#tomb giant
Giant Stalker (Barbarian Archetype)
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(art by mattforsyth on DeviantArt)
When one shares territory with other beings, one must learn to coexist with them, or barring that, learn to fight them off when needed. Such is the case for today’s subject.
Originating from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, these so-called “Giant Stalkers” are raised from birth to fight and outsmart giants, bringing low these mighty warriors that might either outcompete their people in resources or outright destroy them.
Not only do they train to fight such big foes, however, they also learn to understand giant culture so they might use that knowledge against them. Furthermore, they also work as scouts to plot courses for their nomadic tribes to travel through giant territory while minimizing conflicts with them.
Some are also involved in the practice of kidnapping giant children to be used as status symbol thralls of the tribe, though obviously this is a dubious act.
In any case, beyond that icy northern realm, I can also see this archetype cropping up anywhere where tribes of people come into conflict with giants or other massive foes.
While most of these warriors know the jotun tongue, the rest learn at least enough of it to sling insults and threats when in their battle fury state.
Meanwhile, they learn how to recognize the scent of various giants, letting them recognize their presence and track them.
Their talent for slinging insults in the giant tongue comes in handy when they attempt to draw the attention of such massive foes, baiting them into focusing all their attention on the warrior and not on their allies, while they work to dodge and turn aside the expressions of ire they have incurred. As they grow in power, they can draw in more foes at once and become more adept at resisting the resulting blows. This skill also works on other massive foes, though obviously it works best on giants.
There are also a handful of rage powers that are unique to this archetype, such as negating the gap in defense they would normally have when raging when facing giants, being especially adept at tripping giants, and also learning how to step underfoot and savage their foe from that awkwardly-defensible position.
It’s a fairly simple archetype, so it gives freedom to your build, but this archetype is a fun and flavorful one if your campaign has a lot of giants and you want a character that specializes in taking them down. That being said, if you’re less focused on giants and more on other massive foes, you might want to take titan mauler instead. Then again, the ability to draw in bigger foes is a useful skill for a tanking build.
The flavor of these barbarians is that they are trained from birth to fight giants because giants are dangerous to their tribe, However, not every giant species or individual is hostile to smaller folk. Encountiering giants that defy their expectations can lead to some interesting character moments as they might be forced to review their assumptions about their world and their place in it.
The most violent and vicious sun giants take their war against the darkness to new extremes, recruiting the smaller folk with cults to use as shock troops and assassins. Some are trained to become giant slayers with the intent of destroying shadow giants and to a lesser extent moon and eclipse giants as well. Particularly prized for this purpose are sunsoul ifrit, who carry a bit of solar light within them, which can be trained into a withering, oppressive heat and rage.
Wielding a black axe that he pulled from the ice, Manak slew a man-eating giant chieftain and dragged back the body as a trophy to show off to his people. However, the axe was buried in that icy prison for a reason, and soon his people will deal with the new terror of the risen chieftain and the stomach full of undigested undead.
The party has been tasked with escorting a tomb giant oracle to the ancient tombs where giants of the region are interred, but the humans of the region have had a long and bloody history with giant-kind. It should come as no surprise that the party is ambushed by giant-slayers seeking to destroy the aged mystic and her entourage of “traitors”.
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nina-the-ninth · 2 months
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If I get the motivation I’ll do the whole chapter
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cora-illus · 4 months
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(most of) the individual backgrounds from my gideon the ninth amv. ive been waiting so long to compile them all
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eznii · 1 year
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@davekatweek day 5: crossover
this has been sitting in my brain ever since @notedchampagne talked about their own au like FOREVER ago (check them out as well!!! they are so normal and awesome ^^) anyway its a the locked tomb au where karkat takes the place of harrow as a necromancer of ninth house and dave takes gideons place as his cavalier (<- horrible). they are both so cringefail that i think it would be THE funniest shit ever
locked tomb spoilers (for maybe all 3 books i dont remember whats revealed in each one lol) under the cut + more art
go read locked tomb if you havent already!!!!!
OK well first of all im just going to put a screenshot of sams tltstuck idea here because its perfect and captures every thought i had about this
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second of all... i just HAD to draw lyctor!karkat because i genuinely believe that becoming one would be the worst thing that could ever happen to him <33 hes not having a good time at ALL (just as an fyi i forget if he would have both eyes be red or just one as a lyctor. but whatever is the worse option 👍)
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also as a side effect of dave being in gideons place i think that makes bro/dirk = god.......which is SO fitting but also horrible. anyways heres some extra variations without text
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dailyadventureprompts · 4 months
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Dungeon: Sulgien's Sulphurous Tomb
After the ancient titan of fire was snuffed out, her children and followers interred her body in a burial mound that rivaled small mountains for size. It is said the earth itself wept over this cairn, and it's tears were volcanic fire that has never since cooled.
Adventure Hooks:
Whether it be a demiplane or stretch of hostile wilderness (as your campaign might need) the charred wasteland surrounding Sulgien's tomb has come to be known as the Ashmourn. Home to pyroclastic storms and rogue elementals, to say nothing of the rivers of lava or cinderswamps, the Ashmorn is an area all but the bravest steer well clear of. This has made it the perfect home for a band of fire genasi nomads who survive by raiding other lands, then retreating where more flammable folk would never dare to follow. Their leader claims decent from Sulgien herself, and seeks a means to resurrect the mighty titan so that she may again hold dominion over all that burns.
Legends say the gods struck down Sulgien because her rampages threatened the very foundations of the world. The legends are almost right. While it's all to easy to imagine a fiery giant destroying everything in her path, Sulgien's threat lay not only in her strength and battle prowess, but also in her power as an oracle: With some effort the titan of fire could pronounce a destiny and sear it's shape upon the world, impossible to avert or contradict. It's also said that her prophecies were etched upon the inner walls of her tomb, knowledge that mystics of all kind would pay a party generously to obtain.
Stories speak of Sulgien's blade, the bane of gods and monsters alike, which struck apart foes with the violence of the rupturing earth. Someone, perhaps the party, or one of their foes, might be able to obtain a fraction of this power should they be able to reach the titan's burial chamber and touch their weapon to hers. This is easier said than done, not only would one need immunity to fire to even consider the task, it would also require swimming to the bottom of a magma flooded burial chamber as well as laying hands on a weapon that could survive the transfer of primal energy. Even adamantium melts under such pressure, but should someone manage the impossible they will be in possession of a weapon that can carve pantheons.
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thebonejunky · 1 year
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two hundred dead children and Jesus walk into a bar
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so-very-small · 3 months
the worst part of being a g/t fan is when you really get into a piece of Media, like a book or show or whatever. but all your friends who like The Media arent into g/t. and all your g/t mutuals have never heard of The Media before. so you’re just alone going nuts with sizey concepts no one you know could comprehend
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mothfrogshroom · 18 days
And then Augustine is embracing him, just as he has done countless times before. His arms wrap tightly around his shoulders and he presses his face into Johns neck. And then he sobs “you killed joy” into John’s ear. And for a moment John is living ten thousand different lifetimes at once. And they stand next to him in every single one, M- and A-, Mercymorn the first and Augustine the first, joy and patience, side by side again and again and again. And in ten thousand lifetimes they’ve only ever agreed with each other twice. And it scared the shit out of John both times. And that’s when he realizes that the three of them have hated and loved each other for millennia and no matter what they forget, no matter what he does to them. It will always be Mercymorn and Augustine, together, disagreeing and spitting and shouting and glaring and on opposite sides but always, always together. And he loves them, John loves them. But hes already lost them both. When John killed Mercy, he killed them both. They were like binary stars, they only ever really worked when the other was also there. He was clinging to a man already half dead. And they are being dragged down and down together. And for a moment John thinks that this might finally be how it ends. Him and Augustine and Mercy. Together. How it was supposed to happen that very first time.
But just like that very first time, they get to go together and John is left behind. And it’s not fair and it never was and now it never will be.
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someabsolutenonsense · 11 months
“Kiss Me Son of God” by They Might be Giants + John Gaius
(I have altered the punctuation in the last line in the name of art)
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fictionadventurer · 1 month
One mildly chilly day in August and suddenly I want to read every Victorian novel in existence.
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xraventhegreatx · 2 years
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tatzelwyrm · 6 months
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yarrowhark · 3 months
rip alecto you would’ve loves slay the princess
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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2,000-Year-Old Giant Panda Skeleton Unearthed in Grave of Chinese Emperor
While excavating the tomb of an ancient Chinese emperor, archaeologists unearthed the skeleton of a giant panda, officials said.
The skeleton, which was in good condition, dates back around 2,000 years, according to an Aug. 2 news release from the Chinese Archaeology Network.
The tomb it was found in belonged to Emperor Wen, a ruler in the Han Dynasty who lived from 202 B.C. to 157 B.C, according to the British Museum.
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Wen was “singular in many respects,” according to a 2018 study published in the journal Archaeological Research in Asia. “He is known for the reform of the empire, and for his ‘frugality’ and concern for his people.”
And unlike many other emperors, he declined to build a “burial mound,” instead opting to construct his tomb inside of a mountain, according to the study.
Inside this tomb — located in Xi’an, a city in central China — archaeologists uncovered an animal sacrifice pit, which housed the panda bones.
In Han Dynasty China, like many other ancient societies, the dead were buried with many material goods, so they could be enjoyed in the afterlife, officials said.
Animals, including the panda, would have been entombed as part of an underground royal garden for the dead.
Additionally, the internment of animal bones was used to display power and wealth.
The panda has long held a unique place in Chinese culture, according to the Chinese Consulate in Calgary. The black-and-white animals traditionally symbolized peace and were once believed to have medicinal powers.
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quantumcartography · 6 months
hi because im a normal human with normal feelings i made a playlist reimagining harrow the ninth by tamsyn muir as a They Might Be Giants concept album
thank you
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aftertheradar · 22 days
hi! sending out for someone who's more talented than me please? I have a fanart request. (If nobody wants to make this then i'll just wait till i have more money and commission it)
Also Spoilers for both The Locked Tomb Series, specifically Harrow the Ninth and Nona the Ninth, as well as Parahumans: Worm. i've been rereading them both and noticed a parallel between two characters and i want to use this (half joking) request for fanart as a way to talk about it.
anyway here's my idea: can you draw John "Jod•Emperor of the Nine Houses•The Prince Undying•The Great Resurrector•The Necrolord Prime•The Man Who Became God And The God Who Became Man" Gaius the First and Eidolon drinking tea and eating peanuts together? Maybe while the Ressurection Beasts and the Endbringers destroy everything in the background?
I'm already writing the fanfic to match it don't worry
edit had to fix a typo because my autocorrect always changes book 2 to "Harris the Ninth"... which will be my next crack fic project naturally.
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