#tortoise ok
sebbyisland · 8 months
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On Rabbits.
Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland |Kate DiCamillo - The Miraculous Adventure of Edward Tulane | @/fishofthewoods - to be a wild rabbit | Aesop's Fables - Tortoise and the Hare | Matthew Scully - Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy | A. A. Milne - Winnie the Pooh | Joseph Jastrow | Haruki Murakami - Kafka on the Shore
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crocuta-fangs · 19 days
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This is so stupid I’m sorry!!
also of course my first self insert is something like this lol.
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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Green tortoise beetle, Cassida circumdata, Cassidinae
Found in South and Southeast Asia
Photos 1-2 by portioid, 3 by mdjusri, 4 by sunnyjosef, 5 by renju, 6 by maryhsin, and 7-8 by reynantemartinez
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D20 season predictions dust+orrery edition:
hosts of a wacky kids' show are stuck on the spaceship
noir time loop
saloon on wheels workplace comedy
minigolf mascot horror
The Seven Galactic Girl Guides: A Starstruck Odyssey Story
steampunk space race
Cthulu v. The People of Earth, 621001 Milky Way (1922)
time-hopping catch me if you can
by day, renaissance artists and scholars. by night, mutated adolescent ronin tortoises
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awanderingtortoise · 6 months
my love mine all mine (zoyalai short fic, 600 words)
i miss these dumbasses sm i picked up right from the end of the confession scene in RoW ('she obliged him') and extended it because damn JUST one kiss?? we all needed more than that. so heres like-- two more kisses i think.
They are general and ruler but they are also just them, just Nikolai and Zoya; young and tired and tried and tested in wars of country and heart. So when she draws him back to her, she does it like an act of surrender: need and love and longing bared in the motions of her hands, her lips. Damn pride and damn reason, he was here and he was hers.
Nikolai responds in kind, still kneeling before her; ever golden, ever earnest. There is nothing trite or clever in the way he kisses her, only an desirous honesty; mouth fallen open, hand reaching desperately to cup her face, thumb run across her cheek, insistent, over and over again; that rapid fire, joyous beat of his pulse that resonates through her rib cage when she holds him closer than she has ever dared to even dream of. Neither of them are ever much good at saying what they really, truly feel, but there is no need for words, now; she thinks. There is no need to say what she can feel through every inch of her skin.
When they part it is only in a rush for air like it is the secondary need and closeness the first, wordlessness ceasing only when he speaks, solely to say her name; to gasp it on the millisecond he takes for breath; Zoya, voice breaking on the verge of delirium, then he is kissing her, again and again. At some point she regains enough self possession to throw one hand out and slide the deadbolts of the door closed with a gust of wind at the same time as her other drags at the buttons of his shirt. Nikolai pulls back suddenly, and the sound that escapes her as he does makes his own breath hitch so sharply he wonders how he still remembers he intended to say anything at all.
“They’ll— be expecting- us,” he manages, chest heaving, pupils blown wide. “To— speak. Again. Just so you— truth be told I can’t make myself give a damn but I know you might be— I mean. It would be practical. To give another address. To—“
“Right now,” she starts, pushing his hair back from where it had begun to plaster haphazardly on his forehead, and he melts easily into the touch. “I really don’t care.”
“Oh,” he says helplessly, his gaze falling back down to her lips. “Really? Fantastic. Well, in that case—“
She rolls her eyes and he laughs a little, dropping his forehead against hers.
“All Saints,” he breathes, his gaze locked with hers. “I love you. Have I said that yet? I love you, Zoya. I’ll love you for a lifetime if you’ll let me.”
He had said it, a hundred times over: in gazes held and stolen glances, in touches meant and yet never given meaning. But to hear it aloud, fervent like a wish, soft like a prayer– a quiet ache rises in her chest, her throat.
“You’re a fool, Nikolai.”
“Yours,” he counters, and she feels the breath of the word warm against her lips.
She only smiles, turning her head to kiss him once more, wordless, and yet every cell of his body feels her reply. Yours, yours. Mine. 
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lettucesilver · 11 months
Repostober 22/31
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sweater buddies !!
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lu-sn · 1 year
Pete adjusting to his new life post-canon
tortoise this isn't a prompt this is a freaking dissertation topic 😂 okay okay i can pick one thing and stick to it. i swear
i think post-canon pete is suddenly in a position where he doesn't have any friends.
hear me out. i don't mean that his friendships have completely eroded. he sure did burn some bridges, what with shooting that one main family guy to death, and i bet there are plenty of main family guards who used to be friendly with him and now would pay money to light him on fire. but his core relationships — with arm, or porsche, or even khun — are still there. they're just precariously off-kilter now.
pete is no longer who he was before. he wasn't outright lying, necessarily, but he was... hiding. his friends were only seeing one facet of him, and they've come to understand in a pretty brutal way how much of pete they weren't seeing. no matter what, this is going to affect their closeness with pete. it's going to destabilize the trust they have in him. i would put khun at the far end of the spectrum, aka the most destabilized thanks to pete's defection, and porsche perhaps the least, but it still leaves pete on uncertain terms with everyone who liked him in the before times.
and, like, vegas might love pete, but vegas isn't actually friends with pete yet. they've spent... two weeks of quality time together? most of which was straight up torture? sure, they Know each other, but they're probably going to need to work up to being casual around each other. macau and pete also don't know each other well, and it doesn't help that macau is a kid. that friendship isn't going to be equally balanced for a long time.
so pete's at a bit of a crossroads here. he can choose to let those old friendships go — to let the confusion and suspicion grow thick and gnarled between himself and the others — or he can try to actually fix them. and if he wants to do that, he's probably going to have to start being honest. he's going to have to be vulnerable. he needs to rebuild his friendships from a place of authenticity.
I THINK HE WILL BE REALLY BAD AT THIS. not just because pete would literally die instead of be emotionally vulnerable, but because a lot of the authenticity that porsche and arm and pol and khun are going to ask for right off the bat is going to pertain to pete's relationship with vegas. god knows pete has no idea how to talk about that, let alone the desire to discuss it. plus, vegas hates all of these people. should pete really be telling them anything about vegas? can he be honest with people who vegas probably sees as enemies?
it's going to be a long process. and some of it is going to depend on vegas's relationship with these people mellowing out. i have a feeling pete will be able to reach a place of personal honesty with arm fairly quickly, if he gets to see arm at any sort of regular frequency. porsche is harder because of the whole minor family ring thing, but i think porsche might be the only person who kind of understands why pete would have run away for vegas, and i just think pete needs that understanding from someone else real bad. that connection is going to keep them afloat until they can rekindle their friendship in calmer waters.
but. but pete and khun. oof. that one's hard. does khun have the capacity to see pete as his equal? is pete forever going to keep his former employer at arm's length? i don't think this will ever become a true friendship. perhaps they can reach a point of surface-level congeniality.
in the meantime, pete will hopefully make new friends! macau and pete friendship FOR LIFE. i like to think vegas only has a couple of loyal-to-the-death guards left, and i think it would be kind of cool if pete became friends with them. and maybe pete picks up some insane new hobby to fill up all of his unemployed free time and gets to make casual friends outside of the mafia, friends that are his only, that aren't also tied to vegas or pitted against vegas somehow.
but pete is going to have to work for these. no more empty smiles. fewer white lies. less deflecting. learning to offer up parts of himself to those around him — to weave them into bonds that are made stronger by the truths woven into them.
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celestiachan · 2 months
this game JUST CAME OUT fuck you MEAN final splatfest
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yukiranine · 1 year
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I always see bunli but can I offer you a tortoli?
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tev-the-random · 2 years
Emptober Day 2 - Flying
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Witch goes nyooom-
No blur version:
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gallantcalamity · 10 days
Ok, I very much usually don't do original thoughts, but for this I make an exception.
My favorite band dropped this stellar album and I need as many people to bear witness to this cause they deserve some love. Please, succumb to my propaganda, i really want more people to listen to this shit. You into vinyl? They got one of this album in i think limited stock(?) Idk i dont do vinyl, am CD. But hey, guess what? They got made to order CD's of a fair majority of their shit, including this gem of an album! Forfeit monetary funds to this nice lil indie band (only if you have it to spare and want to obvy [i will enter your home if you do not {myes, Curly Brackets, haha myes} da fuq is with the prior guy?] Idunno, square man...) where was i? Ah yes, *ahem*
Please and thank you! 😁👍🧡
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dracocheesecake · 9 months
If Kai had a wife and a son, how do you think the families relationship would go?
If Kai had a wife and son? Well, there are quite a few factors to consider in that dynamic, but for this one I'll go for what kind of dynamic mortal Kai would have had, had he actually settled down, married, and had a kid.
First off: what kind of relationship Kai would have had with his wife. Now, if this were a situation where Kai fell in love with someone, then yeah, that woman would be spoiled whenever Kai is home, just to make up for when he is away. I think he would actually try to be a good husband, though Kai being a warlord, often away on campaigns, he's not necessarily the best at it- and then there's the whole Kai being Kai thing; she'll have to put up with so much about him, because Kai will want that whole dynamic and relationship to go a certain way- but he tries, and really tries. I think when he's home he's spending all of his time with her, and is certainly laying the romance on thick, trying to help remind her why she married him, and overall is trying to maintain the honeymoon phase; really it depends on what she's like, how the relationship began, etc.
What his relationship with his son would be like?- I think Kai would be a pretty good dad (again, he gives off that 'paternal' feeling for whatever reason). I think he would be a bit hard on him at times, but only because he wants him to do well as an adult, and so is trying to nip all the nonsense in the bud early. There's definitely a lot of affection there, though Kai isn't the "lovey-dovey" sort. Lots of teasing between them, especially when the kid's a teen and Kai can get a bit more raunchy with his jokes. However, there's still expectation- the expectation for his son to follow in his hoofprints and be China's next greatest military leader, continuing his father's legacy as heir to a Supreme Warlord.
However, again, with Kai being away, there could be a slight rift in their relationship, and the stretches of time might allow Kai's son a little free thought away from his father's influence. He may live a pretty sheltered life, being unaware of exactly what being a warlord actually entails- so plenty of opportunities for conflict there, if his son ever found out and decided he didn't want to continue his father's violent reign; or conversely, he might decide he doesn't have a problem with it, and may continue to admire and aspire to be exactly like him; a pretty solid father-son relationship, either way.
Overall, I think they would have a relatively normal family dynamic.
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
24 Days of CHRISMAS: Day 11
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Content info: slice of life, bang chan x fem!reader, neighbor!chan, neighbor!reader, idiots falling in love,
Word count: 1559
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, reader and Chan drink wine (drink responsively, kids!)
“Do I look cute?”
Hare, to her credit, looks as if she wants to roll her eyes but doesn’t. “Cute but like in a hoe-y yet elegant way,” she offers, which is basically what you had been going for in your deep red dress combined with a few cute accessories.
You nod. “Great.”
She smiles. “He’s really that cute, is he?”
You nod again. “He is.”
“And he has seven roommates?”
“He does,” you confirm as you check your eyeliner again.
Hare lets out a low whistle again. “Well, happy early birthday to us,” she says, checking her summer dress again. “I’ve only seen the tall one so far and that alone would have kept my dreams wet for months.”
The party has already started, you can hear it through the open windows – Chan said eight when he waved at you over the fence the other day while you were watering the flowers (great situation, very sexy, but at least you were wearing very little, so maybe that can trigger some car wash fantasies in him?), but you and your friend don’t want to look like Billy No-Mates-es, so you decided that 8:30 is the earliest you can possibly show up.
Hare slips her phone and a set of keys into the pocket of her flowery dress. “Let’s go. You look hot. And I’m even letting you claim the fame for my Nutella cake.” You smile lovingly at her, grab the plates and march through the door she’s holding open for you.
A minute later, you’re already ringing the doorbell, and it only takes a second before Chan opens the door. He is wearing a shirt this time, to your slight disappointment, but it’s a low-cut racerback, so you’re not too sad about it. His smile widens as he sees you, and there is a giddiness rising in you.
“The neighbours!” he exclaims happily, looking as if he wants to hug you, but that’s impossible with you carrying two plates of cake.
Hare to the rescue.
“Hi Chan,” she says, immediately understanding your reaction and grabbing the plates from you, “I’ll just quickly take those to the fridge, they need to be chilled, okay? Great, see you!” And she shoulders her way past him, winking at you before gliding away.
Chan looks confused for a second, but then he turns back to you and smiles even wider. “Hey, YN, I’m so glad you could make it!” And then he pulls you into a loose hug. His fresh cologne mixed with the scent of sun lotion is a decidedly summery smell and really makes you wish you could bottle it and spray it on your pillow, as weird as that might sound.
“Thanks for the invite,” you say, using the hug to run your hand over his muscly arms. Are you imagining him shivering? Too soon, you both let go again.
He steps aside. “Come in, there’s already lots of people here,” he says, and you smile as if it were good news that you’ll have to share Chan with all of them all night.
The next few hours pass by in a blur, though – there is lots of food, and Felix is excited to see you again and hang out with you, and you end up sitting in the grass with him, Hare, Hyunjin and lots of cake for longer than you would have thought, but you are having an amazing time. As night falls, there is a little bonfire, and someone starts playing the guitar as a few people sing. It’s more of a comfortable get-together than a full-on party, and since that’s much more up your alley, you’re comfortable and relaxed.
On your way back from the bathroom, you find Chan loading the dishwasher in the kitchen. Wordlessly, you start helping him, and as he glances up and finds you, a soft smile appears on his face.
“You don’t have to do this, you’re our guest, you should be having fun,” he chides lightly.
You grab another two plates. “And who makes sure that you are having fun?” you ask.
Chan pauses for a moment. “That’s a very sweet thing of you to say,” he admits quietly, and you share a warm smile over all the dirty dishes.
“So,” you begin. “Want to tell me how all of you ended up in this house together? Or would you rather we sang some Backstreet Boys again?”
The Backstreet Aussie laughs before launching into his tale, and you chat animatedly as you load the dishwasher and wash at least two dozen glasses. You find out that he works in music production, misses his dog Berry and considers Felix as a little brother.
“This house is the best thing that could have happened to us,” he says, “it’s like a chosen family.”
You smile. You know exactly what he means.
Soon, you’re finished cleaning up for the moment, and, drying your hands, you look at each other. Chan catches your wrist lightly, and his touch scalds your skin. “Want to get some food and go up to the balcony?” he asks. You don’t even hesitate – the butterflies in your stomach are cheering you on for it – and help him get some meat, sides and a bottle of white wine before following the guy upstairs – maybe it is a little bit reckless, but if anything should go south, there’s always Hare and her karate skills. You shoot her a quick message as you follow Chan up the stairs, and then you find yourself on a spacious balcony with a loveseat and a little table. You can see the party below in the darkness, but you yourselves are invisible to any onlookers from below. Perfect. Chan sets down the food on the table and then leans over the balustrade for a moment, looking down at the people eating, drinking, dancing and talking. He seems to be taking a deep breath. “I really wanted to meet you,” he admits. “I really liked our little duet last week. I just didn’t think a party would be the right way for me since – well, since I am the way I am.” What you hear is: I am not a guy for hook-ups. Oh thank fuck, you would have died if he had been a playboy. You stand next to him and touch his arm so he’ll meet your eye. “Good for you that I am the way I am, too, then.” You smile at each other for an endless moment, and then Chan tugs you back onto the love seat. “Let’s eat.” There you sit, feet up on the balustrade, eating and drinking, listening to the party sounds and laughing at the snippets of drunk conversation that drift up the wall of the house. Afterwards, you drink wine straight from the bottle, your conversation never halting, flowing effortlessly, as if you’ve known each other forever. You can’t see more than his outline, but he is beautiful in the moonlight, and the whole situation, this whole date within a party, seems to be a movie scene rather than something happening to you. The air gets chillier, though, and at some point, you can’t suppress a shiver. Chan notices it. “Do you need me to get you a hoodie?” he asks, looking over at you in a concerned manner. “I have many of those, if you like black?”
But you feel bold. “Your arm would do,” you say, and you can feel his smile more than you see it as he puts his arm around you, his hand warm on your skin. “Is this okay?” he asks, stroking your arm slightly with his hand, and maybe it is the wine, but you feel yourself ruining the romantic mood when you reply, “Believe when I say – I want it that way.” Chan stares for a second, then he explodes into giggles. “Honestly, YN, you’re too good to be true.” You join in his laughter, happy that your pun hasn’t put him off – because you want him to like you for who you really are. You can’t always be pretty in dresses and polite, anyway. He suddenly frowns, though. “I really can’t think of a Backstreet Boy lyric that has anything to do with kissing, though,” he murmurs, and it is obvious despite the dark that he is looking at your lips now. You take a deep breath. “Well, there’s always that 1D song, Kiss You?” Chan’s face lights up. “I can do a brilliant Harry Styles impression,” he promises. “I’m sure you can,” you smile and lean in, “but maybe show me some other time?” “I will,” he confirms, and closes the distance between you, pressing his lips gently to yours. It is sweet and innocent and cute and slow, the perfect first kiss between two people who don’t like to rush good things. It seems to last forever, even though you know it can’t have been longer than a minute. Once you’ve broken the kiss to get a decent breath, Chan leans in to gently kiss your cheek. “I’m glad we moved here,” he murmurs. “Me too,” you say, smiling sassily. “Feels like an upgrade from six children.” “Have you met Jisung?” “Fair point.” And you lean in to kiss him again, planning on making out all night on that little balcony loveseat. And so you do.
~End of Miniseries~
~Day 12~
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daemonmage · 2 months
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Me trying to look up snow leopards for a dnd character.
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mystrixstory · 1 year
///S2 Red Valley Spoilers///
Thinking about how Warren will most likely get to see Waffles before Gordon does, and he immediately takes it upon himself to take care of her for when Gordon does wake up. Because that’s his daughter, and Warren is going to be damn sure she’s in tiptop shape when her dad comes back.
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jarayasha · 1 year
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um another floydies stuff, but now they're... animals. literally.
(now I see Nicky more like beaver and Ricky is an guinea pig, but nwm)
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