#tonsured heads
sneez · 2 months
mr sneez u deserve a fuck ass mustache
I DO!!!!!!!!
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jeff-the-kills-you · 1 year
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jeff the killer tonsure
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corvidaedream · 1 year
my stupid old cat (affectionate) got an ear infection that caused some hair loss on her ears and head, and then, in the days between calling the vet & the actual appointment, appears to have sunburned her little bald ears by sitting in the sunny spot in the window too much
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why does christine casually tell us that everyone in the circle of steel shaves their heads and then just not elaborate. apart from that she can't talk
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druckers · 2 years
but you show him that TONSURED pussy...
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taemin-eternal · 2 years
i did it
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wizardmilfs · 27 days
the worst thing abt my hair is that can’t wear hoods at all or else my curls get totally flattened for like several days
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dullahandyke · 2 months
Mostly I respect kh3 larxene model despite loving her earlier sprites more but her hair is. Upsetting. Not that her hair isnt always upsetting, but the way it's textured here makes it look like it was plastered onto her scalp and then tilled like a field. Plus her antennae look less like antennae because of how ! Fuckin ! Flat they are ! Can we please God get her some shampoo
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[ID: a screencap of Larxene from Kingdom Hearts 3. Her hair is shiny and flat, with an astounding lack of volume.]
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cadmusfly · 6 months
looking at Bory de Saint-Vincent's correspondence now with the help of dodgy machine translation
Imbued with republican ideas, detesting the old regime, and excessively Voltairean, Bory could only see in the Spanish priests and monks, loyal to the Bourbons, whom he was tasked with fighting in the Peninsula, the worst enemies. His letter of April 13, 1809, written from Corunna to his old friend Bosc, attests to this. "The Spaniards," he said, "have come down from their exaltation. They now see the Bourbons and Fernando VII for what they really are. If things had been handled better, it could have been worthwhile. Today, in truth, only the monks, the priests, and the peasants are against us. I see an advantage in so many calamities, which is the total destruction of all the tonsured heads."
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asteroidtroglodyte · 4 months
I contemplate the Cheeseburger.
With a puff of smoke, a tiny version of myself in hooded black robes appears on one shoulder.
“Eat the burger” says the demon with a smile.
With an angelic chord, a tiny version of myself with a suit and a halo appears on the other shoulder.
“Eat the burger” says the angel “it will help you work hard all day long”
“Wait, aren’t you supposed to disagree with the demon?” I ask
“He’s a fucking Protestant” says a tiny version of myself in a brown robe and tonsure, clinging to my back like a beetle.
“Language” mutters the Protestant
“You are supporting the neoliberal imperialist power structures which oppress your class with each fast-food purchase!” Says a tiny version of myself wearing a little beret with a red star.
“How many of you little fuckers are there?” I ask incredulously.
“I wouldn’t think too hard about it, man” says the tiny version of myself in tie-dye staring wide eyed at the pattern on my shirt and waving his fingers in front of his face.
“Ok well I’m not listening to you, Festival Boy”
“You work hard man, you deserve the burger” says the tiny version of myself in a hard hat that pokes his head up out of my shirt pocket.
“I do, don’t I?”
[All nod in unison]
[takes bite of burger]
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linghxr · 1 month
Tricky words that differ between 普通话 and 国语
Usually tone and other small pronunciation differences between 普通话 and 国语 don’t phase me much. In context I don’t even notice 期望 qīwàng vs. qíwàng. But recently I stumbled across 颤巍巍 and realized that it’s a lot harder when both/all syllables in a word are pronounced differently!
Here are 8 words (including 颤巍巍) that sound pretty different in 普通话 and 国语 (definitely not exhaustive).
Format: 简体(繁体)普通话读音 | 国语读音 Simp. (Trad.) Putonghua pron. | Guoyu pron.
【1】 颤巍巍(顫巍巍)chànwēiwēi | zhànwéiwéi - trembling / swaying / flickering / tottering / faltering
【2】 血液* xuèyè | xiěyì - blood
【3】 差劲(差勁)chàjìn | chājìng - bad / no good / below average / disappointing
【4】 熟识(熟識)shúshi or shúshí | shóushì- to be well acquainted with / to know well
【5】 血迹*(血跡)xuèjì | xiějī - bloodstain
【6】 垃圾 lājī | lèsè - trash / refuse / garbage / of poor quality (this is probably the most well known difference!)
【7】 倏地 shūde | shùdì - swiftly / suddenly
【8】 惋惜 wǎnxī | wànxí - to regret / to feel that it is a great pity / to feel sorry for sb
Definitions are from MDBG.
*The pronunciation of 血 is all over the place. You can hear xuè, xuě, or xiě. I’m generalizing here, but I actually tend to say xuě.
Under the cut you can see some bonus words that I found (I didn’t include them since I have not seen/learned them).
【9】 夹击(夾擊)jiājī | jiájí - pincer attack / attack from two or more sides / converging attack / attack on a flank / fork in chess, with one piece making two attacks
【10】 突击(突擊)tūjī | tújí - sudden and violent attack / assault / fig. rushed job / concentrated effort to finish a job quickly
【11】 削发(削髮)xuēfà | xuèfǎ - to shave one's head / fig. to become a monk or nun / to take the tonsure
【12】 综括(綜括)zōngkuò | zòngguā - to summarize / to sum up
【13】 敛迹(斂跡)liǎnjì | liànjī- to refrain / to give up evil (temporarily) / to cover one's traces / to lie low / to retire (from view)
【14】 档期(檔期)dàngqī | dǎngqí - slot within a schedule / timeslot (for a TV program, a session with a photographer etc) / range of dates in which an event is to be held (film screening, exhibition etc)
【15】 质朴(質樸)zhìpǔ | zhípú - simple / plain / unadorned / unaffected / unsophisticated / rustic / earthy
【16】 血泊 xuèpō | xiěbó - pool of blood
【17】 稍息 shàoxī | shāoxí - (military) Stand at ease!
See similar posts: Who knew! These characters are pronounced differently in Taiwan Cross-strait tone differences
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odddogs · 2 months
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a bernedoodle with a baffling haircut
i'd like to believe this is simply a summer haircut but the funny bald head makes me worry it's a matting thing?? but who knows! perhaps brother bernie simply rocks the tonsure
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artifacts-archive · 9 months
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Bishop Chess Piece
The Bishop was introduced to the European chessboard in the 12th century, replacing the elephant of Islamic tradition. The substitution of a man of the church for an animal used in battle may seem curious, but medieval bishops frequently served with armies. That role is not on display here: the smaller figures probably represent men who served the Bishop in ceremony. An official known as a Reader holds the Bishop’s book. He has been tonsured—his hair shaven in a circle at the crown of his head. The man holding a staff and cradling his ear may be the Precentor, who was in charge of the choir.
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flagellant · 5 months
Would it be heretical to write a story about a Catholic monk who shaves his head into a tonsure, and is then immediately struck by lightning and when he reaches up to feel his head his hair is all suddenly back
That isn't what heresy is, no. Depending on how you frame it it might be considered blaspheming but frankly so is everything, it isn't hard.
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The older I get, the more I feel bad for the kids still in their edgy fatalistic pessimist phase. I mean man, did it suck being 14 going "pessimism is just realism, hoping for better things to happen just makes you suffer." Like sweetheart, being alive makes you suffer. Life hurts sometimes, it just fucking does that. You don't protect yourself from heat, frost, stubbing your toe or random death by hurting inside your head too.
This species has survived this far with the trial and error of idiots who were pretty sure that whatever they're about to try could work. Even whenever 9 out of 10 of those idiots died, their survival rate was still better than those who didn't try anything at all, and simply all died.
A good chunk of life is suffering. That is inevitable. A lot of suffering is caused by stupid bullshit. Stupid bullshit is also an inevitable part of life. If you do not engage in your own stupid bullshit, someone else's stupid bullshit will find you anyway. You're not smarter than everyone else for refusing to engage in stupid bullshit, that does not save you from suffering.
Sneering at the joy of others does not protect you from pain. Nothing will. Life is pointless, meaningless, and absurd, but the good part is that you can be that, too. Cut and dye your hair into a lime green tonsure and get at tattoo of a hippo getting devoured by a hot dog. You can't be immortal but you can at least be confusing.
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victusinveritas · 10 months
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Sir Derek Jacobi as the retired Crusader Knight come Benedictine Brother, Cadfael. Jacobi actually had his hair shaved into a tonsure during filming, instead of wearing a bald cap wig. Some actors felt that was a little too far; others had their own heads shaved.
Beside Sean Pertwee as Sheriff Hugh Beringar.
Great series of stories based on the novels written by the linguist-scholar Edith Pargeter (1913–1995) under the name "Ellis Peters."
In my family we always watched Cadfael on Christmas Eve. A) because it was on the local PBS station and B) because it had a monk and was therefore deemed Christmas adjacent. That it was also usually a murder mystery was just extra fun.
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