#trauma shoot
true-trauma · 1 year
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È uscita il 1° settembre un brano che sa di novità per tanti: Abbiamo vinto già, infatti, vede una coppia inedita di artisti collaborare, ovvero Tiziano Ferro e J-Ax. Un brano che parla di bullismo e violenza, ma anche di rinascita e riscatto: dopo le cicatrici lasciate dal bullismo, poco altro male e vada come vada, “avremo vinto già”.
Nella discografia ufficiale di ciascuno dei due non c’era mai stato un featuring ufficiale. Eppure, scavando attentamente online, qualcosa si troverà.
Oltre al brano realizzato nel 2009 dal supergruppo Artisti Uniti Per L’Abruzzo in cui erano presenti sia Tiziano Ferro che J-Ax, collaboratori “a distanza”, i due già nel 2001 si trovarono a condividere una canzone. Tale canzone, mai rilasciata su supporto cd, era una sigla natalizia realizzata per Radio Dee Jay. Oltre a Tiziano Ferro e J-Ax, tra gli altri, compariva nello special anche Valeria Rossi, interprete di Tre parole uscita proprio nel 2001.
La sigla la potete ascoltare anche qui.
Eravate a conoscenza di questa curiosità?
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disgracefulthings · 21 days
At a Peak Lord Meeting
Yue Qingyuan: Shidi, why do you have a child with you?
Shang Qinghua: This is Wei Ying, he is my new son. Also if the Jiang clan asks about me, pretend you don't know me
Shen Qingqiu: Should I even ask?
Shang Qinghua: They were abusing him! If they are going to mistreat him then they don't deserve him!
Yue Qingyuan, sighing: Fine then
Shang Qinghua: When we get home I will introduce you to A-Yao, your new big brother
Wei Ying, tearing up: What about shijie and chengcheng?
Shang Qinghua: Fine, I'll kidnap them too
Yue Qingyuan: Shidi, please!
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mollysunder · 2 months
There is a theory that the way children play serves as a means to simulate and prepare them for the tasks they'll take on as adults. So for all the narrative weight both Jinx and the story give the boxing machine at the arcade it would never have prepared her or the kids to take on Piltover.
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What are the two things that Piltovans excel at over their Zaunite counterparts to keep the hierarchy? Weapons and technological development.
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When you look at the way Piltovans invest in their children, they don't prioritize hand to hand/melee combat training. Piltovans focus on giving their children experiences in handling firearms, a pursuit that is both leisure sport for the wealthy and a key offense against dissenting Zaunites.
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And from the show notes even Jayce, whose family occupies the upper middle class, was sent on educational excursions across Runeterra to explore the world and learn what it had to offer. Without Jayce's education abroad he would never have been inspired to pursue the concept hextech.
It's no wonder that the two figures that are set to be Piltover's biggest threats from Zaun are Jinx and Viktor, becasue they engaged in the same kinds of games and activities as their Piltovan counterparts.
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Jinx didn't have an entire forest preserved to help her practice her sharpshooting like the high houses of Piltover, but she did excel in the few games at The Rift (the arcade) that built on her talents. She's the only Zaunite thus far who's long distance offensive is a strong counter to Piltover's forces.
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Viktor couldn't travel the world like Jayce did, but for better or worse he managed to stumble into an opportunity to get real opportunity in research not offered to his peers through Singed. It was through that experience that Viktor knew to turn to Singed when he was at the end of his rope, and the consequences of that will be fully realized in season 2.
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Ironically, the kind of skill the boxing game champions is only good for keeping other Zaunites in line. Vander's days of fighting Piltover were way behind him when we first met him, and Vi spends season 1 primarily fighting other Zaunites. It's no surprise the Zaunites who embody the old ideal of strength in Zaun that the game portrays, Vi and Vander, are largely at the mercy of Piltover and end up collaborating with them to avoid further harm.
Zaun's future as an independent city-state couldn't happen if they stuck to their old ideals. The people who stand a chance against Piltover are the ones that not only succeed but excel at playing Piltover's games against them.
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flashfool · 5 months
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duke-is-the-shit · 6 months
I was rereading chapter 84 and noticed something
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When Montresor gets hit with the brick, there’s no blue magic around it, which means that Duke didn’t throw it at him. So it is my personal belief that Pluto was so angry he just fucking lobbed a brick at Montresor and got a lucky hit
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introspectivememories · 8 months
absolutely obsessed with the idea of timbern being super secretive over bear's time in the cult.
on one hand, bear is wildly insecure of his scars from the cult. cause it's not like he fucking got them saving the city or helping someone, he was just stupid enough to get sucked into a cult. (a voice in the back of his head that sounds a lot like his therapist and tim tell him that kids are supposed to be stupid and that his time in the cult is more a reflection of the adults in his life than his own choices) anyway his back and legs are like a mess of scarring and normally he'd just tattoo over them but scars have to be a certain age before they're tattooable. so he now just covers them up.
on the other hand, tim is insanely protective over bear's traumas. like if he got any more protective he'd be like certified deranged. so he just straight up dodges or lies about bear's backstory. anyway all this to say, they're hanging out in the pool at the manor and nobody but them ws supposed to be home. so bear thinks it's safe to take off his shirt. they're both having fun until someone says behind bear, "dude... what happened to your back?" cue tim lunging at them like a rabid dog and bear struggling to hold tim back going "tim, tim, what the fuck, what the fuck????"
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rooksunday · 3 months
things that i have successfully bribed a cadet with, by alpha-17
extra red ration cubes
switching red ration cubes for green
getting to touch a live blaster before their twin
reciting the first five pages of Defusing Bombs For Bantha Brains from memory (this also works as a sleep aid)
sniffing armour paint (sniffing was negotiated after licking was vetoed)
my best impression of prime
my worst impression of prime
judging a loth wolf impression contest (they were all equally terrible)
trading stun shots
"the training blasters were on their lowest setting why are you all looking at me like that--"
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bobauthorman · 1 year
Team RWBY and Jaune can no longer watch film versions of The Girl Who Fell Through The World, because every time the Curious Cat shows up-screen they either shoot, punch, or stab the TV set.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 months
after being on a waitlist for like eight (8) months I finally had my intake appointment for the ED clinic 😭😭😭🫡🫡🫡
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moeblob · 2 months
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I love my dumb OCs so much ...
I think I have rambled about them before so to spare you! A tl;dr version that you can also skip:
Shilva can turn into a dragon. Vikrahm goes on an adventure and meets Pops. Pops is a famous dragonslayer who refuses to tell anyone his name and never collects reward money unless needed at that time. Shilva and Pops get married. They both do not tell Vik his name though so he resorts to a threat and is shocked when it actually works. "I didn't expect to get this far idk what to do now" kinda vibes.
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clarissaweasley-10 · 2 months
Savannah love,l am pretty sure it's Eve messing with your brain and l really really don't want to hate you BUT I'M SOO SORRY POINT A FINGER AT MY GIRL AVERY AND I WILL HAVE TO TAKE ACTION
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flashfool · 3 months
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youling-the-ghost · 11 days
So I came up with an AU where Peter Steven and Johnny & Janae go to the same boarding school, and an idea that has been swirling around in my head is Janae telling Peter how they found out that their mum was cheating on their dad with the neighbour and how they subsequently burned down the neighbour's house.
Just imagine how Peter would feel when he goes back home and finds out that he's actually a product of infidelity and that his biological dad is the milkman. This could go one of two ways: either Peter feels very betrayed by his mum because Janae's story made him understand just how wrong infidelity is, or he takes the literal route and decides to burn down his own house. Both options would probably leave an emotionally scarred child, and I'd like to imagine that Johnny and Janae would try their best to offer their support when Peter tells them about what happened.
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2hoothoots · 28 days
Revisiting P2 since the docu epilogue dropped and your AMV (<3) popped up as a sign for me to ask something that hopefully you haven't already spoken about years ago: What did you think of the in-game psych explanation for Maligula, that she's the primitive savage part of the mind? P2 is a weird mix of sketchy Freud/Jung concepts that Tim likes meshed with modern psych, and Maligula's deal seems like something they probably wrote a lot of different versions of but never quite solved elegantly
yeah, i think you totally hit the nail on the head - it's always felt like one of the parts of the story that they couldn't quite give enough polish to before they had to finalize it and move on with development. like - i went to go get my artbook to see if it had any insight into the writing process, and did you know that Nona and Maligula being the same person was apparently added way later in development? that's wild! i didn't know that until literally right now! i may or may not have skipped straight to my favourite characters when my artbook arrived and then put it on my shelf without reading the whole thing
ANYWAY, retrospectively i think it being a twist that was added later actually makes a lot of sense in the context of everything you mentioned. the Maligula problem, to me, is the fact that they're trying to juggle a bunch of different things that she has to be in the story. there's Maligula, the ruthless big bad, and Nona, the beloved grandma, and if you suddenly have to also make them both the same person... well, it ends up being kind of a thorny writing problem to make that work, haha.
here's some art i made so this isn't just a wall of text, rest of the answer under the cut
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i think one thing they could have done when they needed to rehabilitate a mass-murderer into a lovable old lady was pull back on either end of the spectrum. make your villain softer and more sympathetic, or give grandma a mean streak like she's one bad day away from a tragedy at the crochet club. and to give the story credit, i'm really glad they didn't. Nona is relentlessly sweet and endearing - and that's great! she needs to be in order to make the audience care about her, otherwise the emotional beats are never going to land. likewise, Maligula is a great villain, she's vicious and ruthless and at the culmination of her arc we see she simply does not give a shit about murdering hundreds of people. i love that for her, honestly, you go girl
but then, like - how do you connect the dots? how do you frame grandma having a violently murderous streak in a way that doesn't make the ending of "but she's over it now" feel kinda weird and hollow? and how do you do that while also being sympathetic to the game's themes around mental health? Maligula's informed by the traumatic things that happened to Lucrecia during the war, but she can't just be a manifestation of trauma, because the moral of the story being that trauma makes you a mass-murderer (until you beat up your trauma and shove it in a giant pit) would feel... really tonally dissonant!
so i think you're totally right that the sprinkling of pop-psych concepts we get ends up feeling a little bit like an awkward band-aid. Maligula's story is about how the horrors of war can shape you into a terrible person, who does terrible things - ...but there's also, like, special circumstances, so it doesn't feel weird that she goes back to being Raz's sweet grandma afterwards. special psychic circumstances! she's not just any war criminal, she's the fight or flight response gone out of control!
which - i dunno, i think that line in particular always stood out to me, because that's not really what the fight or flight (or freeze or fawn) response is, right? it's a temporary boost of adrenaline to the system to rev you up for getting out of a dangerous situation. an overactive fight or flight response is called chronic stress and anxiety. i know the games are pop-psych and not actual science, but it always stood out to me as a little awkward.
if it were me in the writer's seat - with the benefit of all the time in the world to workshop it, and no looming deadlines, and the hindsight of having a full completed game in front of me to think about - i might have tried to frame it around connection. i think you could swing the lens to instead focus on how violence, stress, trauma etc., make it harder to understand and empathise with the people around you. the tragedy of Lucrecia's story is that she came home to try and help her countrymen, the people she cared so dearly about. but the more time passed, the less she cared, the less she was able to see them as people. after Marona's death, the Maligula that remains is one who's unable to even care about killing her own sister. the alternative is too raw, too painful - instead, she sheds her last vestiges of remorse, and throws herself into the easy relief of violence. (we see this again, when Nona "awakens" as Maligula - when confronted with the baggage of her past, she chooses to wash it all away with force, unable and unwilling to care about the people she used to call friends.)
and i think shifting the focus like that ties it in thematically, too. a big theme (of both games, but especially the sequel) is how important connection is, how being able to understand and reach out to and rely on other people is a lifeline during hard times. PN2 touches on how there aren't really "good people" and "bad people" - everyone has the capacity to do wonderful or terrible things, and i think Raz's line to Maligula about how "everybody's got something like you" works. Lucrecia was never a monster, no matter how everyone tried to pretend she was. she was just a person, the same as everyone else - and just like everyone else, she could be pushed to extremes under the right circumstances. it just feels kind of odd when the implicit context is "everybody's got a mass-murderer hidden in the primal recesses of their brain", hahaha.
but like, again, that's the privilege of hindsight, right? i've definitely also been on the other side of the creative process, stuck with something i suddenly need to make work in a story and having to come up with a solution that feels like a band-aid. sometimes you just gotta call it good enough, and move on. and i think the game is overall much stronger for having Nona and Maligula be the same person - it plays into the wider themes, it sets up some great emotional beats, and i think it's overall well-executed, even if there are one or two hiccups in the writing.
anyway, great ask! thank you for the invitation to ramble, this is something that stuck out to me on my first playthrough of the game and it was fun to sit down and get my thoughts in order
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c-kiddo · 1 year
thinkin about when tmn met cad and nott was like “do you need any help there, mr? mrs?” .like Let me get this bitchs pronouns before i call him strange and frightening and then shoot my friend to check if he has healing powers
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true-trauma · 1 year
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