#tracy mcmillan
larrywilmore · 1 year
Tracy McMillan on self-awareness
"I've got notes!"
Such an amazing discussion with Tracy McMillan on what it takes to achieve self-awareness & change actions in pursuit of healthy relationships. Listen to our full conversation on @spotify
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
UnPrisoned Trailer
UnPrisoned  follows a woman “whose life is turned right-side-up when her dad gets out of prison and moves in with her and her teenage son.” (Hulu)
UnPrisoned is inspired by Tracy McMillan’s life. The series stars Kerry Washington, Delroy Lindo, and Faly Rakotohavana.
UnPrisoned releases on Hulu on March 10, 2023.
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onyx-collective · 1 year
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The ladies of UnPrisoned: EP/Star Kerry Washington, Star Jordyn McIntosh, Creator Tracy McMillan, Showrunner/Legend Yvette Lee Bowser.
Photos courtesy of: iheartmaarten, TV Insider, and TV Guide Magazine.
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dweemeister · 10 months
“The public and private Rock Hudson” - reported by Tracy Smith for CBS Sunday Morning (originally broadcasted June 26, 2023)
For nearly four decades as a star of films and TV, Rock Hudson was Hollywood's epitome of heterosexual desire. But he also led a secret life as a closeted gay man, and in 1985 became the first celebrity to die of AIDS. Correspondent Tracy Smith looks back on the public and private lives of Hudson, and talks with Stephen Kijak, director of the new HBO documentary Rock Hudson: All That Heaven Allowed; biographer Mark Griffin; and actress Linda Evans, who shared a romantic scene with Hudson on Dynasty at a time when some feared that a kiss could transmit HIV.
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theambitiouswoman · 5 months
Book Recommendations 📚📒
Business and Leadership:
"Good to Great" by Jim Collins
"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
"Zero to One" by Peter Thiel
"Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek
"Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell
Success and Personal Development:
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey
"Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
"Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth
"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg
Mental Health and Well-being:
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns
"The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown
"The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by Edmund J. Bourne
"The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook" by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood, and Jeffrey Brantley
Goal Setting and Achievement:
"Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want—Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible" by Brian Tracy
"The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington
"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink
"The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
"Smarter Faster Better" by Charles Duhigg
Relationships and Communication:
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" by Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny, and Ron McMillan
"Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life" by Marshall B. Rosenberg
"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" by John Gray
Self-Help and Personal Growth:
"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson
"Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown
"Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins
"The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod
"You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero
Science and Popular Science:
"Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari
"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot
"Cosmos" by Carl Sagan
"A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson
"The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins
Health and Nutrition:
"The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II
"In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan
"Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker
"Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall
"The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan
Fiction and Literature:
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"1984" by George Orwell
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
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rogerhealey · 2 years
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TSCreators august Event | What happens to August(ine)?
She realizes her worth. (Quote from Tracy McMillan’s book).
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dharamvirarjun · 2 years
“I just got finished teaching a three-day retreat. And on the last day, a woman raises her hand and says "But we're all supposed to be okay being alone, right?" I said, "I actually don't think so." I know it's kind of radical to say, but I think we actually need partners to be happy. The partner can be a dog or a best friend or even our parent -- but we need someone. A some "thing" doesn't even really work. Our species evolved to pair bond. Our offspring are dependent for years. We all come equipped with the deepest possible need to connect and stay connected -- our survival depends on it. So stop feeling like you're supposed to be fine on your own. Capitalism wants you to be fine on your own because then you'll move to the suburbs and buy your own washer and dryer and not live with grandma. You'll break all these kinship bonds. Everyone will wind up in their own house, and you'll all spend more money and also feel terrible and isolated and lonely.”
— Tracy McMillan, Heather Havrilesky's ‘Why Aren't You Texting Me Back?!!’
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popculturebrain · 2 years
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Kerry Washington, Delroy Lindo to Star in Onyx Collective Comedy Series ‘Unprisoned’
Kerry Washington and Delroy Lindo are set to star in a new comedy series set up at Onyx Collective on Hulu, Variety has learned. The series is titled “Unprisoned” and has received an eight-episode order. It is inspired by the life of series creator Tracy McMillan.
Subscribe to the Pop Culture Brain Daily newsletter for more stories like this!
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uboat53 · 5 days
"We usually talk right about racism = bad for people of color, or racism = good for White people. That’s one way to do it, but it’s also true that racism impoverishes our democracy and undercuts our social safety net. For most White people, unless you are Elon Musk, you or someone you love is going to need a social safety net. Maybe you are safe in your middle class position, but you’re going to know some young person that can’t afford higher education and ends up in a really bad spot. You’re going to know somebody who needs medical care they can’t afford, and they die because they can’t get it. That stuff happens all the time, and we act like it’s normal and it’s not. That hurts a lot of White people. When you start looking at racism not just as something that only gives or only takes but as something that does both things, then you can ask yourself if it’s worth being silent about it. I calculate $146,000 from my family that probably they had because of racism. I calculate $225,000 of money that I have had access to or equity I’ve gained probably because I was White. That’s almost $400,000. But I also lost my mother because we didn’t have public health care. And I had a really traumatic childhood because we didn’t have public health care. Most of that money from my family and most of those bonuses I’m talking about with housing, I wouldn’t need if we had affordable higher education. I wouldn’t need them if we had affordable housing for everybody. I think there are enough White people now who understand that this isn’t really working in our favor, but we don’t have language for it."
-- Tracie McMillan, author of "The White Bonus: Five Families and the Cash Value of Racism in America"
It sounds like a good book and the whole interview is well worth the (~5 minute) read.
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negrolicity · 7 days
In ‘The White Bonus’ the author tried to calculate just how much racism has benefited her. Here’s what she found | CNN
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pjakes · 2 months
Book Review: "The American Way of Eating"
“The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee’s, Farm Fields, and the Dinner Table” by Tracie McMillan, is based on the author’s undercover experiences as a farm worker, a Walmart produce clerk, and an Applebee’s kitchen staffer. She reveals how the food industry exploits workers, consumers, and the environment and contributes to the problems of hunger, obesity, and poor nutrition…
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flawesomehumanbeing · 10 months
5 July 2023 | 11.49 PM
*disclaimer, bukan curhat*
kalo tersinggung, tanggung sendiri lah ya wkwk
Tertutup amat pikiran dengan tulisan terbuka orang😅
Temen temenku suka bertanya "kok lo bisa inget detail sih sampe tanggal dan jamnya?" Jawabanku simple, "agar tidak kena manipulasi oleh orang orang manipulative". Manipulator seringnya nge-twist kejadian nyata dengan banyak sekali kejadian kejadian yang bahkan tidak sesuai dengan faktanya. Diputer sedemikian rupa, bikin kamu meragukan diri kamu sendiri. Mereka juga tidak segan untuk nge-gaslight kamu.
Teman temanku juga pernah bertanya
"Orang manipulative tau tidak kalo mereka manipulate others?"
"Tentu tau" :)
"Mereka sadar ga kalo sudah manipulate orang?"
"Tentu sadar" yakali pingsan wkwk
Kenapa? Itu trick mereka.
Dan sejauh ini, cara teramanku untuk bisa nampol mereka, ya dengan kasih evidence aka kejadian nyatanya, faktanya, dengan merentetkan kejadiannya secara merinci, kalo perlu screenshot bukti, kasih dah. Kalo memang tidak mau dealing dengan mereka yaudah walk away, save your energy. Silent treatment? Wahhh, begini, apa yang kamu harapkan dengan orang orang yang bahkan gagal untuk memahami kamu? Apa yang kamu harapkan dengan orang orang yang dalam waktu singkat berkali kali memberikan begitu banyak kejadian yang membagongkan? Yang kamu sendiri terheran heran? You have your rights to walk away from those people. Sometimes ya memang kita ada concern tersendiri, seperti "Aku jahat ga ya? Gimana kalo misal orangnya overthinking ya? Gimana kalo orangnya jadi self-blaming ya? Gimana kalo jatohnya jadi never ending penyiksaan?"
Ada dua pilihan
1. Boleh untuk walk away (liat dulu backgroundnya seperti apa)
2. Boleh untuk diajak ngobrol secara langsung
Kalo walk away menentramkan ya mangga, kalo diajak ngobrol secara oh ternyata ga berani orangnya, atau orangnya gamau, yaudah move on dari concernmu.
Kadang sebagian orang tidak berhak mendapatkan kekhawatiran darimu, atau gini, kadang sebagian orang itu tidak pantas dikhawatirkan.
Memang, kita pengennya itu hidup tenang tentram aja, ga menginginkan sama sekali adanya manipulator dikehidupan kita, atau orang orang immature dikehidupan kita, pengennya yang happy happy aja, atau yang positif positif aja. Tapi ya "kita gabisa selalu dapetin apa yang kita mau, justru orang orang yang dateng ke kehidupan kita entah buruk atau baik, lalu situasi, kejadian, apapun itu yang menimpa kita, akan membawa kita kedalam hal yang kita inginkan, akan membentuk diri kita seperti yang kita inginkan". Sebut saja ini adalah proses pendewasaan. Bukan nonton konten porno, bukan ya🙄🤣
Seperti kata Tracey McMillan dalam bentuk bahasa inggris yang simple gini wkwk
"Life doesn't give you what you've asked for, it gives you the people, places and situations, that allow you to develop what you ask for".
- Tracy McMillan
Kalo kata mba Tracey lagi nih di TEDx Talk
"You ask for patience, and what you get is a line at the bank"
Memang pahit kalo berhadapan dengan orang orang yang menyebalkan, bukan kita yang pengen, memang tidak, akupun secara pribadi gamau juga.
Istilahnya gini
"As Gemini wkwk zodiak lagi wkwk. As a human being kita bisa bikin hidup kita seperti roller coaster, tetapi kita juga bisa milih mau menjalani hidup yang seperti itu atau tidak"
Kalo tidak ya tinggal singkirkan aja yang bikin seperti roller coaster, kalo itu penyebabnya dari eksternal. Kalo dari internal atau dari sendiri, do your best untuk working on yourself! FIGHTING!!!
Misal faktor external, kantor yang isinya staf staf toxic, ya resign.
Kata temanku "your well-being itu tidak ada harganya"
Anyway, last but not least, berterima kasihlah kepada orang orang yang menyebalkan, karna mereka jadi kita tahu betapa berharganya orang orang yang tidak menyebalkan. Betapa kita juga jadi realized untuk menyisir orang orang seperti ini dari kehidupan kita. Selalu ada hal baik yang kita bisa pelajari dari sebuah kejadian.
"Find a silver lining in every cloud!"✨
With so much love,
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 10 months
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Fake It Til We Make It
A Fake Dating Romance Collection
Romance Café Collection Book 29
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/141388348/
Release Date: February 14
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
AMAZON: Preorder
Available on Kindle Unlimited
Want to make your ex jealous? Do you have to attend an event? Need to stop your family matchmaking? Whatever the reason, a fake relationship may be for you! But what happens when what started out as fake starts feeling way too real? You were faking it, but is it time to make it real?
Find out in this spicy collection containing exciting stories from USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors curated by The New Romance Café. Faking it has never felt so real.
Participating Authors:
Jaxon Knight Lily Kindall Jazmine Skye CM Peters Harper Michaels Keighley Bradford E.S. McMillan Amy Stephens K McEvern Lestrade Jo Bradley Kimberly Halstead Lila Grey Taya Rune Sofia Aves Dakota Harrison Denise T Ford Tracy Brody Serafina Jax Kathleen Ryder DL Gallie Chelle Pimblott Wynter Ryan
About The New Romance Cafe
The New Romance Café is the place to get your daily dose of romance books.
Hang out with like-minded readers and authors at different stages of their writing journey, in a diverse and inclusive group.
Find out about new releases, take part in fun discussions, and recommend your favourite reads in the safe space of the Café.
The New Romance Cafe Links
Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenewromancecafe
Website: https://thenewromancecafe.com/
Romance Cafe Publishing: https://romancecafepublishing.com/
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Jordyn McIntosh is a scene stealer in Hulu’s heartfelt comedy series UnPrisoned. The young Atlanta-based artist is already building a prolific resume, with key roles in last year’s Emancipation and The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry. She is passionate and filled with creative energy, which has suited her recent roles.
Who or what inspired you to become an actor, and who are some of your biggest inspirations? 
My parents needed a way for me to let out my silliness but in a creative way. I was also inspired while watching the Harry Potter movies... I love those!
We know your father helped set up an audition space at home for you and your parents manage your social media pages. How supportive and helpful has your family been in your career?
My parents have been there every step of the way! From audition prep, to taking me to classes, to traveling with me to shoot, they have been there. Thank you, Mom and Dad!
You train at The Actor’s Scene in Atlanta. What important lessons did you learn in your classes and from your coaches?
My favorite class was Impov. I love it so much because it gives me freedom in my acting. I use it a lot on set and in auditions, and it helps me perform better.
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You star as Little Paige in Hulu’s Unprisoned. What can you share about your audition and casting process?
My parents first showed me the lines for the role, and I was like, "You want me to say that!?" After I figured out who Little Paige was with all her sass and attitude, I went right to record the audition. Then I got the callback and got to meet Ms. Kerry [Washington] and Ms. Yvette [Lee Bowser], and I knew then I had to nail the role. And I did!
Paige has some strong vocabulary at a young age! How did you prepare for this role, and did it take time for you to get used to the cuss words?
I had so much fun with the spicy language. It took time at first to get used to it, but I knew it was all acting and my parents supported me. We all laughed about it every time.
What do you most enjoy about playing Paige, and how are you similar to and/or different from her?
First, I love the fashion! Matching with Ms. Kerry was the best part. But I also loved being able to say and act out the feelings and frustrations I feel myself sometimes. It helped me in some of the scenes.
Tell us about your relationship with adult Paige, Kerry Washington. We see the love you show each other on Instagram! What guidance did Kerry provide to you, and what was it like working with her?
I LOVE Ms. Kerry! She was so kind and sweet to me on set. At first, I was nervous thinking "This is THE Ms. Kerry Washington." But once I got to know her, filming became a breeze. I learned so much from her and she helped me gain so much confidence.
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All those matching outfits between you two were adorable! Did you get to keep any wardrobe from set?
Unfortunately, no... But I would have loved to! The outfits were so cute!
Faly Rakotohavana plays Paige’s son, Finn. You got to spend time with him on-set and during your press day. Has he become an older brother figure to you?
Yes! Faly is so kind to me and we like to laugh and joke together. He really feels like an older brother... though technically he is MY son.
There are a lot of talented individuals behind the scenes, including creator and producer Tracy McMillan, whose relationship with her father inspired the show’s story. What was your relationship like with Tracy and the Onyx Collective team?
Ms. Tracy and the Onyx Collective team have been so great to me. They are very kind and give lots of compliments. I love them all.
What was your favorite memory from set (behind the scenes) during Season 1?
My favorite memory was the day we shot the dance scene. It was so much fun! We were dancing, laughing, and joking, and it was really like a mini party on set!
What was your favorite meal and/or snack to get from craft services?
Who doesn't love Crafty!? My go-to on set was Veggie Straws and Welch's Fruit Snacks.
Which was your favorite episode and why?
I really loved filming the last episode. I really felt like I channeled my inner Paige in that scene. I prepared for that scene by thinking about frustrations in my own life, and it showed on camera.
The show is heartfelt, and about intergenerational relationships, abandonment, and healing. Why are you proud to be part of this series and what it stands for?
I am proud to be part of this series because it tells a story many people relate to, and a story about second chances.
Viewers need more fierce moments from you, you are a scene-stealer! If the show is renewed for a Season 2, what do you hope to explore with Little Paige?
Thank you! Big Paige has a lot more to learn, and I can help her learn while she takes care of me.
You shared this really fun moment with Anthony Mackie at SXSW. How special was that interaction for you?
Oh my gosh! That was so much fun! When I saw him, I was like "Dad, that's Falcon from Marvel!" He was so kind and funny, and it was fun learning the Kid ‘n Play dance.
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You have such wonderful style! What is your favorite press tour or red carpet look you’ve worn, and how would you describe your fashion sense?
That is so hard to choose! I loved the dress from the Unprisoned premiere, but the romper from SXSW was FIRE! I like more bold options for my fashion, with lots of colors and prints. You know, something that makes a statement.
You have also worked with film veterans like Will Smith, Viola Davis, O-T Fagbenle, Kunal Nayyar, and Lucy Hale. Do you have any specific memories you can share from working with these talented artists and any advice they’ve given you?
A specific memory I have was first meeting Mr. Will Smith. He was in a very serious conversation with [director] Mr. [Antoine] Fuqua, and when I walked up he stopped that conversation and had the biggest smile. He walked over to me, introduced himself and we laughed about him "really" being the Genie. But from all of the other people I have worked with, I learn little by little and it helps me grow as an actor.
You were named to this year’s Ebony Magazine’s ‘Leaders of the New School.’ What did it mean to be included in this year’s class making strong impressions in the industry?
I was like "Woah!" when I first found out. Those were some really big names to be amongst, and it was an honor being on that list.
What is a dream project or role for you?
I am obsessed with the Harry Potter franchise, and I would love an opportunity to act and be part of the Wizarding World!
We know you are a Harry Potter fan; Who is your favorite character, and why do you relate to being in Slytherin House?
My favorite is, of course, Hermione! She is so smart, and let's be honest, saved them every time! I relate to Slytherin because they are ambitious, which describes me.
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You also love to sing and dance; What is your go-to karaoke song, and who are your favorite musicians right now?
My go-to karaoke songs are "Santa Tell Me"  by Ariana Grande, "Love on Top" by Beyoncé, and "pov" by Ariana Grande. By those choices, you can see I love Ariana and Beyoncé! I like Drake too!
What is your favorite video game to play right now and why?
Right now, I love playing ‘Roblox,’ ‘Sims 4,’ and ‘Minecraft.’ They require so much creativity and I enjoy the role-playing.
If you could be any ice cream flavor, which would you be and why?
Strawberry because it is a bubbly, happy, and exciting flavor, just like me!
Thank you to Jordyn for taking the time to answer our questions! Follow Jordyn on Instagram to keep updated with her projects, and stream UnPrisoned on Hulu.
Photo credit (first image) to: Bella Saville
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theambitiouswoman · 5 months
hiya, please can we also have ted talk recommendations like your book recs post? :) for the categories you mentioned ♡ thank you
Here you go angel ♡
The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed - Bill Gross
The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers - Adam Grant
The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - David Allen
How to Pitch to a VC - David S. Rose
The Future of Money - Neha Narula
Personal Development:
The Art of Being Yourself - Caroline McHugh
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - Angela Lee Duckworth
The Power of Believing That You Can Improve - Carol Dweck
How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over - Mel Robbins
Try Something New for 30 Days - Matt Cutts
Mental Health:
The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage - Susan David
Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid - Guy Winch
Depression, the Secret We Share - Andrew Solomon
All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes - Andy Puddicombe
The Art of Stillness - Pico Iyer
The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship - Esther Perel
The Power of Vulnerability in Relationships - Tracy McMillan
Rethinking Infidelity... a Talk for Anyone Who Has Ever Loved - Esther Perel
The Mathematics of Love - Hannah Fry
The Hidden Influence of Social Networks - Nicholas Christakis
The Happy Secret to Better Work - Shawn Achor
Embrace the Near Win - Sarah Lewis
Why We Do What We Do - Tony Robbins
Keep Your Goals to Yourself - Derek Sivers
Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career - Larry Smith
The Power of Setting Goals - John Doerr
The Puzzle of Motivation - Dan Pink
Smash Fear, Learn Anything - Tim Ferriss
Why We Do What We Do - Tony Robbins
The Skill of Self-Confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph
Self Love:
The Art of Being Yourself - Caroline McHugh
The Power of Vulnerability - Brené Brown
Your Elusive Creative Genius - Elizabeth Gilbert
The Psychology of Your Future Self - Dan Gilbert
The Surprising Science of Happiness - Dan Gilbert
Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are - Amy Cuddy
The Art of Self-Confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph
Dare to Lead - Brené Brown
The Hidden Influence of Social Networks - Nicholas Christakis
The Confidence Gap - Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
Health & Wellness:
The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise - Wendy Suzuki
How to Make Stress Your Friend - Kelly McGonigal
The Science of Cells That Never Get Old - Elizabeth Blackburn
Why Dieting Doesn't Usually Work - Sandra Aamodt
The Art of Stillness - Pico Iyer
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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