#tony and peter ficlet
s-horne · 1 year
There was a time when Tony had panicked about his future. 
He’d had Peter young, just a couple of years into a crappy relationship that had fallen apart long before their bundle of joy had come and couldn’t be fixed even by Peter’s cherubic smile. From the very first moment, Tony had loved his boy. There hadn’t been a moment that Tony had regretted the relationship that had led him to his son, or ever wished that things had turned out differently. Not when Peter had had a phase as a baby of not sleeping through the night if the temperature wasn’t exactly 78 degrees, not when he’d learnt to talk and hadn’t exited his “why” phase for weeks on end, not even during the long weekend when Peter had caught pretty much every bug floating around his daycare all at once. 
Parenthood was where Tony thrived but, through it all, he’d lain awake at night and longed for someone next to him that wasn’t 2 feet tall and not quite potty trained. He’d wanted a conversation with another adult that wasn’t hurried at the drop-off gate or about yet another late project at work, and he’d wanted an arm around his waist when he was dangerously close to falling asleep whilst making himself his first coffee of the day. 
Everything he wanted for himself, he also wanted for Peter’s sake. He’d wanted someone else to see Peter’s drawings and marvel over them as they went up on the fridge day after day after day. He’d wished for presents from a grandparent at Christmas and another parent who could calm them both down when Peter refused to sleep even as the sun started to rise on the horizon. 
Tony had spent years worrying that no one would take on a small child with an absent parent who could come back and cause a storm at any time. He’d never expected anything to come from a one-night stand when the lights had been turned on in the morning and all of Peter’s toys could be seen in their scattered glory. 
But, then again, Tony had never imagined Steven Grant Rogers. 
They’d decided early into their planning that they didn’t want to do a walk down the aisle. Neither of Tony’s parents would be there to walk with him and Sarah had gotten so tearful at the prospect of their engagement alone that they didn’t trust her to be able to see to walk down the aisle on the wedding day itself. 
What they had decided instead was to have Peter as the star of the show, with the rings safely in his possession as he walked down the aisle to both of his parents waiting for him at the altar. 
And, boy, did he steal the show. 
Tony watched with a wide grin as Peter all but skipped up the aisle, his tuxedo so little it was almost comical. Casting a glance to his left, Tony felt something ridiculously fond catch in his chest at the pure and unabashed expression of love on Steve’s face as his eyes tracked Peter’s dance. 
“God, look at him,” Steve murmured.
“He’s gonna drop those rings before we can get them,” Tony laughed. 
“Yeah, probably. But he looks cute, so I’m sure we’ll survive without them.”
Tony scoffed. Be that as it may, he wanted a ring on his finger.
All of a sudden, Peter let out a gasp and started running. “Grandma!”
A ripple of laughter made its way through the guests as Peter headed straight for Steve’s mother. 
“Oh, look at you, my darling,” Sarah crooned, bending down and smoothing a hand over Peter’s hair when he reached her. “You look so gorgeous, little man."
"Hi, Grandma!"
"Hello, my love," Sarah laughed.
"Wanna sit with you!"
"Of course, but first you have to give Daddy the rings. They're very important.”
Peter took Sarah’s hand in a tight grip and practically shoved the ring cushion in Tony’s direction without looking at him. Steve laughed loudly, his eyes still solely on Peter as well.
Tony might have been jealous if he hadn’t been so relieved. So, yeah, he thought to himself as he untied the rings from the cushion and handed them to the officiant, he really needn’t have worried after all. 
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heartsandmuses · 8 months
weekly lineup
for @stonyauniverse january week 3 // "nice try, canon"
for @warmandfluffybingocards // square: "free space"
marvel cinematic universe. tony stark/steve rogers. rated g. 1k.
canon-divergent au where steve and tony are still alive to lead the next generation of avengers.
— — —
Tony’s favorite thing about spending Sunday mornings in the Compound was watching Steve post the weekly team lineup.
“Alright, no pushing and shoving, this’ll be up here all week. You can take a look at it whenever you need to, okay?” Steve reminded everybody, though his gaze drifted pointedly toward the kids—the newer recruits—who were practically bouncing in their seats out of pure excitement. Slowly, Steve grabbed a Mjlonir-shaped magnet and stuck the roster in its usual spot on the fridge, backing a few steps away before he said, “Okay, it’s up! Go ahead, everyone. And remember — if your name’s at the top, you’re on-call this week, if you’re at the bottom, you’re on the reserve team, and if you’re not up there at all, you’ve got the week off.”
The words were like a starting shot, and despite Steve’s warning to take things slow, Peter, Kamala, and Kate all made a mad dash towards the list. Honestly, Tony was surprised none of them had knocked over any of the kitchen stools in their haste, though it seemed like Peter nearly tripped over himself on the way, his spidey-senses catching him just in time.
Steve looked over at Tony as if to say, can you believe this? even though he’d witnessed this exact scene play out countless times before. Tony just smiled behind his mug of coffee and offered a fond shake of his head to reply, I know.
It was a good system they had going on. Now that the rotating lineup of Avengers was growing every day, only about half the team needed to be on-call anymore, barring an actual end-of-the-universe level threat. And with so many newer, younger team members coming in, it only made sense to pair each of them up with a more experienced, more seasoned pro to learn the ropes. They trained together, they went on missions together, they learned from each other, and the next week, the newbies were partnered with someone else to repeat the process. It allowed them to hone different skills with different mentors, and see which personalities and powers meshed well together. 
It was certainly working out well so far, Tony had to admit. The newer Avengers were already starting to show a ton of improvement from all of the practice and mentorship, and the older ones benefited immensely from the occasional time off. Even if all the gods and super-soldiers around here weren’t slowed down by age, they still could use the rest — missions could be just as emotionally and mentally draining as they were physically, sometimes even more so.
In any case, it sure made things a lot easier than being on-call—and on edge—24/7. Besides, there was something to be said about having a general work-life balance, something that Tony wouldn’t have even dreamed of back in the early days. Now, he was finding that it wasn’t so bad, taking some time for himself. For the people he cared about.
He exchanged another glance with his co-captain.
“Come on, move over, I wanna see!” Kamala said, stuck peering over Peter and Kate’s shoulders, the shortest of the three of them.
“Aha! I got Natasha!” Kate said, finally moving out of Kamala’s way to give Nat a high-five.
“I’m with Thor!” Kamala announced, once she found her name on the roster. “Oh, this is gonna be so cool!”
"I've got Captain Rogers!" Peter glanced at Tony with a bright grin. “And— did you see, Mr. Stark? You're not up here this week!”
“I did see, Mr. Parker,” Tony replied with a laugh. “I made that list, y’know. Well, helped make it. If I had it entirely my way, Steve and I would both be getting the week off.”
His pointed look was met with a fond eye-roll, as Steve settled into the seat next to him. “We will, soon enough,” he promised, giving Tony a gentle pat on the arm in consolation. “Once we know that the trainees can handle themselves without us.”
“Hey, c’mon, give us some credit,” Kate scoffed. “We’ve been doing great so far!”
“She’s got a point there, Cap,” Natasha chimed in. “It won’t be the end of the world if you and Tony take a vacation. And if it is, we’ll call you back in.“
“Yeah, we’ve got things covered,” Kamala said confidently.
But before anyone else could offer up their two cents on the matter, the alarm went off overhead. Over the speakers, Maria Hill announced, “We’ve found a hidden HYDRA base operating out of the Catskills. All on-call team members and trainees report to the Quinjet immediately.”
Steve stood back up, just as the rest of the team turned their attention to him, waiting for orders. “Alright, Avengers, if you wanna prove something, now’s the time. Let’s give it our best out there,” he said, gaze softening as he looked over the newer recruits, then his husband. “And depending on how it goes, we can reconsider next week’s roster.”
Tony’s expression brightened, and he couldn’t help but lean in for a brief kiss, ignoring all of the feigned gagging from the rest of the team. When he pulled back, it was with a dazzling, determined smile. “Well, you heard him, everyone — suit up and head out! It’s time to kick some ass!”
Steve gave Tony a nudge. “You wanna do the honors?”
“Oh, no, you’ve got it, sweetheart. It’s your week, anyway.”
The anticipation in the room was nearly palpable as Steve cleared his throat. “Avengers, assemble!” he called, and everybody moved at once, rushing to get ready.
As always, the kids were the first ones out the door. 
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cowboysandpilots · 1 year
After Everyone is back from the blip, tony has sweet and romantic reunion with peter. Request
(I'm SO sorry!! This has been sitting in my drafts for AGES, and I thought I scheduled it to post, but I guess I didn't. I'm so sorry. I hope you still enjoy. 💕)
Peter didn't think that he would be back after what happened or that anyone would be really. He certainly never thought that he would ever see Tony again, and that mere thought had ripped his heart out when he was stuck... wherever he had been.
Of course, what actually happened was that Tony was the first person Peter saw. Even though he had superpowers and he could heal all on his own, he had been sent to the hospital because not everyone understood, and the people who did, knew that they needed to keep up appearances of him being just a regular teenage boy. They sent everyone who had been disintegrated by the blip to the hospital, even though the doctors and nurses were woefully unprepared for how to handle something like that.
Peter opened his eyes slowly to the sound of a monitor beeping far too loud for how much his head was pounding. The next thing he registered was the feeling of someone's hand in his, and that's what made him lift his head. Sitting right next to him, in a very uncomfortable looking hospital chair, was Tony Stark, Peter's mentor and secret boyfriend.
He had to squeeze his eyes shut for a second to stop the room from spinning, but when he opened them again, Tony had tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" His voice sounded foreign even to himself. It was way too rough and very obvious that he hadn't spoken in weeks. The burn made him reach for the plastic cup of water on the table next to him.
"I really thought we lost you, kid. I thought I lost you." He emphasizes.
Once Peter is done sipping his water through the plastic straw, he speaks, much more clearly this time. "You didn't lose me Tony. You can't lose me, you know that. Superhuman healing and all that." He tries to give a smile, something to help Tony see that he really is all right and that he can still joke and keep his spirits high, however he is very weak and he can barely hold with the way his lips quiver.
"Healing or not, I can still lose you if something happens that is impossible to heal, like you disintegrating into thin air, something like that." Tony tries to make his own joke, but just like peter, he couldn't keep it up for too long. He had spent so much time watching over Peter while he slept that he hadn't slept himself. He leans forward, threading his fingers through Peter's hair. "You should get some more rest. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."
Peter nods, soothed by Tony's hand in his hair but just as he's laying back down he speaks up again. "Wait, wait. I don't know how long I've been in here or if anyone's been looking after me besides you but I doubt they've been brushing my teeth for me so I would totally understand if you didn't want to... I mean I just thought—" Peter doesn't get the chance to finish his ramblings because Tony is already kissing him hard enough to bruise his lips.
He doesn't mind, and Tony doesn't mind the fact that, of course, no one has been brushing his teeth for the days that he's been unconscious; he's just happy to be able to kiss Peter again after thinking for so long that he would never get to again. They need each other much more than they need air, anyway.
✨REQUEST A COMMISSION✨ | Starker isn't on the list, but you can still commission them, of course.
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sergeantrosabellaswan · 3 months
The Selection, MCU crossover royalty AU
SUMMARY: Fifteen girls. Two princes. One crown. The competition of a lifetime.
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The arrow flew from my bow, quickly and silently making contact with the target, killing the deer instantly. Before the creature had even hit the ground, the Queen’s Bandits had pounced, knives out to cut dinner down to smaller pieces.
“That was a good kill, Rosabella!” Thor was quick to lavishly praise me, a hint of jealously shining in his eyes; his father had been one of the village hunters before he died three years previously due to bandits.
I leaned my bow onto the toe as my boot as I leaned forward, watching my little band of misfits hard at work. For the millionth time, I cursed King Joseph, if he could even be called a king; he had sworn to care for his people, but had neglected my small village by allowing bandits to invade us nearly every other week.
I ducked my head to pick at my threadbare blouse, all but see through due to one too many washings. My boots were no better- practically falling apart, with duct tape wrapped around the ankles and heels, making the sad looking footwear wearable- for the moment being.
I glanced around the dense trees nervously; even though I knew that the eight of us could take down bandits, should they dare to make an appearance, I was still wary out in these dangerous woods.
“Victor, do you think this will be enough for dinner, or should we continue hunting?” I asked quietly, speaking for the first time that day.
The red haired man quickly took inventory of the meat, skins, bones and organs, all which were tucked in heavy duty leather bags to make transportation easier on us all.
“I would get at least one more kill,” he answered with a simple shrug, his voice soft as well, waiting for me to make the call.
I nodded silently before turning, nodding to my close friends, who all quickly fell into line behind me; Sam, with his on the spot sense of humor and heavily tattooed body; Victor with his quick mind and even quick ability to do mathematics in his head on the spot; Thor, with his brutish strength and sweet, easy going nature; Loki with his graceful agility and ambidextrous hands, Pietro with his charming smile and sweet kisses; Peter with his nimble ability to quickly scale trees to keep a lookout for kills and bandits.
And then there was me.
Rosabella Swan.
I was skilled enough with many weapons, my main weapons of choice being deadly close combat and throwing knives and my trusty bow. My ability to skillfully hunt and my general distrust towards all except my Queen’s Bandits made my temper somewhat unpredictable; but what I lacked in social skills, I made up for in being the village sheriff.
“Loki, do you hear anything?” I asked, my voice coming out as a quiet whisper. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him tilt his head as he closed his eyes for the briefest of moments. His eyes shot open as he quickly took up the lead, taking up deeper into the wood on a heart thumping chase.
At long last, I spied our target, and I loaded my bow with an arrow and got ready to take aim. I breathed in silently before letting the projectile fly. A smirk took over my face as the deer fell, and once more, my Queen’s Bandits got to work.
I watched them work as I slipped back into my thoughts once more; da’s brutal murder still fresh on my mind. The hand that wasn’t holding my bow clenched into a tight fist and I had to stop myself from breathing heavily. My father had sent countless letters to King Joseph, begging for help in defending the village from bandit raids, only to get chirping crickets in response.
The king had da’s blood on his hands; if I should ever meet him, I would deck him and most defiantly break his nose. I honestly didn’t care if assaulting a member of the royal family was certain death, I knew I had to make the king feel what I had felt for the past three years.
He had worked so hard to make the capitol and all the surrounding cities and towns prosperous, so why had he ignored the little village of mine?
I was snapped from my thought by Loki standing in front of me and placing a gentle hand onto my shoulder.
“Are you alright?” he asked me softly, his hand rubbing a comforting circle into my skin. I smiled up at him before pulling away.
“Come on; we should be heading back now,” I called out in a soft voice, avoiding his concerned question. “I don’t feel safe this deep in the woods with bandits running underfoot once the sun goes down.”
“Following right behind you, sheriff,” Pietro said, his easy smile nearly making me swoon at my dark haired lover. I barely managed to stop myself from making doeful heart eyes at him as I turned, a light blush dusting my cheeks as I led the way, my boots silently marching through the underbrush and leaves.
I skillfully followed the subtle X’s that I had marked the trees with to help lead us back to the village, my eyes darting from every tree to every bush; it wouldn’t surprise me if bandits attacked us in the open.
I didn’t like being vulnerable; it only led to certain death around this neck of the country.
Within minutes, we were on the less traveled road that led to the village; I couldn’t help0 but notice fresh tire tracks in the dust.
“Careful, now,” I warned in a soft voice. “I don’t think it’s the bandits, but be sure to keep your guard up!” I’d didn’t have to turn my head to see that everyone was nodding their heads in silent agreement as I slowly led the way towards the only exit into the crudely fortified village.
I was about to round the bend when Thor placed a hand onto my shoulder.
“Wait here; I’ll go check it out,” he breathed into my ear before going first before I could kick up a protest.
Barely even a minute passed before he called out to us.
“It’s safe!” his booming voice nearly making me jump. I was first to go around the bend, where I saw a motorcade was all but blocking to entrance. As we approached, we all couldn’t help but notice a man in an expensive looking suit was arguing with the half dozen sentries who were guarding the village from bandits.
“Look, you going to have to wait for the sheriff to return from hunting,” one of the sentries was saying firmly over the other man’s blusterings, clearly done listening to whatever crap the he was trying to feed the armed sentry. I could only roll my eyes as I marched up to the front of the village with most of the male population of the Queen’s Bandits falling in behind me.
“Sheriff! Welcome back!” a second sentry called out in an annoyed tone of voice. “These blokes are trying to get in… some kind of official business… I’m sorry to say that I tuned them out after they mentioned something about royalty or whatever…”
“You’re the sheriff?” Mr. Fancy Pants asked in shock. “But you’re a girl!”
This made me stop and slowly turn to face him. I drew myself up to my embarrassingly short height before marching straight up to that sonofabitch and staring him directly in the eye.
“I am not a girl, I am a dangerous storm with skin that will destroy you unless you tell me what you Goddamned hillbillies think you’re doing in my village,” I hissed venomously, ignoring everything until Pietro placed his hand onto my shoulder, messaging my skin gently. My hand went up to his as I stared up at the messenger, who was clearly trembling in his spotless shiny boots.
“I’m afraid this is between King Joseph and Miss Rosabella Swan,” he sniffed delicately, making my blood boil at the name of the king.
“It would be a wise choice to state your business,” I growled, not at all amused with the colors that the man’s face was turning. “Right now.” When he didn’t answer, my volatile mood turned even further south. “Turn them away!” I barked before beginning to storm into the village.
The sound of a car door opening caught my attention and my hand went to the knife I carried at my back, my head turning to see who was emerging from the motorcade.
My blood went cold as King Joseph ambled up to the little cluster of people blocking the front of the village.
“You!” I snarled, beginning to charge towards the man who was responsible for my father’s murder; I was stopped by Thor and Loki, each grabbing a hold of my arms as two more men joined the king. I didn’t recognize them; one was a scrawny blond who looked like a gust of wind would blow him over; the second was a well-built man with dark hair that lightly brushed his shoulders.
I laughed bitterly at the shocked expression on everyone’s face.
“What brings such a murdersome king like you to my small village of Wakanda?” I asked with a deep scowl etched into my face.
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TAGLIST @cxptain
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winter-turtle · 2 years
Drowning In The Whispers
“Okay, this isn’t working. Out with it; what’s wrong?”
Peter’s head snapped up, dropping the screwdriver he’s been using to push the screws around. The very same screws that have been scattered across his workstation for weeks now.
The very same screws that would’ve been long used in some project by now if his mentee would be all right.
But he wasn’t.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Peter said. “Everything is fine, Mr. Stark.”
“Kid, don’t lie to me. Is that Flash kid bothering you again? Because I meant what I said about you saying a word and I’ll deal with it.” Tony had promised himself to never act like Howard, but some stern talking never hurt anyone, right?
“What? No! Well, yeah… uh, I mean no!”  he sputtered, voice swinging between soft and loud before his shoulders fell. He hung his head down, his hair shadowing his eyes. “Please, Mr. Stark, don’t cause any scene.”
Tony put aside his own tools, and with concern in his eyes walked to the boy. He eased himself onto the stool next to Peter with a long exhale. “But something’s wrong, isn’t it?” Tony put his hand on Peter’s knee. “I can see it. You haven’t acted like yourself in months.”
It started slowly. First it was the occasional skipping of lab sessions with an excuse of needing to study. A few weeks later, an occasional missed meal joined the mix.
“You think you hide it well, but people who care notice.”
I notice.
The newest tell was the way his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes like it used to.
“Pete, I’m worried about you.”
Peter covering his face was his only response. The kid Tony thought of as incapable of shutting up was now dead silent.
And then…
“It’s so quiet,” Peter whispered.
Huh? “I’m… afraid I don’t follow,” Tony admitted. It was never quiet in the tower. Nor in the school or streets.
“My head is so quiet.” Inhale, exhale. “Th-there used to be countless voices coming up with this-and-that idea, bouncing it around until I barely could tell them apart from each other. You know, like during rush hour, when the crowd is just roaring all around you, threatening to swallow you, so you lock onto one person to stay grounded. But now… now it’s quiet. They are all gone. And I feel like I can’t do anything without them.” The hands fell from his face, revealing tears shimmering in his eyes. “I miss them, Mr. Stark. I miss those voices.”
Oh. So it wasn’t any physical threat. It was the invisible monster.
Those were harder to deal with. They never appear all at once, no. They start small, slowly but steadily growing stronger and stronger until they are strong enough to start taking things from you.
In Peter’s case, it took away his creativity.
It’s been one shitty situation after another – first the kid’s uncle, then the whole thing with Toomes, then “dying” for five years only to reappear in the middle of a battle and seeing Tony almost die. The latest shitty cherry on a shitty cake was Beck revealing Peter’s identity to the world, which lead to him and May living in the Tower.
Through all those times, the kid kept a smile on his face, maintaining in illusion of seemingly handling everything. Seemingly.
“Come here,” Tony said in a hushed tone, pulling Peter into a hug. “We’ll fix it, kid,” Tony pressed a kiss on Peter’s forehead as he sniffed, “you’ll be okay.”
Tony understood. There was nothing worse than your head suddenly going quiet. It feels like losing a part of yourself. In Tony’s case, he’d tried to drown out the silence by partying and doing reckless things.
In the end, with the help of people who were always in his corner, Tony overcame it. Now, it was Tony’s turn to help. He hugged his kid harder.
“I promise.”
Many people are dealing with invisible monsters that are slowly eating away at them because of the pressure placed on them in school, work, or family. Me included. You can see it in the drop of posts. I miss my creative voices, but they're slowly and steadily coming back.
All those demands can feel paralyzing to a point where you no longer enjoy your hobbies or… well, anything. But rest assured, no matter how you feel at the moment, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if it seems impossible.
Keep fighting.
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@febuwhump DAY 19: “You Deserve This”
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker
Tony had no idea who his attackers were; they hadn’t given names amidst the clamor of curses and cries for “justice.” It probably didn’t matter. They got what they wanted, they had made him pay in blood for whatever grudge they held against him. Stampeding feet had crushed the air from his lungs, clambering hands had dragged him, ripping exposed skin open against the asphalt and when the great and powerful Tony Stark lifted his arms to shield himself…
There was a millisecond of hesitation from his attackers, expecting his repulsors to materialize and make a barbecue out of them. He had the nanotech on him; maybe he should have done it but today was an off day. In their frenetic, seething faces he had seen every vengeful victim of his past and for once he couldn’t bring himself to look away, at least not until one of the heftier men brought a work boot down on his head. Something audibly crunched, his vision went white and a wretched cough clogged his nose and throat with blood.
You deserve this. This and so much more.
For all the pain he had caused others in his time, this was nothing—but that wasn’t much consolation as Peter shoved an ice pack against his throbbing, mottled face.
“Nngh, son of a—!”
“Sorry! Sorry, sir, I know it sucks but just hold it there for a while.” Gnawing on his lower lip, he snatched some more pads of gauze. The gashes in Tony’s arms were still stubbornly oozing through the first few layers. “A-Are you sure you don’t want to call in one of your big name doctors? I’m not exactly qualified for this.”
“Goes to show how much I trust you then.” Through his swollen eye Tony could blurrily make out how the kid lit up at those rasped words, despite the situation.
“Well, I-I guess it’s not any worse than anything else I’ve had to treat after patrol.” Tony briefly stiffened again as he smoothed down the gauze and Peter’s sheepish smile faded. “It just…It shouldn’t be happening to you.”
Shouldn’t be you either. You shouldn’t even be here putting up with my bull. You’re only here because I know I can count on you to care when you shouldn’t. You deserve better than me.
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scarletjess · 2 years
Peter and Steve after the final battle in Endgame (a flashback in the fic I'm writing)
Peter was on his way out of the ruined compound, covered in his and an alien’s blood, when he got pulled over by a tired looking man in red, white and blue. “Mr Rogers!” Peter said, startled. He tried to pull himself back together in the face of complete exhaustion. “Peter.” He greeted. “I can’t say I’ve heard a lot about you, but I have seen you before. There was a photo of you at Tony’s.”
Peter didn’t know what to say. “You two made up?” It was a stupid question, completely insignificant in the face of Mr Stark’s death, but he couldn’t help it.
“I went round just before Morgan was born. Thought it was time to move on.” Peter had a feeling it didn’t work.
“Tony’s daughter.” “Oh.” Peter didn’t know how to react to that. He seemed to not know a lot of things recently. He was a relic of the past.
“Anyway, son, I wanted to give you this.” He held out a flash drive. “We’re planning the wipe all the information on how everyone was brought back, too dangerous to leave out in the open, but I thought you’d want to know.” Gesturing at the drive once again.
“Didn’t realise you knew how to use these.” Peter nervously joked, and suddenly Steve was seeing someone else in Peter’s place.
“I didn’t,” he paused, “Nat taught me.”
Peter wondered if this is what ‘moving on’ looked like.
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dadbabyyy · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audience Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel) Additional Tags: Queer Themes, Queer Education, Internalized Transphobia, Transmedicalism, Trans Peter Parker, Trans Tony Stark, Nonbinary Bucky Barnes, Nonbinary Vision (Marvel) Words: 1478
Peter teaches the Avengers all things queer and Tony struggles with some of the themes.
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copperpotts · 2 years
Koh-Fe-Bahr Starker Ficlet #2
These are not in any sort of order, and are just drafts/drabbles to get me comfy in this new AU of mine. I'm piecing everything together into a hopefully longer fic that I will post to ao3.
Peter was...happy. Some days were better than others, of course, the same was true for everyone. But overall he was happy. He had just turned 18 and was taking night classes as a freshman at NYU while working at the coffee shop during the day. It was a lot, but he was…he didn’t mind. It was fun. May needed his help, and he was more than willing to provide it. She had sacrificed so much in order to support him that he felt bad not doing the same for her, now that she needed him. Sure going to MIT would have been amazing, but it was far away, and May would have been alone. It was hard for May to pay the bills as a waitress, and honestly, Peter didn’t mind. 
Koh-Fe-Bahr was located in Stark Place, a large complex of interconnected high-rises and underground luxury shopping areas in downtown Manhattan, right on the Hudson. It was a bit of a hike from their apartment in Forest Hills, but it was an easy enough trip; a straight shot on the E train, no transfers required! Sure it took like an hour door to door but for NYC that wasn’t unheard of. All things considered it wasn’t bad. He usually just listened to music and watched the people around him. He grew to recognize the people who took the train the same times he did. They never interacted, of course, but it was comforting to see them. Just to know that there were other people out there, doing that same grind every day. 
Then of course there were the regulars. 
The coffeeshop mostly saw business workers in the mornings. In addition to the luxury mall, the Stark Place complex also housed fifty floors of Stark Industries HQ, which sublet its unused office space to a number of law and banking offices. Peter was aware of at least two magazines which had space somewhere in the complex, a fashion something he wasn’t very interested in (but that MJ liked to read sometimes), and a science and technology magazine (that Peter actually had a print subscription to).
All that to say: the regulars were something else. Everyone was attractive and well dressed. They got AMAZING tips. Sure sometimes a new partner at one of the law firms would get a little mouthy if he had to wait for his flat white, but Peter could always shut them up with a wink. 
Everything was fine. 
Except…as Peter looked down at the glossy red envelope in his hands, he couldn’t help but feel like his life was on the precipice of something big. 
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once again, we've reached a new year, and while I can't guarantee a new me who might actually release new fanfiction with some semblance of regularity, I can promise that I will keep writing and posting as often as my life allows. I want to thank all of you who read, like, respond and especially reblog my work, and I hope that you enjoy anything on this list you may of missed, and keep enjoying the new work I keep on posting. happy new year everyone!
full content warnings and content can be found on each individual post, and each fic is labelled for length. follow me on bartonstark to find all my fic in one place, or check out my ao3. smut/sexual content: *** personal favourites: ///
interlude (ficlet) *** you steal a heated moment with bruce in the lab.
keep quiet (ficlet) *** /// against his better judgement, bucky lets you seduce him in a public place.
warm embrace (ficlet) bucky takes pity on you in the cold.
appreciation (oneshot) *** /// you borrow clint's shirt and he shows you just how much he approves.
make your move (oneshot) /// you discover clint's real feelings for you and dare him to do something about it.
stay still (ficlet) clint comes to your aid after you're injured on the battlefield.
whatever you need (ficlet) *** /// after a mission gone wrong, clint gives you everything you need.
bubble bath (ficlet) sometimes, self care includes bubbles.
starving (ficlet) *** marc has alternate plans for dinner.
smile (ficlet) you distract natasha in the middle of a meeting.
chilly (ficlet) /// you're not quite used to just how cold it is in space.
rom-com moment (ficlet) *** even a storm can't convince quill to keep his hands -or his feelings- to himself.
raindrops keep falling (ficlet) a busted umbrella leads to a meet cute.
downpour (ficlet) *** tony has his way with you against a window as you watch the rain.
favor (ficlet) you convince tony to finally get some rest.
ink (ficlet) you surprise tony when he finally comes home to you.
missed you (ficlet) tony wakes you up in the middle of the night.
most people (oneshot) /// tony can't believe you're the kind of person who doesn't like hugs.
pride (ficlet) *** tony takes a lot of pride in what he does to you.
voice of reason (ficlet) in a reversal of roles, tony's the one to convince you to go to bed.
waking up with you (ficlet) *** tony has only one thing on his mind in the mornings.
ladies first (clint barton x natasha romanoff x reader) *** /// natasha has strict rules when it comes to play.
plaything (tony stark x marc spector x reader) *** /// you invite an old boyfriend to help teach your new one a lesson.
just to be nearby (peter quill x reader) *** /// months after the battle of earth, peter is still wallowing in his loss of gamora. he begins to find comfort in you.
just to be nearby
closer still
to ashes chapters (full series, this year's chapters in bold) *** /// after the snap, you volunteer to track down clint and bring him home. instead, you join him on his mission for blood and find yourself growing closer to him... prologue - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - more coming soon
tag list: @lovely-dreamer19 @wittyforachange @wefracturedmotivation @january-echoes @glossyloner @capitalnineteen @youclickedthislink @s0ftness @castieltrash1 @drakelover78 @queenoftheunderdark @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @lol-you-thought @sebbystanlover-vk @trekkingaroundasgard @mikariell95 @csigeoblue @abrunettefangirlnerd @babyblues915 @aar-journey @moistpotatobear @bellamyblakemorley @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @sentimentalalien @agustdowney @akumune @xxboesefrauxx @ccbsrmsf1 @patheticallysentimental @loki-is-loved @blue-chup @darsynia @katsies @youralphawolf72 @maenji @rhymesmenagerie @gwianasky @melaclintbartoncorner @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @marvelwomen-simp @bombardia @bellarkeselection @hollymac79 @dragon-chica
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iphoenixrising · 1 year
Masterlist 3
Tim-centric con't
Red Robin tweaks: BatDad & Boomerang | Fallen (What if Dick didn't catch Tim | Kon catches Tim
Tim Angst:The Wrong Robin (for 800 Followers) | Broken Trust 1 &Broken Trust 2 | Babe has feels | More babe feels | Broken Trust 3 | Merry Christmas, Timmy on Ao3, Angst with a happy ending | on Tumblr | Lazarus!Tim au: | Tim, fresh outta Gotham and heartbreak + Lewis Capaldi's "Someone You Loved"
Random 90’s YJ angst Original post | Follow-up | Broken protocols ficlet | Tim angsts to music | Earth 3/ Owlman angst | Hanahaki disease idea | JLA stops checking in
Tim Drake Week: Day 2: Sick Bird| Day 6 (Firefly fusion) | Day 7 (Injury/Healing)
Tim!X (AUs): Coffee Shop!AU | Tim the twisted Oracle | CEO Civilian!Tim from Prime Girl | And the post of aus | Prime girl Enchanted idea | Superpowers | Trans!Tim | Temperance: Temperance's Temptations on AO3 and art ! & Just Desserts | Vampire!Tim HC & for 600 followers! & Bite Kink (it's naughty) | in the future | Mute!Tim: One & Two & Three | Mer!Tim: Ideas & Scaring Dami & Damian & Art & Titans | Silver-Snow's Mer!Tim: Natant & Ideas
Kid!Tim: De-Aged!Tim: Not trusting the BatFam ... but the Titans | Kid!Tim works (Different ways Tim joins the Bats earlier):Tiny!Tim au on Ao3 | Kid!Tim is discovered by Robin!Jason & Window Seat & Tiny!Tim au: The Fever & Tiny!Tim and the Secret (for 500 Followers!) & Tiny!Tim and The Wrong Bus | Tiny!Tim and Tiny!Peter ask | Home for Tiny Birds (Convergence w/ NHFDB!Tim): One & Two | Jason's Death (HCs): One & Two & Three
Justice is Blind (Blind!Tim AU): on AO3 and some amazing art by the incredible poison-basil!!! | One | Two ("BatFam") | Three ("Waking Up") | Four | Five | Six (slight NSFW SuperBats) | Asks: Who All Knows & Ra's, Tam & WE, & Jason & Ra's & Tech & Tech and Tam
Converging the AUs:
"Feels" by iphoenixrising , a graphic by Miss Coco Chips | Convergence
Home for Tiny Birds: NHFDB!Tim visits Tiny!Tim
Fracture!Tim meets Talon!Tim & Dr!Tim | Sated (NSFW HC)
Fracture: the Multiverse & Future!AU
Boy All the Bad Guys Want:
Want | Battle for the Cowl, ScareRobin | Lex Luthor | Tim + Inertia + Superboy Prime | Prime: One & Two & Domestic Syndrome | Superboy Prime and Justice Lord Kon
Pamphlets: One (based on this ) & Two
Joker Junior: One & Two
Jean Paul One & Two
Talon!AU: in which Tim is a Talon & RR without Tim & Mindfuckery & Titans on the Hunt | Gray Son must Die (in which babe wrote most of the thing) & Functionally Immortal & Brainwashed, Hurting, Dissociating, Angry, and Lost & the Assassin & the Talon | Refuge w/ Shiva & A Killer | Rebuilt & vs Fracture!Tim
Dr!Tim (DickTimJay; in which Tim is a trauma surgeon and DickJay are vigilantes)
Meta: on AO3 | Art in which I cry with joy | How it all Began (light NSFW) | Follow-Up
The Mentor; The Suit; Med School | Hobbies & Tony (HCs) | Dick’s Acrobatic Talents (suprise!, it's smut!) | Steph & Batgirl | The Joker | Integration (HC) | Roof Rat | Wicked Way | Dr!Tim HC: Jason’s real pad disguised The original idea | le ask | ask 2 | ask 3
The Submissive & Safeword (HC) & Safewords Out & Sub-Drop | Not Safewording Ask | Annnd Consequences
London Bridge: is Falling & (Missing Scene) & Afterward w/ guest star, Tony Stark!
Headcannons and ficlets Four Times the Bats called Doctor Drake | What's in a Name (HC) | Ultimate Fanboy | Pet Project & Ra's (HC) | Dancing | Meet and Greet | Jealous!Dami | cute!Tim, overwraught!Dick (NSFW; adult themes)
That whole thing at Arkham Dr!Tim and Arkham Riots: One & Two | Arkham Breakout | But, that's not all Dr!Tim and Fear
Tony Stark in Dr!Tim: The Surgeon, The Captain, and the Soldier (for 600 followers!) | SteveTonyBucky (for 700 followers!)
BatFam Prompts, Drabbles, & Thoughts
BatFam headcanons: BatDad | Characterization | General & Dami | Robins & their Other Selves | Outlaws & Titans | Slade/Dick | Terry McGinnis | the Sads
Misc Ficlets: Accents & Motherhenning | Bats & Birthdays | Concussion Confessions | GenderBend | Robins & the Cold | Staypuff | Training ("Hilarity Ensues") | DickTim & a fight & Robin Cuddles | "Let Sleeping Robins Lie" (for 100 followers!) | BatFam & Tim with a Cold | Tim/Clark for Tim Drake Birthday Hunt! (NSFW) | Tim/Clark ask
Interest (see also "DickTimJay: Destroyed")
Soulmates (Robinpile) | Part 1 | Part 2-ish | Here’s an ask | Aaand another | And a third | And a post-fit ask that broke my heart
BatFam Big Bang: on AO3 Day 1: Cuddles | Day 2: Sick | Day 3: Fight! | Day 4: Vacation | Day 5: Nightmare | Day 6: Best Rescue | Day 7
Fic Recs: Funeral & Dr Oz by awkwardbluefish Calling It by reallyautomaticvoid
Headcanons: on Tim & Shiva | Characterization | as a Boyfriend and NSFW specifically w/ Jason and also with Dick
Dami and ...: Dick & Tim at the Arcade | Tim & Don't panic, but we accidentally got marries | Comfort | Robin's Redemption (for 400 followers!)
Fic Rec: DamiTim by hauntedlittledoll
DamiTim Nurse Tim! Robin!Dami WIP on Ao3 | Concept | Alph!Dami/Alph!Jon/Omega!Tim: The original ask| Tim & Dami
Night Sky
Jason Todd's mouth & Languages (HC) | Jason's Accent & its inspiration
v. the Pit and then I saw Counting Bodies like Sheep
Misc: Jason, the Outlaws, and the Joker | Crochet | RHatO #25!UA | Silence (tw warning: major character death) | Bottom Jason Todd Week: Daddy Kink, Rare pair Jay/Thomas Elli Heavy in your Arms: One & Two (Angst; Based off the song with the same title by Florence + the Machine)
Forward Momentum (MCU Steve/Bucky eventual Steve/Bucky/Tony): on AO3 | Nice Things | Steps | Family | Why aren't you an Engineer? | The Situation | Coffee | Observation | Hurt/Comfort (for 100 followers!) | Medical (HC)
Marvel AOB Attempt: One | Two | Crossroads | Three | Tony & Omegas | Tony & Heat
MCU crossovers: Fracture/Forward Momentum fusion The original idea | Aaaand part 2 |Tony is a bro in the crossover verse | What if crossover verse | Tim stays in the MCU and goes out as Robin | One shot: Tony and Bucky visit Tim in Gotham - different crossover verse | Bonding with the Avengers
Miraculous Ladybug Play | The Way to His Heart
Check Please!Check Please WIP | WIP 2
Voltron: all because of satire-please Team Dynamics | Left Behind | Waking | You, Not the Lion
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madeforstarker · 3 months
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Moodboard and Ficlet written for @pparkerbingo prompt: TONY STARK ♡
Warnings: horror themes, dark themes, mentions of shapeshifting entity.
W/C: 520 | A/N: Parker helped me with the difference between a drabble and a ficlet. Thanks for being patient with me with all me questions bud, love ya. ♡
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Peter is tired and he wants to go to sleep as soon as possible. His day was a wreck, from unending and uninteresting classes at NYU and his patrol that lasted hours due to some guy wearing a unicorn leotard claiming he’ll reign over New York with his mighty rainbow of darkness.
Villains are getting creative these days.
All Peter wants to do right now is grab something to eat and probably cuddle with his boyfriend. If his boyfriend is at the penthouse right now. Tony’s been pretty busy with the relaunch of the Weapons Manufacturing Department of SI that will be monitored under the watchful eye of Colonel Rhodes.
He gets off the elevator and steps into the penthouse, making his way straight to the kitchen to grab some cool cola. He was about to grab his sandwich out of his bag when he felt his skin rise with a foreboding feeling.
Tony steps into the kitchen with a raised brow, “hey, kiddo,” he says, making his way towards him, pressing a kiss on his temple, and inhaling.
Peter sighs, feeling his body relax, it’s just Tony.
“Hey, love, where’d you come from?” Peter asks as he finally takes out his sandwich.
“Oh, you know, here and there,” his boyfriend says as he takes out something from the fridge, “you want to watch a movie in the bedroom?”
His eyebrows perked up, “oh, sure! That sounds like a good plan. Just let me finish my sandwich, love.”
“Alright, honey, I’ll wait for you there,” Tony whispers gently, kissing his temple again.
As the man walks out, Peter calmly eats his sandwich while taking sips from his cola as he scrolls through random Tiktoks. His eyebrow raised when Tony’s name flashes on the screen.
Why is his boyfriend calling him when he’s just in the bedroom?
Reluctantly, Peter answers the call.
“Hey, baby,” Tony says as the call connects, “my flight got delayed and the jet just took off, I’ll be home in three hours, are you at the penthouse already?”
Peter pressed a trembling hand to his chest as if that would do anything to slow his racing heart. His eyes were crazed, darting around to look at the shadows of the room. He had a tight knot forming in his stomach.
Oh god.
“Babe? Are you okay?” Tony asks from the other line.
Peter’s throat was dry. No matter how many times he swallowed it did nothing to relieve the uncomfortable feeling as the Tony he had interacted with a few minutes ago stepped into view.
A smirk on his handsome face.
His muscles screamed at him to leave, but he couldn't bring himself to move. He stared at the face of his boyfriend hauntingly.
"You can start screaming if you want, but no one will hear you,” The Tony says with the same wonderful voice his boyfriend had.
“Peter? Who’s that? Are you in trouble?!” Tony asks worriedly over the phone.
Peter wants to activate his suit— do something, anything.
But he was numb as the person— the thing, sheds off his skin.
So, Peter screams.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 6 months
When Peter parker's famous boyfriend tony stark returns from a two weeks mission or business trip, he decides to treat him. smut please. Buttom power! peter riding tony
What a boy wants
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AN: Well here’s a smutty little ficlet for you. I’ve decided this is set in my 'A place on earth' universe, because why not? As always, aged up Peter Parker.
Not beta’d, so sorry for any rogue commas.
Master list | Series Master list
Summary: If you’d asked Tony yesterday which one of them was ‘in charge’ he would have said it was him, but at this moment he was starting to reconsider that assumption. Peter was fully at the wheel this time and Tony was definitely only along for the ride, something he was getting more comfortable with second by second.
Relationship: Peter Parker x Tony Stark.
Word Count: 1.3k
CW: Explicit Sexual Content, implied use of sex toys, anal sex, cock riding, power bottom!Peter, Nipple clamps, Cream Pie, Clothing disparity.
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Tony had barely stepped out of his suit before the slim, but muscular body of his boyfriend barrelled into him.
“I missed you,” Peter mumbled into his chest.
Tony wrapped his arms around Peter’s frame and rested his cheek on the top of Peter’s dark curls. “Missed you too, baby boy.”
Peter tilted his head and Tony raised his own so he could look down at his angel. “Not as much as I missed you,” came the emphatic reply. Peter’s eyes were deep pools of raw emotion and Tony was so hypnotised by them it took him a moment to realise two things. One, Peter was steering him backwards, a fact that he was only really aware of when the back of his legs hit the couch and he tumbled down onto it. Two, Peter was wearing his short silk robe and only that.
Tony landed on the couch with a soft oomph and immediately Peter was climbing up onto him, straddling his thighs and using his nimble fingers to work at Tony’s fly with a determination bordering on obsessive.
“Hey, baby. Slow down. What’s the rush?” He tried to sit up, but halted when Peter looked at him, one eyebrow raised. 
“Anthony Edward Stark. You’ve been gone for two whole weeks. Since we got together the longest I’ve gone without you filling me up is forty-eight hours.” Peter glanced down as he freed Tony’s cock and licked his lower lip. “I ache for you Mr. Stark.”
Tony’s eyes rolled back as Peter let out the honorific and he started to pump Tony’s cock which didn’t seem to have an issue with getting with the programme, despite the fact that a part of his brain thought Peter was a little shit for pulling out the big guns to get his way.
However, Tony would admit that the way that Peter was so unashamedly going after what he wanted was doing something to him. If you’d asked him yesterday which one of them was ‘in charge’ he would have said it was him, but at this moment he was starting to reconsider that assumption. Peter was fully at the wheel this time and Tony was definitely only along for the ride, something he was getting more comfortable with second by second.
Having brought Tony to full hardness at record speed, Peter let him go and threw off his robe. He was, as Tony had thought, naked underneath, except for a pair of gold and red clamps joined by a chain, which made his small nipples puff up as they squeezed them. Tony couldn’t help but skim his palms up Peter’s sides and then rub his thumbs over the two stiff peaks, watching his lover shudder with sensation, before he stared down at Peter’s straining and dripping cock.
“Petey,” he sighed, full of lust, love and amazement for his boy. Peter leant forward and pressed his lips to Tony’s and Tony lost himself in the sweetness of the kiss, not even registering that Peter had taken hold of his cock again until he felt it being enveloped by a warm wet heat. He jerked in surprise and opened his eyes as Peter groaned and fully seated himself, his eyes still closed.
“Holy shit, Peter. Are you okay?” Tony felt panic and then confusion rise within him. They hadn’t done any prep and there wasn’t any lube in this room, but Peter didn’t feel dry and overly tight - quite the opposite - and Peter wasn’t crying out in pain either. In fact he looked entirely blissed out.
Peter smiled and gently rocked atop Tony’s cock.. “So okay, Mr Stark. Friday told me when you set off for home, so I opened myself up and got myself ready. I’ve been slowly fucking myself with that dildo you bought me for the last thirty minutes. Made my little boy-pussy all wet and slippery, so I could take you in straight away. Almost came so many times, but I’ve been saving it. I needed to feel you inside me.”
Peter lifted himself up and started to fuck himself, and all Tony could do was look up in awe, desperately trying to burn each erotic movement onto his retinas. Peter was resplendent -so self-assured - as he just took his pleasure from Tony’s body. He let out little sighs and moans as he moved up and down and stirred his hips.
“Feels so good, Mr Stark. Love the way you fill me up.”
“Fuck, baby. Where did this dirty mouth come from?” Tony asked, still not fully believing that his sweet boy was being so commanding.
“Been dreaming about you ‘n’ decided I wanted to be selfish when you got back. Just want you to lie there and let me have this. You can take it can’t you, Mr Stark? Just let me ride you and ride you until I want to come?”
All Tony could let out was a garbled moan before he bit his lip, tightening his hands on Peter’s hips as he willed his orgasm to build slower. He wanted to make Peter happy. He always tried to let his boy finish first, but this time it felt even more important that he succeed. He thought that closing his eyes again might help, so he wouldn’t be able to see the erotic  juxtaposition of a naked Peter wantonly riding his own clothed body, but it just made everything worse. All his other sensations were suddenly amplified. Peter’s breathy sighs and the salacious, wet, slapping sound of him taking Tony over and over filled his ears. The exquisite push, pull and squeeze on his cock was the only thing he could feel. It was getting too much.
“Peter,” he whined. “Please. I’m so close.” 
“I’m almost there too, Mr Stark,” Peter replied between pants. “Pull on the chain.”
Tony fluttered his eyes open again, trying to focus on the delicate gold links swaying between Peter���s small but defined pecs. He reached out, snagging the chain between the thumb and first two fingers of his right hand, and gave it a cautious tug. Peter let out a deep moan and his body clenched down, making Tony choke back a cough.
“Again,” Peter commanded. “Harder. And when I come I want you to fuck up into me as hard as you can.”
Tony nodded dumbly and then pulled on the chain again, slowly drawing it back towards him and watching how Peter’s nipples lengthened, until his concentration was broken by Peter’s loud shout and the feeling of Peter’s channel starting to spasm as his orgasm took hold. With Peter’s cum splashing all over his shirt, Tony let go of the chain so he could grip Peter’s hips firmly, plant his feet, and start to thrust up. 
Tony started to come almost immediately. He felt the way his balls drew up and the way his cock swelled inside the tight clutch of Peter’s body. His own cry of pleasure mingled with Peter’s as he rode out a wave that felt never-ending, pouring himself inside of his lover. 
Peter collapsed over him, and Tony shifted his hands so he could stroke Peter’s hair with one hand and his back with the other.
“Damn, Petey,” he gasped out. “That was… Wow!”
Peter lifted his head and opened one eye, looking up at Tony. “You liked?”
Tony dropped a kiss onto Peter’s smooth, unwrinkled forehead. “I loved,” he confirmed.
“Does that mean I can be bossy more often,” Peter asked with a smile.
“Baby boy, you can be as bossy as you like, as often as you like, if that's what comes from it. But for now, I’m gonna lay down the law and say that we need to go and have a shower. I also need to burn this shirt - I don’t think it’s salvageable.”
Peter giggled, his voice bell-like. “It’s a good job you can afford to buy more, because I have a feeling a few others might get ruined.”
“Bring it on, baby. Bring it on.”
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Tag list: @doasyoudesireandlive, @endlesstwanted, @marvelstarker-mha98, @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989
Join my tag list here
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starksvinyls · 24 days
Ficlet: Cheesecake
Rating: Gen Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Domestic Fluff, Dessert & Sweets, Ficlet, Not Beta Read Summary: Peter baked a cheesecake. Notes: for @thisorthatevents for the "dessert" prompt on my TSTOT card + @pparkerbingo sfw card O1 "lunch" (cards below the cut)
When they were done eating, Peter hopped of the stool and collected their plates. "Don’t run off, I made dessert." 
"It’s not date loaf is it?" Tony asked, a bit warily.
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preromantics · 7 months
Cleaned up the ask box ficlet from last night and added a few hundred words. :)
Two Sides Peter/Tony, E, ~3,000 words In which Tony builds a superhero glory hole as a joke, and Peter spends too much time wondering if it's really a joke at all.
He makes a split-second decision, borne of too many late night fantasy scenarios to count. It’s easy to walk past the treadmill and cross to the other end of the facility, past the boxing rings.
It’s easy to walk down the line of shower stalls, the overhead lights pinging on instantly as he walks further and further, steps getting quicker.
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writingfanficsfan · 1 month
@soprompt had a new prompt that I thought was fun so have a little Tony/Bucky ficlet.
"Can we skip the fight this time, please?"
“Oh. I don’t know, James. This situation seems like a valid reason to have a fight. Because it’s clear you like a fight.” 
“I didn’t start it, Tony. I wasn’t the one doing a wonky spell and trying to bring aliens back to Earth, again. Do you even realize how insane that sounds?” 
“Please. Aliens trying to invade Earth is nothing. Been there, done that.” 
“Then why are you angry?” 
“I can’t believe you’re actually asking me that question right now.” 
“What was I supposed to do? Just sit there and wait?!” 
“You could have let me handle it.” 
“I did let you handle it, just not alone.” 
“And there is the reason why I’m angry and the reason why we are not skipping the fight.” 
“I am not letting you go out there alone, fighting some crazy madman and his army of crazy aliens!” 
“It was barely an army, James!” 
“It was enough.” 
“I’m not the one bleeding right now. What the hell were you thinking?” 
“I was thinking I needed to help you out. Why aren’t you berating Steve? Or Peter? I wasn’t the only one out there.” 
“They didn’t jump in front of me when one of those crazy aliens fired a purple beam at me. Seriously! You didn’t even know what it was! You could have been killed!” 
“But I wasn’t! And neither were you.” 
“This isn’t about me! Do you have a death wish? Is that it? Do we need to contact a therapist?” 
“What? No, of course not. No, Tony. I don’t have a death wish!” 
“Then why the hell-”
“Because I need to protect you! Dammit, Tony! You’re just a human underneath all those nanobots and tech! You could have been killed 10 times over today and I don’t care how mad it makes you, I will always jump in front of whatever it is that tries to hurt you. Damn you, Tony! You have no damn idea, do you?” 
“No damn idea about what? That you’re an idiot and have even less self-preservation instinct than Steve? Yeah, I’m starting to get that.” 
“For a genius, you can be infuriatingly oblivious.”
“I am never- hmmp.” Bucky grabbed Tony, kissing him hard and demanding. Still half high on adrenaline from the fight. He smirked into the kiss when he felt Tony’s body go limp against him, opening his mouth, and letting out a soft moan when their tongues found each other. 
“Do you get it now?” Bucky grunted, his body feeling on fire, cock already throbbing inside his pants as Tony leaned against him, for once lost for words. Bucky smirked, licking his lips and Tony’s brain came back online, trying to push Bucky away but not getting him to move a millimeter. 
“That. That still doesn’t give you a right to throw yourself into danger.” 
“It does. Nobody is ever going to hurt you again, Tony.” 
“You can’t promise me that. I don’t want you to promise me that, James.” 
“I just did and I can. Anyone who tries to harm you will have to go through me. And it’ll be the last thing they ever do.” James swore and a ripple of excitement ran down Tony’s spine, settling at his groin. 
“You- You shouldn’t say stuff like that.” 
“Just telling you the truth, Sweetheart.” Bucky whispered, stroking Tony’s cheek, seeing the disbelief in his eyes. 
“You could have been killed, James.” 
“But I wasn’t.” 
“Not now no. But if you keep doing stupid shit like this-” 
“As if you have never done stupid shit on the battlefield. Besides, if it saves your life then it’s worth it.” Bucky said and Tony swallowed, eyes starting to tear up. Bucky frowned, catching one of the tears falling before pressing their foreheads together, wrapping his arms securely around Tony’s waist. 
“I don’t want you dying for me, James. That’s-”
“I won’t. I’m a super soldier remember? It takes a lot to bring me down. Can we stop fighting now? I really want to kiss you some more.” 
“This discussion isn’t over, Buckaroo. Steve is going to-” Tony gasped when Bucky lifted him off the ground and kissed him. Before Tony could even protest Bucky was carrying him towards the bedroom, distracting Tony with his mouth the whole way there. Okay fine, maybe for right now they could stop fighting about it. 
The end. 
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