well, listening to the directors, and you’re just trying not to compare yourself to them because you’re in very different roles. 
And you tell yourself this.
Over and over.
“How’re you doing, Duck?” In between takes, your brother will often check in on you, and it’s getting harder to force a smile.
“Great!” But you know even as you say it that he won’t believe you; Douglas can see through your lies better than anyone else in the world. He wraps an arm around your shoulders. “Don’t, Doug,” you tell his quietly, face and voice both falling in the safety of his presence, but you don’t move away, “I’m a professional.” You tell him, but your heart’s not in it.
“I know you are, Duckling -”
“I’m really trying.” You mutter, leaning your head against his shoulder, conceding defeat to your own negative thoughts.
“This is new for you, I know,” he assures calmly, his hand still firm and reassuring on your shoulder.
“It’s just a job,” you remind yourself again, “everyone here’s a professional.” Voice so low only Douglas can hear you, he gives you an almost imperceptible squeeze. Before he can get a word in edgewise, the director is calling for the scene to be reset, and he had to go. Across the room, Colson gives you a quizzical look, and you try your best to smile back; it doesn’t seem to work, his frown just deepens. 
And you move on with your life. Try to, at least; pick up your clipboard, ask Josy if she needs anything, and try not to act relieved when she asks you to buy her a coffee. 
You get dinner on your own that night, which isn’t necessarily an unusual occasion, but you’re lingering in the fancy Italian restaurant a few blocks from his house, looking a little lonely, a little like the poster-girl for every pining girl in a rom-com waiting for her true love, sadly poking at your half-finished dessert. If you get recognized, you’re pretty sure the press is going to have a field day.
The thoughts won’t leave your head; it’s more than the girls on set, it’s more than the thought that he’s done this sort of thing before, it’s more than even his reputation, because you don’t give a shit about his reputation, but you can’t deny that you don’t have feelings for him, and you can’t deny that you didn’t have feelings for him before any of this even happened.
If you hadn’t said anything, you’re pretty sure nothing would have happened between the two of you. Which is okay, it’s fine, but something about it being fake is worse than it never happening. 
So you leave your dessert half finished, and start the lonely walk back to the hotel where your brother was staying.
[💜colson💜: where r u 💜colson💜: u ok? 💜colson💜: did something happen today?? 💜colson💜: ducky 🦆🥰: im fine 🦆🥰: you dont need to worry about me]
But you don’t go to the hotel. You have to see him, have to get these thoughts out of your head before they drive you mad.
“Were you waiting for me?” Your voice is small when you finally get to his house, get to his room, and Colson’s laying back on his bed, stretched out and shirtless, looking a little like the centerfold of a magazine in the lamp light. Your heart’s in your throat.
“I do worry about you, you know.”
“What?” Is all you can think to say, and try to avert your gaze.
“You said I don’t need to worry about you; I know that, I do though,” he says, doesn’t look away from the ceiling. 
“Why?” Though it’s said with a laugh, there’s no humour in it, but you don’t know if you wanna hear his answer, don’t know if you could handle it, “if I had never said anything, you wouldn’t have made a move,” you rattle off, the words falling from you like you’d rehearsed them, though it’s more accurate to say that the thoughts had been going around in your head for so long that you couldn’t even find any other words. Colson’s head turns to look at you, frowning, “so you wouldn’t have needed to worry about me then, so you shouldn’t have to worry about me now.”
And then there’s silence, and he’s regarding you with an almost angry confusion.
“What?” He finally asks, disbelief colouring his tone.
“Don’t worry about me,” you sighed, moving around the room to the open balcony door, plopping yourself into one of the wicker chairs, closing the door behind yourself.
“What is your problem? I thought we were good,” Colson’s quick to open the door and follow you out, sitting in his usual spot, elbows on his knees, almost glaring with an intensity you hadn’t witnessed before, “if you want out, you can go, don’t stay on my account if you’re unhappy.”
This shocks you enough to keep your mouth closed as you look out to horizon.
“You’ve got your room at the hotel, you don’t have to stay -”
“Just tell me,” you cut him off, “if I’d never suggested this, I would have just been Doug’s little sister during the whole process, and you wouldn’t have done anything, would you?”
“Done anything?”
“Made a move.”
“Because me making a move on the golden girl of YouTube would have worked out great,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes and sitting back, “if you hadn’t said anything, no I wouldn’t have made a move; I don’t actively seek out ways to get shot down by chicks who think they’re better than me.”
“What?” You voice comes out small, confused and a little sad, somehow it’s worse than the answer you were expecting. “I don’t -”
“And don’t go high-roading me on this bullshit; you wouldn’t have made a real move either,” it’s like his own words don’t even quite register as he said, but after a beat, he sighs, the anger, the tension leaving his body in a rush, “I know you don’t think you’re better than me. Now.” He added, and okay, he had a point there; as much as his reputation preceded him, yours did too. 
But that’s not what’s caught your focus.
“You would have wanted me to?” Shyly, almost traitorously hopeful, you can’t look at him as you speak. There’s a shift in tone, the tension changing to something new, something a little bit exciting. 
“I didn’t want to scare you off -”
“I’m not porcelain, you know,” you say, glancing at him out of the corner of your eyes, and you see him give a half-amused smile.
“Like I said, I know that now,” he conceded, “but you’re Doug’s little sister; he calls you Duck for fuck’s sake, you give off this vibe like you bleed bath bomb water, and me, I give off this vibe like -”
“Like you’ll rope someone into committing a felony,” you tell him with a dry smile, and he laughs, nodding a little.
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” he says, with surprising self-awareness, “but yeah, if I knew then,” he pauses for a moment, his gaze moving to the stars; even in this light you can see him turning faintly red, “how cool you were, yeah I would have done something.”
Heart in your throat, you want to ask him if there’s still even a chance, but your mind’s stuck on the if.
“Should I have done something?” You hear yourself ask, quiet, fiddling with your hands, and when he doesn’t answer after a beat, you can feel your heartbeat heavy in your chest. When you turn to him, he’s there, leaning in, and you meet him halfway, kissing him hard in the starlight. 
You take that as a yes.
No cameras, nobody around; it’s not an act when you let yourself get pulled from your chair, closer to him, the two of you standing now. At first his hands are gentle, holding your face almost reverentially, like he can’t quite believe he gets to touch you like this without having to put on a show for everyone, and you feel almost dizzy with his lips on yours. 
“I can’t believe I waited so fucking long to do that,” he murmurs, and your breath stutters from you, so overwhelmed that he wanted you, that he wants you, really wants you, that it’s all you can do to kiss him again. Rough this time, you card your fingers through his hair, tug, pull him close and kiss him desperately. He can probably taste on your tongue how much you’ve wanted him too. 
Wrapped up in each other, it’s better in this one moment than every other kiss you’ve shared put together. His tongue glides along your bottom lip, as if asking for entrance, and you deepen the kiss, all teeth and tongue, a gentle sigh when he bites your lip.
“Is this serious- are you -?” You pull back, breathless, hands still in his hair, and his smile is genuine as he leans back a little, arms still wrapped around you.
“How much more serious can I get?”
“This isn’t a bit, is it?”
“No it’s not a fucking bit,” he snorted, “honestly I can’t believe you’re doing this; the fake shit was your idea!” He’s still holding you close. Opening and closing your mouth for a few moments, looking a little like a fish, lost for words, lost for a response, you settle on;
“Exactly how cheesy can I be and get away with it?”
When he kisses you this time, it’s sweet and gentle, his smiles soft against your lips, and you hum happily against him. 
That night, you spend the night watching movies and making out, falling asleep half naked in his enormous, plush bed. When you wake, it’s to the sight of the sun painting his tattoos with light as he scrolls through Twitter on his phone.
[ID: A series of tweets between @duckduckbooth and @machinegunkelly.
@duckduckbooth posted a photo of Colson Baker, laying on his side in bed; the covers are black and there’s a sliver of sunlight that highlights his gentle smile. The wall behind him has a picture on it but it’s out of focus. Colson looks like he’s laughing, and he’s looking at something behind the camera, his hair is a mess. There’s something so gentle and intimate about the photo itself, like he’s just woken up, like he’s sharing a joke with the photographer. You. There’s a hickey that’s cut out at the edge of the photo.
The photo is captioned ‘those ocean eyes’.
@machinegunkelly has retweeted the photo with one of his own; of you, laying on your back in the very same bed, grinning, phone held in both hands above you, but you’re looking at him, expression fond and amused. The window behind you is open, with sunlight spilling through the crack of the curtain, hitting your mouth and chin, highlighting your own smile.
His photo is posted with the caption ‘shed a lot of tears just to smile in the mornin'. End ID.]
Everything has changed, everything has shifted; it used to be too much to touch him casually, to feel his skin burn against yours, but on set over the next few days, it’s a thrilling release, a reminder. He wants me, every time he touches you, he wants me. 
Before, it was such a performance, every action so carefully calculated to show that you were in love, never enough to scare him off, but now? You’re ferrying some paperwork for Josy to the offices at the other end of the film lot, and you pick him up a pack of cigarettes on the way back; his whole face lights up and he presses a kiss to your temple, with an easy ‘thanks babe’, and you feel lighter than air, and it shows.
“Everything work out?” Douglas asks you with an almost knowing smile, and you turn your nose to the air, pretending you don’t know what he’s on about, and he’s kind enough to play along, let you have this. 
Safe in the security of a genuine relationship, you’re not worried as you once were about the other actresses, not when you know you get to go home with him. Now, seeing him on set, the earlier jealousy you’d felt turns to pride as you watch him work.
“You guys are gross,” Josy says with a smile, watching your display of heart-eyes as drums ferociously behind the band, “it’s adorable.”
“We are not,” you tried, but he twirls his drumstick with a flourish and a smirk and your own grin widens automatically.
“Listen, as long as you’re on time, and you don’t smear his makeup, I don’t give a shit,” Josy shrugs, her tone equally nonchalant as it was blunt. You sigh, but they’re easy enough terms to agree to.
And then you’re travelling, the production going on location to different stadiums and theaters across the country, a few days at time, concerts put on to screaming fans, or more accurately, unpaid, enthusiastic extras. When you’re not with Josy, you entertain yourself well enough; you and Colson usually see the sights of wherever you are, at least when you’re not wrapped up in each other in the confines of your hotel room.
“Hello, I’m [Y/N] Booth,” you smiled at the camera.
“And I’m Machine Gun Kelly, and today we are reading thirst tweets,” he holds up a large, blue mug-shaped object with ‘Thirst Tweets’ written on it, before the title comes up:
Thirst Tweets with MGK & [Y/N]
“I’m gonna start with this one,” you half laugh, holding the little piece of paper up before yourself, already leaning on him just a little, and the tweet comes up on the screen as you read;
“I would let MGK and Duck beat me up and I’d say thank you,” you pause, before looking a little sheepishly at Colson, “that sounds painful - for them I mean.”
“Don’t you get comments like that all the time?”
“I know you do,” you half smile at him, and he laughs, nodding, “step on me Daddy Kells, or something like that?” He flushes, grinning.
“How dare you - that one’s probably in there!” And he fishes out the next piece of paper.
“Machine Gun Kelly looking like 80s Tommy Lee could do anything he wants to me - you haven’t even seen the movie yet!” He exclaims, while you just give a pleased little smile, “what?” He asks with a grin when he turns to you.
“It’s kind of a mood though,” you shrug helplessly, and he rolls his eyes fondly, before pulling out another tweet, giving it a read over and handing it to you to read.
“Duck is stunning, girl lemme lick ya.”
“Sorry dude, that’s my job,” Colson smirks, and you give a small, flustered shriek, though you were still grinning from ear to ear.
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justwritethatdown · 4 years
Bechloe Week 2020 – Day3: Drunk Texts 
We were bound to be together
An au where Beca didn't get together with Jesse and that allowed her relationship with Chloe to grow.
The way Pitch Perfect 1 should have gone ;)
Set during Beca’s first two years at Barden; everything goes as it should, nothing angsty happens and everyone is happy. Just a sloppy falling-in-love story between two college girls, told through their drunk texts, kind of...
Rating: T
Words Count: 2.5K
Thanks to @viharistenno for being my beta
Read here or on AO3
She took my arm, I don’t know how it happened
 After Hood Night, Beca was lying on her bed; the weird buzzing in her brain caused by alcohol made it hard for her to fall asleep. She wasn’t used to drinking and partying with strangers until late night, but she had to admit it wasn’t the worst thing she’d done. That Jesse seemed nice after all, a little pushy maybe, but Beca knew she needed a push sometimes, maybe she should give him a chance-
Her phone buzzed on the nightstand
CHLOE BEALE: Im so glad that I met you xx
BECA: Yeah, you kinda mentioned that…
Beca bit her bottom lip and a bright smile formed on her face. There was something about Chloe, that didn’t make Beca want to push her away. On the contrary, it was rather a pull, that made Beca want to get closer to her.
She placed the phone on her stomach, letting out a heavy sigh, smile still present on her lips. Beca couldn’t believe she actually auditioned for an acapella singing group, just because a crazy – naked – girl told her to, after crushing her shower and forcing her to sing with her; it was a situation that normally would have made her run for the hills and yet, she went to the audition – and she got in – and to the following party. Beca didn’t even know how that happened, Chloe had dragged her into this whole new world, and she was kinda okay with that.
It confused Beca; for the first time her instinct didn’t tell her to push this person away, it told her to get to know her better, to become her friend, but most of all Beca wanted Chloe to like her, she wanted to impress her. She checked her phone to see if Chloe had texted her anything else, but there were no new messages, so she let out another sigh – a disappointed one this time – and put the phone away.
Maybe Chloe was still with shower guy, they seemed to be pretty close at the party. Her stomach twisted and Beca huffed again; the way Chloe had grabbed her arms and how close she got to her while talking, gave her some vibes, for a moment she’d thought that the redhead was flirting with her – a thought she wasn’t completely opposed to – but then she saw her with that guy while she was busy talking to Jesse, and kicked herself for being so delusional, she was well aware they were having sex in the sowers, they were obviously together.
Beca shook her head and rolled her eyes to herself, turning to her side to try to sleep.
  I felt it in my chest as she looked at me
  CHLOE: Admit you had fun tonight! :P
Beca was a bit more tipsy than usual – okay, let’s say she was drunk – but it wasn’t her fault; Amy arrived there with the clear internet of getting the brunette drunk that night. She dumbly smiled at her phone and almost gave in, but then she remembered their bet.
“I don’t know why I let you drag me to this stupid party” she spat out when they arrived at the ΣΒΘ frat house.
“Come on, I bet you’re going to have fun” cheered Chloe making Beca roll her eyes.
“I doubt it” stated the brunette.
“We’re here bitches!” screamed Amy going straight for the alcohol table, followed by Stacie.
When her head started to spin, Beca realized that maybe she’d let Amy fix her one drink too much, but she didn’t care, not when Chloe was leaning in so close to whisper things in her ear – shout actually, to be heard over the loud music – and had one arm wrapped around Beca’s shoulders; the weight of Chloe on her felt amazing and the way Chloe looked at her made her heart do funny things in her chest.
Beca definitely blamed it on the alcohol, but deep inside she knew it was the same feeling she had the first time they met at the activities fair; that smile Chloe gave her and those blue eyes, so deep that Beca felt like she was drowning in them, knocked all the air out of her lungs and she felt her heart racing.
Even if she did run away that time, Beca just couldn’t stop thinking about her, until that girl jumped in her shower, making Beca incredibly frustrated and embarrassed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t help but looking – more than once – at the girl’s naked body and her mind wandered without her permission. Chloe was undeniably beautiful, and her confidence made her even hotter.
Beca should have known then that she was gone, but – always oblivious to her own feelings – it took her several weeks of parties and rehearsals to know that she had, in fact, fallen head over hills for the redhead.
Suddenly Beca felt Chloe stepping away from her and saw the girl launching herself into Tom’s arms. The brunette found herself downing the remains of her drink and accepting a new one from Amy. The rest of the night is still a blur, she vaguely remembered Jesse helping her through her dorm room door and saying good night, at which she believed she grunted before the guy closed the door behind him.
Beca frowned at the memory and looked back at her phone; there was a new message on the screen
CHLOE: you disappeared tho. Stacie said you left w Jesse :(
BEC: yoy wr wit Tom
CHLOE: I told you I was going to say hi and when I came back you were gone >.<
BEC: are u tofether?
CHLOE: No, I’m alone
BEC: no I mwan ar you datingm
BEC: ?
Chloe started typing and deleting and Beca started to freak out; she’d known this girl for less than a year, she saw her with Tom from day one, she had no right whatsoever to be upset about them dating, even if Chloe had been sending her mixed signals from the start and was annoyingly touchy and loving and not-so-unintentionally made Beca’s head spin more than alcohol did
CHLOE: No, he’s not my boyfriend. We used to be fwb but I ended it a while ago because I started to like someone… :)<3
  Just keep your eyes on me
 The following day Beca felt like shit; her head hurt, and she felt nauseous, that’s why she was immensely grateful to Chloe for dragging her to that stupid party the night before their special rehearsal’s session.
“Remind me to kill you when this is over” she lamented when Chloe greeted her with her usual bright smile – the girl clearly didn’t drink as much as Beca did the night before – and a quick hug
“Can’t wait” winked the redhead, making Beca’s blood boil in her veins.
Chloe really looked amazing that morning and was clearly making an effort to be noticed by the brunette; she managed to make even that idiotic hostess choreography look beautiful. It wasn’t just the dancing, Beca found every movement Chloe made incredibly sexy, maybe because of that half confession she had made the night before, or maybe because Beca knew Chloe was doing it on purpose; she knew it because Chloe basically never dropped her eye contact with Beca, almost like she was trying to cast a spell on her, and maybe she did.
“You’re on a mission today huh?” Beca hushed to her during a break
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” answered Chloe wearing a shit eating grin
“Well, better for me then, I’m enjoying the show” she shot back without thinking too much about it and regretting it right away, but the fire it lit in Chloe’s eyes told her she’d said just the right thing.
“What’s with all this eye fucking?” suddenly spat out Amy, making the room giggle. Except for Beca who became bright red, and Aubrey who cleared her throat glaring at Chloe, who innocently smiled biting her lip.
“Did you finally hook up or something?” asked Stacie in amusement
“Can we focus on the damn choreography?” asked Aubrey grinding her teeth.
  Deep in her eyes, I think I see the future
 Beca’s plan was simple: to go to college for one year, convince her dad that she tried and have him send her to Los Angeles the following year to finally start working towards her dream of producing music. However, something along the way went incredibly wrong, or rather incredibly right, and now all she wanted was to stay there with those nerds who somehow became her family.
The look on Chloe’s face when they won the finals made Beca realize that her future wasn’t in LA, her future was right there with those girls, with Chloe. In that moment Beca felt like she belonged there; she saw her next few years at Barden, with the Bellas, and in the hug they shared, Beca felt that Chloe would be part of her life forever.
The girls celebrated in the Bellas’ sorority house and they all, even Aubrey, got incredibly wasted. Most of the girls had already moved there from their dorms and wouldn’t have to go anywhere after their party.
During the night Chloe made sure to let Beca know, more than once, how sad she was that the brunette had decided to really leave for Los Angeles in the end, instead of moving in with her, and she never left her side the whole night. They drank together and laughed and danced, and they almost kissed, but Chloe pulled away last minute confusing Beca. When Beca asked her why, Chloe mumbled with watery eyes “you’re leaving, what’s the point?”, but immediately cleared her throat and dragged Beca to dance with the others. In her inebriated state, the music and Chloe’s body moving rhythmically against hers, were enough to distract Beca from that statement. Only later, walking back to her dorm, it carved its way back into her mind.
BEC ♡: I not gng to LA  
CHLO: ???
BEC ♡: im stang heee
Chloe’s reply was a string of emojis Beca was too drunk to interpret followed by
CHLO: yoy styng w the bellassssss
BEC ♡: im staying fr you
CHLO: were gnna be cocaptnsss!!!
  This woman is my destiny
 Beca’s second year at Barden started out completely differently from her first one; she was living in a sorority house along with eight other girls and was co-captain of the acapella group she led to victory the year before.
Her relationship with Chloe evolved in a strange way; they acted like a married couple now, but they never crossed the line, both too scared of ruining what they had. With Aubrey gone, the Bellas were their responsibility and Beca knew that was what mattered the most to Chloe, so she chose to focus on their acapella group. For Chloe, not because she was scared of fucking things up, obviously.
Their mutual pinning was clear to all their friends; some of them – Amy – teased them  about it, while others desperately tried to help them figure it out.
One night, during one of their let’s-get-drunk-because-why-not nights, they were playing truth or dare
“Beca” started Stacie “truth or dare?” she asked with a wicked smile, making Beca sweat
“Truth…” tentatively answered the brunette
“Do you have more than platonic feelings for anyone in this room?” asked Stacie raising an eyebrow. Chloe held her breath at that and Beca was the only one to miss it, too occupied freaking out
“Dare” blurted out Beca “dare, I meant dare!” Beca’s heart started beating dangerously fast, hoping that Stacie would have let her change her reply, but the girl’s eyes twinkled and Beca knew she’d fallen right into her trap.
“I dare you… to kiss the girl you have the biggest toner in the world for and release us all from this ridiculous sexual tension you two generate” commanded the tall girl rolling her eyes.
Beca felt all the air leave her lungs. Everything was silent around her and all she could hear was the uneven beating of her heart. She swallowed hard looking at Chloe to see what her reaction had been and the girl’s hesitant smile calmed Beca a little.
Beca wasn’t one to back down from a challenge and the alcohol in her system only made her more competitive, but most of all, there was nothing in the world she wanted more than to finally kiss Chloe, so she crossed the circle they were sitting in to reach the redhead on the other side of it. Chloe was biting her bottom lip in anticipation and Beca could see in her eyes that the girl wanted to kiss her just as much as she did.
Beca gently rested her palm on Chloe’s cheek. They didn’t speak, but they didn’t need words to communicate; their eyes were saying all they needed to say. They expressed how much they both wanted to do this, but only if the other was okay with that, and that it was going to be okay. They completely forgot they weren’t alone.
Beca leaned in and kissed her, Chloe wrapped her arms around Beca’s neck and pulled her closer, letting out a sigh that made Beca’s heart flutter. They stayed there, kneeling in the middle of the living room, kissing slowly and deeply, their lips moved together as if they were dancing. Beca wasn’t sure who deepened the kiss, but as soon as their tongues touched, a million fireworks went off in her brain, covering the sound of their friends whooping and clapping and wolf whistling – Amy – and making her forget her own name.
Beca couldn’t have enough of Chloe’s lips. When the kiss ended and Chloe tried to move away, Beca desperately chased her mouth and started kissing her again, gaining a chuckle from the redhead. The two girls were only separated by Amy accidently bathing them in tequila while waving a bottle in the air, shouting that they had to drink to that.
After two – or was it three? – Bhloe drinks, as Amy had named them, Beca was still snuggled up next to Chloe. They shared some quick kisses during the rest of the night and when they decided to go wrap it up, Beca really wasn’t ready to sleep. All she wanted to do was kiss Chloe all night long and the morning after, and for the rest of her life. When Chloe pulled her in for another kiss, she was happy to welcome Chloe’s tongue in her mouth again
“Good night, baby” whispered Chloe against her lips before leaving.
Beca was lying awake in her bed; she could still feel the ghost of Chloe’s lips lingering on hers. She took her phone and started typing.
BEC ♡: I lied at trth o dre I dont have a tner for you
CHLO: Bec…
BEC ♡: Im crazy abt yoy! youre my destiny
BEC ♡: you’re
CHLO: you jst gve me a heartattack yoi asshole1
BEC ♡: srry xD
CHLO: wnna cme here to sleep w me?
BEC ♡: we r drnk…
CHLO:  I jut wanna slp
BEC ♡: Any wll tease th shit out of us
CHLO: I don’t care
CHLO: I miss u
Beca didn’t really use much her bed in the Bellas’ house.
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
two pink lines - d.d.
plot: you and david are dating and you find out you’re pregnant. you reach out to jason for some much needed advice before telling david 
requested: yes! Could you do one where the reader finds out she is pregnant and it's David's but they art married yet and there young so she freaks out and goes to Jason for advice because he is a big father figure to the reader and has kids? (Also I really love your work and hope you have fun writing this!)
author’s note: hi! this was requested anonymously so hopefully it was something similar to what you wanted. if you want to send in a request for an imagine, send me a message! i am super behind on requests right now but i have a few pieces in progress that i am working on. i am hopefully back to posting daily as i am trying to get caught up. 
this picture gives off major boyfriend vibes + i’m obsessed
word count: 1840
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Your hands trembled as you set David's camera down on the bathroom counter and hit record. Your heart was racing and you were beyond nervous. "Okay, here's the thing. I was supposed to get my period two weeks ago and I haven't gotten it. I know there are various different reasons for a missed period, but I've been feeling sick for the last few days and I don't know guys. I just have this gut feeling that I think I might be pregnant, so I'm going to take a pregnancy test just in case," you explained, your voice in a low whisper even though you were alone at David's house. You tore open the packaging to the pregnancy test you had picked up earlier today and read over the instructions to make sure you did it right. You thought about how you should have David here with you, but you didn't want to pull him away from work if it was nothing but a scare.
You set a timer and flipped the test over to hide the results. You started pacing around the bathroom, the nerves in full force as you wondered how David would react. You two were still so young and had your entire lives ahead of you.
To make matters worse, you and David hadn't ever really talked about the future of your relationship. You'd joke about being together forever, but you had never sat down and had a serious conversation about talking about getting married or starting a family. You didn't know if David wanted to have kids, let alone have them with you.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by the alarm on your phone blaring.
"Okay, guys. Moment of truth," you sighed, your hands shaking as you grabbed the test. Two pink lines. "Holy shit," you muttered, tears forming in your eyes. "I'm going to be a mom," you exclaimed, wiping away your tears as you slowly turned the pregnancy test to show the camera.
You wished David was here for this.
You turned the camera off and the reality of the situation sunk in. You were going to be a mom and David was going to be a dad and you two weren't anywhere close to being ready to be parents.
You leaned against the wall, your legs giving out as you slid slowly down until you were sitting on the floor. Your breathing was heavy and tears streamed down your face. You didn’t know how to react. You were freaking out. You needed to tell David.
You wished he was here with you for this. You should've called him and had him come home or you should've waited until he was home. You needed him here with him.
You reached for your phone, with every intention of calling David, but your fingers hovered over his name. Instead of hitting call, you scrolled further down your contacts and called Jason. He would know how to handle this situation, he has two kids already. Not to mention the fact that he was sort of a father figure to you since you moved out to LA. He knew how to handle stressful situations and he would be understanding and supportive.
When he answered, you asked him to meet you at a coffee shop a few blocks from David's as soon as possible, telling him that you needed to talk to him about something important. He agreed, not asking any questions about what you had to tell him.
It took you awhile to pull yourself together. But no matter how hard you tried, your eyes stayed red and puffy. Your stomach was in knots on the drive to the coffee shop, hoping and praying that Jason wouldn’t freak out and say you and David were irresponsible for letting this happen. You needed him to understand because you were worried that no one else would if he didn’t.
Jason was waiting outside when you arrived and you had him follow you into a table in the corner.
"What's going on?" he asked, a concerned look on his face. Of course he knew something was wrong right away, he could always tell when something wasn't right, it must be a sixth sense you get when you become a parent. But it definitely didn't help that your eyes were red and puffy from crying.
"I need to tell you something," you hesitated. "And I need you to not be mad about it."
"You can tell me anything. You know that," Jason reassured you, shooting you a sympathetic smile. He was worried about what you were about to say, and you wondered if you should be telling him this before talking to David.
"I'm pregnant," you whispered in a hoarse voice, giving him a look that meant you were being completely serious.
Jason's eyes widened and he stared at you in shook. You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded, trying not to cry. Your heart was pounding and your hands were shaking. You felt like you couldn’t breathe as you waited for Jason to say something.
"Congratulations, holy shit." He stood up and walked to the other side of the table to give you a hug. "Why would be mad?"
You felt a weight lift off of your chest and you could finally breathe again. "Because we're both so young and we aren’t married yet," you sighed, answering him honestly. You felt embarrassed saying it out loud, like you were admitting that getting pregnant was a reckless mistake.
"Did you tell David yet?" he asked. You shook your head.
"No, I just found out. I don’t know how he's going to react and I'm terrified. Like, he's so young and so successful and what if this is a wrench in his plans? What if this ruins everything we have? I'm seriously freaking out," you rambled.  
"Everything is going to be fine, I promise."
"How do you know that?" You were trying to keep yourself together since you were in public, but you were on the verge of tears. You were scared and nervous and anxious and you had no clue how to process this. "I mean this is a completely different situation from when you had kids."
"I know," Jason said.
"But you're still a dad and I trust you. And I don’t know, Jase. I just need some advice."
"What do you want to know?"
"I don’t know, everything?" you sighed. You were still freaking out. You've always wanted to be a mom but you were having doubts about everything now, including your relationship with David. "How do I raise a child? What if I'm a terrible mom and my baby hates me? What if David doesn't want to have a kid yet? I mean Dave and I aren’t married and we're both so young, what if things between us don't work out? What if he thinks I got pregnant to make sure we stay together?" You had questions about everything and you just listed them off, Jason listening carefully. He didn’t seem nearly as stressed or as worried as you did.
"Hey, no, enough with the 'what ifs'," Jason cut you off. He took a sip of his coffee before continuing. "You're going to be just fine. It's totally normal to be scared. I mean, this is life changing news. But I know you and I know David and I have total faith that you two are going to be great parents. David isn't going to go anywhere. I can promise you that. Everything is going to be alright. Trust me."
"Thanks, Jase. I needed someone besides myself to tell me that everything was going to be fine," you said with a small smile. The conversation had calmed your nerves about being pregnant and made you feel better about telling David.
"Look, you aren’t ever going to have all the answers, but there's nothing wrong with asking for help if you need it. I'll always be here to talk and I know all of our other friends will be too. You and David are going to be great parents and I promise that it's going to okay."
You thanked him for being a great friend and for being so supportive before heading back to David.
You fell asleep on the couch while watching Netflix and waiting for David to get home. You heard footsteps down the hall and Natalie's voice carried into the living room. Her and David rounded the corner and you opened your eyes, still feeling tired.
David came over and gave you a quick peck. "How are you feeling, babe?" he asked.
"I'm still a little nauseous," you admitted.
"I'll have Natalie run out to pick some things up," he said, curling up beside you and sending a text to Natalie.
You rested your head on his chest, your eyelids heavy as you drifted back to sleep.
"Babe, have you seen my camera?" David shouted from in the guest bedroom, waking you up.
He walked out of the room and stood in the hallway when you didn’t answer. "Babe?" he repeated, watching you rub your eyes to wake yourself up. "Sorry, I didn't realize you were still sleeping."
"It's okay, bub. What's up?" you asked, sitting up on the couch.
"Have you seen my camera? I need to film tonight and I can’t find it anywhere. I thought I left it on the desk in my room or in the guest room but it's not there."
Your heart stopped. Shit. You had left it on the counter in the bathroom with the positive pregnancy test still in the sink.This wasn't how you planned to tell him at all.
You took a deep breath and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Do you have to film tonight?" you pouted, not wanting him to leave you. "I just haven't seen you all day and I don't want you gone all night too."
David couldn't argue with that, and a few minutes later, you were in his bed cuddling. After a few minute of being next to him, you rolled over to face him and looked up at him.
"Dave, can we talk?" Your heart was pounding and your mind was racing. You ran your fingers through his hair as he opened one eye.
"Of course, babe. What do you want to talk about?"
"I need to tell you something," you said in a serious tone and David's eyes shot open.
"Okay," David said slowly, his voice unsteady.
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"Babe, you're scaring me. What's going on?"
"I'm pregnant." It came out barely audible and you thought David didn't hear you because he just stared at you for a few moments. But when you saw that his eyes were watering, you knew he heard you.
"Really?" he whispered, and you nodded.
"We're having a baby, David." You let a small laugh and ran your thumb across his cheek to wipe away his tears.
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Characters: GERARD WAY x Reader
Author’s note: There’s some cursing but nothing too much to worry about. I’m considering doing a part 2 but I’m not sure yet. Tell me if you’ll be interested ?
Word Count: 2k225
1.    The name’s Y/N
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You walk into the empty parking lot , looking back at your friend and bandmate Dex , who is just getting out of your tour bus. To say that you were nervous was the least, but you wanted to look cool and relax or else it would be extremely awkward . When your friend finally arrived beside you, you started walking towards the empty venue , quickly followed by the three crew member, Max your sound engineer ,Billy and Ames both your bus drivers and stage managers.
This morning , the air was chill and you were already cursing to yourself not to had dressed yourself warmer. You were just wearing a camo pant with a large white t-shirt and your leather jacket with your ranger’s boots. You lightened up a smoke hoping to get warmer at the nauseous smell, Dex threw you a disapproving glance .
The arena wasn’t open just yet, so you waited .
 “First time we’re gonna play in an arena huh?” asked Ames .
 Ames was Indian , had short black hair and dark eyes which he almost always narrowed looking pretty distant and angry , but as soon as you get to know him he was very kind and funny. He was pretty tall (6 feet tall) . He’s been around for three years now . Helping packing, and driving the bus , he was the one to introduce you to Billy, his roommate, one year ago. Ames was a sweetheart always willing to help , he truly was part of you band now.
 “Yeah pretty scary I have to admit . So scared I’m gonna screw up during the show.” Explained Dex fingering his blue hoodie nervously.
Dex was always pretty nervous about anything so it wasn’t a surprise to you. Dex drunked a lot of coffee , he hated any kind of smoke . You and Dex knew each other since you were 10 . You never were the one to discuss with people in elementary school ,always more attracted to drawing to something, than talk about a new Barbie with the girls of your class and boys were pricks so you preferred to be left alone , day dreaming alone. It’s not that you weren’t talkative and social , you were a lot in fact . But you didn’t find anyone worth having a discussion with . You though they were all kinda assholes to be honest . Than Dex arrived at your school they were from Ireland . Everyone in your class started to befriend them , but you were their best friend . In fact you even had a crush on them at the time. They were an explosion of colors and were pretty fun to be around , and most important, not an asshole . They confide you that they were non binary during the summer before the start of high school. Dex was short and almost just skin and flesh . with a flamboyant white hair and hazel eyes. Today they were wearing their favorite hoodie which was more a plaid than an hoodie to be honest, some vans and a destroyed red wine jean .
You took a long drag of your cigarette not wanting to participate in the discussion. You had already so much on your mind , you didn’t want to show it to the guys.
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 “You screwing up ? Nah can’t happen men . Never had since I’m here at least .” Said Billy trying his best to reassure your bandmate , patting them on the right shoulder . Billy and Dex were best friends since he tagged along after one of our show back to one year ago. Billy was also Irish , but more like a ‘stereotypical’ Irish than Dex . He was more pale than the snow itself , had sweet freckles all over his face and body , you knew it because you couldn’t not remark the gentles dots all over his arms whenever he was packing your instrument in his metal merch T-shirt, he had long natural wave ginger hair, eyebrows and beard . He was much more massive than Ames who looked like a sixteen years old . He could be quite frightening when you jut looked at his appearance unlike Ames who looked like a cinnamon roll but had this angry vibe whenever he went , Billy on his side was the most kind and attentive guy you had ever met . Billy was tall, much more taller than anyone you knew.
 “It’s because you’re around since only 1 year mate !” Laughed Ames , making me smirk along .
 Max was listening without really doing it, more worried about freezing his ass off in the empty parking lot than to engage with the group. Max was an okay guy. Not one of the most talkative, except for when he had a drink or two. Max was from England just like you. He was quite pale too . He had brown straight hair , a little peach fuzz, couldn’t seemed to grow a bear . Max had little ring earrings and transparent olive glasses , he often wore grey beanies . He was pretty short and was the oldest of your little group. He was working for you since four years already, you knew him from this little bar where you used to perform at your debut .
As you were lost in your thoughts two other tour bus pulled up in the parking lot, soon followed by a third.
 “Ha ! Finally !” sighed Max.
 You took a long drag of your cigarette , eyeing closely for the crew to come out of it .
A large group of people were descending from it, laughing between them . They seemed a whole lot warmer than you, dressed appropriately in coats and beanies . They all looked older than the four of you, most of them probably stage manager and crew members.  A guy came up running to you, he looked older than the group of guys chatting in front of their buses and a little more ‘polished’ in way.
 “Hi! You must be Violent Gasoline ? I’m Damien, the tour manager. » The guy presented himself , extending his left hand.
 You gave a quick nod in agreement, your smoke still stuck between your lips. Max extended his own hand to the guy activating his ‘business mode’ on.
 “Nice to meet you in person Damien. My name’s Max I’m the sound engineer and I guess you could also say the tour manager. This is Billy and Ames , our stage crew and finally Dex and Y/N from Violent Gasoline!”
You jumped on your foots trying to warm up yourself , while everyone shook Damien’s hand. Yours were put away in your pant pockets too cold to even move .
 “So I have called the arena crew and they’re supposed to open the private gate any minute now.” Warned Damien , giving us an apologizing look . “I hope you didn’t wait for too long …”
“No, it’s okay mate .” Said Billy lying , not wanting to make him feel responsible of anything.
“By the way, those are our staff/crew members” told us Damien , pointing at the crew next to the buses. “The guys should be here in an hour they went to have breakfast, before starting the day. Did you had any?”
“Yeah just before we arrived , in the tour bus.” Smiled Dex . They did , you just had coffee .
 Than a guy dressed entirely in black from head to toe opened to us , you dumped your cigarette on the cold pavement , soon enough the crew joined you and you all went inside . You gladly welcomed the warmth of the space eating you up, relaxing a little. Dex seemed to have regained some colors on their side , while you felt comfortable enough to get your hands out of your pockets. As you were the one being here first you started soundcheck pretty early , adjusting lights and balance check . You placed yourself behind your drums as soon as Ames and Billy installed your kit. You were now playing since three hours and had removed two of your songs off your song list to replaced them by news songs from your next album in writing . Dex had some difficulties with the solo bass line from one of your new song .
 “Dex, you know what , just let’s not do this one . We’ll replace it with ‘Do ré mi’ as usual ”You shouted to your bandmate, referring to your Nirvana cover, you used to finish every gig with this one. “We’re almost done anyway.”
“Y/N , no way, I’m not-“ Dex started turning to look at you , before being cut in the middle of their sentence by a loud ‘bang’ from a door closing .
 Soon followed by loud chatting and laughter from a group of guys entering the venue from the left side in front of the stage. Quickly Damien arrived ruining up to them , hushing directly at them pointing the stage to them. Everything went silent.
 “Awkward…” You whispered to yourself as no one moved .
“Sorry , we didn’t mean to be rude .” Excused one of the guys with blond hair. They all went to sit in the arena crowd.
 You stand up from your kit , you went for your bottle of water. “ It’s okay, we were done anyway.” You took a sip at the bottle , before catching Dex looking frustrated over you not letting them redo his solo for the one hundred and fiftieth time of the day. They’ll get over it.
You left the stage , Dex jogging up to you trying to catch up their breath before proposing to grab a bite in your dressing-room for launch with Max, Ames and Billy . You were starving since you didn’t ate this morning. Billy and Ames had gone catch the rest of yesterday dinner in your bus which consisted to a pasta salad, with orange juice and clementines for dessert . Max was in the hallway talking on the phone with your label. Once you finished your plate you brought back to your bus the dishes and started cleaning it up, you were tired of your rehearsal so you went to your bunk to get some sleep setting your alarm to five pm and took a well deserved nap.
‘Prey for me’ from The fever 333 echoed into the room waking you up , you groan not really wanting to wake up from bed at this point. With a long sigh you stopped your phone from doing any more sounds, and got up. Once dressed you searched your leather jacket at the research of your pack of cigarettes.
 “Where the fu-“
“Here” Ames was handing to you your pack of cigarette looking as you had just woken him up from his own nap on your couch . You jumped , taken by surprised by his presence but soon regain posture reaching for your cigarettes. Ames often borrowed some of yours paying you back later on so you weren’t even surprised.
“Where are the guys ?” You asked before he got back to his nap .
“Still hanging out in your lodge .” He said before resting his face on the pillow he found and closing his eyes , almost already snoring .
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 You got out welcomed by the cold from outside , winter was a pain in the ass. You reached for a cigarette before lightening it up and taking a long drag from it . By the time you crossed all the parking lot to the arena your smoke was long gone. Once inside you headed straight to your lodge. Before opening the door the room, you heard laughter coming from inside.
 “Hey guys, what’s the joke ?” You said opening the door with a smirk.
 Suddenly six eyes land on you. What was happening …? ‘Awkward’ you murmured yet again . On the red velvet sofa was seated three guys from earlier, on the couch next to them was slumped Billy, Dex and the blonde from earlier.
 “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt guys !” you said trying to play it cool with a sly smirk on your face.
 “No haha don’t worry dude ! They’re My Chemical Romance!” Stated Billy lifting up his beer to prove his point . The blonde stood up welcoming you by kissing your cheeks .
“Hi my name’s Mikey ! I’m the bass player , nice to meet you!” You gave a nod
 “The name’s Y/N .” You said debating over whether to or not to kiss the other members. The browned haired boy with a lot of tattoos decided to help you out by lifting himself up to welcomed you.
“Hey , Frank. I’m the guitarist.” He said calmly handing out his hand for you to shake. Once done he returned on right side of the couch, while the guy on the left side got up to kiss both of your cheeks.
“Ray ! Also guitarist.” He had a sincere smile . Then the last one got up, he had dark hair, hazel eyes, red make up and was pretty pale.
“I’m Gerard , the lead singer” He said shaking your hand. You had to admit he was good looking, they all were to be honest.
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wolf-555-writer · 5 years
Still Breathing Part 7
I really did a number on your patience with this one I think ;p. But here it is, the final part. (That’s the intention at least, who knows what will happen in the future). Anyways, thank you all for reading the story, especially if you made it till this one! :) Enjoy! 
Read part 1; part 2; part 3; part 4; part 5; part 6
Alex Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 2,643
“Talk to you later Danvers”, you breathe out, closing the door behind you and leaving Alex her apartment in shame and guilt. She sighed agitated and squeezed her eyes shut at the sound of your footsteps fading away. Being aggravated as hell while still seated on the couch with her arms crossed in anger.
“I definitely need something stronger than coffee…”. Alex grabs a bottle of wine and pours herself a glass. Or two. Maybe even three. It’s already a total mess at the DEO, with Colonel Hayley parading around, watching over the Director’s every move, and now THIS!? DEO Agents beating each other up, fighting over absolutely nothing. Alex has a soft spot for you, considering you both confessed your long-lasting feelings to one another in front of the bar earlier. But that doesn’t mean she can’t be mad at you. Maybe the alcohol will help her relax from this long, intense day.  
Trying to ease her mind while sipping the red liquid at a reasonable speed; more or less. Finally… some peace and quiet, when suddenly her phone buzzes. The screen lights up and Alex takes a quick peek to see who it is. It’s your name on the phone display. A deep sigh followed by a dramatic rolling of the eyes as she drops back, burying herself in the couch again. She doesn’t even think about picking up. You’re probably calling to apologize, or beg for forgiveness. Why can’t you just let it rest. Alex is not in the mood to handle anything else today. The phone buzzes again. “Ugh, I’ve had enough”. She grabs it from the table and turns the phone off, whereby the silence kindly returns.
After simmering down, and an entire bottle of wine, she decides to call you back. A thorough, flawless speech thought out, ready to be delivered since you've had more than enough time to think your selfish actions over. She lightly regrets playing ‘hard to get’ earlier, though you kind of made her. You were practically an asshole, so it’s your own fault she ignored you. Alex noticed you left her a voicemail and listens to it first. Best case, you came to your senses all by yourself by which Alex would be relieved of a frustrated outbreak on the phone. She puts the phone to her ear. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops while a small gasp escapes her mouth after she’d covered it with her hand. Without hesitation she jumps up from the couch and storms out of the apartment. It’s as if all the alcohol left her system in a snap of a second and she’s never been more focused -or worried- before. Slamming the door shut with a loud bang and while running she dials a number. Hearing it ring a couple of times, after which a person on the other end of the line picks up and speaks:
“National City General, how can I help you?”
“Am I ...still alive? …still breathing?”. Vaguely perceiving all kinds of beeping noises and a pungent, hygienic smell that’s hanging around makes you feel nauseous. Carefully opening your eyelids as you give yourself some time to adjust to the bright lights. All too familiar with the place you’re at. “Again? How many times is this going to happen?”. No recollection what time it is or even which day of the week ...or month? Different types of wires are attached to you and fluids with medicine is entering your body through the IV. You try to lift your head up and inspect the room, but it’s hard, almost impossible. Your whole body is aching, muscles are sore, and the pain caused you to let out a deep groan.
Hearing the low sound, Alex promptly jumped up, since she had fallen asleep in the chair, exhausted from the constant state of uncertainty she was in. You take in the sight of her, pale skin, red eyes and it seems she hasn’t slept for days. Now standing beside you at the edge of the hospital bed, she takes your hand and clutches it delicately. You try to speak.  
“H-how l-long... “, stuttering with a dry, hoarse throat. “Have I been on life support? On ventilation?”, you think, feeling your trachea burn and having difficulty speaking. Alex is aware of your struggle and answers: “You’ve been in a coma for weeks now. To reduce brain swelling and give your body time to heal.”
In shock, you gape at her as the color drained out of your face and try to point at your neck with your other hand. “They’ve had you on ventilation, yes. Does your throat hurt?” she caringly asks. You weakly nod at her. Alex averts her gaze towards the bleak hospital floor. “It-it was pretty bad… You were in pretty bad shape ...and had stopped breathing. I-I thought…”. She said with a trembling voice, not able to finish the sentence. You grip her hand tighter with all the strength left and press to her, now with a more audible tone: “I’m still here. Still breathing''. You've locked eyes with her again and watch Alex staring at your poor face. You smile at her, and she matches you by showing a faint grin when you notice she’s desperately fighting back the tears that are heaping up in the corners of her eyes. She leans forward and gives you a tender kiss on the forehead while a doctor enters the room.
“I see you’re fully conscious now. Good”, she says as you and Alex turn to her. “Given your history I don’t have to explain everything in detail to you, sadly. I won’t lie, you have a tough road up ahead”.
Knowing it all too well due to your past experience. You have to go through rehabilitation all over again. Only the thought of it makes you feel even more miserable. However, that’s not all. It’s also the feeling of being weak, helpless, not able to do easy or simple tasks yourself since you don’t have the strength for it, yet. You have to start at square one again, and this time it’s your own damn fault. Alex noticed the sad, hopeless expression and strokes your shoulder gently. You look at her. This time you're not alone, Alex has been beside you, from the moment you were brought in injured up till now.
“I’m not going to leave your side, not ever. I’ll be here with you, every single step of the way”. Those words hit you right in the feels as teardrops started to run down your face. You tried to pull her closer with the little power you have in your hand which Alex was still hanging on to. Luckily she understood the hint and moves closer while she cups your face with both her hands. Brushing her thumbs across your cheeks mildly, wiping the tears away. Bringing her lips to yours, kissing you, slow and passionate, as if she thought this would have never, ever been possible again. You taste the saltiness on her lips, since Alex wasn’t able to hold her tears back any longer. By that time the doctor had left to give you a moment alone and to let it all sink in. However, with impeccable timing Kara barged in and rushed towards you, seeing that you’ve woken up. You and Alex being kinda busy, in a legit emotional sentiment, while Kara swoopes in, now at the other side of the bed. She squeezes herself in between Alex and you to make room and gives you a hug.
“Can’t breathe”, you moan, because Kara her hug is obviously too tight, and not to mention the weakened condition you’re in. 
“Oh, sorry! I’m just so glad you’re awake”, she apologizes as she quickly pulled back. Kara straightens her glasses and immediately starts to talk, telling you stories about her Supergirl adventures with Dreamer, who you’ve apparently met before, reporter news, how matters at the DEO progressed, about J’onn and his PI office, and many more. It hurts, cause these are all moments you missed out on. Although you love the distraction, not having to think about the obstacles you’ll need to face, and it’s nice to know that everybody is doing well. Being hesitant at first, and undeniably a little pissed at Kara for ruining the moment back there, Alex joins the story telling later on, seeing you enjoy hearing them. After a while she notices you’re getting tired, knowing Kara can be rather overwhelming. “I think (Y/N) needs to rest for a bit”, she mentions and raised her eyebrows as she’s looking at Kara with a piercing gaze. “Eh, yes. Um- I’ll go. See you later (Y/N)! I’ll tell the others you’re awake!”, Kara responds while leaving the hospital room in a rush. “Bye Kara”, you deliver too late, cause she’s already gone, and you turn to Alex. “Something wrong?”. You’ve sensed a weird vibe hanging around the entire time since you’ve woken up. You can clearly see it in Alex her dazzling, brown eyes. It’s guilt. Alex takes a step back from the bed, thereby letting go of your hand, instantly losing her warm touch. She stays quiet, avoiding eye contact as she’s gazing out the window while biting her lip nervously. “Alex, is it about the phone-”.
“It’s all my fault that this happened. I’m the reason you left the apartment and I-I didn’t pick up the phone and I was too late at the hospital and I said those mean, awful words and I-”. “STOP”, you interrupt, now coughing due to the loud voice you had to use, heart rate spiking which is displayed on the monitor.
“It was my mess that caused this. And that asshole of a DEO Agent of course…”, you mutter. You really hate that guy. "I picked that fight and- Wait... what mean, awful words did you say about me?”.
“Ow, um- no, I said some, like, awful things inside my head. Which I deeply regret now-”, Alex confesses while rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. “It’s okay”, you chuckle, she's just too good for this world and you probably deserved it anyway. “It’s all good”.
“I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to you”. Alex takes a step closer again and pauses. “I thought that ...I was never going to see you again. To speak to you again. To hold you again…. To kiss you again”, she whispers with a quivering voice. “But I’m still here. And you're here. With me. That’s all that matters now”. Meanwhile, you carefully shifted to the left side of the bed, creating some room on the small mattress. Glancing at Alex and making an inviting gesture while tapping on the empty spot with your right hand. You feel her warm body moving closer as she comes lying next to you. Her head resting on your chest and you wrap your free arm around her, wanting to hold her forever and to never let her go. "I've missed you", Alex voices in a softhearted tone and closes her eyes. She’s extremely tired, now finally able to get some well-deserved rest, knowing you’re all right and that everything will be fine.   
“What happened to that DEO Agent anyway?”, you suddenly remember. Kinda hoping he got punished for what he did. “He got arrested for assault and is locked up”, Alex answers directly, her eyes still closed. “Good, he got what he deserved”. It’s quiet again, aside from the occasional sound made by the medical equipment in the room. Breathing frequency becoming slower and slower, relaxing in your arms, dozing off, almost asle-
“Did you guys have game nights without me by the way?”. “Come on (Y/N), you need to sleep”, Alex suggests as she lifted her head up, now staring at you with a commanding expression on her face.
“Copy that, Director Danvers”, you return with a smirk, kinda loving the bossy side of her. She’s right though, you’re completely worn-out and need to recharge. But you can’t help it, wanting to cherish this moment for as long as possible. You grip her tighter, or at least try to, to keep her close, to feel her touch, her warmth, her heartbeat. It doesn’t take long for you both to fall asleep. It’s peaceful and despite the delay, you’re together, at last.
A sudden slip to the right, followed by mean right hook. The muscles in your arms and shoulders are burning. Completely out of breath, deeply inhaling to fill your lungs with oxygen. And exhale again. Sweat is coating your forehead and you wipe it off with your arm. You’re a total mess. Only one round to go and then you’ve reached the goal. Throwing a sprint of punches, as fast as you can, it’s mind over matter now. Stopping at the sound of the timer reaching zero, you’re finished. Removing the boxing gloves to grab a towel from the floor nearby to clean yourself up.
“Okay, that’s enough for today”, you pant, weary from the intense workout on the heavy bag. It's been a rough couple of months, you've had extensive rehabilitation training, needed time to heal and were not spared of the pain that came along with it. Giving up was never an option, but becoming your old self again is highly unlikely. The damage has been done, you can't change the past anymore. But you've made peace with it, well, sort of. Luckily you've had tons of support. Friends visiting at the hospital and swinging by your place frequently once you were discharged. It feels so good to be home again. 
While unwrapping your hands, you hear the doorbell of the apartment buzz. Looking up in surprise, who could that be? You rush to the door while throwing the boxing wraps aside, nearly tripped over them, and unlock it. Standing in the doorway, you feel your heart rate rising again, now for a different reason. Still happens every damn time. A satisfying smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth.    
“Hi, forgot the keys again?”, you laugh, lifting up your eyebrow as you smoothly lean against the door frame. “Yeah... but I brought some take-out with me”, Alex counters, pulling up her right arm to show off the bag which carries a delicious scent with it. It would be outrageous to deny this offer of course.   
“Permission hereby granted”, making a humble bow and a gesture with your arm to invite her in. “Also cause I’m literally starving”. Rubbing your stomach with your hands, only being a little dramatic, and you close the door behind you. "Easy (Y/N), you're not turning into Kara are you?".
“Ha. Ha, funny", you sarcastically return."But I’m gonna take a quick shower first. Don’t you dare eat it all Danvers”. Alex placed the food on the kitchen counter and shrugs her shoulders while raising her eyebrows.
“Well, I don’t know, I guess I need something in return then”.
"You sure? You don't want me to shower first?", you assure, still being kinda sweaty with a specific smell that goes with it. Alex walks to you and throws herself into your arms while you place your hands on her hips, her arms resting on your shoulders. "Absolutely sure". Pulling Alex closer and wrapping your arms around her waist as you press your lips onto hers, giving her a desirous kiss. You have to admit, the years of denying and avoiding your feelings for Alex makes you feel utterly stupid, looking back now. Seriously, you were an idiot. A wide smile appears while kissing Alex, because you've never been happier.  
"I love you (Y/N)", Alex softly speaks after she pulled back. "I love you too Alex". Her forehead is resting against yours. "And I'll never stop, as long as I’m still breathing”.    
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sstrangerrobins · 5 years
Knocking On Your Window
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Reader, Steve Harrington x Friend!Reader 
Description: Steve tries and fails to set up you and Robin. He then feels obligated to fix his mistake.
Word Count: 2.1k
A/n: I apologize for the quality of the writing, but I needed to get over some writer’s block. I think it’s still cute though, so enjoy! :)
“Heyyyyy! It’s y/n! Again. For like, the fifth time today.” Steve announced loudly, trying to get the attention of Robin in the back room.
“Second time today, idiot.” You said as you approached the counter. Robin opened the dividers and leaned on the counter.
“I think dingus fits him better.” She commented with a smirk.
Steve raised his hands in defense. “Hey hey hey, what did I ever do to you two? I’m just doing my job here.” You could see the dark circles under his eyes. Clearly he was having a rough day.
“I like to think of dingus as an endearing term.” You said, trying to ease up on the teasing. “Hey Robin, what would you recommend?” You turned your attention to the blonde behind Steve. She was the reason you came in here so often. There was something about her that was just so alluring. You were never really close in school, and wouldn’t even consider her your friend now. However, ever since she started working at Scoops, you just wanted to be around her all the time.
Robin smiled when you said her name. “USS Butterscotch. It’s delicious. I’ll grab you a cone.” She hopped over the counter in a familiar rhythm and plopped down next to Steve. “I got this one, Harrington.”
Steve sighed with relief and started heading towards the back. But before he ducked his head back there, he said, “Remember, this is a workplace you two. Keep it PG.”
Steve had been your friend for a while now, and when you came out to him, he took a while to accept it. But you turned around his thinking entirely. It wasn’t even two months later when he confessed to you that he might like boys too. Ever since he started working at Scoops, he’s being trying to set you up with every girl he’d come across. It wasn’t until the last week or so that he noticed you staring at Robin.
He wouldn’t stop trying to set the two of you up, but you had no idea if Robin even noticed. You were almost certain that she was straight. How could someone like her like girls anyway? You’d tried to get Steve to stop, but he was an unstoppable force. So when he told you two to keep it PG, you felt your heart skip a beat.
“Sorry about him, he has no idea what he’s talking about.” You scrambled to say as Robin slowly began to make your cone.
Robin gave a nervous chuckle. You were watching her hands, were they… shaking? “Yeah he’s never known what he’s talking about…” She was angling her head down so that her messy hair somewhat hid her face. You couldn’t read her expression.
“Yeah, I don’t think he knows how to read people too well. He thinks they’re one way and is too stubborn to realize they’re another way.” You wanted to hint to Robin at what Steve was doing, but you were so vague Robin just shot you a confused expression.
“What are you talking about?” She asked.
“It doesn’t matter.” You dismissed it by shaking your head. Robin handed you your ice cream with an awkward smile.
“How much?” You asked, beginning to dig out your wallet.
“It’s on the house.” Robin said. She smiled at you, but there was a certain sadness behind her eyes. You gave her one last look before thanking her and heading out of Scoops. There goes your shot of even being friends.
As you walked out of the shop, Robin hung her head and sighed. No one new came into the shop for a minute, so she headed into the back room. She needed to have a word with Steve.
“Dingus, what the hell was that? Why are you so set on embarrassing me in front of every girl that comes into this store?” Robin sat and put her head in her hands. She felt nauseous from her embarrassment.
“What are you talking about? Y/n is super into you! Did you blow it? Y’know, I’m starting to think the pair of you are hopeless. After all I’ve done to set you two up-.” Steve rambled, but stopped when he noticed Robin was far more silent then usual. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Steve, she doesn’t like me. She doesn’t like girls like that. She totally dropped hints just now that you’re being an idiot with this whole set up thing.” She lifted her face to speak and took off her hat to run her fingers through her hair. Her eyes were slammed shut and her lips firmly pressed together.
“Robin, hey, I know y/n. You have to trust me on this, okay? You just have to shoot your shot.” Steve looked at his friend in sympathy. He felt terrible, thinking back on his attempts to push his two friends together. He had been too pushy and all it had done was push them apart even more.
Robin merely groaned. “Not gonna happen.” She laid her head on the table, her hands still gripping her hair.
“I’ll fix this…” Steve said softly. He never wanted to see Robin hurt like this. He messed up, and he knew it.
 Steve pulled down the gate to Scoops and locked it up. He’d let Robin go home early, so he was closing alone tonight. Once he was in his car, he already knew he wouldn’t be heading home. He turned on the engine and headed down the ever-familiar route to your house.
You treaded down the stairs and to your front door. Your parents were on a trip to see you aunt and uncle, but you somehow convinced them to let you stay home by yourself. So when you opened the door to see Steve standing in front of it, you knew you could yell at him without waking up your parents.
“Steve, what the hell are you doing here? Can’t a girl curl up on her bed late at night and do nothing in peace?” You said whining. You saw that he was still in his Scoops uniform, minus that stupid hat, so you assumed he closed the shop.
“We are going on a drive.” Steve said firmly. “You might want to put some pants on first, though.” He said, addressing the fact that you were only in underwear and an oversized t-shirt.
“Ugh, do I have to?” You were tired and definitely not up for any more of Steve’s antics today.
“Yes.” He pushed past you and made his way up to your room. You rolled your eyes and closed the front door. You followed him up the stairs, but when you got to your room he was already leaving with a pair of your pants.
“Put these on and let’s go.” He said. He was in one of his hyper-focused moods. You hoped he would explain himself in the car, so you put on your pants and walked with him to his car.
“Okay, are you going to tell me what this is about now?” You asked in irritation.
“I fucked up everything between you and Robin, and now I’m fixing it.” He said, keeping his eyes on you.
“Hold on there, buckaroo, if you think-.” You started, but Steve interrupted you.
“She likes you, y/n!” He looked over at you this time. “She was totally messed up for the rest of the day today after you left. I let her go home early because I felt so bad. Now I have to fix this because you both like each other but you’re both huge idiots who don’t know what you’re doing.” He took an exasperated breath as you stared at the road ahead in silence.
“Alright, I’ll play along. I still don’t even know where we’re going.” You were still irritated, since it was so late at night.
“That’s for me to know, and you to find out.” Steve said with a smirk. He was happy you were going along with his plan. It would have been much more difficult if you were going to resist.
 Steve pulled into the driveway of a house you’d never seen before. You both hopped out of the car and Steve motioned for you to follow him around the back. He helped you hop the fence and followed you over it by himself.
“Seems like you’ve done this a few times.” You teased.
“Ha ha, very funny. Just remember I’m helping you out right now.” He led you to part of the house and held a finger to his lips, making sure you would be quiet. He pointed at a window that was glowing purple.
“Robin’s up there. I’m going to stand here,” He pointed to a patch of dirt in a little raised garden. “And you get on my shoulders and knock on her window. Just tell her how you feel.”
You stared at Steve, eyebrows raised. “You really are a different breed, Harrington.”
“It’s gonna work, trust me. Robin’s a sucker for this romantic stuff.” He said, he was getting excited now.
“This gives me more of a creepy vibe.” You expressed, crossing your arms.
“Just get on my shoulders and get your girl.” Steve said, rolling his eyes.
You gave in. Steve would not be stopped, and you needed a ride home. The sooner you got this over with, the sooner you could get home and sleep. You walked towards him and looked up to the window. Suddenly, your stomach dropped.
Steve noticed the look on your face. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay. She’ll practically be drooling over you after this.” You looked at him and took a deep breath. He smiled reassuringly and squatted.
You two struggled for a few seconds to get your positions, but soon enough you were face to face with Robin’s window and looking into her room. Her back was to you as she laid on her bed, curled up in a fetal position.
You knocked on the window lightly and Robin’s head bolted up. She quickly sat up and turned around to see you waving at her. Her room was too dark for you to see much of her face, but you could hear through the barrier a muffled “Shit.”
Robin walked over to the window and opened it. “What the hell are you doing here? How do you know where I live? How are you even-?” Robin looked down and saw Steve beneath your feet. “Oh, Harrington. Of course.”
You studied her face. She seemed exhausted. Her eyes seemed slightly red, and still a little wet. She’d obviously been crying. “That’s besides the point.” You answered. “Are you okay?” You asked genuinely.
Robin’s lips parted slightly. “I uh, I’m fine.” She rubbed her eyes briefly and flashed a smile. “I’m just tired, my eyes are all dried out.”
You knew she was lying, but now was not exactly the best time to be talking about it. “Listen, I’m not here just for fun.” You said honestly.
“Well, what are you here for?” Robin teased.
“I um… I like you, Robin. Like, a lot.” You confessed. Robin’s eyes went wide and you could see the heat rising in her cheeks. “I’ve liked you for a while now, and Steve has been trying to set us up ever since he saw the way I looked at you but I never thought you would like me and then earlier today everything went terribly and I just felt so awful and now I’m here and I honestly have no idea what’s about to happen so I’m rambling to avoid what you’re going to say…” Your heart was pounding as you ranted out your feelings. You were so scared of what would happen next.
You looked up at Robin, who was staring at you in wonder. She kept silent, seemingly too stunned to respond.
“Please… say something.” You smiled awkwardly.
“Yes, please say something, I know I’m like the buffest dude ever, but even I have my limits.” Steve called from below.
Robin rolled her eyes and laughed at him. “Don’t worry dingus, I think I know how to wrap this up.” Robin cupped your face with her hands and pressed her lips to yours. You almost lost your balance, you were so shocked. The kiss was brief, but it was enough to send shivers through your whole body.
Robin’s eyes were glazed with an emotion you’d never seen aimed at you before. “Come visit me at Scoops tomorrow?” She asked, her voice soft and quiet.
“Yeah, always.” You said breathily.
“Did you guys kiss?” Steve called excitedly from below you.
You and Robin laughed. You gave her a goodbye wave as she closed the window and hopped off of Steve’s shoulders.
“I can’t believe that actually worked.” You grinned, still in shock.
“I told you I was gonna fix everything.” Steve bragged. You punched his arm as you chuckled. “Ow!”
“Just take me home already.” You rolled your eyes and started heading for the gate.
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