#trans dimensional!Silver
pancreasman · 1 year
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I made more fankids…
And a rival and best friend for Artie…
More info under the cut
Y’all already know my Shadamy kids but Sunny is now a former G.U.N. agent. She quit. The reason why is a mystery.
We got some Knuxouge kids! Mirage, Warden, and Prickle. Mirage was meant to become the next guardian of the master emerald, but ended up passing it down to her little brother Warden who wanted it way more than her and became an actual G.U.N. agent like her mother. She takes after her mother in that way. She’s ultra tall and Warden is mad cause she was already taller than him at one year younger. Also she’s trans. Good for her. Warden is the “serious” one who is really dedicated to being the next guardian. He’s got the braincell of the three and is a short king. Prickle hates everyone and likes to be alone in nature. Despite Warden being the next guardian, Prickle is the most in tune with the emerald and angel island in general and often communicates with Tikal’s spirit. But nobody else can see, so for example, Rouge sees him talk to himself and is like “who tf is he talking to”
Tailsream kids! Lars, Specs, and Posy. L.A.R.S. stands for Laboratory Assistive Remedial Software. He is an ai that Tails made shortly before Specs was born to help him in the lab that turned out to be sentient. After specs was born, Lars dedicated himself to protecting her and being the perfect big brother. So Tails was like “Welp, I guess I have two children now.” and adopted him. They say he’s “15” just because that’s how he looks and acts. Specs is best girl. She’s very safety-minded and polite and she carries around a seemingly bottomless backpack full of anything you could ever possibly need. She’s called Specs after her glasses but also for how she would help Tails in his workshop and list of software “specs” for him. Posy is a little monster who revels in creating chaos, but she’s cute so she gets away with it. Also, she likes to drag Prickle around to act as her Guinea pig and he lets her because he’s too nice to say no.
The Silvaze Twins! They both live with their mother in the palace since they never know when the future will go to shit again, and Silver is usually there with them acting as Royal consort. Ember was born a few minutes before her brother, making her heir to the throne, which both are 100% fine with. Ember strives to be the best heir possible and takes her job very seriously. She loves to study and also practices fencing as neither she nor her brother inherited their parents psychic or pyrokinetic abilities. Her brother, Cinder, on the other hand, hates being in the palace and prefers to goof off most of the time. He’ll often try to cause trouble around the castle, which Ember will usually try to stop, except when he occasionally convinces her to join in. While Ember enjoys more classical studies, Cinder is fascinated by dimensional science and time travel and longs to explore all the countless dimensions out there.
Finally, some neighborhood kids. While Sunny’s main group is Mirage and Ember, Artie has these two weirdos. There’s his best friend Peppy, a reckless, energetic mouse who loves going on misadventures around town but is often betrayed by her own clumsiness. She and Artie are constantly arguing over who is the other’s sidekick and often have to save each other’s butts, but one thing’s for sure is these two idiots are inseparable. Spot, on the other hand, is the local delinquent and Artie’s official rival. Why? Idk, it doesn’t really matter. After all “all heroes have a rival” although this rivalry is often forgotten in favor of teaming up to get the job done or just to hang out. However, they still definitely hate each other and don’t like each other at all. They totally don’t enjoy the bantering or have a crush on the other at all. Pure rivals
Also, Sonic doesn’t have kids, he’s just the cool pseudo-uncle who visits a lot and babysits. And they all definitely have big family get-togethers and family dinners all the time. Because found family is the most important family of all. Anyway, thanks for reading imma go nap.
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sunchasingstar · 2 years
Fame AU w Trans Regulus getting famous from singing Eat Me by Demi Lovato w his band mates, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, and Dorcas Meadows.
Like Regulus would be lead singer/frontman (sometimes he also plays violin), Dorcas gives me hella drummer vibes- that or lead guitar and back up vocals. Barty is def the lead guitar, but him and Cas are interchangeable. Evan is bass and piano.
They all kinda do backup vocals or sing for some songs depending, and they’ll write songs together, although most are done by Regulus and the band manager, Pandora Rosier.
Be more predictable
Be less political
Not too original
Keep to tradition, but stay individual
Dirty but washable
Winning but stoppable
All that I'm hearing is you wanna
Make the impossible possible
This is purely Barty’s verse, are you kidding me? Like he wrote this after after his father went big in politics, which of course, his son was against because his father is a dickhead.
Is this what you'd all prefer?
Would you like me better if I was still her?
Did she make your mouths water? Ugh
I know the part I've played before
I know the shit that I've ignored
I know the girl that you adored
She's dead, it's time to fucking mourn
I can't spoon-feed you anymore
I can't spoon-feed you anymore
Dinner's served, it's on the floor
I can't spoon-feed you anymore
You'll have to eat me as I am
You'll have to eat me as I am
I feel like this is so Regulus coded that I shouldn’t even point it out💀 he’s talking to his family and the public image he had to play when he was being controlled by his family. “I know the shit I’ve ignored,” def talking about Sirius and his disownment. Just this verse in general screams Regulus.
Clean and digestible (clean and digestible)
Less of a spectacle (less of a spectacle)
Oh, and dimensional
Try to be sexy, but don't be too sexual (don't be too sexual)
Please be presentable (please be presentable)
This one feels like Evan especially the “try to be sexy, but don’t be too sexual,” because I hc him as asexual and I feel like he struggled with that a lot and forced himself to be this sex image to try and hide who he was and so the “please be presentable” feels like a plea to be ‘presentable’ for his family; or ‘normal’ for them.
Bit more accessible (bit more accessible)
Get up on your pedestal
Everyone's watching, so don't be forgettable
Longer hair and tighter clothes
Would you like me better if I didn't oppose?
Silver platters, pretty bows, fuck
I feel like Dorcas definitely wrote this after being told she wasn’t proper simply because of style and because she’s had to face the cruelty and stereotypes that society pushes on woc and that women in general are sexualized as a whole and I think she’d channel her anger in the lyrics.
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merryfortune · 1 month
Milestones & Upbringings
August 17th: Firsts | Trail/Camping | Forbidden
Title: Milestones & Upbringings
Ship: not applicable | Reiji/Shun/Tsukikage
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,230
Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Family Feels, Fluff
   Tsukikage had never realised that he had taken his upbringing for granted until his private life became entangled with those of Reiji and Shun's. He did not envy the distant upbringings that they were the product of.
   Tsukikage was well aware that his situation was abnormal. Ninja in the modern age gave away many hints of antiquity after all. However, he had never truly appreciated the undercurrent of normalcy it possessed until shown either. The parenting and mentorship expressed by his guardians were well measured and appropriate. The adults in his and his brother's lives were present and wise. The techniques and values were well honed over ventures but remained in touch with modern times.
   Until presented the products otherwise, Tsukikage never realised how truly good he had it until he became the third side of a triangular operation of being a teenage father.
   It was a strange revelation but a pleasant one. 
   To find some purpose in a world which did not require the Lancers anymore now that the future had settled safely. Now, all there was was this peculiar domesticity. Himself, a body guard, unto Reiji and a peer to Shun. The three of them, eventuating towards a halfway nuclear ideal of family, if one squinted, and then Reira. All of them under one roof. It was nice when none of them were being moody about it.
   Akaba Reiji was a decisive youth. He carried himself like an adult and like an adult, he determined his own future, promptly coming to the conclusion that the adults in his life were useless. His Father was a trans-dimensional war criminal. His Mother was little more than a baubled figurehead to both his and his Father’s activities. He wanted neither to have any involvement with the now infant Akaba Reira, his precious baby sister and so, chose a path for them both: one of emancipation.
   Though such self determination was easier said than done.
   And also, Kurosaki Shun was here, too.
   With his sister and his best friend rendered moot by the unification of the “Bracelet Girls” and “Dragon Boys” into one body, he was adrift in a world not made for him. The construction efforts beckoned but he had already fought his good fight and so, required rest. With that in mind, as he was a restless soul, Shun elected to stay at Reiji’s heel in much the same way as Tsukikage, he reflected. He needed a cause to protect and there was one quite nearby in the form of Reira.
   So, it was settled. Reiji would keep Tsukikage and Shun around much like a lord required retainers. Though, having the additional hands to help around the house - or, more accurately, apartment - was good too when one was a CEO running on fumes, coffee, and involuntary reactions to a screaming of a baby.
   The apartment that Reiji had was small. For someone used to even greater freedoms, opulence, and luxury. Shun and Tsukikage both agreed that it was egregiously rich people but it was theirs, Reiji made such clear from the moment he signed the lease. Wanting them both close by, his most trusted companions and partners, he gave them keys straight away and a place to call their own away from the others if need be. 
   Receiving that key to the front door, and a room to call his own, it was quite luxurious for Tsukikage but he appreciated the kindness. Shun, whose only own he could call was now rubble, put up a stiff upper lip receiving the same silver slice of metalwork. It meant a lot to him, too, clearly.
   But their little hideaways weren’t full hideaways since Reira could be hurt from the nursery from everywhere and anywhere. For such a little thing, she was loud. Though, given her strange history, she deserved it, after a lifetime of being frightened into being quiet, no one could blame her and instead, rejoiced in it.
   Even if tending to her every need, waiting on her hand and foot so she would never grow up to doubt for a second that she was unloved, was a lot of hard work.
   That meant a lot to Reiji, especially. The way that he had two helpers so near and dear to him for the experiment in being a trio of teenage parents, it warmed a deep and dark part of his heart. He self-described as a former child who had never received enough hugs growing up and as for Shun, he had a doting streak a mile wide. Despite how he tried to keep his softer side concealed, Shun saw glimpses of Ruri in Reira’s face every so often and so, he was willing to put in the hard work to help keep Reira content. Tsukikage pitched in where he could.
   They took turns. Had shifts. Kept scores and grudges meticulously. No one slept a wink when Reira was hungry or tired or lonely or or soiled or otherwise malcontent. If it was not one thing with her, it was another.
   The past six months of adjusting to changes had left them on wits’ end. To her being a baby, to themselves being akin to parents to her and to themselves, like lovers. The night before had been especially hellish. No one slept a wink through the night and it was expected to be a similar uphill battle.
   But exhaustion had taken its toll. It didn’t seem worth it to be anywhere except on rolled out futons on the floor of the nursery. The day had been so long, they had all been zombies and so, they collapsed in the middle of it in one big old pile. Something quite unusual for the three of them - and in of itself, may have been a first.
   Not one to relish as none of them were openly or outwardly affectionate. Despite how they entangled through the night, sheets askew over their bodies, barely covering them, as they slept with a vague yet feverish anticipation of something that never happened. They had been in such a nervous wait for it, for when Reira would inevitably scream her little head off and need something but… It never happened. It never came.
   For the first and only time in the past six months, Reira slept through the night. Morning came quickly and without disturbance. None of them could believe it, the fact that they weren’t even well rested didn’t help either and yet, as they awoke, one by one, with the morning sunshine on their faces, a peculiar happiness budded.
   “Good girl, Reira.” Reiji breathed aloud as he placed his glasses on his face, speaking only now that his two partners were both awake.
   “She is.” Shun agreed.
   Tsukikage nodded and smiled to himself. He glanced along the vertices of his legs underneath white sheets, the way Shun’s foot scraped against his ankle and how with a glance, it would seem that Shun and Reiji had been sharing a pillow as Reiji’s had been pushed far from his own rectangle of a futon. How disgustingly domestic it was. Especially washed in the soft yellow of a Sunday morning.
   “I’ll make breakfast, you get Reira ready.” Tsukikage suggested.
   “Thank you, Tsukikage.” Reiji replied.
   The day ensued as normal and the next night wouldn’t prove quite so peaceful but it was now established, Reira was capable of sleeping through for long enough to let her caretakers rest and that filled them with hope. Soon enough, over the span of another six months, she would prove again that she could consistently sleep through the night to the point it wasn’t such an out of the ordinary occurrence.
   It seemed now that the months were flying now. She changed and grew every day. Clothes that fit her last week no longer fit today, it felt. Anything futureproofed was futureproofed for all a couple days. It was amazing and sure enough, as she passed the crown of one year old - and that was important, too - other more glamorous milestones would arise, too. The ones that made for cute pages in her keepsake diary that someone - Yuzu, and by extension, Ruri - insisted on getting her.
   Like her first words, for example.
   With Reiji as her older brother, of course Reira would have certain expectations on her. He wanted to see her grow up well, to see her develop all the same as any other child - or maybe even better, with the makings of a genius. He tried his best not to but he was full of worries on how being reverted to an infant would have on her mind so he did his best with his heart in the right place.
   Of course, as far as he was concerned, Reira could do no wrong. Everything she did was cute or adorable but please do note: her babbling was quite articulate. She had great hearing and was doing well to mimic the building blocks of speech as copied from her three guardians.
   Still, even he couldn’t have predicted what Reira’s first words would be or how appropriate they would be in the greater context of her strange life.
   It was an ordinary Tuesday night. Reiji had a conference tomorrow which meant that Tsukikage would accompany him in an official manner. Shun was going to stay home with Reira and look after her until they returned. With that in mind, as there was only going to be Shun home tomorrow, Tsukikage was making a dinner for them which would yield minimal leftovers.
   He was an okay cook. Better than Reiji by a long shot but relatively on par with Shun. He was making air fryer mackerel, rice, and serving it up with various sides he had made in advance like pickled radish and tempura-covered delicacies like okra and eggplant. It was quite humble but it wouldn’t get any complaints.
   Reira gurgled and babbled. She slapped her hands on her plastic highchair and watched Tsukikage intently, in only the way a toddler could, with more precision and judgement than a professional food critic. It made Shun laugh.
   “I think Reira’s hungry.” Shun pointed out.
   “I want her to learn to eat with all of us but, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to warm up her dinner…” Reiji said.
   “I’ve got mashed sweet potatoes and eggplant for her in the fridge. She liked it at lunch so fingers crossed she still does.” Tsukikage replied.   
   “Food!” Reira agreed.
   She banged her pudgy fists on her tray again but it wasn’t the meaty echo of her hands which stunned but rather her word. It was perfect! Fully formed and articulated. 
   Reiji’s ears burned pink as he smiled like a fool. His heart stopped then started again, only to race at a million miles an hour as he shared a look with Shun. Tsukikage turned around and held a spoon up. He pointed it at in gesture to Reira. She did it again.
   Shun was sent scrambling for his picture book diary of Reira’s accomplishments and Reiji reached out. He placed his hand on the raised edge of Reira’s table, held onto it and Reira looked at him. She smiled big and wide. 
   “Food.” Reira said and she pointed at her mouth.
   “Yes, food. We are having dinner and… and eating food.” Reiji stammered in heartfelt disbelief.
   He began to laugh a sardonic laugh. He couldn’t help but be reminded of something from their now bygone days as a Lancer, literally a different lifetime for Reira. He couldn’t help but be amazed.
   Little Reira who had been at the epicentre of a strange argument in the Synchro Dimension: food or smiles. Now here she was, gleefully wanting both. Reiji could have shed a tear.
   Shun opened the diary to the appropriate page and jotted down that miraculous word: food.
   “Oh, um, dinner is basically ready, by the way.” Tsukikage awkwardly piped up. “I’ll heat up Reira’s food.”
   He finished his duties in the kitchen and allowed Reira to be fawned over by the other two. Tsukikage knew deep down they needed to relish such a moment more so than him. Though he was privileged to be a part of it, he did consider himself their bodyguard first and foremost. Though, a beloved one.
   Tsukikage served up meals for himself, Reiji, Shun, and then Reira. He joined them at the table and they said their courtesy quickly. Shun ate ravenously and Reiji supervised Reira. She wielded a large and plastic spoon perhaps too eagerly. It made Tsukikage laugh.
   Though, once they were settled, Tsukikage posed an innocuous question, “So, what were everyone here’s first words?”
   “Don’t know.” Shun shrugged. “Ruri’s were ‘bracelet’ though.”
   “Do you know what your first words were?” Reiji asked and Shun peered on, owlishly and just as curious.
   “Yes,” Tsukikage said, disarmed that none of their guardians would cherish such a thing, “I’m told it was ‘kunai’.”
   “That’s a lie. You are lying to us right now.” Shun somewhat jokingly argued.
   “Does it help that I was referring to a western fork?” Tsukikage said.
   “Okay, fine, that’s more believable but barely.” Shun replied.
   Reiji hummed and adjusted his glasses.
   “You don’t have to reach back out to your Mother to ask, it's not necessary.” Tsukikage said. “I didn’t mean to cause such waves.”
   “No, if anything,” Reiji irately huffed, “it reaffirms that this was the correct decision for mine and Reira’s wellbeing.”
   There was a depressed pause.
   Shun yawned and stretched, “That’s one way to put it.”
   And put it to rest, too. There was no point in any of their minds in tarnishing the moment of Reira’s first words with bittersweetness from their own parental issues. They resumed dinner and all the mess that came with it.
   Though, afterwards, Reiji put Reira to bed and read her favourite book to her. He recruited Shun and Tsukikage to do funny voices for characters whilst he read the narrator’s voice with the utmost seriousness. It was a small moment around her bed but proof that Reiji was going to be overbearing like his parents before him. He was locking in and he was going to do his utmost to help Reira’s literacy and speech along, or so help him.
   With such undivided attention to support her, Reira continued to hit goals and milestones. She was making three word sentences in no time and was able to call her three guardians all by pet names in due time. She was growing up into a well and giggly girl, with bright smiles and the occasional tantrum.
   It warmed Tsukikage’s heart to see her bond with her brother, and even with himself and Shun. It was sappy but true. They really were a family at this point as they began to approach the eighteen months mark of their current circumstances. 
   During the next months, Reira had a huge boost in energy. One that couldn’t even be matched by three teenage boys all on the cusp or post of eighteen. Her locomotive skills were improving day by day. She could string words along and crawl from one end of a room to the other in the seeming blink of an eye. It was chaos. All three of them needed to keep an eagle eye on her or heaven forbid.
   With such watchful and attentive guardians, it was no wonder that Reira had her first steps hand in hand with Reiji with Shun and Tsukikage flanking her in support. Unlike with her first words or even her first full night of sleep, her first steps were much more expected.
   “That’s right, just one foot at a time.” Reiji coaxed Reira.
   “One step.” Reira echoed him with the utmost intensity.
   Her determination was flowing off her. The carpet of the apartment’s living room floor suddenly seemed a whole lot more dangerous to her upright versus on her belly.
   “You can do it,” Tsukikage egged her on, “we’ll turn you into a kunoichi just yet.”
   Shun rolled his eyes. Good naturedly, of course. Tsukikage couldn’t help himself.
   “You can be whatever you want when you grow up and I’ll be proud.” Reiji assured her.
   “I want to be…” Reira murmured. “Everythink.”
   Reiji smiled, “Sounds good.” 
   Reira smiled as she wiggled and she wobbled. Reiji held her steady whilst Shun and Tsukikage held their breath. She took her first steps. Her movements were sluggish and uncertain at first and then got excited by the idea of walking on her own two legs. It was clear that Reira was ready, even if that was nerve wracking for Reiji and the others. She let go of Reiji’s hands and took three, giddy steps forward before collapsing against him for a hug.
   He held her in his lap and snuggled against her, “I love you, Reira.” Reiji told her, holding her dearly.
   Shun and Tsukikage drew in closer. Shun put his hand on Reiji’s shoulder and Tsukikage patted his head. They had come far. All four of them.
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dross-the-fish · 7 months
Can you plz tell me some random facts about them too I love women ❤️❤️❤️
oh gosh I don't know where to begin Alice, Dorothy and Wendy are their own group devoted to studying trans-dimensional travel. They are the ones who figure out for the crew that Hell is a dimension that can be traversed. Alice is a mycologist who's mushrooms provide the basis for Hyde's serums. She's one of his oldest friends and his chief supplier. Even in middle age she continues to collect portals to other worlds, like her looking glass, Dorothy's silver shoes and Wendy's star map. She has a love for exploration and of the three women loves treasure hunting the most. Dorothy primarily lives in Oz at this point in the AU, after the deaths of Aunt Em and Uncle Henry she moved there full time to live as a companion to Ozma and took on the role of the new Witch of the West. She lost her right arm in battle and had a new one crafted from tin. Wendy is the youngest in appearance, having had her aging process halted during her stay in neverland, she has taken over the jolly roger and uses it to bring lost children back to their families and out of the grasp of Peter Pan.
Carmilla and Laura- Carmilla turned Laura as a result of her vampire curse. You are in no greater danger than when a vampire loves you and Carmilla fell in love with Laura, in the end she couldn't stop her self from preying on her. For vampires, every lust, desire and want becomes irrevocably tied to their hunger for the blood of the one they desire. Laura is conflicted about Carmilla, being in love with her while also holding resentment for what she did. Their relationship is complex and bitter sweet.
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fnafcatfanatic · 3 months
AU thingy [Soon with drawings!]
I am thinking of making a blog solely about my Fnaf AU, where there are two people who are Dimensional travellers and have an angst-comfort Willry kind of relationship dynamic where one of them (Lucille) doesn't like the other (Oscar) because he's an Afton kind of person (which she can see as he changes appearances because it is part of a curse she has on her because of her ex-friend). [I'll explain how the dimensional travellers and travelling works in the to-be blog]
Those two are named Oscar Mittkins (the will in the Willry) and Lucille Hunter (used to be Henry before, but she changed it because the dimensional universe kept fucking her over) Martins (the ry in the Willry) - She is also a Guardian (people protector in the dimensions)
They have a cafe together called "Cathy and Maggi's Cafe", which actually belongs to only one of them (but at some point they became business partners because of some legal loopholes that Oscar used). They are both kinda young and Lucille used the dimensional system to basically give herself an advantage when it came to how much things cost. Also, the animatronics can all normally talk and move [this to some extent] because of "glowing orbs" which is basically something like a part of somebody's soul [everybody except Venus has Lucille's part of a soul. Velvet's is from Adelle]
Animatronics Lucille made:
Main ones at the cafe: Kathy [A white cat] and Maggi [A chestnut brown Springle spaniel]
The secondary ones at the cafe: Velvet [A very lightly red-coloured mouse (not pinkish)], Venus [A blue-ish wolf with a crown and a red dress. Has narcissism problems = inspired by Roxy a lot]
Lexie [A (what would Lucille describe as) pistachio green fox head, who never got finished and is basically like Alexa, but better. Has consciousness and her personality is just like a girl with Asperger's syndrome (because girls exhibit these traits slightly differently and mask a lot, which was the reason that people thought that girls couldn't have high-functioning autism [please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to offend anybody])
The hated ones: Polley [A white polar bear with a red tophat and a bowtie], Brownie [brown bear with a green hat and vest]
It's gonna be mostly angst and what is happening at the cafe and while they hang out. There are gonna be probably a lot of Silver Eyes moments [because they're travellers, they can travel anywhere like Gravity Falls, Freddy's, Batim, etc. I'll explain everything later but Freddy' plays a big role in every dimensional traveller's life/journey].
Other relevant people:
Charlie Gütter [sister of Lucille's BFF, dimensional twin of Kiko Lopez]
Kristian "Kiko" Lopez [Dimensional twin of Charlie Gütter]
Autumn Newton [kinda-adopted daughter of Lucille [not legally but it's better than with living with her actual mother and it's travellers, they're weird like that]
Andrew "Will" Newton [Lucille's ex-BFF and source of lot of her trauma, is trans. Bio "mother" of Autumn]
Peter Martins [Lucille's dad, who is an asshole and caused a lot of Lucille's trauma. Will explain later stuff: He went to the Freddy's dimension with the children along with "uncle" Josh and his two daughter and just killed all Lucille's friends, which started a whole new traumatic chain of events, but then they come back as travellers usually do (WILL EXPLAIN LATER ON, JUST ACCEPT THAT IT HAS SOME SOUL EXPLANATION)
I can promise you that it'll actually be fun AU if you let me!!!
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bluebunnyears-08 · 2 years
“Man, you just keep on having good ideas! We need to have more interactions between Rusty and Nine.”  < -- Hello!  It’s me again, the really descriptive prompter who keeps asking you to post stuff on “An Archive Of Our Own.”  (You could probably call me “Mr. Archive Guy,” if you want!)
First, I want to say you did an outstanding job with “The Fox And The Robot.”  I loved all your descriptions of Rusty, and the deeper insight into Nine’s head as he was listening to her try and convince him to help her!  Very well done, a truly great read!  
Second: I’ve come up with another one.  In contrast to all my earlier prompts, which delved into some fairly dark territory, I mean for this next one to be much more lighthearted, with some heartwarming bits mixed in.   
I call this one “A Mangey Tale”
So here’s the setup: it’s Episode 6.  Nine has just gotten Sonic into his trans-dimensional spaceship, pulling him away from the battle currently underway between the evil Doctors and the Rebels in New Yoke City.  The ship is flying through Shatterspace, heading towards the Grim.  Nine turns around in midflight, and asks Sonic where he’s been this whole time.  
Now it’s ‘canon’ that in the process of Sonic detailing his adventures in the Boscage Maze, Nine was told about Mangey.  But then I got to thinking: what must that have been *LIKE* for Nine?  To learn all about a ‘variant’ of himself that’s almost completely feral?  
So for starters: as soon as Nine gets Sonic to start talking about the Boscage Maze, he becomes TOTALLY invested in telling the story instead of urging Nine to turn the ship around so he can go help the rebels.  
Soon enough, Sonic gets to the part where he first meets the Scavengers.  He basically says, “I met a primitive, tribal version of Knu… er… Renegade Knucks, a primitive, tribal version of Rebel… there was even a primitive, tribal, version of you, Nine…”
And Nine says, “A primitive version of *me,* huh?”  
Then Nine momentarily closes his eyes, and he indulges in the “Imagine Spot” trope.  Although it lasts a quick second in real-time, we’re given a peek straight into Nine’s imagination, where he’s now envisioning an idealized (albeit in a primitive jungle setting) version of himself.
Here, he is basically Senki Ishigama from the manga/anime “Dr. Stone.” Which is to say: a super-scientist, who is also the leader of a primitive tribe.  “Chief Nine” is able to craft all sorts of amazing wonder technology using just twigs, flint, and some coconuts. And although these lunkheaded primitives he leads are decidedly undeserving of it, ‘Chief Nine” has nonetheless deigned to take pity on these slack-jawed jungle dwellers and guide them with his superior intellect and inventive genius.
In the “real world,” Nine opens his eyes and basically says, “This version of me was the chief of the knuckleheaded tribe, right?”  
And Sonic says, “Uh, no.  No he was NOT.”
This is where things start to really get silly.  Sonic’s story completely goes off-track as Nine asks question after question about Mangey… liking absolutely NONE of the answers that the blue hedgehog gives about his Boscage Maze variant.  
He’s appalled to hear that this variant of him walks around on all fours.   Disgusted that he barely talks and mostly communicates in doggish growls. Upset that Mangey attacked Sonic right after Sonic saved his life. Hates that his name IS “Mangey.”   On and on and on!  (You could potentially have a LOT of fun with this, Bluebunnyears!)
With an ever-growing sense of morbid fascination, Nine keeps asking Sonic questions about Mangey, desperate to find some “silver lining” about this jungle-version of him that he can take pride in.  In the end, it culminates in Nine crying out: 
“At least tell me he was HOUSETRAINED!”
And Sonic shrugs his shoulders.  “Well, the Scavengers didn’t exactly HAVE houses in that jungle they lived in…”  
Then Sonic asks Nine if he can finally get back to the story he was trying to tell instead of focusing just on Mangey. Nine (now completely disgusted to be even remotely associated with the jungle boy,) grumpily and sullenly mutters “Yes.”  
So Sonic does.
When Sonic gets to the part about how he showed Mangey how he was capable of flying, and describes the feral boy’s happy laughter as he helicoptered through the air for the very first time… it deeply touches Nine’s heart.  Inwardly, Nine wonders to himself whether Sonic has some kind of genetic predisposition to always do extra-nice things for two-tailed foxes.  
Then Sonic interrupts his own story, to comment, (along the lines of,) “You know, as far as Mangey goes, it really is a shame I didn’t have you along with me on this adventure, Nine.  You probably could’ve taught Mangey a lot!”
“Me?  Teach?”  Nine scoffs.  “I don’t have the patience to be a teacher for normal people, much less for Mangey the Monkey-Fox-Boy!”
“I think that probably just watching you in action might’ve been enough.”
Sonic reaches forward and pats Nine on the back as he says this.
“Seeing how brave and fearless you are when you fight might’ve inspired Mangey to develop more courage. Seeing how smart you are might’ve encouraged him to learn more.  Seeing how helpful you always are to me, how you’ve always got my back… maybe that might’ve gotten him to fight less with his own friends.  At least, I’d like to think so.”  
Hearing all this puts a very warm, fuzzy feeling in Nine’s heart.  He takes a hand off the steering wheel, reaches behind, and pats the hand Sonic’s placed on his shoulder.
“And, hey, I’m really sorry I got separated from you, Nine.  Especially for such a long time.”
“Not your fault, Sonic.”  Nine looks forward, in the direction of his destination: The Grim.  “Soon enough, separation will never be a problem for us again.”
“I’ll explain in just a little bit.  Why don’t you finish your story first, Sonic?  You sounded like you were almost done.”
So Sonic does.  Our story finishes with Sonic describing his nose touching the green Paradox Shard on Thorn Rose’s hammer. 
What do you think?
Hello Mr. Archive Guy! I absolutely love this prompt! We need some humor!
Sorry, it took so long, I had a lot of stuff I was busy with so it took me a while to answer requests.
Anyway, here you go, I hope this makes up for it <3
The Shattership blasted at full speed into the vast space of the Shatterverse. The fox pilot listening to his rambling passenger that was a blue hedgehog. He listened as the hedgehog described his adventures in a jungle universe. There were all sorts of overgrown trees and plants, things Nine became curious about how that would've looked, having never even seen a normal tree or flower before.
Then Sonic told him about other variants.
"That's when I met a primitive, more tribal version of Knuckl-uh Knucks, Rou-Rebel, and there was even a tribal of you Nine!"
"A primal version of me, huh?"
"Yep, and let's just say you were rather...."
Whatever Sonic said next was blocked out due to Nine imagining what it must've been like to be in a primitive world. He was probably the only smart one there. He was the chief of the tribe. He made all sorts of weapons and crafts using just tree bark, flint, and coconuts. He can imagine himself leading a tribe of idiots who couldn't even start a fire on their own, however, he chose to take them under his wing out of pity for how pathetic they were.
He was brought out of his thoughts, cutting off Sonic's rambling with a question that dripped with daydream pride.
"So, I'm guessing this other me was the chief of this knuckleheaded tribe?"
Sonic paused and stared at him with wide disbelieving eyes at the question before he smiled in utter amusement.
"Uh...No, no he was NOT. Were you even listening?"
"I was busy thinking how this other me led those dunderheads through surviving with my superior intellect!", Nine's voice had a slight worry.
"Oh...Oh my gosh!", Nine turned when he heard snickers coming from the other, glaring at the chuckling urchin.
That's when Sonic, who was trying not to break down in laughter, began to describe how this other him actually was. Nine was both disgusted and horrified as Sonic went on and on about his other variant. This version of him walked on all fours like a wild beast, spoke in doggish growls, and just acted like a wild animal. He was even more upset when he learned that this other him attacked the hedgehog after he saved him! There was more and more, and Nine found himself APPALLED by this other him. Mangey was named because of how mangey his fur was, he cowered in the face of a threat, WHIMPERED, he even ATE BARK.
"At least tell me he was HOUSETRAINED."
Sonic shrugged.
"Well, they didn't even really HAVE houses."
Nine groaned, slightly out of annoyance at this other him and embarrassment out of even knowing what this other him was like. He was disgusted to even be associated with a mangy animal.
"Hey, can I get back to telling you the story?"
"...Fine.", Nine sulked as Sonic began to continue his tale, cringing when the other him was mentioned. That's when Sonic reached the part of the story, where he showed Mangey how to fly, describing with fondness at the mangey fox's laughter. Something that deeply warmed the kitsune's heart at how Sonic was so unfathomably kind to foxes with two tails.
"You know Nine, it's a shame you weren't there with me. You could've taught Mangey a thing or two!"
"Me? Teach? I don't have the patience or the time to be a teacher for anyone, and I'd rather die than be one to Mangey the Monkey-Fox-Boy!"
"Aw, that's a shame, you two could be friends!"
"I highly doubt it. We're too entirely different people, I don't think it would've done anything if we were anyway."
"I think seeing you in battle would've been more than enough."
Nine slightly flinched when he felt warmth on his shoulder, before relaxing when realizing it was Sonic's hand.
"Seeing how brave and fearless you are when you fight could've inspired him, and maybe seeing what you can do with that big brain of yours maybe could've made him want to learn more on his own. Not to mention, you're always there when I need you, maybe that could've made him fight less with his friends. At least that's what I think."
Nine felt his chest become warm and fuzzy at that kind, proud words spoken by his only friend. He hesitated before moving his hand up to softly pat the hand on his shoulder.
"Nine, I-I'm sorry I got separated from you, especially for such a long time."
Sonic's voice was full of genuine regret for something he didn't mean to do. Nine felt a pit form at how unhappy the hedgehog was, and how much he was blaming himself for leaving when he was sucked into the shard without his control.
"Don't apologize, it's not your fault.", his eyes caught the bright purple portal of their soon-to-be home, "Soon enough, separation won't be a problem anymore."
"I'll explain in a bit, for now, why don't you finish your story."
As the hedgehog concluded his tale, they entered the Grim. Their new home.
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Ok, anyways now that I've ragged on you for that, time for more sonic headcanons :] specifically about one character you might not know
My sister is the reason I headcanon this one, but if you're familiar with Silver from Sonic 2006, Silver is basically one of the last remaining survivors from an apocalyptic future who's sent back to the past by like 200 years to try to prevent the apocalypse with the help of Sonic and co. Canonically, Silver is male, but I headcanon her as a trans girl. I have a Gacha Nox design for her as well, for my trans headcanon specifically, if you want to see
I also think that Silver probably wears as much as she can at all times. That ranges from torn shirts and stretched-thin jackets and tattered scarves in her apocalyptic future to fluffy sweaters and leggings and skirts and tights once things have been set right or when she's back in the past.
There are four main things that Silver wouldn't realize about herself until she was in a better and healthier place. Number one is that she's not actually a boy, where she hadn't really gotten the chance to think about herself before. Number two is that she doesn't know how much she can really look like a girl, because most female hedgehogs don't have thick chest/neck fur. This one only lasts until she realizes no one questions Sonic not having that thicker fur and being a guy, but she still asks Amy to help her trim it.
Number three is that she has asthma. Years upon years of breathing in smoke and toxic air have fucked up her lungs bad. She doesn't think much of it, but she always has to use her telekinesis to get around faster, because running practically suffocates her. It eventually strikes her as odd that everyone else can breathe while doing things like that, and she realizes she's among the minority of people who can't. Get this poor guy an inhaler :(
Number four is that it is NOT normal to sustain yourself on a diet of rocks and raw meat. She is utterly fascinated by the idea of real food. She probably gains weight once she's actually in a healthy environment with good food and good god is that good for her. Fits into her clothes better too.
Silver canonically loves plants and when she's in Sonic's time she actually gardens because things can't really grow in the time she comes from and everything is so alive in this time.
I need you to envision with me this face experiencing the euphoria of fresh sweet and just a little bit mushy strawberries for the first time
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Are we on the same page
Silver and Blaze (also introduced in 06 I think, a cross-dimensional parallel to Sonic, the empress of the Sol Empire and Silver's best friend) give me very, like, trans lesbian solidarity vibes. I don't ship them, I think they're just, trans lesbian and trans lesbian besties.
I also ship Blaze with Amy bc. Look at them???
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I actually don't have any Silver ships though. I think she's best with just some good friends. She's more interested in platonic than romantic relationships in my mind, bc she just likes having people to work with, to share her goals with, and to look forward to things with.
I would like to see this design-
and that GIF of Amy and Blaze is adorable, I’m not even in the fandom but I ship them-
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postalvalhalla · 1 year
Sleek Silver Sting Ray
Dave stood in Gary's garage and took a good look at his buddy's pride and joy - a sleek silver 1963 Corvette Sting Ray, with the split window in the back. Gary had been working on it for three years.
"Looking great, Gary," he said.
"It's almost done," Gary replied. "Engine's completely rebuilt, Einstein-Rosen gearbox is in place, once I install the oscillation pedal…"
"The what now?"
Gary grinned. "Didn't I mention? I'm building for trans-dimensional speed, Buddy!"
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bimxglimmer · 6 years
Tag list:  @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @virge-of-death @anomalous-duck @risiskifi @squishy-anon @margarita-is-the-answer @hemooryctolagus @my-analogical-romance @nightmarejasmine @paintedsnowflakes @brookeisanerd @aquilacalvitium @ravenbeta
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“We’ll fix this.” William promises, his arms tightly wrapped around Tobi, holding him close while Jackson stands a short way off, fiddling with the strap of his saddle bag. Tobi is holding William back with one hand, but the other is reached behind him, fingers desperately clinging to Bim’s. More than once Bim moves to gently tug his fingers from the grip but they just cling tighter and he waits, feeling a little bit like a third wheel on this private moment th at he knows Tobi’s waited nearly five years for.
Wickes turns his back, not being a very touchey-feely guy himself, wandering over to stand near Phantom, watching him with a rather annoying level of fascination. The dealmaker watches him back, daring him to make a move. Wickes honestly doesn’t care though, throwing a glance back over his shoulder at the little love fest before turning away again.
“This might go on a while.” he mutters towards Phantom. “Now may be the kindest time.”
As Phantom takes a step forward, since Wickes is definitely right, Bim’s heart leaps into his chest, racing a mile a minute. Now? Already? Can’t they have another five minutes? Except Wickes is right. This moment has to happen, and the longer they leave this, the worse it’s going to hurt.
When Phantom’s cane glows, Bim steps closer, holding Tobi’s hand close, watching the light slowly spread over the dumbass hero. It grows, covering every inch of skin swallowing him up.
They all watch and wait in silence as it becomes brighter, glowing intensely until the details of the man in the light begin to blur, and eventually, the limbs they’re holding onto become air. Within moments, where Tobias….Damien once stood, there’s nothing but empty space.
Phantom says something, but the words don’t break through.
Bim stares at his fingers, empty. Silent tears cascade down his cheeks. It’s too quiet but what the hell is he supposed to say? What is he supposed to do?
Surprisingly strong arms reach forward, wrapping around him and pulling him against a strange yet oddly familiar chest. The hands are dirty, worn and cracked, a sign that whoever they belong to uses them often. Bim doesn’t think. He just leans into the chest, reaching to hold it back, not really registering who it is, just that they’re there, and right now that’s just what he needs. A shuddery breath in is followed by a quiet choking on a strangled cry that Bim can’t keep in.
This is all his fault.
“It’s okay.” the chest he’s held against rumbles. It sounds like Wilford, but Bim knows that means it must be William. Surprisingly similar but so different at the same time. “We’ll fix this.”
Except there’s so much to fix. How much more must they lose before this ends, before they can rise up and take back their home. Stress and anxiety he didn’t know he was holding in wells up and pours out, clinging a little tighter and just crying. Because godammit, Bim’s earned that much.
Part of him wishes he could stay like this. Hidden from the world and it’s cruelties, just for a little while. Pretend that everything isn’t all falling to shit. Except the ragtag remains of his family are waiting in the next room. They’ll be waking up soon and they’re going to need him to make sure nobody else does anything else incredibly stupid.
Bim pushes back, straightening up, barely able to raise his head, but still smiling, thanking William for the small comfort. Phantom is gone, but the three strangers are still there. Something else he will have to prepare the others for. Something to try and explain to Dark and Wilford. Oh lord! Wilford!
The door to the other room suddenly crashes open, revealing a still incredibly weak-looking Dark stood on the other side. Almost all his weight is leaning on Marvin, stood beside him with the grey man’s arm thrown over his shoulder. By the tired and aggravated look of the magician’s face, there was an argument about moving the grey bastard, and Marvin lost.
As always, Dark is scowling.
“What have you idiots done?”
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needsxlittlemxdness · 6 years
Tag list: @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @virge-of-death @anomalous-duck @risiskifi @squishy-anon @margarita-is-the-answer @hemooryctolagus @my-analogical-romance @nightmarejasmine
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William crosses the room in two huge strides, calling over his shoulder as he all but snatches Silver from the floor, lifting him into the air and beaming.
“Jackson! Wickes! He’s here! I’ve found him!”
The unstable doorway through which he just passed pulses, shifting as another shadow grows from within until, with an almighty flash-bang-crash, Jackson tumbles through. Quickly scrambling to his feet, the dapper man brushes himself down. He’s wearing a deep blue waistcoat while mint green hair pokes out from under a black bowler hat. He too sports a bushy moustache, though it’s better groomed than Will’s, while over his shoulder hangs a saddle bag that he holds close against his side. Once he’s pulled himself together, Jackson’s eyes bulge almost comically as he points in awe.
Behind him, the doorway finally stablises and Wickes simply walks through, one hand raised in the air as it glows with pure white magic. His short brown hair is almost a perfect match to Phantom’s, while his outfit is far more casual when compared to the other two. A white v-neck t-shirt with a blue button-up shirt pulled over it, torn black jeans and well-worn black boots. His sleeves are pushed back to the elbow his forearms sporting more than one tattoo and a cord necklace is looped around his neck, though the pendant is tucked beneath his shirt’s collar.
Wickes tilts his head as he looks at the person in Will’s arms. The glowing around his hand stops and the doorway collapses in on itself.
“Yeah, I was way off.” he comments as he stuffs his hands into his pockets and glances around.
William continues to hold the boy close, completely missing that Silver’s obviously in shock as he just revels in finally, finally, finding his boy after what he can only assume is years of searching. Time gets a bit muddled after a while. Things meld together until eventually they just kind of fall into obscurity.
Silver struggles, pulling free of William’s hold and backing away, face full of confusion and pain.
“Where the fuck were you!”
“I’m not sure that I-”
“You swore you’d always be there when I needed you! You promised!” He raises his hand and holds up two fingers. “I almost died twice before I wound up here and where were you!”
Tears are welling up in his eyes, and Bim steps up behind him, reaching for the hero’s hand.
William goes to open his mouth, to give probably one of any number of reasons for his absence but is stopped by Jackson’s hand on his shoulder, the mint green-haired man gently shaking his head.
William turns back to the hero. “Damien, I….”
“And now you turn up.” The tears break free rolling down his cheeks as he shouts. “Just as I-” he cuts himself off, squeezing Bim’s hand, his best friend stepping closer to try and console him. When it was just the two of them, he could handle it because he knew it was the right thing to do. To protect Bim, to protect his family but now...
Will watches the two of them curiously, his attention snapped away by a sharp whistle. Wickes raises his eyebrows before nodding towards the stranger that until this point they had all managed to miss.
Phantom has stayed back, watching everything unfold in confusion. He had only intended to bring Will here. Who the other two are and how they got through is a mystery to him, but as all three turn to look at him, he tenses. He doesn’t know them, but they share a knowing look as though his presence here explains a lot.
When William turns back to Silver and Bim, there is a look of grave concern on his face.
“Damien, what did you do?”
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silverdxrk · 6 years
Tag list: @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @virge-of-death @anomalous-duck @risiskifi @squishy-anon @margarita-is-the-answer @hemooryctolagus @my-analogical-romance @nightmarejasmine
In the middle of the room, Bim is splayed on the floor, out cold. It took more than it should have to take him down and Silver could wash for a year and never clean himself of the feeling of wrong that came from knocking Bim out. Phantom stands beside him, clutching his cane and also staring at Bim.
The silence between them is tense, having lasted a good ten minutes at this point, both of them thinking on the current predicament.
“You do deals right?” Silver is the first one to speak, his voice gravelly and quiet, wary of the others sleeping in the other room, and not wanting to wake any of them. “That’s your thing.”
Phantom glances over at Silver, an unspoken accusation and general state of disapproval in his eyes. “Why are you asking?”
“We could make a deal-”
“No.” Phantom attempts to interrupt.
“-and bring Bim back.”
“I said no. I’m not a fairy godmother. My deals do not come with happy endings.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Silver shuffles in place, letting out a quiet oof as Phantom’s cane thumps him firmly in the chest. Looking up he sees the dealmaker glaring at him.
“Every choice matters.” Phantom states firmly, inarguably. “From cradle to grave, everything you do, every turn you take changes the world. Not just for you but those around you as well.” The cane moves away again, returning to being held between Phantom’s fingers. “Take it from someone the Author created to get people to make the wrong choice.”
“Created?” Silver looks across in shock. He knew the Author/Host was powerful but creating a person? “Are you sayin-?”
The kid holds a hand up to silence him. “Please don’t say it. The last thing I need is another existential crisis right now.”
The silence descends again and Silver’s eyes drift back to the unconscious body. Bim, the real Bim, would be horrified by this mess. He’s the only one in the whole building, except maybe Dark, who tries to maintain some kind of order in the mess of chaos that the others throw around. So to see him soaked through with…. Silver bows his head.
“Well then, with all offence intended, why are you here?” As much malice and spite as he can manage is stuffed into his words.
“Because hard as it may be to believe, I want to help you.”
He scoffs, oh he totally believes that. “Why?”
“…...its complicated.”
Silver turns, raising an eyebrow at the kid. Yeah that kind of vague bullshit isn’t going to fly tonight. The dealmaker shuffles under the glare, doing his best to avoid the gaze but ultimately, his shoulders sagging as he realises the hero isn’t going to let this go.
“I think I was meant to be a Faustian demon, you know. A being that comes to you offering you your deepest desires in exchange for something vital. The Author told me I was like a test. I was supposed to make people reassess their lives. Either make them grateful for what they had or punish them for having skewed priorities. And that’s how it was before Mark….” he swallows. “Before Mark took the Author’s eyes.”
“That was Mark?” Silver had always wondered about that but the others had insisted it would be rude to ask.
“Mark forced me to draft a deal with him to bring back his wife. Except it wouldn’t work. My power comes through sacrifice, and Mark had nothing left to give at that point. Just anger and pain. And when he realised I couldn’t do what he wanted....” Reaching up, Phantom absent-mindedly scratches at the side of his head. “Author had shown him how to...mess with my head. He couldn’t erase me or rewrite me but Mark could screw with me until I didn’t know what I was doing any more.
“Then one day,” Phantom snaps his fingers, “it was like I’d woken up. I still couldn’t fight Mark but I could breathe and see everything, every deal I’ve done for him for what it was. And I hated it.” He wraps his hand around the glass globe on the top of his cane and drums his fingers against it, enjoying the slight tingle the gesture gives him. “He had me watching you guys for a long time. If anyone so much as sneezed, he wanted to know. And honestly, you guys are insane. I mean certifiably cuckoo crazy bananas. None of you would last five minutes out in the real world.” The drumming stops, the dealmaker freezes and his gaze saddens as he continues to stare. “So you carved out your own little corner of reality.”
Thinking on it, it doesn’t take too long to realise what the kid is hinting at having happened and Silver can’t help the little smirk that comes as he puts it into words. “You like us.”
“I don’t know.” Phantom shakes his head. “I don’t know who I am. I don’t like what I’ve done. And I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m flying through this by the seat of my pants and underneath it all, there’s this little voice,” he taps the side of his head firmly, “right at the base of my skull and I just can’t get it to shut up.”
“What’s it saying?”
“That I’m not going to survive this.” There’s an echoing ominous nature to his words, an undeniable weight to them and both of them can’t help but to shiver.
“You’re right.” Phantom looks up in horror, but Silver raises a hand to dismiss the immediate thought. “Choices do matter. If you don’t want to offer me the deal, that’s a choice. One that closes off any chance of us turning this around.”
“You don’t know that.” He can see the kid’s resolve is weakening and continues.
“If we’re going to save our family, we need Bim to do it.” If Phantom watched them he’ll have seen. He’ll know just how strangely controlled and level headed the TV show host is. How vital he is to keeping all the crazies in the ‘family’ balanced.
Phantom turns and looks purposefully in the other direction and Silver huffs a tired sigh. “At least tell me what it would take.”
For a while, the kid does nothing and Silver sighs, resigned to having to find an alternative solution when he hears the dealmaker move beside him. Opening his eyes, the hero sees Phantom stood before him, fingers twitching, cane firmly grasped in his other hand.
“This is probably going to feel weird.” is all the warning Phantom gives before firmly placing his palm on the hero’s forehead.
Silver’s eyes flutter closed as a million memories, many long forgotten all flit by at speed. He can feel the dealmaker there, leafing though every last one, looking for that vital cost, the price that could save them all.
Faces long forgotten, and others he’ll always remember pass before his eyes in the space of mere seconds as a lifetime just flies by. When Phantom draws back, the world comes back into view.
It takes a moment for Silver to come back to himself, finding a black handkerchief in front of him, offered out by Phantom as the kid looks morose. Another second and Silver realises he’s crying, snatching the hanky and purposefully turns away so his emotions have less of an immediate audience.
“Well that was an experience.” he mumbles.
Seconds feel like hours as Silver tries to compose himself, pushing away the thoughts and faces that keep trying to float to the surface. Phantom doesn’t push which doesn’t help, any kind of words would do well right now but there’s nothing and after a few deep breaths, Silver turns back.
“So what will it take?”
There’s a firm thunk as Phantom lowers his cane, the base thudding into the floor as he wraps his fingers around the globe, focusing on his fingers and refusing to meet Silver’s gaze.
“The price for Bim,” he speaks firmly, “is your soul.”
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justaphxntom · 6 years
Tag list: @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @virge-of-death @anomalous-duck @risiskifi @squishy-anon @margarita-is-the-answer @hemooryctolagus @my-analogical-romance @nightmarejasmine
Silver is perched on the end of a random table, Mad is apparently not a tidy or organised person, there being several of these around the warehouse. Bim is still on the floor out cold and Phantom is between them, slowly walking back and forth, softly but nervously swinging his cane through the air beside him as he steps. They’re otherwise silent, the low temperature and poor heating only partially responsible for the crisp chill in the air between them.
“You know what taking this deal will do to you.”
“Yeah.” Silver’s head is bowed, arms folded and eyes fixed on a point on the floor.
“So you’re not going to take it.” It’s more of a direction than a question because Phantom knows that Silver is considering it, and knows that it’s possibly the worst thing to do right now.
See usually, a soul is wholly inessential to life. Your average human can easily continue on without one, fundamentally changed from who they were as a person but still alive and able to continue. But Silver’s a special case, and giving his soul is a far steeper price.
“They need Bim.” his voice is low, barely above a mutter and Phantom rounds on the hero.
“Do they? Or do you? If you-”
“They don’t trust me!” The words snap through the air and silence Phantom in a second. Silver looks up, a fiery look in his eyes that could be anger or maybe just pain. “None of them trust me because they’re waiting for me to turn into him.” His eyes dart over to the doorway, towards his doppleganger, the proven asshole, the liar, the cheater, the deceiver. “When they find out I had a chance to save Bim and didn’t, they’ll never forgive me.” His eyes fall to the ground again, defeated. “They need Bim.”
It’s hardly something Phantom can argue with. He’s seen the looks, the glances, the hushed whispers, all pretty prominent inside Silver’s memories and though everyone’s amicable, the truth, the lack of trust is there, plain as day to see.
With a weary sigh, Phantom steps forward, taking a seat next to the hero and watching him carefully, but they both remain silent for a few minutes.
Silver reaches up and runs a hand down his face, frustrated and afraid as he speaks.
“It work like a contract, right?”
“I guess.” Phantom inclines his head. He’s never used an actual contract before but the basic premise is the same.
“So could I set some terms?”
“If you don’t give your soul then yo-” Phantom begins, but Silver cuts across him.
“No I, I get that. I meant like…..” his hands fidget as he thinks how best to word this, “Can I tighten the deal, so it doesn’t come back to screw anyone over?”
“What are you thinking?”
“I give up my….” he can’t say it, but he continues on, “and Bim is him again. Completely him. No lingering urges. I want him to look at a slightly undercooked burger and feel queasy.”
“That’s….actually pretty smart.” Phantom tilts his head.
“And he can’t remember.” Phantom grimaces, gesturing for the hero to elaborate. It is never good to be vague when negotiating. Silver looks between Bim and the dealmaker beside him, “Bim needs to remember why Matthias isn’t around, but he can’t remember anything of the actual…..eating.” Silver counts off a few examples on his fingers. “No flashbacks, no nightmares, no triggers. For now and forever more, the details have to be gone from his mind.”
Phantom nods. Much better. Much more precise and distinct. “Anything else?”
“I want to say goodbye.”
The dealmaker waits, honestly expecting there to be more, but Silver doesn’t continue, his gaze focused on Bim. Did Silver learn nothing from the last term, though this time, maybe a little vagueness can work to their advantage
Phantom nods. “I think I can swing that.”
The deal and the terms set out, there is little more that Phantom can do at this point. He can’t rescind it, once a deal is offered, the mark must either accept or reject it and that is not something that Phantom can control. Even so, he makes one last plea.
“Is there anything I can say to convince you not to do this?”
Silver doesn’t turn. “No.” Firm. Inarguable.
Giving a tired sigh, Phantom reluctantly pushes himself to his feet and turns towards the hero.  He offers out his hand, waiting patiently as Silver continues to watch Bim. When he finally reaches to take the hand, Phantom pulls away at the last moment, finally drawing Silver’s attention to him.
“Only do this, if you’re sure.”
He lowers his hand again. There’s a moment, though brief where he sees the hero question himself, where he asks if this is really what he wants. But the resolve doesn’t leave, it doesn’t lessen or weaken.
Silver reaches forward and takes the dealmaker’s hand.
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hesitxnthost · 6 years
Tag list:  @undocumented-terriaki ​ @ask-barkiplier-rp ​ @supersepticsteph ​ @penpaulkon6 ​ @are-you-here-posts ​ @markifucker-fischfuck ​ @virge-of-death​ @anomalous-duck ​ @risiskifi ​ @squishy-anon ​ @margarita-is-the-answer ​ @kick-the-aj @hemooryctolagus  @my-analogical-romance
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The Host reaches to his mouth, feeling blood on his lips. King of the Squirrels took a fierce swing and knocked him to the ground and the man’s anger is coming off him in waves, pulsing out into every corner of the room. Beside the Host, Dr Iplier is trying to get a better look, but the Host easily waves him back.
Wilford is stood before the dryad, using every ounce of strength he still has, while Silver’s arms are locked around King’s shoulders. Together they are barely able to keep him back and are shouting for him to stop.
“HE DID THIS!!” King spits towards the Host. He may have only got in one punch but the Host knows that if he has his way, King will attempt to kill him. He is angry. Understandably so, but the Host is not sorry for what he has done.
Reaching out, he takes the doctor’s hand, pulling himself to his feet and standing firm, setting his chin and scowling as he faces King.
“The Host did what had to be done.”
The small group lurches as King’s rage grows and he tries again to throw himself at the Host.
“What are you talking about!”
“SAY IT!!” King screams, his words drowning out everybody else, “TELL THEM WHAT YOU DID!”
Amidst the rage, the Host feels everyone’s eyes and focus turn to him, but he doesn’t waver. He will not apologise for this.
“Mark had to be stopped.”
He feels Wilford’s resolve weaken, though he doesn’t move out of the way. “Julien?”
“Bing knew what he was doing. He chose to-”
Of course he sees the fist connect before it does, but in trying to react before it happens, it manages to catch him unawares. Wilford’s fist has a lot less sheer anger behind it but from the crunching sound as it connects, it’s probably broken his nose.
“Everybody calm the FUCK down!”
The Host tilts his head. That glitchy broken voice can belong to no one but Anti but as he looks at where it came from, as he reaches out to sense, as he tries to ‘see’, there is nothing there. It’s an empty space, a distinct lack of anything in space. Barely perceptible and impossible to follow, or truly perceive. He’s never actually paid any real attention to Anti before this moment, and he gets a brief sense that he may come to regret that in the future.
Feeling truly blind for the first time in a long while, the Host reaches for the doctor, taking his hand and looking through his friend’s eyes. Wilford and Silver are still fighting to keep King back, the dryad’s eyes practically aflame with his anger, and in the middle, arms thrown to either side, stands Anti.
“This just what that shit wants us to do.”
“Mark, or the Host?” Wilford asks.
“Fuck you!” The Host shouts at the pink ass.
Anti glitches violently and screeches. “IT DOESN’T MATTER!!” The sound is piercing and everyone winces, reaching to cover their ears. “Beating the snot out of bambi,” Anti gestures towards the Host, “isn’t going to get your friend back. So don’t waste your time.”
Having seen enough, the Host lets go of his hold on the doctor’s hand, having had a very distinct look into his best friend’s head. It would seem everybody is wary of him now. He will have to be careful.
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altegos · 6 years
Tag list: @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @virge-of-death
The room falls silent. No one can ever recall a time that Wilford has ever pointed a gun at Dark. Sure, once or twice Dark’s gotten stuck in the crossfire, but everyone’s at risk then. This....this is clearly personal.
After a moment, Ed speaks up, sitting forward.“I thought we weren’ allowed t’bring guns int’meetin’s any more.” A unanimous decision after Ed and Wilford’s many firefights. Too much risk, too much collateral damage.
“As if we can make Wilford do anything.” Silver comments from where he’s half-slumped against the table.
“Freakin’ double standard,” Ed grumbles, sitting back again.
A shot rings out as Wilford fires into the ceiling, everyone’s hands flying to cover their ears at the sudden noise. With all their attention back to the problem at hand, Wilford aims between ‘Dark’s eyes again. “Where’s Dark?”
There’s a beat, everyone exchanging confused glances, a couple of them wondering if maybe Wilford’s lost his grip again, but he seems coherent. Everyone’s eyes come to rest on their leader, stood at the head of the table and more than one of them begins to question whether or not something more is going on here.
They watch as Dark’s typically stoic, stone-faced exterior shifts and melts into an unrecognisable smirk and air of self-assured cockiness. Several chairs push back from the table in nervousness. It’s not a look that suits Dark, and that’s probably the biggest indicator that this isn’t who it appears to be.
'Dark’ glances over them all, seeming to asses his options before inclining his head slightly. “He’s safe. For now.”
The hammer of Wilford’s gun clicks back as he cocks the weapon again. “You have two minutes to bring him here before I blow your brains out.”
The response is a dry laugh. “And you have twenty seconds to get that gun out of my face before I destroy your little family.” Unphased, the man at the head of the table pulls at the cuff of his suit jacket, giving a half-shrug. “All I need is four words. I suggest you don’t push me.”
“Wilford...?” Bim reaches for Wilford’s arm, gently trying to get him to lower it, but meeting a large amount of resistance. All of them have moved back from the table even further, not sure how to react to what’s unfolding before them. “Maybe you should put down the gun?”
Wilford has always been stubborn, ever since they were kids. His way, or no way. He’d rather go without than cave in, and after what happened all those years ago at the manor, it seems to only have gotten worse. Which is a shame, because Wilford is about to learn, that sometimes, being stubborn has dangerous consequences.
‘Dark’ tuts, shaking his head disapprovingly. “Okay, Google.
Google’s eyes flash, and his body locks up as he awaits instruction. Bing’s eyes go wide in panic and he leaps to his feet as he shouts.
“WILFORD PUT THE GUN DOWN!! PUT IT DOWN!! PUT IT DOWN NOW!!” He doesn’t know what this imposter is about to say, but whatever it is, Google won’t have any choice but to do it and like heck is he going to let this stranger take control of his brother.
The sudden loud voice after such calm and quiet talking makes everyone jump. They all turn to look at Bing in confusion, meaning only Bing and Wilford see the satisfied smile on ‘Dark’s lips as he says the final two words.
 “Kill Bing.”
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mxdpat · 6 years
Tag list: @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @virge-of-death @anomalous-duck @risiskifi
Mad insists on some level of privacy as he works on Google. They won’t let him take the defunct droid into any of the other rooms, but they agree to stand back while he works. The last thing he wants is a distraction from this once-in-a-lifetime, literally-never-going-to-come-around-again opportunity.
Mare pops over once or twice and says something but Mad is just consumed by the high level of technology that’s stuffing this chassis to the brim. He’s got his notebooks and writes down everything he sees, everything he finds. He’s got to find the problem but that’ll be impossible without the proper context!
It’s at least two hours later when Mad beckons them over. Silver, Bim, and Red walk up as Mad spins round, tossing a burnt out component to Silver who barely catches it.
“Good news is, I found the problem and it’s not a virus.” he’s wipes down his hands as he speaks and watches as they examine the part. Silver holds it up and turns it around, Bim looking at it in confusion while Red merely glances before turning to Mad
“So what’s wrong?”
“That,” Mad indicates the burnt-out part, “is Google’s emotional processor. Takes situational input, runs it through and produces appropriate emotional responses. Happiness, sadness, anger, outrage, despair, blah blah blah.”
“It isn’t supposed to look like this is it?” Bim asks.
“Bingo.” Mad snaps his fingers as he gives a wink. “See Cyberlife kind of hold the monopoly on the simulated emotions market. Google really made a good go of it but probably canned the IRL project before they could refine it. I’ve had my hands in a few cyberlife droids in my time, and let me tell you, this,” he points to the processor, “pales in comparison. Best guess, something happened that’s overloaded the processor and since it’s just spurting out nonsense, it’s been causing a series of errors that led to a critical shutdown.”
Red snatches the component from Silver’s fingers, not appreciating the display of such a private component, wrapping his fingers around it and scowling at Mad.
“So fix it.”
Mad chuckles. “Love to, big fella, but it’s not that simple.”
“What do you mean?”
“Fixing it is simple. Hell, I could even steal your processor and use that instead.” Silver goes to move forward but Bim holds him back and Mad chuckles at how easy it is to rile these idiots. “The problem is with the design of the processor. A straight out replacement will just burn out again and as much as I’d love to draw this out, I am not a one for repeating myself. But,” he raises a finger to silence Silver as he goes to speak, “if I get my hands on a cyberlife droid I can construct a better processor. one that can process whatever has happened without self-desctructing and your little problem is over.”
They all share glances. None of the egos knew that Cyberlife droids were a thing, why would they? They had the Googles. So getting a hold of a Cyberlife droid is easier said than done, though Mad himself is in no immediate rush.
Silver looks to the prone form of Google behind Mad. “So Google’s out of comission?”
“I never said that.” Mad calls over his shoulder. “Wake up, Google.”
Google’s eyes snap open, glowing blue before fading as he pushes himself up. He seems a little groggy as he sits up, turning to see everybody staring at him with shocked faces. Except Mad who looks smug as anything.
Google frowns at all of them.
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nxmoreneveragxin · 6 years
Tag list: @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @virge-of-death
Every seat is full, the Jims sharing the Host’s empty seat, Chase is stood between Silver and Bim, Marvin is stood next to the Jims, Anti isn’t too far from his brother, and Natemare is tucked away in the corner. Even the other Googles are here, gathered behind Google’s chair, no doubt conversing across their private channel.
The leader stands, hoisting himself to his feet. There was once a time where that alone would be enough to silence everyone so he could address them but it does nothing. A few of them glance at him, but the only ones to fall silent are the Jims.
It’s the loud slam of Wilford’s fist against the table that silences the room. All of them looking to the head of the table. Wilford is at Dark’s right hand, as he always is, a vacant stare on his face as he knows what’s coming. If there’s any reason Dark would avoid this conversation it would be for Wilford’s sake, but Silver’s right. They need to know.
“It has probably not escaped your various attentions that we share some common features.” his gaze passes over those of them that look the same. All but four of them. “This is not an accident.”
Dark takes a deep breath. “There is a man who has shown an interest in you all. That’s how we found you.” His eyes drift along the table, lingering for a moment on Bing. “Some of you we were late to help. So we did what we could. We brought you here because we thought we could keep you safe.” King of the Squirrels scoffs and Google pointedly pushes his glasses up his nose. Neither of them say a word, though neither of them need to. “We were wrong,”
Everyone turns as one of the Jims raises his hand, something that nobody else would ever do, but nobody questions the fact that Jim does it. As he speaks, Jim’s hand slowly comes down again. “Why does he want to hurt us?”
”A long time ago, the three of us were friends.” Dark gently indicates Wilford as well. They were all very different back then. “Someone screwed up and we lost a lot. Mark believes our face is cursed, and seeks to punish those who share it.” Silence draws out across the room as everybody processes that.
“Well that’s horseshit!” Ed’s voice shatters through the silence, everyone turning to look at him as he leans forward stabbing the table with a finger. “What kind of backass logic supports that?”  the finger then raises and jabs at Dark and Wilford. “And if he’s your friend, how can we trust either one o’ you? How do we know you ent just been collectin’ us for your ol’ buddy?”
Dark twists his neck, feeling it crack as he tries to keep his cool. “Wilford and I are the only reason he hasn’t already come for you.”
Bing mutters something and Dark turns to him, his eyes looking more sunken and his aura bleeding into the air around him. “Do you have something to say, Ashley?”
Bing sits up, looking pissed, “Yeah. I said, you’re full of it. Acting like you’ve been looking after us when you literally used me as live bait to catch Natemare.” the cyborg glances across to the spirit in the corner who honestly just looks like he wants to merge into the shadows and disappear.
“We have bigger problems to worry about here-”
“Not to mention keeping your boyfriend secret and putting almost half the building at risk.” Bing continues still pissed. He glances sideways at Marvin who looks kind of broken as he avoids looking at anyone. “Sorry Marvin.” The magician mutters that its okay, though when Anti moves closer, he doesn’t move away, grateful not to feel alone in this.
Dark catches Marvin’s eyes for a moment and quickly glances away. That bridge is burned. He’s just trying to help them, can’t they all see that?
“The clinic has been an awful lot busier lately.” Dr Ipier adds.
The egos all begin talking at once and internally, Dark shatters, just like that old mirror, cracks reaching to the very edge of his being as he sees the fruits of his labor. The only one who is silent is Silver who just sits there staring at Dark, giving a half shrug as their eyes meet.
Dark is the only one who doesn’t flinch, everyone else’s hands flying to cover their ears to block out the ringing from the gunshot fired into the ceiling. Wilford is stood, his gun pointed to the fresh hole there.
“Mark will kill every last one of you and walk out the door laughing.” There is a mania to his eyes and his voice. He slowly lowers the gun, his finger still twitching on the trigger.
Dark’s hand stretches out to take the gun from him as it always is when things get too much for Wilford. Wilford hands the gun over before turning to look at everyone. “We’re not saying forget that we’re assholes, we’re saying, there’s a bigger one out there, and if you’re not ready, you’re going to die.”
Reaching up, Dark pushes gently to get Wilford to sit again. The backup is helpful, it’s got their attention but it won’t do anybody any good for Warfstache to get worked up.
“Like it or not,” Dark continues, “Wilford and I have dealt with him before. We’re your best chance against him. So you can get mad, or you can get ready.”
Everybody still looks mad, but the anger is laced with determination as they all begrudgingly agree to be wary, be vigilant, to be ready.
Once the room is empty, everyone leaving very much more on edge than they used to be, Wilford pushes himself to his feet. “Julien should have been here for this.”
Dark closes his eyes and shakes his head. “We both know he was never going to come.”
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