#tracer writing
eulogium-red · 13 days
i'd like to see more of the theme of "family" in overwatch. we see it a lot with ana & fareeha, ram & zen, brig/torb/rein/bastion, genji & hanzo. but those are the obvious ones between playable characters. the ones that are much more clearly written on the wall, even once-in-a-blue-moon players could pick up on. much else is hardly focused on despite how much family (or a lack thereof) has shaped many of the character's lives & identities for better or for worse
i don't like how martina & the unnamed reyes kid are only mentioned in passing, despite gabriel himself visiting often unannounced. clearly they were an important part of his life. clearly, family is an important part of his life — i'm very willing to wager that small passage about the death of his parents in declassified was written very intentionally. his complicated relationship with death, and how it was further affected by his own "death," & how he's now in some warped reversed position with his new family. but we don't get much more than a few voice lines about martina (is she even mentioned by name in-game orrr am i not remembering?)
i want to see how ashe manages the gang throughout the second omnic crisis. or perhaps we could see her mannerisms slightly change with bob. maybe instead of standing side-by-side with him as she is in the reunion cinematic, she puts herself more between him & potential unrealised threats. or maybe she subtly tries to nudge him under awnings whenever she spots ufos, weary they're housing subjugators — little things that are very intentional. maybe her demeanor tilts ever so slightly from confident but guarded, to guarded but confident.
i want to get a better picture of the role sam english played in fareeha's life just from playing the game, especially after ana's presumed death. i want to know more about their relationship other than the christmas dinner they had. i wonder how many players just assume fareeha's father died young, or assume the writers didn't care to write one at all? for a long time, i thought the former. i wonder what sam thinks of some of fareeha's closest friends — has he met cole & angela? what does he think of helix? we hardly even see fareeha's native heritage expressed other than the two skins off the top of my head
what about cassidy & echo? i know this is a more implied one, but cassidy was the first one to nurture her "childlike intelligence." even today, he guides her — he encouraged her to help winston&co at paris when he was still on the fence. one of the cutest things for me is her enthusiastically shouting "hello winston!" mid-battle, presumably not long after cassidy told her to say hi. she probably would've either way, but i also don't want to discredit the role cassidy has had on her development & i really do want to see more of them
or, speak of the devil, how winston views everyone at overwatch as family. how in watchpoint: gibraltar's 1st defense spawn, you can see the little beds he set up for lena and mei, how you can read an email as proof he got the blankets from a small kids blanket business. the way he keeps photos of the gang, years later. how vehemently protective he was of all their locations. i wish we could see it reciprocated a little more, i wish we could see individual sleeping areas for other heroes as the story progresses, or more items on his desk. & that's not even getting into hammond
& i don't think i can have a family post without mentioning dad 76 or how i desperately want to see benicio being the best supportive dad for lúcio more but honestly i'm getting pretty sleepy so either i'll add more later or someone can add more.
depending how you stretch the definition of family here, it can include other dynamics too. baptiste finding a new sense of belonging in the new overwatch, or mei braving the antarctic to not let her team's death go in vain & to help people who can still be helped — from jiayi and her team still on mars, to the people who now need her help on earth. i'd also argue hana's squad in korea. what are niran's siblings up to? are we gonna see more of efi & orisa? moreover, how are all these non-playable side character characters handling the invasion? i guess we got some texts between lena and emily
family is such a powerful motivator, but can also be really complicated, as seen with the amaris and shimadas + kiriko, i wish we got a similar amount of investment some other places too
a major theme of overwatch is moving towards the future, progressing in some way. & that looks different for everyone depending on their emotional readiness to do that, and what they view "progression" as. so it makes sense a lot of characters don't look back on those they lost along the way so much, at least not too openly (zarya comes to mind), but that's what can make their present relationships with others that much more worth preserving & seeing
probably an impossible ask of a game feeling the effects of layoffs that's primarily focused on pvp/bp/shop items but ykn
thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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nitewrighter · 1 year
aince we're not getting any this year, could you write some pride month related fanteractions between some heroes?
I mean, I wouldn't say a whole short story confirming Pharah as a lesbian and Baptiste as bi is nothing. But yeah, some in-game voicelines would have been fun...
Pharah: Mum, when I was growing up, did you kno--
Ana: Oh I knew. I immediately knew. You could see it from a mile away. I remember you were on a soccer team and you were fond of this little boy and his mother said the two of you were cute together and I just burst out laughing in her face.
Pharah: Aw, mum!
Tracer: Growing up in a small town, did you always know?
Soldier 76: There was always a feeling, but I didn't really let myself explore it until I was traveling the world. Even then, I was still in the military, so it was one of those things I didn't want to be the... defining thing about me to my squad mates.
Tracer: But you were pretty open about it with Overwatch!
Soldier 76: Vincent helped a lot with that. But also... Overwatch was this new thing. I realized, I could help make it this new thing.
Tracer: It meant a lot to me. :)
Soldier 76: That was the hope.
Baptiste: Is Vishkar picky about what partners you can have?
LifeWeaver: Not that picky. Different kinds of couples look good on their brochures, after all. All they ask is that you give up everything else interesting about you.
Baptiste: *shuddering noise* Glad you got out of there.
LifeWeaver: Me too. The present company is much more preferable.
Echo: Am I trans?
Cassidy: Uh, I can't rightly say..
Echo: I was previously genderless, but now I primarily identify with she/her pronouns, and frequently take the forms of other genders. Is that not trans?
Cassidy: I mean, Liao would probably know more about this than me-
Echo: Is being organic a prerequisite to being trans?
Cassidy: Uh--no? I don't think it is... Heck, I don't know...
Orisa: The OR-15 frame was originally designed to be genderless, but with Efi's learning programming, I too use she/her pronouns! *gasp* Did Efi make me trans?
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astarlow · 2 years
How they greet you in the new Overwatch
Characters: Brigitte, D.Va, Echo, Mercy, Pharah, Tracer, Zarya
Word count: 811
Form: Headcanons
Warning: None
Synopsis: Overwatch is back again! And so are the agents
A/n: Hope everyone is having fun with Overwatch 2
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🐈it's exciting, a tingling sensation all through your body
🐈she’s pumped to finally join Overwatch, with Reinhardt and all too familiar faces
🐈As well as new faces too, after all, this is a situation that calls for meeting people!
🐈She mostly stays with Reinhardt and people she has known all her life
🐈Slowly, she gets out of her comfort zone and goes to talk to other agents, including you
🐈Tells you funny anecdotes about her family! As well as her cats
🐈Also invites you to a sleepover with agents she knows well
🐰she's new to this just as much as you
🐰though she has been in a similar environment with MEKA, to be in  Overwatch for her is a dream coming live to her
🐰Still, she's D.Va and knows better than to make her nervousness show
🐰she's going to greet you warmly, making you feel right at home
🐰she has a way with her words and around her, you feel confident
"You're new here? No worries, I joined Overwatch a few weeks ago too. Let's explore this together player 2!"
🐰if you reside in a room not far from her, she asks if you want to play some games with her. Streaming or not, she's happy if you accept her request. After all, a friendly face around those parts wouldn't hurt
🐰playing pranks on agents are a great way for you two to grow closer together. A good laugh is always appreciated!
🤖It'll be overwhelming with her. For as much as she wishes to understand, so many things have changed during her absence
🤖it is hard to come back after many years of sleep. Fortunately, you're here with her!
🤖you teach her about today's world while she teaches you all you need to know while you stay at Overwatch
🤖There are many changes but Winston and Athena keep her updated about the situation and she relays you the information
🤖she tells you facts about her creator and some anecdotes about Overwatch's golden age
🤖she appreciates it if you stay with her during her repairs
🕊️it's rewarding as much as it is terrifying
🕊️in her words "Overwatch was shut down for a reason" She witnessed it firsthand and for many years, she believed "it's best it stays that way."
🕊️it appears her view changed since she stood in  Overwatch's headquarters
🕊️she rewards your interventions as much as she reprimands your mistakes
🕊️she wants you to learn in this environment, without repeating the mistakes of your predecessor.
🕊️that is one of the reasons she's here, among countless others including but not limited to patch you up.
🐦it's going to be demanding as much as challenging
🐦another kid who dreamt about joining Overwatch but never could.
🐦she grew up with them though, and she's going to set the bar high
🐦she knows what it was like to be with them, the atmosphere and their training (to Ana's dismay)
🐦she trains you and gives you tips here and there
🐦she knows training is important but having a good teacher also is and she aspires to be one as well as an excellent agent
🌈She's so happy to see new recruits coming in even if Overwatch is still deemed illegal
🌈there's some hope at last!
🌈she's going to hug you to welcome you then give you a tour of their base while telling bits of story here and there
"Here is Angela's office! Or Mercy if you prefer. Sometimes you can also find Genji here to keep company to Angela. Though most of the time, you should just be here if you have wounds or a check-up"
"Does it mean I'll often find you here too?"
"I mean sometimes- hey! What are you implying love?"
🌈Sleepovers with other agents are a must and she includes you too. There's nothing better to strengthen a bond. And she can't keep her excitement to herself so she needs to share it with others
🌈she invites you to her morning jogging and would be over the moon if you accept.  If you can't, she understands and will invite you to do something else. There are so many things out there, for sure at least one of them will please you!
💪It's going to be slow and even intimidating at first
💪Though you're quick to notice she's gentle and kind
💪she welcomes you steadily, explaining to you what you might have not understood through other agents
💪She's new to this too and she doesn't hesitate to tell you that. There's no shame in it, and you're here to save the world too isn't it? Then you have nothing to worry about
💪if you make mistakes, she's going to reassure you. As long as it didn't cost anyone's life, you're fine.
💪shares breakfast with you if you're a morning bird.
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cybernightart · 1 year
As soon as I get time I want to make a comic that goes like this:
Emily: you enter the lair and there before you on a throne of gold coins, jewels and other treasures, sits the almighty dragon! Feared by all, the guardian to sword of the dragons and the slayer of men!!!
Everyone: Ooooooo
Emily: all right everyone role for initiative!
Emily: ok genji you got the highest! What do you do first?
Genji:...*looks down at character sheet, thinks for a second then grins to himself mischievously*
Tracer: Genji...Genji no
Genji: I role to seduce the dragon!
Emily: omg.... *Sigh* role 1 D20 charisma check
Genji: nat 20 with a plus 5 proficiency bonus
Emily:... God damn it
The rest of the party: * dying of laughter, wheezing and just in utter shock *
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colemorrison · 5 months
Write something involving Tracer and helium voices?
She carried as many balloons as possible, as she made her way to the couch. It was a simple challenge, how much helium could she consume before she got light headed.
"I've got this."
Tracer inhaled one, then two, then three before a knock sounded at the door. You peeked through, seeing the multitude of balloons.
"Uhh what are you doing?"
She just stared at you for a moment, before speaking in a tone that made you burst out laughing.
"I was just trying something. Would you like some?"
"Not a chance, you keep going. I would like to watch."
Lena nodded and continued inhaling enough helium she was barely understandable.
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Instead of Overwatch, Tracer ends up in Blackwatch instead.
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
One day I'll talk about the impact of public relations and marketing in Overwatch and the impact that it had on Lena's sense of self.
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hishighnesstheprincess · 11 months
Every criminal needed their downtime. Unfortunately for Rouge, hers kept on getting interrupted.
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add-psychic · 2 years
Add's 4th path chose the path of his mother. As much as we know, she was focused on researching plants and renewable energy.
However, Add found hidden notes of her research which included the human body, medicine and pathology. Also medicine and pain relievers extracted from plants.
All this made him reminiscent of his mother, but he suddenly started to care more about the research than his mother.
In the end, he realized that humans are just like Nasods: easy to control.
"If humans aren't different than Nasods, wouldn't it be easy to control them?"
He added his mother's research and his knowledge about Nasods together. "That's the inspiration.... Countless possibilities opened up for me! Who else but me could do this research?" Filled with confidence, Add chose his path.
People don't notice that they are being used and are seen as subjects by Add. He takes advantages of them. How idiotic. Trying not to break out into laughter, he gives the folk a smile to maintain his image.
His newfound technology of healing and strengthening one's body already went beyond that.
"It's easy to deceive idiots, who think they are free. There was a time in the past where I thought the only one I could trust was myself. But it's different now. The people belong to me. My army. They will never betray me and believe in my will. They will obey my orders and devote themself to me. There are, after all, many ways of governing."
Add opened himself, almost everything was under his control. Now it should be good to advance based on the results of the research. To a higher place no one has set foot into yet and where the limits of body and mind can be exceeded.
"Now I will lead you to perfection."
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astarlow · 1 year
I'm currently unmotivated to write anything long and especially after the devs did us so dirty for the PVE announcement so here are some headcanons, imagines- whatever you want to call this to comfort me from the fact we're not getting the PVE we were promised 4 years ago
Overwatch crews
Slumber party whenever a mission is accomplished. Don't matter if everyone's weary as hell, with Lena and Hana running around you are sure to get yourself a slumber party every month. If said mission isn't a success though, it's more of  a chill hangout with the members of the team Hana, Satya and Angela will bring your ass to a shopping spree. Whether you like it or not so be prepared because with them, you're gonna spend the whole day out there. Honestly though, if you don't like it Lena, Fareeha and Brigitte are by the arcades or the sport terrain near the shopping alley. So whenever you feel like it, you can go there to play with them There’s another tradition going around, twice a month, a member of the team cooks for the rest of the crew. It started with Mei, Aleksandra and you talking about your culture’s food. Mei offered to cook for you two to taste Chinese cuisine which you gladly accepted. In return, you two would also cook your culture’s food. With time passing by, other members joined the tradition and now, Echo chooses who would cook for this month’s tasting food session It turned into a competition when Lena decided to vote for the best month’s food Mei, Ana and Brigitte for the moment are on the podium sharing the first place Lena and Hana have zero points. Lena almost burnt the kitchen once. Luckily, you were there to put out the fire She doesn’t have the patience to wait for things to cook For Hana, ever since she entered MEKA, she didn’t have the time to prepare food. The best she could do is boil water and put it on her noodles. Though, ever since she joined Overwatch, she has had a little bit more time so she takes lessons from Mei and Brigitte. Lena watches but never fully join because else, it’ll turn into a mess Every week, Vivian holds a shooting session training. The best shooter of the week gets a gift from her and is exempted from chores for the week Ana has been exempted from participating in this shooting session ever since she won five times in a row
Talon crews
Olivia doesn't stop her pranks, so either you decide to team up with her to prank the others or you go against her. If you prank her, she will at least remind you this once a  week. "Amigo/amiga, how could you do this to your best friend in the world?" sighs dramatically while placing an arm on her forehead "Can you believe this? My best friend, betraying me..." Or "oh no, the betrayal. Who could have foreseen  such an event?" Amelie is more often than not the victim of Olivia's pranks. It's gotten so bad one time Olivia and you couldn't set a foot near the base or she would snipe you from afar She's "kind" Enough to not use real bullets but let's say you had bruises for the following weeks Moira is a target you two don't prank because you've been under her wrath and let's just say, it's not pleasant at all Olivia does try to get all of you to enjoy some vacation time. She does separate Amelie and  Moira, because she knows Amelie is showing more and more emotions and she doesn't want her to return to that cold emotionless assassin Talon turned her into. So for her sake, she keeps Moira away from her When Olivia, Amelie and yourself are out for a mission or a vacation, Amelie will make sure to make at least one comment on the food. She grew up with the finest food so she knows what good food is or not. You once bought her a baguette from a supermarket, she did not appreciate it. She could have stopped if not for  Olivia's intervention "It's just a baguette, how bad can it be?" And that's how you all three didn't get any sleep because of Amelie's monologue on baguette Olivia is a lot more laid back so she takes you sightseeing and if she trusts you enough, she takes you to her hometown. She even lets you meet up with Baptiste.
No-faction Ladies
Kiriko is dragging your ass across the city and showing you the finest spots If you're dating, it's one of your monthly dates to walk around the city and discover new paths or stands/shops. Even if she knows her city like the back of her hand, she's still pleased you're enjoying showing her shops you like She also practices her kunai throwing with you. It’s a lot of fun for her to see you mess up so many times. Although, you get closer to the target with each training session and she holds great pride in seeing your progress She trusts you enough after some time spent together, as well as some missions done together, to show you the group in which she belongs: The Yōkai You spend some fun times with them and seeing as they all have some masks, you decided to craft one for Kiriko. Of course, it’s a fox one. Kiriko loves it so much she doesn’t wear it, in fear she breaks it but she places it in her apartment.
Junker Queen
Odessa doesn't get out of Junkertown a lot, if not at all since she got her Junker Queen title. So if you're travelling fairly often, you give her pictures of your travels. "Oi! You should take me out here, sounds lots of fun!" "I tried, you say you were too busy ruling things around here." "Ey, doesn't mean I can't get to travel from time to time with me partner." Every time you come back from your travels, whether it is for business or for yourself, you always tell how you trip went down. Of course, with pictures to accompany your story. Odessa finds it easier to follow if she has pictures in front of her
Liz loves to experiment with her outfits, if you have any good idea she’s going to bring it to life. If one of your ideas doesn’t please her, she’s going to give you interesting feedback. She is a firm believer in constructive criticism She often asks BOB to watch over you when she’s gone for a heist but sometimes, it does seem like you’re the babysitter You teach BOB about some customs he might not have been aware of. It’s a lot of fun watching him learn new things
ps: i still have a lot of asks from the 700 celebration event, I'll try to get to it as soon as i am a little bit more free
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hi, when you get the chance I would love a romantic Overwatch matchup!
I go by they/them but I'm pronoun apathetic with a dislike for feminine terms, omnisexual with a preference for more masculine presenting people
I can be pretty chill but I have severe ADHD and all those not so fun little quirks, once I am passionate about something I am deep in that interest for a while, I'm the therapist friend but I would really like someone to comfort me after everything is said and done, a lot of self doubt but to others I seen pretty confident and outgoing, I'm often found listening to music (I'm all over the place with genres so here's my playlist if you'd like to take a look💕 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4jN2o9ifTehuehJHauYgIg?si=Lw70wjgOQ4-HTlVOLIcK4A&utm_source=copy-link ) , I'm very clingy and physically affectionate but I also love giving thoughtful gifts that are handmade most of the time cause I love crafts and little projects.
If you have the time it be really cool if you could make a mini fic for my matchup
Thanks again for letting me know requests were open!
omg hi!!!! im so glad you could get a request in and of course!! i really wanted you to get your matchup in here because i never get overwatch requests lol. I think I have a great character for you though it took a lot of deciding lmaooo
the character I chose for you is...
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you both have almost the same energy, however, she is a little more hype
you both have ADHD (at least im pretty sure she does, i dont know if it was confirmed though) and are able to relate and actually help each other when things get really rough
she presents herself in a very masculine way through her outfits and hair, so I thought it would be perfect!
she loves to listen to you when you get hyperfixated on something
literally had heart eyes when you start going on and on about something you love
she will go to you for comfort when she is feeling down or just outright exhausted, but she will 100% be there for you too listening to everything you need to tell her
she will hype you up all the time telling you how good you look or how amazing you are and it makes you blush and makes you 10x more confident
if you make her a handmade gift, she will cry because it means so much to her
please be clingy because she's the same way and you two will literally be hugging everywhere lmao
just know that she loves you and will care for you all the time
and per your request, here is a little fic :)
"I'm tired," you heard Tracer's iconic British accent as she walked into the room, her hair a complete mess. "y/n, hold me."
She blipped over to you and fell into your arms as you giggled, falling on the couch behind you. "Tracer, babe, you could give me some warning next time before you teleport into my arms." But you hugged her anyway, pulling her closer into your lap. "Long day, babe?"
Tracer just nodded into your chest, holding you close like you could run off at any second. "Tired."
Her voice was muffled in your chest, so you just ran your fingers in her hair, feeling her fall asleep.
"I love you, Tracer." You said under your breath, kissing her on the forehead.
"Love you too." Tracer's sleepy voice said, her eyes still closed with a smile.
matchup rules --- pinned post
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milktoastbread · 2 years
Is it chips or crisps?
I came up with this Because I saw a tiktok about it
Ps: I am Australian so I am a little biased
Most of the time no one had any idea what the junker was talking about his think Aussie accent and weird slang he used didn’t make it any easier it was as if he was just saying random words sometimes it was even harder to understand when roadhog wasn’t around to some what translate he actually said and when he did it was also followed by a think accent they had trouble understanding but his was a lot diffrent to Junkrats
“‘Ey any of you’s know if we got any chip”
Junkrat hobbled into the main wing of the over watch hide out were most resided as it was the coolest room of them all they had recently been hit by a heat wave and it was taking a toll on them all
“How could you possibly what chips in this weather?” Tracey spoke practically melting of the set she was on
“W’addya mean in this weather” the Australian questioned raised a soot covered eyebrow
“It a’int even that hot”
“What do you mean- it’s not hot” a voice piped up from behind the bean bag lucio was sitting at a head popping up it was hanna but without her normal make up on instead she had her hair tied up in what could only be described as a cookabrras nest
“He’s probly use to the heat” another more gruff voice joind in a belonging to Cassidy as he sunk further, into the chair he was sat in
“RiGht” Hanna sighed as she flipped back down
“Roight we’ll still wear would the chips be at” Junkrat hobbled over to the kitchen checking the the diffrent cobords with food in them scavenging like a rat (pun intended) for what he was looking for
“Why would the ch-“
Tracer was cut of as the Aussie pulled a packet of ‘crispy’s’ out of one of the top draws to the left
“Aw This is the good shit roight ‘ear hav’n had one of these In years” he mumbled to no one in particular
“Wh-no those are Crisp?” Tracer seemed to have gained some energy for watching junk rat as she sat back up to look at him as he ripped open the packet to shovel a few into his mouth
“Waddya on about these are chip?” A muffed and even more confused voice came from the man in question and he rubbed a hand on his shorts
“No-no chips are what you get at like a fast food play those are crisps” tracer spoke again British accent becoming more obvious as she got slightly more confused and even agitated
“Nah what you on those are hot chips” the Aussie spoke again stuffing a few more into his mouth and he shut and closed carpord door
“They are called crisps right Jesse”
The cowboy looked up from his old granddad like nap to look up at the girl, he pondered the question
“There called chips, it’s chips and hot chips they are both the same thing just ones hot” the junkie did have a point
Jesse let out a huffed sigh just raising both hands in fake a surrender
“Hanna, Lucio could you help me here”
The two looked up at him Lucio taking a head phone of slightly a questioning look Hanna almost mirroring him as if they were in sink
“Junkrat keeps saying that those-” tracer passed to point at the chips(Crips?) Junkrat was holding
“are ‘Chips’ they ain’t no chips those a crisps” tracer waved her hands around like that would get her point across better
“Nah Liston ‘eare there ‘alled chips an hot chips”junkrats Australian accent got thinker and thinker with each word as he got more irritated
“Well I call them chips?” Lucio was the first to speak up not really caring about what they were arguing about it was stupid
“YEAH I TOLD YA SO” Junkrat pointed at tracer his manic smile adorning her face a blush of embarrassment creeping onto her face she tired to hide it like it was just her being flushed form the heat wave
“Well I call them chips as well? But sometimes I call them crisps it really just depends on how I feel” Hanna spoke over the laugh of Junkrat
“Wait no you can only call ‘em one name!” Junkrat moand like a little kid his no being dragged out for longer
“Nah that counts as a point for me!” The Brit shot up like a dad at the pub when the footy team scores
“Roight well that doesn’t ma’er because Jesse ‘as the last vote” Junkrat piped up crossing his arms over his chest the chips being forgotten on the bench
“Right-“ Jesse heaved out a sighg this was so pointless
“I call ‘em-“
A loud sound of a jests lading caused them all to stop and look over
“They are back their mission!” Tracy yelped running practly jumping
“‘Aye wits for me!” Junkrats heaves after her quite fast for somone with two peg legs
Lucio and Hanna both had a soft smile on there face and they both slowly stoop up making there way to the lading pad
“Oh thank merry mother of Christ” Jesse partly cried form relief not wanting to be with either of the to for a minute longer the cowboy looked over to the bench looking at the packet of salt chips on the table counter
Letting out his 5th sigh in the last few minutes
“He left his bloody-“
A/n: it’s chips and hot chips not crisps that wak, please give me honest criticism be a rude as you like
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there are two Overwatch fanfics I want to write. Both of them involving Lena "Tracer" Oxton.
The first is a crack/hurt/comfort story where she gets captured, tortured, and broken both physically and emotionally. Then she is rescued and nursed back to health, stronger than ever. The crack comes in when I want her to form a close relationship with every female character in the franchise. And I mean every
The second one is an epic of multiple timelines with each having its own version of Tracer in different circumstances. All of which, separate stories they were, get tangled together by an OC of mine who lives in multiple universes at the same time. Despite that, it is still Tracers' story.
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byanyan · 1 year
totally unrelated to anything but i always get a good laugh out of lena being this super important person in byan's life, meanwhile i'm out here dealing with this shit every time I boot up ow
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shironezuninja · 1 year
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Who would’ve thought that 7 years after my first semi autobiographical piece, I’d start writing another one?
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angeltannis · 2 years
Looking back at my Overwatch fics and going Wow I really just wrote anything huh. In one fic I made Tracer’s girlfriend Emily a snake person Tracer had met millions of years in the future and brought back with her to present time. It wasn’t even a main plot point, either. It was just an aside.
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