#trading weekly analysis
emdconsultant · 2 years
Motherson Target Completed. Review Video.. Best Trade Setup For This Week.
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capitalstreetforex · 2 years
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got any silly voxval headcannons? (Maybe velvette too idk)
like for example who cooks out of the three of them
Of course you can <3 I'm a really angsty girlie so I don't know how silly they actually are but there you go:
None of them can cook, but that's not really a problem for Vox and Velvette. Vox could survive on plain bread and black coffee for eternity, while Velvette could eat only candies. Val, on the other hand, is the ultimate hedonist. He's all about the tasty, full-fat fast food or gourmet stuff, and he's always pushing for takeout. Come on, guys, we're fucking rich, let's order something. Sure, they could hire someone to cook for them, but Vox is too paranoid to let an outsider near their food. He's still on the hunt for a chef who can match Val's extravagant tastes and is willing to sign off soul. If they had to pick someone to cook, Vox would probably be the best bet since he's the only one who can actually follow a recipe.
Velvette is the smartest when it comes to managing finances. Vox technically doesn't like to waste money but he has a taste for luxurious stuff, he can't resist an expensive car, fucking show-off. Valentino basically burns money on every useless shit he likes, I bet those crystals he badazzled his gun with were real diamons.
Velvette helps Val maintain his fluff, and he styles her hair. It's a cute little trade-off they've got going on.
Valentino has a habit of breaking electronic devices and downloading malware. Vox hates him for it.
Vox can easily go 72h without sleep, fueled by coke and rage. Valentino occasionally drugs his coffee to put him down to sleep, because after 68th hour all electronics in the tower starts malfunctioning.
Val used to be a full-time performer, but now he's more like a RuPaul—lending his face to the brand and only occasionally gracing the stage. But every time he does perform, Vox makes sure to be there front and center.
Their schedules are very incompatible and they have to spend a lot of time managing their businesses but they have weekly appointments to do catch up and discuss strategy. Those are usually very unserious, they end up hitting the bong and playing Mario Cart.
There was this one time Vox tried hitting on Velvette because she's totally his type. It was awkward as hell, and they both agreed to never speak of it again. Valentino has no idea about it.
Valentino would really want to have a dog but Vox really likes dogs so he doesn't allow him to get one by imposing strict anti-pet policy in the tower.
Val knows all of Vox's and Velvette's kinks and sometimes produces custom porn for them as gifts.
As much as they love spending time together, Val and Velvette can't stand watching TV with Vox because he gets overly emotional and doesn't allow to skip commercials because he enjoys them
Vox occasionally invites Val to be a guest judge on reality shows, which always skyrockets ratings but sometimes ends nasty for the contestants.
Val's obsessed with textures, especially nice fabrics. Give him a nice fluffy blanket and he will shut up for 15 minutes fixated on touching it.
Vox, with his business and strategic management degree, sometimes tries to pitch these ideas to Velvette and Valentino, he's like Guys, have you considered using the BCG matrix? Ever heard of SWOT analysis? We should discuss KPIs. They mock him relentlessly for it.
Val once tried putting drag makeup on Vox's face, and let's just say the result was... less than glamorous.
During their honeymoon phase, Vox and Val fucked everywhere. At first, Velvette found it amusing, but eventually, she grew to hate it. She finally snapped when she found out they'd fucked on the dinner table and she set it on fire.
Val "secretly" ghostwrote some trashy smut novels (they are absolutely horrible, worst Wattpad shit you could dig out). Vox secretly bought and read every single one, finding plenty of references to himself along the way.
Vox loves it when Val wears stripper platforms, even though it makes their height difference even more ridiculous.
Valentino's wardrobe takes two entire rooms and still expands. Vox doesn't know how to stop it.
Vox owns a few lingerie sets, only because Val loses his fucking mind whenever he wears them. Velvette designed them herself and keeps photos of Vox wearing them as blackmail material, just in case.
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starlingflight · 7 months
Ginniversary Drabble 2
Prompt: B7 - All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way
This was the hardest prompt ever!
AO3 or read below:
The door to Harry & Ron's room burst open and a whirlwind of red hair and glitter flew inside. 
“Oi!” Ron sat up abruptly, glaring at Ginny. “Have you ever heard of knocking?” 
Ginny rounded on him, the gold tinsel draped artfully around her neck was at stark odds with the bleak surroundings of Grimmauld Place. 
“I'll knock when you stop taking my things!” She declared, plucking the copy of Seeker Weekly Ron had been reading while lounging on his bed right out of his hands. 
“You've already read it!” He protested, reaching for the magazine. 
Ginny practically danced out of his reach. Harry could see the indecision in Ron's face as he contemplated whether this was worth getting up for. 
Instead, he frowned at Ginny. “Why do you look like a fairy threw up on you?” 
“It's Christmas, Ron!” Ginny's tone made it abundantly clear that this blunt answer should be sufficient to explain her decision to apparently bathe in glitter and drape herself in enough tinsel to be mistaken for a Christmas tree. 
“Yeah, the season of goodwill,” Ron shot back. “So maybe you should share your magazine with me.” 
“Ask nicely and maybe I will.” 
Ron's only response to this suggestion was a scowl. 
Ginny ignored it, turning instead to Harry, who had been watching their argument silently from his own bed. 
“You live with Muggles.” 
“Thanks for reminding me,” Harry replied dryly. 
“Who's Anna Karenina?” 
“I–” Harry frowned, wherever he'd been expecting Ginny to go with her observation of his living circumstances, it wasn't this. “Why?” 
“I just heard Hermione quoting her to Sirius in the hallway… I wondered who she was.” 
“I don't think she's real,” Harry said, trying to remember why the name rang a faint bell in his memory. “She's from a book, I think.” 
Ginny snorted derisively. “Must be an awful book. I didn't have a clue what she was going on about.” 
“Why?” Ron sat fully up now. “What did Hermione say?” 
Ginny took a deep breath, standing up straighter, mimicking Hermione's perfect posture without fault. “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” 
“Bloody hell, Hermione,” Ron said, voicing Harry's thoughts exactly. “That's a bit heavy; Sirius is finally looking more cheerful, he doesn't need that.” 
He was already rolling off the bed, shaking his head as he reached for the door handle. “I'll go and get her.” 
He hurried through the door without a backward glance, intent apparently on saving Sirius from Hermione's literary analysis. 
“Don't you want to join him?” Ginny asked, turning to smirk at Harry. “Aren't daring rescue missions sort of your thing?” 
He smiled, relieved. Ginny hadn't appeared to hold any sort of grudge after he'd carelessly admitted to forgetting about the unpleasant events of her first year yesterday, but he'd been expecting her anger to last at least a bit longer, and hadn't exactly sought out any conversation with her just in case. 
“I'm going to sit this one out,” Harry said, waving a hand at her glitter-covered form. “It's Christmas; I'm on holiday.” 
She laughed. “Well, I'll try not to get into too much trouble until New Year, in that case.” 
“Thanks, I'll let you know when I'm back on duty.” 
Ginny nodded, already turning to follow Ron out into the hallway. She paused at the door, turning back to look at Harry over her shoulder. 
“I'm making Christmas cards,” she said; the reason for all the glitter finally became clear. “I know it probably lacks the thrill of whatever you and Ron were doing, but you're welcome to join?” 
Harry laughed. “I'm not sure Christmas cards fall into my skill set.” 
Ginny merely shrugged. “You taught me impediment jinxes, I'll teach you proper stamp placement, sounds like a fair trade?” 
Harry hesitated for a moment more, a thousand reasons not to accept Ginny's offer running through his mind, but he really was in an excellent mood since the revelation that he wasn't being possessed by Voldemort, and it seemed like a waste of a perfectly good December afternoon to remain locked in this dreary bedroom. 
Nodding wordlessly, he climbed off the bed, meeting Ginny at the door. 
She didn't move right away. Leaning past Harry, she threw her copy of Seeker Weekly back on Ron's bed. 
She shrugged at the questioning look Harry gave her. “It's the season of goodwill.” 
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writing-for-life · 7 months
Sandman Meta-Analysis
“But He Loved, He Should Have Been Forgiven”—About Free Will, Responsibility and Agency: Lucifer and Dream as Foils
When Destiny is Inescapable or: He Truly Is the Worst Older Brother (Based on a fun ask prompt that turned into a serious meta)
The Portrayal of Womanhood in A Game of You
The Sandman Overture and Exiles: Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit—Everything Changes, Nothing Is Truly Lost (Not Even Hope)
The Ultimate Character Tag Library
Hob Gadling’s Involvement In The Slave Trade Between The Late 16th And Early 19th Century (Addendum to someone else’s post, but I thought it important to include here)
The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Known (Or: Does Morpheus Really Have Commitment Issues?)
Death’s Wedjat Eye: Deeper Symbolism or Random? (Based on an ask)
The Women of the Sandman: A Collection of Meta-Analyses, Fics and Art
Spun Stories And Hard-Hitting Realities As Bookends To Brief Lives
The Thing About Daniel (is that he is not a palette-swapped Morpheus)
The Sandman Timeline As Published In The Annotated Sandman (timeline with a few meta thoughts)
The Truth Of Mankind Is Also Dream’s (short comics panel/show quote comparison)
The Endless Are Not Their Opposite—They Only Define It
Only Hope (!) Calls You Out Like That (Dream, Desire, Hope And Loneliness),
The Difference Between Daydreams And Desires Or: How Dream And Desire Wouldn’t Have Saved The Universe Without Hope (Based on an ask)
Dream's Relationship To His Emotions & The Differences Between Show!Dream and Comics!Dream (Based on an ask)
About Love As The Catalyst For Change
Morpheus and Calliope: About Inspiration, Personhood and Change (Based on an ask)
What Does Morpheus Like in Women? (Based on an ask)
Dream’s Loss of White Hair as the Loss of Innocence: The Killalla-Situation
Touching Death or: Why Dream is Not Simply Touch-Starved in The Sound of Her Wings (Addendum to someone else’s post)
Keeping Them In Character: Could Morpheus Be Saved? (An exploration of fanfic, but lots of good meta thoughts, so I included it here)
Did Morpheus Want to Die? (Addendum to someone else’s post)
When Desire Stops Being the Villain
When a Story About Stories Can Be Read in More Than One Way, and Why a Story About Change Changes With Us
If It Is Implied Lucien Is Adam, What Does That Make Lucienne?
Sunday Mourning—About Dream Entities and Stars (Why Head-Canons Are Wonderful, But Forcing Them On Creators Isn’t)
Who Is at Fault for Dream’s Death? The Endless as Concepts (Based on an ask)
Dream and How He Experiences Love (Or: When the Unreal is at War with the Real, and Finally Understanding Unconditional Love Tightens the Noose Around Your Neck That Has Been There All Along)
Tales In The Sand—Did We Find the Women’s Story? Or: The Rejection Of Dream/Hope As A Concept
How Do You Solve The Orpheus Problem? (an exploration of ideas for fanfics, but too many good meta thoughts not to include it here)
Nuance in (The Sandman) Fandom
To Be Human Means To Die (Even For Morpheus)
Let’s Talk About Thessaly (In The Context of Second and Third Wave Feminism)
The Blood on Morpheus’ Hands (more a processing attempt than a meta)
Why The Order of the Last Three Issues of The Sandman Matters
The Facet is Not The Jewel (old post about the ubiquity of Dreamling)
Sandman Comics Reread & Netflix Sandman Rewatch: All my Sandman Book Club contributions, ordered by issue/episode (we are currently discussing on a weekly schedule, join us!)
#sandman meta: Even more metas of all kinds, like those of others I (sometimes quite extensively) participated in.
Next: Sandman Meta-Analysis Music >
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dragonflycap · 26 days
What to expect from the stock market this week
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Last week, the review of the macro market indicators saw with the Fed Jackson Hole meeting in the rear view mirror, that equity markets continued their progress higher, shifting from the large caps and tech names to small caps Friday, but without a rotation this time. Elsewhere looked for Gold ($GLD) to continue its uptrend while Crude Oil ($USO) consolidated in a narrow range and at risk for a drop. The US Dollar Index ($DXY) continued to move to the downside while US Treasuries ($TLT) consolidated in their downtrend. The Shanghai Composite ($ASHR) looked to continue the downtrend while Emerging Markets ($EEM) were prepped to start a new uptrend.
The Volatility Index ($VXX) looked to remain low and stabilizing making the path easier for equity markets to the upside. Their charts looked strong, especially on the longer timeframe, with the $IWM joining the $SPY and $QQQ in that view. On the shorter timeframe both the QQQ and SPY were slowing down and watching the short term money flow into the IWM.
The week played out with Gold continuing to make new all-time highs but moving more slowly while Crude Oil held at the bottom of the tightening range and bounced. The US Dollar found support at a retest of the year end low and bounced while Treasuries continued building a bull flag under resistance. The Shanghai Composite continued the downtrend to a nearly 7 month low while Emerging Markets consolidated in a tight range.
The Volatility Index continued to stabilize at low levels. This relieves pressure on equities, but despite this they held in a narrow range all week in light late summer trading. This resulted in the SPY ending near all-time highs with the QQQ and IWM holding short of their recent highs. What does this mean for the coming week? Let’s look at some charts.
SPY Daily, $SPY
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The SPY came into the week holding in consolidation on the daily chart over the August 1 top. This was after a fast move higher, recovering the 3 day nearly 10% drop at the start of the month. It continued to hold there all week, just shy of the all-time high and at the 161.8% extension of the retracement of the 2022 drop. The RSI is back in the bullish zone and flat with the MACD positive and going flat. The Bollinger Bands® are open higher to allow for the consolidation to work higher as if it were a bull flag.
The weekly chart shows price holding after a 3 week recovery to the prior high. The RSI is stalling short of the prior tops and a move into overbought territory while the MACD is positive and trying to cross back up. The Bollinger Bands are open higher on this chart as well. There is resistance at 565.50 then a Measured Move to 580 above. Support lower sits at 561.50 before 556.50 and 549.50 then 545.75 and 542 before 540 and 537. Uptrend.
SPY Weekly, $SPY
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Heading into the unofficial end of summer and with August in the books, equity markets showed a preference for some rest after the 3 week move higher. Elsewhere look for Gold to continue its uptrend while Crude Oil consolidates in a tightening range. The US Dollar Index continues to bounce to the upside while US Treasuries consolidate in their downtrend. The Shanghai Composite looks to continue the downtrend while Emerging Markets consolidate over support in a possible start of a new uptrend.
The Volatility Index looks to remain low and stable making the path easier for equity markets to the upside. Their charts look strong, especially on the longer timeframe. On the shorter timeframe the week long consolidation left the SPY with just 2 hours to rocket to just shy of a new all-time high close while the QQQ and the IWM ended near the high of the week. All are prepped to start September stronger. Use this information as you prepare for the coming week and trad’em well.
Join the Premium Users and you can view the Full Version with 20 detailed charts and analysis: Macro Week in Review/Preview August 30, 2024
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wehaveagathering · 9 months
Who Does the NHL Instagram Account Love? It's not the Flyers. A (shortish) Statistical Analysis (December 1-15, 2023)
(I don't know anything about statistics.)
Recently, as a Flyers fan, I've kind of become sick and tired of seeing the @NHL instagram account NOT post my team. Of course, every fan of any team is going to feel their team is'nt getting enough love online, but I had a feeling that I wasn't just making this up. So I counted every single post so far in the month of December – from the 1st to the 15th – and added up each time the NHL instagram posted each team.
Qualifications for what counted as a post:
It could not be the list of nightly scores or weekly power rankings.
It could not be an official game announcement. Unofficial game announcements, like Connor v Connor graphics, were allowed.
It could not be a trade or coaching change – but signings did count.
If it was a video of a play during a game, the post counted as a tally for the the team with the successful play.
Any sort of list, play-of-game compilations, or fantasy team counted. However, if a team was listed twice in a post, they could still only receive one tally. In this essay I will –
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The average number of posts per team was 18.47 and the median was 17.5 out of the 591 posts I counted. It's important to note that because I didn't count other types of posts – official NHL compilation videos with different players, game announcements, scoresheets at the end of every night – that the total number of posts between now and December 1st was probably around 700. I didn't look too closely at that number.
The team with the most points was the Canucks (20-9-1), with an outstanding 39 total posts, 6.6% of the total posts and 11 tallies ahead of second place with 28. Of course, the prevalence of Quinn Hughes and Brock Boeser on league-leading stat sheets, as well as the Hughes Bowl in early December and the recent influx of Luongo posting all helped to bolster this number.
Trailing behind them in the high twenties were the Rangers (20-7-1) with 28, the Oilers (13-13-1) with 27, the Devils (15-11-1), Isles (14-7-8), and Lightning (14-12-5) with 26, and the Avalanche (18-9-2) with a measly 25. All of these teams save for the Islanders had the help of league-leading scorers on their teams, which bolstered them in the compilation-post and fantasy-team standings.
On the opposite hand, trailing in the single digits were the Montreal Canadiens (12-13-4), Seattle Kraken (10-14-7), and yes, the Philadelphia Flyers (16-10-3), with 8, 9, and 9 posts respectively. (That is 4.39% or 4.4% percent of the total posts – these three teams combined for less posts than the Canucks.) The Nashville Predators (17-13-0) and the Calgary Flames (11-14-5) barely scraped into the double digits with 10 posts to their name each. The Flyers and Flames both struggled to even get on the board, and were the last two teams without a post after 3 days, when Carter Hart made a Goalie Save of the Week compilation. The Flames got on the board after 4 days worth of posts with a Noah Hanifin assist against the Avalanche.
Generally, better teams got posted more, and worse teams got posted less, but that wasn't always the case. (Clearly – the San Jose Sharks were posted 22 times! I love you san jose ❤️) Look at the Flyers and the Predators – two teams who have been good surprises this season, but have been neglected by @ NHL. Out of the teams who have been posted the least, the Flyers and the Preds have the best standings. On 12.15.23 the Flyers were at 16-10-3 with a .603 points percentage, and the Preds were at 17-13-0 with a .567 points percentage. Despite these extremely decent and reasonable stats, and the Flyers currently sitting in a playoff spot in the Metro, both these teams were only posted 9 and 10 times in the first half of December – out of 591 posts! That seems unreasonable.
In the first half of December, the Flyers received 3 solo posts for goals from Cam York, Sean Couturier, and Tyson Foerster. The Preds received 4 solo posts for goals from Yakov Trenin, two from Filip Forsberg, and Colton Sissons.
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This other one though, that according to my rules, I had to count, pissed me off. These two tiny names counted as 10% of the total December postings for these two teams.
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Knowing that this was the kind of post that counted for so many of these teams, this was the kind of post that bolstered the scores of the Oilers and the Canucks and the Devils, makes it nearly all the more egregious that this was the extent that it took to acknowledge the Flyers and the Preds.
Also, I think if I counted the posts that included videos of plays made against the Flyers in the games that the Flyers won, I would go absolutely bananas, despite the fact that, FOR example, Konecny is tied for 8th in goals this season with Pastrnak and Panarin. Konecny, with 16 goals and 24 points so far this season, was posted one time, on a December 5th Play of the Night compilation post with... three Coyotes. Compare this to the two 12.2.23 solo posts celebrating a Pastrnak goal.
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Clearly, there's favorites. And it has nothing to do with how well a team is playing. The Edmonton Oilers, Chicago Blackhawks, and San Jose Sharks are sittin pretty in the bottom ten teams in the league but have a combined total of 66 posts. Is it about the engagement each team gets? Maybe people don't interact with Flyers or Preds or Kraken posts as much as the other ones. Is it secretly Gary Bettman, who hates me and the Flyers personally? Does the NHL just not like the Flyers? On another topic – does the amount that these teams are posted correspond with the amount they're posted on other sites, like Twitter or Tumblr?
And this isn't even getting into how approximately half of the posts about the Ducks were about Leo Carlsson, or the Caps were just Ovechkin, or the poor Montreal Canadiens, who are being shunted to the wayside to make room for the Chicago Blackhawks and their 32nd-in-the-league standing and their 17 posts, 16 of which seem to be about Connor Bedard. I didn't record these numbers, but they sure as hell SEEMED like this was the case, and I've learned to trust my gut.
I definitely know what I want to look for and need to figure out how I want to document these stats differently in the second half of December for a more thorough analysis on the types of post each team is receiving. This has been an interesting, if frustrating experiment, and I'm looking forward to part 2. I love you Flyers and I love you hockey, and I... I don't love you, NHL. You can rot.
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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This year in France, the traditional day for celebrating the struggles of the late 19th century and the introduction of the eight-hour day was part of a much larger sequence of struggle. As May Day approached, the French government remained caught in a political crisis created by the still untamed yellow vests movement. Because we have documented May Day 2017 and 2018 in Paris and the entire trajectory of the yellow vest movement, we can identify the new strategy of repression that the state is employing and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. Globally, it appears that governments from France and the United States to China and Nicaragua have no real plan for dealing with the unrest generated by spiraling social inequality except by ceaselessly escalating the violence they perpetrate against human beings. The past year’s clashes in France place it near the front of this process of escalation; the following analysis will be informative to anyone interested in continuing to organize protests and bringing pressure to bear on the authorities despite their efforts to impose “order” by brute force.
For the past several years, France has experienced numerous waves of resistance to capitalist projects and political reforms. This succession of conflicts has underscored the increasing difficulty governments face imposing their neoliberal agendas on the population, while enabling anarchists and other autonomous rebels to connect with new sectors of the population. Some ideas and practices that originated in anarchist and anti-authoritarian circles have spread to other demonstrators, too.
This evolution started during the movement against the Loi Travail when students and other demonstrators who refused to march alongside trade unions decided to take the head of the procession, creating the cortège de tête. As intense clashes with police forces became the norm, demonstrators who had not previously engaged in street confrontations learned defense tactics such as wearing goggles and covering their faces for protection against tear gas and police surveillance.
Over the following years, the cortège de tête continued to attract more and more demonstrators, most of them disillusioned by the lack of political conviction of the traditional trade unions’ march. During May Day 2018, the leading part of the demonstration drew almost as many participants as all the trade unions together. To some extent, the cortège de tête has weakened and hastened the decline of trade unions in the French political scene. The latter have more and more difficulties portraying themselves as defending workers’ rights and fighting against the government’s neoliberal decisions.
More recently, the yellow vest movement took everyone by surprise as some of its participants—many of them unfamiliar with demonstrations and social struggles—engaged in intense street confrontations and property destruction without waiting for anarchists to show up. They repeatedly succeeded in creating chaotic situations outside the zones controlled by police. This reshuffled the cards of social protest in France and allowed anarchists and anti-authoritarians to revise some of their tactics. Ultimately, yellow vesters and radicals began fighting side by side during the weekly days of action to such an extent that, for May Day 2019, autonomous rebels invited yellow vesters to join them in the cortège de tête.
The authorities fear these informal alliances and the increasing phenomenon of rioting as a form of political action. If more and more demonstrators continue embracing our tactics, refusing to dissociate themselves from the most “radical elements,” and engaging in property destruction and street confrontations against police forces, the government won’t be able to continue to fool people with the classic argument that “dangerous rioters wearing all black are threatening the safety of normal demonstrators and the lives of good citizens” to justify its brutal repression.
This is why, from members of the current government to yellow vesters and anarchists, everyone knew that during this May Day, the situation would be explosive in the streets of Paris. This article picks up where our previous analysis left off, in the aftermath of French President Macron’s press conference a few days before May Day.
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middlenamesage · 6 months
I’m flattered by the asks I’ve been receiving these last few days. And I love that it started happening during the Aquarius Moon this month, as my North Node is Aquarius, and I’m definitely looking to move more in a direction of supporting community however I can.
Fun fact though: I’m actually more of an astrology teacher than I am a chart reader. I do continue to welcome asks on different kinds of charts, from natal, to different types of transit charts, to synastry (solar returns aren’t even my specialty!). And the best questions for me are more specific ones. Especially if I’m gonna be having asks coming in more frequently and might not have time to devote to a mini analysis for a whole chart.
However, I believe that the most fulfilling way for me personally to support community when it comes to the astrological community, is to teach. For me, astrology has been a personal tool that I’m so grateful I learned for myself and can apply to my own spiritual journey. I believe this is a big part of why astrology has been spiritually healing for me, whereas most healing practices or insights that were delivered by a practitioner (particularly 6th house practitioners part of the mainstream medical system) were harmful or just not helpful.
I love the idea of assisting people one on one to a place in their astrology education where they feel confident enough about both knowing the information, and being in relationship with the Universe, that they can produce their own astrological insights in the context of experiences in their own lives. I do have a small amount of experience with teaching, as around a year ago, I gained a couple students from Twitter that I was giving weekly or every couple weekly one-one-one lessons via webcam to. (And I’ve taught a friend irl fairly in depth.) I think my students have had fun with me because it’s been a little bit like having a personal astrologer for them to keep coming back to… but my objective is to show them the process in how I reach the insights, and how they can start to reach insights by themselves.
Anyway, I’m starting to think it’s time to “open up the books” again with my astrology teaching. 💡 This is something I did free of charge with my first go around, as money is not in any way my motivation with this pursuit. An energetic exchange is important though, so doing this in the future, my policy is that I’d be willing to discuss whatever budget is realistic for someone, and also willing to discuss a trade if you sell any of your own services of products.
This isn’t yet my official advertisement and I’m not yet officially opening the books. Life feels quite chaotic (even though I feel blessed for my current spiritual mindset), so I’m going to need to wait at least until after this upcoming eclipse to put any teaching endeavors forward into motion again. And still at that point, I envision that I’ll only take on two students at a time, and might need a waitlist, as I’m feeling behind in other areas of my life, and it is really important for me to have the time and energy to give my best to anyone I’m teaching.
I’m intentionally not putting any hashtags on this post because my followers are people who already naturally saw something in me that resonated with them, without getting a reward for it, so y’all deserve to be the ones aware of this upcoming chance. If any of you find yourselves with questions about this or already find yourself thinking this is something you’d like to do, please let me know here as it will help me to assess my specific goals and plans moving forward with teaching again.
Cheers 🌞
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bynickmunguia · 4 months
let’s talk about the demon portrait and why it’s good, actually
To do just that, we need to discuss the history of royal portraiture in the UK and what the piece traditionally would have been trying to convey.
TL:DR — just watch the video, lol
WTF is a royal portrait?
Royal Portraiture exists in three forms for public consumption: Private, Formal, and State portraiture
Private portraiture is exactly what you think it is: the informal pictures taken during times of leisure or personal significance. Like the pictures we plebs take of each other and ourselves. But better. <3
Formal portraiture would consist of showing off the individual’s personality in a polished way, think of it as PR images. Think of this royal family portrait of Kate and co.
And STATE portraiture focuses on presenting royals in positions of power and authority to their subjects and contemporaries. Think presidential headshots or these classical portraits of King George and Queen Victoria, featured in the City of London’s Draper Hall.
Draper Hall is owned by the Draper’s Company, a 600 year old trader’s guild, originally for textile workers, working with people of all trades and focusing on philanthropy and public works.
The Royal family holds a close relationship with the Draper’s company, with their members creating works of art such as whatever an anointing screen is, including this first portrait of Charles as king. With this being the first official portrait, it’s safe to assume this is also intended to be a State Portrait.
According to this source, “State portraits are carefully constructed images of power, designed to present the monarch as the embodiment of royal rule.”
So why the fuck does this look like that??? Let’s dissect the artist’s own words.
So Who’s Jonathan Yeo?
ohnathan Yeo is a self-taught portrait artist who has captured the likeness of Idris Elba, [other name], and Charle’s beau Queen Camila in 2014.
According to him, there may have been some underlying motives in Yeo suffering a heart attack during the three-year process of this painting. Though he did state it would have been subconscious.
He was quoted by US weekly as saying "It was just: I like this color,"
(Press X for Doubt)
He also attributed the color fascination to a heart attack he suffered during the production of the work.
This is a neatly packaged explanation for these rushed and rapid brush strokes, the brightness of the dominate color, and the feeling of the subject receding into the painting.
I just also find it hard to believe. . . .
I’m a commercial artist myself, though nowhere near as successful or powerful as the guy who’s just chummy with Idris fucking Elba, but I still can’t imagine making some of these choices without understanding the possible interpretations. So let’s interpret….
Blood Stained Analysis
Though the format of the portrait — King Charles in his Welsh military uniform, posed with his hand over his rapier — is par for the course for a traditional royal portrait, the lack of emphasis on his regalia denotes an undermining of his authority.
Yeo previously explained his use of red, saying that he'd hoped to "distract" viewers from the bright red uniform of the Guards.
The king is depicted with a soft and steady gaze, denoting feelings of steadfastness and assurance. It almost feels like an official headshot of Walt Disney, but less whimsical
There’s a LOT of attention and detail onto his hands, which feels over-rendered in comparison to its surroundings. They also feel oversized in comparison to the cuffs and sword. Unless Charles is actually sporting Yaoi hands. The bloat in the digits is hard to miss. These hands somehow feel older than the face of the sitter.
The most discussed element of the painting, the depth and texture of the predominate shade of red denotes a lot of movement and heat. . . which is very difficult not to interpret as fire. Or maybe grime. These textural elements are central to Yeo’s artistic style, coming off as significantly less uniformed as the texture of other portraits the artist has created, including his portrait of Camila in 2014.
This butterfly is often quoted as being a BLACK butterfly, but i think my own north american neighbors and I could recognize the species right away. The MONARCH butterfly is both a pun on the subject matter and an apt symbol for the artist’s stated intention— highlighting the king’s commitment to the environment. It’s suspended just above his shoulder, rendered with similar detail to the King’s face. Butterflies are often a symbol of rebirth, and Monarchs SPECIFICALLY are believed to be reincarnated souls. Considering Charle’s age and the faded effect of the painting, it’s hard not to view the little butterfly as a symbol of death. Ultimately, I do think this was done purposefully with the explicit permission of the subject in question.
Mainly because of a quote from Camila….
“People are always polite about what they say, but they can’t disguise how they’re reacting with their expressions.”
This lady wore white to Lady Di’s wedding. She and the rest of the family understand their position in society, and how much the public wants to EAT UP their gossip. And this portrait is meant to feed that beast whatever it wants to eat vs trying to tailor its food in the way past portraits did.
“I just wanted to get away from that sense of the traditional royal portrait, which is all about power, exuding power, and that’s not what the royalty is anymore, It’s a paradox, really, that’s not so much about them as how we think about them. We know they’re real people ... but at the same time, we want to buy into the mysticism a bit, the fairy tale.”
Yao wants the viewer to look past the regalia and formality of the titles and focus on their understanding of the sitter.
The painting is open to the interpretations of the viewer, to gather an opinion of Charles for themselves, rather than a carefully curated image of portraits past.
Whether you focus on the softness of his gaze or the burning effect of the background determines what kind of fairy tale you subscribe to: Princess movies or Reptilians. Either way, the sitter and the artist are giving the viewer plenty to dissect in this painting.
the devil conspiracy theories are my favorites <3
Works Cited
“A Brief History of Royal Portraiture in the United Kingdom.” Www.rmg.co.uk, www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/brief-history-royal-portraiture-united-kingdom. Accessed 30 May 2024.
Royal Museums Greenwich .
Binswanger, Julia. “MSN.com.” Www.msn.com, 16 May 2024, www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/charles-iii-unveiled-his-first-official-portrait-as-king-is-it-too-red/ar-BB1mvusf. Accessed 30 May 2024. Free article from the Smithsonian, via MSN.
Brady, Jon, and Shannon Mcguigan. “MSN.” Www.msn.com, 14 May 2024, www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/who-is-jonathan-yeo-meet-king-charles-portrait-artist/ar-BB1moic2. Accessed 30 May 2024. Free article from the Daily Mail, via MSN.com.
“For the Love of Monarchs: How We Joined the Push to Save a Beloved Butterfly (U.S. National Park Service).” Www.nps.gov, www.nps.gov/articles/000/for-the-love-of-monarchs-how-we-joined-the-push-to-save-a-beloved-butterfly.htm.
Galbraith, Alex. “MSN.” Www.msn.com, 19 May 2024, www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/the-painter-behind-king-charles-iiis-portrait-is-loving-all-the-memes/ar-BB1mItQX. Accessed 30 May 2024.
Free article from US Weekly, via MSN.com.
“Look Inside: Tudors to Windsors.” Www.rmg.co.uk, www.rmg.co.uk/whats-on/national-maritime-museum/tudors-windsors-british-royal-portraits/look-inside.
Royal Museums Greenwich Royal portraiture timeline for their Royal portraiture exhibition.
“RCIN 2999908 - the Queen on Board HMY Britannia.” Www.rct.uk, www.rct.uk/collection/stories/royal-portraiture/the-queen-on-board-hmy-britannia. Accessed 30 May 2024.
Queen vacation photo.“Royal Portraiture.”
"Royal Collection Trust." www.rct.uk, www.rct.uk/collection/stories/royal-portraiture.
“The Drapers.” The Drapers Company, thedrapers.co.uk/. Accessed 30 May 2024.Vivinetto, Gina. “The Controversy behind King Charles’ New Royal Portrait, Explained.” NBC New York, 15 May 2024, www.nbcnewyork.com/news/national-international/the-controversy-behind-king-charles-new-royal-portrait-explained/5416022/. Accessed 30 May 2024.
“What Is the History and Significance of Royal Portraits, and Why Are They Still Relevant Today?” Artdaily.com, artdaily.com/news/156539/What-is-the-history-and-significance-of-royal-portraits--and-why-are-they-still-relevant-today-. Accessed 30 May 2024.
Yeo, Jonathan. “Biography.” Jonathan Yeo, www.jonathanyeo.com/biography-1. Accessed 30 May 2024.
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Overview of WL COMPANY DMCC financial marketplace
The company we want to talk about today is called WL COMPANY DMCC. WL Company DMCC (License Number DMCC-89711, Registration Number DMCC19716, Account Number 411911), registered in Dubai, UAE whose registered office is Unit No BA95, DMCC Business Centre, Level No 1, represented by the Director, Stephanie Sandilands.
DMCC is the largest free trade zone in the United Arab Emirates, which is located in Dubai. It was established in 2002 and now serves as a commodity exchange that operates in four sectors: precious goods; energy; steel and metals; agricultural products.
Main services and activities
WL COMPANY DMCC is a financial marketplace, the direction of which is financial services, consulting, management, analysis of services, provision of services by third parties to the end user. The list also includes:
• Investment ideas;
• Active product trading;
• Analytical support for traders;
• Selection of an investment strategy in the market using various assets.
WL COMPANY DMCC operates on the MetaTrader 5 trading platform. There is a convenient registration, detailed instructions, as well as the ability to connect a demo account for self-study.
Among the main services:
1. Trading.
2. Social Services.
3.ESG Investment.
4. Analytics.
5. Wealth management.
Company managers will help with registration, with opening an account, with access to the platform. After training (if required), you can make a minimum deposit of 500 USD and start trading.
Main advantages and disadvantages of WL COMPANY DMCC
Before going directly to the benefits of the marketplace, it is worth saying a few words about the loyalty program. Depending on the amount of investment, the user receives one of three grades. Each of them gives certain privileges. The program itself makes it possible to get the maximum effect from investments in a short time.
Now about the benefits of WL COMPANY DMCC:
1. Availability of a license in the jurisdiction of the DMCC trading zone.
2. No commission when making SFD transactions on shares.
3. More than 6700 trading instruments.
4. High professional level of support.
5. Very strong analytical support (client confidence level 87%).
6. Weekly comments and summaries from WL COMPANY experts.
7. Modern analysis software.
8. Large selection of investment solutions.
9. Own exclusive market analysis services in various areas.
10. Own analytical department with the publication of materials in the public domain.
11. Modern focus on social services.
The feedback from WL COMPANY DMCC clients highlights the positive characteristics of the work of marketplace analysts, the convenience of a personal account, the speed of processing positions, analysis tools, and low commissions.
Negative reviews relate to the freezing of the system, delays in withdrawing funds for a day, and the small age of the company. Also, for some users, the application for withdrawal of funds was not processed the first time, and someone could not instantly replenish the deposit. North American traders complain that WL COMPANY DMCC only has a presence in Dubai.
At the same time, the financial group received several significant awards:
• Best MetaTrader 5 Broker 2022
• The Most Reliable Fintech Service 2023
According to the information received, it can be concluded that WL COMPANY DMCC can be called a good financial marketplace in the modern market. By registering with the DMCC, the company can be called reliable and trustworthy. There are also negative reviews, but they relate mainly to the technical component.
For August, 2023 WL COMPANY DMCC has about 12000 clients worldwide. The main regions are North America, Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Traders can act independently or use the advice of marketplace experts.
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emdconsultant · 2 years
Target completed Weekly trading ideas|
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
— For my pinned: Blog Disclaimers —
I post art about weekly, if not more sometimes. In-between I occasionally post an analysis (usually about my fictional husband), reblog art and gifs from series I like, rb positive posts, talk about art, and gush about my F/O A LOT .
Vents are normally tagged as “vent tw” and “tw vent”.
I self rb my artwork in the following 24 hours after it is released (about 7 times) as it is difficult to gain traction. All is tagged “self rb”
I am very anxious with abandonment trauma and intrusive thoughts. Please abide by my DNI/ blacklist to help curate my online space [Link here]
I find it hard to articulate myself a lot from an empathetic perspective at times, I never mean ill-will.
-> Please leave if you ship Nae//gami. It’s a massive trigger for me and I frequently talk about how much I hate it. It’s abusive and toxic.
I do not like unwarranted advice unless I ask explicitly for it.
Please do not DM me for casual conversation. If you want an art trade, send a request to my inbox.
-> You may casually send asks to my inbox though !!
Please don’t tag me in posts of my F/O, no exceptions. You may send me art through DM or inbox but please only send the images, not posts. I don’t want it to be traced back to the artist due to my excessive need to “check”.
-> posts with only him, no one else in the picture
Please keep in mind that I’m very sensitive. I have a very uneasy and tumultuous personal life and this blog is my safe space. I’ve been a lot better recently though.
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cathkaesque · 1 year
New research by the Landworkers’ Alliance, Sustain and others has raised serious concerns about exploitation of Nepalese workers in the UK horticulture sector. The 60-page report, called “Debt. Migration and Exploitation”, examines the recruitment practices and working conditions of seasonal fruit and veg pickers employed under the UK government’s Seasonal Worker scheme. Some Nepalese workers are having to pay extortionate, illegal broker fees of around £4,300 to third-party recruitment agencies in their home countries to secure a visa. One young woman paid £12,000, according to worker testimony included in the study. This means after paying for accommodation, subsistence and travel costs, they are left out of pocket and pay more to come to the UK and work than the retained income they take home. The report includes an extended interview with a former Nepalese worker recruited to work in the UK via a Seasonal Worker scheme visa, who says around 70-80% of workers are paying illegal broker fees. The worker states: “Many people do not know how to use the internet for applications, how to use it properly, how the process works. There is a lack of information everywhere about recruitment, and a lack of education. The brokers are 10 steps ahead of the candidates. The brokers make them victims, they take people for fools." The report also includes a supply chain analysis carried out by the New Economics Foundation, of a fruit farm in Kent. It estimates migrant seasonal workers picking soft fruit receive an average of 7.6% of the total retail price of this farm’s produce. The supermarket receives 54.7% of the value, while the farm receives 26.2%. In 2022, Nepalese migrants accounted for 8% of Seasonal Worker scheme recruits. Ukraine supplied the most workers (20%), down from 90% in 2019 due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. The report concludes with key recommendations for the UK government, labour market enforcement bodies, supermarkets, trade unions and social movements. These include recruiting through one authorised department of the origin countries of workers, cutting out brokers and middlemen, and the establishment of information centres to spread correct information on the process. A UK government spokesperson said “The welfare of visa holders is of paramount importance, including in the Seasonal Workers scheme, and we are clamping down on poor working conditions and exploitation. We work closely with scheme operators who have responsibility for ensuring the welfare of migrant workers, requiring them to provide at least 32 hours paid employment per week and managing the recruitment process overseas. We will always take decisive action where we believe abusive practices are taking place or the conditions of the route are not met"
Love that the government's response seems to be "look we're trying to fix it honest we are"
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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The Untold Stories of the Women Who Led Slave Revolts In Atlas Obscura’s Q&A series She Was There, we talk to female scholars who are writing long-forgotten women back into history. In scrawling cursive, an English enslaver named Robert Norris, captain of the slave ship The Unity, wrote an entry in his log marked June 6, 1770: “The slaves made an Insurrection which was soon quelled…with the loss of two woman slaves.” On June 22, “the slaves attempted another Insurrection after the death of a girl slave.” Then again, four days later on June 26, “a few of the slaves got off their Handcuffs but were detected in Time.” That’s three uprisings on one ship, in less than a month, all involving female African captives. Historian Rebecca Hall, author of the graphic novel Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts, says that’s not an anomaly; enslaved women and female captives led numerous uprisings, such as those onboard The Unity. In her new book, Hall opens with a “measured use of historical imagination,” working with her illustrator, Hugo Martínez, to visualize how the women on board The Unity fought back in 1770. It wasn’t hard to do, considering that 227 of the African captives on board were sold to Norris in Abomey, the capital of Dahomey, where women were trained as skilled warriors. “There were constant revolts,” says Hall. Atlas Obscura spoke with Hall about why she’s drawn to these women, such as “the Negro Wench” who led a 1708 slave revolt in New York City, and their enduring legacy. What is it about female warriors that have drawn you to their stories? Since I was a little kid, I remember watching women who fought back on TV. I watched Charlie's Angels and The Bionic Woman. I've always been drawn to women warriors because I find the idea of women fighting back in that way very inspiring. I’m interested in women warriors also as a historical category of analysis. I'm fascinated by the ways in which women warriors are valorized and disavowed at the same time. There are women warriors throughout history, but what happens is that the history is erased or the women become some kind of exception: She became this way because her husband died and she had to take over leadership. It’s always tied to a woman’s role. She ends up becoming the exception that proves the rule over and over again that women aren't warriors. In my own research in recovering the women who led slave revolts and participated in slave revolts, there was such pushback because people couldn’t even imagine the concept. What's the first woman-led slave revolt you uncovered? A woman led a revolt in what's now Queens [in New York City]. It was in the city of Newtown, which is [now] Elmhurst. She led a revolt and she was captured. She was burned at the stake and the men who were involved in the revolt were hanged. And I would love to tell you her name, but it's not preserved. She was referred to as the “Negro Fiend,” so that's what I call her. How do we know a woman led this revolt in 1708? There was one newspaper in the British colonies. It was The Boston Weekly Newsletter. So there are a couple of articles that describe what happened and talk about her. There's a correspondence between Lord Cornbury, who was then governor of New York [and New Jersey], to the Privy Council in England describing the events. [There was also a 19th-century book, written by a self-styled historian, called The Annals of Newtown.] It describes this revolt and the family that was killed: a man, his wife who was pregnant, and five kids. So those are all the sources related to that incident, and they all refer to this woman—the “Negro Wench” or the “Negro Fiend.” Your book opens with a female-led revolt on a slave ship. How did you learn about women’s involvement in ship insurrections? There's this incredible database. It's called the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, a searchable database of over 36,000 slave ship voyages. Historians using it found that there was [about one revolt for every ten voyages], which is much higher than anyone expected, because it's basically suicide. Then they were like, “Okay, so what's the difference between ships that have revolts and ships that didn't have revolts?” The only statistical difference was the more women on the ship, the more likely a revolt. And then they just dismissed their own findings by saying, “But we all know that women weren't involved in this kind of militant fighting.” What might explain why more women on a ship made a revolt more likely? [The slave trade] was a highly regulated business. So the rule was when you're on the coast of West Africa and you're loading captives onto your ship, everyone was kept below deck and in chains, because there was a risk of what's called a “cut-off,” where men and women would come and attack the ship and try to free the people on board. So to avoid that, [enslavers] kept everybody chained below deck. But once the ship was in the Atlantic, they took all the women, unchained them, and put them on deck, which is where the weapons were. It was about sexual violence and control, but it was also dismissing women as potential danger sources. A lot of these slavers died because they didn't take [these women] seriously. Why are there such detailed records of slave ship insurrections like those on board The Unity in 1770? The reason why these revolts were documented was for insurance purposes. So Lloyd's of London or [another insurance company] would insure slave traders and their ships and their so-called cargo. One of the things they would insure them against was something called the insurrection of cargo—which is crazy if you think about it because how can cargo insurrect? So [enslavers] needed to document every revolt, and that's why there are such good records on it. What's the most important thing readers should know about female-led slave revolts? Slave revolts, generally speaking, are so important and underappreciated in the Atlantic world [and] British-American history. So, first of all, I would like people to know that there were slave revolts. There were constant revolts. And that these revolts put so much pressure on—and helped to bring about the end of—the slave trade and the institution of slavery itself. I want people to know that we've been fighting this whole time. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/women-led-slave-revolts
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originbull · 1 year
Hey there!
Welcome to my finance blog - Origin Bull.
Here, you will be receiving updates in the world of finance, money tips and tricks, my personal investment and trading positions (not any recommendation) and other general information in order to stay up to date.
Be on the lookout for my daily personal market analysis (not any financial advice) bi-weekly trading position updates and a monthly market report at the end of every month .
Stay Tuned.
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