#trans girl! jughead jones
Season 1 Episode 2: Chapter 2 - A Touch Of Evil ⬇️
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[Ep. Statues: Already Watched/First Time Watching + Remember/Vaguely/Don't Remeber]
WHAT is it with this show and showing me that nasty ass board?
Am I horrible person for laughing at Jason's facial expression when he's laying on the corner's table?
😑😒 I'm gonna be seeing this man's unrealistic abs for a while aren't I?
Jesus Christ bro put a shirt on you'll catch a cold.
"This isn't a negotiation this is our lives." Okay bitch you meant your life.
Fred every time you show up on my screen I start thinking this show is worth it. Also give me stories of Jughead's tree house.
"An accidental drowning, who cares?!" AGAIN are we sure Betty's mom isn't the phsyco?
Betrayed you? Alice here is acting like they violated some ancient treaty or something. Remind me again who's the teenage girl?
Okay go Betty! Being all emotionally intelligent!
"Watch it Wednesday Addams!" TRANS JUGHEAD CONFIRMED?!!!
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(Jellybean made the patches for him when he came out! He also has them as pins beside the crown pin on his beanie)
AGAIN #LetKevinHitThat2022
VERONICA GOT HER FLOWERS! 🤩🤩🤩. Nooo not yellow for friendship they should be red and pink and there should be violets there too because sapphic and.... hold up I gotta search something up.
Tulips, peonies, purple hyacinths and white orchids.
HERS AND HERS MENI PEDIS. jdjksjs the nail tech asks them how long they've been together and Betty says they just got together before Veronica can get a word out.
What is it with the Lodge women and pearls. Oh god I just got the vivid image of early 20s Hiram Lodge with a single dangly pearl earring. Might try and edit that later.
Edit: I did it!!!!
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(I think Hiram would have done drag at least once in his life. What would his drag name be?)
Wow okay Jughead caught on fast go on gender King!
Girl the fact that Kevin left Betty high and dry for Moose. He's breaking the gay best friend stereotype you're honour 😢 /sarcasm
"Once again, fate throws us together once more" uhuh fate being Kevin's hornieness for Moose dick. Mmmm maybe Kevin's onto something? #KevinShipsBeronica perhaps?
Jesus they're really laying the guilt tick on Archie.
Shipper Veronica? Good to know.
... I really don't want to be mean. But. Archie you can't sing for shit.
Oh Betty.... you're GAY.
...... Grundy is really being fucking manipulative. Did she kill Jason?
Mmmmh I don't like this passive aggressive honeymoon phase Beronica are in.
😧 Betty you bitch. Okay now I can see how these 2 (Betty and Cheryl) are related.
Awwww Betty tutoring dyslexic Archie my beloved. After she tutors Archie and she gets a little older she states tutoring other neurodivergent and disabled kids. She tells her mother it's for her college application but it's actually it's so she can keep an eye on her own and create a support system within Riverdale.
Is Cheryl hitting on Betty? Godamit if they weren't related I'd ship that. Okay neverMIND 😬. That ship sank about as fast as it floated.
Wha????? Okay that.... escalated. Wasn't a serial killer gene mentioned in later seasons?
Jughead is me when it comes to Grundy.
"There's more?" - The damming words of one Jughead Jones in season 1 of a CW show.
Me @ Jughead:
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Also I'm surpised but Jughead seems to have the single brain cell on this show (expect for Fred Andrews).
Archie, do you actually believe this? Oh this is getting too real too fast.
Okay Alice is giving facebook woman. Also the pagan comment is.... icky.
The transphobia against my boy is evil. Also not Reggie picking up on Jarchie vibes.
Again Fred is being the best person on this show.
But after this, does Archie like, talk to anybody about him and Grundy? About how there was obvious a power imbalance and grooming?
Also the Jarchie moments are so genuine. At least this side of the polycule is coming along nicely.
This feels way too professional for a highschool cheer squad. But what do I know, America is weird.
Oh. Cheryl is feeling the full blow of her trauma. I wonder how this is gonna be handled.
"He was supposed to come back" !? OH I remember now. He was supposed to run away with Polly and Cheryl was in on it. Him drowning was supposed to be a cover up.
Omg Beronica first date!
Oh a vow 😏. "Yes Betty lets commit interact rituals together. No boy will get between us."
Omg double date! The Riverdale polycule is assembling!!!!!!!!!
Oh I remember Cheryl's arrest so vividly this makes no sense to me. Staring to remember bits and pieces? I remember Jason's father had something to do with it definitely.
Unhinged rating: 1/10. The unhinged has suddenly plummeted. There were some genuine moments in there but it got dark real quick, from Alice being a psycho to Archie being groomed. But the dialogue is still Like That and the polycule is solidifying.
Starting several new segments:
Archie ab shot count (per episode then added together per season): Two. The first was more subtle the second just made me cringe.
Cheryl's Bitch-O'Meter: 🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹|🏹🏹
A hefty 8/10 bow and arrows because of her moment at Betty's house.
Is it a bird? A plane? No it's a new headcannon pulled right out of thin air! :
Trans(masc) Jughead
Wednesday Addams/General Addams family stan Jughead
Veronica speaks flower language
Betty and Veronica's nail tech think they're a couple
Hiram Lodge used to wear a single dangly pearl earring in his 20s.(and still does on special occasions)
Drag Queen Hiram Lodge
#KevinShipsBeronica. He's our in-canon captain of the ship
Veronica is a diehard shipper (of what you ask? Anything)
Archie is a horrible singer but still writes lyrics
Betty creates a support group for neurodivergent/learning disabled people for her and Archie
Season 1 Alice Cooper is a facebook mom
Riverdale polycule first date/go to date idea is milkshakes at Pop's
Tag list (you can ask to be added [or removed]) though I doubt anyone will ask: @youre-only-gay-once
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lauramarlingnatural · 7 years
So call me your lover, don’t call me your friend ch2
Rated: M / Words: 2600 / Summary:  A night in the booth of the drive-in, just a spark is enough.
Chapter 1: Tumblr | AO3
Read Chapter Two on AO3
/////// Warnings for this chapter: brief mention of misgendering and implied dysphoria ///////
trapped in amber, petrified
The movie is already playing when Betty arrives, projecting above exactly two cars, and a crowd of Southside serpents -- including Jughead's dad, who Betty waves briefly at before hurrying to the projection booth.  
It's no secret that the Twilight isn't exactly the place to be in Riverdale, on a Friday night -- or any night, if she's honest.
She knocks on the door of the dilapidated booth, noting the rotting wood and chipped paint with a wave of sadness.
The drive-in had not been a place of particular importance to her, growing up, but she knew of it's significance to Jughead. Years ago, when Betty had been on her rampage against Chuck Clayton and his cronies, she had enlisted the help of Jughead to restart the school newspaper. The first article Jughead had written had been about the importance of the drive-in to the town, and a call to action to stall the city from tearing it down.
Months after the fact, Betty had learned the true reason for Jughead's dedication to saving the drive-in, that Jughead had been sleeping there since her father had fallen deeper into his alcoholism.
From what Betty had gleaned over the years from an extremely furtive Jughead, things had gotten slightly better at home and she had been able to return home again.
It had taken everything in Betty's willpower to avoid coddling Jughead after she had found out, the need to nurture and protect the other girl something instinctive that she knew would make Jughead uncomfortable.
While the campaign to save the drive-in had been a quasi success, mostly because whatever buyers had been interested had pulled out of the sale mysteriously at the last minute, the popularity of sitting in your car to watch one of the small selection of old movies, the same ones that had been playing repetitively for decades, was still as low as ever.
The door pulls open and Jughead is standing there, beanie discarded and having swapped her leather jacket for a thin flannel shirt, open at the front and revealing that she's still in her white tank from earlier. The late spring air blows a warm breeze around them, and Betty feels everything in slow motion as Jughead steps aside, letting her into the small space of the booth.
Dressed in high-waisted denim shorts and a thin t-shirt, the exposed skin of Betty's legs brushes against the denim of Jughead's legs as she passes and the scratch of fabric on skin makes goose-pimples arise at the points of contact. Shivering, but not cold, she sets her backpack on the floor.
Jughead comes up beside her, nudging a shoulder against hers. "What did you bring?"
She's acting casual, but having known Jughead all her life, Betty's aware that the promise of snacks is probably making the girl do cartwheels internally. With an inelegant snort, Betty opens the bag and empties the contents gracelessly upon the small cot bed placed parallel to the window of the booth.
Not disappointed, a gleeful smile appears on Jughead's features, and something warm and happy settles in Betty's chest at the sight. "Betty Cooper, you are my hero." Jughead proclaims, picking up the jumbo bag of Reese's Pieces and ripping it open, immediately shoveling three in her mouth at once.
Betty laughs, "I'll have you know I had to stop at the store specifically to provide all this. Mom doesn't let this stuff in the house, so you should be grateful i'm not subjecting you to kale chips and rice wafers."
A warm hand, stained with chocolate, clamps gently over her mouth and Jughead widens her eyes in mock horror. "Don't speak of that evil in here again." She grimaces, "Kale chips. The horror."
Betty laughs against the hand still on her mouth, and Jughead removes it, slowly, as if reluctant. "When you're done being dramatic, should we watch the movie?" Betty says, trying to portray a casual air she absolutely does not feel. Moving the snacks into a neat pile in the middle of the cot, she settles down on one side and Jughead plops herself down on the other, burying a hand blindly into the pile and emerging with the popcorn.
They last maybe 10 minutes watching the film in silence, hands finding each other accidentally numerous times when they reach for popcorn or any other item from Betty's loot.
She can feel eyes on her as she stares unseeing at the screen, every inch of her attention zeroed in on the girl sat next to her. Things had never felt this way before between them, like something was impending, something crowding into the air of the room, so obvious -- so palpable -- and yet it was as if each girl was scared to mention it, for fear it would strangle them both.  
When Betty's hand meets Jughead's in the popcorn bag once more, she jumps slightly and meets Jughead's eyes, staring right at her. She gives a nervous laugh, although the last thing she feels is amused, and goes to draw her hand away.
Jughead reaches for her, capturing her hand and tracing a thumb over her knuckles. She swallows once, twice, eyes flicking toward their joined hands and then meeting Betty's gaze with a piercing intensity. "Betty, I--" She starts, before losing momentum and swallowing her words down.
The moment expands and seems to hold them both in a trance, each trying to work the other out. Betty feels as if she's on the precipice, and everything inside her is screaming to jump, to take where Jughead's hand meets hers and pull the other girl in, to -- for once in her life -- damn the consequences.
Jughead, in the end, takes the pressure from her. In a move so quick it's dizzying, wide, warm hands are holding her face in a cradle, pulling her across the cot. Betty can do nothing but follow; Jughead is her true north, and she has no will to resist. They both want this, and when her mouth collides with Jughead's, they're both smiling into the kiss.
Their teeth knock together at first, and half their snacks tumble to the floor as Betty crawls closer, lifting up on her knees and resting her hands on Jughead's firm shoulders. Her mouth is so soft and tastes of popcorn, chocolate and something indescribable that's so Jughead it makes Betty's hands shake and knees wobble.
When Jughead fits their tongues together, sliding her hands from Betty's face and coming to feel at the expanse of Betty's thighs, a soft moan escapes Betty and she feels her entire face flush with it, breaking away from the kiss to catch her breath.
She leans her body-weight on Jughead, resting her forehead on her exposed shoulder where the flannel shirt has slipped down. Jughead's chest is rising and falling rapidly, and she traces her hands almost absent-mindedly up and down the skin of Betty's thighs, igniting and torching every inch of Betty's inhibition as the hairs stand up at the back of her neck, and her stomach twists and flips violently.
Neither of them seems to want to speak, each grasping at the other but somehow, still shy and uncertain. Of course, because Jughead always seems to be the bravest out of the two of them, she's the one who speaks first.
"Is this... this is okay?" Her voice is raspy, croaking around the words.
Betty nods vehemently, finally drawing herself up to look up at Jughead. "More than okay," She assures, voice breathy and hushed. Jughead lets escape a heavy, quaking breath, and it washes over Betty in a wave. She realizes that maybe, just maybe they've both wanted this for a long time. Maybe, with Jughead, she can stand to be a little brave.
She reaches up a hand to stroke at the skin of Jughead's cheek, her thumb tracing her bottom lip. "I -- I've wanted this... wanted you,"  she clarifies, "for a long time." Her voice is merely a whisper, but there's no need to be loud, Jughead hears every word that escapes her.
And then their lips are meeting again, this time more sure, this time more confident. Jughead is pulling Betty in once more, maneuvering her thigh so that she's straddling at Jughead's hips. Neither of them break the kiss, and it deepens, Betty lacing her fingers through the soft hair at the nape of Jughead's neck, the hands on her thighs gripping tight. When Jughead sucks on her tongue it causes Betty to lose balance, falling completely into Jughead. Where their hips meet, she grinds absent-mindedly for friction, making them both gasp. The kiss goes on, as Betty pours every unspoken word and every desire she's had for past two years into it, biting at Jughead's lips and tracing the lines of her face and body, reminding her that this is real, that this is actually happening.
She's kissing Jughead. Jughead is kissing her. The thought drives her forward and each girl grows frantic, desperate, Jughead is kissing Betty like all she wants is to crawl inside her, like close is just never close enough, and the want, the unrelenting pull of her, it fills the tiny cramped room until everything is too warm, too much, and Betty's pulling at Jughead's clothes, desperate to rid her of them.
She manages to remove the flannel, fingers gripping at Jughead's biceps and rolling the flat of her palms along her pecs, the trace of her throat, pressing fingers into the dip of her collarbone. Jughead moans throatily into her mouth, opening up further.
When Betty's hand find the hem of Jughead's tank, the same one that's been causing her so much agonizing desire she can hardly think clearly, Jughead freezes beneath her, wrapping a gentle hand around her wrist, stopping her. Despite it being the last thing she wants, Betty rips her mouth from Jughead's, staring in askance.
Jughead looks wrecked beneath her. Her pupils are blown and lips raw and red, cheeks flush beneath the olive of her skin and her hair a tangled web. She's the most beautiful girl Betty's ever seen, like this, all mussed up by her hand.
Eventually breath finds Betty's lungs again, and she can speak. "Is something wrong, Juggie?" Her voice is timid and she hates it, but this is important. Despite her utter lack of experience, she knows. This is important.
Jughead squeezes at her wrist softly, a gesture of reassurance. "No, I just." She gulps heavily, still breathing unsteadily. Her thumb traces across Betty's pulse point and it sends a jolt up Betty's spine, still tightly wound and fraught with want. "Can we slow down, a little?" Jughead asks quietly, a small line of a frown forming between her brows, and something aches deep in Betty's chest.
Immediately, Betty nods in affirmation, moving her hand from where it was at Jughead's shirt and twisting it to lace her fingers with Jughead's. "Yes. Anything you want. We can... just, whatever you want, okay?"
The line of a frown disappears, and Jughead is smiling up at her, and she can't help but smile back. She's utterly lost for the girl beneath her and not a thing could hope to pull her back.
Jughead leans up, kissing her once more, this time chaste and altogether too brief. When they break away, Jughead leans her forehead on Betty's temple, the heat of her breath escaping in small puffs against Betty's cheek. "We should talk, Betts."
And it's the same as when Jughead had come out to her, the same exact tone, that resigned sort of bravery that sets Betty on edge and sends anxiety racing along her veins. She bites at her bottom lip, and moves off of Jughead, instead sitting beside her.
She takes stock of the utter mess they've made with their food pile on the floor and it sends a thrill rushing through her. She reminds herself that Jughead wants this, wants her, it seems, and too much can't have changed in the last few minutes. She breathes and counts backwards from ten, getting a hold of herself and her nerves before bracing herself for this conversation.
Jughead sighs at the worried look on her face, lifting her arm and wrapping it around Betty's shoulders, drawing her in. Betty rests her head on her shoulder, still holding Jughead's other hand, and Jughead brings their laced fingers to her lips, placing a kiss to Betty's knuckles.
"Juggie?" Betty prompts, the word catching in her throat at the raw tenderness with which Jughead is treating her.
And it's not at all what she expects -- not that she really knew what to expect at all.
"I'm just not ready for, uh. For you to see... me." She uses their joined hands to gesture in the general area of her body. She's glaring at the corner of the room, where a stack of old film posters are piled up, collecting dust.
Betty lifts her head, looking at the side of her face. "What do you mean?"
She sighs, moving her gaze to their hands. "Do you even like girls?" Her tone is cutting, but Betty has the inkling the aim of her jab is actually far more insular.
And it's tentative territory, because of course Betty likes girls, she likes Jughead. She's thought about what this means, she knows she's bisexual. It doesn't scare her, it's not something that concerns her very much -- but it's also something she's kept to herself, something nobody other than Veronica knows about her.
Because Jughead is only out to Betty, Archie, Veronica and Kevin -- and, ostensibly, her father and Jellybean -- Betty knows Jughead can feel worn down being misgendered constantly. She knows the sardonic comments and anti-social attitude are a defense mechanism as much as they are her personality.
Slowly, Betty shifts beneath Jughead's arm to try and capture her eyes, to no avail. Gnawing on her bottom lip, she responds. "Short answer? Yes."
Jughead whips her head up to look at Betty, eyes wide. Betty continues, "Long answer? I like you, Jughead." When Jughead looks away from her again, clearly conflicted by some thought that's haunting her, Betty sighs under her breath. “I can’t know what it is you’re feeling or thinking, but if it’s that I don’t see you as a girl, and that’s why I like you –- you’re wrong. I do. I… I like you so much, Jughead, all of you. You have no idea.”
Jughead just keeps staring at the floor, but she clutches Betty’s hand tighter.
Betty feels out of her depth, not knowing what it is Jughead needs, how she can be comforted. Jughead is the last person who will let herself be comforted, anyway, walling herself up with barbed wire, wearing her gloom like armor.
Unfolding their hands from where they're curled together, Betty lifts her hand to bring Jughead's jaw to hers, pressing their lips together. Jughead is unmoving, at first, but then she opens up, kissing Betty back, and it's slow, the polar opposite from their frenzied kisses of before. Betty pours everything she doesn't say into the kiss, hoping that some of it will land, that Jughead will understand her, that she can take her insecurities and cover them all up, discard of them. If not for good, then at least for just right now.
She kisses Jughead like a promise, but she knows -- Jughead doesn't trust promises. With all the courage she has, with all the firm belief in her own conviction to persist in what may be a futile attempt, Betty promises it anyway.
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scorpionwins · 2 years
Some trans Jughead headcanons bc I got inspired:
He knew really young that something was just out of place, not only with himself but also how everyone treated him
" Forsthyia, baby can you -" " No, " itty bitty baby pointing at his chest, " Not Forsthyia. Forsythe" and FP nods like, ok I got it
" so hey we have a son now, just thought you should know" Gladys is confused. Did you try stealing that Fogarty kid again?? "
No I mean, we have a Forsthye now."
Gladys doesn't really get it, but since she doesn't plan to stick around that much, doesn't really mind.
Mostly she's bothered bc they bought all those " girl" things for nothing. " We could always donate them or give them away." " That sounds kind and charitable. Let's just have another kid."
Everyone takes it really well, - Archie changes the sign of their tree house from A + B + F to A + B + J
" Jughead? You sure?" " Yep!" " ... Cool. Hey dad, I want to change my name too!"
Alice tells Betty not to get any ideas, but also makes sure Jughead only comes over when when Hal isn't home (small mercies)
Jug inheriting some of Archie's hand me downs like shirts and jeans and overalls, but also some of FP's. He drowns in everything but they're great to sleep in
Because I love the Jangs friendship, Fangs also takes some of his younger siblings' clothes and leaves them on the Jonses' doorstep ( FP sees him several times but never says anything)
His discomfort grows when he does. The first time he experiences body disphoria is when he's a junior and Jason Blossom sneaks a hand on his thigh in English. " You're a good writer, right? Maybe you can help me out." (Jason is like lowkey creepy sorry not sorry sjsj)
He runs away, and maybe his small fists won't leave the bruise Jason deserves, but the shock on his face is priceless
He does get detention, but is that a spark of approval in Weatherbee's eye? " And you can tell your father Jason will get a hefty suspension. Mister Jones."
Betty gets suspended for knocking two teeth out of his mouth and surprisingly enough Alice doesn't comment on it
Archie takes him out for milkshakes later that day, " want an awkward bro hug?" " always" " and do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because I can totally kill that guy for you" " nO"
Cheryl specifically comes to apologize to him, in her own way. " You're the only boy I tolerate in this God forsaken breeding ground of drama and social cooties."
The Bulldogs were bad before (bc they have crushes on him) but now, it got a bit worse. However Jug does take some comfort Reggie remained the same
One of them does make a comment about doing things to his chest, visible even through 2 layers of shirts. But said creep gets suspended from the team and an anonymous benefactor leaves a binder in Jug's locker a week later, with a note.
'' If you're going to be annoying, at least be comfortable about it."
Reggie isn't very subtle because when he pins Jug to lockers or hits him he avoids his chest even if Jug never mentioned anything
By the time he's a sophomore he still can't use the boys lockeroom, - not that he desperately wants to, Archie and Kevin have enough horror stories to fill a Stephen King book about them
so at PE, Cheryl, Veronica and Betty make sure everyone either gets dressed before he arrives, or wait for him to finish before going in
Eveeyone who matters knows he's homeless once it happens. Archie finds out first, but doesn't want to embarrass Jug, nor offer help upfront since it'll most likely go unaccepted, but they help in small ways
Betty invites him over to slumber parties with Polly and Veronica. Cheryl can't always be present because Penelope still holds a grudge to the punch incident
But while they're there, Alice keeps FP informed of his well being and promises he'll be okay. Also makes sure to pack food for Betty to stuff in his backpack when everyone's asleep
Cheryl and Veronica help with the more uncomfortable stuff. Leaving tampons or other hygiene products for him to find once a month, or asking the janitor or the school nurse to say " they just found them around"
There's also the Book. Nefarious. Pretty much all the girls are in it, safe for Cheryl and Betty, who apparently are way too gay to be believable
But Jug is there too, in Jason's neat handriwiting next to Polly and thats how Archie and Reggie get suspended for the rest of the year
When the whole Jason thing happens everyone thinks its Archie and FP who did it. Jug would concentrate on that but the tall Southside boy is distracting
His family is super worried when the transfer happens bc the Southside isn't the most tolerant part (no part in Riverdale is, but) with tough boys and girls which Jughead. Isn't.
Fangs being unreasonably happy when Jug wears a shirt he knows for a fact was his own a while ago. " Good to know you finally grew into it." Jug doesn't know what he means by that, and pouts. " Is that a short joke?"
Jug being surprised they know who he is, - he expected them to remember FP's daughter, but not him. Toni scoffs. " Are you kidding? FP can't keep quiet about his amazing writer son. It remains to be seen if you live up to the hype."
Jug rejecting Sweet Pea's quarry invite because he doesn't want to out himself
he can see Sweet Pea took it personally tho, so he uses some of his savings to buy cake mix and decorate some cupcakes terribly, which he leaves them in the beat up locker next to his.
Precisely not staying with the serpents bc he doesn't think sweet pea likes him, and if he found out about the detail that could make or break his experience at this school, would downright detest him
Toni and Fangs know but say nothing to Sweet Pea bc its not their place, but also, they can tell he sees this as a challenge and it's a good distraction from Josie
Sweet Pea sees Toni and Jug walking together from the girls' bathroom and thinks they have a thing? Which is weird considering Toni hasn't stopped mooning about Jugs scary redhead friend
Maybe he knocks over Toni's motorcycle after, maybe he doesn't. " You're a loser." " Your face is a loser."
It's not only Toni thought. One time he asks Jug (read: corners him) why he won't get in the locker room with the boys and Jug speaks even less to them after
Which results in Fangs not speaking to him either. " Are you blind, or just stupid?" " What are you talking about? " " Not my place to say. Just know that you're a dumbads and really not helping your case."
BONUS points if Sweet Pea had a crush on Jug before he transitioned and may not recognize him now, but also keeps a picture of a girl patching his knee in his lockeroom door
And then Jug remembers him as well and doesn't speak to his " playground husband" at all
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raayllum · 4 years
but, doesnt hc'ing amaya or janai as bi or pan somehow invalidates the fact that they are lesbian and dont feel attraction to men?
there’s a few things to unpack here
1) not all bi or pan women (or femme aligned people) even feel attraction to men. each just mean attraction to more than one gender, and there’s loads of genders out there
2) up until the 1970s, a hard distinction between bi and lesbian as sexualities didn’t exist. women with an attraction to women were all cloistered under a similar umbrella term until the late 1880s, earliest. a lot of ace, aro, bi, and pan people also fell under the term of lesbian by extension during those periods bc they were living their lives in a non cis-heterosexual manner. it’s because a lot of those experiences have a lot in common. bi, pan, and lesbian, ace, and aro spec women can all know what it’s like to like women. but to act like only lesbians know what it’s like to live being “unavailable” to men with zero attraction to them... is incorrect (hi ace and aro people and bi/pan women in committed relationships with other women).  
it is also not surprising that an emphasis on lesbian identity as separate from these other experiences / identities arose during the 1970s as well during the lesbian sex wars up through the 1990s that also led to a rise of lesbian sanctioned transphobia (hi terfs). 
3) janai and amaya are only lesbians if you follow the twitter account of tdp’s head writer who’s name is only in the credits of the show and if you happened to see that tweet and if you choose to accept a word of god twitter statement (not even in an interview) as canon fact. i’ve seen word of god statements be the most disingenuous shit on occasion, so as a general rule i don’t really take them into account. someone else can, of course - but you can’t force anyone else to.
4) the tumblr obsession with exact labelled identities to project on characters or to have confirmed contributes to “you have one (1) identity and cannot change it” which is a very toxic mindset to have. people’s identities change all the time as we grow to understand ourselves better.
like every popularly HC’d fanon bi could also be HC’d as pan and could not have a queer identity read onto them by fans often for the express purpose of shipping them with a same sex only / as their Best Possible endgame bc bi characters in m/f relationships aren’t “as good,” obviously (sarcasm), and yet... 
someone could headcanon amaya as thinking she’s bi and later realizing she’s a lesbian or vice versa. someone could headcanon gren as being a trans woman later in life who still uses he/him pronouns. fandom is an inherently transformative space. 
5) lesbians are the most represented queer group after gay men. biphobia and bi erasure is one of the most prevalent experiences in fandom and in real life based on visibility politics. 
6) speaking of visibility: there are four ‘mainstream’ ace characters in fiction right now. raphael from shadowhunters tv show, todd chavez from bojack horseman, a girl from sex education, and jughead jones from the archie comics who’s also aromantic. jughead’s asexuality was erased in the riverdale tv show in the mainstream content people consume. and even then, i’m not shitting all over the writers, people who like riverdale, people who ship jughead with characters, or the canon ships with him in the show. 
if someone watches TDP, all they’re gonna see that is janai and amaya like women and are with each other. i cannot understate how few people actually read fanfiction. 90% of tdp’s audience are not going to see the what, 20 fics of people like gren/amaya or gren/amaya/janai. unless a person doesn’t ship what you ship specifically because it’s gay, it’s not homophobic - get over yourself.
7) making shipping or a ship an identity piece related to your sexuality is the fastest way to fuck yourself over. don’t do it. 
8) shipping is still never a reason to harass people. ever. i don’t care what you think a ship invalidates or perpetuates. block and move on. that’s what the block button is there for. 
more on varying levels of canonicity here and how sexual orientations are ascribed to characters that reinforce gold star gay hierarchy here
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New Girl- Jughead Jones
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One day my life changed to being alone to becoming the more  outgoing type. My mom told me that we were moving from New Jersey to all the way to this small town named Riverdale. These news shocked me because I never thought of us moving to a small town when we already live in a great large one. I could never argue with my mom so when she told me to go pack I went to my bedroom and started to box my things up.
' Skip about 1 hour later'
After all this packing I went down the stairs to greet my mom and help with anything she needed.
" Hi mom, I finished packing, what do you want me to do now."
"Hi honey, I need help getting all the boxes outside so the moving truck can take them to our new house."
I went and got all the not so heavy boxes outside, while all the heavier ones are inside still. I was about to go inside, but out of the corner of my eye I see the  moving truck come my way. So I stayed outside and helped them move boxes inside the truck. While I was moving them, one of them went inside to get all the ones that were heavy for me to carry out. Once all of the boxes were stored away safely, they headed to Riverdale. My mom and I got into the car and head our way to the little town.
' Skip the long drive'
We  made it to the town and our house. I got out of the car to help unload the truck and than start to unpack everything. My mom said...
" Can you go to this place called POP'S and get us some burgers to go?"
I said..." Yeah sure."
I headed out the door after putting on my shoes I went out and walked to the little diner that we passed on our drive. Once I got there I went up to the counter and waited for someone. A couple minutes later the owner come out to take my order.
" Hi, Are you new I never seen you around here before?"
" Haha, yea I am, but can I have 2 burgers."
" Yea, you can. Whats the name for your order?"
" Thanks, um Y/N Y/L/N. oh and can that be for to go?"
"Okay and yeah."
After I gave my change to POP I looked around the little diner. My eyes suddenly they caught someone's attention and he was wearing a crown looking beanie. He looked really interested in his laptop. I wanted to go over there and talk to him, but I got to nervous. While I was debating on going over to him I heard someone start talking.
" You know staring is rude." I snapped out of my trans and I did not even know I was staring that long.
" Sorry I did not mean to star that long." After I said that I automatically regretted saying it because  I just rated myself out. " So you admit you were staring." I was about to talk but got rudely interrupted.. " Names Jughead, Jughead Jones the Third." " My name is.. I was going to say my name until POP called my name for my food.
" So the pretty girl has a name, you know that name makes you more beautiful." Jughead said
I blushed from him calling me beautiful. I know I had to leave, but I didn't want to. I got up and walked to him. He was watching my every move until I got to his table/booth. I was going to say this.. " Well I need to head out, but hopefully see you later." Jughead said..
" In deed you will new girl." I headed out to head home to eat with my mom. I got home and my mom and I just ate in silence. After eating I headed to get some sleep because I start school tomorrow.
' Next Day'
I woke up and got dressed in some black skinny jeans, a red crop top with a dark blue jean jacket. I walked into my bathroom and did my hair into a messy bun and added some mascara and some chap stick. I headed back to my room and put on my white converse. I then headed downstairs grabbed a breakfast bar and walked to school.
' Skip the walk'
Once I got to the entrance I walked to the office and faced the same boy I met last night in POP'S. When he was done talking to the office lady he turned around and starred at me. When I was looking into his green eyes I knew one day that Jughead and I were going to be best of friends or maybe even more some day.
I hope you guys love this image about Mr. Jones himself . Don't  forget if you want one request it. First one done, comment how I did, oh and if there are grammar mistakes I am sorry for that .
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snarkwrites · 4 years
-- masterlist -- archived, 2020
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[18+ advised ] This is going to be long af. I’m going to do my best to put everything - all my writing on this blog, in one goddamn place, but I make no promises, so forgive me in advance. Below the cut is everything I’ve written and posted, for every single fandom I’ve written for so far. If [mature] or [suggestive] is present in the title/post, 18+ only. If you’re looin for y/n here, you won’t really  find it. I prefer to use oc’s in writing most of the time because it’s easier for me.
** the titles in bold and not linked I either haven’t written or I’ve lost the link for. jsyk. I do that so that when/if I get around to writing something, it’s already got a place. It’s weird, I’m weird.**
If you want to be on the taglist for my writing, you can find that [here]. If you want to know what I write / how often I write and stuff like that, my faq/about post is [here]
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--𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
[ 1984 ]
 xavier plympton - cherry popped | spring | mature.
[ Miami ]
eric delko - tba | fall/winter | mature.
tim speedle - perfect | spring | mature.
[ Vegas ]
greg sanders - tba | fall/winter | mature.
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
[ Avengers ]
bucky barnes - slippery when wet | winter | mature.
captain america - choke me | winter | suggestive.
pietro maximoff - faster, baby | spring | mature.
[ Guardians Of The Galaxy ] 
starlord - eat me | spring | mature.
[ Venom ]
eddie brock - milf isn’t a bad word | spring | mature.
-- ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕝𝕖
archie andrews - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jughead jones - tba | summer/fall | mature.
reggie mantle - yours  | summer | mature.
sweet pea - selfish | summer | mature.
--𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕆𝕗 𝔸𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕪
juice ortiz - needed me | spring | mature.
--𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
billy hargrove - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jonathan byers - surrender | summer | mature.
steve harrington - wet | summer | mature.
steve harrington - disaster | summer | mature.
dean winchester - tba | summer/fall | mature.
kevin tran - tba | fall / winter | suggestive.
sam winchester - tba | summer/fall | mature.
-- 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥
embry call - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jacob black - found you | spring | mature.
paul lahote - tba | summer/fall | mature.
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-- 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤
matt saracen, remember you young by thomas rhett | angst & fluff / reunion
-- 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
jonathan byers, i think i love you | fluff. two best friends admitting their feelings for each other. an au take on my oc pairing with Steve Harrington, so an au of an au oops rip.
steve harrington, blindsided | fluff and awkward cute first kisses,ftw.
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-- 𝟙𝟚 ℝ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝟛: 𝕃𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟
jon shaw - galentines / be my valentine - ex lovers, drinking tw, intense fluff.
-- 𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
[ Apocalypse ]
michael langdon - moon dance - a witch and her dance under the moon captivates Michael Langdon. sexual tension, ftw.
-- 𝔸𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
[ Legends Of Tomorrow ]
ray palmer - back where you came from - time travel, mutual crushes
ray palmer - bachlorette party gone wrong or right - flirty first meeting at a bachelor party
ray palmer - villainesses want heroes - a good guy with a bad girl? more likely than you think. 
-- ℂ𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕔𝕜
 dennis zalewski - photo booth montage - angst / hurt comfort, major character death & mourning, ghosts.
the kid / henry deaver - you were different - alternate universe personas reunite, intense makeout ensues.
--𝔻ℂ ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔
[ Suicide Squad ] 
captain boomerang - expecting someone taller - first date / blind date.
-- 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤
 landry clarke - if i only had a brain | someday my prince will come - tutor turned friend turned crush. kissing and stuff.
tim riggins - wedding bell blues | so this is love - a wedding brings two people closer and the end result is Riggins, settling down.
tim riggins - voice like honey - tim flirting with a new girl in Dillon? the chances are more likely than you think.
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔
[ Avengers ] 
bucky barnes - girls,girls,girls - bucky’s omega likes to dance. and to offer herself up as bait. bucky doesn’t like this... intense heated conversation ensues.
captain america - no selfies in the bathroom please? - oh, nothing but Steve Rogers and an OC flirting over the phone. Innuendo towards the end if you squint.
[ Punisher]
 frank castle - patient of the week - patching up Frank isn’t the only thing she longs to do. A kiss is shared.
-- 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤
lip gallagher - wedding crasher | the nanny and the professor - lip and his girl and their ups and downs. They go from him crashing her wedding drunk to the two having a night of domestic bliss.. and a kid. mildly suggestive the second part is.
-- 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕆𝕗 𝔸𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕪
juice ortiz - crow flies | rough rider | treat you as good as my leather - snippets from the relationship between juice and my OC, Hazel Teller.
juice ortiz - glass houses | throwing stones - more from relationship between Juice Ortiz and Hazel Teller, tbh. 
-- 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
billy hargrove - let the days go by - flashbacks to a first meeting as an OC mourns Billy’s supposed death post S3.
jonathan byers - should’ve been a better shot - Tommy H’s girlfriend (not Carol, an oc) is getting more than a little sick of being Tommy’s property. Kissing Jonathan Byers seems like a good way to end that and to let jonathan know that she likes him a lot. Fluff/humor, warnings of Tommy H being his usual asshole douchenozzle self.
steve harrington - glass houses | throwing stones, this is set in the now main au timeline I have for Steve Harrington and my original character Charlotte Granger.
-- 𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕒𝕝
crowley - the witching hour - just a father/daughter heart to heart with Poppy. family bonding ftw. [ goes with pop goes my heart tangentially]
dean winchester - pop goes my heart - poppy gets under his skin in all the wrong ways AND all the right ones. 
dean winchester - gingerbread family - the boys find themselves waking up to Christmas as a totally normal family. How will they react to the things they find themselves able to do at last?
sam winchester - heaven knows - his guardian angel only wanted to protect him. now she’s been banished to earth and she’s mortal. and they wind up flirting / getting closer.
sam winchester - candy apple kisses | gingerbread family - sam never forgot about her. maybe that’s why as a result of a wish he and dean may or may not have both made, he wakes up to find himself married to her.
-- 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕
[ The following ones are all part of this huuuuge everchanging universe/storyline that I have with BOTH men, for my OC Evie. In some, she’s with Daryl, in others, Shane. They’re all wildly canon divergent and all over the place, lmao.]
daryl dixon - watch the world burn [married au] | a vision from a sugarplum fairy | garden by the sea  - a series of alternate takes / twists and moments between my OC Evie Grimes and Daryl Dixon.
shane walsh - scream queen [reunited lovers au] | sweet morning rose | you and your high horse - a series of alternate takes/twists and moments between my OC Evie Grimes and Shane Walsh.
-- 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥
jacob black, one day more, angst | 
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-- ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕤
derek morgan x -being roommates with | 
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
sam wilson / falcon x - dating falcon | 
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tim speedle [ d m y ] | [ b o u ] | [ c e k ] | j w x | l f | 
kylo ren [ k l r ] | 
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CSI: Las Vegas;
t r o u b l e | greg sanders x Sidle!Sibling OFC, Belle | genres : suspense/action, romance / fluff, hurt comfort, angst, slow burn | chapters : [ one | two | three pt1| three pt2 | four | five | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, attempted murder tw, murder mentions / crime mentions tw, eventual smut/sexual content tw, [ discontinued to be rewritten ]
m i n e | tim speedle x former lover!OFC, Sylvie | genres : suspense/action, romance/fluff, hurt comfort, angst, slow burn | chapters : [ one two pt 1 two pt 2 three three pt 2 ] | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, crime / stalker tw, other themes and eventual smut/sexual content tw, [discontinued to be rewritten]
gangsta | sweetpea x Andrews!SiblingOFC, Alyssa | genres: teen angst - drama, suspense, hurt comfort, romance, slow burn | chapters: one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten- eleven - twelve - thirteen - fourteen - | soundtrack: here | warnings: fighting / swearing, sexual tension, awkward situations & eventual smut.. your typical high school overdramatic bs. Bit of an au because I only plan to loosely follow the series. | [ discontinued to be rewritten ]
Sons Of Anarchy;
home | juice ortiz x Teller!OFC, Hazelynn | genres: action / suspense, hurt/comfort, angst, slow burn, romance, smut | chapters: one - two - three - | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, heavy sexual tension, violence and other adult themes, alcohol / drugs / illegal activities, sex worker ofc tw, sexual content eventually | [ being rewritten to be reposted soonish ]
Stranger Things;
upside down | steve harrington x OFC, Jenny | genres: teen angst - drama, suspense, hurt comfort, friendship, fluff, action, | chapters: one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - | soundtrack: here | warnings: fighting / swearing, sexual tension, awkward situations & eventual smut... your typical high school drama + science fiction-y type misadventures,lmaoo. | [discontinued to be rewritten]
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heck yeah, i'm all for positivity !! for canon characters, how about klaus hargreeves (pan & genderqueer; the umbrella academy), frisk (non binary; undertale),and alluka zoldyck (trans girl; hunter x hunter)? for queer-coded, monkey d. luffy (aroace; one piece), aura blackquill (wlw; ace attorney), and jughead jones (aroace; archie comics)? and lastly, headcanons !! agender kirby (kirby), gay & trans man snufkin (the moomins), and biromantic demi-ace sakura kinamoto (cardcaptor sakura) !!
Oooo wonderful!
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finalcreacher · 4 years
Something Not Quite Right, But Not Quite Wrong || Chapter 1
A/n - Trigger Warning: Rape/Non-Con/Sexual Assault Nothing too explicit, mostly mentioned, a little bit of description though.
Word Count: 1,223
Reposting this on my main blog, it’s just a very angsty, queer, and trauma filled canon divergent story. Archie/Betty/Veronica/Jughead is endgame...but may take a while to get there...
Also- Jughead is trans, but isn't out yet. So any mentions of this girl named Jones? It's just what Betty and Archie call him, instead of his birth name.
It was the blazing heat of that summer, that found Archie queasy, and begging his father to leave work early that day. He was given a worried look, and he’d insist that he could walk home just fine, perhaps lying that one of his slightly older friends could give him a ride. Fred would still share with him his worries, but allows him to go- “just text me when you’re home” he’d said.
Archie agreed, nodding. Waving a goodbye to his dad, and trudging his way back home. Legs aching, head throbbing- sweat that leaked from his face and his pits, staining and drenching his shirt, making his hair appear greasy, and a bit slicked back. And all too far in his journey hoping that he’d brought a water bottle. He thinks he might be dying.
Which, given his history of sports, he knew was ridiculous. There were a few times- or more than a few, Archie was forgetful sometimes, even when he didn’t mean to be- that he’d been playing, and had gotten that all too familiar dizzy dehydrated feeling. This 90 degree summer day would be no match for Archie- Archie that had gone through worse conditions during sports.
It wasn’t the heat he’d have to worry about, though. It was her. He could never recall if he had heard her little sky blue, Volkswagen Beetle pulling up besides him- but he did know she spoke first. Surprised to see him, noticing how miserable he looked. “Why don’t you come in?” She suggested.
He should have listened to his gut feeling. Her question made a sick sort of feeling form in the pit of his stomach. He shouldn’t be accepting rides from strangers. But, he reasoned, Ms. Grundy wasn’t a stranger- she was the music teacher. A young woman that he had recognized, almost soon as she recognized him. He had seen her through the halls, and the few times he had tried taking music- he didn’t feel very good at it, but he enjoyed it. He eventually had dropped the class- in favor of after school sports.
He nods back to her, still unsure, but smiling. He wipes a sweaty hand on his pants, opening one of the tiny doors, and clambering inside. Not very graceful. He forgets to tell her where to go. They drive for a while, in silence. “So, Archie?” Her soft, older, voice startles him.
“Yeah?” He all but mutters out.
“How’s your music going? It was a shame you had to drop out- you were one of my better students,” she muses.
Archie doesn’t know how to respond to that. Him? Talented? He didn’t think so. “Thank you,” it comes out more confused than the confidence he’d hoped for. “I-I’ve been writing.”
Ms. Grundy seems to notice his face brighten, smiling back to him. An all teeth sort of deal. “Oh? You’ll have to share sometime. I’m sure it’s wonderful.”
He feels an intensely warm blush creep across his face, looking away from her, leaning his body against the car door. He can feel her fingers grace the top of his knee, and slowly, and quietly, work there way back. But before Archie can look, and tell her to stop- there gone. As if they were never there in the first place. He’d be silly to bring it up now.
He realizes, as they pull into a nearly empty parking lot- that this isn’t the way home. “Uhm- Ms.Grundy?”
“Geraldine. I told you to call me, Geraldine.”
Oh, she had? He hadn’t remembered that, he figured he must have spaced out a bit. The heat will do that to you. “Sorry, Geraldine. I think my house is back the other way.”
Behind the prettiest smile he’d ever seen- she gave him an almost devilish look. “Oh, we don’t need to worry about that, Archie.” She purrs, unbuckling her seatbelt. Her hands grazing near his thigh again, pushing into the release button instead. He hears the seatbelt whip back into place.
He’s not sure what’s going on. But he thinks back to the times he had watched those trashy teen flicks with his friends. Betty had seemed very into them, he thinks it may be mostly a girl thing. But Jones didn’t like them as much. He supposes that she was also a girl of taste, and generally enjoyed the classics and more obscure, artistically crafted films- than whatever garbage they consumed during those sleepovers.
It was those teen movies that gave him the slightest clue of what Geraldine wanted- and he didn’t appreciate it. He frantically tries turning around, and grabbing the handle- but she beats him to it, pressing the lock down. Her fingers following down, down, down. He was bigger, and most likely stronger, than her- he could easily over power her. But he freezes. Every action that he could have taken, dies down in his mind. His body tense, and unable to move. Terrified of everything- and still staying.
“It’s okay, Archie.” It’s okay, okay, repeats in his mind. Okay, okay, okay.
Her fingers find themselves playing with the button of his jeans, pulling his zipper down, and roughly getting him out, getting it out. No, no, no.
She’d finally dropped him off, hours before his dad would be back, and hours after Archie should have been home. “We should do this again.” She smiles, knowing all too well what she had done. “How does July, the fourth, sound?” He weakly nods, slowly finding himself in his room. Feeling dazed, and not quite there. Not really there. He lays in his bed, eyes open no matter how many times they try to close from exhaustion. Afraid that when he opens them again he won’t be there anymore.
He’d forgotten to text his father, something his father would push about tomorrow- and he’d lie again, saying he’d forgotten. He’d still gotten home, and safe- even though he didn’t feel safe. He felt disgusting, not just from the sweat. Waking up in cold sweats. He’d try scrubbing himself clean, so hard patches of his skin would turn red. Allowing himself to cry, loud and obnoxious, as the shower water drowned his sounds. Still feeling just as dirty.
Ms. Grundy- no, no, no- Geraldine, would follow through with her promise on fourth of July. Fred Andrews was at work, and Archie had been given the day off- almost forgetting about certain arrangements. No other neighbor seemed to be present, and if they were, seemed to not notice or even perhaps ignore the stranger loitering around the Andrews’ residence. Archie heard the sound of the Beetle this time, having been in the middle of grabbing a bite to eat. He pulls the curtains back, his heart sinking as they lock eyes. He goes back into the kitchen, but he can still hear her car. He makes the mistake of heading out. Maybe nothing would happen this time.
“Will you leave if I come with you?” Implying that this would be the last time, and he hoped to not see her car around here again.
She gives that devilish smile again. “Of course.”
He’s not sure why he goes. He could have stayed inside, same as he could of stopped her the first time. So it’s okay, okay, okay, this time around. Because he wanted it.  
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lamujerarana · 5 years
Ace/Aro Representation in Popular Media: A Reference Guide
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REPRESENTATION: Felicity Montague, a supporting character in the first book and the main character of the second, is openly aroace. There’s a lot of queer rep in these books apart from Felicity -- her brother, the main character of the first book, is bi, and there are also gay and lesbian characters.
PLOT: Felicity is a white, British teen girl who is dead set on becoming a doctor in the 1700s, despite opposition on all sides, both from her family and the misogynist men who control the medical establishment, and she is also busy navigating a world where her value as a person is equated with her ability to marry and have children, despite the fact that she has no desire to do either.
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REPRESENTATION: Zoey, one of the three main characters, is ace, black, and a teen girl. The other two protagonists, Marion and Val, are also openly queer. 
PLOT: Teen girls keep mysteriously vanishing without a trace from Sawkill Island and no one seems to be doing anything about it. Zoey, the daughter of the local sheriff, starts her own investigation after her best friend disappears. Not to spoil too much, but the plot involves monsters, a terrible curse, and magic.
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REPRESENTATION: The main character, Nancy, is an ace white girl. The Wayward Children series as a whole has tons of queer rep, including trans and lesbian characters. The author, Seanan McGuire, is demisexual and biromantic.
PLOT: Nancy fell through a doorway into a magical world, but now she’s back home, and she is having difficulty adjusting. Her parents send her to a boarding school for children who have had similar experiences, but then someone begins murdering Nancy’s classmates in grisly ways.
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REPRESENTATION: The main character, Keladry of Mindelan, is an aro white girl.
PLOT: The series follows the struggles and adventures of Keladry, one of the first women to be allowed to train to be a knight, beginning when she is ten years old.
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REPRESENTATION: Sandry, one of the main characters, is an ace white girl. There’s other queer rep in this series -- Daja is a black lesbian.
PLOT: Follows the adventures of four young mages, as they learn how to use and control their powers.
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REPRESENTATION: One of the supporting characters, Raphael Santiago, is an aroace Mexican vampire. The most explicit discussion of Raphael’s aroaceness happens in the short story “Son of the Dawn” in the upcoming Ghosts of the Shadow Market anthology (he specifically mentions being completely uninterested in romance) and in the novel The Red Scrolls of Magic, where he describes his sexual orientation as “not interested.”
PLOT: When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder — much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Clary knows she should call the police, but it’s hard to explain a murder when the body disappears into thin air and the murderers are invisible to everyone but Clary. Equally startled by her ability to see them, the murderers explain themselves as Shadowhunters: a secret tribe of warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. Within twenty-four hours, Clary’s mother disappears and Clary herself is almost killed by a grotesque demon.But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know….
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REPRESENTATION: The main character, Tash, is an alloromantic ace woman.
PLOT: An ace coming-of-age story. Tash’s web series, based on Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, becomes unexpectedly popular, and she must navigate her newfound fame and the difficulties of her crush on a fellow YouTuber. 
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REPRESENTATION: Alice, the main character, is bi, ace, black, and a woman. 
PLOT: Alice’s girlfriend dumps her (because she finds out Alice is ace) right before summer break, and she decides that she’s through with dating...until she meets a boy named Takumi.
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REPRESENTATION: Jayla Cooke, a secondary character, is a black, autistic, aroace woman. Nearly every character in this series is openly queer.
PLOT: Raven Xingtao, pirate princess, cobbles together a pirate crew composed entirely of women in order to gain revenge against her brothers, who stole her inheritance away from her.
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REPRESENTATION: This is the series that establishes that Jughead Jones is aroace.
PLOT: Riverdale High provides a quality education and quality hot lunches, but when one of those is tampered with, Jughead Jones swears vengeance! 
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REPRESENTATION: Roshanna Chatterji, one of the main characters, is a canonically ace Indian-American woman (I suspect she’s aro as well, but that’s not explicitly confirmed).
PLOT: The young heroes of The Movement rise up to take back the dirty streets of Coral City. But when one of their own is captured by the police, it’s Coral City’s finest against the citizens they have neglected to protect.
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REPRESENTATION: One of the supporting characters, Raphael Santiago, is an ace Mexican vampire.
PLOT: Based on Cassandra Clare's bestselling young adult fantasy book series, "The Mortal Instruments," Shadowhunters follows a group of human-angel hybrids who fight to protect their world by hunting down demons. With warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and ominous threats at every turn, the Shadowhunters must lean on each other and their abilities to keep the darkness at bay.
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REPRESENTATION: Voodoo, one of the secondary characters, is a white asexual woman. 
PLOT: The series follows the work lives of three Chicago EMT paramedics with the Eminent Ambulance Company and the unusual—often crude or humorous—situations and people in need of their assistance.
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REPRESENTATION: Todd Chavez, one of the supporting characters, is an asexual Latino man.
PLOT: BoJack Horseman, the washed-up star of the 1990s sitcom Horsin' Around, plans his big return to celebrity relevance with a tell-all autobiography to be written by his ghostwriter Diane Nguyen. BoJack also has to contend with the demands of his agent and on-again-off-again girlfriend Princess Carolyn, the misguided antics of his freeloading roommate Todd Chavez, and his friend and rival Mr. Peanutbutter.
If anyone knows of any others, please share! 
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collectorscorner · 6 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 8/22/18 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner’s No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland’s Coolest Stores! 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thesebrokenboys · 6 years
God help me I’m supposed to be asleep but my Riverdale muse is too strong. so here’s a compilation of random Ace Headcanons
1. He has some scars from his abusive household that he’s very self-conscious about. The biggest one is a large scar on his face that runs down the left side and over his eye. It happened when his dad was threatening him with a knife and the blade got too close. He was very young when it happened and doesn’t remember much of the incident. He almost lost his eye that night, and as a result of scar tissue has problems seeing out of his left eye, which makes him jumpy when people approach on that side. 
2. His sexuality is a question mark even to him. All his life he’s liked boys and he’s pretty sure he prefers them to girls, but because he’s trans he’s too scared to say anything. He feels alienated, too gay for the straight boys and too straight for the gay boys. he often confides in FP about this, as it really bothers him that he might never find love. 
3. When he was very little and before he moved in with the Jones’s, Ace had an incident resulting in him being buried under the snow for several hours before Jughead chanced upon him. Several things came out of this: his fear of confined spaces, his dislike of snow, and more importantly his undiagnosed asthma. He got very sick after he was found and brought to the Jones’s trailer, and it was that illness, which included a night where he woke up unable to breathe, that prompted FP to agree to take him in. Because of lack of funds, he was never properly diagnosed and doesn’t have an inhaler. But if he gets scared or anxious or stressed he starts to have breathing problems, another one of the main reasons he relies on ASL to help him communicate. Only a few people even know he has asthma as he hides it the best he can. 
4. Ace has difficulty showing emotions around strangers. He has a huge fear of looking weak and being taken advantage of, so things like crying, showing a lot of affection, admitting an injury or illness or anything along those lines is reserved to family and close friends only. it’s a huge sign of trust on his part to show any sign of weakness around you. 
5. That being said, he has really bad panic attacks and they can strike at any time. he has a lot of repressed memories and trauma from his very early childhood and things can trigger him without him knowing why or how. His biggest known triggers are: the dark, confined spaces, being in large crowds, loud noises, the sound of breaking glass, knives near his face and being touched or grabbed from behind without warning. Some things that help him calm down (again, only known to close friends and family) are: Being held tightly, as it tends to grounds him, being wrapped in a blanket or a large Serpent jacket (usually FP’s or Sweet Pea’s), being given something cold or hot to hold, and being put in a quiet place. Signs he’s having a panic attack include: he begins to zone out of the world around him, not responding to questions or cues from people near him, his body starts to tremble slightly, and he starts to pant as he can’t get enough air. If it goes too long without being treated he will  pass out. 
6. He’s pretty short, about 5′5″, a result of being born female and being starved as a child. Very lean as well, although his size and build hide a surprising strength. He always carries a switchblade on him for protection. Just in case.  
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fxngsfxgarty · 6 years
youth, ever fading youth
so I wrote my first ever riverdale fic. it’s about nonbinary/trans jughead, obviously.
Jughead Jones has been Jughead Jones, or some similar variation on the name, for as long as they can remember knowing how to talk.
Also on AO3 here.
Jughead Jones has been Jughead Jones, or some similar variation on the name, for as long as they can remember knowing how to talk.
At seven, they are JJ. Elementary school for JJ seems to be a constant loop of days where the teacher would say “Florence” on roll call, and they’d say “JJ, Ma’am,” and expect the mistake to be corrected. The teachers always seem to ask “JJ? How does JJ come from Florence?” and JJ just says “It came from my head, Ma’am.”
And that has to be an acceptable answer. For a seven year old, there isn’t another one. Because when you’re seven, if something is in your head then it has to be real. Everything you’ve imagined or dreamed up in your life up to that point is met with adults saying “really? Is that right? What happened to you after that?” even if it’s just you in your pajamas with sleepy eyes and tousled curls, talking about hearing Father Christmas and the reindeer on the roof of the trailer in the night, or telling your Mom and Dad that you and your sister fought a dragon when they sent you out to play.
You win the fight, of course. You and your sister always slay the dragons when you’re together.
When eleven rolls around, the adults stop believing so much in the stories and spells you dream up. Jay is in middle school and their mom doesn’t drive them to the gates any more. Mom takes Jellybean to elementary and leaves them to take the bus with the bigger kids. The older kids think it’s fun to snatch hats and toss them around, and it becomes routine for Jay to not unwrap the granola bar Mom leaves them on the counter until they’re safely sitting down, because it ends up on the ground in the aisle more than once, trodden into the mud-stains and footprints and crumbled into oaty dust. The hat ends up back on Jay’s head by the end of the ride most days, and if it doesn’t, it’s in the lost property box by the end of the day and they get a lecture from the receptionist about taking care of their belongings.
“Your parents don’t buy you things for you to lose them,” she says, and doesn’t pay attention when Jay says that the kids on the bus take it and play catch every morning. “You should be careful about the tales you tell on others, Florence. Making up stories won’t do you any good as you get older. It’s time to leave the fairy tales to the younger ones.”
Jay’s sister is still one of the younger ones, and at night, they hide under the blanket together with a torch and a big hardback book of stories about frogs and peas and princesses, and Jay reads in one of Jellybean’s ears and covers the other with a small hand, nails bitten almost down to the quick. Jellybean’s silky dark hair is soft beneath their touch, not yet curling like Jay’s does. Jay wonders whether, if they’d stayed young forever, they wouldn’t have had to do this. Because outside the safety of the blanket cocoon, Dad is drunk and Mom is crying, “get out, get away from me and my kids,” and Dad spits back with “you get out”, except laden with cuss words that kids aren’t allowed to say, and Mom says “maybe I will, FP, maybe I will.”
Jughead is almost fourteen when the sex ed classes come true, the ones where the teachers split the class up, “boys on the left line, girls on the right” and Jughead almost hesitated before following the girls’ line, because they always got grouped with them and their long hair and glossy lips and eyelashes painted in black gunk from pink and green tubes that only flakes off when you rub your eyes, even though it makes them itch and then you look like you’ve been crying. Jughead wants to cry at the stains they don’t know how to get out, at the pain clawing low in their stomach, at the apparent confirmation that they’ve been one of those girls all along. Because by now, by nearly fourteen, they know they don’t want to be, they’ve never been, despite the name on all the roll calls and the ugly, defiant F on official papers and test results where something else should be. They almost shout out into the small trailer for Mom, but then, Mom isn’t here. Mom is gone, and so is Jellybean. This is Jughead and Dad, and Dad isn’t here right now. Dad’s hanging out in the bar with the other guys with snake tattoos and motorcycles, so Jughead may just be on their own.
They’re still on their own at one in the morning, sitting in the shower tray, but the water ran cold a while ago so they turned it off and stayed sitting there in their wet clothes, shaking, not from the cold or the pain but with fear, with silent tears because all the sobbing seems to have faded away. Perhaps the noise has trickled down the drain with the icy water, and perhaps if they could hold a hand steady, they’d be able to peel off their skin and send it away with all the other parts they didn’t need. Maybe then everyone would see Jughead, as the person they see themself, not what someone’s always trying to tell them they are. The thought makes it tempting to break that skin apart, to see what it’s hiding underneath. To see if things can really get any worse than this.
Jug is seventeen and skinnier than ever, wears a snake-embroidered jacket and endless faded, ancient bracelets, from festivals in days gone by, bought on eBay or found in FP’s closet when they tried to clean it out with him, adorning their arms. The bracelets are good at hiding their skin when the jacket doesn’t, and if they can hide their skin from themself, they can almost believe it isn’t there at all. The leather jacket and the hat they still wear, jaw-length curls dyed inkier than ever and mostly shoved up inside it, make a sort of second skin, and if they feel like the snake, due to shed any moment, at least other people don’t know they feel that way. Other people see the snake, see danger and venom and most of them stay away. It feels good, to feel like they’re making an impact, but by god, in a crowded room that falls silent when you first walk in, before everyone picks up their conversation in groups and pairs again, it feels lonelier than they’ve perhaps ever been.
When Jug is seventeen, they meet Archie at a basement party (Kevin insists it’s not a party, it’s just a get together that just so happens to coincide with the fact that it’s Christmas soon), and Archie has chocolate eyes and cinnamon hair and doesn't say "Jug? Weird name for a girl. Weird name in general." Instead, he says, "Jug? Like... Awesome. That's totally cool. Wanna sit?" And Jug does. Archie’s clutching a beer bottle like his life depends on it, and his face reads a mix of admiration and mild horror when Jug offers him the shitty vodka they’re drinking neat from the bottle. The rejection doesn’t phase them - they just take another gulp, barely a shudder, and jam it between their thigh and the couch cushion as they settle in to talk to Archie. Archie Andrews, who likes dogs and plays guitar and apparently didn’t learn to drink at his dad’s knee like Jug did, because after a couple of bottles his eyes have become wide and remind Jug of coffee the way they drink it, black and sweet. And Archie is sweet, even when the alcohol hits and he gets fixated on the slowly blinking lights on the Christmas tree. He’s so entranced that when he gets up for water he trips.
Jug catches him automatically even through their tipsy haze, pulls him close so he can right his dizzy head, and Archie’s hands somehow find the edges of the binder holding their chest flat and in place, and he feels, and the change in his face means he knows, fuck, he knows, and that’s nearly too much for Jug to bear. They push him away into the hands of someone else, someone equally drunk, mumbling something about a smoke, and their hood is over their head before they’ve even made it out into the night.
They’re not sure what happens between that moment and the next one they know, when Kevin is outside, picking them up from the snowy ground - when did it start snowing? It’s still snowing - and taking the cigarette they’re smoking away. The ground around them is littered with butts, and they mumble out an apology with near-frozen lips, not knowing how long they’ve been out there, not knowing how much they’ve smoked or how they still aren’t sober from the bitter chill to the air. Blacking out is scary, but a memory blackout when you’ve been conscious all along is even more so. Kevin shushes them, says “shut up, Jug” and “it’s okay, everyone’s gone home” and “you’re gonna be okay, sleep here” but Kevin neglects to mention that, inside, Archie is passed out asleep on the very couch they’d talked the evening away on.
Jug can’t sleep in a binder. You’re not supposed to, it’s dangerous, it restricts your breathing and can crush your ribs if you wear it too long. But they’ll be damned if they’re telling Kevin the thing even exists, as he’s coaxing them onto the admittedly inviting warmth of the other couch, near the fireplace where the last embers are still giving off a little heat, and wrapping a soft blanket around their shaking shoulders. They’re too tired, too cold, too drunk to fight this, to fight the wave of exhaustion washing over them. It feels like the warmth and the threat of sleep is a tsunami, and Jug is paralysed on the sand of the beach where the water is going to fall. To drown them.
When they wake up, it sure as hell feels like drowning. The blanket is over their face and their head is spinning and they can’t fucking breathe, and they sit up coughing and gasping for air and somewhere along the lines the coughing brings tears to their eyes and then, of course, of course they’re crying too. Painful, choking crying, the kind that sounds like you can’t get enough air into your lungs because they can’t, it’s too tight, it hurts. It’d be humiliating to die like this.
But then there’s someone there, a hand on their shoulder, pulling the suffocating blanket away, talking in a voice Jug can’t quite place. “Easy, Jug. Shh, you’re gonna be alright. Breathe in, slowly.” They’re panicking, coughing. “I can’t!”
“You can. I know you can. I got you.”
Through the fear, the voice gets in, centres itself in Jug’s terrified mind and sits there. I got you. They don’t remember ever having anyone say that before. It’s always been them, saying that to a scared kid sister or a heartbroken Kevin or a wasted father, carrying him home. The tears dry without any further input from them, and they finally muster up the control to open their eyes. Then, of course, they nearly bolt again.
His hand tightens on their shoulder, the other curling in their hair - the hat is gone, again, they don’t remember whether they had it when they fell asleep or not. “Steady,” Archie murmurs. “Breathe. You’re gonna be okay.” Jug takes a shaky breath in, and the pain is sharp, and their hand has to press against their ribs to try and will it away. “I know,” Archie adds in a whisper, thumb brushing the edge of the binder where it sits on Jug’s shoulder/ If they hadn’t already been feeling like they were about to pass out, they’d be feeling it now anyway. “I know. You gotta get it off… Will you trust me?” They don’t have any choice but to do that now, so a shaky nod is all the reply he gets.
And Archie gets the binder off, taking Jug’s loose black tee with it, instinctively covering their exposed skin with the blanket, but being sure to keep it away from their face. Jug inhales deeply, and it rattles and aches, but they can worry about that later. For now, their gaze is on Archie, all the panic revolves around Archie and whatever the hell just happened as they try their best to get the air back into their lungs. A couple more coughs, and Jug feels like they might be able to say something. What comes out is “don’t you say a fucking word to anyone”, and they think that maybe a thank you or an apology for waking Archie up with their drowning in air would have been more appropriate, but the words are hanging in the air now and there’s nothing they can do about them.  They cough again, and Archie’s hand is once again there, now holding them steady through the blanket, making sure the shaking doesn’t knock Jug over, or at least that’s what it seems like. They’re breathing better when they say “I’m sorry.”
“You’re what?” Archie seems genuinely surprised at the words. “Jug… god, no. You don’t have to be sorry… I get it. It’s okay, so long as you’re okay.” He squeezes their shoulder in a way that’s surprisingly comforting. “Just keep breathing a little longer. I don’t wanna get blamed for you being dead when it’s actually morning.” “Time is it?” It feels like Jug’s been asleep for days.
“‘Bout five, five thirty.”
“I woke you… I’m sorry.” That gets an eye roll from Archie. “Told you, you don’t have to say that. Just be okay. I know you will be, but try to be okay soon, so I can stop freaking out… Here. I’ll turn away… if you want me to.” He’s holding out Jug’s tee, and they take it, waiting until his back is turned before pulling it on, then deciding to stay wrapped in the blanket anyway. It’s thicker, more covering, hides them just a little more. Whispering “ready” gets an “okay” in an equally quiet reply, and Archie comes back. He looks down at the couch space beside Jug and waits for a nod, like permission, before he sits. And then sits closer.
Jug closes the gap.
They’re quiet for a while, silence broken only by Jug’s still rasping breathing. They’ll deal with it, or it’ll deal with itself, in time. For now, it’s the last thing on their mind. “You said you knew,” they finally tell Archie quietly. “What did you mean? What do you know about me?”
“Probably more than you expect,” Archie replies, running a hand through his hair. Somehow, the arm ends up around Jug’s shoulders instead of back down by his side. They don’t mind as much as they probably should. “I know what a binder does. And everyone calls you ‘they’, not ‘he’ or ‘she’. It’s more obvious if you know what the puzzle pieces mean.”
Jug snorts, but it turns into a cough. “You’re being mysterious. Nobody told you that’s my job?”
“Nope. I think you say enough with your attitude. Thinking you’re unique.” A pause. Archie clears his throat, and then sighs, and then his head drops sideways to rest against Jug’s, which has at some point fallen to the redhead’s shoulder. “You’re not the only one.”
The words hang in the room like cigarette smoke, which Jug has just realised is probably clinging to their hair and skin and jeans. It must be pretty gross, but Archie’s body is curled up towards them, open, inviting and warm in a hoodie maybe three sizes too big, and he doesn’t seem to want to move away. Jug watches his face, the long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks. Wide brown eyes, a smudge of what could be makeup left on the corners of each eyelid. His lips look chapped, yet somehow still soft, and his cheekbones are strong and up this close, Jug can see that they’re peppered with freckles. It dawns on them, lights up the realisation like the sun casts gold over the rooftops as it rises.
“You too?”
Archie nods, closes his eyes, bites his lip and grits his teeth. Jug knows that look. It’s a look of fighting back tears.
“S’okay, Archie. We’re gonna be okay. That’s what you told me,” they murmur. “If I am, you’re gonna be too.” Archie curls up more, and then he moves and buries his face in the crook of Jug’s neck.
Jug brings a hand around to stroke at his hair. It’s sticky and stiff with day-old gel, but the residue brushes away with fingertips, and it’s soft underneath. “Gonna be okay,” Jug repeats, in their rasped whisper. Archie hums almost inaudibly in response.
They must fall asleep again, because when they wake up, all the lights are on and there’s an unexpected touch on their cheek. Their eyes open to Archie’s, hazel now it’s brighter, and close again against the sudden onslaught of a headache. Archie laughs, makes a sympathetic noise, and cups Jug’s cheek so he can kiss the other one. His lips don’t really feel all that chapped once they’re on skin, they realise with a faint smile.
Archie leans in once again and whispers, close to their ear. “Kevin’s making coffee upstairs. Said we could have some. Come with me… S’gonna be okay, Juggie.”
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fansxaesthetics · 7 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
-Alphonso Mackenzie
-Daisy Johnson / Quake
-Elena “Yoyo” Rodriguez 
-Grant Ward
-Jemma Simmons
-Leopold Fitz
-Lincoln Campbell
-Melinda May
-Phil Coulson
-Robbie Reyes
Assassination Classroom
-Akabane Karma
-Nagisa Shiota
-Athena the Gladiator
-Gaige the Mechromancer
-Janey Springs
-Lilith the Siren
-Mad Moxxi
-Maya the Siren
-Mordecai the Hunter
-Nisha the Lawbringer
-Wilhelm the Enforcer
Butterfly Soup
Doki Doki Literature Club 
Drakengard / NieR
-Devola & Popola
Legend of Zelda
Life is Strange
-Amberprice (Chloe Price x Rachel Amber)
-Chloe Price
-Max Caulfield [1]
-Max Caulfield [2]
-Nathan Prescott
-Pricefield (Chloe Price x Max Caulfield)
-Rachel Amber
-Bucky Barnes
-Kamala Khan / Miss Marvel
-Loki Laufeyson
-Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver
-Peter Parker / Spiderman
-T’Challa / Black Panther
-Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Mass Effect
-Fem! Shepard
-Liara T’soni
Mystic Messenger
-Jaehee Kang
-Jumin Han
-Saeran Choi
-Saeyoung Choi
-V / Jihyun Kim
-Yoosung Kim
-Zen / Hyun Ryu
-Brigitte Lindholm
-D.Va / Hana Song
-D.Va [Cruiser Skin]
-Genji Shimada
-Hanzo Shimada
-Lúcio Correia dos Santos
-Mei-Ling Zhou
-Mekanic / Mekamechanic (Hana Song x Brigitte Lindholm)
-Mercy / Angela Ziegler
-Pharah / Fareeha Amari
-Pharmercy (Fareeha Amari x Angela Ziegler)
-Symmetra / Satya Vaswani
-Symmetra [Oasis Skin]
-Tracer / Lena Oxton
-Widowmaker / Amélie Lacroix
-Widowmaker [Côte d’Azur Skin]
Pacific Rim
-Chuck Hansen
-Mako Mori 
-Newmann (Newton Geizler x Hermann Gottlieb)
-Newton Geizler
RPG Games
-Garry (Ib)
-Riley Blue / Gunnarsdóttir
-Wolfgang Bogdanow
-Alec Lightwood
-Clary Fray / Fairchild
-Isabelle Lightwood
-Jace Wayland
-Lucian Graymark
-Magnus Bane
-Malec (Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane) [1]
-Malec (Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane) [2]
-Raphael Santiago
-Simon Lewis
-Hatsune Miku
-Gumi Megpoid
-Luka Megurine
-Rin & Len Kagamine
Yandere Simulator/ Lovesick 
-Amai Odayaka 
-Asu Rito
-Ayano Aishi/ Yandere-chan
-Hanako Yamada
-Kizana Sunobu
-Kokona Haruka
-Megami Saiko
-Mida Rana
-Muja Kina 
-Oka Ruto
-Osana Najimi
-Osoro Shidesu
Z Nation
-Addison Carver
-Citizen Z
Miscellaneous Fandoms
-Ellie (The Last of Us)
-Enjolras (Les Misérables)
-Jaylah (Star Trek)
-Jodie Holmes (Beyond: Two Souls)
-Joi (Blade Runner 2049)
-Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
-Ladybug / Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
-Maya and Riley (Girl Meets World)
-Norman Jayden (Heavy Rain)
-Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
-RWBY Characters (RWBY)
-Samus Aran (Metroid)
-Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
-Victor (Fallout: New Vegas)
Random Themes
-Badass / Fun loving Lesbian
-Bisexual Hippie
-Bisexual History Nerd
-Christmas [1]
-Christmas [2]
-Internally sad but Happy looking Trans Boy
-Soft Indie Trans Boy
Not seeing your fandom and/or your fave character? Send us an ask!
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ao3feed--bughead · 7 years
So call me your lover, don't call me your friend
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2x0RB5H
by crawledoutofthesea
The last thing Betty wants is to ruin a friendship because of her romantic notions, again.
The last thing Jughead wants is to put a foot wrong, and lose her best friend -- which, for a while now, has certainly not been Archie.
But sometimes, not even the most secretive of crushes can keep themselves unknown.
Words: 2541, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: Trans girl! Jughead, bisexual! betty, wlw bughead, Pining, AU, no jason blossom murder, the twilight drive-in still exists, they're seniors, Fluff, Eventual Smut, girls loving each other, Mutual Pining
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2x0RB5H
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missvoltairine-blog · 7 years
this is a big part of why the whole “which is less accepted, attraction to the same gender as yourself, or asexuality” thing is so loaded and, frankly, stupid and offensive. The message that is sent by characters like Jughead Jones - and other characters - is basically that it is better to be completely nonsexual (or, if you are bi, to package your attraction to the same gender as yourself as a sexy fun thing for your monogamous socially-approved-gender partner and N E V E R just want to be with someone of the same gender as yourself for your own sexual gratification) than it is to want someone of the same gender as yourself in, like, a sexual or romantic way. Because if you are attracted to people of the same gender as yourself, that is threatening to straightness. If you are trans (especially trans and also gay or a lesbian!), that is threatening to cis ideas about gender. In order to make straight and cis people comfortable, you have to make yourself less. You have to declaw yourself. You have to file off all the parts of yourself that make these people uncomfortable. You have to be approachable and nonthreatening. Nice. Milquetoast. You definitely have to be white, you definitely have to be middle-class (you can’t be working class - that’s scary! - but you also can’t be rich because you can’t be ‘above’ them in any way), etc. This is how LGBT people saw ourselves reflected in “progressive” media: bloodless, helpless, libido-less punchlines. Stuffing our faces because we were fundamentally broken on the inside. Kissing other girls while drunk so our boyfriends could get off and we could blame it on the alcohol, never having orgasms of our own. Dying alone, sad and unfulfilled, while our straight cis peers have babies and get married. Performing parodies of ourselves for people who would turn on us the instant we wanted an inch to be authentic in any way. And the fear of same-gender sex and sex involving trans people is a big part of how that manifests in practical, tangible ways. 
Telling non-asexual LGBT people that they would be LESS accepted if they did not experience sexual attraction reveals a deep ignorance of these dynamics, is what I’m saying. 
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Skinny beautiful white lesbians with coloured hair don't count as diversity. A single black person doesn't count as diversity. That one Asian who is "Chinese" doesn't count as diversity. AN OVER DRAMATISED GAY WHITE BOY WITH A V NECK ISNT DIVERSITY. Give me masculine trans girls, non romanticised mental illness, feminine trans boys, non binary kids, a more than 2/3 poc cast, a lesbian that has gay parents and HAS CATS. A GAY BOY THAT'S ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM. BUT MOST OF ALL... I need JUGHEAD JONES PLAYING EVERY CHARACTER.
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