#transparent soul frisk
charaofthedead · 1 year
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now i know what your thinking ... wammie what in the ultimate grilled cheese are you talking about?! ok so ill explain the origins of this.
so one day i was watching an undertale cringe cop re-living the early days of the fandom with my boyfriend when i saw a woman sans and i had a brain blast and ran to ms paint and drew what isaw in my head and then i drew a chara n marph and then i drew a frisk then a papyrus then a flowey then an alphys but i decided to line, rework and color the first 4 but while i drew and lined i was listening to an old song from my childhood days .. lil johns get low and then i had an idea why not make the au about things i had when growing up and then listened to another song called oh oh oh sexy vampire and then transparent soul (the song) and more and more and i just let my imagination loose on this one! i really hope y'all enjoy what i have so far i really let my autistic obsessions came out on this one
plot summary
the aftermath of a world where everyone came together to fight off and end a genocide route a reward is given to those who fought a choice is given a choice is made to keep the underground safe it must be hidden.
so yes sans is a girl i wont explain in lore reasons why but just know it was cuz of sans fan girls potentially LMAO this sans is quite different from your typical sans she enjoys ice fishing she loves to tinker with things and is even a professional gunsmith shes also a bit of an artist doing graffiti so shes more MOTIVATED than a normal sans but their still lazy but lazy with a mischievous child to take care of aka chara yes in this world chara is sans'es kid this does have lore explanation but i wont say it for now abiltys:{redacted]
chara an marph
chara is strange to cuz im not sure what they are i mean i like to think their a bizarre vampire but also more of a devil this chara loves to cause may/ham cuz their a they/them who was revived 8 years ago and was taken in by sans the one who gave them life chara is of course and oddball creature of chaos but chara is also righteous and has a heart of gold their also a mega lameo dork
chara loves to spend time i with their best friend marph! they love to draw they think cars are super cool they also have a shared interest with sans and that's guns and art and they both love animation but chara hates ice fishing but still goes to spend time with their mamma
(also eyes may change color depending on mood idk)
now marph is marph he is a box who marphs around he is just a lil guy where he comes from no one really knows marph loves chara their best pals and they like to run around and mess with people marph loves pizza its their absolute favorite! marph can also store items he has infinite space within his box self
ok so frisk is also an oddball they LOVE vampires to quote their favorite son "Oh oh oh sexy vampire I'm falling in love ..So just bite me baby And drink all my blood (oh yeah) Sexy vampire I'm falling in love with you" as you can see frisk dresses a bit oddly well see i was trying to make them as 2009 internet fashion as possible while adhering to my own design philosophy they look fine but it may be remade but its fine for now but any way frisk is also a big dork nerding out about sonic or invader zim writing fanfics drawing ship art of their favorite ships they also love old technology and their really good at DDR their a total nerd who wont apologize for being them self and encourages others to be them self too well along as it doesn't hurt anyone this frisk is a pacifist to a point they will defend them self abiltys:metal hand
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snowed up town is like snowed inn but bigger more advanced more monsters more buildings some with sans'es graffiti on them and then you have the train on the save roof i just think its neat it shows how big this underground is
snowed undercity is a big downtown area of snowed up town its like an old 80s anime kinda city pop place lots going on never a dull moment there the light's, the music, the coziness the new have to get ridge leading to it it's the only way to get there and yes its by train and then below you have the void stream of hope and dreams (temp name maybe) it is bottomless and doesn't to feel like water and yet you can float if you have hope
the ruins of a long lost rail yard..? but why does it have a sky? how are the fields so long and unraveling how does it have life...truly a bizarre place as the train does not move and there are multiple cars filled with different items... monsters seem to live nicely here..why don't they just go through the door? the sense of hope hear is intoxicating the feeling of adventure is alive a sense of FUN is very alive here
sans's theme funny name cuz they a mamma who wanna protect their family
i would like to say that i used a melody from a song i like in the first half its from a klaatu song called were off you know and i used a zelda song too, song of storms too
extra art i did
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you may draw these characters if you wish there will be more designs soon i h o p e
im unsure if this should be a comic or not or maybe it should be something else im unsure i have alot of ideas for it!
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keksalot404 · 7 months
How's it going folks? Welcome back to Know Your Monsters! Halloween's is just around the corner, so we got a special treat for you tricksters! For Monstertown's 3rd Hollow's Eve, we've asked you to say some burning questions to some human-turned-spooky specters (and their mortal companions) who popped up in the MTT Hotel to give you this totally planned special! We got your questions, so now we ask... why are you crying?
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Witch Mari: *sniff* I'm sorry - It's just - It's our first Halloween with me back - and - I never though we would ever enjoy today like this - aND WE CAN DO SIBLING COSTUMES AGAIN *sobs*
Black Cat Sunny: …I think me not celebrating any holiday for years affected her.
Akita Neru Aubrey: I forgot how into Halloween she was...or, is.
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Lucas Frisk: *I recall how hard it was to coordinate costumes with Chara every year! I reckon we will run out of costumes pairs by year 5.
Masked Man Chara: YOU may call me picky, I would call it having actual taste. Hollow's Eve is a personal favorite holiday of mine and I will not muddle it dressing as a technicolor astronaut!
Frisk: *Hey! I point out that it is from a Horror Drama show specifically.
Chara: Why are you so adamant about us having pairing outfits in the first place?!
Frisk: *Because you're my best friend~ (*I make a heart with my hands)
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Miku Madotsuki: Sorry my ghost friend couldn't make it tonight, she got so excited for Halloween she kind of got tuckered out and went back into... anyway! I can ask any question in her place! (Um, this interview isn't public outside town, is it?)
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Purple Guy-er: You couldn't even bother to get a somewhat matching outfit. Just wearing the mask isn't enough!
Myers Mask Kris: It's more a costume then whatever you're suppose to be.
Player: I. Can't. Change. OUTFITS. This is the best I can do with my colors!
Kris: Then make your body transparent. At least then you'd actually pass as a ghost.
Player: Just give us the first question please, smiley helmet guy.
Okay! This first question towards you two I also want to ask the rest!
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Player: Alright, let see, my name is... Player! I'm 19 years old and have been a gamer since... childhood.
Kris: Good job so far.
Player: Well SORRY I don't believe regular people would understand the concept of higher dimensional beings or that they value privacy!
Kris: The entire point of this ask thing is to get a better understanding of us.
Player: Okay well why don't you answer the next one. What do you think our relationship is, honestly?
Kris: Crippled teen and very annoying and social life line.
Player: …I mean I guess...
Mado: Me and my friend we're together for as long as I could remember. I thought she had gone, even when I kept seeing her everyday, but turns out she wasn't really gone in the first place. So... yay!
Frisk: *Chara and I go way back, before the rise of the Underground! Even when I didn't know them, they caught and saved me when I fell pass the barrier and onto the cave floor. That's when I met Chara, and we've been trusted partners ever since!
Chara: I wouldn't call being buried for decades only to be awakened by my soul being attached to a kid akin to a simple trust fall.
Frisk: *Aw, but I recall you even put down flowers for my arrival. <3
Chara: Uuuuugggghhhhh-
Mari: We're siblings of course! I'd like to believe that my will to be by Sunny's side is what kept me around and conscious all these years!
Sunny:  …What were you doing all that time I couldn't see you. I know you go to my dreams when I sleep, but what we're you doing when I was awake?
Mari: Well, you know I was invisible when not in Headspace, but I think in some of the... illusions you had were me sometimes.
Sunny: ?! Were you there when I thought you were locked outside?
Mari: No?
Sunny: How about when I drowned and I saw you trying to save me like last time?
Mari: You saw that?
Aubrey: …Were you there when Sunny visited me at the church?
Mari: I would've haunted their every waking moment for you. :)
Aubrey: Th- thanks?
Ah, actually Aubrey, there are two similar asks interested in you and Sunny.
Aubrey: Huh? But I thought this was for-
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Aubrey: How do they-! I- I mean...
Sunny: …
Aubrey: He's my friend. He made a mistake, a really dumb, life-changing mistake. Sure I was mad when I found out, furious actually, and then I got more angry at myself when I realized... I almost did the same thing.
Sunny: !
Mari: Oh Aubrey...
Aubrey: You- you gave me somewhere to go when I had nowhere else... even after everything I did to you... so... yeah
Sunny: …You're my friend too Aubrey. I might not feel the same way like back then, but I like what we are now.
Mado: …Got to love the childhood friends trope, huh?
Oh? Do I sense something between you and Sunny?
Mado: I did not agree to ask questions directly from you.
Oh, it didn't come from me~ :3
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Mado: Nanda-!
Sunny: She's comfortable to be around. She doesn't judge when I do something off-putting, and gives me good art advice when I started drawing again. She's so different from me, yet... we understand each other. She's... sweet.
Mari: (Internal squeeing)
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Mado: …
So how about-
Mado: …and. He also. Doesn't mind. When I...
Get stabby?
Mado: Eh?! Where did that come from?
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Mado: Na- I only stab things in dreams! Which I guess whoever the hell you get your questions from knows about apparently!!! And I stopped doing much of it after a while! I'm curious but I'm not some intrusive thought following maniac! Who would something like that in real life?
Sunny: I thought dream worlds only held consequences when you wanted them to. I've only learned recently that was not the case.
Mari: To be fair little bro, you could say "you" had a good control of what you dreamt about.
Sunny: Also Kris likes stabbing stuff? I don't remember them being that into it.
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Kris: …I have several knives. I keep them in a case to display.
Player: I've seen Sunny walk past it several times. I believe he thinks it's for the kitchen.
Kris: F@#k kinda kitchen needs that many knives.
Frisk: *I wonder why the ask never mentioned Chara.
Chara: I only have the one dagger, Frisk.
Frisk: *And you take care of it like your own kin.
Chara: I use it for gardening! It needs to be cleaned 3 times after use!
Moving on, this next one is for you, Chara.
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Chara: Well, I'm not one to brag, but in my living days I was referred to be a "demon who comes when you call their name." I now hold view this title as endearing, as I take pride in seeing how I can personally unsettle humans (and sometimes monsters) with nothing but my words and face. Mari is the nice, gentle, caring older sister of our little ghostly group, so really, I don't see a need for it to be a contest.
Frisk: *I mention the time with the cookies-
Chara: *through gritted teeth* That was admittedly a moment of weakness spurred by my love of chocolate. I acknowledged my defeat that day only to claim what I wanted. A deal was made, so it doesn't count.
Sunny: Never mess with older sisters. They hold a monumental power behind their smile.
Mari: Tee-hee~
That brings me to you, Mari.
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Mari: I can say that Mari's Magical Might is only growing with everything I learn! VIOLET HANDS, healing magic, teleportation, and Alphys said that I might even have an affinity for Water Magic as well! Undyne was so excited when she heard that!
Sunny: I think it's cool, I hope being linked to her gives me magic too.
Aubrey: At least you have a chance! I'd pray to the heavens a hundred times if it meant I had powers half as sweet as yours, Mari!
Mari: Aw thank you! As for what my mother thinks, at first she was shocked that I wanted to learn magic, but she quickly changed her tune when she saw that I could help around the house better with my HANDS.
Mari: As for the latter question... unfortunately full controlling shape-shifting is something I'm still getting the hang of. I'll let you know the moment I'd be able to do... that!
Chara: I'd say she's lucky to have as many experienced teachers, such as myself, to help her discovering her power.
Frisk: *I express my relief that Chara has not yet burned a part of the forest during their training with Mari.
Chara: It was ONE time, we agreed with that white furry forest guardian to not train too close to the dense forest. I am not some brainless pyromaniac.
Frisk: *The first thing you did when you could do magic was seeing if you could make a fire sword.
Chara: Well, some fire is obvious, I am a Dreemurr after all.
This next ask is for you, Frisk. This one comes from all the way in Japan!
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Frisk: *…These asks are getting way too personal.
Chara: You have just noticed?
Frisk: *How do I say this... If you are referring when I could load the entire timeline to a previous state, then I'm afraid I am not able to do that anymore. I cannot even load my most recent save, the one just after breaking the barrier.
Chara: There is little in this universe, let alone this world, that can affect time with the degree of control that we, er, Frisk had when they first entered the underground.
Frisk: *Even when I did have it, I didn't have much control of it. I only remember it forcing a load when I... lose enough HP. That was enough however, as I didn't use it for anything else.
Frisk: *As to theories on how to get that power back, I can think of a few methods...
Player: You still owe me an explanation on the white sparkle save point thing back in the "DW."
Kris: I don't owe you anything.
Player: You JUST called me your lifeline!
Kris: I don't see other people giving their UV drip a trophy.
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Teto Monoko: *sleeps soundly*
----_--__--- - - --- - -
Oh woops, I think that ask was a little corrupted.
Mado: ?
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Sunny: Oh, a water stone. Thanks.
Sunny: Um, I didn't have AC in my old house. It feels nice on hot days.
Aubrey: Hey, I know that were getting a lot of our personal life out there, but isn't it strange we can see the names of most who's asking us?
Well, we do in fact have 1 more anonymous question, it's for you Mari.
Mari: Oh! Well, ask away! There's no shame in a little anonyma-
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*Mari is crushed by the large ask!
Sunny: !!!
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Chara: Mari, are you alright?
Mari: Ugh, yeah, I'm fine. You know, ghost biology and all that.
Aubrey: What was up with that guy!? Thinking they know you like that! That was infuriating!
Sunny: Mari's not an idiot...
Mari: I'm inclined to agree, but...
Aubrey: Wh- don't tell me you agree with them Mari! It was just an accident, nobody could've how it would end!
Mari: They we're right about one thing though... I was selfish.
Aubrey: W-What...? No, it was-
Mari: You could say it was many things. The pressure from our parents. The pressure from the town. The looks of excitement on our friends faces. It was a lot, but in the end... it was me. I was the one who told Sunny to keep going. After all my fingers swelled. After his fingers started to bleed. After getting one note wrong, after getting the timing a bit off, after thinking it was just F*%KING not good enough apparently!
*Mari's spirit shakes.
Sunny: Mari...?
Mari: I... I said earlier I thought it was my will to be by your side that kept me linked to you. To be honest, I thought that it had to be the case, because the only thing I wanted to do after... everything that happened...
Mari: Was to be a better sister for you. To do- ANYTHING, to redeem my awful, stupid, selfish mistake. I... honestly don't know what else-
Chara: It was your determination.
Mari: …what?
Chara: In your final moments, you decided that whatever you had left, your love of your brother, your fear of failure, the need to repent and be a better person, whatever in your soul that was not fading, was worth still living for.
Chara: The moment you decided that, all of those feelings exploded into life, into determination. And so you kept going, not just for your brother, but also for the small part of you that still wanted to live. That so called selfishness you speak of.
Mari: …H-how... do you...?
Chara: …
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Chara: Because I asked that question too.
Mari: Huh...
*Mari notices Sunny's expression.
Mari: Sunny, look at me.
Mari: I... I know I hurt you. I know even if you say that your okay I can still feel what I've done to you even today. And it even might be more selfish of me to say this. But I just want- I NEED you to know,
Mari: However long I have left, if it's just a few months, if it's how long I would've lived before. I promise that I will do everything in my power to be with you. To help up you when you feel down. To stop you from hurting yourself or others. To listen when no one else will. Even if you don't think you deserve it. Even if I think I don't deserve you. I will do anything to be the best sister I wasn't before. Because I love you, Sunny.
Sunny: …
Sunny: …then...
Sunny: I want you to forgive yourself too.
Mari: …
Mari: O-Okay... I'll try...!
Kris: …I wish I had an older sibling.
Player: In another life, buddy.
Kris: …cool.
…We have one more question for all of you, If you want to keep going.
Mari: Hehe *sniff* of course. Go ahead.
Alright. Final question from:
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Sunny: I think... the time I tripped on Mewo's litterbox and spilled it over the floor.
Mari: I'm pretty sure me calling you over to surprise you with a fake spider that day tops that, hehe.
Aubrey: I... patted Basil on the back, accidently opening one of his wounds after That Night. I felt terrible, but he was just glad for me to be worrying about him again.
Frisk: *I recall the hours "we" spent making Dog Residue to buy the elusive Temmie Armor. I equipped it just before Asgore. Not the best time spent.
Chara: The Buttercup Pie. I guess it counts since Dad was just sick from it. Although the ripples that event would cause could count as "life-ruining"
Mado: (Too many to say.)
Mado: I... called one of my teachers by their first name back in my birth town! It was suuuper embarrassing.
Monoko: -- Gomen... -- Monoe-nee... -- cookie... -- oishii...
Player: I did that thing where you held shift to quickly craft things and I accidently made 9 Diamond Hoes in a Hardcore world.
Kris: And the most stupidest thing I will do is just around the corner, so stay tuned for that.
And that will be all! Got anything to say to everyone watching and reading?
Player: Oh- uh... thanks for all your strangely invasive questions.
Kris: We honestly didn't expect to get as many as we did.
Mado: We hope you enjoyed this little treat on Halloween!
Frisk: *I express my gratitude for all of you who are still with us for this special.
Chara: It... took a while. Whether or not it was planned, efficient, or worth it in the end is yet to be decided.
Aubrey: Thanks for all the things you say,
Sunny: The stuff you make,
Mari: And the love you share!
Until next time!
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Adding onto my previous post about the SOULs!
Basil (Bravery):
Basil is 5’8” with light brown skin. He has freckles across his upper arms and cheeks, and his eyes are a vibrant amber. He wears silver, wire framed glasses which have a crack on the bottom-right corner of the left frame. His hair is curly and light brown in color, going down to the middle of his neck. His clothing as of falling consists of a white t-shirt, jean shorts which have a tear running along the bottom of the left side of them, long dark gray socks, and black, worn sneakers. He also has a small, black backpack which he keeps on his back and an orange bandana.
Petula (Patience):
Petula is 4’8” with tanned white skin. Her left eye is an icy blue while her right eye is a glossy white. Her hair is straight and blonde, tied into low pigtails that go to her shoulders. Red ribbons are used to hold the pigtails in place. Her outfit consists of a light gray shirt that has a rainbow symbol on the center of it, with a pastel blue jacket alongside a light blue, knee-length skirt. She has fluffy, white, knee-high socks along with dark gray crocs. She holds a toy knife from a play set.
Briar (Kindness):
Briar is 6’2” with dark brown skin. Her eyes are emerald green. Her hair is back and tied up in beaded braids, the beads being a dark, transparent green. It goes down past her mid-back but above her waist. Her outfit consists of a white, short sleeved crop-top alongside ripped jeans, black socks, and white sneakers. She has an apron tied around her waist and burn scars littered across her hands and upper arms. She holds an old, rusting frying pan.
Pine (Perseverance):
Pine is 5’4” with white skin. Their eyes are a pastel purple and their hair is long and wavy, dyed indigo. Their hair goes down to just around their mid-back, left loose. Their outfit consists of a navy blue sweater along with turquoise shorts. They wear black, thick framed, rectangular glasses that are used to help tuck their hair behind their ears. They don’t have shoes, instead just having dark yellow socks that are turning black on the bottoms due to dirt. They hold a well-loved notebook and a purple mechanical pencil.
Cozbi (Integrity):
Cozbi is 5’11” with light brown skin, dark brown freckles littered across his nose, cheeks, arms, and legs. His eyes are a dark blue, though they are mostly covered by his hair. His hair is short and wavy, going down to just above his shoulders while dark brown in color. Their outfit consists of a dark purple, long-sleeved shirt with a large star embroidered into the center of it along with a dark blue skirt that has crocheted stars hanging off the edges of it in a circle around the entire skirt. They also have black tights and light purple ballet shoes. They mainly use their ballet shoes during a fight, but hold an old quarter-staff.
Clover (Justice):
Clover is 5’2” with tanned white skin. Their eyes are a dark, mustard yellow. They have long, dirty blond hair which is tied into a low ponytail tied up with a yellow hair tie. Their hair goes down to just past their neck. Their outfit consists of a milk chocolate brown long-sleeved shirt along with a dark brown, sleeveless vest along with a belt with a golden buckle and dark blue jeans. Their shoes are short, brown boots that add another inch to their height. Alongside their outfit they wear a cowboy hat and a yellow bandana with blue spots. They wield a toy four-shooter loaded with rubber bullets.
Frisk (Determination):
Frisk is 5 feet tall with light brown skin. Their eyes, when open, are bright red. Their dark brown hair is close-cropped to their chin, unevenly cut. Their bangs are clearly hand-cut, uneven and choppy and slightly covering their right eye. Their outfit consists of a blue and purple striped shirt along with shorts that go to just below their knee. They wear light and dark brown sandals and have bandages littering their face and knees. They carry a stick that they had snapped off a tree branch.
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tenguucringefails · 10 months
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*checks smudged writing on hand*
It's...real convoluted. I don't even know how to sum up the plot simply because it's meant to be really meta.
I guess you can say Lucy is like a visitor to the Undertale Universe and is directly overseeing the narrative of the story. Like your usual self insert shenanigans except they've long since established a place into the story since before they even joined it, manipulating it to go exactly as it should. But that doesn't come without it's hiccups as Lucy finds their self deeply involved with everyone's life to the point of obsession.
Another thing to note, Lucy’s physical appearance changes a lot in and out of the story but this current look is sometime after meeting Frisk but before the fall. So don't be too alarmed if you see me drawing them differently a lot, there's lore reasons there.
Also sorry to the Undertale!Actors AU girlies that have thought of using that name because I'm stealing it from you.
Here’s more of Lucy and Frisk being goobers together and a bit more lore about them below!
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Frisk communicates through their soul to Lucy and Monsters! They're still very reserved and don't speak often, though.
[Note: The fall into the underground nearly kills Frisk but Lucy fuses their souls together to keep them alive. Lucy isn't human but her soul is very human like in appearance and thanks to their soul trait, compatibility wasn't much of an issue aside from Frisk becoming more magically inclined from Lucy's residual magic. Their soul trait is Transparency and it looks like milky glass. NORMALLY, Transparency souls are supposed to be crystal clear but trauma can cloud it! :o) ]
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During battles, Lucy releases her physical form and hides away in their shared soul. She usually leaves Frisk to handle things but she can control their movements and actions in this state.
When Lucy is like this, only Frisk can hear her colorful commentary and she has a LOT to say during battles lmao
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Frisk's eyes are naturally red and lidded. Rarely will they fully open their eyes and with the increase of magic in their body from the soul fusion, they often keep them completely closed because they're sensitive.
They also have thick lashes lmao
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Chara's here too! And Lucy hates them! She dislikes Chara and most variations of Chara and will instantly lock onto their presence, regardless of they're trying to be subtle. One notable thing about Chara is that when they're in control of Frisk, their eyes are wide open.
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As the text says, Lucy is shorter than Frisk lol
Frisk being 157cm
And Lucy being 152cm
But make no mistake, Lucy is not younger! Time becomes very mute for Lucy after a while, so it's hard to really give her an exact age...so we'll just say she's around 16-17 around the time she meets Frisk (I was 16 when I first played Undertale!). She stops aging at around 24, though, which happens much later.
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Frisk and Lucy are both little weirdos and share affection in odd ways. Since Lucy isn't human, she doesn't know how to love in a human way, so she ends up mimicing what she's seen and heard. She unintentionally picks up the way Frisk shows affection which happens to be similar to the way cats care for their kin.
I like to imagine Lucy and Frisk are platonic soulmates and both see their friendship as irreplaceable in each other's eyes!
Anyway, that's all it for now! Thanks for reading about my little goobies!
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Sensory asks- 55 for gaster, sans, and papyrus :)
Rating: G Word Count: 986 Prompt: Finding old photographs you'd forgotten about Read on AO3: here Notes: probably both more angsty and stupid than what you'd expect lol. takes place post deltarune and post ut pacifist
“Hey, uh, Dad?” 
Sans stared down at one of the boxes Gaster had brought with him when they’d finally fished him out of the Void. You’d think that getting stuck in Nowhere would leave you with a lot of Nothing, but somehow Dad had remained as much a hoarder as ever. 
“You get into scrapbooking while you were stuck in time prison?” he asked, looking up.
“Scrapbook—? Ah, yes, that.” Gaster swept over to pull out the green leatherbound photo album. He tried to brush dust off the front of it, but just succeeded in dribbling it with black goop instead.
“Didn’t think there was enough light in there for takin’ pics.” Sans’s head tilted curiously.
“You have pictures of the Void???” Papyrus stuck his head in from the kitchen, where he was cooking a healthy post-dimensional-hopping meal. 
Sans wasn’t sure if Dad would be able to eat it or not. Maybe he’d be better off if he couldn’t.
“Not exactly.”
Gaster settled down on the living room carpet. He looked more like a cat becoming a loaf than he did a skeleton. No legs to speak of, just his floating hands gently flipping open the book.
“I had nearly forgotten about these. Ralsei compiled them for me, as an ‘Escaping The Abyss’ gift.” His wobbling smile stretched a little wider.
Ralsei… which one was that? Dad hadn’t given them a super thorough run-down of his, uh, ‘Void Adventures,’ yet. All Sans knew was that he’d screwed around with another universe, and one of his Void Buddies had finally patched Sans and Papyrus through to pick him up. Dess, her name was. She’d made some comments about teaching Gaster how to use a microwave.
“Did you make friends in the Abyss??” Papyrus plopped down next to him. “What was it like?”
“Well. Mostly, I kept watch over the Player. Their assistance was required to prevent the world from being covered in darkness.”
Gaster pointed to a photo of a glowing heart, the red blown out against the dark background. It looked just like Frisk’s soul, from the few times he remembered seeing ‘em in combat.
“But wasn’t your world already covered in darkness?” Papyrus asked. 
“The not-place where I resided was. But the world itself, was not. Mostly. Depending on your perspective.”
“Thanks. Real transparent explanation, there.” Sans grinned, as he always did. Dad didn’t know him well enough to see that it was tight at the corners.
Dad had been gone, and then he’d been back. No warning. No explanation. No apologies. Barely even an acknowledgement of what Sans and Papyrus had risked to tow his melting butt out. 
Papyrus didn’t seem to mind. Sans didn’t seem to, either. Mostly because expressing any kind of annoyance was too much effort.
(Also because it was Dad. Dad, who moved, and expected the world to move with him.)
(And for the most part, it did.)
“There is Kris and Susie’s first meeting with Ralsei… he was so shy at the time. I couldn’t code too strong of a personality into him, you see, or it might have clashed with the Player…”
“And there’s Lancer—isn’t he just the cutest little thing? I modeled his form somewhat after what you looked like as a child, Sans. You always did enjoy wearing your hood up…”
Something in Sans’s stomach dropped. Gaster continued talking warmly, fondly, about the kids who he’d either made or manipulated. His voice turned to white noise, fuzzing in the back of Sans’s skull.
“Um, Dad?” Papyrus interrupted with a frown. 
“Yes, son?”
“You know that controlling people is bad, right?”
Gaster blinked. A glob of goop dripped from roughly where his shoulder should’ve been.
“It was to save the world. They understood.”
Sans sighed and shook his head.
“You drove several of them insane,” Papyrus insisted. “You have photos. You just showed us. You saw Spamtong—die? Did he die?”
Sans shrugged. He figured if Spamton was as much like Mettaton as the pictures implied, then losing his “BIG” body must have been like dying in any way that mattered.
“He poured his essence into the pair of spectacles. See, Ralsei is wearing him here when they fight—”
“DAD!” Papyrus gripped his ‘shoulders,’ his gloves sinking into the goop. “That is unacceptable!! You can’t just—throw people away when you’re done using them!”
Sans snorted. Couldn’t he, though? What had done with Sans and Papyrus, huh? Left ‘em as soon as he’d had bigger and better things to do.
“He was not discarded, as you can see—”
“Father!” Papyrus jumped to his feet, stomping his boot on the carpet. “No more arguing! There is only one thing to be done about this!!”
Sans’s eyelights flickered out, just for a minute. Papyrus really didn’t plan to go back there, did he? It sounded like they could spend years and not clean up all of Dad’s mistakes. Besides, how would you even turn a pair of glasses back into a person?
From inside his ribcage, though, Papyrus pulled out a tall bundle of Hallmark greeting cards. They had a picture of a skeleton and a joke on the front, though Sans couldn’t quite make out the words. Looked like something about birthdays? Getting old and dying, maybe? That was a bit morbid, by Papyrus’s standards.
“Apology cards!” Papyrus dropped the bundle on top of the photo album.
Gaster squinted at them.
“...These are for someone’s fiftieth birthday.” 
“Not after some help from my trusty Sharpie, they won’t be! Nyeh heh heh!”
Sans couldn’t help chuckling, though a few cards wouldn’t make a difference. Screwing up someone’s life that bad wasn’t something you could just apologize for. But maybe a few hours of cramping phalanges would teach Dad a lesson.
And at least next time, Sans and Papyrus would be here to make sure he didn’t do anything too stupid.
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laplacesdevil · 2 years
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Having an undertale moment so!!! I redrew this drawing I made back in 2015 (which I'll also put under cut!) i love how this came out Holy FUCK so um. expect sm undertale adjacent posts coming out in the next few days
{ID under cut!}
[ID: A digital drawing of Chara and Frisk from Undertale in the Ruins, with Frisk standing in front of Chara, covering their legs. There is red text in front of the both of them which reads "MERCY". The first picture depicts Chara as a semi-transparent ghost with a red hue, while the second picture depicts them as fully solid. Frisk is a Filipino person with brown, curly hair with two hairs sticking out. They are wearing a turtleneck representing their sprite's clothes, overalls with a red heart symbol, white socks, and brown boots. They have a band-aid on their right cheek and are holding their soul. Chara is a Japanese-American person with reddish-brown choppy hair and black eyes, looking off to the right. They wear a sweater representing their sprite's clothes, with a black dress shirt under, as well as a gold heart locket. They have a hand raised up, showing a black fingernail. /end ID.]
OG image:
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kokoverse-au · 1 year
Characters' Masterlist
Let's talk!
*Howdy! Attention please, if you click on the links before reading the story, there may be spoilers! Good reading!*
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◈ ━━━━━━ ⸙ ━━━━━━ ◈
Characters (First Volume)
Morphée (coming soon...)
Frisk (coming soon...)
Patience (coming soon...)
Bravery (coming soon...)
Integrity (coming soon...)
Perseverance (coming soon...)
Kindness (coming soon...)
Justice (coming soon...)
Ch4-r4 (coming soon...)
There are other secondary characters.
All Undertale characters are present in this Alternative Universe.
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The Story's synopsis
♡ This summary comes from Wattpad, where I published this AU's story in my first language: French. Soon, I'll post all the chapters on Archive of our own, in English. ♡
•| ⊱✿⊰ |•
She was running.
Without stopping.
She was running to this much talked about mountain.
Which we never come back from.
"And yet, Frisk... You came back..."
But, what if it was all a ruse?
What if your whole life had been based on secrets and lies? Would it be worth living?
How can you save a whole population, when you can not even save yourself?
•| ⊱✿⊰ |•
Fast summary of the Story
EXA8, a creature created by humans in a laboratory, looks for Frisk and what seems to be in her memories, her seven siblings. They would have disappeared while going to Mount Ebott. After escaping, a chase lead her to this mountain. Inadvertently, she falls and wakes up in the Ruins, beginning her adventure.
But, the illusion of freedom soon breaks because, she is not alone in her head... Her memories, her feelings, that different soul... Is her whole being really completely fabricated?
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Universe's specifications
Creator: @kokoverse-au/@kokonattsu-tokui (myself)
Protagonist: EXA8/Morphée
At first, it should have been called 'MorphTale' since my OC Morphée, has the power to partially transform into an animal other than the fox, only if she has already seen it. But that name was already taken (I always do some researches on the Internet before writing) so, I searched a little and found 'MetamorphTale' since a 'Métamorphe' in French is a 'Shapeshifter' (a creature capable of transforming).
And finally, it became 'MexamorphTale' because the seven souls, Frisk, and Morphée are EXA(s) in French. It could be translate as EXA(s) too in English, though.
What's an EXA? Well, Morphée's original name is EXA8.
It simply means: La huitième EXpérience d'Âme (translation : The 8th Soul Experience). In English, it could be EXA8 : The 8th EXperience Animation.
But the 8th being a success; or the 8th on all of the experiences that had been done? We'll see...
Unlike the others, her soul is half-human (Determination) and half-monster (Magic). The latter being created artificially, it is slightly transparent.
Morphée arrives in the Underground three years after the escape of Frisk; who will be missing a year after leaving the Underground. There has been no Neutral Endings you know. Asgore is still alive. The hunt for humans is no longer relevant.
The characters are a little more serious and sadder than in the Undertale game, caused by what they feel like an abandonment from Frisk. Morphée will brighten up the days of the monsters.
The first chapters have a childish tone, Morphée having the mentality of a five or six years old.
Then, it evolves.
For more details about the characters, click on their names in the list above, if the links have been added. Warning: spoil assured.
It’s been almost five years since I invented this AU, but I still haven’t finished writing my story! Yet, the plot is there in my head and it’s been finished for a long time.
This Universe is located in the Original Multiverse and the Kokoverse. But the characters will not appear in the Kokoverse events.
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MexamorphTale (First Volume)
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Chapter 2: Give it to me!
Chapter 7: Whimsun
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The first volume 'MexamorphTale' is more advanced on Wattpad. The second will be released... one day.
I drew the cover, from a base I found on Pinterest several years ago. I’m still looking for the artist. If you have any ideas, I’m interested.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox.
MexamorphTale belongs to me.
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jimieyuki · 1 year
Summertime epic
I hate summer. The scorching heat, the relentless sweat dripping down my face, it's unbearable. Whoever claims that summer is the best season clearly hasn't experienced the agony of suffocating in this heat. If given the chance, I'd wish for them to stub their pinky toe on every corner they encounter.
Lying on my bed, I'm engulfed in a pool of sticky sweat. Desperate for relief, I've strategically positioned a black rotating desk fan on a chair beside me. Its cool breeze, though feeble, is my only solace in this infernal temperature.
"You're going to lay like this all day?" a voice interrupts my misery.
I groan inwardly, not wanting to dignify the voice with a response. I know exactly who it belongs to—Chara, my not-so-friendly ghost companion. He always manages to find a way to annoy me, even in the sweltering heat.
The transparent hand emerges from the bedsheet, waving mockingly in front of my face. Seeing my lack of reaction, Chara materializes his body and settles opposite me, propping his large head on his elbow.
"Hey, how's it hanging?" he grins mischievously.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Could be better if you show up at the worst possible times," I mutter, my voice heavy with lethargy caused by the relentless heat.
Chara ignores my complaint, as always. "I want to go out," he declares.
What are you a dog?
"Then go and leave me be" I retort, my irritation seeping through my words.
He smirks, undeterred. "Well, I can't go without my BFF, duh!"
I scoff, exasperated. "Am I your BFF only when you witness me at my worst?"
"Hehe, who knows?" Chara replies, his playful tone grating on my nerves.
I remind myself that I should be grateful for the bond we share as conjoined twins. But sometimes, having a ghostly twin haunting your every move, poking their nose into every decision you make, feels like an extra burden.
Moments like these make me wonder what it's like for normal girls my age. How do they live without such abnormalities in their normal lives?
No, frisk come on! This is what you wanted, the good ending where everybody is happy.
With a determined sigh, I drag myself off the bed, feeling the sticky sheets cling to my skin. Slowly, I make my way down to the dining room, yearning for a respite from the stifling heat.
Chara floats alongside me, his incorporeal form a constant reminder of the abnormality that shadows my every step. As we approach the dining room, I'm met with the sight of my mom, sitting at the table, engrossed in her knitting.
The room feels suffused with warmth as my mom, the epitome of love and comfort, creates a sanctuary amidst the oppressive summer heat. She looks up, her kind eyes meeting mine.
"Ah, Frisk, you finally decided to grace us with your presence today. I think we should celebrate," she says, a gentle smile decorating her face.
The love I have for her fills my heart, and for a moment, the heat becomes more bearable. Mom, a towering figure of 1.80 meters, radiates warmth like a summer sun. Her white fur is as soft as her soul, and her hugs, as sweet as her snail pies, envelop me in a cocoon of love.
In her loungewear—a yellow undershirt emblazoned with the words "Cool Mom" and blue shorts—she continues her knitting, preparing for winter in her own unique way.
"Mom, it's June," I remind her gently.
She dismisses my remark with a wave of her hand. "Shush, Frisk. When it comes to nature, you never know what's going to happen."
A smile tugs at the corners of my lips. Her unwavering belief in the unpredictable nature of the world never fails to amuse me.
"By the way, Frisk, tomorrow is Papyrus' birthday in case you forgot," she adds, her eyes twinkling with excitement.
I indeed forgot
"Oh yes, yes, I didn't forget, Mom. Of course, I didn't forget," I stammer, attempting to hide my lapse. "I have his present ready."
A small, knowing smile graces her face, as if she can see through my feeble attempt to cover up the truth. I can't help but feel guilt wash over me. I should have remembered Papyrus' birthday. He's been there for me countless times, his infectious enthusiasm brightening even the darkest of days.
But what am I going to do now? My savings from my allowance are barely enough, and I hesitate to touch the money from my scholarship. I have other plans for them.
As my mind races, Chara floats in front of my face, his upside-down form a taunting presence.
"tsk tsk tsk Did you forget Papyrus' gift? How cruel," he says, shaking his head with mock disappointment.
If he weren't a ghost, I swear I would strangle him. But I take a deep breath and try to keep my composure.
"Frisk, Frisk, Frisk," he continues, his voice filled with playful mockery. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. How could you forget? Remember the time when you were sick, and Papyrus came from the next city to see you in the middle of the night? He was crying, holding a bowl of soup that froze on the way."
I grit my teeth, frustrated at Chara's selective memory. Papyrus' kindness knows no bounds, and I should have reciprocated it by remembering his special day.
God, give me strength.
My mom interrupts my internal plea, standing up and placing her hands on my shoulders. Her touch grounds me, bringing me back to reality.
"I trust you, Frisk," she says, her voice filled with unwavering faith. "I told Papyrus it would be our gift together."
I feel a surge of gratitude for her support, but the weight of my forgetfulness still hangs heavily on my shoulders.
"Yeah, don't worry, Mom," I muster a weak smile. "I found the perfect gift."
Her words bring me a momentary sense of relief, but the task ahead looms large. What will be the perfect gift for Papyrus? I ponder this question as Chara hovers, his smirk all too visible.
"Does Flowey count as a gift?" I suggest, a hint of mischief lacing my voice.
In an instant, a golden flower in a pot starts moving and launched itself —using green prickled roots as it's tentacles — on the table
"Hey! I heard that!" a familiar voice exclaims.
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doodleboogle · 6 years
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Let’s enjoy some butts pie together~
Happy 3rd anniversary Undertale!! 
*Psst it’s also transparent ;)
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ncitygirls · 3 years
eternal - jaemin x f reader
fluff, smut, vampire!jaemin, 2.2k
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he had yet to utter a word since his confession, and neither had you, though you had tried piecing together a worthy response. he simply watched you as you watched him, your eyes focusing on each delicate ridge in his skin, admiring his nonexistent pores; how the thin slithers of light that broke through the poorly drawn curtain, shone on a bend from the ends of his bangs down and around his chin. a kind reminder of what you swear you have always known, but regret to have never questioned.
“my love?”
“have you always been this beautiful?’
he had to admit he was taken back. those are the first words you have said in a long while. they are your first words since he told you three minutes and twenty-five seconds ago - he was counting, not actively, but over time his mind has created room for his thinking to expand, to surpass humanity’s understanding of thought, and most times he welcomes it. but not at times such as these - where he knows he told you three minutes and twenty-five seconds ago, and your first words are in awe of him.
“i told you i am undead.. and that is what troubles you?”
“your beauty is far from troubling,” you retort, eyes still inspecting his face. jaemin’s mind wanders back to when he once pitied humans. how they thought what they saw was really seeing. victims of an already limited life, the human eye is only able to pick up a fraction of their sublime reality. yet the way your eyes traverse each of his features, as if to commit them to memory, he surely found a compelling reason to admit their eyes were not so lacking. “was it the bite that made you so handsome?”
“i wasn’t bitten,” he corrects, as the pads of your thumbs sweep over his cold knuckles, your touch casting a reverence over the scene. he lets out a pretty laugh at your assumption, the soft crease between your brows forming as he destroys your fictional understanding of his kind. “humans have always had a skewed understanding of our lore.”
“so your mother and father were vampires?”
“no.” it has been some time since he has had to explain vampiric lore to a human, but his mind retains his memory of it all the same. “it is not dissimilar to what humans call possession? or a spell? it is a combination of the two.”
“did it hurt?”
jaemin cannot help but melt at the notes of concern lacing your tone. it is his turn to pass his thumb along your knuckles before flipping your hand over, letting his finger trace a swirl in your palm, offering a soft shake of his head. “it makes one feel queasy, a consequence of the change in dietary needs.”
your hand stiffens beneath his touch as your eyes drop to examine them. he fears he has spoken out of turn, pushed the astonishingly pleasant conversation down a dark hole. jaemin once believed humans to be predictable, but you continue to challenge that. “is that why my invites to have you for dinner always go unanswered?”
“i knew that wounded you, angel.”
“it did no such thing!” his chin drops, eyes boring into you in a successful attempt to lure the truth out of you. he immediately softens when you exhale, in defeat of his gaze or distaste at your transparency, he does not know. jaemin would soften all the same. “i will admit, i did make assumptions to make sense of your refusal.”
“did you think i preferred not to visit?” you had never noticed the flecks of red in the perimeter of his irises until now. they glowed slightly, as if enraged, though you know not with you. “there are rules we must follow when entering a new space, silly, unchangable rules.” his frown deepens when you nod, always understanding even when you shouldn’t. “i apologise if I hurt you, angel.”
“hush now, you need not apologise.” you’re proven right when his eyes return to the perfect colour you remember them for: a golden swirl moving within the rich cocoa, shining only as the light hits it. relief floods him when he rests his forehead on your own. he grips your hips firmly, swaying you both as you call for him.
“jaemin, what is it you do eat?”
“pretty girls named y/n.” oh how he wished you would have laughed then, instead of him opening his eyes to find your horror stricken face. “i swear to you that was a joke. that was in poor taste, i am so sorry.” you find his apology hard to believe as his body shakes, shaking your whole frame along with him.
“do not,” you hit his arm once, “mock,” and a second time though ineffective, “me!”
he saves himself quickly, retreating to safety by putting an unrealistic amount of distance between you two in an inexplicable amount of time. when he abandoned you, you nearly collapse forward with the force you were using to hit him before catching yourself.
“come here.”
“i drink blood.” you did not particularly dislike his attempt to stay on topic, just the topic itself. you try to appear enlightened but you have always found it difficult to repress your repulsion. “i know you have no interest in the macabre.”
“blood is meant to be inside you.”
“i think it tastes great.” he quickly arrives in front of you, your open books and abandoned letters fluttering all over the room as his speed garners its own winds. his thumbs journey over the veins on your wrists, slowly trailing up your forearms. he only speaks again when he hooks his thumbs under your jaw, tilting your head to allow his teeth to graze over the column of your neck. “it is reminiscent of fruit. some blood is like grapefruit and lemon. while some are akin to grape, strawberries.”
“oh,” you sigh, heart slowing as his lips drag along the base of your throat. he pulls back, gazing longingly at your wonderment as you feel his mood swing. bitterness seeps into his eyes in how his taste for blood ironically remains the only provision of some kind of memory of flavour, of normality. “do you enjoy it?”
“being a vampire.” no one has ever asked him such a thing. is there anything to enjoy about eternal life? about reliving his youth, being relocated, remade, renewed over and over and over, for an eternity.
as he gazes down at you, he remembers with all the bad must come some good.
“not always,” he smiles knowingly, thinking of his friends. the lives they built for themselves over a combined millennia. it almost makes him retract saying that. “i do regret some things. like allowing haechan to convince us to help real witches free the falsely accused during the witch trials. only to later discover he had a wager on being able to free more than their coven could.” he loved the way your eyes followed along, he loved knowing he could finally share his life in its entirety with you. “i have a thousand reasons why i should hate it, but I cannot bring myself to.”
“why?” he will find a way to forgive himself for giving you a reason to ask. he will ensure you needn’t ask again.
“because,” he whispers into your mouth, his lips slipping between your own, fingers clasped behind your neck. “if i had died in 1625, i would not have had the honour of making your acquaintance.”
“this is hardly an acquaintance,” you remind him, counting his years in your head as he pulls you flush against him utilising less than a speck of his strength. “careful grandsire,” it tumbles from your lips as he licks against your mouth. “i am not sure a man even three hundred years your junior could make it through what you are starting.”
“you needn’t worry about me,’ he sighs, his groin rolling against your own, his fingers clinging to your breakable frame. “though i must confess, my eating pretty girls named y/n was not said solely in jest.” his fingers toy with your knickers, ice cold digits moving freely along the waistband. “in fact, i fear my sanity depends on it. might you be of some aid?”
“who am i to deny a man nearing his fourth century?” he begs himself not to laugh, if only not to kill the mood but more so to avoid dignifying your mockery. his laughter morphs quickly into pants, your hand slotted wickedly between his own and his groin. “how might i be of assistance to you?”
“just as you are,” he whispers, his dulled teeth passing dangerously along the shell of your ear. as a man of his years, patience isn’t something which he is in short supply. but even then, one grows tired of waiting, for coitus, for love, for you. he is quick to remove your hand, finding his own pacing as he presses you against the wall, your heat pulsing beneath his cock, practically leaking. “i forgot how pliant humans are,” it is wicked how he watches you, his fingers rolling your hardened nub betwixt their pads. you shudder at the sight of him, his golden eyes darkening in the sunlit room, his tongue passing over his sharpened teeth. he smirks as you hiss, his fingers pinching your nipple before sucking it into his mouth. his tongue rolls in time with his hips, running his clothed cock along your clothed folds. he is quickly reminded of his strength as his palm collects dust as it meets the wall with a thud, steadying himself as you whine deliciously, his name bleeding from your raw lips. “yes, angel?”
“i need you,” you breathe, gazing up at him as his lips capture yours. your tongues move in tandem, wrapping around the other in a hypnotic frisk. he swallows your whimpers as he lures them out of you. he sucks your tongue into his mouth, hands moving to your rear before lifting you from the ground. he makes little work of you, rendering you a quarter of your size. your ankles lock around his waist as he casts your knickers aside, hissing as the pad of his finger meets your folds.
“might i have a taste now?” he pleads, eyes burning a fiery amber, pure adoration hidden beneath. “please, angel?”
“take all of me, jaemin.” he holds you still, a metre from the ground as he kneels, his hands firm around your thighs before he lowers you over his mouth. his flat tongue licks long stripes up your cunt, tongue flicking along your hooded clit in his descent. he likens you to a spring, his soul knelt before you, preparing an offering to your fountain. he is ready to collect all you offer him, your essence pouring out onto his tongue, soaking his lips, slick down his chin. his eyes fall to a close at the sight of your dazed form, your eyes screwed shut in prayer, his lips puckering around the hood of your clit, the tip of his tongue rolling against the nerve. “jaemin, right there, please.”
he hums in accordance, his tongue circling your clit as your thighs shake on either side of his head. he smirks as you still, his middle and ring finger entering your warm cavern, forcing your hips to roll against his digits. he curves them slowly, pressing against your pink walls, bulging up against your stomach. “you are so fragile,” he says, lips bitten as he watches your body succumb to his touch. he leans closer to you, steadying you on his shoulders to free his hand. he presses his palm to your abdomen, hypnotised by the feeling of his own fingers inside you. letting his thumb drift down, he pulls up the skin hiding your clit, allowing his lips to pucker against the nub before he offers a hard suck. his tongue joins the fold, drinking you in as you let out a sharp cry, the pressure inside and out joining forces to send you over the edge. “when you’re ready, love, come.”
he can feel your skin burning up, see the sheen of sweat coating your entire body. “jaemin,” you continue to chase your high, but cling to the moment. you feel like your convulsions might snap your body in two. that pleasure such as this cannot exist innately, that only he can bestow it on you. you are proven right as you grow more frantic, his fingers rub against the spot inside you that he found with great ease, as his lips suck on your clitoris. the final straw is his gaze, you feel it and fall victim to it. his irises a bright, angelic white, the rim speckled in gold. one cast of your eyes on your lover and you snap.
there is no doubting that as jaemin gazes up at you, he sees glory eternal. he sees life. he sees an angel.
“come angel.”
and you do. jaemin’s simple command breaks a dam, summoning a flood of pleasure you are unsure you will survive. hot iron passes through your veins, lighting you from the inside out. he continues without thought, his lips sucking the pleasure out of you, his fingers still pounding into your swollen pussy. only when your fingers find his hair, pulling him away with a sharp tug does he concede, lowering you into his lap.
“hi,” he says after some time, watching you pant against the wall. “are you still with me?” he jests, palms gliding up and down your aching thighs.
you hum, gazing up at the golden orbs that you decide you mustn’t live without. much like his life, and much like your love. eternal. “always.”
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caretaker-au · 4 years
Chapter 08
Frisk jumped with a small squeal. Whipping around, their eyes settled on something that made their heart stop for a moment. The child stumbled back and hit their head against the prison bars with a twang.
“Oh darling, are you alright?” The voice of the stranger was syrupy sweet and twinged with flamboyance, but it sounded genuine.
Frisk nodded, their eyes wide to take in the surprise guest. It was a ghostly figure, rounded at the top with a misty white body fluttering beneath them, not unlike a beach ball covered in a bed sheet. They were semi-transparent and had no arms or legs, instead floating at about eye height from the floor. In the middle of their “face” were two enormous eyes over a wide, smiling mouth.
“Who are you?” Frisk asked, “How’d you get in here?”
“Through the wall, of course!” the ghost gestured with a turn of its body towards the back end of the cell, “Perks of being incorporeal. We weren’t planning on coming in but all that shouting got our attention. That Chara certainly has a mouth on them, don’t they?” They did not pause long enough for Frisk to answer, “Though you’re no push over either, darling. Good for you! Blooky could learn a thing or two from you.”
“Um, thank you...” Frisk trailed off, then hesitated. They had a lot of questions, but were unsure of where to start.
The ghost took the pause as an invitation to continue. “So tell me, darling, whatever did you do to make Chara so angry? They may be a little strict at times, but Chara’s certainly not the type to threaten lives!”
“I’ve been trying to figure that out myself,” Frisk sighed, then murmured, “They’ve been trying to kill me since I got here.”
“Speak up dear, we can barely hear you.”
“We?” Frisk repeated, “Who’s we?”
“Why, myself and Napstablook of course, they— wait a minute—” the ghost looked to the left and right, before turning to the empty wall behind them, “Blooky, become visible this instant! It’s rude to lurk!”
“Sorry…” a weak voice lilted from the corner. A second ghost faded into view: it was nearly identical to the first, but had downcast eyes and a small, pensive mouth, “I didn’t want... to interrupt…”
“Seriously? What am I going to do with you?” the first ghost turned back to Frisk, its expression twinged with irritation, “I apologize for my cousin’s lack of manners. Blooky isn’t much of a social butterfly.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” Frisk smiled, “I would turn invisible too, if I could.”
“Well now, enough about that,” the first ghost said, “As the only two members of the human fanclub, we have questions that need answering. Tell us, human, who are you and how did you get yourself tossed in the slammer? Spare us no detail!”
“Well, my name is Frisk,” the child answered, “And the rest is kind of a long story.”
With arms crossed, Chara tapped their foot as the castle elevator lifted them upwards. Frisk’s propensity to not only survive but to charm had accelerated their plans, but the plan was still firmly in place as long as they moved fast.
Chara checked the time on their phone, but the glowing 12:38 AM wasn’t of much use to them. After everything they did and undid, they could no longer remember when they had left the castle. The doors of the elevator rolled open, and Chara burst out, running the full length of the way home. Every other step caused their knee to throb with pain, the bruises from Frisk’s attack still freshly coagulating in their leg.
They only slowed when they reached the front yard, taking a few moments to catch their breath and rub their aching knee.
The living room light flicked on.
Fresh fear seized them. Were they too late?
Chara raced forward before halting again to open the door as quietly as their shaking hands would allow. Inside, the foyer was dark and comforting. Quiet.
“Chara?” Asriel said, near silhouetted in the doorway of the living room, “Where did you go?”
Chara put a finger to their lips, glancing down the bedroom hall before shutting the door with a soft click. “Are your parents awake?” Chara hissed.
“No, I don’t think so,” Asriel whispered back, “What’s going on? Were you running?”
“Not important.” Chara’s gaze was piercing in the low light, “Get dressed and meet me outside. Whatever you do, do not wake Asgore and Toriel. Go now.”
“...And I’ve been in this cell ever since.” Frisk finished their story with a sigh. Their spectral audience of two were perched at the end of the cot with Frisk seated on the other side. Frisk hadn’t had much opportunity to process everything that had happened, let alone explain it, and doing so left them feeling exhausted. The only other time they’d told their story was to the Dreemurrs, and that had been erased by a swing of Chara’s blade.
“Since they put me here, Chara’s prevented me from speaking to anyone,” Frisk added. It was tempting to tell the ghost monsters of how they had been killed and revived through some sort of time travel, but Frisk decided against it. Their experience was unbelievable, even to Frisk. The fact that they were alive to tell the tale contradicted their own story, and it was clear Chara was too beloved for an accusation of murder to be believed. Instead, Frisk only admitted that they had been attacked and chased by Chara, and the monsters had trouble accepting even that much.
“I’m sure if I just had a chance to talk to the King or Queen or Asriel, they’d let me go home,” Frisk looked at both ghosts in turn for some sort of affirmation, but the specters only exchanged a tense glance.
“It’s not that simple, sweetheart,” the outspoken ghost replied, “If we could just walk out, no one would be in the Underground.”
“What do you mean?”
“Yes, I suppose you wouldn’t know the prophecy, would you?” the ghost mused, “I’ll give you the short version. A long time ago, humans trapped us in this mountain using a magical barrier. They say only a powerful soul can pass through it, much more powerful than that of a monster! But! If a monster absorbs a human soul, they can walk right through the barrier. With seven human souls, they can break it and free everyone!”
“Human souls?” Frisk placed a hand over their heart. If souls served such an important purpose, Chara’s demented antics might make at least some sort of sense. “But Chara is a human. Why haven’t they left yet?” Frisk asked.
“Now that’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? Chara has made it clear that they prefer the company of monsters to humans, so perhaps they’d rather just stay down here with us.” The ghost smirked, leaning forward, “But you know what I think? I don’t think their single human soul is strong enough to pass through the barrier. Otherwise they would have already left to fetch us more souls.”
“Maybe... Chara would be able to cross the barrier... if they absorbed a boss monster soul…...” Napstablook added meekly.
“Blooky, don’t be ridiculous! Chara wouldn’t dream of harming the Dreemurrs!”
“But they’ll harm me,” Frisk stated. Both ghosts froze as if Frisk’s words chilled the very air.
“So, I’m trapped here forever?” Frisk asked. A pit formed in their stomach. They had only just arrived in the Underground, yet had experienced enough stress to last a lifetime. Being unable to die wasn’t much comfort when they still had the capacity to suffer. Frisk bowed their head, “Trapped until Chara... takes my soul?”
The ghosts frowned at each other, and for a moment, they looked almost identical. An uneasy quiet filled the room for a few solemn seconds. The quiet ghost was the first to break the silence.
“Frisk… please don’t give up…..”
Frisk’s vision swam as they tried to look up at Napstablook. They pressed the sleeve of their sweater to their eyes before any tears could fall.
“That’s right, you aren’t out of options, dear!” the cheery ghost exclaimed, “After all they say a strong soul can pass the barrier, and you may have one that’s sufficient, darling!”
“You think so?” Frisk placed a hand over their heart.
“Yes yes, there’s nothing in the prophecy that says humans can’t get through the barrier on their own. And maybe your soul is stronger than Chara’s. It’s worth a shot, isn’t it?”
Frisk took a deep breath and nodded. The excitable ghost continued, “Do you know where the barrier is? It’s in the King and Queen’s house, in the basement. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t wandered in there once or twice,” they said with a wink.
Frisk thought back to their short time in the Dreemurr’s house. There were a set of stairs leading down near the front door. “Yeah, I know where it is. But how can I get there? I can’t pass through walls like y—”
“Do you hear that?” the talkative one interrupted and glanced towards the hallway. Frisk strained their ears, but couldn’t hear a thing. “I think the guards are coming, I’ll check.” With impressive speed, the specter zipped through the stone wall towards the exterior doors of the jail, leaving Frisk alone with Napstablook.
“I know it’s not much…” Napstablook spoke softly, “But I do hope... you can go home...”
“Me, too. Thank you,” Frisk smiled.
Napstablook’s cousin returned, this time carefully passing through the jail bars, “Just my imagination it seems, but I think we’ve overstayed our welcome. Blooky, let’s head out.”
“Already? But—” Frisk protested, only to be interrupted by the flamboyant specter.
“Yes, already, but it was lovely meeting you, dear!” the ghost rushed Frisk in what could only be interpreted as an armless hug. Perplexed, Frisk raised their arms in an attempt to hug them back. While they attempted to embrace the incorporeal being, they felt something fall into their lap with a clink.
“I think you should get going too, darling,” the ghost whispered before pulling away. “Now, Blooky! Let’s get out of here before those insufferable dogs show up, chop chop!”
“Good luck, Frisk...” Nabstablook murmured as their cousin ushered them out of the cell, “You’ll be okay…”
With that final word of encouragement, they were gone. Frisk examined the ghosts’ parting gift with renewed determination. It was the key to the cell.
The worn interior of the elevator hummed softly as it plunged Chara and Asriel deeper into the Earth. The lowest light on the button panel was illuminated, foreshadowing a long, long elevator ride.
“Chara…” Asriel hesitated, waiting for his partner to give him acknowledgement. None came, however, and he was forced to continue without it. “Chara, where are we going?”
“You should know,” Chara responded, still facing the button panel, “You were here recently. Counting souls, correct?”
Asriel stilled. He swallowed before answering, “Yes, a few weeks ago. How did you know—”
“I have my ways, Asriel. I must say, I don’t appreciate you keeping secrets from me.”
Asriel shook his head, “It wasn’t a secret. I just—”
Chara turned their head, looking Asriel up and down from the corner of their eye.
He backpedaled, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hide it from you. It had been so long since we talked about— you know— the barrier, and I wanted to know if… if...” He trailed off, not expecting to make it to the end of the sentence without being interrupted. Chara turned their body to face him, crossing their arms. The elevator continued to hum. “...If there were any more added,” he finished.
“And? Are you satisfied? Was it worth sneaking around behind my back?”
“No, I’m sorry,” Asriel hung his head.
“‘I’m sorry.’ I have been hearing nothing but apologies from you recently.”
“I’m sorr—”
Asriel bit back the urge to apologize again. Not knowing what to say, he stayed silent.
“I do not want to hear apologies. I want you to do better.” Chara waited for Asriel to nod, then sighed. They leaned against the corner of the elevator and closed their eyes, “I do not want to be so hard on you, Asriel. But the truth is: there is something important I have to tell you, and I am not sure if you are ready to hear it. This… might be the most difficult thing I have ever done.”
“You can tell me,” Asriel said.
“I can tell you,” Chara repeated, “But can I trust you?”
“Of course, you can always trust me.”
Chara’s eyes flicked open with a glare, “No. I cannot.”
Asriel’s protest was interrupted by the soft ping of the elevator reaching its destination. The Lab. Chara watched the doors slide open, and one by one sickly blue-white lights flicked on down the length of the hallway beyond.
“But I do not have much choice. Come.” Chara ordered, leading the way.
The familiar smell of old rubber and musty drywall cloyed at Asriel’s senses, but the oppressive atmosphere was nothing compared to the shame weighing in his stomach. There was only one location of interest left in the lab and Chara took him right to it: the room that stored the souls. Chara unlocked the door and ushered Asriel inside. The room was once a lab, now empty save for counter tops, cabinets, and a flimsy table and chair covered in dust. Chara grabbed the table and dragged it noisily along the floor towards the back of the room, where a large steel cabinet was fixed with a deadbolt. A second key from Chara’s pocket unlocked it.
Asriel fidgeted. He had so many questions to ask, but he knew asking them would put his trust into question. Chara said this was important and difficult, and he wasn’t going to make this harder for them, even as dread welled up inside him.
Chara pulled the cabinet doors open, and the room was softly illuminated with multicolored light. One by one they removed the soul jars within and set them in a row along the table. Orange. Purple. Blue. Green. Yellow. The light from the souls was cold and unnerving.
“Asriel,” Chara finally spoke.
Asriel straightened, tearing his eyes away from the specters, “Yes, Chara?”
Chara walked around the table and leaned against it to face Asriel. The light of the souls cast their shape in near silhouette. “What I’m about to tell you is not going to be easy to accept. But you must not doubt me.”
“Of course,” Asriel answered.
Chara chuckled, weariness edging into their voice, “I wish I could believe you. You are going to accuse me of losing my mind.”
“No, I won’t!” his words were emphatic, “I know I mess up all the time, but I love you more than anyone. Please let me prove that to you!”
“If you insist,” Chara paused, gathering their thoughts. The suspense hung in the air.
Finally they spoke, “The little human you have grown a soft spot for. It is not what it seems.”
“You mentioned something about that,” Asriel nodded, “You said they were dangerous.”
“That was an understatement,” Chara’s eyes narrowed, “At the time I had no idea how deep their depravity went. That human can manipulate time itself.”
“What?” Asriel’s eyebrows knitted together.
“Ah. You don’t believe me.”
“No, no!” Asriel shook his head, “I do. What do you mean by that?”
“Exactly what I said. The human is able to do as it pleases— lying, hunting, attacking— then moves the clock back to undo the consequences of its behavior. The effect of this power causes everyone to forget what the human has done, save for me.”
“That’s…” Asriel started, searching for the right word.
“Crazy?” Chara’s eyes widened as they smiled, “Impossible? Insane?”
“Yes it is,” Chara frowned, “While it has been only one evening for you, I have experienced days worth of torment at the hands of that vermin. They have tortured and even murdered me while manipulating you to believe them to be harmless and innocent.”
“Murdered?” Asriel felt dizzy. He thought of Frisk’s soft voice and small smile; how small and vulnerable they seemed under Chara’s capture. That was all an act? He wanted to say it was unbelievable. He wanted to ask for proof. But how could he? If the child really was so deceptive and powerful, he’d have to take Chara at their word.
“The funny thing is,” Chara continued, “What I have suffered at its hands is not even the worst part. No. The worst part is watching it turn you against me.”
“I’m not against you,” Asriel replied in a hushed voice.
“Not presently, but you have been. You will be. I’ve watched you betray me over and over and over. That despicable thing is driving us apart, endearing itself to you while making me look insane for fighting against it. I’m the only one who knows the truth, and yet, completely powerless. Completely alone.”
“I’m sorry, Chara,” Asriel felt tears welling in the corner of his eyes. The doubt he felt ached with guilt, so he forced his mind to accept Chara’s story. Frisk was a manipulator. Frisk was a killer. He took a deep breath and tried to will the tears from falling, “I’m sorry for betraying you. How can we stop Frisk? Is there anything I can do?” His voice wavered as he asked. The souls continued to gleam behind Chara.
“Yes. I have a plan, but first you must swear never to doubt me again.”
“And that you will never betray me, no matter what the human says.”
“I won’t!”
“And that you will trust me unconditionally.”
“Yes, I promise.”
“Say it.” Chara demanded.
Asriel’s voice shook, “I promise I’ll never doubt you or betray you, no matter what happens.”
Chara relaxed, and they smiled with an earnestness that Asriel had missed, “Thank you. You have given me the courage I needed, Asriel.” They pushed themself off the table and turned around to face the souls. “Now to do what I should have done a long time ago.”
With one swift gesture, Chara swept their arm in an arc, knocking the soul jars to the ground. Asriel cried out as glass sprayed across the concrete floor, releasing the souls from containment. The glowing specters rose up from the floor around the caretaker, their multicolored light casting Chara’s deranged smile in stark relief.
“Chara, what are you doing?!” Asriel shouted, pressing back against the closed door behind him.
“We are going to the surface, Asriel. And you are going to take us there,” Grinning, Chara pointed their knife toward their partner. A knife? When did they get the knife?
Chara continued, “Every minute the human remains in the Underground is putting us on a path of irreversible calamity. With the power from these souls, we will retrieve the seventh soul from the surface and bring justice and balance to the world.”
“No!” Asriel cried out in spite of himself, “There has to be another way!”
“I have tried everything else already. This is the only way. Asriel, you must trust me.”
“Chara!” Asriel choked. Hot tears ran down his face, “Please, I can’t do this!”
“You will not be alone, Asriel,” Chara pointed their knife to their chest, the tip carefully positioned between their ribs, “After all, we will always be together.”
Asriel surged forward, the fear of the souls pushed away by a much greater threat.
Chara plunged the blade deep into their heart.
chapter 08 // end
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weia-yo · 4 years
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i don’t know how to express how much undertale means to me even several years later, hopefully this comic in some form helps with that.
happy 5th anniversary!
a shattered soul loosely connected by determination is corralled by many energy beams of different colors representing the different soul traits, mostly coalesced into a rough soul shape until a red transparent hand touches it. everything is enveloped in white light which fades to reveal a revived asriel embracing frisk.
/end id]
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jimmsytree · 3 years
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WARNING: This reference contains spoilers for IRONTALE!
This is the reference for a main character, therefore it will be updated as the story progresses!
IRON!Frisk facts as of Arc 6:
-Talks to himself regularly -Extremely confident -Has some sort of connection to that sword... ---Can pull the sword towards himself at will -Hates Sans, likes Papyrus, doesn’t care for anyone else.
His invincibility: When his body is damaged, the damaged parts disappear and instantly reassemble at his body.
His Soul: Blood red (dark red) soul, seemingly not determination... It’s kinda transparent, fading out, ...
Frisks backstory: Destination Frisk’s thoughts
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askglitchedfrisk · 3 years
TransientTale | chapter one | ‘fallen’
It’s the start of TransientTale. Didn’t get to meet toriel yet but didn’t want to rush anything and it seemed like the best resting point I was going to have for a while so...
Thump, thump , thump. Frisks feet hit the damp ground as they ran for cover from the rain, stumbling on the uneven terrain. Sliding to a stop in a narrow cave they huffed and shook the water in their hair out. ‘Hmm? I seem a lot closer to the source of the magic.’ Frisks head suddenly snapped up. They stared into the darkness of the cave. ‘It feels like Something Is calling me, what..?’
Frisk followed the gentle tug on their soul dipper into the cave. Every step brought them further into the darkness. They looked up at a hole in the ceiling of the cave missing the one in the floor. Frisk could feel their magic surge through their body to protect them as they fell.
Frisk blinked at the sun rudely awaking them. They were considering going back to sleep and ignoring the full body ache when they heard a soft muttering. “-Flower bed cushion the fall that much? I hope they’re not to hurt.. oh! They’re awake.” Frisk turned their head towards the voice and saw a kid that looked their age sitting cross legged next to them.
Messy brown hair, a green sweater with a single yellow stripe, deep red eyes but the part that stood out the most was the fact that they were somehow transparent. Frisk laid there staring into the strangers pretty eyes somewhat dumbfounded. The stranger stared back for a moment before their eyes widened.
“Can you... see me?” Their voice wavered with a combination of shock and hope. Frisk shifted into a kneeling position and gave a curious nod.
“Who are you and what exactly is going on?” Frisk asked feeling a little lost as to what’s happening. The other gave an apologetic smile and rubbed the back of their neck sheepishly.
“Oh right sorry about that, I am Chara, I’ve kinda been dead for four years and you’re the first one to see me since I’ve died,” Frisk blinked in shock at the information before piecing a few things together. Hesitantly Frisk spoke,
“Uh it’s nice to meet you Chara I am Frisk and umm would you happen to know what a soul is and how to bring yours forth? I kinda want to test something but Idon’tknowhowtodoitmyself and-“ frisk curled into their self blushing in embarrassment at their rant. They looked up when they noticed a soft red glow In front of a softly smiling Chara floated a cracked and transparent red heart.
Frisk felt concern twist in their chest at the sight. “That means I was probably right about determination being the cause and why I can see you, but are you okay?” Chara looked down at their knees as their soul disappeared into their chest. Their voice soft as they answered.
“I don’t think I was meant to stick around this long, I’ll have to pass on soon,” Frisk looked at the sad look on Charas face and felt determined to do something.
“Is there something We can do?” They asked desperation bleeding through into their words. Chara tilted their head and looked of to the side.
“Well if you have a determination soul we could form a soul bond and I would most likely be able to live of your excess determination, but soul bonds are really intimate and personal and you barely no me so...” Chara trailed off looking unsure. Frisk smiled at them.
“I would be willing to do that if you want. You seem nice and I want to help you. Plus something tells me that I can trust you,” Chara looked up at frisk, tears welling up in their eyes. With a soft smile chara began to explain he process.
“Okay first you’re going to need to pull out your soul. Are you able to sense your magic?” At frisks nod they continued. “Focus on your magic and follow it to its source, this is your soul. Gather your magic and wrap it around your soul. Now gently tug it forward,” Chara smiled at the bright red heart and pulled out their own. “Now you’re going to reach for my soul with your magic and you’ll find my magic doing the same thing. Let them mix,” Chara let out a sigh at the feeling of the determination based magic wrapping around her soul gently.
As the bond snapped into place Chara released her magic Frisk instinctively doing the same. “Well, I should tell you about were we are,” Frisk shifted into a comfortable sitting position getting a sense that this may take a while.
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animeheadcanonsblog · 4 years
Undertale SOULS Headcanon
As we all know there are Seven Human Souls in the Undertale and 1 Monster Soul.
The Monster Soul is usually white and upside down.
The Human Souls have different colors which  depends on the Humans strongest Trait (for example Kindness) 
Originally I thought that the SOULS of Humans AND Monsters all have different color in the past. When they lived happily on the surface. The Monsters only “lost” their SOUL color for some reason. Maybe it was the “Aura” of the Underground? The lack of sunlight? The Food? 
But after a replayed the Undertale again I´m not quite sure about this now. Because the Monsters themselves believe that their SOULS are made of love, hope and Compassion,(I believe you can find this in the Snowdin Library in the last bookshelf)  
And because of the differences between the Human SOUL and a Monsters SOUL. If you read and click on everything while you play the game  you find many details that you might miss. The game is constantly explains the difference between a Human SOUL and a Monsters SOUL. A Human SOUL doesn´t need Love, Hope and Compassion to exist.  If a Monster turns to dust their SOUL (except for a Boss Monster) disappears immediately.
This is the things that we know and are Canon. 
What we don´t know is what the Monsters SOUL looked before they were all forced Underground,. We assume that they are white but there are a lot of Fan arts, Comics, AUs etc. where the Monsters like Undyne or Sans have a Colored SOUL.
I saw a lot of times that Undyne has a green SOUL (for example in Glitchtale AU) or Sans has a Blue SOUL (also Glitchtale...but I do think that I saw it somewhere else but I cannot remember where)
There are seven Human SOULS that we know. Well....actually six.
Green = Kindness
Yellow = Justice
Light Blue/Cyan = patience
Orange = bravery
Blue = integrity
and Purple = perseverance
This six SOULS plus the white Monsters SOULS are Canon and you can find it in Undertale wiki.
But red = Determination is not actually confirmed. We assume that it is Determination because of the “You are filled with Determination” Quote and because Determination is shown again and again throughout the game. You see the word Determination every single time you save your game and every single time you see the Game Over screen. 
I think that “You are filled with Determination” means that you can save and reset your Game. 
Many fans also think that Sans has Determination but...if that’s so then why is his SOUL not red like Frisk's SOUL/Our SOUL?
Pink = Fear (Glitchtale)
Black = Hate (also Glitchtale) 
These two colors are not Canon but somehow every time I think about the SOUL colors I always count these two with the rest of the Human SOULS.
This game has still a lot of Mysteries. The SOULS are definitely the most interesting one and the one that we can talk ages about.
In my “version” of Undertale I also thought of other SOUL colors.
Marron = Love 
Transparent = numb; Only people who’ve been through trauma can have it. Basically if a Human or Monster have been in a traumatic Situation they might become distant and cold. Like we Humans do when we put up Walls around our Heart and put on an emotionless mask and pretend we don´t care about anything. Just like that...but the Human or Monster can still feel emotions and express them....but they are like Zombies. They are alive, but they can´t enjoy life, have trouble being happy. You can say its like depression and it is. 
If I combine the transparent SOUL with my SOULmate AU then they Human/Monster with a transparent SOUL has trouble finding their SOULmate. And even if they find them they feel....nothing at all. No happiness, no relief...nothing. They do feel weird...having a colorful SOUL again but that´s it. Often it depends on the strength of their SOULmates SOUL. If a SOUL is strong enough it can make the Human/Monster with a transparent SOUL...feel something again...but they still often hesitate. 
and last White = Hope; 
The White Human SOUL is often mistaken for a Monster SOUL, by Humans and by smaller Monsters. It is a very rare SOUL color...only Humans have it. 
During the War between Humans and Monsters. The Humans with the White SOUL were often killed mostly accidentally by Humans. 
They were also often killed accidentally(*cough* not really *cough*) after the Monsters were sealed Underground.  Sometimes the Humans with the White SOUL disappeared without a trace....and no one knows what happened to them or maybe someone does?
Anyway that´s my Headcanon about the SOULS what do you think?
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