#took a break from unpacking so i can finish this
yelenaslyubov · 21 hours
Be My Baby
main masterlist || florence pugh || requests
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pairing: florence pugh x fem!reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ warnings: MINORS DNI (18+), smut, reader receiving, fingering, reader starts story married to a cis man!, cheating
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ description: (inspired by florence’s new shoot with vogue and set in the mid-to-late 1900s), after moving to the suburbs for a quieter life, your next door neighbor turns out to be a sweet surprise. infatuated by her personality, you make it your mission to get to know her better, even if that means breaking the rules.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ word count: 2.8k
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A thinly paved road and bushels of trees flew past on either side of the car. Being away from the city was a dream at last, as you had begged your husband for years at the opportunity. Now, he had the chance and he took it.
It was just as you had pictured it; perfectly wooded with plenty of neighbors around to keep you company. Your husband would work in the city, which was about an hour drive, but it was what you asked for with easy living.
As you neared the end of the road, you passed a large house coming up on the right. The sharp home was white with plenty of wood finishes. It seemed to fit just right in front of the trees.
Just like you remembered, your house was the last on the road and it looked just like the pictures you had seen in the mail. The accents of stone and black trim were to die for, and you knew the inside would be an even better satisfaction.
The car pulled into the driveway and it stopped with a squeak. The smile on your face could not be disguised. Your husband opened his own door but regretted not opening yours as well. Your smile faded as you helped yourself out of the car.
“Well, I hope it is everything you’ve dreamed of because I spent a pretty penny on it.” Even the sound of his voice repulsed you more than you could ever imagine.
Truthfully, this was all for you. You knew that getting the dream house you wanted allowed you to be in peace for most days. Your husband traveled for a living which left you in solitude to your heart's content.
When you walked into the house, boxes of your belongings littered the floor. The movers had gotten there the day before you and dropped everything off. The only thing put together was your bed, thank goodness.
“Hopefully this can all be unpacked by the morning, I need to leave tomorrow early for the airport,” your husband said.
“So soon?” you asked with an undertone of happiness.
He shot you a glare. “Yes, so soon. I couldn’t imagine you would understand.”
And so, the night was spent listening to records on vinyl after you were able to find the turntable, while each of you made a silent effort to unpack your life. By about midnight each of you called it quits and decided to go to bed.
Your bed felt just like it always had, but with a new view. Your eyes fluttered shut as you watched the tall pine trees dance in the breeze swooping by. How lovely it was to finally be surrounded by nature.
By morning your husband had already left with no trace but a simple note at your bedside that read “car delivery this afternoon. I will see you later.”
Later. Later could mean anything, so you anticipated hours or even days that he could be gone. Without a car until the afternoon left you stranded at home with no food, which seemed just like him.
You stumbled out of bed and threw your green, silk robe around you as you shivered. You nearly jumped at the sight in front of you in the mirror. The move had clearly been rough, with your disheveled hair and mascara smudges painted under your eyes. Luckily, with the unpacking you did last night you had just enough collected to take a shower and make yourself more presentable.
You made your way into your new bathroom that was covered with baby pink tile, along with a toilet and bathtub to match. You reached for the dial in the shower, but just before you were able to turn the water on you heard the doorbell ring. You waited a moment just in case you misheard, but it rang again.
Living in a new place called for precautions because you did not know what you would find behind the front door. You hoped for the car delivery, but you assumed that was slim.
You approached the door and peaked out the window beside it; no car. You walked closer to the door and jumped when the doorbell rang again.
“Hello?” a sweet voice spoke from the other side of the door. A woman.
Your chest became a bit lighter when you realized it was a woman. You wrapped your robe tighter around you since you did not know exactly what to expect when you opened the door.
The lock snapped to the left with a pop and you opened the door to reveal a blonde haired woman.
“Good morning! Oh, I’m sorry if I woke you up!” she exclaimed.
“You didn’t wake me, it’s no problem at all,” you responded.
You felt severely underdressed standing in front of her. She was wearing a light blue dress with white trim and shoes to match. Her hair was cut shorter but you could see the curls that were meticulously curved above her forehead. You became very distracted by the way she presented herself and the pretty smile she had.
“I saw you get in last night and thought I would just bring something over for you from my family. My husband and I live in the house on the right through the trees.” You looked in the direction she was pointing and it turned out to be the house you noticed when on the road last night.
“Oh my, well thank you very much, I appreciate that!” Your new neighbor handed you the glass dish of food. “My name is y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to meet you.” You held out your hand for her to shake.
“My name is Florence Pugh, it’s wonderful to meet you. It’s nice to have a friendlier face around here, most of the women I’ve met have been absolute vultures, but I can tell that we’ll get along just right,” she giggled and it warmed your heart.
“I appreciate you coming and introducing yourself to me. I’m new to the area and don’t know a soul, so having some company around here will be so lovely,” you expressed.
“Anything, my dear. Well, I best get back home and leave you to your day.”
You hesitated to protest her departure. “Well, my husband travels for work and I’m not sure when he will be back, so if you’re not up to anything…”
“I’ll be back in an hour to help unpack!” she said.
“You’re too kind, I appreciate you, and this food,” you laughed.
“It’s no problem at all! I’ll see you in a flash!”
She was gone just like she had come and you couldn’t help but watch her leave. The flow of her dress rocked back and forth with her hips and her hair bounced as she walked.
You went back inside and tried to resume as you were. You put the food in the fridge and tried to contain your excitement for the dinner you would be having.
That day, Florence came back over and helped you unpack for the rest of the night. You shared your stories with one another and laughed until your stomachs hurt. A real friendship began to blossom between the two of you, which helped with your boredom.
A couple months went by and your husband had been back to the house a couple times before traveling again for work, and Florence never left your side. You saw your friend almost each day and adored every second spent together. She made your world feel less lonely just by being there.
One morning while your husband was gone, of course, you decided to take a walk over to Florence’s house to see her. You noticed her husband stomping to his car with a look that could kill. He got in the car and drove away with only dust behind him. You tried to stay hidden until he was down the road, then you approached their house.
You knocked on the door and heard footsteps hurrying towards you. She opened the door and she was crying.
“Oh Flossie, what’s the matter? Is everything alright?”
She sniffed and wiped away her tears. “Yes, I’m alright.”
“You’re not alright and you know it.” You slid inside past her, closed the door, and took her hand while dragging her over to the couch. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“We’re just having marital problems, that’s all. Just a rough patch.”
“You’ve seemed off the last couple weeks, so I wouldn’t say it’s all marital problems,” you said.
You poured the two of you a glass of white wine and brought out your box of cigarettes, offering one to Florence as well.
“Y/n, it’s 8 in the morning, we can’t drink yet!”
“Says who?” you smiled, which made Florence smile back.
The two of you talked for a couple hours and Florence poured her heart out to you, all of it that she could at least. She explained the indifferences between her and her husband, as well as her own personal indifferences.
You placed your hand on top of hers and squeezed it. “I’m sorry you have to do that all on your own,” you said.
“Believe me, you being here helps more than you will ever know.” Florence smiled at you, her kind eyes meeting yours and getting lost in each other.
She had been looking at you longer than anticipated, but you couldn’t seem to look away. Florence looked from your eyes to your lips; back and forth, and back and forth.
Before you could control either one of your impulses, each of you were leaning in close, meeting each other in the middle. Her lips found yours so easily and you closed your eyes. You couldn’t believe the comfort and softness you felt for her, even in this unexpected moment.
You were so wrapped up in the moment that you hadn’t realized what was actually happening. Florence seemed to gain consciousness the same time as you and you both pulled away quickly.
“I- I’m so sorry y/n, I don’t know what overcame me!” Florence said frantically.
“Please, don’t apologize, Flossie, it’s alright. Just calm down.”
Florence was pacing around the room, anxiously picking at her hands not knowing what to do. “This is so unlike me, I’m so sorry,” she kept apologizing.
“Florence!” you tried to get her attention. “It’s alright, I promise. No harm done.”
You grabbed her hands so she would start to calm down a bit. You smiled at her to reassure her that all was well.
“I believe you then,” Florence smiled. “You better be going, I’m sure you have things to do.”
“When do I ever have things to do?” you laughed.
“Well, you know…”
You could tell that one way or another, Florence was trying to make you leave, so you decided to go ahead and go before she kicked you out.
“You’re right… I should get going. I’ll see you later on, Flossie. You take care of yourself, you hear?” She nodded in response and you left her standing in the middle of the living room.
As you got home, you felt confused and disoriented as to what happened. You had to admit, you didn’t hate it, but you knew it was wrong. You both had husbands and you were both… women. Even with the doubts and differences in your mind, you couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Florence didn’t leave your mind all night, or for several days for that matter. You figured you were better off leaving the two of you with some space after what happened. Florence was clearly shook up about it and you didn’t want to push her. You wanted her to come to you first; and that’s exactly what she did.
One day, a couple weeks after the incident between you and Florence, you had just finished up cleaning the kitchen and vacuuming the house, so you decided to hop in the shower to clean up.
It happened almost the same as it started between the two of you. Before you had the opportunity to shower, your doorbell rang. You answered it to find Florence waiting for you.
“Hello, I thought I would stop by and see how you’re doing, but I can see that you’re busy-”
“Flossie, please don’t go,” you begged.
Florence stopped before she could leave. “I’ve missed that— ‘Flossie.’”
“I’ve missed you,” you smiled. “Come in.” The two of you made your way to the couch and sat down.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been by, I’ve just been… thinking a lot and I just feel bad for that day.”
“Please, don’t apologize anymore,” you told her. “It was just something silly in the moment, it meant nothing.”
Florence’s head dropped and she looked down at her hands. “Right, it meant nothing.”
You looked at her and saw the sadness that she expressed. You took her hand and she looked back at you.
“Unless… it did mean something?” you asked. Instead of sadness, her eyes were hopeful, just like yours.
“I know it’s not right, but I can’t seem to help it. I can’t stop thinking about you,” Florence said.
It was more forced this time, much more indeed. Florence crashed herself into you, knocking you down on your back against the couch. These two weeks left you hungry for each other, leaving you starved and grabbing for anything you could touch.
Her hands grasped your blushed cheeks, your tangled hair, and the spaces of your neck. You held her flush against your body, not wanting this secret moment to end.
Each of you couldn’t stop yourself, which is how you found yourself in the position of your robe being taken off. Your body was exposed to the brisk air, but you didn’t seem to mind.
There was no time for Florence to get a good look at you because she was too busy touching every part of you. She was quick to drag her hand down your front half and stopping down before your stomach.
Hesitation was not an option because you both knew you may never get this moment again if anyone were to find out. Without thinking, Florence drew her fingers through your center which caused you to squirm.
You let her do whatever she desired with you simply because she was Florence. Part of you had waited for this moment, but another part was taken by surprise that it was happening at all.
She began rubbing her fingers all through your cunt. It didn’t seem to matter what she did to you, your body was completely euphoric.
Florence’s fingers rubbed circles on your clit while you cried out of pleasure. You had never felt anything that had been quite of this measure, and you didn’t think you ever would again.
She picked up the pace while her lips were still all over your face and body. You couldn’t stop moving and reacting to the touch you were receiving from her, so Florence had to take matters into her own hands.
She barred down and put her weight on your body, preventing you from squirming too much.
“It’s so cute how much you move under me,” Florence said, turning your cheeks hot. Her words didn’t help you move any less.
You could feel yourself getting closer, as it didn’t take much for you to relinquish yourself to her completely.
“Flossie, I think I’m-” you tried to get out.
“I know, my dear. You can do it,” she whispered to you.
All it took was her words and the gentle but hot kiss she left by your ear that did you in. Your moans could be heard loudly over Sam Cooke who was playing from the turntable across the room.
You felt in a daze as your high came to a close, and all you could see now were the hazy eyes of Florence staring back at you. She rubbed the side of your face and swiped the hair out of your face.
You sat up out of surprise. “I can’t believe that just happened.”
“Me neither,” Florence giggled.
You stood up and got your footing before looking at Florence. She looked so naturally ethereal with the white pleated dress she had on, along with her messy royal looking hair. She stared at you and covered her mouth with her hand, laughing at you.
“What’s the matter?” you smiled.
“I didn’t even realize I did that much damage.”
You walked over to the mirror and gasped. There were dozens of lipstick marks all over your face and chest.
You smiled at her in the mirror. “That only means you have to help me clean it all up again.”
You took Florence’s hand and pulled her towards the bathroom while a trail of each of your clothes littered the hallway.
☞ join my taglist!
taglist: @youreatotalposer // @xxromanoffxx // @avengerswriter4eva // @xxxtwilightaxelxxx // @la-reine-des-enfers // @chickenlittlsblog // @belovasecho // @youresuchamom // @kacka84 // @alotofpockets // @yamum-com // @maia-lightwoood // @lifeontop // @marvelwomen-simp // @sarah5462 // @jackharlowsshawty // @batmanzbae-blog // @yelenabelovasbxtch // @marvelfan98 // @an-evergreen-rose // @popeheywardssecretgf // @lovelyy-moonlight // @justthis-stuff // @sat-yrr // @mythosphere-x // @daenerys713 // @bentleywolf29 // @natasha25052 // @ortega29 // @sherlockstrangewolf // @writing-randomness // @twentyonetornmyheart // @mathxa // @push-on-me // @natasha-romanoffs-world // @jade-maximoff // @umadirectioner // @ladyylesbian
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kylominis · 1 year
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afterglow [♡]
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Starting to deep clean my apartment :)
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mystellenia · 8 months
tutor session with nerd!ellie
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summary: ellie agrees to tutor you, and your first session is today!!
content: sfw!! just some kissing and like light groping if u squint. i wrote this as like you guys lowkey playing around during the study break and i like how chill it is
notes: this took me way too long i need to time manage better
(wc 1.8k)
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you sighed in satisfaction, propping your hands on your hips to look at your work. your apartment was basically sparkling after your much needed deep clean in preparation for your and ellie's study session. the two of you agreed that your place would be better since she has a roommate that spends most of her time at their apartment. 
thinking back to your last planetary class—the class after the time you asked ellie if she could tutor you—your lips curl up in a smile, laughing softly to yourself about how the two of you joked in class and how she explained a concept to you that you'd missed while watching her spin her pencil zoning out. 
you glanced at the clock, confirming that you still had time for a shower. it was only 3:15, and you guys had agreed on 4, so you freed your hair of its bun and headed off to the bathroom.  
after stripping and turning the shower on, you scroll on your phone to wait for the water to heat up, the small bathroom's air quickly thickening with steam. your thumb stutters while you clean out your notifications, coming across a text from ellie. 
ellie: hi are we still on for today at 4? and should i bring my textbook or did u get one from the library? 
your thumbs circle around one another as you think of your response. 
you: yess sometime around 4 is still good, i'll send address now 
you: please bring your textbook i haven't gotten around to getting one yet 
the steam from the shower started to fog up your phone screen, causing many typos you luckily caught before hitting the send button. 
turning on your shower playlist, you set your phone on the sink and pull the curtain aside to step inside. 
a quick twenty minutes later, you've finished up your shower and slip on some pjs after lathering your body in lotion. the time on your phone now said 3:48, so you exited your room to the living room to make sure you had everything you needed to study. 
once you laid out all your notes and your laptop, you plopped on the couch and waited. the dancing flame of the candle you lit caught your eye, teasing you after you blew it out in fear that she might think you were trying to 'set the mood' and subsequently relit it. 
fifteen minutes later you hear four soft taps on the door, signaling ellie's arrival. for no reason at all, you look through the peephole and see her standing on the other side of the door staring at her feet, red-brown hair pulled into a loose, low bun and her arms covered by a navy blue henley. that's all you catch, though, before she glances up again and looks at the door, making you jump to the side at the thought of her somehow seeing you through it.  
returning to the door, you turn the doorknob to swing it open and are met by ellie's startled stare before her eyebrows lower again. "hi... am i late?" 
"no, no, of course not," you rush out, "just on time. i was actually just waiting on the couch for you."  
you step aside to make room for her so she can enter, and she quickly glances around before noticing your setup and taking the seat next to yours to unpack her bag.  
once she's fully unpacked everything, with her textbook open on the chapter you went over in class, she pats her thighs and begins, "well, how about we start on what we went over on tuesday, yeah?" 
you dumbly nod as you reach for your notebook to flip to last class's notes.  
"okay, let's see..." while she finds the section your professor left off at, you take a moment to look at her. her brows were slightly furrowed as they always were, and you start to ask her how she got the cut in her right eyebrow but she speaks before you can get it out.
"okay, found it. do you understand everything about planetary atmospheres?" she asks. 
"pshhh, that's a cakewalk," you jest. "just weather, but in space, no?" 
"okay, then, miss genius," she chuckles, finding the next section. "how about planetary formation and habitability?" 
"yeah, isn't that just on, like, explosions? like supernovas?" 
ellie snorts before answering, "not at all, actually. let's start here." 
you feel your ears heat a bit at your complete failure at recalling tuesday's class and pull your knee up to your chest to rest your cheek on it. 
"so you already know that planets form from dust and gas around a young star, right?" you nod, so she continues. "so all planets orbit their own host star—ours is the sun..." 
forty-five minutes later, you stand up and stretch out your stiff joints, heading to the kitchen to grab you and ellie a snack. rummaging through the pantry, you find tortilla chips and immediately think of chips and salsa.  
"hey, we could do chips and salsa," you announce before realizing your apparent lack of preparation. "damn... so there's good news and bad news. which one you want first?" 
she shoots a confused look your way as she answers, "good news, of course." 
"so the good news is that i have tomatoes for us to bite into like apples to pair with the tortilla chips," you say with a cheeky grin. 
ellie drops her phone as her entire face screws up in a grimace, her eyes closing while she thinks. "why... the hell would we bite into tomatoes?" she probes. 
"because, the bad news is that i don't have any salsa. so." 
she seems lost in thought for a moment before asking, "how many tomatoes do you have?" 
you pause to count them, "uhh, like four. why?" 
"because i can make the salsa," she declares while standing up and rolling her sleeves back, revealing an intricate tattoo on her forearm. "can i look in your fridge to see what you have?" 
"yeah, sure," you gape, surprised at her gracious offer. "how do you know how to make salsa, anyway?" 
she speaks into the refrigerator as she bends to grab the tomatoes and other veggies and herbs you'd forgotten about. "just some recipe online," she responds. "but that recipe is what my dad used all throughout my middle and high school years. it's the best there is, trust me," she says, looking back and up at you as she finishes. 
"oh, i'll be the judge of that," you quip. 
once she starts chopping the onions and tomatoes, you have to force yourself to stop drooling over her random knife skills and excuse yourself to the bathroom even though you don't have to go. 
you splash a bit of water on your cheeks and give yourself a pep talk in the mirror to boost your confidence, then head back out into the kitchen. ellie had apparently finished her salsa and plated it in a small dipping bowl for the two of you, her lean forearms now flexing as she opened the bag of tortilla chips. 
"hey, perfect timing," she says, clapping her hands over the sink to rid them of any crumbs. "i just finished my legendary, michelin-star salsa. you ready?" 
"you're really gassing this up, huh?" you smirk. "i bet this recipe is by a mom of three who had to share her whole life's story before even telling what ingredients you needed." 
"bro, just eat it already." 
you give in and scoop a hefty dip of her salsa onto your chip, raising it to your mouth while maintaining eye contact. 
your eyes widen as the salsa covers your tongue, the crunch of the chip pairing perfectly with the smooth sauce. "oh my god. el, this is so good." 
she stares at your mouth moving around your bite for a beat too long before her eyes flick back up to yours, processing what you said as her trademark smirk took over her face.
"el, huh?" she teases, but saves you from responding with her cocky answer. "of course it's good, i made it," she says while wiping imaginary dust off her shoulders. 
the two of you fall into a comfortable silence, you leaning on the kitchen counter over the bowl of salsa and her looking down at you eating the snack. her eyes linger on your lips for a bit before her hand lifts to your mouth to brush her thumb at the corner of your mouth. she casually wipes her hand on a rag before realizing what she did and freezing while staring at you like a deer in headlights. 
in your shock, you stop chewing and murmur through the fresh tension, "what was that for?" 
"oh, you had some salsa on your lip," she explains, lifting her pinky finger to point to your lip so as to prove herself, "right here." 
her hand slowly falls back to her side as you stand straight and grab her arm to pull her in to a bruising kiss, slow and full of want.  
ellie doesn't need to be told twice—she quickly has your thighs wrapped around her hips after tapping them to signal you to jump. she walks the two of you to the island so she can stand between your open legs. her kisses hungrily move down to your neck, her mouth making quick work of undoing what little composure you had left as a soft breath escapes you. 
in your lustful daze, you don't notice ellie's phone ringing for a while—not until she grunts in annoyance. opening your eyes to look over her shoulder, you see her phone lit up next to the fridge with a call from a someone named "claire!!" 
"it's from someone named claire?" you inform her with poorly masked jealousy and are met by her exasperated groan. "god, that's my roommate," she says. "just ignore it." 
you do just that, closing your eyes again as you pull ellie back up to your lips to kiss her again, her tongue tracing the seam of your lips before entering. 
the phone rings again and ellie pulls away with a huff to answer it. "yes?" she demands. although you couldn't make out what this claire was saying, you did notice ellie's eye roll and her hands patting at her pockets to retrieve her car keys. "yes, i'm leaving now." 
"ugh, my roommate locked herself out of the apartment. again." she walks back to the couch to pack up her stuff to leave, and you shyly slide off of the counter and simply watch her. 
"well, what a productive study session, am i right?" she awkwardly jokes, twisting the ball of her foot into the ground. 
"oh, shut up, ellie. i'll see you in class on thursday?" you say. 
"yeah," she confirms with a chuckle, "thursday." 
she lets herself out, but not before sharing a soft stare with you, her gaze stuck on yours like honey. then, she stepped outside and the door shut with a click. 💫
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reblogs are always greatly appreciated!!
yayyyy finally done and i already know what i’m writing next (ellabs girlies get ready)
ladies ladies calm down i gotta establish the relationship before anything happens but perhaps a part 3??? lets see how this does
tags of those who were waiting for this: @saturnsdrafts @hazywazysmind @nramv @elliesactualgirlfriend
anyone who wants to be tagged in the future, just comment!!
click here!! oh and here too!! ˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶
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the alchemy | i. the return
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pairing: no outbreak!dbf!joel miller x fem!reader
chapter rating: Mature [18+ only, minors dni, dbf/secret relationship, age gap (joel is 34, reader is 24), reader is described as curvy & only has one parent--all else is open to interpretation (we are POC friendly over here okay!!), sarah exists but isn't a main part of the story]
summary: now that you've moved on from college, you're ready to start the newest chapter of your life--adulthood. but when you move back home and are swept back into the magnetic pull of your neighbor, Joel, you find that maybe moving on has nothing to do with leaving the past behind and everything to do with embracing it.
wc: <2k
the masterlist | joel’s pov | next chapter
Undergrad had been a thrilling, difficult, eye-opening experience—one that brought you new friends and new love, along with fall-outs and breakups—but now that you’d earned your degree, you were determined to move on to the next stage of your life. 
Step one, move back home until you landed a job. Step two, move the fuck out.  
Step one was currently underway, your dad hauling the contents of your jam-packed tiny sedan into the house you’d lived in for the better half of your life, while you unpacked the last four years into your old bedroom. It seemed tinier than it had four years ago, but perhaps it wasn’t the room that had changed. Perhaps it was simply that you’d outgrown the space. You tried to fit your new life into your old—shoving your clothes from high school into bags to drag down to the thrift store so that you’d have room for the clothes that fit your new, curvier body—and attempted not to mourn the loss of your old self. 
But wouldn’t this always be the case? With each step you took forward, the more distance you’d put between you and your youngest self. Some days, you wished to plant your feet and refuse to move at all, the comfort of the past too soothing and the uncertainty of the future too unsettling. But most days—like today—you forced your eyes to fix on the image of all that could be, of all that you could be, even when it ached to do so. 
“That’s the last of it,” your dad announced with an exhausted sigh, sweat beading down his forehead as he set the last box down in the middle of the room. 
“Thanks,” you managed, your mind busy with planning. It seemed to never stop, the constant sorting out of your situation. You had to plan the new arrangement of your old furniture, which friends and relatives you’d visit first, which jobs you’d apply for, which apartment complex looked the safest, how you’d manage to make rent, and so on, until you had to plan your funeral. What a joy life was. 
“I know you’re probably busy, but I thought it’d be nice if we went out for dinner tonight,” he suggested, likely able to see the nonstop churning of the wheels inside your mind. He was always oddly aware like that. “Beats you having to eat my cooking.”
You let out a chuckle, nodding your head as you allowed yourself to rest from all the organizing and plotting. You set your hands on your hips and turned to give him a small smile and shrug. “Sure.”
“Alright,” he smiled back, something soft and barely there. “Just, uh, pick a place. I can invite Joel and Sarah, if you want. I know they’ve missed you.”
You laughed at the prospect of your gruff neighbor ever missing you. His ten-year-old, Sarah, likely did, the two of you forming almost a sisterly bond over the last two years that you’d known her. You were her babysitter during your summer and winter breaks from college, mostly because you didn’t mind the work and because you lived right next to the Millers. 
But her father? No, he never seemed to care much for you. Or anyone, for that matter. Except Sarah, his brother, Tommy, and your dad. 
“Sure,” you said, the word slowly becoming your new mantra. “I’ll, uh, just finish unpacking and then I’ll get ready.”
“Alright,” he said, taking one last look around the room before moving to the doorway. He stopped, ever the old sentimental bastard, and turned your way. “Good to have you home, kiddo.” 
You gave him another pursed smile and nodded, fighting the urge to tell him that if things worked out in your favor, you wouldn’t be home for long. “Yeah, dad.”
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After a much needed shower and a bit of makeup, you nearly felt like yourself again. You wore a pair of denim shorts and a nicer tank top to combat the late summer heat, nothing too scandalous for a family dinner. Your dad drove the two of you to your favorite mexican spot in relative silence, the dull hum of the radio lost to your ears as you watched Austin pass by through the passenger window. 
Joel and Sarah were there when you pulled into the parking lot, the two of them standing in front of their familiar old pick-up. Sarah was wearing a summer dress, her tight curls now in rows of boho-braids. Joel, in a worn-in t-shirt and a pair of jeans, hardly looked much older than he had when you first met him two years ago. At thirty-two, he was handsome, but at thirty-four…well, he was enough to make a girl drool. 
You never liked to admit it to yourself, but you’d always had a bit of a crush on him. Back then, at twenty-two, you assumed it was simply the allure of an older man during a time in which all you wanted was to be a “real adult”. And as the last couple of years went on and the prospect of growing up began to dim, you expected that your little crush would dim along with it. But looking at him now, the only thing time did was make him all the more handsome and desirable. From the way he treated his daughter to the fact that not once during your stint as babysitter did he ever try anything creepy with you, you were forced to believe that he was a stand-up man. And what was more desirable than a good man who looked like that?
Sarah’s squeal pulled you out of your admiration of her father as she ran over to you, hugging your waist. You squeezed her right back, making up for the last five months you spent away at school. “I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Me too,” you said, giving her a smile as she pulled away to look up at you. “I like your braids. Did your dad do them?”
She gave you a look that screamed get real. “Please, he can’t even manage a ponytail.”
You laughed, lifting your eyes to meet Joel’s as he stood a few feet away with your father. You were surprised to find him looking at you, though of course he would be, given that out of the four of you here, you were the only one who he didn’t see every single day. Still, the eye contact was enough to get your stomach fluttering with something both anxious and eager. 
“Welcome home,” he said, his voice hitting you just as hard as his gaze. You tried not to react, to behave like you always had before, but now that you were reaching your mid-twenties, had earned your degree, and had experienced your first dry spell in your adult life, it was difficult. Every womanly part of you screamed with the urge to flirt, to put everything you learned at college to work for him. 
“Thanks,” you said instead, trailing your gaze to the restaurant behind him and then to your father. “Should we go inside? It’s hot.”
“Yeah, sure,” he said, taking the lead. He and Joel walked in ahead of you and Sarah, her hand in yours, and you tried not to admire the broad expanse of her father’s back as he stood right in front of you in the restaurant lobby, close enough that you could smell the warm spice of his cologne. 
A wild, rogue part of you wanted to reach your hand out and smooth it across the soft cotton, tracing the line of his spine and the curve of his shoulder blades. In fact, the urge was almost unbearable, as if he were a siren and you were a sailor lost in the current. But somehow, you managed to keep your hands to yourself. 
After getting seated by the host, you ordered yourself a giant frozen margarita to take the edge of sitting directly across from Joel off and busied yourself with the chips and salsa. Your dad, meanwhile, seemed completely at ease as he chatted with Joel, filling him in about his plans for building a deck in the backyard of your house. The conversation didn’t interest you or Sarah, the two of you more focused on clearing the first basket of chips so that you could start on the next. 
“So,” Joel said, something in his tone luring your eyes to his. “You interested in babysittin’ over the summer?” 
You shrugged your shoulders, masking your inner beast who felt nothing but disappointed over the fact that even after all the growing up you’d done over the last two years, all he saw you as was a babysitter to his little girl. Some college kid. The daughter of his friend. 
“I’m gonna be busy applying for jobs, but sure,” you said, glancing at Sarah with a smile. “Not gonna pass up a chance to hang with the coolest kid in the neighborhood.”
To your surprise, Joel smiled at the interaction. “Good. She’s been on my ass about askin’ since we heard you were movin’ back home.”
You nodded, smiling as you drank your margarita from a straw. You kept your eyes averted from him for the most part, not trusting yourself to not melt right there in your seat under his gaze, but on a chance glance his way, you caught Joel’s eyes slipping to your mouth as you swiped your tongue over your bottom lip. He seemed to realize what he was doing the exact instant you had and quickly turned away to scan the busy restaurant. 
If your father and Sarah hadn’t been there, you might have tried to be bold about things. Perhaps you’d brush his leg with yours under the table, or maybe you’d simply tell him it was alright to stare if he wanted to—that you didn’t care what he did as long as he kept looking at you with those dark eyes. But as it were, you couldn’t do anything but mourn the loss of his gaze and listen as he began talking to your dad about his own summer project—renovating his master bathroom. 
Thrilling stuff, really.
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By the end of dinner, you were more than tipsy and equal parts antsy to get home, or at least to get some space from Joel. You hugged Sarah goodbye with the promise of coming over the next afternoon, ignoring Joel’s attempt at a goodbye in favor of sliding into the passenger seat. Your dad gave him a pat on the shoulder and waved goodbye to Sarah before climbing in beside you with a soft exhale. 
“What’s up with you?” he asked, turning the key in the ignition. 
“Nothing, why?” 
“You’ve been quiet all night,” he said, whipping his head around as he pulled out of the parking spot. “And drunk. Even just now, Joel was trying to say bye, and you blew him off.”
Ironic, that wording. 
“I’m just tired,” you said, shrugging. “It’s been a long day.”
“I can understand that,” he said. “But just…Joel’s had a rough go of it lately, breaking up with that woman he was seeing for a while and having to raise Sarah by himself, so just…take it easy on him.”
The fact that Joel had been dating at all was news to you. Last time you were around, he didn’t seem to have any interest in dating. Sarah said it was because she asked him not to, her parent’s divorce three years ago still too fresh, but perhaps she’d changed her mind in the last few months and he’d gone and found himself a girlfriend. 
Your stomach curdled at the thought. 
“I didn’t mean anything by it,” you said, picking at the frayed hem of your shorts. “But I’ll make a better effort to be nice.”
“That’s all I ask,” he said, giving you a smile. “And I know you’re tired of hearing it, sweetheart, but I really am glad to have you back. There’s no rush for you to land a job or move out, you know. Just…enjoy the summer. Go make some new friends. Have some fun.”
You chuckled, nodding. “I’ll try my best, pops.” 
“I’m gonna be busy with work and seeing Vic, so I won’t be up your ass all summer,” he said, mentioning the girlfriend he went and got himself during the last year of you being off at college—one you still hadn’t met. “Just don’t want you getting lonely by yourself at the house.”
“After sharing an apartment with five people for the last three years, I think a bit of alone time would do me well,” you said, chuckling. “So don’t worry about me. I’ll occupy myself.”
“In that case, would you mind if I went down to San Antonio to see Vic this weekend?” he asked, giving you a hopeful look that he only pulled out when he assumed you’d protest to whatever it was he was asking. But this time, you really didn’t care. You meant what you said about wanting some alone time to decompress and settle in without constantly being asked how you were doing. 
“Go ahead,” you said, giving him a soft, encouraging smile. “I’m just going to be unpacking all weekend anyways.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, dad,” you laughed at the roundness of his eyes, at how concerned he was about you. Eventually, he’d come to know the new you, the person who thrived on independence and didn’t need to have someone around all the time. “I’ll manage to survive on my own for two days, I promise.” 
“Alright, smartass,” he laughed. “Don’t be afraid to shoot me a text if you need me to come back, alright?”
“For the millionth time—okay, dad.”
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peachhcs · 2 months
it’s a forever kind of thing
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
while in san jose, samy and will realize they can’t stay away from each other and all it takes is a dinner out to get them back together
6k words
warnings: 18+!!, smut (but like halfway through), making out, hickeys, oral (m + f receiving), unprotected sex (she’s on the pill), please read at your own risk!
GUYS! it’s here!! the long awaited fic where samy and will get back together! instead of breaking it into two, i made it one long fic, so halfway through is when they have sex, so if you don’t wanna read that u can skip over it, but i decided to just put it all in one. this took me forever to write lowkey bc i never knew how to write it, but i like how this came out so i hope you guys too!! yay!! get excited for happy will and samy coming your way again!
au masterlist
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the san jose heat wasn't a joke. any room in the apartment felt like it was 100° and it didn't help that they were trying to unpack boxes and build things in the high temperatures. samy was on the floor trying to figure out how to put together a shelf while also wiping the beads of sweat running down her forehead every five seconds. even the five different box fans scattered around the apartment didn't do anyone justice.
somewhere further in was will helping his mom put the bed together while grace did her best to hang frames in one of the hallways. the four of them were working hard, but the heat was quickly getting to everyone and what should've been a four hour job turned into almost six hours by now.
"what the fuck," samy mumbled to herself, eyes bouncing between the directions and the pieces of wood that definitely didn't fit together even though they were supposed to.
will should've recruited her brothers to fly over since they were way better at building things than she could ever be. whatever the directions were trying to tell her were not making any sense.
she was really tempted to call luke and bug him about it, but a different voice startled her a bit before she even pulled her phone out.
will's gaze stuck to hers where he stood in the doorway, "need help?"
samy met his eyes, flushing under his stare and sweaty figure, "uh..i mean..i think i'm doing it right but for some reason it doesn't look like it," she admitted truthfully.
will took that as his cue to crouch down. samy slid him the paper and let him read it over incase she was just missing something entirely.
"well i think the first problem is that these aren't the same pieces in the picture," the blonde determined, eyes gazing at the wood.
"i fucking knew it! i knew they didn't go together!" the girl exclaimed in triumph because she'd been feeling stupid about that for thirty minutes.
"i don't need shelves anyway. they're stupid," will shrugged some while disregarding the paper onto the floor.
"yeah, just make your own or some shit," they shared a small laugh which was happening a lot more frequently since they got there.
things were..rocky still, but it wasn't as bad. they even sat next to each other on the plane even though neither of them really spoke. it was progress and that was what mattered anyway.
"i can't believe it's so hot. i feel like i'm dying," will slid further onto the ground where he spread himself out against the hardwood.
"you better get used to it. it's supposed to get even hotter next week," samy informed, slipping to will that she may have been looking at the weather for san jose for him
"ugh, don't tell me that. i'm not made for the heat," he pushed his curls away from his sweaty forehead, but samy sort of found the movement just the tiniest bit attractive.
both of their hair was way more frizzier than usual because of the crazy heat, but something about it made the brunette a bit weak in the knees seeing will like that.
"did you get the bed together at least?" the girl wondered, leaning back against her palms.
"mostly, yeah. mom's doing the finishing touch. i had to walk out of there before she like exploded at me," the hockey player laughed and then samy did too. they knew how colleen got because she always wanted everything to be perfect.
"hey, one bed down. that's a win."
"yeah, sure. it's a win if you don't count my mom snapping at me every five seconds," will rolled his eyes.
"the heat makes people cranky. i don't blame her. you're kind of hard to work with sometimes," samy shrugged and will's head snapped up.
"what does that mean?"
"i dunno. whatever you want it to mean," she hummed earning a playful groan from the boy beside her. she managed a small smile, lifting her gaze to the rest of the apartment.
the four of them got most of it decorated and it was actually coming out really well. it screamed will and samy knew it was because almost all the ideas were taken from the pinterest board she made for this exact occasion.
most of the apartment was thanks to samy. colleen always said she had an eye for designing.
the girl's gaze landed on a picture frame stuck up on a shelf that did get put together and hung up. she stared at it for a moment, trying to figure out who was in the photo because she'd never seen it before. it wasn't until a minute later that she realized it was a picture of her and will.
they looked a bit young. 17 or so? samy was in her high school soccer uniform with a large medal hanging off her neck and will hanging off her side. they had big, bright smiles across their lips and both of them held the number 1 on the fingers for the photo. samy had no clue when or who took that photo, but it brought another smile to her lips.
"who took that photo of us?" she let the question slip out. will finally sat back up, trying to see what photo was being asked about.
"the one up there?"
"yeah," samy pointed to the shelf.
"uh..i think my mom took it. you'd just won the state championship for your last high school game," will explained the backstory and suddenly, it all came back to the girl.
"samy!" the brunette spun around. she caught sight of her three brothers rushing towards her in pure excitement. luke got to her first as he picked her up and spun her around in a tight hold.
"i'm so proud of you, samy!" the curly-haired boy exclaimed.
"you did so great, squirt! congratulations!" jack and quinn hugged her next. samy beamed from ear to ear at all the praise while the emotions of her last high school game ever started coursing through her.
"you're a fucking state champion for the second year in a row! how fucking cool!" jack rambled on and said how there's gonna be competition on the mantle where their parents put their kids' most important trophies and medals.
samy sort of stopped listening to her brothers when she saw will pushing his way through with grace and his parents in tow. she sort of shoved jack away as she rushed to will. he opened his arms wide and they met in the middle win a similar hug that luke gave her.
"i'm so, so proud of you, hughesy," will hummed into her shoulder.
"i'm so glad you came," the girl grinned some more.
"i want a picture!" colleen said, her phone already out. will let samy go as he shuffled to her side. she leaned her head into him until their heads touched and then she stuck up her pointer finger to signal as number 1.
she must've been so caught up in the moment that samy forgot the picture was even taken. the memory made her smile because she had all of her important people at that game and that meant so much to her.
"wow, that feels so long ago," samy finally spoke again, bringing her knees to her chest.
"yeah, i know. we were so..oblivious back then," will let the words slip from his mouth as he watched the girl's reaction.
her body tensed up a bit because she knew what he was talking about—so oblivious to the feelings they had for each other and what was to come out of that and where it would lead them.
"yeah. we were," the brunette hummed out.
she thought about the conversation with gabe and ryan from last week. she knew that everything they said was true, she just hadn't chosen to believe it quite yet. plus, what if she was scared of what her heart was trying to tell her?
obviously, it had something to say if she was sitting in san jose helping her ex decorate his new apartment even after he broke her heart and she was supposed to hate him for it. where was the hate when they sat inches apart in the living room without a couch all while reminiscing on their younger years?
"when do you start preseason?" will changed the subject and samy refocused her attention on him.
"next week," the girl beamed a bit. she was excited for the new season knowing a national title was definitely in their future this year.
"wow, that's soon."
"i suppose so, yeah. when do you start?"
"next week," will said and it was hard to believe this whole nhl thing was actually happening.
it didn't even seem like a reality when they were kids and now will was living out his dream of playing for an nhl team.
"i don't know if i've said this..but.i am proud of you. really proud. you're gonna do great here," the air in the room shifted a bit. it felt bittersweet hearing samy say those things after will basically pushed her out of his life.
she'd always support him no matter what.
the boy's gaze softened out as he ducked his eyes, "thanks, samy. that means a lot coming from you."
"you really do deserve all of this. you've worked really hard for it," she nodded as if she was affirming her words.
will blushed, but he didn't do anything to hide it, "thanks for coming. i-i know things haven't been...and i know i can't keep saying it, but i really am sorry for hurting you. i thought i was saving you from hurt, but i did the opposite."
"thank you for saying that. i..i don't really know what our relationship will be or if it ever will go back to how it was before this, but..i'm willing to try," the two shared a smile.
"i know this is probably gonna be a crazy ask, but..since we only have one more night until you leave tomorrow, would you wanna..like..get dinner? just the two of us?" will dared to ask because he'd regret it more if he didn't ask and lose his chance at proving himself to her.
this time it was samy's turn to blush, "are you asking me on a date?"
"do you want it to be a date?" they held each other's gazes for a moment before samy slowly nodded.
"yeah, let's go to dinner together," she smiled and so did will.
"yeah, i think it'd be fun."
so it was settled. will and samy were going on a date that could potentially fix everything between them or be a total shit show. they both secretly hoped for the former.
they decided on 7. samy came out of the guest room in a dress marcie packed away for her when she told her friend she was flying to san jose with will. marcie claimed it would be "this exact occasion" meaning the girl was also hoping they'd make up their differences on this trip.
it wasn't anything special. it went down to her ankles in a soft pink with embroidered roses down each side of the dress. samy paired it with some sandal wedges and maybe her hand shook she did her makeup, but that didn't matter because this felt like another grace period.
if it went well, then..who knows. if it went horribly, they'd never talk about it again and at least samy was leaving so they wouldn't have to face the awkwardness too much. again, both of them hoped for the former.
grace saw samy first when she walked into the kitchen. the older girl's expression slipped into a smirk as she nudged her brother's arm who's gaze wasn't on samy. however, when he did see the girl for the first time, his eyes were the size of the moon and he couldn't look away.
"too much?" samy wondered nervously. she didn't know how dressy they were getting, but based on will's button down and dress shorts, she decided it was the right option.
"no, no. you look..you look great," will gulped while grace didn't stop her little snicker.
"oh wow, what's the occasion?" colleen came into the room, a look of surprise on her features seeing will and samy so dressed up.
"we're going for dinner," the blonde explained to his mom.
"the two of you?" the older woman's eyebrows raised
"yeah. it won't be long," will said.
the look on colleen's face said everything she didn't except a little, "have fun then."
the two managed small smiles as will led samy out of the apartment. grace and colleen didn't say anything until the door closed and gentle smiles fell on their lips.
"i really hope it works out between them," mrs. smith hummed.
"oh, i think it will. he won't let her go again," grace said.
will and samy started up the street where they'd have to walk a few blocks to the restaurant they decided on. they didn't say much, but the silence was comforting. it felt like a first date all over again except they knew everything about one another already.
"this is weird, but like in a good way," samy finally spoke first.
will managed a light laugh, "what does that mean?"
"like..weird i didn't think i'd ever agree to this, but i'm glad i did?" it was hard to put into words for samy.
her heart told her one thing while her head said something completely different.
"well, i hope you're still glad by the end of the night," will said, their gazes meeting briefly.
samy thought he looked better than ever. his curls were the perfect amount of curl and whatever the dev camp did to him worked some wonders because..wow. not that samy could ever peel her eyes off him, she really couldn't now.
they made it the restaurant and samy got another perfect excuse to stare at will when he sat down across from her at their little table in a corner.
"this okay?" will wondered, meaning there they'd been sat.
"it's perfect. i like how cozy it feels," the brunette smiled. will did too because he knew how much samy liked the corner tables because he also knew she felt too open when they sat in the middle of the room.
they spent a bit of time looking over the menu when the waiter came over. she smiled at the two, "i really love your dress. it's beautiful," she said to samy.
"oh, thank you. i appreciate that," the younger girl beamed.
after ordering, samy and will got into a bit of small talk that slowly shifted into regular talk that shifted into what felt like how they used to talk before things happened.
"you ever think about what you'd do if you got injured or something and you couldn't play anymore and had to retire?" samy stirred her straw around her cup.
"yeah, all the time. that actually might be me and my parents biggest worry," will laughed lightly.
"what would you do?"
"probably be really sad for awhile, but i'd get better and try to find another hobby i could take on," the blonde shrugged.
"i remember when we were kids you always said you'd become a coach if you couldn't ever skate anymore," samy said softly and will's own expression softened at the idea of samy remembering that.
"i really can't picture my life without hockey," they shared a laugh.
"yeah that sounds like you. you're all in, but i get it. hockey's my family's whole life. i can't imagine life without it either," the soccer player hummed.
"i just know i'd be so upset if the one thing i dedicate my life to can't happen anymore. it'd honestly make me have an identity crisis," will frowned.
"i kind of feel the same way about soccer. i don't really know who i am outside of the sports i've grown up playing," samy laughed but more as to hide the small pain she felt at the idea of really not knowing who she was.
"well, i think you're really generous. you have a big heart and you don't ever back down from anything. you're great with kids and your love for everyone you meet is super contagious," will didn't miss a beat with that leaving the girl across from him in surprise.
her cheeks flushed an embarrassing red, "you're just saying that."
"i'm not. you're probably one of the best people i know."
the look in will's eyes told samy how serious he was being. she just disregarded his comments despite the pounding in her chest and her hot cheeks.
the two spent the entire rest of dinner lost in conversation. both of their hearts felt full when they made it back outside where the temperature finally felt a few degrees cooler.
"this was a lot of fun. i really enjoyed it," samy said to will, a deep, loving smile on her lips.
"i'm glad you had fun. i did too," the boy smiled back.
they stood in a beat of silence trying to figure out what the next move was. tension filled the air, but not an angry one that's been there for awhile. this tension was different. it was thick, but heavy with what seemed like love and lust.
"would it be crazy if i kissed you?" will's voice was small and a bit shaky when he asked.
his eyes were everywhere on the girl in front of him because he'd been inching touch her since she walked out in the dress clinging to her body. actually, he'd been thinking about this since last week when they were at his going away party.
"no. i don't think so," samy inched herself closer to the blonde. her eyes were also everywhere and her breath hitched when he laid a hand on her lip.
will looked at her for one last reassuring look that he could go all in. when samy nodded he took that opportunity. his lips were hard against hers and so was his hand on her hip.
they molded into one another like they never spent time apart. samy's hands found their respective places on will's chest and in his hair at the back of his head.
their steady breathing turned into heavy pants when they pulled away for a second. big smiles danced on both of their lips at the feeling of being pressed up against one another because it was a feeling they missed a lot.
"is this.." will's voice faded off because he didn't quite know what he was asking.
"it's okay. more than okay," samy nodded eagerly.
"maybe we should go back to my place?" the boy said because they were still on the sidewalk and people were walking by.
"yeah, right. of course," the girl nodded and they started back down the sidewalk to will's apartment.
the smiles on their lips were evident and they grew even bigger when their fingers slowly intertwined with one another. earlier samy's heart and head were in different places making her feel lost. right now, they were in the exact same place and she knew exactly what she was feeling: love.
because she'd always love will. even after he broke her heart. even after he did everything to prove to her he regretted everything he did. she loved him through and through and samy knew he felt the exact same way about her.
of course, that didn't mean her guard was broken down completely. there was still a lot of cracks to be repaired and that only came with time and more trust.
right now, though, none of that mattered when samy stumbled back into the apartment with will. it was dark since grace and mrs. smith headed back to the hotel room for the night because maybe they both knew the date would lead to something more.
will's lips were back on samy's as soon as the door was closed. he pushed her up against the hardwood as she reciprocated his actions, kissing his lips hard and running her hands through his now messy curls.
they were fully making out—hungry for each other's lips because they'd been apart for so long. samy's hands fumbled with the buttons of will's shirt in a desperate attempt to peel it off of him.
"i really missed you," will mumbled against her lips between the kissing. he felt the girl smile.
"i missed you too," she said as the blonde pulled her closer against his body.
his boner pressed against her lower stomach and it sent butterflies through the girl, especially when will's one hand moved to grab her ass. a noise escaped her lips right into will's mouth.
"is this okay?" the blonde asked, worried he was moving too fast.
"yes, it's perfect," samy started becoming breathless again. she pushed the rest of his shirt down his arms, exposing his entire torso. her eyes racked down his toned body, gripping slightly on the muscled arms.
"they've been working you good," the girl laughed a little making will blush.
"you think so?" he grinned, always loving samy's praise.
"mhm," her words got lost in her throat when she pulled the boy back to her lips.
they made out a bit longer until will's lips dropped further down. he kissed down her neck until getting to her collarbone and the top of her breasts. the blonde began sucking lightly and little moans finally escaped samy's lips at the feeling. her head hit the door, her grip hard on will's arms.
"fuck, will," samy moaned out, her sounds going straight to his dick still throbbing in his pants.
"missed this so much," the boy's voice was muffled against her skin. she laughed, tugging his curls which in turn made will suck harder.
"you're gonna get me in trouble with these," samy said knowing all the girls in the locker room would see them next week. all will did was shrug.
"good. they'll know who they came from," he looked up for a second and the look in his eyes held a certain type of possession in them.
"can i at least return the favor?" she's been dying to have her mouth on will's body since she saw those pictures of him at the bauer combine a few months ago.
"just keep them low so no one sees them," will said, standing back up with a little smirk on his face.
they switched positions so will was against the door and samy didn't waste any time placing her lips halfway down his stomach. immediately, will's head was against the door with his hands gripping the girl's arms. he really did miss her lips on him like this.
"jesus christ," he mumbled lowly, eyes closing in pleasure.
the girl's lips nipped and sucked every part of his skin. sometimes she'd give a little bite and will would have to restrain himself from tugging her hair. when she moved further down closer to his waistband the blonde nearly saw stars.
she didn't even have to touch him and he was falling apart for her. "oh, samy. fuck," his moans filled her with pride because she knew no one else could make will feel like this just from some little hickeys.
she stood back up and will's lust-filled gaze stuck to her. their lips met again in a more passionate kiss where will led her to the bedroom since the living room still had no couch. samy left her shoes and followed the blonde to the bed where she had one thing in her mind.
she went for his pants, tugging them down his legs and leaving him in just his underwear. will looked up at her with slightly heavy pants, his heart pounding but not because he was nervous. samy's eyes were on the bulge in his underwear, reaching forward to wrap her hand around it. will jumped from her delicate touch, jaw clenching.
he was hot and heavy and samy knew he was already ready for her. she liked how hard will always got just from making out where she barely even touched him.
"s-samy, please," will got out, desperate for anything more than her stroking him. his desperate tone made the brunette smile as she finally took him out of his underwear.
he was red all over and samy's mouth watered in anticipation. she leaned herself down, sticking her tongue out to slowly lick a stripe from the bottom up. will's hips immediately stuttered on the first touch.
samy grabbed ahold of him with her hand, her thumb swiping over the sensitive tip before plunging back down his length. will groaned out, gripping the bedsheets while his stomach clenched multiple times. finally, her mouth locked around him, going in deeper than ever making the blonde nearly scream.
"shit. shit," will instinctively bucked his hips up where samy placed one hand down so he couldn't move.
"gotta stay still, pretty boy," the nickname left her lips faster than she could stop it. it was music to will's ears though because he's missed hearing her call him that.
"i'm sorry. i'm sorry. feels so good," he mumbled out a bit incoherently. any straight thought was quickly leaving the hockey player's brain while the pleasure took over.
just for that, samy sucked him harder, using her hand to pump the part she couldn't fit in her mouth. will was on cloud 9. his head pushed back into the pillow while he did his best to keep himself from bucking up, but each little suck and scrape on his cock was making it harder and harder for him to stay still.
"fuck—i'm not gonna last. gonna make me cum," will got out when he forced his gaze back on the girl below him. the sight was to die for. samy was on her knees still in her dress, but her tits were practically spilling out of it along with the hickeys scattered across her chest.
she figured will wouldn't last long based on the way he kept twitching in her mouth. she didn't blame him though because her underwear were soaked all the way through at the sound of him begging to cum.
"uh, samy. fuck— please. wanna cum," his words jumbled together as his stomach clenched and the feeling continued building.
"come for me, will. it's okay," samy finally said and will let go. his hips bucked up, uncontrollable moans escaping his lips as he released his load into her mouth.
she took it all, swallowing it down until he was finished. she let go with a pop and will's dick fell back onto his stomach twitching still. samy grinned at him.
"f-fuck. i haven't..done that in so long," the blonde mumbled meaning he hasn't done anything with anyone since they broke up.
he pulled her down on top of him, going for her lips again where he could taste himself on her and some of her strawberry lipgloss. in between the kissing, will's fingers found the little zipper on the back of the dress. he slowly pulled it down where samy helped by taking her arms out of the straps and pushing it the rest of the way down her body until it pooled at her legs.
the hockey player's gaze glued itself to the matching set samy sported. her pretty pink lacey bra and hot pink thong matched her dress perfectly and will swore he felt his cock harden all over again.
"what is this?" will mumbled, eyes still glued to the underwear.
"what? my underwear?" samy laughed lightly.
"you're gonna fucking kill me," the blonde said making the brunette smile. she let will flip them over so she was on the bed now. he stared down at her, eyes filled with lust and love.
"gonna make you feel so good," he said with one finger hooking into the waistband of her thong.
"you better keep your word," samy teased him.
will's lips were on her a second later. he started just below her chest, kissing down her stomach in slightly wet kisses until he reached the waistband. he pushed the band aside, eyes glowing at the site of samy's already wet pussy.
"jesus. i haven't even done anything and you're this wet already?" his eyes briefly found hers and all samy could do was shrug.
"your moans were hot. what can i say?" as much as will tried to show his dominance, the twitch in his cock at her words said everything about how much control samy had no matter what.
will didn't waste another second attaching his lips. his grip was hard on her thighs as his tongue slowly explored her insides. her hands flew to his hair where she pulled and tugged hard when will found the perfect spots.
"mmm, fuck will. just like that," samy nodded, eyes closed and back arching off the bed the deeper he got.
"fuck you taste so good," the blonde said. he could do this forever if he could because there was no better taste or feeling than his girl and the way she harshly tugged at his curls.
her little moans and whimpers started getting to him again. will moved his hips against the mattress, desperate to find some relief in his already aching cock while he continued his attack on samy's beautiful pussy.
"will, i'm gonna cum," samy got out, that feeling quick to snap in her stomach because she too hasn't felt this in so long, so she wasn't gonna last at all.
"that's it, pretty girl. come for me," will encouraged and samy did just that.
she released right onto him in a loud moan, glad that they had the apartment all to themselves. when she was finished she met will's gaze where he licked his lips clean and beamed up at her.
"you're actually amazing," he hummed earning a little eye roll from the girl. she tugged him up to kiss his lips, also tasting herself on him. will pulled at her hips, their bodies pressing together until samy flipped them over again. she straddled his lap, the hockey player gazing up at her in a loopy grin.
"wanna fuck you," she said, hands running down his torso. he nodded, hands eagerly squeezing her thighs.
"yes, please. want you to ride me. haven't seen you on top in months," will was a mess making samy smile. she leaned back to stroke will's cock again, getting it ready for her.
"wait, fuck. i don't have any condoms," the blonde quickly realized that in the moving process he didn't buy any and he threw away the ones he had before so his mom didn't see them.
"it's okay. i'm on the pill and i trust you," samy said like it wasn't a big deal but will's eyes widened.
"a-are you sure?" he's dreamed about having sex without a condom, but he didn't think that would happen for another year or two.
"positive. do you trust me?" samy asked and the boy quickly nodded.
"of course i do. i-i just.." his voice faded.
"we don't have to if you're not comfortable. i was just offering it," samy noticed his shift, but will shook his head.
"no, no. i want to. i just.." his face blushed a hot red, "i probably won't last long at all," it felt embarrassing to say, but samy only smiled.
"it's okay. honestly, that's flattering of you to say," they shared a laugh and she felt will relax a bit more underneath her.
"as long as you're sure, i'm sure," will nodded more firmly this time.
the brunette giggled as she pushed her thong aside and started lining will up with her entrance. he slipped in almost immediately and both of their eyes closed at the feeling. he stretched her out, the pleasure outweighing the pain and will's hands carefully gripped samy's hips in an attempt to keep his hips still until he was all the way in.
"oh god. holy fuck," he stuttered, his cock already throbbing for a release.
samy smiled, carefully moving her hips when she felt ready. the pace started slow until will started matching her pace with little thrusts of her hips. they began moving at a more steady pace, the only sounds in the room were their skin slapping together.
"fuck, yeah. feels so good, will," samy moaned out, hands sprawled across his chest for leverage.
"you're so beautiful," the boy mumbled, eyes roaming everywhere across her body.
his hands grabbed handfuls of her ass, moaning out at the feeling of her in his hold. little beads of sweat littered their bodies and it wasn't just because of the 100° temperatures anymore.
"fuck samy. 'm so close. god, you're so beautiful. i love you. i love you," will's words jumbled together again into incoherent thoughts and sentences. samy blushed hearing him say i love you.
"gonna come for me will?" she said between her own pants.
"yeah, gonna cum. gonna cum so hard," he continued.
"me too, pretty boy. you feel so good," samy threw her head back. the way will's cock continuously pierced her open had her falling apart on top of him. the feeling she was familiar with built up in her stomach until finally snapping when will thrusted particularly hard.
she moaned out, her hips stuttering and her orgasm taking over. the feeling of her clenching around his length also sent will over the edge.
he thrusted up, spilling his load inside of her, more uncontrollable moans leaving his lips and his head digging into the pillow.
"fuck, fuck, fuck. oh, fuck," he thrusted one more time into her, the last few drops leaving his now throbbing cock. samy fell onto the bed beside him, their chests heaving in an attempt to catch their breaths.
"that was.."
"really great," will finished her sentence. they laid there staring at the ceiling for a few more moments until the blonde shifted his gaze over to her.
he suddenly worried what this meant now. especially because samy was leaving tomorrow to go back to michigan. she felt his gaze on her, so she turned her body into him, eyes on him as well.
"so.." the boy became shy, his voice fading off in fear that if he asked, samy would say that this was a one time thing and she didn't want him back after all.
"so.." she copied his tone, her finger tracing his shoulder.
"what now?" he dared to ask.
"you said you love me?" samy said, remembering will's confession through his pleasure a few minutes ago. she watched his cheeks heat up again, but he didn't look away.
"i do. i mean i always have," the blonde admitted because it was true. he loved the girl beside him a whole, whole lot.
"you really hurt me," samy stared at his arm, will's smile disappearing into a frown.
"i know," their voices were quiet now.
"it's not gonna be all perfect like it was before all of this happened, you know," she continued.
"i know."
"it's gonna take awhile for me to completely trust you again."
"i know."
samy met his gaze again. his eyes had never left hers and she could see the love hiding within them the more she stared at him.
"i love you, too, will," their smiles slowly started returning.
"i promise i won't hurt you. i can't lose you again and i know that now," will shifted so they laid facing each other. he reached his hand out to brush some hair away from her face.
"you never lost me. i was always there," samy smiled a little and will beamed, pulling her closer to him so they were nearly chest to chest.
"i wish you weren't leaving tomorrow," the sadness crept back in knowing they could've had so much more time.
"me neither, but maybe i can make something happen to fly out for your first game," the girl grinned, trying to keep the mood light.
"i'd really love that," will returned her contagious smile.
they spent the rest of the night wrapped in each other's arms, holding onto all the time they had left until samy left for michigan and their long distance continued. this time, samy definitely knew her heart and head were on the same page because each of them were quiet in her mind as she fell asleep in will's hold.
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8:30pm | Kim Hongjoong
-> Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Maddox Sister!Reader
-> Request: From this Anon. Sorry it took a while.
-> Synopsis: After her brother asks her to bring him some food, Y/N decides to also bring food to her boyfriend.
-> Warnings: None.
-> Word Count: 449
-> Requests: Closed. I will make a post when they are open again.
Hongjoong Masterlist | ATEEZ Masterlist
©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy/modify/repost anywhere. Likes, comments & reblogs are welcomed and appreciated, thank you. 
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Before Y/N could knock on the studio door, it suddenly swings open and there stands Hongjoong. She greets him with a smile, showing the bag of food she brought along with her. Maddox, her brother, had asked if she could pick up some food for him, so she decided to bring some for her boyfriend as well, knowing he’s been working in the studio all day without a break.  
Upon seeing the food, Hongjoong's stomach growls loudly, making his cheeks turn a bright shade of red. Embarrassed, he quickly usher's Y/N inside the studio.  
“You didn’t have to bring me food. I was about to go get me something to eat,” he tells her as they settle down on the couch. 
“Maddox asked me to bring him some so I thought I would bring you some too,” Y/N assures him as she unpacks the food.  
Grateful for having such a considerate girlfriend, Hongjoong gives her a quick peck on the lips before digging into the food. 
After finishing their food, Hongjoong helps her clean up the empty containers and puts them back in the bag. As Y/N gets up to throw them away, he stops her.  
"You can stay," he says, settling back in his chair.  
"I’m going to toss this out and then I’ll be back," she says picking up the bag of rubbish and exits the room. She disposes the bag down the trash chute and quickly returns to the studio only to find Hongjoong already immersed in the song he had been working on earlier.  
A couple hours pass quickly as Y/N watches him work, him giving her little sneak peaks and even asking for her opinion a few times. She finds his dedication to his music is truly inspiring. She admires how he pours his heart and soul into every beat and lyric, making her feel privileged to witness his creative process. 
When it was time to call it a day, Hongjoong turns to Y/N about to ask her if she’s ready to go only to find her curled up asleep on the couch. Not wanting to wake her up, but knowing he has to, he gently nudges her. Her eyes flutter open and she offers him a sleepy smile and an apology.  
"Is it time to go home?" she asks noticing his bag slung over his shoulder and all his equipment is shut off.  
Hongjoong nods and helps her gather her things and before they head out together. 
“Thank you for coming and bringing food,” he thanks her as they exit the building and make their way to his car. 
"No problem, I always enjoy spending time with you," she replies with a smile.
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hardlysticks · 4 months
The Sea Breeze Carries Unknown Secrets
Poly!141 x reader. Special edition for mermay!
Recently your grandfather had passed away, leaving you his one story seaside cabin in a small town you had visited growing up. Your grandfather took over the house once your grandmother had passed, leaving it just to him and whoever decided to visit. You were the one to visit the most, spending summers on end in that small cabin playing in the sand that covered the front yard.
You can still vividly remember the feeling of the sand getting stuck under your nails as you dug a moat around the small sand castle you built. Though it looked more of a heap of sand then a castle, since you could only use dry sand.
Whenever you tried to wander closer to the sea line your grandfather would always pull you away and tell you how dangerous the sea was. Mumbling to himself about creatures that would snatch up any thing they found interesting.
Your grandfather was seen as a crazy by everyone in you family, with his stories about his time at sea and the things he had encountered. Everyone in your family ignored him but you always sat and listened with intrigue. Stories of mermaids and sirens that haunted the rocks and the coastlines of the seaside town.
The small coastal town embraced your grandfather’s stories with their own, twisting in their own thoughts on the creatures that haunted the sea. When the summers came where you sat in town listening to all the stories that were woven.
The town looked just the same as it did when you were younger, as you slowly drove into the streets remembering the summers you spent here with your grandfather… and now they were the streets you would be living in. It wasn’t long before you pulled up to the sandy driveway of the house you inherited.
“Just how I remembered it” you smiled to yourself as you started to unpack your bags from your car. There wasn’t much to move from your small apartment in the city, so it only took close to twenty minutes to bring everything in.
You had finished unpacking later in the evening, leaving you quite exhausted. With a heavy sigh you sat yourself back on the couch, exhausting eating away at your muscles. Eventually you gave in to the tiredness and fell asleep, the comfort of the couch and the sea breeze blowing from the window lulled you to sleep.
The sound of the breeze whistling through your window and a soft chime swinging from your porch filled your dreams, leaving you feeling comforted in the new environment. Though it was soon to break with the sounds of splashing water, louder then the ones you hear before a storm brews.
With a jolt you sat up from the couch, leaving you with crumpled clothes and an ache in your neck. Your mind told you to brush off the sounds and go back to sleep, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat.
Carefully you reached out and grabbed your phone from the coffee table, using the screen to illuminate your way to the front door and outside to the beachside that you considered your front yard. It takes a second before your eyes finally adjust to the dark of night.
When your eyes do adjust you notice a dorsal fin cutting through the water, leaving a small wake of ripples behind it. Sharks never came this close to shore, so it was a surprise to see this. The fin quickly dipped back into the water, leaving you with more curiosity than before.
As you step out of the house to get a better look, the water quickly splashes, large enough to send rippling waves to the shore. Along with the splash you think you hear a gruff laugh calling out from the ocean, surely your just imagining it. You’ve barely even slept!
The splashes continued, your eyes drifting to watch the water rippling. Gaining some courage you step off of your porch and get a little closer to the shoreline, when a large splash sends freezing ocean water to soak through your clothes.
“Shit! That’s cold-“ you cursed to yourself as you backed up slightly. With your voice breaking the silence of the night, the crashing of water immediately stops and it goes eerily quiet. The silence qualms your curiosity, it must have been some fish.
Right as you go to turn away you notice two heads popping up out of the water, it takes you a second to reel in the fact that it’s two human heads. A pair of crystalline blue that could rival the sea, and a pair of chocolate brown eyes that made you want to melt under.
Surely this was a delusion of exhaustion right?
“Well look a’ the Bonnie lass we ‘ave ‘ere” the one with crystalline blue eyes spoke, a Scottish lilt to the voice.
Your eyes widened at the scene unfolding right before you, two men in the ocean..? At this ungodly hour? Questions riddled your mind as your tried to find an answer to this mystery, though your brain kept trying to tell you that you were sleep deprived!
“Great you scared her mate” the one with chocolate eyes scoffed to the other, raising a hand to slap the back of the others head.
Finally you got yourself out of your head and tried to take notice of their features. The one with crystalline blue eyes seemed to be sporting an overgrown Mohawk, with some stubble that coated his chin and cheeks, and lastly seemed to be a scar that ran along his chin.
The one with chocolate brown eyes had shorter cut hair that looked like tight curls, along with a bit of stubble along his top lip.
You stayed quiet as you observed the men, though your eyes strained slightly when you looked at one of them. Instead of ears that looked similar to her own, she saw webbed fins that took place instead.
These weren’t men.. these were the creatures your grandfather had warned you about…
Note!- I’m so nervous to post this!!! I hope everyone enjoys this; considering it’s only the prologue not much has happened yet but more will !!
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greynatomy · 1 year
the one that got away
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alessia russo x reader
second part to regret. had a lot of fun writing this and might do more polls if i can’t choose for myself again. also, ignore how many times rory’s age is asked. didn’t realize how many times i wrote it in.
part 1
“Gather ‘round girls!” Jonas’ voice brings Leah back to the present.
Everyone comes together at the middle of the gym, waiting for what Jonas is gonna say.
“Just wanna welcome everyone who was in Australia back and also our ACL squad. We’re all glad to see you all up and running.” Everyone cheers and claps. “Now, I wanna welcome our new signing, Alessia Russo.” Alessia walks towards the group awkwardly, not wanting to trip.
“Hi.” She gives a small wave.
“Don’t be shy Lessi. We’re all friendly.”
“Yeah! We don’t bite!”
Over the course of the week, Alessia gets situated with the team and the dynamics, learning how to play with her new team.
“Mrs. Russo, someone’s been calling your phone. It’s says there’s ten missed calls.”
“From who?”
“Amore Mio.”
Everyone’s attention is now on Alessia, all curios about the girl’s significant other, judging from the name that the trainer said that was shown on her phone.
“Hi, love. What happened? So, she’s fine. Yeah. Okay. Thanks for letting me know. I love you. See you later.”
She gives her phone back to one of the trainers, telling them to inform her if you were to call again.
“What was that all about?” Katie asks in her usual loud voice.
“Oh, sorry. My daughter got hurt at preschool.”
“Wait. Hold up! Daughter? You have a daughter?” She didn’t know who asked, but saw the rest of the team walking closer to her.
“Uh, yeah.”
“How old is she?”
“She’s three now.”
“And I’m guessing you didn’t carry cause you’ve not really took a break from football.”
“Nope. Won’t be carrying any babies in me. Freaks me out a bit, but my wife happily did it.”
“So you have a kid and a wife and none of us knew about it?”
“No one really knows. We wanted to keep it to ourselves. I didn’t want the public knowing and plastering their face in the media yet, and we like our little bubble.”
“Not even Tooney knew?”
“Oh, Tooney knew. She had to give the best friend talk and all that. Wanted to know her opinion before anything turned serious and now we’re four years strong, three of them married.”
“So, when do you think we’ll meet ‘em?”
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“Not really, but have to be. I’ll be seeing a lot of her more since you’ve transferred.”
“It’s been five years too, she’d probably moved on, yeah?”
“Don’t know Lessi. I hope so. Now let’s get little princess dressed.”
“I’ve already dressed her, babe. Just waiting on you.”
You looked at her skeptically.
“You? Dressed Rory?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Alessia asked, offense written on her face.
“Nothing bad, Less. Just, you turn her into a mini me every time.”
“And she loves it every time. I love when the two of you match. My favorite girls.
“And when this baby pops out of me, no doubt he’ll be a mini you.”
“I won’t be outnumbered this time.”
“Sorry, I’m late. Kid ran away while I tried getting her in the car.” Alessia explained, walking to where everyone was gathered in the backyard.
“You’re fine. Now, who is this little one?”
“Wanna say your name bubs?”
“I Rory. I dis many.” She says holding up three fingers.
“Woah. That’s a lot of fingers.” Your daughter giggles.
“Did that wife of yours come?”
“Yeah, she probably went to the—”
“—Sorry. I had to go to the washroom. It’s nice to meet you all. Name’s—”
“—Y/n.” Leah finishes, shocked, voice shaking.
“…Hi, Leah.”
“You two know each other.” Katie asks, intrigued how the skipper knew you.
“Uh, yeah. We used to be close friends.”
“No. She was my wife.” You could’ve heard a pin drop from how silent everyone was.
“Okay. Woah. There is a lot to unpack here.”
“And they can do it privately.” Alessia intervened.
“You know about our history.” Leah turns to Alessia, hurt all over her face. She was close to the girl, being on the national team together and the whole time she was in a relationship with her ex-wife.
“Of course I do. She’s my wife.”
The dinner was pretty awkward for a bit after the interaction. Rory have been playing with some of the other girls, you staying by your wife’s side getting to know her teammates.
Eventually, Leah got the courage to go up to you.
“Hey, uh, do you think we could talk?”
You look up at her, seeing the nervous look on her face.
“Sure. Honey, help me up.” Alessia grabs ahold of your hand and the other on your arm to stabilize you. “Let’s go inside.”
You go to little sitting area in the corner of the living room, away from everyone, but not out of sight. There was a couple seconds of silence, very awkward silence.
“Are you just not gonna say anything?”
Leah apologizes. “Uh, how’ve you been?”
“Doing pretty good.”
Another awkward silence.
“I’m sorry. I don’t really know what to say. I’ve had five years to practice what I was gonna say to you if I ever would run into you, but it just slipped my mind. But I guess I wanted to apologize and say that I took you for granted. I don’t deserve your forgiveness at all for being distant, lying to you about where I’ve been doing or going… for, uh, cheating on you. I’ve hated myself the second it happened.”
“Why’d you do it?”
“Why’d you do it? Was it something I did that made you go to another that you should’ve gone to me for or—”
“—No! God, no! You did nothing wrong, it was all on me. I don’t really have an explanation as shitty as it sounds.”
“It’s been five years and I do forgive you. I think I forgave you the moment I met my wife. I needed to close the door on our relationship to be able to truly love her how she should be loved, so I forgive you. Doesn’t mean that I’ll ever forget. But you are forgiven.”
“Thank you.”
Before anyone can say anything else, your daughter runs to you, climbing into your lap.
“Hi, Mommy.”
“Hi, baby. You having fun?”
“Yeah! Stephy and Kya (Kyra) pway with me.”
“That’s so sweet of them.”
Leah watches your interaction with your daughter, a sad smile on her face.
“How old is she?”
“Hey, Rory. This is Mama’s teammate Leah. Can you tell her how old you are?”
“I free!” She holds up three fingers towards Leah.
“Woah! You’re so big! And you have a little sibling on the way. Can I ask how far along you are?” The question directed towards you.
“I’m five months along. It’s a boy.”
“Thank you! Well, it’s been great catching up with you Leah. I’m glad you’re doing well.”
Leah watches you walk away, your daughter on your hip, towards your wife who was chatting up with a few teammates. She watches Alessia grab Aurora from you, giving you a smile and a kiss, seeing the love you two have.
Maybe in another life, one she hadn’t screwed up on , that could’ve been you and her, but she was just glad that you have someone who lived you the way you deserve to be loved.
Now, that she got everything out of her chest, she would be able to move on, but you’ll always be the one that got away.
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gyubeom · 4 months
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Creamy vacation
Pairing: Bf!Yeonjun x Reader (Idol au)
Genre: smut
Warnings: Reader is a female, squirting, degradation, use of (baby, babe, and honey sexually and non sexually), nipple play and sucking, Yeonjun’s really horny
a/n: Hi ya’ll Im back with another post. Hope you guys like it, enjoy! Btw this is a non requested fic!
You and your boyfriend decided to go on a vacation since promotions stopped and his company gave a break to the group he’s in. You wanted to look the best as possible on your vacation. So you texted your friend to help you out in shopping for a few new outfits and swimsuits.
You met up with her at a mall and went to have lunch first. Once the two of you were done, she suggested to find a new swimsuit first. You agreed and went to a store that sold cute swim wear. The two of you split up to find swimsuits. Then you heard foot steps behind you, when you turned around you saw your friend holding up a two piece bathing suit.
It was a baby pink with white ruffles outlining the bottom of the bra and it has a matching skirt with the same white ruffles to match. It was quite revealing from your liking but you decided to go with it. With that, you and your friend thought it was the perfect swimsuit to wear on your trip. After purchasing it you both went to other stores to buy more clothes. Once you were finished you bid your goodbyes and you both went home
The day of the trip came, you woke your sleepy boyfriend up and started to get ready. You wore one of the outfits you bought with your friend. After doing your hair and make up you guys drove to the airport. When you arrived it was almost your flight so you quickly stopped at a cafe to buy coffee and breakfast.
You boarded the plane on time and settled into your seats. “Are you excited baby” Yeonjun asked while smiling at you, “of course I am, we haven’t been on a trip let alone a proper date in months” you replied. He chuckled, “yeah I know baby, the important thing is we still get to spend time with each other” you smiled at his remark. Suddenly you could hear the captain announcing that the plane was about to take off. So you buckled your seatbelt and watched the view as you took off.
When you arrived at the hotel your boyfriend suggested you go swimming on the beach nearby. You were excited since you remembered the new swimsuit you got. You quickly unpacked some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. After changing you styled your hair a bit and put on some lip balm before going out of the bathroom.
When you went out, your boyfriend’s jaw dropped. “You like?”you asked while spinning around, suddenly your boyfriend held your waist tightly and pulled you into a kiss. He kissed you roughly, you were in shock but melted into the kiss. You felt Yeonjun guiding you to the bed while his hands roam around your body.
You let out a small moan when you were pushed to the bed. The both of you completely forgot about swimming. Yeonjun started to grope your breasts through your top without breaking the kiss. He pulled the tied string holding your top together. He then removed your top and tossed it somewhere in the room.
He pulled away and moved down to leave hickeys on your boobs and neck. He left a trail of kisses from your breasts down to your upper thigh stopping at your cunt. He tugged on the bottom you were wearing “can I?” he asked. You nodded as he removed your bottom in one swift move. He then spread your legs open to reveal how wet you were. “Damn baby you’re so wet, I’ve barely done anything” without a warning he started to pump three fingers in your dripping hole.
You moaned at the sudden stretch. He started rubbing your clit with his free hand whilst keeping his quick speed. You felt your legs shake each time he would shove his fingers back inside you. After a few more pumps you felt him hit your g-spot which made you let out a dragged out moan.
“Yeah you like that slut?” Yeonjun teased while massaging your g-spot. You rolled your eyes back at the sensation of his fingers. Not long after, you felt your orgasm reaching “Baby, I-Im going to cu-cum” you said.
Unexpectedly, he pulled all of his fingers out and stopped rubbing your clit. You whined and tried grinding on his fingers to get back on your high. “Look at you, such a slut, trying to grind on my fingers. Can’t be patient huh hon?” he said teasingly. You pouted and he let out a small scoff.
He started to undress and tossed his swimming trunks on the floor along with your bathing suit. He then roughly turned you around to put you on all fours. In an instant, he bottomed out inside you. You let out a loud moan that the whole floor could hear.
He started at a slow pace, finding his rhythm, once he did, he picked up the speed. You moaned in the pillow underneath you and gripped the sheets. “Fuck your so tight even after I fingered you?” Yeonjun said in between thrusts. You let out a ‘mhm’ before moaning again.
You felt his grip on your waist tighten as his speed increased. You felt one of his hands reach down to play with your clit, rubbing fast circles on it. You screamed his name from the amount of pleasure you’re receiving. This made you near your high once again. “Honey I-Im gonna cum soon” you said in between moans.
“Cum when I cum baby” he said you whined as he started to lift your hips higher to reach deeper inside you. The next thing you knew he was filling you to the brim with cum. Your released followed as well. He thrusted a bit more before pulling out and spreading your ass cheeks open to see your pussy leaking with a mix of his and your cum.
He groaned at the sight as he started to lick your cunt. You let out a loud moan from overstimulation, but Yeonjun kept on going. Your legs felt weak, if it was ‘t for the strong grip of Yeonjun you would’ve collapsed. Yeonjun continued to eat you out like a mad man.
He then shoved two fingers into your dripping entrance which made you let out a scream. He massaged your g-spot while licking your clit. “Fuck yes! Yes Yeonjun!” You screamed. You could feel the smirk grow on his face at your remark.
You felt your high reaching for the third time today, “Fuck! Yeonjun Im cumming again!” once he heard that he increased the speed of his fingers and started sucking on your clit. After hitting your g-spot for the last time you came hard on his fingers. Some cum splashing on his face.
He turned you around and took a look at you. When you opened your eyes and saw him he had puffy red lips with a mix of saliva and cum coating it. At this point you were very sensitive and overstimulated.
Yeonjun leaned down gave you a peck before picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. He carefully placed you down in the shower while starting the hot water. You saw his dick grow hard again, when you looked up he captured you into a passionate kiss.
He then reached down to squeeze your ass, not breaking the kiss. He then pulled away “Fuck baby you’re so horny, letting me touch you even though you cummed two times today?” he teased “Mhm fuck yes, ca-can’t get enough of you” you said. He scoffed and left more hickeys on your body.
He then pressed you against the glass door and spread your legs. You moaned at the cold glass pressing against your sensitive nipples. He then pushed his dick into you without a warning. He started at a fast pace which had you moaning his name.
“Fuck! Yeonjun you feel so good!” you screamed “Yeah? You like that whore? Gonna cum on my cock for me again?” he said between your moans. You felt so fucked out but it felt so good having his dick deep inside you. You could hear the slight thud of the glass each thrust.
“Fuck this pussy is still so tight after all of that fucking” you clenched down harder on his cock that you’re practically choking it. He then pulled out and turned you around. He held the back of your upper thigh, “Jump baby” he said. You jumped, now you were leaning on the glass door with your legs held up by Yeonjun.
He aligned himself to your entrance and thrusted hard into you. You moaned loudly at the new angle, “shit! Jun it feels so fucking good!”. “Yeah you like this whore?” you moaned in agreement. He was thrusting into you hard and fast that you were bouncing up and down which increased the pleasure.
You could feel him staring at your bouncing tits as he fucked you stupid. He then leaned down and took one of your nipples and sucked them hard. You moaned his name continuously from this. The air in the shower was hot and you could see the fog building up. Moans and the sound of skin slapping filled the room. You heard Yeonjun pull away from your nipple with a lewd pop that made you moan.
You then felt your high again as you increased his speed. Without notice, he came hard in you making you moan loudly. You came hard as well covering his cock with cum. He then pulled out and gently placed you down. Then he roughly pushed you to lean against the foggy glass. He then spread your legs apart to take a look at your pussy. He then delivered a slap to your cunt making tears form in your eyes from the pleasure.
He suddenly shoved his cock in once again which made you squirm. “Don’t fucking move whore, didn’t you want this? Hm? To be fucked stupid?” he said with a stern voice. He was still as hard as a rock when you fucked you. You only let out babbles and incoherent words.
You were so fucked out and overstimulated. You felt your high reaching shortly after, but this felt different, it felt powerful and full of overwhelming pleasure. “Ah! Fuck! Yeonjun Im gonna cum again!” “Shh baby let it all out” he said while rubbing your clit roughly and pinching your clit. “Fuck!” you screamed before squirting all over his dick. He pulled out and rubbed your clit to help you ride out your high. He then came on your back shortly after.
Yeonjun held you up and helped clean you. Once the both of you were done you were placed gently on the bed. You heard Yeonjun join you as well, he leaned in your ear “you did so well for me today baby, so fucking hot” he said before pulling you in his chest to sleep. You both fell asleep the whole day and went out for dinner later on.
a/n: Hi guys I hoped you enjoyed. Tell me if you want a part two of this fic. Thats all thank you for reading!
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Shame(less) - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Requested: No
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!reader; Adrian Pucey x f!reader
Summary: y/n feels ashamed for cheating on her boyfriend with Mattheo, but the same couldn't be said fo the dark haired boy.
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: Cheating, slight cursing
A/N: It was supposed to be a drabble but oh well. I really don't like how it turned out, but I might write a Theo version if people ask. Comments and feedback are always deeply appreciated :) ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
Tag list: @helendeath @im-jesus
Tag list for this story: @chelawrites @isntthatsweetiguessso @aegon-andaemondtargaryenslut18
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Christmas break was over, and it was time to go back to Hogwarts. It meant going back to the same routine, taking your meals in the Great Hall, going to class, doing your homework, having fun with your friends in Hogsmeade and also spreading time with your boyfriend, Adrian. The prospect should have made you happy, and you should have been looking forward to seeing him, but you just couldn’t. Not when he would be here too.
After arriving at the castle, you met Pansy in the Slytherin common room. You two hugged warmly, and talked about your respective holidays. You did your best to focus on what your best friend was saying, nodding at her words, but you could feel your heart beat fast with anxiety, and your eyes kept taking glimpses around in case Adrian or him came in. After a moment, Pansy left to go unpack her bags, and seconds later, you jumped as you felt two hands on your eyes.
“Guess who?”
With a small laugh, he took his hands off your face and put them on your hips instead as you turned to face him. He bent a little to kiss your lips, and you tried to feel something, anything, but you didn’t. Only shame that you felt something - felt so much - when it was another man’s lips that were on yours. 
“Had a good Christmas? Did you like my gift?”
“Yeah!” You said, trying to sound normal. “It was nice to see my parents, and I really liked your gift, Adrien, it was really beautiful. Thank you. How was yours?”
“Good, good,” he said with a nod. “I liked your gift, as well. But, I have to admit I missed you, babe.” He sighed and continued with a softer voice, “I’m sorry for how I behaved before the break, I…I didn’t give you much attention, and I regret all our fights. Can I start making it up to you?” he finished with a hopeful small smile.
“No”, you should have said. He was right in everything he said, and you had seen couples from school break up for less than that. 
“Okay,” you nodded. 
“Thank you.” 
He kissed your cheek, and you forced your lips to form a smile. 
“I, uh, I have to go unpack my back,” you said.
“Oh. Sure. I’ll see you at dinner.”
Remaining silent, you gave him a nod, and his hands left your hips as you detached yourself from him and walked to your dorm, hoping that staying alone for a moment would allow you to pull yourself back together and finally make the right decision. With a heavy breath, you opened the door, expecting to see the room empty, but there was somebody here, sitting on your bed. You shouldn’t have been surprised, and you already knew who it was - he was always there. 
Mattheo Riddle. In the same house and same year as you. For years, he was just a classmate you didn’t interact much with, except for strange, silent stares that started in your fifth year. Nothing changed when you started dating Adrian, but one night after a fight with him, Mattheo found you all alone, in tears, and sat down to listen to you. Things had escalated, and ever since, you felt nothing but shame and fear that anyone would find out. You tried to avoid him after, to convince himself that it was a mistake. However, if you felt shame, it wasn’t the case for Mattheo. After that night,  and kept staring at you in class, during meals, and especially when Adrian was close to you. And as if it wasn’t enough, he kept trying to spend time alone with you, and eventually succeeded, leading in more “accidents”, as you called them, more shame, as well as less and less affection for your boyfriend and more and more for feelings and shameful desire for the dark haired boy in front of you. And it definitely wasn’t helping that he also kept trying to convince you of his feelings for you and to leave Adrian once and for all.
He raised his head when you came in, and you quickly closed the door behind you, quietly locking it. Your heart started beating faster, and you leant on your door, not daring to get closer. 
“Well, hello, love.” 
You felt your cheeks - or maybe your whole body - becoming hot, and gulped. 
“You can’t be here,” you said with a shaky voice. “What if someone saw you coming in?” 
“Nobody has seen us so far,” Mattheo answered with his usual carelessness you both hated and felt drawn to. “Why would they see me now?” 
“Mattheo, you know perfectly what I meant,” you retorted. “Plus, what if Adrian saw you?” 
Mattheo rose from the bed, and slowly started walking towards you. 
“Speaking of your little boyfriend, I saw you guys before you came in.” His brown gaze hardened like it always did when the topic was Adrian. “It nearly took everything in me to not break his fingers for touching you.” 
“Mattheo,” you sighed. “He’s my boyfriend. He has every right to touch me.” 
Staring at you, Mattheo had a smirk that did not reach his dark eyes and tilted his head. His face was now inches away from yours, and you tried as much as you could to not breathe his perfume. 
“And do I have the right to touch you?” he said in a low voice.
Not waiting for an answer, he brought one hand to your cheek, caressing it with his thumb and now looking at you like he had been for a few weeks - with love. 
“Mattheo, please…”
He closed his eyes and brought his nose to your cheek, his thumb still caressing it. “I’ve spent three weeks in hell not seeing, touching, or kissing you,” he whispered. “I fucking need to feel you, love…Even just a kiss…”
One of his hands still on your cheek, the other went under your shirt, and when he started kissing your neck, you knew you were done for. Your body was as hot as ever, and you felt shivers down your spine as well as your body craving Mattheo’s touch. You sighed, and as he brought his mouth to yours, you kissed him back, putting one hand on his back and the other on his neck. He immediately deepened the kiss, and his hands grabbed your legs to put them around his waist. 
“I can’t fucking stand the thought of you being with him,” he mumbled between two kisses. “I can’t stand the thought of not being the only man who gets to touch and kiss you, the only man who can call you his…”
He suddenly stopped kissing you, leaving you breathless.  
“Leave him, y/n. Or I’m gonna go crazy. I could give you…Everything. Everything I have.”
All lust had disappeared from his eyes, leaving only desperation, and love. 
“Fine,” you whispered, feeling incapable of saying no to him. “I’ll leave Adrian tomorrow.” 
Mattheo smiled, and you felt his relief. He gave you a loving kiss before looking at you again, this time with a mix of both love and lust.
“Now that it’s settled and you’re fully mine forever, how about we make up for the time we spent apart?”
You smiled and kissed him, the feeling of shame not disappearing in the slightest. 
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speedycoffeedelight · 7 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery: You recently moved to a cabin in the woods for some peaceful time alone. But that is ruined when somehow a wide variety of different animals invade your space out of nowhere. Was this your Disney princess era or is there something more to it..
Also a crazy killer seems to be also on the loose as of now. And this guy who seems to be your new neighbour seems suspicious. Is there any connection?
(I kinda just had some scenarios made in my mind with the hazbin crew as animals so I decided to write them(◕ᴗ◕✿) )
Master list
CH-1: The fluffy and the winged friend
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As you turned the key,the door opened with a click. A gust of dusty air left the cabin as you opened the door. Coughing a little you started to look for the light switch with your hand. Soon you found it and turned it on as light filled the room. It was the kitchen from the looks of it. There was an old stove on the left side of the room,followed by a sink and a countertop.
On the right side was a wooden sofa. It look to be in bad shape as some of its parts had been eaten by bugs.You took a mental note to fix that later. There was a small stool beside the sofa which looked pretty okay. There was also a window above the sink. You went there and opened it to let some fresh air in. There was two more room to explore. You went in the right one.
This time it was a bedroom. There was a queen sized bed on a corner. Alongside it was your wardrobe and on the other side of the room was a chair and a table, all of which you made sure to be moved here before you came. There was a door in there too which you guessed was the bathroom. You went to the window above the table and opened it to let the sunlight in.
The other room was a bit spacious with a small fireplace and some old books with shelves in a corner. There was a lounge there too. Everything looked pretty neat for now.After finishing your tour of the cabin you took a big breath.
You used almost all the money you saved up till now to buy this cabin around the woods. You really wanted to settle down in a quiet place close to nature from your childhood and it just seemed perfect.
"Welp,time to get some unpacking done"
You rolled up the sleeves of your shirt and went to the balcony where all of your stuff were left in a pile of boxes. You crouched down and picked up a box labeled 'kitchen' and started to work.
You took a break at noon to whip something up quick for lunch and rest. The rest of the unpacking was almost done by afternoon,as you didn't have much anyway. You went to get one last box that was left on the balcony. It was a bit bigger then other ones. You went to open it up,but suddenly it started to violently shake.
"What the-"
You quickly took a couple steps back. You don't remember placing something moving or vibrating in that box. At least nothing that would start moving by itself like a blender. Gulping down you you slowly inched to the box again. As you were close to touching the lid, it opened by itself. Being startled,you quickly retrieved your hands as a pair of horns poked through the box.
Suddenly that something with horns jumped in front of you from the box. It was a sheep, a small fluffy adorable sheep. Following its jump, an ashy moth also flew out from the box and sat on the sheep's horns.
You were confused as hell. How the heck did a whole ass sheep and a big moth get inside your box? It didn't seem like the boxes were open beforehand. But swatting away that confusion,you focused on what to do with the two little creatures in front of you right now.
Your cabin was surrounded by woods on one side and it was far from safe for a little sheep like it. Plus you really wanted to pet it for some reason. Deciding you'll keep it with you for however long You can. You slowly started to get close to it holding out your hand.
The sheep was looking at you curiously and started to walk over to your hand. While the moth seemed to be tensed by you almost.
Slowly the sheep was under your reach. You softly put your hand on it head and began to pet it. The sheep closed it eyes which you think meant it was enjoying it. The moth seemed to be comfortable too now. Looking closer, you noticed the moth was missing one of it's eye. There was a cross where it's left eye should be.
Normally you weren't a big fan of moths. But this one really looked pretty. You mentally cursed whichever thing that made such a cute creature look like this.
Now you slowly tried to pick up the sheep so you can carry it to your room. You had some vegetables left over that you could give to the sheep.
"Hey there darling,come with me. Let's get you some food alright..?"
You spoke in a soft voice attempting to reassure it. But then it hit you that they wouldn't understand your language. You mentally facepalmed yourself right then for your stupidity. But to your surprise,it came closer to you and let itself be picked up. Even looking a bit happy in the process if that was possible. You heart absolutely melted at the sight of it and the soft fur. The moth flew and sat on top of your head.
"Well then, let's get going,shall we?"
You said as you walked back into the cabin with the small sheep in hand and moth on your head. At least you wouldn't feel lonely in this cabin tonight.
(A/n: just trying to get the environment figured out in this chapter and I'm not really good with it:') )
(Also this is already published in both ao3 and wattpad under the same name. But I wanted to publish it here too and see how it goes. The artwork isn't mine!!)
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kittykat-25 · 7 months
One Of The Guys
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Pairings: Hongjoong x F! Reader
Genre: idol au, Friends x Lovers, angst
Summary: You tried really hard not to be a cliché, falling love with your best friend. How unoriginal. But when your best friend is Kim Hongjoong what are you supposed to do?
Now Playing: One Of The Guys- Jessia
Word Count: 1.6k
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
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Being friends with Hongjoong had led to you meeting the rest of his members. And soon enough you were the ninth person of the friend group. While you cared about and respected all of them, Wooyoung and Mingi had taken it upon themselves to be your pillars. The two who kept you sane and standing. They quickly caught on to how you felt about their captain. The others had as well but they chose to respect your privacy, Woo and Mingi; not so much. You were grateful for the two dorks who kept you on your toes and only left your side when needed. Hongjoong loved that his members had taken you in so quickly. He knew they all adored you and would look after you when he couldn’t. Y/n had always been a comforting presence to him, he knew Hwa called you when he got too far into his head. You would show up, make him take a break and relax and then sit down and help until he felt confident in his work. You had started taking care of the kids too at some point, bringing food when they practiced late, making sure the fridge at the studio was stocked of their favorite snacks and drinks. The staff had told him of you coming by early on the way into work to drop off treats for them. You cared about everyone one around you, so he had made it his mission to be that person for you as well. A protector, a friend, a big brother of sorts. Little did he know he was breaking your heart in the process.
Saturday night you made your way up the stairs of the dorm, take out bags lining your arms. You stop at a door and give it a few swift kicks alerting the eight men inside. Yunho throws the door open, looking down at you. "Need help with that shorty?" you threw him a glare, "I can take your food and give it to Woo." Yunho reached out and took some bags leading her inside. "Y/N's here." He called into the apartment. You started unpacking food containers onto the counter when a massive hand came down onto your head, "Thanks cupcake!" Ming said while ruffling your hair. "Anything for you Princess." You smirked back and you elbowed him away from you. “Leave Y/N alone, they were nice enough to bring us food.” You heard the oldest boy call as he walked into the kitchen. “At least one of you has some manners.” You said as you handed Seonghwa his food. “Yah I offered to cook but noooo I just go bullied for suggesting it.” Wooyoung said plopping his chin down on top of your head. “Poor little baby, getting bullied?” You fake pout. Wooyoung dug his chin into your head. “Owh Woo!!” You said swatting at the menace. “Have some respect for your elders Hyung.” Jongho said as he sat down next to Yunho on the couch. “Oh because you do that so well?!” Wooyoung called back. You laughed as you grabbed the eighth container. The boys bickering getting quieter as you head down the hallway to Hongjoong’s room.
You knocked on the door, a muffled “yeah?” came through. “Joongie?” You called opened the door into a dark room. You looked over at the only light source, Hongjoong sitting in front of his laptop, his silhouette sending butterflies through your body. “You know you have to eat to stay alive right?” You said softly as you sat the container in front of him. He looked up at you “I just need to finish this clip for Eden Hyung.” Eyes focused back on the screen. “Joong, you can’t finish it if you’re unconscious from lack of food. When was the last time you ate?” He spun his chair around to face you as you sat on the edge of his bed, “I ate breakfast this morning.” You looked down at your watch, “it’s 11pm. You haven’t eaten in over twelve hours.” He turned his chair back around, “thank you for the food y/n-ie. Go eat with the others, I’ll join in a bit.” Y/n looked at the back of his head and stood up and walked to the door. Looking back at the man who had no clue that he held your heart in his hands. “Let’s not lie, we both know you aren’t leaving until you’re satisfied. Just make sure you eat please Joong.” You said quietly before shutting the door.
You made your way back into the main room, curling up in the couch beside Wooyoung. They had started a movie and everyone was hyper fixated on it. Wooyoung nudged you in the side lightly, nodding towards the kitchen. You got up and followed him out of the room. Leaning against the counter you watched him clean up the take out containers. “What happened?” He asked quietly. “What do you mean?” He stopped and looked down at you, eyes soft and full of pity. “Bubs you have the same defeated look as when your book doesn’t end the way you want. What happened?” You twisted the ends of your hair, another sign to Woo that something was wrong. Being friend with them the past 7 years he learned to pick up your anxious habits. “Nothing happened, same Joong as always.” Wooyoung nodded his head, he opened his mouth to speak when Mingi walked in. “Y/n do you think you should just tell him how you feel?” He said casually as he set his cup in the sink. “Going straight for kill aren’t you Minki?” Woo said trying to lighten the mood. “And do what? Ruin my friendship? Lose all of you? No thank you. I’m happy to sit here in misery.” You said while picking at the hem of your shirt. Mingi grabbed your hands “you wouldn’t lose us cupcake.” He said softly. “Yah y/n you can’t lose me, I’m like glitter. I never leave.” Wooyoung said. He threw his arm around your shoulder “besides who else is going to protect me from all of them.” He whispered as he lead you back into the living room.
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You woke up on the couch, a blanket thrown over you and Wooyoung sprawled out on the floor beside you. You looked around taking in the guys sleeping peacefully around the room. Noticing one blonde haired man missing you pulled yourself up wrapping the blanket around you and trudged down the hall to his room. You lightly knocked before opening the door and found him asleep at his desk. Quietly walked to him, making sure the clip was saved; you gently shook his shoulder. Hoongjoongs eyes shot open, calming down when he saw your face. “Bed now don’t even try to object Kim Hongjoong.” You said before he could defend himself. He stood and walked over to his bed throwing the blankets back and climbing in.
He patted the pillow beside his and you hesitantly laid down next to him. You had shared a bed before but every time it messed with your head. “Do you work today?” He asked, his eyes scanning your face. “No Joongie, it’s Sunday.” You said, your voice barely above a whisper. He pulled your blanket up and softly patted the top of your head, “then get some rest.” You calmed yourself to where your cheeks wouldn’t glow red, glad his eyes were closed. “You need it more than I do.” He hummed quietly in answer. You laid there until his breathing evened out and you knew he was asleep before slipped silently off the bed and back into the living room. You could hear someone moving around the kitchen, cooling your features you walked in there. “Hey shorty, sleep well?” Yunho said as you make your way into the space. You nodded your head, “I’m probably going to head out soon.” You croaked, voice laced with emotions you wanted to shove down. Yunho looked at you and the direction you came from and nodded his head. “Do you need me to walk you home? Or wake up Mings to do it?” You shook your head, “I’m good but thanks Yuyu. I’ll see you all later.” You laid your blanket over Wooyoung and gathered your things, looking back down the dark hallway towards his room once more before walking to the door and letting it close behind you.
You made your way down the street to a convenience store to grab a coffee before started the walk back to your place. You heard someone calling your name and saw Wooyoung and San jogging down the street after you. “You were sleeping when I left?! Not even five minutes ago!” You said once the two men got close enough. “Yunho woke me up, he was worried about you.” Wooyoung said while catching his breath. You moved your eyes over to San, “Woo stepped on me as he was leaving.” You started laughing “of course he did. Well let’s go get you both some food and I need caffeine.” You made your way into a café and ordered. Chit chatting about plans for the day and soaking up quality time together. “I’m meeting Changbin later at a game room later if you want to join?” Wooyoung suggested as you walked down the street, “it could be fun?” You shook your head, “I’m terrible at computer games Woo.” Wooyoung gave you his best pout face “please.” You rolled your eyes, “no I have things I need to get done today.” He jutted out his lip even more “I’ll buy you lunch, please Bin is nicer to me when you’re there.” You laughed and shook your head, “fine, fine. But I want lunch and a coffee.” Wooyoung tackled you into a hug as you stopped in front of your apartment building. “Be ready around 1, I’ll come get you.” You gave a thumbs up as you walked into the building. Feeling much lighter than you did this morning.
@vampzity @sanslovesblog @sundaybossanova @skzline @edenesth @owmoiralover @scarfac3 @mingisbbokari
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huggybearluvr · 10 months
Holiday Bliss
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Previous Part || New Part
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You and Luke sat in your apartment planning out your fall break.
"So we will go to my parents the first Two weeks and then fly to Ohio to see your family, how does that sound," Luke asked.
"sounds perfect," You said as you snuggled closer into his side.
"You cold?" He asked. You nodded.
Luke sat up pulling off his hoodie handing it to you, he grabbed your laptop pulling it open to look up flights for you both.
You slipped his hoodie on snuggling closer again.
"We can do that tomorrow Lu," You said, as you were getting quite tired.
"We head to my parents tomorrow baby, I wanna get all this done now," He said softly, "Head to bed, I'll be in when I am done."
You nodded heading to your bedroom.
Once Luke had finished booking the flight to Ohio he shut the laptop off heading to your bedroom.
As he walked in he saw you were already asleep, he smiled turning the lights off and snuggling up beside you.
"Goodnight," He kissed you forehead and soon drifted off to sleep beside you.
You woke up, walking to the kitchen to make coffee. You headed back to the bedroom while it brewed snuggling up with Luke again.
"Good morning," You spoke softly as his eyes fluttered open.
"Morning Baby," He said as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Luke we have to get up," you giggled as he peppered kissing all over your face.
"Five minutes?" He asked softly.
"Babe, I have to pack," you said softly moving away from him," There's coffee in the kitchen."
You walked over to your closet pulling out your suitcase.
Luke walked to the kitchen pouring you both a cup of coffee before starting to make breakfast.
You finished packing your suitcase and took it out the living room.
"Sit, I made breakfast," Luke said as he set a plate infront of you.
"Thank you," You smiled.
Luke loaded up the car and you were off to his parents house, it was only about an hour away.
"I'm kinda nervous to meet you family," You said truthfully.
"They are gonna love you, and I'm not just saying that," Luke laughed," My brothers already do since you got them vip passes to the chiefs game."
"I hope your right," You spoke taking his hand.
Once you arrived Luke got out taking both your suitcases out of the trunk.
You both walked up to the door, Luke handed you the key.
You opened the door.
"I'm home!" Luke announced.
His family came walking over from the kitchen greeting Luke.
"Oh honey it's so nice to meet you," Lukes mother Ellen said as she pulled you into a hug.
Quinn hugged you as well thank you for the tickets.
"Hey Jack, it's nice to meet you," You smiled.
"You gonna be sassy like you are in your insta replys?" He said laughing as he pulled you into a hug.
"I can be," You laughed pulling away.
"Alright, you two go get situated in Luke rooms," Ellen said," Dinner will be ready in about an hour."
Luke nodded taking both your bags and heading up the stairs.
You followed Luke and entered the bedroom on the left side of the hall. You looked around taking the blue walls littered with hockey posters.
You smiled, "You really love hockey don't you."
Luke smiled," I do."
Luke opened both your bags unpacking them into the drawers and closet.
"After dinner, were going to go to this ice cream parlor down the street," Luke said sitting beside you on the bed," We go every year when the whole families together."
"That sounds great," You smiled, placing a kiss to his lips.
After dinner you all piled into Ellens SUV and began driving to the ice cream parlor.
"Oh y/n when we get back, i'll pull out the photo albums for you!"
"I would love that!" you responded.
"I don't think you have to do that mom," Luke argued.
"No, no I wanna see your cute little baby pictures," You teased poking his cheek.
You all soon arrived at the parlor ordering your ice cream and sitting at a small picnic bench.
You and Luke ended up trading ice creams almost right away as you both tried new flavors and didn't like them.
Once you all got back Jim started a fire outside so that you could all sit around the fire and enjoy your time together. Luke grabbed a blanket knowing you get cold easily.
"Here babe," He said handing you the blanket. He sat on the couch, as you sat beside him cuddling up with him covering you both with the blanket.
You sat with the photo album in your lap looking at all the pictures of Luke.
"You look so cute in this one," You said pointing at a picture of him in little skates trying to keep up with his older brothers.
As it got later the rest of the family had gone inside, you and Luke agreeing to stay outside until the fire dies down.
"I love you."
You turned to look at him shocked at his words.
"I love you too," You smiled.
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Beach Day | Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - but encouraged by @holacia3 with this ask
Pairing: Modern!Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) manages to pull Tommy out of the office so that they can go on a trip. Once at their destination, they waste no time and have a much needed beach day. Or: Tommy forgets everything the second he sees (Y/N) wearing his shirt.
Warnings: language, some suggestive sentences
Word Count: 3332
A/N: this one’s probably going to flop, but I’m happy that I managed to finish it amidst the bout of writer’s block I’ve been experiencing. It was the other option on the poll I ran a few weeks ago. I haven’t got to take a trip to the beach this summer, so I decided to write about it instead. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: this will be the last story posted in July … I’m going on a trip with my family next week and most likely won’t have any major time to write the other requests. I’m hoping that maybe I’ll be able to write and share some of the blurbs that I’ve got in my asks, but big stories have been halted until August.
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories like this one!
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"...and you can't argue with me because I've already packed your bags," (Y/N) ended her pitch in an assured tone, setting her confident gaze on her fiancé, who was sitting across from her...at his desk, of course.
Tommy opened his mouth to speak, but the door to the office opening stopped him. Both he and (Y/N) looked over to it to find Polly entering the room. "I'm going to need you to hand over your diary," she said, walking right over to the desk, extending her hand towards her nephew when she stopped in front of it.
"I'm guessing you got her in on this?" Tommy asked (Y/N), his eyebrows raised as he looked between both women.
"I did," (Y/N) nodded in an assured manner, a tight-lipped grin present on her face, "and you're not getting out of it."
"Everything's been handled. Go take a break, Thomas," Polly added, moving her fingers then to remind him that she was going to need his diary.
"So it's been settled then, eh?" he looked at (Y/N) again.
"It has been," she answered him, a victorious smile present on her face, "give her the diary, Tommy."
"If I must," he sighed dramatically as he picked it up from his desk and handed it over to his aunt, making a big deal over it. Inside he was glad that (Y/N) had planned this out...he'd been working tirelessly on the business' latest expansion and hardly had a moment to breathe, but yet he wasn't going to stop and take one for himself. (Y/N) realized that and took it upon herself to plan the forced holiday.
"You must," (Y/N) stayed stern on her point, although the smile she was wearing was full on her face now. Tommy took one more look at his fiancée and couldn't stop the smile from forming on his face. There was not a doubt in his mind that he was ready to relax with her.
By that time the next day, Tommy and (Y/N) found themselves checked into a private resort that sat right off of a beautiful beach.
After unpacking their luggage, Tommy made his way out to the living area of the suite they were staying in with the intention of checking in on how things were back at home. He was thankful that this resort had high-speed internet, because he couldn't stand to be disconnected for too long. The flight to the resort was already pushing the limits...nothing would connect in that damned airport.
It seemed as though (Y/N) had other ideas of what they should be doing next. She exited the bedroom the second he'd gotten comfortable on one of the couches. Taking one look at Tommy made her audibly sigh and drop her hand to hit against her thigh, the sound of it making him look up from the screen.
He immediately noted that she had changed. Her comfortable airport attire had been switched for a swimsuit and a loose, practically see through dress that she was using as a cover-up. A pair of sunglasses rested atop her head and flip-flops covered her feet. How she managed to get changed so fast completely perplexed him.
"You're back to thinking of work already?" she commented, a bit of an exasperated look filling her features.
"You know how I like to check on things," he stated, defending himself as he shrugged his shoulders slightly.
"I do know, but we're on holiday, Tommy," she pointed out.
"Yeah, but we just got here."
"Yeah...and I'm already ready to go down to the beach."
"I noticed that."
"Tommy..." (Y/N) sighed, a frown forming on her lips. She held her gaze on him for a moment, watching and waiting for him to say something, before continuing to speak when silence persisted. "I'm going to throw your bloody phone in the ocean if this is how this week's going to play out," she threatened him, her voice holding a more serious tone than it had before.
"Just let me do it now," he bargained with her, "I didn't know we were going to get into things so soon."
(Y/N) pursed her lips as she thought about his suggestion. She finally responded after letting silence hang in the air for a few moments, "fine. You can do it now, but please don't let it become a habit, ok? This was meant to take you away from work," she laid out her stipulations.
"Fair enough. I'll curb it for the rest of the week," he agreed to her counter-offer, nodding his head to seal the deal.
"Good," she nodded in response to his statement. A few beats of silence passed before she spoke again, "I'm going to go down to the pool and wait for you, ok?" she told him her plan.
"Ok," he agreed, watching her as she walked over to where he was sitting. "Look beautiful, baby," he couldn't resist giving her a compliment, his eyes running over her body.
"Thanks, Tommy," she smiled at him, her stomach filling with butterflies as she leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. "Don't be up here too long, hmm?" she mumbled against his lips after pulling away.
"I won't," he promised her, feeling her smile against his lips before they shared one more kiss. (Y/N) stood upright again, smiling and nodding at him once more before she moved back over the island that broke up the kitchen and living space.
"You know where to find me," she told him while making sure that her tote bag was filled with the essentials: beach towel, sun tan lotion, hotel room key, and, of course, her latest book. She looked over to him, watching as he nodded one last time, before she made her way to the door of the suite.
There weren't many people sitting by the pool, so (Y/N) was able to find an open lounge pretty quickly. She set her bag down next to the chair and then relaxed back against it. The ocean's waves could be heard from where she was, and the calming sound of them made her shut her eyes and take a deep breath. It was good to finally be able to take some time and actually relax.
As a senior member of the Shelby Company Ltd.'s marketing team, she was working just as much as Tommy was. Always coming up with new ways of advertising; always keeping up with the different avenues Tommy was taking the company down. It was tedious and time consuming, sure, but she wouldn't have it any other way...the job was how she met her fiancé, three years ago.
With both of their busy schedules, neither really had the time to take a moment and relax...until (Y/N) made a point to now. She was thankful for this trip, and she was sure that Tommy was, too.
Some time passed as she sat, relaxing on the pool lounge. She wasn't sure how long she'd been out there; she wasn't really keeping time as she switched between laying with her eyes closed and watching the other people meander about the pool area.
Luckily she was doing some people watching when Tommy came walking down the stairs and into the pool area of the resort. She spotted him as he was descending the steps, and immediately noticed that he'd changed into his beachwear. The white t-shirt and jeans he'd worn while traveling was now swapped for a pair of gray board shorts and a baby blue linen button down shirt. She couldn't help but stare at him as he walked across the area to get to where she was lounging.
"Ready to go down to the water?" he asked as he stopped in front of her lounge.
"I see you're finally finished with your work," (Y/N) commented, pulling her sunglasses down slightly to peer up at him.
He chuckled at her statement, shaking his head slightly as he looked out to the ocean, "yeah, and it's finished for the rest of the trip."
"If you say so," she brushed off the topic as she sat up on the lounge, collecting her bag and making sure that she had everything she'd come down with. "Let's go down to the beach," she said with a smile as she stood next to him. Tommy nodded his head before allowing her to lead the way to the gate that separated the pool area from the private beach that the resort offered.
The beach was beautiful. The sand was soft, and the breeze coming off of the waves made the hot rays of the sun not burn so bad. One of the perks of the resort having a private beach was the fact that there weren't many people inhabiting it.
(Y/N) and Tommy quickly found a spot to set their things down. (Y/N) made sure that the beach blanket Tommy had brought with him (because she'd forgotten it in the room) was laid out underneath one of the umbrellas the resort had set up. She set the bag down on it before kicking off her flip-flops and lifting the cover-up from her body.
"Let's go down to the water," she excitedly said, flashing a look in Tommy's direction before she took off towards the waves.
"You're not even gonna wait for me," he responded, moreso to himself than anyone, a smile forming on his face as he shook his head. He could easily tell how much she was already enjoying this holiday, and he was so thankful that she'd planned it for them. It took him a few moments to undo his button down and set it into the bag before he too kicked off his flip-flops and began walking down to the water.
He approached (Y/N), who was standing facing the waves, and wasted no time wrapping his arms around her midsection. His actions made her shriek at first, but she sunk into his embrace in seconds. "Isn't it beautiful?" she asked him, swaying slightly along with him.
"It is," he mused, resting the side of his head against hers as they looked out at the waves. "The water's not too cold either."
"It's not," she agreed, her hands coming up to sit on his forearms, "let's go in," she said then, tapping his arms to let him know she wanted to be released. He obliged, and she took his hand to lead him out deeper in the water.
They made their way out to where the water reached their waists, stopping there even though Tommy thought that they could go out a little bit further. (Y/N) protested his suggestion, telling him that 'things might eat us if we go any further'. Tommy listened to his fianceé's statement and stayed where they were. They spent a good amount of time in the water, switching from swimming around, to floating with the waves, to (Y/N)'s personal favorite: hanging onto Tommy like he was a tree and she was a koala.
At least an hour of them spending time in the water had to have passed before Tommy finally decided to start heading towards the shore. His movement, of course, didn't go unnoticed. "You're leaving me?" (Y/N) questioned after she saw him take a few steps backwards. She was enjoying herself in the water and had had no plans of leaving it any time soon.
"I think I'm ready to get out of the water," he answered with the obvious.
"We've not been in here long though," she pouted.
"I need to go sit for a minute, love. I'll be just up there," he told her, motioning to where their things were. (Y/N)'s pout didn't subside, but she nodded and allowed him to leave the waves.
She watched him walk up the beach and sit down on the blanket they'd laid out. Her eyes lingered for a few moments before she went back to floating on the waves.
It wasn't long before (Y/N) was exiting the water and walking up to where Tommy had made himself comfortable. It just wasn't the same wading in the waves alone. She wanted to spend as much time with Tommy as she possibly could. A sight - that she honestly wished she'd be surprised to see - was waiting for her at the blanket though.
"I thought you said you'd ditch the work while we're here?" she commented as she stopped in front of Tommy, who had his face buried in his smartphone as he tapped away at the screen.
Her voice made him quickly look up, a surprised expression forming on his face as he noticed she was right in front of him. "I was just checking a few things," he told her, holding his hands up in surrender, his now locked phone present in one of them.
"Mm-hmm," (Y/N) shook her head as she moved over to where the bag was sitting so that she could grab a towel and dry off, "you do know the ocean's right there, right? I could honestly take that phone and give it a good chuck," she stated, making sure her body was dry.
"You wouldn't," Tommy responded, a slight tone present in his voice, showing that he was testing the waters.
"I just might," she quipped back, a grin on her face as she dropped the towel back into the bag.
Before she could move to sit next to him, light blue fabric caught her eye. She instantly recognized it as the linen button down Tommy was previously wearing. She picked it up without a second thought, draping it over her shoulders and slipping her arms through the holes. It covered her swimsuit clad body immediately and she was grateful for the soft, cool fabric on her otherwise warm skin. She'd just finished rolling the sleeves up to her elbows when she finally felt Tommy's eyes on her.
Tommy had been watching her from the second she came back to the blanket. His phone was quickly forgotten as he watched her dry off and then grab the shirt from the bag. Sure, she had her own cover-up, but he was so damn happy that she'd chosen to slip his shirt on over her body. Something about her wearing his clothes just got him going. Just when he thought she couldn't get any more beautiful, she went ahead and did something like this. He couldn't help but let his eyes travel up and down her frame.
(Y/N)'s eyes finally found his when he found her face once more, and she couldn't stop the butterflies from fluttering in her stomach as she noticed the look he was giving her. She wanted to make a comment, but it died in her throat as she just about melted under his stare.
"C'mere," Tommy finally spoke, nodding his head to the side as a non-verbal addition to his statement. She grinned at him and happily followed his direction, moving over to where he was sitting.
He brought his knees up and opened his legs slightly, offering her the perfect spot to sit down in; one that she quickly fell into. She easily got comfortable sitting between his legs; her back rested against his chest. Tommy wasted no time in wrapping his arms around her, pulling her even closer to his body as he leant over and began pressing kisses to the side of her neck.
"Tommy, stop!" she exclaimed through her giggles, finally trying to squirm away from his lips as his actions quickly became ticklish. He listened to her and stopped his kisses, but he didn't dare loosen up the grip that he had on her.
It was easy for his hands to find their way onto her body, being that she'd left the shirt open, and he couldn't help but let them roam her figure. He took his time, feeling every curve as he nestled his face into her neck; breathing in the sweet smell of her skin mixed with the sunshine that had been kissing it since they exited the hotel room. (Y/N) had practically melted into his body, absolutely loving the feeling of his hands as they traced her skin.
She waited until his hands found their resting spot on the sides of her waist, his arms crossed over her stomach, to finally speak again: "I see that I've got your mind off of work now," she said with a grin, turning her head so that she could see his face out of the corner of her eye.
"Oh you most certainly have," he answered, a grin laced into his words, "look so fuckin' beautiful in my things...always, baby," he mumbled against the skin of her cheek before he kissed it.
The butterflies returned as she heard what he had to say, and she couldn't stop herself from turning in his arms even more so that she could press her lips to his in a much needed kiss. "Love you, Tommy," she mumbled against them, smiling as he kissed her again, this kiss holding more emotion than the last. "I can't wait for the rest of this week with you," she said once they'd finally pulled away from each other. She was now sitting with her body turned more towards him, so she was able to look at him head on. She couldn't stop her cheeks from heating up as she caught the look of total adoration in his eyes.
"If this is a preview of what's to come..." he trailed off, a grin forming on his face as his eyes danced over her figure once more, "I already know that this trip is going to be one that's hard to top."
His cheeky comment that was accompanied by a rather suggestive glance, made (Y/N) gasp, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes and shake her head as she tried to distract herself from how his words actually made her feel. Why did there have to be other people present on this beach?! She had to look towards the ocean for a few moments to re-center herself from the look that was making her wonder what they could get away with out here.
A few moments had passed before she felt the sharp snap of her swimsuit's strap against her skin. "Tommy!" she shrieked at the sensation, her eyes snapping back onto him to see that a smug grin was now present on his face. He tried, and failed, to feign innocence before his expression dissolved into a grin and chuckles. "I can't believe you," she shook her head, gently pressing on his shoulders for him to get the hint to lay back on the blanket.
She wasted no time in pressing her lips to his when he did lay down, and he made a mental note to do things such as that more often if this was going to be how she responded to it.
After sharing a flurry of kisses, (Y/N) rested her head against his chest, not caring about the shine of sweat that was present due to the heat of the sun that was engulfing them. She was thankful for the shade that their umbrella was providing.
Tommy wrapped his arms around the small of her back underneath the shirt of his that she was still wearing, effectively holding her close to him...like she was going to be moving any time soon. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the serenity that was surrounding them; not thinking about anything but the beautiful woman laying with him.
Like he'd said before: if this was a preview of how the week was going to go, this was most definitely going to be a tough trip to top.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @iambored24601 @shaddixlife
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staylovesmiley · 1 month
Going Dumb~ Chapter 8
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Kim Seungmin x Fem!reader, Stray kids x Fem!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; It had been over a decade since you had last seen each other, having met in choir when Seungmin was living with his grandparents in LA and you with your Aunt. Now that you are both presented adults, how will he handle a change to the reality of you he had made in his mind in your absence over the years?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 Notes; This is an ABO!AU. in this world when someone reaches puberty they will present with one of three sub genders; alpha, beta, or omega. Due to Alphas and Omegas experiencing rut and heat, some jobs are restrictive as to what sub genders they will hire, specifically singling out omegas as heat suppressants are harder to obtain than rut suppressants. Scent glands are located near the pressure points on the neck and small hormonal patches called scent blockers can be placed over them to reduce or rid an individual of their scent for a period of time depending on the strength of the hormones in the patch.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; abo!au, beta!kim seungmin, almost all alpha!straykids, female!reader, poly!pack dynamics, angst, mild violence, mentions of sexual harassment/assault and discrimination, smut, enemies to lovers, Kim seungmin is kind of an ass I’m so sorry dandy boy, she/her pronouns used for reader, jealous seungmin, I have only ever wrote one abo story before but it is one of my favorite genres so I hope I can do this justice~
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“What the fuck were you thinking, old man.”
Seungmin moved from his spot in the kitchen, going to hide himself away in his room to process what all had just happened while the rest of the pack remained in the living room, staring either at the spot where you and Han had previously been sitting or towards the room the two of you had escaped to.
The oldest sighed, taking a seat with his head in his hands as Changbin gave a reassuring pat to his shoulders. “Just give her some space, yeah? Then I think you ought to go and apologize.” The rapper was right, and everyone nodded in agreement before heading to their own rooms to unpack from their various trips over the break.
Minho, however, made his way over to where your room was located and gently knocked at the door. “Hannie, Bunny….please let me in? We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to but please let me just see you? It’s been so long-“ Before the alpha could finish his begging Han took pity on him and opened the door to pull him inside.
Once in the room, he saw you curled up on the bed with tear tracks staining your cheeks. His heart ached as he made his way over to you and laid down beside you. “Oh, cutie…” without a word you reached for the alpha, allowing him to pull you into his arms as Jisung settled behind you to wrap his arms around the both of you securely.
The three of you laid like that for a while, the only sounds in the room were the quiet sounds of your sniffles and the heating system working overtime as no one had closed the windows in the dorm since you and Han had opened them earlier.
The smell of caramel and coffee swirled around you and you allowed it to soothe your mind before slowly sitting up, the two alphas following suit. “He’s right you know…” came your voice, just above a whisper and Jisung furrowed his brows. “Like hell he is- you were right. We’re adults, so what if you helped me with my rut- so what if it triggered your heat…that’s what pack does.”
You shook your head, a bitter sweet smile on your face as you turned to look at the younger of the two alphas. “Hanji, it’s okay- I’m not saying I was wrong either. We didn’t do anything wrong helping each other out….but I should have called him or at the very least one of the other members and let them know what was going on.”
The dancer on the other side of you smiled softly, glad you were able to see where their leader was coming from. He placed his chin on your shoulder and pulled you until your back was flush against his chest. “Still- his words were unnecessarily cruel…you are pack, even if it hasn’t been made official yet. We all feel it-“
You looked down at your lap, expression somber as you let Minho hold you close to him. “Cruel as they are though he has a point- how could he want me to join the pack now if I’ve only proven to him I can’t be reliable enough to keep him in the loop on important matters….if I had just sent one of you guys a message about Han going into rut then we wouldn’t have worried you all so much.”
The two alphas shared a look over your head before Minho nuzzled his face into your neck and began pumping out more of his scent. “Bunny, you aren’t understanding what I said. You are already pack. In every sense of the word.” You let out a little whine of protest, wiggling in his grasp until he relented and let go for you to sit in the middle of the rapper and dancer and face them both. “You sure you aren’t just saying that to make me feel better? Chan seemed pretty sure back then…”
Han scoffed and rolled his eyes, arms crossing over his chest and Minho gave him a disapproving look before placing his hands on your shoulders so you’d give him your full attention. “Chan’s biggest fear is not being able to protect us all…and so yeah, he was worried when we couldn’t get a hold of you and you are right you should have contacted one of us, but he only said that out of anger at the situation…not at you.”
“Doesn’t make it right…” Han grumbled beside you and you looked between the two of them before sighing. “I need to talk to him…” Minho brightened up and nodded, motioning for you to go. “I think it’s a good idea. I think I heard him go to his room as I came over here to check on you two. If he is still being an ass just shout for me, yeah?” You giggled a bit, leaning forward to give the dancer a kiss to his cheek causing his face to heat up and Jisung to whine behind you.
“Hey! He gets a kiss when I’m the one who defended your honor back there? Where is my kiss-” You laughed, shaking your head. “You got waaay more than a kiss, Han-ah! No room for you to complain.” Minho teased, giving the two of you a wink and earning himself a pillow to the face from the younger alpha which turned into the two of them playfully wrestling on your bed as you quietly made your way out of the room and down the hall to where the pack alpha was hiding out in his room.
Once they settled down on the bed, Jisung pinned under a smug looking Minho, the younger of the two let out a whine. “Don’t be a sore loser, Han-ah~” the older alpha teased as he leaned down to nip at his neck playfully. “Not upset about that-“ he huffed, struggling against the dancer’s hold which he reluctantly loosened and let the other alpha sit up on his elbows beneath him. “It’s something I noticed when I came in here earlier….don’t you notice something’s off?”
Minho took a look around the room, eyes scanning for anything out of place. “I don’t think I’m following you, Hanji- explain?” The rapper sighed and scooted out from under him to stand by the bed. “You should know more than others that omegas are typically really…personable with their spaces, yeah?” The younger referenced the alpha having two omega parents, thus leading to Minho having more experience around omega’s than the rest of the pack by default since most of the other’s family consisted of alphas and betas.
“Well yeah but I don’t think I understand what you’re getting at.” He said as he blinked rapidly at the younger still stood by the edge of the bed. Han groaned, the palm of his hand coming to his the middle of his forehead as he threw his head back in mild frustration. “Look around, hyung! This room is so- bland.” He had a point, the dancer noticed as he looked around again.
There were little to no personal item’s displayed in the room, the bed still dressed in the generic bedding they had given you when you moved in from their closet full of spares. He glanced over to the open closet and saw a sight that made his heart clench tightly. “She hasn’t even unpacked her suitcases…”
Jisung nodded, a frown on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest. “She’s been living here for months now and she hasn’t even hung up a jacket or anything- it’s like…” the younger alpha trailed off, eyes falling to the floor as he was afraid to finish his sentence.
“Like she is prepared to leave at any minute…like she doesn’t feel permanent here.” Minho finished for him, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair.
After a moment of silence, the two alphas looking around the room until their eyes met. “Maybe we should…encourage her to make herself more at home? We could take her shopping for stuff to decorate the room with-“ Han suggested, his hands playing with the hem of his t-shirt anxiously as he tried to come up with a solution to make you feel more welcomed into their lives.
Minho nodded, a small smile on his face as he stood and pulled the younger alpha into his arms. “I think that’s a great idea, Han-ah. We still have a few days off, we can bring it up when she’s done talking to Channie.” The older placed a gentle kiss to the top of his head and the rapper beamed, nuzzling closer to the other alpha as their scents melted together smelling like a sweet caramel macchiato. “Can I ask something…personal? You don’t have to answer-“ Minho asked, a light blush creeping up his neck.
The younger simply gawked at the other with wide eyes. “Since when are you asking permission before asking personal questions? And to me of all people?” Jisung brought a hand to the dancer’s forehead. “Are you feeling okay?” He teased lightly, laughing as the other batted his hand away. “Yes- but this doesn’t just involve you so I wanted to make sure…um- when you two were together….h-how was it?”
The question made Jisung smirk, looking up slightly into the older alpha’s eyes with a little chuckle. “Really? Don’t you know curiosity killed the cat, hyung?” He continued to tease, poking at his side. “Ya! Just cause I love you doesn’t mean I won’t air fry you-“ he threatened playfully causing the younger’s eyes to widen comically.
“Okay okay- I’ll stop teasing it’s just…why do you wanna know?” The older shrugged, looking down as he watched where his arms were wrapped securely around the other alpha’s waist. “Just- like you said….curious-“ the rapper smirked again and nudged his nose against the base of Minho’s neck by his scent gland. “Hmm let’s go back to your room and I’ll tell you all about it, yeah?”
Minho didn’t need to be told twice, moving to grab the younger alpha’s hand in his before dragging him out of your room and down the hall, opposite from the way you had gone, to his room with the rapper giggling behind him at his eagerness.
Meanwhile, you stood outside the leader’s room seemingly having a staring contest with his door as you contemplated whether or not this was a good idea. Hesitantly you lifted a closed first to the wood and gave a few quick knocks. “Come in.” His voice called out, sounding soft and somewhat hesitant himself surly able to smell who it was outside the door before even seeing you with his eyes.
As you pushed the door open the smell the ocean washed over you and set your nerves on edge at how chaotic it seemed to smell in that moment, like waves crashing against a rocky shoreline. “Can we talk?” You said softly, closing the door behind you and leaning against it as if still trying to hold some distance between yourself and the alpha sat at his desk.
“Please?” He spoke, voice giving away the tears he had already shed and wiped away before you had sought him out.
You cautiously made your way deeper into the room and took a seat on the corner of the bed closest to where he sat. “You were right, Chan…I should have called you- or at the very least sent a message to anybody to let them know what was going on. I’m sorry-“ his head snapped up, turning in the desk chair to face you with wide eyes. “You’re apologizing to me? Bunny- you didn’t have to-…” he almost whined, rubbing the palms of his hands over his eyes before scooting closer so that your knees bumped against each others lightly.
“What I said about you not being a part of the pack- it’s not true nor is it what I think. I just- I was so worried about the two of you and so when I finally saw you were okay my mind couldn’t quite catch up with the relief I felt I guess and- and I just snapped.” You shook your head and reached out to place your hand on his knee so that he would meet your gaze.
Once the alpha’s eyes were on yours you gave him a weak smile and shook your head. “I understand…it doesn’t make it right, and I think we both have some stuff we need to work on- but I understand.” You sighed, placing your hand back in your lap as you looked around to avoid the intensity of his stare. “I also think part of the reason I didn’t reach out about it was….you guys hardly ever get a break- I was afraid you’d feel like you needed to rush back to take care of things when I had it under control.”
Chan nodded In understanding, rubbing at the back of his neck with a little chuckle. “Yeah that sounds like something I would have done, not gonna lie….” He sighed, shoulders slumping with defeat. “Still- in the future please let me know about stuff like this when it happens?” You nodded frantically, looking back into his soft brown eyes. “Promise- I’m sorry again for making you and the others worry so much…”
Now the alpha waves a hand dismissively before leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees with hand clasped in front of him. “All is forgiven, if you can forgive me for how I treated you because of it.” You gave him a smile, moving to place your hands over his. “I forgive you, Chan.”
The two of you sat there for a moment, sea salt and citrus floating in the air peacefully before you moved to stand. “I should probably go and let you enjoy the rest of your time off in peace- I’m sure you’re tired after all the traveling even if you didn’t work the whole time.”
Before you could walk away a hand shot out to take hold of your wrist gently. “Wait- actually would you mind staying? I feel like we haven’t gotten a chance to spend much time together as some of the others even after we started working together.” Your eyes widened as the realization dawned on you that he was right.
Since moving into the dorm and starting work as their assistant you had been to solo schedules or done hang outs with most of the members but the leader himself. The only time you’d ever spent around the alpha was with the group and even then your attention was usually occupied by whatever task you had been handed or one of the other members.
“Yeah, I’d like very much if we got to spend some one on one time together.” You said with a soft smile, letting Chan move you to sit back on the bed once again. “Do you wanna just chill? You weren’t wrong about the traveling being exhausting but I can put on a movie and we can just stay in?” His nervousness was visible and it caused you to giggle as he moved from his desk chair to turn on the tv and begin browsing through the options available to stream.
You smirked lightly, scooting back to make yourself more comfortable against the pillows at the head of his bed. “Considering my heat broke only a few hours ago I don’t really feel like doing much so that’s completely fine by me.” At the reminder the alpha felt his cheeks heat up slightly. “Ah- right…guess that works out for us both-“ he chuckled shyly before motioning to the tv. “Any suggestions? Not really sure what kinda stuff you like…”
After you helped him pick a movie, Chan moved to sit back against the pillows beside you and get comfortable as well. At first you both only sat side by side, arms brushing lightly against each other at the close proximity, but as the evening went on you found yourself curling more into his side and his arm found it’s way around your shoulders to hold you closer.
By the time you were on your third movie together you had somehow both ended up under the comforter with your upper body half draped over his and your legs semi tangled together. Your arms were wrapped around his waist loosely while his were around your shoulders, the sound of his heartbeat in your ear where your head rested against his chest mixed with the calming scent of the oceans breeze lulling you slowly into slumber as your eyes began feeling heavy.
Noticing your breathing had evened out and the hold you had on him loosened considerably the alpha glanced down where you lay to see you had fallen asleep, chuckling lightly before reaching down to pull the comforter more securely around your sleeping form. He felt himself growing tired as he yawned behind his hand and carefully shifted to a position more comfortable for the two of you before letting himself drift off as well.
The next morning Changbin and Hyunjin went searching for the pack leader so that the three of them could hit the gym before it got too late, but upon pushing his bedroom door open they were met with the sight of the two of you tangled up and snoring together in the middle of his bed. Hyunjin giggled, hiding his face behind his hands while Changbin stared wide eyed. “Looks like mom and dad had some bonding time.” Changbin teased while the pair of alphas stepped further into the room.
At the sound of others in the room you began to stir from your slumber and peek a sleepy eye open at the two intruders. “Morning? God- what time is it?” You said groggily as you turned to look at the clock on the table behind you. At seeing it was only half past six in the morning you whined and rolled back over to muzzle your face back into the place where Chan’s neck met his shoulder as the alpha in question tightened his hold around you subconsciously in his sleep.
Hyunjin took a seat on your side of the bed while Changbin sat on Chan’s, the two sharing a look before laying their full body weight across the both of you horizontally. Their attempted wake-up call failed as you simply let out a little giggle and muffled out a “hmm like a weighted blanket” and continued to doze off beneath the alpha pair.
As the dark rapper and versace prince began to shout and laugh playfully at how you could just go back to sleep Chan woke up with a groan, arms slipping from around you so that he could cover his ears with both hands. “Ya- will you two quiet down?! The rest of the house is trying to sleep-“ seeing that their intended target was awake, the two younger alphas did as he asked and ceased their yelling to give the leader their best puppy eyed looks.
“Hyung, let’s go to the gym while it’s still early!” Changbin said cheerily, Hyunjin nodding enthusiastically at his side before the two sat up so the oldest could do the same. Chan rubbed the sleep that remained from his eyes and chuckled lowly due to his voice being deeper than normal from his slumber. “Sure, let me get changed and I’ll meet you at the door.”
With a triumphant cheer, Changbin and Hyunjin jumped up and raced to the front entrance of the dorm to wait for their leader to join them. As Chan got up and began getting ready to leave you let out a whine of disapproval. “Come back- bed’s cold without you…” he let out a laugh and shook his head. “What am I to you, a personal heater?” You nodded, eyes still closed as you were still too tired to find the strength to open them. The alpha found this side of you endearing, a giggle slipping from him as he finished pulling on his gym clothes and grabbing all he would need for the mornings work out session.
In one last half hearted and sleepy attempt to stop him from leaving you reached out for him with a huff and a pout. Chan simply laughed again and shook his head while heading for the door. “I’ll send someone in to take my place, m’kay? Cant have you freezing to death on us now can we.” He teased, leaving before you had the chance to respond.
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author’s note: I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it~ as always I appreciate and love your feedback anytime I see a comment or a reblog I get so excited I can’t help but check it asap and then have to hold back responding after only like two seconds after I received the notification hehe- but anyways lmk who you think Chan is gonna send to cuddle with Bunny~~ I’m always curious to hear you guys predictions about what may happen next im so nosy by nature lol
taglist; (pink users mean I wasn’t able to tag) @coastinglove @skzswife @maisyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @doitforbangchan @chartrucewhore @sebastianswhore13 @finnydraws @bahablastplz @0325tiny @motheraiya55 @confusedabouteverythings @hellevator-143
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