#tos: season 3
spirk-trek · 6 months
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forecast0ctopus · 9 months
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how high is the tos kirk nip slip count
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mariusslonelysoul · 6 months
Watching tng really reinforces just how obsessive and codependant the tos triunvirate is. Picard and beverly clearly have history, but unless she has business there, she's never on the bridge, and riker never beams down with picard, is always one or the other on the bridge. Even deanna, despite being picard's other support, does her thing. Meanwhile, jim was dragging bones and spock, the two most senior officers after him and scotty, on every new, unknown and potentially dangerous planet. Like, we been knew but it's fun to have the confirmation
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favvn · 4 months
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This Side of Paradise + The Paradise Syndrome
Hey.... Star Trek TOS writers..... let's talk. How was this ok to do using Spock and Kirk of all characters to say these things. That Spock could only be happy under the influence of mind-altering plant spores. That Kirk could only be happy after losing his memory.
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cressida-jayoungr · 1 year
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One Dress a Day Challenge
August: Fantasy & Sci-Fi
Star Trek (s3e5, "Is There in Truth No Beauty?") / Diana Muldaur as Miranda Jones
In this episode, it appears the costumer has cleverly saved money and given the character's costumes a unifying look by using the same beaded net overdress with three different underlayers. In her first and final appearances, the underdress is made of green and blue printed fabric with cap sleeves coming to little points over the shoulder. Next is a sleeveless blue dress with a gathered neck; it is similar to the green dress from Mission Impossible that I featured recently, and this may not be a coincidence, as the relevant episodes of both shows aired in 1968. The final underdress is black with long sleeves.
Since each of the underdresses complements different colors in the beaded net layer, it really looks different every time!
ETA: I've been reminded that the overdress is actually a sensory net, as the character is blind. I admit I had forgotten that detail about its functionality. That's what I get for not taking the time to do a full rewatch when taking screencaps!
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arttsuka · 10 months
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🫂 hug
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trek-tracks · 1 year
Bones (materializing on the transporter platform after a diplomacy mission to secure medical supplies from a greedy regent): Hi.
Scotty: Oi, how'd it go?
Jim: Did you sweet-talk him??
Bones: What's the opposite of that?
Jim: Sour-yell.
Bones: Yeah. I did that.
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floralandfailing · 12 days
If I watched Star Trek tos regularly I would have it finished in a month or so, but I am weak and cannot do that to save my life. It's going to take me 5 years at least
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basimdasasonst · 2 months
tos spock: logic may be a philosophical path that i have dedicated much of my life to the path of -- as far as considering and almost completing kolinahr -- but it does not make me all that i am. i am a person outside of my physicalities, with wants, needs, and other such things that i can allow myself through the cracks of my teachings
snw spock: did u know im a vulcan. only half tho ... raagaghaahhah ... (meek noises of protest against his humanity)
no. but seriously. on that ... thing of an snw s3 recap: others have divested much more time and energy into talking about vulcan philosophy vs biology (and there's a plethora of very good takes about it if you do only the most minor of searching) so i won't harp on the matter, but i want to step back and observe the writing and characterisation beyond the colossal fuck up that is -- well, their disintegration of vulcan culture/complexities.
[i'll -- try to keep this brief but no promises. i did spend 2000 words ranting about how badly they did spock so, brevity thy name is not basimdasas]
let me just. let's just pretend we can get over the fact they mixed biology with philosophy. let's just let that slide for a second. why -- and i cannot stress this enough -- the fuck do (pike, uhura, la'an, chapel -- i'll call them fake vulcans for my own sake) the fake vulcans talk the fucking same ... ? moreover -- why are they the same person -- logical. Purely Wholey Logical (trademark). if you transcribed the text of the 5 minute episode we were given and took out the dialogue tags -- they're. they're all the same person. you cannot tell who's talking, maybe through context clues. Guys. (shakes the writers really hard, enough to give an adult shaken baby syndrome) VULCANS HAVE PERSONALITIES TOO. i've felt a small undercurrent of this in the previous seasons but it feels directly amplified to me now -- spock's "humanity" is -- is his personality. They're making his personality his humanity. dude.
let me put it this way: you put two nihilists in a room. they've grown up in different ways, in different places, and were introduced to nihilism by their parents who also believed and practised in the philosophy. you let them talk. they're going to disagree, they might even get angry at the other. they'll agree. if there is something inherently correct that they can both acknowledge, they will have different viewpoints of tackling the concept -- based not just on the objective teachings, but the environment they grew up in, their communities, their parents, and their own personal traits. now let's take them out of the box. you compare the two at a distance: one likes grape smoothies, the other likes peach. one is a morning person, one is not. one is a competitive swimmer. one works in an office. they both find relative comfort from their jobs, even if in different ways. they are both nihilists. yet, inextricably, they are different in many ways.
ok. calm. i'm drawing a tad on my experience as a trans man with gender here, but there are some things about us that are fundamental to our being that we are inherently drawn to for various reasons, i believe. i mean, that's what personality is, in a severe nutshell. that's why we have assholes who continue to be assholes (garner pleasure from it, usually). people who continue to let themselves get stepped over (never learned to stand up for themselves, environmental factor, or is afraid, or what have you). people who learn from their mistakes (ambition, or an intense desire for personal growth. where does this desire come from? changes per person. it's never the same). people who don't. kind people. mean people. we can change our personalities (with heavy work), but they are as much a product of emotion as they are environment, personal wants, personal needs, etc. everyone is built different (lol, but literally) -- and there really are truly some things we cannot just -- purge, by a point. example: i know in my heart that i am not a woman. i gravitate towards anger. i have never been good at history, no matter the angle i tackle it from. there will never be a day where i read the fine print of a legal document. i could become good at history, i am fixing my anger, but i will always naturally gravitate right where i want to be, and right where i need to be. i will always understand numbers better than words, because that's -- just how my brain works. my memory might always be a little wonky. this is all ok. fuck, it might not be logical that i'm so utterly useless at history, and sure i can work to change it, but i will always find myself more comfortable and more at ease in physics with the same amount of work. the logical thing from there is to just accept my weaknesses and move with my strengths. see where i'm going with this? and sure, i can definitely change most of my personality, but it's hard. sometimes that effort is good sometimes it's not. we have natural tendencies. we have different wants, different needs. and by the universe do we not all share the same body -- we will amble around in our flesh suits differently. my gait will be different than yours; it is no less of a walk.
anyway. tangent aside. short story -- we gravitate to things. that's natural. that's logical. diversity of a species is logical -- especially for society.
now, vulcans, in my heart of hearts, are definitely more subtle about these things because, you know, surak, but. if every vulcan was the same and had the same inherent -- wants, needs, interests, subdued emotions, way of headbutting logic -- then you have a society of mirrors. snw is trying to make vulcan society a society of mirrors.
pike is caring. la'an is quiet, strict, efficent. uhura, also, is caring but in a different way to pike. chapel is enthusiastic. by embracing suraks teachings and (magically, mysteriously) acting in accordance to them fully, they are effectively tamping down their greater feelings. not completely ridding of them. despite the fact that vulcan!pike would logically find no sense in compassion, he would also find no sense in cruelty. he is, to his heart, a compassionate person because he has made himself one. one philosophical revelation wouldn't remove decades of that. sure, he might tamp it down, but he'd still be more compassionate than anything else. he would not be cruel for logic's sake -- even if, yes, there's only "4.5 vulcans", logically -- he wouldn't say that. he wouldn't fucking say that because he is kind hearted and though it's true, it would feel "illogical to point out" -- he is good with people. has been for the duration of the show, and probably a good majority before that. he'd understand the emotions of others regardless, he's very perceptive. he'd see spock flinch at "a half". he'd roundabout it in that way that tos spock loved to do -- talk in half truths. "5 people to beam down" is not wrong. it is imprecise but not wrong. (bones voice) goddammit, they're not all the same damn stereotypical rude vulcan asshole. i haven't read surak's teachings but i severely doubt he said, at any point: "harp on an unnecessary fact to be a total douchebag as often as vulcanely possible".
this goes for everyone too -- la'an is more the silent efficent type. why would she feel the need to say ... much of anything to the effect? spock knows he's half vulcan. everyone does. what the fuck does it bring to the table to reiterate it? nothing.
you're doing the jj abrams special: creating conflict where they should be none, and ignoring a greater place to create conflict. seriously, even if i do believe the whole thing about genetics that chapel does (WHICH! BY THE WAY! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IT'S BEEN MENTIONED/PLOT RELEVANT SINCE 1X01!) why is spock not, instead, helping them regulate their emotions? why are they not like pre-reform vulcans? why not use this to help us stir a bit in spock's head instead of using an out that isn't "making spock the butt of the joke". why can't he show vulcan!kindness as he's so often showing in tos. mf let me into that writers room i just want to talk i ju-
also, the dialogue was super cringy. sorry, it was. i say this as a writer who has written super cringy dialogue before and occasionally does so now. it was cringy. i've written better at the age of 12 in the margins of my maths notebook while bored out of my mind. some of these lines made me tense up. misplaced, or corny, or so severely out of character that it gave me a genuine headache by minute 2 of 5, or what have you: t'was cringy. so so so bad.
i -- selfishly, almost -- hope that it's not too late to go back and fix it, but since filming has long wrapped up -- well. it's probably a moot point, but i'm deeply annoyed. again, i really want to like snw, but everything "spock" (and, by extension, vulcan) has been butchered so badly that watching the show is rather like reading a fic you really like with one tag that just ruins the whole thing. like you'll stick it out, but begrudgingly, and not with a lot of joy in your heart because of -- i don't know, some weirdly prevalent "daddy kink".
tl;dr -- we are not just a product of the objective teachings of our beliefs, and vulcans are not only reflections of surak's teachings.
snw writers: please kick jj abrams out of your writing room. he's not doing you any favours
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andromedaexile · 2 months
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I made this diagram in MS Paint out of frustration, hope it helps!
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Terry Matalas did an AMA on Reddit and --
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Terry Matalas . . .
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Terry what exactly are you trying to do to me right now on this day of our Lordt?
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spirk-trek · 9 months
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S3E24: Turnabout Intruder ·⋆.˚ ✧ · ˚⊹ ·
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forecast0ctopus · 9 months
Sorry, it's really funny to me that we're watching your Star Trek obsession unfold. It's a great franchise. I love it, and ur artwork is great!
THANKS lmao it was inevitable……… i do think its funny that you say obsession though ive posted it Twice here like. you are not wrong but i think i managed to spare most of you by relegating my Thoughts to my close friends story
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theres too much star trek media though i fear ive condemned myself
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bazilisk · 4 months
Watching season 3 (the last season) of The Original Series right now. This is my first watch through.
I looked online a little bit at fan reactions. I saw that many fans dislike this season, because its budget was noticeably cut.
It's true, you can really see it. There's lots of reused footage. Lots of very minimal, obviously inexpensive, or reused, sets. There's a few sequences with narration, overlay, and what's clearly stock footage from CBS' library - this probably seemed lame at the time, but I loved how expressive and filmic those parts turned out.
This series is my favorite of the three, so far, because the characters are the most compelling. The writers and performers really embody the characters by now, And the lack of budget forces the plots to be more about the bridge crew, and less about the aliens, than in previous seasons.
This makes it more like an ensemble drama or comedy. It takes advantage of what TV as a medium does differently than movies: it gives you more time with the characters that the viewers enjoy.
It looks like Strange New Worlds learned this lesson from The Original Series when they wrote their stories: the most interesting part of a Star Trek show are the crew members reacting to and living through those long journeys through space. The aliens can be fascinating, but they just can't help but be less dramatically and comedically potent in the story than the main cast.
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mistylacrimosa · 5 months
So i just watched Star Trek: The undiscovered country and in a way,this is my list favorite Star Trek film.
It's a wonderful movie no doubt about it. It's essentially a murder mistery/political thriller taking place in space and it's SO WELL DONE. Alas,it is also goodbye.
TOS despite it's problems (and it has a lot, season 3 I'm looking at you) is my favorite era of Star Trek. It's a fitting goodbye, I'm glad they got to end it with this beautiful piece of art but still...parting is such a sweet sorrow indeed.
Farewell for now. Live long and prosper.🖖
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coolcucumber37 · 7 months
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This is my attempt to trace the silhouettes of Jim and Spock from this spirky scene. 👇
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I am colourblind, so I do apologise if the colours look wrong.
Art is not usually my passion, as I prefer writing, but I felt I HAD to trace this.
Anyway I hope it looks okay…
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