#trainer grace lore
I know it’s my trauma but it’s kinda funny-It’s ides of march and I GOT backstabbed by a dude in a toga.
et Tu, Volo?
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loupy-mongoose · 7 months
So, I made some impulse purchases recently, including this lovely little gal.
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Hai Luna~
When I ordered her, it started a bit of a Gardevoir kick in me. So I went and did some brainstorming about Jamie's Gardie pal, Clover.
This did get very long, but there's a lot of art that I really like! :3 Plus I borrowed a certain someone from @mewtwoandme~
Growing up I always drew the green headpiece as a bony structure with maybe green skin on it, like deer antlers. (Except it doesn't shed lol)
But in my efforts to redecide what it actually is to me, I went to Bulbapedia, and that called it hair. So I tried out hair as well, and I kinda like that better...
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I love my deranged Gardie. :>
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(Leaning into "Mischievous Fairy/Pixie" energy)
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I wanted to draw some Gwen (M&M's Gardevoir), as her and Clover's characters are different in a lot of ways, and I thought it would be fun to draw them together. Turns out Gwen dwarfs my girls, and I adore that in every way. XD
I also came to realize that Jamie would admire Gwen--She doesn't wish change on Clover in the slightest, but she does like the grace that more conventional Gardevoirs possess. Plus she'd be astounded by her sheer size.
For the fun of it, I tried drawing them both in each of our styles. (Or more like "Features" than "style")
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I did not like drawing Gardevoir in her style. All the respect and love to M&M, but it felt SO wrong to me personally. XD
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Annnnd... I kinda accidentally thought of a different way to take their designs...
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And then I tried to figure out the logistics of giving Gardvoir a tail. I kinda like the idea of there being one that blends into the Skirt, splitting and running down the length of the skirt ends.
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A little character lore; Clover removed her skirt on purpose.
Growing up, I always had in mind that the skirt was skin, maybe acting as thermoregulation, or something like that. I don't think I ever decided whether they can feel through their skirts or not, but if I want it to be more angsty, then yes, they can feel.
Warning for general and self-inflicted injury in this paragraph. As a kid I figured Clover cut it off to prevent it from getting caught or grabbed. But now, with the developing idea of there being a tail involved, I got another idea with even more angst. I'm thinking possibly Clover had a tail bone broken, and maybe it healed wrong, causing her pain so she ripped off the whole skirt.
Okay, injury warning is over.
And now a little silly that's not exactly canon, but close enough. XD
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Y'all can thank @puzzled-zebra for this, as she brought up the idea during a chat. It was too good to pass up. XD
And now I wish to finish with a nostalgia ramble, because Clover is very precious to me, along with Jamie.
I started a playthrough of Soul Silver many, many years ago--even before the playthrough that would become Jamie's trainer journey over ten years ago. It was a solo run, with a Ralts egg sent in to be my only companion. (I kept the rules soft, though, as I remember needing help from other Pokemon to beat Bugsy. XD) My memories of that playthough are faded, but I remember that Clover alone beat the Champion at level 64-65. Sometime within the next few years, she was my first ever Pokemon to reach level 100 without the use of Rare Candy or experience cheats. That playthough and whatever happened in it has no bearing on Clover's story, but it's what gave birth to her as a character, and I hold that very dear.
Her nature is "Hardy, Likes to Fight", and I'm really proud of little me for taking that in the direction she took it. XD
Anyway, that's my super long love-dump of my beloved gremlin fairy. Thanks to everyone who made it all the way, I know it got pretty long. ^^
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Why don't you just give in? Pt.2
Fem reader
He's looking skinny, or as skinny as a man who's resembled a brick shithouse for the last two decades can be, less toned I suppose more lean. I watch as he turns away, the t-shirt he's wearing allowing for more creases, bagginess. He's forgone his mask, not that he needs it. He needs a shave instead, he almost resembles his Captain with that growth. His dirty blonde hair now sun bleached in parts and his tan somewhat deeper.
You know you want to run your fingers through it, feel the short hairs against the pads of your fingers as your hand moves against the grain. The last time you did that his hands were- My thoughts are both rudely and thankfully interrupted.
“Ohhh blimey you see the lads? Who's that with the scraggly face? The tall one?” I hear Laura beside me. Instantly the table I'm seated at falls into hushed gossip, as they always do when they see the task force. The SAS lads are a common sight around here, but the more specialist unit within it still garners mystique, enthusiastic and borderline obsessive gossip whenever they grace us with their presence.
“Ghost… you really don't recognise him without that rag on his face?” I murmur as I look down and bring my mug of coffee to my lips. Ghost... I still hate that callsign. Nickname. The lore. I mean I know how fucking vicious and brutal he can be. It's not learnt or adaptive behaviour since joining the military. As usual the table descends into the usual gossip, the girls wanting to follow them to the pub they'll inevitably end up at later on. Such is the routine when they land back on home turf, especially since they've clearly been gone a while. Eat, drink, fuck, repeat.
I zone out, leaving the others to continue their usual shite when they talk about the lads. Finishing up, I stand with my tray and head to the tray return carts, Laura shouts and tells me I will be joining them tonight and that it's final. Fuckin’ a! Wherever the lads will be, so will we, the sodding groupies they are. Though it won't take much to be out the way, they're only headed to a pub. No need to dress to impress.
Walking away from my table I steel myself, walking past Riley and his lot. I resist the urge to gob in his food, as usual. I would have done it years ago, but I've risen above that version of myself. I do however afford a quick glance down and I'm met with ochre orbs, his ochre eyes. This time I yield and look away, not wanting to walk into someone with a tray full leftover dinner.
Later I find myself freshly showered, the weather keeps flip-flopping so I decide on shorts with a tank and a hoodie with my favourite trainers. It's still warm and humid enough to warrant the summer gear, but as August stretches through to September there's a chill in the air. I look at myself in the mirror, my hair tousled and low key smokey eyes. I almost feel like I should scrub the makeup off, I'm in my mid thirties, why am I dressing like I'm fifteen years younger.
We all bundle in the taxi for fifteen minutes it takes for us to get to the town centre in Hereford. I listen as the others plan and scheme where the lads are, I give the usual non committal noises they'd expect but eventually I put my proverbial foot down. “Look, I don't want to spend all night with you lot drooling over them. We'll get pre-drinks at The Queen's Arms, some of you will get a quickie I'm sure, and then we should go somewhere better to spend our time.”
I'm met with eye rolls and smirks, it's no secret I'm not enthralled by the lads on the task force, and even under duress when plied with copious drinks I've still not spilt the beans. Finally the taxi pulls over and we hop out, the fare being prepaid since it was a group booking. I stay behind to organise a return journey later before following the girls into the pub. We're met with a wall of sound, almost raucous, as we filter in and find a table. I see Riley actually enjoying himself around the pool table for once.
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colourprinter · 2 months
The mysterious royal scientist Gidget/The beloved superstar Gittaton
As always, lore below the read more!
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*Note, this uses feminine pronouns to refer to Gidget, this is factored into the story*
The most beautiful in all the underground, publicly Gidget is a superstar, covering TVs, all over every poster and magazine. Fans gather for autographs and the waiting lists to appear on her show are years long! A bright smile a cheerful tone holds everyone's attention.
But... She is also the identity of the royal scientist, a role that is filled but no one knows by who, only that they work hard. The only person that knows that Gidget is the royal scientist is Cecil who found out by pure accident while running an errand.
As Gittaton, she looks like herself mixed with Mettaton EX with a fully robotic body. As Gidget, she has shorter hair (closer to the post act 5 cut version), high heeled feet are replaced by trainer feet and she wears a lab coat that hides her figure.
Publicly is outwardly upbeat, walking with a spring in her step and an always uplifting tone in her voice. She moves with confidence and grace, always taking time to take pictures and sign autographs. Though privately, she's a lot less cheerful, keeping to herself and throwing herself completely into her work, constantly being reminded to look after herself by Cecil.
Much like in Undertale, the true lab does exist, despite having everyone calling her beautiful, amazing, a superstar... She feels wrong, like something is missing. That doesn't be possibel, she put together her own body to be perfect, how could she not feel good about it?
So, she decides that her problem must be that her body is one of metal and not of flesh and blood and she does what she can do to make a new body. I think the details are best left to it's own post but the previous fake Iggy post shows some details after the initial experiments. One thing I will say is that what she created was not meant to think at all, just a body for her to use.
Towards Iggy, she sees him as a chance, an opportunity for many things. His appearance on her shows could boost ratings, she could use his wish to fix her or she could use his attention. Besides, to her, he's real easy on the eyes.
In the story, both sides of her are shown to Iggy, the more recluse side through the social media notifications and the superstar side through Mettaton silliness.
For the neutral/pacifist fight in the CORE, she starts in her scientist form, explaining how she feels wrong for the start. Then she suddenly closes the distance between herself and Iggy and pins him to the wall behind him. She makes an advance even she wasn't expecting, progressing the fight requires using a "Push away" act. She sees him as a coward and he doesn't deny that feeling, unlocking the yellow SOUL as Gidget transforms into her superstar form.
Lights, camera, action!
The fight goes similarly with the ratings based system for pacifist. At the end of the ratings victory, Gidget explains her desire to be more beautiful and to use the wish for it but callers pour in that care less about what she looks like and more that she's always so cheerful and personable. One final call from Cecil (or Genzou if Cecil is... Not around) to wish Gidget good luck if she gets what she wants and not to forget her friends. She finally gives up, wishing Iggy the best and letting him continue with a word of warning about the queen.
If she is fought, she will eventually sustain a critical wound across her stomach, wires falling out and sparks flying. Her eyes lose their confident light before she collapses onto the ground. While is appears that she is dead, leaving and re-entering the room will have her body disappear.
For the murder route, the fight opens the same but instead of pushing her away, Iggy attacks her causing her to go all out as much as she doesn't want to critically harm him. She puts up more of a fight than Mettaton NEO, using mechanical themed attacks that hurt very much (who wants to be hit by a sawblade?). At the end of the fight, she's sliced in half. Unlike in the neutral route, she does not disappear after leaving and returning to the room.
For the true pacifist ending, you take some data from Cecil to the lab, have an extremely awkward hangout in a place that "Cecil's brother says is private" (it's the dump still) where you get interrupted by Orlam which cares Gidget and causes her to flee. Again, true lab will be focused on later
For the design, I replaced the heart on the belt with a watch to represent her friendship with Cecil and the pink with a soft purple (her text colour in OW).
The main standout thing in that, she's not human at all here! Going from a ghost to a feminine robot to achieve her goals even though she doesn't feel great about it, she feels like she has to do it to be happy. But without someone to focus that energy into (Iggy, of course), she starts to snap about her body but that is true lab stuff (I'm building this up but it's not the biggest shock I don't think >.<)
Gonna be honest, I didn't feel good about drawing Gittaton, not used to drawing them with long hair! And look at Iggy finding the camera outside the Ruins door!
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So I saw you can do crossovers and I have been CRAVING Genshin girls with a crossover S/O. I was thinking either Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, or Pokemon.
So...if you really don't mind, could I get Ayaka, Yae, and Shenhe with an S/O who is a Pokemon trainer (the Pokemon they have can be up to you!)
(If the whole crossover thing has changed, feel free to ignore this, it seems like a bit of a stretch anyway lol)
I only know something about pokemon from the media you said! But I'm not an expert, somehow pokemon is one of the medias where I am not a total lore nerd... Also it's not general hcs... I just thought about first meeting scenarios and went all in haha...
Also explanation for their "signature" pokemon. Ayaka just cuz I think it suits her lookwise lol. Miko cuz her having a nuisance of a pokemon is funny to me. Shenhe cuz it's is one of the best counters for ghost types. I'm typing this just so people won't write stuff like "bUt wHy DoeSn'T MikO hAVe A VulPIx" she does. I just wanted to include one pokemon per character.
[Pokemon AU] Ayaka, Miko and Shenhe meeting their trainer S/O
She was one of the more popular pokemon idols as well as a gym leader, so she didn't have much time to herself at all.
Froslass is one of her signature pokemon. It was odd that actually when the two of you met, she had an argument with it.
The constant fighting and training for the performances has drained her Froslass, and you saw how upset it made her when you went to challenge her. The very idea of neglecting her pokemon made her feel terrible.
So instead of fighting her, you helped the two get along again. And she appreciated it more than anything else.
Ever since that moment you've been in contact. She wanted to repay your kindness after all.
It took her a long time to reach out again, but when she did she was so happy to see you again.
So you went on a "date" where it was just her trying to thank you for everything. You really enjoyed talking together and if you didn't connect last time, you sure did now.
Her life was always one where she didn't travel too much unless she needed to. She had a few pokemon she spent her daily life with. She really adored taking care of them. But secretly her pokemon were very well trained.
She liked to challenge random trainers from time to time, often acting like she doesn't know anything.
When she met you, you could immediately call her bluff but you still accepted. Your suspicions turned out to be correct when you saw what kind of a monster her Gengar was.
And her strategy was confusing you. But she had everything planned for a sudden win, rather than overpowering you and crushing your hopes in a minute.
Such playing with her food had caused her to lose because you weren't some newbie. She was everything but disappointed though, although she couldn't amuse herself with your reactions, she was entertained by battle instead- which she didn't think would ever happen.
So ever since that she wouldn't just let such a fun opponent go. She was hoping that the two of you would run into each other more often.
And she wasn't disappointed. Because fate kept bringing you together. By that point you've already became close.
Her job was dealing with ghost type pokemon who were often getting a little bit too comfortable fooling around public spaces.
And one day... She ended up having to scold your pokemon on your behalf before you managed to catch up to it.
You made sure to apologize to her for all that inconvenience, but all she said was that it was okay and then went her way.
She was so beautiful and graceful... When your pokemon saw the way you looked at her... Let's just say that it wanted to play a wingman.
It kept running away from you and making you run into her often. It only stopped once you got the courage to ask for her number.
She was blunt and it made her so appealing. Your ghost pokemon actually really liked her too!... But it didn't get along with her Weavile as much...
In the end your pokemon was listening to her better than to you. You honestly had no idea by that point if it played wingman for you to be happy... Or for it to spend more time with her.
~Mod Lisa
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pharaohbean · 7 months
zero's (spontaneous) fantasy au
welcome to this thing i put this together in (quite literally) 30mins or whatever
feat. very little lore. please take this and do something with this it's copyright-free (some of this was inspired by other posts ive seen so!)
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A knight of the White Kingdom, having been away escorting Saki to the neighboring Imperial Kingdom. Cut her hair after losing Saki to the opposing army when the kingdom attacked. Shuns herself and expects others to do so (they really don’t). Her family were once nobles of the Imperial Kingdom, but after the White Kingdom annexed their land decades ago, Ichika grew up to be a knight instead.
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A noble of the White Kingdom who was kidnapped by the Imperial Kingdom. Truthfully, the entire kidnapping was orchestrated between Saki, Kohane, and Toya to start the war. Saki helps their side as the army’s trainer, often filling in as general when Toya and Rui are on the battlefield. Perky and upbeat, she embraces both her noble status and trainer status simultaneously.
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The Imperial Kingdom’s head naval general, in charge of all of their naval forces. From afar, she seems intimidating and powerful, but truthfully she’s a softie at heart, not wanting to hurt anyone. However, being friends with Kohane and Mafuyu gives her the determination to help them in the war.
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A knight of the White Kingdom. She’s been enrolled in the White Kingdom for as long as anyone can remember, and avoids questions about her age. Truthfully, she’s one of the last remaining Heavenly Messengers and is one of the oldest people in existence. Her stoic nature makes sure very few people get close to her—Akito and Ichika being two of the few.
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A guardian angel, tasked with protecting Kanade. Fairly new at her role, the clumsy angel disguised herself as a knight-in-training to be Kanade’s squire (despite her also being in training). She’s not much better at being a knight than a guardian angel, but she’s trying her best! Has a little bit of healing and wind magic under her belt.
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The court magician of the White Kingdom. She specializes in water and ice magic specifically, and has a weakness for penguins. Her power is so great that it's rumored she can control the weather; whether this is true has yet to be confirmed or proven by the spellcaster in question.
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A knight-in-training for the White Kingdom, but secretly a fairy of the woods. She only recently joined the White Kingdom as a knight-in-training, but is slowly rising through the ranks. She became close friends with Haruka and Shizuku after they accidentally found out about her being a fairy, but they swore to keep it secret. Airi also has a little bit of light and fire magic.
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The Baroness Hinomori [above nobles], and an exceptionally skilled archer. Her airheaded personality is a well-known fact in the court, but just as well-known is her deadly accuracy. Some say she was blessed by a Heavenly Messenger when she was younger, but Shizuku denies this claim—it was simply practice.
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The crown princess of the Imperial Kingdom. She has an incredible amount of magic relating to nature, able to make things bloom with just the touch of her finger. She wants to overthrow her corrupt foster parents, but feels too meek to do so, so she recruits Toya to help her, the two having met in diplomatic meetings.
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The Rose Princess and ruler of the White Kingdom. Despite her young appearance, An has been ruler for quite some time—truthfully, she is one of the few remaining Heavenly Messengers. She rules the kingdom with grace in the public’s eyes, but behind the scenes is truly a mess without Toya and her guards.
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A high knight of the White Kingdom; one of the Golden Rose Trio. His grumpy and straight-laced personality often makes him the braincell of the trio; he wields his sword well and is often on the front lines. He is also Toya’s personal bodyguard, and the only one (seemingly) aware of the double-life he currently leads.
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The king-consort of the White Kingdom. Although he and An are married, they are simply good friends; the marriage mostly to give Toya authority as well. Secretly, Toya is the commander of the Imperial Kingdom’s army, even having tamed a dragon to his side (it’s mostly for show). He leads the army in the hopes of weakening the Imperial Kingdom in the fight against the White Kingdom to then prompt a coup from inside.
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A high knight of the White Kingdom; one of the Golden Rose Trio. He is often regarded as the trio’s leader, and can be quite dramatic and full of bravado. However, he is undeniably an inspiring and encouraging leader. Takes Saki’s kidnapping the hardest (aside from Ichika), and is the head general of the White Kingdom’s forces.
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The Countess Otori, and daughter of a renown adventurer. Her perky personality makes her an unusual fit in the court of the castle, but has had some of the most brilliant (and most wild) ideas that the kingdom has ever used. Her grandfather was a famous adventurer who mapped out the entire continent, and she wishes to follow in his footsteps.
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A mage of high-end magic, currently under employment for the White Kingdom. She is known for having a wide arsenal of magic, but primarily specializes in time magic, which has affected her greatly. She was employed by An at the start of the war, but secretly knows about Toya’s double-life.
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The court magician for the Imperial Kingdom. He practices and specializes in dark magic, an artform although not banned considered taboo for its self-destructive purposes. His innate power is summoning magical creatures to his side; however, he refuses to fight with them unless necessary.
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A knight-in-training for the White Kingdom. Although quiet and new to the job, she is a kind soul who wants to help everyone. Her father was a noble, but after he went missing Kanade wasn’t granted the title until he was confirmed dead. She became a knight in the hopes of fulfilling his lifelong dreams and to try and find where he went.
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A legendary warrior of the Imperial Kingdom, skilled in both sword and bow. She went missing for quite some time, but reappeared to lead the very first charge to kidnap Saki. She leads her own specialized force into lightning-quick charges. Her emotionless personality allows her to suffer little-to-no emotional shock—although truthfully, she’s just lost and trying to find her purpose.
(holy frick I hit the image limit-- this is 2.5anni & world link ena!)
A wandering witch specializing in shadow and water magic, and one of the few remaining Heavenly Messengers. Her original homeland is unknown, perhaps even long gone, but she comes and goes in a mist. To encounter her is said to be an omen of death or salvation, depending on her mood. Often regarded as the original creator of dark magic, although this isn’t true.
(white day 1 mizuki here)
A high knight of the White Kingdom; one of the Golden Rose Trio. They often encourage Tsukasa’s antics and are obsessed with looking perfect and cute despite being a high knight. They often commit their own expeditions, either solo or with a handful of soldiers, to go into enemy territory.
go wild go nuts be crazy i wanna see so lmk please
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greypetrel · 2 years
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Son of Hell long to the sky, Lift your spirit, set it free 🎶
I read one too many tag about Little Brother the Inquisitor's mighty (in presence, not in size) steed that I decided to quickly draw him a villain origin story.
He's also an over-achiever, because he also became the war horse for a noble Knight (Enchanter) Lady. Mama would be proud.
More lore about this chaotic neutral equine under the cut!
So, he was born in Orlais in the house of a random Comte. And they started to train him as a war horse, because his father was the prized stallion that brought the latest Comte into battle. Except, he had other ideas. He's too intelligent for his own sake, started challenging the trainer and be A PROBLEM. He was deemed not worthy to spend the energy of because he was not docile, and destined to working task.
e wasn't treated well by any means, until a certain elf saw him trying to bite of the pole of the carriage he was attached to. Bite the person who hit him. She fell instantly in love and used the money she was allotted by the Inquisition to buy him (refusing the perfectly tamed and prized hart a clan sent her because yes yes the hart is pretty but it was a gift out of fear and THAT HORSE HAS CHARACTER I LIKE HIM.
Training him was a long and tiring job, he had no trust left in people and his defense choice was FIGHT. He bit Aisling, bumped her on the ground, acted up, be impossible to deal with, be the nightmare of the stables, hinder her while cleaning his box and feeding him, once he scared her shitless by laying on his side and pretending to be dead (it turned out it's his favourite position for naps). She... Stayed there. Going from simply staying in the paddock with him and doing nothing to bother him, with apples if he wanted them. To slowly, SLOWLY, being accepted. She grew on him like moss. became his friend until he let her ride him and work with him.
Lavellan named him Isa'ma'lin, also known in Common as "Little Brother" because she can't be bothered explaining and correcting pronounciations every time.
Such a sanguine horse proved himself to be really valuable in battle: he's not scared by much of anything, he WILL attack enemies, made a name for himself in the Western Approach as "The horse who likes biting Venatori in the arse". Add a Dorian in a lot of discomfort around him because who knows if he can tell good from bad Tevinters (he can, but he also relish in him being scared).
If you ask Aisling, he's the "Best horsey in the whole wide world". Which is a highly unpopular opinion in Skyhold. New staff in the stables needs to pass a fire trial: if they stay after feeding him and act well when finding him in a "carcass mode nap", they're officially hired.
And as for yesterday's post: They both survived, Cullen is in Little Brother's good graces and he allows him to pet him (Cullen does some very good scritches, so he's friend). BUT, the horse is a prick with a bad sense of humour. If he sees you scared, HE WILL ACT UPON IT AND PRANK YOU. So. (he didn't buck, they both survived, Solas could return back to the rotunda taking away the first aid kit he brought with him)
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croxot · 2 years
Various Thoughts About Pokémon Scarlet/Violet
Pokémon very much shaped my childhood, as it did many others, so I still find myself going back with each mainline release. I wanted to ramble to no one about S/V after playing it through. I do have good things to say, but I'll complain a bit first.
Each subsequent title has shown me new ways in which the Pokémon Company at large and Game Freak are kinda incompetent. A lot of the problems can be chalked up to a combination of 2 things:
1. Game Freak's failure to develop their 3d games with any amount of grace or knowhow (Look up some of the stuff modders have uncovered in their 3d releases and it's hilariously inefficient). Why they cannot produce an art direction that is low detail but beautiful is beyond me.
2. The Pokémon Company's rigid schedule, likely making it hell for Game Freak to actually learn or improve on anything.
S/V is a mess, performance wise. The Switch is an outdated console, but the fact that Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade can pull off (arguably) more beautiful open worlds with stable performance is shaming to the most profitable media franchise in the world.
Fucking - why do I STILL have to sit through the Confused animation, only for it to pause further and show the text box yet again telling me the pokemon is confused? Why does it have to do the same 2-step process of Animation -> Textbox every fucking turn??? Would it have been so hard to play the animation and show the text box telling me the pokemon is confused at the same time, and ONLY do that the first time? Just leave the birds over the pokemon's head until it snaps out of it. I don't need a dragging reminder every single turn. This same thing can be said for every battle/status effect, stop dragging things out! Just get a passive battle log you can scroll through.
Goddamn this world feels empty, why not have more interesting landmarks, stuff to see? Stuff to take pictures of with the camera feature? Make it a sidequest! Why are there close to zero non-trainer NPCs outside of towns? Tell me the lore of this random giant quarry! NAME YOUR REGIONS DAMNIT. WEST PROVINCE AREA 2????? FOR REAL?
On a more minor note, stop making champions punching bags.
I still have fun with these games I swear.
Pokemon designs are great as ever. Would have liked more options for ground types.
The music fucking slaps. Much improvement here over Sword/Shield. (actually that's most of the game)
They actually got someone to write this one too. I actually ended up caring about the "main" characters by the end. They were more than just one-note.
The Finale was, full-stop, the best of any Pokemon game. Genuinely extremely pleased and surprised by the entire sequence.
If they can refine this new open-world base they have built, and add voice acting damnit, the next games could very well be amazing.
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bawkesfullofmuses · 24 days
Some of my fav parts of 40k lore
Catgirls or cat like people do exist in 40k, yes even in the grimdarkness of 40k there still is cat girls
There is a pokemon trainer robot skeleton man whos entire purpose is going around the galaxy throwing his cubes to capture random actual moments he finds sick / artifacts from the past in this cubes
The fact there was a time a space marine was invited to a banquet but because marines have zero idea of social graces ended up woofing down several meals
A literal tank came to life to gun down orks / when it ran out bullets starting running them over and then baited orks to come inside before blowing itself up
Theres an entire chapter of marines that just loves looting the shit out of everyone including not limited too / space paladins / their own gods personal bodyguards and a shit ton of other marines that have become more pissed off at their shit being stolen
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swapped-comic · 2 years
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•Hello! Welcome to the official blog for Swapped!
•Swapped is an au Pokémon comic, taking place in the Pulartis region, an original region based on Rome and Greece by extension!
•We follow two rival trainers who both get into an accident that causes them and their partner Pokémon to switch bodies: our main protag Amy with her Sylveon and our secondary protag Stephan with his Riolu, tldr freaky Friday Pokémon flavored, it’s very character driven with its story and has lots of fluff/angst content!
•the comic takes many influences from Sun Moon/Ultra, Black and White/B2W2, and Legends Arceus! Either being call backs to their lore or even characters from those games themselves showing up! So we’d heavily recommend you be familiar with those games or play them yourself! Also having knowledge on cut Pokémon and glitch Pokémon would also be good because they are used for fakemon!
•this blog is used for posting the comic and answering any asks about the comic or lore or just any mod/mun asks, there are two of us who run things: mod/mun grace and mod/mun holo!:
mun grace is the original creator of the comic (back before it got this new reboot!) and artist of the comic
and mun holo is the co writer as well as artist for concept art and created a lot of the characters as well!
•a fair warning that although the comic and blog do look very cute just know the comic can delve into darker territory and we will try to Tw anything we can;
•we would adore to hear any questions you all have it would be very nice! That’s all for now this post will probably be edited as time goes, until then take care!
-mun grace
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Dni if you exclude any kind of lgbt, terf, racist, ableist, map etc etc you get the idea basic stuff we don’t want y’all around scram get out of here go
also please no Nsfw based asks, suggestive jokes are fine with mun grace they find them funny actually lol
but please no actual nsfw art or asks please most the characters in the comic are minors please don’t do that thank you!
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bunny-banana · 4 years
Dean opens a bar. Nothing big, it's small and down to earth, but it's his. And he loves it. He loves his regulars, seeing them coming through the door and immediately knowing what theyll have. He has fun developing new drinks and Cas, Sam and Eileen act as his guinea pigs. Dean gives every new drink a ridiculous name he thinks is very cool (nobody has the heart to tell him they’re in fact dorky). 
Sam starts working in a dog training facility, where he often brings Miracle along. He loves interacting with the various dogs, from rowdy puppies to senior dogs. Hes very patient with them which makes him a very good trainer.  He especially loves seeing kids come in with their puppies. But not only the dogs, but also their owners are great. He becomes friends with a few of them with whom he actually sometimes goes jogging.
Eileen finds herself in a situation she has never faced before. All her life she was a hunter, but what now? At the end of the day, she just wants to help people, so she becomes a social worker who’s helping orphaned chidren to find a loving family. She especially works with deaf kids, helping the adopting parents understand the kids’ needs. Eileen lost her parents/guardian quite soon in life, she’s not gonna let any other kid go through that. 
From time to time theyll get a call from local hunters. They arent actively hunting anymore, but they'll assist with knowledge and lore.
Charlie and Stevie invite them over for brunch so Stevie can make her famous scrambled eggs. Cas is especially fond of them. Charlie now works in a video game/comic book store and sometimes she'll bring some comics etc along for her and Dean to nerd about.
Claire is still with Jody and the girls, every once in a while Dean and Cas will drive over to them. They go mini golfing together, Claire trying to teach Cas, who's quite struggling to get it right. She rolls her eyes, but Cas notices a hint of affectionate exasperation.
God or not, Jack still has to come to family dinner at least once a month, dammit.  'He's busy, Dean'    'Awesome. He can tell us all about how busy godhood is next Friday while I make burgers.’
Castiel hasn't figured out yet what to do now without his grace, without Chuck, without constantly impending danger. For the first time, he has the freedom to choose what to do with his life and the possibilities are endless. Its almost overwhelming. But it is okay. He has some help. He has a family, he has a home, he has time, he has Dean. 
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dungeonaspects · 3 years
Orc Wizard
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"No one bests an orc!"
An infamous saying of this orcs tribe, one that has led to generations of wars, stupid wagers, and challenges that often land the tribe in far more trouble than they can handle. Yet their rapid reproduction and can do attitude has been their only saving grace, often their surviving members being no more than ten who seek another tribe, build up their number, and return to their homeland to rebuild are some of the most resilient people around.
This particular orc grew up rebuilding his home after a now dead member of the tribe was challenged to slay a behir with only a rock. He succeeded in bashing the creatures head in (that part is still sung about), however the tribe of giants who owned the creature was less than impressed.
Being strong and more than capable with a sword this orc began travelling the world after being called inexperienced by an elder. He got his hide tanned for punching the elder before leaving.
So he wandered the world taking on whatever challenge they could, more often than not resulting in brawls in taverns and nights in cells. One day however he met a very unfortunate wizard.
While this wizard was showing off some spells for coin the orc stopped to watch, lots of pretty lights and a few beams of fire to scorch a wooden plank. The orc called out the wizard at being pathetic, his flames could barely set the wood alight even during a summers drought. And the wizard made a single comment that ruined his career as a spellcaster.
"I'd like to see you do better" He spat eyeing up the brutish orc with an enormous sword strapped to their back.
This awoke the orcs ingrained soul of his tribe. Striding forward he towered over the wizard, scowled and said:
"Gimme that spellbook" The orc snatched it off the wizards belt, stared at the dizzying incantation and raised their hand in a fist.
After a few seconds the crowd began to titter, the wizard looking smug. This was a bad decision, in that moment the orcish pride bubbled over and he shouted the sacred words.
"No one bests an orc!"
And from his fist a beam of fire impacted the board, splintering it.
The crowd was silent, the wizard was sputtering. The orc grinned down at the robed figure now staring at the ground muttering something about needing to practice for months to use that spell.
"I am keeping this" the orc said stashing the spellbook on their belt before heading to the tavern to get drunk and start another brawl.
The wizard is now known as "Luffbert the Orc Trainer" by their colleagues at the college and now works as a librarian in a small town far from the site of their humiliation.
Some Ideas
Again, this may be a tad of a joke character, but I feel that they can have a hell of a ride. This guy has so much personality and can be wonderfully chaotic stupid. Of course he can be a bit more serious and fit in with roleplay and in character discussions.
I think that if you worked at him he could be a valuable member of the team, as prone to casting a spell as swinging a blade. You could multiclass as barbarian and wizard, go with eldritch knight (all those ability score improvements could bulk up that int), or go whole hog on the wizard aspect, the importance of proving others wrong about wizard orcs becoming far more important than using the sword they spent fifteen years practising.
As always talk with your DM, see how orcs fit in your world and make sure they're ok with this unusual tribe. Your DM may have a few different ideas about how you can be inducted into the college first as a joke but then as a seriously talented and terrifying member. A story of overcoming prejudice and not caring what others expect (while still caring about what they think you can't do).
And just as some flavour and a giggle for the party. You arrive in town, go to a library looking for knowledge about a piece of lore or a spell. And arriving you see a small man in robes shaking while staring up at the orc who ruined his career.
Art by ShadowPriest
This guy looks ready to rumble, he could wrestle a dragon with his bare hands and still finish his ale mid fight. Love his look and expression, so intense and a reminder of how orcs are intimidating throughout fantasy. Thank you for this great depiction.
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Im curious, why is gen 6 your favourite generation of pokemon? Mine is 7 so is not like I'm coming from a genwunner perspective, but I'm curious how come this is your favourite
literally just lore. like the lore is literally holding up that game for me, i don’t think i would like it otherwise. uhhh okay, so what i mean is,
mega evolution, and the legendaries have me completely hooked, both line and sinker.
mega evolution, the concept of certain pokemon being able to evolve even further with the help of the incredible bond they have with their trainer absolutely fucking fascinates me. i fully admit that from a gameplay prospective mega evolution is a gimmick, but to me it’s a good gimmick. it completely fits into the larger world of pokemon and i’m deeply saddened that they aren’t going to continue with it.
now the aura trio, xerneas, yveltal, and zygarde. life, death, and earth, respectively. that alone gets me going. xerneas represents life in the pokemon universe, all the while looking like the most graceful mythological creature i have ever had the pleasure of seeing in a pokemon game. as the legendary of life, he has the power to bestow eternal life onto those he chooses and revive those who are unfortunate to encounter yveltal’s petrification. also the best fairy type legendary in my opinion. yveltal, despite being labeled as the ““destruction pokemon”” is the legendary of death, and looks like the coolest fucking bird of prey thing shaped into a y. that only makes him my favorite to be honest.
believe it or not, i didn’t think i would like zygarde. at the time the forms were a lot for me, and he ultimately did not get the time and attention he deserved. but he himself, being earth or whatever the in-universe equivalent of it, and the protector of it make him the perfect third in this trio and i’ve come to love him, as well.
also fairy typing, we sorely needed it and despite my more rougher tastes i do like it as a type.
welp, those are the biggest reasons i love gen 6 lmao, sorry it took me so long to answer this, you know how i am, unfortunately.
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Saw you've been sucked into the MMO life in the form of FFXIV and I was wondering if you had any input into the debate I've been having about what class archetypes tfw would play. I think Sam would be most likely to tank because it requires a reasonable amount of leadership and is also more of a quiet, backbone type role compared to dps. Dean seems more the type to be singularly focused on the big damage hits tbh. He also tends to take more of the charging in and fighting role in their normal life with Sam being the one reading up on everything more carefully and being his backup. Which leaves Cas as healer which may just be me projecting because I play healer/support at every opportunity but literal angel healing aside I think that sorta fits too, he cares a lot for them and tries to keep them safe and shield them as best he can in their adventures? Idk half formed thoughts please completely contradict me if you want I'm genuinely curious about other people's opinions here
Heyooo :D It is less sucked into and more like I’ve returned to the warm cushiony nest of MMOs lol
If you’d asked me back when I was a WoW player I’d have fully agreed because you could only have one class per character and these are definitely the snap decisions that the fam would make when on the character screen. Dean would grab the sexiest DPS, Sam the stoutest tank especially as he’s the one who has read into the classes and strats beforehand, and Cas would ask what to do and be given the healer role because the other two in this scenario would know better about the game and sort of lump it onto him like, oh, we need a healer and you can do this.
(In my own gaming journey, this is what my friends and brother did to me, as they needed a healer to round out their party... I took druid because it was spoopy, and discovered in WoW that while you can’t change classes you can pay gold to respec your character’s role within that class... Promptly re-specced to a melee dps/tank feral druid instead of the healer one, and had a lot more fun :D)  
In FFXIV you can take all the classes on your character (which I have done, natch) and it’s a much more interesting levelling approach, especially seeing how my friends playing the game have gone when it comes to taking classes as they level and why they claim to have tried and then rejected others. It’s an enormous personality test, even for peeps like me and my brother who have all the classes up at max level, which ones we prioritised and which ones we sort of struggled with or found a bit meh. 
Hm so in the scenario that Charlie comes bursting into the Bunker demanding that she needs some friends for dungeons and raids and they’re all sitting on their asses scrolling the internet between a case, they can bloody well play final fantasy with her for a bit, let’s go for some headcanons :D Long because FFXIV has become my current obsession and I have the same in-depth feels about it as I do about SPN but I just never get to write about them with anyone... 
First off, Sam of course has deep nerdery about it and will ask Charlie a ton of questions about what the right class to play is and do the same thing as we’ve already discussed and go for Paladin (which starts as gladiator), and also take all the crafting and gathering side classes because he’s a nerd and you learn nonsense lore while doing it. He’s also in the same starting zone as Thaumaturge which transitions to Black Mage and I BET he’d be tempted to have a little safe witch!Sam emotional release on the most un-Sam class. It’s the big unwieldy spell caster whose literal class quests and stuff make fun of how you’re small and squishy and will be standing in a very bad spot debating whether to finish a long-cast spell and get hit or stop DPS and run for safety. I think he could do with the perspective and learning to be selfish either way to blow off steam from tanking and also learn to prioritise himself IRL :’D Also the paladin quest is WEIRDLY pro-cop from 30 onwards for some reason until the writers saw sense and just. stopped. doing paladin stuff and went back to the Gladiator storyline for the class quests, so idk if he’d enjoy that or start to question other things. Whatever it is he’s getting challenged XD
At 60 he grabs Gunbreaker because it sounds more cool and is thankfully way less emotionally stressful tanking as it’s entirely about being a badass bodyguard and sick flips. This is far more aspirational for Sam, especially as he could just tie a knife to a sawn off shotgun and do these moves for real in his day job. He won’t, but like with black mage, the thought that he COULD is very emotionally satisfying to him.
He might also have decided to check out scholar to see how healing is but idk if he would be able to handle Dean teasing him for having a fairy follow him around so he’d only dabble with the nerd class on the side :P  
Now, Dean can’t take ninja until level 10 or machinist (gun shooty DPS class) until 50, so his start point as DPS would either be pugilist (eeeey brass knuckle class!) or the other DPS classes to start with are Thaumaturge/Black Mage, Arcanist/Summoner, Archer or Lancer. Now. He’d probably think the first two are sissy because magic is for girls/arcanists literally only have a book as a weapon. Archer becomes bard and I think is ultimately a place he’d be very happy as it is a very supportive class to the whole party and basically the mom friend class. But I would love if he went lancer/dragoon because the level 50 class weapon is (folklore inspired name) “Gae Bolg” and every time I equip it I can’t help giggling at the name even though I know it’s a real thing and I shouldn’t. But. Like. It’s the class about waving enormous lances around. It’s got Implications, and Dean is drawn to those. 
He’d probably, however, take rogue/ninja as soon as he could because stabbing things with knives, and the class trainer is the kinda guy who’d have wild gay tension with him while they both try to boast about women to each other, were they to meet irl. Ironically, the rogue trainer (a womanising charmer) and the ninja trainer (an intense, honourable guy bad at social cues even among his own people who ends up falling from grace and choosing to stay in the vicinity of said rogue trainer) are an interesting pair of NPCs to teach Dean about where to stick knives. :) 
He’d go back and power-level dragoon once he starts Heavensward though, because Aymeric is also super intense with messy dark hair and big blue eyes that see right through you. :D He’s getting that gae bolg for him, you know? 
If they’re going to bully Cas to be their healer, he’d probably get really dedicated to the discipline especially as he can stay up all night to play and doesn’t need to take breaks to pee so he’d probably level conjurer/white mage (nature healing) and scholar (ancient book lore with a class quest which mixes ancient curses on a whole people, family drama and a bit of interspeciesish love) and then also pick up astrologian, which is good because it’s spooky star and making your own fate magic. The storyline for that is garbage in the sense that it’s really weakly written, but my favourite character randomly picks up AST in the latest expansion, and has an absolutely fucking wild subtextual romance with another character, including SPN level adopting of a random child who matches Jack in many respects, with said character. And in many respects emotionally they’re Cas and Dean but without any of the personal baggage between them specifically so they really are just chill and married, whatever else they’re stressed about (I say, dreading the next patch is going to finally bring up some questions about what is going on with them as it’s getting weirdly conspicuous while still utterly unsaid). So I would hope if Cas started projecting onto an astrologian character it would be him :P 
Cas also would get into summoner as the other branch of scholar because honestly those two classes are about as close to the random sigil drawing and reading things from books etc analogy to his own occult magic, except you can summon cool dragons and elementals to fight for you. 
they’d buy Jack a boost to 60 and he’d pick up dark knight and white mage probably just to subtly fuck with Dean 
(I am still not over Dean trying to test him to see if he was evil or not by whether he chose devil or angel cake) 
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wfc-official · 4 years
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✨☀️ World’s Faire Carnival | March 14-20 in Ramkahen and Mar’at, Uldum ☀️✨
Neutral Event 🔸 Warmode OFF 🔸 Pre-Patch Shard [talk to Zidormi] 🔸 Bring Tongues Potions 🔸 Anchors Available
We strongly encourage everyone to join our discord for full contest rules and information! It’s the best way to make sure you don’t miss out on any of our fantastic activities. Join us in the World’s Faire Carnival Discord!
Activities Spotlight
🎨 Art Auction - Bid on commissions from some of the community’s finest artists, while also raising money for charity - it’s a real win-win! Link
🎟️ Art Raffle - Enter our charity art raffle, you get one ticket for every 10$ donated! See discord for full entry rules.
🥊 Boxing - Claim top prize in all all-out, championship slug-fest! 
💪 Brawling - Is sparring too low-brow for your tastes? Do you want to make things more dangerous with live weapons and magic? Fight your way to the top in our all out brawl! 
🐟 Carpball - Come watch (or even join) the rousing sport of Carpball, the most exhilarating sport to grace the lands of Azeroth! Root for your team, and find out who will win the WFC Whitewater Cup! Each member of the winning team gets 20k gold! Talk about a lunker!
🎡 Citrine Eagle Wheel - Take a chance and a spin! Results rotate every day!
🎆 Closing Ceremonies - A time to celebrate all of our contest winners, announce booth awards, and look back on the week! 
🔫 Cowpoke Action Shooting - Come test your shootin’ skills against the toughest range in Uldum!
🐾 Critter Catching - Chase down our critters for a chance at taking home a brand new pet! 
🏫 Cultural Symposium - The world comes to our stage! Come see interesting presentations from people across Azeroth, and beyond!
🔪 Diced - Think you’ve got what it takes to be top chef on Azeroth? Then try your hand at Diced, and compete for the title! 
🧺 Friend Basket Auction - A fun and relaxed way to meet new faces in wonderful spaces whether you want to offer a basket, participate in the bidding, or both!
🎲 Goblin Gambling - Can you beat the house? Test your mettle in a card game to win the top prize! [Please note: no real gold is used, this is all RP] 
🖼️ Live Painting - Meet with the talented Calria Dawnbrook and have your portrait painted! The artist requests donations be made to our charity campaign! Watch live on Twitch! Link
🛎️ Lore Mastery - Test your knowledge of Azeroth and beyond in this competition of comprehension and recognition! 
💉 Medical Theatre - Medical professionals come together for a battle of wits to claim top prize, and recognition as one of Azeroth’s top healers!
🤝 Meet N’ Greet - Ever wanted to meet your heroes? Now’s your chance! Or at least their costumed look-alikes! 
🎉 Opening Ceremonies & Concert - Kick off the week with opening speeches and fireworks, followed by a special performance by The Good Apples! 
🎭 Open Mic - Have a talent worth showing off? Then display your skills on stage for all to see! 
🤼 Orc Wrestling - Come test your strength against the mighty Ur-Brûz, and try to win it all to earn the top prize! 
👒 Pavuul’s Fashion Runway - Thrill the audience with your daring fashion choices! Strut you stuff, and earn top prize!
🥇 Pet Battles - Show of your prize pets and talent as a trainer, and climb your way to the top!
🎀 Pet Show - Show off your perfect pets for a chance at top prize! May the best pet win!
🧪 Potion Roulette - Come find a surprise in the depths of a cauldron! All sorts of fun hijinks can be found at Potion Roulette. 
🎙️ Rhyme Battles - Shred your opponents with witty rhymes and terrible tongue-lashings! 
⚔️ Sparring - Grab a friend, or two, and test your dueling skills against another team! Compete to earn the top prize! 
📖 Storytelling - Some of Azeroth’s greatest legends have been told around campfires and great halls for thousands of years. Is yours one of them? If so, come by storytelling to share your tale with the world! 
📺 Twitch Streaming - Join our streamers as they explore the Carnival grounds! Link
🎇 Underground Rave - Party your parting sorrows away to the pulsing beat of pounding feet! It’s bound to be wild, so be sure to bring a buddy or two to help keep you on your feet - and stay hydrated!
Brawling Sign-Ups
Carpball Sign-Ups
Open Mic Sign-Ups
Cultural Symposium Sign-Ups
Friend Basket Auction Sign-Ups
Contest Sign-Ups
Sign-ups close at 9:30pmWRA/11:30pm MG tonight!
Join us in the World’s Faire Carnival Discord!
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