#translator woes
kikunai · 2 months
im going to finish translating CAST tonight im balling fellas
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fullmoonfireball · 1 year
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usahanna · 1 year
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fitzs-space · 2 years
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He' never getting those pictures back, and he knows it.
Y'all remember this 3am idea? it's been drawn now. Enjoy Also bit of an update to my Impulse and Tango designs,, more so for Tangos,,,
A transcript below
Tango: You guys get a real kick out of looking through this old stuff don’t you Impulse: I'm more surprised you still keep all of it, don’t you still have this shirt too? Tango: Think I’ve still got them somewhere in this mess,,
Zedaph: Didn't you not know English back then? Tango: That's what made all the shirts so funny!
Zedaph: Wait, does that- Impulse: Oh my god Tango: Alright, what did you two find now-
Impulse: Pretty pretty, kitty, princes,,?
And a bonus part of the script I didn't make.
Zedaph: I’ll give em back If we get to see you in the kitty shirt Impulse: I’d say It's a fair trade Tango: i’D SAy iTs a fAIr TraDE. jerks
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astranauticus · 29 days
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inspired by this post by tumblr user @orphiclovers. the lines are direct quotes from the novel but the scene itself isnt a redraw of any specific novel scene, i just really wanted to draw black coat 1863 x white coat 1864 HSY lol
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embervoices · 2 months
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lateralusbionics · 7 months
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
Absolutely the funniest thing about my current corner of tumblr is that pretty much everyone I've recently followed for Apollo-Appreciating Purposes are either genuinely Hellenist or just rather very into Rick Riordan's Trials of Apollo series which is wild because I know a net zero about both of those things.
#I've never been interested in Riordan's work and the Percy Jackson books I did read as a young lad didn't change my mind on that topic#Growing up I preferred a very one or the other method for my greek adaptational content#which essentially means either you're a play or an adaptation of a legit story or myth with recogniseable figures and plotpoints#or you're an original story with mythical elements but the myths and the adaptations and interpretations of those myths is secondary#Percy Jackson did both and it was very disorienting for me because the books were well grounded enough that when I came into contact#with some element I didn't recognise or couldn't remember I myself would get confused and go “Is that true? like really?? :0c”#Then I ran a library book club and Percy Jackson books were p much all the kids wanted to read#but they rejected all of my supplementary greek myth exercises and got a lot of stuff mixed around#because percy jackson does a rather good job of making a convincing argument that it knows its stuff and people will quicker cite that#than do readings of the much more difficult older texts and translations of text#It's not Percy Jackson's fault it's just a bad experience that stuck with me and by extension leaked over into Trials of Apollo when that#was released#Trials of Apollo was crazy because I generally make it my business to consume any and all greek myth interpretational media that bothers#to include Apollo (there is a shockingly low amount of things that do that)#however a LOT of novels especially never let Apollo retain the dignity of a god in their portrayals of him#and have him resemble a teenager more than anything even remotely close to an adult#I had just gotten finished reading a novel adaptation of the story of Coronis and Apollo with this same issue#so when I opened the first volume of ToA and saw that Apollo simply genuinely WAS a teenager#Frankly I just closed the book and put it back on the bookstore shelf and very calmly walked away LMFAO#I have nothing to say about Hellenists and neo hellenists y'all seem like wonderful people and I hope#you have a lovely time with your e-offerings and worship#unless you are my single personal friend with Apollo as your patron#then I wish you 1000 woes and 10000 divine brain blasts#toa#pjo#ginger rambles
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so. we know how milgram tries to alter our perception of characters through the MVs to make us vote Guilty? lyrics are, of course, a part of that until recently I haven't tried checking out if the MVs provide any other language, and would you look at that, with Trial 2 progressing on they've hired more translators, one of them doing it into French!
and you know me, i'm a translator myself who speaks french too, so I took it upon myself to check how much do the official english lyrics overlap with those french ones. as i found out, very little!
therefore i present to you, All Knowing And All Agony, from japanese to french back to english! translated by yours truly
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in order to shorten this post, only lyrics different enough from the english ones are included.
if you want to use this translation anywhere, i wish to be credited!
Don’t leave me alone, don’t leave me -> Don't leave me, I want to stay with you
You never called me by my name Instead you kept calling me “hopeless" -> [unchanged] (though now written in present tense) -> Calling me a "disappointment", it became your habit
You were always comparing me to someone else You were always generous, except towards me -> You were comparing me to someone else -> You were always kind, except towards me
I will definitely make you love me again -> I'll do anything to regain your love (for me)
I wasn’t wrong, I wasn’t wrong Please don’t say that I am a loser Hug me again as you once did -> I'm not an error, I'm not an error -> Please don't laugh while treating me like a loser [1] -> Take me into your arms (hug me) like you did before
I just wanted to be your good boy Why am I crying again? -> I didn't want to disappoint [2] -> Who's responsable for these tears?
If with one click, and I can reset everything Can I be your favorite this time? -> If, by clicking on a button, I could be reborn -> Could I become your child prodigy this time?
Don’t wipe me out, don’t wipe me out I just want to be your good boy I will keep on killing to be a good boy -> I don't want to die, I don't want to die -> Even in this unjust life, my dreams will survive -> Even if I have to steal it, I'll obtain it [3]
I can’t stop, I can’t stop -> It's all I have, it's all I can do
Mommy, look, I’ve done great “There there, my good boy!” I promise to make my dreaMU come true -> Mom, look, you see I'm so strong! [4] -> "Come hug me, my good boy!" -> Even if it's far (from becoming real), I promise to you I'll realize my dream [5]
Don’t leave me alone, don’t leave me Why was I born to be me? Why does it hurt so much? -> Don't leave me, I want to stay with you -> Why have I become what I am now? Why does it hurt so much?
I wasn’t wrong, I wasn’t wrong -> I was right, I was right [6]
If with one click, and I can reset everything I want to be your favorite next -> If, by clicking on a button, I could be reborn -> Could I become your child prodigy next time?
and here come all the notes
the word I'm translating as "loser" (un raté) here, were I the most direct possible, would be more along the lines of "the failed one" or "the failure"
should be noted that the verb "to disappoint" and "to deceive" are the same in french
i am uncertain as to what the "it" here references. it can't be "love" because in french, that's a masculine noun and the "it" is feminine. it's just a side observation, but the word jewelry (bijouterie) and affection are feminine though
sounds weird in english, but the essence is "im super strong, i'm so cool! look at how great i am!"
they maintained the dreaMU joke if you're wondering, though the word they changed isn't "dream" but "my" (mon -> MUn)
this is more of a derailment, but "to be right" in french is, literally, "to have reason"
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transflynnscifo · 9 months
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Illustrations from Estelle's novel: 金の満月 (rough translation: Gold Full Moon) (also on imgur with the other novels)
drawn by Atsuko Nakajima (中嶋 敦子)
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kikunai · 4 months
me? doing translations? more likely than u think.
welcome to the world of capitalism doing public infrastructure. not just ur normal infrastructures -- high-tech, high end hospitals, bus services, private museums... and by "high-tech", haha, well. let's justr say. Sarkicism.
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alaraxia · 1 year
I'm being Really Normal about Fallen Hero rn but my ipads charging so I can't draw and I need to keep this momentum going, so anyway stream of consciousness on (Ricardo) Ortega's fashion (or potential lack thereof depending on interpretations) below the cut with examples.
Is this just an excuse to headcanon outfits I personally like and make y’all read about it? Yes.
So we all joke about Gucci with Ortega because of the escape outfit he brings us, but I'd like to give some thoughts and examples on how I think someone like Ortega—a public figure/celebrity in their late 30s with access to stylists—would potentially dress.
First issue: most Gucci rn is just not it. Now that's extremely subjective because they do have some pieces that are pretty nice, but this is my post and I can say what I want. In general modern Gucci and the logomania resurgence of the 2010s and sorta more public recognizability of the brand in my mind hasn't done it any favors, and unless it’s very much his personal taste I don’t think a styling team would put him in it.
This is not to say logomania doesn't have extremely interesting and important roots in streetwear and fashion, but for the purposes of how I picture Ricardo to dress I don't think his stylists would go that route, and I think anything he does choose out of his own volition wouldn't align with a lot of their current offerings (and him not being into fashion, only into things that are expensive and pretty, definitely would not have him be into vintage Gucci). If anything it can also be justified by the stylists pushing him away from obvious logo usage due to being a representative of the U.S. Gov, etc.
Though he definitely has at least one full Gucci tracksuit because he's just Like That.
So this was mostly inspired by seeing some styles from stoffa's new stuff so I'm pretty much just pulling fit pics from there (current and older) that I could see Ricardo in that move his fashion beyond say just more stylish button ups and chino lookin pants. If you’re looking for insightful analysis on why I picked these, there really isn’t any, this is vibes I get from him and personal taste while taking climate and cost into account. Not going to consider more casual gym wear or undercover looks in this, he definitely has them and wears them a lot but this is more “he’s being styled”.
First off: expensive, very casual
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Not much to say here, just if he’s got a fashion budget and stylists to point him in the right direction I could see him in these more put together but still very expensive casual looks.
Second: Still comfortable but more fashionable for daily wear
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These are things I could see him in for just day to day outside of the office, I think he would favor a lot of lighter airy fabrics and colors (though I wish I was better with color because I think he’d have a bit more than what’s represented in these)
Third: dressing up, but in a very laid back and confident way, not for things like the gala but for nicer parties or fancy drinks.
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Something a bit more modern and comfortable than just a traditional suit, think going out/filmed interview looks.
For both these kind of looks and even the fashionable daily wear I think he would definitely accessories with very expensive mechanical watches and other expensive belts, which may be where he tries to throw in Gucci (in accessories moreso).
Anyway that’s it, all subjective and my personal fashion biases, etc. All that being said he would definitely own this stupid Gucci jacket too.
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floatingbook · 5 months
I never buy jewelry because in practice it’s so inconvenient and wearing it usually leads me to restrict my own actions, but I am so, so frustrated, because there are so many talented women who have chosen jewelry as their medium of expression, and I can’t patronise them. I would display their art on my walls if only they let me!
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(Headcanon post)
By the way, I'm a day late because tired, but this International Ace Day, we stan our aroace prince ignoring every single girl.
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How he's so popular and seems to mind none of them.
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mildmayfoxe · 8 months
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The Dance of Death at Basel; lithograph by Danzer (from Wellcome Collection)
"These lithographs are derived from the dance of death frescos painted on the walls of the churchyard of the Dominican cloister in Basel. Executed between 1437 and 1441, these frescos were often altered and were finally removed in 1805 when damages could not be restored. Some of the wall fragments are preserved in the history museum in Basel."
Text reads "Oh Mensch betracht und nicht veracht, hie die Figur, all Creatur. Die nimmt der Tod früh und spot, gleichwie die Blum im Feld zergoht," which I found translated in Issues of Death: Mortality and Identity in English Renaissance Tragedy by Michael Neill as "Behold, O people, and don't despise, the image of all human creatures whom Death seizes, sooner or later, like flowers in the meadow."
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
WIP tag game
i got tagged twice by @thewholedamnboulangerie and @kinnbig so now i feel doubly obligated to do this (ty friends!! <3<3)
game: My current WIPs, in the order I last looked at them and for which I have actually written something
[nervous laughter] you all know i have too many ideas at once:
red line -- kp, loansharks interrupt one of kimchay's tutoring sessions and kim and chay discover a whole lot of things about each other earlier in canon. summary in DMs was "some second rate thugs accidentally commit suicide by way of one v angry mafia boy on a not-date" and. yeah.
cursed smut thing. don't worry about it.
making assumptions ch2 -- MY BELOVED WIP IVE MISSED U i got halfway thru this in april, then irl ran me over like a truck for 3 months. ive been spinning this one in my head since and its been small progress the past few weeks, but its been progress!!! 🥳
timeloop AU -- i throw kim into a timeloop and the emotions blender. he makes a friend against his will, gets a boyfriend despite his fears, and cries so much. can you hear how excited i am for this one.
human miracles -- s1 good omens wip i dusted off after i watched s2. aziraphale accidentally kidnaps the antichrist, crowley stress-terrorizes some plants, and the world gets saved somewhere in between.
single star review -- i have very specific post-korn khun thoughts ft some very specific arm/khun thoughts so. khun goes to university and therapy, yells at and hugs some brothers, and maybe even gets kissed along the way.
vegas on youtube fic -- for idiots & idioms series, vegas's rise to cooking youtube stardom. or, my preferred summary: vegas discovers the wonders of internet toxicity.
post s2 good omens thing -- i've written several scenes for it in DMs and i've thought out a good chunk of the plot for it, but its also slightly daunting to me so idk if that will translate to proper writing rip
ANYWAYS enough of me digging thru the pile, tagging uhhh. @bisexualbard-writes for added peer pressure (kidding!!!), and @shubaka, and @fiddlepickdouglas if u wanna!!
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