#toot reviews
tootern2345 · 3 months
The Last Laugh was a pretty fine episode in my opinion. Any episode (and MLP ep) with Weird Al Yankovic in it is guaranteed to be a hoot! Also, getting to see someone like Cheese Sandwich smile again was nice. And the situation to the problem and the resolution (having cheese make them laugh instead of vice versa and cheese going back to performing and his partner doing the factory stuff) is a reasonable one. Feels good to have watch a full episode of the show after a while tbh. Also, if I do post too much about this show or franchise about friendship adventure equines. I do apologize. Just really into this thing lmao.
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f-imaginings · 28 days
If you've just discovered Billford from the Book of Bill you'll enjoy:
Knowing Me Knowing You on ao3!
If you're looking for fanfic to read that hits on the key dynamics from the Book of Bill, (despite the bulk of the fic existing before the books release) look no further! In the interest of tooting my own horn, to celebrate the new chapter I'd like to recommend a fic inspired by ABBA BABBA's musical back catalogue!
If you read the book of bill and wanted to see more of:
toxic old man yaoi billford
pre-betrayal worshipful billford (plus canon typical gravity falls anomaly research and hijinks)
post betrayal angsty possession billford (with bonus BORD!)
interdimensional cat and mouse portal billford (catch me if you can!)
Stanford getting it on with a triangle (and a human bill pre-betrayal) in many weird and wonderful ways
complex relationship dynamics between Ford, Fiddleford and Bill
Institute of Oddology toxic fidd/author/bill side story
Heist after heist with the henchmaniacs
Ford's portal adventures!
Terrible jokes that will make you laugh anyway!
A power dynamic that levels the playing field (Ford in control) and then decimates the field altogether!
Ford fell first, Bill fell harder!
Fleshed out backstories for the wider cast in Gravity Falls and a story that respects everyone's agency!
A Billford fic that takes a break from the toxic ship to spend a chapter with Stanley pug smuggling in New Mexico
Morally ambiguous Jheselbraum with past connections to Bill
Lottocron 9 and the infinity sided dice (including Ford's trip to the M dimension! Hate that place!!!)
Then you might enjoy this fic! It's just updated, with more chapters on the way, so if you're ready for a journey into mystery, mayhem and mischief, strap yourself in!
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*author's disclaimer - Book of Bill DID align exactly with my fanfic and I was not disappointed!
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cosmoglass · 11 months
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This is a very nice little documentary, especially if you’re a ska-rocksteady-reggae nerd like me.
There are interviews with lots of old reggae gods, several of whom are no longer with us five years later (Toots, Lee Perry, Bunny Lee).
Dandy Livingstone, aged 74, features throughout because he's so good to listen to. He has a beautiful speaking voice, is very composed and happy to share memories. At one point, he sits down at his keyboard and sings a bit of 'A Message to You, Rudy', and it's just wonderful.
There are dramatizations of Jamaicans in London in the 60s and 70s that are low key and not jarring or cringey like you might expect.
'If that shuffle not in the music, it's not reggae' - Bunny Lee
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schlady · 2 years
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I wish I wrote down or remembered when I stickered my car's rear window; it's definitely been at least 2 years. My other (non-Schlady) stickers have been chipping and peeling so I finally scraped them off today. But dang, look who's surviving - no cracking, shrinking, peeling, or noticeable fading from any of my Schlady hexies, even after at least two years outside in the intense Colorado sun, heat, cold, and snow! ⭐
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thejewofkansas · 2 months
The Weekly Gravy #200
Starting the week off with some more shorts, including one requested by commenter Anand! Robin Hood-Winked (1967) – This may have been the last of the Noveltoons franchise produced by Famous Studios (which rose from the ashes of the Fleischer studio) and released by Paramount. Apparently part of the Fractured Fables series, it deals with Sir Blur, a near-sighted knight (think Mr. Magoo in a suit…
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Since I hardly ever read Youtube comments on purpose, much less endeavor to carry on a conversation or whatever with someone on there, I will unfortunately subject you all (although I'm putting it below a read-more, so you have the choice to read it or not) to my critique of a comment on that video that made my eyes nearly roll out of my head.
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I don't know if it's men immediately associating everything done by [presumably cishet] men with masculinity, or if men are also inclined to associate everything done by women with femininity...but...yeah, that's probably the case here.
And, yeah, I'm sorry, but HOW EXACTLY is "In a Big Country" a "boisterous, masculine, joyous song"?! You know, the song with the lyrics "Stay alive"? The song with the lyrics "Pull up your head off the floor/Come up screaming/Cry out for everything you ever might've wanted"? That's masculine? That's JOYOUS? THAT'S PAIN; DEEP, EMOTIONAL PAIN. Dear god. I'm not sure who doesn't seem to understand masculinity or joy here. Is it me?
Because to me, especially, when I hear the line "Stay alive," I hear someone - gender considered or no - who STRUGGLES to [want to] stay alive, so that it is a deeply-felt, fervent wish that everyone who hears it continues to stay alive because that might possibly be his last hope/dream that he can depend on and take a semblance of comfort in. WHERE DOES JOY COME INTO THAT?
I'm...I'm...once again...ONCE...AGAIN...men fail to comprehend the real emotional depth intended in art. Even when originally shared by another man/men (considering what Tony Butler said on behalf of December's cover, I'm giving all of Big Country the benefit of the doubt that they knew what was at stake in the song - emotionally).
I am just shaking my damn head because I think even Stuart would laugh over that comment. I think he'd be like 'Boisterous? Joyous? Okay, show me where.' "Boisterous" MAYBE in their live performances of the song, and YET Stuart's loud and obvious urge to the audience to "stay alive" during those same performances is as genuine and serious as one can get in rock music, I think. No, I don't know who Stuart Adamson was in real life, never met him, never had the chance to know him or talk with him, etc....but from his music considered primarily, and performances and interviews considered second, I do not think he would genuinely entertain that. Maybe - maybe he would humor that comment in a 'Well, I'm just the artist, but once it's shared with the world it's not really mine anymore' type of way, but I don't think he would seriously agree.
And for the last motherfucking time (I WISH!!!), just because a woman/femme sings on a song does not automatically make it feminine. WHAT is it with people and 'perceived gender does something = that thing that was done is now apparently gendered'? Although, of course, that fails to consider that anything "non-feminine" that men do is normal (because men are the default) and anything "non-feminine" that women do is now assigned female [task/title]. Like, jesus, for fuck's sake, it's almost like IT'S JUST THE SHADOW OF THE PEOPLE WE SHOULD BE. (I'm dying on that hill.)
The real thing, in my grain-of-salt of an opinion, about this cover that deserves to be pointed out instead is that it finally reflects the intended emotional depth of the song, supported largely by the added, closing lyrics of the song: "Sometimes it's hard to stay alive." Because that's what Stuart meant by the song. He listed all of his observations about how difficult life had been lately ("I've never seen you look like this without a reason/Another promise falling through/Another season passes by you/I never took the smile away from anybody's face/And that's a desperate way to look/For someone who is still a child"), presented his coping mechanisms ("I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert/But I can live and breathe/And see the sun in wintertime/In a big country dreams stay with you/Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside"), and then said, 'BUT IN SPITE OF ALL THAT, if I can't go through with all of this - if all of these things don't work out for me – I hope they work for you, because I want you all to stay alive; do as I say, not as I do' - "Stay alive."
December's cover of this song sees the original writer's intent and renders it poignantly, lyrically and in the music - and damn well perfectly.
I could've just said that one sentence ^ though, and it would've made far more sense than whatever the hell that dude said about gender expectations. lol
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uozlulu · 1 year
Get a comment on a fic I know I might have kind of wrote a little early and might have screwed up the ending.
Poke the comment with a giant stick (check and see if they left kudos)
Read the comment. It is a compliment
Sigh in relief
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oldoldoldoldold2 · 2 years
how long have i been doing website stuff. probbably not a while actually but at least im back on working on it :]
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aouiaa · 5 months
Loser!Ellie Hcs
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Imagining Loser! Ellie who makes fart noises with her mouth when you bend down to pick up something, and makes fun of you for “farting.”
“Ewww, that one was nasty!”
A scoff leaves your mouth as you stand up, looking back to send a death stare her way to which makes her walk over to you, giggling.
“It’s okay, everyone farts.” she says with a cheeky grin.
An eye roll from you further causes Ellie to full on laugh and wrap her arms around your waist, pressing kisses to your neck.
She would be so silly with it too. Finding different ways to comment on you “farting.”
“That’s some narly tooting there, babe.”
“Woof, another left the cannon!” she says, pinching her nose while actually fanning the air to shooing away the smell as if it was real.
“A bomb just dropped, take cover!”
Imagining Loser! Ellie who invites you over to her house when you first started dating to review her concerningly large comic book collection.
“How many do you have?!” you exclaim, looking over the many boxes filled with comics.
“I had to do some things to acquire such items that I rather not corrupt your mind with.” she says in a rather poor attempt of sounding suspicious and menacing.
“God, you’re such a loser! you laugh, and watch as Ellie immediately drops the act and turns into a big giant tomato.
A little shy “no” leaves her lips to which makes you smile and lean over to kiss her, “It’s okay, you’re my loser.”
Imagining Loser! Ellie who also has a smaller collection of space related books than the rather getting out-of-hand comic collection.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who has the deadliest grip over the last chicken while sending a death stare your way when you do that one trend on her to see if she’d grab her phone instead.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who’s laughing to the point there’s tears in her eyes when she suggested the both of you paint each other. And when revealed, hers was very detailed and while yours…’was insteresting.’ Ellie’s words…
Imagining Loser! Ellie who makes fun of people who dress “cringe”, but also wears this.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who write love songs for you in her little journal of hers and even plays them on her guitar. You’ve even caught her once.
Upon walking into your home, you hear muffled talking or singing. Presuming it’s Ellie, you walk into the room to see her with gutiar in hand. Immediately when she sees you she stops what she’s doing and look up, her face turning red.
“Oh—shit, you’re home early…” she says, laughing nervously, settling her guitar aside and greeting you with a hug and kiss as usual.
A little laugh leaves your lips as you reciprocate the greeting and ask, “What were you doing?”
She pulls away from the embrace and looks down upon hearing the question. Playing with her pinky and ring finger, she responds, “Oh, ya’ know—just…playing.”
“Just playing? But I heard you singing.”
An audible gulp is heard from the nervous girl as she looks up at you, “I was writing a song.” she finally admits.
A wave of surprise washed over you, “Oh—wow. Can…I hear it?”
“Uhh, maybe later..”
You chuckle and nod, “Alright then, my little musician. You can work on!” you quip.
A nervous smile presents itself on Ellie’s lips, “Shut up.”
Loser! Ellie who does let you listen to the song, but is stuttering and messing up the whole time!—Poor girl, you make her nervous :(—To which earns her a kiss on the cheek and a “You got this, baby. Just relax” To which she actually does! She Some might say it was the kiss that did it.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who has a special spot in her journal filled with doodles of you.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who has multiple unfinished paintings of you that with time will be finished, just has to find time in her super busy schedule—that consists of sleeping and bothering you—to finish them.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who sleeps with stuffed animals.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who HAS to absolutely listen to music when doing anything, literally doesn’t matter it could be showering, dishes, getting ready, etc. There’s music playing.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who’s a big ‘Savage Starlight’ nerd and actually at some point sent in one of her best fanart to the official insta page, but never got a response. :(
But the girl can’t take failure as an option and is still hopeful saying, “They’ll open my message…eventually.” with a sad little huff.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who’s screaming from the bathroom when she actually gets a response back!
You knock frantically on the door to startled by the screaming and when she does finally open the door you’re met with her phone being shoved into your face, “Look, Look, Look!”
A slightly irritated sigh leaves your lips as you look at Ellies phone—which has mysterious residue stains on it—and see the instagram post.
Once reading the caption praising Ellie for her work, you look up from the phone and at her, “I thought you were getting killed, Ellie! God…”
“Aweeee, you care about me?” she says, putting her hands on her chest.
“No, I came to make sure they finished the job.” you reply with a cheeky grin.
“Oh wow…well in that case, gimme my phone and get out!” she frowns.
You roll my eyes playfully and chuckle, giving back her phone, “Make sure to flush.” you say, closing the door.
“That was one time!” you hear a muffled shout.
Imagining Loser! Ellie whose phone is filled with multiple pictures of you. Some of you, sleeping, doing chores around the house, cooking—and some with you seeming to be yelling at her in the photo for not helping, and terrible pictures of you that you beg her to delete, but she protests saying they’re “beautiful” to her.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who steals your chapstick since she always loses her’s within a few days of having it.
“Ellie?” you call out, searching in your nightstand for your chapstick.
“Yeah, babe?” you hear her voice become more clearly as she walks into the bedroom.
“Have you seen my chapstick? My lips are terribly dry…” you huff, unable to find it in your clutter.
“Uhh, no.”
*Imagine her in the background, sneakily swiping your chapstick back and forth on her lips as you annoyedly rummage through your stuff for it.* LMAOOO
Imagining Loser! Ellie who does feel bad and buys you a ten pack of chapstick, stealing one of course for herself.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who buys those princess or even soda chapstick ones.
(Okay i’ll stop talking about chapsticks…😭)
Imagining Loser! Ellie who seems to never drink water, but instead drinks like Arizona, Dr. Pepper, or Canada-dry, etc.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who’s rather disgusting when eating. Having dried up residue on the side of her mouth from dinner which was hours ago only to lick it off.
“Mmm, that burger was good.”
“You’re disgusting.”
Imagining Loser! Ellie who sometimes, but not all the time, thinks about how lucky she is/was to get—or “pull” as she says to her friends—someone like you.
Loser! Ellie who loves you for loving her despite her quirks!
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How you can help Palestine, Why you shouldn’t support tlou/ buy the remastered, Educate yourself, #FREEPALESTINE.
a/n; Who wants Dina or Abby hcs? 🤭
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Perm taglist: @elliesprettygirl, @dyk3ang3l, @ellies2fingers, @r3starttt, @slut4mascss, @k1ssesworld
Ellie Only fics: @herelieskrisy, @mikellie , @slaysksmska, @mina-281, @teawithnosugar, @kitkatkittycat111
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tootern2345 · 9 months
Wanting to expand my palettes of taste regarding the international animation scene and decided to take a gander at a previous studio that I’ve watched before. Yugoslavia/Croatia’s very own, Zagreb Film! The cartoon I watched and will be reviewing is 1958’s Concerto for Submachine Gun (original title: Koncert za mašinsku pušku). This review is mainly fact but it contains some opinion. So watch the cartoon for yourself and see what you think of it! This cartoon is a pretty neat one and it’s a hallmark in international animation so yeah lmao.
The short starts off with a little jazz interluded number about a big, bustling city with cars on every street. The most important of all is the mayor’s car. Who is seen riding around with his protectors as he makes the guards at the bank pose for a picture. He completes his grand driving around the city as he comes back home as it turns out that the happy, white little mayor is all a facade, a mask, a latex suit if you will. The guy is actually a disgruntled, black with tuxedo wearing criminal mastermind who is unhappy with the fact he pursues some whimsical facade. As he opens a closet fulled with people, he reveals his master plan…. To rob the bank! He can’t do it by himself since it’s guarded so he hires a bunch of henchmen to do it for him as we then go to the most memorable sequence of the short. The battle! It’s criminal henchmen against the bank guards against the cops in a wonderfully timed & scored sequence that truly lives up to this film’s title. After the shootout takes place. The other henchmen & most of the cops are dead as the surviving henchman realizes he didn’t get any dough. Which gratefully upsets the mastermind as he grows a tail and shows utter discomfort for our henchman. However, the mastermind doesn’t give up too easily as he goes ahead and comes up with another plan that involves another bunch of rich fat cats and a sculpture to do the trick. After that, the henchman goes underground to steal the money that’s in the bank vault as the remaining guards try to stop him. Alas, everything goes to shit as the henchman & mastermind get away with the crime.. or do they? The mastermind, showing his true colors, steals the money all to himself and only leaves a measly 1,000 dinars for the henchman and the other guys to fight over as the mastermind literally orchestrates the fight, leaving nothing in the end
The short is pretty nicely designed and nicely scored as well. It has a central theme & motive (greed, revenge, & deceit) and Zlatko Grgic alongside the rest of the animators here give the limited, UPA-esque designs here some great movement. I also love how screen credits for the tenor sax (performed by Ozren Depolo) and drums (performed by Petar Spasov) exist!
The only issue I have with it isn’t an actual issue, more of a nitpick but there’s a brief scene or two in which the animation checker didn’t check everything before the camera operator shot (exposed) the film as the henchman’s tie disappears for a few frames in some of the toon. Idk, just some stupid thing I notice in cartoons lol. Oh well, it’s still a great short anyhow!
I rate it a 10/10! A classic short. One that should be seen by people all around the world. A maverick for the Zagreb Film studio and what their artists was inspired to during these times
Credit goes to the Zagreb Film channel itself for the screengrabs and the clip you see here! It explains why the quality is so amazing!!! Though, some audio issues are present with the film
Directed by Dusan Vukotić for Zagreb Film. Zagreb, Yugoslavia (present day Croatia)
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stories-and-chaos · 6 months
Shrike: Body Count
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[Hazbin Hotel reader insert as Alastor’s “darling life and death partner” Ace x ace relationship, both parties are moderately sex favorable. I’ve been seeing some stories about Alastor not having understanding the slang for ‘body count,’ so here’s my take.]
[Word count: 1426 Cw: language]
“Really Angel? That’s your bonding activity for the day?” Vaggie’s single eye glared at the lanky spider.
“Whaaaaaat? Charlie wants us to share intimate secrets!” Angel Dust’s voice was full of seductive mischief. “Body count is a very intimate secret. Tells you a lot about someone.”
“Angie’s right!” A cheerful voice called from across the parlor. Cherri Bomb, the hotel’s newest sort-of-resident, didn’t seem much interested in redemption for herself. She did however have a genuine desire to help Angel and to defend what Sir Pentious gave his life for. The busty cyclops was teaming up with Vaggie as part of the Hazbin Hotel’s basic security.
She also had a mischievous streak wider than her friend’s. “I’ll start, give ya a hand Angie.” Angel snorted a laugh saying, “I’ve already got six toots!” She threw an ice cube from her drink at him. “One thousand eight hundred and twenty…” she paused to count on her fingers, “six. Most o’ that’s from Hell. I got to thirty-one before I died.” She leaned back on her couch, looking very satisfied.
Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer could only stare for a moment. “Whoo, nice going Cherri! I knew you wouldn’t disappoint,” Angel crowed. “Lesse here, before I died it was six. After that…” he did some quick math on his phone, “about 90,000? I’m sure we can review my body…of work to confirm.” He grinned lavisciously.
Charlie waved her hands rapidly. “Nope! No no no no no thank you Angel, you’ve shown us plenty that of that during ‘show and tell’ day.” Lucifer looked vaguely disappointed at missing out so Angel resolved to sneak a copy of his favorite performances to the king of Hell.
Charlie continued, forgetting her dad was in the room. “Mine is six,” she said with a shy air, her pale complexion turning bright red.
“WHAT?” Lucifer spat out his tea.
“Oh shit! Dad!” Charlie was flustered but did her best to compose herself. “I mean, I’m over 200 years old now, I’ve been living on my own for decades!” She took her girlfriend’s hand and squeezed it. “Besides, Vaggie is the only one that matters now.” The long haired angel gave her a watery look.
“Well…I guess you’re right sweetheart. So long as they all treated by little girl right?” Lucifer asked with an edge to his voice. At Charlie’s nod he said “Good.” He took a sip of tea before providing his number. “Seventeen.”
“Dad?! I thought…you and Mom…what?!”
Lucifer shrugged. “I don’t kiss and tell Charlie. But your mother knows about all of them. She was even there for some.” He grinned wickedly, looking completely like the king of Hell for once.
Charlie buried her face in her hands while Vaggie rubbed her back in sympathy. “Not too shabby short king. Okay Vags, you’re up!” Vaggie glared at him and flipped him off. “Just our fearless leader?” Angel teased. She huffed, glanced back and forth, and held up her index finger as she blushed. “Thank you for your honesty, Vagina. Huskiekins, how about you?” Angel turned around on the couch to face the bar as Vaggie bristled.
Husk sighed as he continued polishing glasses. “Three when I was alive. Nine since I died.” He was fully prepared for Angel to say something like “Wanna make it ten?” but he just received four thumbs up from the somewhat reformed demon.
“Apologies for our lateness,” your voice called from the elevator. “Alastor had to rewrap my wing this morning.” You and your husband walked arm in arm to the group, with Alastor making sure you were comfortable before taking his own seat. Once he was ensconced in the wingback chair, long legs crossed politely, Lucifer popped up to inspect your wing.
“Hm, not bad.” He had you stretched it gently and gave Alastor an approving nod. “Good work deer boy.”
“Oh ho, of course my good fellow!” The lack of static filter on his voice was the most display of annoyance he would give at the moment. He hated the idea of any man touching you, much less Lucifer Morningstar. But he knew he didn’t know how to help your wing injuries without the fallen angel’s help. “I am a quick study after all! Can’t let my darling rely on someone that might not be around, hm?” His smile widened as Lucifer’s growl showed his comment hit home. “So! What are we discussing today, chums?”
“Ooooh, this is gonna be good,” Cherri giggled as Angel replied. “Body count, Smiles. Before and after death for the Sinners in the group. So, what about you and the missus?”
“An odd topic, but alright. You’ve kept a better count than me, cher. If we count the one right before our death mine is seventy-four?” Jaws dropped at your statement.
“That sounds correct. I had eighteen before we met, and a few solo after our initial encounter. That makes ninety-seven for myself,” he said, looking up to calculate mentally. “I believe after my arrival here, my count is five thousand thirty-one. Give or take a dozen.”
You nodded as Cherri breathed “hooooly shiiiiiit,” with an impressed look. “Mine is still more modest, four thousand six hundred and two. Again, give or take a dozen. Of course, about half of those we did together.”
Alastor hummed in satisfaction. “Oh ho, yes that’s true. Would that increase or decrease our original counts? Or should we have a separate list for couples?”
“Fuck me, I didn’t think they were capable of that,” Cherri said in awe. Lucifer blinked one eye, then the other as his brain tried to catch up. Charlie had her hands over her ears and Vaggie was rubbing her temples. On the other hand, Angel and Husk were sharing a confused look.
“Doll face, Smiles, what kind of body count are ya talking about?” He remembered the discussion about your sexual preferences and the numbers didn’t add up. The simultaneous head tilts from you both confirmed his suspicions.
“Is there more than one kind of body count?” Alastor followed up your question with his own, “How can there be more than one kind of body count?”
“We’re talkin bout how many people we’ve slept with.” Angel paused, remembering your difficulty understanding innuendos. “I mean how many we’ve fucked. Boned. Had sex with.” At his clarification you looked somewhat less confused.
“Why would that be called a body count?” you wondered as Alastor looked surprised at Angel’s explanation. “I’m impressed Angel, I didn’t expect you to explain anything.” Audio of an audience applauding resounded in the room.
The spider shrugged. “I promised your gal I’d explain innuendos if she’d tell me what you two do when ya fuck. Ain’t gonna go back on my word, ‘specially with this cutie.” He winked and stuck his tongue out at the two of you.
“Okay, what's your sexy body count then?” Cherri, disappointed that the thousands you mentioned weren’t people you slept with, was even more curious now.
“One,” you and Alastor said in unison.
Cherri spluttered a bit at the difference between the two kinds of counts while Angel nodded sagely. “Yeah, that tracks, considering you’re both ace as spades and the weird shit you’ve done.”
Lucifer, unsurprised at the amount of death and destruction Overlords were capable of, did look intrigued by that. “What do you mean, ‘weird shit they’ve done?’” Vaggie clapped her hands over her ears as Charlie buried her face into the other girl’s hair in embarrassment. Cherri Bomb nodded encouragement to you.
“NO!” Husk and Angel yelled out together. Angel looked straight up panicked as Husk dashed over to block Alastor and you from view with his wings. “Trust me Luci, you don’t wanna know,” Angel stressed, grabbing the short man by the shoulders. “It broke my brain. Mine. The porn star. Don’t ask ‘em.”
“Is the fact that we’ve [redacted] really that upsetting?” Alastor asked from behind Husk’s feathers. “I think it’s more that we’ve done things like [oh no, not this again], cher,” came your cheerful reply.
Husk pressed his wings back, covering both your mouths. “Boss, Y/N, please stop.” Niffty choose that moment to scramble up Alastor’s shoulder and peek over Husk’s wing. “They’ve done [bleepitybleep] too!”
All heads whipped in her direction. The tiny maid looked proud of herself as she added, “My body count is five! Just one from life. That one counts for my murder count too!”
“Okay, new topic!” Charlie stood up abruptly, her face as red as her tuxedo jacket. “Umm, uhhhh, let’s talk about favorite foods!”
Taglist: @whitewolfsoldat @edgyboi10000 @ch3sire-blu3 @clearly-awkward @badatpunz @bengewatch @chewbrry
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theskeletongames · 9 months
Tooting my own horn here, but I found some great jokes reviewing some scripts for side comics I wrote over a year ago. I had forgotten I wrote them and I'm happy that they're still funny. Anyone ever done this?
I think it's cause my best material is written in a delirious insomniatic state where I've been trying to fall asleep for the past 6 hours and all my brain can do is think of funny situations. So I write it out before finally falling asleep and then I promptly forget about the whole thing till I look it up later.
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papil0nglegs · 19 days
this is a stupid request 😭😭
how about Scout x Reader where the reader finds out that Scout can’t read and is just like “…Wait you actually can’t..?” and then just starts teaching him how to read LMAO i just think that be funny, like he’s just reading some easy kids book and the readers just like “Yes! You’re doing so good!”
Smell of books 📔
Scout x reader
A/n: I KNOW I keep using the ladybird soundtrack but I always listen to it whenever working on fics, give it a listen/watch it’s so cute 🙏
Warnings: Overworking, slight spoilers for the outsiders
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He thought you were a straight up loser cuz you read books. I mean the last time he ever picked up a book was in 4th grade, hasn’t stepped in a school ever since cuz he had to take care of his siblings.
His comments were always eye rolling, they never really bothered you because it wasn’t anything you haven’t heard from a middle school boys
You always assumed he was able to read since you often catch him laughing at random comic books his brothers mailed to him.
It wasn’t until he was trying to read a sign while you and him were taking a drive back to the base
“Raw-ad work ahead?”
“Babe that says road.”
“Yeah I can’t read my bad”
“But you read comic books all the time??”
“Nuh uh, I just stare at the pictures”
As soon as you got back to the base you dragged him to a desk to teach him
He prefers to study on your bunk bed, reviewing flash cards and notes listening to music
Every time he gets 5 flash cards right that’s a kiss from you, this man is DESPERATE so he’ll learn pretty fast
“Okay now what is detach?”
“To like-leave or something”
“Yes! Omg my little student I’m so proud of you muah”
For the most part he was uninterested because you introduced him to mainstreamed books that was a snooze fest to him, gone with the wind Harry Potter etc.
That was until you read him the outsiders, he got so invested because of course he did
You both took turns reading it to each other, whenever it was one persons turn that person would lay on the others chest
“‘If we don’t have each other, we don’t have anything..’”
“Fuckk, I just got goosebumps toots”
He cries when in THAT part of the book, we all know which
The mercs got creeped out when they caught him re-reading it by himself randomly, it was rare to see him read a book, not a comic book a honest to god book!!
“Bloody hell, you readin’ mate?”
“Uhh yeah, guess I am. What you got something to say aussie??”
Loves it when you praise him for all his hard work, but he does overwork himself. Since he easily listens to you it was easy to get him to stop
“Jer please just take a breather, you’ve been reviewing those things for hours”
“Sorry sorry, I just wanna make ya proud of me Yknow..”
“Aww Jer, I already am. Cmon it’s cease-day, let’s get the rest we deserved”
Ughh 🙁 he loves you so much
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blurban-form · 5 months
Some “Rules of the Road” in Queensland
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In “The Sign”, Chilli talks her way out of a possible ticket by having the police dog review the traffic laws relating to if it’s ok for children to sit in the front seat of a car. Bluey is ok because she’s old enough and all of the back seats are in use. The police dog was unfamiliar with this rule.
Mum had checked this before setting out on the trip, so she knew she was in the clear.
I’d actually been putting together a post on little specific road rules prior to “The Sign”. Here are a few more rules to keep in mind.
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Your car window can’t be rolled down more than five centimetres (two inches) when parked.
Tooting your horn, like how Bucky did it in “The Sign” is illegal throughout Australia.
Riding a bike “no hands” is illegal Australia-wide.
You can’t pay-by-phone in a drive-through (unless you put your car in park and turn off the ignition.)
Putting your arm out the window to wave goodbye is illegal; five people were fined in 2017-18 for travelling in a motor vehicle with a body part outside of a window or door.
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toots-senpai · 2 years
Stability (Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Reader)
Authors Note: first legit fanfiction of another masked man??? more likely than you think bb. so so i'm making a part 2 this is 2 gory for legitimate smut. i wonder if this is good or adhd writing tbh i'll never know til y'all say so give a nice yelp review pls. also this is kinda unedited.
Author: @toots-senpai
Fandom: call of duty: modern warfare
Pairing: simon "ghost" riley x reader
Rating: R 18+
Word Count: 13.4k (longest fic thus far)
Warnings: gore, military related themes, guns, explosion mention, small nsfw shower scene, beating torture and cannibalistic torture, blackmail, human trafficking, agnst if you squint and blink, stalking, kidnapping
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even though you've worked alongside ghost for a couple of years before you decided to settle down yourself, it doesn't help the anxiety of how long it takes for him to come back. the house itself squeals through the highrise building in loneliness and the water out of your faucets echo throughout the apartment. this beautiful apartment on a high floor with a dog the same size as you who sits at your front door and wags his tail when people walk by in the hallway every night until they close their door behind them might be starting to get to the two of you mentally. you know he experiences your same feelings when he's gone for longer than usual. he knows simon's schedule on all of his paws down to his tail and he starts to get antsy when he's gone for longer and is always on alert when you go for runs. he's always seems to be hoping to see simon, stopping abruptly when he smells gunpowder on others hoping its him. that has gotten you into multiple awkward and even scary situations maybe a bit too much recently. the city is a dangerous place full of dangerous people but here in this apartment it feels only slightly safer but when you stay in the house you start to get antsy, so it's morning runs from now on only but this life of being alert is tripping you out. simon has snuck up behind his precious dog once on your morning run, fresh from the job and scaring the absolute shit out of his so called scary protective puppy which resulted in him cuddling the dog all night on the couch as an apology on the couch and when he tried to sneak back into bed the dog jumped onto the front of the bed for the first time and neither of you had the courage to move the poor pup. instead you left him to sleep through the morning. only with simon and his dog is your small little family at peace.
though it was cute at the moment you wish he hadn't done it, all he does now is search for simon every run. stopping in the middle of streets and on your abandoned hike trails. you'd wish he'd be a normal dog and chase a squirrel or something but instead he'll jerk you out of a mid run to sniff something random out, fire victims, heroin users is his favorite at night to bark at in the abandoned buildings when he runs away out of your grasp. this time he was ecstatic about whatever smell he just hunted out and he was pulling you fast along the pebbly trail you couldn't get a grip just to stand still on so you let him go, which was probably the dumbest thing you could've done as you watched him run off. his big paws made him look dumb even as he ran away with his ears flopping and easily up the small bushed hill. you sighed out of anger going to take the tiny rocks out of your shoes before calling out for the dog, walking up the bushy hill to a small dirt path away from the trail. the building up ahead was probably a powerhouse which hadn't been checked on in awhile, you couldn't see it from where you stood. you had a gun in your waist trainer and you slipped it out easily as you moved up the small hill. you were starting to get frustrated truthfully but thankfully he got stuck on some branch in one of the bushes, he knew not to tug when he was caught in something but when being handled by his owner he'd tug happily apparently.
"Oh scout you're such a baby." You couldn't help but mutter as you put your gun back to get him out only for him to attempt to drag you again just to be halted by your much firmer grip on the ground. "Enough of that." You ordered as you re-adjusted yourself to try to start to tear him away from the smell he was still insistent about but he whined and tugged until once again getting successfully getting lose only to stutter where he was going and yelp into a growl and when you stumbled forward he even pushed you back a bit by how fast he got in position to protect. You would've just stumbled into this man's chest if it wasn't for scout alarmingly barking at the man startling him enough to trip over his own feet and fall back onto his ass stunned. You grabbed scout's leash and pulled him back to sit but he continued to growl and moved between your legs instead, something simon must've taught him. you pay no mind to it as you look down at the man in front of you, he didn't have on an outfit that would like he worked here but he looked like he knew what he was doing. probably a special worker for this establishment but it does seem a bit off, scuff marks all over his face as if he was a mechanic of some sorts but you don't mention it.
"I'm sorry just walk around us, he's not going to budge from where he's at I really don't have control over this big boy!" You chuckle light-heartedly rubbing scout's neck attempting to calm him down from his defensive procedure by grabbing his leash with a tense pat but he doesn't let down and even tenses more when this man stared at you. you want to take back what you set earlier about whishing simon didn't run in on your run that day, you wish for him to do it right now if he could. not saying you couldn't handle yourself but the way his cold eyes stared at you like he had just scored some information scared you and scout not backing down is keeping your hair against your skin raised but if it wasn't for him you don't know how else you would've gotten out of this situation. scout started moving before you did keeping his position between your legs as he made you walk backwards onto the bushy ground once more, keeping a snarl on his teeth as he paced back with you until you made some distance from the man starting to sit up but scout started pulling you along the gravel once more and all you could do was try to keep up with him and not let the leash hurt your hand before you could even try to look back to the man with the deadly stare. now it's all you can think about when you look down at the dog by the door, swirling the tea bag in your mug around. what was he sniffing and what could've happened if scout didn't move you away? what if you were truly by yourself? probably murder was the only answer you could come up with regardless for any question. a shower couldn't shake away the thoughts and the atmosphere of your precious space was alert.
the next morning is the same as far as you can tell, an insomnia smoothie at 4am looking at the burner phone ghost gave you on the counter and back out to run at 5am. you didn't take one of the abandoned trails this time. in your eyes, simon's training isn't going 100% but that's okay because scout's still technically a puppy you remind yourself as you watch him make a tiny tumble out of the trunk. almost a year and his paws are just a tad too big for his legs. usually its a run but this time, you just wanna walk, relax a bit and breathe away the stress caught in your throat. music is in your ears and there's a coffee from the only open bakery in town at this hour. the coffee is dull and too hot and unfortunately you already wish you hadn't gone out. watching the sunrise from over the hills of the park was pretty and all but your safety still wasn't intact from what you know yet you will still sit on the bench with your knees up and scout loosely held by his leash next to you rolling in the grass. you are determined to read in the park today instead and nothing is going to stop you that's for sure. reading an ebook with your music playing lowly is helping you forget about the humid morning. the leash is long and you can see scout out of your peripheral. your interest on him only peaks when he tippy taps, not an excited one, he's revving up for something and look up to look where he's looking you see the man from yesterday.
maybe it's just the human act to be ignorant towards red flags because even though his stare is colder today you thought that there was a chance that he didn't even know who you were still he does try it as he grabs a bouquet out of his jacket and attempts to hand to you a bit closer than comfort only for scout's jaw to snap at him, almost biting his hand. the man scoffs at the dog and tosses the bouquet on the floor carelessly as he stomps away without even a look back at you and you figure that's enough of the park today. you pick up the flowers anyway, and think about giving it to the neighbor since you know she loves getting some of the flowers that simon sends sometimes but you wish that this bouquet was never offered to you in the first place when you think back to it. when you walk up to the hallway to see this bouquet in multiple other arrangements you already know they're sent by simon. the flowers in your hand is one of the bouquets that's missing from one of the vases. this guy knows where you live and scout knows too when he sniffs the vase growling. you separated the flowers anxiously outside your apartment making sure there was nothing in the around a hundred flowers before taking them in. you call security at the front desk and try to get to simon or price but their phones aren't even on and goes straight to voicemail.
later you checked for airtags on the car and let scout wander without the leash to watch your surroundings as you checked down in the parking garage. your gun is in your hand behind your thigh behind public sight and scout growls next to you, a man walking nearby. you think he's not to suspicious but you have to take the elevator with him which you chose was stupid. once again in your eyes there was nothing you could've truly done to prevent this, everything was aligned for you to get stuck in this position you think. you were looking out for yourself and even if you had gotten in the elevator with him, who knows if he'd be the same people that are now walking towards you one of them scratching the body of someones car. you ran to the stairs and shoved into someone which was a quick shot for you and when looking back you saw that he wasn't a form of civilian anyways as his friend pulled out a gun behind you to shoot and only have his wrist basically ripped by scout who immediately runs back to you after he ripped opened his wrist. you went up a couple floors before you got onto one and caught the elevator with scout where you went back down to the garage to get on the road.
your mom's is probably the safest compared to your flat. you left everything up in the house and you locked it before you left but who knows if they're there. you left your phone and the burner so if anyone wanted to get to you, there was nothing. this is not the way you wanna be spending your night. you have an emergency old id and wallet full of a little money in your glovebox but no phone will suck. you drove out of the city before stopping at a restaurant for a phone. soap was the only number you knew by heart without your phone, purely because he answers more than simon which is more than true when he answers but there's nothing but bullets richocheting off of whatever was close and hearing the phone drop as they made their way out of whatever area. you're fucked.
simon pov
he's taken his way through this small evacuated city a couple times already, helping innocents and chasing after his objective and once he finished he was less than relaxed. a plethora of missed calls from you on the burner and only two towards his direct and you went silent for the last week. your location hasn't moved from the house in days and for some reason all of the hidden cameras he had around the house was down and the burner was tracking it's way through the city streets with no answer when he called. definitely not like his girlfriend. only two things left, scout he checked first, tagged in the collar was a state away from the house, at your mothers? what were you doing by the woman you've avoided the past couple of years, how desperate were the two of you? he's on edge, his foot tapping as he searches through his contacts an old messages trying to get in contact with you through someone of your friends. soap stands in front of his light and his eyes snap up to meet his and instead meeting soap's phone, cracked in his hand with the burner number blowing up his phone. a ransom in his messages and some other bullshit, it was a day to fly to get to you, he's antsy already watching the minutes past as he listens to the turbulence. he couldn't even drink water knowing you weren't okay, his mind ran wild and every emotion he's ever experienced goes through his head, silent underneath his mask as he watches the trackers move, he's in shock when you and the dog are moving rather fast through the forest. you're running fast, his blood is running cold.
y/n's pov
it was a bad idea, terrible idea, your mother has been dead for god knows how long and you didn't know. and now here you were stuck out in buttfuck forest nowhere with your tires slashed when you walked back out of the new occupants home. a couple of shots rang through the new elderly couples home and you already started running down the road as fast as you could before the second one, scout fast at your tail. you're sweating already as you make your way into the nearby city, dawn creeping as if you aren't wanted by someone out there searching for your face. you appreciate your morning runs but as the sun is rising too fast now you still haven't slept on top of all this besides the resting area two days ago. you need to get away from whoever the fuck is chasing you, find somewhere to stay until morning. but you're hungry from running through the forest all night, scout's had his fill of rabbit while you tried to sleep in the trees halfway through the night, it was a tad too gruesome for you to sleep after hearing him mutilate the bunny with the sun hot so you walk into the city while his mouth is still messy. you have your wallet and money still but no communication. no credit card means no rental car and you do not need to bring yourself into any businesses for longer than 5 minutes with your name attached to anything and a bloody dog. you still got some breakfast and cleaned him up before you made your way up to one of the buildings by the highway up to the roof where and you sit on the edge watch as planes fly over you and the cars fly by. You wish that one of them will be a militia plane and simon would parachute and land ontop of you but instead the sun is starting to get hot up here and scout is antsy.
simon's pov
his mind hasn't stopped wandering since he's been watching you move. he wonders if you got his flowers and a letter he wrote to you when he couldn't stop thinking about you one night. far too romantic and a bit corny in his opinion when he re-read it in the morning, all that matters is that you enjoy his thoughts not him. he's shaking his leg and he's even more tired than you were, he wonders if you're injured. he's going to land farther away from you and his leg starts to tap once again before soap speaks up next to him.
"what about her phone. i've never even seen her with it not attached to her pockets and the fact that she just left it is a little mind boggling.."
"worried about breaking it maybe? she knew she was going to get into some sort of trouble? she would've taken her phone.."
"by possibly what?"
"maybe she felt sketched out to go back in the house, went out to grab something and ran into something along the way?" it's silent between the men for a second thinking about how to plan this out probably. soap just wants him to think rationally so he doesn't get himself killed, not thinking that it's a chance but he will get injured if they don't have backup plans. "i'll go back to your apartment, check it out."
"the burner?"
"price will handle it."
"alright then."
y/n's pov
a human with only a water bottle and gun holstered with a dog with blood still clumped in his fur is definitely an interesting look. no one has called the cops though, even as you walk through the city and scout does really good navigating through the small crowds that cover the outside of bars no one is suspicious. the sun is setting soon and you can only imagine how far you've gone and yawn as scout's tail wags and his nose sniffs the air. and he stops walking and starts tippy tapping and sitting with his tail wagging viciously, you can hear the apc before it pulls up next to you and out comes your knight in dark armor, balaclava covering his face and a warm stare of relief before his dog stands on his hinds as he puts his paws on his chest licking and nipping at his mask.
"where's the harness i got him?"
"you got him a harness!?"
the apc is bustling down the empty highway to intercept soap a state over and the evening still burns the clouds as the sun peaks out from the heavy rain. the scenery is nice but scout doesn't like the sound of the rain on the metal vehicle going faster than the speed limit, the rain hits like bullets and he whimpers underneath the arms of the two bulky men who pet him, gaz calming him down by patting his butt softly next ghost. "you never thought to at least check them over before you kept moving?"
"i didn't even want to pay attention to who was following me. didn't even know how many there were.. how'd you find me ghost?"
"scout. tracker."
"ooo spooky. like watching me and your pretty little dog in your spare time my secret admirer? is there a hidden camera in the collar?"
"no, too busy to keep up with you two handsomely famous influencers. i have a serious life compared to you two to even think of buying a camera for the dog." he jabs kicking your foot slightly from across the bench. he still notices the discomfort in your face, not even your fake smiles even coming to show as you stared down at the dog between the two men.
"i didn't see them walking anywhere anyway? i check my surroundings, ghost. im aware as i can be. i think i ran into them on one of my hikes..."
"you shouldn't be going on those trails by yourself regardless."
"i mean i thought you got me scout for that exact reason.." it's silent for a second, the ride as comfortable as it could be but the energy pretty relaxed.
"scout's trained." simon jokes, sarcasm dripping from his tone. "but scout is actually trained for both of our protection, not just you. trained him with soap. must've got to used to being with both of us or something-."
"all i can think about is how they had to have been watching me... he gave me one of the bouquets that you sent before i even saw them. gave them to me on my run in the park...the public park!"
"it was the same bou-"
"yes ghost! same wrapping, same flowers, missing bouquet in one of the vases in the hallway." the car is silent once more, cadets looks at you with concern but the driver breaks the silence saying that you were 5 minutes away from the location and ghost opens and turns on the communication system.
"soap, come in, over." the station is quiet and so is the car. you start reloading your gun now grabbing some additional armor from one of the nearby crates.
you've never seen your neighborhood like this. it's been a day and it's run down even more than usual. gaz said there was an explosion down the street, terrorism attack on a building a couple days ago and killed alot of people and now the city has lost control of it's people. when the apc stopped someone was already drifting through the streets a cop busting behind him as a full chase. was what happened more than a random occurrence? all of you think not when you get to the garage, ghost's mask is drawn in spray paint and scout sniffed out the guy the guy who attacked you in the hallway, shot probably by his own men because he left of smear of blood from his wrist on his way down. no way that they couldn't of helped him with his wrist that scout mauled, no compassion for even their own people.
"we gotta keep going.." ghost muttered softly walking past you up the stairs with scout following between his legs. you all followed behind until you got to your floor, scout sniffing out the booby traps even at the entrance, mined doors on this side of the stairs of the building so you all went back down and split up coming in through different ways. you and ghost ended up in the elevator without scout because he's afraid to elevators, it's silent as you two make your way up before it suddenly stops to a screeching halt which threw you a bit off balance into simon who caught you by one of his arms which wasn't holding on to his gun. the fire light turned on and the door opened to the elevator, the shaft tall and air rushing up through the gap, his grip tightened a bit as you two backed up and he tried to press the elevator door to no avail. it's cold, the air blowing up through the shaft, there is even a few floors above you. that whistle of air is almost louder than the shots from levels above you and simon can't get through the comms as an emp rung through his ear before he shut it off looking at you.
you're eyes are connected as the shots ring around you from the open shaft. he pulls his balaclava above his mouth as he kisses you sweetly letting his gun hang by the belt as he holds you tight. moments like these keep you on edge as well, you both hear the barks on the level above and scout's barking echoes through the shaft. when the shots became quiet and he let go as quick as he grabbed you. hand pulling down his mask and other arm repositioning at his gun as the elevator shook from someone jumping on it and the emergency door on the top of the elevator cracks open and ghost's muzzle is pressed against soap's leg who is staring down at you two quietly.
"you two lived on top of the guy who planned this all and yes, you were being watched... both of you.. for awhile."
your apartment had been ransacked, it was smart to not go back upstairs and just take the high road. he took your belongings and this guy had a really big grudge with ghost. one of the last missions before you retired, your team infiltrated one of the many areas you had in the past but this time this guy had gotten a hold of ghost, kidnapped him and has intel on him somehow, starting off with his precious girlfriend's house shopping. it was all planned pretty well but it's always connected to something bigger. people you've taken out and he's taken out being connected and simon thanks that you don't ever say his name in any texts or your contacts. you can see his eyes beam up as he checks all over your phone seeing nothing incriminating or deceitful that would've helped this guy get more info on you but you know he's kicking his feet and shit in his head since you have gotten back in the apc. his stoic face does not help his happy excited fingers that rub against your hand as you all head to a base back out of the state.
they all connected on the floor and took the hostiles out quite quickly before noticing you both hadn't gotten out of the elevator yet but you still got the majority of your belongs out of there, keeping only a bag of clothes, some books and some small valuables and your precious computer which actually had all of the intel on it. protected by multiple layers of protective passwords which ghost dropped his happy actions at taking his hand back and making you break the silence of the apc filled with only crumpling papers and a roaring tank engine with a giggle. it didn't take long to get out of the apc and onto a base and into a car alone with scout, your belongings are in the trunk and scout has the whole backseat to himself as he looks out of the window searching for simon, pacing back and fourth. you have to get a new phone, the other one is staying on base for monitoring and basically you're fucked for calling anyone. it's not like you have anyone to talk to anyways nowadays with work but still sucks you still can't get it back.
simon opens the driver and slips into the seat and takes a deep breath before looking at you. "he overcharged us by the way on rent.." he jokes but with not a smile from you he continues but looking away. "he was trying to find our names. didn't expect our id's to be fake, not the same guy who stopped you on the run. caught him on a couple of different camera's on the apartment cameras, same guys stealing those navy weapons awhile ago...." he trails off before looking back at scout before back at you. "we'll find somewhere safe to permanently stay if that's what you're worried about?" he says. you could only think he's not used to your silence. it's not him, it's just the need to forget about it all all ready. just the thought about this is overbearing your thoughts but you have to respond to him.
"everywhere we will stay will be farther from you even if i stayed at a base.... should i come back? would it be safer?" you ask him in a low tone and he looks out at the base in front of the steering wheel, hands rubbing the leather wheel slightly.
"do you think it'll be safer.. always being on the move, back on the field? you said you wanted stability. i thought that was our plan?"
"is this stability?" the silence in the car was deafening as the air base around you roared from airplanes and cars that moved around the parking lot. "baby...." you trail reaching out for his forearm and rubbing his wrist looking at him with your lips pressed before continuing. "we have alot of time to calm down but... i need to stay with you. it isn't calm without you."
"are you sure you can handle it again dove? it's draining and even your therapist-"
"i never paid a dime for that, it's just provided and i've handled myself for a long time, i can do it again to stay with you. especially for you.. us. are you afraid of my aim?" you giggle and he relaxes slightly while probably smiling and biting anxiously at his lips underneath the mask still he chuckles. he finally looks at you fully and he squints a bit taking you in for a second and holding the hand that was once touching his forearm rubbing at your fingers.
"did you not get the letter in the flowers?"
"did you put your name or mine on the card?"
"in.. code?"
"what does that mean?"
"a poem.. of sorts.. i'm guessing you didn't get it?"
"i hope i never find this guy. took away my romantic gesture.."
"i bet simon, your love on a piece of paper is good blackmail may i add but he's not dead? i thought-"
"nope, guys in the parking lot were there holding down the whole apartment, working with the guy on the trail who we can't find who works for someone else...terrible blackmail though even if it said something about our stability together and some other things... almost as if we're on the same page. i hope.." he trails off for a second swallowing and probably pouting as he continues. "it's not blackmail though, i can say it to you now, i remember-"
"i can only imagine what's about to come out of your gorgeous mouth but i would really like to do it later. where are we even going to go?" he's back to rubbing the wheel, probably disappointed about not being able to admit his feelings. he shrugs with his head down and you know he's got alot more to say but he's quiet, mask moving softly. "stop biting at your lips you know it's a bad habit simon."
"i know. i love you, i don't want to mess us up love. i want you to be happy when you wake up. not scared or forced to put on any face that isn't yours." he stops and he's looking at you almost through your skin and his chest is heaving a bit. you know he's pent up under his tactical gear and he needs release mentally and physically. you just can't keep up, this alertness keeps you stressed and with no ground to ground yourself with, how could you truly relax. you wonder if he knows that too as he waits for you make him keep going, waits for you to let him talk and sweeten you up with his words that he doesn't feel like he get's across to you because of how long he's been away. "i will never tell you to not do something when it come's down to how you feel about all of this. if you need me i'll stay, if you want to be with me on the job that's fine. you know the price of what comes along with your actions and any position you choose. any judgement you make i'll respect and work with you through it."
"reassurance? that's all you got? i don't need it. what about what you want to do?"
"anything that's best for us, for you-"
"i get that but like you don't know anything past what i want? it's all just the job and my wants?"
"only when it comes down to our housing truthfully, whatever you pick that far is all i want from you. my needs only last in financial stability and I work quite enough for it plus what you still get as a bonus and my bonuses." he makes you face him, grabbing your chin softly. "please tell me what you'd like to do for the night.." he's pleading seriously, eyes searching yours.
"do you have ideas other than a hotel?"
simon's pov
an airbnb for tonight and a home by tomorrow was the supposed plan but you look like you were still thinking about it. he wonders if you want to live at every base he moves to making him have to work full-time as he pulls out a couple of the important containers from the passenger doors. he enjoys the suv the force offered him while you two moved about and they were even offering to either get the two of you a new one or if he wanted to keep this one but he still doesn't know and he knows you don't either. privacy and protection is important and that is well enough known to the point that it doesn't have to be brought up in the conversation but that doesn't help with privacy and protection at all. he hauls them up this cabin, the air is cold on his forearm's and his mind races as he walks up the stairs, you have the water running in the bathroom for the shower, steam rising out of the door as he puts down your essentials near the door looking at you. scout's got his head in your lap and you still haven't even touched your computer after looking at this one website for housing. he wonders if you're thinking about cities and states or about the future as he walks over to you. you don't even look up at him as he kneels down next to the bed. he rubs the outside of your thigh and your eyes finally meet his, they're a bit glossy as your hands reach out for his face, caressing his cheek and biting your inner cheek.
"thank you for bringing the stuff in, we need to get dog food in the morning and i have food for us coming from someplace on uber. burgers.." you mutter looking up at him. he's so in love with you he could shatter underneath your eyesight and break into a million pieces and let you step all over him and he wouldn't do a thing. he kisses you through his mask on your forehead and you giggle a bit as scout pushes his way up to start licking your face. he pushes the dog softly out of the way by his muzzle and your hands rub up his arms and he's on fire at your small touches and he just nods looking from your lips back to your eyes.
"can i take you to the shower?" you smile again and he's biting his lips again as he stares down at yours who look back wide and full of love through the exhaustion.
"carrying me?"
"of course." he states before ripping you out from under the covers in one go and into his arms. you squeal and protest slightly but he just changes his hold on you instead. he's holding you by your ass and he's kissing you again after yanking it up past his mouth and moaning as you kiss him back. scout tries to follow you two to the bathroom but he gives him a look through the kiss as before he goes in the bathroom back first before closing and pushing you up against the door. buttons in his head clicked quite fast when he takes your wrists up against he door and your wrists are connected with the metal hangers, almost as if it was made for something other than hanging towels. he laughs when you notice and you blush a bit pushing him off of you. as he stumbles he takes off his shoes and walks back up to pull you by your waist into his chest. he loves how malleable you are under his touch and how surprised you are every time he pulls you close, how your eyes dance around him as he strops and your shirt is thrown off your head. he has a craving to hear your laughter all the time, it makes him feel like a class clown and emotionally vulnerable but he gives you his all. every emotion he experiences he's always trying his hardest to make evident especially as he picks you up by your thighs and walks straight into the shower clothes on and lets you get wet first as you spit the water back at him in shock and then reach back to turn it down.
"hot." you state and he nods and gets under with you under the hot water until cools down and you two are centimeters apart. clothes sticking to skin and you run your hands down his wet shirt feeling his toned muscles underneath and you let out a breathy whimper when you feel one of his belts in the way. "too much on still simon." you whisper and he nods feeling his dick twitch at the sight of your pupils widen as you look up at him. "do you need help with that?"
y/n's pov
you're a bit mad he made you come in the shower with both of you clothed, you can see a mixture of blood and dirt down the drain as he holds you and some of it smears onto your pants as he holds you in his arms squeezing your ass with every movement you've made since being in this position.
"what if there's cameras in this airbnb?"
"free fucking show love." he cuts you off pressing his lips back into yours this time a little rougher. you can't breathe through his rough kiss as his gear digs into your thighs and his cock rubs on of the best acts of friction through his pants and your leggings that you still haven't taken off from your run two days ago. a hand runs up your hips and his kisses are feverish against your jaw as he hold you with his other arm and his knee, keeping you pressed against the plastic of the shower.
"you gotta take it off-"
"not fucking yet don't you interrupt me." he seethes into your ear and it's a genuine grind and a moan as he grinds himself against your cunt and latches his teeth on your neck a couple times while pulling at the fabric of your bra and sucks harshly at the skin between his biting. your hips twitch and your hands grip onto his shoulders as you moan with him, lost in the pleasure as he stays consistent with the grinding against your clothed cunt. he can feel how wet you already are through your wet clothes and truthfully you're too close to skin in your leggings and his pants are in the way. he flips around and puts you behind him as he takes off the wet skin tight long sleeve that was rolled up his forearms and you are taking off a couple of his belts tossing them into the sink with a couple of underhand throws before his pants come down finally as you scowl behind him.
"you didn't even bring my soaps in here..." he sighs deeply while walking outside the bathroom.
you two are finally searching through the housing market across the u.s. when the two of you are clean and out of the shower. you lay on his chest and scroll a bit endlessly and sometimes simon says some states but he's been quiet ever since illinois, his head is buried within your neck and he's calm behind you contently rubbing scout's head who lays over the both of your laps. he gives you a few kisses every now and then to the junction of your jaw and you relax, sighing and baring your neck to him. it doesn't take him too long to start to trail his tongue on your neck but you don't think he notices that you're not too excited at the moment and you break the silence as per usual. "i don't want to move anywhere truthfully.." you say and there's nothing but a long stare from him before the doorbell rings and he slips from behind you.
it didn't look like he was to keen on that statement.
simon's pov
he didn't expect this to be the route you two took a couple of months later, both of you back on the field and his name slowly slipping away from your lips and ghost the only thing he's hearing nowadays once again. you're good at keeping undercover and you were right that this was the best way to do it. scout is an official military dog and has new badges and everything to prove his role in the military, awards from the last couple of missions and now he walks between your legs correctly neither of you missing a beat as you three snuck towards a safe house. you three were somewhere in africa due to an incoming missile towards the cargo plane that was just for trade, but still everyone was forced to evacuate. seconds after your squad deployed parachutes were already being blown out from bullets and people fell faster than they came out of the plane. both you and ghost cut your chutes before they could see you two falling and he had to trust you with every ounce of his being and let you use your other emergency one when once you two got closer to the ground, holding him close through safety belts for the scariest 4 seconds before you finally pulled his chute and his safety belts with both of your hands in one of the fastest motions he's seen. he couldn't pull his own because of the quite large dog he held who panted and moved anxiously in his arms as you three fell through the sky and he had to keep him quiet and content as you two landed. at the end when you three finally landed scout was the only one hurt, probably a sprain in his foot but he refused to be carried. there isn't any form of safehouse nearby either, an abandoned location he knew about but definitely not a full safe house.
now as you two approach someone is getting assassinated in these abandoned ruins, a fire squad releasing multiple shots that echo into the rainforest. matter a fact the old vines that used to crawl from the ground up the trees are are now halfway up the trees. a 'war' or some sort of battle had to have happened for the mud to be this way and the grass to grow this unrapidly. desire paths and blood ransacked the floor and the trees, his heart is running a little faster than usual and anxiety runs through his veins like an infection. both of your comms hasn't gone through since you've landed and when you both look at each other you know that only one of you has to go. it's distract or be taken prisoner in whatever city this is and he knows you have to go. you're better than this, won't be seen as a threat and scout heads underneath his legs before either of you say anything. the plan went smooth enough, both of you still ending up as high alert 'prisoners' but you kept your guns and scout is being seen by medical. they're not too friendly but they don't lack hospitality and he see's that you can be grateful towards them for that. he won't let down his guard even when they offer you both a place to stay, a nearby motel with twin beds as the only thing left. you checked for bugs and he was looking at a map, scout in his lap on the bed and nearby 'neighbors' arguing about drugs and drug money.
two feds next door will do that to hypes and he chuckles listening to their argument with his semi-learnt french and you finally sit down on the other bed pouting. you're hungry and nothing delivers in this type of town and there was nothing even open in town from what you saw when they drove you two to the motel you complained. you also said something about being weirded out that no pubs were open in the town, mentioning no town drunks and now all he can think about is telling you about the high motherfuckers to the left of your room but you don't seem to be in the funny mood. you both went to sleep hungry and in different beds until you got up around 2 and had to snuggle with him for 'warmth' so your comms ringed you both awake with soap's voice ringing both of your eardrums far more awake than you two were even before you two went to sleep, scout whining from the bad at the ring of both of your comms. soap states everyone on your helicopter was probably dead besides the driver who had a terrible concussion and was dragged out of the plane by monkeys as the man said. even soap sounded enthused but apparently was on facetime with him and the bonobo helpers. very interesting, unfortunately you were stuck out here for longer. good news that the people that helped last night are semi-'allies'. some soldier awhile ago had this predicament of getting lost in this jungle and also getting saved by these people.
these allies said something was coming to intercept you but the people at the 'nearby' hq- which was a country away - said it'd be best if you were on the move. so you two walked through the jungle again, neither of you actually wanted to stay in the free motel and rather wanted to be on the move. he can't see how you could see the stability in this, yet he still tries to wrap his head around it. he can't even wrap his head around how only one of the injured people from the plane survived and he brainstorms the whole time as you two walked but a couple of sharp shots from the distance shook you two out of any thoughts that either of you were thinking and you two look at each other. it seems at this very moment the vehicle that was coming to intercept was also coming at the same time, his hand grabs yours quickly and he kisses your hand through the mask before he pulls you out of sight and lets you go as you two split with scout following close behind as you two hide between the darkness of the rainforest. gargled unproperly translated french said something about hostages and soldiers being held in a barn down the road, along with looking for you.
to be fair, translating has become easier when you're being taught by your captors daily between food breaks but still when he thinks back to how you two responded to them driving away and not even checking for the shooter properly he winces and wheezes from the wince. when you two walked to where the shooting happened and there lied one of your comrades who was choking on his own blood and probably alerted the shooter who wasn't on said truck that drove away.
he can translate all of it now, their entire conversation front to back, they've used the whole recorded conversation from their comms play on repeat while they beat him once, translating all of it towards his unlearned french and taught him quickly through it all, they've been watching you both for the longest. he has never spoke to them, never letting a word even slip from his mouth as they screamed and tortured him day and night and all he can do is wonder where you went every time he see's the moon rise through the small crevice of the celled window. that night they tracked both of you down through the rainforest and told the already reinforcements that were on the way that you were by yourselves and when they surrounded you, guns at every corner of his vision and scout being shot multiple times when he went after the men and hearing his dog's struggles and your screams while he struggled against three men who shot him up with something that still makes him hazy after all these weeks, it makes his blood burn. your screams echo and watching you cry for scout and pull him towards you was the only thing he remembers as his vision faded to black. he get headaches wondering if you're still alive and he wonders if you two are just m.i.a on a cold case. he dry weaves sometimes at that thought and these men scoff at him for being so week after their endless torture with weak laughs. he's not thinking straight.
y/n's pov
you on the other hand know everything that has been happening. scout's alive but barely and all of the people you wondered where they were lay in these stables, citizens of this small town they keep you with when they're done with you. you're beaten for livestreams for your superiors and ransoms are being passed around like hall passes. you've watched your superiors get close a couple of times, only twice if we don't count you blindfolded hanging from the rooftop as multiple men threw blows at your stomach that had you hurling off the edge more than you already were as you choked on your own blood. only a rope held your wrists tied behind your back and only pulled slightly by one man who doesn't care if you fell as he watches when you hunched over with blood spilling from your mouth with every blow and statement of unmerciful threats from you captors screamed across the forest around you in victory when they first tried to infiltrate this base. victorious they left you on the roof for days, broken ribs and blood dried and caked into your wounds and your face as drones focused on you in the distance. a base across the forest created alot of light pollution, and enough of it had them throwing you back downstairs into these said stables. these stables were underneath this house in the rainforest and sometimes you could swear you heard simon through the floorboards above you as the innocent people around you flinched at every blow towards whoever sits in these chairs above you.
they screech from their chairs, multiple people and sometimes they're thrown into this infectious stable and sometimes these people let them rot if they didn't know that they would've died from the injuries, they don't care at all, they don't even have a motive from what you know thus far. there are other of your comrades down here, tortured or starving along with the town drunks to the religious fanatics who are overly pessimistic towards the young women whose children are dying from sicknesses that these people don't even bother to care about. the mothers help you out the most and body huddles happen around you with children for warmth. you've been beaten past the point of walking at this point and everyone is silent in almost a silent apology every time they throw you down here worse than you were before. it's only been a month and a half since you've been captured.
honestly you don't even wanna think about the whimpers from everyone every time you're dropped on the floor, the whimper from your dying dog getting more silent every time. the kids are taking care of him you're pretty sure. you watched that night as they threw him in the back of the trunk like roadkill onto your hallucinating body after shooting him and your vision was fading long before you could register that you were drugged and also probably dragged like roadkill. the drag towards the 'medic' of the town who was also another drunk they let cold turkey off the alcohol was probably the meanest man you ever met out of the bunch, every drag felt like needles and the sharpest of grass every time they threw you down here and the humidity of the stables create a more putrid smell than any garbage bag could or even the thick smell of gunpowder on other occasions. it was harder to breathe this time around the drag felt like nothing and your skin was numb but your broken ribs sliding across the ground was worse than being able to breathe, the pain put you in a state of almost shock as the man examined your body. you'll seethe and scream through every bone he could recrack back into the position.
you've seen plenty of what the captors can do to you and the people around you but this night they wanted you to know more. the door shakes this house when one of them slams it open and everyone moves away from you as they walk over and pick you up. he throws your battered body over his shoulder and you wonder if they're dragging simon behind you right now. afterall he's big like simon but in this state of pain you couldn't really realize who they dragged behind you by their throat. you can't even try to move as they place you in a different vehicle, so weak that they place you in the middle of two men in the backseat and don't even cover your face as they laugh at you as you fade in and out of consciousness. overstimulating to say the least with the pounding headache and they just throw you out of the vehicle with the man next. he's got his cuffs locked behind his back and you have the need to sleep through this pain, your body can't stay awake and you can't beat how soft the ground is even if the muddy gravel that was digging into your cheek. so when you open your eyes the second time it's actually dawn instead of dark and you are stuck in the middle of nowhere the person previously in the cuffs in front of you gone. an old cabin lies in front of you and now everything clicks as to what they actually held besides the five comrades at their base. there was ghost stories being said by the old woman day and night of a building which had blood seeping out of their doors and you can see it from where you lay on the ground, along with an eyeball.. fresh. you don't have to guess from where when you sit up and see part of the man who previously was there in front of, pieces of bone from his skull scattered on the floor and dragging away to the door.
you debate going inside and almost leave before you hear crying to your left, head snapping to connect eyes with a little girl at the doorway of said cabin. tears ran down her cheeks and there wasn't a spot on the little one that didn't basically drip or stick of blood, behind her wasn't any better. the shed door is slid open and machines used for woodwork have human body parts littered across them and blood dripped off the table continuously. you slowly went to grab the little girl, pulling yourself off the ground and dragging yourself towards the girl and she comes up to pick you off the ground, coming up off the ground the cabin just held more horrors the more sight you gained, a jail cell and a deep freezer in the back. no one is in this building besides whatever you think is in that meatlocker and all you could do is wince as you pulled yourself up against the doorframe and grabbed the little girl in your arms and pulling her through the wet forest. you can feel the blood on her smear across your bruised skin and you're forcing your entire body going to make it to where ever you need to make sure this little girl will be safe. it doesn't take to long to realize that you aren't anywhere.
simon's pov
his blood still boils at every movement, said kidnappers tried the whole hanging him off the ledge but price worked harder this time at infiltrating this base and his lieutenant only made it easier. apc's, helicopters and an army of armed soldiers surrounded the armed base and once ghost had a gun in his hands on said roof after all these weeks of torture it was over. the aftermath is knowing his dog was dying and no one knowing where you were besides the lady who spilled stories from her dementia arcade and now you were the only one truly m.i.a. and cold. it's already been 2 weeks since the infiltration of this base and you've been gone for 2 and a half apparently. they record their comms but trackers are useless and now there's a full blown war between the black market entrepreneurs and the american military, everyone knows they're hiding more than drugs but here back at this 'new base' in the middle of the droc's territory with their only jurisdiction being you as the only missing soldier there's nothing that can legally keep them in droc much longer, afterall no one wants some sort of civil war. the thought that he might have to leave you after looking day and night for the past couple two weeks tears away his will to eat and he's going destructive on himself mentally but soap trying to help the best he can.
he's trying to appreciate what he can since everyone has been whispering that you're probably dead all day around him and alcohol made him cry for the first time in awhile so he hasn't even bothered to drink his favorite bourbon. crying over his dying dog and his missing girlfriend after he trudged his way in the empty infirmary and petting his nose and whispering affirmations of how much he craved the old life he once had. his thoughts run marathons of what you said to him about craving stability and no matter what he knows he can't bring that to you now. he's slowly starting to blame himself for it all, in these marathons he wonders if he heard you at night getting beaten. when they force their jurisdiction making him go back to main hq back in the u.s back in the main base he fills your room with himself and scout every night. his face burys itself into your pillows and he craves your scent that's gone from the sheets and he gave up his room for yours since everyone thinks your dead. a month has gone by and now he's on a 'suicide watch' from soap, he doesn't remember what he did the night before, hooked up on whatever he decided he was drinking at the bar but in the hospital room he woke up with his hands covered with bandages and price has to stop his best man from going crazy that night through his first genuine breakdown in the hospital. he had a rescue mission back to the droc approved for your capture in two days.
y/n's pov
why could you have thought you could've ran away you think now. you think of if there's a city nearby and you wish that simon would brake the chains that hang around your ankles. you wish much more of simon even though you know that he would rub your bruised muscles and tend to your sores with a cup of tea for you to relax while he did it. he'd kiss around the mud and blood that stuck to your form and hold you close while he showered with you. scrubbing and kissing until the grime was nothing but dirt sticking inside the drain pumps until it drained to the sewers. you wouldn't even need to ask, no words would be said until you'd finally cuddle up to the dear man and cry yet your fingers shake as the false memory fades from your vision. in your eyes your hands you hold a hammer and blood drips down the whole mallet and off your fingers. below your hands lay your captor this time and your ears gain back some of their hearing from you basically blacking out in anger and the girl next to you quietly sobbing behind you before running to get this guy's keys in the office.
you don't even remember if this is all his blood, you've been a captive in this shed since he grabbed you that day. you hadn't gone a mile before he noticed you with 'his girl' and beat you until you woke up with chains around your limbs in the middle of the night. your skin feels like it's his at this point, it's clammy and now like the little girls even though hers is worse. he kissed you two sometimes when he walked past the two of you these last couple of days, rubbing your shoulders with his dirty hands and even going so far as to lick blood from the people you've been skinning. while you were doing this he would chuckle almost as this was some form of sick amusement throughout his 'teachings'. you know he's touched the little one in some ways and she doesn't even flinch when he rubs her. you haven't slept and he kept you up with whatever drug he was able to put in the slop he serves or needles he shoves into your arms. some of the bodies here were people from the city you could only guess and others were human trafficking victims. back in the infection cabin that you once lay after being tortured for those weeks was only practice for the true smell that you've grown accustomed to. the blood that drips off your skin and the horrors of gutting people are a sin only something higher should be allowed to do.
you truly know that this was the only way to stop all of this. there's been no help anyways all this time and you know no one would help you. you know beyond the fantasy realm that truth that simon would probably not want to go into this building and or even touch you from the smell you've been stuck in, the blood that drips from your skin and the skinnyness of your bruised body. your superiors would look at you strangely and puke as they knew you killed and skinned people for what you hope is the black market but you don't know as much as you did back at the infectious cabin but the little girl who steps over the man infront of you does. you wonder if she knows too much, the pout of concentration on her face was all of her effort and she's trying so hard to stop her hands from shaking and her face doesn't even falter as she takes the bloody hammer from you and lets it fall like it weighed nothing onto the dead man's stomach. it's disgusting almost how this was muscle memory to her even through her shaky hands, the thought that she's tried getting out of here plenty of times as she unlocks the massive amount of locks on the chains around your ankles and wrists quite expertly and fast and even goes to try to grab you when your body finally relaxes really is making your stomach curl. once she realizes that you can relax comfortably and you lean into the bloodied table in front of you she tries to let you but the floor takes you down with it regardless. the slip isn't hard it's in fact very slow and the blood pile on the floor is bleeding into the roots of your hair as you watch the girl go and save the newcomers that just came in this morning. they're not dead but it's a fact that they would've been as they are freezing as they come out into the main area.
a woman gets excited seeing your uniform but when she looks at you all she does is sigh and pull you up from the bloody floor. once she's sat you down near the wall she cuddles up to you for warmth, none of the blood on you matters and she knows you did the final blow when she starts to clean you with her very cold shirt which felt very nice on the bruises that litter your skin. you're sore and this woman is softly going around all of the swollen areas without missing a beat. some people push out the little girl out of the freezer and there's around 15 of you now. some people come around you two to cuddle for warmth again and pull you out of the blood pile and some are trying to break into this side office. three out of the seven are trying to break down the door and the others back away from the door watching the others go to try again but some harsh brakes of a car squeal into the small cabin interrupting everyones actions. it stops in front of the shed and everyone quiets as multiple people talk outside. they're loud as they walk to the door and the little girl is the first one to move, running and hiding away in one of the cabinets while others grab medical equipment and hide away back into the freezer. you slip out of sight it's only quiet for a minute max while everyone grabs weapons before the door slides open and a couple of gunshots start to ring through the air, hitting walls and sliding people down the walls and someone started one of the three chainsaws fully but you heard the other two stutter and heard them struggling. all you could do was drag yourself into better cover and watch as one of the men who came in with guns catch your sight and aims only to get a saw ripped through his chest.
it was too fast for you to even comprehend, your body is on survival mode and adrenaline is ripping through your flight or fight as a saw sprays his blood over the shed causing your brain to stall as you closed your eyes and push yourself of the ground only to slip once again in the previous bloody chain pile. you have no strength to push yourself up but a chill of death forces you to protect yourself now otherwise you won't get another chance to. you flip with the chains that were once attached to your body in your hands and this saw catches the chains and blood spits at you once more along with sparks. they're too big to get caught in the moving track but it's making a disgusting noise and sparks fly into to your face as you push the chains up against the saw with a stomach grounded scream as you feel your muscles almost ripping from the lack of strength you have while you're pushing back. your screams penetrates the walls and echoes out of the windows across the forest to open ears searching for the bullets that ran through the forest earlier.
simon's pov
price had been watching movement for awhile since they approved this mission after the droc took over that base. besides having alot of the missing personnel and weapons they left their comms completely open. price would listen to comms with simon for hours in the hospital while they worked through files instead of at the nearby base and a couple of days ago they said something about coordinates and sending someone to pick up meat. it didn't take long to realize that they weren't talking about the classic dairy that moves around the country. it was easy to make this mission a success yet there's something bugging him. their comms went dead one way and when they were almost to the coordinates the other side started trailing someone for a bit and during that, they caught their location quick. they were quiet around the forest and they blended in even with the snaps of sticks underneath their boots and this group of soldiers only moves faster when these shots rang through the forest towards the coordinates.
the shed was just ahead and a shrill sound of metal against metal is ringing just as loud through the forest as it rings in that shed, ringing loud enough to not hear you screams of pain. the group of the small military surround the building and come in from different angles. people go in through the office and the side windows and with the door already being open all it took was two steps to get in the shed and one bullet from soap's gun to the back of the man's skull to stop whatever was happening in the middle of the bloodied floor and a couple of other bullets to help some of the people struggling on the floor. bodies fall and the saw moves in circles wrapped in chains on the floor until someone stops it and all of the personnel in the shed take in the bloodied environment. a wheeze underneath the body of the sawman had price picking up the man by his shoulder and tossing it off of you. you, who had blood soaked into their clothes and bruises and fresh and dry blood surrounded all over the tears. the rest of all of the survivors walk out of the 'meat' freezer in amazement and the little girl runs up to you and pulling the bloody hair out of your face before walking to the office door which opens by one of the soldiers who got in through the window. the soldier basically runs out of the shed to puke and a putrid smell takes over the murky iron in the air.
the little girl doesn't care about the smell but she does start to cry when she looks through the door and simon watches as you wince and look away when she starts to sob at the picture in front of her. he rushes over to you now picking you up by your arm carefully before draping it over his shoulder with your codename on his tongue and you give him one of the most exhausted looks he's ever seen. you try to ask him about what's in the room and he knows you won't be awake long enough to listen anyway and he gives you an infamous kiss through his mask. you're in really bad shape and you need to relax and even your body craves it from the lack of color in your skin besides bruises and the way you start to drift off even here in his arms. its a mental block truly and one hundred percent his own muscle memory that makes him carry you better even if you're tinier than usual, the moment you're starting to slip he grabs you bridal style as if he's done it hundred of times before and you are asleep in his arms and relief is washing over his body like a drug. all of the squadron around the two of you are in awe at the blood they see on the walls, the people in the freezer and the survivors and dead bodies and what not but it's not his job to be focused on that at the moment. it's his job to focus on you even if when he turns to look at your face again the little girl is crying next to your face as he carries you, hand on your hair and crying about you being dead or whatnot and price separates her from you before he can say anything and his blood is cooling and the sun is shining a bit warmer.
y/n's pov
the bed is comfy and you still feel exhausted regardless of how long you've been sleeping. you don't even want to recognize times and dates and your body was still sore as you moved from your side. you moved to get more comfortable to sleep more but there were three excited sounds around you when you moved. a shuffle from probably simon who sat at the chair in this infirmary and the little girl who gasped and sat up from her chair fast to come and walk over to your face and scout with a huff and a soft place of his head on your stomach now that you've flipped to your back. when you open your eyes you are eye to eye with the little girl, she's been crying excessively from the redness around her eyes and you know that she's nothing but an orphan now. the first time she talked was three days after your capture, the little girl was begging you to eat the 'food' in front of you, which you knew for a fact wasn't normal meat before you even saw it from the smell it made while the man was cooking. she begged you not to starve yourself and probably didn't want you to end up like her mom who was locked in that office. she told you that she needed to feed her mom and that all the man did was stay and guard the place, more so while you and her worked on the human meat cutting day and night. that was all that he fed also and you heard her mother didn't want to eat it for a long time. she grimaced in disgust and threw plates of food to be kicked by the man and when you started to not eat what the man placed in front of you she cried. there was a common ground of knowing how much you could truly handle when you got your hands on him the very first time when he grabbed you two out of the forest. he was big but if you had muscle and the previous starvation of the cabin didn't impact your throws you still would be in this same bed at the end of the day.
your eyes lock to simon and his are locked on the little girl who stares at you intensely in terrifying concern. there's a tenderness in his eyes and you know that he probably just couldn't handle the emotionless smart little girl. you couldn't either back in the shed.
"your mother? she didn't make it?" you mutter and she bows her head and walks away from the bed. when you try to sit up scout gives you a deep growl, not threatening but a small order that you shouldn't move due to the state of your body.
"scout's healing he hasn't moved from you since you've got back. three day sleep and we all slept together last night. we're keeping her. i'm learning to love the little shit. even if she's been a handful and a half, she distracts me." he states when as he scoots closer and kisses your iv'd hand.
"she's traumatized."
"i can tell. a great addition to our little family."
"glad to know we've trauma bonded.. she wants to stay?"
"she hasn't complained about it. no way she doesn't understand. she's 12. both of them are dead and you're out of the field from here on out again. no more." he's firm as he slides keys into your hand with a cute keychain that have car and house keys. "i looked this time and it's big and by the lake in illinois. just something to start maybe? when you get better of course you can move where ever else you want to. where ever we want to." he suggests keeping his hand on yours. "i'm in therapy, like you suggested but for other reasons of course. im on leave."
"gotta take pride that you didn't listen to me riley."
"you never listen to me either, hypocrite." he laughs, putting his clothed cheek on your hand and you can feel his relieved smile on his cheeks and see it in the way he closes his eyes. it stays like this for awhile, the two of them cute and sleeping together every night in the small chairs and all eating together in the small infirmary before you're able to leave. the three of you are a cute family for the past year. simon actually had alot of therapy he didn't mention, a 'punishment' from price so his afternoons are occupied. you didn't mind too much honestly, you enjoy the sight of the balaclava in the morning at your kitchen table when he's drinking tea in a tight t-shirt and after his evening workouts in the home gym before he finds you around the house. morning 'yoga' you and little nakimera and he always let you rip off the mask when he gets home after long afternoon meetings and loves to slip a room away from the little girl who is preoccupied by her sketchbook to lovingly complain between kisses about you ripping off his mask while cornering you. anti privacy tint outside all of the windows, a 2 car garage and a room that locked away all of the house weapons in the garage. you two have made the house beautiful and all three of you even worked on the backyard, a beautiful private patio that covers the jacuzzi in the back and opens with blinds to look out at the backyard. the dream simon provides you leaves your blood on fire and your heart thumping every once in awhile.
he always takes you in as you lay in your underwear scribbling away in the bedroom and you can always seem him out of your peripheral. his eyes are caught in the fairly lights and fake leaves that hang from the ceiling like stars or fireflies or something and he admits in the late of nights that he never really knew what you were going for there but it worked on making you look godly. even now when he could feel how tense it felt in the house when he snuck in the afternoon a bit too late. the bedroom door is wide open and scout doesn't bark at him when he walks in, tail wagging and a loyal sit of excitement when he looks up at him. alot of training was done with his dog now one on one and he enjoyed every second of that training. but even with your extensive years of training you still never hear him sneak in. he's better than you strategically and he takes pride in that as he gives scout a nice fat bone into his mouth keeping him quiet as he shut the door softly. his keys are silent and his footsteps are as silent than scout's pawpads against the clean floors of the shared home, the jingle of his bell hiding his antics easier. he legit just lets his full weight onto you in your shared bed and you wheeze and shoot a glare. he slips a paper on the sketchbook and it's the completion of his classes. you move the paper and drabbles of how the guys face looked in your journal from the guy who you saw on the run that day and a gruesome sketch of the room in that shed, your eyes are dark as if you've been scribbling there for awhile, thinking about it.
"so you're gone?"
"they've already asked me to be back." he says pushing the journal on the floor. "tomorrow." he murmurs against your skin. "are you going to be okay love?"
"yes sir." you say biting the inside of your lip softly as he kisses up your neck and whispers hot on your skin.
"i'm going to find him for you, stop thinking about him. that's an order. i'm already on it pretty girl."
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ghoulnextdoor · 5 months
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I spend a lot of time reviewing and recommending and celebrating the creations of others-- and I love to do it! -- but for the next few days leading up to my birthday, I am going to spend some time honoring and giving lots of love to my own work.
From the sheer number of people who say to me "I didn't know it was you who did that!" it's obvious that I need to toot my own horn a little more. I would say, "I hope you'll indulge me" but that's weenie-Sarah speaking. Instead, I will step up and say WITNESS AND REJOICE IN MY TOOTLING FRIENDS! Because you wouldn't be here if you were not my friends and you are happy to drink my own Kool-Aid with me for a little while! I think!
Anyway, going way back, in case you didn't know...
-Did you know I began life, more or less, as akissofshadows on LiveJournal? Did we know each other back then? I changed usernames several dozen times, but that pilfered Laurell K. Hamilton title was the one that began it all.
-Did you know I have been blogging for 20+ years now, in some form or another? And I still do! I have written for myself in all my blog's incarnations, and I have been a guest blogger and a staff blogger for: Coilhouse, bloodmilk, Death & the Maiden, Dirge, Haute Macabre, and Thespiai
-Did you know I was the creator responsible for Skeletor Is Love?
-Did you know I was the co-creator of the Occult Activity Book Vol. 1&2?
-Did you know I successfully ran Death Cafe events for a couple of years?
-Did you know I have a YouTube channel, a Patreon, and a newsletter?
-Did you know I spearheaded the solving of a decades-long art mystery involving the cover art for a beloved book?
-Did you know I have written and published and put my heart and soul into three books of mystical, magical, fantastical art?
I am happy to chat and share more about any of these experiences!
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